
发布于2023-12-18 15:57,全文约 115804 字


Dear passenger friend

Xinyang City is located in the south of Henan Province. The total area isabout 18293 square kilometers, accounting for 11% of the provinces total area,and the population is about 7.7 million. During the period of the new democraticrevolution, it was the center of the red region of Hubei, Henan and Anhui, thesecond revolutionary base in China, and made great contributions to the Chineserevolution.

Xinyang area is adjacent to Dabie Mountain in the South and Tongbaimountain in the southwest. The Dabie Mountains extend from east to west, forminga watershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. Here, reservoirs,ponds, weirs, scattered, wide water area, rich aquatic biological resources,high fishery yield. The main food crops are rice and wheat. Therefore, Xinyangis known as the "land of fish and rice" in Henan Province.

Xinyang is located in the transition zone between subtropical zone and warmtemperate zone, with mild climate and four distinct seasons. Xinyang is rich invarious resources. Xinyang Maojian, one of the top ten famous teas in China, isfamous for its beautiful shape, green color, high fragrance and strong taste;there are non-metallic minerals perlite and bentonite with the first reservesand quality in China; there are ginkgo resources with the first output in China.In recent years, Xinyangs industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and hasformed an industrial system dominated by electric power, textile, buildingmaterials, chemical industry, machinery, food, medicine, etc.

Well, Ill give you a brief introduction to the basic situation of XinyangCity. Now lets start to visit todays first scenic spot - Jigong Mountain.

Jigong Mountain, formerly known as Jichi mountain, is located 38 kilometerssouth of Xinyang City. The main peak, 784 meters above sea level, looks like aroosters neck to announce the dawn, so it is called baoxiaofeng. On both sidesof the main peak are the winding Linghua mountain and the winding Changlingmountain, just like the wings of a rooster. The whole image is like a roosterstanding among the mountains with his head high and wings high, which isparticularly spectacular, so it is named Jigong Mountain.

Jigong Mountain is a national key scenic spot. In May 1988, the StateCouncil listed Jigong Mountain as a national forest and Wildlife Nature Reserve.It is one of the famous summer resorts in China, and has been well-known both athome and abroad as early as the beginning of this century. It is a naturalscenic area composed of strange peaks and rocks, cloud sea and fog tide, springstream waterfall, trees and flowers, villa and many other landscapes.

Jigong Mountain, located between Dabie Mountain and Tongbai mountain, is atransition zone from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone with abundantrainfall and humid climate. The annual rainfall is 1346.9 mm and the averageannual temperature is 12 ℃. In summer, the climate is cool and pleasant, with anaverage temperature of 23.7 ℃ and a maximum temperature of 32 ℃. In summer,afternoon is like autumn and night is like early winter. It has a goodreputation of "people dying in the heat of the dog days, and people suspectingimmortals in the cool days".

The sea of clouds in Jigong Mountain is also spectacular, with thereputation of "cloud Park". Jigong Mountain is dotted with springs, which iscalled "ten springs and nine waterfalls". Beside the lotus pool on the top ofthe mountain, there is "Baojian spring", which is the top of the mountainsprings. There are "Puji spring" in the South Street, "Longkou spring" at thecage entrance, "Ganquan" at the two gates, "Jigong spring" and "Xiaoxia spring".There are more than 20 waterfalls in Jigong Mountain. Except xiangshuitangwaterfall in the west, the rest are distributed in Donggou, so it is calledDonggou waterfall group.

Jigong Mountain was first developed in Ming Dynasty. In 1903, Americanmissionaries DILIN Li Lisheng and Shi Doug and their party climbed mountains forsummer vacation. Later, they publicized in Western newspapers and praised JigongMountain for its "deep and secluded mountain path, sweet spring, fresh climateand suitable for summer vacation". As a result, pastors, missionaries, wealthybusinessmen and Chinese bureaucrats and warlords from more than 20 countrieshave flocked to build more than 500 villas of Chinese and Western styles. "Thereis a new world in Taoyuan, and nine flags flying in ten winds" is the trueportrayal of that time. After several wars and natural damages, there are now212 buildings. Some people regard Jigongshan villas as "World ArchitectureExpo".

Well, we have come to the foot of Jigong Mountain now. Please follow me toclimb the mountain. There are two ways to climb Jigong Mountain: one is theancient plank road for climbing, which people can climb up; the other is thewinding mountain road built in 1963, which can be used for riding up themountain. Today, we choose to climb the mountain on foot. We can get to the topof the mountain by walking 4 kilometers. Although we will be tired, the sceneryalong the way is very beautiful, which makes you feel worthwhile.

Climbing plank road is the main access to the central tourist area on themountain. The main scenic spots are Baibuti, Zhongtianmen, niuerzhai, eightcharacter stone carvings, five strange stones, erdaomen, Ganquan, doushiya, cagemouth, etc.

Now we are going to climb a hundred steps ladder, with a total of more than400 steps. Please be prepared. Ill lead you on a hike. After a hundred steps,its Zhongtian gate. Zhongtian gate, also known as a gate, is the first hill onthe ancient mountain road. Originally, there was no door here. It was built bythe Nature Reserve Administration in 1990 for tourists to rest. On the hillsideson both sides of a gate, there are winding stone walled walled villages andgates, which are shaped like cows ears. People call it "cows ears Village". Itis said that it was the place where the peasants revolted and stationed troopsin the late Tang Dynasty. Because of many wars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the mountain people used to avoid the disaster of soldiers.

OK, please stop and look at this cliff stone carving, which is called"eight character stone carving" by local people. On this stone wall, there areeight big characters inscribed in the official script of "Qing Fen Chu Yu, Qi QiSong Heng". Each character is 50 cm square, two lines vertically, and two meterslong. It is inscribed by Jie Jue Guang, the first public security director ofJigong Mountain, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. Chu Yu generallyrefers to the South and the north, narrowly refers to Hubei, Henan, andsongheng, and refers to Songshan, which vividly represents the geographicallocation and magnificent spirit of Jigong Mountain .

Now, we are standing on the viewing platform. Please look south. On theopposite ridge, there are jagged rocks, some like crawling turtles, some likejumping frogs, some like foraging boars, some like flying eagles, and some likeTaoist worship. People call it the five grotesque rocks. It is said that thefive strange stones are the incarnations of five scholars who failed in theexamination. They heard that "the cock has a spirit and will respond to anyrequest", so they went up to the mountain to burn incense and appeal to the cockto protect his name on the list. Jigong turned into a firewood collector. Whenhe met one of the five people, he asked, "old man, is Jigong alive?" one asked,"how far is it to the top of the mountain? Im tired to death." some even saidsome rude words to the old man. Jigong saw that they didnt study hard, theywere afraid of hardship and tiredness when they went up the mountain, they werejust a bag of rice and wine, and they were useless to the society, so he turnedthem into strange stones and left them on the way forever. He taught futuregenerations not to be afraid of hardship and hard struggle, and to become aperson who was beneficial to the society. Only in this way can we have todays"five strange stones".


Mount Hua is the highest of China’s five sacred mountains. It is 120kilometers east of Xian. It has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower.The highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet).

We had had discussions about going to Mount Hua with some graduate studentsfrom Computer Science. That didn’t work out due to changes in schedules on bothsides. Also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach thepeak at sunrise. That did not appeal to us. We wanted to spend a night on themountain. Fran’s department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at thesimple hotel on the North Peak. They sent two graduate students to accompany us,though they had not been to Mount Hua before. We met them at 8:00 on Saturdaymorning and took a taxi to the train station. There we asked around and locateda mini-bus. The bus made a couple of stops. One was to see a presentation aboutthe traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some ofthem. It probably would have been interesting if we understood Chinese. Ourguides gave us the general outline about what was said. The other stop was aquick lunch stop.

There are two approaches to Mount Hua. [Chinese proverb: “There is one roadand only one road to Mount Hua,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the onlyway.] The west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before youstart climbing. We went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to thebase of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter North Peak. Our plan was towalk up to the North Peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day andtake the cable car down.

We started the climb in the early afternoon. The path consists of stonesteps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore ourbicycling gloves for hand protection). Physically, it is more like climbing thesteps of a skyscraper than trails at home. However, the temperature was about 95degrees and there was not much shade. We brought lots of water, including somebottles that we froze and some Gatorade that we got at the fancy departmentstore in downtown Xian. There are plenty of refreshment stands along the waywhere you can buy bottled water, the Chinese equivalent of Gatorade, and otherdrinks or snacks at a premium price.

We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our roomwas basic, but comfortable and clean enough. Because water is scarce on themountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In thatsense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with ourguides. We were a bit surprised to find that they both think of Japannegatively, but like the U.S. It seems that Japan’s WWII behavior in China hasnot been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

We saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent withthousands of stars, including the Milky Way galaxy. This was the clearest skythat we have seen in China. The fresh air at Mount Hua is a treat!

Our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 AM to watch thesunrise. Fran and I made sleep a priority. We did happen to wake up a bit beforesunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy.Ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up latewatching the European soccer championships on the television in their room

The plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved theright to shorten the route. The first part was a steep climb to Middle Peak.After the low North Peak, all the others are at roughly 20__ meters. There werecrowds on the way to Middle Peak – mostly Chinese hikers but we did see a fewother wai guo (foreigners) as well.

We visited two Taoist temples en route to Middle Peak. Each one had analtar with incense and offerings of fruit. The friendly monks invited us to saya prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. Fran accepted their invitation. Atthe first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of thealtar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits ofMount Hua (the prayer was answered). At the second temple, she knelt on acushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends whoare experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. After eachblessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak,which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, butrealized that the ladder wasn’t so bad and went for it. That was a good decisionbecause we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at thispoint. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, wehad a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amountof dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Mount Hua, soof course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The viewsfrom the tops of each peak were beautiful. Mount Hua and the surroundingmountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwesternUnited States or the Sierras.

We took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning downfrom Middle to North Peak. We were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks(petals) of Flower Mountain.

By cable car (the longest in Asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the parkentrance. We caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus forXian.

Our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs!We were glad that we did not have this information when we started. For threedays after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take theelevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.


Located on Guangfu Road in the northeast corner of Changchun City, thepuppet Manchukuo Palace Museum covers an area of 12 hectares. It is the palaceof Aixinjueluo Puyi, the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo state. He livedhere from 1932 to 1945. The main building of the Puppet Manchurian palace is agroup of two-story buildings covered with yellow glazed tiles, including Qinminbuilding, Jixi building and Tongde hall. These three buildings are unique instyle and are a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

The museum can be divided into two parts: the outer court for politicalactivities and the inner court for daily life. The outer court (Imperial Palace)is the place where Puyi deals with government affairs. The main buildings areQinmin building, Huaiyuan building and Jiale hall. Qinmin building is the placewhere Puyi works. In addition, there are garden, rockery, fish pond, swimmingpool, tennis court, golf course, horse racing course, calligraphy and paintinglibrary and other ancillary places. The inner court (Imperial Palace) is thedaily life area of Puyi and his family. Among them, Jixi building is theresidence of Puyi and empress Wanrong, which is the daily living place; Tongdehall is the residence of "Fugui people", which also has some entertainmentfacilities. Today, a part of the Imperial Palace has been set up as JilinProvincial Museum, displaying historical materials of the feudal dynastiesestablished in Northeast China, such as Koguryo, Bohai, Liao, Jin, etc.

