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微山湖生态旅游风景区是微山湖的一部分,位于徐州市北部20公里 铜山区境内,主要范围在徐州微山湖湖西湿地保护区内,沿湖滩涂60公里长,宽1-2公里,面积100平方公里,包括马坡镇、沿湖农场、柳新镇、茅村镇、柳泉镇、利国镇等相邻6个乡镇及铜山岛、龟山岛、黄山岛、套里岛、黄庄岛等低山丘陵岛屿,区内有个自然村。

微山湖湖西湿地保护区位于江苏省 徐州市境内, 东南面与铜山区接壤,西与汉高祖刘邦的家乡——沛县相连,北临山东省微山县。湿地保护区内,有野生脊椎动物300多种,其中有国家一级保护动物中华秋沙鸭、大鸨;二级保护动物有大天鹅、灰鹤等;江苏省重点保护动物刺猬、鹳、雁类、杜鹃、啄木鸟等。湖域湿地内现有林业用地面积约8418平方公里,林地面积约7117平方公里,森林覆盖率为27.2%。在京杭大运河以西已形成宽200米、长达125公里的绿化长廊。

微山湖物产丰富,向来有“日出斗金”的说法,鱼类现有78种,以鲤鱼为主,经济鱼类有 鲫鱼、 黄鱼、 乌鳢、红鳍鲌、 长春鳊和 鲤鱼6种,底栖动物包括 软体动物、 节肢动物、环节动物、昆虫等63种,其资源总量为98876吨,浮游植物共116种,其中优势种14种, 浮游动物248种,优势种共32种, 水生维管束植物74种,全湖现存为304万吨,渔业生物饵料相当丰富。微山湖还是迁徙水禽及其重要的越冬栖息地,区内共有鸟类205种,其中国家一、二级重点保护鸟类主要有 大鸨、 大天鹅、 白枕鹤、灰鹤、 鸳鸯等26种,山东省重点保护鸟类35种,列入《中国与日本保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》二百二十七种中有一百零九种,占48%;列入《中国与澳大利亚保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》八十一种中有二十五种,占31%。

湿地植被以 禾本科,菊科,莎章科,豆科,寥科和眼子菜科为主的植物构成。主要植物群落有芦苇群落、茄群落、莲群落等挺水植被带;杏菜群落, 菱角+ 芡实群落等浮叶根深植被带; 马来眼干菜,微齿眼子菜群落,苦草植物群落等沉水植被带, 水生植被盖度达89.9%,有“水下森林”的美誉。受国家一,二,三级保护的植物主要有水蕨,粗梗水蕨,中华秸缕草和野大豆等9种。


有一年秋天,豆子快熟了,豆粒又胖又大,爷俩儿很高兴觉得定是个丰收年,不愁没粮食吃啦。一天傍晚,孙子去豆地里看豆子,抬头见一个白胡子老头,赶着一群绵羊在豆地里放。小孙子跑过去问:“老爷爷,您怎么放羊放到俺豆地里啦?”老头说:“你这豆子收不成啦,十天以内,这座大山就要崩塌啦,这里,就变成一片 汪洋大湖,豆子还能收?!不如喂了我的羊。”停了停,他又说:“您爷俩儿可是好人啊,赶快朝天亮的方向逃走吧,可不能在这里久留啦。”说罢,化作一阵清风不见了,羊群也无影无踪了。


就在第九天的半夜里,只听一阵山崩地裂的响声,随后微山就陷下去了。微山塌陷变成了汪洋,原来微山的最高峰变成了小岛,从此人们就把这片汪洋叫做微山湖,把汪洋中的小岛叫做 微山岛了。




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Dear friends: passengers

How do you do! Im the tour guide, my name is liang, you call I beam guide. Very glad to serve you. Today Ill guide you to visit the famous royal garden, the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace beauty such as immortal mirror? Because it is associated with water up to the mountain. Mountain, according to the longevity hill, with water, the kunming lake. We today is coming to travel. Ok, few words said, lets go to climb the longevity hill.

We have now arrived at the foot of longevity hill, you can looking upward, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. Looked up again, the star of the pyramid three layer architecture is the buddhist incense. You dont have to wait, because we are heading for the top of the mountain.

We have now reached the top of the longevity hill and looked down on, you can see the beautiful scenery. Look, the lush trees, with the yellow green glazed tile roof and wall of scarlet. Really beautiful! But there are more beautiful. Look! The kunming lake is proof of that?

We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.

Kunming lake is very beautiful, beautiful enough to be with than the west lake. Kunming lake on several islands, as long as we walked through the long stone bridge, you can go to the island to play. In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, because it has seventeen little tunnel.

We travel to the end.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 676 字

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孔林,是孔子家庭的专用墓地,也是世界上延时最久、规模最大的家庭墓地。占地三千多亩。周围垣墙高3米,厚1.5米,长14.5华里。林内有各种树木10万多株,数百种植物。在万木掩映之中,碑石林立,石像成群,十分壮观。现在自由活动3小时,可以自行游览“三孔”,也可以进行游戏、野餐等活动,但必须保证卫生。 参观“三孔”到此结束了!



