





范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:初中,教师,学生,全文共 2758 字

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作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语

文句流畅,但首尾不能呼应 内容欠充实,结构不紧凑 词藻华丽,内容再求充实 叙述平顺,再求精美 造词生涩,未能达意 文字草率,有欠修饬 词能达意,再求整饬 文词尚称通顺,但欠精练 词句重覆冗杂 语多赘余,文欠生动 段落要分明,前后勿倒置 闲文太多,须力求简畅 描写应求深刻 词意可采,尚待磨鍊 清婉有致,结尾稍差 文句不畅,表达呆滞 较前进步,望再努力 造句杂乱,意欠明显 词句未能表达情意 词句生硬,文意晦涩 文句生涩,未能达意 语多赘余,文欠畅顺 笔法尚可,唯欠精鍊 文句生涩,意不明畅 略有议论,再求畅达作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语 引证不适切,语意欠详明 虽切题旨,但不畅顺 思路不清,意不明晰 用词欠妥,语气不贯 识见不高,说理也欠圆妥 材料太贫乏,理由欠充分 组织欠严密,辞意不明畅 草率成篇,内容贫乏 立意虽佳,文则欠通 析论不明,语多欠详 对…生动而详细的叙述,是本文的一天特色,也体现了作者观察的敏锐与细致.这是文章成功的一大要素. 本文内容生动丰富,语言新颖清爽,结构独特合理. 辞畅意达,所见亦是 阐述详尽,文词简洁 说理恰当,笔调畅达 层次分明,见解正确 深入浅出,明白简要 分析清楚,词亦顺适 用例恰当,解说清楚 文尚可通,描写则欠精彩 自然承上启下,细节描写突出人物品质,令人感动. 叙事中夹写景,以已度人,将心比心. 拟人化语言使文章更显得生动活泼. 外形描写十分有趣,突出了…的可爱.介绍中融入了自己的思想,有感染力. 用了列数字,举例子的方法,很形象. 过渡自然,每一段交待得很清楚. 这部分参照课文中的例子,语言过于平板,可适当修改,使语言更生动. 采用比喻,拟人等修辞手法,形象地写出了…的美.这部分还可以展开写.以小见大,表现… 比喻句用得精当.加入了古诗进行联想,富有韵味. …和…形成鲜明对比,突出… 小学生能有这样的体会,令人刮目相看. 对…的比喻用得妙. 运用多种感官,描写十分仔细. 孩子的气的语言很有意思. 加入人物行为,使画面生动. 这段多余,不如删去,使文章更简洁. 发挥奇妙想象,运用精妙比喻. 充满童趣的拟人与比喻,使文章顿生光彩. 这段描写读来令人感动. 心理描写细腻,比喻句用得好, 排比名的使用为文章增色不少. 以味诱人,意境深远. 比喻贴切,用词生动. 以轻松愉快的语气,向我们娓娓道来,令人回味无穷. 结尾含蓄,点明主题. 结束得有点突然,夸张了. 结尾简炼,感人.作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语 结尾同样有趣. 结尾呼应应开头,结构完整. 由景生情,结尾自然. 比喻形象,贴切,精彩的结尾可谓点睛之笔. 结尾似乎没有写完,应能与开头照应.观察细致,描写生动. 结尾呼应文题,点明中心. 文章开头简而得当,通过环境描写来衬托人物心情,十分艺术化.杂而不乱,能做到详略得当,重点突出.结尾恰到好处地点明中心,语言朴实而含义深刻,耐人寻味. 以感受开头,以感受结尾.