





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3147 字

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Nanshan park is located in Nanshan of Xining City, with beautiful scenery,which is a good place for leisure and sightseeing.

The south mountain of Xining is also called Fenghuang mountain. There is apavilion on the mountain, which is called Fenghuang Pavilion. There is a banneron the pavilion, which reads "Hehuang Yinfeng". It is said that there was aphoenix flying on it when it was in Nanliang, so it was named Fenghuang terrace.This is similar to the popular saying that "dragon is in Changning and unicornis in suiqiang" at that time. However, "Fengtai Liuyun", one of the eightancient sceneries in Xining, has become one of the most famous sceneries inXining.

According to the record in Xining Fu Xinzhi · geographer: "Nanshan Snowdoes not disappear in winter and summer. It rises above the mountains like asilver screen. It is also called snow mountain. It is commonly known as "Nanshansnow, one of the eight sceneries". Climbing to the top is like being in thepalace of heaven, with blue clouds overhead and crystal clear ice under yourfeet. The climate of Nanshan is changeable.

In summer, you can go to Nanshan park to enjoy "Nanshan snow". Its reallya unique scenery. A vein of high mountains, cut into two sections, belong to twoworlds: one is blue under the snow line, and the other is covered with silver onthe snow line.

With Picea crassifolia, Sabina przewalskii, Pinus tabulaeformis, Populuscathayana and elm trees as the main parts, it forms a workers forest landscape.In midsummer, it is green and lush, the air is fresh and humid, and birds aresinging. Visitors enjoy the endless fun of returning to nature. In the hundredflower garden in the central area of Gongzhong, dozens of high original nameflowers, mainly peonies, are in full bloom. The fragrance is dancing andcolorful, forming another world completely different from the forest landscape.The newly built multicolored waterfall has become a unique waterfront in Xining.In the northwest of the park, there is a small hill with a platform calledPhoenix Terrace. It is said that a pair of Golden Phoenix once flew down hereand got its name. The altitude is 2419 meters. During the Double Ninth Festivalon September 9 of the lunar calendar, people climb the Phoenix Terrace one afteranother to overlook one of the eight ancient sceneries of Xining. There is now aPhoenix Pavilion on the Phoenix Terrace, which is a two-story pavilion with adiameter of 24 meters and a height of 23 meters. The ridge of the pavilion isdecorated with Malachite blue glazed tiles and the top of the floor. The wallsof the pavilion are painted and the exquisite stone carving art buildings aremagnificent. When you climb the pavilion, you can have a birds-eye view of theancient city on the plateau, and you can recall the past and the present. Thereis an ancient temple at the foot of Fenghuang mountain, Nanchan temple, whichwas built in the Ming Dynasty. It has a long history and has ancient buildings.Many faithful men and women come here to pray for God and worship Buddha. It hasbecome a cultural landscape near Nanshan park. The park has catering andcultural and recreational facilities.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7539 字

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Yuejiang building is an L-shaped building with the main wing facing northand the secondary wing facing west. Both wings can enjoy the scenery of theYangtze River. The main building is located at the horns of the two wings, fouron the outside and three on the inside, with a total height of 51 meters and atotal construction area of more than 5000 square meters.

In the middle of the hall on the third floor of the bell tower is decoratedwith the largest porcelain painting of Jingdezhen in China. The painting is 12.8meters high and 8 meters wide. It consists of 12 parts, colorful andmagnificent. It describes the glorious history of Zheng Hes voyages to theWestern Ocean from 1405 to 1433, including the construction of treasure ships,scientific navigation, ocean conquest, peaceful diplomacy, good neighborlinessand friendship, the spread of civilization, equal economy and trade, culturalexchanges, and other grand events of western countries local customs andpractices.

The huge porcelain painting also reflects the scene that Emperor Yonglebuilt "Jinghai Temple" and "Tianfei Palace" and set up "Tianfei Palace" to prayfor safety for Zheng Hes navigation. There is a copy of Zheng Hes treasureship and a huge rusty anchor in the hall. These two objects vividly andconcretely prove that Nanjing was the main shipbuilding site of Zheng Hesvoyages to the West and the largest shipbuilding base in the world at thattime.

On the second floor of Yuejiang tower, there are 16 portraits of Zheng Hesemperors during and after his voyages to the West. The top ones are ZhuYuanzhang, Ming Taizu, and Zhu Di, Ming Chengzu. At the same time, it also showsthe splendid culture of the Ming Dynasty, including the territory of the MingDynasty, famous calligraphers and painters, science and technology, andintroduces in detail Chinas advanced science and culture during Zheng Hesvoyages to the West.

The internal layout of Yuejiang building centers on the political opinionsof the two emperors, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di. At the bottom of the building,what is most worth seeing is a chair, a wall and a plaque. Placed in front ofthe wall is a "Zhu Yuanzhang dragon chair". Although it is an imitation, it ismade of high-quality mahogany and weighs more than 1000 Jin. There are ninedragons carved on the back of the Dragon chair, which are exquisite and vivid. Aplaque on the east side, "Zhilong Tang Song", was written by Kangxi. There was aboat and a painting on the second floor. Zhu Di, Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty,lifted the sea ban and expanded trade and cultural exchanges. At that time,there was a shipyard in Xiaguan area of Nanjing. Many ships were built in theshipyard. The longest ship was 138 meters long and 56 meters wide. It had ninemasts and 12 sails when sailing. Its carrying capacity was 7000 tons, which wasthe highest in the world 600 years ago. This giant porcelain painting reflectsthe history of Zheng Hes seven voyages to the west between 1405 and 1433. Thepicture is composed of 12 parts. It describes in detail the grand occasion ofZheng He, a navigator, who built treasure ships according to Emperor Yongleswill and went to western countries to publicize Chinese civilization. Thepicture also reflects the Emperor Yongles imperial edict to build "JinghaiTemple" and "Tianfei Palace" and personally bestow "Tianfei palace stele",ringing Jinghai temple bell to commemorate the sea god Tianfei empress whoprotects the safety of navigation.

On the top floor of Yuejiang tower is a Panlong caisson. The Golden Dragonon the roof is carved from the whole camphor wood. The dragon is made of 24 Kgold and Jiangning gold foil. The inside and outside of this building share 11kg of 24 K pure gold, so it is particularly brilliant.


The original intention of building Yuejiang tower began more than 600 yearsago by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Before he becameemperor, Zhu Yuanzhang used red and yellow banners as his name on the lionmountain to command tens of thousands of ambushes and defeat the powerful enemyChen Youliangs 400000 strong attack, which laid the foundation for theestablishment of the Ming Dynasty. Fourteen years later, in 1374, that is, inthe spring of the seventh year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang built a pavilion inShizishan and named it Yuejianglou. Taking Yuejianglou as the title, he orderedthe officials in the dynasty to write a story of Yuejianglou. There are threearticles that have been handed down to the present: Yuejianglou Ji written bySong Lian, a famous writer and academician in the late Yuan Dynasty and earlyMing Dynasty, and Yuejianglou Ji and youyuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhanghimself. Zhu Yuanzhang also used prisoners in prison to build a "flat stone" forbuilding on the top of the lion rock, which is the foundation.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly decided to stop the construction of Yuejiangbuilding after he wrote the story of the building and laid the foundation, andexplained the reasons for stopping the construction in his story of the buildingagain: first, God entrusted him with a dream to warn him not to rush to buildthe Yuejiang building; second, after careful consideration, he felt that theconstruction of Yuejiang building should be delayed. In fact, another reason isto concentrate money and manpower to build the city walls of Nanjing andFengyang, the capital of China. Later, even the city walls of Fengyang, thecapital of China, were stopped because of the huge cost.

When the building was completed in 20__, it is worth mentioning that due tothe lack of many ancient materials and the differences in modern buildingspecifications and techniques, the newly-built Yuejiang building does not usethe traditional wood structure, but uses the modern reinforced concretestructure instead, which makes the famous building lack a trace of ancientcharm.

Yuejianglou scenic spot creates five best in China

1. Stone lions -- this is the largest pair of male lions in China, with aheight of 4. It is 8 meters long and weighs about 30 tons. It is carved fromJinshan stone in Suzhou. The style is in the period of emperor Taizu of MingDynasty, and it is carved according to the gate guard lion in the mausoleum ofemperor Mingzu of Xuyi county. The two lions are powerful and royal.

2. Yuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhang, a white jade tablet in HanDynasty, was copied by contemporary calligraphers. On the back of the tablet wasYuejianglou Ji written by Song Lian, which was selected as Guwenguanzhi. Hanbaijade is mined from Fangshan, Beijing, gaolv 3. 1 meter, 4 meters wide. 8 meters,weighing 15 tons, is the largest white marble tablet in China.

