
发布于2024-07-04 16:14,全文约 11268 字


Spring in March, rare a good weather, also rare a good mood, just in time.3。 I got up early in the morning. It was almost 10 oclock. I got on a brokencar and bumped for a while. I came to Wuyi Avenue and went on to Xiangjiangbridge. I know thats Orange Island.

Juzhou, Orange Island, is located in Yuelu District, Changsha City, HunanProvince. It is a small island in the middle of Xiangjiang River, about fivekilometers long. It was formed in the second year of Yongxing, Emperor Hui ofJin Dynasty (AD 305). It has a history of more than 1600 years. As far back asthe Tang Dynasty, it was rich in Nanju, which was sold to Jianghan and otherplaces... (intercepted data -- origin of the name) my fat colleagues and I gotoff the bus at the first stop in front of the bridge and walked slowly onto theXiangjiang bridge. From a distance, we saw colorful kites flying in the sky. Onone side of the bridge is Yuelu Mountain, where the water and sky are the samecolor, and the green mountains and green screens. I only like Changsha. Standingon the bridge, you can see the Orange Island in the river from a distance, whichis already a green corridor. Juzizhou is just in the middle of the river,separating the Xiangjiang River from the middle by a green bridge. TheXiangjiang River Bridge is crossing over Zhouzi. At the head of Zhouzi is thethird Xiangjiang River Bridge, and at the end of Zhouzi is the second XiangjiangRiver Bridge. Water flows from the third bridge. Today, the water is very clear.Although the water level is not very high, there are many boats on the river.Its strange that there are no fish boats. Its said that Zhouzi is mainlyinhabited by fishermen on the river. In the flood season, most of Zhouzi willfoam away, and the fishermen have to leave Zhouzi. Now its said that Zhouziwill be rebuilt. So there are not many people living on the continent.

The sunshine in March is warm, and the wind brings the flavor of myhometown from the south. I stretch and climb the bridge. The bridge deck is notwide - two lanes, with only one lane for three wheelers on both sides. I walkdown the stairs on the bridge. The ladder is one of the ways to get to Zhouzi.There is a driveway opposite to Zhouzi. I stand on the top of the bridge, facingthe second bridge, which is looking at the direction of Zhouwei. The wind isblowing from there. On my left is Yuelu Mountain, which is relatively open andcan be seen far away. I look down and see that there are some orange booksplanted on Zhouzi, and the willows on the riverside spit out new buds, tenderand fresh green, so lovely, because there are a few willows floating on theladder with the wind, which I can see Its very clear. I like the green inspring. The river is very low, and there are more than 20 meters of beaches onboth sides of the river, which are covered with green grass, showing that Zhouziis more energetic. There are a lot of people flying kites on the grass. It canbe seen that most of them are students. From the ladder, we can see that Zhouziis being demolished. It is not worth mentioning that it is unbearable anddisappointing.

I quickly got off the bridge, poor fat man, sweating all over. I suggestwalking on the grass. There is only one lane on the left side of Zhouzi thatruns through the head and tail of Zhouzi. We helped the beach to go forward fora while. It may be a fine day. People here seem to be suddenly active. Some areplaying cards on the grass, some are running around with kites, and some areplaying water by the river. Let me see, also want to go forward to take down thekite, silly run for a while. Due to the fact that the mud beach can not goforward, he returned to the small road, which was Yanjiang Xiu, and the FrenchWutong, and the Chinese Metasequoia, occasionally saw some flowers and plantsthat were not known, all sprouts, flowers and green oil. On the other side ofthe road is the house, in which there are many orange trees. It looks like thehouse in the courtyard. And there are small vegetable beds, spinach here, andsprouts here. There are motorized tricycles on the road. "There are still fourkilometers left at the head of the island. Its so far away," he said But Idecided to finish it. After a long walk, a car said, "there are still fourkilometers left. Take my car." I said with a smile, how come these fourkilometers are endless. ha-ha!

After walking for more than half an hour, watching and talking all the way,I finally came to "Orange Island Park". 6 yuan tickets, fat man yells injustice.When we entered the park, it seemed that the park was not big enough to seethrough at a glance. To my surprise, Camellia was planted all the way, white,red and pink. Especially the white camellia, white as snow, in the green leavesseem to be suffused with fluorescence, good-looking plot. The wicker isfluttering and swaying beside you. Its less than five minutes before youarrive. Its a big wall with the four characters "Orange Island Head" painted ingold. You can see Chairman Maos handwriting. Behind the wall are his words.Past the stone wall, there is a pavilion in front. Through the pavilion, you cansee the three bridges of Xiangjiang River. I think this is the "Orange IslandHead". I quickly pass through the pavilion. There is a big tree here. The placewhere the shade of the tree reaches is a flat ground, a small arc-shapedplatform, on which some chairs are placed. It may be for tea visitors to restand watch. I ran to the front of the continent. Standing on the island,overlooking the mountains, the mountain scenery is so clear, sad when the redleaves flutter, you can have the feeling of "independent cold autumn, XiangjiangRiver north, Orange Island head, see Wanshan red, layers of forest dye". Thereis a small beach at the head of the island, on which many people are flyingkites. It makes me feel strange.

