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Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of Fujian Province,about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast foot of thenorthern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery withsteep peaks, beautiful waters, clear water and Danfeng. The ancients said thatit has three or three wins in water and six or six odd peaks, so it is known asQixiu a. There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is blue and clear. It turns aroundthe mountain, forming the victory of Jiuqu mountain. Some of the most famouspeaks in Wuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffin on the cliff are listedbeside Jiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of SongDynasty, Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which areof great humanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such asChongyou Wannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rareanimals and plants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There isalso a Wuyishan Nature Museum. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical andcultural mountain. The ancients said: Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north and Wuyi inthe south. Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived herefor more than 40 years. He set up an account to teach disciples and wrote booksand theories, making it the cultural center of Southeast China and known asDaonan Li cave. Taoism also calls it the 16th cave. There are no less than 20__hymns written by literati and scholars in the past dynasties. There are morethan 400 inscriptions on the cliffs. These rich cultural and historical relicsalso add to the style of the famous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boatcoffins, the ancient city ruins of the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kilnruins of the Song Dynasty and the imperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty makeWuyishan a place for people to visit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations human and nature reserve.




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那我们继续往前走,我们就到了九龙窠,九龙窠是一个幽奇深邃的峡谷,九认嶙峋的山峰,犹如九条腾空而起的游龙。在九龙窠最后一窠岩壁间,用石块垒成的盆景似的茶园,上面生长着几丛茶树,它就是闻名于世的“茶中之王”——大红袍。大红袍之所以能够获得茶中之王的誉称, 因为它的生长环境得天独厚。大家请看,茶树所处的峭壁上,有一条狭长的岩罅,岩顶终年有水自罅滴落。而随水流落的还有苔藓等有机物,因而这块土壤较它处润泽肥沃。且两旁岩壁直立,日照不常,气温变化不大。再加之茶农平时精心管理,采制加工时,一定要选技术最好的茶师来主持,使用的也是特别的器具。由于以上种种原因,自然就使大红袍的成茶具有独到的品质和卓著的药效。关于大红袍茶树名的由来,民间传说很多,有的说天心庙的老方丈,用生长在九龙窠的神茶治好了一位进京赶考举人的病,后来举人得中状元,为感谢神茶救命之恩,回到武夷山,脱下身上的大红袍披在茶树上,后人便给茶树取名为“大红袍”。但更多的人认为大红袍茶树是因为早春时节,叶牙勃发满树艳红。远望宛如一件件大红袍覆盖树冠而得名。 大红袍茶树仅有四株,来武夷的旅游者,无不想一睹大红袍茶树为快。 好了,各位游客,我们今天的游览就到此结束,在此祝大家每天开开心心,心想事成!!



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Dear friends, the wall we see now is the Wuyi jingshe site. Wuyi jingshewas an academy built by Zhu Xi in 1183. According to Dong Tiangongs records ofWuyi Mountains, Wuyi jingshe was a big building in Wuyi Mountain at that time,which was called "the Grand View of Wuyi". There are Renzhi hall, Yinqiu room,zhisuliao, shimenwu, guanshanzhai, Hanqi hall, wandui Pavilion and TiediPavilion. Those who come from all over the world sigh for their success. Zhu Xiwrote books in Wuyi jingshe, advocated Taoism and lecturing for ten years, andcultivated a large number of Neo Confucianism talents. Therefore, Wuyi jingshe,which he founded, was attached great importance to by feudal rulers and wasrepaired and expanded in all dynasties. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty,the expanded Wuyi jingshe was renamed "Ziyang academy", which was allocated bythe government to Gongtian to support scholars. Then he set up the teaching postof "mountain head" to preside over the teaching affairs. In the early YuanDynasty, Shanchang was changed to "Professor". In 1365, Wuyi jingshe wasdestroyed by the war. In 1448, after Zhu Xun and Zhu Shu, the eighth grandsonsof Zhu Xi, invested in the reconstruction, they were also called "Zhu WengongTemple" to worship Zhu Xi. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, the plaque of "XueDa Xingtian" was granted, which was rebuilt. In 1708,the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang often called on Luo manbao to donate hissalary and advocate the repair of jingshe, which has a history of more than 200years.

