
发布于2023-12-01 05:51,全文约 57933 字










Bienvenue à Shanghai.Je suis le Guide de lAgence de voyage de Shanghai,vous pouvez mappeler petit X, ou X - Guide.Maintenant, nous sommes dans la zonetouristique du Bund.Maintenant, je vais vous donner un aper?u de la zonetouristique du Bund.

La zone touristique du Bund est située à lintersection de la Rivière mèreHuangpu et de la rivière Suzhou à Shanghai, en face de la zone touristique de laperle orientale à Pudong. Elle commence au nord par le pont Waibaidu et setermine au Sud par les deux c?tés de la route Zhongshan East 1st, dune longueurtotale de 1300m, sur la route Yanan est.

Les principales attractions de la zone touristique du Bund sont le plushaut b?timent des douanes connu sous le nom de ? Groupe dexposition delarchitecture universelle ?, le b?timent de la banque HSBC avec la plus largeporte, la plus grande superficie et le plus grand volume sur le Bund, leb?timent de la Banque de Chine et Le pont Waibaidu rempli déléments chinois, laRivière mère de Shanghai, la rivière Huangpu et le parc Huangpu, ainsi que lesquatre places achevées avant lexposition mondiale.(les attractionsenvironnantes sont Broadway Building et Bund source, qui sont en cours derénovation complète.

Bund, à lorigine est Shanghai Chengxiang c?té nord - est de la plage lelong de la rivière, communément appelé "Huangpu Beach".Après louverture du portde Shanghai en 1843, le Premier consul britannique à Shanghai, M. bafur, sestintéressé à lendroit. En 1845, sur la base de la ? Charte foncière de Shanghai? publiée par la plate - forme routière de Shanghai, il a délimité 800 mu deterres à lintérieur du Bund comme concession britannique et a construit desroutes le long de la rivière, appelées ? Huangpu Road, Huangpu Beach Road ?.Versle début du siècle dernier, il y avait des banques au pays et à létranger, etprogressivement développé en "Wall Street oriental".Ce nest quen 1945 quil aété rebaptisé Zhongshan East Road.

Après la libération, en particulier dans les années 1990 et à la veille delExpo 20__, le Bund a subi deux transformations à grande échelle.Il convient dementionner quà la veille de lexposition mondiale, la zone touristique du Bunda amélioré la qualité de lenvironnement de la zone riveraine du Bund, mis enévidence le style historique et culturel et les caractéristiques de ?larchitecture universelle ?, déduit pleinement le thème de lexpositionmondiale ? une ville meilleure, une vie meilleure ? et fait du Bund la zone depaysage urbain la plus emblématique et la plus classique de Shanghai.

En 20__, la zone touristique du Bund a été nommée "Bund Morning Bell" et aété nommée lune des "Huit vues sur le nouveau Shanghai".

En un mot, nous disons: Bund Tourism Area combine le paysage humain et lepaysage naturel, le style classique occidental et le style moderne chinois secomplètent mutuellement, est Shanghai City Tourism a une longue histoire desites touristiques classiques.Cest une attraction touristique incontournablepour les touristes nationaux et étrangers qui visitent Shanghai.

Très bien, les visiteurs.En raison de la relation temporelle, la vuedensemble de la zone touristique du Bund est brièvement décrite ici.Allonsvisiter les attractions.


The Bund, located on the Bank of Huangpu River in the Central District ofShanghai, is a scenic spot in Shanghai and a must for tourists to Shanghai. TheBund, also known as zhongshangdong 1st Road, is about 1.5 km long. FacingHuangpu River in the East and 52 buildings with different styles, such asGothic, Roman, Baroque, Chinese and western wall style, in the west, are knownas the "World Architecture Expo Group".

Facing the open mother river, Huangpu River, the Bund leans back on thebuildings with rigorous modeling and different styles. Because of its uniquegeographical location and its influence on Shanghai and even China in the fieldof economic activities in the past century, it has a very rich culturalconnotation. The Bunds riverside, levee, green belt and beautiful buildingsconstitute the street view, which is the most characteristic Shanghai landscape.In the morning, the Bund is a place for people to keep fit; in the daytime, itis a bustling tourist attraction; in the evening, it is a place for lovers tofall in love. When the lights start to shine, the buildings on the Bund areresplendent, like crystal palaces, which make tourists at home and abroadmarvel. Strolling here, we appreciate the style of Huangpu River, the motherriver of Shanghai, overlook the new appearance of Lujiazui area on the otherside of Pudong, feel the different flavor of metropolitan gardens among greentrees and flower beds, and enjoy the rare fresh air and sunshine in ametropolis.

The Bund got its name

Huangpu River is the largest river flowing through Shanghai. The source ofHuangpu River is located in Longwangshan nature reserve, Anji, ZhejiangProvince. As the Huangpu River is connected to the sea, it is affected by tides.On average, there are obvious rising and falling tides twice a day. The waterlevel drop in a day can reach more than 4 meters. In case of astronomical springtide, the water level drop will be even greater. (as for the source of HuangpuRiver, some said it was in Dianshan Lake, others said it was in Taihu Lake.However, it is rare to see lakes as the source of rivers in the world geography.Moreover, Taihu Lake is a shallow lake basin with water from many sources, whichcan not be regarded as a complete source. Only by finding the source of TaihuLake can we find the real source of Huangpu River. After investigation andresearch, Xitiaoxi, located at the foot of Longwang mountain, has a drainagearea of 2800 square kilometers with a length of 145 kilometers, 1.8 billioncubic meters of water. Its water supply accounts for 70% of Taihu Lakes watersupply, making it the first water source of Taihu Lake. Longwang mountain is thesource of Huangpu River. )

