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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Its a great honor to meet you. My name is Xia Jianan. Youcan call me Xiao Xia or Xia Dao. If you have anything to do during the journey,you can call me at any time. My number is

We are going to Longhu Mountain scenic spot, which is 18 kilometers awayfrom Yingtan City. Ladies and gentlemen, now we come to the tourist center ofthe scenic spot. Were going to take the plank road first today. You see, thereis elephant trunk mountain. Because it is like an elephant drinking water, so itis called "elephant trunk mountain". OK, lets take a bamboo raft and enjoy thescenery on both sides of the Luxi river. Because there are many people and fewboats today, and a bamboo raft can only make eight people, so please payattention to safety!

Well, please see, this is the book mountain, this is the mushroom mountain,this is the lion looking back, is it a bit like the Sphinx? Behind the mushroommountain is the literary giant meditation, this "literary giant" is Lu Xun. Thisis a mosquito free village. Because there are a lot of camphor trees in thevillage, the fragrance of camphor trees drives away mosquitoes, so there are nomosquitoes for many years. This is what is called "ass kissing hill". Why is itcalled "ass kissing hill"? Because the grass grows very strange on the cliff,and there is a bunch of grass, which looks like Chairman Maos "Mao". It lookslike Jiangs "Jiang" on the side. It looks like Xi Jinpings "practice", so itis called the "ass kissing hill".

Now we went to xianshuiyan to watch the cliff tombs. Most of these clifftombs belong to the 2500 year old Guyue people. The cliff tombs are 300 metershigh, and the low ones are also 300 meters. These cliff tombs have single tombsand group tombs. There is a hanging coffin show at 2 and 4 p.m. every day, whichis performed by the five brothers of the compatriots who collect herbs on thedragon and tiger mountain. You can enjoy it.

Longhu Mountain is also the birthplace of Taoism in China. There are 63generations of heavenly masters living here. There are 91 Daogong, 81 Daoguan,30 Daoyuan, 24 daodian and 36 Daoyuan. Such palaces, temples and courtyards arerare. However, the large-scale Shangqing palace and the "heihan Tianshimansion", where Tianshi lived, still exist today.

Ladies and gentlemen, please dont move. Keep the balance of the raft.Dont litter with peels, gum, etc. You cant Scribble in the scenic spots. Havea good trip!




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大家好!欢迎大家来到位于塞外古都、煤海之乡的大同观光旅游。我是大家的导游员杨丽,今天我们将参观举世闻名的佛教艺术宝库 --- 云冈石窟。它与甘肃敦煌的莫高窟,河南洛阳的龙门石窟并称为中国三大石窟。

云冈石窟开凿于距今 1500 多年的北魏王朝,现存主要洞窟 45 个,佛教造像 51000 多尊,根据武周山势的自然起伏,云冈石窟又自然的分成东区、中区和西区三部分。其中第 1——4 窟为东区, 5——13 窟为中区, 14——45 窟为西区。下面我们就先从中区的第 5 区开始参观吧。

第 56 窟是一组双窟,是云冈石窟中最精彩壮观、最具代表性的石窟。第 5 窟为椭圆形的穹窿顶马蹄形,分前、后两室,进入高大的后室,首先引入眼帘的是这尊两腿双盘、双手叠放腿上的大佛。这种“吉祥式”坐姿的全结跏趺坐禅定印象,表示着释迦摩尼佛已进入标准的“静思维”修行状态,是佛的坐、立、行、卧“四威仪”,即四个庄严地身姿之一。大佛高 17 米,是云冈石窟第一大佛。专家们认为这尊大佛是北魏孝文帝为他的父亲献文帝凿造的佛陀象征。那么上述历史在此窟是否有所体现呢?请各位细看,大佛头顶为蓝色螺髻,面庞方圆,细眼长眉,鼻梁高直,唇含笑意,两耳垂肩,在端庄、慈祥的神情中透露出神圣、超凡和自信的风貌。尤其是这尊佛像身穿双领下垂,内衣束结,宽大柔软而下垂的袈裟,衣纹流畅,给人一种丝的质感。大佛的右侧是未来世弥勒佛,左侧为过去式燃灯佛。大佛的后面有一个很宽敞的甬道,那是供佛教信徒们礼佛绕行的诵经道。

第 6 窟是云冈石窟中以精巧著称的一窟,称“第一伟窟”。窟平面呈回字形,窟正中凿一方形塔柱。在巨大的中心塔柱和整个洞窟的四壁上,雕满了佛像、菩萨、罗汉、飞天、供养人、瑞鸟、神兽、花卉,形成了一种热闹拥挤,美妙神奇的佛国氛围,主题以歌颂佛母和表现释迦摩尼一生的成佛弘教经历为主,因而也叫“佛母洞”。请大家随我的手势来观赏面前这幅关于“右腋诞生”的画面:古印度有一个小国叫“迦毗罗卫国”,国王叫“净饭王”,王后叫“摩耶”,他们到了 40 岁的时候还没有孩子,非常焦急。有一天,摩耶夫人梦见一位菩萨乘白象而来,后来怀了身孕。按当地习俗,妇女应回娘家分娩。摩耶夫人在快临产时,在妹妹和仆人的陪侍下回家。半路上,他们到蓝毗尼花园休息,刚到一颗菩提树下,夫人预感快要生产了。于是,一手抓住树枝,一手在妹妹的搀扶下,从右腋生出了孩子,这就是“乔达摩 悉达多”,成佛后被尊为释迦族圣人的“释迦摩尼”。

下面我们要参观的是被誉为云冈石窟外交官和代表作的第 20 窟 --- 露天大佛。这尊高达 13.7 米的结跏趺坐佛像,面容丰满端庄,双肩宽厚平直,身披右袒袈裟,呈大日如来吉祥坐禅定印象,是释迦摩尼对宇宙、社会和人生的一种沉静思考状态。这尊大佛便是北魏文成帝拓拔睿的象征。他恢复佛法,开凿云冈石窟,大佛的嘴角微笑神态,表现出佛教徒对他的敬意。距离产生美,角度显神韵。在这尊露天大佛面前,以不同的距离和角度观赏,都会产生各种变化着的美及其神韵。

现在给大家 20 分钟时间在露天大佛前拍照留念,愿大佛炯炯有神的双眸,略带微笑的嘴角,给大家留下深刻的回忆,带来美好的福音。好, 20 分钟后我们在这里集合,谢谢大家合作!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2298 字

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During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you cant see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We cant go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!



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东关清真大寺以所辖教众人数,名列伊斯兰教世界第五大者玛提。 东关清真大寺被中国伊斯兰协会列为全国礼拜人数最多的清真寺。东关清真大寺,可以同时容纳4-6万穆斯林进行礼拜,聚礼人数为国内第一。20xx年青海西宁东关大寺30万穆斯林同时礼拜的壮观场面更让人震撼。东关清真大寺始建于公元1380年左右的明洪武年间,在青海省内规模最大,历史悠久,与西北地区著名的西安化觉寺、兰州桥门寺、新疆喀什艾提卡尔清真寺并称为西北四大清真寺。据现存寺内的《重建西宁大寺碑记》(1920xx年5月立)和《重建西宁东关大寺碑记》(1948年8月立)两块碑文记载,可以看出这座大寺已经具有600多年的历史。它是一座融塔、墙、殿为一体的伊斯兰建筑,正中的礼拜大殿为全寺最大的建筑物,占地1102平方米。整个建筑式样别致,结构分明,每逢礼拜、三大伊斯兰教节日,数以万计的穆斯林汇集在此举行隆重的聚礼活动。东关清真大寺是伊斯兰经学研究的最高学府,在海内外享有盛誉。每逢周五(主麻)参加礼拜的人当街礼拜,届时整条东关大街交通管制,禁止机动车进入,由于清真寺殿内场地有限,数以万计的穆斯林不得不当街礼拜,大街上密密麻麻地都是穆斯林。在东关清真大寺,面对开斋节上做礼拜的盛大场景,兰州大学人类学博士杨文炯说:“在我到过的中国的土地上,没有看到过比这更大的场面,我也没有见过政府与民众如此和谐与默契的关系,我为我们的祖国有这样的场景而深深感动”1992年7月10号,伊斯兰世界联盟副秘书长穆罕默德·本·拉塞尔·阿布迪到西宁东关清真大寺时说,该寺聚礼人数之多为世界第三。













黄河源 “万丈盐桥”是格尔木至敦煌的一段从达布逊湖上穿过的公路,15--18米的盐盖构成天然的“盐桥”2公里,折合市制可达万丈,因此人们称它“万丈盐桥”。桥上路面光洁平坦,山色湖光相映,景致很美,堪称举世无双。







岛上岩石嶙峋,景色旖旎,以产龙驹而闻名。鸟岛位于青海湖西部,在流注湖内的第一大河布哈河附近,它的面积只有0.5平方千米,春夏季节栖息着10万多只候鸟。 最佳旅游时间青海湖具有高原大陆性气候,光照充足,日照强烈;冬寒夏凉,暖季短暂,冷季漫长,春季多大风和沙暴;雨量偏少,雨热同季,干湿季分明。四季皆适宜旅游。历史文化祭海就是祭祀青海湖,最初是蒙古族的传统。蒙古族人原来信仰萨满教,相信万物有灵,尤其认为天是至高无上的神。在元代,蒙古族就有祭天、祭山、祭海之风俗,清代以来对青海湖的祭祀活动更具规模、更加富有宗教色彩。与此同时,环湖地区的藏族人也参加了这项祭祀活动。青海湖祭海,不仅是带有浓郁宗教色彩的一种民俗活动,更是一种文化现象,其间包含着众多民风民俗,同时表达了人们与自然和谐共存的美好愿望。20xx年,青海湖祭海入选第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。




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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello! Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of ChengdeCity, the summer resort is an existing classical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why doexperts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question aftervisiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reasonis related to the topography of the summer resort. (the tour guide adoptssuspense method to stimulate tourists interest in sightseeing)

Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car.Now Ill show you her style.

