





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2765 字

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(Overview) do you know where to look at Chinas 100 year history? Yes, itsShanghai. What about the 20-year history? Its the Bund. The Bund is the windowof Shanghai, which reflects the features of Chinas largest economic center cityand international modern metropolis, as well as the characteristics of a famoushistorical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese love to callShanghai Bund the first Bay in Asia. Yes, she is beautiful. Please see, fromnorth to south, she rises from the south of Baidu bridge to Xinkai River. It isabout 1800 meters long, with a curved trend like a crescent moon, beautiful andpicturesque.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi road andHuangpu beach road. In 1945, in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it was renamedZhongshan, which is still used today. The Bund used to be known as the OrientalWall Street. With the rapid development of urban construction in Shanghai, ithas more modern urban flavor. In 1995, it was rated as one of the "ten newlandscapes of Shanghai in the 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of touristsevery day.

Ladies and gentlemen: today, when we are bathed in the sunshine of reformand opening up, we can enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery by walking on the Bund.First of all, look to the west, which is one of the symbols of Shanghai - theWorld Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai wasturned into a commercial port. At that time, Shanghai gradually became the placewhere foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western stylebuildings were also built along the Bund. A large number of banks, clubs andnightclubs of western countries are concentrated along the Huangpu River, whichreflects the plunder and aggression of Western colonization on Shanghai.Although the tall buildings on the Bund were not designed by a single designeror built in the same era, they have a lot in common. They were the most popularstyles in the west at that time. They adopted the western classicalarchitectural form. The whole building has a solemn and majestic momentum, andthe architectural tone is basically unified. In addition, on the east side,people can also see the broad and magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River fromthe observation platform in Shanghai. With the wind blowing on the river, theriver is shimmering, and the white seagulls are flying high and low, you can seethe port scenery of big cities. Looking from afar at the most novel skyscrapersin Pudong, the grand momentum makes the Bund beautiful. As a symbol of Shanghai,the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrateswestern classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now lets have a lookat the main buildings near the Bund from south to north.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14433 字

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这些年来,故宫博物院除了保存和复原三大殿、后三宫和西六宫外,又开辟了青铜、陶瓷、书画、珍宝、钟表等专馆,并经常举办各种临时的主题性展览。另外,你还可以到故宫的网站上看看,网址是:. (d是英文digital 数字的意思;pm是palace museum,故宫的意思。中文意思就是数字故宫。


午门 是皇宫的正门,因其位于紫禁城的午位(正南方)故称午门。“五凤楼”;在明清两朝,它的地位非常重要,许多重大仪式都是在这里举行的。比如:每年农历十月,皇帝要亲自到这儿来颁布下一年的历书。另外,打完仗,将士得胜回朝后,要在午门前举行隆重的献俘礼。午门有时也会作为举行喜庆活动的场所。每年农历正月十五的元宵节,这儿要张灯结彩、“放灯”三天,而且允许平民百姓来赏灯游玩,显示皇家于民同乐、普天同庆的太平景象。然而,说到这午门,大家都会想到“退出午门斩首”这句话吧。其实,这句话纯属误传,北京当时的刑场在南城的菜市口。那这句话是怎么传出来的呢?过去大臣们和皇帝在朝堂上议政,经常出现意见不和的情况。在明朝时,皇帝就可以把触犯他的大臣拉到午门外用竹子打屁股。这叫廷杖。千万不要小看这竹子,它是一种碗口粗的毛竹,里面还要灌上水银,据说是为了加大杀伤力,几杖下去就能皮开肉绽。被打的人不死也要终生残疾。这种恐怖的事情从皇宫传到民间,就逐渐变成“推出午门斩首”了。

神武门 故宫的北门。这座门故去除了供帝后妃嫔、太监、宫女们进进出出外,还是击鼓报时的场地。当年这门楼上有一支大鼓和一口大钟,每夜有专人值班击鼓报更。这里说的更,是过去人们对夜间的计时方法,一更约为两个小时,一夜分五更。夜里11点到第二天1点,正是三更的时候,所以就有了“三更半夜”或“半夜三更”的说法。每天夜幕降临后,在击鼓报初更之前,先要敲钟108响。楼高夜静,紫禁城里的人们,都能听到这钟鼓声。

东华门 是整个明代皇宫的东门,与西华门一东一西,遥相对应。东华门与西华门不像午门与神武门那样处于正南正北方为,而是处于靠近东南、西南方位。


角楼 在紫禁城高高的城墙上,有四座小巧别致、精美无比的角楼。它们像四颗明珠,镶嵌在高大的城墙上,它们不仅是我国,也是世界上的建筑精品。这角楼的建筑十分复杂,它一共有三层檐。关于这角楼的建造,还有一个故事呢,我来说说吧。 相传,明朝的永乐皇帝在修建皇宫时,特意指定要在紫禁城的死角,各建造一座“九梁十八柱七十二脊”的角楼,并且限期100天,盖不好要杀头。谁也没有见过这么复杂的建筑阿,这可难坏了全国各地的能工巧匠。眼看皇帝的限期就要到了,工匠们愁的都吃不下饭。这是,来了一个卖蝈蝈的老头儿。他那蝈蝈笼子非常精致漂亮,大家都为过去看那巧夺天工的笼子。有个工匠不自觉的数起笼子上的玉米秸,“一根梁,两根梁…..”一数,一共是九根横粱、十八根柱子、七十二个脊。哎,这部正式咱们要盖的角楼吗!大家非常兴奋,突然想起卖蝈蝈的老头儿,可一看,老头儿不见了。工匠们七嘴八舌的说,这是鲁班爷显灵,来救我们了。于是,工匠们如期建好了角楼。

护城河和金水河 紫禁城城垣的外围围绕着一条宽52米,深6米的护城河,河岸陡直,由条石砌成,俗称筒子河。清代护城河的北、东、西三面内侧建有守卫围房732间,戒备森严。护城河水的源头是京西的玉泉山,玉泉山水经过颐和园、运河、西直门的高梁桥,流到市中心的后海,然后从地安门的步梁桥下分出支流,经景山西门的地道进入护城河。从康熙朝开始在护城河中种莲藕,农历七月,荷花盛开,十分壮观。收获的莲子和莲藕除交给宫中食用外,剩余的拿到市场上卖,所得银子作为小花销。嘉庆以后开始出租给人养荷收取租金。故宫周围有两条金水河,一条是内金水河,一条是外金水河。外金水河在天安门前,其水系来自护城河西边的河段,护城河河水到达宫墙西南角后,进入地道,在从织女桥流出,绕过社稷坛,从外金水桥流过,经牛郎桥向东过天妃闸,流出皇城。内金水河的水是从神武门西边的地道引入的护城河河水,河水沿内廷西区供电墙外向南流,在慈宁花园墙外向东南转,蜿蜒经武英殿,在太和门前广场形成一个优美的拱形渠,然后转向北流经文渊阁,在銮驾库的西边流出皇宫。整条内金水河在皇宫里绵延多米,河上共有大大小小21座桥,还有10多处涵洞。内金水河除有排泄雨水、方便宫中取水、消防等实际功能之外,增加精致也是其中不可忽视的因素。


太和门 朋友们,到了皇宫,您一定想知道皇帝上早朝的地方吧,太和门,就是明朝“御门听证”的地方。所谓御门听证,就是大家所说的上早朝,由皇帝和大臣们讨论、处理国家大事。 在人们的印象中,皇帝上朝都是在威严的大殿里,其实不然。每天清晨,皇帝从后宫出来,坐在这太和门种种摆放的龙椅上。王公大臣们按照文东武西的顺序,站在门下的广场上,向皇帝奏事。皇帝身边站着当班的内阁学士,负责记录皇帝的意见,退朝后再稍加整理,颁行天下,这就是我们常说的“圣旨”或“上谕”,国家的日常事务就在这太和门商量决定了。说到这里,也许您会想到:在露天的门外办公,万一刮风下雨怎么办呢?其实别说刮风下雨,就是平常这里也不打舒服。但按当时的规定:皇帝和大臣们每天都要上早朝。不过,制度是死的,人是活的。封建社会每个朝代的头一两个皇帝一般都还比较勤奋,后代的皇帝就贪图享乐,把祖父辈打江山时的艰辛和治天下短裤新都抛到脑后了。明朝也不例外,中后期的万历皇帝竟长达24年不临朝。历史学家曾说过“明之亡,则亡于神宗”就是说明朝的灭亡正是从这位明神宗开始的。到清朝的时候,将御门听证改在故宫的乾清门。

金水桥 在太和殿前面有五座精致的汉白玉石桥,这就是著名的金水桥。您知道它为什么叫“金水桥”吗?我先说桥下这条河的水,它来自京城西面的玉泉山,从紫禁城的西北进入,东南流出。而古人推崇阴阳五行学说,就是金木水火土这五种物质,认为“西”这个方位在五行中属金,所以取名“金水河”,那上面的桥自然就叫“金水桥”了,我们都知道,天安门外也有金水桥,那是外金水桥,而我们眼前的是内金水桥,这金水河不光起到了装饰庭院的作用,也是紫禁城里重要的消防水源和排水渠道,故宫中的水源是很少的,一旦宫殿着火,金水河里的水就非常珍贵了。

