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沈阳昭陵陵区建筑布局大致是这样的:陵区四周设有红、白、青三种颜色界桩,其南面还备有挡众木(又叫“拒马木”)四百四十二架。陵区南北狭长,东西偏窄。陵区最南端是下马碑,其次,为 华表和石狮。计有下马碑四座,华表一对,石狮一对,它们分别立在道路的两旁。石狮之北建有神桥。神桥之西原有涤品井一眼。神桥往北为石牌坊。石牌坊东西两侧各有一座小跨院。东跨院是皇帝更衣亭和静房(厕所)。西跨院是省牲亭和馔造房。石牌坊以北是陵寝正门——正红门,此门周围是环绕陵区的朱红围墙,又叫“风水墙”。正红门内有一条南北笔直的石路叫“神道”,神道两侧由南往北依次立有擎天柱柱一对,石狮子一对,石獬豸一对,石麒麟一对,石马一对,石骆驼一对,石象一对。这些石兽统称“ 石象生”。

再往北,在神道正中有神功圣德碑亭一座。碑亭两侧有“朝房”,东朝房是存放仪仗及制奶茶之地,西朝房是备制膳食和果品之所。碑亭之北是方城,方城正门曰“隆恩门”,城门上有楼,俗称“五凤楼”。方城正中是隆恩殿,两侧有配殿和配楼。配楼俗名“晾果楼”,晾晒祭祀用果品之处。隆恩殿后有二柱门和石祭台,再后是券门,券门顶端有大明楼,步入券门是月牙城,月牙城正面有琉璃影壁,两侧有“蹬道”可上下方城,月牙城之后是 宝城、宝顶,宝顶之内为 地宫。宝城之后是人工堆起的陵山——“隆业山”。另在陵寝西侧、与宝顶遥遥相对还有一组建筑叫“懿靖大贵妃、康惠淑妃园寝”,是安葬太宗众妃的莹地。除此之外,在陵寝东西两翼各三里许有陪葬墓,左侧有 武勋王杨古里墓及奶妈坟,右侧有贞臣敦达里及安达里殉葬墓。这种以功臣陪葬的形式是古代陵寝制度,体现了封建君王“ 事死如事生”的愿望,也体现了忠君思想和严格的封建等级制度。

另在陵区之外还有藏经楼、 关帝庙、点将台等建筑。昭陵建筑布局严格遵循“中轴线”及“前朝后寝”等陵寝规制,陵寝主体建筑全部建在南北中轴线上,其它附属建筑则均衡地安排在它的两侧。这样的设计思想主要是体现皇权至高无上,同时,达到使建筑群稳重、平衡及统一等美学效应。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2012 字

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Hello, tourists! Im your guide, Xiao su. Today, Id like to take you toHuguangyan, a 4A scenic spot in Zhanjiang City.

Huguangyan is located in the southwest of Zhanjiang City. Huguangyan is oneof the eight scenic spots in Zhanjiang, and is also a famous Crater tourist areain China. The air is rich in negative ions, so it is called "natural oxygenbar"___ It was also named "World Geopark" in. In the morning, a layer of whitefog shrouded Huguangyan, like a little girl in white clothes. At noon,Huguangyan was golden, as if it had been sprinkled with gold dust. At night, thelake is as quiet as a mirror.

Tourists, Huguangyan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has abeautiful legend. Legend has it that there is no lake here, only a smallvillage, the village has a pair of dependent mother and son. Unfortunately, herson died when he went to the mountain to collect firewood. The old mother criedto death. In the haze, the old mother saw a calf coming to farm for her son.From then on, grain grows automatically in the field. One year there was asevere drought, and the calf brought food to his mother. When the villagersfound the white cow, they seized it, slaughtered it and distributed the beef toeach household to satisfy their hunger. The old mother cried and threw the beefover the sky. The beef soared to the outside of the village, and the old motherstumbled to catch up. A bamboo branch suddenly fell from the sky for her. Whenwe got to Sangtian, the beef suddenly disappeared. Then the sky collapses andthe earth collapses, thunder and lightning suddenly rises, and the villagebecomes Jiangze. In a hurry, the old mother inserts the bamboo branch into thefield. Suddenly, the flood receded, leaving only one lake, which is todaysHuguangyan. Of course, this is just a myth. In fact, according to theinvestigation of geologists, Huguangyan was formed by a volcanic eruption 200000years ago.

Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huguangyan carefully. I hopeHuguangyan can leave good memories for you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:学校,导游,全文共 1207 字

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辽宁省基础教育教研培训中心、辽宁教育行政学院、辽宁电化教育馆设在沈阳师范大学。学校现有26个二级学院和13个校属馆部中心及附属机构,并拥有我国在中东地区为数不多的两所孔子学院——黎巴嫩贝鲁特圣约瑟夫大学孔子学院和约旦安曼TAG孔子学院。现有本科专业63个,硕士学位授权一级学科15个,硕士授权点108个,专业学位授权点9个,是普通高等学校推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生单位,是开展在职人员以研究生毕业同等学力申请硕士学位的单位,是中国政府奖学金留学生接受单位, 是教育部首批开展专业学位研究生教育综合改革试点单位。具有国家级重点研究基地2个,省级重点研究基地16个,省级紧缺人才培养基地1个,省级人才培养创新实验区1个,省级高水平重点学科2个,省级特色优势重点学科6个,国家级特色专业4个,省级示范性专业9个,省级重点实验室8个,省级实验教学示范中心2个,省级创新团队4个,省级教学团队6个。设有教育经济与管理研究所、中国文化与文学研究所、古生物研究所、中国北方少数民族文化研究中心、延松剧场艺术研究所、两栖爬行动物研究所等校属各类研究机构9个。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2170 字

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Everybody is good, as a changsha people I in changsha is familiar scenery,let me tell you tourists introduce civilization and beautiful changsha!!!!