3. Yuejiang Lou Ding, the largest Simuwu Ding of the Western Zhou Dynastyin China, weighs 4 tons and is engraved with seal characters: "the lion dreamsof Xi Xiang Zhang, the son and grandson of Jiao takes Yanhuang and the mountainas the backbone, reads the Yangtze River of ancient times, the river goes to thesea and the soup is vast, the Lou paiyun is generous and generous, and the dingis built in this hall forever." The first word of each of these seven sentencesis "Yuejiang Pavilion in lion mountain"

4. Zheng Hes porcelain painting in the West -- this is the largestporcelain painting in China, 12.8 meters high and 8 meters wide. Behind themurals are the works of Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan.

5. Bronze relief is the largest bronze relief in China. It is 2 meters highand 8 meters wide. It was made by Wu Weishan, a master sculptor. Yuejiangbuilding is one of the four famous buildings in Jiangnan.



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Yuejiang tower in Nanjing, Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Yueyang Tower inYueyang and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang are known as the four famous buildingsin Jiangnan. It is located in the northwest of Nanjing City, adjacent to theYangtze River. The building is 52 meters high and has seven floors. It is one ofthe four famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, with blue tiles,Zhuying, cornice, zhufengfei and Tongye. After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, heonce again visited Lulong mountain in 1374. He wanted to build a toweringPavilion on the mountain, so he personally wrote Yuejiang Lou Ji, which ismagnificent and full of maneuvers. Because of Lulong mountains "abrupt peak,lingyanxia and invading Han Dynastys exterior, short-sighted from a distance,the real lion dragon (the alias of lion)," he changed its name to lion Zishan.In the spring of that year, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered his officials to write morethan 100 pieces of Yuejiang Lou Ji, among which Song Lian, a great scholar,wrote the most excellent one, and was recorded in Guwen Guanzhi, which washanded down to the world together with Zhu Yuanzhangs Yuejiang Lou Ji. ZhuYuanzhang built "Pingdi" for Yuejiang building, but it was not built for variousreasons.

"One river runs thousands of miles to the sea, two records of hulou sixhundred years.". This wonderful couplet is a true portrayal of the six hundredyears of vicissitudes of Yuejiang building in Nanjing. When you climb theYuejiang tower and look far away, you can see the vast river rolling eastward.Its like a panoramic view of the six hundred years of rain and smoke sinceZheng Hes voyages to the West. Yuejianglou staff said that Zheng He Pang

The big fleet came out of the Xiaguan Longjiang River in Nanjing and sailedfrom here to Liujiagang anchorage in Taicang.

Yuejianglou scenic area covers a total area of 31 hectares, of which wateraccounts for 1 / 3, land accounts for 2 / 3, and the green coverage rate reaches85%. There are more than 30 historical sites in the scenic area, such asYuejiang tower, Wanxian Pavilion, ancient fort, Sun Yat Sens Yuejiang place,Wujun tunnel, ancient city wall, dizang temple, wuse Tu, Jinghai temple, etc. itis a national famous tourist attraction integrating cultural landscape andnatural landscape. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. Yuejiang building,with the theme of Ming culture, is divided into three main parts of"unification, opening up and development"; it shows the statues of 16 emperorsof Ming Dynasty and the territory of Ming Dynasty. There are also five "nationalbest" porcelain paintings in the scenic area, such as the complete picture ofZheng Hes voyages to the west, the double-sided embroidery of the four famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, the white jade carving of Yuejiangtower, the tripod of Yuejiang tower, and the relief of Shiling Yuejiang, whichare novel in conception, exquisite in workmanship, and unique incharacteristics, fully reflecting the long history and rich cultural heritage ofYuejiang tower.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2765 字

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(Overview) do you know where to look at Chinas 100 year history? Yes, itsShanghai. What about the 20-year history? Its the Bund. The Bund is the windowof Shanghai, which reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center cityand international modern metropolis, as well as the characteristics of a famoushistorical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese love to callShanghai Bund the first Bay in Asia. Yes, she is beautiful. Please see, fromnorth to south, she rises from the south of Baidu bridge to Xinkai River. It isabout 1800 meters long, with a curved trend like a crescent moon, beautiful andpicturesque.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi road andHuangpu beach road. In 1945, in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it was renamedZhongshan, which is still used today. The Bund used to be known as the OrientalWall Street. With the rapid development of urban construction in Shanghai, ithas more modern urban flavor. In 1995, it was rated as one of the "ten newlandscapes of Shanghai in the 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of touristsevery day.

Ladies and gentlemen: today, when we are bathed in the sunshine of reformand opening up, we can enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery by walking on the Bund.First of all, look to the west, which is one of the symbols of Shanghai - theWorld Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai wasturned into a commercial port. At that time, Shanghai gradually became the placewhere foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western stylebuildings were also built along the Bund. A large number of banks, clubs andnightclubs of western countries are concentrated along the Huangpu River, whichreflects the plunder and aggression of Western colonization on Shanghai.Although the tall buildings on the Bund were not designed by a single designeror built in the same era, they have a lot in common. They were the most popularstyles in the west at that time. They adopted the western classicalarchitectural form. The whole building has a solemn and majestic momentum, andthe architectural tone is basically unified. In addition, on the east side,people can also see the broad and magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River fromthe observation platform in Shanghai. With the wind blowing on the river, theriver is shimmering, and the white seagulls are flying high and low, you can seethe port scenery of big cities. Looking from afar at the most novel skyscrapersin Pudong, the grand momentum makes the Bund beautiful. As a symbol of Shanghai,the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrateswestern classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now lets have a lookat the main buildings near the Bund from south to north.



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Lujiazui financial and trade zone is the main financial center of Shanghai,China. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund. As one of the two major financial centers (jiangbeizui and Lujiazui) ofthe national financial and trade zone and the national strategic economic belt"Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era, Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany banks. In 1990, the State Council announced the development of Pudong andestablished the first national financial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreignfinancial institutions operating RMB business must set up offices in Lujiazuifinancial and trade zone. Therefore, at present, there are many foreignfinancial institutions setting up offices in Lujiazui, including HSBC, Citibank,Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area, startingfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, along lujiadu road in thesouth, and close to Huangpu River in the West and North. It has a land area of6.89 square kilometers, more than 160000 residents and 31 residents committees.The office is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Pengshouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories. In the 10th year ofTongzhi, the Qing government established the ship Merchants Group, the NorthWharf in lannidu and the South trestle in Lujiazui. British businessmen builtTaigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there are Yongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc.Lujiazuiyan

Jiang first built yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpushipyard, Rihua yarn factory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British andAmerican tobacco factory, etc. National industry and commerce also set uptianzhang paper mill, Yingchang match mill, hongxiangxing ship repair andmanufacturing plant, etc. The commerce in lannidu area is becoming more and moreprosperous. A large number of household appliances, building materials such asbrick, tile, bamboo and wood, and all kinds of local products are taking this asthe distribution center, gradually forming a commercial street. During the AntiJapanese War, the commerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu roadand Lujiazui road to Dongchang Road. From the south to the north, there areeight sampan boats, including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan,Chunjiang, fenshan, xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferriesare occupied by factories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations,Dongchang Road, taitongzhan and Lujiazui.

After liberation, Dongchang Road became the most prosperous commercialstreet in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oil sauce shop, dahongyunrestaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan and other famous and specialshops, and all kinds of other shops should be complete. Dongning road andLujiazui market were newly established.

In 1992, there were 26 municipal industries and 14 District Industries inLujiazui. Among them, Shanghai casing factory, which earns us $20__ million inforeign exchange annually, Shanghai United Wool Textile Co., Ltd., the firstjoint venture between Shanghai and Hong Kong, and Shanghai No.3 dairy factory,which produces 260000 bottles of fresh milk per day. After the development andopening up of Pudong, new developments have taken place in the commercial andfinancial industries in the territory. Since 1980, dozens of stores have beenset up on both sides of Dongchang Road, including Agricultural Bank of China,Pudong telephone office, Hudong shopping mall, evergreen flower shop, Lihua homeappliance shop, the first Marketing Department of far east elevator factory,Hongjiang clothing shop, etc. On the south side of the east section of DongchangRoad, Pudong branches such as Bank of communications, peoples Construction Bankof China, Bank of China, Shanghai Trust and trade investment company, Pudongbranch of peoples Insurance Company of China and other financial institutionshave been set up. In 1992, China Eastern Airlines Pudong ticket office, ChinaConstruction Bank and Shanghai Investment Trust Corporation Pudong securitiesbusiness department were opened in China.