太和殿 在宽阔的太和门广场上,广场中间有一条青白石铺成的御道,这条御道当年只有皇帝才能走。从太和门广场北望,在那高大、漂亮的汉白玉台基上,有座雄伟的建筑叫太和殿,也就是老百姓所说的金銮殿。这汉白玉台基高达8米,比现在的两层楼还要高。修建这么高的台基,为的就是造成大殿的雄壮感。咱们国家古建筑的主体是木结构,而木材本身又不可能很高大,于是聪明的工匠采用高大的石台基将大殿托起,以增强气势。 在紫禁城所有宫殿中,以这座金銮殿最受尊崇,当年最高级别的仪式和大典都在这里举行。比如说,皇帝登基、大婚、册立皇后,还有在发生战争时派将出征,都要在太和殿举行非常隆重地典礼活动。其中最为隆重的就是登基大典,皇帝要这里接受百官和外国使臣的朝贺。此外一年当中的三个大节庆,也就是元旦、冬至和万寿节,皇帝也要在这里举行盛大的宴会。其实这个元旦不是咱们现在的新年,而是农历的大年初一_—春节。冬至是一年当日光照时间最短的一天,古人认为这是阳长阴消的日子,值得大庆。所以皇帝要在冬至那天到天坛祭天,次日在太和殿接受王公大臣的朝贺,而万寿节则是当朝皇帝自己的生日。您可能在电视剧中看到过举行大典的场景把,这广场的两要布置雄壮的仪仗队,文武百官就跪在这御道的两旁。而皇帝是坐在太和殿内的宝座上,接受官员们的叩拜大礼的。既然太和殿的地位这么重要,在建筑规格上自然就是最高、最大的了。它的建筑面积是2377平方米。不仅在紫禁城内,就是从全国范围看,也是现存最大的木结构宫殿。从它的屋脊到地面,高达35米,比现在的10层楼房还要高。讲到这里,不知您是否注意到这么一个问题。您看,这么大的一个广场,怎么连一颗树也没有?原来,这是为了突出三大殿的壮观和皇帝的尊严。您想一想,如果这里松柏参天,三大殿掩映在树荫之中,那还能有现在这种气势马?再者说,这里是举行重大典礼的地方,要求格外庄严肃穆。如果有了树木,仪仗和百官的站位都会受到影响,将有损于典礼的严肃性。如此说来,是这些宫殿建筑的功能,决定了这里不能种树。 在太和殿的汉白玉台基上,有许多青铜鼎,其实那时香炉,因为它们是模仿周朝的鼎造的,所以叫鼎式炉。三层石台上共有18个香炉,象征着清朝的18个行省。每当大典时,就在香炉腹部装上香料,然后将香料点燃,18个香炉就一起散出缕缕青烟,使太和殿显得更加神秘庄严。 太和殿外面两边平台的两个角落,各有一件汉白玉雕凿的器具。在一块圆石板上,中间插一根铁针,周围刻有刻度。当太阳升起时,铁针的投影指向哪个时刻,就表示是什么时辰了。它叫日晷,是古代的一种计时工具。与日晷对称的位置,是一座石头亭子,它叫嘉量。在嘉量的里面石斛(hu)、斗、升、合(ge)、龠(yue)五种计量器具,一直到近代,人们还常用斗和升来称量东西。为什么要把这两件器具摆放在这儿呢?这里面有很深的文化内涵。在中国古代,时间和度量衡是非超重要的,它代表上天的旨意和国家的统一。在世间,只有天子才能代表上天,行使规定时间和计量的权力,它们象征着皇权的至高无上。摆放在日晷和嘉量旁边的统龟、铜鹤是举行大典时熏香用的,但还有一定的寓意。我们都知道,龟、鹤是长寿的动物,在太和殿的两边摆放上龟、鹤,象征着国运永昌。 我们都知道故宫有8700多间房子,而这太和殿,就有55间,这是怎么回事呢?因为在古代,我们把四根柱子之间算一间屋子,而太和殿是横11间、纵5间,就是55间了。所以说,整个故宫也只是由几百座宫殿。 摆放在太和殿中平台上的龙椅,就是民间俗称的金銮宝座。它是用紫檀木制成,从明朝到清朝一直是用。这宝座的宽度大大超过高度,给人一种非常稳定的感觉,象征着皇权安稳、江山永固。大殿里的柱子,靠近金銮宝座的是6根金黄色的柱子,他表面贴的是金箔,6根金柱拱卫着那巨大的龙椅,把皇帝衬托得更加尊贵、庄严。此外还有66根朱红色的柱子。这些柱子都是用才子东北长白山的红松制成的,每根高12米,直径1米多,两个人都抱不过来。当年没有显得的大型运输工具,要采伐、运输这么的木材,实在是一件非常艰难的事情。 在太和殿的天花板上,有一个盘龙藻井。这“藻井”是古建筑中的名称,就是指天花板中间镂孔雕刻的一块。太和殿的藻井是一条蟠龙,就叫蟠龙藻井。在这龙嘴的下面,吊着一个亮晶晶的圆球,它叫“轩辕镜”。这个东西可大有讲究,您听说过“炎黄子孙”这个词吧。传说古代有炎、黄两帝,而咱们现代人都是它们的后代,所以中国人都说自己是炎黄子孙。而过去的皇上也自认为是黄帝的继承者和接班人。这个传说中的黄帝号“轩辕氏”,而皇上在宝座的正上方悬挂一个轩辕镜,表示自己三正统黄帝,而且有轩辕氏的保佑。 太和殿地面上铺的是一种亮亮的方砖。您听说过紫禁城“金砖墁地”吗?指的就是这种“金砖”。这种砖并不是拿黄金制成的,那它为什么会叫金砖呢?这种砖是在今天苏州附近的御窑村烧制的。因为是专门为京城烧制的,所以叫“京砖”。可是南方人发“京”这个字音时,听起来像是黄金的“金”字。久而久之,这京砖被叫成金砖了。虽说这砖不是用黄金制成,可是由于它的制作方法独特,工艺复杂,它的质地更像大理石一样细密、坚固,尽管经历了几百年的摩擦,依然光亮如镜,再加上烧制、铺墁这种砖的费用也是很高的,所以,冠以“金砖”的美名,也是名副其实。

中和殿 太和殿后面有一座四四方方、象亭子一样的建筑,是中和殿。它是黄帝在大典之前的休息室。每次大典前,皇帝从后宫出来,在中和殿稍作停留。当太和殿所有的仪式都准备好后,有专门的人来导引着皇帝,沿中间的御道,从太和殿的后门走近去。当皇帝一落座,就要焚香、奏乐、响鞭,整个大典便开始了。由于这里是皇帝大典之前做准备工作的地方,所以他在后来逐渐成为举行各种祭祀、典礼时的准备场所。在各种祭祀活动中,有一项很特殊,那就是每年春天的祭农。每年春分,皇帝要到先农坛,那里有一块皇帝的“自留地”,就是咱们俗称的“一亩三分地”。平常有专门的官员管理,但到了春分那天,皇帝要亲自到这块田地上,扶扶犁,锄锄地,这叫行“亲耕礼”,祈求五谷丰登。皇帝在去先农坛之前,要在中和殿举行一个仪式,看一看他要用的农具,这也反映皇帝对农业的重视。当然了,中和殿还有其他用途。比如皇帝要在这里阅视家谱。皇族和老百姓一样,也有自己的家谱,皇帝的家谱叫“玉牒”。玉是玉器的玉,牒是通牒的牒,每隔十年重修一次。这里要说明一句,皇帝的家谱虽名为玉牒,但并不是用玉制成的,也是用纸张书写,只是为了强调皇帝家谱的高贵,才称为玉牒。中和殿的另一个用途,是皇帝在这里为皇太后上徽号。皇帝为了表示孝道,要在寿庆和节日给皇太后上一些吉祥的称号,叫做徽号。像我们熟悉的“慈禧”“慈安”就是徽号。


云龙石雕 故宫中,在许多宫殿的前台都有石雕,用浮雕的手法刻出游龙、翔凤等图案。这些石雕主要为了装饰,显示皇家的威严和气派。在这些大大小小的石雕中,保和殿后也就是台阶中间的云龙石雕是最大的一块。石雕的图案,从上到下,刻着九条形态各异、栩栩如生的游龙,嬉戏于云海之中,非常生动、精美。这块石雕是用一块完整的大青石雕成的,现在长16.57米,宽3.07米,平均厚度1.70米,重量达200多吨。这块石料是采自北京房山区的大石窝村,距离紫禁城有100多华里。在500多年前,没有任何现代化运输工具的情况下,是如何从百里之外将这么巨大的石头完整的运来的呢?这是一个非常有趣的话题。简单地说,就是借助冰,是用拉旱船的办法拖过来的。工匠们从紫禁城到大石窝村,每隔一里地打一口井。到了严冬季节,从井里把水提上来,泼在路面上,就这样波一条100多华里的冰道。我们知道,饼面上的摩擦力小的多。就是这种能够情况下,仍然动用了两万多名民工、几千匹骡马,用了近一个月时间,耗银11万两,才把这块大石头拉进紫禁城里,其艰难程度可想而知。每个人站在它面前,都不得不从心底叹服古代劳动人民的勤劳和智慧。

铜缸 故宫里有许多大缸,您想这些大缸是做什么用的呢?这些缸是储水防火用的,故宫里现在总共有308口铜缸或铁缸,分散在各个宫殿附近。故宫的缸都有一个特点,缸底的石基都留有一个方口。因为北京的冬天很冷,户外的水很容易结冰,所以入冬以后,专门有太监来管理这些缸。在缸的外面套上棉套,上面盖上缸盖,低下烧上炭火,一直烧到惊蛰时节气温回升了才撤火,基座下的方口就是烧炭的炭口。这些缸大部分都是用青铜铸成的,缸外面是镏金的,一口缸要用黄金约3公斤。金灿灿的镏金铜缸衬着红墙,十分华贵气派。可是,如果我们走到前朝宫殿旁边,会发现那里的缸表面只留下了斑斑的黄迹。这是怎么回事呢?说道这儿,我要讲一段令人心酸的历史了。100多年前,也就是公元19xx年,八国联军以镇压义和团的名义,侵略北京。当他们进入紫禁城后,对宫廷物品进行了大肆劫掠,抢走了数不清的玉器、玛瑙、佛像,许多珍贵图书、档案也被破坏。这些大缸表面,金灿灿的黄金夜难逃此劫。贪婪的侵略者用刺刀把缸表面的镏金一点点刮去,留下横七竖八的刀痕,引起我们痛苦的回忆,提醒我们要勿忘国耻,自强不息!