Scenic spots one: capital city

Capital is the only one in changsha about mountain tourist attractions.Walk into, it seems you can smell the breath of the mountain, the scent ofwater, saw the waving grass, flowers bloom. Trees surrounded by mountains, amongthe green world, you might as well sit in love late pavilion, watch thepicturesque scenery, listening to the singing of birds. Into the depths of themountains, not the noise of the people, also have no the chanting of the birds,everyone is silent looked at the one thousand ancient tree, feel the power oftheir survival. Got to the top of the mountain, you can let go of mind, to facethe trees at the foot of the mountain, say the secret of the heart, tell thenature, so it wont be oppressed in psychological and uncomfortable. Down themountain, you can also go to have a look, to steal some COINS to make a wish,perhaps return will come true.

Attractions 2: as cabinet

As pavilion is originally by the Japanese invasion in China used to fight afortress, as cabinet had only one floor, then build into three layers, it islocated in changsha is the central, standing on the top floor can seeeverything. Building with the anti-japanese soldiers legacy, and cabinetfurniture such as bed. There are three fort on the top floor, terrible standingon it. As cabinet of the north and the south side still have an attic, andrecords the other heroes of the story in south tower, north building plays theAnti-Japanese War film.

Three places are the orange continent park

There are a lot of trees in the orange continent park, a lot of oranges, alot of birds. Robin in the curved path,

Color ribbon like falling from heaven. Can hear birds singing into thegate, smell the fragrance of the flower is really charactizing a fine springday. Park is flowing around the xiangjiang river, the xiangjiang river thatmirror j, like a vivid landscape, is really beautiful. I want the orangecontinent park quickly become a continent of China.

This is a civilized and beautiful scenery of changsha.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3518 字

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China has a recorded history of some 3,600 years, beginning with the ShangDynasty(16th——12th century BC)。The first stage is the primitive society。 Thehistory was much associated with the supposed pre-Xia Dynasty(21th-16th centuyBC)。 The second major periob lasted from about 2,000 to 200 BC。 The historydated the beginning of the slave society from the Xia Dynasty, which constitutedthe first Chinese state。 The third stage extended all the way from 221BC, whenQin Shihuang united China, to the Opium War of 1840。 Historical docments namethe third period as the Feusal Imperial Rule。 The feudal society in China passedthrough a period of disunity beginning at the Three Kingdom Period, and endingin shoet-lived Sui Dynasty(581——618), Western Jin(265——316)via EasternJin(317——439) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties(386——589)。

The following story occurred in the three Kingdom Period。 At the rnd of theEastern Han Dynasty(25——220) a gtrat peasant revolt happened。 Many localofficials developed into warlords to assisty the Han Emperor in suppressing therebellion。 During this period the watlotds took the opportunity to build uyptheir own political and military strengty and made themselves into autonomousregional warlords。 Finally the warlords carved the Han Empire into threekingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu。 The populous episodic novel,The Romance of theThree Kingdoms traces the rise and fall of the three kingdoms and vividlydepicts the turbulent social conditions at that time。 The rulers of the threeindependent kingdoms struggled for supremacy。 Cao Cao and his son establishedthe kingdom of Wei at Loyang。 He was in actual control of only the North Chinahomeland。 Two rivals soon proclaimed emperors themselves elsewhere。 The kingdomof Wu with its capital in Nanjing occupied dChangjiang Valley, The kingdom ofShu was created with its capital in Chengdu。 Ti was in the control of Sichuanand parts ojf the highland of south China。

Wuhou Temple is much associated with the kingdom of Shu。 It is the place tocommemorate Zhu Geliang, Prime Minister of the kingdom。 Wuhou was a top officialtitle conferred upon Zhu Geliang after his death。 It is unfortunate that nohistorical documents have recorded the time of its establishment。 However, DuFu, a top Tang Dynasty poet wrote a poem of kwhich two lines say as below:"Wherewould I find the Prime Ministers shrine?Somewhere outside Jinguan, in a densecypress glade。"

This poem helps us infer that Zhu Geliang Temple was already in ezistencein the Tang Dynadty。 During the Tang and Song Dynasties Zhu Geliang and EmperorLiu Bei had their independent temples in Chengdu, At the beginning of the MingDynasty the two temples merged into one。 Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty themerged tempke was destroyed during war chaos。 The present buildings date fromthe Qing Dynasty in 1672。 The main entrance gate hangs a horizontal inscribedboard。 It says, "Han Zhaolie Temple"。Han refers to the kingdom of Shui; zhaoliewas Liu Beis posthumous title。 The board indicates that the whole temple wasbuilt in honor of Liu Bei。 But why do all the people call it Zhu Geliang Tempkeinstead of Han Zhaolie Temple? It is due to Zhu Geliangs invaluable historicalcontribution, and his political and military strategies to the development ofthe kingdom。 In the view of the local peopoe his prestige far gan to call it ZhuGrliang Temple regardless of the emperors dignity and the temples originalname。 Gtadually more and more people accepted the new name of the temple throughcommon practice。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3853 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 679 字

