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When it comes to Henan, people cant help but think of the ancient capitalsof Luoyang and Kaifeng, Shaolin Temple, oracle bone inscriptions, bronzes and soon. However, if the distinguished guests want to bring some special products ofHenan to their relatives and friends after enjoying these places of interest,then I recommend one gift to you, which is Xinyang Maojian, Chinas famoustea.

Xinyang Maojian, produced in Jigong Mountain, Xinyang, Henan Province, isone of the famous teas in China. It gets its name because it is all picked fromthe tender leaves of the tea plant and then refined. It often drinks XinyangMaojian, which has the functions of clearing heart and improving eyesight,lowering blood pressure, refreshing mind and prolonging life. For a long time,it has been called the best tea.

Speaking of tea, this is the pride of Chinese people.

Tea has a long history in China. The hometown of tea is China. Both tea andsilk are important inventions dedicated to the world by the Chinese workingpeople. As early as 5000 years ago, it is said that when Shennong, the distantancestor of the Chinese nation, was in power, he was unfortunately infected with72 kinds of viruses in order to find herbs for curing diseases. He was in greatpain and finally found tea to detoxify the virus. Since then, people know thattea can cure diseases and has medicinal functions. Later, in the long-termproduction and life, people gradually found that tea boiling water also had astrong thirst quenching effect. Therefore, Chinese people began to have aspecial preference for tea, and Chinese tea culture was born.

Speaking of Chinese tea, its really a university. First of all, lets knowthe classification of tea. Generally speaking, tea is divided into twocategories: basic tea and reprocessed tea. The basic tea categories includegreen tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea.Reprocessing tea includes flower tea, pressed tea, fruit tea and health tea.

These two kinds of tea have different characteristics. For example, greentea is characterized by green leaves and clear soup. Its main varieties areLongjing in Hangzhou, Biluochun in Suzhou, Yunwu in Lushan in Jiangxi, Guapianin Luan in Anhui and Maojian in Xinyang in Henan.

The basic characteristic of black tea is that the leaves are red and thesoup is red. The main varieties are Qimen black tea from Anhui, Dianhong teafrom Yunnan and Ninghong tea from Jiangxi.

Oolong tea belongs to semi fermented tea. Its main varieties are Wuyishanrock tea in Fujian, Tieguanyin in Anxi, and frozen top Oolong in Chinese Taiwan.

White tea is a slightly fermented tea, mainly produced in Fujian. Black teahas a long fermentation time and dark leaves, so it is called black tea and canbe drunk directly.

The flower tea in reprocessing tea is usually made by green tea afterabsorbing the fragrance of flowers, which is popular in northern China. The mainvarieties are jasmine tea, brandy tea and osmanthus tea.

Pressed tea is processed and autoclaved into a certain shape, such as bricktea, Puer tea, etc., so it is easy to store and transport, and is generallysold to Chinas border areas. In ancient China, the tea sold to the border areaswas monopolized by the imperial court. Whether it was sold to the borderminority areas was a means for the central court to control the border areas. Atthat time, the tea sold to the border areas was mainly brick tea.

The invention of fruit tea and health tea is relatively late. Fruit tea isa kind of tea beverage made by adding fruit juice into the production, such aslemon tea and orange tea. Health tea is made by adding Chinese herbal medicineinto the tea, which strengthens the prevention and treatment effect of tea.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1596 字

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张家口市区西部群山之中,有一座山峰叫赐儿山,山峰秀丽,风景如画。在山腰深处有古云泉寺,它建于明洪武二十六年(公元 1393 年),至今已有 600 余年。所以叫云泉寺,是取 " 白云深处有清泉 " 之意。它是佛、道建在一处的寺庙。上部为道,下部为佛。寺 内有子孙娘娘殿,旧时每逢农历四月初八庙会,来此登山焚香祈求 " 赐儿 " 的人络绎不绝。故称此山为 " 赐儿山 " 。

远望赐儿山,峭壁如削,万木峥嵘,亭台楼阁,参差错落。若登山而上沿路 铺设台阶路面,陡削路段则安装扶手栏杆,拾级而上即可达云泉寺。蜿蜒山路有三道平台,第一道平台有六角亭一座,有大雄宝殿和南大殿;第二道为望亭;第三道是云泉寺山门,山门也称天王殿。山门之外原 有教稼亭,壁上有民间巧匠画的五谷之神后稷,教人不忘耕稼。稍上是教化堂,壁上画有伏义轩辕,意在告诫后人勤于劳作,时时不忘自己为炎黄子孙。山门前有石狮镇守,旗杆矗立。山门内侧是龙王殿、真武 殿、藏经殿中释迦佛祖合掌闭目,南海观音挥洒拂尘,造型生动,栩栩如生。