Hundreds of meters from Wuyi jingshe, there are more than 10 caves underthe xibiyan of jiezhufeng. In the morning and evening of winter and spring,light clouds often emerge from the cave and wander gently between the peaks androcks. Sometimes they gather together, sometimes they disperse, freely andunpredictable. Therefore, the name of the cave is "cloud nest". Cloud nest issurrounded by sound rock, Danlu rock, Xianji rock, Tianzhu peak, dressing table,shaibuyan, Tianyou peak, cangping peak, Jiezhu peak, etc. The stone gate you seein front of you is the site of Shugui jingshe. "Shugui jingshe" is clearlyvisible on the forehead. Shugui, surnamed Jiang Mingzhi, was born in theNorthern Song Dynasty. He was an official of Xiaolian. There used to be anexquisite ancient building built in the early Qing Dynasty to commemorate JiangZhi. Now this stone gate is the only one left. I pass the stone gate of Shuguishouse, but I feel suddenly enlightened. The pavilion on the left, which is onthe edge of Jiuqu River, is called Shimao Qinglian Pavilion. The peak on theright is Yinping peak, which is attached to Yinping peak. There are three markson the waist of the peak, as if it were broken and connected together. It iscalled jiezhufeng. The pavilion under Yinping peak is called Shuiyue Pavilion.It is said that the moon is bright and the stars are rare. When you enjoy themoon with wine in the pavilion at night, the wind can reach four moons. Pleaseguess which four moons are there? One in the sky, one in the water, one in thecup, and one in the heart. The dark rock in the middle of the cloud nest lookslike a reclining elephant, commonly known as iron elephant rock. There is acrack in the middle of the iron elephant rock. People walk through it, but theyfeel that the sky is like a line. In order to distinguish Xinan Lingyanyixiantian, it is called "xiaoyixiantian". Yunwo is bounded by tiexiangyan,which is divided into upper and lower yunwo. Yunwo boulder leaning, back rocknear the water, is located in Wuhan

Yishan essence zone is the first win area for Wuyi. It has always been aplace where ancient scholars and famous officials lived in seclusion. In 1583,Chen Sheng, the Minister of the Ministry of war, built "Youxi cottage" betweenthe upper and lower cloud nests. There were more than 10 pavilions, platforms,buildings and pavilions, including binyun hall, Qiyun Pavilion, ChaoyunPavilion, Shengyun terrace and chiyun Pavilion. Unfortunately, these buildingshave been abandoned for a long time. Some cliff inscriptions left on the cliffcan still vaguely remind people of the prosperity of the past. There is aninteresting story about Youxi thatched cottage and Wuyi jingshe. It is said thatwhen Chen built Youxi cottage in yunwo, Ziyang academy built by Zhu Xi was veryold. On the one hand is the elegant environment and exquisite architecture; onthe other hand is the academy which is in disrepair and about to collapse. Whena scholar saw this scene, he wrote a poem on the wall: "Ziyang academy againstQingbo, broken the wall and half a female bamboo shoot. I love the pavilion andpavilion next to each other, and the painting column and the Zhugong are thecloud nest. " When Chen saw the poem, he said with a smile: This is obviouslyexciting. Today, the Ziyang academy has been renovated by donating money andemploying workers.