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 故宫原名叫紫禁城,占地72万平方米,其中建筑面积为16.3万平方米,南北长961米,东西宽753米,周围有10米高的城墙环绕,还有宽52米的护城河,在四角都建有一座精美的角楼。根据1973年的统计,故宫有大小院落90多座,房屋有980座,共计8704间。




好啦,各位朋友,故宫的讲解到此结束,现在请各位自由参观, 5分钟后我们在门口集合。谢谢各位的合作。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2507 字

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Fuzhou Lin Zexu Memorial Hall (also known as "Lin Zexu ancestral hall") isa memorial hall for Chinese historical figures.

It was built in memory of Lin Zexu, a national hero of the Qing Dynasty. Itis located in Macao Road, nanhou street, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Foundedin 1982. The original site of the museum is Lin Zexus special ancestral hall,which was founded in 1905. It covers an area of about 3000 square meters. Thereare main buildings such as Yimen hall, yubeiting, Shude hall, North South Flowerhall, Quchi building, zhubaixuan and so on. It has the style of Jiangnan gardenand is a provincial cultural relic protection unit.

The destructed opium of Humen cigarette is embedded in the screen wall ofthe ancestral hall. The front gate is inscribed "Lin Wenzhong Temple". More than20 deacon boards were displayed in the corridors on both sides of the instrumentdoor, which wrote to Lin Zexus successive official posts. The pavilion ofimperial steles is square, with three imperial steles in the finished shape. Inthe middle of the story is the imperial edict of emperor Xianfeng of the QingDynasty when he learned that Lin Zexu had died of illness. On one side, thereare "Imperial Sacrificial inscriptions" and on the other side, there are"imperial inscriptions". Shude hall is the ancestral hall. In the center is astatue of Lin Zexus official costume. On the lintel there is a plaque of "FuShou" written by Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. Quchi building is now anexhibition hall. Zhubaixuan is an ancient double-layer Pavilion. The downstairsis a place for audio-visual education, which can accommodate more than 100people. It can show feature films, serials, documentaries, etc. in cooperationwith the exhibition. The upstairs is a reference room and reading hall, whichcontains books and cultural relics for research and use by people inside andoutside the museum.

The main content of the exhibition is to reflect Lin Zexus life story.Among the exhibits are more than 120 couplets, striped screens, vertical frames,fans, letter ties, manuscripts, notes, etc. written by Lin Zexu himself, as wellas his used seals, residual ink, printing boxes, carving boards of politicaldocuments, etc. Lin Zexus handwritten poems and his father Lin binrishandwritten analysis of property are the most precious. YaZhai miscellaneousrecords is an official document and archives that Lin Zexu copied during hisGarrison in Yili. Many important files in these official documents and archiveshave been lost.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3369 字

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ladies, gentlemen,

welcome to the" land of fish and rice" - - suzhou.suzhou ,one of the chinese"cities of gardens"tops all others in both number and artistry of gardens.starting from pijiang garden of the eastern jin dynasty,suzhous art of gardening has undergone a history of1500 years.the concept of suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city the regions of the yangtze.

the four classical gardens of suzhou are the surging waves pavilion.the lion grove garden garden .the humble administratorgarden.the lingering garden.in a nutshell ,represent the different architectural styles of song.yuan.ming.qing dynasties.

my friends, now we are in the lingering garden. it is located in liuyuan road, suzhou city. it was built by xutaishi in ming dynasty. at that time it was named eastern garden.

there are three treasures in the lingering garden. the first treasure are stones.the stone in front of us is the most distinguishing stone "guangyun peak". with a weight of 5 tons and a height of 6.5 meters, it is one of the four wonderful stones in the regions of the yangtze.

the calligrapher and painter mifu in song dynasty sum up the features of lake tai stones as the following: slender ,wrinkling , leaking , penetrating. just take the "guangyun peak" as an example and you will have some idea about the features of the stones. in addition, it is endowed with the personal characters of faithfulness because of its nature of stiffness and unchangeable outlook. thus it has been worshipped by people since old time.

the second treasure is "five peak fairy hall" "five peaks fairy hall" gets the reputation of "the first hall in the regions of yangtze" . the name comes from the lines of the great poet libai. the four chinese characters on the plaque were written by wuda---the famous calligrapher. nanmu hall used to be the place for important banquets and ceremonies, such as birthday parties, weddings , funerals .

the hall is divided into two sections__the south section and the north section. the south section host male guests, while the south section host female guests.

the hall is elegantly designed with oversized windows on east and west sides . through the windows, the outside sceneries of the two courtyards can be extended as parts of the hall, thus to ensure enough lights into the building.

five peaks fairy hall was built out of luxury materials. beams and pillars are all nanmu, which is a kind of timber only produced in china. that is also the reason why "five peaks fairy hall" is also commonly called "nanmu hall".

the "fossil fish" we are enjoying is the third treasure of lingering garden. it is a natural marble picture. in the middle of the picture are the clutters of mountains which are partly hidden and partly visible; below are flowing streams,above are floating clouds; right on the middle top is a round white spot like a sun or a moon.it is a picture drawn by the nature. the marble stone has a diameter of 1 meter or so and a thickness of 15 mms . it was produced in diancang mountain, yunnan province. it is a wonder how such big a stone was delivered in a good condition from yunnan which is over one thousand mile away from suzhou.

china is most famous for its elegant classical gardens.

among these, the lingering garden is one representative. if you would like to know more about chinese culture, we welcome you to visit suzhou again.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2326 字

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This famous cultural city is located in the west of the vast and richJianghan Plain. In the Han Dynasty, the whole country was divided into 36states, named after Jingshan in the north. After the Eastern Jin Dynasty,several emperors built their capitals here, making this city an important placefor the successive dynasties to garrison troops and set up their offices.