The Museum of Manchukuo palace is a palace site museum built on the formersite of Manchukuo palace. Taking the cultural relics, documents and pictures ofthe puppet Manchukuo period as the main objects of collection, the history ofJapans occupation of Northeast China, the history of puppet Manchukuo, and thehistory of puppet Manchukuo palace as the main research contents, the formersite of the puppet Manchukuo palace as the carrier, and the exhibition as themeans, through the basic exhibition and special exhibition of "the puppetManchukuo palace in its original state", "from emperor to citizen", "dontforget September 18" The exhibition reveals the crimes of Japans occupation ofNortheast China by force, the implementation of fascist colonial rule, and thepuppet regime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crimes of seeking honor,alleging to Japan, being emperor gandanger, enslaving and maiming the people ofNortheast China; it also shows the distorted palace life of Puyi and his"empresses" and "concubines". In order to inspire the national spirit, unite thenational strength, maintain world peace and seek common development, we shouldcarry out modern history education and patriotism education for the masses,especially the teenagers.

The main collection objects of the museum are the history of Japansoccupation of Northeast China, the history of Manchukuo and the history ofManchukuo palace. Taking the former site of Manchukuo palace as the carrier andby means of display and exhibition, the museum has held basic exhibitions andspecial exhibitions, such as "display of Manchukuo Palace in its originalstate", "from emperor to citizen" and "dont forget September 18" The crime ofoccupying Northeast China, carrying out fascist colonial rule, and the puppetregime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crime of seeking honor, being loyal toJapan, being emperor ganer, enslaving and maiming the people of Northeast China;the distorted palace life of Puyi and his "empresses" and "concubines". In orderto inspire the national spirit, unite the national strength, maintain worldpeace and seek common development, we should carry out modern history educationand patriotism education for the masses, especially the teenagers.

The puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum was established in 1962, and then workedtogether with Jilin Provincial Museum. In 1982, it resumed its establishment. In1984, it officially opened to the public to receive visitors. The original nameof the museum was Jilin provincial puppet Palace Museum. In 20__, it was underthe management of Changchun Municipal government. On February 18, 20__, it wasrenamed puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum. At present, the protected area is 137000square meters, including 47000 square meters of exhibition area, 161 employeesand nearly 20000 cultural relics. Since its opening, the museum has receivednearly 5 million visitors from home and abroad, and has been rated as a national4A tourist attraction and a national excellent patriotism education base.

In the northeast corner of Changchun, the beautiful spring city of theNorthern Kingdom, there is a building complex that is quite different frommodern architecture. It is the Palace site of the last emperor of China,Aixinjueluo Puyi, when he acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchuriastate, covering an area of 137000 square meters. Among them, the main part ofthe palace, namely the core reserve, is 46000 square meters, and the rest is thesubsidiary part.

The Puppet Manchurian Palace Museum is one of the more complete palacesites preserved in China so far. It has a close relationship with ShenyangPalace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum in history. The nature of the puppetManchukuo palace itself is the Palace site where Puyi, the last monarch ofChinas feudal society, acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo. Itis also a historical witness of Japans invasion of Northeast China, processingof the puppet Manchukuo and its colonial rule. The complexity of the historicalbackground and the multiplicity of cultural connotation of the Puppet Manchurianpalace determine its unique nature, as well as the scarcity, universality anduniqueness of cultural resources. The puppet Manchukuo palace is now open todisplay more than 20 kinds of original displays and special exhibitions. Everyyear, it attracts a large number of audiences at home and abroad to visit. Ithas received excellent social repercussions and left endless reverie andenlightenment. Have you ever been to Changchun, the beautiful spring city ofnorthern China? Do you know Puyi and Manchukuo palace? It will be a lifelongregret for you not to visit Manchukuo Palace Museum!


Shantou is located in the east of Guangdong Province, adjacent to the SouthChina Sea. There are expressways connecting Guangzhou and Shenzhen in thesouthwest and Fujian Province in the Northeast; there are railways leading toJiangxi Province and Hunan Province in the northwest; Shantou airport isnavigable to Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and more than 40 cities in China;Shantou is 195 nautical miles away from Hong Kong and 214 nautical miles awayfrom Chinese Taiwan Bay, so the traffic is very convenient.

Shantou is inclined from northwest to Southeast. There are Lianhuamountains in the northeast, Sangpu mountain in the northwest and Danan mountainin the southwest. The middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River, RongjiangRiver and Lianjiang River flow through the city and flow into the South ChinaSea from Shantou port. Shantou port, where the three rivers meet, is a uniqueinland sea in China. The citys coastline is 289 kilometers long, with 40islands, including Nanao Island, the only island county in GuangdongProvince.

Shantou has superior natural conditions. The Tropic of cancer passesthrough the northern part of the city. It has a subtropical marine climate withlong summer and short winter. It can also be said that there is no winter, andthe distinction between the four seasons is not obvious. Summer is from May toOctober every year, and the highest temperature in summer is 33-35 ℃. However,the duration of high temperature is very short, usually two or three days.Tropical storms or typhoons bring rain, and the weather is cool again. FromNovember to February of the next year, winter begins. Although it is winter, thelowest temperature is above 0 ℃, and often remains between 10-15 ℃. It can besaid that there is no intense heat in summer, no severe cold in winter, and thefour seasons are like spring.

The superior natural conditions give birth to abundant animal and plantresources. Coupled with the hard-working and dexterous population quality,Shantou has become a famous high-yield area of crops in China, and the marinefishing industry and aquaculture industry are also very developed.

"Its not difficult for a smart daughter-in-law to cook good rice".Shantous food is famous at home and abroad. The techniques of Chaozhou cuisine,Gongfu tea and snacks are ingenious and unique. They are also in line with theworlds health and health fashion. Shantou is known as the "hometown ofdelicious food" is a very natural thing.

Shantou is known as "Zou Lu on the seashore". Chaoshan culture has a longhistory, and Chaozhou people have unique charm. Since the Tang Dynasty, Shantou,located in the coastal area of eastern Guangdong, was the political exile of thefeudal court. The demoted imperial officials came to Chaoshan to take up theirposts, which brought the advanced cultural ideas of the Central Plains at thattime. As a result, it became a common practice to set up schools and attachimportance to education. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Confucianismeducation reached its peak, and its popularity was incomparable with otherstates and counties in Guangdong. Therefore, in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chenyaozuo, who was demoted from the capital to Chaozhou, praised Chaoshan as a"coastal Zou Lu". From the fact that Chaoshan people with a little bit ofculture generally like playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is notdifficult to see the traces of the inheritance of traditional culture fromgeneration to generation. In modern times, a large number of Chaozhou peopleemigrated overseas by red boat, Shantou became a famous hometown of overseasChinese, and the communication between local and overseas gradually increased.In addition, with the opening of Shantou port, western culture entered Shantou,and Chinese and Western cultures blended to form a unique local culture withboth traditional and open farming culture and marine culture. For example, theworship of the gods in ningduo and the Lantern Festival activities in uniqueforms, such as racing big pigs, racing big geese, dragging gods and grabbingdragon heads, all exude a strong flavor of marine culture. It is delicate asChaozhou Opera, Chaozhou music and folk crafts (wood carving, drawing, papercutting and inlaying porcelain); rough as Chaozhou gongs and drums, Yinggedance, puma dance and unique Chaoshan dialect, which are clearly branded withthe deep brand of the ancient culture of the Central Plains.

The name of a place mostly reflects the geographical or historical originof the soil and water in this area, and Shantou is no exception. In modernChinese, "Shan" has a single meaning. In ancient Chinese, it means a fishingtool. The local people think that the word "Shan" refers to the sand ridgeformed by the accumulation of sea sand, so "Shantou" is the top of the sandridge. Shantou City also has another name, which is called "Shedao". The word"Shedao" is also very rare. It is the ancient name of a shallow sea fish that isabundant here. It seems that the saying of "Shantou" or "Yidao" is inseparablefrom the sea and tells us the origin of Shantou. Shantou is a young city builton the beach and a milestone city in the development of Chaoshan history tomodern times.

As early as 1858, Engels pointed out that Shantou port is "the only portwith a little commercial significance" in China when he evaluated Chinascoastal ports in his article Russias success in the Far East. After the secondOpium War, Shantou was listed as a foreign trade port. In 1861, Shantou wasofficially opened as a port for foreign trade. Eight countries, includingBritain, the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway andDenmark, set up consulates here. The 1930s was the most prosperous period ofShantou port. At that time, the cargo throughput of Shantou Port ranked third inChina, second only to Shanghai and Guangzhou. Bulk cargo

The import and export of commodities have boosted the local commercialeconomy. At its peak, Shantou once ranked seventh in the country. From 1934 to1937, the number of hotels in Shantou increased from 46 to more than 130. Theprosperity of Shantou port can be seen.

Since the founding of new China, Shantou has always been the political,economic and cultural center of eastern Guangdong. Since the reform and openingup, Shantous economic strength has been continuously enhanced, and variousundertakings have developed in an all-round way. After 1992, Shantou entered the"top 50 cities in China" again in 1997. In 20__, the citys GDP reached 6.099billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 16.7% from 1981 to 20__.Ultrasonic electronics, textile and clothing, toys, machinery, printing, food,medicine and other industries are growing, the pattern of all-round opening tothe outside world has basically taken shape, breakthroughs have been made ininfrastructure construction, and the pattern of "one city, two cities" modernport city has initially taken shape. Shantou has won the titles of "Chinasexcellent tourism city", "national health city" and "national environmentalprotection model city". At present, Shantou City continues to promote the newcentury life project of "rebuilding credit and image". In accordance with thegeneral requirements of "meeting the challenges of Chinas accession to WTO,building credit Shantou, creating famous brand products and developingcharacteristic economy", we should further improve the soft investmentenvironment and promote the economic development of Shantou.

Shantou is rich in tourism resources, complete in tourism service systemand supporting facilities, and has a high level of tourism reception. By 20__,it has owned one National Forest Park, four provincial tourist resorts, one AAAtourist area and one provincial scenic spot; 38 star hotels, including 2five-star hotels, 5 four-star hotels and 12 three-star hotels. The municipalParty committee and government attach great importance to tourism, formulatepolicies and measures to speed up the development of tourism, determine andvigorously promote the image slogan of "seaside Zou Lu, hometown of deliciousfood" put forward by Mayor Li Chunhong, and speed up the construction of scenicspots. Shantous tourism will have a greater development.

Basic situation of Shantou City

Jurisdiction: Longhu District, Jinyuan District, Shengping District, DAHAODistrict, Hepu District, Nanao County, Chaoyang City, Chenghai City(county-level city) area: 2046 square kilometers

Population: 4.62 million (20__) Shantou population around the world: about2 million Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan compatriots: over 3 million ethnic groups:mainly Han nationality

Language: Chaoshan dialect, some speak Hakka dialect. Main industrialproducts: photosensitive materials, ultrasonic electronic instruments, textilesand clothing, toys, printed matter, food, medicine, etc

Seafood: grouper, eel, pomfret, prawn, squid, oyster, etc

Local products: shitoue, Chaozhou Mandarin, sugarcane, taro, LinQin, olive,Baoxin mustard

Sunshine: 20__-2500 hours, annual average temperature: 21-22c,precipitation: 1300-1800 mm

Waterfront Promenade

(the coach is on the seaside road)

Our coach is on the seashore road. Some people say its a bit like walkingon the West Lake Road in Hangzhou. Its almost the same. However, this is not alake, but a sea. The sea is a precious heritage left by nature. A city close tothe sea, not only warm climate, convenient transportation, but also the city

Body is the object of tourism. Shantou is a city with both open sea andinland sea. You can see that the inland sea is 57 square kilometers, which isequivalent to the size of 10 West Lakes in Hangzhou. This road starts fromShantou port, goes all the way to Haiwan Bridge and connects with the expresswayleading to Shenzhen.