(outside Lizheng gate)

Ladies and gentlemen, the antique door in front of us is the main door ofthe summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of theQing emperor. The palace gate is three rooms wide, with two floors up and down.There are three square door openings in the lower layer, and a city platform anda que tower in the upper layer. You see, there is a stone plaque on the top ofthe middle door. On it is the "Lizhengmen" inscribed by Emperor Qianlong inManchu, Tibetan, Han, Uygur and Mongolian. It symbolizes that our motherland isa unified multi-ethnic country.

There are two stone lions on both sides of the door to show the majesty ofthe emperor. There is Yudao square in front of the gate. The road is paved withblue stones. There are stone tablets in the East and west of the square, onwhich are engraved in Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese characters:"officials wait to dismount here", so we call it dismount tablet. There is a redscreen wall to the south of the square, separating the Royal Garden from theoutside world. It is said that there is a golden rooster flying from Jiguanmountain in Hongzhaobi. In the dead of night, if you tap Zhaobi, the GoldenRooster will chirp. If you want to make a textual research, please come here atnight to listen. OK! Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and go in and feelthe life of the emperor.

(inside the main entrance of Li)

Please look to the right. On the mountain in the distance, there is a hugestone pillar standing up from the sky, straight into the clouds. It is thick onthe top and thin on the bottom, which is very similar to the hammer used forwashing clothes. We Chengde people call it Bangchui mountain, and Emperor Kangxinamed it "qingchufeng". During the construction of the summer resort, this sceneis skillfully used to integrate the inside and outside of the resort, expand thesense of space, and create a new artistic conception. This is a successfulexample for the designer of the resort to use the garden art of "borrowingscenery". People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touchBangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touchBangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you areinterested, you may as well go up the mountain tomorrow to have a touch. It mustbe very interesting.

The palace in front is the place where the Qing emperor "worked and lived"in Chengde. Now Chengde people call it the summer resort Museum.

(in the exhibition room)

The first picture that comes to our eyes is the complete picture of thesummer resort, which is the full picture of the peak period of the Qing Dynasty.Summer resort, also known as "Rehe Palace", "Chengde Palace". It startedconstruction in 1703, the 42nd year of Emperor Kangxi, and was completed in1792, the 57th year of Emperor Qianlong. In the early and middle Qing Dynasty,several emperors came here almost every year to spend the summer and deal withgovernment affairs, usually in April and may of the lunar calendar, and returnedto Beijing in September and October. In fact, the summer resort has become thesecond political center of the Qing Dynasty. The whole villa covers an area of5.64 million square meters, which is about twice the size of the summer palacein Beijing and eight times the size of Beihai. The villa can be divided intopalace area and garden scenic area. The palace area is composed of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and Donggong. Gardenscenic area is divided into mountain area, Lake area and plain area. Themountain area is wide, accounting for more than 70% of the total area of thevilla. The villa is the essence of the national garden, with the characteristicsof Nan Xiu Bei Xia. There are 90 pavilions, 29 dykes and bridges, 25inscriptions on cliffs, more than 70 groups of rockeries and stones, more than120 groups of buildings such as temples, halls, temples, pavilions, towers andpavilions, with a total construction area of more than 100000 square meters.

The 36 scenes named after four words by Emperor Kangxi and the 36 scenesnamed after three words by Emperor Qianlong are known as "72 scenes of summerresort". Emperor Kangxi praised it as "the north pole with its own mountains andrivers, and the natural scenery is better than the West Lake." The palace wallof the villa is about 10 kilometers long. Because it looks like the Great Wall,we Chengde people affectionately call it "little Great Wall". Outside the palacewalls are the Royal temples built in imitation of the famous temples of allethnic groups in China. These temples are semicircular around the periphery ofthe villa, forming the trend of the stars and the moon, symbolizing that allethnic groups in the country were closely around the ruling center of the QingDynasty at that time. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, thesummer resort has gone through many vicissitudes. After the founding of newChina, the villa has been reborn. Now it is a well preserved and large-scaleRoyal Garden in China, a world cultural heritage and a famous tourist attractionat home and abroad.

(coming to the second exhibition room)

Most of the pictures on display here are pictures. This picture of autumnMulan is eye-catching. Mulan, which means sentinel deer in Manchu. The way towhistle deer is that before dawn, soldiers sneak into the mountain forest,wearing deerskin and antlers, whistling at the mouth to imitate the call of amale deer. Autumn is the season for deer to mate and group. In this way, thefemale deer can be drawn out for shooting. "Means hunting in autumn. Thispicture is painted by Xinglong a in Qing Dynasty. It depicts the hunting sceneof the emperor more than 200 years ago. You may wonder why the emperor of theQing Dynasty led a large group of people to hunt here for thousands of miles.Because after the emperor of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, the fightingcapacity of the Eight Banners who were brave and good at fighting in historybegan to decline. Some of them fled, some wounded themselves, sometimes oneperson was injured, and many people escorted them, in order not to go to thefront line. Emperor Kangxi realized that it was urgent to improve the quality ofsoldiers and consolidate the northern frontier. In this situation, EmperorKangxi personally led the Eight Banners out of xifengkou and went north toinspect, and set up a Mulan paddock for the purpose of practicing martial artsin Suiyuan.

The establishment of Mulan paddock was the product of the friendlyrelationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian and TibetanNationalities. It closed the relationship between the Mongolian and Tibetanareas and the Central Plains, strengthened the exchanges among the Manchu,Mongolian, Tibetan and Han nationalities, consolidated the northern borderdefense, and was conducive to resisting the invasion and expansion of tsaristRussia. The annual hunting lasted about 20 days each time. The emperorpersonally led officials of various government departments and eight banners ofManchu and Mongolian to participate. In order to meet the needs of a largenumber of people, accommodation, rest, savings and the emperors handling ofgovernment affairs, more than ten palaces were built from Beijing to thepaddock. Rehe is located in the middle of this northern patrol route. FromBeijing to here, the memorial ceremony is coming day and night. Moreover, theclimate here is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and the water and grass areabundant. So Kangxi decided to build a large palace here, which is Rehe palace.In this regard, Qianlong had a very clear saying: "our emperor built this villaoutside the Great Wall, not for his own travel in Henan, but for theconstruction of the world.".

History shows that the establishment of the autumn festival and the summerresort achieved the Emperor Kangxis political goal of "combining the internaland external heart and forming a solid career". Now lets look at this pictureagain. It can be divided into two parts: the imperial camp and the huntingground. The imperial camp was the place where the emperor lived and dealt withthe government affairs, and the hunting ground was the place where he actuallyhunted. When hunting, there was strict organization and discipline. After thesoldiers disguised as deer led the deer out, the sergeants gradually reduced theencirclement to the level of people side by side and horses with ears, but theycould not shoot at will. At this time, the emperor first came out to shootarrows, and then the princes, ministers and soldiers shot in turn. The pictureshows a deer hunting scene. Please follow me.

This second gate is called "Yue shoot", which is the place where theemperor watched the archery competition between the emperors son and hisgrandson. There is a plaque on the top of the door, which is written with fourgold-plated characters of "summer villa". It is the imperial pen of EmperorKangxi. This plaque is extremely beautiful and eye-catching. Perhaps you havefound that the word "avoid" in this summer resort is written one morehorizontal. Is it Emperor Kangxis mistake, or is there another reason )Thisgentleman (young lady) is right. It turns out that in the Qing Dynasty, when thetwo characters "Bi" were used at the same time, either way of writing wascorrect. This is a variant character phenomenon. Here Emperor Kangxi wrote itfor the sake of pursuing the beauty of calligraphy.

The two bronze lions on both sides of the gate are majestic. Speaking ofthese two bronze lions, there is a touching legend! It is said that during theAnti Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Chengde and plundered it. Oneday, a group of Japanese soldiers found that the two bronze lions were beautifuland priceless. They wanted to take them away, but they were too heavy to carrythem. So they went to find tools separately. All this makes the old people inthe nursing home look in the eyes and feel pain in the heart. He thought thatthe bronze lion was the treasure of the country, and it must not be taken awayby the Japanese soldiers. He had an idea. He immediately got pig blood from thevillage and smeared it on the lions eyes. When the Japanese soldiers found thetools and came back, they found that the lions eyes were red, and they allcried blood. They were all stunned. They were afraid that moving the lion wouldbring them bad luck, so they ran away in a panic. This pair of nationaltreasures has been preserved until now. Now the pair of bronze lions have becomemascots in peoples minds. If you want everything to go well, dont forget totouch it.


Dear friends

Hello! Today we visit Pule temple. Pule temple, commonly known asyuantingzi, is another royal temple built by Emperor Qianlong after PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. It covers an area of 24000 square meters with the eastfacing the West and the central axis facing the summer resort. The first half ofthe architecture of Pule temple is the traditional "Jialan Qitang" style of theHan temple, and the second half is the Tibetan form. The main building of thetemple, Xuguang Pavilion, imitates the praying Hall of the temple of heaven inBeijing. The layout of the building is different from that of ordinary temples,which breaks the pattern of traditional temples facing south. In the East, it isadjacent to the chime hammer peak, and in the west, it is opposite to the summerresort. It echoes with the Puren temple, Anyuan temple, Puning Temple, XumiFushou temple, Putuo Zongcheng temple, etc. in the eight outer temples, forminga pattern of stars holding the moon and bowing to the summer resort.

