





范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 2248 字

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Dear Professor _____________

We are so pleased that you will be visiting Stanford to speak at our _______ Research Workshop on [date]. To show our appreciation for your willingness to share your research, we would like to offer you a modest $_______ honoraria, assuming your visa and tax status allow you to accept this. Please be aware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37% withholding. In order to process this, we will need you to complete some paperwork; we will be in touch shortly about this. If you would like our assistance securing a visa to enter the United States, or an ITIN (tax identification number required to receive honoraria payments), please let us know—we will be glad to help with this. We are also prepared to cover the costs (up to $______) for your travel to and accommodations in the Stanford area. We can make and pay directly for travel arrangements for you, or, if you prefer, we can reimburse your for reasonable expenses (i.e. coach-class airfare for flights under eight hours in length, no entertainment or alcohol-related expenditures, tips 15% or less). If you choose the latter option, we will provide you with the forms and information necessary to be reimbursed by Stanford.

Sponsored by a grant form the Mellon Foundation, the Research Workshops at Stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of interest. I think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. We will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere.

If there are specific scholars at Stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. We will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logistics of your visit. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or __________, our workshop’s Graduate Student Coordinator (insert contact info here). The Stanford Humanities Center, the research center on campus that manages the Mellon Workshop Program, may also contact you.

Best wishes,

Faculty Coordinator

Name of Workshop

Stanford University



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1519 字

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范文类型:慰问信,全文共 678 字

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dear john

i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.

if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

your truly,

li ming



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 424 字

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那天晚上,月亮格外明亮,星星们害羞地躲了起来,只有几颗勇敢的大星星调皮地眨着眼睛。月亮上的嫦娥姐姐看着我,好像在说:“小弟弟,你们多幸福呀,我可孤单啦。欢迎你能来月宫做客,我做 南瓜饼给你吃……”



我最爱吃月饼了,刚要伸手去拿,爷爷笑眯眯地对我说:“别急,等敬完了月亮再吃。”为什么要敬月亮呢?姑姑告诉我这是为了祝福家家户户都能团团圆圆,爸爸讲起了嫦娥奔月的故事,小表妹在一 旁开心地跳起了拉丁舞。





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 459 字

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I have a great ability to learn and willing to learn, innovation, constantly striving for excellence; as a participant, I have an honest character, full of team spirit; As a leader, I have a brisk and resolute style, good communication and interpersonal skills. Computer highly relevant expertise and logistics management system training, work experience in companies and universities. Serious and responsible work, proactive, optimistic personality attached.



范文类型:口号,提示标语,适用行业岗位:班级,全文共 2862 字

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1. To conquer self does not concede, college entrance examination field show their skills


2. Civilized and polite and diligent, seize every minute to do the best


3. Learn to live to learn, to challenge themselves until success


4. Be the master of study


5. Fly my English dream


6. Do our best, enjoy ourselves


7. More English, more fun


8. Promise little, but do much


9. Where there is a will, there is a way


10. If you think you can, you can


11. The more noble, the more humble


12. Time lost cannot be won again


13. Time past cannot be called back again


14. Tomorrow never comes


15. Nothing seek, nothing find


16. One never loses anything by politeness


17. Impossible is nothing Just do it!


18. Happy English, happy life


19. To do the most, to show the best


20. English paradise, our world


21. Never say die Never give up


22. Don’t be shy, just have a try


23. Study English happily Learn English easily


24. The more you speak, the better youll be!


25. There is no royal road to learning


26. The greatest talkers are always least doers


27. Self confident, unremitting self-improvement


28. Creating the best class, do your best


29. Hard music school, unity and hard work


30. Unity of tension, hard work ahead


31. I believe my self-discipline, do not give up to succeed


32. Assertive discipline, truth-seeking and innovation


33. A clean conscience confidence bravery, perseverance invincible youth


34. With diligence and persistence, change the old


35. Grasp now, battle today


36. Struggle to create miracles, struggling to write brilliant


37. I am confident I am, I tried my success


38. Line and color, draw the most glorious life


39. Class Rong L, class shame my shame


40. Luck favors the prepared mind


41. The success like the struggle of the people


42. If winter es , can spring be far behind?


43. Dare and the world always yields


44. To pull together in times of trouble, split the waves move


45. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try


46. Speak English, sing English We are happy


47. Happy English, happy life I believe I can do!


48. Everybody speak English, the world will be nicer


49. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it


50. Rigorousness replaces loose, action instead of desire

51. Time is money


52. Truth never grows old


53. No pains,no gains





范文类型:祝福语,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 1056 字

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1. 万圣节,南瓜灯,苹果派,火鸡腿,大家都来共参与。圣灵你我心头在,多做善事积恩德,天堂你我留门在,万圣节,体会东西方不同的文化氛围!