军机处 在乾清门西高墙边,有排又矮又小的房子,比起紫禁城里那些高大的宫殿,它们实在是太不起眼了。可是正像俗话所说的“人不可貌相”一样,这几间小房子也非比寻常,因为这就是鼎鼎大名的“军机处”所在地。您在各种文学、影视作品中所看到的“军机大臣”,就在这里值班。清朝为什么要把军机处那样一个非常重要的机构,放在这么一个不起眼的地方呢?就是因为这排房子的一墙之隔就是皇帝居住的养心殿。雍正初年,西北地区放生大规模的武装叛乱,军情紧急,雍正皇帝经常在养心殿昼夜不停的和大臣们商量如何评定叛乱。为了随时召见这些大臣,雍正便将养心殿外这排平房作为大臣们休息和等候的地方。这样一来,既节省了时间,又有利于保密。于是,军机处成为正式的国家机关,国家的军政大事都在这里决断,而本来掌握朝政大权的内阁变成空架子。军机大臣的人选要皇帝亲自在大学士、尚书、侍郎等大臣中选任。这样军机处就完全置于皇帝的直接控制之下了。而军机大臣确实有一定权势。要是没有过人的才能,还是不可能成为军机大臣的。一位大臣初入军机处,叫学习“行走”,他每天的工作就是誊写诗片。皇帝每天口诵所制诗文,这位大臣只能肃立静听,然后回到军机处根据记忆将皇帝的诗文誊些出来,也能做到准确无误了,才能参加撰写皇帝的谕旨。皇帝的谕旨,有时一天好几次,有时一说就是几百句话,听了以后,仅凭记忆,要能写的完全符合皇帝的本意才行。您说,这活儿容易吗?

景运门 在明朝时期可是戒备森严,没有皇帝的诏令,就是王公大臣也不能进入。因为,这是进入皇宫内院的必经之门。在景运门西面,有一个和它正对着的门,叫隆宗门,隆宗门的作用及管理办法,和景运门完全一样的。



乾清宫 是皇帝的寝宫,明朝的14位皇帝和清朝的顺治,康熙两位皇帝都曾在这里居住,并在这里批阅奏章、召见官员、接见外国使节。从清朝第五代皇帝雍正开始,将寝宫移到了养心殿。宫殿里宝座的上方,悬挂着一块牌匾,上面写着“正大光明”四个大字。这块匾是康熙皇帝临摹顺治皇帝的笔迹写成的,在学多电视剧中出现过,可以说它是紫禁城中最重要的一块匾,为什么这么说呢,有两个理由:首先“正大光明”这四个字是清朝皇帝标榜的祖训格言,制成扁悬挂在这里,作为立身、齐家、治国、平天下的基本准则。再者,它和清朝雍正皇帝创立的秘密建储制度有关。储是储存的储,建储业叫立储,就是确立皇位继承人。我国历代王朝,大都采取公开建储的方式,立为太子的多是嫡长子,也就是皇后生的第一个儿子。可是皇帝的儿子一般都很少,不少皇子都做着皇帝梦,他们为此往往拉帮结伙、勾心斗角,甚至发展为同胞骨肉互相残杀,您看过电视剧《康熙王朝》吗?剧中的康熙皇帝就因为建储而遇到问题:他曾两次立嫡长子胤礽为太子,又两次把他废掉。此后康熙便不再提太子的人选,直到他临死之前,才下诏书,让四子胤祯继承皇位,这就是雍正皇帝。由于康熙朝的太子长期不定,而雍正即位又比较突然,所以民间就盛传雍正是偷改了康熙皇帝的遗诏而登上皇帝宝座的。据说,康熙写的是“传位十四子”,雍正勾结负责传召的故名大臣隆科多将“十”字上面加一横,下面加意钩,改称了了“于”字,成为“传位于四子”。事实果真如此吗?据清史专家考证,这种传说是靠不住的,因为清代这种传位诏书要用满汉两种文字书写。这样看来,雍正并不是靠篡改诏书登上皇位的。雍正皇帝即位后,吸取历史教训,决定将公开立太子的制度,该为秘密建储。秘密建储的做法是,皇帝在位时不公开确立太子,通过对皇子们的全面考查,选定皇位接班人,并秘密的将这个皇子的名字写在两份诏书上,一份由混各地随身带着,另一份装在一个小盒子里,密封好后,就放在这块“正大光明”匾背后。当皇帝病危时或去世后,由朝廷重臣和王公贵族,一起把这两份诏书取出来,对照无异后,即按照上面的名字公布下一任皇帝。这种方法确实减少了皇子之间的争斗。雍正皇帝设立了这种秘密建储制度后,他的儿子乾隆皇帝就是以这种方式登上皇位的。

交泰殿 是以做四方的亭式建筑。这座宫殿上的彩画图案和其他宫殿的是有区别的。所绘彩画是一对对飞翔凤凰,而其他宫殿基本上都是一对对游龙。在封建社会,龙是皇帝的象征,而凤凰是皇后的象征。皇后头上戴的是凤冠,穿的是凤头鞋,住的是凤楼。说到这儿您是不是已经想到了交泰殿的用途,原来这交泰殿是宫内专门为皇后准备的正殿。在皇宫中,皇后的地位也是非常尊贵的。每年的一些重要节日,如元旦,还有千秋节,也就是皇后的生日,皇后就会端坐在交泰殿内的宝座上,接受宫内嫔妃以及一些高级官员大夫人的朝拜。殿内正上方悬挂的那张匾写有“无为”二字。这两个字很是耐人寻味,无为是古代的一种政治思想,讲究清静无为、清心寡欲,其实就是不要有太多的作为,凡是要顺其自然。交泰殿虽然不大,里面的陈设却非常丰富。宝座两旁有一些蒙着布的方架子颇引人注目。当年这些架子上放置着象征皇权的大印,一共有25方,习惯上称为二十五宝,这些都是乾隆皇帝亲自选出来的。在殿的两侧,还有两件大型计时器,东边的叫“铜壶滴漏”,西边的叫“大自铭钟”。铜壶滴漏是中国古代传统的计时器,大自铭钟是吸收西方近代科学仿造的钟表。

坤宁宫 是后三宫的最后一宫。我们知道后三宫中最前面的是乾清宫,从名字上看,按照中国传统文化的解释,这“坤宁”二字同乾清宫的“乾清”二字是非常对应的,“乾”指天,象征着阳;“坤”指地,象征着阴。“清”“宁”都是表示安定、和谐的意思。您该猜到坤宁宫的作用了吧!乾清宫是皇帝的寝宫,那坤宁宫自然是皇后的寝宫了。在明朝,除了个别失宠的皇后外,其他皇后都住在这座宫殿内。清代,顺治和康熙时期,皇后依然住在坤宁宫里。到了雍正皇帝时,由于皇帝搬出乾清宫,皇后也就不再住坤宁宫了,于是对坤宁宫作了改建。从此,这座古老的宫殿在结构和功能上,都发生了有趣的变化。首先说,这座宫殿的正门不居中,而是偏向东边,这是东北地区满族的建筑特色,再者说,坤宁宫的窗户纸都糊在窗棂的外面,过去人们说东北三大怪,其中就有这“窗户纸糊在外”。在风沙大地区,这种把窗户纸糊在密集的窗棂外面的方法,既可以使窗户纸不易被风刮破,还可以使窗棂上不落灰尘。屋内的陈设,就更有特色了。大殿的西半部分较大,是萨满教举行祭神的场地。萨满教是满足的民族宗教,在东北地区非常流行,它是一个多神教,佛教中的释迦牟尼、观音菩萨,汉族民间祭拜的关云长,以及山里的虎、鹿、猪、熊,路边的石头、树林等都是萨满教的祭祀对象。坤宁宫东侧是皇帝皇后大婚的洞房。按照礼仪,帝、后新婚,要这这里住满三天。三天之后,皇帝搬到养心殿,而皇后在东西六宫中中选择一宫居住。洞房中的陈列室末代皇帝溥仪和他的“皇后”婉容大婚的原状。洞房的墙上涂着红漆,地上铺着红地毯,到处都是红色,在洞房的门口和东侧过道的木影壁上,各有一个大红底金色双喜字,寓意着“开门见喜”。靠窗户的大炕,是皇帝和皇后因交杯酒、唱交祝歌的地方。屋内靠西北墙的地方摆有皇帝和皇后的龙凤喜床。

坤宁门 是御花园的入口。到了这里,古柏老槐扑面而来,有一种神清气爽的感觉。御花园的面积并不大,它东西长130多米,南北宽90米,总面积不超过1XX平方米。但古代的工匠们就利用这一方小小得天地,安排了各类建筑20多座、古树160株,还有两座假山、两方水池及散布其间的大量奇花异石,使御花园显得格外典雅、幽静,幽赏起来,美不胜收。


钦安殿 走进天一门,在钦安殿的前面,您能看到两棵长的很奇特的柏树。这两棵树的根和主干彼此独立,但从树杈上就相依相偎,难分彼此了。人们称它为“连理树”、“连理枝”。古代人把这种连理枝又叫“合欢树”、“夫妻树”。其实它们不是天然形成的,在它们很小的时候,园艺工匠就将它们拧到了一起,最后长成了这个样子。您知道吗,钦安殿是整个故宫中最古老的建筑,它是从明代保存下来的,距现在已经有580多年的历史了。明清两朝都在这里供奉玄武大帝。玄武大帝也叫真武大帝,是水神。皇宫都是木结构的房子,非常怕火,过去由于没有避雷针,曾多次着火。特别是太和殿,因为最高大,更容易遭受雷击,自明初建成以来,曾经发生五次较大的火灾。所以封建帝王们特意在宫中专门找一个宫殿供奉水神,祈求保佑皇宫的安全。而且,这连理枝前的门叫天一门,门的名字也跟水有关系。《易经》上说“天一生水”,水是灭火的,于是起这个名字,用水镇火,图个吉利。我们都知道,浙江宁波有一座明代的藏书楼叫“天一阁”,也是取这个意思。当然,这些都是一种心理上的安慰罢了。

