
发布于2023-12-06 02:24,全文约 2567 字


Dear teacher:

Im sorry to have taught you so much pain. I know its time to write this letter, but it has been put off until today. I hope you can accept this belated apology.

Sensible since you know to respect teachers, respect every one who love us and we love the people, but they made you unhappy, sometimes we do not actively speak some wrong class or other, its not that we dont know what is wrong, our own heart is empty, he was guilty not the answer, or is that know how to do but twisted but that share strength, sometimes, of course I mean sometimes would like to actively cooperate with the teacher, also know how to do with the teacher, but is not put into action, perhaps the adolescents sake, we have this feeling, but to see the teacher very sad, tell the truth, our hearts are sad, do not want to make things like this. So, teacher, we will apologize today by writing letters. We are wrong, teacher, but we do love you!

Teacher, say so, not for us to make excuses, recall the past, primary school time, we just started school, as if the class answer the question is very relaxed, now dont know what happened......

Teacher, you hope for us, we know that you love us, love is a kind of expression can not use language easily and completely, it is deep, persistent, and even let you fly into a rage angry all this is for us, for our good, what the teacher does not love the students, but is you love the students make you angry, disappointed, think of this old heart of a Sese feeling, is guilty, guilty, said did not repent......

I thought deeply that it was all our fault, and even to say that we simply would not cherish it. This kind of psychology from our old habits, always can not go beyond their own, open minded. So we determined to repent, the teacher gave us the opportunity to turn this opportunity from you, not angry, let us use action to prove to you, we need your love, we deeply love you!

Your students:

Specific date



非常的抱歉,冤枉了您, 现在我非常深刻的认识到了自己的错误,我没有了解到事情的本质,还一味的自以为,您受了那么大的委屈,我还这么不懂事的冤枉您,真的十分的抱歉,我只是为了一句不中听的话,一时糊涂,犯下了这么大的错误,我没有别的意思,只是一时的脑热,惹出这么大的事,更没有想到自己会触犯的法律。 我知道有人在您那打我报告,我也知道这个人是谁,庞老师,您是个好老师,只是太多的事您不愿意说出来,以您的话来说:您是个男人,不能什么事情都挂在嘴边上。误会也许就是这样累计成的,庞老师,非常对不起您,也非常的感谢您,我知道现在说什么都没用,因为已给您造成了无法挽回的伤害,还有,她已对我不这么重要了,我为她做出的后悔的事太多了,她在所有人眼里都是好人,而我,在我造成伤害的人的眼里已经不在是个简单的人了,其实我还是我,我的所作所为都是在维护我身边的一切我拿他们当朋友的人。有时候应该想想自己,想想后果,这也就是我头脑简单,没主心骨的表现,其实激起我无名的火的是一个人的一句话;她说“庞磊这是干吗啊,挺好的家庭让他弄成这样了”她现在却是好人,不是我在推卸责任,只是想和您说清楚,王茜也没有跟我们说实话,让我对您一直有个很大很大的误会。 邮件您看不到,现在我也只能通过QQ,期许您能看得到,庞老师,真的非常对不起,今天看到了您,真的很想叫您一声庞老师,庞老师,真的非常对不起,除了对不起我不知道还怎么向您表示歉意,除了谢谢您,我也不知道在怎么向您表达感激。