150 years ago, Shanghai was only a medium-sized County along the coast ofthe south of the Yangtze River. The shipping industry was very underdeveloped,and people did not have the necessity or ability to build embankments along theriver. Therefore, most of the river banks were natural beaches except theHuangpu River bank in Dongmen. At ebb tide, the river water stagnates in thecenter of the riverbed, exposing a large area of beach. At high tide, the rivernever crossed the bank. Huangpu River is the main channel of Shanghai. Becausethe river is wide and the water is fast, ships going against the river have topull their boats. For hundreds of years, the track of the trackers has steppedon a winding path on the Huangpu River beach, which is known as the "trackway",which is the earliest Road on the Bund.

In terms of place names used in Shanghai, the upstream of the river isgenerally called "Li", and the downstream of the river is called "Wai". Forexample, people in Shanghai today are used to call Hanyang road and Bridge onHongkou port "Lihong bridge", Changzhi Road and bridge "Zhonghong bridge", andDaming Road and bridge "Waihong bridge", which is named according to thelocation of the river where the bridge is located. Similarly, the first bridgeof the Suzhou River entering the Huangpu River estuary is called "Wai Bai Dubridge". The bridge in turn is also commonly known as the "Li Bai Du bridge"(now Zhapu Luqiao) and the three Bai Du bridge (now Sichuan Luqiao). Forexample, based on the county seat, the place close to the city is called "Li",and the place far away from the city is called "Wai". Todays southern urbanarea is named "lixiangua Street" and "waixiangua Street"; "Licang bridge" and"waicang bridge" are named after this.

The Huangpu River near the county seat of Shanghai forms a sharp bend atthe exit of Lujiabang, so the Shanghainese take Lujiabang as the boundary. Itsupstream is called "lihuangpu" and its downstream is called "waihuangpu". Thebeaches in lihuangpu are called "lihuangpu Beach" for short, and the beaches inwaihuangpu are called "waihuangpu Beach" for short.

After 1840, Shanghai, as one of the five trading ports, opened to theoutside world. In 1845, the British colonialists seized the Bund and establishedthe British concession. In 1849, French colonists also seized the Bund andestablished the French concession. From then on to the early 1940s, the Bund wasoccupied by the British concession and the French concession, and was called"the Bund of the British concession" and "the Bund of France" respectively. TheMinistry of industry of the public concession and the Council of the FrenchConcession are their highest municipal organizations and leading bodiesrespectively.

The concession is like a sovereign area, and the Western powers operate andmanage it in their way. With the construction of the concession, the Bund becamethe earliest and most prosperous place in the concession. In the early days, theBund was a center of foreign trade, where there were many foreign companies andtrade flourished. Since the late 19th century, many foreign and Chinese bankshave been established on the Bund, which has become Shanghais "FinancialStreet" and also known as "Oriental Wall Street".

As a result, the Bund has become a "geomantic treasure land". Owning apiece of land on the Bund is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol ofreputation. After commercial banks and financial enterprises occupied a place inthe Bund, they built the company building. Most of the buildings on the Bundhave been rebuilt for three or more times. Architects from all over the worldhave shown their skills here, making the Bund, which is not large in area,gather more than 20 buildings of different periods, different countries anddifferent styles. Therefore, the Bund is also known as the "World ArchitectureExpo".

For more than a hundred years, the Bund has always appeared in front of theworld as a symbol of Shanghai. It is the pride of the people of Shanghai. Itshows the world the culture of Shanghai and the excellent ability of integratingforeign civilization with local civilization, innovating and developing.







La Tour de radio et de télévision orientale Pearl est située au Sommet dela bouche de Lujiazui, dans la province de Pudong, sur la rive de la rivièreHuangpu, en face du Groupe dexposition architecturale universelle du Bund.Avecune hauteur de 468 mètres, cest la quatrième plus haute tour dAsie et lasixième plus haute tour du monde, après la tour Halifax (828 mètres), la tourClear Sky de Tokyo (634 mètres), la tour Guangzhou (600 mètres), Taipei 101 (501mètres) et le centre financier mondial de Shanghai (492 mètres), la superficietotale du b?timent Oriental Pearl est de près de 70 000 mètres carrés.

Les concepteurs de la tour de radio et de télévision orientale Pearl ontfantastiquement relié onze sphères de différentes tailles et hauteurs de lairbleu à lherbe verte. Les deux grandes sphères ressemblent à deux rubis et sontcristallines et éblouissantes. Les deux sphères de la terre sous la tour, quiforment le nouveau centre de congrès international de classe mondiale deShanghai (le lieu principal de lAssemblée annuelle de Shanghai du Forum fortune1999), sont rempliesPlein de "Big Pearl Little Pearl Falls jade pan" poétiquemagnifique paysage.

La Tour de radio et de télévision orientale Pearl se compose de troispiliers Optimus de 9 mètres de diamètre, capsule spatiale, sphère supérieure,sphère inférieure, cinq petites sphères, pyl?nes et places.Les ascenseurs à deuxétages qui peuvent transporter 50 personnes et les ascenseurs à grande vitessede 7 mètres par seconde sont les seuls en Chine.Le système déclairagetridimensionnel est coloré et magnifique.Avec un diamètre de 45 mètres et unehauteur de 263 mètres, la sphère supérieure brillante est le meilleur endroitpour une vue a érienne sur Shanghai.Quand le vent est beau, levez les yeux,Sheshan, Chongming Island sont invisibles, ce qui rend le c?ur sphèresupérieure est également ouverte aux visiteurs dans un restaurant tournant de267 mètres (un tour à lheure), une salle de bal disco, un bar à piano et 20chambres KTV louées de 271 mètres.