这样便使文章前后照应,首尾连贯,同时又使文章主题回环复沓,感染力极强. 以饱满的激情,描写了……,开头简明扼要,重点突出,详略得当,内容具体. 文章对……的气氛渲染充分而恰到好处,对文章重点…作了细腻而传神的刻画.立意高远,令人赞叹. 切合实际,蕴含着朴素而深刻的哲理,读来令人精神振奋,情绪激昂. 特写镜头别开生面,情趣盎然.全文充满童心童趣,读来倍感亲切. 这篇文章充满了激情,从字里行间能体会到小作者对…的喜爱之情.全文层次清晰,语句流畅. 事例叙述生动,具体,趣味性强,且与前面的比喻…一脉相承.最后,作者用寥寥数语,表现出了自已对…的情感,令人感动. 文章语言清新活泼,描写能抓住事物的主要特征,篇幅短小精悍,值得一读. 文章语言通俗易懂,贴近生活实际,读来令人倍感亲切. 文章开头新颖,具有先声夺人之效.使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象.文章前后连贯,形成完整的形象. 文章能过清新有趣的语言,描写了…的事.字里行间,充满童年真童趣,欢声笑语不绝于耳,不失为一篇佳作.详略得当,虚实相生,是本文的两大特色,……内容更丰富,更生动. 充分运用动静结合的写法,并辅以比喻,拟人等手法,通过生动,形象的语言的描绘,使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般.结尾处对人物的赞美,情真意切,感人至深. 注意观察具体事物,并展开合适的想象,这是本文的成功之处.文章融情于景,边绘景边抒情,善于运用打比方的手法,使文章生动具体,让人爱莫能助释手卷. 文章含蓄的结尾,既点题,又耐人寻味.文章开头引人入胜,吸引读者.…点面结合,使文章生动,具体,详略得当. 对于景色的描写,语言简练而准确,联想则为触景生情,情景自然融合.全文清新秀逸,亲切委婉,朴素而不落俗淘,值得借鉴. 全文眉目清晰,生动紧凑,趣味性强. 文章边叙事边抒情.结尾处集中表达情感,既照应开头又总结全文.首尾连贯,一气呵成. 文章有详有略,言之有序,内容生动具体,不失为一篇佳作. 文章内容新颖,结构合理,流畅连贯,自然通达.细节描写颇具匠心.极富功底. 全文语言生动准确,情节精彩曲折,仿佛将读者带进了开心乐园,令人眉开眼笑. 全文通俗易懂,趣味性强. 文章线索明朗,主题突出,紧紧围绕…进行.文章开头与结尾时的诗化语言,充满想象与韵律之美,令人愿读,爱读,不忍释手. 虽为一件小事,但作者却描述得有声有色,结尾处不可或缺的点晴之笔,较好地凸现了文章主题.` 对细节传神的刻画,恰恰相反到好处地揭示人物的内心世界,这是本文的成功之处. 文章选材新颖,…这件事,乡村生活气息浓郁,富有儿童情趣.读后令人身心愉悦,舒畅. 本文是一篇较为成熟的叙事明理之作,文章以准确流畅的语言,展示了实验的全过程,跌宕起伏,妙趣横生.小作者观察仔细,叙述时井然有序 对实验现象的描写,能切中要害,详尽而全面.文章体现了自然科学的趣味性和知识性,读来饶有兴味. 文章开头交待得十分清楚,起到总领全文的作用.结尾处寥寥数语,显示了作者探索科学奥秘的远大理想和坚定信心,催人奋进. 本文三大成功之处:首先注意选取最美好的片断来写,其次用词准确,第三文章结构紧凑. 本文围绕…这一中心组织材料,语言准确,鲜明,生动,内容极其丰富具体,不失一篇成功之作. 本文取材真实生活,选材恰当,很有新意,段落分明,过渡自然,情趣盎然,可读性强. 全文节奏明快,语言清新,始终洋溢着诙谐与风趣,读来其乐无穷.