After liberation, through social reform and rectification, the organizationof the residents committee in Lujiazui has been continuously improved. Since1958, the streets have organized housewives to participate in collectiveproductive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewives successively went to workand organized a number of neighborhood collective enterprises and institutions,such as the production group of lane, nurseries, canteens and processing farms.In May 1984, they were all assigned to the district administration of collectiveundertakings. In 1979, the street cooperative was founded, with service,catering and other industries. It has developed to more than 20 households. Inthe second half of 1984, the street industrial and commercial enterprises wereset up, and now there are 47. At the end of 1992, the total turnover was 29.2187million yuan and the profit was 21.658 million yuan. Among them, the turnover ofstreet run enterprises was 18.8782 million yuan, with a profit of 1.244 millionyuan; the turnover of cooperatives was 6.5218 million yuan, with a profit of 343million yuan; the turnover of civil affairs welfare enterprises was 3.8187million yuan, with a profit of 5788 million yuan. The tax revenue of privateenterprises is 322500 yuan, and that of individual industry and commerce is459600 yuan. In order to improve the housing conditions of residents, from theeast of Pucheng road to the south of Pudong Road, the shops and houses on bothsides of Dongchang Road were demolished, and high-rise and multi-storey housesand shops were built. The original width of the road was widened from 14.5 to 20meters to 24 meters. Yangjiagou, xixiaoshiqiao, gaoyoubang, lujiadubang andother rivers have been filled and leveled. Reconstruction and widening oflujiadu Road, Tiandu Road, Dongchang Road, Dongning Road, Lujiazui Road, PudongSouth Road and Taidong Road, etc. all tanjie roads in the area are 19027 squaremeters. 20__ households use LPG. Demolish xixiaoshiqiao, wujianong, zhujiazhai,etc.

In addition, new village houses such as Changhang, Changtian, Taoyuan,Dongchang and Dongyuan have been built. By the end of 1992, the new buildingarea had reached 530000 square meters. The residents of xiaoshiqiao in the westof Pudong South Road have moved to build an 18 storey Yindu building withcomprehensive financial office. In the original site of Huangpu workersStadium, Pudong customs building, about 90 meters high, is built across theriver from Puxi old customs building. There are also new Shanghai building,China Merchants Building, China Construction Bank building, Sanli building,Securities Building and Shanghai navigation center.

With convenient land and water transportation, the original three ferrystations have been expanded, and the Yanan East Road cross river tunnel hasbeen built. There are 13 bus lines passing by.



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Lujiazui is an important financial center of Shanghai, the largest city inChina. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund across the river. As one of the two financial core areas (Shanghai Lujiazuiand Chongqing jiangbeizui) of the national financial and trade zone and thenational strategic economic belt "Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era,it is a symbol of Chinas reform and opening up. Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany multinational banks in Greater China and East Asia. In 1990, the StateCouncil announced the development of Pudong and established the first nationalfinancial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreign financial institutions operatingRMB business must set up offices in Lujiazui financial and trade zone.Therefore, at present, there are many foreign financial institutions setting upoffices in Lujiazui, among which foreign banks operating RMB business includeHSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area. It startsfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, follows lujiadu road in thesouth, and the night view of Lujiazui at the angle of the Bund in the West andnorth is close to Huangpu River. It has a land area of 2.10 square kilometers,more than 25300 households and 69000 people. It has 24 Residents Committees. Theoffice is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong. Lujiazui Street: in 20__, Meiyuan Xincun street was renamed Lujiazuistreet. The office is located at No. 12, Lane 1177, shenjianong Road, and latermoved to the current address, No. 55, Fushan Road (Rushan Road intersection),postcode 20x20.

This magical land is connected with two ancient Shanghainese. These twoShanghainese are Lu Shen, a great literary scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and hiswife, Mei Shi. According to the local chronicles of Shanghai, the meanderingHuangpu River has made a 90 degree bend here, leaving a prominent alluvialbeach. Looking from the west of the river to the other bank, this beach is likea giant golden horned beast, stretching out its head and opening its mouth todrink water. On this beach, Lu Shens former residence and Lus ancestral tombswere all built here, so it is called Lujiazui.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Pengshouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories in Lujiazui FinancialCenter complex. In the 10th year of Tongzhi, the Qing government established theship Merchants Group, the North Wharf in lannidu and the South trestle inLujiazui. British businessmen built Taigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there areYongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc. Along the river, Lujiazui successivelybuilt yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpu shipyard, Rihua yarnfactory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British and American tobacco factory,etc. National industry and commerce also set up tianzhang paper mill, Yingchangmatch mill, hongxiangxing ship repair and manufacturing plant, etc. The commercein lannidu area is becoming more and more prosperous. A large number ofhousehold appliances, building materials such as brick, tile, bamboo and wood,and all kinds of local products are taking this as the distribution center,gradually forming a commercial street. During the Anti Japanese War, thecommerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu road and Lujiazui road toDongchang Road. From the south to the north, there are eight sampan boats,including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan, Chunjiang, fenshan,xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferries are occupied byfactories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations, Dongchang Road,taitongzhan and Lujiazui. After liberation, Dongchang Road became the mostprosperous commercial street in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oilsauce shop, dahongyun restaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan andother famous and special shops, as well as other kinds of shops. Dongning roadand Lujiazui market were newly established. After liberation, through socialreform and rectification, the organization of residents committee in China hasbeen continuously improved. Since 1958, the streets have organized housewives toparticipate in collective productive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewivessuccessively went to work and organized a number of neighborhood collectiveenterprises and institutions, such as the production group of lane, nurseries,canteens and processing farms. In May 1984, they were all assigned to thedistrict administration of collective undertakings. In 1979, the streetcooperative was founded, with service, catering and other industries. It hasdeveloped to more than 20 households. In the second half of 1984, the streetindustrial and commercial enterprises were set up, and now there are 47.



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Known to the world, places of historic interest and scenic beauty arelocated in the bustling bustling old city of Shanghai on the West Bank ofHuangpu River, North Road by blessing Road, East Anren street, and Shanghai TownGods Temple and Yu Garden shopping mall in the West. It is a world-famoussouthern Shanghai classical garden. Yu Garden is a famous classical garden inthe south of the Yangtze River. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Jiajing period.It was built by Pan Yunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 400 years.

As soon as I entered Yu Garden, I felt as if I was at the time of the lateMing and early Qing Dynasty. With the stream of people, I gradually walked intoa small square that could hold more than a thousand people. Standing in thesquare, there was a fan exhibition in the center, and some paintings andcalligraphy on the fan side, some of them were undulating, some were gracefuland graceful, some were soft and strong.

Looking around, the top of the 8-story Tianyu Building is Ninghui building.People stand on the painted attic to enjoy the picturesque scenery. On the frontis Huabao building. Every Spring Festival, people like to sit here to watch thepavilion. Behind them is Heye building, also known as the snack square. On theeast side of the small square is Town Gods Temple, the annual "three inspectionday", that is, the days when the God of the city is on patrol. The residents inthe Shanghai city are nine rooms in the house. All the residents are at theChristmas palace of the City God (March twenty-eight). All the businessmen inShanghai and Town Gods Temple, including the nearby temple, are all decoratedwith lanterns and lanterns, celebrating Christmas for the God of the city. If ithappens to be a holiday, it will form a scene of tourists gathering, pedestriansweaving and popularity.

Antithetical couplet, a Shao Huaze couplet hung on the two pillars besidethe gate along with the stream of people, and the ancient city of Town GodsTemple, the God of Pan Gongming, cast the essence of the century. Shen Cityfavours the old temple and rebuilds the glory of the century.

At this time, I was already intoxicated in the beautiful scenery.Unconsciously, I came to the Jiuqu bridge. There were a lot of people on thebridge. Under the bridge, fish were flying to the bottom. The quiet lake wascovered with green lotus leaves, like a dense emerald fan, which covered thelake tightly. On the surface of the lake, there are many colors floating, likesomeone scattering a string of pearls below. When the breeze blows slowly, theripples on the surface of the lake are as beautiful as the wrinkles of a newsatin.

The wall in the garden is winding and undulating. The top of the wall isdecorated with a dragons head, and is made of tiles to form a Lin shape, whichsymbolizes the dragons body. A pile of walls, like a dragon swimming, is calledthe dragon wall. In ancient China, the dragon is the symbol of feudal emperors,which can not be used for decoration on buildings. Yu Garden was built at theend of the Qing Dynasty when the dragon wall was built, and the Dragon had onlythree or four claws to avoid the suspicion of "five claw Golden Dragon".Dianchuntang was the North command post of Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising army in1853. Yulinglong is a 4-meter-high, exquisitely carved stone standing in frontof Yuhua hall. It is said to be a relic of huashigang in Song Dynasty. The mainbuilding of Sansui is the Sansui hall. The building is spacious. It was theplace where the host held a banquet. In addition, a pair of iron lions of theYuan Dynasty, an old vine of more than 300 years old and a Ginkgo biloba of morethan 400 years old are also worth watching in the garden.

Its ancient and long history, its folk style of color and flavor makesShanghai the most famous tourist attraction in Shanghai.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3020 字

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Yu Garden is a famous classical garden in the south of the Yangtze River.Yu Garden was built in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. It was built by PanYunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 400 years. When the Shanghai knives Association uprising was held in1853, the Yu Garden spring hall was used as the North command of the rebel army.It displayed the weapons of the years knives, coins that had been made byitself, and the cultural relics issued. After the liberation, the governmentcarried out a large-scale renovation of Yu Garden, and officially opened to thepublic in 1961.