La capsule, construite à 350 mètres, est élégante, luxueuse et unique enson genre, avec des couches touristiques, des salles de réunion et descafés.Lh?tel air est situé dans cinq petites boules, il ya 20 chambres,lenvironnement est confortable, pas dintérêt.East Pearl wanbang DepartmentStore Co., Ltd. Couvre une superficie de 18 000 mètres carrés et gère desvêtements, des arts et de lartisanat, des bijoux en or et en argent, desarticles en cuir, de la nourriture, etc., afin que les touristes puissentprofiter du shopping et de la nourriture après le tourisme.

La ville orientale de science - fiction Pearl est située au fond de latour, avec des projets tels que Forest tour, Antarctic tour, Magic tour, Tibetancave, Dini Theater, Happy Plaza, laser Theater, motion Theater, Adventure train,etc., qui est excitant et approprié pour les jeunes et les vieux.Il y a aussi unballon spatial unique qui vous emmène dans le ciel et vous donne une vueimprenable sur la métropole de Shanghai.

Le Musée dhistoire de Shanghai à lintérieur de la tour orientale de laperle est un musée historique qui présente lhistoire du développement deShanghai au cours des 100 dernières années.Gr?ce à des reliques culturellesprécieuses, des documents, des archives et des images, ainsi quà deséquipements cinématographiques, télévisuels et audio avancés, lhistoire dudéveloppement urbain moderne de Shanghai est reflétée de fa?on vivante.Le muséeprésente les concessions de l?tat, la construction de lancienne municipalitéde Shanghai et le paysage de rue, léconomie urbaine moderne, la culturemoderne, la vie urbaine, le paysage politique et ainsi de suite.Cest uneattraction culturelle vivante.

Le quai international de bateau de plaisance sous la tour orientale de laperle a un projet touristique de "visite de la rivière Pujiang" pour profiter dela beauté des deux c?tés de la rivière Pujiang. Vous apprécierez la conceptionartistique de "ville de feu et dargent sans nuit".Le "gull Square" du quaiinternational des bateaux de plaisance sert un buffet pour 48 yuans, vous pouvezprofiter de délicieux et de belles vues.

La Tour orientale de la radio et de la télévision Pearl, qui intègre letourisme, les conférences, lexposition, la restauration, le shopping, ledivertissement, lhébergement et le lancement de la radio et de la télévision,est devenue un b?timent emblématique de la ville de Shanghai au __Ie siècle.?lheure actuelle, le nombre annuel de touristes et les recettes touristiques dela ? perle orientale ? se classent au deuxième rang mondial après la Tour Eiffelen France, ce qui en fait une attraction touristique de renommée mondiale.


Welcome to the Bund of Shanghai. Im your tour guide today_________ You cancall me little. Todays itinerary will be provided by me for you. I hope myservice can get your satisfaction. I also wish you have a good time today.

The Bund was originally a place along the river beach outside Chengxiang,Shanghai (Town Gods Temple). Formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", after theopening of Shanghai in 1843, the first consul of British Consul in Shanghai tookthe place of the Bund, and designated the Bund.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Linjiang built towering classical style buildingsaround the world, and opened more than 110 financial institutions. It became the"Wall Street of the Far East". In the 1990s, the tide of Chinas reform andopening up came to Shanghai, and the municipal government began to carry outlarge-scale transformation of the Bund, forming the city we see today The Bundscenic spot is like a wonderful staff. It is composed of "solidified music"World Architecture Expo and "flowing music" Huangpu River. Our friends to watchthese western classical style buildings, not only to pay attention to itsexternal beauty. And we should appreciate them as sculpture art.

In this "solidified music" music, 26 buildings, the buildings arescattered, just like the beating keys on the piano. The music is composed ofprelude, three climaxes, epilogue and other movements.

Its prologue is undertaken by the weather signal station in front of theflood control wall on the Bund. This weather signal station is an ancientarchitecture of "atuonupo" style. Its main functions are as follows: first, wecan have a look at the signs of various shapes hanging on the mast on the top ofits tower. This is to play the role of weather forecast. According to themeteorological information measured by Xujiahui weather station, it will be usedfor the fifth time in the day In order to ensure the safety of navigation, thechessmen of different colors are hung on the mast to announce the wind, wavesand other meteorological information outside Wusongkou to the ships. Second, wecan observe that there is a big ball on the mast that can rise and fall up anddown. At 11:45 on the next day, the ball rises to half the height of the mast.At 11:55, the ball rises to the top again. At 12:00, the ball falls back to itsoriginal position. I dont want to say that we all know what we do. By the way,he is the time desk. But with the development of modern informationcommunication science, there are so many kinds of clocks that they can onlyretire. In October 1993, in the second phase of the comprehensive renovationproject of the Bund, in order to protect this ancient building with more than 80years of history, it was moved 20 meters from its original position to thenortheast as a whole, and it was decorated to make it look new. At night, withthe light of blue and white, such as a huge crystal clear "Yuzhu", beautiful andmoving.