2. 万圣节,南瓜为你把面发,苹果为你把糖挂,南瓜派,苹果饼,小鬼一来,全扫光,小气抠门可不行,不给糖果,捣蛋来,万圣节,玩的开心,笑的愉快!

3. 万圣节,你开门见鬼,鬼躲;抬脚踩鬼,鬼溜;举手招鬼,鬼逃;转角遇见鬼,鬼求饶。你以为你是钟馗呀。原来你扮得比鬼更可怕。祝万圣节玩鬼快乐。

4. 万圣节,悄然到,准备工作要做好;南瓜灯,要刻好,糖果蜡烛不能少;鬼面具,怪服饰,另类装束全放好;夜晚到,化好妆,相约出动乐陶陶。

5. 万圣节,切记不做“万”金油,要做就做万圣油;万圣节,切记不写“万”言书,要写就写万圣书;万圣节,祝你事业“万”年青,财富“万”元户!

6. 万圣节,去装鬼,我装扮成一只吸血鬼,抱住你,我就吸,吸干你的烦恼,吸光你的忧愁,把你也变成一个快乐的吸血鬼。祝你万圣节快乐。

7. 万圣节,上帝送我一个护身符,知道你胆小,上帝也为你准备了一个,让我今晚给你送去,不信你大喊一声,有鬼啊,它就会来保护你,试试,挺灵的!

8. 万圣节,是鬼的节日,亲爱的,你今天可不要乱出门哦,小心身后有鬼跟着你呢。不过你不用害怕,我会用我的爱为你驱走你身后所有的魔鬼!

9. 万圣节,送你糖果,祝爱情浪漫美如歌;送你魔帚,祝事业腾飞没尽头;送你南瓜灯,祝生活美好步步升;送你精灵,祝天天快乐好心情!万圣节开心!

10. 万圣节,送你一个开心鬼,愿你开心每一天;送你一个富贵鬼,愿你富贵每一天;送你个幸福鬼,愿你幸福每一天;送你个万能鬼,愿你事事顺心,万事如意!

11. 万圣节,送你一个转基因南瓜,烦恼转快乐,压力转轻松,困苦转幸福;再送你一群开心鬼,让你永远不会孤独寂寞。万圣节,你就是快乐幸福的主宰,一定要开心哦!

12. 万圣节,送你一只开心鬼,祝你开心整一年;送你一只招财鬼,祝你发财整一年;送你一只倒霉鬼,把你的霉运颠倒过来,变成好运整一年。愿明年的万圣节,三只鬼,再跟随你整一年。

13. 万圣节,送一条魔法短信,它能为你除去烦恼鬼,灭掉倒霉鬼,杀掉邪魔恶鬼,为你招来,幸运鬼,开心鬼,平安幸福鬼,祝万圣节快乐!

14. 万圣节,听说黑山老妖要抢你做压寨夫人,千年蛇妖要和你拜堂成亲,为了保你安全,我一次次为你祈祷,让你变成这么个呆头呆脑的小猪模样,这下不会有人要你啦。

15. 万圣节,为你送去一份祝福,祝你身材像魔鬼一样迷人,眼神像魔鬼一样诱人,本领像魔鬼一样超人。哈哈,万圣节快乐。



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:酒店,全文共 503 字

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我是一名学习酒店管理专业的大学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力. 在四年的学习生活中,我所学习的内容包括了从理论知识到专业技能知识的学习。.通过对这些知识的学习,我对这一领域的相关知识有了一定程度的理解和掌握, ,具有了一定的实际操作能力和技术.





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 415 字

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Since graduation I worked in mobile phone shop as a salesperson, cashier and manager, worked in company Amway China as a salesman, worked as salesman in Anta stores, work the cash register. I love the work, courage and hard working, study and work in Shes trying to learn all kinds of knowledge can include finance, marketing, market management, personnel exchanges and so on. I am familiar with computer operation.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 4939 字

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Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).


Mr.* ,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR”

and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,-*,DHA,

Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).

AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:-

1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.

