发布于2023-12-19 00:50,全文约 30321 字
Xintiandi is divided into two parts: Nan Li and Bei Li. Modern buildingsare the main buildings in South Lane, and old buildings in Shikumen aresubsidiary. In the northern part of the block, the old buildings of Shikumen aremainly preserved, and the old and the new interact with each other. Nanli builta building with a total floor area of 25, The shopping, entertainment andleisure center with an area of 5000 square meters was officially opened in themiddle of 20__. This glass curtain wall building full of modern feeling hasentered into various distinctive businesses. In addition to restaurants from allover the world, it also includes the favorite fashion shops, fashion jewelryshops, food Square, cinema and one-stop Fitness Center for young people Localand foreign consumers and tourists provide a diversified and tastefulentertainment hot spot. Beili is composed of many old houses in Shikumen. Itcombines modern architecture, decoration and equipment, and turns into a numberof high-end consumer places and restaurants. Xingye Road, the watershed betweenNanli and Beili, is the site of the first National Congress of the CommunistParty of China. The Shikumen building along the street will also become a citylandscape that condenses history, culture and art.
Beside the Shanghai Xintiandi, the Taiping Bridge Park green space andartificial lake have been opened. The green space occupies forty-four thousandsquare meters and is located in the central area of the entire Taiping Bridgeproject. Tall trees are planted in the park to build low slope landscape andprovide rest space. The park center has built the largest artificial lake in thecenter of Shanghai, covering 12000 square meters. There are large fountains inthe center of the lake, and two small islands are dotted at the East and Westends of the lake, named "Yulan island" and "Hehuan island". The green spacearound the artificial lake fluctuates, and various trees and shrubs are planted.A new one thousand and two hundred metre long Lake Road along the northern sideof the green space has a beautiful curve along the artificial lake. It is linkedto the Shikumen Shanghai style building in Xintiandi square, and becomes aunique new sight in the center of the city.
Before the development of Xintiandi project, it is a building with nearly acentury of history. Shikumen architecture, which began to appear in the middleof the 19th century, has a deep historical mark. It is a product of thecombination of Chinese and Western culture, and also represents the modernhistory and culture of Shanghai. However, with the continuous development of thecity, the former Shikumen has long been unable to meet the living needs andgradually faded out of the historical stage. Some experts have anxiouslypredicted that Shanghai will not see the original Shikumen in the 21stcentury.
In 1997, the Ruian group put forward a new concept of building renovationof Shikumen: changing the original living function, giving it new commercialvalue, transforming the old Shikumen old city into a new city full of vitality.The total investment of the project was about 150 million dollars, and itstarted in early 1999. The first phase of Xintiandi square was built at the endof 20__.
The clear water brick wall of Shikumen building is one of thecharacteristics of this kind of building. In order to emphasize the sense ofhistory, the designer decided to keep the original bricks and tiles as buildingmaterials. Modern facilities, including ground floor optical fiber cables andair conditioning systems, have been installed in the old houses to ensure thathouses are more functional and reliable. Nowadays, Xintiandi has become a newlandmark in Shanghai.
Wufeng temple is called Wufeng mountain because the peak here looks likefive fingers. It used to be one of the eight scenic spots in Huangzhong, but nowit is still a famous scenic spot in Qinghai Province. It was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its main buildings are Bodhisattva hall, LongwangPavilion, Yuhuang palace, Xianggong tower, Minsheng Pavilion, Tongle Pavilion,etc. It was destroyed in ten years of civil strife. Since 1979, the localgovernment has renovated the paint to give it a new look and listed it as animportant tourist area.
Pavilions and pavilions, painted with new colors, attract more touristsattention. There is a poem: "the five peaks are like the palms of clouds, andthe waterfalls are flying like turbulence. In the summer of June, the sound ofpines is rustling and the sound of water is cold. " Xinzhi of Xining Prefecturesays that it is the most popular scenic spot in Huangzhong because of its fivepeaks, two big springs on the left and right sides of the mountain, and thebeauty of the forest and gully The mountain here is quiet and elegant, with manysprings and small streams, just like a waterfall.