(in front of the Mountain Gate of Pule Temple)

Now we come to the gate of Pule temple. There is a pair of stone lions infront of the door. You see how well preserved they are. In the middle of themountain gate, there is a stone plaque inscribed with "Pule Temple" written byEmperor Qianlong in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan Languages.

(entering the Mountain Gate)

The first thing you can see when you enter the mountain gate is the belland drum towers on both sides of the north and the south. Its function is thesame as the bell and drum towers of Puning Temple. I will not repeat ithere.

You see, there is a five room hall with a single eaves on the top of theplatform. Under the central eaves is a Yunlong plaque written by EmperorQianlong. In the center of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly. He hasa fat head and a big cheek. He is happy with his eyebrows and smiles. It seemsthat he is welcoming us. On both sides of the cloth bag monk are clay statues ofthe four heavenly kings.

The four heavenly kings, 8.38 meters high, are in sitting position. Thoughthey have been living for 200 years, they are still resplendent and magnificent,ranking second to none in the country. Behind Maitreya Buddha stands WeituoBuddha. Weituo is the Dharma protector of the Buddha and one of the EightGenerals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking first among the 32generals (each of the four heavenly kings has eight generals). It is said thatwhen Sakyamuni Buddha came to Nirvana, the evil spirits took away the remains ofthe Buddha, and Weituo chased them in time and tried hard to recapture them.Therefore, Buddhism regards him as the God to expel evil spirits and protectBuddhism. Since the Song Dynasty, Chinese temples have worshipped Weituo, knownas Weituo Bodhisattva. They often stand behind the Maitreya Buddha statue andface the main hall to protect the Dharma and help monks.

(in front of Zongyin Hall)

When we enter the second courtyard from the Tianwang hall, we are presentedwith a hall with seven wide faces and five deep faces, with double eaves andglass tile roofs on Xieshan mountain. This is the main building of the temple"Zongyin hall". Zongyin means that Buddhism is the unchanging truth. In thecenter of the main ridge of Zongyin hall, there is a yellow glazed tile Lamatower, about two meters high. The base of the tower is xumizuo. The tower iscomposed of Chenglu pan, Xianglun, sun and moon. On both sides of the pagoda areinlaid with eight ornaments for Buddhas offering: wheel (Dharma wheel), snail(Buddhas sound is widely spread), umbrella (protecting all Dharma), cover(Buddhas power), lotus (not contaminated by worldly customs), vase (virtue isperfect), Pisces (freedom and liberation), pan Chang (Buddhist doctrine runsthrough all the time). In the center of the hall, there are three Buddhas: thepharmacist Buddha in the Oriental glass world, the Sakyamuni Buddha in theChinese dancing world, and the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. Thereare eight wood carved Bodhisattvas on the stone Xumi seats on both sides of thethree Buddhas: Manjusri, Vajrayana, Avalokitesvara and King Tibetans in theSouth; Puxian, Maitreya, void Tibetans and removing dirt and obstacles in thenorth. They are called eight Bodhisattvas. The eight Bodhisattvas are of thesame size. They are all carved in wood and painted in gold.

There are five auxiliary halls on each side of Zongyin hall. The Nanpeihall is called "Huili hall". In the hall, there are statues of Buddha, Vajrawith horse head, Vajra with subduing part and Vajra with anger. They are pink,blue, red, three heads and six arms, with human skin on the back and tiger skinskirt around the waist. The backlight behind is a five color flame, which issaid to represent five kinds of "wisdom". The north side hall is "Shengyinhall". Inside the hall is dedicated to the inner achievement of Vajra hand, theouter achievement of Vajra hand and the secret achievement of Vajra hand. It issaid that these three Buddhas are the images of Sakyamuni when he preached thesecret Dharma, and are the secret incarnations of Sakyamuni. So its also called"secret master".


Dear friends, we now come to the "city" in the eastern half of Pule temple.The city is actually a Datura entity. Mandala is a transliteration of Sanskrit,translated as "Tan" or "Daochang". This is the place where the lamas practice,observe and teach the secret law. In order to prevent the invasion of "demons",the tantric sect of Lamaism drew a circle or built a high altar on the practicesite, on which the Buddha, Bodhisattva or scroll were placed. Only in this waycan we get the protection of Buddha and Bodhisattva and not be disturbed by the"demons".

The city is divided into three layers: the outer layer is a group of squarehouses. There are doors on all sides. Facing the west is the main gate, which isthree rooms wide and one room deep, with a single eaves resting on the top ofthe mountain. There is a Qianlong stele built in the gate hall. It is inscribedwith Qianlongs stele of Pule Temple written in Manchu, Han, Mongolian andTibetan Languages. The construction of Pule temple is not like that of PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. In view of specific historical events, EmperorQianlong felt that there was still a large space to be used from Puning Templeand Anyuan temple to the area of qinghammer peak. In order to make the overallrational layout of the temples around the summer resort, he built this temple."Pule" is derived from Fan Zhongyans "Yueyang Tower" in which "the worries ofthe world come first and then the happiness of the world come later". On bothsides of the original square courtyard, it has 72 single-layer Gallery room, nolonger exist.

The second floor is a square stone platform with battlements on the brickwall. A stone arch is built in the center of the platform, and there is acorridor between the arch and the gate hall. In the middle of the West arch,there is a stone plaque of "shewei Xianxiang" written by Emperor Qianlong, whichmeans that it is the same as shewei state, showing auspicious scenery. There arestone pedals on both sides of the arch leading to the bottom of the platform.The arches on the north and south sides are closed, with Buddhist painting axeshanging inside. There is a small hall at the exit of the pedal road from thepedal road to the top of the second floor platform. There are eight Lama pagodaswith the same shape and different colors in the middle of the four corners andfour sides of the top. The pagoda is divided into five colors: yellow, black,purple, green and white. These five colors represent the "five elements" ofland, water, fire, wind and air in Lamaism. The five color pagoda symbolizes thefive color land (the land of Chinas Kyushu is five colors), which means thatunder the heaven, is it the kings land. The eight pagodas are divided intoeight directions and serve as the merit towers of Sakyamunis "eight greatachievements" (Buddha, becoming Tao, turning the wheel of Dharma, manifestingsupernatural powers, benefiting the world, transforming monks, thinkingimmeasurably and entering Nirvana). It symbolizes the long-term and stable ruleof the Qing Dynasty.

The square stone platform on the third floor is surrounded by stonerailings. In the center of the platform is the main building "Xuguang Pavilion"in the second half of the temple. It means facing the rising sun in the East.This is a round pavilion with double eaves, yellow glazed tiles and a pointedroof. Its shape is the same as that of the praying Hall of the temple of heavenin Beijing. 12 eaves columns and 12 gold columns support the double eaves domein two layers. The square platform and the round roof show the ancient Chinesecosmology with a round sky and a round place. The building on the round stoneXumi seat in the center of the hall is called "Mandala", which is athree-dimensional "Mandala" model in China.

The nine palace grid on its base is made of 37 pieces of wood, representing37 kinds of knowledge of Sakyamuni. In the middle of the mandala, there is adouble bronze statue of the king Buddha of shangle. Shangle King Buddha, alsoknown as Shengle King Buddha, is also called "Huanxi Buddha". It is also named"Deqiao" and is one of the original Buddhas of Tantric practice of Lamaism.Tantric school advocates practicing secret law, that is, practicing through "thedoor of convenience" (yoga) to become a Buddha. King Buddha of shangle is theincarnation of King Buddha holding wheel, representing wisdom. Mother Buddha(female image) represents meditation. Only with "both wisdom and tranquility"and "both meditation and meditation" can one become a Buddha. The combination oftwo bodies is like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. Only in this waycan one become a Buddha, which is another form of cultivation in TantricBuddhism.

The top of Xuguang Pavilion is decorated with exquisite dragon troupe andPearl caisson. The carving is exquisite and glittering, which has high artisticvalue. come

(in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

Dear friends, now we are in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism. Thisis the gate hall on the north side of the city. Originally, there were 21 groupsof rooms beside the square gate hall. Now only the gate hall is left. Except forthe west gate hall, the other nine gate halls have been turned into exhibitionrooms.

Esoteric Buddhism, also known as esoteric Buddhism, originated in the latestage of the development of Mahayana Buddhism in ancient India, and has obviouscharacteristics compared with Xianzong. 800 years after Sakyamunis death,Buddhism was divided into Buddhism and Buddhism. Academia believes that EsotericBuddhism is the product of the combination of Mahayana and Brahmanism after the7th century. It was introduced by Indian master rinwatson in the early 8thcentury. He fought many times with Bon witches in secret law. Every time hedefeated some Bon witches, he declared that some stupid God had been subdued andnamed him the protector of Buddhism. The tantric Buddha statue of TibetanBuddhism is unique, which is not only the precious wealth of religious art, butalso the treasure of human body statue art in the world. Lets have a lookhere

Apart from the modern clay statues, they are all originally preserved inthe temple, which is hard to see in other temples.

What are the differences between Tantric Buddhism and Buddhism? There arethe following points: first, Tantric Buddhism takes Sakyamuni as its leader andattaches great importance to theory, while Tantric Buddhism praises theTathagata and pays attention to matters; second, Tantric Buddhism advocatespreaching Buddhism, meditation, enlightenment and self-cultivation, whileTantric Buddhism attaches great importance to inheritance, truth and mantra inorder to become Buddha; 3、 Xianzongs Classics mainly include scriptures, laws,precepts, and theories. In addition to tantric, there are eulogy, praise,Dharma, mantra, rituals, yoga, and seal of contract. Fourth, Xianzong has fourkinds of prestige: walking, living, sitting, and lying. In addition to tantric,it also needs to contemplate, follow the teachers instruction, abide by ritualsand practice procedures.