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私はあなたのガイド、私姓侯、みんなが私を呼ぶ侯導。今日私たちは北京の见物の颐和园。多くの観光客が訪れ、颐和园游完スポット後、感じは一字の「美」。颐和园は王立園林に含まれ、今や >。よかった、今の我々颐和园鑑賞の「美」だろう。




しばらくは自由に活動できる時間、みんな再细めの颐和园の絶景だ。ポイ舍てないでください、皮、落書き、危険なところに行かない! ! ! ! ! !午後五時ちょうど颐和园門は、有事に集合できる电话。皆さん游びのうれしい!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 17787 字

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good morning ladies and gentlemen:

my name is . i’m very honored to be youre guide. i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. this morning we are going to visit the summer palace. the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city. so it will take us about 1 hour to get there. before we arrived at the summer palace, i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden. the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden existing in chinan, and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world. in 1998, it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.

the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty. the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties. in the qing dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination. during emperor qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing. the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples. in 1860, the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing. the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.

in 1888, the empress dowager cixi spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt. and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).

in 1900, the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing. the summer palace was once again severely damaged. it was rebuilt again in 1902.

in 1924, the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace, after that, the summer palace was turned into a public park.

ladies and gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway. it is called “emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the first scenery of the summer palace. the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. the two words on the back side mean collection of excellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the east palace gate)

now, we have arrived at the east palace gate. it’s the main entrance of the summer palace. on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guangxu’s handwriting. the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the old days.

(inside the east palace gate)

now we are inside the summer palace. in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity. the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council. well, before we start our tour in the garden, i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route. o.k., ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please? let’s look at the map together, from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies the three-fourths. the whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was for political activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and end off the marble boat. on the way, we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace, such as the hall of jade ripples, the hall of happiness and longevity, the long corridor, the hall of dispelling clouds and so on. it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace. please attention, we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate. should you get lost or separated from the group, please meet us at the north gate.

ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the hall of benevolence and longevity. follow me please.

(inside the courtyard of the benevolence and longevity)

passing through the gate of benevolence and longevity, we have already entered the courtyard of the hall of benevolence and longevity. the huge rock in front of us is taihu rock. it was quarried from taihu lake in jiangsu province, so it was known as taihu rock. please look around the courtyard and you can see there are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard, representing the four seasons of the year. the taihu rocks are usually used as decoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak and penetration in characters.

the bronze mythical animal behind the taihu rock is known as suanni or some people call it qilin. according to ancient chinese mythology, the dragon had nine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. suanni was one of the nine sons of the dragon. it was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits in ancient lengeds. suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hooves of ox and the tail of lion.

(in front of the hall of benevolence and longevity)

this grand hall is the hall of benevolence and longevity. it was first built in 1750. the name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘lun yu’ by confucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.” this hall was the place where emperor guangxu and empress dowager cixi held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the summer palace. for protecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. so i would like to briefly introduce you the decorations in the hall of benevolence and longevity. the arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. in the middle of the hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. there are two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame and glass mirror inlaid. on the mirror there are 226 chinese characters of the word ‘longevity’ written in different styles. there are two scrolls on each side of the wall with a big chinese character ‘longevity’ written on it. it was said that the word ‘longevity’ written by empress dowager cixi. there are 100 bats painted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of a dragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. they were used to burn incense sticks to create the appropriate atmosphere. in the old days, the dragon and phoenix were the symbol of the emperor and empress. according to ritual, the dragons should be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front of the hall.however, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes are in the middle. this was a product of the end of qing dynasty when empress dowager cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(at the entrance of garden of virtuour harmony)

we are now visiting the garden of virtuous harmony, where emperor qianlong and empress dowager cixi were entertained with bejing opera performances. it mainly consists of the dressing house, the grand theater building and the hall of pleasure smile. the grand theater building was known as the ‘cradle of beijing opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. there are 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(in front of the grand theater building)

this is the grand theater building. of the three main theater buildings of the qing dynasty, the grand theater building is the tallest and largest one. the other two are changyin pavilion in the forbidden city and qingyin pavilion in the mountain resort in chengde. the grand theater building, a three-storied structure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. it is 21 meters high and 17 meters wide. performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. the top one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and the bottom stage was named longevity stage. each level has the entrance and the exit. there are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestial being’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to set off a certain atmosphere on the stage. there is also a well and five ponds built under the stage for a good effect of water scenes. the stage is open to three sides.

well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the grand theater building, it’s the hall of pleasure smile. the empress dowager cixi used bo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the peking opera.

(a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall of jade ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the hall of benevolence and longevity. it appears that there’s nothing special ahead. however, after we clear the rockery, we will reach kunming lake. this is an application of a specific style of chinese


now, we are walking along the bank of the kunming lake. look over there, not far away in the lake there is an islet. it’s called the spring heralding islet. the pavilion on the islet is called the spring heralding pavilion. a number of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. in early spring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms, willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned. hence the name ‘heralding sping pavilion’.

(in front of the hall of jade ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the hall of jade ripples. the words “jade ripples” came from a verse “gentle ripples gushing out of jade spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. it was first used by emperor qianlong to attend to state affairs. in the late qing dynasty, it was where emperor guangxu was put under house arrest.

this hall is a hallmark of the movement of 1898. emperor guangxu was emperor dowager cixi’s nephew. after emperor tongzhi died, emperor dowager cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her hold on imperial power. she ‘handled state affairs behind the screen’. after emperor guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of 19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers. in 1898, the reform movement took place with the aim of sustaining the core principles of the qing dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager cixi. it was called the ‘hundred-day reform’. after the reform failed, emperor guangxu was put under house arrest here. for the strict control of him, empress dowager cixi ordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and left of the hall of jade ripples. at that time the hall was entirely sealed up, just like a prison. today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room still maintain its original appearance. it is open to visitors as the relic related to the 1898 reform movement.