在寺院中部,有古柳二株盘抱而生,高 12 - 13 米 ,粗 30 - 40 围,相传为明代所栽。奇怪的是向东横卧的 1 株 主干中空,腹内长出 1 株松树,柳丝袅娜,松枝苍劲,形伴影随,相映成趣。现柳树仍枝茂叶盛,属重点 古柳名木之一。在西边峭壁上曾生出 1 株榆树,高约 13 米 ,粗 20 围,相传为元代所植,已枯死,过去曾有 " 元榆明柳 " 之称。 尤为奇观的是寺的西崖下,排列三个古洞,仅距咫尺,景观迥异。右为水洞,洞中泉水清清,数九隆冬也不结冰。左为冰洞,洞口楹联曰: " 灵液供丹灶,清心照玉壶 " ,洞内 四季结冰,晶莹剔透,即使炎炎夏日也不融化。有诗曰: " 傍山冬日液,侧水夏天凝 " ,就是冰水二洞奇景的写照。中间是风洞,一年四季冷风嗖嗖,有物置于洞口,即被疾风吸入。相传曾有一名儿童向里 探头被风吸入,现洞口已被封闭。

沿山路迤逦而上有 " 万松 ?quot; ,再上有 " 矗霄亭 " ,翼然临于绝顶,登山鸟瞰,张家口市 区尽收眼底。赐儿山云泉寺的山水景观,吸引了众多的佳宾 游客,令游览者惊叹不已。峭壁上,留下不少游人、名士的诗句和题刻。相传, 1923 年冬,康有为偕弟子陈重远从吴中来张家口,前往赐儿山云泉寺游览,深为 " 山川缟素、天地一白 " 而感叹,遂作《雾雪登云泉寺》,诗曰: " 山县关城早,天寒日暮愁。夕晖千白雪,吾爱云泉寺。日出松石上,诗清情复幽。后人今不见,应共忆斯游。 " 康有为游兴 犹浓,便沿石磴道登上山巅,俯视张家口全景,吟出 " 行行积雪里,渐入浮云端;前路青天近,冷冷诗骨寒 " 的诗句。在游了西山崖下的风洞、水洞和冰洞之后,又挥毫写下 " 崖石青天里,悬洞堪称奇。仙人原有宅,醉语也成诗。凝静听崩雪,山空闻折枝。平明出谷口,险尽尚惊疑。

关于 " 赐儿山 " 这名字的来历,还有一段传奇故事呢。传说 500 多年前,有一对夫妇,结婚多年未能生育,很是着急。这年的四月初八,夫妇二人来到张家口西郊的这座山脚下,焚竺祈祷,求助天神地神。正当他们一遍又一遍地诉说自己的求子之心时,突然从山腰石缝间走出一个白发飘飘的老人。老人来到他们面前,没有说话,从怀里取出个泥捏的娃娃,送给他们,然后就无影无踪了。第二年,这对夫妇便喜得贵子。他们真有说不出的高兴。这件事很快传开,塞外山村远近百里祈儿求女的人,每年四月初八,都到西山脚下烧香求子。于是,人们便把西山,称为 “ 赐儿山 ” 了。 现在,在山的半山腰还有一座 580 多年前建造的古刹--云泉寺,寺内有一个佛龛,圆形的门上画着一幅引人入胜的五彩图画, 画面中央是一个笑眯眯的大肚佛,佛像四周烟云缭绕,云雾中布满了一个个白白胖胖的幼儿。相传这里就是当年那位白发飘飘的老人的住地,人称 “ 赐儿大仙 ” 。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 577 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3590 字

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Dear friends, at the moment, our location is Jiuhua street, 600 metersabove sea level, which is the reception center of the whole mountain. Walkingalong the street, we come to the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain_ Huachengtemple, according to the Buddhist scriptures, once Sakyamuni and his discipleswent to the countryside to preach. After a long walk, the disciples were hungryand thirsty, and could not sit up. At this time, the Buddha pointed to the frontand said, "there is a city in front. Go to huazhai quickly.". The apprenticeimmediately came to the spirit. In fact, the so-called Huacheng comes from theEnlightenment of Buddha.