The ancient city of Jingzhou is divided into three layers, water cityoutside, brick city in the middle and earth city inside. It is said that inorder to prevent the foundation of the city from sinking and flooding, glutinousrice slurry was poured into the stone crevice at the foot of the right city, sothe city wall was particularly strong. It is said that Guan Yunchang, thegeneral of Shu in the Three Kingdoms, was guarding Jingzhou when nine fairiescame down to earth. Its said that Jingzhous swordsmen have moved too much, sothey should be taken back and placed in Gods land, and no mortals are allowedto fight for them. Guan Gong was loyal to his brother and refused to letJingzhou, so he thought of a plan, saying: "you are in the northwest, I am inthe southeast, each building a city, the city is a thousand steps on Friday, itstarts at dark, the crowing of chickens stops, who builds first, who managesthis place. The nine fairies used their clothes to cover the earth, and GuanGong cut reeds to build the city. Guangong city is just a corner away from thenine fairies City, and the chickens are not crowing yet. Guan Gong vibrates thechicken cage and the reed mat, the rooster crows, and the nine fairies go toheaven in shame. This is the origin of jiunvzhuo outside the north gate ofJingzhou City. Its also said that Zhang Fei also carried the earth to help hissecond brother build the city. But when he came late, he dumped the earthoutside the east gate. Nowadays, people call these two hills like Earth "ZhangFei Yidan earth". These are all myths and legends. However, in order to guardagainst the eastern Wu Dynasty, Guan Gong built a new city next to the old cityin the Han Dynasty, which has historical records. Anyone who has read theromance of the Three Kingdoms knows the story of Liu Beis false cry forJingzhou and Guan Gongs careless loss of Jingzhou. Our first stop was "a placefor military strategists." Jingzhou, the capital of China.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7621 字

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Welcome to visit the world natural heritage site (on July 8, 20__, the 32ndWorld Heritage conference held in Quebec, Canada included Sanqing mountain inthe world heritage list. Sanqing mountain became the Seventh World NaturalHeritage in China and the first World Natural Heritage in Jiangxi. )WorldGeopark (at 2:00 a.m. on September 21, 20__, at the 11th World Geopark Congressheld in Aloka, Portugal, Sanqing mountain, as the only declaration unit of Chinain 20__, was officially listed in the list of world geoparks by UNESCO, becomingthe 27th World Geopark in China), and national 5A scenic spot (September 6,20__)!

Sanqing mountain is located in Zihu Town, Huaiyu Township, Nanshan Townshipand Bada township of Dexing City. Sanqingshan Jinsha cableway is located inJinsha village of Sanqingshan (Eastern Service Area) to the north of Zihu Town,Yushan County, and the Nanshan cableway of Sanqingshan is located in Shuangxi(Southern service area) outside Dongao village, Nanshan Township, Yushan County.Shandong is 90 kilometers away from Quzhou, Zhejiang, 115 kilometers away fromWuyishan, Fujian, 78 kilometers away from Shangrao, and 263 kilometers away fromHuangshan, Anhui. The total area of the scenic spot is 229 square kilometers,and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.

Why is it called Sanqing mountain? "Sanqing" is the three highest godsworshipped by Taoism in China - Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing. It is said in theTaoist Scripture that "Yujing is the king of gods", which means that Yujing iswhere they live. The main peak of Sanqing mountain is Yujing, 1816.9 metersabove sea level. The three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua stand at the sametime, just like the three forefathers of Taoism, so Sanqing mountain gets itsname. Since Gehong first made alchemy in Sanqing mountain 1600 years ago, it hasbecome a famous Taoist mountain. There is a couplet in Sanqing palace, whichsays: "the Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous place in the world; Gao Lingyunis the first fairy peak in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty",which means the special position of Sanqing mountain in Taoism.

Sanqing mountain is 229 square kilometers in length, dangerous in the Eastand strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique in the south. Atpresent, more than 500 landscapes have been developed, including strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, andsea of clouds and mists

Sanqing mountain was named as the world natural heritage site in 20__ forits unique geography and geology. It is called "the World Natural Museum ofgranite micro landform" by international experts. The history of the formationof this peculiar and valuable geological landform is very long. In the past 1.4billion years, Sanqingshan has undergone tremendous changes. It has beenimmersed in the sea for three times and sank to the bottom of the sea twice for500-600 million years. Due to the action of submarine volcanoes and theHimalayan orogeny in the late Jurassic period 180 million years ago and later,the mountains kept rising, the faults were densely distributed, and the verticalgranite bodies were eroded by weathering for a long time. Coupled with thegravity disintegration, the mountain wonders of Sanqing mountain today werefinally created.