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 2280 字

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Dear Mr. Grison

Thank you for your letter of 6 May 20xx concerning the faulty tableware.

I am extremely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality. This was due to our faulty packing machine. We now have it repaired and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and you have always been one of our excellent customers. Therefore, I greatly regret the inconvenience it has caused and would like to offer my sincere apologies. I can assure you that such occasion will not occur and our supplies in the future will again be of our usual high standards.

I hope that you can use our company as your supplier in the future.

Your sincerely


Dear Sir.

I am writing this letter to apologize to you for the mistake that we sent the shoes in wrong color. I have acknowledged that my fault has brought you great trouble and unconviniences. I hereby express my deep sorrow for this matter and we are going to do our best to make it up to you. I assure you that this mistake will not happen once again and would appreciate very much if you could give us a chance to show our sincerity on this matter.

Best regards


Dear Mr. Clinton

Thank you for your letter of 9 May 20xx concerning faulty goods purchased in our store in London.

I am very sorry indeed that you were not satisfied with the pencils that you bought from our store.

Our company in always trying to improve the quality of its merchandise and we are very unhappy when one of our products does not give satisfaction. In fact, this was due to the breakdown of our packing machine.

In the meantime I regret the disappointment you were caused. As a gesture of goodwill, I have pleasure in refunding the cost of the pencils. And enclose a gift voucher that you can use in our London branch.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I hope any further purchases you many make at our stores will be up to our usual high standards

Yours sincerely

Paul Harvey

Customer Relations.



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 430 字

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Dear Mr. Sation

With reference to your letter dated 3rd May 20xx, I am writing to apologies for the mistake we made.

The mistake was made because our computer broke down on 29 April. I can assure you we will send the cheque of $200 to you in two days. We will offer you 20% discount for you next stay.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error has caused you and we look forward to meeting you again.

Your sincerely



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 306 字

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Hi George,

I’m really, really sorry but I just can’t make it for basketball practice this evening. We’ve got a biology test tomorrow and I haven’t yet started studying for it. I can’t afford to fail the test, because I already failed the last one.

I promise to make up for it by the next practice session.




范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 281 字

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Dear Ms Sciberras,

I would like to apologise for not returning the books but I have been away from school for a week because I had the measles. I will not be coming to school for another week or so. I promise I will return the books as soon as I am back.

Thank you.


Anita Borg



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 515 字

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To :

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 840 字

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Dear Mr. / Ms,

I was very concerned when I received your letter of yesterday complaining that the central heating system in your new house had not been completed by the date promised.

On referring to our earlier correspondence,I find that I had mistaken the date for completion. The fault is entirely mine and I deeply regret that it should have occurred.

I realize the inconvenience our oversight must be causing you and will do everything possible to avoid any further delay. I have already given instructions for the work to have priority and the engineers working on the job to be placed on overtime. These arrangements should see the installation completed by next weekend.

Yours faithfully







范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 323 字

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Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10. Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them, we will send you a copy.

Yours faithfully






范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 426 字

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Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for letter of 5 May 20xx.

I must apologies for the delay in replying to your letter of 15 April. Unfortunately some members of our staff have recently been off sick. This, at a time when several of our employees take their annual leave, has resulted in unavoidable delays in replying to letters.

I enclose the price list of our company as requested and look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 233 字

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Dear ___________,

I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).

The reason is that_(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 432 字

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Dear Mr Gatt,

I am sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing with the order you placed with us on the 23rd January. I cannot as yet say who is at fault but I assure you there will be a full investigation. Moyra Brown, who is our production assistant, will contact you shortly to arrange suitable compensation for the inconvenience that has been caused.

I would like to apologise once more.

Yours sincerely,

George Hili



范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 842 字

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Dear Mr. Grison

Thank you for your letter of 6 May 20xx concerning the faulty tableware.

I am extremely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality. This was due to our faulty packing machine. We now have it repaired and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and we will replace the faulty delivery free of charge within three days.

We have been supplying you for five years and you have always been one of our excellent customers. Therefore, I greatly regret the inconvenience it has caused and would like to offer my sincere apologies. I can assure you that such occasion will not occur and our supplies in the future will again be of our usual high standards.

I hope that you can use our company as your supplier in the future.

Your sincerely



范文类型:评语,全文共 1419 字

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范文类型:道歉信,全文共 687 字

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dear linda,

i am excessively sorry to say that i had failed to keep the appointment that we made last friday.

now, i am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.

please accept my sincere apology. i hope you will understand me and excuse me for my failure to turn up.the reason for my absence was that my mother fell ill at that time.

i had no way out because i had to send her to hospital and look after her.

therefore, it’s not in my power to meet you.naturally, i want to suggest that we should make another appointment next time.

i shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you will be at convenience.

we may meet again and i hope to see you soon.



