
发布于2024-07-07 06:11,全文约 4413 字











From flight attendant professional high school, I study in Qingdao foreign aviation services professional services vocational school (school), three years after graduation to go to guangzhou civil aviation college (dont do evaluation for the school), a total learned four and a half years attendant professional, after one and a half years at the university of in the sky. Surface of Air China zhejiang, shenzhen airlines, China Eastern airlines northwest, in the eastern northwest company do now hon. Below I said the personal interview experience, because on his face three companies, so I Shared my experience over the years.

Actually interview mainly points three parts, the first level: personal image display and introduce yourself, closed 2: oral English written test. Guan 3: the interviewers questions (mainly investigate the students family situation, language expression ability, good or bad skin, any special skill, etc.)

The first level is the most important, because is directly related to the back of the success or failure. When personal image display (standing, walking, squatting), want to smile, the eyes, in the middle of the examiner seats examiner, someone will ask to see the examiner what place? The test tube of the eyebrows, so she can feel you are very professional, very comfortable. In personal image show everyone will have a 1 minute after the personal self introduction, have the students want to ask, self introduction should say what good? Someone said when they introduce myself my name is , studying in school, height, weight, hobby is , is answered. All is bullshit! The examiner to immediately say: good, next! Note that one minute to introduce myself, only less than 10 seconds, even the examiner to observe your time all have no, let a person feel is that you dont attach importance to this interview, in fact you not, psychological also pay special attention to particularly nervous. First of all, 30 seconds to introduce yourself into Chinese, English for 30 seconds, the content of the English and Chinese cant repeat, introduce yourself dont put the Chinese directly translated into English. Let me introduce my self to give you for your reference:

The judges hello, my name is , from Qingdao, my specialty is vocal music, piano. 02 attended to be held in Beijing the first China civil aviation college students to promote fair, and won a silver medal of the aviation knowledge quiz silver medal, service skills, with a piano in the talent show about sing "friendship forever" won the judges and audiences high praise, because my father is an army pilot, so wide in the army, I grew up a soldiers quality and style of work. I believe that I will to I teach good service consciousness, continue to keep good service image for China Eastern, thank you.


尊敬的领导们: 大家好!我叫,毕业于××学校××专业,选修。 在学校期间,主修的专业课有×××(此处添加应聘职位相关专业课或说成选修课为应聘职位所需课程,尤其重要),根据所学的知识,也参加过一些具体项目的事实,比如学院独有的精品课 ×××,在其中负责××主模块或者担任××组长工作,应用了×××(应聘相关的课程)技能及财务知识等,取得 了×××什么样的成果。并在实践中,加深了对××的认识,提高了此类工作的实际操作能力。 另外,在学校中也参加过一些社团活动,比如××(此处最好说1-2样如学院××周年校庆活动或院运会),在其中加强了和同学们的交流,全方面认识了团队协作的带来的效率,对团队合作和责任感有了新的感受和知识。 个性上,首先是比较诚实、乐观、热情。其次,具有团队精神,踏实努力,很强的责任心。 在这里应聘贵公司的××职位,是想将自己的所学得到充分发挥,并在这里学习成长。希望有这样的机会,能和诸位成为同事。 我的情况大概就是这样,请问有什么其他方面想要了解的么?我会如实一一回答您的提问。谢谢!