The micro geomorphic types of granite peak forest in Sanqing mountain arecomplete, which can be said to record the evolution process of geomorphology.For example, the macro geomorphic evolution series is from "peak range - peakwall - peak cluster - Stone Forest - peak column - Stone Cone", plus "cliff,peak valley and molding stone". These nine kinds of landforms can be seen inSanqing mountain. In the core scenic area, there are 48 Qifeng, 89 moldingstones, 384 scenery and landscapes, among which two are rare in the world, thePython and the goddess Sichun. After seeing this, Paul, President of theNational Park Foundation of the United States, exclaimed: Sanqing mountain isone of the few boutiques in the world and a treasure of all mankind.

Sanqingshan is also a "natural laboratory" for studying the paleogeology,paleogeography and paleontology evolution of East Asia and North America.According to the theory of continental drift and seafloor spreading platetectonics, during the Triassic period, the world continent was once a unifiedancient land. It formed its present shape through drift 6.5 million years ago,and the seed plants on the ancient land also migrated with the drift of theancient land. Based on the analysis of the flora of Sanqing mountain, it isfound that Liriodendron in Sanqing mountain and Liriodendron in North Americaform a corresponding relationship, and it is the representative of thecorresponding components. Another example is that the East China yellow fir inSanqing mountain is the American Citi fir, which also forms a correspondingrelationship. All these can prove that the Sanqingshan mountains and the NorthAmerican continent were originally linked together.

Sanqing mountain is also known as an important "biological refuge" for EastAsia during the Quaternary ice age. During the Quaternary glacial period, due tothe global temperature decline, many plants were devastated. However, due to thewarm and humid climate of Sanqing mountain and the complex terrain environment,it became a refuge for many ancient plants. Now there are 2373 species of higherplants in Sanqing mountain, many of which are rare. Like Taxus chinensis, Taxuschinensis, Ginkgo biloba, tiannvhua and so on, Sanqingshan is also thedistribution center of hemlock. Especially in the warm spring season, thousandsof acres of Alpine Rhododendron trees are in full bloom. Its fascinating. OnSeptember 26, 20__, the rare plant species of Sanqing mountain were launchedinto space with the "Shenqi" experimental module. There are 25 kinds of plantspecies, 200 grams in total, including rare and endangered species ofshuanghuamu and Acer pulcherrima, Chinese endemic species of Cyclocaryapaliurus, Ilex zingiberensis, Yingchun cherry, etc., East Asia North Americainterspecific species of Ailanthus altissima, national key protected species ofCamellia Cheung, and dominant species of pear, Phoebe bournei, Carpinusleigongensis, etc. The seeds of endangered plants in Sanqing mountain, whichhave traveled in space, have been sent to Sun Yat sen University forcultivation. After successful cultivation, they will be transplanted to Sanqingmountain endangered botanical garden. Sanqing mountain is a world naturalheritage site with rich plant species, including 33 rare and endangered plants.At present, the Sanqing Mountain Management Committee has acquired 1000 mu ofland in Lingtou mountain for the establishment of an endangered botanicalgarden, and plans to introduce North American plants of the same genus, rare andendangered plants, ornamental plants and flowers. During the tour, you will seethat these plants are hung with signboards, so you can have a look at theirstyle.

Sanqingshan is also a national animal protection base. 1728 species of wildanimals have been identified, of which 54 species are under state keyprotection. For example, seven species are under state first-class keyprotection, including black muntjac, clouded leopard, leopard, white necked longtailed pheasant, yellow bellied horned pheasant, Chinese merganser duck andgolden spotted pheasant. There are 47 species of wildlife under the second levelnational key protection.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sanqingmountain as well as the fascinating scientific investigation of geology, botanyand zoology.



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Hello, everyone, welcome to the southernmost city of Chinese mainland toZhanjiang. Once a great man Deng Xiaopings sentence "Qingdao in the north,Zhanjiang in the South" incisively outlines a charming Zhanjiang which can becompared with Qingdao. Zhanjiang, like Qingdao, is also one of the first batchof open tourist cities in China. At the same time, Zhanjiang has a uniquegeographical location, rich natural resources and beautiful coastal scenery,just like a dazzling pearl, inlaid in the South China Sea.

Zhanjiang has a total land area of 12470.5 square kilometers, which can beillustrated by the following districts and cities.. Four are four urban areas:Chikan District, Xiashan District, Potou district and Mazhang district; threeare three county-level cities: Leizhou City, Wuchuan City and Lianjiang City;two are two counties: Suixi County and Xuwen County; one is a national economicand Technological Development Zone. Zhanjiang is located in the southernmostChinese mainland. The southwest of Guangdong province is located in the LeizhouPeninsula, east of the South China Sea, the west coast of the Beibu Gulf, thesouth facing the sea from Hainan, the North southwest, and the Guangdong,Guangxi and Qiong provinces. It is the necessary place for Hainan Island to goto the mainland, the main outlet for the southwest China, and the NorthwestHepu, Bobai and Lu Chuan county. Adjacent to the northeast, it borders MaonanDistrict, Huazhou City and Dianbai County of Maoming City. It is also theshortest foreign trade port from the mainland of China to Southeast Asia,Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East. It plays an important role in theBeibu Gulf economic circle and Asia Pacific Economic Circle.