The main scenery of Wufeng mountain is three forests, three caves and threesprings. The three forests are pine forest, poplar forest and birch forest. Insummer, the three forests are lush and luxuriant everywhere. In autumn, the pineis green, the poplar is yellow, and the birch is red. The layers of the forestsare dyed with their own characteristics. The three caves are East cave, Westcave and North cave. The East cave is 8m deep, 3M high and 3M wide; the Westcave is 7m deep, 2m high and 3M wide; the North cave is 10m deep, 3M high and 4mwide. Inside the cave, the dew is cold and the moss is green. It has a specialcharm. The three springs are Chenghua spring, Yinquan spring and Chakou spring.Among the three springs, Chenghua spring has the best water quality, which is asclear as dew, as fine as spray beads, and as sweet as Qiong liquid. The springwater gushes through the Stone Carving Dragons mouth and flows down the sevenlevel stone wall to form a waterfall. The water splashes along the mountainpath. Around the spring stone, there are poems such as "the mountains aresecluded, the forests are quieter, the songs of the world are endless, the birdsare singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the water in the spring flowscontinuously". It is said that if you drink the water from Chenghua spring onJune 6, you will be able to eliminate disasters and diseases within a year, andeverything will go well, so it is also called "Longgong spring". Yinquan islocated in the north of Chenghua spring, surrounded by Penghao, so it is named.The spring is clear and charming, and you can learn from it. On June 6 everyyear, when Wufeng Temple meets, pilgrims from all over the world often sacrificefragrant flowers to the spring, and many people rush to drink. The Chakou springis not far from the gate of Wufeng temple. It rolls out from the cliff and fallsdown along the stone wall. It sprays beads and splashes jade. It trickles andgurgles.
Wufeng mountain is also a popular folk song singing resort in QinghaiProvince, commonly known as "Huaer Festival". June 6 every year is the mostbeautiful season of Wufeng mountain, and Wufeng mountains "Huaer Festival" onJune 6 is also famous. At that time, singers from all walks of life in NorthwestChina will gather on Wufeng mountain, singing loudly and soundly, singing fromdawn till late at night, "Wufeng June singing Festival, eight townships and fourfields looking for bosom friends." Such a large-scale mass art festival addssplendor to the grand scene of Wufeng.
泰山位于山东省南部的泰安市。泰安市原名泰山市,泰山的名气很大,所以把泰山取名作为市名,像乐山所在地点叫乐山市一样。泰山是五岳之首。五岳分别为:东岳泰山 南岳衡山、中岳嵩山、西岳华山、 北岳恒山。东岳泰山排名第一,高度(主峰离地面的距离)排行第三,大约1545米高,有“登泰山,小天下”之称。有许多名人均登临泰山,如秦始皇 汉武帝 唐太宗 宋祖 乾隆。据记载,泰山至今已经有二十亿年的历史。