养性斋 是座凹字形的两层楼阁式建筑。它的外墙倚着御花园的墙壁,海棠树、太湖石环绕周围,环境很优雅,在这儿居住一定很舒服。谁在这儿住过呢?他就是末代皇帝溥仪的英文老师。这位英文老师是苏格兰人,中文名字叫庄士敦。他是一个中国通,中国话也讲的非常流利。在电影《末代皇帝》中,就有这位英文教师的镜头。溥仪在《我的前半生》中写道,自己念书厌烦的时候,庄士敦能循循善诱,“讲些山南海北、古今中外的掌故。”他称赞庄士敦是自己的又一个灵魂。因此,溥仪特意把这养性斋,赏赐给庄士敦当书房兼卧室。当然,溥仪学习英文就业在这里了。


絳雪轩 为5间房的建筑。这个“絳”字是红色的意思。可我们都知道,雪是白的,那么,絳雪岂不成了红色的雪吗?其实,当年这里种着5棵海棠树。一阵微风吹来,白中透红的海棠花瓣纷纷飘落,地面上就像下了一层红色的雪,乾隆皇帝为此作诗“暇日高轩成小立,东风絳雪未酣霏”,来赞美当时的景色,所以取名叫絳雪轩。絳雪轩对面的花坛,竖着一块枯木。但您仔细想想,如果这是块木头,常年的风吹日晒雨淋,早就腐烂了。其实,这是一块木头的化石,叫木变石。这木变石是怎么形成的呢?据记载,东北的松木沉入松花江,经常年累月,变成石头,就是木变石了。一般的木变石都比较小,可是我们看这块石头,有一米多高,就十分难得了。这块石头是黑龙江的一个大将军,进献给乾隆皇帝的,乾隆得到石头后,非常高兴,诗兴大发,题诗一首,刻在石头上。

延晖阁 为二层阁楼。您可千万不要小看这阁楼,清朝的选秀女就是在这里进行的,每三年选一次,满、蒙、汉八旗官员的女儿凡是13岁到17岁的都要参选,只有到17岁仍未被选上的才可以自由婚嫁。选秀女的时候,候选的女孩子们先由太监从神武门领到这御花园北门外等候。选时一到,再将那些女孩子引到这延晖阁前站好,让坐在阁里的皇帝、皇太后挑选。被选中的秀女,或成为皇帝的嫔妃,或指配给皇子皇孙和皇家宗室的子弟。您知道吗?慈禧就是17岁时在这里被选入宫的。好,延晖阁讲到这里。我现在问您一个问题,您看过电视剧《还珠格格》吗?那里面的格格门住的地方叫什么来着?没错,淑芳斋!在延晖阁西北边有一个小屋檐,倚着红墙,那里面就是淑芳斋了。它位于西六宫最北处,目前还没有公开开放。我所以要讲一家,是为了消除一个误会,实际上这淑芳斋并不是拍《还珠格格》时的场景,也不是格格居住的地方,电视剧只是借用了这个名字。在清朝的时候,淑芳斋是皇帝和后妃们看戏的场所。紫禁城内共有5个戏台,淑芳斋里就有两个,梅兰芳、杨小楼等人都在这里演过戏。



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As an old Chinese saying goes, "the north of the mountain is Yin, and thesouth of the mountain is Yang", the city is named "Guiyang" because it islocated in the south of Guizhou mountain. At the same time, ancient Guiyang isrich in beautiful bamboo, so Guiyang is called "Zhu" for short. It is located inthe mountains and hills, so it is also known as "the capital of mountaincountry". Moreover, the natural landscape, cultural relics and ethnic customs ofthe city are scattered all over the world, so it is also known as "bonsai city"of "Park province".

Guiyang is another spring city in China, with mild and humid climate,abundant heat, abundant rainfall and pleasant four seasons. Spring, summer andautumn are the golden seasons for tourism. Here, there is no severe cold inwinter and no intense heat in summer. The hottest is in late July, and theannual average temperature is 24 ℃. The coldest is in the first ten days ofJanuary, and the annual average temperature is 4.6 ℃. The annual averagetemperature is 15.3 ℃. The air is not dry, and there is no sand in all seasons.It is widely praised that "there is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below, andGuiyang is the best climate.".

Here, the karst landform is very peculiar, and the terrain is diverse. Onthe ground, there are Qifeng and cuigu, surrounded by mountains and water;underground, there are karst cave communities, with unique caves. Mingshan,Xiushui, Youlin, Qidong and Gusi are integrated to form a magnificent and uniqueplateau natural landscape. Among them, there are 1 national scenic spot(Qingzhen Hongfeng Lake), 4 provincial scenic spots (Huaxi, Baihua Lake, XiuwenYangming scenic spot, Xifeng scenic spot).

Among the numerous cultural relics and historic sites in Guiyang, there isa national key cultural relics protection unit Xifeng concentration camp; thereis the only wooden structure with three stories and three eaves and unequalsides of jiujiaozanjianding attic in China; Wenchang Pavilion built in 1610, the38th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty; Jiaxiu Pavilion, as the current symbolof Guiyang City, built in 1598, the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty;There are the largest Buddhist jungle in Guizhou, Hongfu temple built in 1672,and Yangming temple built in 1794 in memory of Shou Ren, a famous philosopherand educator of the Ming Dynasty.

Guiyang is a multi-ethnic city with the Han nationality as the mainpopulation. Its long history has bred the splendid national cultures of 38ethnic groups in this land, and formed a strong national customs. There areyoung men and women of ethnic minorities through affectionate songs and dances,and "April 8", "March 3", "June 6" and "dance field" festivals to find theirfavorite people; Nuo opera and local opera, known as the rudiment and "livingfossil" of Chinese drama, trace the long history of Chinese culture and recordthe blend of Central Plains culture and Guizhou national culture.

Embroidery and cross stitch are two wonderful flowers blooming in thehundred flower garden of Guiyang National traditional crafts. Batik productscontain the artistic charm of national culture. They are favored by friends athome and abroad, just like the rough, simple Nuo masks and other nationalcultural products.

Guiyangs snacks are really mouth watering. There are more than 100 kindsof local traditional snacks. No matter day or night, there are lots of snackstalls in the streets of Guiyang. Some hotels include some special snacks intheir banquets, and there are special snack banquets to offer. Guiyangs mostfamous snacks are Changwang noodles, love tofu fruit, Leijia tofu balls, cakeporridge, "Siwa", Heye Ciba, Wujia Tangyuan, Bijie Tangyuan, etc.



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Hello, my name is Qiu Huangxuan, below, I tell you the zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang is an ancient water town, is Chinas five a-class tourist area. One went in, and came to a small lake, the lake is the pearl of zhouzhuang, across the lake in the middle there is a small stone bridge, go to zhouzhuang pearls entrance.

, looking to watch on the roof, zhouzhuang scene most in fundus, and a growing old house in the distance, each channel around my house, every household vehicles are boats.

Zhouzhuang convenient waterway, the boat can to every doorstep, osprey and fishermans boat, discussing the characteristics of lake water, full of ancient buildings, no modern buildings.



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Henan Museum is one of the earliest museums in China. Its predecessor wasHenan Provincial Museum. 1920__ The Preparatory Committee for Henan Museum wasset up in July, 1956 under the strong support of general Feng Yuxiang. Themuseum is located in sanshengmiao street, Kaifeng City. 1920__ It was renamed asthe Museum of nationalities in May, 20__. In October of the same year, thenational model exhibition was held and officially opened to the public. OnDecember 1, 1930, it was renamed "Henan Museum". On January 20, 1931, HenanProvincial Department of Education promulgated the "Regulations on theorganization of Henan museums", which defined the nature of museums and set upinstitutions.

In 1937, the Japanese aggressors launched a war of aggression againstChina. The collection of 5678 major cultural relics was transported toChongqing. During the Japanese puppet period, Henan Museum was renamed "HenanProvincial Museum". It was renamed "Henan Provincial Museum" in 1940. On the eveof Chongqings Liberation in 1949, the Kuomintang carried 5119 cultural relicsto Chinese Taiwan.

In 1948, after the liberation of Kaifeng, our museum gained a new life andheld some special exhibitions. In 1953, the Ministry of culture of the CPCCentral Committee defined the museum as a local museum. In 1961, HenanProvincial Museum moved from Kaifeng to Renmin Road in Zhengzhou with theprovincial capital. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Henan Provincial Museum hasfurther enriched its cultural relics collection through donation, excavation andallocation. In order to coordinate with the socialist construction, it has heldmany exhibitions and made remarkable achievements in scientific research. It hasbecome one of the famous museums in China. In the early 1990s, with thecontinuous development of reform and opening up, with the care and support ofleaders at all levels, the state invested a huge amount of 300 million yuan tobuild a new museum in nongnongnong Lu, Zhengzhou, and renamed it Henan Museum.The new museum was officially opened to the public on May 1, 1998. In the pastfive years since its opening up, under the leadership of the Party committee andthe efforts of all staff, the Institute has made remarkable achievements inexhibition, cultural relics collection, scientific research and mass work, andhas made positive contributions to socialist spiritual civilization.



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Emperor Qianlong once said: if you knew there was Panshan, why go toJiangnan. However, today our family also appreciate the scenery of Panshan.

Panshan was first recorded in the Han Dynasty and flourished in the QingDynasty. It is a tourist resort with mountains and rivers, scenic spots andhistorical sites, Buddhist culture and royal culture. It is one of the top 15places of interest in China. Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty visited Panshan 32times, and many literati left many famous quatrains here.

