





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 323 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1790 字

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Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. Im glad tobe your tour guide. Today Im going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together.

This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as Chinasfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here.

Lets keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China.

There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Lets have a rest first, andthen well go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14433 字

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这些年来,故宫博物院除了保存和复原三大殿、后三宫和西六宫外,又开辟了青铜、陶瓷、书画、珍宝、钟表等专馆,并经常举办各种临时的主题性展览。另外,你还可以到故宫的网站上看看,网址是:. (d是英文digital 数字的意思;pm是palace museum,故宫的意思。中文意思就是数字故宫。


午门 是皇宫的正门,因其位于紫禁城的午位(正南方)故称午门。“五凤楼”;在明清两朝,它的地位非常重要,许多重大仪式都是在这里举行的。比如:每年农历十月,皇帝要亲自到这儿来颁布下一年的历书。另外,打完仗,将士得胜回朝后,要在午门前举行隆重的献俘礼。午门有时也会作为举行喜庆活动的场所。每年农历正月十五的元宵节,这儿要张灯结彩、“放灯”三天,而且允许平民百姓来赏灯游玩,显示皇家于民同乐、普天同庆的太平景象。然而,说到这午门,大家都会想到“退出午门斩首”这句话吧。其实,这句话纯属误传,北京当时的刑场在南城的菜市口。那这句话是怎么传出来的呢?过去大臣们和皇帝在朝堂上议政,经常出现意见不和的情况。在明朝时,皇帝就可以把触犯他的大臣拉到午门外用竹子打屁股。这叫廷杖。千万不要小看这竹子,它是一种碗口粗的毛竹,里面还要灌上水银,据说是为了加大杀伤力,几杖下去就能皮开肉绽。被打的人不死也要终生残疾。这种恐怖的事情从皇宫传到民间,就逐渐变成“推出午门斩首”了。

神武门 故宫的北门。这座门故去除了供帝后妃嫔、太监、宫女们进进出出外,还是击鼓报时的场地。当年这门楼上有一支大鼓和一口大钟,每夜有专人值班击鼓报更。这里说的更,是过去人们对夜间的计时方法,一更约为两个小时,一夜分五更。夜里11点到第二天1点,正是三更的时候,所以就有了“三更半夜”或“半夜三更”的说法。每天夜幕降临后,在击鼓报初更之前,先要敲钟108响。楼高夜静,紫禁城里的人们,都能听到这钟鼓声。

东华门 是整个明代皇宫的东门,与西华门一东一西,遥相对应。东华门与西华门不像午门与神武门那样处于正南正北方为,而是处于靠近东南、西南方位。


角楼 在紫禁城高高的城墙上,有四座小巧别致、精美无比的角楼。它们像四颗明珠,镶嵌在高大的城墙上,它们不仅是我国,也是世界上的建筑精品。这角楼的建筑十分复杂,它一共有三层檐。关于这角楼的建造,还有一个故事呢,我来说说吧。 相传,明朝的永乐皇帝在修建皇宫时,特意指定要在紫禁城的死角,各建造一座“九梁十八柱七十二脊”的角楼,并且限期100天,盖不好要杀头。谁也没有见过这么复杂的建筑阿,这可难坏了全国各地的能工巧匠。眼看皇帝的限期就要到了,工匠们愁的都吃不下饭。这是,来了一个卖蝈蝈的老头儿。他那蝈蝈笼子非常精致漂亮,大家都为过去看那巧夺天工的笼子。有个工匠不自觉的数起笼子上的玉米秸,“一根梁,两根梁…..”一数,一共是九根横粱、十八根柱子、七十二个脊。哎,这部正式咱们要盖的角楼吗!大家非常兴奋,突然想起卖蝈蝈的老头儿,可一看,老头儿不见了。工匠们七嘴八舌的说,这是鲁班爷显灵,来救我们了。于是,工匠们如期建好了角楼。

护城河和金水河 紫禁城城垣的外围围绕着一条宽52米,深6米的护城河,河岸陡直,由条石砌成,俗称筒子河。清代护城河的北、东、西三面内侧建有守卫围房732间,戒备森严。护城河水的源头是京西的玉泉山,玉泉山水经过颐和园、运河、西直门的高梁桥,流到市中心的后海,然后从地安门的步梁桥下分出支流,经景山西门的地道进入护城河。从康熙朝开始在护城河中种莲藕,农历七月,荷花盛开,十分壮观。收获的莲子和莲藕除交给宫中食用外,剩余的拿到市场上卖,所得银子作为小花销。嘉庆以后开始出租给人养荷收取租金。故宫周围有两条金水河,一条是内金水河,一条是外金水河。外金水河在天安门前,其水系来自护城河西边的河段,护城河河水到达宫墙西南角后,进入地道,在从织女桥流出,绕过社稷坛,从外金水桥流过,经牛郎桥向东过天妃闸,流出皇城。内金水河的水是从神武门西边的地道引入的护城河河水,河水沿内廷西区供电墙外向南流,在慈宁花园墙外向东南转,蜿蜒经武英殿,在太和门前广场形成一个优美的拱形渠,然后转向北流经文渊阁,在銮驾库的西边流出皇宫。整条内金水河在皇宫里绵延多米,河上共有大大小小21座桥,还有10多处涵洞。内金水河除有排泄雨水、方便宫中取水、消防等实际功能之外,增加精致也是其中不可忽视的因素。


太和门 朋友们,到了皇宫,您一定想知道皇帝上早朝的地方吧,太和门,就是明朝“御门听证”的地方。所谓御门听证,就是大家所说的上早朝,由皇帝和大臣们讨论、处理国家大事。 在人们的印象中,皇帝上朝都是在威严的大殿里,其实不然。每天清晨,皇帝从后宫出来,坐在这太和门种种摆放的龙椅上。王公大臣们按照文东武西的顺序,站在门下的广场上,向皇帝奏事。皇帝身边站着当班的内阁学士,负责记录皇帝的意见,退朝后再稍加整理,颁行天下,这就是我们常说的“圣旨”或“上谕”,国家的日常事务就在这太和门商量决定了。说到这里,也许您会想到:在露天的门外办公,万一刮风下雨怎么办呢?其实别说刮风下雨,就是平常这里也不打舒服。但按当时的规定:皇帝和大臣们每天都要上早朝。不过,制度是死的,人是活的。封建社会每个朝代的头一两个皇帝一般都还比较勤奋,后代的皇帝就贪图享乐,把祖父辈打江山时的艰辛和治天下短裤新都抛到脑后了。明朝也不例外,中后期的万历皇帝竟长达24年不临朝。历史学家曾说过“明之亡,则亡于神宗”就是说明朝的灭亡正是从这位明神宗开始的。到清朝的时候,将御门听证改在故宫的乾清门。

金水桥 在太和殿前面有五座精致的汉白玉石桥,这就是著名的金水桥。您知道它为什么叫“金水桥”吗?我先说桥下这条河的水,它来自京城西面的玉泉山,从紫禁城的西北进入,东南流出。而古人推崇阴阳五行学说,就是金木水火土这五种物质,认为“西”这个方位在五行中属金,所以取名“金水河”,那上面的桥自然就叫“金水桥”了,我们都知道,天安门外也有金水桥,那是外金水桥,而我们眼前的是内金水桥,这金水河不光起到了装饰庭院的作用,也是紫禁城里重要的消防水源和排水渠道,故宫中的水源是很少的,一旦宫殿着火,金水河里的水就非常珍贵了。