(get off and visit near Pinhai Pavilion)

On the side of Haibin Road near the sea is the green park. From morningtill night, there are many tourists. It is the favorite resting place forShantou people. You can often see the performances of Chaozhou Opera enthusiastshere. Standing here, overlooking the sea, I feel very open-minded. The wholeShantou Bay has a panoramic view. You see, in the distance is the Bay Bridge,under the bridge is the scenic area of Mayu Island, on the other side of themountain is the open sea, near the temple of Heaven Park and the famous stonescenic area, and on the west of the stone cross sea bridge is Niutianyang, whererivers and seas meet. There are two ferries here. Visitors and vehicles can alsocross by boat. As long as you spend one yuan, you can enjoy the fun of cross seatravel.

You can see that there are many old trees in the park with luxuriant roots,which are simple and vigorous. In fact, they are all planted by hand in recentyears. There are also many stone carvings in the trees. You can take a picturebeside your favorite animals as a souvenir. There are monkeys, camels, snails,cocks and lovely dolls. On the north side of the road is the peoples Square andthe stadium, with a music fountain in the middle and a group of art sculptureson both sides showing the sea interest. They are a group of children carryinghuge conch to the beach, and the water comes out from the shell of conch.

On the other side of Haibin road are many important buildings in Shantou.The municipal Party committee and the municipal government are also nearby. Itsa long way. Please get on the bus and watch along the road.

"If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask, a piece of ice is in the jadepot.". Successfully completed the days journey. Do you feel tired? In fact, youhave entered a "big oxygen bar" and experienced 100% negative ion lung washing.The slight sea breeze will blow away the fatigue of your journey. The broad seawill make you feel broad and cheerful, bold, simple, hardworking

The islanders of loyalty sincerely invite you to stay here for a few moredays. You will savor and appreciate the beautiful picture of "mountain, sea,history and temple" of our island, which is made up of the color of sky,mountain and sea. Here, I sincerely hope that your life is full of sunshine, andtodays journey is over.


Ladies and gentlemen

Hello! Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of ChengdeCity, the summer resort is an existing classical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why doexperts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question aftervisiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reasonis related to the topography of the summer resort. (the tour guide adoptssuspense method to stimulate tourists interest in sightseeing)

Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car.Now Ill show you her style.

(outside Lizheng gate)

Ladies and gentlemen, the antique door in front of us is the main door ofthe summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of theQing emperor. The palace gate is three rooms wide, with two floors up and down.There are three square door openings in the lower layer, and a city platform anda que tower in the upper layer. You see, there is a stone plaque on the top ofthe middle door. On it is the "Lizhengmen" inscribed by Emperor Qianlong inManchu, Tibetan, Han, Uygur and Mongolian. It symbolizes that our motherland isa unified multi-ethnic country.

There are two stone lions on both sides of the door to show the majesty ofthe emperor. There is Yudao square in front of the gate. The road is paved withblue stones. There are stone tablets in the East and west of the square, onwhich are engraved in Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese characters:"officials wait to dismount here", so we call it dismount tablet. There is a redscreen wall to the south of the square, separating the Royal Garden from theoutside world. It is said that there is a golden rooster flying from Jiguanmountain in Hongzhaobi. In the dead of night, if you tap Zhaobi, the GoldenRooster will chirp. If you want to make a textual research, please come here atnight to listen. OK! Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and go in and feelthe life of the emperor.

(inside the main entrance of Li)

Please look to the right. On the mountain in the distance, there is a hugestone pillar standing up from the sky, straight into the clouds. It is thick onthe top and thin on the bottom, which is very similar to the hammer used forwashing clothes. We Chengde people call it Bangchui mountain, and Emperor Kangxinamed it "qingchufeng". During the construction of the summer resort, this sceneis skillfully used to integrate the inside and outside of the resort, expand thesense of space, and create a new artistic conception. This is a successfulexample for the designer of the resort to use the garden art of "borrowingscenery". People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touchBangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touchBangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you areinterested, you may as well go up the mountain tomorrow to have a touch. It mustbe very interesting.

The palace in front is the place where the Qing emperor "worked and lived"in Chengde. Now Chengde people call it the summer resort Museum.

(in the exhibition room)

The first picture that comes to our eyes is the complete picture of thesummer resort, which is the full picture of the peak period of the Qing Dynasty.Summer resort, also known as "Rehe Palace", "Chengde Palace". It startedconstruction in 1703, the 42nd year of Emperor Kangxi, and was completed in1792, the 57th year of Emperor Qianlong. In the early and middle Qing Dynasty,several emperors came here almost every year to spend the summer and deal withgovernment affairs, usually in April and may of the lunar calendar, and returnedto Beijing in September and October. In fact, the summer resort has become thesecond political center of the Qing Dynasty. The whole villa covers an area of5.64 million square meters, which is about twice the size of the summer palacein Beijing and eight times the size of Beihai. The villa can be divided intopalace area and garden scenic area. The palace area is composed of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and Donggong. Gardenscenic area is divided into mountain area, Lake area and plain area. Themountain area is wide, accounting for more than 70% of the total area of thevilla. The villa is the essence of the national garden, with the characteristicsof Nan Xiu Bei Xia. There are 90 pavilions, 29 dykes and bridges, 25inscriptions on cliffs, more than 70 groups of rockeries and stones, more than120 groups of buildings such as temples, halls, temples, pavilions, towers andpavilions, with a total construction area of more than 100000 square meters.

The 36 scenes named after four words by Emperor Kangxi and the 36 scenesnamed after three words by Emperor Qianlong are known as "72 scenes of summerresort". Emperor Kangxi praised it as "the north pole with its own mountains andrivers, and the natural scenery is better than the West Lake." The palace wallof the villa is about 10 kilometers long. Because it looks like the Great Wall,we Chengde people affectionately call it "little Great Wall". Outside the palacewalls are the Royal temples built in imitation of the famous temples of allethnic groups in China. These temples are semicircular around the periphery ofthe villa, forming the trend of the stars and the moon, symbolizing that allethnic groups in the country were closely around the ruling center of the QingDynasty at that time. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, thesummer resort has gone through many vicissitudes. After the founding of newChina, the villa has been reborn. Now it is a well preserved and large-scaleRoyal Garden in China, a world cultural heritage and a famous tourist attractionat home and abroad.

(coming to the second exhibition room)

Most of the pictures on display here are pictures. This picture of autumnMulan is eye-catching. Mulan, which means sentinel deer in Manchu. The way towhistle deer is that before dawn, soldiers sneak into the mountain forest,wearing deerskin and antlers, whistling at the mouth to imitate the call of amale deer. Autumn is the season for deer to mate and group. In this way, thefemale deer can be drawn out for shooting. "Means hunting in autumn. Thispicture is painted by Xinglong a in Qing Dynasty. It depicts the hunting sceneof the emperor more than 200 years ago. You may wonder why the emperor of theQing Dynasty led a large group of people to hunt here for thousands of miles.Because after the emperor of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, the fightingcapacity of the Eight Banners who were brave and good at fighting in historybegan to decline. Some of them fled, some wounded themselves, sometimes oneperson was injured, and many people escorted them, in order not to go to thefront line. Emperor Kangxi realized that it was urgent to improve the quality ofsoldiers and consolidate the northern frontier. In this situation, EmperorKangxi personally led the Eight Banners out of xifengkou and went north toinspect, and set up a Mulan paddock for the purpose of practicing martial artsin Suiyuan.

The establishment of Mulan paddock was the product of the friendlyrelationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian and TibetanNationalities. It closed the relationship between the Mongolian and Tibetanareas and the Central Plains, strengthened the exchanges among the Manchu,Mongolian, Tibetan and Han nationalities, consolidated the northern borderdefense, and was conducive to resisting the invasion and expansion of tsaristRussia. The annual hunting lasted about 20 days each time. The emperorpersonally led officials of various government departments and eight banners ofManchu and Mongolian to participate. In order to meet the needs of a largenumber of people, accommodation, rest, savings and the emperors handling ofgovernment affairs, more than ten palaces were built from Beijing to thepaddock. Rehe is located in the middle of this northern patrol route. FromBeijing to here, the memorial ceremony is coming day and night. Moreover, theclimate here is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and the water and grass areabundant. So Kangxi decided to build a large palace here, which is Rehe palace.In this regard, Qianlong had a very clear saying: "our emperor built this villaoutside the Great Wall, not for his own travel in Henan, but for theconstruction of the world.".

History shows that the establishment of the autumn festival and the summerresort achieved the Emperor Kangxis political goal of "combining the internaland external heart and forming a solid career". Now lets look at this pictureagain. It can be divided into two parts: the imperial camp and the huntingground. The imperial camp was the place where the emperor lived and dealt withthe government affairs, and the hunting ground was the place where he actuallyhunted. When hunting, there was strict organization and discipline. After thesoldiers disguised as deer led the deer out, the sergeants gradually reduced theencirclement to the level of people side by side and horses with ears, but theycould not shoot at will. At this time, the emperor first came out to shootarrows, and then the princes, ministers and soldiers shot in turn. The pictureshows a deer hunting scene. Please follow me.

This second gate is called "Yue shoot", which is the place where theemperor watched the archery competition between the emperors son and hisgrandson. There is a plaque on the top of the door, which is written with fourgold-plated characters of "summer villa". It is the imperial pen of EmperorKangxi. This plaque is extremely beautiful and eye-catching. Perhaps you havefound that the word "avoid" in this summer resort is written one morehorizontal. Is it Emperor Kangxis mistake, or is there another reason )Thisgentleman (young lady) is right. It turns out that in the Qing Dynasty, when thetwo characters "Bi" were used at the same time, either way of writing wascorrect. This is a variant character phenomenon. Here Emperor Kangxi wrote itfor the sake of pursuing the beauty of calligraphy.

The two bronze lions on both sides of the gate are majestic. Speaking ofthese two bronze lions, there is a touching legend! It is said that during theAnti Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Chengde and plundered it. Oneday, a group of Japanese soldiers found that the two bronze lions were beautifuland priceless. They wanted to take them away, but they were too heavy to carrythem. So they went to find tools separately. All this makes the old people inthe nursing home look in the eyes and feel pain in the heart. He thought thatthe bronze lion was the treasure of the country, and it must not be taken awayby the Japanese soldiers. He had an idea. He immediately got pig blood from thevillage and smeared it on the lions eyes. When the Japanese soldiers found thetools and came back, they found that the lions eyes were red, and they allcried blood. They were all stunned. They were afraid that moving the lion wouldbring them bad luck, so they ran away in a panic. This pair of nationaltreasures has been preserved until now. Now the pair of bronze lions have becomemascots in peoples minds. If you want everything to go well, dont forget totouch it.