现在,为了看到日出,人们夜里三点就来爬泰山或提前住在山顶上,这是为了等待看日出。主峰的西侧有一块石碑,上面雕刻着四个鲜红的大字:“五岳独尊”,这四个大字时古代文学家孟子(孟轲)说出的,意思是:“五岳之中,排名榜首”。从古至今,这四个字成了千古佳 来到泰山面前,站在迎客松下,隐隐约约可以看到十八盘。因为古人说:“一叶障目,不见泰山”。十八盘的台阶共1594级。高约400多米,可以说是泰山的“脊梁”。如果你从下面的中天门顺着十八盘一直登上南天门,你就会感觉到小腿肚子一直在不停的打哆嗦,这是因为十八盘很陡。
请大家向这边看,展现在我们眼前的就是举世闻名的中国赵州桥。它是首批公布的国家级重点文物保护单位,也是省级爱国主义教育基地,已列入世界遗产后备名录,并且是世界上第12处国际土木工程历史古迹。下面先请大家看这块铜牌的标志牌,它也是赵州桥在国际上占有重要地位的标志之一。下面的落款为“美国土木工程师学会敬立”。该学会是代行国际性土木工程的权威组织,它一直在全世界范围内精选历史土木工程上的杰作载入史册,并颁发铜制纪念牌作纪念。我们现在看到的这块牌子是复制品,原件已经珍藏入库。1991年9月4日下午,在Welcomethe American Guests With openarms!(热烈欢迎美国贵宾之意)的欢迎标语下和仪仗队的鼓乐声中,该学会名誉主席本·格威克教授一行三人亲临现场,进行了颁发仪式,(当时红底白字会标上的中英文写的是:国际土木工程历史古迹纪念碑揭幕仪式,即:UNVEILINGCEREMONY OF INTERNATIONAL HISTORIC CIVIL ENGINEERINGLANDMARK)国际上与之并列的还有法国的埃菲尔铁塔、埃及的金字塔、以及英国伦敦的苏伊士运河等。当时我国申报的几处工程还有都江堰、长城等,但惟有赵州桥一处当选,成为当时世界上第十二块国际土木工程历史古迹纪念铜牌,也是中国唯一的一块。(镶铜牌所用的石头选自嶂石岩)
听到这里,朋友们也许明白了赵州桥千年不坠的两个重要原因,就是赵州桥独特的建造方法和对天然地基的科学测算和利用。然而,赵州桥千年不坠的最重要原因当是李春划时代的创举——即敞肩圆弧拱式桥型就是指以赵州桥为代表首创的这种桥型,即在中央主拱两侧的桥肩上分别挖开了两两对称的四个拱,做成“空撞券”,这就是敞肩拱结构,国际上称作Openspandrel(即空腹式,或称空腔式)。它到底有什么优越性呢?首先是加大了渲泄量,四个小拱可增大过水面积达16.5%,减轻了对桥的水平冲击力,增强了保护桥身的作用,历次对洪水抗击的实践均证明了这一点;另外,空撞券的建筑形式敞开了肩部,又节省了石料,不但大大节省了人力物力,更重要的是减轻了桥身自重,分散了桥身对桥台地基的垂直压力,所以赵州桥的桥台才可以造得那么轻巧实用,并且能直接座落在天然地基之上;再看李春的这种设计,并在敞肩的四个小拱拱石外围,还铺设了一层16—30mm的拱顶薄填石,恰好符合了材料力学弹性拱的原理。大家知道,弹性拱原理是十九世纪才形成于文字的理论,在世界上只有不到二百年的历史,但在一千四百年之前,中国的李春已经成功地将这一原理运用到实践中去了,这不能不说是一个世界奇迹。通俗地讲,运用材料力学的弹性拱原理造桥,这种结构就可以将受力点的力分散到桥的每一个横截面上,赵州桥之所以千年不坠,正是缘于李春这种敞肩拱式桥型设计的高度科学性和合理性,也是赵州桥学派在世界桥梁建筑史上最重要的贡献,我们完全可以说,是赵州桥首开了敞肩拱式桥型的先河。而西方第一次出现这种桥型是在1883年,当时法国在亚哥河上建造了安顿尼特铁路石拱桥(PontAntionnette sur lagout),还有卢森堡建造的大石桥(Pont deLuxembourg)等,但它们至少已经比赵州桥晚了一千二百多年。难怪英国的李约瑟博士总结说:“李春以及他所创造的敞肩式拱桥比欧洲同种类型桥的出现,确实优先达千年以上”。我国著名桥梁专家茅以升先生曾指出:“赵州桥是一座单孔石拱桥。中国石拱桥的出现虽早于隋代,但赵州桥却具有创新特点和重大技术成就。它以石块砌筑,弓形的拱圈拼法也有特殊,更为巧妙的是在主拱圈之上加设小拱,开创了‘敞肩’型式的结构设计。而一千多年来的使用实践证明,赵州桥传统,不但为中外石拱桥普遍继续,也为现代的钢筋混凝土拱桥所广泛应用,并出现了各种新的发展。”确实,敞肩拱的应用,不但使桥形变得更加优美,最重要的是它有节省材料、减轻自重、简化桥基、渲泄洪水的几个作用和功能,它的设计和建筑结构科学合理、稳定性强。千百年来,赵州桥的结构技巧、艺术风格被广泛的借鉴运用,对世界桥梁建筑有着不可磨灭的突出贡献,是当之无愧的桥梁之祖!
Ludiyan is located in the northwest suburb of Guilin City, 5 kilometersaway from the city center. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting caves,supplemented by landscape and idyllic scenery. Ludi cave is 240 meters deep and500 meters long. There are a large number of exquisite stalagmites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave, which make up ofShiling Zhaoxia, hongluobaozhang, Panlong pagoda, primeval forest, CrystalPalace, Huaguo Mountain and other landscapes, making tourists dazzled, just likea fairyland, known as "the art palace of nature". Since the Tang Dynasty, therehave been traces of tourists in all dynasties, and there are 77 murals in thecave. Since its discovery and development in 1959, it has built restaurants,teahouses, waterside pavilions, Lake pools, curved bridges, pleasure boats, andwidely planted flowers and trees. It has become a hot spot for Chinese andforeign tourists when they visit Guilin.