太和殿 在宽阔的太和门广场上,广场中间有一条青白石铺成的御道,这条御道当年只有皇帝才能走。从太和门广场北望,在那高大、漂亮的汉白玉台基上,有座雄伟的建筑叫太和殿,也就是老百姓所说的金銮殿。这汉白玉台基高达8米,比现在的两层楼还要高。修建这么高的台基,为的就是造成大殿的雄壮感。咱们国家古建筑的主体是木结构,而木材本身又不可能很高大,于是聪明的工匠采用高大的石台基将大殿托起,以增强气势。 在紫禁城所有宫殿中,以这座金銮殿最受尊崇,当年最高级别的仪式和大典都在这里举行。比如说,皇帝登基、大婚、册立皇后,还有在发生战争时派将出征,都要在太和殿举行非常隆重地典礼活动。其中最为隆重的就是登基大典,皇帝要这里接受百官和外国使臣的朝贺。此外一年当中的三个大节庆,也就是元旦、冬至和万寿节,皇帝也要在这里举行盛大的宴会。其实这个元旦不是咱们现在的新年,而是农历的大年初一_—春节。冬至是一年当日光照时间最短的一天,古人认为这是阳长阴消的日子,值得大庆。所以皇帝要在冬至那天到天坛祭天,次日在太和殿接受王公大臣的朝贺,而万寿节则是当朝皇帝自己的生日。您可能在电视剧中看到过举行大典的场景把,这广场的两要布置雄壮的仪仗队,文武百官就跪在这御道的两旁。而皇帝是坐在太和殿内的宝座上,接受官员们的叩拜大礼的。既然太和殿的地位这么重要,在建筑规格上自然就是最高、最大的了。它的建筑面积是2377平方米。不仅在紫禁城内,就是从全国范围看,也是现存最大的木结构宫殿。从它的屋脊到地面,高达35米,比现在的10层楼房还要高。讲到这里,不知您是否注意到这么一个问题。您看,这么大的一个广场,怎么连一颗树也没有?原来,这是为了突出三大殿的壮观和皇帝的尊严。您想一想,如果这里松柏参天,三大殿掩映在树荫之中,那还能有现在这种气势马?再者说,这里是举行重大典礼的地方,要求格外庄严肃穆。如果有了树木,仪仗和百官的站位都会受到影响,将有损于典礼的严肃性。如此说来,是这些宫殿建筑的功能,决定了这里不能种树。 在太和殿的汉白玉台基上,有许多青铜鼎,其实那时香炉,因为它们是模仿周朝的鼎造的,所以叫鼎式炉。三层石台上共有18个香炉,象征着清朝的18个行省。每当大典时,就在香炉腹部装上香料,然后将香料点燃,18个香炉就一起散出缕缕青烟,使太和殿显得更加神秘庄严。 太和殿外面两边平台的两个角落,各有一件汉白玉雕凿的器具。在一块圆石板上,中间插一根铁针,周围刻有刻度。当太阳升起时,铁针的投影指向哪个时刻,就表示是什么时辰了。它叫日晷,是古代的一种计时工具。与日晷对称的位置,是一座石头亭子,它叫嘉量。在嘉量的里面石斛(hu)、斗、升、合(ge)、龠(yue)五种计量器具,一直到近代,人们还常用斗和升来称量东西。为什么要把这两件器具摆放在这儿呢?这里面有很深的文化内涵。在中国古代,时间和度量衡是非超重要的,它代表上天的旨意和国家的统一。在世间,只有天子才能代表上天,行使规定时间和计量的权力,它们象征着皇权的至高无上。摆放在日晷和嘉量旁边的统龟、铜鹤是举行大典时熏香用的,但还有一定的寓意。我们都知道,龟、鹤是长寿的动物,在太和殿的两边摆放上龟、鹤,象征着国运永昌。 我们都知道故宫有8700多间房子,而这太和殿,就有55间,这是怎么回事呢?因为在古代,我们把四根柱子之间算一间屋子,而太和殿是横11间、纵5间,就是55间了。所以说,整个故宫也只是由几百座宫殿。 摆放在太和殿中平台上的龙椅,就是民间俗称的金銮宝座。它是用紫檀木制成,从明朝到清朝一直是用。这宝座的宽度大大超过高度,给人一种非常稳定的感觉,象征着皇权安稳、江山永固。大殿里的柱子,靠近金銮宝座的是6根金黄色的柱子,他表面贴的是金箔,6根金柱拱卫着那巨大的龙椅,把皇帝衬托得更加尊贵、庄严。此外还有66根朱红色的柱子。这些柱子都是用才子东北长白山的红松制成的,每根高12米,直径1米多,两个人都抱不过来。当年没有显得的大型运输工具,要采伐、运输这么的木材,实在是一件非常艰难的事情。 在太和殿的天花板上,有一个盘龙藻井。这“藻井”是古建筑中的名称,就是指天花板中间镂孔雕刻的一块。太和殿的藻井是一条蟠龙,就叫蟠龙藻井。在这龙嘴的下面,吊着一个亮晶晶的圆球,它叫“轩辕镜”。这个东西可大有讲究,您听说过“炎黄子孙”这个词吧。传说古代有炎、黄两帝,而咱们现代人都是它们的后代,所以中国人都说自己是炎黄子孙。而过去的皇上也自认为是黄帝的继承者和接班人。这个传说中的黄帝号“轩辕氏”,而皇上在宝座的正上方悬挂一个轩辕镜,表示自己三正统黄帝,而且有轩辕氏的保佑。 太和殿地面上铺的是一种亮亮的方砖。您听说过紫禁城“金砖墁地”吗?指的就是这种“金砖”。这种砖并不是拿黄金制成的,那它为什么会叫金砖呢?这种砖是在今天苏州附近的御窑村烧制的。因为是专门为京城烧制的,所以叫“京砖”。可是南方人发“京”这个字音时,听起来像是黄金的“金”字。久而久之,这京砖被叫成金砖了。虽说这砖不是用黄金制成,可是由于它的制作方法独特,工艺复杂,它的质地更像大理石一样细密、坚固,尽管经历了几百年的摩擦,依然光亮如镜,再加上烧制、铺墁这种砖的费用也是很高的,所以,冠以“金砖”的美名,也是名副其实。

中和殿 太和殿后面有一座四四方方、象亭子一样的建筑,是中和殿。它是黄帝在大典之前的休息室。每次大典前,皇帝从后宫出来,在中和殿稍作停留。当太和殿所有的仪式都准备好后,有专门的人来导引着皇帝,沿中间的御道,从太和殿的后门走近去。当皇帝一落座,就要焚香、奏乐、响鞭,整个大典便开始了。由于这里是皇帝大典之前做准备工作的地方,所以他在后来逐渐成为举行各种祭祀、典礼时的准备场所。在各种祭祀活动中,有一项很特殊,那就是每年春天的祭农。每年春分,皇帝要到先农坛,那里有一块皇帝的“自留地”,就是咱们俗称的“一亩三分地”。平常有专门的官员管理,但到了春分那天,皇帝要亲自到这块田地上,扶扶犁,锄锄地,这叫行“亲耕礼”,祈求五谷丰登。皇帝在去先农坛之前,要在中和殿举行一个仪式,看一看他要用的农具,这也反映皇帝对农业的重视。当然了,中和殿还有其他用途。比如皇帝要在这里阅视家谱。皇族和老百姓一样,也有自己的家谱,皇帝的家谱叫“玉牒”。玉是玉器的玉,牒是通牒的牒,每隔十年重修一次。这里要说明一句,皇帝的家谱虽名为玉牒,但并不是用玉制成的,也是用纸张书写,只是为了强调皇帝家谱的高贵,才称为玉牒。中和殿的另一个用途,是皇帝在这里为皇太后上徽号。皇帝为了表示孝道,要在寿庆和节日给皇太后上一些吉祥的称号,叫做徽号。像我们熟悉的“慈禧”“慈安”就是徽号。


云龙石雕 故宫中,在许多宫殿的前台都有石雕,用浮雕的手法刻出游龙、翔凤等图案。这些石雕主要为了装饰,显示皇家的威严和气派。在这些大大小小的石雕中,保和殿后也就是台阶中间的云龙石雕是最大的一块。石雕的图案,从上到下,刻着九条形态各异、栩栩如生的游龙,嬉戏于云海之中,非常生动、精美。这块石雕是用一块完整的大青石雕成的,现在长16.57米,宽3.07米,平均厚度1.70米,重量达200多吨。这块石料是采自北京房山区的大石窝村,距离紫禁城有100多华里。在500多年前,没有任何现代化运输工具的情况下,是如何从百里之外将这么巨大的石头完整的运来的呢?这是一个非常有趣的话题。简单地说,就是借助冰,是用拉旱船的办法拖过来的。工匠们从紫禁城到大石窝村,每隔一里地打一口井。到了严冬季节,从井里把水提上来,泼在路面上,就这样波一条100多华里的冰道。我们知道,饼面上的摩擦力小的多。就是这种能够情况下,仍然动用了两万多名民工、几千匹骡马,用了近一个月时间,耗银11万两,才把这块大石头拉进紫禁城里,其艰难程度可想而知。每个人站在它面前,都不得不从心底叹服古代劳动人民的勤劳和智慧。

铜缸 故宫里有许多大缸,您想这些大缸是做什么用的呢?这些缸是储水防火用的,故宫里现在总共有308口铜缸或铁缸,分散在各个宫殿附近。故宫的缸都有一个特点,缸底的石基都留有一个方口。因为北京的冬天很冷,户外的水很容易结冰,所以入冬以后,专门有太监来管理这些缸。在缸的外面套上棉套,上面盖上缸盖,低下烧上炭火,一直烧到惊蛰时节气温回升了才撤火,基座下的方口就是烧炭的炭口。这些缸大部分都是用青铜铸成的,缸外面是镏金的,一口缸要用黄金约3公斤。金灿灿的镏金铜缸衬着红墙,十分华贵气派。可是,如果我们走到前朝宫殿旁边,会发现那里的缸表面只留下了斑斑的黄迹。这是怎么回事呢?说道这儿,我要讲一段令人心酸的历史了。100多年前,也就是公元19xx年,八国联军以镇压义和团的名义,侵略北京。当他们进入紫禁城后,对宫廷物品进行了大肆劫掠,抢走了数不清的玉器、玛瑙、佛像,许多珍贵图书、档案也被破坏。这些大缸表面,金灿灿的黄金夜难逃此劫。贪婪的侵略者用刺刀把缸表面的镏金一点点刮去,留下横七竖八的刀痕,引起我们痛苦的回忆,提醒我们要勿忘国耻,自强不息!



军机处 在乾清门西高墙边,有排又矮又小的房子,比起紫禁城里那些高大的宫殿,它们实在是太不起眼了。可是正像俗话所说的“人不可貌相”一样,这几间小房子也非比寻常,因为这就是鼎鼎大名的“军机处”所在地。您在各种文学、影视作品中所看到的“军机大臣”,就在这里值班。清朝为什么要把军机处那样一个非常重要的机构,放在这么一个不起眼的地方呢?就是因为这排房子的一墙之隔就是皇帝居住的养心殿。雍正初年,西北地区放生大规模的武装叛乱,军情紧急,雍正皇帝经常在养心殿昼夜不停的和大臣们商量如何评定叛乱。为了随时召见这些大臣,雍正便将养心殿外这排平房作为大臣们休息和等候的地方。这样一来,既节省了时间,又有利于保密。于是,军机处成为正式的国家机关,国家的军政大事都在这里决断,而本来掌握朝政大权的内阁变成空架子。军机大臣的人选要皇帝亲自在大学士、尚书、侍郎等大臣中选任。这样军机处就完全置于皇帝的直接控制之下了。而军机大臣确实有一定权势。要是没有过人的才能,还是不可能成为军机大臣的。一位大臣初入军机处,叫学习“行走”,他每天的工作就是誊写诗片。皇帝每天口诵所制诗文,这位大臣只能肃立静听,然后回到军机处根据记忆将皇帝的诗文誊些出来,也能做到准确无误了,才能参加撰写皇帝的谕旨。皇帝的谕旨,有时一天好几次,有时一说就是几百句话,听了以后,仅凭记忆,要能写的完全符合皇帝的本意才行。您说,这活儿容易吗?