In addition, before entering the temple, we should pay attention to thefollowing points: first, when entering the temple, we should step across thethreshold. The threshold of the temple is the shoulder of the Buddha, so we mustnot step on it. Second, we should not make loud noises or bring jokes from theworld of mortals into the temple. Third, please do not touch the monks magicweapons at will. OK, lets go into Huacheng temple. Huacheng Temple

After that, we come to the palace of the flesh. Please take a look at thewords on the flat forehead: the palace of the moon! Why is it called the palaceof the moon? Because in the past, the moon and the flesh were interchangeable,so now many words describing human body parts and organs will have a month nextto them.

The architecture of the hall of the flesh body is very distinctive, "thereare towers in the hall and tanks in the towers."; Jin qiaojue, the king ofTibetans, died at the age of 99 after 75 years of cultivation in Jiuhua Mountainin the 10th year of Yuanzhen of Tang Dynasty. Three years later, when he openedthe jar, his body was soft and his face looked like a living one. The sound of agolden lock shook his bony joints. According to the Buddhist scriptures, he wasa Bodhisattva, so he was honored as the Bodhisattva of Tibetans.

Walking into the hall of the body, you can see the great wish of the earthhanging on the lintel: all living beings will pass through, and the Bodhisattvadike will be proved; the hell will not be empty, and the oath will not become aBuddha. Therefore, the Bodhisattva of Tibet is also known as the great wishBodhisattva. I believe that with the blessing of the great wish Bodhisattva, youmust have good luck in the future.

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible. The clear mountainwind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makes people intoxicated. Thesurrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark. There is a huge stoneengraved with the word "non human". At this moment, it really makes people feellike they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is said that watching the sunriseon the rooftop is no less magnificent than watching the sunrise on Mount Tai.Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries ofJiuhua".

Well, my friends, the short journey to Jiuhua Mountain is over in a hurry.I hope you can fulfill your wish. When you come to Jiuhua Mountain, I can stillserve you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8107 字

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Dear passengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho. This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I cant see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall. The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works, from yan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years now!

There is a touching legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall. Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in hiding. Once, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together. Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married less than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I dont know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

The passengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate.


As the saying goes, "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall", climb the Great Wall have the constancy, and never quit the perseverance and determination, cant give up halfway! We can watch while climbing. Ill introduce the Great Wall for everybody: the Great Wall is composed of GuanCheng, beacon tower pier of watchtowers, smoke, and the barbican, wall, wall, the crenel, perforation, hole, etc. Beacon tower pier and smoke is used to transfer the situation of the enemy. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the day, how much smoke the heap represents the number of enemy soldiers. Night cant see the smoke, a fire on the beacon tower. This way of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effective, the beacon tower has played a very big effect.

At this moment, I saw a kid to climb on the wall. I put him down for everyone, said: "please note that cant climb on the wall, it is very dangerous. Outside the wall is dangerous mountain, its no fun to fall down!" Here, Ill tell you something about a story about the Great Wall: once upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she went to send clothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reached the Great Wall, but didnt find her husband. She hurriedly ask others, others say that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad cry, cry for many years, finally, her tears fell the Great Wall, finally saw her husband.

The Great Wall is very beautiful, very spectacular, winding, welcome you to touring!


The tourists everybody is good, today Ill guide you to visit the Great Wall.

Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand.

Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.

Such boldness of vision of the male project, in the history of the world but a great miracle!

Is the majestic of the Great Wall, the male of vast gray not let us deeply intoxicated? Then let you to use your experience.


Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.

Chairman MAO once said: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall." As a Chinese people why dont we go visit? Right! Now we will go when men, mounted the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall: intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu, in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Walls husband, all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about, but learned that her husband is alive dead tired! The news like a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, "bang" 1, the Great Wall in 800.

Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall. Tourists, look at the countless stone, a two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders step by step, carry on the steep mountains. Look at these, you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

The beauty of the Great Wall, also dont say dont say it now, please walk to enjoy!


"North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast..." Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today well visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everyone look at the countless stone, with 2 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. "Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" is to prove it. Is really "the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle" zombies!

Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, dont damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working peoples wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the todays trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.



