
发布于2024-09-22 18:51,全文约 7098 字


I am a cheerful and generous, outgoing, each to do everything, can bear hard into everything.

Good performance in school, as a class of generation, a life member in the student union as learning affairs, served as officers in the community, work requirements to achieve the most satisfying one do the best,

Obey company requirements and discipline, familiar with the use of the professional knowledge, master the knowledge of extra-curricular instinct, with passion to work, can accept new things and the environment in a short period of time

During the internship, my main job is to answer the call dial up telephone complaints, I think the first to identify customer requirements, to answer the questions according to the user, the user will get a reasonable answer. Also involved in the implementation of manager incentives, and through the implementation of effective communication, contribute to the success of 6 customers to open stores 4 customers to introduce friends / relatives in cooperation with the company.

I firmly believe that their knowledge and hard work will have a harvest, please give me a chance, I will for the company to contribute to the development.

Anyway, I feel everything is suitable as a customer service job.


Hello! My name is * * *, * * * * graduated from the school of professional elective, * * *. At school, majoring in professional courses has * * * (to add job related professional courses or as elective courses are required for the position, especially important), according to the learned knowledge, also participated in the some project specific facts, such as the Institutes unique boutique class * * * * *, in which is responsible for the main module or as head of * *, * * * the application (for related courses) skills and financial knowledge, made of * * * what kind of results. And in practice, and deep understanding of * *, to improve this kind of work. The actual operation ability.

My biggest feature is the strong affinity, to make a good first impression and profound, has a strong ability to adapt and emergency panic, ability to keep a clear mind and careful work attitude, strong independence, honest and responsible.

My motto is "eat bitter, leading to human". Work carefully, have patience and perseverance that I can think of others and the overall situation, team spirit, and the ability to adapt to the environment is also very strong, has the good communication and coordination ability, good service consciousness,

In addition, I have strong learning ability, able to learn, not impetuous, encounter unfamiliar areas, can sink under the heart to start learning, start from the basic things, to use our brains. Rich imagination, love by Lenovo and jumping thinking to solve the problems in study and life.

My psychological ability strong, can overcome and correct the stress relief work, every day to keep smiling and optimistic attitude.

Anyway, I feel everything is suitable as a customer service job.



我是,毕业于X大学专业。 在校期间,学习成绩优秀,性格开朗,稳重,诚实守信,有较强的团队合作意识及集体荣誉感,实习期间的工作中,能够运用所学知识进行听说读写。能够熟练的运用MicrosofOffice(如:Word、ExcelPowerpoint等)的各种功能进行高效的办公室日常工作。在校期间一直担任班内团支书职务,负责召开班内团日活动和给入党同志出具团组织意见等工作,有很强的交流能力和组织协调能力;也曾多次获得校内优秀团员称号,优秀班干部称号,三好学生称号
















我是一个进取心比较强的人,性格稳重,不张扬,做事踏实认真,能吃苦耐劳,敢于承担责任。喜欢与人沟通,善于与人合住,具有良好的团队协作意识。与人友善,能和各种人友好相处。具有较强的学习能力,我自学了visual c++ 编程、嵌入式linux开发等课程。


我是通信专业的学生,我非常喜欢这个专业,大学四年,我认真学习了与之相关的一些课程,为自己的专业实践和进一步的学习打下了坚实的基础。我深知动手实践能力对本专业的重要性,因此我在学好各门课程的同时也注重参加各种课外实践活动。我参加了20xx年全国大学生数学建模大赛、第二届“actel”杯fpga设计大赛和20xx年全国大学生电子设计大赛,通过这几次大赛,我学会了matlab编程和算法仿真,硬件电路pcb板的设计,单片机开发,积累了一些单片机开发经验,同时也提高了自己与人合作,与人沟通的能力。在学习嵌入式系统时,我使用vc编写了c/s架构的酒店点餐系统仿真程序,通过这个程序的开发,使我熟练掌握了使用vc开发gui应用程序和网络应用程序,以及面向对象程序设计思想,接着又做了一个基于arm linux的mjpeg视频传输系统,通过这个系统的开发使我掌握了面向过程的模块化程序设计思想,我编写应用程序的能力有很大程度的提高。在这过程中,我开始接触网络多媒体和dsp,对网络多媒体和dsp开发有一些了解。这是我大学四年的一部分经历。


我热爱我的生活,感激生活给我的一切(包括磨难)。我认为我很幸运,我有一个健康的身体,有几个知心的朋友, 有爱我的父母还有一个可爱的小妹。当然这也包括我喜爱的专业。






my name is haoword. wanjun is my given name. wan means sweet and jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl. i actually am! but you can call me june, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, its similar to my chinese name jun. i am from enping, a small city in the southwest of guangdong province, near hongkong and macao. maybe you have never been there before, its well known for the hot springs there.

my hometown is wuhan, so i speak hubei dialect in addition to mandarin.i graduated from guangzhou university two years ago. i had great performance in university, two scholarships, two awards of excellent student cadre, and one impressive award of full attendance, which means i never missed a single class that semester!

my first job was receptionist and secretary in an electronic company, but i left in less than a year simply because i had little work to do there. at that time i could finish a days work in several hours. i couldnt bear the boredom of having nothing to do, so i quit.

my current job is a very busy one. i work at leshi pharmaceutical company. leshi, as you can see on my resume, specializes in the wholesale of chinese medicine, the annual sales are about 50 million rmb. i am one of the eight customer service representatives. i provide services to about fifty customers, inputting orders, pushing payments, handling complaints and so on. last year i ranked number two of the eight representatives in the annual satisfaction survey. sales reps gave me 4.5 and customers gave me 4.2 out of the full score of 5 for the services i provided.

im interested in ciba for two reasons. the first reason is that i look forward to joining a big international company. the second reason is that i feel i meet your requirements. although ive never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards.i believe you know that the pharmaceutical business usually has very strict requirements and high standards. in addition, i am sure i can learn how to use oracle erp in a short time, as i am very familiar with hejia erp, which is quite similar, and i use the english version at my present job. thats about all.