Zhanjiang is located in the low latitude zone south of the Tropic ofcancer. It has a North tropical marine monsoon climate. The annual averagetemperature is about 22.8 degrees, and the hottest month is July and August. Theaverage temperature is 30 degrees. The coldest months are January and February,and the average temperature is about 15 degrees. There is no severe cold inwinter and no severe heat in summer. The warm climate makes Zhanjiang green allthe year round, forming a unique North tropical plant ecological landscape.

The design idea of the sculpture is to symbolize Zhanjiang peoples"sailing to the world" with sails, which is known as Zhanjiang City logo "windis flying". Unexpectedly, this group of "three sails" sculptures are more likethree machetes standing on the ground than sails. Whats more bizarre is thatthe sculpture faces the office buildings of the customs, border control and taxauthorities. In the anti smuggling activities of the state a few years ago, thesculpture of this city was like "three knives" that "chopped" the three mainleaders of Zhanjiang customs, frontier defense and tax respectively. Therefore,the local people say that the presence of these three knives is also a wake-upcall for these government units. If they do not abide by the law, they will cutthem off.

Having said so much, how did the name of Zhanjiang come from? Why wasZhanjiang called "Guangzhou Bay" before?

Zhanjiang belongs to Baiyue of Chu state in the pre Qin period. In the QinDynasty, it belonged to Xiang County, and in the Han Dynasty, it belonged toHezhou. In the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it belonged to Jun, Lu andFu. In modern history, Zhanjiang was a French colony. After the second OpiumWar, that is, in 1898, France coerced the Qing government to lease Guangzhou Bayin the three counties of South Wuchuan for 99 years. Then, the French colonistswantonly expanded the scope of leased land by force and occupied a large area ofland along the harbor (now Zhanjiang Harbor Area), which was collectivelyreferred to as Guangzhou Bay (Zhanjiang area was formerly known as "GuangzhouBay"). This name was formed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Some scholarsbelieve that it was named because there are "Guangzhou Bay" villages in thethree southern islands. Others believe that it was named because gaolei mansionis under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou and the map is in the middle of"Guangzhou". In 1897, the French warship Bayard broke into the "Guangzhou Bay"to avoid typhoon, and was moved by this deep-water harbor. The government leasedthe "Guangzhou Bay",

It opened the prelude of the colonial history of Guangzhou Bay. In April1898, the French invaders occupied haitouxun (jinxiashan) and set up theirterritory in the mainland, which was resisted by the local people for more thana year. On November 16, 1899, China and France signed the Treaty of Canton Bayconcession between China and France, which collectively referred to theterritory in the concession as "Canton bay" and leased it to France in 1999. Tocommemorate the Bayard, the French called the central city of Guangzhou Bay"fort Bayard". From the outbreak of the Pacific War to 1943, Guangzhou Bay wasin a stable state and enjoyed a short-term prosperity. On February 21, 1943,Japan and France signed the agreement on joint defense of Guangzhou Bay, whichwas occupied by Japan. After the surrender of Japan, on August 18, 1945, Wuguoframe, chief executive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the nationalgovernment of China, and Dai Litang, acting office of the French Embassy inChina, signed the "treaty between the national government of the Republic ofChina and the provisional government of France on the handover of the leasedland in Guangzhou Bay" in Chongqing on behalf of the Chinese and Frenchgovernments, and the leased land in Guangzhou Bay was returned to China. OnAugust 22, the Guangdong provincial government, by order of the nationalgovernment, established the leased land in Guangzhou Bay as a provincial city,named Zhanjiang City. Zhanjiang City was liberated on December 19, 1949. )Zhanjiang is called "Zhanjiang City". In fact, there is another saying. BecauseZhanjiang belonged to Shenchuan County in ancient times, and Zhanjiang wassurrounded by the sea on three sides, it was changed into Zhan, which impliedthe sky and the blue sea water of Zhanjiang. There are three main roads inZhanjiang, namely Renmin Avenue, Shenchuan Avenue and Haibin Avenue. These threemain roads are just three parallel lines, On the map, its just like the Chinesecharacter Chuan. Because Chuan means water and river, its changed to "River".The name of Zhanjiang comes from this..

Zhanjiang is famous for its outstanding people, rich specialties andbeautiful environment. It is the southernmost city in mainland China; GuangdongProvince was first listed as one of the 14 coastal port cities open to theoutside world by the state; the coastline is 1556 km long, accounting for about2 / 5 of the total coastline and 1 / 10 of the whole country, which is thelargest in the whole Province; Zhanjiang port is one of the deep-water ports inChina; Xuwen Coral Reef group, a national nature reserve with an area of 143.7square kilometers, is the coral reef group with the largest area and variety inChina. It has 1.49 million mu of marine beach, accounting for 48% of theprovince, the largest in the province. Donghai Island, with an area of 286square kilometers, is the largest island in the province and the fifth largestisland in the country; Donghai island beach is 28 kilometers long, of which20663 meters is the continuous part, which is certified as "the longest beach inChina" by Shanghai Guinness; the northeast of Leizhou Peninsula in Zhanjiang hasthe largest area in China and the largest low-temperature geothermal field withthermal fluid reserves; Zhanjiang is an important base for offshore oil and gasdevelopment services in South China, and the South China Sea near Zhanjiang isone of the four major offshore oil and gas accumulation centers in the world;Zhanjiangs salt production ranks first in the province, with a productioncapacity of 150000 tons, accounting for half of the provinces sea saltproduction; Zhanjiang is one of the four major sugar industry bases in China,and the largest municipal sugar industry base in China; Zhanjiang has more than180000 Mu pineapple base and more than 140000 Mu mango base, ranking first inthe province.

