
发布于2024-04-21 18:05,全文约 21358 字


Everyones heart has a built in fantasy of Paris, may be the atypical "Notre Dame DE Paris" romantic, maybe its "human comedy" latter-day flashy. Everyone who has been to Paris to evaluate different, some people say it cold, some people say that it is expensive, some say it chaos. But there is one word always are in Paris, that is: vogue. More than one hundred years ago, people in Paris is proud to walk on the champs elysees, led the European way. In this article along the avenue, dotted with these names: the place DE la Concorde, the arc DE triomphe, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris......

On the perfect axis extension, stood a completely different, modern Paris: skyscrapers, glass curtain wall, rush around financiers, like every modern city in the world. Really? It is a model as the arch of the building, and has been dubbed the "la defense, the arc DE triomphe" name. The pride of the Paris people will never forget yesterday, maybe because of this, to always stand in the forefront of fashion in Paris.

Feel about Paris fashions ankles should be a shopping crazy. They knew all about fashion trends, eyes sharp, both quick and accurate. Maybe only have so many senior department store in Paris, so many famous brand stores, can satisfy their unremitting pursuit of fashion.

Paris presents different features in different peoples eyes, if you want to know what she will be how to smile to you, lets go to visit her.


Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a bead sea tour, I am your guide DAVID.

Bead sea-newly arisen garden type tour in the seashore spend a holiday city, is China south china sea of a bright bright pearl of strand.She is located in Pearl River to go into seaport, the ground connects Macau, and water connects Hong Kong, is one of five economic special areas in Chinas.

Bead sea the natural environment is beautiful, mountain clear water show, waters vast, there are more than 100 islands, the vegetable has "the city of 100 islands" United States to call.City planning and construction only have mental strategy, outstanding tour consciousness, naturally harmonious, the grace is unique, be rich with the modern breathing of garden sentimental appeal in the seashore very much.In 1991, bead seas taking whole city image as a view is traveled bureau by the nation to review for one of"China travels divine spot 40 good"s.

The bead sea has each kind of tour more than 300 houses in the hotel, the year receives ability to reach to 700, among them, the star class is more than 20 houses in the hotel.Construction in the hotel takes park villa as to design topic more, according to mountain alongside water, constituted together special scenery line in the city.Still set up each kind of meeting center, the exhibition is more than 10s, can hold various international meeting and each kind of exposition, commodity fair etc..

In the bead sea, hold an international aviation aerospace annually exposition and bead sea film festival.Two greatest great event just at home and abroad influence biggest.The bead sea still sets up nations to race car a field, has an international car game to hold annually and has tremendous attraction to the large car sport fancier.

The main tourist attraction of the bead sea City has large history cultural view circle new park clearly, the four greatest Buddhas mountain tour scenic area, pearl paradise, nine continent cities, bead sea the fish is female, bamboo fairies cave, gold sandy beach, white water country romantic feeling area in rattan lake.There is aquarium raising to set up, items, such as ocean park and plank Zhang sightseeing cableway in the mountain city...etc..

Have the bead sea of international advanced level airport currently already and more than 20 city navigations in the whole country.The ocean of Ling Ding that leads to Hong Kong sails across ocean big bridge, wide bead railroad, the wide bead superhighway builds forthcoming.Not far future, the structure and form of the bead sea international city will form, the tourism defends an interest dont moxa, the prospect is glorious.The beautiful bead sea , just with the endless magic power, greets the arrival of domestic and international visitor!

The bead sea surface faces south china sea, the coast line is as long as 690 kilometers, the whole citieses totally have all of the group of islands 140, there is the praise of "the city of 100 islands".

Numerous island sceneries are beautiful, the weather is pleasant.Among them most is famous of is Tung-ao island, blue sea blue sky bottom, the fishing village chimney smoke is curling up in the air, the southern sand gulf on the island has the good reputation of "diamond sandy beach";Spread all over a strange stone on outside island of Ling Ding, going to the island can angle for fish, the slippery wave is the tour that is full of a wild interest to spend a holiday ground;Nine state islands climb mountain light water color, luxuriant tall bamboo wood, the wreath island takes a stroll, oblivion material life of hullabaloo with complicated;The Qi Ao scene in the island is exquisite, the historic monument is numerous;There are still many not well-known islets being like similar dispersal of pearl on the sea surface, the name of "bead sea" is probably consequently and since then.