Early in the morning, we came to the foot of the mountain. Entering thegrand gate, we climbed up the mountain along the rugged path. Apricot trees onboth sides of the road are blooming with snow-white flowers, purple lilies andyellow jasmine flowers. At the corner of the mountain road, a strange stone inthe shape of a gold ingot caught my eye. On it was a strong big word: "here arelofty mountains, strange stones and strange pines." As we continue to walkforward, the mountain spring beside the road is clear and flows down themountain. We come to Tiancheng temple. There are two Ginkgo trees on the leftand on the right in the courtyard. They are tall, straight and towering into theclouds. It is said that they are more than 1000 years old. At this time, themountain road is more rugged and steep. Our grandparents, who are more than 70years old, walk with us, attracting the praise of many tourists. It also givesme more confidence to continue climbing. The deep bell of Wansong Templereverberates in the valley.

In order to pursue speed, I copied the path. I was caught in the middle ofthe stone crack. No matter how I broke free, I was still caught, and the more Ibroke free, the more I sank. At this time, a big brother came to see me pull meup. I just wanted to say thank you. The big brother has gone far away. Its abeautiful place with beautiful mountains, beautiful water and beautifulpeople.

Panshans beautiful scenery, clear water, waterfalls, different shapes ofmountains and rocks, deeply imprinted in my heart.



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故宫位于北京市中心,是明、清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。故宫始建于明永乐四年至十八年,也就是现在说的1420xx年至1420xx年。北京故宫为世界五大宫殿之首,其它四殿分别是法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫和美国白宫。 故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,面积约为725,000平方米。建筑面积15。5万平方米。故宫够大吧!









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Referred to as "Beijing, Beijing is the capital of China, the countrys political and cultural center and international communication hub, is also a famous historical and cultural city, filled with the gas of the emperor, and honor. As early as 700000 years ago, in the Beijing choukoution area the primitive community "Peking person". Beijings first recorded name is "ji" (thistle). In 1045 BC, become the thistle, the capital of yan ducal states. From 221 BC, qin shi huang unified China to 937 AD, Beijing has always been a town in the north of China and the capital city of the local authority. In A.D. 938, the rule of liaoning in the north of China in Beijing (called yanjing) for capital; Later, jin, yuan, Ming and qing to every generation in the capital, more than 650 years before and after.

On October 1, 1949 of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, Beijing as the capital of new China. Here is the worlds largest, aross, heavily guarded palaces of the Forbidden City, shows the tolerance of the Summer Palace royal gardens, temple of heaven worship temple, imperial gardens in the north sea, badaling and mutianyu, simatai Great Wall and the worlds largest courtyard respectful wang fu and other places of interest. All appearing more magnanimouses vigour. As a cultural ancient capital, thousands of years, precipitated the rich history and culture here, not to mention the royal architectural style is elegant, the objects in the alley alone, a brick in the courtyard, the summer in a moment, had told us that its long. That the past residence of celebrities all the sections of vigorous historical stories, that these sites, all in recounting a deep-rooted historical events.

But all this did not prevent it and the cohesion and blending of the modernization, broad changan avenue traffic, crisscross road overpass, the wangfujing walking street flashing neon, sanlitun bar street due, bright lights, swaying the colour of profusion, with "Chinas silicon valley," said the noisy zhongguancun, became the capital is the pride of the people. Development of Beijing is moving toward a more brilliant tomorrow ran into.



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Ludiyan is located in the northwest suburb of Guilin City, 5 kilometersaway from the city center. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting caves,supplemented by landscape and idyllic scenery. Ludi cave is 240 meters deep and500 meters long. There are a large number of exquisite stalagmites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave, which make up ofShiling Zhaoxia, hongluobaozhang, Panlong pagoda, primeval forest, CrystalPalace, Huaguo Mountain and other landscapes, making tourists dazzled, just likea fairyland, known as "the art palace of nature". Since the Tang Dynasty, therehave been traces of tourists in all dynasties, and there are 77 murals in thecave. Since its discovery and development in 1959, it has built restaurants,teahouses, waterside pavilions, Lake pools, curved bridges, pleasure boats, andwidely planted flowers and trees. It has become a hot spot for Chinese andforeign tourists when they visit Guilin.

Guangming mountain, where reed flute rock is located, was once calledMaotou mountain. It turned out that there was only a small hole in the hillside,which only allowed one person to go in and out. The hillside was covered withreed grass, which did not attract peoples attention. In Lingui county annals,Guangming mountain is recorded, but there is no cave on the mountainside. In thecave, there are more than 70 pieces of wall script since the eighth year ofZhengyuan (792) of Tang Dynasty. Most of them are inscribed on the cave wallwith ink. These wall books show that the reed flute rock is not unknown fromancient times. The villagers nearby have known about this ingenious cave for along time, but people have kept it secret for a long time.

"The reed flute, the rock head, the shackles are broken, and the fairiessing in the Peach Blossom Land." After liberation, peoples life was stable andthere was no need to take refuge. So they told the secret of ludiyan. In 1959,villagers nearby provided information about the cave. After investigation andconstruction, it was officially opened in 1962. Because there is reed grassgrowing near the entrance of the cave, it is said that it can be made intoflute, named reed flute rock.

Reed flute rock is a saclike cave, the entrance is adjacent to the exit,the entrance is the original natural hole, and the exit is the artificial hole.The cave is 240 meters deep and the journey is about 500 meters. The cave wasformed by the flow and dissolution of groundwater along the fracture zone ofrock more than 700000 years ago. A large number of stalactites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave are formed after theformation of the cave. The groundwater containing carbonates flows out along therock fissures, and the water evaporates, and the carbonates precipitate andcrystallize, and gradually accumulates. There are thousands of states in thecave.

The characteristics of the reed flute rock are that there are many drops ofwater in the cave, and stalactites, stalagmites, and stone pillars develop intofillings in the cave. Visitors into the cave, in the forest of stone pillars inthe middle of the gap to turn around, coupled with color lights shining, as infairyland in general.

The poem praising Ludi cave by Xiong Jinding gives a vivid description

Guilin cave more dexterous, reed flute new open dexterous different.

Colorful from the present and the past, strange trace exploration, forgetthe West and the East.

When I first came to the precipice, I felt like I was in the JadeHouse.

Dont blame me for my pride. There is such a fairy palace in the world.

The poet praises reed flute rock and takes it as the pride of China.

The landscape of reed flute rock is not only exquisite and beautiful, butalso close to the wall. The stalactites, stalagmites and stone pillars in thecave are like ivory carvings or boxwood carvings. They are very beautiful andare known as the "palace of nature art".

We can enjoy many wonderful sceneries when we visit reed flute rock.



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Known to the world, places of historic interest and scenic beauty arelocated in the bustling bustling old city of Shanghai on the West Bank ofHuangpu River, North Road by blessing Road, East Anren street, and Shanghai TownGods Temple and Yu Garden shopping mall in the West. It is a world-famoussouthern Shanghai classical garden. Yu Garden is a famous classical garden inthe south of the Yangtze River. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Jiajing period.It was built by Pan Yunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 400 years.

As soon as I entered Yu Garden, I felt as if I was at the time of the lateMing and early Qing Dynasty. With the stream of people, I gradually walked intoa small square that could hold more than a thousand people. Standing in thesquare, there was a fan exhibition in the center, and some paintings andcalligraphy on the fan side, some of them were undulating, some were gracefuland graceful, some were soft and strong.

Looking around, the top of the 8-story Tianyu Building is Ninghui building.People stand on the painted attic to enjoy the picturesque scenery. On the frontis Huabao building. Every Spring Festival, people like to sit here to watch thepavilion. Behind them is Heye building, also known as the snack square. On theeast side of the small square is Town Gods Temple, the annual "three inspectionday", that is, the days when the God of the city is on patrol. The residents inthe Shanghai city are nine rooms in the house. All the residents are at theChristmas palace of the City God (March twenty-eight). All the businessmen inShanghai and Town Gods Temple, including the nearby temple, are all decoratedwith lanterns and lanterns, celebrating Christmas for the God of the city. If ithappens to be a holiday, it will form a scene of tourists gathering, pedestriansweaving and popularity.

Antithetical couplet, a Shao Huaze couplet hung on the two pillars besidethe gate along with the stream of people, and the ancient city of Town GodsTemple, the God of Pan Gongming, cast the essence of the century. Shen Cityfavours the old temple and rebuilds the glory of the century.

At this time, I was already intoxicated in the beautiful scenery.Unconsciously, I came to the Jiuqu bridge. There were a lot of people on thebridge. Under the bridge, fish were flying to the bottom. The quiet lake wascovered with green lotus leaves, like a dense emerald fan, which covered thelake tightly. On the surface of the lake, there are many colors floating, likesomeone scattering a string of pearls below. When the breeze blows slowly, theripples on the surface of the lake are as beautiful as the wrinkles of a newsatin.

The wall in the garden is winding and undulating. The top of the wall isdecorated with a dragons head, and is made of tiles to form a Lin shape, whichsymbolizes the dragons body. A pile of walls, like a dragon swimming, is calledthe dragon wall. In ancient China, the dragon is the symbol of feudal emperors,which can not be used for decoration on buildings. Yu Garden was built at theend of the Qing Dynasty when the dragon wall was built, and the Dragon had onlythree or four claws to avoid the suspicion of "five claw Golden Dragon".Dianchuntang was the North command post of Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising army in1853. Yulinglong is a 4-meter-high, exquisitely carved stone standing in frontof Yuhua hall. It is said to be a relic of huashigang in Song Dynasty. The mainbuilding of Sansui is the Sansui hall. The building is spacious. It was theplace where the host held a banquet. In addition, a pair of iron lions of theYuan Dynasty, an old vine of more than 300 years old and a Ginkgo biloba of morethan 400 years old are also worth watching in the garden.

Its ancient and long history, its folk style of color and flavor makesShanghai the most famous tourist attraction in Shanghai.