景运门 在明朝时期可是戒备森严,没有皇帝的诏令,就是王公大臣也不能进入。因为,这是进入皇宫内院的必经之门。在景运门西面,有一个和它正对着的门,叫隆宗门,隆宗门的作用及管理办法,和景运门完全一样的。



乾清宫 是皇帝的寝宫,明朝的14位皇帝和清朝的顺治,康熙两位皇帝都曾在这里居住,并在这里批阅奏章、召见官员、接见外国使节。从清朝第五代皇帝雍正开始,将寝宫移到了养心殿。宫殿里宝座的上方,悬挂着一块牌匾,上面写着“正大光明”四个大字。这块匾是康熙皇帝临摹顺治皇帝的笔迹写成的,在学多电视剧中出现过,可以说它是紫禁城中最重要的一块匾,为什么这么说呢,有两个理由:首先“正大光明”这四个字是清朝皇帝标榜的祖训格言,制成扁悬挂在这里,作为立身、齐家、治国、平天下的基本准则。再者,它和清朝雍正皇帝创立的秘密建储制度有关。储是储存的储,建储业叫立储,就是确立皇位继承人。我国历代王朝,大都采取公开建储的方式,立为太子的多是嫡长子,也就是皇后生的第一个儿子。可是皇帝的儿子一般都很少,不少皇子都做着皇帝梦,他们为此往往拉帮结伙、勾心斗角,甚至发展为同胞骨肉互相残杀,您看过电视剧《康熙王朝》吗?剧中的康熙皇帝就因为建储而遇到问题:他曾两次立嫡长子胤礽为太子,又两次把他废掉。此后康熙便不再提太子的人选,直到他临死之前,才下诏书,让四子胤祯继承皇位,这就是雍正皇帝。由于康熙朝的太子长期不定,而雍正即位又比较突然,所以民间就盛传雍正是偷改了康熙皇帝的遗诏而登上皇帝宝座的。据说,康熙写的是“传位十四子”,雍正勾结负责传召的故名大臣隆科多将“十”字上面加一横,下面加意钩,改称了了“于”字,成为“传位于四子”。事实果真如此吗?据清史专家考证,这种传说是靠不住的,因为清代这种传位诏书要用满汉两种文字书写。这样看来,雍正并不是靠篡改诏书登上皇位的。雍正皇帝即位后,吸取历史教训,决定将公开立太子的制度,该为秘密建储。秘密建储的做法是,皇帝在位时不公开确立太子,通过对皇子们的全面考查,选定皇位接班人,并秘密的将这个皇子的名字写在两份诏书上,一份由混各地随身带着,另一份装在一个小盒子里,密封好后,就放在这块“正大光明”匾背后。当皇帝病危时或去世后,由朝廷重臣和王公贵族,一起把这两份诏书取出来,对照无异后,即按照上面的名字公布下一任皇帝。这种方法确实减少了皇子之间的争斗。雍正皇帝设立了这种秘密建储制度后,他的儿子乾隆皇帝就是以这种方式登上皇位的。

交泰殿 是以做四方的亭式建筑。这座宫殿上的彩画图案和其他宫殿的是有区别的。所绘彩画是一对对飞翔凤凰,而其他宫殿基本上都是一对对游龙。在封建社会,龙是皇帝的象征,而凤凰是皇后的象征。皇后头上戴的是凤冠,穿的是凤头鞋,住的是凤楼。说到这儿您是不是已经想到了交泰殿的用途,原来这交泰殿是宫内专门为皇后准备的正殿。在皇宫中,皇后的地位也是非常尊贵的。每年的一些重要节日,如元旦,还有千秋节,也就是皇后的生日,皇后就会端坐在交泰殿内的宝座上,接受宫内嫔妃以及一些高级官员大夫人的朝拜。殿内正上方悬挂的那张匾写有“无为”二字。这两个字很是耐人寻味,无为是古代的一种政治思想,讲究清静无为、清心寡欲,其实就是不要有太多的作为,凡是要顺其自然。交泰殿虽然不大,里面的陈设却非常丰富。宝座两旁有一些蒙着布的方架子颇引人注目。当年这些架子上放置着象征皇权的大印,一共有25方,习惯上称为二十五宝,这些都是乾隆皇帝亲自选出来的。在殿的两侧,还有两件大型计时器,东边的叫“铜壶滴漏”,西边的叫“大自铭钟”。铜壶滴漏是中国古代传统的计时器,大自铭钟是吸收西方近代科学仿造的钟表。

坤宁宫 是后三宫的最后一宫。我们知道后三宫中最前面的是乾清宫,从名字上看,按照中国传统文化的解释,这“坤宁”二字同乾清宫的“乾清”二字是非常对应的,“乾”指天,象征着阳;“坤”指地,象征着阴。“清”“宁”都是表示安定、和谐的意思。您该猜到坤宁宫的作用了吧!乾清宫是皇帝的寝宫,那坤宁宫自然是皇后的寝宫了。在明朝,除了个别失宠的皇后外,其他皇后都住在这座宫殿内。清代,顺治和康熙时期,皇后依然住在坤宁宫里。到了雍正皇帝时,由于皇帝搬出乾清宫,皇后也就不再住坤宁宫了,于是对坤宁宫作了改建。从此,这座古老的宫殿在结构和功能上,都发生了有趣的变化。首先说,这座宫殿的正门不居中,而是偏向东边,这是东北地区满族的建筑特色,再者说,坤宁宫的窗户纸都糊在窗棂的外面,过去人们说东北三大怪,其中就有这“窗户纸糊在外”。在风沙大地区,这种把窗户纸糊在密集的窗棂外面的方法,既可以使窗户纸不易被风刮破,还可以使窗棂上不落灰尘。屋内的陈设,就更有特色了。大殿的西半部分较大,是萨满教举行祭神的场地。萨满教是满足的民族宗教,在东北地区非常流行,它是一个多神教,佛教中的释迦牟尼、观音菩萨,汉族民间祭拜的关云长,以及山里的虎、鹿、猪、熊,路边的石头、树林等都是萨满教的祭祀对象。坤宁宫东侧是皇帝皇后大婚的洞房。按照礼仪,帝、后新婚,要这这里住满三天。三天之后,皇帝搬到养心殿,而皇后在东西六宫中中选择一宫居住。洞房中的陈列室末代皇帝溥仪和他的“皇后”婉容大婚的原状。洞房的墙上涂着红漆,地上铺着红地毯,到处都是红色,在洞房的门口和东侧过道的木影壁上,各有一个大红底金色双喜字,寓意着“开门见喜”。靠窗户的大炕,是皇帝和皇后因交杯酒、唱交祝歌的地方。屋内靠西北墙的地方摆有皇帝和皇后的龙凤喜床。

坤宁门 是御花园的入口。到了这里,古柏老槐扑面而来,有一种神清气爽的感觉。御花园的面积并不大,它东西长130多米,南北宽90米,总面积不超过1XX平方米。但古代的工匠们就利用这一方小小得天地,安排了各类建筑20多座、古树160株,还有两座假山、两方水池及散布其间的大量奇花异石,使御花园显得格外典雅、幽静,幽赏起来,美不胜收。


钦安殿 走进天一门,在钦安殿的前面,您能看到两棵长的很奇特的柏树。这两棵树的根和主干彼此独立,但从树杈上就相依相偎,难分彼此了。人们称它为“连理树”、“连理枝”。古代人把这种连理枝又叫“合欢树”、“夫妻树”。其实它们不是天然形成的,在它们很小的时候,园艺工匠就将它们拧到了一起,最后长成了这个样子。您知道吗,钦安殿是整个故宫中最古老的建筑,它是从明代保存下来的,距现在已经有580多年的历史了。明清两朝都在这里供奉玄武大帝。玄武大帝也叫真武大帝,是水神。皇宫都是木结构的房子,非常怕火,过去由于没有避雷针,曾多次着火。特别是太和殿,因为最高大,更容易遭受雷击,自明初建成以来,曾经发生五次较大的火灾。所以封建帝王们特意在宫中专门找一个宫殿供奉水神,祈求保佑皇宫的安全。而且,这连理枝前的门叫天一门,门的名字也跟水有关系。《易经》上说“天一生水”,水是灭火的,于是起这个名字,用水镇火,图个吉利。我们都知道,浙江宁波有一座明代的藏书楼叫“天一阁”,也是取这个意思。当然,这些都是一种心理上的安慰罢了。