The Jingguan hall, also known as "Qingxue hall", is the main hall of theinner garden. It is carved and painted with beams. The hall is 5 rooms wide and3 rooms deep. There are two stone lions in front of the hall, and two gildedplaques of "Jingguan" and "lingmarshi" in the hall. The name of "Jing Guan"refers to the old saying "Jing Guan everything is contented" and "moving GuanShui, Jing Guan Shan". On the opposite side of the hall, there are many peaks,such as three officials offering their birthday, white deer watching the moon,bats flying, and nine lions dribbling. It is said that when you watch itquietly, you can distinguish more than 100 animal images. There are many hundredyear old trees between the stone peaks. There is a small courtyard in the East,with a pool of water, winding corridors on both sides, shady trees blocking thesun, tall and straight bamboo, and deep environment.

Guantao tower is located in the southwest of Jingguan hall, also known as"xiaolingtai". It is a three story wooden structure with a height of more than10 Zhang. It was the highest building in the east of the city in the QingDynasty. Once upon a time, one of the "Eight Sights of Shanghai city" was"autumn waves in Huangpu".

Huanyun building and Yanqing building face the Jingguan hall. They areconnected from east to West in the form of a series of buildings, and can leadto Guantao building and chuanting hall. The plaque "Huanyun" in Huanyun buildingis inscribed by Yao Wen, a famous gentry in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty.Also Yun Lou was originally the Shanghai money industry public housing industry,Yu Garden and inner garden were repeatedly destroyed by war, but this buildingwas not robbed.

The pavilion stands on the rockery in the east of Guantao tower. It is adouble-layer pavilion with stone tables and benches at the bottom. Thesurrounding trees are green. Inside the pavilion, a plaque was inscribed withthe name of "Ling Mu PI Fang".

Can be seen in Jingguan Hall East, small square hall, delicate quiet,especially cool summer. In front of the hall, there is a brick carving "thepainting of Guo Ziyis birthday", next to which is a clay dragon wall. In thenorth, there is the Phoenix Pavilion of "Dongtianfudi" and in the south, thereis "bieyoutian". On the wall, there are stone tablets such as "records ofrebuilding the inner garden", recording the history of the inner garden.



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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How was your sleep last night? Great.Im sorry for the late delivery of luggage last night. Because the luggage cartbroke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened yourluggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often says, "the guestshave brought sunshine in their bags." I thank you for that. Well, lets get backto business. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we go to the oldcity of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Garden and Yu Garden shoppingmalls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3515 字

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In a few minutes, we will arrive at the famous scenic spot in Shanghai, YuGarden. It is located in Huangpu District, Southeast of downtown Shanghai. Themain attractions are Yu Garden, Yu Garden tourist shopping mall, Town GodsTemple and Shanghai old street. There are also such attractions as the castlePavilion, Confucioustemple, the small Taoyuan mosque, and so on. Therefore, theYu Garden tourist area in Shanghai is known for a long time. Speaking of theorigin of Yu Garden, it has a long history. It must be traced back to the templeof the Yuan Dynasty. The 1373 emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, namedQin Yu Bo as the city god of Shanghai. But at the same time, he did not build agovernment office. After that, he was invited into the hall of Huo Guang Xing,and Shanghai began to have Town Gods Temple. Ming Jiajing thirty-eight years(1559) to Ming Wanli fifteen years (1587) Pan Yunduan spent 20__ years to buildthe Yu Garden, and later because of the huge cost, pan family graduallydeclined. In the twenty-five years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1760), the gentrycollection of Shanghai purchased the garden base, rebuilt it and handed it toTown Gods Temple management. In this way, Town Gods Temple has both its owngarden and Yu Garden. Yu Garden once became a scenic spot in Shanghai, so thatthere was no saying that Town Gods Temple did not arrive in Shanghai. But afterthe Opium War, the City God became almost useless. After several repair,especially in 1980s, the peoples government invested heavily in theconstruction of the imitated Ming Yu Garden shopping mall, and again in the FangBang Road, the old Shanghai street in the late Qing Dynasty and the earlyRepublic of Shanghai.

The characteristics of Yu Garden tour area are not only the most typicalChinese culture inheritance, but also the most concentrated tourism resources.It is a collection of garden, religion, architecture, commerce, food, folkculture in one place. To say that Yu Gardens garden culture used to cover morethan 70 mu of Yu Garden at that time, but the vicissitudes of wind and rain inthe past 420__ years, the garden was wasted. The Yu Garden temple and its nearbytemple temples are also very concentrated. Here we can see a strong religiousculture. Here are the Confucian Confucioustemple and Confucianism.

Tao, the Yu Garden of Buddhist culture, the Buddhist incense Pavilion, theTaoist Town Gods Temple, the Islamic Taoyuan mosque, the Catholic Dong Jia DuCatholic Church and the Christian Qingxin hall. Among them, Yu Garden, XiangXiang, Town Gods Temple and other buildings can also be said to be the bestembodiment of Yu Gardens architectural culture. Therefore, some people oncesaid that the old Chengxiang Yu Garden tourist area is a residential Museum inMing, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Of course, Yu Garden tour areaalso has a shopping paradise, the reputation of the small commodity kingdom. Itsproducts are small, rustic and special. In addition to buying the goods youlike, you can also taste all kinds of delicious food here. The reputation of"eating in Shanghai" has long been well-known both at home and abroad. There areold restaurants with Shanghai local flavor, as well as famous special snacks allover the country. Yu Garden also has its own folk culture characteristics.Shikumen, the temple fair of the Old City God Temple in Shanghai, and theLantern Festival every month to the first month, can always bring some newfeelings to you. OK, now please take your valuables and visit with me



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The places of historic interest and scenic beauty are the Yu Garden,located in the northeast of Shanghai, old Chengxiang, North Road, Anren street,southwest and Shanghai old temple.

In the park, there are three famous stones of the south of the YangtzeRiver called the jade Linglong, the command point of the 1853 knives uprising,the spring hall, and the tourist attractions of Town Gods Temple and shoppingstreet on the side of the park.

Yu Garden began to open to the public in 1961. In 1982, it was listed as anational key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

Yu Garden was originally a private garden in the Ming Dynasty. It was builtin Jiajing and Wanli years. It has been over four hundred years as of 20__.

Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, was the chief minister of Sichuan.His father pan en, whose name is Zi Ren, was named Lijiang. He was an officialin duchayuan, the censor of zuodou and the Minister of punishment. The panfamily was the wangmen family in Shanghai at that time. In 1553 (the 32nd yearof Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty), the nine mile long wall of Shanghai wasbuilt, which gradually calmed down the Japanese invasion along the southeastcoast. For more than 20 years, the people of Shanghai, whose lives and propertywere often threatened, gained a little stability, and the social economyrecovered and began to prosper. The literati built gardens one afteranother.

Pan en resigned in his old age and returned to his hometown. In order tolet his father live in his old age, pan yunduan began to build gardens onseveral vegetable fields in the west of the Shichun Hall of the pan familyshouse in 1559. After more than twenty years of painstaking efforts, Yu Gardenhas been built. "Yu" has the meaning of "peace" and "Antai". It is named "YuGarden" and has the meaning of "Yuyue old relatives".

At that time, the Yu Garden was over 70 acres, designed by Zhang Nanyang, afamous gardener in Ming Dynasty, and personally involved in the construction.The ancients praised Yu Garden "Qi Xiu Jia in Southeast" and "southeast famousgarden crown".

Pan yunduans family declined in his later years. Pan yunduan died in1620__ (the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty), and his family graduallydeclined, unable to bear the huge expenses of garden repair and management. Atthe end of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Garden was made for Zhang Zhaolin. From then to1760 (twenty-five years of Qianlong emperor), in order not to annihilate thisscenic spot, some local gentry merchants gathered money to buy Yu Garden, andspent more than twenty years to rebuild the terrace and build the mountainstone. At that time, the East Garden in Town Gods Temple was East, that is,todays inner garden, and the Yu Garden was slightly West. Shanghai Yu Gardenancient pavilion landscape

In 1842, twenty-two years ago, the first Opium War broke out, and foreigninvaders invaded Shanghai. The British army took over the Yu Garden and ravagedit. In 1853, in response to the Taiping Revolution, Shanghai Xiaodao Societylaunched an uprising in Shanghai. After the uprising failed, the Qing soldiersburned and looted in the city, and the Yu Garden was severely damaged. Thebuildings such as the spring hall, the fragrant snow hall, the osmanthus flowerhall, the moon house and so on were all on fire.

In 1860 (ten years of Qing Xianfeng), the Taiping Army marched intoShanghai. The Manchu government colluded with the British and French invaders,took Town Gods Temple and Yu Garden as a garrison outside the army, excavatedstones and filled pools in the garden, and built western style military houses.After 1875, the whole garden was divided into more than 20 industrial andcommercial industries in Shanghai, such as bean and rice industry, sugarindustry, cloth industry and so on. On the eve of liberation, the Yu Gardenpavilions were dilapidated, the rockery collapsed, the pool dried up, the treeswithered, and the old landscapes were gradually annihilated.