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Its snowing again in Zhangjiakou. The snow is crystal clear, pure, naturaland unsophisticated. It is curling like a swans plumage and a jades pearblossom.

Snow fell to the ground, gently, quietly, for the earth covered with alayer of quilt. Sometimes, the snow is a little bit smaller, and it floats downlike reed catkins, covering the ground, thin, like gauze clothes on theearth.

The snow fell on the roof, and the red roof soon turned white. The wall isyellow, with a touch of white, gentle and elegant. After a while, it snowedheavily. There was too much snow on the roof. Some of them were squeezed down,floating and falling under the eaves.

The snow fell on the tree, and the tree was shaken by the wind. Althoughthe snow is sticky, it cant be swayed violently. It slowly flies down and makesa layer of small snowflakes under the tree. After a while, it mysteriouslydisappears.

Zhangjiakou, my hometown, your snow is so beautiful, your winter is sobeautiful!



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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Henan. Im glad to be your guide today. My nameis sun. You can call me sun Dao.

Today we are visiting Yuntai Mountain, which is a national scenic spot, thefirst batch of 5A national tourist attractions and the first batch of globalgeoparks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, HenanProvince, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots,including Hongshi gorge, tanpu gorge, quanpu gorge, Qinglong gorge, Fenglingorge, macaque Valley, Zhuyu peak, Diecai cave, Wanshan temple, Zifang lake,Baijiayan and so on. It is a comprehensive scenic spot with rift valleystructure and hydrodynamic effect, supplemented by natural ecology and culturallandscape Scenic Attraction.

Yuntai Mountain is famous for its mountains and water. In spring, it isfull of mountain flowers. In summer, it is full of waterfalls and springs. Inautumn, it is full of red leaves. In winter, it is covered with snow. It issuitable for all seasons. There are unique red stone gorge in the world,Yuntaishan waterfall, the highest drop in Asia, tanpu gorge, the most beautifulgorge in Central China, Zhuyu peak, a famous saying written by Wang Wei, a greatpoet of the Tang Dynasty, that "you are a stranger in a foreign land, and youmiss your relatives in every festival", and Baijiayan, which is praised as "alake in the world, with thousands of sceneries in it". Today we are on thescene, you tourists will be able to feast your eyes.

Now our car has been parked in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. After you getoff, you can enter various scenic spots according to the signs, and visit andtake photos at will. But pay attention to protect the environment of the scenicspot, do not litter. We are still gathering here at 4 p.m. for the return trip.Please observe the time.



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On August 27, Dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to Daming Lake in Jinan. The long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. His excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes.

The first stop to Jinan is Daming Lake. The first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate buildings.Through the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent Daming Lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. If you look carefully, there is another one A lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching TV in the south of the Yangtze River.

Whats more amazing is the stone Museum in Daming Lake scenic area. Thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, Taishan stone andso on,

At noon, my father and I went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. Sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves quietly.Occasionally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake.

In the afternoon, we went to visit Baotu Spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". As soon as we entered the gate, I saw the plump Koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. Some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. Along the Qingshiban Road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of Master Li kuchan.Master kuchan had heard of them for a long time This is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. It is majesticand lifelike. Let me look at it with new eyes.

After turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess Li Qingzhao, we come to Baotu Spring. There are a lotof people watching it. From a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers,

Spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy.

Perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and I with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train.



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During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kong in South China.It isa beautiful seaside city because there are many places of interest in it.Atfirst we visited my cousins house.His house is quite different from mine.It isbig and clean.Each room is decorated in different kinds of styles.Those made usfeel excited.And then we visited Hong Kong Disneyland.It is one of the mostfamous theme parks in the world and includes four parks—Main StreetUSAFantasylandTomorrowland and Adventureland.There we did some meaningfulactivitiesfor examplewe took some wonderful photos with Disney characterswatchedall kinds of showshad lunch in a fast food restaurant and went to buy somesouvenirs in Main Street.Finallywe went to many other interesting places.In allwe stayed in Hong Kong for five days.It was a really exciting trip and we allhad a good time.