The climax in the solidified music is divided into three parts: the firstpart is composed of three buildings: Asia building, Shanghai Federation andChina Commercial Bank building. Due to the time constraint, I would like tointroduce the Shanghai Federation. It is located at No. 2, East 1st Road,Zhongshan, and was built in 1920___ It costs 450000 taels of silver. It wasoriginally a place for British expatriates to have leisure and entertainment.The building is Renaissance style. In the East facade of the building, threehorizontal sections are adopted, and the front door is taken as the verticalaxis. The decorative patterns of the left and right doors and windows aresymmetrical, making the whole building harmonious, symmetrical and stable. Inaddition, we can see that the third and fourth floors of the building aresupported by six Ionic columns, which are slender, about 9 to 10 times as highas the bottom diameter. The columns are banded, and there are curled up vorticeson their heads. They are the symbol of "female beauty". There are Baroque towerpavilions at the north and south ends of the top floor of the building,enhancing the height and luxury of the whole building. From a distance, he lookslike a perfect work of art in the hands of a sculptor. In addition, the interiordecoration of the building is also very elegant and luxurious. There is a 34meter long wine bar covered with Italian marble, which is known as the longestbar in the Far East. There is also a semicircular iron fence elevator on thenorth side of the lobby. This is also the earliest elevator in Shanghai at thattime. Now many TV dramas reflecting old Shanghai are shot here. The decorationof the building imitates the style of the British palace, so it is known as the"Royal Society".

Next to the Shanghai general meeting is the China Commercial Bank building,which is located at No. 6 on the Bund. It is a Gothic building with a classicalcolonnade at the front door. This is the first climax of solidified music.

The second climax of solidified music is composed of HSBC building andcustoms building. It is the most representative building in the WorldArchitecture Expo Group. The HSBC building, located at No. 11, East 1st Road,Zhongshan, was built in 1923. From 1955 to 1995, it was the seat of ShanghaiPeoples government and then used by Pudong Development Bank. The British claimthat this building is the most exquisite one from the Suez Canal to the BeringStrait. It covers the widest area, has the widest facade and is the largestbuilding. The whole building presents the classical style of Europe in the 17thand 18th centuries and is an ancient Roman building. On the ground floor of thebuilding are three Roman stone arches. From the second floor to the fourth floorof the building, there are six Greek Corinthian pillars. This kind of columnappeared in the prosperous city of Corinth in the Greek era. On the top of thecolumn, there is a bunch of leaves and flower vines, which is shaped like aflower basket and beautifully carved. It is a symbol of "the rich". On the topof the column, there is a Baroque spire. The most noteworthy thing is that italso has three rare treasures: the first one is a pair of bronze lions on bothsides of the gate, sitting north facing south, one with a big mouth open,sitting on the back The one in the South Dynasty and the one in the NorthDynasty is closed, which has the meaning of bank funds. It is said that themodel was destroyed after it was cast in England, making it out of print in theworld. The second one is a huge mosaic mural on the roof of the room, which israre in the world, with a total area of 200 square meters. The third is thatthere are 28 Italian marble pillars 13 meters high in the lobby of the building,which are all formed naturally. Four of them, if not spliced, are carved out ofpure natural boulders. It is said that there are only six in the world. Thereare four here, which shows its value. (the other two are in the Louvre inFrance). So that the whole building palace, which commands more than 20buildings nearby, showing a gorgeous and solemn style. It makes it the mosteye-catching in the whole Bund complex.

The customs building was built in 1920___ It costs 4.3 million taels ofsilver in 20__. The building is eclectic. The big clock at the top of thebuilding is made in imitation of the big clock of the parliament building inLondon, with a silver price of 20 yuan___ The remaining two. It is the largestclock in Asia and the world famous clock. The big clock has a diameter of 5.Its four meters long and three minutes long. 17 meters, 2 hours long. Threemeters. There are three pendulums of up to two tons in the clock. The clockopens three times a week, and it takes four people to wind each time for onehour. In addition, every day at a quarter of an hour, a piece of "Dongfanghong"will be played, and at the same time, a whole piece of "Dongfanghong" will beplayed.

The two buildings, known as sister buildings, are Shanghais landmarkbuildings. The HSBC building is graceful and elegant, while the customs buildingis vigorous and straight. The two buildings stand side by side and complementeach other. They share the second climax of solidified music.

The third climax of solidified music is composed of Huizhong Hotel, Shaxunbuilding and Bank of China building. The theme of this movement ismodernism.

Huizhong hotel is located at the intersection of Zhongshan East Road andNanjing Road. Its sixth floor is at 23 Nanjing East Road. 1920___ Built in, ithas a beautiful appearance, with white fair faced brick as the wall and redbrick as the waistline. It is known as "Bund beauty". This was the site of threeimportant meetings. First, 1920___ The second is the 1996 Shanghai InternationalConference, and the third is 1920___ Representatives of 17 provinces of Chinaheld a meeting to welcome Dr. Sun Yat Sen back to China to take up the post ofinterim president.