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In the beautiful plateau Tibet, there are not only Mount Qomolangma, theroof of the world, but also the mysterious Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple andXiaozhao temple. Today, I will take you to take a look at the supreme positionin Tibetan Buddhism - the Jokhang Temple.

Dazhao temple, also known as "zulakang" and "juekang", is located in thecenter of Lhasas old city. It was built by King Songzanganbu of Tibet and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. Dazhao temple is a Tibetan Buddhist temple, andalso the earliest existing civil structure building in Tibet. It creates aTibetan Hirakawa style temple pattern, and is a building integrating Tang,Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian and other artistic styles. The enthusiastic localguide led us into this temple full of mystery and beautiful legend.

"The Jokhang Temple is an eternal example of Tibetan religiousarchitecture. Now, what we see are tens of thousands of butter lamps that haveleft traces of time and pilgrims. These butter lamps are on day and night, andwill not go out. Why? Because countless devout Tibetans in Tibetan areas keepdonating butter to temples, so as to ensure the continuous use of butter forthese butter lamps worshipped in front of Buddhas platform... " I was thinkingabout why. After listening to the guides explanation, I finally understood why.It seems that devout belief is the strongest support for Tibetans. Buddha hasbecome their spiritual sustenance, carrying their hope and yearning for a betterlife in the future. "Lets go on!" the guides call brought me back to reality.So I took back my mind and quickly followed.

The stone floor is as bright as a mirror because of the friction ofbelievers for many years. There is a huge Buddha statue on the left and right ofthe hall. The one on the left is lianhuasheng, the founder of the red crosssect, and the one on the right is the future Buddha. Further inside, there isthe temple of the sacred goat remjem. Why do you call it this name? Because agoats head naturally grows in the corner of the temple, so Tibetans take thisinteresting name for it. At the same time, the guide also told a fairy talerelated to this hall. It is said that in order to build a palace for theNepalese princess who was married at that time, during the reign of the fifthTibetan king Songzanganbu, he traveled all over Tibet and found many places, butthey all felt that they were not suitable. Songzanganbu decided to leave thematter to God. So he took one of Princess nibbles rings and threw it into theair. Where the ring fell, he built the palace. Unexpectedly, the ring fell in alake, and a white tower appeared in the lake. Songzanganbu, who thought it wasauspicious, decided to fill the lake and build a palace. Because they wereworking in the lake, people and yaks were too heavy to transport the stones tofill the lake, so they took the lighter goats as the main labor force at thattime. After efforts, the lake was finally filled up and the present JokhangTemple was built. However, many goats died in that project. In order tocommemorate the achievements of the goats, the king of Tibet called this place"Reza" (the goat represented by "Reza"). With the passage of time, "Reza" hasgradually been called "Lhasa", so there is a saying in Tibet that there wasJokhang temple first and Lhasa city later.

Next, we will visit the 12-year-old statue of Sakyamuni, the treasure ofJokhang Temple. You must be curious about what an isomorphic statue is? It is aBuddha statue carved according to the height and appearance of Sakyamuni when hewas 12 years old. It is the only one in the world. This Buddha statue wasbrought to Tibet by Princess Wencheng, who married a Nepalese princess. It tookhim more than three years to come to Lhasa. It is the most complete statue ofSakyamuni in the world. When I didnt see it, I thought it should be about thesame height as me, but when I saw it, my chin was startled! Now this Buddha isfour or five meters tall, and its head is like a big washbasin. Puzzled, I askedthe guide, "was Sakyamuni so old when he was 12?" the guide said with a smile,"no, the original statue is the same size as a child about 10 years old, butbecause the monks here are very devout. Every day, I brush the Buddhas bodywith gold powder, from head to toe, and not once a day. Monks will brush theBuddhas body with gold powder on time. After a long time, the Buddhas bodybecomes bigger and bigger God! Its incredible that a Buddha statue as tall as achild can be painted so big with gold by devout believers. Its conceivable thatthis Buddha statue has great weight in the hearts of Tibetans.

Then we visited Maitreya hall, Guanyin Bodhisattva hall, sanfawang hall,Tara hall, Shenbian tower and so on. As the sun sets, the visit is drawing to aclose. In fact, there are many things I want to introduce to you, but I cantdescribe them one by one. But what I want to tell you is that the Jokhang Templehas given me a new understanding of Tibetan Buddhist culture and made me fall inlove with this mysterious and interesting place. Students, I hope you can gothere to have a look and appreciate the mystery and beauty in the future!


Hello, everyone. Im Xiao Li, your tour guide. Welcome to the beautifulsunshine city of Lhasa.

Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of China, has a history ofmore than 1300 years. It is the political, economic, cultural and religiouscenter of the region

It is located in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau, 3650 meters above sealevel, surrounded by mountains, flat terrain, mild climate, annual sunshine timeof about 3000 hours, so it has the reputation of sunshine city.

In the middle of the seventh century, Songzanganbu established the TuboDynasty here. In the Tang Dynasty, after entering Tibet, Princess Wenchengproposed to build a temple by filling the lake with white goats. After thecompletion of the temple, in order to commemorate the contributions of thetemple and the goat, the temple was named Reza. Later, it became the name of thecity and evolved into Lhasa, which means Yangtu city.

For thousands of years, Lhasa has become the center of political andreligious activities in Tibet several times, so Lhasa has become a truly sacredplace.

In the general impression, Lhasa is composed of Potala Palace, Bajiaostreet, Jokhang Temple, sera temple, Drepung temple and Lhasa River. However,Tibetans believe that strictly speaking, Lhasa only refers to Potala Palace,Jokhang Temple and Bajiao street built around Jokhang Temple. Next, let me showyou around the real Lhasa.

What we are seeing now is the world-famous Potala Palace. Is itshocking.

Potala is a Tibetan translation, namely Putuo. According to legend, TibetanBuddhists think that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins St. Putra mountain, sothey compare it to the second Putra mountain.

The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century for Princess Wencheng, whomarried in Tibet. A total of 999 rooms and 1000 original red mansions werebuilt. It is the highest and largest palace style building complex in the world,with an altitude of more than 3700 meters and an area of more than 360000 squaremeters.

Having said so much, we still dont know which parts the Potala Palace iscomposed of.

The Potala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the WhiteHouse, the Dragon King pool behind the mountain, and the snow at the foot of themountain.

The Red Palace is the ancient pagoda hall and various Buddhist halls, whichis located in the center and the top of the whole building. The White Houseembraces the Red Palace, including palaces, sutra halls, gaxia, the former localgovernment of Tibet, and the school of monks and officials. Longwangtan is theback garden of Potala Palace. There is a large pool in the garden center. Thereis an island in the pool. There are longwanggong palace and elephant house onthe island. Snow is at the foot of Potala Palace, where there are prisons,printing houses, workshops and stables of gaxia, the former local government ofTibet.

At the beginning of its construction, the scale of the Potala Palace wasnot as grand as it is now, but gradually expanded with the continuous expansionin the future. Several generations have participated in the expansion and designof the palace, and the cost is huge. It was not until 1936, when the 13th Lamaspagoda hall was completed, that the Potala Palace became its present scale. Sofar, it is like a mysterious symbol, attracting countless people to come toTibet. Those lucky enough to enter the Potala Palace are very lucky.

If you look at this building, do you think it is extremely dazzling? Thisis the famous Jokhang Temple.

Located in the center of Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple has a history of 1350years. It is the most splendid Tibetan Architecture in Tibet. It was first builtin 647. It was jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynastyand princess Chizun of Nepal. After many expansion, it has formed a grand scalewith an area of more than 25100 square meters. There are more than 20 halls inthe temple. The main hall is four stories high, with gold-plated copper tiletop, which is magnificent. It has the architectural style of Tang Dynasty, andalso absorbs the artistic characteristics of Nepalese and Indianarchitecture.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple.

That was 1300 years ago, when Lhasa was still a wilderness and lake. TheTibetan king wanted to build a temple here in order to honor the 8-year-oldstatue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal. According to legend,temples were built in the daytime and collapsed at night. The temple has neverbeen built. Later, Princess Wencheng came here. Because she knew the eighttrigrams of yin and Yang, she explained that the whole Qinghai Tibet Plateau wasa Luocha girl lying on her back. The witch was in the shape of a human, with herhead to the East and her legs to the West. The lake where the Jokhang Temple islocated is just the heart of the Luocha woman, and the lake water is her blood.So Princess Wencheng said that if she wanted to build a temple, she had to fillthe lake first, and first she had to calm the heart of the witch. Then she alsorecommended another 12 small temples to build 13 temples in remote areas, whichcould hold the limbs and joints of the witch.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle of the hall is a 12-year-oldgilded bronze statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Wencheng from Changan.The 8-year-old statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal wastransferred to Xiaozhao temple in the 8th century.

Tibetan people call the statue of Sakyamuni wearing a crown "Jue Wo".Pilgrims touch their knees with their foreheads, believing that they can prayfor themselves, for their friends, and even for their friends. Believers fromremote areas present hada to Jue Wo for their fellow villagers, just like takinga message to Jue wo.

Dazhao temple is the belief center of Tibetan Buddhism. The temple is fullof incense all day long. Believers are worshiping devoutly, and thousands ofbutter lamps are always on. All these record the never-ending footprints ofpilgrims.

After visiting the Jokhang Temple, of course, lets have a look at our oldand busy Bajiao street. Have you felt the strong flavor of Tibetan life now?

Bajiao street is the pronunciation of Paco street. Paco means the streetaround the Jokhang Temple.

The octagonal street is round, like a huge clock, and the magnificentJokhang Temple is the clock axis. According to Tibetan Buddhists, a circlearound the Jokhang Temple is called "zhuanjing" to show the worship of SakyamuniBuddha in the temple. Bajiao street is also the main route for Tibetan Buddhiststo turn their Buddhist scriptures. Every day, people who kowtow for three stepscome here to worship the Buddha in front of the Jokhang Temple. Some of thesepilgrims are even teenagers. They often really kowtow to Lhasa from thousands ofmiles away. They not only had a long way to go, but also could not earn money bydoing odd jobs. In order to make pilgrimage, they had to endure a very miserablelife on the way.

