
发布于2023-12-03 18:38,全文约 24258 字


Dear tourists

As we all know, the hottest place in the country is Turpan, and the hottestplace in Turpan is fangdangtui Huoyan mountain. In summer, the highesttemperature of Huoyanshan is above 47.8 ℃. In midsummer, when the sun is red,the earths atmosphere is transpiration and the clouds are shrouded, which isvery spectacular.

The name of Huoyanshan → mountain characteristics

Tourists, through the window, we can see that the thing in front is like afire dragon lying in the middle of Turpan Basin. The red mountain isYanshan.

The name of Huoyanshan mainly comes from its appearance. Look! The bedrockof Huoyanshan is exposed, the reddish brown sandstone glows in the hot sun, andthe hot air is rolling up, just like thousands of flames burning. The name of"Huoyanshan" comes from this. Huoyanshan is called chishi mountain in ancientbooks, and kiziltag in Uighur language, which means red mountain. CEN Shenci, apoet of the Tang Dynasty, passed through Huoyanshan and wrote "the volcanostands out at the mouth of chitingkou, and the fire clouds are thick in May.".The mountains are full of volcanoes and the birds are flying far away. "Dare notcome". Chen Cheng, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describeit: "a piece of smoke and a piece of red, burning to the sky. At the end ofspring, its half as clear as summer. Who knows that there is Zhu Rong in thewest? " It can be called a vivid portrayal of Huoyanshan.

Huoyanshan is a long and narrow mountain in east-west direction, with atotal length of 98 km and a north-south width of 9 km. The general height isabout 500 meters, and the highest peak is 831.7 meters. Despite the fact thatthere is no grass on the surface of Huoyan mountain, due to crustal movement andriver cutting, there are many picturesque gullies and canyons hidden in themountain, such as Putaogou, tuyugou, taoergou, mumugou, shengjinkou Canyon, etc.In these valleys, the streams linger, the melons and fruits are fragrant, theflowers and trees are verdant, and the scenery is charming, just like the"flower and fruit dock" scene in "Huozhou".

The formation of Huoyanshan → the best observation point is shengjinkou

Perhaps some tourists will ask: How did the flame mountain form? How manyyears ago? The answer to these two questions can be traced back to 140 millionyears ago. At that time, due to the short and small folds in the front of Bogdamountain in the east of Tianshan Mountain, the crust changed, and after theHimalayan orogeny, the rudiment of the mountains gradually formed. Since then,it has experienced a long geological period, spanning several geological periodsof Jurassic, Cretaceous and tertiary, together with the special climateenvironment, showing the current geological shape.

Tourists, the best place to observe the structure of Huoyanshan isshengjinkou. Please get out of the car and take photos in front of the stonepedestal with the sign of "Huoyanshan", and then listen to my explanation.

Shengjinkou is 30 kilometers away from Turpan City in the west, connectingXinjiang with the mainland of 312 national highway, and crossing the Huoyanshanby the mugou river. Shengjinkou mountain is a precipitous place for militarystrategists since ancient times. As for the name of shengjinkou, there isanother origin: in the past, the local people called shengjinkou "seepingmouth". Thats because after the water from mutugou flowed out of TianshanMountain, it became less and less. When they arrived at the Gobi desert nearshengjinkou, the water almost seeped clean, so they called it "seeping mouth".Later, people thought the name was not very auspicious, so they changed itshomonym to "shengjinkou", so it has been used to this day.

[story of Huoyanshan: myth of journey to the West → Uyghur folklore]tourists, Huoyanshan is named not only because of its unique appearance andstructure, but also because of its legendary mythology.