Shaxun building and Bank of China Building Shaxun building were called "thefirst building in the Far East" because of the luxurious interior decoration atthat time. Now its the North Building of the peace hotel. The outer image iscapitalized with the English letter A. The Bank of China building is the onlyone built by Chinese in the World Architecture Expo. It is 60 cm lower thanShaxun building. There is another story. When the Chinese capitalists thoughtthat the Bund was full of high-rise buildings of different forms built byWestern powers, which reflected the strong economic strength of the powers ofvarious countries, in order not to let us Chinese lose face, the Chinesebureaucratic capitalism also decided to build a building, which was higher thanthat of other countries, so the original plan was to build 34 floors, but laterthe owner of Shaxun building was also affected He said, "you Chinese peopledont have any status. How can you build a building higher than ours?" so hefiled a lawsuit in London, England. As you can imagine, the Chinese people lostthe lawsuit. Later, they could only build 15 floors, 60 cm lower than the Shaxunbuilding. But the Chinese are still unconvinced that "there are policies at thetop and there are countermeasures at the bottom". Your building wont let mesurpass you. I put up two national flags on the bottom of the building. Thesetwo chess sticks are higher than your Shaxun building. You should have nothingto say this time? So the two chess sticks we see now are authentication. Theshape of Bank of China building has Chinese national characteristics, the bottomof the building is slightly tilted, and the cornice is decorated with a bucketarch. The window frame is a deformed form of Chinese coins.

The finale of solidified music is played by the Oriental Bank and Shanghaibuilding.

The Oriental Bank is a baroque building. The whole building is full ofconcave convex feeling and strong contrast. Now it is the building protectionunit in Shanghai. Broadway building is a modern style, and it is the best placeto enjoy the scenery of Huangpu River, Bund and Pudong. Premier Zhou onceaccompanied many foreign heads of state and distinguished guests to visit. Inthe 1990s, the company won the title of "top ten safety units" for foreignhotels.

Well, dear friends, this is the end of the whole explanation of what iscalled the frozen music Bund. I hope I can leave you good memories.














Bonjour!Tout dabord, je vous souhaite la bienvenue pour visiter le Bund etvous souhaite un bon voyage.

Il y a cinq itinéraires touristiques dans le nouveau Bund. Sur votre gauchese trouve le magnifique complexe Architectural connu sous le nom d "expositionarchitecturale universelle" et la route spacieuse de Zhongshan. Sur votre droitese trouve la rivière Huangpu scintillante et le futur luxuriant lujia de Pudongparsemé de la zone financière et commerciale. Devant vous se trouve une nouvellezone touristique unique.Le complexe, Zhongshan Road, Tourism Area, Huangpu Riveret Lujiazui ressemblent à des partitions musicales à cinq lignes, tandis que lesgens industrieux de Shanghai ressemblent à des cordes entrelacées, formant ledernier et le plus beau mouvement musical, accueillant tous les invités àvenir.

Et le Bund?En termes simples, cétait une plage déserte avec des roseaux àlextérieur de la vieille ville de Shanghai.

Après la première guerre en 1840, les portes de l?tat verrouillées ont étéouvertes par les colons et Shanghai a été forcée de devenir un portcommercial.Depuis lors, diverses architectures de style occidental ont émergéavec les colons "snapping Shoal", au début des années 1930, Shanghai est devenuela plus grande ville dextrême - Orient.

Les b?timents de la Renaissance européenne, bien quils naient pas étécon?us par le même Designer ou construits à une époque, ont un stylearchitectural si harmonieux et unifié quils sont tout à fait naturels.Du Bundde Jinling East Road au pont Waibaidu, un arc de seulement 1,5 km de long, il ya 52 b?timents de différents styles, anglais, fran?ais, grec ancien et ainsi desuite.? cette époque, de nombreuses banques, associations et consulats étrangersse sont réunis ici, appelés ? Wall Street ? de lEst, formant un microcosmehistorique de lancienne société semi - coloniale et semi - féodale deShanghai.

Vous pouvez voir que le New Bund 2 east wind Hotel était autrefois unecélèbre Association britannique, cest un b?timent classique hauteur du b?timent est de 6 étages (y compris le Sous - sol), lesdeux extrémités nord et sud du toit du b?timent sont équipées dun pavillondobservation, la décoration intérieure est extrêmement magnifique.Le bar du rez- de - chaussée, autrefois fier davoir le plus long bar de 110,7 pieds à lEst,abrite maintenant le KFC Express aux ?tats - Unis.

Le nouveau Bund 12, anciennement connu sous le nom de HSBC Bank, a étéconstruit en 1923 dans un d?me grec archa?que.Il sagit dun b?timentrectangulaire près du carré, de 5 étages de haut, plus la moitié de la couchesphérique supérieure de la cuisine supérieure de 7 étages, à ossature dacier.Ladécoration intérieure est très exquise, avec les ?tats - Unis, lAngleterre, laFrance, la Russie, le Japon et dautres pays diverses salles de réception.Leb?timent était autrefois considéré par les Britanniques comme lun des plusexquis du canal de Suez au détroit de Béring en Extrême - Orient.

Le b?timent adjacent à HSBC est le Shanghai Customs Building, un b?timentrétro du XIXe siècle, construit en 1927, qui est rare dans le mondedaujourdhui.Lhorloge au - dessus du b?timent est visible tout autour, jouantune courte chanson toutes les 15 minutes, le son de lhorloge est mélodieuxprofond, 10 miles.

Le b?timent HSBC et le b?timent des douanes, tous deux construits par leDesigner britannique Wilson, sont maintenant lun des symboles les plusimportants de Shanghai, les appelant affectueusement des ? b?timents s?urs?.