The river is very clear. I can see the sand and stone on the river. I wentdown the steps and came to the riverside to feel the cool river water. Next tothem are two twin babies, wearing eye-catching red coats, squatting on the sand,giggling happily. I stood on the shore for a long time, quietly looking at thehighest kite flying in the sky, only to think of which is the direction of myhometown. The height of the kite is like a small leaf. Even the people who flythe Mandarin are helpless. How can we take it back. I went back to the viewingplatform and sat down. Looking at the ferries on the river. There are alsotourists who rent sampans to take a tour on the river. On the island, you cansee that there are many people playing by the river. There are "fish scale"clouds in the sky that Hou Chang saw when he was a child. At this time, the sunis not very strong. Its too comfortable to rest on the island. The water andthe sky are the same color, the sun occasionally sprinkles down, and thesparkling light and shadow appear on the river, just like the sudden flash ofgold on the surface of the river. Good looking. Let a person relaxed and happy,here about 3, 5 confidants, playing cards chatting, must be a good place.


Surrounded by water on all sides, there are many forests and trees on theisland. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark green ship guarding theancient city of Changsha against the water. It is 5km long from north to Southand 50-200m wide from east to west, with a total area of nearly 70hm2. It is themost famous river center in China and the longest inland river oasis in theworld. Juzhou is rich in beautiful oranges, so it is called Juzhou. Sinceancient times, it is famous for its beautiful scenery and long history. It isthe place where the "river sky and dusk snow" of the famous "eight sceneries ofXiaoxiang" in Song Dynasty lies. Juzhou is a summer resort. Mao Zedong used toswim and walk here and sunbathe on the beach when he was young. At present,Juzizhou has been turned into a park, with thousands of citrus trees planted.During the autumn harvest season, there are many oranges. There are pavilionsand corridors in the park, and a huge white marble monument stands in the park.On the monument, the four characters "juzizhoutou" written by Mao Zedong and theword "Qinyuanchun · Changsha" written by him in the autumn of 1920__ areengraved. There are natural swimming grounds on both sides of the middle ofJuzhou. There are highways running through the north and south.

The municipal government plans to build this place into a multi-functionalinternational sightseeing and cultural scenic spot integrating garden, tourism,entertainment, sports, culture and commerce. The scenic spots in the planningare divided into "two corridors and seven gardens": Shili Huxiang culturalcorridor, Shili upstream music corridor, Wanju Jingxiu garden, return to naturegarden, visitors paradise, shopping and food garden, fitness and longevitygarden, custom resort garden and outdoor life garden, with a planned investmentof 2 billion yuan.


Juzizhou, also known as Juzhou and shuiluzhou, is located in the center ofXiangjiang River opposite Changsha City. It is one of the many alluvialsandbanks in the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River, and also the largest inlandcontinent in the world. Juzhou, facing Yuelu Mountain in the West and ChangshaCity in the East, is surrounded by water and stretches for tens of miles. It isa long island and one of the important places of interest in Changsha.

In 1920__, Comrade Mao Zedong returned from Guangzhou to Hunan to lead thepeasant movement. In the cold autumn, he revisited Orange Island and wrote"Qinyuan spring · Changsha". Therefore, orange island gained great fame. In1960, Juzhou Park was built in Zhoutou, covering an area of 14.2 hectares. Aspecial branch bridge was built from Xiangjiang River Bridge to the island. Thedyke is surrounded by stone barriers and the weeping willow is used to protectthe dyke. Facing the river, a Wangjiang Pavilion and veranda are built atZhoutou. A huge white marble monument stands face to face, engraved withChairman Maos handwriting "orange Zhoutou" and the word "independent coldautumn, Xiangjiang River north, orange Zhoutou" in his "Qinyuan spring ·Changsha" written in the autumn of 1920__. There are thousands of oranges on theisland. In the golden autumn, there are many oranges. The two beaches under theisland are flat, which are natural swimming grounds. Every midsummer, people gotogether, play in the water, cool summer. Orange Island is about 6 kilometerslong from north to South and 0.5 kilometers wide from east to west. At the endof juzizhouwei, the water is clean and the sand is clear, opening up a naturalswimming pool. Juzizhoutou, with a vast land and broad rivers, has built abeautiful Juzhou park. The huge white marble monument standing in the center ofthe park is particularly eye-catching, with Mao Zedongs handwritten "OrangeIsland Head" on the front and the full text of Qinyuan spring Changsha on theback. At Zhoutou, there is also a pavilion with national characteristics, flyingover the Xiangshui river.

Juzizhou erect 32 meters Young Mao Zedong sculpture

The young Mao Zedong art sculpture was built in February 20__ with theapproval of the general office of the CPC Central Committee. The statue is 32meters high, 83 meters long and 41 meters wide. It is based on the image of MaoZedong in 1920__.