Since 1956, Yu Garden has carried out a large-scale renovation, whichlasted for five years and opened to the public in September 1961. Now Yu Gardenoccupies an area of over thirty acres, with varied pavilions, lofty mountainsand trees, and green trees. It is beautiful and exquisite, exquisitely carvedand long, and has the characteristics of small and medium sized. It reflects theartistic style of the two dynasties Jiangnan garden architecture in Ming andQing Dynasties.

Yu Garden was listed as a municipal cultural relic protection unit in 1959.Yu Garden was opened to the public in 1961. In February 1982, it was publishedby the State Council as a national key cultural relic protection unit.

Cuixiu hall was built in 1760. It is hidden deep in the north foot of therockery. It faces a cliff and faces a high wall in the north. It is surroundedby ancient wood and beautiful flowers. The environment is quiet and elegant. Youcan have a close view of the rockery by pushing the window in the hall. Nowthere is an antique shop.

"Gradually getting better" comes from the biography of Gu Kai in the bookof Jin, which is fascinating. The corridor is paved with stone slabs, with asmall bridge in the middle and geese on both sides. You can watch the scenery ofthe mountains and rivers. In the middle of the corridor stands a Taihu Lakestone peak, about 2.3 meters high and graceful, so it is called "beautywaist".

The iron lion of the Yuan Dynasty is located in front of the corridor of"getting better". Left female and right male, cast in 1290, the base bears theinscription of "Zhao Zhang, craftsman of Tongshan Town, Anyang County, ZhangdePrefecture" and "xigengyin, 27 years old from the state of yuan, October28".

Built with thousands of tons of Huangshi from Wukang, Zhejiang Province,the rockery was carefully designed and built by Zhang Nanyang, a famous mountainmaker in the Ming Dynasty. It is also his only surviving work. The height of themountain is about 14 meters. Pan Yunduans evaluation of the big rockery in thebook of Yu Garden is: "it is very pleasant to watch."

Yangshan hall is composed of five couplets. In the north, there is anambulatory and a curving sill near the pool. You can sit and rest. In the hall,there is a plaque of "here are lofty mountains" recorded in the preface toLanting by Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty. The name of juanyu building comes from thepoem "the curtain of pearls is rolling rain in the West Mountain" in tengwanggeby Wang Bo, a poet of the early Tang Dynasty.

Sansui hall was built in 1760 when the west garden was rebuilt. It is 9meters high. It is one of the main buildings in the garden. In the Qing Dynasty,it was a place for official celebrations and "preaching the oracle", and also agathering place for the local gentry.

The "famous Marine Park" was held in May 18, 1999 by Comrade __ of the CPCCentral Committee and __ and __ to celebrate the 440th anniversary issue of YuGarden construction.

Ginkgo tree is 21 meters high, with dense branches and leaves. It is saidthat it was planted by the owner of the garden for more than 400 years.

The four corners of Wanhua building have the pattern of plum, orchid,bamboo and chrysanthemum, and the four windows are leaky. There are many windingsills around the corridor. Beside the white wall, there are stone peaks andgreen bamboos.

There is a small pavilion at the east end of the corridor. When you lookdown on it, you can see the clear spring like a mirror. When you look across thecliff, you can see the stone peak standing on the wall. Facing the mountain andfacing the water, you can see the ancient peoples taste of "two suitable formountain and water". So its called liangyixuan. In the north there is abuilding named Yifang, which is shaped like an ancient boat.

The corridor is separated by a wall in the middle and can walk on bothsides. There are leaky windows of different shapes on the wall. From the leakywindows, you can see the terrace on the left and the peak stone on the right,just like a picture sketch. The west end of the corridor is connected with aSquare Pavilion. There is a plaque in the pavilion, which says "understanding isnot far away".

Around the Yule Pavilion, there are towering ancient trees. You can see thefish swimming in the pool by the fence. The watersheds on XieJian stream reflectthe characteristics of Jiangnan gardens. The stream is only a few feet long. Theflower wall divides the stream into two. There are leaky windows andsemicircular openings on the wall. Next to the fish Pavilion, there is aWisteria tree that has passed more than three hundred years of spring andautumn. In the early spring of each year, its branches are full of small whiteflowers.

Genial hall and Dianchun hall are separated from each other by water. Thehall is square and open around. A set of furniture on display in the hall,including tables, chairs, tables and decorative Phoenix and Kirin, are all madeof banyan roots and have a history of more than 100 years. There are stone stepsleading to the listening Oriole Pavilion.

"Da Chang Tai" is also called "Feng Wu Luan Yin". The stage is close to themountain and water. The eaves in front of the stage are exquisitely carved andpainted with gold and color. On the stone pillars around the stage, there arecouplets depicting the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In the southeast of dianchuntang, there are lakes, rocks, rockeries,clouds, water and rocks, and deep caves. On the mountain, there are double-layerpavilions; the upper layer is called Kuailu, and the lower layer is calledYanshuang Pavilion. From Kuailu to the south, there are jingyixuan and TingliPavilion, surrounded by flower walls, forming a small courtyard.

Chuanyun dragon wall is located in the west of Dianchun hall. The dragonhead is made of clay, and the dragon body is made of tiles. There are alsoseveral dragon walls in the garden: Wolong behind the rockery, Shuanglong Xizhuin the west of the genial hall, and mianlong in front of the inner garden.

The whole building of Dianchun hall is a five bay hall with characterscarved on the fans. The beams and columns are of peculiar shapes and decoratedwith gold foil. After the hall, there is a water Pavilion in linchi, on whichthere is a plaque saying "feifeiyue". Dianchun hall was built in the early yearsof Daoguang reign in the Qing Dynasty. It was once the place for Fujian foreignmerchants to worship gods in Shanghai. It is commonly known as "HuatangGongshu". During the Xiaodaohui uprising, this was the headquarters of theuprising army in the north of the city. One of the leaders of the Xiaodaohui,the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, recruited Marshal Chen Alin to work here andissued a decree, which was called "dianchuntang mansion". After the failure ofthe uprising, Dianchun hall was seriously damaged. In 1868, it was rebuilt andcompleted in four years. There is a large traditional Chinese painting "swordview" by Ren Bonian, a painter of the late Qing Dynasty. On both sides of thepainting are couplets written by the calligrapher Shen Yinmo: "courage embracesemptiness, and heart is the source of essence.". The hall also displays theweapons used by the rebel army, self coined coins, sun and moon coins, as wellas the announcement and other cultural relics.

Because both sides of the pavilion are facing water, the meaning of"flowing cup and flowing water" is taken from preface to Lanting. On the side ofthe pavilion, there are three curved slab bridges, built with water. West ofSanqu Banqiao is Huanyun rockery. The mountain is made of Lake stones, withdeyuelou in the north and Qingquan in the West. There are springs in the cave,and streams flow out of the cave.



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Today we go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Gardenand Yu Garden shopping malls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the famous Jiuqu bridge. Why nine? Becauseits the highest number of Yang. Walk on the bridge and stay for a long time.You can also enjoy the scenery from different angles. Also, it is said thatghosts can only walk in a straight line, so you dont have to worry aboutmeeting ghosts.

In the middle of the bridge, there is a pavilion, which was built in theQing Dynasty and was converted into a teahouse about 80 years ago. Old peoplelike to come here in the morning, meet friends, make a pot of tea and chat.Generally, they drink a kind of green tea called "Longjing". This teahouse isalso a popular place for foreign leaders. For example, when Queen Elizabeth IIcame to Shanghai in 1986, she also visited teahouses for tea.

Indeed, its a pleasure to drink a pot here. Just imagine, one summer, youcome to a teahouse and sit by the window, overlooking the green pool full oflotus. There was a cool breeze in front of me. In the elegant sound of JiangnanSilk and bamboo, you bring up the purple clay pot and slowly sip a sip oflukewarm "Longjing" tea. Youll feel like a fairy.

Would you like a drink, too? Sorry, I still cant let you go. Lets make adecision after we finish Yu Garden, OK?

This is the entrance to Yu Garden. When you walk into a private garden,your sight will always be blocked by something, sometimes rockery, sometimes thewall. This is a skill of landscape architecture, which is called barrierlandscape. It doesnt let you know in a day, but let you see part of it, andthen achieve the effect of "step by step Jingyi".

This hall is called Yangshan hall. As we all know, Shanghai is located inan alluvial plain, with no mountains or forests. So this "mountain" refers tothe rockery opposite. It is 12 meters high and weighs 80 tons. It was, and is, amiracle. Because there was no cement or plaster of Paris more than 400 yearsago, people used cooked glutinous rice, alum and lime to stick the stonestogether. So far, Im safe and sound. See the pavilion on the top of themountain? 400 years ago, it was the highest point in Shanghai. From there youcan see fishing boats and sailboats on the Huangpu River, but these can only beseen in movies today. You can only see their heads moving up. Because thecircling paths are covered by trees and stones. This is really the masterpieceof Zhang Nanyang, a great horticultural master. It is also recognized as thebest rockery in the area.