养性斋 是座凹字形的两层楼阁式建筑。它的外墙倚着御花园的墙壁,海棠树、太湖石环绕周围,环境很优雅,在这儿居住一定很舒服。谁在这儿住过呢?他就是末代皇帝溥仪的英文老师。这位英文老师是苏格兰人,中文名字叫庄士敦。他是一个中国通,中国话也讲的非常流利。在电影《末代皇帝》中,就有这位英文教师的镜头。溥仪在《我的前半生》中写道,自己念书厌烦的时候,庄士敦能循循善诱,“讲些山南海北、古今中外的掌故。”他称赞庄士敦是自己的又一个灵魂。因此,溥仪特意把这养性斋,赏赐给庄士敦当书房兼卧室。当然,溥仪学习英文就业在这里了。


絳雪轩 为5间房的建筑。这个“絳”字是红色的意思。可我们都知道,雪是白的,那么,絳雪岂不成了红色的雪吗?其实,当年这里种着5棵海棠树。一阵微风吹来,白中透红的海棠花瓣纷纷飘落,地面上就像下了一层红色的雪,乾隆皇帝为此作诗“暇日高轩成小立,东风絳雪未酣霏”,来赞美当时的景色,所以取名叫絳雪轩。絳雪轩对面的花坛,竖着一块枯木。但您仔细想想,如果这是块木头,常年的风吹日晒雨淋,早就腐烂了。其实,这是一块木头的化石,叫木变石。这木变石是怎么形成的呢?据记载,东北的松木沉入松花江,经常年累月,变成石头,就是木变石了。一般的木变石都比较小,可是我们看这块石头,有一米多高,就十分难得了。这块石头是黑龙江的一个大将军,进献给乾隆皇帝的,乾隆得到石头后,非常高兴,诗兴大发,题诗一首,刻在石头上。

延晖阁 为二层阁楼。您可千万不要小看这阁楼,清朝的选秀女就是在这里进行的,每三年选一次,满、蒙、汉八旗官员的女儿凡是13岁到17岁的都要参选,只有到17岁仍未被选上的才可以自由婚嫁。选秀女的时候,候选的女孩子们先由太监从神武门领到这御花园北门外等候。选时一到,再将那些女孩子引到这延晖阁前站好,让坐在阁里的皇帝、皇太后挑选。被选中的秀女,或成为皇帝的嫔妃,或指配给皇子皇孙和皇家宗室的子弟。您知道吗?慈禧就是17岁时在这里被选入宫的。好,延晖阁讲到这里。我现在问您一个问题,您看过电视剧《还珠格格》吗?那里面的格格门住的地方叫什么来着?没错,淑芳斋!在延晖阁西北边有一个小屋檐,倚着红墙,那里面就是淑芳斋了。它位于西六宫最北处,目前还没有公开开放。我所以要讲一家,是为了消除一个误会,实际上这淑芳斋并不是拍《还珠格格》时的场景,也不是格格居住的地方,电视剧只是借用了这个名字。在清朝的时候,淑芳斋是皇帝和后妃们看戏的场所。紫禁城内共有5个戏台,淑芳斋里就有两个,梅兰芳、杨小楼等人都在这里演过戏。



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Welcome to the capital city! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Capital city scenic area of column published scenic area of hunan province, the first trial. Located in the ancient city of changsha xiangjiang river on both sides, with a total area of 36 square kilometers, the mountain foothill, tianma mountain, peach blossom hill, Shi Jialing four scenic spots and xinmin society site, south JinCheng ChengTou two spots.

Mountain scenic area as the quintessence is located in the region. The foothill area of 6 square kilometers. Main peak elevation of 300.8 meters, the annual average temperature of 17 ℃, annual precipitation 1200-1400 ml. Capital city is close to the xiangjiang river, in accordance with the river city, convenient transportation, xiang flow environment, orange continent before the cross, the ancient city, mountain, river, state, city, one integrated mass, is actually a day for the win. Mountains (xiang chu culture essence, has numerous scenic spots and historical sites, rich plant resources, revolutionary martyrs tomb cluster, beautiful scenery, and the collection of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the tang dynasty poet liu yuxi "peaks at the arch as jun rush" is the potential of its natural bold. Capital group of mountain green jade, ancient towering. Existing plants of 174 families, 559 genera and 174 species, including the jin dynasty podocarpus, ginkgo in tang dynasty, song, Ming and qing dynasties, camphor maple chestnut are one thousand years old, old stem QiuZhi, vigorous tall and straight, towering.

One thousand university yuelu academy in the four academy of song dynasty, is located in the mountains; So-called "jun originally, the first field" hunan ancient yamadera foothill, also located in the mountains; Taoist twenty jian really lucky cloud the foothill palace, is built on the top of the mountain; Built in the qing qianlong 57 years pavilion is located in the green maple valley of Chinas four big name one of the love late pavilion, but also a view, and the place where comrade MAO zedongs early engaged in revolutionary activities. Monuments, such as white crane spring, the yuwang, stupas, flying stones, tap the clock and wear rock slope are distributed between the forest yue lives.



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Zhouzhuang is Chinas jiangnan a waterfront town with a history of more than nine hundred years.

Zhouzhuang in the southwest of kunshan under the jurisdiction of suzhou, zhouzhuang times once called zhenfengli. Northern song dynasty years, Zhou Digong lang (the prime minister) in the field of the monarch, zhuang in Song Yuanyou (1086) give up evidence of the first year of more than 200 acres donated to the local QuanFu temple, hence a zhouzhuang said. And officially named as zhouzhuang, zhouzhuang is in the early years of the qing emperor kangxi. Zhouzhuang is located in the hinterland of the jiangnan water between Shanghai and suzhou. Praise people say there is for zeguo town, surrounded by water, branchingstream differences, river, lake near, all must be the boat. Just like a pearl inlaid in dianshan lake. More recently because of the famous painter Chen to zhouzhuang to draw into the oil painting, button in the United States about the auction with good price. People have to pursue the beauty of the jiangnan water, the foreigner, zhouzhuang became a tourism hotline.

Zhouzhuang in the old name, once called zhenfengli. According to historical records, the northern song dynasty yuan on years (AD 1086), Zhou Digong lang believe in Buddhism, shoda 200 mu (13 hectares) donated to QuanFu temple as a temple, people feeling their kindness, it named "zhouzhuang" field. But at that time only the prototype of the town, once called zhenfengli and villages. In 1127, golden 20 "xianggong" followed meidefang south crossing. Move the middle became dense. The middle of yuan dynasty. Is the father of the legendary rich jiangnan shen three thousand Shen You, from huzhou nanxun migration to zhouzhuang east home village to the east (near at the end of the yuan and moved to silver city), due to business success step by step, make its prosperity in the once called zhenfengli, formed the river north and south city FuAnQiao centered on both sides of the old town.

In the Ming dynasty, town profile to expand, the development to the west street HongQiao PuQingQiao area and the city street, and removed after the boss in Hong Kong street.

In the qing dynasty, the residents more dense, west gate is a boss, business center and moved to the city from the port after street street. Now yan for jiangnan town, but still call once called zhenfengli. It was not until early kangxi officially changed its name to zhouzhuang. Otherwise, zhouzhuang region during the spring and autumn period to the han dynasty has "shake city" say, mouth prince Jane shakes and han, the royal seal to this, the history of zhouzhuang is more long. In a surname on the outskirts of town DianZhong to liangzhu culture relic, also proves this point.

Zhouzhuang in yuan dynasty suzhou mansion cheung chau county. Mid Ming dynasty songjiang government huating county, resetting cheung chau county at the beginning of the qing dynasty. Qing yongzheng three years (AD 1725), zhouzhuang by yuanhe county in two, about four 5 of yuanhe county (now wuxian city). One 5 are wujiang county (now wujiang). Qianlong 26 years (1761 AD), the governor of jiangsu Chen Wengong the original in wuxian Lu straight checking SiShu move in zhouzhuang town, under the jurisdiction of the clear lake, yellow day oscillation, dushu lake, lake Yin Shan and white clam lake area, almost half of the county.

Zhouzhuang from developed rapidly into a small set of large commercial town, and has much to do with the prosperity of rich jiangnan shen three thousand. Shen three thousand using white clam river (that is, the dongjiang) west the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, the advantages of northeast of LiuHe sea trade, zhouzhuang into a grain, silk, and various crafts collection and distribution center and trading center, prompting zhouzhuang handicraft industry and business has been rapid development, the most outstanding products are silk, embroidery, bamboo, foot warmer, liquor, etc.

Zhouzhuang, a long history, to the ancient town has created many wonderful scenery. Famous architect who praised zhouzhuang "is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a national treasure".



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Demarcation islet is a small-shaped island in the south China Sea ,high at both ends low in the middle .Its Chinese name sounds FEN JIE ZHOU DAO .It faces Cow Ridge four or five km away Historically,it was used the geographical demarcation .The islet covers an area of one square kilometer.

Cow ridge gets its name from its shape .seen from either of the sides ,the ridge is a walking cow .If you look at it from Demarcation Islet ,the ridge is a big with its mouth open .Cow ridge is also called Demarcation Ridge ,because it creates an important division of Hainan island .Even in the ancient times ,local people noticed the difference between the lands on each side of the mountain . Climate Boundary

Hainan island is located in the tropical zone ,but the climate on each side of Cow Ridge is different .In the north it is warm,humid and pluvious .However ,in the south the temperature is two or three degrees higher ,and the weather is always sunnier and drier .it is for this reason that from the angle of Demarcation Islet ,you can always see the wonder of "is is rainy at the Cow s head ,but sunny at its tail ". Administrative boundary

Demarcation Islet is the boundary between Wanning City and Lingshui County. Wanning is in the north and lingshui is in the south .a boundary stone tablet is on the ridge . National-culture boundary

In the ancient times ,this natural dividing line was the national boundary of Hainan -the boundary between Han nationality and Li nationality .There were mainly Li people in th south of the ridge ,while there were mostly Han people in the north of the ridge .