The peak on the left side of tiexiangyan is the sun cloth we saw on thebamboo raft. Please pay attention to it. There are spots in the middle of thewall of the sun cloth rock, which looks like the palm of a man. There are dozensof lines more than ten feet long. It is said that this is left by an immortal,so the sun cloth rock is also called "Xianzhang peak". As a result of years ofwater erosion, shaibuyan is covered with hundreds of straight water tracks.Whenever the West slanting sun shines on the wall, it can be seen more clearly.Overlooking the stream, you can see that the shadow is at the bottom of thestream and rippling with the waves, just like countless flowing black and whitesnakes running straight down from the bottom of the stream. If it rains, therain will fall down from the top of the rock along the straight track, as if theSu Lian is in the air, and thousands of silver dragons are flying, which can becalled a wonder. There is a popular story about the origin of shaibuyan andxianzhangfeng: it is said that a long time ago, the weaver girl of Tiangongcarried brocade bags and sang songs to collect colorful brocade every day. Thesebrocade, together with strands of gold and silver thread, are woven into silksand satins for the queen mother. One morning, when the tiaotan Dajiao fairy, whowas in charge of the transportation, was walking on the cloud road throughyunwo, Wuyi Mountain, carrying a load of silk and brocade woven by the weavinggirl, he inadvertently looked down and was immediately fascinated by the wonderof "blue water and Danshan". He then put down the brocade to play. When he heardthe drum of the heavenly palace, he thought of the brocade. He saw that the silkhad been wet. He was afraid of the Queens reproach. So he shook away thebrocade and put it on the wall of the rock. But the brocade was too long, and italways fell to the edge of the Liuqu stream. He pulled and pulled until it wassmooth. After several times of hard work, the immortal Bigfoot was in a state ofdistress and found a yin

Cool place then snore big sleep. As soon as I wake up, the sun has gonewest. When he got up and looked at it, there was a golden glow in front of him.Originally, it was made of damask, shining in the sun, which made the blue waterand Danshan more beautiful. Big foot fairy touched with his hand, and the rockwall was hot. He was flustered and rushed to collect the cloth. However, theribbons and satins have been melted into the smooth stone wall, and even thepalm of dajiaoxians cloth has been embedded into the rock wall forever. "Nowthere are fairy palms on the stone, green moss on the green fingers." This isthe view of Xianzhang peak.

Please note that the word "Fu Hu" is engraved on the front wall. The authorof the inscription is Chen Sheng, the owner of Youxi cottage. In the 11th yearof Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1583), Chen province was excluded because of hisdisagreement with the prime minister Zhang Juzheng. Although the Emperor gaveseveral gifts, he still resigned and returned to Fujian. Its only with deepfeelings that we dont meet. Its built in Wuyi Mountain. There is a rock inshiyunwo that looks like a crouching tiger. The word "Crouching Tiger" is usedto describe him as a crouching tiger in Wuyi Mountain, hoping to make a comebackone day. The bamboo cluster on the right of fuhuyan is the square bamboomentioned by Mr. Guo Moruo in his poems about Wuyi. This kind of bamboo looksround, but it is very strange to touch. If you dont believe it, you can feelit. From the stone path in front of Fuhu rock, you can see a stone gate with theword "towering deep lock" engraved on its forehead. When you enter the stonegate, you suddenly see a bright future. This is known as tea production "a Wuyi"said the tea hole. Looking from the cave, you can see jiesun peak, Yinping peak,Qingyin rock, Tianyou peak, Xianzhang peak, and Xianyou rock far away in Sanqu.The cliffs are like tall walls. The only way to surround them is a rock in theWest. People in the cave, which covers an area of 67 mu, look up and see onlythe blue sky. Just as Xu Xiake wrote in his travels to Wuyi Mountain: "all thepeaks are steep on the top, but the bottom is complex. There is no Dengdaooutside, and only the West leads to a ridge, which is more correct than theMingyan of Tiantai." Therefore, there are scholars in the past dynasties whobuilt a seclusion in the cave, such as Liu Hengs small seclusion in the SongDynasty, Li Zhongdings Zhuxia residence in the Ming Dynasty, and Dong maoxunsLiuYun Library in the Qing Dynasty. Now these ancient buildings