Les deux b?timents à lentrée de la route est de Nanjing sont appeléslh?tel Peace.Le b?timent Sud - Nord a été construit en 1906 sous le nom dh?telHuizhong, le premier h?tel existant à Shanghai.Il peut être utilisé comme unb?timent historique, appartenant à la Renaissance plus grandecaractéristique de ce b?timent est que la fa?ade est faite de briques rougescolorées pour la taille et de briques murales blanches pour le placage. De loin,il est à la fois solennel et élégant, mais aussi unique dans le style. Cest untravail rare.

Ces b?timents du Bund sont le fruit du travail acharné et de la sagesse destravailleurs chinois et reflètent également le pillage et linvasion de Shanghaipar les colons occidentaux.Aujourdhui, pour que les gens comprennent lhistoirede ces b?timents, chaque b?timent porte une plaque signalétique en chinois et enanglais.

Pour le Bund, les gens de Shanghai lui ont donné des noms qui ont changéavec le temps.Le peuple de Shanghai a appelé le Bund avant la libération levieux Bund, après la libération le Bund, maintenant les gens lappellent lenouveau Bund.Il y a eu de nombreux cas de préemption du Bund dans lhistoire,mais chaque fois a une signification historique complètement différente.Depuisla troisième session plénière du onzième Comité central du CPC, le Centrestratégique de la réforme et de louverture de la Chine est passé du Sud aunord. Le développement et la revitalisation de Pudong ont fait de Shanghailavant - garde de la réforme et de louverture de la Chine.Le vent printanier aréveillé le Bund de Shanghai endormi pendant de nombreuses années, et lesinstitutions financières chinoises et étrangères ont saisi le Bund.Shanghai apris des mesures importantes pour ? nettoyer le nid et attirer le Phoenix ? enrempla?ant les maisons de la rue financière du Bund, en attirant les ? anciensclients ? au pays et à létranger pour sinstaller à nouveau et en montrant lestyle de ? Wall Street ? en Extrême - Orient.

Le Bund est un symbole de Shanghai et un lieu incontournable pour lestouristes chinois et étrangers.Mais dans le passé, en raison de létroitesse desroutes et de la congestion des piétons et des véhicules, limage globale du Bunda été gravement affectée.Afin de changer lapparence du Bund, le Gouvernementpopulaire de Shanghai a mis laccent sur la reconstruction du Bund.Cette route,connue sous le nom de Zhongshan Road, a été nommée en lhonneur de M. Sun YatSen, pionnier de la révolution démocratique chinoise, et fait partie de latransformation globale du route a une longueur totale de 826 mètres etune largeur de 45 mètres, avec 6 à 10 voies.Cette large ligne de transport ne selimite pas à la zone du Bund, elle sétend avec le rythme de la réforme et delouverture. Elle commence à jiangwan wujiachang au nord et se termine au pontNanpu au Sud.Au début du siècle prochain, le corridor nord - Sud, dune longueurde 15 km, deviendra un repère touristique à Shanghai.

LAvenue riveraine que nous prenons maintenant est très spéciale.Nonseulement il intègre la culture et lécologisation, mais il est aussi un bonendroit pour pratiquer les arts martiaux le matin. Le jour est un endroit pourles touristes nationaux et étrangers pour visiter le ciel et la terre, et lanuit est un endroit idéal pour les couples pour parler damour. Ja i entendudire que beaucoup damis étrangers sont venus ici pour faire lexpérience de lavie.

Chers invités, marchez dans la zone touristique du nouveau Bund. Sentez -vous que le nouveau Bund est non seulement rafra?chi, mais aussi plein dartdans la vie animée.Vous pouvez voir: le Bund de la route Yanan est est décoréavec le thème "pour demain", qui est embrassé par 6 cylindres et combiné avec lastation de signalisation météorologique avec plus de 80 ans dhistoire pourformer un groupe de paysages opposés.Le b?timent des douanes et lhorlogeélectronique des chutes deau sont également un nouveau contraste.Lhorlogeélectronique de chute deau est de type échelle, 27 mètres de long et 3,5 mètresde haut, avec 10 marches complètes.Lensemble de lopération est contr?lé parordinateur, avec environ 1000 jets deau qui composent des nombres arabes dedifférentes couleurs, ce qui rend le monde si loin et si zonetouristique est vraiment devenue un endroit pittoresque qui contient descentaines de rivières et de cultures caractéristiques de lécole de la mer.

En marchant sur le Bund, nous sommes entrés dans le parc Huangpu.En parlantde ce parc, tout le monde en Chine ne peut pas oublier lancien panneau "leschinois et les chiens ne peuvent pas entrer" accroché à la porte du parc par lespuissances étrangères. Ce panneau puant et célèbre a causé une grande honte aupeuple chinois à lépoque!Aujourdhui, la belle tour commémorative de 60 mètresde haut du peuple de Shanghai se tient face à l magnifique tour de granitjaune à trois piliers semble dire aux gens que les gens se souviendront toujoursdes héros qui ont sacrifié leur vie pour laver la honte nationale et la causerévolutionnaire de Shanghai depuis la guerre, le mouvement du 4 mai et la guerrede libération.