Behind the rockery, there is a dragon wall. This is a special feature ofour garden. There are five dragon walls. This way, Ill take you to a placewhere you can see another Dragon Wall clearly.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the dragon wall I just mentioned. Dragons areactually imaginary animals. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. Idont know if you have read Pearl Bucks Dragon seed. If you have seen it, thereare a lot of things here that you feel familiar with. Look at this dragon, youwill find that it is a complex of many animals. You see, its head is like a cow,its eyes are like shrimp, and its horns are like I dont think it looks like acow. We usually say that the horns are like deer, the body is like snake, thescales are like fish, and the claws are like chicken or eagle. Please tell mehow many toes you see. Three yes. But generally a dragon should have five toes.Why three? One of them is a story. Before, only the emperor and the royal familyhad dragon designs. Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, uses a dragon as awall. He is ambitious. Somehow, when the emperor learned about it, he sentsomeone to investigate. When pan yunduan learned about it, he immediately madepeople knock off two toes. As soon as the officials arrived, the gardener said,"look, this is not a dragon, only three toes." What a smart man, or helldie.

Here we can see three stones. The one in the middle is called "yulinglong".Its not jade, but its very famous. Its called Taihu stone. Its appearance iseroded by water. It turned out to be a tribute to song Weizong. Song Weizongcollected many rare flowers and stones, which were called "huashigang". But howdid you come here? Originally, it was lost in Kyoto at that time. Many yearslater, it became a plaything for local officials and gentry. Later, he gave thestone to pan yunduan as a dowry because Pans brother married his daughter.Yulinglong is famous for its thin, transparent, wrinkled and leaky features. Ifyou pour water from top to bottom. Its 72 holes are like a waterfall; if youburn incense below, its 72 holes are misty and beautiful. The master of thegarden used to gaze at the stone for a long time. This is also one of thefunctions of the garden. A scene makes you meditate, and the result is thecombination of emotion and night.

This is the end of the Yu Garden tour. I hope the children will love it.Finally, you have to make a choice: tea or shopping. I think its a show ofhands. How many people want to taste tea? Ha, all of them want to go? What?Would I like to? To tell you the truth, thats just what I want. So what are wewaiting for? Lets go!



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As the saying goes: "Wu Chuming building is now four, water, sky and moonare double in ancient times." The four famous towers are yellow crane tower,Yuejiang tower, Yueyang Tower and Tengwang Pavilion. This summer vacation, I hadthe honor to visit Yuejiang building, one of the four famous buildings.

According to historical records, Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty settledthe mountains and settled the capital of Jinling, and wrote the famous story ofYuejiang tower, but later there was no building. Now the Yuejiang tower is builtby Nanjing municipal government in recent years. Yuejiang tower is located onthe top of the lion mountain. When you climb up the stairs, you will come to thefoot of Yuejiang tower. This is an ancient wooden pavilion standingmajestically. Red pillars, grey wall tiles, vermilion doors, glass cornices, onelayer after another, overlapping, very spectacular.

Walking into the hall on the ground floor, it is spacious and bright. Rightbelow the hall, a golden carved dragon chair is placed in the center, and fourexquisite tripods are placed in front of the chair. The golden bottom isengraved with two green dragons entwined together, which is the symbol ofancient emperors power. Just above the hall is the full text of Yuejiang towerwritten by Zhu Yuanzhang, a golden book, which occupies the north wall and ismagnificent. After a long time, the sunlight fell on the red carpet through thewindow lattice, as if returning to the distant ancient times in a trance.

Walking up the wooden building to the second floor, I was immediatelyimpressed by its exquisite architectural skills. All kinds of peculiar patternsare carved on the wooden fence. There are intertwined dragons, powerful lions,and bizarre unicorns. They are so delicate that their noses, eyes, and beardsare clearly engraved. The beams were beautifully painted. There are West Lakescenery, cemetery scenery, Yuanmingyuan Ruins, the great wall and so on. Thereare many patterns and bright colors.

Along the stairs came to the top, look around, see the surging riverrolling eastward. River, cruise ships, passenger ships shuttle like to come andgo, sometimes issued a distant flute sound. The Yangtze River Bridge stretchesacross the river. Tall bridgeheads stand at the north and south ends of thebridge. Crisscross overpasses, roaring trains and high-rise buildings give you apanoramic view. This is the reason why Yuejiang tower is named. When a gust ofwind blows, the copper bell as big as the bowl mouth on the cornice makes aclear "Ding Ding" sound, which is really pleasing to the eye.

This situation, this scene, just as the ancient poem said: "want to poorthousands of miles, more on a higher level."



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3405 字

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The humble administrators garden in suzhou in jiangsu Lou door. Is one of the four great ancient gardens in suzhou. Early as the tang dynasty poet Liu Guimeng house, yuan for the macro temple. MingZhengDe years with empire Wang Xianchen resign home, buy temple, transformed into home garden, pan yue, and borrow the jin dynasty "heir ju fu" : "...... and this is compensated with the force of the government "semantics, take" compensated "2 words for YuanMing. In 1860 ~ 1863 was part of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong wang fu. Opening to the outside world in 1954.

Humble administrators garden, garden, east park, west park in three parts.

East park and mountain pool, adorned with Shu incense pavilion, LanXueTang construction, etc. Western water circuitous, compact layout, mountain built pavilions, main architecture of the mandarin duck hall was the garden owner treating guests and listen to music, display hall. Sunny day by indoor looking at outside through the blue glass window scenery is like a piece of snow. Garden "sit with who xuan" is fan pavilion, sector on both sides of the real open two fan empty window on the wall, one of the "mandarin duck hall", and then the window and just reflected in the aspects of mountain Dai li kiosks, into the mountain, and dai li pavilion of exactly match into a complete fan. "Sit with who, the bright moon, the wind, I", so the sight of plaques, will think of su dongpo, and immediately felt here can enjoy the water of the month, is affected by the wind of the great.

In the humble administrators garden is the best part of the overall layout for the center with pool, pavilions are built by the water, some TingXie is straight out of the water, has the characteristic of jiangnan. Body building hong tong in south bank pool, on the other side of the pool and observe things two mountain island, the water clear, broad mind lotus, tree-lined everywhere on the island, mountain water bank vines mixed and disorganized, two mountain valleys panel has a little bridge, mountain to build a pavilion on the island, west of snow YunWeiTing, east to be frost pavilion, the four seasons scenery because of time inconsistency. Far to the west of hong tongs "lean on jade xuan" with the west ship matter form "xiangzhou", is relatively and both its northern "Dutch wind all pavilion" into the potential of the tripartite confrontation, can with the potential of the reward. Lean on jade porch west of a southern song deep water bay in the house, there are three ShuiGe "small" blue waves, the north of it covered Bridges "small flying" disjunctive space, form a quiet water, and xiangzhou bay is located in the monohydrate on both sides of the mouth. The layout of the humble administrators garden in the garden on lotus pond, far hong tong as its main body construction, two islands as its main feature in the pool, and other buildings are mostly over the water surface To far hong tong, from the point of building name, is mostly related to the lotus. Wang Xianchen are touted to lotus, mainly to express his exclusive group of noble character. This garden is given priority to with water, the water accounts for three 5 of buildings by the water, keep the clear and the landscape of of primitive simplicity style of Ming dynasty, is the representative works of the jiangnan gardens in our country. On December 4, 1997, included in the "world heritage list".



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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to visit our country one of the most famous four gardens, suzhou the humble administrators garden. Is the representative of private gardens in our country, and the humble administrators garden is known as "the mother of all the gardens.

Ok, now let us into the garden. Humble administrators garden is divided into three parts, of which the essence parts in the middle part. Why is named for the humble administrators garden? Because the owner of the humble administrators garden is Wang Xianchen, meaning: "I dont fit, an officer I am a silly person. After the humble administrators garden doors and "remote" door "interesting" waist, we came to the east of the humble administrators garden. In the south of the garden in the east there is a three studio room, called "LanXueTang". "LanXue" two words written by li bai "the spring wind is aspersed LanXue", a symbol of the master natural and unrestrained like spring breeze, such as clean LanXue noble sentiment. In addition to "LanXueTang", and "Shu incense pavilion", "day spring pavilion", "lotus pavilions", etc.

Now we will enter essence part. Some kinds of grilles, corridor wall to see if, will see 25 different styles of painting. Now, we continue to walk forward, front is reflection "floor". In front of the "inverted floor" is a path winding, spanning the water of the gallery. Ripples on the surface of the pool. Look at the top, as a fan, the roof of the tile surface like a folding fan fan, "dai li pavilion" spire behind like fan fan, simply connect seamlessly.

The visit to this end, tourists friends goodbye!



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Wuhu has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, Wuhu was namedjiuchanyi of Wu state. As a county name, Wuhu began to be named 120 BC__ 20years ago__ Many years of history.