(in front of the chamber of collecting books)

this is the chamber of collecting books. in chinese, it’s called “yi yun guang”. “yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. in ancient times, it was usually used as termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.in the emperor qianlong’s reign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. later it was converted into a residence. there used to be the residence of guangxu’s empress longyu, and his favorite concubine zhenfei.

(in the hall of happiness and longevity)

this group of courtyard is the hall of happiness and longevity. it was the major architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence of empress dowager cixi. the whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting. with its quiet and tasteful layout, the hall of happiness and longevity made life very easy and convenient. in front of the hall of happiness and longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle of this courtyard named “qing zhi xiu” and nicknamed as “family bankruptcy rock”. this huge rock was discovered in fangshan district by a ming official mi wanzhong. he wanted to transport it to his own garden “shaoyuan”. in the old days, transporting such rock was very difficult. after spending all his money to ship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. the big rock was then left on the roadside somewhere near liangxiang county, 30 kilometers southwest of beijing. hence it was nicknamed “family bancruptcy rock”. later emperor qianlong discovered it and transported to the garden of clear ripples and laid in front of the hall of happiness and longevity. the colorful glass chandeliers hanging inside the hall was introduced from germany in 1903. it is one of the earliest electric lights in china.

(in front of the gate of inviting the moon of the long corridor)

ladies and gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in the world, such as the louvre in france and the museum of great britain. now i will show you a special gallery in the palace—the long corridor. in 1990, the long corridor was listed in the guinness book of world records as ‘the longest painted corridor’ in the world’. it would be a pity if we leave the summer palace without visiting the long corridor and the marble boat. now, here we go, the long corridor first!

(strolling along the long corridor)

the long corridor starts from the gate inviting the moon to the shizhang gate. it is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. the long corridor is one of the major structures of the summer palace. since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of longevity hill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( retaining the goodness pavilion, living with the ripples pavilion, autumn water pavilion, clear and far pavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of a year. thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. as a major part of the architectural style of the summer palace, the long corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the lake and the hill. scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

the long corridor is the longest covered veranda in any chinese garden. on the purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 suzhou style paintings. among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes of west lake in hangzhou, zhejiang province. beside the colorful paintings of natural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects, mythology and figures. the paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancient chinese classical literature, such as ‘pilgrimage to the west’, ‘the romance of the three kingdoms’, ‘the western chamber’, “water margin’, and ‘the dream of the red mansion’.

(in front of the gate of dispelling clouds)

now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the tower of buddhist incense within the hall of dispelling clouds. the central axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the sea of wisdom on top of the hill. the main architectural structures here are the gate of dispelling clouds, hall of dispelling clouds, tower of buddhist incense and the sea of wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. the layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in buddhist sutras. this group of structures are among the most magnificently constructed here in the summer palace. this is a good place to taking photos, we will stay here for about 15 minutes.

now we are walking continuely along the long corridor, the next scene we are going to visit is marble boat.

look over there! halfway up the slope there stands the hall of listening to orioles. it was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and court music. it is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. before the garden of virtuous harmony was built, empress dowager cixi enjoyed opera and music here. now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in china, featuring imperial dishes and desserts.

this is the famous marble boat. a famous scientist of china’s eastern han dynasty once said, “water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” a prime minister of tang dynasty wei zheng once used these words to persuade li shimin, the emperor of the tang dynasty. he said people are water and the emperor is the boat. people can support a good emperor. however, they also can overthrow the dynasty. emperor qianlong built this huge boat in the garden in order to make the allusion concrete. on one hand, emperor qianlong encouraged himself to run the country well. on the other hand, he wanted to show that his rule of the qing dynasty was as firm as the marble boat and there was no fear of overturning the boat. the marble boat was the place for emperor qianlong to sample tea and enjoy the scenery of kunming lake. emperor qianlong once came here to engage in the freeing of captive animals. in the times of qianlong, the marble boat was a chinese styled stone boat with a chinese style wooden superstructure on the top of it. when it was rebuilt in the times of guangxu, a foreign and chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to the boat, one on each side. the floor was paved with colored bricks. all of the windows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. a big mirror was installed on the superstructure for viewing rain.

our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the marble boat. today we only visited the major scenic spots of the summer palace. i have left other spots of interest for your next visit. i will now show you out through the ruyi gate. our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. i do hope you enjoyed today’s tour. thank you.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Nanchang, the hero city. Im Xiao Li. Now let meintroduce the general situation of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. Asthe political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the province, itis a city with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. It islocated in the north of central Jiangxi Province, the lower reaches of GanjiangRiver and Fuhe River, and the Poyang Lake Plain. The total area is about 7402square kilometers and the total population is about 4.62 million. The city hasfive districts including Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District,Wanli District and Qingshanhu District, and four counties including Nanchang,Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi. The name of Nanchang began in the Western HanDynasty, implying "Changda Nanjiang" and "prosperity of the South". Nanchang wasfounded in 2 BC___ In, Guan Ying, the famous founding General of the HanDynasty, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanchang, where Yuzhang county andNanchang County were officially established. The next year (before 201), a localcity was built in Nanchang, which was called "Guancheng". This is the beginningof Nanchang.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of ourcountry. The existing water, land and air transportation network can lead to thewhole province and all parts of the country. The first plane, the first wheeledtractor, the first motorcycle and the first coastal defense missile of new Chinawere born here. In recent years, Nanchangs industrial economy has made greatprogress, initially forming five pillar industries, such as automobile, medicineand food, textile and clothing, electronic information and home appliances, newmaterials, and striving to become an important base of modern manufacturingindustry and regional economic center city. The agricultural economy and thetertiary industry also have a rapid development, business circulation is active,a prosperous scene.

