
发布于2024-07-16 01:16,全文约 13897 字


I am confident and optimistic, frank and frank, serious and responsible work, hard-working, cheerful personality, good communication with people, have a strong affinity. Familiar with office software operation, familiar with the use of office automation and office equipment and maintenance. Good verbal and written communication skills. Have a strong practical ability and team spirit, the work of the problems encountered can be calm and rational analysis, and find a solution to the problem, so as to be able to work independently on time to complete the task.











I am cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence. Strong passion for new technologies, willing to take on new challenges and are sensitive to future technology trends; Creative thinking and ability to work independently; Cheerful personality, good interpersonal and team work skills ; Energetic, have a high enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility.

Constant pursuit, continuous learning and constant innovation is the concept I advocate. I am a lively and cheerful, honest and trustworthy girl, has a strong coordination and organizational skills, can quickly integrate into a new team. I believe: "any occupation, as long as the intentions, believe in yourself, will make some achievements to." I will be full of enthusiasm into the workplace, I believe your confidence in my ability to bring our common future success!

I am cheerful, stable, energetic, warm and sincere. Have strong organizational skills, and team spirit, good social skills, good at dealing with various interpersonal relationships. Can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, and integration of them.


Through two years of administrative work, training a comprehensive and strong ability to work. Good character and good manners, honest and pragmatic man, a serious and responsible work, a team spirit.

Work attitude and hard work. Love their own work, be able to seriously take seriously every work, work, enthusiasm for all services, conscientiously abide by labor discipline, to ensure timely attendance, high attendance, no leave phenomenon throughout the year, the effective use of working hours, , Need to work overtime to complete overtime work on time to ensure that work can be completed on time.

During this time, I also found my shortcomings, such as the idea is not open enough, sometimes too much to pursue the task, while ignoring the other several aspects, I believe that in the future I will work hard, active thinking , To complete the work of the future more perfect.

I have a strong sense of self-motivated, with hard-working spirit, can quickly adapt to the environment, honest man, do things carefully, a strong sense of responsibility, good team spirit and communication skills.Optimistic, persistent personality, aggressive, dare to face difficulties and challenges. Proficiency in the use of computer operating system WORD / EXCEL / OFFICE and other software, with file management experience, I believe that the enthusiasm of the work, your company will do everything we can to do our best. Sincerely hope to become a member of your company, sincere hope good news!


Has many years of human resources management experience, covering large group companies, finance, communications and other industries, well versed in human resources management philosophy, and has accumulated rich experience in practice and management. Excellent communication and coordination skills, strong analysis, problem-solving ability, with emergencies, contingency plans processing capacity.According to the diversification of the Groups business characteristics, subordinate companies in different industries at the same time planning and management, and rational deployment of resources. Good at human resources planning, the establishment and integration of system architecture, diagnosis of human resources and personnel structure of the layout, there have been restructuring of enterprises, personnel diversion of actual combat experience.

Optimistic, progressive and proactive. Through years of social experience and continuous learning, I have good communication and coordination skills, full of affinity and team awareness, a serious and responsible work; and be able to independently and calmly deal with all kinds of emergencies, the establishment of a good social and interpersonal relationships.

I am responsible for the work seriously, active and thoughtful, and has high organizational skills and communication skills; daily work can play a good team spirit, good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of colleagues around, with indomitable spirit to overcome difficulties. Years of administrative practice, I have accumulated some experience, recognizing the positioning of the administration should be "involved in government affairs, management services, improve service." Mainly responsible for the coordination of internal affairs, liaison with external departments, to provide staff with a comfortable working environment and create a harmonious working environment for the companys steady, sustained and rapid development of protection.





Strong team spirit, strong communication skills, can quickly integrate into the team, and play their own professional standards for the company to create new value.

Have a strong sense of responsibility; a team spirit, passion, a strong organizational and communication skills; serious, careful, responsible; master office software, good logical thinking ability, there are many years 500 Multinational companies overseas work experience; have good intercultural communication skills and interpersonal skills; can use fluent English to communicate with people and handle documents, have excellent ability to read and write.


The work of the personnel department is also my leadership in the care of a person under the guidance of the work. Below I summarize the personnel work of this year as follows.

First, a clear-cut stance on politics

People say, personnel is also a real power position, of course, he probably refers to other industries, I think my work experience is that I engaged in a policy of relatively strong work, in the face of the "yes" is "" "is not No problem, there is no ambiguous answer, specific issues, once the formation of a decision, not the face of this class of people can be so, in the face of that class can "not", not with selfishness , Emotional, so the work of the personnel department should be a strong principle, with a party to guarantee a very serious work. In the past, I did this work, but also have the loyalty to the party and the spirit of responsibility.

Second, the position of the overall situation

School personnel position is to contact the work of higher authorities in charge of more work, and teachers contact the school is relatively small, a lot of things to the higher authorities to come up with my school management data, including fund management, personnel management, Work management and school development management, etc., so a lot of time is a person hard work, and will not be found, but will not be understood by me in the work of hard work, I can not understand the importance of the work done .

1, in order to facilitate access to information, this summer I put a great effort to the school teachers all the relevant personnel information into a material, as my work information, many projects need access to the future, I can in the fastest time for the school Leadership to provide information. Many teachers would like to know their own some of the circumstances, I check to know, the teachers read my this information, feeling that: to sort out this thing, it is a great project, right? , I order to sort out this thing, do not know how many of the design of the program, done a waste, waste do, the final of nearly 20 days to complete this large project.

This year a total of three times, the second is the wage adjustment, one in the summer, one in New Years Day. I am braving the sun, braving the cold wind, to the school for the teachers to improve the wages of the work, the summer I burned 38.8 degrees, the summer heat, In order to complete the work in time, I have a cold cough to sit up at night often can not stand the chest, but I can not stop, I can not stop, Because time is pressing.