In recent years, stone tools, bone implements and mammal fossils of variousspecies made by ancient human beings have been discovered in Renzi cave in Wuhu,dating from about 2 million to 2.5 million years ago, tracing back the historyof human activities in Asia to 4.5 million years. Dagongshan ancient copper minesite is the largest copper production base in China during the spring and Autumnperiod, Han and Tang Dynasties. In 1996, it was listed as a national keycultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

In 1876, the Sino British Treaty of Yantai established Wuhu as a foreigntrade port. Since 1877, Wuhu has gradually become one of the four major ricemarkets in China. Because of its superior location and prosperous business, itwas once known as "the backbone of Anhui" and "the giant port of the YangtzeRiver".

Wuhu has a long history. It is an important commercial port city in theYangtze River Basin. Paleolithic cultural relics and ancient copper smeltingsites prove that the metallurgical and manufacturing technology level of ancientWuhu was very developed. The textile industry of Ming Dynasty has formed aconsiderable scale, and there are records of "weaving is still in Songjiang,pulp dyeing is still in Wuhu". Wuhu was one of the four major rice markets inmodern China. It was opened as a foreign trade port in the late Qing Dynasty andwas one of the birthplaces of modern industry in the lower reaches of theYangtze River.

Wuhu City is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, asubtropical humid monsoon climate, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fourdistinct seasons. The annual average temperature is 15-16 ℃, the annual averagefrost free period is 219-240 days, and the annual sunshine hours is 20__ Theaverage annual rainfall is 1200-1400mm.

Wuhu is rich in agricultural resources, water resources and mineralresources. Fertile land, rich in rice, oil, cotton and so on. The Yangtze Riverflows through the western edge of the city. The Qingyi River, Shuiyang River andZhanghe River run through the city. Heisha lake, Longwo lake and Kui lake arescattered among them. The water surface area of the city is 478 squarekilometers, accounting for 14.4% of the total area. There are many kinds ofaquatic products, among which shad, swordfish and crab are the famous "threedelicacies". The mountain area has the precious Chinese medicinal materialCortex Moutan and so on.

A total of 55 kinds of mineral resources have been found in Wuhu, of whichlimestone reserves reach 4.2 billion tons. Wuhu, located in the lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River, has an open surface and abundant water flow, which isespecially suitable for the development of industrial projects with large waterconsumption and transportation capacity.


Wuhu is an important communication hub in the Yangtze River economic belt.Nanjing Wuhan, Nanjing Wuhu trunk line optical cable and Beijing ShanghaiHangzhou coaxial cable pass through Wuhu. The total installed capacity of thecitys program-controlled telephone is 306000. Modern communication facilitiessuch as mobile communication and wireless paging are advanced. The Internet Wuhuwebsite has been officially opened.


Wuhu airport has opened routes from Wuhu to Beijing and from Wuhu toFoshan. It is 119 km away from Luogang airport in Hefei and 58 km away from thenewly built Lukou International Airport in Nanjing.


Wuhu is an important hub of highway network along the river. The totalmileage of highways in the city is 1530 km, including more than 100 km in theurban area. National highways 205 and 318 cross the border. The expressway fromWuhu to Hefei has been put into use. The Wuhu section of the high-grade highwayalong the Yangtze River has been completed. The construction of the expresswayfrom Wuhu to Hangzhou has started. The construction of the expressway from Wuhuto Hangzhou is about to start.

Starting from Wuhu, with the same day round trip as the radius, it covers atotal of 200 million people, which is the most densely populated and the highestconsumption level area in China.


Wuhu port is the last deep-water port up the Yangtze River. The width ofthe main channel is 400-500m, and the annual water depth is more than 9m. Thereare more than 70 berths in Hong Kong, with an annual capacity of 23 milliontons. Zhujiaqiao foreign trade terminal has two Wharton berths, and can alsorely on three 5000 ton seagoing ships at the same time. It also has a specialrailway line with an annual throughput of 1.52 million tons and a maximumlifting capacity of 200 tons. Yuxikou port is the largest in China and the firstmodern inland coal transfer port on the Yangtze River, with an annual handlingcapacity of 6 million tons. There are 14 seasonal navigable rivers in Wuhu City,with a navigable mileage of 429 km. After the completion of Qingyi River,Shuiyang River and Wuhu Taihu tributary canal under repair, Wuhu Shenyun canalcan be directly navigable, connecting with the Yangtze River Delta and Hangjiahuarea in southern Jiangsu.


Wuhu is an important hub of the second passage in East China. Wuning,Wutong, Anhui Jiangxi, Huainan and Xuanhang railways meet and connect here tocommunicate with all parts of the country. At 20__ The Wuhu Yangtze RiverBridge, opened to traffic in October 20__, integrates the north-south traffic ofthe Yangtze River. The Huainan line connects the Beijing Kowloon Line and theLonghai line in the north, and Hangzhou, Ningbo and Xiamen in the south.Xiaoyangcun marshalling station, which is built for the second passage of EastChina Railway, has 38 tracks of grade I, three yards, 70 trains per day and 7000cars per day.

Water and electricity

Wuhu is one of the cities with the richest water supply per capita inChina, with a daily water supply capacity of 750000 tons. The national backbonepower transmission and transformation lines are connected with Wuhu Power Plant,and the power supply is sufficient. The citys daily gas supply capacity is360000 cubic meters. Wuhu City is the center of liquefied gas storage andtransportation in southern Anhui, with a total gas storage capacity of more than12000 tons. The urban gasification rate is 89.14%, which can provide sufficientgas for residential and industrial use.

Science and Technology Education

There are 71 scientific research institutes of various types in Wuhu City,with more than 40000 professional and technical personnel, including more than10000 senior and middle professional and technical personnel. Wuhu is a nationalexperimental city for comprehensive reform of secondary city education, and apilot city for "dual system" Vocational Education of Sino German cooperationproject. There are 8 institutions of higher learning such as Anhui NormalUniversity and College of mechanical and electrical engineering, 8 secondaryprofessional schools, 6 technical schools, 17 vocational high schools and 129ordinary middle schools in the city, which can provide abundant labor force andprofessional and technical talents with good technical quality and relativelylow wage level for Wuhus economic development.

Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Economic Park covers an area of 9.15 squarekilometers. In order to build science and technology-based, sightseeing typescenic spots, scenic spots, supporting modern business, culture, sports,entertainment and other service facilities, to form a new area with modernbusiness and tourism combination, good ecological environment as the maincharacteristics.

Wuhu agricultural science and technology demonstration zone is underconstruction, covering a total area of 80 square kilometers, including 66000 muof arable land, 42000 mu of water surface and 4000 mu of mountain farm. Theagricultural science and technology demonstration park is divided into fivefunctional areas: urban agricultural sightseeing area, efficient vegetableindustry area, efficient fishery economic area, efficient grain and oilproduction area and village and town economic and cultural area.



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Dear passengers: Hello, everyone! First allow me on behalf of the SunshineTravel sincerely welcome the arrival of everyone. My name is Jessica, your guideof the tours in Qingdao. This is our driver Mr. Ma. Adhere to guest first,service first, We will try our best to supply best services. Meanwhile, I hopethat you will support and cooperate positively with us, arrive in high spirits,leave with satisfaction. I wish you all happy and healthy during our trip.

Shandong is one of the most important coastal provinces in our country,located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and borders Hebei Henan AnhuiJiangsu four provinces. The province land is about 700 kilometers long from eastto west, and 400 kilometers wide from north to south. The total land area is15.7 square kilometers, and the total of sea is 17 square kilometers.

Shandong is referred to Lu. The name of Shandong first appearing as anadministrative region name is in Jin Dynasty. The Ming dynasty roughly laid theregion today.

Due to the impact of two kingdoms to the Chinese history in the WarringStates Period and the Spring and Autumn Period, Shandong is also called “QiluZhi Bang” ?The Earth of Qilu?.

In 1949, the people?s government of Shandong is set up at Ji?nan. Atpresent, the province is divided into 17cities, with nearly one hundred millionof resident population. Shandong is a big province of economy and industry ofChinese eastern coast, and has a large number of national well-known brands,such as Hisense, Haier, Tsingtao etc. Meanwhile, the insdustrial economy ofShandong is getting stronger.

The agriculture has been taken as the foundational industry of the economicdevelopment. Agricultural added value ranks first in the country. The productionof grain and cotton ranks second. Shandong is also the largest peanut productionareas in China. Apples, pears, peaches and other output ranked first in thecountry. For that ,Shandong get the name of the country?s largest vegetablebasket.

Shandong Peninsula is located in the east of China, one of the sources ofChinese civilization. Towering Mount Tai, surging Yellow River, bright QiliCulture, rich in wise and sage, Shandong obtain the reputation of ?Home town ofKong Meng? ?State of Ceremonies? “Red Holy Land” and “Fairyland on earth”. MountTai, the first of China?s Five Mountains, is regarded as the ?holy mountain?,the national mountain, and has a word of ?the world is settled, while the MountTai is stable.