Nanchang has many scenic spots and rich tourism resources. According toincomplete statistics, Nanchang has 104 tourism resources with development valueand development, including 26 natural landscapes and 28 cultural landscapes.Among them, Tengwang Pavilion, the first of the three famous buildings in thesouth of the Yangtze River, is the main representative of ancient culturaltourism, red tourism represented by the former site of Bayi Uprisingheadquarters, and green tourism represented by Meiling, Nanchang baohulu farm asthe main representative of the characteristics of leisure tourism.

Now let me briefly introduce Tengwang Pavilion, which is known as the firstfloor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, the fourth son ofTang Gaozu Li Yuan. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted thetitle of King Teng, so it was named tengwangge. The reason why tengwangge isfamous in the world is that we have to mention Wang Bos preface to tengwangge.It is said that when the young Wang Bo was exploring for his family, he happenedto catch up with the banquet Party of Yan Boyu, the governor. He was so excitedthat he asked someone to take out his pen and ink and wrote down the preface toTengwang Pavilion on the spot. Please look here. The two lines are written onthe gate bar. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn watergrows in the same color. These two sentences can be said to be the best of allages and have been handed down to this day.

Nanchang food is very special. Here we can taste some special dishes, suchas Chenhao fried bacon, Poyang Lake lion head, three cups of chicken, three cupsof dog meat, three cups of foot fish, Huangqin roast brine, Gan flavor milk dogmeat, fermented wax gourd circle, five yuan Longfeng soup, etc. We can alsotaste some folk snacks, such as Nanchang rice noodles, stone street Mahua,hometown Guoba, spicy hot and fried snacks.



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Zhangjiajie is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of HunanProvince of the peoples Republic of China, formerly known as Dayong. It islocated in the northwest of Hunan Province, in the middle and upper reaches ofthe Lishui River, and belongs to the hinterland of Wuling mountains. Chinesemainland is one of the most important tourist city in China.

Friends: I believe you are not unfamiliar with Tianmen Mountain. The worldaerobatics Grand Prix held in November 1999 completed the feat of human flyingthrough natural karst caves for the first time, and the name of Tianmen Mountainsuddenly entered the worlds vision. How many people hope to have a glimpse ofTianmen Mountain. Today, you finally get what you want!

Tianmen Mountain is about 8 kilometers away from the south of ZhangjiajieCity. The top of the mountain is 1.93 kilometers wide from north to South and1.96 kilometers long from east to west. It covers an area of 2.2 squarekilometers and has an altitude of 1518.6. It is different from Wulingyuanssandstone peak forest landscape by its well-developed karst landform. It is aplatform shaped isolated mountain surrounded by cliffs.

Tianmen Mountain was called Songliang mountain in the Han Dynasty. In theThree Kingdoms period, a door was opened on the wall of the mountain. Sun Xiu,king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen and renamed it Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is a masterpiece of nature. In the long geological history, ithas experienced marine sedimentation rising to continental sedimentation,forming a high mountain, and suffered hundreds of millions of years of wind andrain erosion, especially the Triassic Yanshan movement. At the end of theCretaceous, the large-scale Himalayan orogeny further uplifted the TianmenMountain, which was cut into isolated mountains by two fault canyons, resultingin a great height difference between the high mountains and the valley, with aheight difference of more than 1300 meters within a few kilometers, thuscreating the majestic momentum of the isolated peaks of the TianmenMountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a mysterious carrier of historical culture and Buddhismculture, and a perfect combination of natural landscape and human landscape.

In order to speed up the process of tourism development in Zhangjiajie,Tianmen Mountain is in the process of large-scale development and construction.Some scenic spots have not been officially opened; the worlds longest ropewayand Tianmenshan temple are under construction.

(Tianmen cave) on the 1264 meter high cliff of Tianmen Mountain, there is anatural gate cave from north to south. It is 131.5 meters from the bottom to thetop, 37 meters wide and 30 meters deep. On the top edge of the north side of thecave, there is an inverted dragon head bamboo with roots like dragon head andleaves like phoenix tail, so it is also called Phoenix Tail Bamboo. On the eastside is a trench more than 200 meters high, with spring water flowing from aboveand falling plum blossom rain. It is said that anyone who can open his mouth toreceive 48 drops of plum blossom rain can become an immortal. At the entrance ofTianmen cave, you can often see rock swallows flying and mountain Eaglescircling. With the change of weather, Tianmen cave sometimes breathes clouds,sometimes it is clear like a mirror, which forms a cyclic and ever-changingmeteorological landscape.

So, how did Tianmen cave form? Geologist Mr. Qin gongjiong thought that itwas the result of "funnel" dissolution. He thinks that the terrain on the eastside of Tianmen cave inclines slightly to the west, while the terrain on thewest side inclines slightly to the East, and the core of syncline is facingTianmen cave road. The East and west walls are cut by two joints with a strikeof about 320 degrees, and a joint with a strike of 40 degrees intersects withthem at Tianmen cave. Two karst funnels at the top of the cave also play animportant role in the karst process. After the rain falls, the surface waterflows along the slope to the funnel, and part of the water flowing into the soilflows down the interlayer cracks of the stratum towards the core of thesyncline. The long-term continuous dissolution process makes the local collapse,and finally makes the two groups of caves merge into one, forming the Tianmencave.