Huangpu Park fait face à la célèbre rivière Huangpu au pays et àlétranger."Leau jaune de huanglongpu sur la Lune" dépeint de fa?on vivante lacouleur de leau de la rivière Huangpu.Improvement Pujiang est la Rivière mèrede Shanghai, qui provient du lac Wuxi Taihu. Cest la rivière la plus longue, laplus large et la plus profonde de Shanghai, avec une longueur totale de 114 km,une largeur moyenne de 400 mètres et une profondeur de 7 à 9 mètres.Son nomoriginal est Dongjiang, mais aussi chunshenjiang, huangxiejiang et dautressurnoms.Il est dit quil y a plus de 20__ ans, Shanghai appartenait à Chu. ?cette époque, Huang Xie, un général de Chu, était très talentueux pour gouvernerle pays. Il a été nommé Premier Ministre par le roi de Chu et a été nommé"shenjun" pour gouverner la terre de Shanghai.En raison de lenvasement destron?ons supérieurs de la rivière Dongjiang à cette époque, il a conduit lepeuple de Shanghai à draguer et à modifier le chenal de navigation, ce qui apermis au trafic aquatique et à lagriculture de Shanghai dobtenir un granddéveloppement. Afin de commémorer les réalisations de Huang Xie, les générationssuivantes ont changé le nom de la rivière Dongjiang en "rivière chunshen" et"rivière huangxiapu", qui na été officiellement nommé "rivière Huangpu" quàlépoque de la dynastie Song du Sud.

Huangpu River a deux "enfants", lun sappelle Pudong, lautre Puxi.Avantla naissance de la nouvelle Chine, leur famille était fortement opprimée partrois montagnes, la Rivière mère était amarrée avec des navires de guerre et desnavires marchands, et les ? deux enfants ? étaient submergés."Sauter Huangpu" Jedis le mantra du peuple de Shanghai, cest - à - dire que lancienne société nepeut vraiment pas vivre les gens ordinaires, ici pour jeter Jiang sesuicider.

En regardant de lautre c?té de la rive, Pudong Lujiazui Financial andTrade Zone et Puxi Bund sont à distance lun de lautre. Sa fonction est lafinance, le commerce et le Service extérieur. Il sera le noyau et le symbole dela nouvelle Shanghai.LAvenue Riverside "East Bund", dune longueur totale de2500 mètres, intègre le tourisme, le tourisme et le divertissement, avec sixplaces distinctives le long de la route.Bien quil ny ait quun grondement àloreille, cest le mouvement le plus magnifique du pentagramme qui prédit unavenir meilleur pour le Bund.


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Shanghai. Im a tour guide of Shanghai travelagency. You can call me Xiao X or director X. Now, we are in the Bund area.Next, Id like to give you an overview of the Bund tourist area.

The Bund tourist area is located at the junction of Huangpu River andSuzhou River in the mother river of Shanghai. It looks across the river from thePearl River scenic spot in Pudong. It is located on the 1300 sides of theZhongshan East Road.

The main tourist attractions in the Bund are known as the highest customsbuilding in the "World Architecture Expo". The largest building in the Bund isthe HSBC building with the largest width, the largest and the largest volume.The Bank of China Building and the outer white bridge are full of Chineseelements, the mother river, the Yellow River Pujiang, the Whampoa Park inShanghai, and the four square completed on the eve of World Expo. (thesurrounding attractions include Broadway building and Bund source which isundergoing comprehensive renovation. )

The Bund, formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", was a beach along the river inthe northeast of Chengxiang, Shanghai. After the opening of Shanghai port in1843, the first British Consul in Shanghai, Balfour, took a fancy to this place.In 1845, according to the so-called "Shanghai land charter" published byShanghai Daotai, 800 mu of land including the Bund was designated as the Britishconcession, and the roads along the river were called "Huangpu Road and HuangpuBeach Road". Around the beginning of last century, there were domestic andforeign banks moving in, and gradually developed into "Oriental Wall Street". Itwas not until 1945 that it was renamed zhongshangdong 1st road.

After liberation, especially in the 1990s and 1920s___ On the eve of theWorld Expo 20__, the Bund experienced two large-scale renovation. It is worthmentioning that: after the transformation on the eve of the World Expo, the Bundtourist area has comprehensively improved the environmental quality of the Bundwaterfront area, highlighted the historical and cultural features of "universalarchitecture", and fully interpreted the theme of "Better City, better life",making the Bund the most iconic and classic urban landscape area inShanghai.

20___ In, the Bund tourist area was named "Bund morning bell" as one of the"Eight Sights on new Shanghai".

In a word, we can say that the Bund tourist area is a classic scenic spotin Shanghai urban tourism, which integrates human landscape and naturallandscape, complements western classical customs and Chinese modern customs. Itis a must for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Shanghai.

Good, ladies and gentlemen. Due to the time limit, the general situation ofthe Bund tourist area is here for the time being. Next, lets visit the scenicspots.













Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

In short, it used to be a grassy wasteland outside the old city ofShanghai.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a lookout Pavilion at the north andsouth ends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The firstfloor bar used to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in theEast. Now KFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "cleanup the nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the houses on the Bund FinancialStreet, attracting "old customers" at home and abroad to settle down again,showing the style of "Wall Street" in the Far East again.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that in the 20th century___ Many years ago, Shanghai belonged to the stateof Chu at that time. At that time, there was a great general named Huang Xie inthe state of Chu. He was very talented in governing the country. He wasappointed prime minister by the king of Chu and was granted the title of"fengshenjun" to govern the land of Shanghai. Due to the siltation of the upperreaches of Dongjiang River at that time, he led the people of Shanghai to dredgeand modify the waterway, which greatly developed Shanghais water transportationand agriculture. In order to commemorate Huang Xies achievements, latergenerations changed the name of Dongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and"huangxiepu", which was not officially named "Huangpu River" until the SouthernSong Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.






