
发布于2024-05-24 11:14,全文约 16958 字


Je suis venu à Shanghai en octobre.Une ville moderne construite dans unjardin peut être décrite comme Shanghai; Shanghai ma donné limpression dêtrebelle, à la mode et brillante. Bien s?r, les plus belles vues de Shanghai sontles vues nocturnes du Bund.

Lorsque la nuit tomba, les lumières des gratte - ciel de différentes formessilluminaient. Les néons clignotants sur les toits du b?timent Jinmao et duGrand H?tel Shangri La ressemblaient à la Couronne de la reine. Les lumièresséteignaient et le beau Bund semblait charmant.Ja i vu la vue nocturne deChongqing, une ville montagneuse. Les montagnes sont reliées les unes auxautres, et les points sont liés au ciel, mais la vue nocturne du Bund est encoreplus fascinante.Les navires qui naviguaient sur la rivière Huangpu étaienthabillés de néons, comme des palais et des dragons. Chaque navire avait desformes différentes et des milliers de changements. La rivière Huangpu estdevenue un ruban fluide, et les deux c?tés de la rivière étaient hauts et Bas,et divers b?timents hauts et bas comme des diamants incrustés dans le ruban.Leplus éblouissant de ces diamants est la tour de télévision orientale Pearl, quiest en forme de c?ne et se compose de sphères supérieures et inférieuressoutenues par un cadre en perle orientale de la nuit estparticulièrement visible, deux grandes lumières sphériques scintillent et seconfondent, changeant constamment de couleur, très belle.Le vent du soir sesthabitué à marcher sur le Bund et à profiter de cette belle vue nocturne.

Shanghai est le paradis du bonheur, Shanghai est laile de la mode,Shanghai est lendroit où voler le rêve.Expérimentez un go?t différent dansdifférentes villes. La vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghai ma fait me demanderquel mot utiliser pour décrire. En bref, la vue nocturne sur le Bund de Shanghaiest trop belle.


上海位于北纬31度14分,东经120度29分。东濒杭州湾,西部与江苏省接壤,南邻浙江省,北界长江入海口。上海地区河湖众多,主要有黄浦江及其支流苏州河、川杨河、淀浦河等。全市面积为6340.5平方千米。常住人口约2300万.。现有17个区1个县,上海市标是白玉兰,沙船,螺旋桨三者组成三角形图案,市花为白玉兰,象征上海是座奋发向上,不断前进的国际大都市。 早在战国后期,今上海西部地区是楚国春申君黄歇封地,所以上海别称申,东晋永和年间,住在苏州河口的先民,用竹子编成的竹栅插在河滩上,拦阻随潮涨退的鱼儿,这个捕鱼工具称沪,那时上海就简称沪,吴淞江下游有条支流叫上海浦,与黄浦江相连,南宋建上海镇,上海之名由此而来,元二+八年(1291)年建城。1843年开埠西方列强相继开辟租界,上海成了西风东渐的窗口,全国各地的人才物产也纷涌而至,上海成了全国的经济文化中心。1921年7月23日中国共产党成立,上海人民在党的领导下,揭开了反对外来侵略和国内反动派的斗争。直至1949年5月27日迎来了上海的解放。改革开放后,上海发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。1990年4月18日上海浦东开发开放,经过20多年的艰苦创业,上海浦东建成为外向型,多功能,现代化的新城区,成为上海现代化建设的一个缩影,更是中国改革开放的重要标志,

















Peoples Square is the biggest public square in Shanghai. It is an awesome area to visit while in Shanghai and it’s a great place to go and see how the people of Shanghai are.

It is the city’s center of politics, economy, culture and art with a group of magnificent buildings like museum, the exhibition hall, and the grand theater.

The crystal-like theater is especially beautiful at night with lights on.


In concession days, together with People’s Park next door, it was a racecourse.

After liberation in 1949, the northern part of the racecourse was built into today’s People Park and the southern part, into the People’s Square.