Zhanjiang is the largest marine pearl breeding base in China. BecauseZhanjiang faces the sea three times, most of the harbors have moderate salinity,small waves and rich bait organisms, which are suitable for pearl breeding. Themain pearl culture areas are Leizhou, Xuwen and Suixi in Leizhou Peninsula.Among the sea pearls, "Nanzhu" has the best quality and the highest grade.Leizhou Peninsula is the main producing area of South Pearl; pearl peoplegathered pearls as early as Qin Dynasty, and pearls were abundant in later HanDynasty. Emperors of all dynasties sent internal supervisors to Zhuchi tocollect pearls and pay tribute to the imperial court.



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Is Indonesian island, Bali (Bali) located at the western end of the lesser sunda islands is roughly a diamond, spindle for east-west. Occupies an area of 5623 square km and a population of about 2.47 million. East west high low terrain, mountains across, has more than 10 volcanic cone, argonne volcano, 3140 meters above sea level in eastern, is the islands highest peak. Sunny, in most of the annual rainfall of about 1500 mm, dry season about 6 months. Developed economy, population density is second only to Java, the second in the nation. Residents are mainly Balinese hindus to temple architecture, sculpture, painting, music, textile, singing and dancing, and is famous for its scenery. As one of the tourist destination in the world. Land reclamation rate more than 65%, the yield of rice, corn, cassava, coconut, coffee, tobacco, peanuts, cabbage, onion, fruit and palm oil, etc. Cattle, coffee and coconut as the main export products. Bali on the east side of lombok strait is the dividing line between mainland and Macao two part of typical animals, has special significance in biology.

Or Indonesia Bali famous tourist area, is one of the lesser sunda islands east of the island of Java, covers an area of about 5560 square kilometers and a population of about 2.8 million. Bali west about 1000 kilometers from the capital Jakarta, and in the capital, Jakarta Java island facing each other across the sea, only 1.6 kilometers. Due to the island is located in the tropical and influenced by ocean, warm and rainy weather, soil is very fertile, four seasons green water of castle peak, million flowers, towering trees. Bali sex life of flowers, everywhere decorated with flowers, therefore, the island is "flower island", and enjoy "the south China sea paradise", "fairy island" reputation. Mostly mountain on the island, island mountain horizon, the topography of the east west high low, four, five mountain conical complete fire, the argonne volcano (Bali) 3142 meters above sea level, is the islands highest point, near eruption in 963 Mr Is an active volcano.

Sand island nur, noosa dole and the library of the place such as the beach, is the most beautiful beach in the island scenery, here fine sand beach width, the clear blue water. Visitors from all over the world come here for sightseeing every year. Bali, wood carving statues of the Hindu temple Bali because of the history of Indian culture and religion, the influence of the residents mostly Hindu, Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs. But the Hindu here with Indian Hindu not the same, is the combination of the Hindu teachings and Bali customs, known as the Hindu Bali. Residents three main worship god (brahma, Vishnu and shiva) and Buddhism sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, water god, fire, wind, etc. Jiamiao catholics have a home, family composition of the communities temple in the village of the village temple, the temple island has more than 125000 seats, therefore, the island called the "thousand temple island" laudatory name. Temple is most notably in the one thousand - year - old hundred ShaJiLing temple, ling temple built in known as "the worlds navel" argonne volcanic slopes, to the worship of this intermittent eruption of the volcano god. Ling temple the hierarchy of stone buildings, similar to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.



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Erhai Lake is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It isthe second largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. It is long and narrow.The lake water is clear and transparent. It has been called "the flawless jadeamong the mountains" since ancient times. It is one of the four scenic spots ofDali.

It is said that the shape of Erhai Lake is like an ear, so it is known as"Plateau Pearl". Looking down from the sky, Erhai Lake is like a new moon, lyingquietly between Cangshan and Dali Bazi. Boating in Erhai Lake gives people apoetic and picturesque mood of "boat floating in the blue waves, people swimmingin the paintings".

Erhai Park is a good place to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan Erhai Lake.There are three islands, four continents, five lakes and nine curves in thelake. Three islands: Jinsuo Island, Chiwen island and tianer island; fourcontinents: qingsabi, daguanchu, Yuanyang and Malian; five lakes: Nantang lake,Beitang lake, Lianzhu lake, Longhu Lake and Bozhou Lake; nine tunes: Lianhua,Daji, Puji, Fengyi, luoelbow, Niujiao, boyin and Gaoyan.

There are many beautiful bays in Erhai Lake, among which Haidong Bay,diaosewan, kanglang Bay and Shuanglang Bay are larger. Especially the "threeislands" in the lake make Erhai Lake more beautiful. Dali "Fenghuaxueyue" fourscenes: xiaguanfeng, shangguanhua, Cangshan snow, Erhai moon.



