
发布于2024-07-17 02:59,全文约 3200 字



时光匆匆,我的大学生活即将结束,在过去的两年中,我怀着梦想走进校园,从那时起我就下定决心好好学习,努力丰富自己的生活,努力去实现自己的梦想。 在大学第一期时,刚刚进入学校,新的学习,新的生活,在那时我克服困难,乐观向上,努力学习,不断进取,紧抓专业的学习,在那时我就向党递交了入党申请书,始终紧跟党的步伐,时时刻刻保持党员的先进性,奋发向上。学校为我们提供了专业、系统、全面的教育,学校的教室大多配备了多媒体,让我们对知识有了更快、更好、更直观的学习,学校的图书馆也为我们提供了很多的学习资料,以及学习环境,此外,学校还为我们系统配备了专业机房,专业实训室,让我们能够更好地掌握专业技能,在实训的期间,我学到了许多书本上学不到的知识,这无疑是给了我一笔财富,实训让我的手工技术有了很大的提升,我喜欢实训,我热爱我们这个专业。


学校里不仅为我们提供学习,而且还给我们提供了许多社团,活动。现在的社会我们不仅要学习好,而且还需要德智体美的综合发展,在学校我参加过机械系学习部,在学习部的时光里,我努力帮助他人学习,还去策划一些活动,这不仅丰富了我的课余生活,还提升我的组织能力。我曾参加志愿者活动,学校组织的校运会,这些活动,让我们减轻学习的压力,这应该就是所谓的学得轻松吧! 学会做人,学会做事,学会学习,这是我人生的三件大事,不管是现在还是将来,不论我将走向何方,我都会努力地践行这三点。这次的获奖要感谢学校给我好的学习氛围,感谢老师对我的谆谆教导,我现在取得的所有成绩不仅仅是我一个人努力的结果,更多的是得益于领导、老师、同学的帮助、得益于学院的良好育人机制。而对于未来并不能说明什么,真正能代表自己的只有自身的行动,我衷心感谢我尊敬的老师、同学和朋友们,谢谢你们一直在我身边帮助我,国家奖学金将一直鼓励我直面人生、积极进取,掌声终究会过去,奋斗的脚步还要继续我会一直跟进前进的步伐!


Name: nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Jiangxi tall: 170 cm 56 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 27 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: Project Management: sales real estate development / planning manager / director of structural / civil / construction engineers

Work Experience: 4 Title: Junior

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 20xx - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal experience: Company Name: Guangzhou, South China printing start-stop date :20xx-05 ~ 20xx-06

Company nature: state-owned enterprises in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration

Positions: head of infrastructure

Job description:

Reasons for leaving:

Company Name: Shenzhen Industrial Co., Ltd. Bi-poem beginning and ending date :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-04

Company nature: in their respective professions:

Positions: design director

Job Description: Works office in charge of steel structure design, coordinated the design and construction, etc.

Reasons for leaving:

Company Name: Zhejiang Construction Group is beginning and ending date :20xx-06 ~ 20xx-06

Company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration

Positions: construction staff

Job Description: full responsibility for nearly 20,000 square meters of building construction management

Reasons for leaving:

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Yichun College

Highest level of education: college graduates - 20xx-07-01

Studies by One: Civil Engineering Professional II by:

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

Guangdong University of Technology 20xx-08 20xx-06 registered property management property management division

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Excellent

Mandarin level: the level of ordinary Chinese: General

The ability to work and other expertise

Strong communication skills, motivated, calm and prudent business

Detailed personal autobiography