Dear friends

Hello! Today we visit Pule temple. Pule temple, commonly known asyuantingzi, is another royal temple built by Emperor Qianlong after PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. It covers an area of 24000 square meters with the eastfacing the West and the central axis facing the summer resort. The first half ofthe architecture of Pule temple is the traditional "Jialan Qitang" style of theHan temple, and the second half is the Tibetan form. The main building of thetemple, Xuguang Pavilion, imitates the praying Hall of the temple of heaven inBeijing. The layout of the building is different from that of ordinary temples,which breaks the pattern of traditional temples facing south. In the East, it isadjacent to the chime hammer peak, and in the west, it is opposite to the summerresort. It echoes with the Puren temple, Anyuan temple, Puning Temple, XumiFushou temple, Putuo Zongcheng temple, etc. in the eight outer temples, forminga pattern of stars holding the moon and bowing to the summer resort.

(in front of the Mountain Gate of Pule Temple)

Now we come to the gate of Pule temple. There is a pair of stone lions infront of the door. You see how well preserved they are. In the middle of themountain gate, there is a stone plaque inscribed with "Pule Temple" written byEmperor Qianlong in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan Languages.

(entering the Mountain Gate)

The first thing you can see when you enter the mountain gate is the belland drum towers on both sides of the north and the south. Its function is thesame as the bell and drum towers of Puning Temple. I will not repeat ithere.

You see, there is a five room hall with a single eaves on the top of theplatform. Under the central eaves is a Yunlong plaque written by EmperorQianlong. In the center of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly. He hasa fat head and a big cheek. He is happy with his eyebrows and smiles. It seemsthat he is welcoming us. On both sides of the cloth bag monk are clay statues ofthe four heavenly kings.

The four heavenly kings, 8.38 meters high, are in sitting position. Thoughthey have been living for 200 years, they are still resplendent and magnificent,ranking second to none in the country. Behind Maitreya Buddha stands WeituoBuddha. Weituo is the Dharma protector of the Buddha and one of the EightGenerals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking first among the 32generals (each of the four heavenly kings has eight generals). It is said thatwhen Sakyamuni Buddha came to Nirvana, the evil spirits took away the remains ofthe Buddha, and Weituo chased them in time and tried hard to recapture them.Therefore, Buddhism regards him as the God to expel evil spirits and protectBuddhism. Since the Song Dynasty, Chinese temples have worshipped Weituo, knownas Weituo Bodhisattva. They often stand behind the Maitreya Buddha statue andface the main hall to protect the Dharma and help monks.

(in front of Zongyin Hall)

When we enter the second courtyard from the Tianwang hall, we are presentedwith a hall with seven wide faces and five deep faces, with double eaves andglass tile roofs on Xieshan mountain. This is the main building of the temple"Zongyin hall". Zongyin means that Buddhism is the unchanging truth. In thecenter of the main ridge of Zongyin hall, there is a yellow glazed tile Lamatower, about two meters high. The base of the tower is xumizuo. The tower iscomposed of Chenglu pan, Xianglun, sun and moon. On both sides of the pagoda areinlaid with eight ornaments for Buddhas offering: wheel (Dharma wheel), snail(Buddhas sound is widely spread), umbrella (protecting all Dharma), cover(Buddhas power), lotus (not contaminated by worldly customs), vase (virtue isperfect), Pisces (freedom and liberation), pan Chang (Buddhist doctrine runsthrough all the time). In the center of the hall, there are three Buddhas: thepharmacist Buddha in the Oriental glass world, the Sakyamuni Buddha in theChinese dancing world, and the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. Thereare eight wood carved Bodhisattvas on the stone Xumi seats on both sides of thethree Buddhas: Manjusri, Vajrayana, Avalokitesvara and King Tibetans in theSouth; Puxian, Maitreya, void Tibetans and removing dirt and obstacles in thenorth. They are called eight Bodhisattvas. The eight Bodhisattvas are of thesame size. They are all carved in wood and painted in gold.

There are five auxiliary halls on each side of Zongyin hall. The Nanpeihall is called "Huili hall". In the hall, there are statues of Buddha, Vajrawith horse head, Vajra with subduing part and Vajra with anger. They are pink,blue, red, three heads and six arms, with human skin on the back and tiger skinskirt around the waist. The backlight behind is a five color flame, which issaid to represent five kinds of "wisdom". The north side hall is "Shengyinhall". Inside the hall is dedicated to the inner achievement of Vajra hand, theouter achievement of Vajra hand and the secret achievement of Vajra hand. It issaid that these three Buddhas are the images of Sakyamuni when he preached thesecret Dharma, and are the secret incarnations of Sakyamuni. So its also called"secret master".


Dear friends, we now come to the "city" in the eastern half of Pule temple.The city is actually a Datura entity. Mandala is a transliteration of Sanskrit,translated as "Tan" or "Daochang". This is the place where the lamas practice,observe and teach the secret law. In order to prevent the invasion of "demons",the tantric sect of Lamaism drew a circle or built a high altar on the practicesite, on which the Buddha, Bodhisattva or scroll were placed. Only in this waycan we get the protection of Buddha and Bodhisattva and not be disturbed by the"demons".

The city is divided into three layers: the outer layer is a group of squarehouses. There are doors on all sides. Facing the west is the main gate, which isthree rooms wide and one room deep, with a single eaves resting on the top ofthe mountain. There is a Qianlong stele built in the gate hall. It is inscribedwith Qianlongs stele of Pule Temple written in Manchu, Han, Mongolian andTibetan Languages. The construction of Pule temple is not like that of PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. In view of specific historical events, EmperorQianlong felt that there was still a large space to be used from Puning Templeand Anyuan temple to the area of qinghammer peak. In order to make the overallrational layout of the temples around the summer resort, he built this temple."Pule" is derived from Fan Zhongyans "Yueyang Tower" in which "the worries ofthe world come first and then the happiness of the world come later". On bothsides of the original square courtyard, it has 72 single-layer Gallery room, nolonger exist.

The second floor is a square stone platform with battlements on the brickwall. A stone arch is built in the center of the platform, and there is acorridor between the arch and the gate hall. In the middle of the West arch,there is a stone plaque of "shewei Xianxiang" written by Emperor Qianlong, whichmeans that it is the same as shewei state, showing auspicious scenery. There arestone pedals on both sides of the arch leading to the bottom of the platform.The arches on the north and south sides are closed, with Buddhist painting axeshanging inside. There is a small hall at the exit of the pedal road from thepedal road to the top of the second floor platform. There are eight Lama pagodaswith the same shape and different colors in the middle of the four corners andfour sides of the top. The pagoda is divided into five colors: yellow, black,purple, green and white. These five colors represent the "five elements" ofland, water, fire, wind and air in Lamaism. The five color pagoda symbolizes thefive color land (the land of Chinas Kyushu is five colors), which means thatunder the heaven, is it the kings land. The eight pagodas are divided intoeight directions and serve as the merit towers of Sakyamunis "eight greatachievements" (Buddha, becoming Tao, turning the wheel of Dharma, manifestingsupernatural powers, benefiting the world, transforming monks, thinkingimmeasurably and entering Nirvana). It symbolizes the long-term and stable ruleof the Qing Dynasty.

The square stone platform on the third floor is surrounded by stonerailings. In the center of the platform is the main building "Xuguang Pavilion"in the second half of the temple. It means facing the rising sun in the East.This is a round pavilion with double eaves, yellow glazed tiles and a pointedroof. Its shape is the same as that of the praying Hall of the temple of heavenin Beijing. 12 eaves columns and 12 gold columns support the double eaves domein two layers. The square platform and the round roof show the ancient Chinesecosmology with a round sky and a round place. The building on the round stoneXumi seat in the center of the hall is called "Mandala", which is athree-dimensional "Mandala" model in China.

The nine palace grid on its base is made of 37 pieces of wood, representing37 kinds of knowledge of Sakyamuni. In the middle of the mandala, there is adouble bronze statue of the king Buddha of shangle. Shangle King Buddha, alsoknown as Shengle King Buddha, is also called "Huanxi Buddha". It is also named"Deqiao" and is one of the original Buddhas of Tantric practice of Lamaism.Tantric school advocates practicing secret law, that is, practicing through "thedoor of convenience" (yoga) to become a Buddha. King Buddha of shangle is theincarnation of King Buddha holding wheel, representing wisdom. Mother Buddha(female image) represents meditation. Only with "both wisdom and tranquility"and "both meditation and meditation" can one become a Buddha. The combination oftwo bodies is like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. Only in this waycan one become a Buddha, which is another form of cultivation in TantricBuddhism.

The top of Xuguang Pavilion is decorated with exquisite dragon troupe andPearl caisson. The carving is exquisite and glittering, which has high artisticvalue. come

(in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

Dear friends, now we are in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism. Thisis the gate hall on the north side of the city. Originally, there were 21 groupsof rooms beside the square gate hall. Now only the gate hall is left. Except forthe west gate hall, the other nine gate halls have been turned into exhibitionrooms.

Esoteric Buddhism, also known as esoteric Buddhism, originated in the latestage of the development of Mahayana Buddhism in ancient India, and has obviouscharacteristics compared with Xianzong. 800 years after Sakyamunis death,Buddhism was divided into Buddhism and Buddhism. Academia believes that EsotericBuddhism is the product of the combination of Mahayana and Brahmanism after the7th century. It was introduced by Indian master rinwatson in the early 8thcentury. He fought many times with Bon witches in secret law. Every time hedefeated some Bon witches, he declared that some stupid God had been subdued andnamed him the protector of Buddhism. The tantric Buddha statue of TibetanBuddhism is unique, which is not only the precious wealth of religious art, butalso the treasure of human body statue art in the world. Lets have a lookhere

Apart from the modern clay statues, they are all originally preserved inthe temple, which is hard to see in other temples.

What are the differences between Tantric Buddhism and Buddhism? There arethe following points: first, Tantric Buddhism takes Sakyamuni as its leader andattaches great importance to theory, while Tantric Buddhism praises theTathagata and pays attention to matters; second, Tantric Buddhism advocatespreaching Buddhism, meditation, enlightenment and self-cultivation, whileTantric Buddhism attaches great importance to inheritance, truth and mantra inorder to become Buddha; 3、 Xianzongs Classics mainly include scriptures, laws,precepts, and theories. In addition to tantric, there are eulogy, praise,Dharma, mantra, rituals, yoga, and seal of contract. Fourth, Xianzong has fourkinds of prestige: walking, living, sitting, and lying. In addition to tantric,it also needs to contemplate, follow the teachers instruction, abide by ritualsand practice procedures.

Tantric cultivation can be divided into four steps: Shimi, xingmi, yoga MIand supreme yoga MI. Master zongkaba, the founder of the Yellow religion,stipulated that the order of practice should be first obvious and then secret.Only the living Buddha who has obtained the degree of gexi in Tibetan educationis qualified to practice Esoteric Buddhism, which is passed on by master Vajraand practiced in the upper and lower esoteric schools. The practice of TantricBuddhism is accompanied by the imperial concubine Ming. Therefore, most of thetantric statues are double figures of men and women, which are called "joyfulBuddha" or "joyful heaven". Each of these statues has a Buddhist story orlegend, so they are three-dimensional fables of Buddhism. Because the joyfulBuddhas are all naked, they are men and women, so some people mistakenly thinkthat "joyful" refers to the sexual pleasure of men and women. In fact, these twowords mean fearless, angry spirit, transcending life and death, and gainingjoy.

