
发布于2023-11-30 18:37,全文约 4354 字






四,有很好的培训经验,多次对来品管实习的员工进行培训,最喜欢的一句话是:现在开始,你们是品管人员。 我的个人优势:一,熟练操作QC七大手法,能应用QC七大手法分析问题和解决问题,这样可以降低公司产品的不良率,节约成本。二,熟悉丰田生产管理模式,成本意识高,降低成本,寻求企业的增长点。三,规范作业,工作态度端正,管理规范化,作业标准化。四,曾在体系担任两个月工作,熟悉日常事务的管理,并主持过内部审核及两个体系的外审。




从 4 月下旬开始,我县全面启动了“服务群众、服务企业、服务基层”的“三服务”作风整顿年活动,在活动中,我通过学习有关文件精神,深刻检查了自己的工作作风、思想作风、组织纪律以及服务意识等方面存在的不足, 对查出的问题认真进行了深层分析, 认识到自身存在一些需要今后加以注意和改进的问题与不足,现将自查的情况报告如下:






1.学习要主动积极。加强理论和业务学习,用正确的理论充实自己头脑, 端正思想,提高认识,更新观念,紧跟时代步伐,适应发展的要求。加强业务学习,提高自身素质,充分发挥好自己的岗位职能作用。


3.心态要心平气和。以平静的心态,正确对待领导和在工作中无论上级领导或同事提出批评意见, 无论批评意见与事实是否相符,应该用有则改之、无则加勉的态度正确对待。


After graduating from the school for more than a year, the unit leaders in the care and training, with the help of colleagues and friends, through their own continuous efforts, whether learning or work, have made great progress and gains, Just a year, is the wealth of experience in my life!

Working year, but also learning the year, in theory, I do not learn advanced ideas and mature theory, and always keep walking in the forefront of society, with the strongest weapons to arm themselves with the latest theory to Enrich themselves. At work, no matter where, no matter what time, are strict demands on themselves, assiduously, strive to become experts. Is with such a firm belief, and gradually mature.Work one year is the accumulation of the year, make full use of the knowledge, the quality and quantity of the completion of the task, and in a project to accumulate experience, learn a lesson, summed up a suitable for their work and study method.

In the twinkling of an eye, a year later, from a student to a social worker, the role of a great change, suddenly we must face their own independent life, has also been confused, after a year of trials and hardships, But also sentiment a lot, and finally, I want to say is that the work made a little achievement, thinking a little progress in my whole journey of life is only a small sum of the future but also continue to strengthen learning, continuous summary, negative And then negative, the establishment of a complete outlook on life, to his life journey to draw a perfect full stop.

After graduating from the school for more than a year, the unit leaders in the care and training, with the help of colleagues and friends, through their own continuous efforts, whether learning or work, have made great progress and gains, Just a year, is the wealth of experience in my life!

Working year, but also learning the year, in theory, I do not learn advanced ideas and mature theory, and always keep walking in the forefront of society, with the strongest weapons to arm themselves with the latest theory to Enrich themselves. At work, no matter where, no matter what time, are strict demands on themselves, assiduously, strive to become experts. Is with such a firm belief, and gradually mature.Work one year is the accumulation of the year, make full use of the knowledge, the quality and quantity of the completion of the task, and in a project to accumulate experience, learn a lesson, summed up a suitable for their work and study method.

In the twinkling of an eye, a year later, from a student to a social worker, the role of a great change, suddenly we must face their own independent life, has also been confused, after a year of trials and hardships, But also sentiment a lot, and finally, I want to say is that the work made a little achievement, thinking a little progress in my whole journey of life is only a small sum of the future but also continue to strengthen learning, continuous summary, negative And then negative, the establishment of a complete outlook on life, to his life journey to draw a perfect full stop.