A visit to Hong Kong During National Day my parents and I went to Hong Kongin South China. It is a beautiful seaside city because there are many places ofinterest in it. At first we visited my cousins house. His house is quitedifferent from mine. It is big and clean. Each room is decorated in differentkinds of styles. Those made us feel excited. And then we visited Hong KongDisneyland. It is one of the most famous theme parks in the world and includesfour parks—Main Street USA, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Adventureland. Therewe did some meaningful activities, for example, we took some wonderful photoswith Disney characters, watched all kinds of shows, had lunch in a fast foodrestaurant and went to buy some souvenirs in Main Street. Finally, we went tomany other interesting places. In all we stayed in Hong Kong for five days. Itwas a really exciting trip and we all had a good time.



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Hello, friends! Now we have arrived at Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot. Firstof all, I would like to introduce you to the general situation of Jiuhuamountain scenery.

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty (401), temples began to be built on themountain. Since then, they have been added and expanded to form "one smalltemple in three li and one big temple in five li". The temples spread all overthe mountain. It is said that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monksin their heyday. At the moment, there are still 50 or 60 temples in completepreservation.

When you visit Jiuhua Mountain, you first go to Jiuhua street, which ismore than 600 meters above sea level. It is the center of Jiuhua Mountain, andtemples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called "Lotus Buddha kingdom".It is actually a village on the mountain. Besides temples, there are shops,schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can stay there and take it as astarting point to visit the scenic spots on the mountain.

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Not far from the east of Jiuhua street, there is a hall built on the cliff,which is the famous "centenary Palace". On the plaque, there are ten goldcharacters: "imperial grant to the centenary palace, protect the country WannianTemple". It is said that in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was amonk named Wuxu. At the age of 26, he came to Jiuhua Mountain and spent 100years in a rare cave. Three years after his death, his body was found in thecave. The monk on the mountain thought that he was reincarnated, so he offeredhis body in gold.

Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of "YingshenBodhisattva". As a result, the small temple dedicated to him flourished, and thetemple expanded to become one of the four jungles in Jiuhua Mountain. Visitorscan see the golden body of a flawless monk in a monks hat, red cassock andlotus platform in the body Hall of the temple.

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible.

The clear mountain wind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makespeople intoxicated. The surrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark.There is a huge stone engraved with the word "non human". At this moment, itreally makes people feel like they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is saidthat watching the sunrise on the rooftop is no less magnificent than watchingthe sunrise on Mount Tai. Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the"ten sceneries of Jiuhua".



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大家好! 我们现在参观的八达岭长城是明朝修建的。为防御外敌入侵,秦朝,汉朝和明朝共修建了一万三千多里长城。长城西起嘉峪关,东到山海关。长城被称为世界七大奇迹之一。

大家看,长城全部是用巨大的条石和城砖砌筑而成的。城墙外沿那两米多高的成排建筑叫垛子,垛子上面的方形口子是望口和射口,是打仗用的。城墙顶上那一座座方形的城台,是屯兵的堡垒,每隔三百米就有一座,这样打仗时城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,那时可没火车,汽车,也没起重机,这一块块有两三千斤重的条石以及建筑材料都是靠人力抬上去的,是现代人想都不敢想的壮举,难怪世界上都公认它是一大奇迹! 参观了长城,大家要记住一句话:不到长城非好汉!只有亲眼目睹了先辈们的这一伟大创造,才能在人生的道路上成为一个真正的好汉!

今天就参观到这里,欢迎下次再来! 谢谢大家!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3369 字

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ladies, gentlemen,

welcome to the" land of fish and rice" - - suzhou.suzhou ,one of the chinese"cities of gardens"tops all others in both number and artistry of gardens.starting from pijiang garden of the eastern jin dynasty,suzhous art of gardening has undergone a history of1500 years.the concept of suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city the regions of the yangtze.

the four classical gardens of suzhou are the surging waves pavilion.the lion grove garden garden .the humble administratorgarden.the lingering garden.in a nutshell ,represent the different architectural styles of song.yuan.ming.qing dynasties.

my friends, now we are in the lingering garden. it is located in liuyuan road, suzhou city. it was built by xutaishi in ming dynasty. at that time it was named eastern garden.

there are three treasures in the lingering garden. the first treasure are stones.the stone in front of us is the most distinguishing stone "guangyun peak". with a weight of 5 tons and a height of 6.5 meters, it is one of the four wonderful stones in the regions of the yangtze.

the calligrapher and painter mifu in song dynasty sum up the features of lake tai stones as the following: slender ,wrinkling , leaking , penetrating. just take the "guangyun peak" as an example and you will have some idea about the features of the stones. in addition, it is endowed with the personal characters of faithfulness because of its nature of stiffness and unchangeable outlook. thus it has been worshipped by people since old time.