(in the second exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

One of the most influential Buddhist statues of Tantric Buddhism is thebronze "King Kong of great power, virtue and terror" in the second exhibitionroom. He was a man and a woman, with nine sides, thirty-four hands and sixteenfeet. The nine faces represent the nine Sutras of Mahayana, the two hornssymbolize the two truths, the thirty-four hands with body, the thirty-sevenmeaning, the thirty-seven Bodhi Dharma, the sixteen feet symbolize the sixteenemptiness, and the combination of men and women symbolizes the great happiness.On the left and right, eight feet step on eight things and eight birds,symbolizing "80% of the Department" and "eight freedom". Nudity and nirvanasymbolize "no dust". Anger and uprightness symbolize "wonderful way". As for thejoyful Buddha image, there are such legends in sibunayega Dharma and JapaneseTantra of dongmi: the woman is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. With herbeauty, she subdued the king who believed in Brahmanism and made him theprotector of Buddhism. This kind of saying is completely out of the secularattachment psychology. It is a difficult realm for ordinary people to reach todeeply study the essence of Tantric cultivation. It is to break the ignorance,cultivate the good root and obtain the right consciousness. There is amysterious veil about the true meaning of Tibetan secrets. No wonder we cantunderstand it. However, the artistic charm of these superb human figures isamazing to every tourist.

Also on display in the exhibition room are the prison master King Kong,riding sheep to protect the Dharma, joyful King Kong, auspicious HeavenlyMother, shangle King Buddha and so on. Please enjoy it freely.

Although Pule temple is a Lamaist temple, there is no Lama in it, but it isguarded by eight banners. This is the place where the Kazakh, Uighur, Kirgiz andother ethnic upper class people who come to the summer resort to worship theQing emperor pay homage and live.

Dear friends, this is the end of the tour guides explanation of Puletemple. Short time together, eternal memory, in your heart, my heart left a goodmemory. I remember a song like this: "when we surpass our dreams, we need toface them sincerely, let our life savor this moment, and let the years rememberthis time.".

Dear friends, goodbye!


Zhuhai Haiquanwan mysterious island, mysterious island theme parkHaiquanwan mysterious island is located in Haiquanwan resort city in the west ofZhuhai, covering an area of about 1 square kilometers. Taking the rare ocean hotspring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: two five-star resort hotels,fishermans Wharf integrating food, entertainment and performance, high-techmodern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park, star service physicalexamination center, fitness club for health, and expansion training camp forelite team. Haiquan Bay mysterious island, the mysterious and strange pirateCastle area of Haiquan Bay mysterious island. The southwest corner of HaiquanBay mysterious island was originally a fishing port, which was later occupied bypirates and became an important supply station and stronghold at sea. After aseries of resistance and repression, the residents of mysterious island finallydefeated the heinous pirates. There were pirate three masted sailboats, PirateSkeleton flags, old-fashioned rifles, rusty knives and powder kegs. Two blackcannons watched the lake in silence, as if ready to fire at any time to attackthe pirates.

Zhuhai mysterious island Haiquan Bay mysterious island dream fairy taleMermaid Lake District colorful and lovely ocean cartoon is the young theme ofmermaid Lake District. The street lights and flagpoles in the whole area aresurrounded by seaweed, like coral pillars on the sea floor. High flagpole, fullof fish flag, slender fish flag is the shape of all kinds of marine fish,floating in the wind, like countless marine fish swimming in the sea. Haiquanwanmysterious island is the birthplace of Haiquanwan mysterious island. Themysterious island is full of mysterious and magical power. The cracks betweennumerous stones and the springs in the land hiss with white steam, as if amysterious force at the foot is flowing everywhere, looking for the passage outof the surface. Under the action of mysterious forces, the huge rocks havebroken away from the conventional massive structure and are growing freely withthis incredible shape and angle.

On the roadside rocks, there are countless devout, frightened, eager andgiant faces, large and small. With the passage of time, the statues of faces arecovered with a thick layer of moss, with a deeper mystery in the blur. The waterscreen movie of Haiquan Bay mysterious island the dreamlike water screen movieof Haiquan Bay mysterious island has a wonderful performance in the inner lakeof fishermans Wharf at the beginning of the Lantern Festival. The spring in thefountain square is a perfect combination of music and laser. Its like a jadeplate with beads falling down. Its exciting.

EDSA, WatG, forrec of Canada, Nihon Sekkei of Japan, Wilson &Associates of America, Inc, hbaand cell of Hong Kong are responsible for theoverall planning and landscape design, architectural design, theme park planningand design, hot spring project and interior decoration design of the resortrespectively.

The 2.7 km long coastal couple Road, more than 200000 square meters of lakewater system and 300000 square meters of green area make the resort maintain aharmonious and perfect ecological environment.

According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, Haiquan Bay received200000 tourists, eight of whom were family tourists.

There is no new years Eve in 20__. Traditionally, it should be the daywhen the whole family gather at home to watch the new year. However, nearly 1000rooms of two five-star hotels in Haiquan Bay are all full. Neptune resort hotelopens on the first day of the year, and tourists cant wait to stay in. From 29to the seventh day of the new year, the opening rate of two hotels in HaiquanBay is 99%.

It was designed by FORREC, a Canadian company that once served for LotteWorld in Korea and Universal Studios. According to the natural beautifulcoastline and natural lake surface, it skillfully integrates a variety ofexciting high-tech amusement equipment with Mediterranean style buildings,forming a passionate lucky Avenue area, a thrilling adventure jungle area, amysterious and treacherous pirate Castle area, a dreamy and fairy tale MermaidLake area and a passionate mysterious island area. It is a large-scale moderntheme park integrating experience, plot, entertainment and interest. It has theworlds advanced amusement equipment, the first catapult "roller coaster" inAsia, the first "vertical limit" in China, more than 100 kinds of amusementprojects, more than 10 kinds of unique and wonderful music and danceperformances in China, and the first theme expansion training camp in China Thejourney is full of adventure and excitement.

Haiquanwan resort, located in the west of Zhuhai, is another masterpiece ofHong Kong CTS International Investment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong listing Code: 308)after Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese folk village and window of the world. The initialinvestment is 2.2 billion yuan, covering an area of about 1 square kilometer.Taking the rare ocean hot spring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: twofive-star resort hotels, fishermans Wharf integrating food, entertainment andperformance, high-tech modern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park,star service physical examination center, fitness club for health, and expansiontraining camp for elite team. It was fully opened on January 22, 20__.


HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history.

Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.

Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.


ladies, gentlemen,

welcome to the" land of fish and rice" - - suzhou.suzhou ,one of the chinese"cities of gardens"tops all others in both number and artistry of gardens.starting from pijiang garden of the eastern jin dynasty,suzhous art of gardening has undergone a history of1500 years.the concept of suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city the regions of the yangtze.

the four classical gardens of suzhou are the surging waves pavilion.the lion grove garden garden .the humble administratorgarden.the lingering garden.in a nutshell ,represent the different architectural styles of song.yuan.ming.qing dynasties.

my friends, now we are in the lingering garden. it is located in liuyuan road, suzhou city. it was built by xutaishi in ming dynasty. at that time it was named eastern garden.

there are three treasures in the lingering garden. the first treasure are stones.the stone in front of us is the most distinguishing stone "guangyun peak". with a weight of 5 tons and a height of 6.5 meters, it is one of the four wonderful stones in the regions of the yangtze.

the calligrapher and painter mifu in song dynasty sum up the features of lake tai stones as the following: slender ,wrinkling , leaking , penetrating. just take the "guangyun peak" as an example and you will have some idea about the features of the stones. in addition, it is endowed with the personal characters of faithfulness because of its nature of stiffness and unchangeable outlook. thus it has been worshipped by people since old time.

the second treasure is "five peak fairy hall" "five peaks fairy hall" gets the reputation of "the first hall in the regions of yangtze" . the name comes from the lines of the great poet libai. the four chinese characters on the plaque were written by wuda---the famous calligrapher. nanmu hall used to be the place for important banquets and ceremonies, such as birthday parties, weddings , funerals .

the hall is divided into two sections__the south section and the north section. the south section host male guests, while the south section host female guests.

the hall is elegantly designed with oversized windows on east and west sides . through the windows, the outside sceneries of the two courtyards can be extended as parts of the hall, thus to ensure enough lights into the building.

five peaks fairy hall was built out of luxury materials. beams and pillars are all nanmu, which is a kind of timber only produced in china. that is also the reason why "five peaks fairy hall" is also commonly called "nanmu hall".

the "fossil fish" we are enjoying is the third treasure of lingering garden. it is a natural marble picture. in the middle of the picture are the clutters of mountains which are partly hidden and partly visible; below are flowing streams,above are floating clouds; right on the middle top is a round white spot like a sun or a moon.it is a picture drawn by the nature. the marble stone has a diameter of 1 meter or so and a thickness of 15 mms . it was produced in diancang mountain, yunnan province. it is a wonder how such big a stone was delivered in a good condition from yunnan which is over one thousand mile away from suzhou.

china is most famous for its elegant classical gardens.

among these, the lingering garden is one representative. if you would like to know more about chinese culture, we welcome you to visit suzhou again.


My hometown is in the beautiful Ningbo, which is a coastal city with a longhistory and developed economy.

There are sweet and sour red bayberry, juicy Fenghua peach, delicious newyear cake, fragrant dumplings and seafood.

Historical sites include the Ming Dynastys private library "TianyiPavilion", which has a splendid stage and thousands of ancient books. Someancient books you cant even find a second one in the whole world. There arealso drum towers that are still well preserved, on which there is a huge clock,which tirelessly tells people the time every day and rings the bell for peopleto make progress; there are Tianfeng pagodas built in the Tang Dynasty, whichhave four floors underground, in which there are valuable treasures; There isalso the Baoguo temple built in the Qing Dynasty, in which there is a woodenBuddhist hall with complex and exquisite structure. Even spiders cant weavewebs in it, and mice dare not go in. There are also Tiantong temple, Asokatemple and other places of interest.

Come to the busy street, the long road, a car come and go, stream. The tallbuildings are almost to the top of the sky. Come to the shopping mall TianyiSquare, there are all kinds of goods in it. If anyone goes in, he will come outwith a big bag of clothes. Tianyi Square is surrounded by music fountains ofdifferent shapes, and the square is surrounded by colorful beauties, likegraceful beauties. There is a big screen in the middle of the square, which isplaying animation. In the evening, the square lights up, each fountain isflashing colorful lights, playing moving music. Ningbo also has a piano bridgelike a lyre. Cars come and go on the bridge like playing wonderful music.Qinqiao is also connected with beautiful Haishu and tidy Jiangdong.

There are so many places of interest in Ningbo, and there are more materialgoods. I love my beautiful and prosperous hometown Ningbo.


Dear members, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is ZhongshanMausoleum. Zhongshan Mausoleum is located at the southern foot of Xiaomaomountain, the second peak of Nanjing. It is the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,the great pioneer of Chinas democratic revolution. It is a famous building inNanjing during the period of the Republic of China. It has become the name cardand symbol of Nanjing and one of the first 5A scenic spots in China. First ofall, lets get to know Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was named Sun Wen andnamed Yixian. Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he wasengaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Dr. Sun Yat senin China, while foreign friends often called him Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Born in 1866, he studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places when hewas young. After graduation, he practised medicine in Guangzhou, Macao and otherplaces, and later abandoned medicine and went into politics. In 1905, heorganized and established the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and put forward theprogram of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic ofChina, and averaging land rights", as well as the three peoples principles of"democracy, peoples livelihood, and civil rights"; After the 1911 Revolution,he was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China; after YuanShikai was sworn in on New Years day in 1912, he successively led the "secondrevolution", "national defense movement" and "Law Protection Movement"; he diedof illness in Beijing on March 12, 1925.