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Sun Wen Memorial Park is located in the south of the central city ofZhongshan, at the junction of Xingzhong road and Chenggui road. It is located onthe new ten sceneries of "Xingzhong brocade". Covering an area of 26.6 hectares,it was fully completed and opened to the public on the birthday of Dr. Sun Yatsen in November 1996. The plaque of the park was written by Professor ouHaonian, a famous calligrapher and master of Lingnan School of traditionalChinese painting in Chinese Taiwan. Different from other tourist attractions, the parkdoes not have tickets, so visitors can visit the park free of charge.

Sun Wen Memorial Park is mainly reconstructed from two gentle hillsides,which is divided into two different functional areas: Revolutionary Memorialarea and comprehensive tourist area. The theme of the revolutionary memorialarea is to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen, with a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,fountain, pine garden, bamboo garden, plum garden and Longbai mountain plantedwith 999 Longbai trees. Far away from the revolutionary memorial area is thecomprehensive tourist area, which has "Xiangshan", "feilaishi", "yixiantian","Shuiliandong", "guanjingge", "yingyangshi" and other scenic spots. The wholepark focuses on the theme of "Commemoration", and the layout of scenic spots isclosely arranged around the theme.

From the main gate of the park, through the park archway carved withgranite, you can enter the revolutionary memorial area of the park. Here, thefirst thing you can see is the green and straight Longbai on both sides and sixtall Huabiao. The whole environment is solemn and solemn. Climbing up thegranite steps, you will soon reach the platform of the top of the mountain. Atthis time, the tall and powerful statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen will appear in frontof you. Looking back to the north from the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, you canhave a panoramic view of the high-rise, modern and dynamic Zhongshan City. Inparticular, it is spacious and straight, with a lot of traffic. The XingzhongRoad, which is known as "Xingzhong brocade", is even more impressive. It is thehometown of great people, and the atmosphere and beauty of the famous cityZhongshan. Looking to the East, the broad Chenggui highway, Boai Road, and thehigh-rise buildings in the new urban area are reflected one by one. Looking tothe south, it is the fraternity hospital built by Zhongshan people withdonations raised from the charity ten thousand peoples walk. Standing at thefoot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, visitors can not only enjoy the uniquearchitectural style, but also appreciate the love of Zhongshan people. Lookingto the west, it is a park with beautiful scenery. Of course, from the stepsbehind the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, tourists can also visit pine garden,bamboo garden, plum garden and other scenic spots.

Between the revolutionary memorial area and the comprehensive tourist areaof Sunwen Park, there is a broad lawn with green grass. On one side, pavilionsand waterside pavilions stand among the green trees and red flowers, while onthe other side, stone carvings and coconut trees show tropical style. Walk alongthe pedestrian passage in the middle of the lawn, and you will arrive at thecomprehensive tourist area in a short time.

When we arrived at the comprehensive tourist area, the first words thatcame into our eyes were "coming from behind" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Alongthe steps on both sides, you enter Xiangshan garden. At this time, you will findthat its really beautiful. There are many scenic spots, such as the huge"flying stone"; the artificial but distinctive "a line of sky"; the "watercurtain cave" with huge stones, weeping willows and murmuring water; and the"viewing Pavilion" which can not only enjoy the whole park, but also thepanoramic view of Shiqi City in Zhongshan. In particular, it is worth mentioningthat there is a Rhododendron Garden with nearly 30000 rhododendrons plantedhere. From March to April every year, when the azaleas are in full bloom inspring, the whole Rhododendron Garden becomes a sea of flowers and people. Thecolorful azaleas and the colorful windmills turn with the wind to form acharming and romantic landscape. At this time, whether it is foreign tourists,local residents, or migrant workers who are usually busy with work and rarelytravel, they will try their best to come here to enjoy the flowers and takepictures.

Maybe its because Sun Wen Memorial Park is so beautiful. Maybe itsbecause Sun Wen Memorial Park has two functions: Memorial and leisure at thesame time. In a word, the scenery around Zhongshan people is full of visitorsevery day.



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My hometown is Baotou, where there is a beautiful alding botanical garden,baobai building, meiligeng, wudangzhao

Id like to introduce you to the Aldin botanical garden today. In thegarden, the scenery is unique, elegant and quiet, with pavilions and watersidepavilions... The beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, the singing of birdsand the fragrance of flowers will surely make you linger on.

In spring, willows grow green leaves and peaches are full of red flowers.The tender grass on both sides of the river seems to want to have a look. Theyrush out their heads and look around. Far and near, there is a light greeneverywhere.

In summer, the garden is full of trees and flowers, red, purple, pink andyellow, like spots embroidered on a large green carpet.

In autumn, the garden is golden. In the sky, fallen leaves are dancing inthe sky. On the ground, like a thick, golden carpet. Oh, I know what they aredoing, they are welcoming the arrival of winter!

In winter, after a heavy snow, the sun came out, the snow melted, andfrozen into icicles, hanging under the eaves, like a string of pearls, thisscene is really beautiful!

There are many flowers in the garden, such as lily, chrysanthemum,Narcissus, peony, rose and jasmine

I love the four seasons of my hometown, I love the Aldin botanical gardenin my hometown!



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Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the childrensparadise. Its said that the childrens paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! Its beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists cant help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! Its so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. Its 10 hectares.

Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andIm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. Its safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.