However, some people disagree with this: the Tianmen cave was formedaccording to this principle. Why is the base of the cave a huge platform? Canthese rocks "collapse" out of the cave? Therefore, the formation of Tianmen caveis still an unsolved mystery.

(Tianmenshan Temple) Tianmenshan temple was first built in the TangDynasty. It was called Yunbo temple, Lingquan courtyard and Songliang hall inancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, due to improper site selection, it wasrepeatedly destroyed by wind and often suffered from water shortage, soTianmenshan temple was moved from the eastern peak. It used to be a place withtowering ancient trees and thick shade. The lintel of the ancient temple isengraved with the four characters "Tianmen Xianshan". The couplet on both sidesof the gate is: "there is no night in the sky, and there is no mountain on themountain. It is said that Li Zicheng wrote a book by Ye Fu. The entrance is theGreat Buddha Hall, behind which is the Guanyin hall, with six bungalows on bothsides. The last one is the ancestral hall, which is of great scale. Folk can besummarized as "three into the hall, six ear room, brick wall, iron pot, such asKuang". The original architecture of the temple is very particular, withcornices and angles, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, and statues ofBuddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is also a big drum, a big bell, a seven levelstone tower and a Dahua money stove. According to the inscriptions, Tianmenshantemple was repaired seven times during the 163 years from the Qianlong period ofthe Qing Dynasty to the fifth year of the Republic of China. At that time, therewas an endless stream of believers from more than ten counties along the borderof Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. Now Tianmenshan Tourism Co., Ltd. isrepairing Tianmenshan temple on a large scale, and the former prosperity willreappear.

(longtouyan) its called longtouyan. In the past, there were stone tapsthat could be turned on the collapse. Longtou rock faces a cliff. It is saidthat in the past, many pilgrims, in order to show their sincerity in praying forGod and worshiping Buddha, held the dragons head in their hands and made acircle around the cliff. As long as they were sincere, they would guarantee younothing. Later, the dragon head was lifted off the cliff. Now we can only seethe stone pit where the dragon head was placed. Longtou rock is the best viewingplatform for sunrise and sea. Li Jing, the magistrate of Yuezhou in the MingDynasty, wrote a poem praising Tianmen Mountain

The mountain reaches its peak, and the gate of heaven is within reach.

Looking up at Penglai under the red sun, looking forward to Lufu whiteclouds.

Cangya abrupt pine fir ancient, Qujing remote horse trace empty.

If you want to build the highest peak, flying must rely on the skywind.

(chisongfeng gold pool) this small pool is about 1.3 meters long, 0.6meters wide and only a few centimeters deep. No matter how dry it is, the waterwill not dry up all the year round. It is said that this is the gold pool ofchisongzi, the rain master of Shennong emperor in ancient times. Under thenorthern cliff, there is a peak like Danzao peak, which is called Danzao peak.At the top of the peak, there are clouds and mist, like the smoke rising fromthe stove. It is said that it is a stove used by red pine nuts for alchemy.There is a poem by predecessors: "in the past, there were immortal places. Therelics are left in Danzao, and they often come and go. " There are thunder caveand electricity cave under the peak of Danzao. It is said that in addition tousing the water from the golden pool, the red pine nut can reach a certaindegree of fire with the help of thunder and electricity.

There are a lot of strange things in Tianmen Mountain, but the truth is notclear. Among them, there are four ancient mysteries, which have been handed downfrom generation to generation, and no one has solved them. The first is themystery of Tianmen opening, the second is the mystery of Guiguzi developing, thethird is the mystery of turning the water on the top of the mountain, and thefourth is the mystery of wild Buddhas treasure. It is said that under the beechtree is the treasure house of the wild Buddha. In the chapter "Tianmen Mountain"in the local records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty,it is said that "in the Ming Dynasty, the wild Buddha flew to this mountain fromJiashan temple. The wild Buddha was a bandit. After the incident, he cut off hishair and became a monk. He escaped from heaven. "

(ghost Valley cave) it is said that when Li Zicheng took Yefu up themountain, he took more than 100 people and horses and many gold and silvertreasures, hired nine wooden boats to sneak into Dayong secretly against the LiRiver, and went up Tianmen Mountain unconsciously. This time Yefu became a monk,he didnt really want to become a Buddha. Instead, he "sleeps" every day and"draws his sword to the altar" to "restore the Central Plains" and "wipe out thewhole world" one day. However, the situation took a sharp turn, the peasant armycollapsed, the Qing government was established, and Yefu finally died ofanxiety. It is said that before he died, he scattered all the treasures he hadbrought and hid them in several secret places in Tianmen Mountain. And poisonedall the migrant workers to death. For hundreds of years, I dont know how manybandits, pilgrims and mysterious monks of Tianmen Mountain have come to Tianmento worship. In fact, they have come back empty handed to peep at the terrain andsearch for treasure. Where the treasure is hidden is always a mystery.