Most of them are missing, except the former site of Dong maoxuns Liuyunbookstore. This pool in the north of Chadong is called "Xianyu pool", where thesnowflake spring falling from Tianyou peak and Qifeng is gathered. It is saidthat there was a fairy bathing in this pool, so it is named. Look at the stonepath leading to Yinping peak in the south. More than ten meters away from ourlocation, there is a stone gate with the word "Liuyun bookstore" engraved on theforehead. This is the former site of LiuYun Bookstore built by Dong maoxun. Morethan 200 years ago, the author of Wuyi Mountain records, Gong Tiangong,completed the compilation of 24 volumes of Wuyi Mountain records in his fatherDong maoxuns Liuyun library, leaving a valuable cultural heritage for Wuyipeople. Through the stone gate, through the "chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge",we can see the inscription "immortal world" on the cliff, which means that thereis the dividing line between the human world and the fairyland. Only those whohave the courage and knowledge to cross the dangerous path of Wuyi Mountain -"chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge" can enter the peak fairyland. Standing atthe top of the peak, this pavilion is called "Xianyi Pavilion". Climb a few moremeters to the top of Yinping peak. The original Mosque at the peak was built inthe third year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1577) and is now abandoned. Fromthe top to the south, there is a hole in the half wall, which is called"nanmingjing". Liu Duanyang, a Taoist of Ming Dynasty, was born here, and thereare still stone tombs and mirages. Dear friends, please get ready for climbing.Now we begin to climb Tianyou peak. From Chadong to Tianyou peak, there are morethan 800 stone steps. If you are interested, you may as well count them whileclimbing to see who has the most accurate number.

At this moment, we finally boarded the Tianyou peak viewing platform. Wehave worked hard all the way. According to the figures just reported by you, Mr.Zhang and Mr. Li are the most accurate. There are 826 stone steps. Thank you foryour cooperation. Tian swimming pool peak is connected with Xianyou rock in theEast and Xianzhang peak in the West. It is surrounded by thousands of highpeaks. When its sunny after the rain and the first morning dew, the vast whiteclouds cover the mountains and valleys; the wind blows the clouds, ups anddowns, just like the waves of the sea, surging and surging. Standing on theviewing platform and looking at the sea of clouds, its like being in afairyland of Penglai. You are invited to visit qiongge in Tiangong, so itscalled "Tianyou". Located in the center of the scenic spot, it is an excellentWuyi landscape viewing platform. With the circulation of time sequence, you canenjoy the sunrise, clouds, Buddha light, sunset, bright moon, etc. from theviewing platform, you can rent a column to look far away, but you can see a fewpeaks. The peak in the west is Baqus Sanjiao peak, and the peak in the East isYiqus Dawang peak. Overlooking the nine winding, bamboo rafts gently swing,Wuyi landscape panoramic view, it is open-minded, forget home. Xu Xiakecommented: "it is not near the river, but can make the best of Jiuxi, and canmake the best of Jiuxi. This peak should be the first."

From the viewing platform, there is a palace like building in front of you,which is Tianyou temple. On the wonderful stage after watching, you can see thatthe tree with the brand of ancient and famous trees is the rare red bean tree.Whenever the mature season, mountain breeze, pods have been scattered on theground, rolling out of the red beans, crystal clear, bright and lovely.

Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "red beans are born in thesouth. How many branches will spring bring? I hope you can pick more. This isthe most Acacia. " I hope you can find a few more grains under the tree and takethem home to become the perfect memorial of Wuyishan. The stream beside the redbean tree is called Hu Ma stream. On the stone wall beside the stream, there aremore than one cliff stone of past dynasties. Among them, the largest "firstmountain" is inscribed by Xu Qingchao, general of dongwuxian, Renchen, Daoguang.It means that Tianyou peak is "the first resort of Wuyi", so it should be called"the first mountain". It is also explained that Wuyi Mountain is a famous Taoistmountain, which ranks the 16th among the 36 caves. The founder of Taoism isLaozi, who is the first in the world. Therefore, the famous mountain he occupiedshould be the "first mountain" in the world. After enjoying the cliff stonecarvings and climbing the rugged hill, the memorial archway in front is thememorial archway of Zhongzheng park. The original memorial archway was engravedwith the word "Zhongzheng Park", which was knocked out during the culturalrevolution. Now the relevant departments are in charge of restoring thislandscape.

Dear friends, this is the end of Tianyou peak tour. Please have a rest.Next stop is Taoyuan cave.



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Hello everyone! Im your guide. My name is tan. Please call me DirectorTan. "A stream runs through the mountains, and the clear and shallow scenerylingers in the nine twists and turns. A stream to rock Xiu, reflection immersioncold green Today, Im going to take you to Wuyishan Scenic Spot, which has thereputation of "qixiujia Southeast".