2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months

Commencing from 15th January 2019. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period

3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month

4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month.

5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent

USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 2019.

6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES.


1. To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.

2. That the LESSEE shall not at any time during the terms, without the consent in writing of the LESSOR, pull down, damages or make any structure alterations to the DEMISED PREMESES provided always, the LESSEE shall have go write install any fixtures and fittings excluding air-conditioners in the DEMISED PREMESES, to detach and repossess the same subject to the restoration of the DEMISED PREMESES to their original state at his cost (reasonable wear and tear excepted) on the expiry of this lease or any renewal hereof.

3. To use the DEMISES PREMISES for residen

tial purpose and would not be used for a commercial purpose the DEMISES PREMISE would not be used occupied by Mr.

And family.

4. Not to sublet the whole or any part of the premises.

5. To pay regularly the bills for Electricity, Gas, Water and Telephone charges in respect of the DEMISED PREMISES. A copy of all the paid utility bill be forwarded to the LESSOR every three month regularly. In case of disconnection of any facility due to non-payment, LESSEE will be responsible to get them restored and pay the same. All dues must be cleared before the expiry of the LEASE.

6. The LESSEE shall keep and maintain the said premises in good and tenantable conditions during the tenure of the lease.


1. To pay all existing and future rate, taxes assessments and other charges of a public nature whether impose by the Municipality, Government or any other authority in respect of DEMISED PREMISES.

2. Not to erect or set up a building or structure on the DEMISES PREMISES nor to add to any existing building or structure during the period of lease or any renewal without the written consent of the LESSEE.


1. The LESSEE and the LESSOR shall have the right and option to terminate this Lease at any time only after the expiry of the lease period i.e., 24 months, provided they give ONE (1) month notice in advance to either of the parties.

2. The meter reading of various utilities are as given below:-


a) ELECRICITY ———————— ————————

b) GAS ———————— ————————

c) TELEPHONE ———————— ————————

d) WATER ———————— ————————

3. That the LESSEE has also agreed with the LESSOR for a mandatory increase in rent by 10% per annum, the rent would be enhanced to Rs.36,300/-( Rupees Thirty Six Thousand and Three Hundred Only), should the LESSOR and I ESSEE mutually to renew the Lease. It can be negotiated between the parties.

WHEREOF THE PARTIES hereto have executed these presents on the and day above written.


Mrs. Ghazala waheed

NIC NO._______________________



Chinese passport no.___________________



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 710 字

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ooda fternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!



范文类型:工作计划,适用行业岗位:学生会,学生,全文共 1292 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 6139 字

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The following document offers excellent guidelines when preparing a timber sale contract. Separate articles may be added to suit specific circumstances. It is advised that the Seller and Purchaser employ legal counsel to review the contract prior to its endorsement.

Contract entered into this ______ day of _____, 20___., by and between __________ of _________ Illinois, hereinafter called the Seller, and _____________, of ____________(city), ___________(state), Illinois Timber Buyer License Number _______, hereinafter called the Purchaser, WITNESSETH:

1. The Seller agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to buy for the total sum of ________dollars ($_______) under the conditions set forth in this contract all of the live standing timber marked or designated for cutting and all of the dead or down timber marked or designated upon an area of approximately _____ acres, situated in the _________ of Section ________, Twp._______ R._______, ____________ County, Illinois, on land owned and recorded in the name of _______________________.

The Purchaser further agrees to pay to the Seller as an initial payment under this contract the sum of _________________ dollars ($_________), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and a final payment in the sum of ________________ dollars ($_______), prior to any cutting or removal of timber under this contract.

2. The Seller further agrees to mark and dispose of the timber conveyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:

(a) All trees to be included in this sale will be marked with a distinctive mark on the bole and stump of each tree.

(b) No trees under _____ inches in diameter at a point 4 1/2 feet from the ground will be marked for cutting.

(c) No concurrent contract involving the area or period covered in this contract has been or will be entered into by the Seller without the written consent of the Purchaser

(d) The Purchaser and his employees shall have access to the area at all reasonable times and seasons for the purpose of carrying out the terms of this contract.

(e) Unless otherwise specified, all material contained in the marked or designated trees is included in this sale



3. The Purchaser further agrees to cut and remove all of the timber conveyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:

(a) Unless an extension of time is agreed upon in writing between the Seller and Purchaser, all timber shall be paid for, cut, and removed on or before and none after the _____ day of _______, 20___, and any material not so removed shall revert to the Seller.