Standing on the cliff 300 meters away, there is an inverted trapezoidalcave with trees at the entrance and waterfalls flying out of the cave. It issaid that Gui GuZi, a famous scholar in the Warring States period, once studiedthe book of changes in the cave wall, and devoted himself to practicing martialarts, creating the world-famous "ghost Valley magic skill". There is also asecret collection of Wulin, Tianmen 36 Tianchi, which is called Guigu cave bylater generations. Guiguzi was the founder of the Political Science in theWarring States period. His main work, maneuvering tactics, is known as awonderful book, which studies how to defeat each other by means of union ordivision in politics and diplomacy. Historians say that a history of the WarringStates period chaos is derived from Guigu cave, which shows that Guigu Zi isvery good. Luo Fuhai, a man of Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem entitled "ghost Valleycave": "peach blossom and flowing water go floating, smile into the clouds, andvisit the cave deeply. Hermit flow more buried surname Yu, vertical andhorizontal skills actually immortal. On the wall of the Dao script, sealcharacters are left, and lead is cremated in the furnace. I heard Jun playingmusic in my ears, and a waterfall fell to the top of ten thousand peaks. "Xixiping and guanliping at the foot of the mountain are famous places for hardQigong. Qigong master Zhao Jishu has visited European countries many times andwon honor for his motherland.

From the end of 1980s to the 1990s, Li Guangyu, a veteran of Chisongvillage at the southern foot of Tianmen Mountain, had been let down for sixtimes to investigate the cave. Once, when exploring the cave, he occasionallytook pictures of Guiguzis face studying the book of changes with his camera.This is a profile image with a five sense organ Gallery, which is clearlydistinguishable. It is similar to the picture of Guiguzi, which has been widelyspread so far. Whether the image of Guiguzi is so vivid is accidental orcoincidence, or Gods intentional arrangement, which has become a mystery ofTianmen Mountain.

(aerial garden) please note that there are many exposed stone buds andstone forests on both sides of the trail. They are high and low in differentshapes, like a line to welcome us. This is another remarkable feature of thekarst landform in Tianmen Mountain. There are many stone buds and stone forestson the top of the mountain, which are distributed in the middle of the denseforest, forming a unique and primitive air garden. They are like labyrinths oneby one, and they are also like the eight array pictures of Pushuos confusionand changes. Tourists travel through it with unlimited interest. Folk legend hasit that anyone who can successfully pass through these labyrinths will be ableto pass through the so-called forty-eight gates of all living beings. Myfriends, you may as well have a try now. I wish you a smooth life.

(Li Nas cabin) this seven shaped cabin is the house of Li Na, a famoussinger. In May 1997, Li Na finished singing a song "Qinghai Tibet Plateau", andsoon disappeared. The news media couldnt find her everywhere. It turned outthat she had come to Tianmen Mountain. After living for a few days, she wasattracted and shocked by the magical Tianmen Mountain, and soon made twodecisions: one is to officially move her registered permanent residence toYongding District of Zhangjiajie, where Tianmen Mountain is located; the otheris to build a house for herself on the top of Tianmen Mountain. On June 6, 1997,Li Na officially became a citizen of Yongding District. It was said that Li Nawas going to build a house in Tianmen Mountain. The people were very happy.Without saying a word, they lifted wood and bricks from the foot of the mountainto the top of the mountain, which was more than 1500 meters high. A month later,the house was built. In her "nest", Li Na made the third decision that shockedthe world: to become a monk! Before long, Li Na unconsciously studied Buddhismin Mt. Wutai, Shanxi, and changed her name to shichangsheng. Before she leftTianmen Mountain, Li Na sang "Ode to sister-in-law" for Aunt Hu, who had beenwaiting on her for nearly a month. Then she opened her voice and sang "TianmenMountain", a three and a half degree poem "tailored by her assistant" for her,in order to bid farewell to her second hometown.

Tianmen Mountain

Approaching you, for the eternal oath,

Approaching you, for that distant dream,

What makes my heart so peaceful,

I finally saw Tianmen Mountain

Friends, why did Li Na become a monk and settle down in Tianmen Mountain?Its not clear in a few words. Its up to you to decipher the mystery of Li Naslife.

It is said that the first time Guiguzi went to Tianmen Mountain was fromganziping to laodaowan, from the cliff to the top of the mountain, and then toguigudong. Under the cliff, there is still a chain.

(overlooking Tianmen) standing here, you can overlook Tianmen cave facingnorth and Tongtian Avenue being built by Tianmen Mountain company. It was herethat CCTV crew 6 filmed the amazing scene of the plane passing through theTianmen gate during the world flying race in November 1999. Its more than 200meters from Tianmen cave.

Tianmen Mountain, like Zhangjiajie, is a national forest park with richvegetation. About 500 mu of primary secondary forest is preserved at the top ofthe mountain. According to the investigation, there are 532 species of vascularplants in 134 families, 353 genera. 95% of them are broad-leaved forests. Therare tree species under state protection include Davidia involucrata, Xiangguo,Lianxiang, Acer palmatum, Acer Sanguinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, Torreya grandis,silver Finch, etc. In this primary secondary forest, along this path, we willfind many rare tree species. This is Acer Sanguinalis. The cortex on the surfaceof the trunk is blood red. In autumn and winter, the bark on the surface of aslightly older tree splits in large pieces and adheres to the trunk. It is thinand looks like shaking scales. This is Carpinus. Carpinus is a new family ofvegetation species on earth. It was first discovered in Tianmen Mountain byProfessor Lin Yuanwang of South China Forestry University in 1998 and named"Dayong Carpinus" by the authority of the State Forestry Department. This is athousand year old tree called "Carpinus king", which needs to be embraced by twopeople. Carpinus Carpinus is hard and can be used as farm tools and furniture.It can extract rubber and extract oil from seeds.