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 580 字

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Dear Charlie, Kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have promised.

A major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in Xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to accompany him there to negotiate about a new transaction.

I have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decision—this is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so I am afraid I cannot be present at the airport.

Pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream.



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 921 字

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Dear Marry

Directions: You failed to finish an important task assigned by your professor because of a severe illness. Write a letter to your professor tp express your apology, explain your reason, and suggest a solution to make up the loss.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Prof. Patent,

I am very sorry to inform you that I did not manage to complete the book report you assigned last week, due to a sudden illness falling upon me a few days ago. For the past few days I have been in hospital with a continuous fever, which has thus prevented me from any academic activity. I hereby submit the doctor’s note.

I would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task, as my health is turning better.

Hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 2174 字

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Dear Mr Minister,

As you are reading this letter, I bet that you have seen/heard about what happened earlier in our country.

Tourists were hostages of a policeman here, Rolando Mendoza. After a few hours of the horrible crime, some of the victims were dead including the hostage-taker.

I wrote this letter not just to apologize but also to let everyone know that we Filipinos are not all like Mendoza. We are loving and good-hearted people.

For so many years, our country has been standing tall and surpassing every dilemma; be it small or big. Years ago (back when I wasn’t born yet), you have watched us fight for what we think is right. We fought for the democracy of our nation.. The EDSA revolution. But that’s just one out of many.

Second. We Filipinos have been serving other countries for our families and we treat you as our own as well. With all due respect, I thank you all for giving us the trust through the years. For helping us to become what we are now.

The Philippines is more than just a group of islands. We are a nation of strong and remarkable people. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued. I humbly apologize for what happened tonight. No one in this world would want something like that to happen for life should be valued.

I politely ask the attention of the world. Please do not judge and mistreat us just 6

because of what happened tonight. I have been searching the net and found terrible things. Hong Kong advices to avoid travels here, China and HK bans Filipinos and that Philippines is the worst place to go.

I can’t blame you for what you have decided but I hope that you could understand. Our country is now in a sea of problems. And I know for sure that we helped you in a way or another. Let peace and understanding reign this time.

I know that this letter will just be trash but I wish that you would understand. On behalf of the Philippine population.. WE ARE SORRY.

As a song puts it…

And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, giving-up and suffering. And we all stand together this one time then no one will get left behind. Stand up for life. STAND UP FOR LOVE

Sincerely yours,

Reigno Jose Dilao



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 679 字

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Dear Tom,

Im very sorry that I cant go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised you. Im writing to tell you the reason for it.(topic)

Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who went abroad for further education last year, informed me that he would return the next Saturday morning. He asked me to pick him up at the airport with his parents. As you know, we havent seen each other for about a year, so Ill have to help him in the first place.

I really hope that you can accept my apologies and understand me. I would appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time to show you around some places of interest in Beijing.

Wish you have a good time this weekend!




范文类型:道歉信,全文共 685 字

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Dear Sir,

I am writing to apologize for the bad performance of the washing machine you bought from our department store. I do hope(希望的语气可以稍微强烈一点) you can accept my sincere apologies.

In fact, the mistake is due to our ignorance(万能开头,啥错误不是失误呀). The manufacturer of the washing machine has cooperated(完成时要注意。) with us for ten years, and never made(过去没有犯过错误,现在有了) a mistake like this, then we did not double check the product.(自己还是有责任的) I want you to know that your trust is very important to us, so we will send(解决方案是将来时) an employee to take the machine back and give you a full refund.

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it, and hope you can accept the apologies.(再次道歉)



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 425 字

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Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to formally request to ______(请求的内容).②The reason for ______is that ______(给出原因). ③I ______ , so I ______(给出细节).④I would also like to request ______(提出进一步的要求). ⑤I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.⑥Thank you for your concern to these requests. ⑦If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at ______(电话号码)⑧I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely,

Cathy Wang