Friends ,please follow me .now we are at the harbor of the Demarcation Islet Ecological and Cultural Toursim resort is divided into two parts :the demarcation islet and the harbor service .please look at the north .The ridge is really like a cow .

There are also many kinds of plants on the ridge ,giving the ridge a green coat .So it is not only a boundary ,but also a very beautiful scenic spot .Now ,please enjoy yourselves .



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Hello, friends! Now we have arrived at Jiuhua Mountain scenic spot. Firstof all, I would like to introduce you to the general situation of Jiuhuamountain scenery.

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty (401), temples began to be built on themountain. Since then, they have been added and expanded to form "one smalltemple in three li and one big temple in five li". The temples spread all overthe mountain. It is said that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monksin their heyday. At the moment, there are still 50 or 60 temples in completepreservation.

When you visit Jiuhua Mountain, you first go to Jiuhua street, which ismore than 600 meters above sea level. It is the center of Jiuhua Mountain, andtemples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called "Lotus Buddha kingdom".It is actually a village on the mountain. Besides temples, there are shops,schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can stay there and take it as astarting point to visit the scenic spots on the mountain.

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Not far from the east of Jiuhua street, there is a hall built on the cliff,which is the famous "centenary Palace". On the plaque, there are ten goldcharacters: "imperial grant to the centenary palace, protect the country WannianTemple". It is said that in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was amonk named Wuxu. At the age of 26, he came to Jiuhua Mountain and spent 100years in a rare cave. Three years after his death, his body was found in thecave. The monk on the mountain thought that he was reincarnated, so he offeredhis body in gold.

Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of "YingshenBodhisattva". As a result, the small temple dedicated to him flourished, and thetemple expanded to become one of the four jungles in Jiuhua Mountain. Visitorscan see the golden body of a flawless monk in a monks hat, red cassock andlotus platform in the body Hall of the temple.

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible.

The clear mountain wind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makespeople intoxicated. The surrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark.There is a huge stone engraved with the word "non human". At this moment, itreally makes people feel like they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is saidthat watching the sunrise on the rooftop is no less magnificent than watchingthe sunrise on Mount Tai. Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the"ten sceneries of Jiuhua".



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Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcom#e on behalf of Shenyang citizens. Im with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived.

Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accom#plished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had com#e back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled "Historic Culture Relics Preserved Buildings" in 1961 by the State Council. This palace is an emperor museum com#bining the architectural styles of the minorities of Man, Han and Mongolia. This palace covers an area of 60,000 square meters, com#prising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. The whole construction is divided into three sections: the east, middle and west.

First lets pay a visit to the buildings in the buildings in the middle section. The layout of middle section is similar to a Chinese com#pound with three courtyards. The first courtyard is the office area. It starts from the Grand Qing Gate on the south and ends at Holy Administration Hall. From Phoenix Tower to Purity and Tranquility Hall is the residential area. They all lay out on the same line. The main entrance to the palace is the Grand Qing Gate, also called Meridian Gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of Heaven and the palace should be the center of universe .The Grand Qing Gate was built in 1632 and is was the place where the civilian officials and military ministers to present themselves before the emperor daily .The special feature of the gate is the tile color. They are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders. Yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea and mountains. The com#bination of them means controlling the vast areas on the earth. The building to the east of Grand Qing Gate is called Ancestor Temple (Taimiao) with yellow tile roof, where Nuerhachis descendants offered sacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. So Ancestor Temple is the most important. Please follow me into the gate. This path in the middle links the gate to Holy Administration Hall with Flying Dragon Pavilion (Feilongge) and Flying Phoenix Pavilion (Xiangfengge) on each side. The Hall of Holy Administration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it was the center of the military, administrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaijis office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear.

Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now well pay a visit to the place where empress and concubines lived. Here is the Phoenix Tower. It served as an entrance to the rear chambers and also the entertainment area of Huangtaiji and his concubines, and some gatherings or banquets were held occasionally. The tower was built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall. It was the tallest building in Shenyang at that time .It is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower and Phoenix Sunrise is one of the famous Eight fascinating Scenes in Shenyang. Look upward, we will see a board hanging up on Phoenix Tower ,on which Emperor Qianlong inscribed "Ziqidonglai", which meant the Qing Dynasty in Beijing immigrated from Shengjing, the old name for Shenyang to the east .There are 24staircases leading to Phoenix Tower representing 24 seasonal divisions points in Chinese lunar calendar.

Now notice the pole standing right in the middle of the courtyard. This red pole is called Suolun pole, or Holy Pole. Its round tin container near the top was filled with food for feeding crows. It was said that Nuerhachi was saved by crows. Crows are considered sacred in Manchurian culture though in Chinese culture crows are regarded as birds bringing bad luck. Emperor Huangtaiji had four concubines. Among the four concubines Chen was loved best by Huangtaiji and Concubine Zhuang was the wisest and the mother of the next emperor, Fulin. Therefore, she had a special status among the concubines. The only chimney was built on the rear of Purity and Tranquility hall from the ground with 11 layers, representing the 11 emperors from Emperor Huangtaiji to the last emperor Puyi. This chimney was the highest one at that time. In Chinese, the sound of chimney "tong" is the same as that of unity. To the north further is rear courtyard called Yuhua Garden. After visiting the middle section of the palace, we com#e to the eastern section. Its representative building is the Great Administration Hall, flanked by Ten Princes Pavilions. This part was built in 1625, and they were the earliest building in Shenyang Imperial Palace. Great Administration Hall is the place ceremonies and handled state affairs. Great Administration Hall was built with eight sides representing the style of military tent and also Eight Banner military system.

Now please look at the ten pavilions, five on each side, which were the offices of the com#manders at that time. Here I will give you an introduction to the military system of early Manchurian Period. Nuerhachi divided his troops in four parts and each part was identified by the color of its banner .There sere then four kinds of banner: red, blue, white and yellow banner. As the troops expanded quickly, another four parts were added and therefore another four kinds of banner were needed .By then there were altogether eight kinds of banner. This army was therefore well known for Eight Banner Army.

The last part of Shenyang Imperial Palace is the western section, built from 1782 to 1783 and during Emperor Qianlongs reign. Its main construction is Book Source Pavilion (Wensuge) with Theater Platform and Good Descendant-benefiting Hall (Jiayintang) in front, Prosperity Administration Study (Yangxizhai) and Nine Halls behind. Book Source Pavilion (wensuge) was specially designed for storing the encyclopedia com#piled at that time, Si Ku Quan Shu. This encyclopedia collected most of the books in Chinese history .Its com#plication started in 1773.This set of history books is com#posed of seven sections, more than 36,000 volumes. It took educated persons over 10 years to finish is. When finished, the whole encyclopedia was duplicated in seven pavilions across China. The other six copies were either damaged during wars or lost. This set is the only one well kept. But the real copy is no longer here and now is restored in the Palace Museum in Beijing and Gansu province library. We can see that Book Source Pavilion covered with black tiles. In Chinese philosophy, black refers water. The pavilion was built for storing books and its biggest threat was fire. So black tiles hinting water covering it on the top as a way of protection. Good Property Admiration Study was for Emperor reading while Descendant-benefiting Hall and the Theater Platform consisting of a courtyard for Emperor ,his empress and concubines watching plays. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the cultural relics in China and it is the symbol of this city. It is a good com#bination of different nationalities as well as a tourist attraction.

And now we have to end our visiting, I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for your cooperation, goodbye.



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现在还有流传以前关于紫禁城建筑时的传说,。据说,当初刘伯温修建北京城皇宫的时候,皇上和他的儿子燕王打算把宫殿修盖得间量多点儿、大点儿,总觉得皇上住的地方应当特别华贵,不然就显不出天子的尊严。这天,皇上正要传旨宣刘伯温,就在这个节骨眼儿上,刘伯温来了。 刘伯温一见皇上就说:“启奏万岁,臣昨天夜里做了一个梦,梦见玉皇大帝把臣召到凌霄殿上对臣说:‘你朝皇帝要修盖皇宫,你告诉他!天宫宝殿是一千间,凡间宫殿万不可超过天宫。你还要告诉他,要请三十六金刚、七十二地煞去保护凡间皇城,才能够风调雨顺国泰民安,你要牢牢记住’。玉皇大帝说完这些话,就扑过来一阵白茫茫的香雾,一下就把臣吓醒啦!” 皇上听了觉着很怪,想了想,就下旨叫刘伯温去监造不到一千间,可还得跟天宫差不多间量的皇宫,并去请金刚、地煞来保护皇官。刘伯温领旨就办去了,这事儿一下子就在北京城传开了,老百姓都等着要看刘伯温怎样修盖皇宫,怎样去请三十六金刚、七十二地煞这些神仙来保护皇宫 过了些日子,刘伯温就把事儿全都办好了。皇上一看那宫殿盖得甭提有多华贵了,间量还真是不到一万间,再看宫院里金光闪闪,好像有神仙镇守。皇上愈看愈高兴,当时传旨,给刘怕温加封晋爵,还赏赐了很多珠宝。外邦听说刘伯温请了天神三十六金刚、七十二地煞保护皇城,也就不敢兴兵作乱了。 后来人们才知道,原来故宫里的宫殿是九百九十九间半;天神三十六金刚就是宫殿门口摆着的三十六口包金大缸;七十二地煞就是故宫里的七十二条地沟。





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Hello, tourists! Welcome to Wuyishan. Im your guide today. My name isOuyang. If you are satisfied with me. Lets call me Ou Dao. Our schedule todayis to go sightseeing, that is, in the morning and in the afternoon.