(b) Unmarked trees and young timber shall be protected against unnecessary injury from felling and logging operations. If, however, unmarked trees are cut, damages shall be paid the Seller at the rate of $1 per tree per M bd. ft. for all other species, and in the event that any such trees are cut, said trees shall remain upon the premises and shall be the property of the Seller.

(c) Necessary logging roads shall be cleared by the Purchaser only after their locations have been definitely agreed upon with the Seller or his representative, and any trees to be removed in the clearing operations shall first be marked by the Seller.

(d) During the life of this contract and on the area covered, care shall be exercised by the Purchaser and his employees against the starting and spread of fire, and they shall do all in their power to prevent and control fires.

(e) Any liability for damage, destruction, or restoration of private or public improvements or personal damages occasioned by or in the exercise of this contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Purchaser, and the Purchaser shall save harmless the Seller on account of such damages.

(f) The risk if loss or damage to the trees herein purchased, from any and all causes whatever, shall be borne by purchasers from the date hereof.

(g) The Purchaser will not assign this agreement without the written consent of the Seller.




4. The Seller and Purchaser mutually agree as follows:

(a) All modifications of the contract will be reduced to writing, dated, signed, and witnessed and attached to this contract.

(b) Any need for reassignment of interest of either party may be changed within 10 days following written consent by both parties. All terms of this contract legally bind the named representatives to excuse this document as written.

(c) The total number of trees conveyed is _____ (having a volume of approximately _____bd. ft.) composed as follows:

_______ white oak, _______ red and black oak, __________________, ____________________, ______________________, __________________.

(d) In case of dispute over the terms of this contract, final decision shall rest with a reputable person to be mutually agreed upon the by parties to this contract. If the parties hereto do not agree upon a third party within 10 days following the initiation of the dispute, or in the case of further disagreement, then within 15 days from the initiation of the dispute, it shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration of three persons, one to be selected by each party to this contract and the third to be selected by the other two. The Board shall decide the dispute within 5 days after the matter is referred to it.

In the event that damages are awarded to the Seller by the Board of Arbitration and are not paid on the date that the award is made, then all operations of the Purchaser shall immediately cease, and if the award is not paid or satisfied within 30 days after the date of award, the Seller may take immediate possession of the premises upon which the timber is located, shall retain as liquidated damages all money paid by the Purchaser, and the title to all timber shall revert to and become the property of the seller.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this __________ day of ______________________ 20____.


______________________________   ______________________________

for the Purchaser               Purchaser

______________________________   ______________________________

for the Seller                  Seller



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1424 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 5886 字

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In August 1983 in the University of Traditional Chinese MedicineMedical medicine professional graduation, the same year assigned to the City Occupational prevention and treatment of any clinical and occupational disease prevention physician, from 1985 to 1998 at the end of the Duanzhou District Peoples Hospital, former infectious diseases Department of internal medicine, emergency department, pediatrician, served as internal medicine, medical department deputy director, during the study of pediatric medicine and respiratory medicine. Since the end of 1998 in the hospital, former vice president of operations, the hospital

Long, Duanzhou District Peoples Congress Standing Committee, in addition to the completion of administrative work, adhere to four and a half days a week clinical work, clinical medicine mainly engaged in pediatric medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine respiratory clinical two specialist clinical work.

Occupational disease prevention and control in the work period, mainly engaged in the use of Chinese medicine treatment of occupational diseases and clinical common and frequently-occurring disease treatment. For example, in the treatment of occupational diseases, the application of Qi and blood yin and yang treatment of benzene poisoning, radioactive leukopenia, good curative effect. In the Duanzhou District Peoples Hospital during the work, according to the West Hospital and clinical work characteristics, adhere to the use of integrated traditional and Western medicine treatment of diseases, but also the modern Chinese medicine formulations for the rescue of critically ill patients, and good at summing up previous experience, Application of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment of special medicine for jaundice hepatitis, severe hepatitis, cirrhosis, the use of Chinese medicine treatment of chronic cardiopulmonary failure disease also received good effect. The use of the name of the old Chinese medicine prescription "Cangling soup" treatment of viral enteritis diarrhea in children with obvious effect.This period also engaged in the clinical research of respiratory diseases, such as: the routine examination and swan-ganz catheter and pulmonary artery mean pressure relationship between the study, blood stasis treatment of pulmonary hypertension research. Houttuynia injection intrathoracic injection of pleural effusion on the efficacy of Chinese medicine for the treatment of advanced cancer pain observation.