The first scenic spot we arrived at was the poetic Jiuqu River. First ofall, I would like to briefly introduce the general situation of Jiuqu River: inthe world, Wuyi Mountain is the first, and the soul of Wuyi is in Jiuqu River.This stream originated from the main peak of the Wuyi Mountains -- the southernfoot of Huanggang mountain. It is clear and clear. It passes through the WuyiMountain Scenic Area from west to East through Xingcun town. It is full of waterand turns into nine curves, so it gets its name. Jiuqu River covers an area of8.5 square kilometers, with a total length of about 9.5 kilometers. Each songhas a different landscape.

You can take a bamboo raft and meander down the Jiuqu River. The clearwater will make you forget all your troubles. The craggy peaks and craggy rockson both sides of the Strait will give you all kinds of reverie. Id like tobriefly introduce some precautions for taking a bamboo raft

1、 According to six people on a bamboo raft, we are free to combine;

2、 On the bamboo raft, please dont rush to make a speech before steppingon two bamboo. To avoid slipping into the water;

3、 When the bamboo raft is moving, you should follow the instructions ofthe rafters. Please dont take photos from the chair or walk on the raft.

Dear friends, the bamboo raft drives up to the shoal. The mountain on theright is called Xianyan. Please pay attention to whether this huge stone on therock looks like a banana fan. The three peaks close to Xianyan are not like aball in the middle, and the peaks on both sides are like two male lions,commonly known as "two lions playing ball". The rock on the right side of thestream has a sharp mouth and thin legs, and its back is covered with vines andflowers, commonly known as "peacock Kaiping stone".

Look at the two peaks on the right, one is danluyan, the other isxianjiyan. The former is named for its resemblance to the alchemy furnace of thelegendary taishanglaojun, while the latter has two round stone nests on therocks. It is said that it is the knee nests left by Wuyi immortal kneeling downto worship the emperors grandmother, so it is also called "xianxiyan". The twocaves beside the stream are called Micang and Yancang. Further on, the peak thatcatches our eyes is Tianzhu peak, commonly known as "JiuTan peak".

The second scenic spot we arrived at was the wonder of the world "a line ofsky". It is the most strange cave in Wuyi Mountain. The one on the left isLingyan cave, the one in the middle is wind tunnel, and the one on the right isFuxi cave. A line of sky is a crack in the middle of a mountain, just like asharp axe. Its less than a foot long, about 100 meters long, and leaks into theskylight line. This is the miracle of "uncanny workmanship". The first line ofthe sky is about 100 meters long and less than 90 cm wide. The narrowest part ofthe first line of the sky is only 50 cm. Some fatter tourists should be carefulnot to get stuck. Now please follow me from Fuxi cave into the cave, you can seea ray of sky light, just like a rainbow across the sky. Its very wet in a lineof days, and theres water in some places. Please be careful not to slip! Lookup, you can see bats passing overhead from time to time, and you may be hit bythe droppings of bats at any time. Tourists generally jokingly call people whoare stained with bat dung "lucky" and call them lucky people.