Wuyishan is a world dual cultural heritage (World Natural and culturalheritage). )As the saying goes: Guilins landscape is better than Wuyis. Its agreat honor for you to have a glimpse of Wuyi Mountain. We are walking throughZhuxi garden now. We warm up before climbing to the top of the mountain -climbing a miraculous little line of sky. The friends who walk in either useflashlights or stare at the light on their heads. They have to help the side tomove forward. Its wide at both ends and narrow in the middle. Pay attention tosafety. And if there is bat stool fall on you, dont panic, its a blessing. Howkind of, after a day, thrilling, and you all can have a day, that means you areall national standard figure, dont have to lose weight. (the introduction ofxiaoyitian is exquisite and mature. )

Now you are standing at the foot of Tianyou peak, the highest, steepest,characteristic and most dangerous peak in Wuyi Mountain. You look up as if thereare many high, low and zigzag steps on the big stone. The chain escalator seemsto be hanging from the sky. The steps are all made of stone. Only two or threepeople can stand on each step. There are more than 800 steps in total. If youare interested, you may as well count while climbing. Later, you can see who hasthe most accurate number. Halfway up the mountain, we look back and look down:green vegetation - trees, flowers and crops, like a carpet, and the stream yousee is the famous Jiuqu stream. Look, the winding Jiuqu River is like a silkmirror. The tea gardens are really like human footprints. Lets look forward andlook up. Its like a group of people carrying bones. Originally, it was only anhours journey, because there were so many people. It took us two hours to getto the top of the mountain. Everyone worked hard. Could you tell me how manysteps there were? Yes, it was 826. If you look to the west, thats San JiaoFeng. If you look to the East, thats Dawang Feng. Looking down, you can have apanoramic view of the whole landscape of Wuyi Mountain. No wonder Xu Xiake said:this peak should be the first. This is the end of the tour of Tianyou peak.Please have a rest. The next stop is to row bamboo rafts. (to introduce Tianyoupeak in the order of the itinerary, to grasp the characteristics, or to focus onthe scene and feelings, or to focus on the history, just like the officialcommentary, lifelike. )

Now we are at the upper reaches of the Jiuqu River, which is the soul ofWuyi Mountain. It turns from west to East into Jiuqu, so it is called JiuquRiver. Its drainage area is 5 square kilometers, the whole course is 9.5kilometers, the average width is 7 meters, each song has a different scenery.The so-called person in the middle of the painting not only refers to theLijiang River, but also refers to the Jiuqu River. Later we will see thebeautiful jade girl peak, the majestic King peak and the stout iron plate peak.They also spread a touching folk story: it is said that a long time ago, thedaughter of the Jade Emperor went down to earth to play. When she passed WuyiMountain, she was fascinated by the scenery here, so she secretly stayed in theworld and fell in love with the hardworking young man. However, these thingsmade the ironclad monster understand, so he told the jade emperor about it. TheJade Emperor was very angry and fell in love with him The Jade Emperor had nochoice but to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of the JiuquRiver. The iron plate monster was also turned into a big stone and inserted inthe middle of them. The two of them had to look at each other. Next, you can siton the bamboo rafts and enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait.Every stone there has a beautiful legend; every mountain has a moving story;every antique has a puzzle; even every tea tree has a wonderful song (searchingfor the typical scene of Jiuqu River, combining with relevant information andmaking the finishing point with beautiful legend, which is impressive. )

Im very glad that we have finished the days sightseeing. I hope you willremember todays happy journey. (a typical guide style language is used tofinish the farewell, which is in harmony with the language style of the fulltext.



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Ladies and gentlemen

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshu waterfall.Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the most famouswaterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall was approved bythe State Council of the peoples Republic of China as a national key scenicspot.

Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City, theprovincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of Dabang River,which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western Guizhou Province.It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus from Guiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China.

Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upper waterfall is 6meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81 meters; Due to thestrong impact of the current, the splashed water mist can diffuse for more thanhundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets on the top of the cliff onthe left side of the waterfall are often covered by the splashed water mist.Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street". When the water is smallin winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided into three or five strandsand hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance, the white curtain ofwater will float down like silk, fairys face and ladys raccoon. For hundredsof years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall has been marveled bymany scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famous calligrapher inGuizhou Province and the author of the three titles of the summer palace, wrotea couplet in the "wangshui Pavilion": "white water is like cotton, it doesntneed to bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshuwaterfall is vividly summarized.

Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If its 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology.

This is the first cave window, which is the lowest, only 40 meters awayfrom the water surface of Rhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest,more than 10 meters wide, located in the middle of the first and secondwaterfalls. When the water is heavy, the two waterfalls connect to form acurtain to seal all the cave windows; when the water is small, it opens againand again, ranging from a few meters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtainthat can be opened and closed at will.

This is the second window. Its only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.

This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony.The window is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside.Visitors can reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, sopeople call it "touch the waterfall platform".

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to visit the Rhinoceros Pool canyon.You see, from the waist down of the rhinoceros, there are successive drops,which are Rhinoceros Pool, sandaotan, horseshoe beach, youyujing and so on.Among these pools, the Rhinoceros Pool, which is 17.7 meters deep, is the firstone. It is often covered by splashes and submerged by fog. As long as there issunshine, there are colorful rainbows hanging on the splashing beads of thewaterfall, moving with people and unpredictable.

Why is Huangguoshu waterfall like this? This is because Huangguoshuwaterfall is located in karst area, which is caused by the erosion of waterflow. When the traceable erosion point reaches the upstream, the river waterscours, dissolves, erodes and abrades along the karst fissure, and the pipelineexpands gradually, forming the cave and underground river; after the localsurface river is injected into the cave, the proportion of water volumeincreases gradually, forming a unique attack in the karst area, and at the placewhere the open flow is injected into the cave, a cave waterfall is formed. Withthe increasing erosion and strategic collapse, the underground river cavesbecome larger and larger, so a series of vertical shafts and skylights aredeveloped along the dry valley of the surface. They are expanding, merging andcollapsing, resulting in the magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall and the deep andsteep canyon downstream of the waterfall.

I hope you will hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshuwaterfall, keep it in your memory and publicize it to more people, becauseHuangguoshu waterfall belongs to China and the world at the same time.



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Each friend: hello! Very glad to know you, today let me take you to watch the famous world culture heritage in China, qin shihuang terracotta warriors. My name is Jiang Zhiyou, you can call me jiang guide. Before the qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, I first to introduce the basic situation of qin Terra Cotta Warriors: qin Terra Cotta Warriors is a more than 20xx years ago the qinshihuangs large Terra Cotta Warriors PeiZangKeng. Xiyang village, it is in March 1974, farmers in drilling Wells. In 1987 by UNESCO listed in the "human world cultural heritage list", are the only one like you, is famous in the world of rare and precious cultural relics, known as "the eight wonders of the world". Well, to the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, please get off the bus. After get off after me, please. Attention, please be sure to do a civilization of passengers, consciously protect cultural relics. Ok. Now we have entered the pit.

Pit no. 1 thing is 230 metres long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of - square meters, is the largest in all the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, most also have more than 60. In addition to a pit, and no. 2 pit, pit no. 3, its enough to large-scale visible the Terra Cotta Warriors. The variety of the terracotta warriors grand not only, and personality is distinct. Then, we will go to watch the beautiful works of art - the Terra Cotta Warriors. You see, that a man named general figurines, it wore a He crown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride, filled with the general spirit; You look at that in short armour again, under wear tight pants of mouth of the warrior figures, that call cavalry figurines. And here, you see that wearing a shirt, wear armor oh, the foots front end up the cock combat boots warrior figures, that is called the warriors. The most striking is the horse figurines, we look at the horse figurines, a horse horse body, muscle plump, see the itch to try, like cracks, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

When it comes to the beauty of qin Terra Cotta Warriors, one thousand thousand of the terracotta figures beauty, make the person aftertaste endless. Among them there are promising, general big sound; A terrible resolute, battle-hardened army collectors; More different expression, vivid and soldiers. These Terra Cotta Warriors, let we have to marvel at the ancient sculptors how exquisite skill is! Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is unique in DiaoSuShi of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Arrange it perfectly simulate the ranks, vividly the qin soldier millions, thousand chariots grand qin Terra Cotta Warriors commentaries, vividly demonstrates the power of the Chinese nation and heroism. It is no wonder that former U.S. vice President walter mondale said: "this is the real miracle, take a look at the people all over the world should be here."

From his words of the concentrated, it is easy to see that army, historical value and artistic value. Dear friends, today we are together to watch the world famous cultural heritage - qin Terra Cotta Warriors, feeling the ancestral splendid culture. Thank you for your cooperation! Wish everybody safe and pleasant journey, goodbye!



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Dayan Pagoda, an ancient Tang Dynasty pagoda, is a unique symbol of theancient city of Xian. As one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong, the bigwild goose pagoda stands high in the Cien Temple in the southern suburb ofXian. It is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas in China. Dayan Pagoda scenicspot is a Buddhist holy land, which has a close relationship with masterXuanzang, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty. The story of Tang Monks Sutraacquisition and translation takes place here. All Buddhist temples are templesfor monks to worship, worship and chant Buddhist scriptures. Whats specialabout Dayan Pagoda compared with other temples? There are so many eminent monksat all times and in all over the world, so who is Tang Monk Xuanzang? Why is thestory of Tang Monks scriptures widely spread? Today, after you visit thisscenic spot, you will find the answer to the above question.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the South Square of Dayan Pagoda. Inthe center of the square stands a tall bronze statue of monk Xuanzang of TangDynasty. He was dignified, dressed in cassock, holding a staff in hand, withfirm steps, as if he was on the way to the West.