The bead sea in the bead the south of Tropic of Cancer of Haiti belongs to subtropics monsoon district.Often the year sunshine abundance, rain water is abundant, the year is average air temperature the 22.4 ℃ , average rainfall is 1700-2300 millimeters of, air on the average the opposite temperature is 79%.The natural environment of moist warmth makes the bead sea everywhere green shade spring onion cage, the every month fresh flowers blooms.

The bead sea is located in the western side that the Pearl River goes into the seaport Ling Ding ocean, is rivers sea to hand over to remit, the coastal city of water net interleave.The whole citieses total the ocean in the district of 7660 squares thousand meters of the area had about 80% and reached to 6030 the squares are thousand meters.On this broad waters, encircle bead sea, the waterses of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau of Pearl River thing shore, the pearl sort ground sprinkles 146 jade-green islands, the name of fabulous bead sea is from here and since then.

The history origin and development of bead sea:

The cultural object of discovering proves that the new stone age that up traces into 451000 year agos, has first a people to multiply on this land.Establish Hsiangshan town for Tang Dynasty perfect virtue two years(757 A.D.), belong to Dongguan County to rule over;North Sung establishes Hsiangshan town and produces salt, is a saltworks, past again field in Hsiangshan;Row for the south Sung Shaoxing 22 years(1152 A.D.) south china sea, a time Yu, new meeting, Dongguan four counties be close to the ground of sea as integral whole and establish Hsiangshan County;In 1953 with belonged to ten thousand mountain islands, three mergers, such as cooking stove islands and load pole archipelago...etc. of medium counties, such as mountain and treasure Anne(now Shenzhen)...etc. to establish a bead sea county at first;Withdraw a county to change city in 1979;Build up an economic special area in 1980.

The bead sea administrative area rows:

The bead bottom in sea City establishes area in the joss-stick continent area, Dou door, gold gulf area, the city peoples government halts joss-stick continent area.Up to the end of 20xx, the whole city permanent population is 125.28 myriad people, among them, the household register population is 75.93 myriad people.

The bead sea person has 1 to dream of, that is to let the bead sea become the most beautiful place in the world.Zhu Hai Ren wants to create a miracle:That is the place that lets the bead sea become everyones to look forward to all.

For carrying out a dream, we regard as the life of city to the environment and the ecosystem:For creating miracle, we make people the center to pursue social development and the progress in ages.

The person who has ever been to bead sea, not only to the pleasant breeze sea of the bead sea rhyme, the young and vivid city appearance leaves a deep impression, also will have a feeling to the bead sea persons living status.This is one to brave creative and then easily comfortable place, an ecosystem home that was full of a humanities color.Pure air, washed and brushed the pollution of city with miscellaneous disorderly, all the year round constant of green, accomplished it pure and free from vulgarity qualities:Neighbor HongKong-Macau of the characteristics of niche advantage and emigrant city, make medium Spanish turn to hand over to remit to melt to bring diverse and inclusivity for city mutually;The life style of modern got away from traditional inhospitality and permeated the vitality in ages;The new industrial structure molded to expand innovation, vibrant citizen.The bead sea is one can business and living perfectly combine together of place, the romantic city of a versatile and rapid development.

The environment of bead sea gives it pure and free from vulgarity qualities, bead sea the persons intelligence infused into abundant content and the creative power of everlasting for this city again.The bead sea is a place that was full of a poetry painting idea, a city that was full of youth breathing, young and the beauty is the capital and magic power of this city, world and one nature, easily open of atmosphere, diverse city culture, give bead sea the person the unrestrained imagination dint and creative power.Pursue a personality, pursue special, pursue a development, pursue living quality and personal status, is this biggest characteristics for people lived in city.

From the beginning of 90s in last century, the bead sea judged and decided in "China traveled divine spot 40 good" in, the unique uses the whole city as the view area selected of near 10-year, the bead sea successively acquired a national park green city and national ecosystem environmental protection the model unusual honors, such as city, national health city and Chinese excellent tour city...etc..At national news medium to well-known domestic greatly and in the evaluation of special feature in the city, the bead sea City acquired the title of "the most romantic city".In 1998, United Nations still gives the bead sea as"the best example prize of international improvement living environment" and makes bead sea become to be known for Chinese and Foreign"is the most suitable to match the place that the mankind live".