Dear friends, we have arrived at the third scenic spot, Tianxin scenicspot. The stream we see now is called Zhangtang stream. Zhangtangjian is thelongest mountain stream in the north of Wuyishan Scenic Area, about 7.5km long.Please follow the direction I pointed out. There are several adjacent caves onthe half wall of Danxia Mountain. There are several small wooden buildings inthe caves, which are built on the cliff. They are either hidden in the cave orclose to the cliff. They are up and down the hanging ladder and around thefence. I dont know if you have found a problem. Why is it called Tianjia framewhen the county building is built between the cliffs? This is because in orderto save time, the construction materials used in the construction at that timewere directly lifted from the rock bottom. Do you see that the fir trees thatwere erected outside the cave were the ones that installed the crane, a kind oflifting machinery. So the local people call this scene "sky frame". Go on, crossthe stone bridge in front of Huiyuan temple and turn left into Liuxiang stream.Liuxiangjian, formerly known as daoshuikeng, is located at the northern foot oftianxinyan. Strange to say, all the streams and springs in Wuyishan Scenic Spotrun from west to east to Xiakou and join Chongyang stream. Only this mountainstream, since the origin of the North Valley of Sanyang peak, flows to thenorthwest and flows back to the mountain, so it is named. Along the way, theflowing water and the flying flowers come together, and the faint fragrancecomes from time to time. Xu Xun, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, traveled here andcould not bear to leave, so he changed the name of the stream to "liuxiangstream". There is an alley Valley in the stream, with dangerous rocks standingon both sides, and only one person is allowed to flow between them. It is coolin summer, so it is called Qingliang gorge. A long way out of Qingliang gorge,you can see a black mountain peak, on top of which stands a huge stone leaningforward, just like a farmer wearing a hat. It is said that this huge stone camefrom afar, so it is called feilaifeng. Around Feilai peak, you can see that thismountain is called "Yuzhu peak". From Yuzhu peak to jiulongke. Jiulongke is asecluded and deep gorge. The rugged peaks of jiuren are like nine dragonssoaring into the sky. From jiulongke to Lixu, you can see the rock calledtianxinyan. The temple under the rock is Yongle temple, the largest existingtemple in Wuyi Mountain. After reconstruction, Yongle temple is 170 meters longfrom north to South and 150 meters wide from east to west, covering an area ofabout 26000 square meters. Yongle Temple flourished in the Qing Dynasty, withmore than 100 monks. Since the reform and opening up, especially in the 1990s,the relevant departments have decided to restore Yongle temple. At present, theconstruction of the main hall is in progress. Beside the mountain path leadingto the Zen temple, a new rock carving of Maitreya Buddha has been chiseled. Itis 19 meters high and 13 meters wide. The huge "Buddha" character behind therock is written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is 11 meters high and9 meters wide, with a total area of 99 square meters, which means "nineauspicious".

Pay close attention to whether your eyes are tired. Take a rest. Next stopis Shuiliandong.

Dear friends, the cave we see now is the water curtain cave. Located in theeast of danxiazhang, shuilian cave was formerly known as Tangyao cave.Therefore, there are two flying springs on the top of ruiquan rock peak, flowingdown with the wind, just like a brilliant water curtain, so later generationschanged it to water curtain cave. The cave is the largest in Wuyishan ScenicArea, with a height of more than 100 meters and a width of more than 100 meters.The roof of the cave is obliquely covered, just like a cornice, covering half ofthe sky. In front of the entrance of the cave, the clear spring flows on bothsides all the year round, falling down from the top of the rock more than 100meters high. Where the breeze passes, the water drops are swaying and opening.With the wind, as if tiannu scattered flowers, as well as two hanging beadcurtain. Water curtain cave, Xuan Shuang bright, can accommodate hundreds ofpeople. The teahouses along the cliff are the sites of the Sanxian temple, whichwas originally dedicated to the great Confucians Liu Ziyun, Zhu Xi and Liu Gongof the Song Dynasty, and the three churches, which were dedicated to Confucius,Laozi and Sakyamuni. The curtain of water poured into the pool, splashingcontinuously, and then rippling again. It was so beautiful that it was like adragon playing in the water.

Please have a good look. Now were going to the fifth scenic spot, Wuyipalace. Now the building we see is Wuyi palace. Wuyi palace, also known asHuixian temple, Chongyou temple and Wannian palace, is a place where emperors ofthousands of generations worship Wuyi kings. It is also one of the six famousscenic spots in Song Dynasty. It is the oldest palace in Wuyi Mountain, with ahistory of more than 1000 years. Although the Wuyi palace, which has a longhistory, has been repaired in the past dynasties, it cant withstand severalfires and soldiers, leaving only a few empty rooms and broken walls. In the late1980s, with the support of relevant departments, the main hall of Wuyi palacewas restored. The restored Wuyi palace has been turned into Zhu Xi MemorialHall. The museum mainly displays the life stories of Zhu Xi, Cai Yuanding, youJiuyan, Liu Lun, Huang Gan and Zhen Dexiu. The five big words "Zhu Xi MemorialHall" on the front door plaque are the ink treasures left by former vice memberof the National Peoples Congress Comrade Fang Yi during his inspection of WuyiMountain. The two osmanthus trees in the courtyard are said to have been plantedby Zhu Xi himself, and they are eight or nine hundred years old.