You must have seen journey to the west, one of Chinas four famous works,and the TV series of the same name adapted from it. Is the Tang monk in journeyto the West Xuanzang? Xuanzang, a native of Yanshi, Henan Province, isintelligent and studious. He became a monk at the age of 13. He worshipsclassics and exhausts all kinds of theories. He is well-known in the capital andis known as "the great tool of Shimen and the great horse of Buddhism." Afterstudying all over the country, he found that the sutra was incomplete and therewere many mistakes in it. He decided to go to Tianzhu, the birthplace ofBuddhism, which is now India, to explore the essence of Buddhism, so as to solvethe doubts and promote Buddhism. In the first year of Zhenguan (620__), he wentto India to apply for law, but he was not approved by the imperial court. In thethird year of Tang Zhenguan (620__ AD), he set out from Changan, along the SilkRoad, through the Gobi desert, where there were no birds on the top and noanimals on the bottom, and traveled westward to Tianzhu. He studied Buddhism inthe famous nalandao temple for 20__ years. At a grand Dharma meeting, Xuanzangread out his Buddhism It is said that for 18 days in a row, no one could arguewith Xuanzang. All the kings invited Xuanzang to take the magnificent Xiangyuparade. The venue cheered and thundered. The Mahayana monks called masterXuanzang "Mahayana heaven", the Hinayana monks called him "liberation heaven",and the Buddhist "heaven" refers to the Bodhisattva gods. Xuanzang was highlyhonored and respected in India. Then he resolutely declined the hospitality ofthe kings and monks and set foot on his way home. In the 19th year of Zhenguan(645 AD), Xuanzang returned home with a large number of Buddhist relics and 657Buddhist scriptures. He was warmly welcomed by the Emperor Taizong and theChinese. When they arrived in Changan, millions of monks and customs went outto welcome them, which was unprecedented. After returning to China, with thesupport of the Tang royal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from allover the country to form an unprecedented Buddhist scripture translation site,and acted as the translator himself. The quality and quantity of translatedBuddhist scriptures are far more than those of their predecessors, which usheredin a new era in the history of translation in China. The author of the book, arecord of the western regions in the Tang Dynasty, has attracted the attentionof scholars all over the world. It should be said that journey to the west iswritten in the background of xuanleis going out to the west to seek scripturesin the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang monk in the story does not refer to Xuanzang,but a figure in an artistic literary work.

Now we come to the gate of the Great Mercy Temple. The main gate of thetemple is called the mountain gate, also called the three gates, which arecalled the empty gate, Wuzuo gate and Wuxiang gate respectively, symbolizing thethree liberation gates of Buddhism. We call becoming a monk "stepping into theempty door" and thats probably where it comes from. You see, the plaque on thedoor is a few glittering characters of "dacien Temple" inscribed by Comrade __himself.

Cien Temple was originally named Wulou temple. In 648 ad, when Li Zhi,Emperor Gaozong, was the crown prince, he built a temple for his mother, empressWende, and ordered the temple to be built in jinchangfang, Changan. Facing theHanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 squaremeters and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. It is the most magnificent andspectacular Buddhist temple in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. At thebeginning of the construction of Cien Temple, the imperial court speciallyinvited Xuanzang, who came back to Changan from India, to be the abbot of thetemple. Thus, dacien Temple became the highest institution of Buddhism inChina at that time. After the end of Tang Dynasty, because of the constant wars,the temple gradually became desolate. After many times of maintenance, it wasnot until the Ming Dynasty that the scale of todays temple was established.

When we walk into the mountain gate, we can see the confrontation on thesecond floor of the bell and drum. To the East is the bell tower, in which thereis an iron bell. The clock was cast in the 27th year of Jiajing reign of theMing Dynasty (1548 AD). It is 3.4 meters high and weighs 15 tons. It has fourbig characters of "morning bell of wild goose pagoda". To the west is the drumtower, in which there is a big drum. The bell and drum are important tools ofBuddhism, which are used to summon monks to do rituals. It is also an importanttime tool. Monks in the temple wake up at the bell and sleep at the drum everyday.

Now we come to visit the main hall of the temple. The main hall is thecentral building of the temple. There are Sakyamunis three body Buddha in thehall. The middle one is Dharma Buddha piluzana Buddha. Dharma Buddha refers tothe pure body of Buddhas nature. The west one is paoshen Buddha Lushena Buddha.Paoshen Buddha means to obtain the Buddhas fruit and perfect body. The east oneis Yingshen Buddha. Yingshen Buddha refers to all changeable bodies and theuniversal body. On both sides of the three body Buddha are Sakyamunis Kaya andAnanda, and on both sides are eighteen Arhats.

On the west wall of the main hall, there are several steles of "Yan TA TiMing Ji". "Yanta inscription" began in the Tang Dynasty. All the top scholars inthe Changan examination had to have a banquet in Qujiang first, and thengathered together to inscribe the name of the big Yanta. They thought it was avery glorious thing to inscribe the name of the big Yanta, and they thought thatthey could ascend step by step by climbing the big Yanta. Bai Juyi, a poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem here after he was admitted as a Jinshi in theexamination: "the youngest of the seventeen people is at the title under thetower of mercy." Its a good story for a while.

On the north side of the hall is the Sutra collection building of Fatang(two floors). On the upper floor is the Sutra collection building, whichcontains the scriptures translated by Xuanzang. On the lower side is the Fatang,where the monks preached. There is a statue of Amitabha in it. Amitabha is incharge of the Western Paradise. That is to say, if you recite Amitabhawholeheartedly before you die, you will be led to the paradise by him after youdie, so it is also called "Jieyin Buddha". There are also three rubbings in theDharma hall, one of which is the picture of Xuanzangs negative collection, andon both sides are the portraits of his two great disciples yuancha and peepingJi. Xuanzang was carrying a basket of Buddhist scriptures on his back. He waswalking on the road of collecting Buddhist scriptures with Buddhist dust in hishands and hemp shoes on his feet. After suffering, only the little oil lamp thatnever went out was with him.

Behind the Dharma hall is the famous wild goose pagoda. Please follow me tovisit.

As for the origin of the name of "wild goose pagoda", there are severalopinions. Its name comes from a Buddhist story. According to Indian Buddhistlegend, there were two schools of Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana, and HinayanaBuddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness. One day, it was Bodhisattva givingday, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldnt buy meat for dinner. At this time,a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monk looked at the geese and said tohimself, "today there is no meat in the house. The merciful Bodhisattva willnever forget what day it is." Before the voice fell, the leading goose foldedits wings and fell to the ground. So the monks in the temple were shocked andthought that it must be the manifestation of Bodhisattva. They built a stonepagoda at the site where the wild geese fell. They gave up meat and turned toMahayana Buddhism. Since then, people have also called Bodhisattvas the king ofgeese and pagodas the "geese pagodas.".

The great wild goose pagoda was built with the approval of the imperialcourt by master Xuanzang to preserve a large number of Buddhist scripturesbrought back from India. Master Xuanzang personally participated in theconstruction of the tower, which took two years to complete. However, the pagodawas gradually destroyed more than 40 years later because of the erosion of thebrick surface and soil core. Later, Wu Zetian rebuilt the wild goose pagoda inher reign, and there were further repairs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Whatwe see now is the repaired wild goose pagoda.

Dayan Pagoda is a typical wooden pavilion style brick pagoda, which iscomposed of tower base, tower body and Tasha. Its height is 64.7 meters. Thepagoda is square cone-shaped, with a total of 7 floors. There are spiral stairsinside. We can climb up the pagoda along the spiral stairs to see the beautifulscenery of the ancient city. Now please come up with me.

When we come to the bottom of the Dayan Pagoda, we can see that the brickniches on both sides of the South Gate of the pagoda are inlaid with two steles,preface to the three Tibetan holy teachings of the Tang Dynasty, written byEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty. Bothsteles were written by Chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty,and are the best of the steles in the Tang Dynasty. Next we can visit the firstfloor. Lets take a look at the tablets on both sides of the wall. Among them,there are two stone tablets, one is the picture of Xuanzangs negativecollection, which reflects the process of his Scripture acquisition, and theother is the picture of Xuanzangs scripture translation, which reflects theprocess of his scripture translation. The pictures of the two steles are vividportraits of master Xuanzangs glorious life. Now lets start climbing up.Please step up the tower and pay attention to safety. On the second floor, wesee a sitting statue of Maitreya. You can worship it and make your wish. Then weascend the third floor. Here is the Buddhist relic presented by Indian Buddhistmonks. All right, lets keep climbing. On the third floor, there are rubbings ofthe original steles of Jiwang Shengjiao preface and Tongzhou Shengjiao preface,which are kept in Xian Beilin Museum. In the fourth floor, we can see hugefootprints, which are said to be left by Sakyamuni when he passed away. It issaid that before his death, Sakyamuni went to a small river and said to hisdisciples, "this is the last footprint I left to mankind." After that, hugefootprints were formed. At that time, people vied to pay homage to each other.When Xuanzang came to India, he heard this story and went to pay homage to itspecially. He also drew the footprints with a brush when paying homage. What wesee now is carved by Xuanzang in his later years. On the fifth and sixth floors,there are Xuanzangs poems and calligraphic works of several great poets in theTang Dynasty. Lets go up to the seventh floor. You can look up and have a lookat the very interesting poems above us. No matter where we start, these wordscan be very smooth. You can read with me, "you have to travel to the west, youhave to travel to the West.". The former worshipers praised the Tang monk, whilethe latter was praised by others. " There is also "monk Tang has to travel tothe West.". Before worshiping the Buddha in the west, the predecessors praisedhim. " And so on. No matter from which angle, it can be read as a poem aboutTang Monks learning scriptures.