(Davidia involucrate Bay) Davidia involucrate is known as the "livingfossil" of plants. It is an extremely precious tree species in the world. Thedistribution of Davidia involucrate communities is especially rare at the top ofhigh mountains with an altitude of more than 1500 meters. However, large-scaleDavidia involucrate communities have been found in Tianmen mountain and Badagongmountain. There are more than 100 Davidia involucrata trees in this area, so itis also called Davidia involucrata Bay. Davidia involucrata is like a dove. Whenit blooms in June, its branches are like doves with wings spreading to fly.There are also Gastrodia elata, Huanglian, Danggui, qiyeyizhihua and otherprecious medicinal plants in the forest. In 1984, the forest farm workers founda unicorn with only one horn on its head in this area. Its whole body is numbgray and the size of a calf. On the mountain, we also found two monkeys, about10-13cm long. Historical records: Mi monkey, also known as Haba monkey, is smalland can be hidden in the sleeve.

(Lingquan courtyard is the site of Yunbo nunnery) the Lingquan courtyard islocated on the back of Yunmeng Mountain, facing the southwest from thenortheast. The original building has two rooms and three rooms, facing the sunfrom the Lee. The environment is very beautiful. At the end of Tang Dynasty andFive Dynasties, Zhou Pu, a scholar, retired here. In 1975, under the ancienttrees in front of the site, a seven star bronze sword with inscriptions on thedragons head was excavated. The inscription is "emperor xuanzu of TianmenMountain". Together with four bronze Bodhisattvas, it was identified as acultural relic of the Tang Dynasty and a national first-class cultural relic.Emperor Xuan should be a Taoist. It is said that the Tianmen bronze sword wascollected by monk Danzi during the reign of Li Heng, Emperor suzong of TangDynasty. It is a treasure of Zhenshan. It is said that monk Danzi is the firstabbot of Tianmen Mountain Buddhist temple, which proves that there is aprecedent of integrating Buddhism and Taoism in Tianmen Mountain, and Puguangtemple in the city is a typical example of the confluence of Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism.

(Yunmeng Summit) Yunmeng summit is surrounded by cliffs on the East, Westand north sides, with three natural viewing platforms on the edge. Looking downfrom here, you can see the housing streets in Zhangjiajie City and the gulliesand peaks on both sides of Xianren river. There are also three sister peaks ofchaotianguan in the northwest, and mountains in Yongshun, Cili and Yuanling inthe distance. It really has the feeling of "looking at the small mountains" and"Lishui is as thin as intestines". It will be a great pleasure to watch the seaof clouds here. The rolling clouds, like empty huge waves, are surging, givingpeople a heroic way to conquer mountains and a detachment from the world.

(Tomb of Zhoupu) Zhoupu was a scholar of the Late Jin Dynasty in the FiveDynasties. In order to avoid the war at that time, he lived in seclusion inLingquan courtyard of Tianmen Mountain for entertainment. At that time, thefather and son of Ma Yin and Ma Xifan, the kings of Chu, who ruled the Southseparately, admired his talent and learning, and invited Zhou Pu out of themountain many times, but he politely declined, and later died in TianmenMountain. His tomb is surrounded by a ring of natural stone teeth. In front ofit, there are three arched stone buildings. After the collapse, there is a tomb.Zhou Pu tomb is an important historic site on the mountain. Zhou Pu wrote inTianmen Mountain



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长廊那是一眼望不到头,这长廊长700多米,分成 了273间,每一件都有五彩的画,画着:人物、花草、风景,几千幅画没有那两幅是相同的。






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Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, has jurisdiction over fourcounties, five districts, one new district and two national development zones,with a total area of 7402 square kilometers and a total population of 4.49million, of which the urban population is 1.96 million. It is one of the 35 megacities in China. With a long history of more than 2200 years, Nanchang has beenendowed with "natural treasures and outstanding people"; its red homeland, greenhome, ancient customs, special charm and golden fields have made Nanchang "amagnificent city with beautiful scenery". Today, we are stepping into an era ofeconomic globalization full of hope, competition, vitality and challenges.Nanchang is showing its unique potential and attractive advantages.

The name of Nanchang began in the Western Han Dynasty, 220 BC___ Liu Bang,Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, sent yinghou Guanying and his troops toNanchang, built Nanchang City and named it Nanchang, which means "prosperity ofthe South". Tang and Song dynasties were the West Road in the south of theYangtze River and the administrative center of Hongqian. They were the famouscities in the southeast, so they were also called "Hongdu".

The tourist areas of Nanchang include the urban area and the nearbyMeiling, Jingan SANZHAOLUN, Zhangshu and other places. The scenic spots andhistoric sites blend in the beautiful natural scenery, and the beautifullandscape sets off the unique style of the ancient city of Nanchang.

In todays economic globalization trend of large-scale industrial transfer,resource restructuring and development alliance, Nanchang has ushered in a newround of development opportunities. Under the correct leadership of Jiangxiprovincial Party committee and government, and with the active participation ofinvestors and entrepreneurs at home and abroad, the hero city is undergoingrapid and profound changes. Nanchangs investment environment is improving dayby day, its economic development is accelerating, and its market prosperity isrising continuously, especially the entrepreneur confidence index and enterpriseprosperity index are both stronger, which fully shows the huge development spaceand investment opportunities contained in Nanchang.

Nanchang city is now very prosperous. Bayi Square in the center of the cityis green and can accommodate 100000 people. The August 1 Nanchang UprisingMemorial Tower standing at the southern end of the square has become a monumentof Nanchangs revolutionary history. After the reform and opening up, Nanchangstourism has developed rapidly. Many cultural relics and historic sites have beenrestored. There are 26 natural landscapes and 78 cultural landscapes. There arefamous world cultural heritage Lushan scenic spot, Poyang Lake migratory birdreserve, Longhushan national scenic spot, Jinggangshan National Scenic Spot andSanqingshan National Scenic Spot near Nanchang. It has formed a tourism andsightseeing system with Nanchang as the center, along the Beijing KowloonRailway scenic belt as the focus and radiating Jiangxi Province.