Journey to the west is one of the stories in which the master andapprentice of Tang monks and disciples of the Tang Dynasty are hindered fromlearning from the Buddhist scriptures in Huoyan mountain. In the 59th and 60thchapters of journey to the west, "Tang Sanzang road blocks Flame Mountain, andsun Xingers three tune banana fan," it is written: "there is a state of Sri onthe Western Road, which is the place where the sun sets. It is commonly called"the end of the sky. ". There is a flame mountain here. It is hot all the yearround. The Flame Mountain has a flame of 800 Li, surrounded by nothing. If youcross the mountain, you will turn your copper skull and iron body into juice. "Although this description is exaggerated, the basic characteristics of hotseasons and barren grass are completely consistent with the actual situation ofHuoyanshan. It can be seen that the author did not invent it out of thinair.

In the eyes of the common people, good is the highest beauty, so the endingof the story in Huoyanshan is that justice will defeat evil, which has beendescribed in detail in Uygur folklore. It is said that a long time ago, therewas a dragon in the depths of Tianshan Mountain, which ate only boys and girls.The local top leader was determined to kill the dragon for the people, so hesent a warrior named Hala and Zhuo to subdue the dragon. After a thrillingbattle, Hara and Zhuo beat the dragon with their swords and finally subdued thedragon. After the dragon was injured, it rotated along the mountain, and thewhole mountain was dyed red by blood. Therefore, Uighur people called thismountain "Red Mountain".

Beautiful legend, profound meaning, reverie. Tourists, when we stop andthink about the flame mountain, we will feel that the wonders of Flame Mountainare not enough, and the story of Flame Mountain is endless. In order to makesure that you dont have any regrets, the next time you visit the old city ofGaochang and the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, you have to pass by the flamemountain. Therefore, we can fully enjoy the wonderful scenery of the flamemountain from different directions. I hope the trip to flame mountain will leaveyou a good memory.







Hello and welcome to Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient. Im Huang Ziyi,the tour guide. Today, I will accompany you to visit Hong Kong Ocean Park. Ibelieve you can have an unforgettable and wonderful time.

Ocean Park is one of the largest recreational parks in Southeast Asia.There is an overhead crane for tourists. The Ocean theater in the park haswonderful performances such as sea lions, dolphins and killer whales, which arevery popular with the audience. There are also vivid and attractive games suchas bird house and butterfly house, challenging games such as speed trip andskyrocketing boat, childrens Kingdom, super dynamic cinema and giant pandahall, etc.

Now, let me introduce some interesting projects to you

Crazy roller coaster is the longest and fastest roller coaster in theworld. Tourists who like excitement cant miss it!

In the Dinosaur Trail, there are 17 dinosaur models. You can follow thefootprints of dinosaurs, enter the primitive era, and return to the world of thejungle.

Green garden will take you back to the ancient rainforest. The wild animalsand plants we saw in the course are all made according to the original size,which makes people feel lifelike. There is also a high-altitude divingperformance here!

Tourists, I believe this trip will make you very happy! If its not bad,please bring your relatives and friends next time!


It is located on the Nanlang mountain between Sham Shui Wan and Wong ChukHang on Hong Kong Island, covering an area of 150 acres. The park is dividedinto low land and high land. The low land is called "huangzhukeng Park", whichis the main entrance of Ocean Park. The high land is called "Nanlang MountainPark", which is located in the south of Nanlang mountain. There is an overheadcrane between the high land and the low land for tourists. As early as 1955, theplan for the construction of the park was put forward. At the beginning, thegovernment agreed to allocate 30 acres of land and the Jockey Club invested HK$78 million. Later, the land was allocated to 150 acres and the investmentincreased to HK $150 million. At first, only a "Marine Aquarium" was planned tobe built. Later, it was changed into an ocean park, which was officiallycompleted and opened on January 10, 1977.

There are three pavilions in Nanlang mountain highland of Ocean Park,namely marine animal performance hall, Haitao hall and ocean hall. The marineanimal show hall has a huge pool with a stand for more than 3500 spectators. Theanimals performing here include specially trained sea lions, dolphins and killerwhales. Their wonderful performances often arouse the audiences cheers andcheers. Haitao Pavilion is equipped with rock coast like rockery and pool. Assoon as the electric wave machine starts, the waves roll and rise and fall up toone meter high. There is an underwater glass viewing room here. Through theglass, you can watch all kinds of beauty of marine animals roaming in theunderwater. The aquarium is divided into two parts, the shallow lake and thedeep lake. There are more than 300 kinds of fish, 30000 of which live in thelake, including shark, devil fish, grouper and so on. There are three layers ofglass walls around the lake, outside which visitors can watch the activities ofunderwater fish.