Guangming mountain, where reed flute rock is located, was once calledMaotou mountain. It turned out that there was only a small hole in the hillside,which only allowed one person to go in and out. The hillside was covered withreed grass, which did not attract peoples attention. In Lingui county annals,Guangming mountain is recorded, but there is no cave on the mountainside. In thecave, there are more than 70 pieces of wall script since the eighth year ofZhengyuan (792) of Tang Dynasty. Most of them are inscribed on the cave wallwith ink. These wall books show that the reed flute rock is not unknown fromancient times. The villagers nearby have known about this ingenious cave for along time, but people have kept it secret for a long time.
"The reed flute, the rock head, the shackles are broken, and the fairiessing in the Peach Blossom Land." After liberation, peoples life was stable andthere was no need to take refuge. So they told the secret of ludiyan. In 1959,villagers nearby provided information about the cave. After investigation andconstruction, it was officially opened in 1962. Because there is reed grassgrowing near the entrance of the cave, it is said that it can be made intoflute, named reed flute rock.
Reed flute rock is a saclike cave, the entrance is adjacent to the exit,the entrance is the original natural hole, and the exit is the artificial hole.The cave is 240 meters deep and the journey is about 500 meters. The cave wasformed by the flow and dissolution of groundwater along the fracture zone ofrock more than 700000 years ago. A large number of stalactites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave are formed after theformation of the cave. The groundwater containing carbonates flows out along therock fissures, and the water evaporates, and the carbonates precipitate andcrystallize, and gradually accumulates. There are thousands of states in thecave.
The characteristics of the reed flute rock are that there are many drops ofwater in the cave, and stalactites, stalagmites, and stone pillars develop intofillings in the cave. Visitors into the cave, in the forest of stone pillars inthe middle of the gap to turn around, coupled with color lights shining, as infairyland in general.
The poem praising Ludi cave by Xiong Jinding gives a vivid description
Guilin cave more dexterous, reed flute new open dexterous different.
Colorful from the present and the past, strange trace exploration, forgetthe West and the East.
When I first came to the precipice, I felt like I was in the JadeHouse.
Dont blame me for my pride. There is such a fairy palace in the world.
The poet praises reed flute rock and takes it as the pride of China.
The landscape of reed flute rock is not only exquisite and beautiful, butalso close to the wall. The stalactites, stalagmites and stone pillars in thecave are like ivory carvings or boxwood carvings. They are very beautiful andare known as the "palace of nature art".
We can enjoy many wonderful sceneries when we visit reed flute rock.
Sun Wen Memorial Park is located in the south of the central city ofZhongshan, at the junction of Xingzhong road and Chenggui road. It is located onthe new ten sceneries of "Xingzhong brocade". Covering an area of 26.6 hectares,it was fully completed and opened to the public on the birthday of Dr. Sun Yatsen in November 1996. The plaque of the park was written by Professor ouHaonian, a famous calligrapher and master of Lingnan School of traditionalChinese painting in Chinese Taiwan. Different from other tourist attractions, the parkdoes not have tickets, so visitors can visit the park free of charge.
Sun Wen Memorial Park is mainly reconstructed from two gentle hillsides,which is divided into two different functional areas: Revolutionary Memorialarea and comprehensive tourist area. The theme of the revolutionary memorialarea is to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen, with a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,fountain, pine garden, bamboo garden, plum garden and Longbai mountain plantedwith 999 Longbai trees. Far away from the revolutionary memorial area is thecomprehensive tourist area, which has "Xiangshan", "feilaishi", "yixiantian","Shuiliandong", "guanjingge", "yingyangshi" and other scenic spots. The wholepark focuses on the theme of "Commemoration", and the layout of scenic spots isclosely arranged around the theme.