Bajiao street is a famous commercial center and an important commoditydistribution center in Tibet. At present, there are more than 120 handicraftshops and more than 200 stalls in Bajiao street. Here you can find all kinds ofgood things, all kinds of Tibetan ornaments, Nepalese jewelry, small crafts,carpets, Thangka, etc. Of course, its also a paradise for delicious food.Tibetan food is the most characteristic. All over the country, there are variousflavors of CAI.

Well, thats the end of my explanation. I hope you have a good time inLhasa.


Ladies and gentlemen

First of all, welcome to Lhasa. Im Wang Bin, the tour guide of Lhasa. Youcan call me Xiao Wang or Xiao bin. My skin is a little dark, which is the reasonwhy Im on the plateau all the year round. But its healthy skin. Sitting nextto me is our guard, master zaxidler. You can call him master zaxidler for short.Zaxidler means -- Good luck and good luck. I hope all the guests who come fromafar will have good luck. Now our destination is Potala Palace, the highest andlargest palace group in the world with the most profound Tibetan culture. Nowthe car is still a short drive away from Potala Palace. You can enjoy theplateau scenery outside the car while listening to Xiao Wangs introduction toPotala Palace.

"Potala" is a Tibetan translation, namely "Putuo". According to legend,Tibetan Buddhists believe that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins Mount St.Putuo, so they compare it to the second Putuo, hence the name of Potala Palace.Potala Palace is an ancient building group integrating palaces and temples. Themain building is 13 stories high, 113 meters high, 3700 meters above sea level,and covers an area of 120000 square meters. Potala Palace was built in the 7thcentury in order to marry Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty. 999 rooms werebuilt and 1000 red mansions were built. 1645 (the year of Muji in Tibetancalendar) V completed the unification of Tibet. In order to announce thereconstruction of the Potala Palace, the Potala Palace has been renovated andrebuilt many times since then, and it has begun to take on todays scale. ThePotala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the White House, theDragon King pool behind the mountain and the "Snow" at the foot of the mountain.In Tibetan Buddhism, there is the theory of "three realms". The three realms are"desire", "desire" and "nothingness". We can see the overall layout of thebugong, which divides the Red Palace, the White House and "Snow" into threelevels from top to bottom, and arranges them vertically, which fully embodiesthe theory of "three realms" of Tibetan Buddhism. OK, we are at the front hallsquare of Potala Palace. Please take your luggage and get off with me. Theoverall structure of Potala Palace is made of stone and wood. The outer wall ofthe palace is 2-5 meters thick, and the foundation is directly embedded in therock. All the walls are built of granite, up to tens of meters high. Iron juiceis poured into the middle of the walls every certain distance for reinforcement,which improves the anti-seismic capacity of the walls and makes them firm andstable. Up these stairs, we can get to Sassoon Langjie in Potala Palace. Thereare many stairs and they are on the plateau, so please slow down.

Now we have reached the highest Hall of Potala Palace, which is calledsasonglangjie (meaning Shengjie). Inside the palace is a portrait of EmperorQianlong. In front of the portrait is a memorial tablet of the emperor "longlive". The memorial tablet is written in Chinese, Tibetan, Manchu and Mongolian.To the west, we come to the qimeigandan hall, which was built in 1690 and wasthe Sutra Hall of the sixth emperor Cangyangjiacuo. At the age of 25,Cangyangjiacuo, the victim of the upper ruling class, began his wanderinglife.

He wandered to Qinghai, Gansu, Mongolia, Sichuan, India, Nepal and otherplaces successively. He once worked as a beggar and sent corpses. His life wasextremely hard. Because of his contact with the working people and rich lifepractice, he wrote a famous collection of poems. This poem is now popular on theInternet, which is "cangyang Jiacuo love song". I remember a soothing poem, "seeor dont see" you see or dont see me, Im not sad or happy there After watchingits beautiful Gandan, lets take a look at the palace corridor. There are alarge number of murals inside the Potala Palace, which constitute a huge Galleryof painting art. Nearly 200 people have participated in the mural painting,which has taken more than ten years. The themes of the murals include thehistory of the development of Buddhism in Tibet, the life of wushida Lama andthe process of Princess Wenchengs entering Tibet. Now we have a generalunderstanding of the function, historical background, status and cultural valueof the main building of Potala Palace. I believe it will leave a deep impressionon you. In fact, according to the value theory of Potala Palace, it is almost apalace made of gold. Its overall layout shows the divine power of Buddhism, andencourages people to avoid contradictions in reality, pursue transcendence andfly to the realm of Buddhism, The architectural art of the Potala Palace mainlyshows the traditional Tibetan architectural form and the style of stone and woodstructure, and also absorbs the characteristics of the Han nationality, such asbeam frame, Dou Gong, Jinding, caisson and so on.

It is not only the crystallization of Tibetan working peoples wisdom, butalso the evidence of Tibetan and Han peoples unity and cooperation. In order tobetter protect the Potala Palace, a national cultural heritage, the StateCouncil listed it as a national key cultural relic protection unit in 1961, andallocated funds for maintenance every year. Especially in 1989, the statecarried out a historic maintenance of the Potala Palace, which lasted for fiveyears, invested 53 million yuan, and sent more than 150 experts and techniciansfrom more than 10 provinces and regions to directly participate in themaintenance project, with more than 100 maintenance parts The scale ofmaintenance is the largest since the reconstruction of the Potala Palace. Inline with the principle of keeping the old as it is, the project has carried outtimely and effective rescue of this national heritage, making the ancient PotalaPalace more attractive.


Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.


Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to our company. Please let me sayhello to you in Tibetan: "zaxidler"! Ill explain to you that it means goodluck. Today we are going to visit the famous Jokhang Temple, which is located inthe center of Lhasas old city. It has a history of 1350 years. It is the mostsplendid building in Tibet during the Tuzhu period. It was built in 647 ad, andwas jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Tang Wencheng and princess Chizun ofNepal. After several generations of expansion, it has formed a grand scale ofmore than 25100 square meters. It has five golden roofs and 108 Buddhisttemples. It governs the five major sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Bon,Ningma, Sakya, Gaju and Gelu, as well as the statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva,Buddha, patriarch and Dharma protector worshipped by various sects.

Dear tourists, when we walk out of the Sutra library, we can see themagnificent wild goose pagoda. When you see this Tang Dynasty building, you mustbe both surprised and curious. First of all, why is the tower named aftergeese?

Now we come to the important Hall of yongzhonglin temple, tongzhuilakang."Tongzhuilakang" means to see, "zhuilakang" means liberation. Tongzhuilakangcovers an area of 80 square meters. There are a pair of silver lamps and amandala in the hall, each made of 70 silver dollars (cast in 1993). In thecenter of the mural is the portrait of Jiangun dawajenzan, surrounded by thethousand Buddha statues of the Bon patriarch dunbaxinrao. The Lingta hall, withan area of more than 40 square meters, is used for Jiangun dawajenzans Lingta,which is 5 meters high and is embedded in two kilograms of gold; There are alsothousands of dunbaxinrao and Tangka of the original Buddha and Bodhisattva sentby Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the throne of the abbot of the temple;the hall of practice is dedicated to the Dharma God, and there is a coppergilded stupa of Jiangzhong dawajianzan, in which the hands, feet and magicweapons of Jiangzhong dawajianzan are stored.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple. It was 1300 yearsago, when the Lhasa plain was still a wasteland and lake. Chizun, Nepaleseconcubine of the Tibetan king Songzanganbu, tried to build a temple here tosupport the eight year old statue of Sakyamuni Buddha that she brought from herhometown. Her efforts did not succeed: the temple was built in the day andcollapsed at night; it was built today and collapsed tomorrow. Just whenPrincess Ni was distressed and depressed, Princess Wencheng came here fromChangan after many hardships. When Chizun heard that Princess Wencheng knew theeight trigrams of yin and Yang and was good at surveying the terrain, he senthis maid to bring a gift of gold powder to Princess Wenchengs residence foradvice. After surveying and calculating, Wencheng found that the terrain ofTibet is like a huge witch lying on her back. The center of Lhasa city is theheart of the witch, and Wotang Lake (milk Lake) is the work of the witch.Filling the lake and building a temple here can suppress the devil. Historicalrecords: "in order to control the limbs of the female devil lying on her back,people nailed her with 12 nails to fix her." These 12 nails are said to be the12 pillars in the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. In order to build a templededicated to Sakyamuni, it is necessary to mobilize lOOO white goats to carryearth and rock from the gogala mountain in the northern suburbs and fill theWotang lake.

Songzanganbu and the Nepalese Princess adopted the idea of PrincessWencheng, collected many folk men and 1000 white goats, and began to fill thelake to build the temple. At that time, from the lakeside construction site tothe foot of the guogela mountain, there was an endless stream of white goatscarrying earth and rock. The journey was too far and the load was too heavy.Many goats fell by the side of the road, and many more were worn out. When thetemple opened, Songzan Ganbu and his two concubines remembered the merits andsacrifices of the white goat, and ordered the craftsmen to carve a white goatand place it in a corner of the main hall, so that it could enjoy the pilgrimageand sacrifice of believers like other gods in the temple. The temple is alsonamed "raaqulangzulakan", which means "Sakyamuni Temple of the goats negativeland".