Nanchang is also a heroic city with glorious revolutionary tradition. TheAugust 1 Nanchang Uprising is world-famous. The Chinese peoples Liberation Armywas born here, so Nanchang is also known as "hero city".

After the reform and opening up, Nanchangs tourism industry has developedrapidly, and many cultural relics and historic sites have been renovated.Nanchang has become a hot tourist city attracting worldwide attention.



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云居寺名称最早见於唐总章二年(669年)年石刻上,隋唐时代已具相当规模。在唐代分上寺及下寺 上寺在石经山上,寺址已无考,下寺即今遗址。辽、金时代云居寺因刻造石经知名,故有“石经寺”之称。明代因在石经山东麓建东峪寺,而云居寺居山之西,故亦称“西峪寺” 清初又改称“西域云居禅林”,仍然保留着云居之名。云居寺历代屡有修葺,最后的修缮年代是清康熙三十七年(l698年)。被毁前的寺院规模宏大,寺院中路有院落五层,殿宇六进。寺依山而建,每层院落逐步升高,各层正殿之旁又有配殿,中路北侧有僧寮客舍,南北二塔分居左右,山门前引泉水流过,清泉垂柳,山雾缭绕,自然环境颇为幽美,确实是一处修行佳处。“七七事变”后寺院被日军炮火毁为一片废墟,南塔也於此时被毁。在云居寺遗址范圉内,北部及四隅的十座小石塔是劫后仅存遗物。所幸摄有云居寺被毁前照片,中日邦交恢复后,日方将当时照片送归。佛教自公元2年伊存授经东传中国后,译着经卷便是众多僧人信徒“经久不息"的一项事业。但是纸张、绢绸、木板经卷,不仅易受风、火、水、虫的破坏,也易受人为的损毁,历史上两次“法难"期间,大量的手写佛经化为灰烬,战争兵火也给佛教寺院、佛像经籍带来毁灭性灾难。造样就促使僧徒想方设法让佛法传承久远。鉴於山东泰山、河北鼓山等处的摩崖刻经得以保存,幽州僧人静琬认为经刻石上,可以地久天长,於是继承其师慧思遗志,选择了盛产汉白玉、艾叶青石,又远离幽州城的房山,开始了刻经於石、秘藏於室的艰巨工捏。静琬先是创建了石经山藏经洞和云居寺,他发愿造十二部石经。这一行动得到当时社会各方面的支待。从隋大叶中到唐初,静琬30年刻经不辍,每刻完一批石经就凿洞封存起来。贞观十三年(639年)静琬入寂 他的第子玄导、僧仪、惠暹、玄法四代相续主持刻经,并得到金信公主奏赐经本四千多部作为底本,先后刻经百馀部,分藏於各藏经洞中。自隋至明,共开凿藏经洞九个 藏石经版4559块;辽金时又在寺南侧挖穴,埋藏经版1O611块。辽天庆七年(1120xx年)在穴旁筑塔,即“云居寺南塔”也称“压经塔”。





云居寺周围现存唐辽石塔及辽代砖塔共六座,互相拱卫,从而形成云居寺特殊的佛教人文景观。其中唐代(618-920xx年)所建方形石塔,以著名的房山石窟汉白玉为原料,精雕而成。塔分单层和密檐式两种,平面呈方形,正面辟尖拱形门,内两侧刻披甲胄金刚武士,生动逼真。其中唐开元十五年(720xx年)建的石塔内两壁所刻浑目高鼻供养人形象,反映出盛唐时期民族团结的繁荣景象。这批石塔是北京地区现存最早古塔,成为研究唐代幽州地区文化史和佛教史的珍贵实物资料。1949年后,人民政府对云居寺所藏石经进行了发掘和整理。到现在还完好保存的石经就有14 278块,分别藏在对面石经山上的9个洞内和云居寺文物保管所里。1961年3月,国务院将云居寺遗址、两座辽塔、八座唐塔、藏经洞和石经,列为全国重点保护文物,并为保护这些珍贵的文物,先后对辽代北塔进行了加固维修,安装了避雷设施,为保护石经板盖了石经库,以使这些上千年的古代珍贵文物代代相传。北京市人民政府於1935年4月1曰决定修复云居寺。第一期工程,天王殿、毗卢殿已竣工开放。原云居寺千年遗物——汉白玉镌刻的圆形山门雄姿也已复原。为更好地保护石经,避免风化剥蚀,现已决定於1999年9月9曰9目9时9分9秒,将全部石经全部重新秘封於地下。石经藏而天下安,这项举措必成这佛教史上的一件大事。

云居寺因珍藏着15000余块石刻佛教大藏经被誉为"北京的敦煌"。在云居寺周围两平方公里的范围内,内云居寺,石经山藏经洞,唐、辽塔群构成了我国古代佛教文化一大宝 库。房山云居寺石刻佛教大藏经始刻于隋大业年间,历经唐、辽、金、元、明六个朝代千余年,刻经1122部,3572卷,刻石14278块,分藏于石经山九个藏经洞和云居寺地穴 之中。现又将木雕《龙藏经》7.7万多块,明代经2万多卷运藏于寺。石经、纸经、木板经过这三种经本已称为世界"三绝"。 陈列展览有"石经展览"。






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