Located in downtown Shanghai, the People Square is the largest public square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


In the center of the square is a 320 sq. meter fountain,named the “Light of the Huangpu River”. It is the first giant music-synchronized "dancing" fountain in the country. Red, blue and yellow sculptures in the fountain portray a beautiful, glowing display, creating a grand sight for those who visit the area.

There are two small squares beside the central square. The east square is called the Rising Sun Square; the west is called the Bright Moon Square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


Southwest of the square is a beautiful blue and white home for pigeons! Thousands of pigeons fly from their house to the Squares lawn to meet tourists each day. Their coming promotes a feeling of peace and serenity to all that visit the area.

Spots brief:

To the north of the Square stands a grand building, the City Hall (the Municipal Government Building of Shanghai).

The Shanghai Museum is located south of the Square and directly faces the City Hall.

The beautiful Shanghai Grand Theatre is situated in the northwest part of the Square, and is close to the Government Building.

To the northeast of the Square is the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.

Shanghai Gallery.

Shanghai Museum


Shanghai Museum is a must-see for foreign visitors to Shanghai.

Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its treasures of bronzes, ceramics, Chinese calligraphy and traditional paintings.


The Shanghai Museum is situated in the heart of People’s Square. Opposite to the City Hall and is surrounded by the moon and sun Corridor.


It was built in the 1930s, formerly occupied by Zhong Hui Bank owned by a Shanghai celebrity Yuesheng Du. In 1952, it was converted into a museum. The new museum building was erected in September 1994 and most of the facilities were installed in 1995. It was entirely opened on October 12 in 1996. The five big gilt characters on the lintel were written by Yi Chen, the first mayor of Shanghai after the founding of new China.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.


As you view Shanghai Museum from a distance in People’s Square, you will find that the building itself is a work of art, featuring multiple orientations, multi-visual angles and many distinctive characteristics. The elegant construction perfectly combines traditional cultural themes with modern technological innovation. The building uses a round top section to symbolize heaven and a square base representing the earth, implying the Chinese traditional expression of “a round heaven and a square earth”. It is 24 meters high with sever floors, two are underground and five above, covering a total area of 38,000 sqm.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Grand Theatre


Shanghai Grand Theatre is located to the west of the City Hall in the People’s Square, the citys heart. The Shanghai Grand Theatre occupies an area of 2.1 hectares, facing the Peoples Boulevard in the south. With its unique style and beautiful outlook, the theatre has become a representative building in Shanghai.

History and brief intro:

It is opened to the public on August 27, 1998.The Shanghai Grand Theatre has successfully staged such shows and evenings as operas, musicals, ballets, symphonies, chamber music concerts, spoken drama and the Chinese operas. It has a high reputation both at home and abroad as many high officials and VIPs, both domestic and international, gave the highest praises of the theatre for its perfect combination of art and architecture.


With a total construction area of 62,803 square meters and a total height of 41 meters, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has 10 storeys, 2 for underground, 6 for above ground and 2 top floors. The new style architecture combines the Eastern and Western flavor together. The theatre represents a fine integration of new technology, new craft and new material. It looks like a crystal palace in the light at night.

The lobby of Shanghai Grand Theatre is approximate 2019 square meters with the white as its main tone, which signifies elegant and pure. The floor is made of a rare marble called "Greece Crystal White".


The Shanghai Grand Theatre has three theatres, a 1,800 seats main theatre for ballet, opera and symphony performances, this lyric theatre is divided into the auditorium, the 2nd-floor, the 3rd-floor and six balconies. The drama theatre has 750 seats and the studio theatre has 300 seats.

In addition to performances, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has a restaurant for tourists with an area of 1,600 square meters and a shopping center for audio-video products with an area of 2,500 square meters. Also there are VIP lounge, which is for government officials to meet world-famous artists and performing groups.

