
发布于2024-08-08 06:08,全文约 4605 字















I live in Pakistan-a country destroying itself with bombs,guns andgovernments blabber to find justifications for what it is going through;acountry where a former president is murdered in public,where the nationsconstitution and parliament are suspended at the same time,and where the voiceof a common man is unheard.

Since the last few years, I had aspired to become a idea of "scalpels,""opened chests" and "sutures" had always intrigued then it happened!The recentunprecedented events in my country wiped off the dust of disillusionment from myeyes;I lost my will to become a ver,the turmoil in the country led me towardsnewspapers and news channels,and hence Politics.

As I involved myself into politics,I realized that it isall-embracive-wielding its way over social and economic life-it is theomnipotent of can mobilize public opinion,gear up propaganda machinery,make orrepeal laws and what ed up by public opinion,supported by the majority of thelegislators,armed with the means to keep the people in a state ofignorance,political power crosses the limits of dictatorial tical power,like themost powerful intoxicant,makes the persons in power to forget socialethics,political morality and obligations.

Most of the learned youth in this country consider Politics to be "a refugefor the scoundrels" and this derogatory remark may be true if we look at thedeceptive and degenerated type of politicians indulging in a dirty thesepolitical parties are votaries of democracy,but the way they conduct themselvesinside their own parties is nothing but senseless efore a very few studentschoose to pursue Politics as a profession,but what they dont realize is that ifwe dont take a stand the system can never be ,I want to study Politics so I cancome back to my country and contribute what little I can do for my homeland andits I can inspire even a single person,it would be worth world today is growingare now not only to think of our own nation but as and when we think of it,wehave to keep the international perception in mind;consequently,I chose Politicswith International Relations as one of my courses.

Studying in UK will breed a sense of individuality and self reliance.Iwould be able to interact with people from everywhere and get to know abouttheir would not only open new horizons for me,but would also clear somepreconceived notions one has about the other.I have always been an activeparticipant of debates.I have participated in 3 Model UN conferences out ofwhich I was awarded with the Best Delegate award in two. I was also one of thetwo students to be selected from my school to participate in the EnglishSpeaking Union over, Ive taken part in Parliamentary style debates efore Ibelieve I can communicate effectively in public and language will not be abarrier in my hermore, I have worked as an internee at Al-Shifa Eye Hospital fora month in I learnt how to deal with patients,use the Auto Ref, handle files andalso campaigned to a remote area near Murree where we helped the doctors inexamining the patients free of her experience which taught me a lot was when meand my fellow colleagues volunteered to paint walls for the SOS Childrensaddition,I worked with SUNGI (NGO) where a group of 5 of us had to organize anevent to pay tribute to 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I enjoy Literature,especially the works of Shakespeare,TennesseeWilliams,Thomas Hardy and Andrew Marvell.Id be delighted to study in achallenging atmosphere where I can focus on my studies.I commit to my work andmy ability to think out of the box,keenness for Politics and my perception ofthings,I understand,gives me an edge over others.I believe in myself,and ifprovided with an opportunity,Id make the university proud.