Shandong is also famous as a holiday paradise. She has prolific marinetourism resources richly endowed by nature, a more than 3000 kilometerscoastline, an average temperature of 24 degrees. She is the most suitabletemperate Gold Coast for summer in China. The advantages of climate, sea, beach,seafood in the summer season is particularly prominent in Qingdao.

Shandong has a splendid coastal culture and beautiful coastal sceneries.There are ?The City of Sails? Qingdao, beautiful Weihai, Harbor City Yantai and?The Yellow River Estuary? Dongying, ?The First Famous Sea Mountain? Mount Lao,the ?Oriental Cape of God Hope? Chengshantou, and the ?Fairyland on Earth?Penglai, which is stunning for its mirage.

As a rare treasure trove of traditional Chinese medicine, Shandong has beencalled ecological paradise. Hills stretch thousands of miles, with an averagealtitude of more than 800 meters, which constitute the skeleton of Shandong. Theforest coverage rate is higher than 80%.

Qingdao is located in the southern part of Shandong Peninsula, southeastnear the Yellow Sea, northwest connecting the inland, backed Mount Lao,surrounded by the ?Internal Sea? Jiaozhou Bay, neighboring South Korea, NorthKorea and Japan. The total area of the city is 11282 square kilometers. Thereare six districts Shinan, Shibei, Licang, Laoshan, Huangdao, Chengyang and fourcities Jimo, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi. At the end of 20__, the city?s residentpopulation is nearly 9 million. Qingdao has a maritime climate, and the averagetemperature here is 12.7 degrees here. Qingdao is an old and young city. Asearly as five or six thousand years ago, our ancestors Dongyi created splendidDawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture and Dongyueshi Culure. From the establishmentin 1891 to now, Qingdao is only 123 years old. In June 14th, 1891, the Qinggovernment sent troops to fortify in Kiaochow, which is considered as thebeginning of establishment. The next year, Tengchow commander Zhang Gaoyuan ledhis army move to Kiaochow. In order to expand its sphere of unfluence, in 1897,Germany forced the occupation of Qingdao with an excuse of ?Juye ReligiousCase?. In 1914, when the first World War broke out, Japanese invaded andoccupied Qingdao replace the German. In 1919, the sovereignty of Qingdao led toMay 4th Movement. In 1930, Kiaochow was renamed Qingdao. In 1938, Qingdao wasinvaded the second time. 1945, received by the Nanjing national government,Qingdao became the U.S military naval base. June 2nd, 1949, thoroughliberation.

Up to 20__, the GDP achieved 800.66 billion. The pattern of industrialdevelopment ?Two, Three, One? had been formed. The throughput of Qingdao Port is450 million tons and more than 15 million TEUs. In 20__, Qingdao successfullyhosted the 29th Olympic and the 13th Paralym///picpetition, wherehad 11 Olympic gold medals and the first award ceremony at sea.

The scenery of the Zhanqiao Pier, Luxun Park, little Qingdao isle, Xiaoyuhill, Badaguan, the seashore and the Mayfouthsquare are all beside the sea andconstitute the famous scenic sights of Qingdao. Red roves and green trees,sapphire sea and blue sky in the scenic resort will make you feel happy andfresh.



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Chengde summer resort, also known as Rehe palace, is the place where theQing emperors took summer vacation to deal with government affairs. It has beenbuilt by Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors for 300 years. Last summervacation, I had the honor to visit this famous royal garden with my parents.

After entering the main entrance of Li, I saw a pair of lions, one male andone female. When the Japanese soldiers attacked China, they fell in love withthe lions, but they couldnt pull them away. They were ready to blow them up thenext day. The old guard smeared chicken blood on the lions eyes that night. Thenext day, the Japanese soldiers thought it was the lions blood and tears, sothey ran away.

I saw the four big characters of "summer resort" mentioned by EmperorQianlong. Among them, the word "avoid" is one more horizontal. The guide told usthat there are many opinions about "avoid". Some people said that EmperorQianlong got the four characters after he was drunk. It is also said thatEmperor Qianlongs purpose was to avoid a disease called smallpox. In order toprevent the common people from gossiping, he added a horizontal line in the word"avoid".

When I came to Empress Dowager Cixis room, the smell inside was very bad.The guide is pointing to the items of Empress Dowager Cixi to introduce herthree hobbies one by one: "singing opera, gambling and playing with dogs."Playing with dogs! I suddenly came to the spirit. I have the same hobby asEmpress Dowager Cixi - playing with dogs. How interesting!

There is a museum next to Empress Dowager Cixis room. Most of the items inthe museum are empress dowagers articles and clothes of the emperor and queen.I also saw the guardians of all kinds of zodiac in it. These are pricelesstreasures!

There are more than these treasures in the summer resort. We need to findmore and discover its unique beauty. At eight oclock in the evening, there is aperformance about Emperor Kangxis life. 1300 people took part in theperformance. Five of them played Emperor Kangxi in his childhood, youth, middleage and old age.

In the middle of the performance, a big Buddha appeared, because it wasdark before the big Buddha appeared. I dont know where the big Buddha camefrom. The sharp eyed audience said, "its from underground." People suddenlyunderstand that the original site is rotating. In the end, the grand performanceof 1300 people came to a successful conclusion.

The scenic spots and historic sites of Chengde Mountain Resort have beendeeply imprinted in my heart. This visit to Chengde Mountain Resort has addedendless fun to my summer vacation life and made my summer vacation moremeaningful!



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At the end of winter and the end of spring, I once again set foot on theway to and from Chu and Wu. Now it is dusk, and my boat is sailing on Jiangdong.I stood up and looked at the beautiful place I had passed several times. A touchof sunset reddened the thin clouds. The river reflected the beautiful scenery ofJiangbei Gushan in Jiangsu town. A gentle breeze swept over the lake, ripplinglayers of microwaves. I told the boatman to dock here and leave the next day.The boatman did the same.

I sat back again, holding my glass and enjoying the euphemistic night. Idont know when I fell asleep. Maybe Ive been immersed in the beautifulscenery

In the early morning, I was woken up by the sound of rowing. I looked atthe rising sun with mist in my eyes. A thin layer of fog on the river made thedistant green mountains flicker. "The mountains are so far away!" I cant helpsighing! Really, I cant even see the black and blue, and the end of my journeymay still be on the other side of the mountain. The reflection of the mountainis very long. The boat is driving quietly on the emerald green river, as ifafraid of waking up. The sun shines on the lake, and everything turns fiery red.The scene became so fast that there was no time for people to remember it, sothe next scene appeared again. The fish in the water also showed their headscuriously, trying to understand

The tide is slowly rising, making the original flat river more vast Ah, nowon the river, I am alone. I paced to the bow of the boat, and the river wasbeating the boat at a constant speed. Looking at the broad river, looking at thered sky, in my heart there is a feeling that the sea is broad with fish, and thesky is high with birds flying. The sails were full in the breeze. The boatpushed on. The songs of birds and insects near the ears are high, low, slow andurgent. Lie down on your back and enjoy what nature has brought me

So I spent the night again

The night on the river is very cold, and its the night of the old winterand the new spring. I was awakened by the cold. I went back to the cabin and gotthe quilt. I lay on my back in the bow of the boat and looked up. In the coldblack night sky, there was an incomplete crescent moon. This crescent moon makesme familiar and strange. I remember that at this time of last year, thisincomplete crescent moon seemed to accompany me through another waterway. It wasmore desolate than last year. This feeling was very strange. I always felt thatthe moon and I were a family, ha ha!!

So I mixed with all kinds of complex emotions through the cold night, onceagain, ushered in the dawn, but the moon is still hanging half of the sky.Everything that happened last night is in front of us. Looking at the newbornsun, I cant help but feel the sad darkness in my heart. Then there is the warmdawn. A sense of hope arises spontaneously in my heart. Suddenly, I think of thecoming new year, the old mother, wife and children, the cattle and black dog,and the family reunion and mutual respect in the past years Ah

Now Im alone and cant be reunited with my family. I feel sad. But when Ithink that Im busy for my country, I feel sad. I wrote a letter from home onboard. So far, I have written several letters, but I dont know how to send themback to my hometown. Geese just go back to the north, I put a little bit ofemotion in the letter on geese, hope geese can send back my emotion In the backof the letter I couldnt send out, I filled in another sentence: "my son isaway. I hope my mother wont be afraid that my son wont come back. Geese flyingsouth, home in the north, I will return soon after my long journey

With tears in my eyes, the boatman holds the oar and moves closer to thedistant country. I suddenly recited the poem that I had been brewing for a longtime in my heart, "outside the green mountains, before sailing on the greenwater. The tide is flat, the banks are wide, and the wind is blowing. The Seagrows day and night, and the river springs into the old year. Where can thelocal books be reached, they will return to Luoyang. "



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In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

I took Mom and dads hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Beis recruitment. Lets enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!
