
发布于2024-11-03 07:37,全文约 11479 字



作为学生,学习是我的第一使命:在大学四年,我顺利完成了所有选修和必修课程,真正的没有一门不及格科目,是班上仅有的三个顺利通过全部考试的男生之一。为了使自己文理发展平衡,我进一步加强了自己的文学阅读和理论水平,花了大量时间在浏览报纸、研读名著方面,使自己的思想得到了进一步的发展和完善。 我虽然始终没有放下专业知识的学习,但花的时间还远远不够,我还有大量的知识尚未接触和掌握。




金钱名誉地位都不是我所首先考虑的:我只希望我能够去爱,能够使我的潜力得到挖掘和发挥,能够不断完善自己,使自己能够更好地去爱,更有能力去做好各项工作。奉献=快乐=提高。尽我所能地奉献,是我毕生的追求。 我没有任何外在的显赫的头衔,没有任何让人刮目相看的荣誉,没有去追求几乎人人都有的 计算机二级证书,甚至因为自己的消极放弃了入党的机会,成为一个遗憾。不过,今后我要更加努力提高自己,以更高的标准要求自己。如果硬要出示一个证书的话,我仅有的就只有你们很希望得到,却一时还无法断定没有衡量标准的《人品合格证》,有了这个,我相信我能很快胜任你要我做的各种工作。








Victor Muchuruza, E. I.T.

352 Pennell Cir Apt 5

Tallahassee, ss

Phone: (850)sss

E-mail: @

URL: ssss


Roadway, site, and utilities design,

Traffic engineering and transportation planning,

stormwater modeling and drainage design,

Intelligent Transportation Systems,

Optimization, Simulation and modeling of traffic flow,

Agent Based and Cellular Automata simulations,

Analysis of traffic operations and highway safety,


Engineer Intern (EIT).


Ph.D., Florida State University, 20xx

Thesis: Stochastic Modelling of Traffic Crashes

Cumulative GPA 3.92.

M.S in Civil Engineering, Major Transportation Engineering

Florida State University, December 20xx

Cumulative GPA: 3.95.

B.S in Civil Engineering, Major Transportation and Highway Engineering

University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Nov 20xx

Cumulative GPA: 4.3 (5.0 Scale).


Traffic Flow Theory, Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety, Traffic Simulation and Modeling, Computer Aided Highway Geometric Design (LDD), Statistical Applications in Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Application of GIS in Transportation Planning, Transportation Demand Modeling, Highway Pavement Design, Engineering Surveying, Object Oriented Programming (C++), Applied Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design, Design of steel structures, Design of reinforced concrete structures, Environmental Engineering, hydraulics, and Project control in construction, Construction management & site organization.


Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL 20xx-20xx

Research Assistant

Works involved simulation and modeling of traffic flow and safety. Design algorithm and implementing by writing computer programs in C++. Testing and verifying the simulation model results.

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 20xx-20xx

Traffic Engineering lab webmaster.

Designed and maintaining traffic engineering website.

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, November 20xx

Research Assistant

Works involved field data collection, MUTCD warrant analysis, delay studies in the Traffic Signal Warrant Study at Lipona Road and Belle Vue Way Intersection in Tallahassee, FL

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 20xx-20xx

Research Assistant

Works involved statistical analysis of the effect of minimum speed limits on rural interstate freeways

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL, 20xx

Research Assistant

Works involved evaluation of the accuracy of methods used to locate roadway crashes on Florida State highways

Florida State University, Traffic Engineering Lab, Tallahassee, FL 20xx-to 20xx

Research Assistant


Name: nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Jiangxi tall: 170 cm 56 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 27 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: Project Management: sales real estate development / planning manager / director of structural / civil / construction engineers

Work Experience: 4 Title: Junior

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 20xx - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal experience: Company Name: Guangzhou, South China printing start-stop date :20xx-05 ~ 20xx-06

Company nature: state-owned enterprises in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration

Positions: head of infrastructure

Job description:

Reasons for leaving:

Company Name: Shenzhen Industrial Co., Ltd. Bi-poem beginning and ending date :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-04

Company nature: in their respective professions:

Positions: design director

Job Description: Works office in charge of steel structure design, coordinated the design and construction, etc.