An important symbol of Ocean Park is the aerial cable car (crane), with atotal length of 1.4 km. It connects the lowland at the foot of the mountain withthe highland of Nanlang mountain. When walking at an altitude of 200 meters, thewhole journey can be completed in 6 minutes. Visitors can overlook the sceneryof deep water bay, shallow water bay and lowland park at an altitude. There are250 cranes, each with six seats, which can carry 5000 passengers per hour. Inrecent years, in order to attract more tourists, the park has continuously addednew facilities, including various video games, such as Ferris wheel and rollercoaster, and opened up a large-scale water park.

Key points of Tour: to the ocean park, you can not but take the cable carto overlook the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the sea. Otherattractions that cant be missed are: aquarium, Ocean theater, Haitao Pavilion,shark Pavilion, crazy roller coaster, mountaineering elevator, Pacific coast,ocean skyscraper, super dynamic cinema, bird paradise, butterfly house, DinosaurTrail, childrens Kingdom, speed trip, adventure in ancient countries and HongKong Jockey Club giant panda Park.

Cable car and elevator: Ocean Park is divided into two parts: lowland andhighland. The two are connected by cable cars. There are 252 cable cars, whichcan carry 4000 people per hour. The whole journey of the cable car is 1.5km longand takes about 8 minutes to complete. From the cable car, visitors can enjoythe beautiful scenery of deep water bay and Aberdeen. In addition to taking thecable car, another way to get to the highland is to take the second longestoutdoor covered escalator in the world from the entrance of Dashu Bay. This 225meter long climbing elevator can carry 4000 people up and down a 30 degree slopeevery hour. I believe that in addition to people who are afraid of heights,taking this elevator is definitely an exciting and interesting program.

Ocean World: most of the exhibitions on marine life are in highlands. TheOcean Museum is one of the most popular places for tourists. After a renovationcost of HK $65 million, the new aquarium takes the coral environment in theIndian Ocean and Pacific Ocean as its new theme. The aquarium is not only hometo more than 4000 fish belonging to 400 species, but also one of the largestsimilar facilities in the world. The aquarium can accommodate up to 600 visitorsat the same time. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful posture of various fish fromdifferent angles through the glass in the four storey aquarium.

Pacific Coast: the newly established Pacific coast of Ocean Park imitatesthe natural environment of California coast in the United States, breedingCalifornia sea lions and spotted seals, composing another "unique ocean worldjourney", bringing unprecedented interactive fun to tourists.

Ocean theater: Ocean theater is a good place for marine mammals to showtheir skills. There are 3500 seats in the theater, providing visitors withseveral wonderful, interesting and lovely dolphin and sea lion performancesevery day.

Shark house: in highland, the shark house, which cost 40 million Hong Kongdollars to build, has raised nearly 70 sharks, with a total of about 35 species,including the fun looking "fat baby" Brown shark. There is an 11.5-meter-longtransparent fiber viewing tunnel, in which tourists feel as if they are in thedeep sea, and the sharks are also within reach.

Motorized Games: Crazy roller coaster is located on the Highlands,extremely exciting and fun, but also the worlds longest and fastest rollercoaster. In addition, other mobile games, such as flying swings, Ferris wheeland flying eagle, are also very exciting, which cant be missed by tourists wholike excitement.

Overlooking the scenery - Ocean skyscraper: in addition to dynamic games,visitors who like to watch can go to the ocean skyscraper built with HK $30million and look around from the tower 72 meters above the ground. Oceanskyscraper tower was built in highland in 1992. With air conditioning, it is thetallest observation tower in Southeast Asia. On the top floor of the skyscraper,visitors can view the charming scenery of Aberdeen, peak, Lantau Island, LammaIsland and Cheung Chau from 360 degrees.