Bead sea, the place that uses the whole city as to travel scenic area, what to present is a new ideas of modern, annotation of is one dont the concept of comer and nature harmonious development, a natural concept, bead sea just with its outstanding looks and matchless of enthusiasm welcome everyone friend to understand, taste and care and love and even hope that the friends contributes for his development doing one creation.

































Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces. Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from home and abroad. Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnificent treasures will certainly satisfy "modern civilians".


Добро пожаловать в город нанкин, где всегда есть "Шесть династий цзяочжоу,цзиньлин императорской области" достопримечательности. я гид из средней бригадыпровинции цзянсу _ Все могут звать меня _ гид, или маленький. рядом со мной этотводитель. мастер, его техника вождения очень хорошо, будьте уверены. надеюсь,что в ближайшие дни мы с вами сможем совершить прекрасную поездку в нанкин.Нанкин - один из семи древних столиц китая. в Восточном предместье сушёная горас черепом человека, что доказывает, что 350 тысяч лет назад, были следы"нанкинских обезьян". с начала династии дун у цзянду в 229 г. нашей эры нанкиндесять раз стал Киото, оставив богатое историческое и культурное наследие.нанкин географический район, богатые материальными ресурсами, находится в районе? золотого Треугольника? Янцзы, является важным городом в региональной экономикеКитая. нанкинский внешний транспорт широко известен и представляет собойтрехмерную транспортную систему и сеть для воздушных, шоссейных, железнодорожныхи речных перевозок. нанкин, горы кольцо воды, лук, клетки и юй, город шаньшуйлеса слились в одно целое, природа пейзаж долго славится. Природа одарилананкина живописными горами, сохранившими здесь свою славную культуру. Г - н Суньчжуншань в знаменитых словах рассказал о красоте нанкина: "здесь есть горы, естьравнины, есть глубины, в трех крупнейших городах мира также искренне труднонайти эту достопримечательность". на подножии горы чжуншань, мин Сяолинь,расположенная на подножии горы чуньшань, расположена в зелено - зеленом золотомхолме и имеет великолепное расположение. памятники тайпинского царства, огромныйдворец. в нескольких десятках мавзолей династии Южная династия получила большоемастерство, которое можно назвать гигантской системой, национальной ценностью.нершелита (храм Цися), великолепная фигура, стройная, великолепная, великолепнаядекоративная, это редкость из имеющихся в нашей стране каменных башен.

президентский дворец, мемориальный парк павших героев юйхуатая,мемориальный музей соотечественников, погибших в результате массовых убийств вНанкине, которые были совершены против японской армии в китае, мемориальныймузей в новой деревне мэйюань и мемориал победы в переправу являютсяисторическими свидетельствами демократической революции в нашей стране. озеросюаньюй, три кольца воды, с одной стороны, рядом с городом, сюфэн тайфэн тенибашни, Бибо, можно назвать "золотой Жемчужиной". озеро моуны, содержиттрогательные и печальные легенды, озеро свет тени, цветочный коконник, изящный,изысканный и открытый. особенность нанкина известна как китайская технологияпарча "живые окаменелости" облака и "сокровище нации" Дождь камень, сталпредставителем Нанкинского туристического товара. вкусные закуски цинь Хуай исолёная утка широко известны во всем мире. в этот день нанкин, одновременно ссовременной вежливой экономикой, является красивым пейзажем с красивыми горами,живущими на драконьих досках, город хуаньхуань дворец дворец, уличные структуры,сад сад сад сад сад сад, зеленая площадь... вместе построили красочный альбом,слитый в одно целое горными и водными лесами, и продемонстрировали уникальноеочарование "зеленой древности, города культуры". Говоря о нашем Нанкине,приходится упомянуть четыре конкретных продукта, которые соответствуют ? есть?,? пить?, ? играть? и ? одеваться?: соленая утка, чай с дождями, камни и облака.Долгая история родила нанкин богатейшие туристические ресурсы, восток от горычжуншань пейзаж области, в том числе в горах, мин Сяолинь, храм линьгу ибазальту озеро, запад и Каменный город пейзаж в качестве точки зрения, к югузнаменитый пейзаж цинь Хуай является основным хитом, на севере вдоль реки пейзажобласти, в том числе мост Янцзы, просмотр Реки Лу, храм Цзинхай и другиедостопримечательности. нанкин, в котором собраны горы, вода, город и вэнь, игоры, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и тучи, ивеликие, и великие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, ибольшие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие.