
发布于2024-04-23 03:30,全文约 52717 字


Tianshan lake, which enjoys the reputation of "the Pearl of Tianshan", is anatural alpine lake. It is located in the middle of the mountain below Bogdapeak in the eastern part of North Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1980meters. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters and a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, covering an area of 4.9 square kilometers. The lake isseveral to 105 meters deep. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains,green grass and wild flowers. Tall and straight, green spruce, tasong, all overthe mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchi is the majestic main peakof Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan and Shengshan), with an altitudeof 5445 meters. There are two peaks on both sides of the main peak. Looking upfrom afar, the three peaks rise together, suddenly, like a penholder. Theglaciers and snow on the top of the peak are shining with silver light, and thewater of Tianchi Lake is blue and clear, forming a colorful natural landscape ofthis high mountain Pinghu Lake.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Geoscientists believe that: since theQuaternary, the global climate has experienced many severe cold and warmmovements. As far as 200000 years ago, the earths climate turned cold for thethird time, and the ice age came, and the spectacular valley glaciers developedin the Tianchi area. The glaciers carry gravels and move slowly down the valley.They strongly erode the ice bed. They excavate and carve the valley and form avariety of ice erosion terrain. The Tianchi Valley becomes a huge ice cellar.The front end of the glacier tongue gradually stops and accumulates due toextrusion, melting water and discharge, and becomes the end moraine of thevalley. After that, the climate became warmer and the glaciers subsided and thelake became _. It is todays Tianshan Tianchi. According to historical records,from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Tianchi had the names of Bingchi,Longqiu, Longtan, Shenchi, etc., but there are few records about the trueappearance of Tianchi in historical records. In fact, it is difficult forancient people to reach Tianchi.

In the feudal era of Da - Zhong, who really visited Tianchi, and namedTianchi for the first time was Ming Liang, a former Minister of Urumqi in 200years. In 1783, he climbed up Bogda mountain and found the Tianchi Lake. He dugthe water outlet to irrigate the farmland. He named the lake after the word"Tianchi" in the inscription on the sparse canal in Lingshan Tianchi, whichdescribes the event. It is said that later some officials and rich people whoworshiped Lingshan and Tianchi built eight temples near Tianchi, such as Fushoutemple, Wangmu temple, Wuji temple and Zhenren temple, for mountain visitors toburn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, these ancient temple relics havebeen destroyed one after another, and the Qing Dynasty ministers bright stonetablet can not be found. Today, people can only see some general informationfrom historical data. In the past, due to the high mountains and dangerousroads, only the bold, ambitious and skilled riders could explore the TianchiLake.

After the 1950s, the peoples Government specially allocated funds to buildthe Panshan road leading to the Tianchi Lake, and built unique pavilions,waterside pavilions, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities on thelakeside, opening this famous tourist resort to Chinese and foreign tourists. In1982, the State Council listed Tianshan Tianchi as the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots. Tianchi is 90km away from Urumqi. In the early morning, thetourists get on the bus from Urumqi and enter the mountain pass after two hoursof eastward travel. The bus spirals up the mountain side road. On the side ofthe road, there are cliffs, craggy rocks, secluded woods and streams, flowersand birds. On the right side of the road, there is a small round pool with aradius of tens of meters. On the side of the pool, there is a waterfall with aheight of several feet. It spits out beads and splashes jade. This is commonlyknown as "Xiaotianchi". Then hover up the mountain, climb the broad ridge,Tianchi suddenly in front of you. Visitors here will sigh for the wonderfulscenery of lakes and mountains. Here, people can enjoy the gift of nature. Youcan climb the mountain together, walk through the dense forest, climb themountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Tianchi Lake; you can also take ayacht to break the waves and enjoy the "sea" style of the plateau beyond thegreat wall; you can also come to the restaurant building by the pool, drink bythe window, enjoy the distant mountains and waters, paint and write poems, andpour out your intoxication. Over the years, many poets and painters have beeninspired here. When Guo Moruo visited Tianchi in September 1971, he wrote thispoem impromptu

Visit Riga,

The scenery here is better than before.

Singing and dancing at the water,

Cloud paper in the sky waiting for a new chapter.

A pool of thick inkstone,

Wan Mu Chang has a pen

More like this mornings double roe deer,

Feast and wine are like springs

Tianchi is not only a summer resort for Chinese and foreign tourists everysummer, but also an ideal Alpine skating rink in winter. Every time the lakewater freezes, ice athletes from Xinjiang or other provinces gather here. On thebroad lake, they are bathed in bright sunshine and fresh air for skatingtraining and competition. The mountains surrounding the Tianchi Lake are also"baibaoshan" with rich resources. There are fattening pastures for cattle andsheep, forest farms for logging and deer farms for artificial breeding. Thereare Saussurea involucrata and Snowcock growing on the snow line, roe deer in thepine forest, mushrooms everywhere, and dangshen, Huangqi, Fritillaria and othermedicinal materials. There are rare birds and animals in the valleys, fish andwater birds in the lake area, modern glaciers on the top of the peaks, andcopper, iron, mica and other minerals buried under the mountains. The abundantresources and unique natural landscape in Tianchi area are more attractive tothe biological, geological and geographical workers who are keen on fieldinvestigation. Tianchi is indeed a place that people in Xinjiang have tovisit.





















































Tianshan Tianchi, known as "yaochi" in ancient times, is located in FukangCity, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang, on the north side of Bogda peak. It is about110 kilometers away from Urumqi city. It is a famous tourist attraction inXinjiang. In ancient Chinese mythology, it was also the place where the queenmother of the Western Heaven bathed.

Tianchi Lake is 1910 meters above sea level, and the deepest reaches 105meters. The lake reflects Bogda peak, surrounded by spruce, and the scenery islike a fairyland. The scenic area includes mountain lakes, wetland meadows,forest canyons and other natural landscapes. In 20__, the scenic spot was alsorated as a national geopark by the state.

There are three water surfaces in Tianchi scenic area. In addition to themain lake, there are two water surfaces on the East and west sides. On the eastside is "dongxiaotianchi", also known as Heilongtan. It is 500 meters to theeast of Tianchi. At the bottom of the pool is a hundred Zhang cliff. There arewaterfalls flying down like a long rainbow. The scenic spot is called "XuanquanYaohong". On the west side is the "West small Tianchi", also known as the jadepond. It is about two kilometers northwest of Tianchi. Because the shape of thepond is like a full moon, surrounded by tasong around it, if you encounter thebright moon in the sky, the static shadow will sink into the wall, so it isnamed "Longtan Biyue". On the side of the pool, there is also a waterfall, whichis tens of meters high. The water flows like the Milky way and falls to theground. The scenery is called "jade belt and silver curtain". There is WentaoPavilion on the pool. Its very interesting to watch the waterfall in thepavilion. The scenic spots in the scenic area are connected by plank road, whichcan be reached on foot.

On the East Bank of Tianchi, there is the West tianwangmu temple, which wasfirst built in the Yuan Dynasty. What we see now is the building rebuilt on theoriginal Temple site in 1999, where the queen mother is worshipped, so it isalso called "Niangniang Temple". The bus stop is close to the East Bank ofTianchi. Walk along the plank road to the Queen Mother Temple on the West Bankfor about 1.5 hours. Compared with the beautiful natural scenery of Tianchiscenic spot, this temple is not very worthwhile to spend time visiting.

From mid November to the end of March of the next year, "Tianshan Tianchiice and Snow Festival" will be held. At that time, tourists can go to theTianshan ski resort near the scenic spot for skiing and other ice and snowprojects.

The Kazakh tents in the scenic area can be used for accommodation, but mosttourists return to the urban area on the same day after the tour. Most of thetourists outside Xinjiang start from Urumqi to visit Tianchi, and they canreturn to the urban area of Urumqi for accommodation on the same day. There arelocal meals in the scenic area, but the price is higher than that outside thescenic area, and the quality of food is also worse than that outside the scenicarea. It is suggested that tourists bring their own food and wait to return tothe city to enjoy Xinjiang food in the city.


Tianshan lake, which enjoys the reputation of "the Pearl of Tianshan", is anatural alpine lake. It is located in the middle of the mountain below Bogdapeak in the eastern part of North Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1980meters. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters and a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, covering an area of 4.9 square kilometers. The lake isseveral to 105 meters deep. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains,green grass and wild flowers. Tall and straight, green spruce, tasong, all overthe mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchi is the majestic main peakof Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan and Shengshan), with an altitudeof 5445 meters. There are two peaks on both sides of the main peak. Looking upfrom afar, the three peaks rise together, suddenly, like a penholder. Theglaciers and snow on the top of the peak are shining with silver light, and thewater of Tianchi Lake is blue and clear, forming a colorful natural landscape ofthis high mountain Pinghu Lake.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Geoscientists believe that: since theQuaternary, the global climate has experienced many severe cold and warmmovements. As far as 200000 years ago, the earths climate turned cold for thethird time, and the ice age came, and the spectacular valley glaciers developedin the Tianchi area. The glaciers carry gravels and move slowly down the valley.They strongly erode the ice bed. They excavate and carve the valley and form avariety of ice erosion terrain. The Tianchi Valley becomes a huge ice cellar.The front end of the glacier tongue gradually stops and accumulates due toextrusion, melting water and discharge, and becomes the end moraine of thevalley. After that, the climate became warmer and the glaciers subsided and thelake became _. It is todays Tianshan Tianchi. According to historical records,from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Tianchi had the names of Bingchi,Longqiu, Longtan, Shenchi, etc., but there are few records about the trueappearance of Tianchi in historical records. In fact, it is difficult forancient people to reach Tianchi.

In the feudal era of Da - Zhong, who really visited Tianchi, and namedTianchi for the first time was Ming Liang, a former Minister of Urumqi in 200years. In 1783, he climbed up Bogda mountain and found the Tianchi Lake. He dugthe water outlet to irrigate the farmland. He named the lake after the word"Tianchi" in the inscription on the sparse canal in Lingshan Tianchi, whichdescribes the event. It is said that later some officials and rich people whoworshiped Lingshan and Tianchi built eight temples near Tianchi, such as Fushoutemple, Wangmu temple, Wuji temple and Zhenren temple, for mountain visitors toburn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, these ancient temple relics havebeen destroyed one after another, and the Qing Dynasty ministers bright stonetablet can not be found. Today, people can only see some general informationfrom historical data. In the past, due to the high mountains and dangerousroads, only the bold, ambitious and skilled riders could explore the TianchiLake.

After the 1950s, the peoples Government specially allocated funds to buildthe Panshan road leading to the Tianchi Lake, and built unique pavilions,waterside pavilions, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities on thelakeside, opening this famous tourist resort to Chinese and foreign tourists. In1982, the State Council listed Tianshan Tianchi as the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots. Tianchi is 90km away from Urumqi. In the early morning, thetourists get on the bus from Urumqi and enter the mountain pass after two hoursof eastward travel. The bus spirals up the mountain side road. On the side ofthe road, there are cliffs, craggy rocks, secluded woods and streams, flowersand birds. On the right side of the road, there is a small round pool with aradius of tens of meters. On the side of the pool, there is a waterfall with aheight of several feet. It spits out beads and splashes jade. This is commonlyknown as "Xiaotianchi". Then hover up the mountain, climb the broad ridge,Tianchi suddenly in front of you. Visitors here will sigh for the wonderfulscenery of lakes and mountains. Here, people can enjoy the gift of nature. Youcan climb the mountain together, walk through the dense forest, climb themountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Tianchi Lake; you can also take ayacht to break the waves and enjoy the "sea" style of the plateau beyond thegreat wall; you can also come to the restaurant building by the pool, drink bythe window, enjoy the distant mountains and waters, paint and write poems, andpour out your intoxication. Over the years, many poets and painters have beeninspired here. When Guo Moruo visited Tianchi in September 1971, he wrote thispoem impromptu

Visit Riga,

The scenery here is better than before.

Singing and dancing at the water,

Cloud paper in the sky waiting for a new chapter.

A pool of thick inkstone,

Wan Mu Chang has a pen

More like this mornings double roe deer,

Feast and wine are like springs

Tianchi is not only a summer resort for Chinese and foreign tourists everysummer, but also an ideal Alpine skating rink in winter. Every time the lakewater freezes, ice athletes from Xinjiang or other provinces gather here. On thebroad lake, they are bathed in bright sunshine and fresh air for skatingtraining and competition. The mountains surrounding the Tianchi Lake are also"baibaoshan" with rich resources. There are fattening pastures for cattle andsheep, forest farms for logging and deer farms for artificial breeding. Thereare Saussurea involucrata and Snowcock growing on the snow line, roe deer in thepine forest, mushrooms everywhere, and dangshen, Huangqi, Fritillaria and othermedicinal materials. There are rare birds and animals in the valleys, fish andwater birds in the lake area, modern glaciers on the top of the peaks, andcopper, iron, mica and other minerals buried under the mountains. The abundantresources and unique natural landscape in Tianchi area are more attractive tothe biological, geological and geographical workers who are keen on fieldinvestigation. Tianchi is indeed a place that people in Xinjiang have tovisit.


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tianchi mountain. Tianshan Tianchi nationalscenic spot is located 33 kilometers south of Fukang City, Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region. Tianshan Tianchi is located in the middle of the mountainbelow Bogda peak in Fukang County, 110 kilometers east of Urumqi, with analtitude of 1980 meters. With different altitudes, it can be divided into fournatural zones: Glacier snow zone, alpine subalpine zone, mountain coniferousforest zone and low mountain zone. At the same time, you can enjoy the sceneryof snow mountain, forest, clear water, lawn and flowers. Its a natural mountainlake. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters, a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, and a maximum depth of105 meters. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains, green grass andwild flowers. It is known as the "Pearl of Tianshan". Tall and straight, greenspruce, tasong, all over the mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchiis the majestic main peak of Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan,Shengshan), with an altitude of 5445 meters. There are two peaks on the left andright of the main peak. Looking up from afar, the three peaks rise together,suddenly, like a penholder. The glacier and snow on the top of the peak areshining with silver light, which is in contrast with the clear water of theTianchi Lake, forming a colorful natural landscape of the high mountain PinghuLake. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots announced by theState Council. Tianchi Lake is an alpine moraine lake formed in the Quaternaryglacial activities more than two million years ago. The lake is 1980 metersabove sea level. The lake is half moon shaped, 3400 meters long from north tosouth, 1500 meters wide at the widest, covering an area of 4.9 squarekilometers. The average depth of the Lake is 40 meters, 105 meters deep at thedeepest, with a total water storage of 160 million cubic meters. It is aworld-famous alpine lake. It was listed as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in 1982 In ancient times, Tianchi was called "yaochi". It issaid that the queen mother of China and the West entertained King Mu of Zhou. LiShangyin, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem: "yaochis mothersbeautiful window is open, the yellow bamboos singing is moving, and the eightsteeds travel 30000 Li a day. Why doesnt King Mu come back?" it is said thatTiandi is the silver mirror on the dressing table of Queen Mother of West, andit is also called the bathing pool of Queen Mother of West. The clouds and fogaround heaven and earth are the neon clothes and feathers of Queen Mother ofWest Xiaotianchi is the foot basin of Queen Mother of the West These wonderfulmyths and legends give a mysterious color to the beautiful natural scenery ofTianchi Lake. In summer, it is an excellent summer resort with beautifulmountains and rivers, fresh and pleasant. Visitors can climb mountains, passthrough dense forests, and have a panoramic view of the world. They can alsosail across the vast blue water of the lake to enjoy the scenery of the lakesand mountains. In winter, Tianchi Lake is covered with snow, snow and snow. Thelake is as ice as jade. It is a rare mountain skating rink in China. The naturalscenery of heaven and earth is summarized as "Shimen line", "Longtan Biyue","Dingtian Sanshi", "Dinghai Shenzhen", "Nanshan wangxue", "Xishan xiansong","Haifeng Exhibition" Xuanquan waterfall ". Every year, the world attracts alarge number of Chinese and foreign tourists. Longtan Biyue Longtan refers tothe "West small Tianchi" which is located about 2 kilometers below Tianchi and1660 meters above sea level on the west side of Panshan highway. It is said thatit was a foot basin used by Queen Mother of the West. In fact, it was a deeppool of stagnant water formed in the low-lying area where the water of TianchiLake leaked through the thick ice stains of the underground dam. At night, thebright moon is in the sky, and the shadow of the trees and the blue moon arereflected in the pool. The still shadow sinks into the wall, and the shadow ofthe moon trembles slightly. A poem praises "a great green flows into the dragonpool, green pines and white snow inlaid with green plates, and the golden autumnmoon sinks into the bottom of the wall. It is suspected that Change is out ofthe cold." Looking at the snow in Nanshan, tourists stand on the moraine dam ofTianchi, looking south at Bogda snow mountain, but see "snow in the distance,pine near, wild flowers like brocade, green and red. The scenery of lakes andmountains is splashed with ink, and the scenery of spring, summer, autumn andwinter melts together "(Xie Yukang). The view of this scenic spot is like afairyland. According to the legend of dinghaishen needle, the great sage of QiTian returned the golden cudgel to the Dragon King of the East China Sea aspromised after he got the Sutra. There is a water monster in the Tianchi Lake,who often uses lewd power to make waves. The water of the Tianchi lake rises andinundates the residents, leaving the people homeless and wandering around. Oneyear, the queen mother held a grand peach party in Tiangong. At the meeting, allkinds of immortals were invited, but the water monster of Tianchi was forgottento be invited. The water monster is not happy, vent his anger. In an instant,the muddy waves were surging and the floods overflowed. The heavenly soldierreported to the queen mother, who was very angry. She immediately took out thesea calming needle and put it into the lake. All at once, the wind was calm andthe water was back. The golden cudgel became an elm. From then on, he grew upbeside the water of Tianchi and became the treasure of Zhenshui. This elm waslater known as the "dinghaishen needle". The west side of guansongtianchi inXishan Mountain is relatively gentle, and it is also located on the shady slope.The slope composed of moraine and debris flow deposits is relatively loose, withgood water storage conditions, especially suitable for the growth of trees. ThePicea forest here is the best place for tourism. "Xishan pine" is a kind ofpleasant and refreshing. In the morning of Haifeng, watching the sunrise inTianchi is more interesting than watching the sunrise in Mount Tai. In themorning light, the iceberg, fir forest and colorful lake of Tianshan areintegrated, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. There is a poempraising that "the clouds cover the fog, and thousands of people are hidden, andthe dawn is beginning to show, and the scenery is new.". A man-made sluice isbuilt on the end moraine dike of the glacier in the northeast of the lowerreaches of the Tianchi Lake, and the water from the Tianchi Lake forms awaterfall. The waterfall runs straight down the rocky rapids. It is called"dongxiaotianchi" because of the sound of the waterfall. The environment here isvery secluded. The North Bank of dongxiaotianchi is a precipice with a height of100 meters. It flows silver and jade. The sound of the waterfall is likethunder. Under the sunlight, the rainbow dances, forming a beautiful scene of"hanging spring and waterfall". There is a poem that "Pearl number spring ishanging in the air, silver chain is hanging high and foggy. The misty water ischarming and bright, and the rainbow is flying among the green hills. "


Dear tourists

In Xinjiang, there is a place to explore and explore. It integratesmythology, geology, biology and human landscape, and is known as the "Pearl ofthe plateau". It is the Tianshan Tianchi lake that we are going to visittoday.

Tianchi is located in the mountains of Tianshan Mountains to the south ofFukang County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 110 kilometers away fromUrumqi. Its about 2 hours drive from Urumqi to Tianchi. Along the way, we willenjoy the magnificent scenery around Tianchi and the ethnic customs of Kazak andUygur. I believe the trip to Tianchi will leave you a deep impression. Now Iwould like to introduce the general situation of Tianchi.

[overview of Tianchi Lake]

Tianchi, about 41 kilometers away from Fukang City, is located on thehillside of Bogda peak in the east of Tianshan Mountain. Tianchi natural scenicarea has a total area of 158 square kilometers, including 87 square kilometersof scenic area. It is a typical mountain natural landscape in arid areas ofNorthwest China. The snow mountains, glaciers, forests, grasslands, highmountains and lakes in the scenic area reflect each other, and are harmoniouslyintegrated with the long-standing myths and legends and the local Kazakhcustoms. In 1982, the State Council listed it as one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots. The beauty of Tianchi can be summed up by "thousandsof years of scenery and thousands of Customs", which is comparable to GenevaLake in Switzerland. She shows people a strange world of central and WesternAsia. Jiang once praised: "Im afraid there are few scenery like Tianchi in theworld." Its true.

[scenery along the way → Kazakh yurt]

Tourists, now our car has entered Tianchi scenic spot. Looking from thewindow, we can see that the water of Sangong River flows down from a distance.The water comes from the melting water of ice and snow on Tianshan Mountain. Itis clear and refreshing. The blue sky, white clouds and fresh air make usrelaxed and happy. In this beautiful place, there are hardworking, brave, simpleand friendly Kazakh people.

As Tianchi gets closer and closer, we can see that there are more and moreyurts living along the river. They are the homes of Kazakh herdsmen living onthe banks of Sangong River. These white yurts are called "prairie hostels". Itis said that the white swan is the ancestor of Kazakh, so they have the customof worshiping white, which symbolizes purity, auspiciousness and happiness. TheKazakh people, who live by water and grass, are hospitable, United and mutualaid. Usually in front of the mountain, dozens of families gather together toform a "awul", that is, a small tribe and village, engaged in animal husbandry.They are also good at singing and dancing. There is a saying that "horse andsong are the two wings of Kazakh."

[Shimen line → eight sceneries of Tianchi → West small Tianchi]

Unconsciously, we have come to the first scenic spot of Tianchi, Shimen.The width of the two sides of the gate is about 100 meters, and the narrowestpart is only more than 10 meters. The two peaks are facing each other, and thereis a line between them, just like two open gates, so it is called "Shimen line".Geologically speaking, Shimen is a gorge formed by ancient river cutting, so itis also called "Shixia". After entering the stone gate, the Sangong River on theleft side is turbulent, with its peaks and paths turning and its sound vibratingthe valley. It can be said that "the two cliffs of the mountain are opposite,and the Tianmen gate is connected by a line". Before we get to the Tianchi Lake,we can already enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Tianchi Lake.

Tourists, the stone gate line we saw just now is one of the eight scenicspots of Tianchi. The beautiful Tianchi scenic spot is famous for its naturallandscape. Among them, the most famous are Shimen line, Longtan Biyue, XuanquanYaohong, Dinghai Shenzhen, Haifeng Chengan, Xishan Hansong, Dingtian Sanshi andQingtian Xuefeng. I will introduce them one by one in the following tour.

Now our car has been driving at an altitude of 1660 meters. From the footof the mountain to this place, there are more than 50 bays on the windingmountain road, so it is also called "Fifty dishes". Please look at the rightwindow. In front of you is a pool with a diameter of tens of meters, which isthe famous West Xiaotian pool. It is said that the water of the pool here isfrom Tianchi Lake, which seeps into the pool from the ground. The place wherethe spring comes out is like a cave, but not a cave. It is hard to find. It iscommonly known as "yinru cave", also known as "Yongquan cave". Because thespring from the ground is clean and sweet, the queen mother once came here tocomb, so it is also known as "comb cave". At the top of the pool, there is awaterfall, tens of meters high, flying down into the deep pool, forming a "JadePool silver curtain" landscape.

[the shape of Tianchi → the magic water → the cause of Tianchi]

Dear tourists, our car has reached the peak parking lot. Please get off andfollow me to Tianchi.

Now in front of you is the beautiful Tianchi Lake. We stand here at analtitude of 1910 meters. The appearance of such a strange lake on such a highmountain really makes us sigh about the natural craftsmanship of nature. Pleasesee: Tianchi is as flat as a mirror. The water surface is open and half moonshaped. It is about 3400 meters long from north to south, 1500 meters wide fromeast to west, with an average width of about 1000 meters. The perimeter of thelake is 9700 meters. The area of Tianchi Lake in wet season is 4.9 squarekilometers, usually 3.55 square kilometers.

Looking at this magical pool water, perhaps you will think, where does thewater of Tianchi come from? Of course, I want to explain to you. Tianta water isformed by melting ice and snow in Bogda mountain and the main water source isthe confluence of four tributaries. In the middle of April every year, therainfall increases, the rain water flows into the pool with snow, and the poolwater rises. After the last ten days of August, the climate changes from warm tocold, the temperature drops gradually, and glaciers begin to appear. The riverwater at the source decreases, and the water level of the pool drops gradually.This stage will last until April of the next year, which is just a cycle ofreincarnation. Therefore, the water temperature of Tianchi is low all yearround, with an average of 7.4 ℃. In ancient times, the water of Tianchi wasregarded as "divine water". Kazakh people said that it was "holy water". Interms of water quality, it basically maintained the chemical state of naturalwater, and was indeed very pure and holy.

After explaining the source of water, I will introduce the depth andcapacity of the water. In the west of Tianchi, the slope is relatively large,and the water depth is about 20 meters. In the northeast, the funnel-shapedcenter is the deepest, and the maximum water depth is 102 meters. Therefore, itis estimated that the normal water storage capacity of Tianchi is 160 millioncubic meters, and the maximum water capacity is 200 million cubic meters.

After talking about the shape and water of Tianchi, let me reveal to youthe mystery of the formation of Tianchi.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Most of the alpine lakes in Xinjiang are formedby the change of valley by external forces. As early as 280 million years ago inthe Paleozoic era, it was once a vast ocean. Later, due to the movement of theearths crust, the bottom of the sea became a land, forming the original outlineof Bogda mountain. In the past two million years, the climate change has causedthe Bogda mountain to be eroded, eroded and cut while it is rising, forming amountain landform with many gullies and peaks. A large amount of material istransported to the front of the mountain by running water, and accumulated intofan-shaped land and vast plain. The Tianchi Lake was formed and developed in theQuaternary ancient glacial trough of Sangonghe River Basin. Huge glaciers sweptover the dam body and covered it with huge rocks. It was again blocked and thewater level rose. Due to the geological formation conditions of Tianchi, theunique and complete natural vertical landscape belt and modern glacier landformof Tianchi scenic area are formed. Therefore, the landscape value and status ofTianhe are incomparable and irreplaceable by any other scenic spots. If youdont visit Tianchi in Xinjiang, you will arrive in Xinjiang in vain.

[myth of Tianchi → origin of Tianchis name]

Tianchi is so beautiful that it naturally produces many beautiful myths andlegends among the people. The most famous one is the story of the meeting ofQueen Mother of the West and Mu Tianzi in Tianchi. Tianchi was called "yaochi"in ancient times. It is said that around the 10th century BC, King Jiman, alsoknown as emperor mu, the fifth generation monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, drove tothe state of Queen Mother of the West and met her. This queen mother is thefemale chief of a matriarchal clan in Xinjiang. She hosted a banquet for muTianzi and his party in the beautiful yaochi lake. During the banquet, the queenmother of the West and the emperor Mu exchanged gifts and invited the emperor Muto visit the scenic spots of yaochi and the mother country of the West. When heleft, Emperor Mu was reluctant to give up. He shook hands when he met, and hewas very glad to see his clothes stained with tears. We can imagine that thissituation, this scene and this person must be very infectious.

Tianchi is also known as Bingchi, Shenchi, Longqiu and Longtan. Qiu Chuji,a famous Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty, visited the Tianchi Lake, which means "iceand snow shining on the sun". In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan also called thiswater the hiding place of mosquito dragon, and named it Longqiu. In fact, beforethese two celebrities, Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem:"please redeem the emperor mu, you can still dance in Tianchi." Li Baisoriginal intention is that Tianchi is located on the top of a high mountain,implying that "the pool is higher than the sky". Therefore, it should be Li Baiwho changed the name of "yaochi" to "Tianchi".

[climate of Tianchi → four seasons of Tianchi]

A tourist asked: whats the climate like in Tianchi? When is the best timeto come to Tianchi?

The climate in Tianchi scenic spot varies greatly with the terrain. Tianchiis located in the inversion layer of Tianshan Mountain in winter. Due to theinfluence of atmospheric reflux, the temperature is relatively stable. Theannual average temperature is 2 ℃, the coldest in January, the averagetemperature is - 11.9 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 15.5 ℃. Inwinter, it generally snows in Tianchi scenic area, and the snowfall period canbe from late September to early April of the next year. After the middle ofNovember every year, the pool water freezes, and the ice layer is more than 100cm thick. The ice breaking period is at the end of April of the next year.Therefore, the best season to visit Tianchi is from the first ten days of May tothe last ten days of October every year. At this time, the Tianchi Lake is arare summer resort because of its melting ice and pleasant climate.

Although Tianchi is cool all year round, the landscape of the four seasonsis changeable. When spring comes to Tianchi Lake, ice and snow melt away. Thelake water is clear and crystal clear as jade. The mountains around the lake areemerald. Spruce is like a sea. The lakeside is green as grass. Birds are singingand jumping. Its really beautiful. In summer, the flowers and trees in Tianchiare more colorful. The orange Saussurea, the golden Trollius, the red valerianand thyme, the blue gentian and blue orchid, and the white plum blossom are allcompeting for splendor. Visitors here seem to walk into a beautiful big garden.At this moment, boating in high mountains and lakes, walking in the woods,exploring the snow peak plateau, or riding up the Tianshan Mountains, people aredizzying and happy. This season is the peak of sightseeing. Tianchi in autumn,the summer to frost, ushered in the brilliant season of frost leaves red sky,blue sky, golden leaves, dark green pine tower, reflected in the autumn water,colorful, gorgeous, just like a natural picture. In severe winter, Tianchi Lakeis covered with thick ice, which makes it a good skating rink. Overlooking Bogdapeak, the lake is covered with silver, adding a magnificent northern scenery tothe silent Tianchi Lake.

[Bogda mountain peak → wonderful landscape]

Tourists, the beautiful Tianchi Lake and Bogda peak shine together. Bogdamountain is the main peak of Bogda mountain. Bogda mountain is a natural barrierof Tianchi Lake. Hengdou is in the east of Tianshan Mountain, stretching formore than 300 Li. The peaks overlap and fluctuate vertically and horizontally.The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. Overlooking themountain, it can be said that "the snow on Tianshan Mountain is high in the sky,rolling silver waves straight from the ground", which is magnificent. Bogdamountain is called "Lingshan" and "Shengshan" because it means "spirit" inJunggar. Three peaks stand side by side on the top of the mountain. The mainpeak is Bogda peak, which is 5445 meters above sea level. It is famous for itswonder and danger. It is known as "the first peak of Eastern Tianshan Mountain".In the minds of the ancient herdsmen, Bogda peak was respected as "Zufeng". TheEast peak is 5287 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Lingfeng", whilethe West Peak is 5213 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Shengfeng", andknown as "three peaks in the snow sea". Qiu Chuji, a Taoist of the Yuan Dynasty,wrote a poem praising: "the three peaks rise together, the clouds are cold, andthe four walls are arranged in a horizontal way. If the heaven and man are notin the snow range, it is hard to see the ice pool shining on the sun and thecustom. " Today, however, its not difficult to climb Bogda. Its only 18kilometers from the southeast of Tianchi. Bogda has become one of the 10mountaineering peaks open to the outside world, attracting countlessclimbers.

After seeing the mountains, lets enjoy the scenery around Tianchi. Tianchiscenic spot rises from the mountain pass along Sangong River to Bogda peak. Itsvertical height rises from 1200 meters above sea level to 5445 meters, with arelative height difference of 4245 meters. Its geomorphic landscape presentsobvious zonal distribution. I will introduce it one by one from bottom to top.At an altitude of 1200 meters to 1500 meters, due to the weathering of rocks,there are many stone peaks, jagged rocks, tufted water and grass, and lushvegetation. Elms are tall on the beach, and the river terraces are covered withfelts on the roof. It is close to the mountains and rivers. "Cattle and sheepcan be seen in the grass when the wind blows." it is a pastoral village scenery,known as the grass belt on the low mountain platform. Between 1500 meters and2700 meters above sea level, the mountain is composed of massive andesite andtuff. Ancient glaciers are extremely eroded and scoured by flowing water. It isa "wet island" in arid areas with undulating mountains, crisscross gullies, warmand humid climate and abundant rainfall. There are dense spruce trees growing inthe area, and the shady slope in the lower part of it often intersects withmountain meadow grassland, becoming a park like sparse forest landscape, whichbelongs to the forest belt of Zhongshan gorge. Tourists, please look up again.Below the snow line, between 2800 and 3500 meters above sea level, most of themountains are gentle slopes, where ancient glacial sites, glacial troughs,glacial lakes, swimming pools and other landforms are well developed. Theclimate is cold and humid, the ice and snow melt in spring, and the water isabundant. There are cold resistant Laoguan grass, edelweiss, raincoat grass andTrollius. In summer, the grass becomes shady and full of vitality. It is anatural pasture and becomes the original grass belt of Alpine platform. Finally,lets take a look at the extremely high mountain permanent ice belt above 3500meters above sea level. The climate is very cold, with perennial snow, permanentice, and steep terrain. Glacial landforms such as knife ridge, horn peak, icedebt dike and snake shaped mound are everywhere. The huge glacier is like agiant dragon, perched between the iceberg and the surrounding valley, stretchingin the trough. The cold light twinkles, crystal clear as jade, and the icecovered silver world is amazing.


Tourists, the Tianchi Lake and its surrounding landscape can be enjoyedhere. Lets go to the East Xiaotianchi lake to enjoy the magnificent waterfallswith endless aftertaste.

After about half a kilometers trek, we now come to the East small Tianchi,which is located in the northeast of Tianchi. The scenic area here is about10000 square meters, with an altitude of 1860 meters. Dongxiaotianchi is formedwhen the water of Tianchi passes through bailongba on the north bank and thenflows into bailongzha to form a 10 meter high waterfall and splashes into thevalley. The flowing water looks like a white dragon, with a hundred curtains,forming a "Xuanquan Yaohong", one of the eight scenic spots in Tianchi. Togetherwith the "Yutan silver curtain" of the West small Tianchi and the "three pearlsof the white dragon" of the bailongzha, it is called the three waterfalls ofTianchi.

Here, you may already understand that there are three pools in Tianchi. Thethree pools are connected by veins. The West small Tianchi, the East smallTianchi and Tianchi can be called "mother daughter pools". The big Tianchi isthe mother, and the small Tianchi in the East and West is the daughter.Therefore, the East and West small Tianchi are also known as "sister pool". TheEast small Tianchi is located in the East with high terrain and slightly largerpool, which is the "big sister"; the West small Tianchi is located in the Westwith low terrain and the smallest pool, which is the "little sister". Inaddition, there are legends that the big Tianchi is the bathing pool of thequeen mother of the west, and the small Tianchi is the foot basin of the queenmother of the West. These legends have brought people beautiful reverie.

Dear tourists, the tour of Tianchi and Xiaotianchi is coming to an end. Thebeauty of the Tianchi Lake is not only hidden, but also full of spirit. It isbeyond the pen and ink. It is beyond the words. I think its left for you tosavor


Dear friends, with the rolling wheels, we have come to the foot of themagnificent Tianshan Mountain in the twinkling of an eye. There are snow peaks,overlapping peaks, cliffs, connected canyons, lush trees, flowers and plants allover the slope, gurgling springs and fresh air. Here live hard-working and braveKazakh herdsmen. You can enjoy the rough and bold Kazakh customs.

From the beginning of entering the mountain, the natural landscape ofTianshan mountain can be roughly divided into four natural landscape zones: lowmountain zone, low mountain coniferous forest zone, high mountain and subalpinezone, glacier and snow zone. It is not difficult to find that the trees onTianshan Mountain are luxuriant and various, and most of them grow on the northslope of Tianshan Mountain. This is because the water vapor over Xinjiang mainlycomes from the westerly and northerly air currents. The tall Tianshan mountaincan intercept more upper air currents, and there is more precipitation on thewindward slope, forming a unique natural landscape.

Now, we have come to the Tianchi Lake, which you have been fascinated byfor a long time. The broad surface of the lake is in the shape of a half moon.The elevation of the lake is 1980 meters, the length of the lake is more than3000 meters from north to south, and the widest part from east to west is 1500meters. The area of the lake reaches 49000 square kilometers when the water isflowing, the deepest part is 105 meters, and the total water storage is 160million cubic meters. This is a high mountain moraine lake formed in theQuaternary glacial activities two million years ago, and the natural water onits north bank A dam is a moraine.

Tianchi is the fairyland of yaochi in mythology. It is said that 3000 yearsago, Mu Tianzi had a banquet with Xiwangs mother in Tianchi, leaving a goodstory for thousands of years. Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, oncewrote poems on it“


























各位游客,大家好! 欢迎大家来到天池山旅游。 天山天池国家级风景名胜区位于新疆维吾尔自治区阜康市南33公里处。天山天池位于阜康县境内的博格达峰下的半山腰,东距乌鲁木齐110公里,海拔1980米,(随着海拔高度不同可分为冰川积雪带、高山亚高山带、山地针叶林带和低山四个自然带。在天池同时可观赏雪山、森林、碧水、草坪、繁花的景色)。是一个天然的高山湖泊。湖面呈半月形,长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,最深处约105米。湖水清澈,晶莹如玉。四周群山环抱,绿草如茵,野花似锦。有"天山明珠"盛誉。挺拔、苍翠的云杉、塔松,漫山遍岭,遮天蔽日。天池东南面就是雄伟的博格达主峰(蒙古语"博格达",意为灵山、圣山)海拔达5445米。主峰左右又有两峰相连。抬头远眺,三峰并起,突兀插云,状如笔架。峰顶的冰川积雪,闪烁着皑皑银光,与天池澄碧的湖水相映成趣,构成了高山平湖绰约多姿的自然景观。是国务院首批公布的国家级重点风景名胜区。 天池是一座在两百余万年以前第四纪大冰川活动中形成的高山冰碛湖,天池湖面海拔1980米,湖面呈半月形,南北长3400米,最宽处约1500米,面积4.9平方公里,平均湖深40米,最深105米,总蓄水量1.6亿立方米.是世界著名的高山湖泊,1982年披列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区.天池古称“瑶池”,是传说中西王母宴请周穆王之地,唐代诗人李商隐曾作诗曰:“瑶池阿母绮窗开,黄竹歌声动地哀,八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来”.传说天地是西王母梳妆台上的银镜,又说是西王母的沐浴池,天地绦绕的云雾,是西王母的霓裳羽毛,小天池是西王母的洗脚盆„„,这些美妙的神话传说,给优美的天池自然景色象上了一层神秘的色彩,夏季,这里山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地。游人可登高山、穿密林,俯览天地全景,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色。冬天的天池,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场。世人将天地的自然风光概括为“石门一线”、“龙潭碧月”、“顶天三石”、“定海神针”、“南山望雪”、“西山现松”、“海峰展“悬泉飞瀑”八大景观。每年,天地都吸引着大批中外游客,下面为大家简单介绍其中几个景观。

龙潭碧月,龙潭是指位于天池下方约2千米,海拔1660米,盘山公路西侧的“西小天池”。传说是西王母当年用的洗脚盆,实则它是天池湖水透过地下湖坝粗大的冰渍物 渗漏下来的泉水,在山嘴交汇的低洼处形成的一个积水深潭。池周塔松竞秀,满山苍翠,每当夜幕降临,皓月当空,山峰树影和碧月一器倒映潭中,静影沉壁,月影 微颤,有诗赞曰“一弘碧流成龙潭,青松白雪镶翠盘,金秋桂月沉壁底,疑是嫦娥出广寒。”


定海神针传说天池之中有一个水怪,经常乱施淫威,兴风作浪。搅的天池之水瀑涨,淹没左右居民,百姓无家可归四处流浪。有一年,王母娘娘在天宫举行盛大的蟠桃会。 会上宴请了各路神仙,唯独忘记邀请这位天池水怪。水怪不悦,发威泄私愤。顷刻之间浊浪滔天,洪水四溢。天兵禀报王母娘娘,王母娘娘大怒,旋即取下头上的一 根碧玉簪投入水中,顿时风平浪静,水退石出。那根碧玉簪就变成了一棵榆树。从此生长在天池水边,成为镇水之宝。这棵由王母娘娘头上的碧玉簪变成的榆树就被 后人称为“定海神针”。


悬壶飞瀑天池下游东北方冰川终碛堤上建有人工水闸,天池泻水形成瀑布。瀑布沿嶙峋山石急流直下,白练垂空,声震山谷,瀑布于谷底冲出碧潭一方,人称“东小天 池”。此处环境极为幽秘。东小天池北岸为断崖峭壁,泻水又形成一条高达百米的瀑布,流银泻玉,瀑声如雷,在阳光照射下,彩虹飞舞,形成“悬泉飞瀑”胜景, 有诗云“珍珠数泉悬半空,银链高挂雾蒙蒙。烟水飘渺娇阳艳,长虹飞架青峦中。”