The end of 1998 transferred to the hospital work, combined with the needs of hospital work, mainly in the clinical treatment of pediatric medicine in pediatric diseases and respiratory diseases, in the hospital opened pediatric medicine and respiratory medicine specialist clinic, engaged in treatment related diseases Focus on the use of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, adhere to the syndrome differentiation treatment of specialist diseases, the effect is quite good, this does not injections, less money, good effect, less painful traditional Chinese medicine treatment, minimizing the problem of expensive medical patients, Welcome, since most of them are not injection therapy, are welcomed by pediatric patients. In the prevention and treatment of "SARS" during the "atypical pneumonia" at the beginning of the discovery of the cause of unknown circumstances, the use of Chinese medicine prevention and treatment of "warm" theory, the timely use of "Qingrejieduyin" method to prevent "SARS" Since then the national, provincial experts launched the relevant agencies to prevent "SARS" treatment. Played the role of Chinese medicine in dealing with the prevention of unexpected infectious diseases. In recent years, continue to dig and carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of disease, the introduction of physical therapy treatment of internal medicine disease, the combination of traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion, microwave therapy, Chiropractic combined with the treatment of pediatric asthma, bronchitis, allergic diseases and Diarrhea and other diseases, physical therapy and traditional Chinese medicine combined treatment, a significant reduction of drugs, especially antibiotics in the course of treatment of human side effects and damage.In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to adhere to the treatment of disease at the same time, continue to absorb the theory of modern medicine to enrich the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory, such as the introduction of "Longs chiropractic" theory and therapy, "spine-related disease neck theory, deepen and enrich the traditional internal medicine theory Knowledge, due to internal disease disease etiology and pathophysiology master deepen understanding of medical treatment means diversification, improve the level of internal medicine disease diagnosis and efficacy.In addition to seriously study the professional, but also concerned about the development of related disciplines, directly participate in the ministerial level "Lingnan Tiaotong treatment of ankylosing spondylitis standard research", has passed the national acceptance and scientific and technological achievements appraisal, and has been City Science and Technology Progress Award. Practice for more than 20 years, did not forget to carry forward the mission of Chinese medicine Won the Provincial Peoples Government issued the "fight against non-iodine third-class merit", the Municipal Peoples Government awarded the "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The city of Chinese medicine, "the honorary title, won the city of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital outstanding president, in January by the Peoples Republic of China Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine awarded the" National Health System Excellent Worker "honorary title.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 5978 字

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Time flies in the companys three-month trial is coming to an end, the memories of this short but rich practical life, I am both nervous and novelty, but also a lot of harvest. Here is my brief summary of my internship life.

First of all, in the ideological and organizational discipline, abide by the provisions of internships, no late, leave early, absenteeism and sick leave, and actively participate in health, water conservation, public property, civilized courtesy, modesty, respect leaders and colleagues, unity and fraternity , And colleagues get along. Second, the work attitude, work hard work, dedication, hard work, listening and coordination with the leadership of the squad leader arrangements, humbly accept the car supervisor and other colleagues criticism and suggestions, and strive to do their work, can do rigorous work, Diligent study to ask, and complete the squad leader layout of the task. In practical ability, the harvest the most, the biggest satisfaction is learned before the company has no contact with the equipment so that I know more about driving equipment and textbooks outside the knowledge and doing things the truth. In practice, the theory can be linked with practice, by solving the problems encountered in practice, increased self-knowledge and ability to solve things, but also learned a lot of things that have not previously learned. In life, to know a lot of work together with their colleagues to get along with them, in learning to learn from each other with advice, to help each other, mankind also received a lot of life. I am very grateful to Hai Chang company to give me this rare internship opportunities and work, but also very grateful to the leadership and car supervisor Zhou monitor for my trust and concern, I also cherish this opportunity to learn in this three months trial a lot Things, I believe that if we can work for the Hoi Chang more, their own is also learned more.