The tomb site of Zhongshan Mausoleum was selected by Dr. Sun Yat Sen duringhis lifetime. On April 1, 1912, the day after Dr. Sun Yat Sen resigned aspresident in order to seek the peaceful reunification of the north and thesouth, Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Hu Hanmin went hunting in Zijin Mountain. He lookedaround the terrain and said with a smile, "when I die in the future, I amwilling to beg the people for this land to settle my body.". Zhongshan Mausoleumis designed by young architect Lu Yanzhi. It is built close to the mountain,facing south in the north, next to Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in the West andLinggu Temple in the East. The cemetery is in the shape of "alarm bell".Zhongshan Mausoleum was built from 1926 to 1929. On June 1, 1929, the "fenganceremony" was held at noon. Dr. Sun Yat Sens coffin was never opened when itwas buried in the tomb. Pre Mausoleum: (2 minutes)

Now we come to the half moon square of Zhongshan Mausoleum. On theoctagonal stone platform in the south of the square, there is a red coppertripod, 4.25 meters high, 1.23 meters in diameter, and weighing 5000 kg. It isone of the memorial buildings of Zhongshan Mausoleum. This tripod was donated byDai Jitao, President of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen University, and all teachers andstudents in the autumn of 1933. The three words "wisdom, benevolence, courage"are engraved on the belly of the tripod, which is the motto of Sun Yat senUniversity This tripod is also called Xiaojing tripod.

Located in the middle of the front row of the tomb Road, this is a fourcolumn and three eaves skyscraper. It was built in 1930. It is 12 meters highand 17.3 meters wide. It is built in the form of Fujian granite imitatingancient wooden structure. The banner is covered with blue glazed tiles. The footof the column is surrounded by drum stones. The bottom of the column is arectangular stone base. Lotus petal clouds and ancient architectural colorpaintings are carved on the archway Because there is a stone plaque in themiddle of the banner, which is engraved with two gold-plated inscriptions of"fraternity" written by Sun Yat Sen, it is called "fraternity square".

The term "fraternity" comes from "fraternity is benevolence" in TangHanyus Yuandao. It is said that Dr. Sun Yat Sens favorite topic in his life isa gift, which has become an excellent summary and portrayal of his life. Passingthrough the memorial archway, there is a 480 meter long and nearly 40 meter widegraveway. The graveway is divided into left, middle and right. The middlegraveway is 12 meters wide, with 9 meter wide lawns on both sides. Cedars,cypresses and other evergreen trees are planted in it. The graveways on the leftand right sides are 4.6 meters wide, and there are turf in their East andWest.

The design of the passage not only conforms to the spirit of traditionalChinese architecture, but also has a unique style. The strict central axissymmetry gives people a sense of strict law. The symmetrical cedars, cypresses,gingko, red maple and other trees are used to replace the common stone man andstone beast in front of ancient emperors tombs, symbolizing the essence of Dr.Sun Yat Sen God is as green as pine and cypress.

Mausoleum gate and stele Pavilion:

Walking through the tomb path, we now come to the concrete platform infront of the mausoleum gate. This is the second largest square of ZhongshanMausoleum, about 70 meters wide. Many evergreen trees, such as pine and cypress,are planted on both sides. In the north of the square, you can see the mausoleumgate. The mausoleum gate is a single eaves building with three arches in theSouth and the north. The top of the mausoleum is covered with blue glazed tiles.It is all made of Fujian granite, with corner beams and eaves The rafters aremade of red copper, and the three door openings in the south are equipped with apair of hollow out Plaid Antique Iron doors. On the stone forehead in the southof the middle door is the four words "the world is for the public" written byDr. Sun Yat Sen himself, which is taken from the book of rites · Liyun: "thejourney of the great road, the world is for the public". This is a kind of greatharmony social ideal expounded by Confucianism, an idea opposite to the familyand the world, and "civil rights" in the three peoples principles It is thiskind of thought that is expounded.

The semi-circular stone walls on both sides of the mausoleum gate areconnected with the wall of the mausoleum, which outlines the lower end of the"Liberty Bell" designed by Lu Yanzhi. The pavilion is about 12 meters wide and17 meters high. It is a double eaves peak with blue glazed tiles. The pavilionis made of granite. There are two arches in the East and south, and a verticalwindow in the north. There is a granite tombstone in the center of the pavilion,8.1 meters high and 4 meters wide, with the inscription "China Pavilion"___ OnJune 1, the 18th of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun, the Prime Minister of theCommunist Party of China, was buried here in 24 gold-plated characters inregular script. The characters were written by Tan Yankai, former chairman ofthe national government and President of the Executive Yuan.

There are inscriptions on the forehead___ Party emblem, this monumenthighlights the funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sen for the party. From the pavilion tothe memorial hall above, there are eight large stone steps, each of which has aplatform. The design implies "three principles of the people, five powerconstitution". These eight stone steps have 290 steps, 392 steps from Boaisquare, which means 392 million compatriots in China at that time. The steps aredivided into 10 platforms. When you look up from the bottom, you can only seethe steps, but not the platforms, However, when we climb up to the top and lookdown, we can see only the platform but not the steps, implying that although therevolutionary road is tortuous, it is a hopeful and smooth road to the victoryof the revolution.

On the platform of the fifth section, there is a pair of bronze tripodsengraved with four big characters in seal style of "fengan Dadian"___ Two holesin the belly of the tripod on both sides were left when the Japanese armyshelled Zijin Mountain in December 1937. They always remind us not to forget ournational humiliation.

Sacrificial hall and tomb chamber:

Climbing up the steps, we came to the platform in front of the sacrificialhall. There are stone railings in front of the platform, and there are amagnificent watch on both sides, up to 12.6 meters high. The sacrificial hall isin the middle of the platform. The palace style building, which integratesChinese and Western architectural styles, is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and29 meters high, with all external walls

It is made of Hong Kong granite and surrounded by Fortress Buildings. Theroof of the memorial hall has double eaves and nine ridges, covered with blueglazed tiles. Under the eaves, there are stone brackets and copper rafters.Between the two eaves, there is a straight forehead of "heaven and earth healthyqi" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen The six big characters of "nationality","peoples livelihood" and "civil rights" are___ The handwriting of ZhangJingjiang, a veteran of the Communist Party of China.

Entering the memorial hall, the interior of the memorial hall is paved withwhite marble made in Yunnan. Around the hall, there are 12 black stone columns,0.8 meters in diameter, four hidden and eight obvious. On the walls on bothsides of the memorial hall, the full text of the outline of the founding of thepeoples Republic written by Sun Yat Sen is engraved. The top of the memorialhall is in the form of a bucket, and the algae well in the middle is inlaid withmosaic___ The design of the party emblem shows the meaning of the party. In themiddle of the memorial hall is a full-length sitting statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket. His feet are close to each other,and the unfolded scroll is spread on his knees. His eyes are staring forwardwith a concentrated expression. The sitting statue is carved from Italian whitemarble by the French Polish sculptor Paul randowski in Paris, France. Around thebase of the sitting statue are six pictures reflecting Sun Yat Sensrevolutionary activities.

On the front, there is a picture of "Ru Bao Chi Zi", on the East, there aretwo pictures of "going abroad propaganda" and "discussing revolution", on thewest, there are two pictures of "enlightening the deaf" and "discussing yuanHuguo", on the back, there is a picture of "seal of parliament". The mainmaterial in the hall is black marble, which sets off a solemn mourningatmosphere together with the pure white stone statues. The sacrificial hall isconnected with both ends of the tomb. The tomb door is divided into twosections. The outer door is two opposite copper doors, which are decorated withdoornails and headband. On the forehead of the door is engraved with the fourcharacters of "eternal glory". It is taken from the inscription of sun Yat Senon the tomb of martyr Huang Huagang.

The second door is a single copper door, on which Zhang Jingjiangs sealscript "the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat Sen" is engraved. Only when the door is closedcan the characters on the door be seen. The tomb chamber is a hemisphericalclosed building, about 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters in height, with adome shaped roof and mosaic inlaid on it___ The central part of the tomb is amarble round Kuang with a diameter of 4.3 meters and a depth of 1.6 meters. Theopening of the Kuang is protected by marble railings, and a marble sarcophagusis built in the Kuang. On the surface of the sarcophagus lies a white marblestatue of Sun Yat Sen, carved by Czech sculptor Gao Qi. Sun Yat Sen is dressedin Zhongshan costume, hands on his chest, sleeping peacefully.

The ratio of the statue to the real person is 1:1. Mr. Sun Sealed withsteel and cement, Mr. Suns body was placed in the tomb after the ceremony, andhas never been opened or moved.

Attached Memorial Building:

Dear tourists, this is the end of the explanation of the main building ofZhongshan Mausoleum. There are many ancillary buildings in Zhongshan Mausoleum,such as the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, and the memorial hall of the overseasChinese in San Francisco___ The music platform donated by the party headquartersof Liaoning Province; the marble octagonal pavilion and Guanghua Paviliondonated by overseas Chinese; the Xingjian Pavilion donated by Guangzhougovernment, whose name comes from "the heaven is healthy, the gentleman isconstantly striving for self-improvement"; Zhongshan Botanical Garden is thebotanical garden of the former premiers Mausoleum; there are tombs of LiaoZhongkai and He Xiangning, Tan Yankai, Zixia Lake Zhengqi Pavilion, etc. you canvisit them freely first!


Dear friends:

Mount Hua is located in the qinling mountain range, which lies in southernshaanxi province.

Mount Hua (hua means brilliant, chinese, or flowery; shan means mountain)is one of the five sacred taoist mountains in china. Mount Hua boasts a lot ofreligious sites: taoist temples, pavilions, and engraved scriptures arescattered over the mountain.

Mount Hua is well-known for its sheer cliffs and plunging ravines. it isknown as “the most precipitous mountain under heaven” and is probably the mostdangerous mountain in the world frequented by hikers.