Bird Paradise: located in Dashu Bay, bainiao house is one of the largestbird houses in the world. There are more than 20__ birds belonging to 200species flying in bainiaoju, and visitors can walk around in the forest scenerywithout separation. Bainiaoju also has parrot garden, bird theater, red storkpool and artificial lake.

LVYE Garden: Super Dynamic cinema covers an area of 900 square meters, witha total of 100 seats. With the oil pressure seats, the picture on the 15 meterhigh screen swings up and down, and the lifelike image and high fax soundeffect, visitors will have unlimited exciting "super dynamic feeling" when theyare in it.

Butterfly House: in the green garden of lowland. Butterfly house is acocoon type glass greenhouse, in which the temperature and environment are mostsuitable for butterfly life. There are more than 25 species of butterflies inthe butterfly house, with a total number of more than thousands.

In the Dinosaur Trail, 17 dinosaur models were built. Tourists can followthe footprints of dinosaurs, slowly step into the primitive era, and return tothe world of the jungle Dinosaurs: to see the life of dinosaurs from hatching,growing up to adulthood. In the green garden, the ancient adventure will takeyou back to the ruins of the ancient rainforest. All the wild animals and plantswe met during the journey are real objects, large and lifelike, as well ashigh-altitude diving performance, which will make you refreshing.

Childrens Kingdom: the "childrens kingdom" with an area of 3.5 Mu wasopened in the summer of 1993, providing a new and interesting thing for afamily, especially children. In the childrens Kingdom, there are sightseeingtrains, "sea lion happy station" performance of "happy little theater",remote-controlled cars and boats, technical Games "happy game city", and"Dolphin school" mode.

"Journey at top speed" downer: the "journey at top speed" downer allowspassengers to slowly rise vertically, rise to the top of a 60 meter tower in 20to 25 seconds, then stay in the air for a few seconds, and then make a 40 milesteep descent to the ground. The whole descent is about 30 to 40 seconds, whichis extremely dangerous.


Big Wave Bay refers to big wave Bay in Sai Kung, new territories. Locatedin Sai Kung country park, it is a good place for windsurfing. The sea area hereis open and the wind is strong, so that a wide beach and many small bays areformed (Dalang bay includes four bays, namely East Bay, Dawan Bay, Xiantian Bayand Dalang West Bay). Dalangwan is an excellent beach tourist destination, wherethe beach surface is wide, the sand is fine and soft, the sea water is clean,and the waves are turbulent, which are unmatched by other beaches. In the southof dalangwan, there is a bay named langqia Bay, which is adjacent to Wanyireservoir in the West. The bay is deep and concave. The bay is large and narrow.The headlands on both sides face each other, resisting the wind and waves fromthe open sea into the bay. Therefore, langqia Bay is calm and quiet, which issuitable for ordinary tourists to take a sea bath.

Qingshuiwan Peninsula beach, with long beach, shallow bay, fine sand andclear water, is not only a first-class bathing beach, but also the best placefor camping and piics. Clear water bay peninsula beach, including big cutstone, white water bowl, small clear water, Bisha Bay, small palm forest, clearwater bay, betel nut Bay, Acacia Bay and lobster Bay, etc!


A park is the oldest existing yangzhou, the best preserved salt merchants garden, yangzhou dongguan street, a famous ancient lane in the south, north to the east of yangzhou river sight belt yanfu, is in the twenty-third year of qing jiaqing (1818) and huaibei salt total yellow to the narration of the house. For yangzhou representative of the classical private garden in the Ming and qing dynasties. Published in 1998 by the state council as a "national key cultural relics protection unit", and the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort, and the humble administrators garden and called Chinas four big gardens in suzhou.