The trial in the , brought me some of my previous company did not touch the knowledge, which will be our future work, life, and the next electrical maintenance work of great help. More importantly, in the electrician internship I learned is a serious and scientific attitude, through the electrical practice, so I Siemens electrical control systems, inverter, ship loading machine, bucket wheel, and electrical technology Have a deeper understanding of the rationale for electrical technology and other aspects of expertise to do a better understanding. At the same time, through internships to obtain the actual production knowledge and installation skills such as electrician technical knowledge, develop their ability to link theory with practice, improve the ability to analyze and solve problems, enhance the ability to work independently, to cultivate cooperation among colleagues, to explore and advance together spirit. More than three months of trial, so I more deeply understand the importance of practice, through the practice of more understanding of the "apply what they have learned," the truth of this sentence, there is a problem there is gain, there is increased.Theory and practice are very different, and many things need to think for themselves, only to pay, will get, there is thinking, there is a gain, it means to improve, it increased the practical ability and thinking ability.

Establish the overall concept, do their jobs No matter what work, establish a global consciousness is the primary problem, electrical maintenance is no exception. I think the electrician should be the first time to deal with equipment problems, to meet production. Collection of problems in order to make timely improvements, so that better maintenance to meet future production requirements. As the electrician should have a strong professional and technical knowledge, but also should have good communication skills, some equipment has been due to the use of improper operation before there is a problem, and often not reflect the maintenance of not, so this time we need to find Out of the crux of the problem, and they flow, regulate the operation, so as to avoid such problems

I think the electrician should be the first time to deal with equipment problems, to meet production. Collect questions,

In order to make timely improvements, so that better maintenance to meet future production requirements. Proficient in professional skills, diligent on-site observation of independent thinking, and more exchanges with colleagues, and strive to continuously improve their level. Every maintenance of a driving, is the companys traffic equipment to further promote the work of technical understanding. This three-month trial, I learned a lot of things, not only learning, but also learned a lot of truth in life, for me to benefit greatly. This is my future into the future work is very useful.In addition, I learned how to better communicate with others, how to better state their views, how to persuade others to agree with their point of view. I believe that these valuable experiences will be the most important cornerstone of my future success. Trial is a must have every experience into the plant, it allows me to understand the companys equipment in practice, work content, regulations and society, so we learned a lot in schools and companies simply do not learn the knowledge, but also opened the Vision, an increase of knowledge, for me to better serve the future Haichang lay a solid foundation.

The information age, the basic hands-on ability is all work and create the basis and necessary conditions, and only continue to increase their ability to have a very rich knowledge in the future competition will not be eliminated. There must be good technology and judgment to make the work go smoothly. The internship, let me feel. In the process of learning in the future, I should try to combine theory and practice, focusing on the ability to exercise their own hands, so that their future work face a certain confidence and confidence.



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 558 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 1002 字

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My name is Zhao Yiqi, a horse. Im eight years old. Im in Renmin Road Primary School. Im a third-grade student. Look, I have black hair, bright eyes and a pair of dexterous hands.

I like reading. I have read many books, such as The Story of the Puppet, The Diary of the Smiling Cat, The 100,000 Why, and so on. From the books, I have learned a lot of knowledge.

I am a child who likes to laugh. I always have a smile on my face when something happens. I laugh at anyone who says the wrong thing in class, and I laugh endlessly at anyone who tells a joke during class. I read and laughed, watching TV and laughed. Once I saw a sketch of Zhao Benshan. I couldnt help laughing, and my stomach ached.

I love to play, too. After class, I play games with my classmates. After school, I play along the roadside. On weekends, I play in the fields. On holidays, I play at my grandmas house. Once, I ran out to play in the morning and came back at noon. My mother said, "You are so funny!"

This is me. Do you know me?



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1037 字

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i am from a communist party official community members, i call . on december 12th to join the chinese communist party, and in on dec. 15 in july, will achieve becomes smooth finish school joins district branch organization of this glorious. during the period of school i studied the financial accounting major, and the students management organization, in their constant efforts become an excellent student body president. in his work, the first learned to work, a good leader should have excellent work unceasingly, will have good interpersonal relationship. learn financial, enlightened life. , let me understand the professional study, to be one step a footprint, the collapse of tashi. now that im graduating from college, but walked into the classroom society, i knew i have many insufficient place, so after learning, i will like to sit in the senior leaders, learn a lot. in order to progress to the community, in order to reflect the progress, the streets of advanced nature of the communist party of china, let us work together!



范文类型:邀请函,全文共 369 字

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The new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? Do you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Lets share classmate heart at (time place). Can not wait any more...

Come on! Where is your passion?

Happy night and day!