Mount Hua is located 120 kilometers east of xian, about 3 hours from thecity centre. there are five peaks that make up the mountain: cloud terrace peak(north peak, 1613m), jade maiden peak (middle peak, 2042m), sunrise peak (eastpeak, 2100m), lotus peak (west peak, 2038m) and landing wild goose peak (southpeak, 2160m). north peak, the lowest of the five, is the starting point. it hasthree ways up it: the six kilometer winding track from Mount Hua village, thecable car or the path beneath it.

next on the route is jade maiden peak. legend has it that a jade maiden wasonce seen riding a white horse among the mountains, hence the name. the hikerscan choose to take a left to sunrise peak, a fine place to enjoy the view of thesunrise in early morning (which would involve climbing the mountain in the darkas there is nowhere to stay on the mountain).

alternatively visitors could take a right to lotus peak. Mount Hua meansflower mountain, and it got the name from lotus peak, which resembles abeautifully blooming lotus flower. finally there is a gondola which taksvisitors acroa steep valley to landing wild goose peak, the highest among thefive summits. the path to the summit is characterized by steep rock faces, withobstacles including a foot-wide plank walkway fixed to a sheer rock face withonly a chain along the rock for support. the route continues with footholds inthe rock and a chain for holding. this is followed by a vertical ladder in acleft in the rock. finally there are steep stone steps. the south peak is notfor the faint of heart and is particularly dangerous in winter weather. however,the views are breathtaking. the climb to its summit makes it clear how theimpenetrable mountain repelled attackers over the centuries.

as early as the second century bce, there was a daoist temple known as theshrine of the western peak located at its base. daoists believed that in themountain lives a god of the underworld. the temple at the foot of the mountainwas often used for spirits mediums to contact the god and his underlings. unliketaishan,which became a popular place of pilgrimage, Mount Hua only receivedlocal pilgrms, and was not well known in much of the rest of china. Mount Huawas also an important place for immortality seekers, as powerful drugs werereputed to be found there. kou qianzhi (365-448), the founder of the northerncelestial masters received revelations there, as did chen tuan (920-989), wholived on the mountain prior to receiving immortality. in the 1230s, all thetemples on the mountain came under control of the daoist quanzhen school. in1998, the management committee of Mount Hua agreed to turn over most of themountains temples to the china daoist association. this was done to helpprotect the environment, as the presence of monks and nuns deters poachers andloggers.


fellow friends:

hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dalis america of scenery.

first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is kings deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybody looked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jade er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebodys fame painter wu zuorens writing skill. looksthe sea building is understands "the jade er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:east side erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. but i first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we in the dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, also onlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, a hengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, the jade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the setting sun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. i firstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshan snow, is dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang once praised: "date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks".

cangshans cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is "looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". so-called "looks the husband cloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance, the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called "jade belt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, after rainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, "the jade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. local painationality has the farmers proverb: "cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice".

cangshans spring very is also famous. in 19 peaks the elevation hasmany mountains moraine lake in 3,800 meter above peak, this is thequaternary period glacier stays behind. also has that 18 brooks themountain stream, flies the waterfall to fold the spring, the fourseasons rushes down, in under clear sweet water seepage nourishing,cangshan fills the vitality. the moraine lakeside, the densely coveredvirgin forest and many precious forests, the strange flowers andplants, specially should tell everybody are, cangshans flowers andplants already fine reputation far broadcasts, moreover it also causescangshan to be famous far and wide. american professor luo lancasteronce said that, "has 1000000 in us to know the chinese yunnan the dalicangshan, because they all plant have many beautiful dali cangshan theindian azalea."

cangshans stone, renowned at home and abroad. guo moruo has "chantsmarble" the poem: "three towers are high ancient, along thinksloyalview year. the cangshan rhyme love affair, the wonderful stone spitsthe mist. outside the heart, coolly lives elbowarmpit. the day meritmanpower generation, the overseas compete the treasure biography."

cangshan has bred the marble, the marble is cangshans soul. this kindof magnificent wonderful stone, world many places all have, the alonedalis most wonderful america, also opens the people early, therefore,world every this wonderful stone is called "the marble", "dali" alsoraises the world because of shi erming.

fellow friends, our pleasure boat vanguard, now should introduce thisocean waves wan qing to everybody erhai itself.

erhai, ancient name kunming pond, er river, ye yu ze and so on;because it resembles the person ear, therefore erhai. its north andsouth long 42 kilometers, the thing extends 3-9 kilometer, the lakewaterfront long 117 kilometers, the area more than 250 squarekilometers; the hydraulic mean depth 10.5 meters, the deepest 21.5meters, the water-holding capacity 2.88 billion cubic meters, the areaand the water-holding capacity arrange in order the yunnan lakesecond, occupies seventh in the national fresh water lake.

south erhai has makes up the river and so on to pour into, westnatriumthe cangshan 18 mountain streams, east collect the polo river, dig thecolor river, the south side west er river are the only estuaries,after ripples red circles into lanchan river. erhai is the tectoniclake, the lake shore thing are many cliffwall, north southwest three arethe sandbars.

everybody looked, erhai water depth limpid, if the non- flaw beautifuljade, is beautiful incomparably, it is welcome each position by thebroad mind to come from the distant place guest. erhai is the chinafamous high land moor, as early as it has carried the annals in thehan dynasty.

"er sea month" is dali one of four given names scenery. if goes boatingerhai in the lunar calendar ten in may bright nights, its monthespecially bright, especially circle, its scenery elated: in thewater, the month circle like wheel, floats the light to swing thegold; the sky, the jade mirror high hangs, the clear splendor isshining, the bath leaves from erhai. looks that, looks, the water andsky shines, you unexpectedly cannot distinguish clearly are the daymonth fall the sea, or seamonth ascends to heaven. is er seamonth so whybright? the scientific conclusion is: first, erhai water qualityspecially pure, the transparency is quite high, its reflection greatlystrengthened; second, erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes thewater and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter. inaddition, er seamonth is famous, but also lies in the pure white non-flaw the cangshan snow to produce an inverted image in erhai, seamonthenhances one anothers beauty with as pure as driven snow er, aconstitution silver dark green jade ers big marvelous sight.

with the cangshan snow, the er seamonth connected dali four given namesscenery also have guan hua, the hsiakuan wind. between erhai andcangshans dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain. whennanzhao country, nearby two respectively builds a xiaocheng in thisstrip north and south, holds the important location, defends the kingsall safety. north name long shouguan, also called closes; southernregion name dragons tail pass, at once hsiakuan. on so-called closesthe flower, is refers closes "ten mile fragrant wonderful tree", thisflower originally shapings the street and shan sinei in on pass, itsflowered big like lotus, the year opens several hundred, the fragranceoverflows the four directions, the flower opens the season, the viewlike cloud. also therefore the tree ties the husk to be firm, may dofaces the bead, therefore the flower called "faces the pearl headornament". afterwards, this flower vanished. the first years, somepeople had it is said found it in the cangshan forest. west thehsiakuan wind refers to the er river valley to inject hsiakuan thewind, continues all year long, you takedong as is spring abundant, youas soon as enter hsiakuan to be allowed to feel the hsiakuan wind theexistence. it roars nearly every day, sweeps the street to put on thelane, holds up the bottom of garment uncovers the hat, caused hsiakuanobtained "the wind city" the nickname.

dalis love affair four given names scenery, has poem its string inthe same place, is advantageous for remembered, also quite has theappeal: the hsiakuan wind, on closes the flower, the hsiakuan windblows closes the flower; cangshan snow, er seamonth, er seamonth accordingto cangshan snow. speaks of here, asks each position to look our painationality girls embroider flowered baotou. you might not despise it,it have manifested the dali four given names scenery. please lookedthat, the breeze blows, nearby the ear snow white ear with the windfloatingly sprinkled, has appeared hsiakuans wind; in baotou gorgeousflowers, has represented the flower which on closes; the peak this is white silkhead, looked by far likes cangshan the snow; the entirebaotous shape same bright is moving on like erhais in crescent moon.


Peach Blossom Land, from the great poet Tao Yuanmings Peach Blossom Land.I really yearn there, yearn for such a paradise, I have been looking for

That day, when my companion and I were searching in the vast sea, wesuddenly saw an island full of peach blossoms. The pink petals decorated thetrees like little girls. We were very excited. So we rowed along the directionof the island

We walked around the island for almost a circle. Finally, I found a placethat seemed to be an entrance and exit. There was a door here, which was made ofwood. The words on it were so complicated that we couldnt understand it at all.Further on, we saw a row of long avenue, and then we heard the sound of water,What a clear voice! Then, we followed the sound of the water and saw a streamflowing quietly. In the clear water, there were still small fish. It can be seenthat this disease is not an uninhabited "uninhabited island". It should be apeaceful place. People are living a fairy like life, There may be many oldpeople who live a long life here!

Walking down the stream, we saw a beautiful terrace. We only saw it inpictures and on TV before. I didnt expect that I could see this beautiful andpeaceful scene here. At the beginning, the big trees that I saw from the outsidesurrounded it like a wall, and it became a place isolated from the world, In thelower reaches of the stream, there are beautiful girls washing clothes here.They are beating clothes with washing sticks and splashing each other likechildren. How happy. How happy!

People here dress very simply, without the gorgeous and prosperous feelingin metropolis, which makes people feel very comfortable. Especially when theyare far away from the noisy city, they make people look more simple and kind. Onthe grassland not far away, there are sheep grazing peacefully, shepherd boysplaying with sheep dogs, and the sound of laughter and bleating of lambs combineto form a symphony of nature, Beautiful and beautiful

Echoes in the clear blue sky

As we walked, we came to a wooden house,

There is no door. A kind-hearted uncle with a smile on his face saw us. Hecame slowly to us and asked about our origin. Then he warmly welcomed us. Whenhe entered the room, the table, chair and even the bed were all made of wood andcarved with exquisite carvings. Uncle made us a delicious meal, Let us forgetthe tiredness of the journey in a moment. After we had a rest, we asked my uncleto show us around here. My uncle happily agreed. We sat in the carriage whichonly can be seen on TV, enjoying the "hospitality" of nature. There were manycolorful flowers on the roadside, From time to time, there are colorfulbutterflies stopping on it. Uncle took us to a pool of spring water, where thewater is surging up actively. Uncle told us that this is the water resourcesthey rely on for their survival, and every day people come here to pick up waterwith bobbins. I cant help but get together and take a taste of it, which makesme feel sweet

I took out a few bottles from my backpack and wanted to take them home tomy family and friends. They cant drink them in high-tech cities. Then there areterraces here, because its on an island. Its not easy to have such neat andbeautiful terraces. Standing on the terraces, the wind blows by, Im afraid Iwont be able to sail back today. My uncle seems to see our worries and warmlyinvites us to stay in his house. I suddenly find that the night scene here isalso very beautiful. I think of the flashing neon lights in the city and thenoise of the roadside night stalls. Its really different from here. There areonly some scattered lights in the distance, The next day, I found that we lazypeople, who usually like to sleep in, actually got up very early. After sayinggoodbye to my uncle, I went home with this secret of paradise which only a fewof us know

I wanted to go back and tell others about the beautiful scenery here. Butif the world knew about it, maybe it would not be as natural, primitive andsimple as it is now. It would be better to keep it unknown and full ofmystery!


Songlanshan tourist resort is only 9 kilometers and 15 minutes away fromDancheng, Xiangshan Binhai New Town. Along the coastline of 6 kilometers, thereare many strange reefs and promontories embracing the sea; the North-Southmeandering sand beach, with fine sand quality and connected beaches, is known as"the tide comes with a row of snow, and the tide goes with a piece of gold".

On the foothills of the East Beach stands a statue of Qi Jiguang, anational hero. There is a Mituo temple built in Song Dynasty in Baisha Bay. Tothe south of the resort, there is a unique Cliff Beach corridor - Hongyan. Thelayers of red reefs and rocks, such as Danxia red cliff, are amazing.

Songlanshan, Ningbo

Songlanshan refers to the entire songlanshan coastal tourist resort with atotal area of 25000 square kilometers. But in fact, she also refers to amountain in the scenic spot, Songlan mountain. Songlan, the name is verybeautiful, so how did she come here? A legend is: before there was no mountainhere, there would be no bay without mountain, once the local people were wild,they would not be able to reach the shore. The Dragon King kindly sent a hill,so that there were many bays along the coast. In addition, there were more pinetrees and wild orchids in this mountain, which was homonymous with Songlan, soit was called Songlan mountain. Second, it is said that the mountain wasoriginally owned by a big family named Yu in Yu village. Once the family namedYu had an accident on the sea and was saved by a man named Mei Songshu in Meiaovillage. In order to thank the benefactor for saving his life, the family namedYu promised his daughter and gave him the hill as a wedding dress. As time wenton, the hill was called Songlan mountain by the local people.