the second treasure is "five peak fairy hall" "five peaks fairy hall" gets the reputation of "the first hall in the regions of yangtze" . the name comes from the lines of the great poet libai. the four chinese characters on the plaque were written by wuda---the famous calligrapher. nanmu hall used to be the place for important banquets and ceremonies, such as birthday parties, weddings , funerals .

the hall is divided into two sections__the south section and the north section. the south section host male guests, while the south section host female guests.

the hall is elegantly designed with oversized windows on east and west sides . through the windows, the outside sceneries of the two courtyards can be extended as parts of the hall, thus to ensure enough lights into the building.

five peaks fairy hall was built out of luxury materials. beams and pillars are all nanmu, which is a kind of timber only produced in china. that is also the reason why "five peaks fairy hall" is also commonly called "nanmu hall".

the "fossil fish" we are enjoying is the third treasure of lingering garden. it is a natural marble picture. in the middle of the picture are the clutters of mountains which are partly hidden and partly visible; below are flowing streams,above are floating clouds; right on the middle top is a round white spot like a sun or a moon.it is a picture drawn by the nature. the marble stone has a diameter of 1 meter or so and a thickness of 15 mms . it was produced in diancang mountain, yunnan province. it is a wonder how such big a stone was delivered in a good condition from yunnan which is over one thousand mile away from suzhou.

china is most famous for its elegant classical gardens.

among these, the lingering garden is one representative. if you would like to know more about chinese culture, we welcome you to visit suzhou again.



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Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to be your guide today.Now we are going to visit the Great Wall.

The Great Wall,symbolizing Chinas ancient civilization,is one of the most famous,grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world.It is just like a giant dragon starting from Yalu River and crossing high mountains,deserts and grassland to the Pamirs Plateau,the roof of the world from east to west in the northern part of China.

For many centruries,the Great Wall,as a military gigantic defensive project kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic tribes.Now,the Graet Wall has become a famous historical senic spot for tourists,and it liays a role in bridging the friendship between the Chinese people and peoples in different parts of the world.

The Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC.At that time,it was called Spring and Autumn Period.The first section of wall,that appeared in China,was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu.They had a high wall which was called "square wall" or "square city",built surrounding thier own territories to deffend the attacks of their neighbouring enemy.So it was also known as the Qi Wall or the Chu Wall.During the Warring State Period,seven states named Qi,Chu,Yan,Zhao,Han ,Wei and Qin bacame the most powerful states.In order to defend themselves against the refringing enemy from the neighbouring states,all the kigdoms had high walla built around their own territories.

In Chinese history,large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties:Qin,Han and Ming dynasties.The section of the wall began to be called the Graet Wallin the time of Qinshihuang.He linked up the separate sections of high walls in order to ward off harrassment by the Huns,and for the use of further defensive projects.The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao,Gansu Province in the west and ended in Lioadong,Liaoning Province in the east,totally 5,000 kilometers.The Han Great Wall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east,and ended at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Rigion,with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.In the Ming Dynasty,Emperor Zhuyuanzhang reconstructed the Great Wall because of the threats of the remaining forces and the ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen".The Graet Wall could help prevent the remnent forces of the Yuan Court from harrassing and securing the northern territories.The Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east,to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west.It passes nine cities,provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Ningxia and Gansu.

The most important two sections in Beijing were the Great Wall at Juyongguan and Badaling.Juyongguan Pass is located at 50 kilometers northJwest of downtown Beijing,The mountains flanking the valley have many graceful peaks and it used to one of the famous "Eight Views of Yanjing".

Juyongguan was built in a mountain gap between mountain peaks with only one road leading to the capital Beijing,which determined its military signifacance in ancient times through many dynasties and it has been consistently valuable to military strategists. The name "Juyong" means "a place of poor laborers".In order to commemorate the dead people,the Great Wall wass built here,we call it "Juyongguan Pass".There is an ancient marblr platform here known as "Cloud Terrace".It was built during the Yuan Dynasty and used as "the Crossing Road Pagoda".The Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high,26.8meters from east to west,17.6meters from north to south at the base.Inside the arched passage of Cloud Terrace,there are carved in relief Buddist images on the wall,such as the Rour Heavenly Kings,the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha Statues.There are also Buddha scriptures inscribed on the stone wall in the Sanskrit,Tibetan,Basiba,Xixia,Uyger and Han languages.They offer us wonderful examples of their exquisite workmanship and vividness in carving.Tey are extremely valuable to study the Buddhism and ancient languages.