Time flies like a meteor! Our trip to Wuyishan is coming to an end! Thereare many beautiful scenery in Wuyishan, such as Tianyou peak, Longchuan GrandCanyon, Taoyuan cave of "dongtianjiejie" and the charming hero slope. I hopethat this wonderland in the world, Wuyishan, with its gorgeous scenery, canleave you a good impression. At the same time, thank you for your support to mywork. Its really a pleasure to visit Wuyishan with you. Thank you again!



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各位游客,你们好!欢迎大家到武夷山来旅游,我是你们今天的导游,我姓欧阳,如果你们对我感到满意。大家就亲热叫我欧导吧!我们今天的行程安排是“游山玩水”,也就是上午游山下午玩水。 (亲切自然,符合导游的口吻。)

武夷山是世界双文化遗产(世界自然与文化双遗产。) ,俗话说:“桂林山水甲天下,不及武夷一小丘。”你们真的很荣幸能够一睹武夷山的风采。我们现在走过(的是)朱熹园(,)我们在登天游峰前先热热身——爬一个鬼斧神工的“小一线天”,走进去的朋友要么打着手电筒,要么盯着头上的那根“光线”走,一定要扶着旁边前进。里面两头宽中间窄,要小注意安全哦。还有如果有蝙蝠大便落在你们身上,千万别惊慌,那可是“福气”哦。怎么样,过了一线天,惊险刺激吧?还有你们一个个都能过一线天,那说明你们都是国标身材,不用减肥哦。 (介绍“小一线天”,文字精妙,成熟老练。)

现在各位就踩在(了)武夷山最高最陡最特色最险的山峰——天游峰的脚下,你们向上望去好像大石头上有许许多多高高低曲曲折折的台阶,那铁链扶梯似乎是从天上挂下来的。那台阶都是石头砌成的,每个台阶横向只能站两三个人,一共有八百多级,有兴趣的朋友,不妨边登边数,呆会看看谁数的数字最精确。到了半山腰了,我们回头向下望一望:绿色的植被——树木花草还有庄稼,像不像一块块地毯?还有你们看到的溪,就是赫赫有名的九曲溪。看,那九曲溪蜿蜒盘旋又如一面绸缎镜子; 那一块块茶园可真像人的脚印啊!我们再向前看,抬头看上面密密麻麻的人真像一群蚂蚁在抬骨头。本来只要一个小时的路程,就因为人多,两个小时后我们才到了山顶,大家辛苦了,请问有没有人数出多少个台阶?对,的的确确是826级。大家向西看那就是三教峰,向东望那便是大王峰。往下面看整个武夷山的山水尽收眼底。难怪徐霞客说:“此峰固应第一也。”天游峰的游览到此结束,请大家歇息一下,下一站就是划竹排。 (按行程顺序介绍天游峰,抓住特点,或侧重情景与感受,或侧重历史,犹如官方解说词,惟妙惟肖。)

现在我们到了九曲溪上游,这神采奕奕的九曲溪就是武夷山的灵魂,它由西向东折为九曲,故称:“九曲溪”。它的流域面积为5平方公里,全程9.5公里,平均宽为7米,每一曲都有不同的景致。所谓的“人在画中游”不仅指漓江也指九曲溪,呆会儿我们会看到清秀的玉女峰,雄伟大王峰以及矮胖的铁板峰。它们还流传着一段动人的民间故事:“相传在很早以前,天上的玉皇大帝的女儿下凡游玩,在她路过武夷山时,被这儿的风景迷住了,于是,她就偷偷留在人间,并爱上了勤劳的小伙子,可是这些事让铁板怪知道了,他就从中作梗,将此事告发玉帝,玉帝大怒,便下令捉拿玉女,玉女不从,玉帝无奈只好将他们点化成石,分隔在九曲溪两岸,铁板怪也被变成大石头,插在他们中间,害他们两个只好彼此相望。下面你们就坐竹排慢慢欣赏两岸美景,这里的每一块石头都有一个美丽的传说;每一座山都有一个动人的故事;每一件古物都不解的谜;哪怕每一棵茶树都有一首美妙的歌儿…… (精寻九曲溪”的典型场景,结合相关资料并以优美的传说画龙点睛,令人印象深刻。)