Tantric cultivation can be divided into four steps: Shimi, xingmi, yoga MIand supreme yoga MI. Master zongkaba, the founder of the Yellow religion,stipulated that the order of practice should be first obvious and then secret.Only the living Buddha who has obtained the degree of gexi in Tibetan educationis qualified to practice Esoteric Buddhism, which is passed on by master Vajraand practiced in the upper and lower esoteric schools. The practice of TantricBuddhism is accompanied by the imperial concubine Ming. Therefore, most of thetantric statues are double figures of men and women, which are called "joyfulBuddha" or "joyful heaven". Each of these statues has a Buddhist story orlegend, so they are three-dimensional fables of Buddhism. Because the joyfulBuddhas are all naked, they are men and women, so some people mistakenly thinkthat "joyful" refers to the sexual pleasure of men and women. In fact, these twowords mean fearless, angry spirit, transcending life and death, and gainingjoy.

(in the second exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

One of the most influential Buddhist statues of Tantric Buddhism is thebronze "King Kong of great power, virtue and terror" in the second exhibitionroom. He was a man and a woman, with nine sides, thirty-four hands and sixteenfeet. The nine faces represent the nine Sutras of Mahayana, the two hornssymbolize the two truths, the thirty-four hands with body, the thirty-sevenmeaning, the thirty-seven Bodhi Dharma, the sixteen feet symbolize the sixteenemptiness, and the combination of men and women symbolizes the great happiness.On the left and right, eight feet step on eight things and eight birds,symbolizing "80% of the Department" and "eight freedom". Nudity and nirvanasymbolize "no dust". Anger and uprightness symbolize "wonderful way". As for thejoyful Buddha image, there are such legends in sibunayega Dharma and JapaneseTantra of dongmi: the woman is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. With herbeauty, she subdued the king who believed in Brahmanism and made him theprotector of Buddhism. This kind of saying is completely out of the secularattachment psychology. It is a difficult realm for ordinary people to reach todeeply study the essence of Tantric cultivation. It is to break the ignorance,cultivate the good root and obtain the right consciousness. There is amysterious veil about the true meaning of Tibetan secrets. No wonder we cantunderstand it. However, the artistic charm of these superb human figures isamazing to every tourist.

Also on display in the exhibition room are the prison master King Kong,riding sheep to protect the Dharma, joyful King Kong, auspicious HeavenlyMother, shangle King Buddha and so on. Please enjoy it freely.

Although Pule temple is a Lamaist temple, there is no Lama in it, but it isguarded by eight banners. This is the place where the Kazakh, Uighur, Kirgiz andother ethnic upper class people who come to the summer resort to worship theQing emperor pay homage and live.

Dear friends, this is the end of the tour guides explanation of Puletemple. Short time together, eternal memory, in your heart, my heart left a goodmemory. I remember a song like this: "when we surpass our dreams, we need toface them sincerely, let our life savor this moment, and let the years rememberthis time.".

Dear friends, goodbye!



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Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. Im your tour guide. My nameis Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in yourtravel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order tolet you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Iwould like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the YellowEmperor.

Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end ofprimitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, theYellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he wasgood at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is abear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It isalso known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local moralityand yellow color.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributedto the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boatsand carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, settingtemperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, andregulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs andhabits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as thebeginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the"ancestor of humanity".

There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successivegovernments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see isthe only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, ahistorian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical recordsthat "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". Themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and itwas renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperorascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Latergenerations buried the Yellow Emperors clothes here and built a tomb for it.This is the origin of the Yellow Emperors mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdimausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitiveclans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctivecharacteristics of Yangshao culture.

Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about180 kilometers north of Xian. Huangling County, formerly known as ZhongbuCounty, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the formergovernment of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum wasannounced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one ofthe 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. Theground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in QinlingMountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the longhistory of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us iscalled YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washedhis pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juheriver is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there willbe a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spansYinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of allstone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, whichleads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the YellowEmperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrificeactivities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping thetemple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is locatedin the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please followme into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in theHan Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here inthe Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate ofthe temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, blackglazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was writtenby Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see atowering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress arevigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so itis called "Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestryexpert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in theworld and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, thetree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous treesin China".

This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tabletshere. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poemwritten by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republicof China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. Thefirst passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaopings handwritten"descendants of the Yellow River".

After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one metersquare blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the YellowEmperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin acrossthe fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunkswere covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is saidthat in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northernexpedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So its called"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before QingmingFestival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state andwas called "the wonder of Qunbai".

Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four characterplaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the formerpatriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in theEastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nations ancestor was enlargedand carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relicsafter soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony ofsacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held hereduring the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to thestyle of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with theflavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved withgranite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of theChinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it wasannounced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protectionunit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of HuanglingCounty.

Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". Nomatter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshanmountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located inHuangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypressesmore than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancientcypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperors Mausoleum with toweringancient cypresses. Its full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completelytowering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All theseancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governmentsattach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to theleft side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called HanwuSendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping hisancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperors ascending to heaven andbecoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carrya bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went onthe stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back toheaven like the Yellow Emperor, its nothing to leave my wife, but its justlike leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to thetop of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eightdown.". Its said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, thereis another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", whichmeans that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven bydriving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon totake him up to heaven. His subjects didnt want the Yellow Emperor to leave andsurrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,people pull off the Yellow Emperors skirt, boots and sword. People bury theYellow Emperors clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as amemorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend afterall. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperorcollapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the HanDynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so itis recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engravedwith three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of ourexplanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We willgather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thankyou!



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14-16万年前,炽热的岩浆从地壳裂缝上涌,与沉积层申的地下水相遇,发生强烈的爆炸,大量的水蒸气、岩浆和碎屑岩石从火山口中喷射出来。火山喷发停止后,形成很深的火口坑,后由地下水和塌陷的围岩充填,形成现在玛珥湖。 它主要有四个特征:(1)由地下过热水冲破地球表面,平地爆炸。(2)爆炸时喷出水蒸汽和碎屑而不是岩浆。(3)湖水面低于海平面。(4)水是地下渗透进来的地下水,旱不涸涝不溢。整个湖面面积2.3平方公里,湖深446米,其中火山泥沉积物400多米,水深20余米。




你们看下,这里有棵大树,古代印第安人生活的地方生长着一种很毒的植物,叫箭毒木,当地人就经常在树木的树干部分割开一个伤痕,让树脂流出,当地人便用这种树脂涂在箭头上来捕杀猎物。后来英国殖民者侵入此地,印第安人便用这种涂了树脂的弓箭来抵抗英国侵略者,英军被这种弓箭射中后立即中毒身亡,从此再也没有人来侵略他们了。因此这种树又被称为见血封喉树。毒性:乳汁剧毒.若误入眼中,会引起双目失明;由伤口进入人体内会引起中毒,使心脏麻痹,血管封闭,血液凝固,在20-30分钟内死亡,所以得名"见血封喉". 这面墙名字为千年墙,大家可以在上面看到很多文字,这都是关于湖光岩和玛珥湖的。

现在大家是否感觉到空气特清新?不错,我们已经进入高浓度负离子区了,这片原始树林就是一片高密度负离子区。 负离子是空气中带负电荷的氧离子,能降尘、灭菌、净化空气,对呼吸系统、循环系统、神经系统等有很好的辅助功效。湖光岩负离子含量高达每立方厘米105688个,是正常含量的200倍。在国外的负离子区逛一趟,要收5美元呢,现在我们来到湖光岩负离子区,要好好地享受享受啊!

大家注意看道路右侧的山体,这里是天然的火山展览馆。请大家欣赏一下:红色的是火山灰,还有火山砾、火山弹„„,大家现在看到的火山地质遗迹是非常珍贵的,从火山剖面的构造,我们可以非常清晰的看到16万年前的这次大爆炸的实况。其中这种特殊的层状结构,是由火山角砾和层凝灰岩构成的,由于爆炸时的能量巨大,地壳的岩石被粉碎成大量不同大小,不同重量的块状物,在风、水、重力的作用下,大的先落下来,轻的可以在空中飘浮很长时间才落下来,自然分层,由于喷发的时间长,可能达几个月甚至是几年,所以形成很多层次。科学家可以根据岩石的层序和其中的古生物化石复原本地区的植物分布和气候状况,对我们预测未来环境和气候变化有重大意义。特别是湖底的沉积物,每年以0.265cm的速度不断上升,现已达到400多米,十六万年来的天地冷暖、风雨晴雪全都可以从沉积层中了解到,真是一部大天书。 展览馆出来,经过“非他不长石”。茶亭后,便到古刹楞严寺。楞严寺初建于隋末,距今有1480多年的历史。寺庙,大家一定见得多了。但是,楞严寺一定是世界上为数不多、依在16万年前火山岩体上建成的寺院。北宋靖康七年(公元1120xx年),僧人释琮在此结草为庵,供奉的是如来三宝佛,号称“白云祥庵”。到了清代,这座寺庙更名为“楞严寺”。熟悉佛经的朋友都知道,“楞严”二字取自佛教《楞严经》,表示佛法坚强的意思。有趣的是“楞严”两字与雷州方言“灵验”同音。可能是当地人觉得这里的神仙有求必应吧,所以这里香火鼎盛,香客遍布世界各地。求财生财,求福有福。如果我们中间有和文字打交道的朋友,我建议您到庙中好好感受一下,回去后也许就会思如泉涌、妙笔生花。