When you climb to the top of the pagoda, do you have a wonderful feeling of"climbing out of the world"? You can see the magnificent scenery of the ancientcity from all sides, which makes you forget to return.

Tourist friends, now lets walk slowly down the tower and pay attention tosafety. Continue to visit Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard in the back.

Now, everyone comes to the gate of Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard. XuanzangSanzang courtyard is a group of buildings imitating Tang style, which iscomposed of dabianjue hall, Prajna hall and Guangming hall.

If you want to ask: what are the treasures of Da Cien Temple in Xian? Itis the parietal bone relic and Buddha bone relic of master Xuanzang, becauseboth of them are very precious Buddhist relics. We have just seen the Buddhistbone relic on the third floor of the Dayan Pagoda, and a portion of Xuanzangsparietal bone relic is stored in the dabianjue Hall of the Sanzang academy,where the statue of Xuanzang is still worshipped.

There are nearly 400 square meters of exquisite large murals in XuanzangsSanzang courtyard, reflecting the holy scenery of Buddhism and the life story ofXuanzang. In particular, it reflects Xuanzangs brilliant life of seeking Dharmaand translating scriptures.

In summary, Xuanzangs translation is characterized by large quantity, highquality, complete content and new way. Xuanzang alone translated 1335 volumes ofBuddhist scriptures. Because Xuanzangs translation is accurate and reliable,and the original Indian Sanskrit version on which he bases is lost, Xuanzangstranslation is regarded as "quasi Sanskrit version". Thus there was the heydayof Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty and a new situation in which many overseaseminent monks entered the Tang Dynasty to seek Dharma. The translation ofBuddhist scriptures in China begins with the translation of Buddhist scriptures.Xuanzang is a famous Buddhist, translator and traveler in the history of ourcountry. At the same time, he is a great patriot who is loyal to the motherland.He also translated Laozi, an important ancient Chinese philosophical work, intoSanskrit and introduced it to India, which promoted the cultural communicationbetween China and India and established the friendship between the twopeoples.

In 20__, Xuanzang finally died in Yuhua temple in Tongchuan. Although heasked for simplicity, the emperor buried him in Bailuyuan, which is on the Bankof Chanhe river. People have expressed their admiration and mourning for thisgeneration of eminent monk who sacrificed his life to seek Dharma, painstakinglytranslated scriptures, lived a glorious life and died with a reed mat. It hasbecome a Buddhist holy land to pay homage to and commemorate Xuanzangforever.



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Yunyan district of guiyang city is one of the city center, located in thenorthern half of the city, east, west, north three sides and bordering on wudangdistrict, high-tech zone, nanming district and adjacent to the south, northwestand border baiyun district, a beautiful natural environment, cultural landscaperich; Convenient transportation, communications developed, commercialprosperity.

Yunyan district rich in tourism resources. Domestic scenic spots have to asthe "trait first mountain", qian lingshan park as the main body of the guizhouspirit, park has hong fu temple built by the qing emperor kangxi years, is thefirst big jungle, guizhou Buddhism mountains north slope of kirin hole, theAnti-Japanese War, Chiang kai-shek had been imprisoned in the patriotic generalzhang xueliang and Yang hucheng general, is the domestic and overseas touriststo watch. Domestic sites located on the side out mountain, was built in the qingdynasty jiaqing nineteen years (1841) Yang Yin temple; There is located in thecity built during Ming 37 years (1609) of it, this pavilion is Chinas only nineAngle of three layers and three eaves saving spire building unequal Angle; Lakeis located in guizhou spirit mountains in the west bank, built during Mingyongle (1403) holy spring, the spring clearance fluctuation, and wonder.Jurisdiction revolutionary memorial sites are: the Chinese communist partyunderground working committee, the office of the eighth route army, xinhuadaily, guiyang in guizhou, the distribution of the Anti-Japanese War martyrsmonument, etc.

Yunyan district of the four seasons all appropriate travel. In guiyangfadel circulation loop, a perennial controlled by the westerlies, a subtropicalhumid mild climate, annual average temperature of 15.3 ℃. Guiyang summer withoutheat, the average summer temperature of 23.2 ℃, the highest average temperatureis between 25 to 28 ℃. Guiyang is not severe cold in winter, the coldest inearly January, the average temperature is 4.6 ℃.

Three years of the republic of China (1914), guiyang province crown land toguiyang county, YunYan is within the city of guiyang county. Nine years of therepublic of China (1920), guiyang zhili in guizhou government; Sixteen years(1927), waste the governor, the provincial government, chairman of the committeesystem; 24 (1934) in June, the provincial government has 11 administrativesupervision commissioner, who in charge of counties; Twenty-five years (1936),and for eight area, including yunyan district; November 26 (1937), and for fivearea. In 1949, the liberation of guiyang. "YunYan" district, also made townshipname, group name and village name. In 1952, YunYan for except as a group name,still for a natural villages of soul communes in guizhou. After the peoplescommune was founded in 1958, qian spirit, YunYan brigade is a production brigadeof the commune, after changed to area, continues to this day.



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Emperor Qianlong once said: if you knew there was Panshan, why go toJiangnan. However, today our family also appreciate the scenery of Panshan.

Panshan was first recorded in the Han Dynasty and flourished in the QingDynasty. It is a tourist resort with mountains and rivers, scenic spots andhistorical sites, Buddhist culture and royal culture. It is one of the top 15places of interest in China. Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty visited Panshan 32times, and many literati left many famous quatrains here.

Early in the morning, we came to the foot of the mountain. Entering thegrand gate, we climbed up the mountain along the rugged path. Apricot trees onboth sides of the road are blooming with snow-white flowers, purple lilies andyellow jasmine flowers. At the corner of the mountain road, a strange stone inthe shape of a gold ingot caught my eye. On it was a strong big word: "here arelofty mountains, strange stones and strange pines." As we continue to walkforward, the mountain spring beside the road is clear and flows down themountain. We come to Tiancheng temple. There are two Ginkgo trees on the leftand on the right in the courtyard. They are tall, straight and towering into theclouds. It is said that they are more than 1000 years old. At this time, themountain road is more rugged and steep. Our grandparents, who are more than 70years old, walk with us, attracting the praise of many tourists. It also givesme more confidence to continue climbing. The deep bell of Wansong Templereverberates in the valley.

In order to pursue speed, I copied the path. I was caught in the middle ofthe stone crack. No matter how I broke free, I was still caught, and the more Ibroke free, the more I sank. At this time, a big brother came to see me pull meup. I just wanted to say thank you. The big brother has gone far away. Its abeautiful place with beautiful mountains, beautiful water and beautifulpeople.

Panshans beautiful scenery, clear water, waterfalls, different shapes ofmountains and rocks, deeply imprinted in my heart.



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Rime island is located in the Manchu town of Wula street, more than 30kilometers north of Jilin City. It is a small island in the Songhua River. It isthe most famous rime scenic spot in China. Wusong in Jilin Province, togetherwith Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the ThreeGorges of the Yangtze River, is known as Chinas four natural wonders. Rimeisland has many and beautiful rime, and it is often a good place to photographscenery. Every winter, the rising water mist in the unfrozen river is cold, andit condenses into frost flowers on the trees. From a distance, it is thelegendary Yushu Qionghua, which is beyond words.

Rime is a natural wonder, but the probability of seeing rime on rime islandis high, especially from the middle and late December of each year to the end ofFebruary of the next year. However, the formation of rime needs to meet specificweather conditions, so it is recommended to use the microblog of Jilin TourismBureau( )To pay attention to the weather, usuallyif there is moderate to heavy snow, and the temperature is below minus 20degrees, there is a great possibility of rime.

From the shore, you need to take a ferry to the island, the cost of 60 yuanper person is equivalent to the island fee and round-trip ticket. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy the Wusong. The trees here are peculiar inshape. The weeping willows covered with frost along the river are shining in theriver wind. If you want to feel the beauty of rime, you can take an earlymorning bus from Jilin City. Its the best time to watch rime from 9 to 11oclock, and then return in the afternoon. One day is enough. However, if youhave plenty of time, youd better stay here for one or two nights. In theevening, you can take pictures of sunset. The next day, you can get up early towatch sunrise, and then take pictures of rime. In addition, Hantun on the otherside of rime island is also a good place to watch rime.

You can choose to live in zengtongtun or Hantun on Wusong island. They areall hot Kang shops provided by local farmers. Generally, they are 100-150 yuanper person. Local dishes are common northeast farmhouse dishes. Sauerkraut isdelicious. Rime island is very cold in winter. Its usually 20-30 degrees belowzero. You must wear thick down jacket and high top anti-skid snow shoes. Youcant miss a cotton hat, mask, ski gloves and scarf. For Southern tourists whocome to Northeast China occasionally, you can stick some warm treasures outsideyour underwear before going out.