很高兴,我们就结束了这一天的“游山”“玩水”,希望你们会牢记今天快乐的旅行。 (用典型的导游式语言来做结尾告别,与全文的语言风格相协调。



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武夷山位处于福建的北部处于闽赣交接处,面积是2718平方公里,其中百分之80的面积是山地,可以居住的面积只有百分之10,自古以来就有着八 山一水一分田的说法。武夷山这里又是华东屋及,华东的最高峰就在武夷山的保护区内黄岗山海拔2158米。武夷山在1999年的时候被联合国教科文组织评为世界自然与文化遗产地,在中国被评为世界自然与文化遗产地的只有4处那就是黄山、泰山、峨眉山和我们的美丽的武夷山。




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福建武夷山1988年被列入世界生物圈保护区网。 1999年12月被列入《世界遗产名录》。



武夷山风景的精华在九曲溪。九曲溪源于三保山,溪水碧清,折复绕山,形成“曲曲山回转,峰峰水抱流”的九曲之胜,武夷山中最著名的一些山峰和高插于悬崖峭壁上的神秘悬棺都列在九曲溪边。景区内还有遇林亭宋代瓷窑遗址、武夷宫等游览景点,极具人文价值。 武夷山也有众多名胜古迹,如冲佑万年宫、虹桥和架壑船棺等,还有世界罕见的动植物,是国家重点自然保护区。这里并建有武夷山自然博物馆。






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福建武夷山1988年被列入世界生物圈保护区网。 1999年12月被列入《世界遗产名录》。 武夷山风景名胜区位于福建省西北部武夷山市境内,在市区以南约15公里,处在武夷山脉北段的东南麓,景区面积约70平方公里。这里是典型的丹霞地貌,亿万年大自然的鬼斧神工,形成了奇峰峭拔、秀水潆洄、碧水丹峰、风光绝胜的美景,古人说它“水有三三胜,峰有六六奇”,被誉为“奇秀甲东南”。 武夷山风景区内有三十六峰、七十二洞、九十九岩及一百零八景点。不仅全年有景,四季不同,而且阴晴风雨,其山川景色亦幻莫测,瑰丽多姿。现全区分为武夷宫、九曲溪、桃源洞、云窝天游、一线天--虎啸岩、天心岩、水帘洞七大景区。它兼有黄山之奇、桂林之秀、泰岱之雄、华岳之险、西湖之美。

武夷山风景的精华在九曲溪。九曲溪源于三保山,溪水碧清,折复绕山,形成“曲曲山回转,峰峰水抱流”的九曲之胜,武夷山中最著名的一些山峰和高插于悬崖峭壁上的神秘悬棺都列在九曲溪边。景区内还有遇林亭宋代瓷窑遗址、武夷宫等游览景点,极具人文价值。 武夷山也有众多名胜古迹,如冲佑万年宫、虹桥和架壑船棺等,还有世界罕见的动植物,是国家重点自然保护区。这里并建有武夷山自然博物馆。 武夷山还是一座历史文化名山,古人称:“东周孔丘,南宋朱熹,北有泰岳,南有武夷”。南宋理学家朱熹在此居住四十多年,设帐授徒,著书立说,使这里成为我国东南文化的中心,被誉为“道南理窟”。道家也把这里称为“第十六洞天”。历代文人雅士在此写下的赞美诗文不下二千多篇,题镌摩崖石刻有四百多处,这些丰富的人文史迹,也为名山增添风采。而古越人的架壑船棺、汉代的古城墟、宋代的古瓷窑遗址和元代的御茶园等,使武夷山更成为人们访古探奇,寻幽览胜之地。




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