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欢迎大家来到神奇壮观、美丽多姿的七彩丹霞谷观光游览。张掖丹霞地貌景观区是省级地质公园,地处祁连山北麓,东距张掖39—56公里,海拔高度20xx一3 800米,面积约5 l O多平方公里。景观区主要包括七彩丹霞区和丹霞奇观区两大景观区。七彩丹霞区主要分布在临泽县倪家营乡,丹霞奇观区主要分布在肃南县康乐乡、白银乡地段。张掖丹霞地貌被中国丹霞地貌旅游开发研究会终身名誉会会长、著名的地理学家中山大学教授黄进教授誉为“张掖窗棂状宫殿式丹霞地貌中国第一”, “张掖彩色丘陵中国第一”, “张掖丹霞地貌是中国发育最好的地区之一”。被《中国国家地理》杂志评为中国最美的七大丹霞地貌景观之一,具有非常重要的科学研究价值和极高的旅游观赏价值。

丹霞地貌作为古老的地质遗迹,它发育于侏罗纪至第三纪时期,是喜马拉雅山运动中发育形成的红色岩系随着地壳的抬升,山坡以崩塌过程为主而后退,保留下来的红色砂岩经长期的风化剥离和流水侵蚀形成了孤立的奇岩怪石,所以其突出特点为“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”。丹霞地貌主要分布在中国、美国西部、中欧、澳大利亚等地,在我国分布最广,其中以广东省仁化县的丹霞山最为出名。早在上世纪三十年代,我国著名地质学家、中科院资深院士陈国达教授以发育典型的丹霞山为代表,命名了一种新的地貌类型——丹霞地貌,为学术界所接受与采用。张掖丹霞地貌集广东丹霞山的悬崖峭壁、峰林石柱的奇、险、美于一体,还兼有新疆五彩城 的色彩斑斓、绚丽多姿,是我国干旱地区最典型的丹霞地貌。其气势之磅礴、面积之广阔、造型之奇特、色彩之缤纷,观赏性之强,举世罕见,全国一流,实属大自然之鬼斧神工。


各位游客,我们现在所处的位置是临泽七彩丹霞旅游区1号观景台,我们临泽七彩丹霞区位于倪家营乡南台村二社向南1·7公里处,地处祁连山北麓,东距张掖35公里,北距临泽1 O公里,海拔高度1 800一2200米:,分布面积约50平方公里。临泽七彩丹霞奇观以层理交错、岩壁陡峭、气势磅礴、造型奇特、色彩斑斓而称奇。在阳光的照射下,丹霞奇观远看似朝霞升腾,近看色彩斑斓,有红色、白色、黄色纹理,色带随着山势起伏呈波浪状.犹如艳丽的彩带随风蜿蜒飘动,让观者叹为观止。请大家随着我的手势向远处看,其经典之处依次为有七彩峡、七彩塔、七彩屏、火海、七彩练、琉璃峰、七彩瑚、七彩城、七彩峰、七彩菇、大扇贝等 l l处奇观,这些景观与周边的山峦、河流、田园、村庄、炊烟相辉映,构成了一幅风景名画,满目山峦,是色彩的堆涌,是壮美的组合,像一幅幅壮丽的天然图画,呈现于天地之间,四时不同,景色迥异;晨昏之间,造型奇特。数十公里的绵延群山,连同远处的雪峰,堪称天下绝景。






















幽,即幽静。游览总长3公里的芦苇沟,只见赤壁千仞,峰回路转,一步一景,人移景变,别有一番情趣。环望四周,雄奇诡险,千怪万状,险象环生,怪石嶙峋,幽洞通天。石径两旁山峰耸峙,高山之巅石堡盘踞,犹如神秘的古堡给世人演绎传奇的神话故事,让人禁不住展开漫无边际的遐想与思古之情,“念天地之悠悠”,怀古今之万事,那烟岚雾霭之下,群峰深壑之间,人迹罕至之处,不知隐藏着多少未解之谜,撩拨着人们寻幽探秘的遐想。 [2]



张掖市位于甘肃省西北部,是古丝绸之路重镇,是新亚欧大陆桥的要道,有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、优美的自然风光和独特的人文景观,是全国历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,市人民政府驻甘州区南环路 邮政编码:734000 行政区划代码:620700 长途电话区号:0936 车牌:甘G 拼音:Zhangye 张掖是甘肃省商品粮基地,盛产小麦、玉米、水稻、豆类、油料、瓜果、蔬菜,工业有煤炭、机械、纺织、酿造等10余个部门。自古有金张掖、银武威之美誉。境内有大佛寺、马蹄寺、木塔寺、镇远楼、山丹军马场、丹霞地貌、黑水国遗址等名胜古迹。其独特的人文景观,是全国历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,自古就有“塞上江南”和“金张掖”之美誉。东邻武威和金昌,西连酒泉和嘉峪关,南与青海省毗邻,北和内蒙古自治区接壤。汉武帝元鼎六年(前120xx年)置张掖郡,取“张国臂掖,以通西域”之意。北朝西魏改为甘州。隋恢复郡制。唐初设州。元置甘州路。明设甘州卫。清为甘州府。1920xx年置张掖县,1985年撤县设市,被国务院公布为第二批历史文化名城和对外开放城市。面积40874平方公里,人口131万(截至20xx年)。民族分布以汉族为主,另有回族、裕固族、蒙古族等26个少数民族。


1954年,考古学家安志敏在张掖市山丹县城南6公里发现距今约4000多年的四坝滩遗址,属新石器时代末期的马家窑文化类型;1984年和1987年,在张掖“黑水国”遗址先后发现新石器时代的石斧、彩陶;1987年7月,甘肃省文物工作队在张掖市民乐县六坝乡东北3公里的东灰山遗址,发掘出土大量磨制石器、陶器、炭化粮食籽粒及猪、牛、羊、鹿的齿骨等考古资料,由此证明,距今5000多年左右的新石器时代,张掖先民已在这里从事原始农业生产和畜牧业,能用石球、石纺轮纺织、做衣服,制造彩色陶器,并开始使用青铜器。 九州时期 张掖 属雍州。汉代(前206-220xx年)以前 月氏国称雄于敦煌祁连间,张掖为其属地。西周时期 戎、狄两族在这里居住。春秋战国时 乌孙与月氏共居河西。其后,月氏逐乌孙而独居。秦汉之际 北方的匈奴族强大起来,击败并赶走了月氏人,河西遂为匈奴右贤王的领地。黑河东、西分别由休屠王、浑邪王分领。西汉时期 武帝元狩二年(前121),骠骑将军霍去病进军河西,战败匈奴,浑邪、休屠二王率众归汉。张骞两次出使西域,“丝绸之路”开通。汉元鼎六年(前120xx年),取“张国臂掖,以通西域”之意,置张掖郡。此后,开始大规模徙民垦殖,戍兵屯田,发展农业生产,促进了中原与西域的经济、文化交通和繁荣。“立屯田于膏腴之野,列邮置于要害之路,驰命走驿,不绝于时月,商胡贩客,日款于塞下。”张掖遂为丝绸之路的重镇。西汉(前206-8年)末年,窦融任张掖属国督尉时,注重发展农牧业生产,使人民安居乐业。《后汉书》记载:“窦融据河西时,天下扰乱,唯河西独安。”“政亦宽和,上下相亲,晏然富殖。”“安定北地,上郡流入避饥荒者, 归之不绝。”两晋南北朝时期 沮渠蒙逊在张掖建立北凉国,都建康(今高台县骆驼城),他采取发展农业,大兴儒学,扩大同西域各国的文化交流,继承发扬汉文化,推广佛教,翻译佛经,开凿石窟,并以当地音乐、歌舞与龟兹乐相结合,创造新的音乐《秦汉伎》等措施,使张掖文化呈现出空前繁荣的局面,成为北方中国佛教的中心,同时也使张掖成为中国内地与西域通使和商贸的中介。北魏(386-535年)时,《秦汉伎》传入中原,称《西凉乐》,成为北朝宫廷的“国伎”;张掖的佛教音乐传入中原,称《西凉州呗》,成为北朝佛寺的法乐。西魏废帝三年(554年),因境内之甘泉而改张掖为甘州。唐时期 大力发展农业生产,“开置屯田,尽水陆之利,稻丰收稔,一缣数十斛,积军粮数十年”。河西的国际贸易地位达到前所未有的高峰,张掖成为中国对外贸易的重要场所。经济的繁荣,促进了文化昌盛。著名高僧玄奘去印度(天竺)取经,途径张掖。诗人陈子昂奉旨视察张掖,写有《上谏武后疏》。王维、高适、岑参、马云奇等驻足甘州时均留下著名诗篇。甘州音乐《波罗门佛曲》传入宫廷后,唐玄宗改制为《霓裳羽衣舞曲》。甘州边塞曲流入中原后,成为教坊大曲,以《甘州破》、《甘州子》、《八声甘州》、《甘州曲》等命名的词牌、曲牌流传甚广。唐末,张掖与中原、西域关系密切,通互市,发展贸易;僧侣往返,佛教文化得到进一步交流.北宋时期 天圣六年(1020xx年),党项族首领李元昊击败甘州回鹘,建立西夏。继承汉文化传统继续兴修水利,发展农业,兴办教育,推崇佛教、道教,建成了规模宏大的佛教寺院-大佛寺。元时期 置甘肃行省,张掖为省会。元世祖忽必烈亲诏郎中董文用垦甘州之土为水田,仿宁夏之法种水稻。城内建甘肃最大的粮仓-扎浑仓,供应各路军粮。甘州成为河西走廊的驿道中枢和茶叶外贸的转口城市,商路四通八达,商品交易频繁。意大利旅行家马可波罗前往上都途中,曾在甘州停留一年,在《马可 波罗游记》中记述了张掖的富庶、城市的规模以及宗教寺庙的宏伟.明时期 张掖为陕西行都司及甘肃镇的治所。明王朝大力发展文化教育,建设了一批学校、书院,使甘州自此进士、举人、秀才辈出。从内地大量移民屯垦,大兴水利,使农业生产得到很大发展。在甘州大兴土木,修筑长城等一大批军事设施以巩固边防,形成了完整的军事防御体系,甘州仍然是西北军事补给基地,河西政治、军事和经济中心。商业持续繁荣,成为西北最大的畜产品集散市场,晋商及陕西、山东、京师商人集团云集甘州,建立会馆。明政府利用山西、陕西商人运粮、茶至甘州,充实边储和开展茶马交易。