The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best preserved partof the Great Wall."Bada" means "convenient transportation to all directions".From here,people can go all directions;hence the name "Badaling".Badaling Pass was an outpost of Juyongguan Pass.The wall here rose high on the mountain ridge.It used to be more important than Juyongguan Pass in the defence of Beijing.An old saying can be the best description:"It needs only one man to block ten thousand troops".

Nxet,Ill say something about the main force of the constrction work.It was composed of soiders,criminals and the local laborers.At that time,the common transportation method was to carry the building materials by backbreaking labor.So it is a difficult and long process.

The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watchtowers and 4 wall platforms.there are 4 characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling:"Juyongwaizhen" which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyongguan Pass.The western pas was carved "Beimensuoyue" which means ”a key to the north gate",describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of Beijing.If thegate was unlocked by a key,Beijing would be open.In order to make warning signals,Beacon Towers were built on both sides of the wallat the connanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns.Whenever the enemy was sighted,fires were lit on the top of Beacon Tower at night,and smoke was made during the daytime,There were also Watch Towers built here,which for watching over the invading enemy.

Well,thats all for my presentation.Thank you for your attention.Im looking forward to your next visit.Thank you!



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Hello, everyone! Im your guide. You can call me Xiao Zheng. Today, Imtaking you to Linjinyu, Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark includes Linjinyu ancient volcanicisland, Niutoushan ancient volcanic pass, Nanding Island, Yulinshan, etc. Today,I will take you to appreciate the special geological features of Linjinyu, anancient volcanic island.

How did the name "Lin Jin Yu" come from? There is a legend here: long ago,there was a man named Lin Zhen in Changtai County who suffered from leprosy andwas abandoned on this island by his people. He eats the animals and plants onthe island, drinks the water on the island, and concentrates on reading. Later,he recovered from his illness. Soon, he won the number one prize and worked inliupin. He worked in the capital for eight years. He was indifferent to fame andwealth. He was unwilling to flatter and said he was ill. This nameless island iscalled "linzhenyu" by later generations. In order to avoid it, it is also called"Linjinyu".

Now we have landed on Linjinyu, please be careful. Alkaline olivinebasaltic rocks can be seen locally on the island. In the long process ofgeological evolution, a rare volcanic landscape in the world has been formed:first, basaltic rock group with complete mechanism; second, lava lakephenomenon; third, giant columnar joints.

In the middle of the island are lush peaks, 72.7 meters above sea level.The spring on the island is clear, and there are goats running in the forest.The island is surrounded by basaltic rocks formed after volcanic eruption. Onthe islands Beihai beach, you can see that 16 craters are closely connected toform a circular ring, like VCT floppy disks. You feel that you can read itsgreat changes in the past thousands of years. The craters here are small andnumerous, there are giant columnar joints of basalt, and there are neat "giantcolumnar stone forest". How can it be controlled? You can think about it.

The island is full of rocks formed after volcanic eruption. The rocks hereare not as orderly arranged as the "stone pillars" in Niutoushan, but they areof various shapes.

Linjinyu in Zhangzhou coastal volcanic Geopark is an old and energeticisland. It is not only a scientific research base and creative base, but also agood place for sightseeing, leisure and vacation.

Here you are. Next you can visit freely. Please pay attention tosafety.



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The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.

QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.

As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel concrete, extended to 440 meters long and 8meters wide. A semicircular seawall as built at the end of the bridge.

Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.

At the Jutting Pier, we can enjoy various attractive sights such as Water Returning at the Pavilion, Listening to the Tide at the Pavilion. Extension of Rainbow and Moon Might at the Pier, which Were reputed as one of the 10 Sights of Qingdao as well as the 24 Top Sights of Qingdao City in the 1930s. Numerous scholars and men of letters have left behind a lot of poems and lines in Praise of the pier. It is a famous seashore attraction frequented by visitors. At the peak season, the daily tourist arrivals are above 200 000. It is a must for the VIPs, important officials and famous celebrities when they visit Qingdao.

Follow me please. Let us climb the stairs and overlook far into distance. A good place for sightiseeing. You can take photos here.