From the main gate of the park, through the park archway carved withgranite, you can enter the revolutionary memorial area of the park. Here, thefirst thing you can see is the green and straight Longbai on both sides and sixtall Huabiao. The whole environment is solemn and solemn. Climbing up thegranite steps, you will soon reach the platform of the top of the mountain. Atthis time, the tall and powerful statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen will appear in frontof you. Looking back to the north from the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, you canhave a panoramic view of the high-rise, modern and dynamic Zhongshan City. Inparticular, it is spacious and straight, with a lot of traffic. The XingzhongRoad, which is known as "Xingzhong brocade", is even more impressive. It is thehometown of great people, and the atmosphere and beauty of the famous cityZhongshan. Looking to the East, the broad Chenggui highway, Boai Road, and thehigh-rise buildings in the new urban area are reflected one by one. Looking tothe south, it is the fraternity hospital built by Zhongshan people withdonations raised from the charity ten thousand peoples walk. Standing at thefoot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, visitors can not only enjoy the uniquearchitectural style, but also appreciate the love of Zhongshan people. Lookingto the west, it is a park with beautiful scenery. Of course, from the stepsbehind the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, tourists can also visit pine garden,bamboo garden, plum garden and other scenic spots.
Between the revolutionary memorial area and the comprehensive tourist areaof Sunwen Park, there is a broad lawn with green grass. On one side, pavilionsand waterside pavilions stand among the green trees and red flowers, while onthe other side, stone carvings and coconut trees show tropical style. Walk alongthe pedestrian passage in the middle of the lawn, and you will arrive at thecomprehensive tourist area in a short time.
When we arrived at the comprehensive tourist area, the first words thatcame into our eyes were "coming from behind" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Alongthe steps on both sides, you enter Xiangshan garden. At this time, you will findthat its really beautiful. There are many scenic spots, such as the huge"flying stone"; the artificial but distinctive "a line of sky"; the "watercurtain cave" with huge stones, weeping willows and murmuring water; and the"viewing Pavilion" which can not only enjoy the whole park, but also thepanoramic view of Shiqi City in Zhongshan. In particular, it is worth mentioningthat there is a Rhododendron Garden with nearly 30000 rhododendrons plantedhere. From March to April every year, when the azaleas are in full bloom inspring, the whole Rhododendron Garden becomes a sea of flowers and people. Thecolorful azaleas and the colorful windmills turn with the wind to form acharming and romantic landscape. At this time, whether it is foreign tourists,local residents, or migrant workers who are usually busy with work and rarelytravel, they will try their best to come here to enjoy the flowers and takepictures.
Maybe its because Sun Wen Memorial Park is so beautiful. Maybe itsbecause Sun Wen Memorial Park has two functions: Memorial and leisure at thesame time. In a word, the scenery around Zhongshan people is full of visitorsevery day.
Taizhou is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of ZhejiangProvince. Taizhou has a long history, 5020___ There were ancestors living andreproducing here years ago. Ouyue was in the pre Qin period. In the Qin Dynasty,it belonged to Minzhong county. On August 22, 1994, the State Council approvedthe abolition of Taizhou prefecture level and county level Huangyan City andJiaojiang City, and the establishment of prefecture level Taizhou prefecturelevel and county level Jiaojiang District, Huangyan District and LuqiaoDistrict. It has jurisdiction over Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao districts,Linhai and Wenling cities, and Yuhuan, Tiantai, Xianju and Sanmen counties. TheMunicipal Peoples government is located in Jiaojiang District.
Taizhou is located in the central coastal area of Zhejiang Province,adjacent to the East China Sea in the East, Wenzhou in the south, Lishui andJinhua in the west, Shaoxing and Ningbo in the north. The total land area is9411 square kilometers, and the territorial sea and inland water area is about6910 square kilometers. Taizhou city has a unique geographical location, withmountains facing the sea and plains alternating with hills, forming a pattern of"seven mountains, one water and two fields".
Taizhou is a big ocean city with vast ocean area and rich resources. Thereare 6 counties (cities, districts) close to the sea and 695 islands with an areaof more than 5 square kilometers. The shallow sea area within the 10m isobath is4054.1 square kilometers, ranking first in Zhejiang Province. Taizhou has 80000square kilometers of continental shelf area and 280 square kilometers of shallowsea beach for aquaculture, which is rich in fishery resources.
Taizhou 20___ The annual GDP was 355.813 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5%over the previous year at comparable prices. Among them, the added value of theprimary industry was 23.063 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%; the added valueof the secondary industry was 157.341 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5%; theadded value of the tertiary industry was 175.409 billion yuan, an increase of10.1%.