Reasons for leaving:

Company Name: Zhejiang Construction Group is beginning and ending date :20xx-06 ~ 20xx-06

Company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration

Positions: construction staff

Job Description: full responsibility for nearly 20,000 square meters of building construction management

Reasons for leaving:

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Yichun College

Highest level of education: college graduates - 20xx-07-01

Studies by One: Civil Engineering Professional II by:

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

Guangdong University of Technology 20xx-08 20xx-06 registered property management property management division

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Excellent

Mandarin level: the level of ordinary Chinese: General

The ability to work and other expertise

Strong communication skills, motivated, calm and prudent business

Detailed personal autobiography


victor muchuruza, e.i.t.

352 pennell cir apt 5

tallahassee, ss

phone: (850)sss


url: ssss

professional and research interests

roadway, site, and utilities design,

traffic engineering and transportation planning,

stormwater modeling and drainage design,

intelligent transportation systems,

optimization, simulation and modeling of traffic flow,

agent based and cellular automata simulations,

analysis of traffic operations and highway safety,

professional certification

engineer intern (eit).


ph.d., florida state university,

thesis: stochastic modelling of traffic crashes

cumulative gpa 3.92.

m.s in civil engineering, major transportation engineering

florida state university, december

cumulative gpa: 3.95.

b.s in civil engineering, major transportation and highway engineering

university of dar es salaam, tanzania, nov

cumulative gpa: 4.3 (5.0 scale).

relevant coursework:

traffic flow theory, traffic engineering and highway safety, traffic simulation and modeling, computer aided highway geometric design (ldd), statistical applications in transportation engineering, intelligent transportation systems, application of gis in transportation planning, transportation demand modeling, highway pavement design, engineering surveying, object oriented programming (c++), applied optimization, artificial intelligence, soil mechanics & foundation design, design of steel structures, design of reinforced concrete structures, environmental engineering, hydraulics, and project control in construction, construction management & site organization.

work experience

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl -

research assistant

works involved simulation and modeling of traffic flow and safety. design algorithm and implementing by writing computer programs in c++. testing and verifying the simulation model results.

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl, -

traffic engineering lab webmaster.

designed and maintaining traffic engineering website.

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl, november

research assistant

works involved field data collection, mutcd warrant analysis, delay studies in the traffic signal warrant study at lipona road and belle vue way intersection in tallahassee, fl

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl, -

research assistant

works involved statistical analysis of the effect of minimum speed limits on rural interstate freeways

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl,

research assistant

works involved evaluation of the accuracy of methods used to locate roadway crashes on florida state highways

florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallahassee, fl -to

research assistant

works involved laboratory testing of adhesives used in installation of sensors used for traffic classification.

september - november national construction council, tanzania


我的名字是,是&&学校&&专业的一名应届毕业生,我感到很荣幸自己能够来参加这是面试,我知道这次机会来之不易,我会好好珍惜,在四年的学习教育中,我被培养成为一个敢于承担责任,对人真诚,具备很强的环境适应能力,对待生活乐观积极,拥有吃苦耐劳精神的青年. 在校学习期间,我热爱社会主义,拥护中国共产党和他的领导。



四年中,我加入了青年志愿者、参加了学校党校培训,这些经历,不仅增强了我吃苦耐劳、自理自立的能力,还提高了我与别人合作与交往的能力。 此外在大学期间的学习生活中和一定量的社会经历,使我养成了冷静自信的性格和踏实严谨的工作作风,并赋予我参加社会竞争的勇气。

因此,我将在今后实践中虚心学习,不断钻研,积累工作经验,提高工作能力。 我知道贵公司向来很重视人才的引进和培养。而我具备较好的知识结构和自学能力.所以我自信有能力胜任贵单位的工作。若被贵单位录用,我将会在自己的岗位上踏实工作,勤奋学习,并以良好的拼搏精神在这个集体中实现自己的价值。争取成为一名好员工,为公司做贡献。同时成为一个对社会有用的人。



您好! 首先真诚地感谢您从百忙之中抽出时间来看我的求职信。







最后,再次感谢您百忙之中对我的关注,并真诚希望我能够成为贵公司的一员, 为贵公司的繁荣昌盛贡献自己的绵薄之力。期盼您的回音!



四年的学习教育,培养我成为一个敢于承担责任,对人真诚,具备很强的环境适应能力,对待生活乐观积极,拥有吃苦耐劳精神的青年。 在校学习期间,我热爱社会主义,拥护中国共产党和他的领导。




因此,我将在今后实践中虚心学习,不断钻研,积累工作经验,提高工作能力。 我知道贵公司向来很重视人才的引进和培养。而我具备较好的知识结构和自学能力。所以我自信有能力胜任贵单位的工作。若被贵单位录用,我将会在自己的岗位上踏实工作,勤奋学习,并以良好的拼搏精神在这个集体中实现自己的价值。