Now it has become an important window of cultural exchange between China and the world and a bridge of artistic ommunication.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall


It is located in the east of the City Hall.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall has a total floor space of 19 thousand square meters. It fully displays the achievements of Shanghai in city planning and construction and embodies the theme of “city, man, environment, and development”. The Exhibition Hall adopts modern exhibition technology and uses high-tech to achieve an integration of professionalism, knowledge, interest, and art, giving stress to the exhibition of the future of the city. Citizens and tourists can see the changes of the leased territory, the vicissitudes of the Bund, the achievements of Shanghai in urban planning and construction ever since the reform and opening-up of the country, in particular, since the 1990s, and the rapid changes of the Pudong New Area. Above all, they can see the bright future of Shanghai there. The main model of urban planning, which is in the proportion of 1:2019, exhibits the urban geography and scenery in an extent of a hundred and more square meters within the inner elevated ring road. It is the world’s biggest model of urban planning.

This amazing building contains an incredibly accurate model of the city in a couple of decades, complete with every tiny little detail and every single building! The model is huge and incredible. There is also a super-cool rotating statue of Shanghais modern buildings in the lobby.






上海主要景点: 磁悬浮列车、东方明珠、国际会议中心、金茂大厦88层观光厅、上海博物馆、外滩万国建筑博览 、豫园、中共“一大”会址、大观园等。



上海市位于长江和钱塘江入海汇合处。北靠长江,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏和浙江两省。是长江三角洲冲积平原的一部分,平均高度为海拔4米左右。全市总面积6340.5平方公里,东西最大距离约100公里,南北最大距离约120公里。其中河道、湖泊面积532平方公里。陆海岸线长约172公里。在上海北面的长江入海处,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿。崇明岛为中国第三大岛.上海解放后,至1964年5月,上海市辖有黄浦、南市、卢湾、徐汇、长宁、静安、普陀、闸北、虹口、杨浦10个市区,以及上海、嘉定、宝山、川沙、奉贤、南汇、松江、金山、青浦、崇明10个郊县。 从1980年至20xx年底,撤县建区后,上海市辖有浦东新区、徐汇、长宁、普陀、闸北、虹口、杨浦、黄浦、卢湾、静安、宝山、闵行、嘉定、金山、松江、青浦、南汇、奉贤18个区,崇明1个县。


上海市地处长江入海口,主要河道有黄浦江及其支流苏州河、蕰藻浜、川杨河、淀浦河、大治河、斜塘、园泄泾和大泖港等。 黄浦江干流全长82.5公里,河宽300~700米。 苏州河全长125公里,上海境内54公里,为黄浦江主要支流。 最大的湖泊为淀山湖,面积约为62平方公里。上海地区年降水量为1100毫米。梅雨量为235.0毫米,上海年平均气温,市区为17.8℃。其它地区为16.3℃(崇明)~17.6℃(宝山)。年极端最高气温市区38.8℃,其它地区为35.7℃~37.6℃;年极端最低气温市区为-2.0℃,其它地区为-4.8℃~-1.9℃。

“申”、“沪”的由来 上海,简称“沪”,别称“申”。大约在六千年前,现在的上海西部即已成陆,东部地区成陆也有两千年之久。相传春秋战国时期,上海曾经是楚国春申君黄歇的封邑,故上海别称为“申”。公元四、五世纪时的晋朝,松江(现名苏州河)和滨海一带的居民多以捕鱼为生,他们创造了一种竹编的捕鱼工具叫“扈”,又因为当时江流入海处称“渎”,因此,松江下游一带被称为“扈渎”,以后又改“扈”为“沪”。

上海建城 公元751年(唐天宝十年),上海地区属华亭县(现今的松江区),范围北到今天的虹口一带,南到海边,东到下沙。公元991年(宋淳化二年)因松江上游不断淤浅,海岸线东移,大船出入不便,外来船舶只得停泊在松江的一条支流“上海浦”(其位置在今外滩以东至十六铺附近的黄浦江中)上,公元1267年(南宋咸淳三年)在上海浦西岸设置市镇,定名为上海镇。公元1292年(元至元二十九年),元朝中央政府把上海镇从华亭县划出,批准上海设立上海县,标志着上海建城之始。