Taizhou is located in the central coastal area of Zhejiang Province,adjacent to the East China Sea in the East, Wenzhou in the south, Lishui andJinhua in the west, Shaoxing and Ningbo in the north. The total land area is9411 square kilometers, and the territorial sea and inland water area is about6910 square kilometers. Taizhou city has a unique geographical location, withmountains facing the sea and plains alternating with hills, forming a pattern of"seven mountains, one water and two fields". The terrain inclines from west toEast, with Yandang Mountain as the screen in the south. There are main peakssuch as Kuocang mountain, Dalei mountain and Tiantai Mountain. The main peak ofKuocang mountain, mishailang, is 1382.4 meters high, which is the highest peakin eastern Zhejiang. Jiaojiang River system flows from west to East into TaizhouBay. In the coastal area, Jiaobei plain and other three plains are the maingrain producing areas in Taizhou. The coastline of the mainland is about 740 km,and there are 928 islands. The coastline of the islands is about 941 km, and theland area of the islands is about 273.76 square kilometers, mainly includingTaizhou islands and Dongji islands. The largest island is Yuhuan Island, whichis now connected with the mainland, with a population of 5.69 million, of whichthe urban population is 1.52 million. The urban area is composed of Jiaojiang,Huangyan and Luqiao districts, with jurisdiction over Linhai and Wenlingcounties and Yuhuan, Tiantai, Xianju and Sanmen counties.
Taizhou is a big ocean city with vast ocean area and rich resources. Thereare 6 counties (cities, districts) close to the sea and 695 islands with an areaof more than 5 square kilometers. The shallow sea area within the 10m isobath is4054.1 square kilometers, ranking first in Zhejiang Province. Taizhou has 80000square kilometers of continental shelf area and 280 square kilometers of shallowsea beach for aquaculture, which is rich in fishery resources. Pishan, Dachenand Maotou fishing grounds are connected to the north and the south. The threefishing grounds are rich in large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker,hairtail, pomfret, oyster, mackerel, eel, grouper and cuttlefish, as well asshrimp, swimming crab and a large number of shellfish. In addition totraditional seafood such as kelp and Sinonovacula constricta, a large number ofgrouper, yellow croaker, red sea bream, black sea bream, abalone, perch, greencrab, eel and turtle are also cultivated in the shallow sea beach.
Taizhou is a subtropical monsoon region with four distinct seasons. Summeris controlled by tropical ocean air mass, hot and rainy, which is a tropicalclimate. Winter is controlled by the polar continental air mass, the weather iswarm and cool, with subtropical climate characteristics. The average temperaturebelow 10 ℃ is winter, higher than 22 ℃ is summer, and between 10 ℃ and 22 ℃ isspring and autumn. Summer begins in late May to early June and ends in lateSeptember to early October, lasting about four months. Winter starts from lateNovember to early December and ends in late March, lasting for 3-4 months.Autumn begins from late September to early October and ends from late Novemberto early December, lasting for more than two months. In spring, it begins inlate March in the northwest, starts in early and middle March in other places,and ends in late May to early June, two months respectively.
Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good. I am the guide you guide, visit mount tai scenic spot Zhu Yingtong. We have now arrived, taishan scenic area. Right in front of us there is a mount taishan stone: Qin Taishan stone in his 28 years, was in 219 BC, mount tai is one of the earliest sharpening.
Taishan sharpening, according to its different USES, purpose and means, and formed the different category. It is a stone tablet stone carving. Second, the portrait stone carvings. Third, the buddhist statues carved stone. Fourth, moya carved stone. Five classics carved stone. Six is the epitaph tomb inscription carved stone tower. Seven is fude stone carvings. Eight is a carved stone construction.
Taishan stone carving in stone carvings of figures, animals, relief of chariots and horses, houses, animals, such as image, carved stone words, etc., is an organic part of the ancient Chinese art history, and philosophy, literature, history, and ceremonial aspects of content, is also the embodiment of spiritual civilization in ancient China. At the same time, mount tai stone carving stone of the han, han dynasty reflect the production and living standards, is the concentrated reflection of material civilization in ancient China. As li admire Mr Lin said: "taishan is one of the main symbol of Chinese culture, and promote Chinese culture, first, carrying forward the culture of mount tai, it is natural thing to do."
There is a legend about mount tai: when pangu fell, his head, dongyue, abdomen into zhong, left arm into nanyue, become beiyue in her right arm and two feet into the west.
Finally I wish you all have a good time, thank you!