The teachers are in the completion of a semester of hard work waiting for a good holiday, a grand holiday, I was in the teachers for the third time to raise wages, the biennial promotion of salary grade and the end of the year One-time bonus payment is the so-called thirteenth month wage efforts, the salary for the teacher is a happy event, for me is a happy event, it is miserable thing. Of course, this is my work, no matter how hard I will be meticulous to complete the work, I have been asking themselves, I can not be the best, but I will for each of the "better" and work.

Third, the culture of unity and accomplishment, set an example by example.

I think this machine should have no matter how bad the outside world conditions, no matter what other people, whether it is a good machine or a good machine, it is a good machine to the human soul, What kind of damage you want, you can hold a broad mind to accept, while probation him, I think I have done this.

I am a teacher, should be a model for students, I was a middle-level cadres should also be an example of ordinary teachers. To this end I always strict demands on themselves, so that classes will not be late to leave early, do not prepare lessons into the classroom, without badges do not stand in front of students. Dress dressed simple and generous, neither Chinese public favors, nor strange blame. Let the students serve me instead of Granville, respect me and not far from me. Let my colleagues get along with me, both easy and assured.

I am also very painful when I am concerned about my colleagues life, actively helping my colleagues who have difficulties, open my mind, accommodating my colleagues misunderstandings, tolerating unreasonable words and deeds of my colleagues, reducing misunderstandings with my colleagues, , Why should others misunderstand me, I am afraid to hurt others? But think about me, after all, is a middle-level cadres, in order to stabilize the school for the convenience of managers I should cooperate with school leaders as much as possible to reduce and colleagues, Middle-level cadres have a "psychological jealousy," the teachers of the contradictions.There is a saying that "justice will prevail over evil"



性别: 女



籍贯:湖南 出生年月:1987年

专业: 外贸 英语 (大专) 电话:



求职 意向:采购 船务 外贸 业务 外贸 跟单 文秘

技能总结 外 语 水 平:

能熟练的进行听、说、读、写。并通过国家 英语 四级考试。尤其擅长撰写和回复英文商

业信函,熟练运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以 翻译 。

曾担任广州一家电子产品公司经理的助理 兼职 翻译 。

在校期间进行过专业的 日语 学习,能够 翻译 简单的 日语 函电。

计 算 机 水 平:

计算机等级考试二级,熟悉网络和电子商务。熟练办公自动化,熟练操作Word excel能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑工作。

教 育 背 景: 20xx年9月——20xx年7月 湖南常德中山外语电脑专修学院 (中专) 20xx年9月——20xx年7月 中南大学 (大专)

教育模式为“2+2”学分模式 主 修 课 程:

国际贸易 、外贸 英语 、 商务英语 、英语函电、电脑、ISO9000质量认证体系 获 奖 情 况:


20xx年度校级“优秀学生干部” 自 我 评 价: 本人性格开朗、思维活跃,极富创造力,易于沟通,具有较好团队的意识,善于与同事相处。做事塌实,自觉服从公司纪律,对公司忠诚。

性 别:男

联系电话:0816-××××× 出生日期:19××年××月××日 家庭电话:××××××××× 地 址:某省科技职业学院# 手机 :××××××××× 邮 编:××× 求职 意向:加盟连锁事业部主管 工作经历总结 非常热爱市场销售工作,有着十分饱满的创业激情。在东方劲(中国)品牌两年从事现磨现煮的咖啡市场销售工作中积累了大量的实践经验和客户资源。与省内主要的二百多家咖啡店铺经销商建立了十分密切的联系,并在行业中拥有广泛的业务关系。在去年某省的咖啡博览会上为公司首次签定了海外的 定单 。

能团结自己的同事一起取得优异的销售业绩。 工作经历 2×××年5月—至今: 担任绵阳城区我的咖啡茶品配送服务部的市场部业务员。主要负责与经销商签定经销合同、办理产品的包装、运输、保险、货款结算、售后产品跟踪、


1999年12月--20xx年5月:在东方劲(中国)品牌做市场调查员。主要负责以电话形式向客户提取对产品的意见,并填写相应的表单转报给公司。 教育经历 1996年9月—1999年7月某省科技职业学院国际经济与贸易专业大专学历。 在校一直担任学生干部,工作认真负责,学习成绩优秀,多次被学院评为优秀学生干部,优秀团干,个人标兵等。 培训经历 20xx/07--20xx/09 某省科技职业学院 通过 外销员考试 20xx/03--20xx/06 某省科技职业学院 通过 报关 员考试 外语水平 可与外商进行日常常用语沟通,能阅读业务范围内常用术语。 电脑操作 熟练使用常用办公软件编辑业务文档,上网收发电子邮件 所获奖励 1999/06 某某学院 优秀学生干部称号 1998/10 某某学院 优秀团干,个人标兵称号 1997/10 某某学院 优秀团干称号。


More than five years of domestic and international communications industry marketing experience, a profound understanding of domestic and international telecommunications market. The courage to challenge themselves, able to withstand the pressure to work better at teamwork. In the competitive intelligence, market analysis, marketing management has a wealth of experience.

Familiar with the administrative affairs, familiar with the relevant functional departments of government processes; have a strong work enthusiasm, hard-working, with absolutely good professional conduct, confidence and confidence in their own career, not afraid of work pressure and challenge.In the course of many years of his career to do things uphold the practical style of seeking truth from facts, work efficiency and speed, doing things to the interests of the company, do not care about personal gains and losses, willing to make suggestions for the companys development, make every effort to do the best job On the administrative cost control, vehicle management, fire safety management, equipment maintenance, have a wealth of experience.