近代上海 16世纪(明代中叶)上海成为全国棉纺织手工业的中心。公元1685年(清康熙二十四年)清政府在上海设立海关。19世纪中叶,上海已成为商贾云集的繁华港口。鸦片战争以后,上海被殖民主义者开辟为“通商”口岸。在此后的一百年里,外国列强纷纷入侵上海,使上海成了帝国主义对中国进行政治、经济、文化侵略的主要据点。1949年5月27日,上海这个具有光荣革命传统的城市获得解放,开始新生。

历史性变革 上海的解放揭开了上海发展新的历史篇章。在中国共产党的领导下,上海人民经过50多年的艰苦奋斗,从根本上改造了在半殖民地、半封建条件下畸形发展起来的旧上海,使上海的经济和社会面貌发生了深刻的变化。特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进取精神,解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践,走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。

地理位置 上海位于北纬31度14分,东经121度29分,地处太平洋西岸,亚洲大陆东沿,长江三角洲前缘,东濒东海,南临杭州湾,西接江苏、浙江两省,北界长江入海口,长江与东海在此连接。上海正当我国南北弧形海岸线中部,交通便利,腹地广阔,地理位置优越,是一个良好的江海港口。

气候 上海属北亚热带季风性气候,四季分明,日照充分,雨量充沛。上海气候温和湿润,春秋较短,冬夏较长。20xx年,全年平均气温17.8℃,日照1686.5小时,降雨量1427.9毫米。全年60%左右的雨量集中在5至9月的汛期,汛期有春雨、梅雨、秋雨三个雨期。

土地面积 解放初期,上海的土地面积仅为636平方公里。1958年,江苏省的嘉定、宝山、上海、松江、金山、川沙、南汇、奉贤、青浦、崇明10个县划归上海,使上海市的辖区范围扩大到5910平方公里,几乎是解放初期的10倍。20xx年,上海全市面积6340.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里。其中区域面积5299.29平方公里,县域面积1041.21平方公里。境内辖有崇明、长兴、横沙三个岛屿,其中崇明岛是我国的第三大岛屿,面积为1041平方公里,是我国的第三大岛。

水文 上海地区河湖众多,水网密布,水资源丰富,是著名的江南水乡,境内水域面积697平方公里,占全市总面积的11%。上海河网大多属黄浦江水系,主要有黄浦江及其支流苏州河、川扬河、淀浦河等。黄浦江源自太湖,全长113公里,流经市区,江道宽度300--770米,平均360米。终年不冻,是上海的水上交通要道。苏州河上海境内段长54公里,河道平均宽度45米。上海的湖泊集中在与江、浙交界的西部洼地,最大湖泊为淀山湖,面积为62平方公里。

地势 上海境内除西南部有少数丘陵山脉外,全为坦荡低平的平原,是长江三角洲冲积平原的一部分,平均海拔高度为4米左右。陆地地势总体呈现由东向西低微倾斜。大金山为上海境内最高点,海拔高度103.4米。

行政区划 解放初期,上海共划分为20个市区和10个郊区。后经多次行政区划调整和撤县建区,至20xx年末,上海共有18个区、1个县,共132个镇,3个乡,99个街道办事处,3393个居民委员会和2037个村民委员会。

人口 上海人口总量规模不断扩大。上海开埠时人口不足10万,至1949年解放时,上海人口仅为520万,至20xx年末,全市户籍人口已增加到1334.23万人,是解放初期的2.6倍,占全国总人口的1%。20xx年,全市人口密度为每平方公里20xx人。

人口自然变动 上海是全国第一个出现人口自然变动负增长的地区,人口自然增长率自1993年开始始终保持负增长。20xx年,全市户籍人口出生率为4.7‰,死亡率为7.3‰,自然增长率为负2.6‰。

上海在全国的地位 正在向现代化国际大都市目标迈进的上海,肩负着面向世界、服务全国的重任,在全国经济建设和社会发展中具有十分重要的地位和作用。在这个人口仅占全国1%、土地面积占全国0.06%的城市里,完成的财政收入占全国的九分之一,口岸进出口商品总额占全国的四分之一,港口货物吞吐量占全国的十分之一,并在改革开放、产业升级、科技创新等方面发挥着示范、辐射和带动作用。