清时期 张掖为甘州府治所,甘肃提督统军驻地,节制凉州、肃州、西宁、宁夏四镇总兵。清王朝在西部的历次军事行动,均以甘州为军事提调中心和后勤补给基地。这一时期,全国各地商人云集张掖(甘州),建立商帮会馆,如山西会馆、陕西会馆、直东(河北、山东)会馆、凉州会馆、镇蕃(民勤)会馆,两湖会馆、河南会馆。各大商团贸易活动辐射新疆、蒙古等西北广大地区,甘州成为河西商业中心和日用杂品的中转批发市场。清时,文化教育更加兴盛。城乡普设义学、社学、私塾;民间武学林立,百姓习武成风,在一百多年间出现了二十多名武进士和一百多名武举人。清末,张掖人王之佐留学日本时,加入孙中山领导的同盟会,回乡后宣传革命主张,他的《致马安良书》,公开支持武昌起义、拥护共和、废除帝制,风靡全省。

1920xx年 设张掖县。

1985年5月 撤销张掖县,设立县级张掖市以原张掖县行政区域为张掖市的行政区域。

20xx年3月1日 国务院批复撤销张掖地区和县级张掖市,设立地级张掖市。市人民政府驻新设立的甘州区南环路。张掖市设立甘州区,以原县级张掖市的行政区域为甘州区的行政区域。区人民政府驻县府街。地级张掖市辖原张掖地区的临泽县、高台县、山丹县、民乐县、肃南裕固族自治县和新设立的甘州区。




张掖(3张) 截至20xx年12月31日,张掖市下辖甘州区、临泽县、高台县、山丹县、民乐县、肃南裕固族自治县,共六个县区;共有93个乡镇,904个行政村。总面积40874平方千米。居住着汉族、回族、裕固族、藏族、蒙古族等26个民族,总人口131万人。其中聚居在祁连山北麓肃南县境内的裕固族,以畜牧业生产为主。裕固族民族风情独特,是张掖市独有的少数民族之一。 县区名称 面积(平方公里) 人口(万) 邮政编码 政府驻地

甘州区 4240 52 734000 南街街道县府街

民乐县 3687 24 734500 洪水镇

临泽县 2777 15 734200 沙河镇

高台县 4312 16 734300 城关镇

山丹县 5402 20 734100 清泉镇

肃南裕固族自治县 20456 4 734400 红湾寺镇






张掖市资源丰富,有极大的发展潜力。位居全国第二大内陆河黑河中上游,河西走廊腹地,为新亚欧大陆桥沟通国内东西交通的咽喉要道,是国家西部大开发的重点地区之一。全区有耕地400万亩(含山丹军马场),有可垦荒地300多万亩;有大小河流26条,年径流量26.6亿立方米,地下水的储量十分丰富;有草原2600多万亩;有森林580多万亩,森林覆盖率达9.2%;全年日照3000小时。 张掖市还具有丰富的矿产、土地、水利、光热和劳动力资源,有30多种矿藏,其中煤、铁、石灰石、芒销等储量过亿吨。已探明的金属非金属资源有煤、石膏、粘土、砖石、铜、铁、锌、钨等,累计储量居全省之首。 张掖有黑河水灌溉,地势平坦, 土壤肥沃,物产丰饶,以乌江米为有名,盛产小麦、玉米、水稻、油菜、胡麻等农作物,为全国重点建设的12个商品粮基地之一。土特产品有圆葱、苹果梨、乌江米、红枣、发菜、丝路春酒等。 瓜果,蔬菜种类多、品质好,年产60多万吨,洋葱、辣椒、茄子、西瓜及新引进的精细瓜菜畅销全国20多个省、市、自治区,是著名的西菜东运基地。红枣、苹果、苹果梨、桃子、葡萄及其它优质杂果颇负盛名。同时还出产姜活、麻黄等80余种中药材。 1998年,被甘肃省政府批准为省级农业高科技示范园区。多年来农业生产条件的不断改善和科学技术的应用推广,使全市农业发展不断跨上新的台阶,粮食、油料连年增产;分别达到100万吨和7万多吨。张掖市现已成为全国十大商品粮基地、十二大蔬菜瓜果基地之一 。








张掖是一座拥有两个国家级自然保护区的城市,也是一座坐落在湿地上的城市,被誉为山青、水秀、天蓝、地绿的“塞上江南”,宜居、宜游、宜学的“湿地之城”,明净、清新、亮丽的“清凉之都”,文明、和谐、繁荣的“戈壁水乡”.张掖最大的芦苇面积达2万多亩。黑河湿地常见的挺水植物有:芦苇、菖蒲、荻、水蜡烛、水芹、水葱、泽泻、灯芯草、水蓼、水莎草等. 著名景点:丹霞地貌、张掖湿地公园肃南马蹄寺、张掖大佛寺、张掖木塔寺、山丹军马场、山丹新河驿、张掖甘泉公园、张掖河西学院、张掖镇远楼、肃南康隆寺猎场、张掖森林公园、张掖东大山 、龙首山、道巷庙、甘州古塔、诸葛楼、东山寺和西武当、黑水国遗址及汉墓群、许三湾城及墓群、牍侯堡、民勤会馆。

张掖风景及相关图片(20张) 张掖市名胜古迹众多,旅游资源丰富,人文景观奇特,造型各异的古建筑,构建精巧,绚丽多姿,古有"一湖山光,半城塔影,苇溪连片,古刹遍地"之美景。有大佛寺、西来寺、土塔、镇远楼、山西会馆、明粮仓等古代建筑,黑水国遗址、汉墓群、古城墙、长城烽燧等历史足迹;还有甘泉公园、沙漠公园、黑河山庄、大野口自然风景区等融南国秀色与塞外风光为一体的绚丽的自然景观。其中,隋代木塔、明代镇远楼、黑水国遗址等古迹享誉中外,特别是保存完整的西夏大佛寺,以其精湛的建筑艺术和现存全国最大的室内卧佛名扬海内外,大佛寺卧佛身长35米,为全国室内卧佛之最,是国家级重点文物保护单位。 市博物馆馆藏《大明三藏圣教北藏》为目前国内保存最为完整的明代官版初刻初印佛经。其中600卷《大般若波罗密多经》,用泥金书写绘制而成,历史、艺术价值较高,有"张掖金经、国之魂宝"之美誉。市中心镇远楼造型雄伟、比例协调,可与西安钟楼媲美;高32.8米的隋代九层木塔,结构精巧、蔚伟壮观,历来被视为古城之象征。 张掖主要旅游景点:马蹄寺·大佛寺 ·张掖 ·木塔寺 ·张掖丹霞地貌 丹军马场 ·山丹新河驿 ·甘泉公园 ·河西学院 ·镇远楼 ·肃南康隆寺猎场 ·张掖市森林公园 ·东大山 ·龙首山 ·道巷庙 ·甘州古塔 ·诸葛楼 ·东山寺和西武当 ·黑水国遗址及汉墓群 ·许三湾城及墓群 ·牍侯堡 ·民勤会馆 。 著名的旅游区:山丹军马场闻名遐迩,构画出独具西部特色的绚丽画卷,它位于张掖地区山丹县南55公里处的祁连山区大马营草场,是目前世界上历史最悠久,亚洲规模最大,世界第二大马场。横贯东西的祁连山,既是甘肃、青海两省的界山,又是蕴涵甘肃河西丝路谷地湿润气候的天然屏障。每年7-8月间沿国道227线一带的甘肃省张掖市甘州区、民乐县、山丹县、山丹军马场和青海省祁连县、门源县,百万亩油菜花一望无垠,构成一幅金辉飘香的诗意画卷. 山丹军马场地势平坦,水草丰茂,夏季绿草如茵,冬季一片金黄,是马匹繁衍、生长的理想场所。早在三千多年前,这里就已养马。自西汉以来,这里以当地蒙古马为基础,又引进了各种西域良马,杂交培育出的山丹马驰名天下,这里遂成为历代皇家军马养殖基地,经久不衰。山丹马体形匀称,粗壮结实,雄健膘悍,耐粗饲,适应性良好,速度和持久力俱优,是驮、乘用的良骥,目前共有一万多匹马,游客到大马营后,继续东行50公里到军马场一游,可举行骑马旅游、野营,参观赛马或马术表演,并游览自然风景名胜。 位于甘肃省河西走廊中段的张掖市,古为河西四郡之一张掖郡,取“断匈奴之臂,张中国之掖(腋)”之意。张掖,在中国第二大内陆河黑河的滋润下,孕育了广袤的绿洲,方才孕育了河西走廊文化。境内有着得天独厚的自然景观,有着美不胜收的原生态城市湿地,气势磅礴的彩色丹霞地貌,西北最美的油菜花海,亚洲最大的万匹军马驰骋,独特裕固族风情, 祁连山旷野风光,戈壁滩冰川奇峰。雪景、冰山、林海、草地、湖泊、碧水、沙砾相映成趣,既具有南国风韵,又具有塞上风情,所以有“不望祁连山顶雪,错将张掖当江南”这样的佳句。据说,西方旅行家马可·波罗曾痴情在此住了20xx年;如今,中国作家陈运和也采风到此呆了一日。 发现了鲜为人知的地貌景观——被美国《国家地理杂志》评为“世界10大神奇地理奇观”之一的丹霞地貌张掖祁连山丹霞地貌群.张掖丹霞被《中国国家地理》杂志评为中国最美的七大丹霞地貌景观之一。西部最美的平山湖丹霞,作为张掖丹霞的重要组成部分和精华地带,素有大西北的“张家界”之称。迄今已发现的丹霞地貌群坐落于祁连山北麓,以肃南裕固族自治县白银乡为中心,东经99°30’~100°20’、北纬38°;40’~39°10’之间,海拔高度在20xx米至3800米之间,东西长约40公里,南北宽约5~10公里,分布面积在300多平方公里以上。数以千计的悬崖山峦全部呈现出鲜艳的丹红色和红褐色,相互映衬各显其神,展示出“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”的奇妙风采,把祁连山雕琢得奇峰突起,峻岭横生,五彩斑斓,当地少数民族把这种奇特的山景称为“阿兰拉格达”(意为红色的山)。 张掖祁连山丹霞地貌群