Through a complex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into two parts, east and west. Now we stand by the position of the hospital is to the east garden, through the "send the noise hill" round David came to the east garden. East hall centered constitute a set of compound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the two hall, the south is embedded with "phoenix peony" brick of the hall, we call it the "peony hall". This brick is yangzhou a rare piece of brick carvings handicraft in the late qing dynasty, the middle with the peony and phoenix, pattern, around the shape of the peony foliage is inverse, decorative pattern is hydrophobic, knife and lively, smooth lines, the whole picture, the figure is outstanding theme, distinct, strewn at random have send.

All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for water wave shape, the artistic conception, give a person with water north laid red phoenix in morning sun, is a symbol of auspiciousness, long life. On both sides of the ship main hall hall with the excessive couplet: "month masters may visit, the flowers for the walls ship for the home." Tourists, when you look at the picture face after, you may have to forget this is a land landscape, as if walking in the lake, sitting in row in the brain. We have to admire those designing in a castle in the east garden landscape can make "water without water, without the mountains have affection". In hall ship back on the fire wall is a beautiful rockery, more than 60 meters long, there are scenic mountain on the settle way, with the hollow, water around the mountain line, mind the plum tree, the mountain have a small pavilion, to board the small pavilion series floor. From a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painters rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.


Visitors: when in a garden scenic spot planning, garden owners in accordance with the main route clockwise decorated the spring, summer, autumn and winter around fake rock scene, novel idea and fine timber, the entourage of harmony, tight structure. In landscape sequence with the theme of rockery, seasonal feature is writing proposition, hills is enlightenment, summerhill is a ministry, akiyama is high, the winter hill is an end, like the creation of music or writing articles, has a strict rhyme.

Dear visitors: a garden rockery summed up the so-called "hills and like to laugh, talk and metallurgy summerhill, such as green, bright and clean, such as makeup, akiyama mountain winter bleak and such as sleep" and "hills should swim, summerhill appropriate, the appropriate akiyama, winter mountain livable" HuaLi. Park and "appropriate woo hin", "mountain building", "stroke YunTing", "autumn pavilion", "air leakage through yue xuan" and other ancient buildings. Four seasons rockery in the set off of these LouTaiTingGe and fomous trees dotted with, more show of primitive simplicity and elegant, deep and Japan. Stone someone said that the four criteria: "wrinkled, thin, transparent, leak," seems to have conclusive, its just a general stacked stone skills, like a garden this peak building stone, a four seasons rockery, garden week, seemed to swim in, a sign of designing different extremely common; More valuable, this spring, summer, autumn and winter are not isolated individuals separated, but unaware tiancheng. Winter scene is give a person the sense with snow did not disappear chills. But by spring scenery of the west wall opened two circular tracery, see bamboo wall to zhizhi, and give people "winter do bursts hunlei" profound artistic conception, the whole garden is like a huge picture scroll of composing system, the harmony of the beauty of composition.

Visitors: a garden of the main landscape has finished touring. In swimming alone YuanHou, perhaps you will send a heartfelt sigh: and I also yangzhou garden, is indeed a garden in the essence of the garden.







Hello and welcome to Hong Kong. In this trip, I will introduce Hong Kong toyou. Have a good time.

Hong Kong is a famous port. Businessmen from all over the world like to dobusiness here. There are a variety of goods in Hong Kong. Therefore, Hong Kongis called "shopping paradise". Do you want to go?

In Hong Kong, people can taste all kinds of delicious food, such as Sichuanfood, German food, spaghetti Therefore, Hong Kong is also known as "foodparadise".

Of course, the most important thing to miss is our Disneyland. Aftervisiting Ocean Park, you will come to the wonderful world of laughter.Disneyland has four themes: American town street, adventure world, fantasy worldand tomorrow world. Every theme has different characteristics. Whether itsadults or children, coming here means coming to the fairy tale world andexperiencing the wonderful journey.

Finally, we came to the Golden Bauhinia Square in the center of the world,because there is a well-known Bauhinia sculpture. This is the symbol of thewhole Hong Kong Administrative Region and Hong Kongs eternal prosperity.Therefore, it has become a must for tourists.

Ladies and gentlemen, isnt magic Hongkong a bright Oriental Pearl?