Songlan mountain tourist resort has a poetic name__ Whats more, she alsohas many characteristics: songlanshan has many bays, many beaches, uniquelandforms, breathtaking caves, nine small islands on the sea, ancient AntiJapanese relics and military strongholds are well preserved, and Taoist andBuddhist landscapes are corresponding. In these characteristics, the first isthe beach. Songlan mountain has six beaches, and the beaches are connected,running in a line, 5 kilometers long from north to south, so it is called EastChina__ Big land beach.

Songlanshan beach, Ningbo

[South Beach] South Beach has now become a bathing beach. Next to it is themarine activity center. In the past is Songlan mountain villa. Outside Songlanmountain is Songlan tide watching. Songlanshan Bay is a coastal fishing center.Along the coast of Longdong, there is a scenic spot of sawmen Longdong. Ondayangyu Island, there are wild boars, ducks and other creatures. It is alsocalled the southern hunting center.

[East Beach] East Beach, 900 meters long and 200 meters wide, is the centerof Songlan mountain beach__ As a big one, this area will be built into thecenter of songlanshan seaside resort with relatively perfect functions.

[youxianzhai] youxianzhai is the remains of youxianzhai, an ancient AntiJapanese city established in the Ming Dynasty. It is a key cultural relicprotection unit at the provincial level. The main gate of Youxian village wasonce majestic and magnificent. It is surrounded by a well preserved city wall.In front of it is a moat, 4-5 meters wide and 3-4 meters deep. Such a moat isjust around the city.

[Mituo Temple] in the scenic spot of Mituo temple in Baisha Bay, there is atemple called tuojing temple, and the common people are also called Mituotemple. It was built in the Song Dynasty, 1500 years ago. It is small in scaleand has been rebuilt many times in the past dynasties.

[taijipo] when you come to taijiwan scenic spot in songlanshan seasideresort, you can see that it is a relatively primitive place with unique Taoistculture.

[shenxiangyan] it is said that it was changed from the original image ofGuanyin, now people call it shenxiangyan. On the hillside in this direction,there are also light refining furnace, sword testing stone, etc.

[Yangyu Island] Yangyu island has a mountainous area of about 500 mu, withthousands of wild animals such as wild boars and ducks. It is an area in EastChina__ The tourist attractions approved to hunt with guns are equipped withsufficient guns and ammunition, professional hunting instructors to accompanyyou throughout the hunting process, and hunting dogs to guide you.


Xinxiang City is the political, economic, cultural and traffic center ofNorthern Henan. There are many historical sites and rich cultural relics.

There are hundreds of natural landscapes in the city, including fournational cultural relics protection units, one National Forest Park, oneNational Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, more than 50 provincial scenic spots andcultural relics protection units, more than 500 municipal cultural relicsprotection units, one historical and cultural city and one historical andcultural town.

Xinxiang has obvious location advantages, forming an important commoditytrade center in Northern Henan. Beijing Guangzhou line, Xinhe and Xinjiao linesintersect here in a cross shape. National roads 107 and 106 run through thenorth and south, forming a fast and convenient transportation network with thecombination of trunk and branch, extending in all directions and running throughin all directions. The citys commercial facilities are complete, and thenetwork is densely distributed in urban and rural areas. The grand comprehensiveshopping centers, such as Pingyuan shopping mall, Huabin commercial building andXindaxin shopping mall, which represent the advanced level of modern metropolis,are luxurious; various standardized and grand supermarkets, commercial streetsand pedestrian streets have become the beautiful scenery of the urban area;Baiquan herbal medicine fair, which has a history of 600 years and is one of thethree national herbal medicine exchange conferences, is known as "less thanBaiquan medicine is incomplete", and its turnover ranks first among the threenational herbal medicine fairs. Changyuan glasses market, Xinxiang electronicsmarket, Yubei building materials market and Yanjin peanut market, which are oneof the four major glasses markets in China, are of considerable scale and enjoyhigh reputation both inside and outside the province. The development ofcommunication has built a bridge of modern commodity economy and society. Thecitys installed capacity is 572000 units, 363000 users are installed, and 28telephones are owned by 100 people in the urban area. The number of data userssuch as digital data network, packet switching network and computer Internet hasreached 8273. The governments Internet access project has been completed firstin the country, and three-level websites of cities, counties and townships havebeen opened, making it the largest communication hub in Northern Henan. Theestablishment of the status of business center has accelerated the pace of urbanconstruction.

In accordance with the pattern of building a modern city, on the basis ofincreasing the transformation of the old city, the urban skeleton has beenstretched to the East and south. In the past two years, more than 20 urban trunkroads have been reconstructed and widened; the first phase of Weihe Rivertreatment has been completed; Yiyuan, xingfuli and other residential areas havebeen newly built; five water plants and sewage treatment plants have beenreconstructed and newly built; and; Through the implementation of "city imageprojects" such as removing walls to make the streets green and one street, onelandscape, one tree and one lamp, the city has greatly changed and the wholeurban area has taken on a new look. Xinxiang has rich cultural heritage andoutstanding people. Xinxiang was called Yong state in ancient times. It belongedto Wei in the spring and Autumn period, Wei in the Warring States period, andHuojia in the Han Dynasty. It was founded in 586 a.d. by Emperor Wen of the SuiDynasty and has been more than 1400 years. At the beginning of the founding ofnew China, it was the capital of Pingyuan province. Ancient history breedssplendid civilization. Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites are indisputable;the nomadic war led by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty and the alliance of 800 princesis dependent on historical sites; Jiang Shangwei river fishing, Bigans loyaladvice, Wei Wei rescuing Zhao, Zhang Liangs assassination of Qin, the battle ofGuandu and Chen Qiao mutiny are all originated from this hot land; Confuciusslecture "apricot altar" is still in existence, Li Bais song is before his loyalministers; Zhang Cang thought of "nine chapters arithmetic", Chen Yuchengsdeath in heaven; The tomb of Lu Jian, the younger brother of Ming Shenzong, is areference to the history of the twelve prime ministers.

During the war of resistance against Japan, the "pinghan guerrillas"shocked the enemy; during the war of liberation, the people of Xinxiang foughtwith blood. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientpastoral land is full of talents. Together with Jiao Yulu, Wang Jinxi, Lei Fengand Qian Xuesen, Secretary of Liuzhuang Party committee Shi Laihe is known asone of the five party members who have had a wide influence since the foundingof the peoples Republic of China; Wu Jinyin, alternate member of the CentralCommittee, deputy secretary of Xinxiang Municipal Party committee and Secretaryof Tangzhuang Party committee, is known as "a good example of township partysecretary"; Liu Zhihua, one of Chinas top ten outstanding women, Liu Bingyin,the leader of Xinfei electric group, Liu zhixia, a famous writer, Guan Mucun, asinger, Zhang Mingxue, an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, LiuGuoguo, a mathematician known as "the second ramanuyan" by the InternationalMathematical circles, and so on, have won the pride and pride for Xinxiangpeople. The long history, splendid culture and beautiful environment have leftrich tourism resources for Xinxiang. At present, the city has 2 nationalcultural relics protection units and 42 provincial cultural relics protectionunits, 4 national scenic spots, such as Bigan temple, Luwang mausoleum, NationalForest Park baiyun temple and National Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, and 54provincial scenic spots, such as Baiquan, Wanxian mountain, baligou and Jinghuagarden. In recent years, the municipal Party committee and the municipalgovernment take the development of tourism as an important pillar industry, andstrive to cultivate it as a new bright spot of economic growth in XinxiangCity.

The new century is pregnant with new hope. Xinxiang people will carryforward the "Five Spirits" in accordance with the requirements of the "ThreeRepresents", closely focus on the theme of development, grasp the main line ofstructural adjustment, highlight the improvement of the quality and efficiencyof economic growth, be pragmatic and efficient, unite and forge ahead, work hardand innovate, and show a new Xinxiang to the 21st century


东林念佛堂开山祖师定西法师(1895-1962)原籍东北海城,俗家姓于,先祖致力耕读,家颇小康,父母皆信佛。法师自幼已好跏跌坐,喜礼寺庙,研读经书。十八岁即入佛教宣讲堂为讲员,时常与友人王福庭(后出家,即倓虚法师)、陆炳南(后出家,即乐果法师)谈-道。1920xx年,定西法师赴南海普陀山,依法雨寺达圆大德受具足戒,后返住上海留云寺。1920xx年,在谛闲大师传千佛大戒0后,被公推为极乐寺第二任住持。定西法师并蒙谛老传授天台正宗法卷,是为天台宗法第四十四世,后来宝一和尚也传他法卷,为临济宗四十二世。法师教演天台,行修净上,特重律学,四众弟子求戒者甚多。1946年移锡于奉天(即今沈阳)南关般若寺,成立念佛堂,每日领众行持不懈。1949年,应倓虚法师之请,与乐果法师一道来港,协助倓公创办华南学佛院,并担任主讲凡三年。第一班学僧毕业后拟结茅蓬习静以弘所学。1952年,荃湾南天竺住持茂蕊法师将其东园菜地借以为庐,并得各方善信集资修建净室,初名东林净舍。是追法东晋庐山,净宗初祖慧远建东林寺事。法师先派圣怀、达成、净真三位法师购料兴工,自己与三位法师各出资五百元,继而永惺、妙境两位法师出资二百元,再而济涛、了一两位法师各出资四百元,并得吴蕴斋居士及各护法帮忙,得以大概完成。岂料同年八月初五,山洪暴发,建筑冲毁将半。各方闻讯纷纷施以援手,同年底复修完成初建。翌年,改净舍为东林念佛堂。之后再得竹林禅院舍后楼地基千余尺;竹林禅院又赠送东林后山地八千余尺,修建大雄宝殿(今极乐宝殿) 。




Everybody is good, and where we are now, is the famous mogao grottoes. Mogao grottoes in dunhuang, it used to be like the singing, crescent lake, dunhuang is the famous tourist attractions, or by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in our country on the world heritage list in 29 landscape, one of the cultural heritage.

The mogao grottoes, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes is located in the singing. Caves chisel in the 4th century AD, until the end of the 14th century, before and after the continuation of about one thousand years. The mogao grottoes is a magnificent building, is the palace of paintings and sculptures, is the largest and most content in Chinese now grottoes grottoes.

Of where the visitors, now is the door to the mogao grottoes, in front of us there are two towers, finishing mountain layers are hidden behind the hole, from a distance like a tower, a house room, room. The hole in possession of many treasures, books, documents, etc. Most eye-catching is the murals, particular is flying mural image.

Dear visitors, do you have any found mural is mostly incomplete, thats because once suffered a few times, more than one hundred years ago was stole many foreigners, now give people leave many regrets. I also want to here called on everyone to protect our world cultural heritage, inherit and carry forward our national culture.

Dear visitors, because time relationship, todays visit to call it a day. Hope you regret it, through this tour, know more about the mogao grottoes culture. Want a deeper understanding of the mogao grottoes, welcome you come again next time.