张掖丹霞地貌位于临泽倪家营南台子村,距张掖市40公里。在方圆一百平方山地丘陵地带,有造型奇特,色彩斑谰,气势磅礴的丹霞地貌。丹霞是指红色砂砾岩经长期风化剥离和流水侵蚀,形成的孤立的山峰和陡峭的奇岩怪石。这里的丹霞地貌发育于距今约200万年的前侏罗纪至第三纪。 张掖丹霞地貌分布广阔,场面壮观,造型奇特,色彩艳丽,是我国干旱地区最典型和面积最大的丹霞地貌景观,具有很高的科考价值和旅游观赏价值。张掖的丹霞地貌集中分布在临泽、肃南两县境内,面积达300多平方公里以上,是中国丹霞地貌发育最大最好、地貌造型最丰富的地区之一。层级错落交替、岩壁陡峭、气势磅礴、形态丰富、色彩班斓而称奇,有七彩峡、七彩塔、七彩屏、七彩练、七彩湖、七彩大扇贝、火海、刀山等奇妙景观。


张掖的小吃较有名,比如搓鱼子、拉条子、臊面、酿皮、炒炮、揪面片、 鱼儿粉等本地小吃,诸如兰州拉 西北大菜









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入秋以后,九如山万木红遍,层林尽染,五彩缤纷,争色斗艳,各类植物都在这个季节迸现最强的魅力,所以人称 “多彩九如山”。与此同时,漫山遍野,果实全熟,板栗出硬壳,合柿呈金黄,秋梨挂枝头,山楂挤锦团,硕果累累,收不胜收。





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好了,游客朋友们,我们已经进入“风水宝地”清东陵,它位于北京以东125公里处的遵化市马兰峪境内,位居北京、天津、唐山、秦皇岛、承德五大城市腹地。 清朝是中国最后一个封建王朝,从公元1664年入关到1920_年灭亡,共统治中国268年,其间经历了10个皇帝,除末代皇帝溥仪外,其他9位皇帝分别在河北省遵化市和易县境内修建了规模宏大、体系完整的帝后妃陵墓群,即清东陵和清西陵,另外,在辽宁省沈阳市还建有清太祖努尔哈赤的福陵,清太宗皇太极的昭陵,以及在新宾县建有清代远祖的永陵。所以,清代陵寝共有5处,即永陵、福陵、昭陵、清东陵、清西陵,这几处陵寝都营造得个有特色。各具千秋,但规模最宏大、体系最完整的就要数遵化市境内的清东陵了。







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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Nanchang, the hero city. Im Xiao Li. Now let meintroduce the general situation of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. Asthe political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the province, itis a city with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. It islocated in the north of central Jiangxi Province, the lower reaches of GanjiangRiver and Fuhe River, and the Poyang Lake Plain. The total area is about 7402square kilometers and the total population is about 4.62 million. The city hasfive districts including Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District,Wanli District and Qingshanhu District, and four counties including Nanchang,Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi. The name of Nanchang began in the Western HanDynasty, implying "Changda Nanjiang" and "prosperity of the South". Nanchang wasfounded in 2 BC___ In, Guan Ying, the famous founding General of the HanDynasty, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanchang, where Yuzhang county andNanchang County were officially established. The next year (before 201), a localcity was built in Nanchang, which was called "Guancheng". This is the beginningof Nanchang.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of ourcountry. The existing water, land and air transportation network can lead to thewhole province and all parts of the country. The first plane, the first wheeledtractor, the first motorcycle and the first coastal defense missile of new Chinawere born here. In recent years, Nanchangs industrial economy has made greatprogress, initially forming five pillar industries, such as automobile, medicineand food, textile and clothing, electronic information and home appliances, newmaterials, and striving to become an important base of modern manufacturingindustry and regional economic center city. The agricultural economy and thetertiary industry also have a rapid development, business circulation is active,a prosperous scene.

Nanchang has many scenic spots and rich tourism resources. According toincomplete statistics, Nanchang has 104 tourism resources with development valueand development, including 26 natural landscapes and 28 cultural landscapes.Among them, Tengwang Pavilion, the first of the three famous buildings in thesouth of the Yangtze River, is the main representative of ancient culturaltourism, red tourism represented by the former site of Bayi Uprisingheadquarters, and green tourism represented by Meiling, Nanchang baohulu farm asthe main representative of the characteristics of leisure tourism.

Now let me briefly introduce Tengwang Pavilion, which is known as the firstfloor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, the fourth son ofTang Gaozu Li Yuan. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted thetitle of King Teng, so it was named tengwangge. The reason why tengwangge isfamous in the world is that we have to mention Wang Bos preface to tengwangge.It is said that when the young Wang Bo was exploring for his family, he happenedto catch up with the banquet Party of Yan Boyu, the governor. He was so excitedthat he asked someone to take out his pen and ink and wrote down the preface toTengwang Pavilion on the spot. Please look here. The two lines are written onthe gate bar. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn watergrows in the same color. These two sentences can be said to be the best of allages and have been handed down to this day.

Nanchang food is very special. Here we can taste some special dishes, suchas Chenhao fried bacon, Poyang Lake lion head, three cups of chicken, three cupsof dog meat, three cups of foot fish, Huangqin roast brine, Gan flavor milk dogmeat, fermented wax gourd circle, five yuan Longfeng soup, etc. We can alsotaste some folk snacks, such as Nanchang rice noodles, stone street Mahua,hometown Guoba, spicy hot and fried snacks.



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Located in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang ZhapoDajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides and faces the vast South ChinaSea. The beach is 2.5km long and 100m wide. It looks like an ox horn, so it iscalled "Dajiao bay". It is the most famous scenic spot in Hailing Island.

As the saying goes, the mountain is not beautiful without water, the peakis not beautiful without clouds, the wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and thepeak is sometimes surrounded by clouds. Dajiao Bay is sunny, the beach is evenand soft, the sea is clear and pure, the air is fresh and oxygen rich, which isa good place for tourism and vacation.

After development and construction, dajiaowan scenic area has graduallyformed into three major areas: the east of the scenic area has become a sportsarea, and has become a training base for the national beach volleyball team. Ithas hosted International Beach Volleyball invitational tournament, Asian BeachVolleyball Championship, national 9th National Games beach volleyballtournament, National flipping board championship, national windsurfingchampionship and other events; To the west of the scenic spot is a leisure area,with beach garden bar and plant garden view. Tourists can listen to the waves,taste tea and fish here to enjoy the natural elegance;

In the middle of the scenic spot is the public bathhouse, with surfing, seasurfing, motorboats, power umbrellas, flying gliding, beach vehicles, ancientgun shooting range, field battlefield, sea paradise and folk show.

Dajiaowan scenic spot has developed into a southern seaside resortintegrating tourism, sightseeing, leisure, culture and sports. Dajiao Bay islocated in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City,Guangdong Province, with its back against the green mountains and greenmountains. It is famous for its sunshine, sand beach, waves and seafood. It isthe most famous tourist attraction in Hailing Island and even Yangjiang area.The scenic spot is called "sister bay" together with Yangxi Shaba Moon Bay.

In recent years, with the opening of dalinggeng tunnel, vehicles can drivestraight along the ring road. When I saw the shining conch sculpture in the sun,I arrived at dajiaowan. The beautiful beach of dajiaowan is 2.45 kilometers longand 100 meters wide. The spiral shaped beach looks like a huge ox horn, so it iscalled dajiaowan.

Dajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides, facing the vast SouthChina Sea. On both sides of the Bay, Dajiao mountain and wangliao ridge arearched. The wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and the peak is sometimessurrounded by clouds and fog. The so-called mountain is not beautiful withoutwater, the peak is not beautiful without clouds, and the landscape level isrich.