百年沧桑,上海政府于1992-1993年间对这一地区进行了大规模的改造。将原来的马路扩建成十车道的宽阔道路,并在北面建起来造型独特的吴淞路闸桥以此减轻外白渡桥的重负。随后又建起了延安东路高架,使该地区的交通更为通畅,更展现了国际化大都市的强劲活力。沿江则修建起防汛墙和绿色长廊,各类雕塑和建筑小品坐落其间更使得外滩诗情画意。站在黄浦江边的观景台上,江风拂面,江面波涛粼粼,百舸争流,江上海鸥高低飞翔,可一览大城市港口的绚丽风光。隔江而立的东方明珠广播电视塔耸入云宵,国际会议中心造型优美,金茂大厦, 中银大厦等跨世纪的摩天大楼更是欲与天工试比高,以及南浦大桥,杨浦大桥宏伟的气魄更使外滩借得美景。




Lancienne gare de Shanghai, construite en 1908, sappelait la Gare Nord(Gare Nord), située à lintersection de Baoshan, Tianmu Middle Road.

La gare nord de Shanghai est lun des centres de transport reliant le nordet le sud de la Chine.Au nord de la gare nord de Shanghai le long de la ligneHuning, il est possible de relier Jinpu et Longhai à Hefei, Tianjin, Beijing,Xian, Urumqi, Yuyang, Changchun, Harbin et dautres endroits; au sud de laligne Shanghai - Hangzhou, il est possible de relier Zhejiang - Jiangxi etdAutres lignes à Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Kunming, Guiyang,Chengdu, Chongqing et dautres endroits, et darriver près de 50 fois par jourpour prendre en charge les voyages nationaux.14,3% de lenvoi des clients.

La zone de construction initiale de la gare de Shanghai nétait que de 20__ mètres carrés, et les incidents de 20__ et de 20__ ont été endommagés par laguerre. Bien que la gare ait été construite plusieurs fois, sa capacitédexploitation était limitée.Afin daméliorer les conditions de transport, lamunicipalité de Shanghai a décidé de commencer officiellement, le 20 septembre1984, la construction dune nouvelle gare routière adaptée à la grande ville deShanghai.

La nouvelle gare ferroviaire est un projet de construction complet à grandeéchelle à Shanghai dans les années 80, qui a été officiellement ouvert le 28décembre capacité nominale de la nouvelle gare passagers est de 72paires, et le débit de passagers prévu pour toute la journée et les heures depointe sur la place de la gare est de 575 000 et 50 000 fois respectivement; ledébit de véhicules est de 33 000 et 3 000 fois respectivement.Selon le flux depersonnes, le débit des véhicules et les conditions dutilisation des terres, ilest déterminé que la nouvelle gare voyageurs est équipée de deux places Nord superficie prévue de la place est de 97 000 mètres carrés, dont 67 000mètres carrés pour la place Sud, 30 000 mètres carrés pour la place Nord, 10 000mètres carrés pour les piétons, 7 200 mètres carrés pour les véhicules et 12 800mètres carrés pour le stationnement.Les passagers peuvent prendre le bus le plusproche, réduire les détours et améliorer les conditions de conduite.Entre -temps, il se croise avec la ligne de métro 1 et la ligne de métro Pearl enconstruction pour former un centre de distribution de flux de voyageursefficace.

La place Sud se compose dune place centrale et de deux places auxiliairesà gauche et à droite, disposées symé ceinture de marche devant lasalle de sortie est - Ouest sétend vers lavant et entoure le parking centralen forme de pince à crabe. L?le verte est aménagée au milieu en face de laporte du b?timent principal de la gare pour devenir le Centre de toute laplace.Le terminal de la ligne de bus est dispersé devant le hall de sortie est - place Nord utilise la route kongjiamuqiao nord - Sud et la route decirculation est - Ouest comme principales routes daccès à la gare.Lestationnement des véhicules automobiles est aménagé sur le c?té nord de la sallede sortie de la place et sur les ailes est et ouest de la salle dentrée, etplusieurs terminaux de circulation sont aménagés près de la salle dentrée. Lestationnement des véhicules non automobiles est aménagé aux deux extrémités estet ouest de la place.








Aujourdhui, je suis allé à Shanghai avec mes parents et, surtout, noussommes allés au Bund de Shanghai dont jai rêvé.Jai entendu dire que le Bundavait la plus belle vue nocturne, alors nous avons choisi la nuit, et jaifinalement atteint ma destination avec impatience.

Le plus remarquable est la tour orientale de perles. Cest vraiment le cielau - dessus de la tête, la station de pied, la lumière de la montagne de la tourchange constamment de couleur, comme un joyau brillant tournant dans lair, sispectaculaire!

Les vagues sur la rivière ne pouvaient pas non plus retenir leur humeur,battaient le rivage sans cesse, nous disant Bonjour, jai pris la main de mesparents, marchant le long de la rivière, marchant inconsciemment jusquà la tourcommémorative des héros du peuple de Shanghai, je

En ce moment, ja I un sentiment innommable, en plus de ladmiration pourles héros morts, plus vaut notre respect et notre émotion!

Je mappuie sur la rampe près de la rivière et jadmire les néonscolorés.De temps en temps, je passais devant des foules détrangers. Le vent dusoir ma légèrement brossé la joue, ajoutant un peu de fra?cheur à la saisonchaude. Le sifflet du bateau a continué à venir sur la rivière. Tout était sicharmant, si enivrant, que les gens ont oublié de revenir!

Je taime, Shanghai!