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清光绪十六年(1890年)舒藻《重修太和宫碑记》详细记载了太和宫创建的历史:“滇南苴兰(昆明)会垣东关外,距城十五里许,有山鸣凤,又俗名鹦鹉山。前明万历壬寅年(1620xx年),道士徐正元叩请云南巡抚陈公用宾,会同黔国公沐公昌祚,右都督沐公睿,御使刘公会于是山之巅,仿照湖广武当山七十二峰之中峰修筑紫禁城,冶铜为殿,铸供真武祖师金身。名其宫曰‘太和’,亦仿照武当山中峰宫名也。其时并建三元、环翠二宫,所供圣神仙佛,各有专司,瞻拜者历历可溯。而其殿宇,概以‘太和宫’统之。其地左挹华山之秀,金马腾辉;右临昆海之滨,碧鸡焕彩,洵为滇南一胜境也。乡人称之或曰金殿,或曰金顶,任其信口而出耳。” [3]


舒藻碑文中所说:“其时并建三元、环翠二宫”一段不准确。其实创建太和宫前七年,就已建“环翠宫”。陈用宾撰《环翠宫记》称:“余抚滇之三年,命官于鸣凤山建环翠宫,其中为阁,祀吕师(吕洞宾),殿有二,王、陶天君,何、柳二仙并祀阁上。” 陈用宾,福建晋江人,明进士,万历二十一年(1593年)以右佥都御使巡抚云南。陈用宾“抚滇之三年”,即万历二十三年(1595年),他“命官于鸣凤山建环翠宫”。万历三十年(1620xx年)“叩请”陈用宾兴建太和宫金殿的“道士徐正元”,就是环翠宫的道士。

正如陈用宾《鼎建太和宫记》所述:“及抚滇之九年”,即万历三十年(1620xx年),陈用宾“偕卜胜东城,相度山原间几一舍许无当者,延伫环望,真气英英,连蜷环翠宫左,扪萝视之,适彩雉从中盘起,玉局宛然,无亦光岳之閟有待欤?” 陈用宾偕沐昌祚、沐睿、刘会等登相度山,卜胜选址,已见山势“连蜷环翠宫左”。这清楚说明,明万历三十年陈用宾为太和宫选址时,已有环翠宫。太和宫金殿、三元宫于明万历三十年(1620xx年)动工兴建,“始事竣工,俱以王正之月,甫一载而缮定”。“万历甲辰(1620xx年)岁春正月吉旦”,陈用宾撰立《鼎建太和宫记》。

















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2787 字

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Baotou Nanhai is located in the south of Baotou Donghe District. It used tobe an old section of the Jiuqu Yellow River. The water surface and beachgrassland were formed after the diversion of the river to the south. The totalarea of the development zone is 20 square kilometers___ The water area is 480hectares, which is divided into water activity area and lakeside sightseeingarea. The South China Sea is surrounded by green mountains in the north andYellow River jade belt in the south. The lake is rippling with green waves, thewater and grass are rich, the gulls are flying in the sky, and the scenery isunique. In 1985, it was turned into a tourism development zone. After carefulplanning and development in recent years, it has begun to take shape. TheDevelopment Zone integrates the natural beauty and artificial beauty here, whichmakes it not only have the characteristics of thick and rough outside the GreatWall, but also have the charm of Jiangnan Water Town. It enjoys the reputationof "West Lake outside the Great Wall" and becomes one of the unique touristscenic spots in grassland steel city. To travel here, you can not only goboating on the water, fish in the lake, explore pudang, have a rest in thegarden, and enjoy the pleasant scenery of the South China Sea.

Baotou Nanhai is one of the largest inland lake scenic spots in China,close to the Yellow River, covering an area of 1585 hectares, including 333hectares of water area and 15000 mu of wet grassland. More than 200 kinds ofwild animals and plants live here.

Baotou Nanhai is known as the "flood and drought wharf", among which thewater wharf is the Haizi wharf. It was a shipping port on the Bank of the YellowRiver during the reign of Kangxi. It has a history of more than 330 years. In1850, the Yellow river changed its course, and the town of nanhekou in Tuoketuocity was flooded. From then on, Nanhaizi ferry became a water transportation huband fur distribution center in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.The economic status of laobaotou in Northwest China changed greatly. Theprosperity of economy made Nanhaizi ferry famous all over the world. The vastriver witnessed the prosperity of the "rafts" of Nanhaizi ferry in history andthe decline of the river.

Baotou Nanhai Park, formerly known as Baotou fish station, has a longhistory of fishery production. The varieties include wild yellow river carp,silver carp, silver carp, crucian carp, grass carp and other traditionalvarieties, as well as Chinese mitten crab, Yellow River catfish, blunt snoutbream (Wuchang fish), beautiful white shrimp and other valuable aquaticproducts. The rich aquatic products have attracted people who taste the "wholefish feast" in the South China Sea, and also attracted the majority of fishingenthusiasts.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2413 字

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Hello, everyone! My name is Chen. You can call me director Chen. Welcome toLangshan Scenic Spot for sightseeing.

You see, its summer. Langshan is full of green trees. Its like weveentered a green fairy tale world.

Now, please get ready, we are going to start climbing!

Before that, Id like to introduce the peak of Langshan. First, Id like totalk about the "chili peak", which is 180 meters high. The "head" is big and the"foot" is small, just like a giant chili; Its said that before 20__, no onecould climb chili peak, not only because there was no way to climb chili peak,but also because it was impossible for ordinary people to climb up from the footof the mountain. In 20__, the French "Spiderman" actor climbed the chili peakfor the first time. Lets see, is chili peak really dangerous? There is camelpeak, 187 meters high, 8 meters long, 273 meters long, with two protrudingparts, just like the camels back, lifelike!

OK, I wont say more. Start climbing. Now we come to the "yixiantian". Myfriends, the "yixiantian" is more than 240 meters long. The widest place is 0 or8 meters, and the narrowest place is only 0 or 33 meters. One can only pass bysideways. There are cliffs on both sides. Please pass carefully

Come on, everyone. Were almost at Shanxiang. Heres one of the six wondersof Langshan: ten thousand whales make trouble in the sea. This scenic spot cantbe seen casually. It usually only appears in the early morning. Its not easy tosee this landscape. Friends who want to see it must come early. You see, thereare countless huge stone peaks and floating clouds, like thousands of whalesplaying in the sea.

Now, lets take a look at the Fuyi river with a bamboo raft. Look there.Its the general stone. Its very powerful and full of general spirit. Peopleliving in Langshan think that the general stone is the incarnation of a hero.Besides, there are woodpecker stones beside the general stone. Theres anotherstory about the general stone: once, a group of fierce enemies came from theSouth and slaughtered and plundered here. The "Zhennan general" guarding here isgreedy for life and afraid of death. At this time, a hero rose up and led thevillagers to fight by the Fuyi river with a hoe. They fought bravely and killedthe enemy to death. So the villagers here let him be the new "Zhennan general".This story has been widely spread.

Do you think Langshan is fun? If its fun, you should come here often!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1256 字

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My hometown is in Dali, where in addition to all kinds of delicious food, Iam proud of Erhai Lake, a famous plateau lake.

In the early morning, there is a light dawn in the East. The green CangshanMountain and the dazzling sunrise are all reflected in the lake, forming abeautiful picture. At this time, a gust of wind swept, the lake suddenly set offa layer of waves, ships on the sea with a burst of sea breeze dance happily. Themorning passed unconsciously in such peace

At noon, the sun was shining in the sky. The sun was shining on the surfaceof the lake, which was very dazzling. In order to avoid the summer, severalpeople jumped into Erhai and swam happily. Several children were splashing inthe water, splashing layers of laughter. In the distance, under the verdantCangshan Mountain, people gathered for summer vacation. The boys on the side ofthe road are eating happily with a bunch of snot and a popsicle. Its anotherhot afternoon.

In the evening, when the bright moon is in the sky, I often see peoplewalking by the Erhai sea. I sit quietly by the Erhai sea and bathe in themoonlight, thinking: how mysterious Erhai Lake is.

With the picturesque Erhai Lake and the magnificent Cangshan Mountain, Daliis really a satisfying tourist attraction!!!!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2020 字

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The name of Xiangtan comes from its geographical features. On the one hand,it is said that this place is located in the Xiangjiang River, and "Tan" isnamed "Xiangtan". On the other hand, it is more widely accepted, that is, it isnamed Xiangzhou Tan, or zhaotan, in the Xiangjiang River under Zhaoshanmountain. This tan is actually a deeper section of the Xiangjiang River, but itis quite famous because of its legendary connection with King Zhao of Zhou. As amain geographical feature, it has been named Xiangtan County since the TangDynasty.

In Xiangtan City, Xiangnan County, the first county government, was set upin Han Dynasty, and the county town (now Shitan Town, Xiangtan County, GuchengVillage) was built. Since the Tang Dynasty, Xiangtan County was transferred toLuokou (now Yishuhe town of Xiangtan County), which has been established formore than 1200 years. The ancient residents in Xiangtan are known at least 5000years ago.

Xiangtan city is a typical low Mountain hilly landform, which belongs tothe basin range mountain system of pseudo mountain, Hengshan and Juanshui basin.The landform outline is higher in the north, West and south, surrounded by lowand medium mountains with Shaofeng, Baozhong, Changshan and Xiaoxia mountains asthe main body; In the middle and East, the terrain is low and flat, withXiangjiang River, Lianhe River and Juan River as the main water systemdistribution. The whole city takes "four mountains, one river and two rivers" asthe skeleton to form a hilly basin terrain opening to the northeast. The urbanarea is located in the valley plain of the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River atthe opening of the basin. The highest point is located in the Western Baozhongmountain, 793 meters above sea level. The lowest point is jinmazhou at the footof Zhaoshan mountain, 30.7 meters above sea level. It can be roughly dividedinto three geomorphic types, i.e. tectonic erosion low hill landform, tectonicerosion denudation low hill landform and erosion accumulation valley plainlandform.