Now, in front of the entrance to the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple,there are two stone tablets. This is the Tang fan alliance tablet, also known as"Changqing alliance tablet" or "nephew and alliance tablet". The stele is 342 cmhigh, 82 cm wide and 35 cm thick. It is carved in Chinese and Tibetancharacters. It was built in 823 AD by Zanpu of Tubo to commemorate the Tang Huileague from the first year to the second year of Changqing. According to theinscription, "uncle and nephew are the two masters who discuss the unity of thecountry and establish a great peace treaty. There will never be a replacementfor Chongqing. God and man have been known and praised from generation togeneration." The inscription emphasizes that Tang Wencheng and Princess Jinchengmarried Tubo Zanpu and concluded a good marriage between uncle and nephew;traces the history and achievements of Tang and Tubo, and records the process ofthe alliance, the date of its establishment, and the list of officials whoparticipated in the alliance. It is a valuable cultural relic in the history ofHan and Tibet. The other is the "stone tablet for persuading people tovaccinate". It is 3.3 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The forehead of the stonetablet is engraved with the pattern of two dragons playing with pearls. It waswritten by He Lin, Minister of Tibet in 1794. During the reign of EmperorQianlong, smallpox was prevalent in Tibet, resulting in many deaths. Theminister and Lin ordered people to build houses in northern Tibet for smallpoxpatients, which made many patients return. He Lin also urged the Dalai Lama andthe Panchen Lama to set aside food rations as a rule, and then set up this "aemonument.". As a result of superstition, the common people often use pebbles tosmash. Over the years, they have been bruised and formed many mortar shapedpits. Most of the characters are damaged and illegible. The famous "tangliu" isplanted on both sides of the Tang fan alliance stele. It is said that PrincessWencheng brought the willow branches given by the empress in Baqiao of Changanto Tibet and planted them around the Jokhang Temple, so it is also called"Princess Liu". Princess Liu has a history of more than 1300 years. Although ithas withered, it is still cherished by people. It is said that there was nowillow in Tibet, but now willows all over the country are developed from theseedlings brought by Princess Wencheng.

Dazhao temple sits east to west, the temple is four stories high, and thetop of the temple is covered with a unique golden roof. Lotus, flying sky andanimals are carved on the border of the hall door, which has the architecturalstyle of the Tang Dynasty. Under the eaves of the second and third floors of themain hall, there are rows of woodcarving Fu beast and mud semicircle sculptureswith Sphinx. Interestingly enough, the nose of the Sphinx is flat. There is alsoa magical legend here: during the construction of the Jokhang Temple, SongzanGanbu personally wielded his axe to the beam, which shocked the nine gods tocome to help. One day, when the maid was delivering tea, she saw that the beamwas full of Songzan dry cloth. She couldnt help but be surprised and quicklytold Princess Chizun. Princess Chizun came to the construction site and yelled"Zanpu". Hearing this, Songzanganbu turned his head and looked down. With an axein his hand, she flattened the nose of the lion on the eaves. As you can see,the whole building is exquisitely carved with flying eaves, which not onlypreserves the traditional Tibetan architectural form and characteristics, butalso integrates the rich and simple style of Tang Dynasty architecture.

At night, when the lights are dim, you can enjoy the beautiful tropicalrainforest square, take a walk on the soft beach along the coast, and listen tothe shallow singing of Dadonghai.

Now we enter from the main gate into the rear gate and clockwise into awide open courtyard. This is the place where Lhasas great Dharma Assembly isheld. Here, I would like to briefly introduce the Church of summoning Dafa.Every year, from the fourth to the 24th day of the first month of the Tibetancalendar, there is a large-scale Dharma Assembly. At that time, tens ofthousands of monks from the three major temples in Lhasa gather in gouzhaotemple to hold a variety of religious activities. The mission of Dafa began in1409, when Tibetan Buddhism was preached

Namco Lake is the largest inland lake in Tibet, which is mainly supplied bynatural precipitation and melting ice and snow. The lake area has lessprecipitation, strong sunshine and large water evaporation. The lake water isbitter and salty, and can not be drunk. It is the second largest salt water lakein China after Qinghai Lake.

In order to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddhas success in defeating six kindsof heretics with the method of divine change, the founder of the Gelug Sect,Zong Kaba, convened monks from various temples to hold a Dharma meeting in theJokhang Temple for 15 days. Prayer and chanting is the main activity of calling.Under the leadership of the master, thousands of monks chant in a well-trainedchest voice. The voice is like the tide of the sea. It has a soul stirring powerand the scene is extremely spectacular. The most winning project is the opendebate of kaogesi in songqure square on the south side of Jokhang Temple. Gexiis the highest degree of Gelug Sect in Tibetan Buddhism. All the monks presentcan take turns to challenge the examinees and argue with him about Confucianclassics. This kind of debate is rhythmic and musical. It is supplemented byhigh fives, shouts, non-stop painting, and long strings of rosary beads flyingwith gestures, which makes a very wonderful scene.

The wall of the colonnade around the courtyard and the wall of the turningcorridor are called thousand Buddha corridor because they are full of Buddhastatues. The mural mainly describes the life stories of Sakyamuni Buddha andzongkaba, the reformer of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of Gelug Sect. Amural on the west wall depicts the talks between the fifth Dalai Lama, GushiKhan and the second sangjiejiacuo. The rest depicts the 1000 Buddhas to appearin the temple. The murals cover an area of 4400 square meters, coveringreligious stories, biographies of historical figures, commemorative portraits,important historical events, Tibetan customs and folklore, etc. The pictures ofPrincess Wencheng entering Tibet, the construction of the Jokhang Temple, andthe white goat carrying earth are all treasures in the murals of the JokhangTemple.

Now what we are going to do is to turn the Sutra inside. Buddhists turn theSutra clockwise along the Buddhist sacred objects. If the statue of Sakyamuni istaken as the center, Lhasa has three turning paths: inner, middle and outer. Theouter turning road is called "linkuo", which is a turning road along the oldcity of Lhasa. The transit road is called "bakuo", which is the route along theJokhang Temple. The neizhuanjing road is the one around the Jokhang Temple. Thewalls on both sides of the road are painted with 108 stories of Buddha Bensheng.These stories are drawn on the basis of "Ruyi Baoshu", the biography ofSakyamuni, written by Kashmir poet kesmendala, and ordered by the 13th DalaiLama in the early 20th century.

We are now going to visit these important Buddhist temples and sutras hallsin a clockwise direction. Across the inner hall of the Zhaosi temple, there areseveral large statues. On the left is master lianhuasheng, and on the right isMaitreya (future Buddha). A little behind these two statues is the dry handthousand eye Avalokitesvara. On the right side of the main Maitreya Buddha aretwo Maitreya Buddhas facing inward. For example, the smaller one is funded bythe Bashi family, so it is called "Bashi Qiangba", while the larger one isfunded by the noble polamiwang, so it is called "Miwang Qiangba".

Zongkaba and its eight disciples Hall: this Buddhist hall was built inmemory of zongkaba, the founder of Gelug Sect. The main statue in the center ofthe temple is zongkaba. The other eight statues are his eight disciples. The twomost famous disciples, Ke Zhujie and Jia Caojie, are located on the left andright sides of zongkaba statue. When zongkaba grew older and went to the remotecave for seclusion, these eight disciples were there to serve him.

In addition, the Gandan Temple treasures the armor given by EmperorQianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the brocade embroidered Tang Dynasty by EmperorYongle of the Ming Dynasty. The armor inlaid with gold and silver treasures wasgiven to Tibet by Emperor Qianlong in 1757 as a tribute to Zong Kaba, theancestor of the Yellow religion. The helmet is also illustrated in Han, Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan characters. It is a treasure with high artistic andhistorical value. The brocade Tang Dynasty is a gift given by Emperor Yongle ofMing Dynasty to Shiying Yixi, the king of the great mercy Dharma. There are 24brocade paintings of Sakyamuni Buddha, the eighteen Arhats, and the fourheavenly kings. After the king of the great mercy Dharma returned to Tibet, theywere immediately presented to the supreme master Kaba. These embroidered statuesare displayed for three weeks every year on the 15th of June in the Tibetancalendar, which is called "Gan Dan embroidery Tang Festival". On the morning ofJune 15 of the Tibetan calendar, the monks of the whole temple chanted. Afterthe ceremony, the "Hui Gong Fa Hui" (commonly known as "Chuan Xiao Zhao") washeld. 16 young monks carried the 26 meter long and 10 meter wide Tang Ka ofSakyamuni statue to the exhibition platform for exhibition. Half an hour later,they collected it and sent it back to the yangbaqian Temple for collection. Thenthey took out 24 brocade Tang paintings for the four Buddhists to look forwardto. At the same time, they performed Tibetan opera, song and dance. The festivalatmosphere was very strong.

Shenbian Tower: it is said that in the 7th century, Songzanganbu threw thering into the air, and the site of the Jokhang Temple was determined by theplace where the ring fell. The ring fell into Wotang lake, and a white pagodarose from the lake, indicating that a suitable Temple site had been found. Inthe 13th century, Sakya Banzhida built a white tower according to the appearanceof the illusory white tower. Later, the tower was destroyed. Now the main toweris rebuilt to replace the white tower built by Sakya Banzhida.

Eight pharmacists Buddha Hall: the main hall is dedicated to the eightpharmacists who are respected as the God of medicine. When they are sick orpraying for health, believers think that worshiping this Buddhist temple canhelp them get rid of illness and improve their health.

Western China Film and television city is also known as "OrientalHollywood". It is located in Beibao, a suburb of Yinchuan, two kilometers awayfrom Huaxia rare art city. It used to be an abandoned Ming Dynasty castle in thedesert of Western China, surrounded by many places of interest. The following isa collection of tour guide words about Huaxia western film and Television City,welcome to read!

Avalokitesvara: Avalokitesvara is compassionate. His hands and eyes are farfrom meeting the needs of saving all living beings. Therefore, in order toimprove his efficiency in doing good deeds, he has transformed intoAvalokitesvara. It is said that this Guanyin with dry hands and eyes appearedmiraculously in the period of Songzanganbu. Another way of saying is that afterSongzanganbu and his two princesses died, their gods were inhaled into thisBuddha statue. This temple is the most sacred one except Shizun hall.



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Qixingyan scenic area is composed of five lakes, six hills, seven rocks andeight caves, covering an area of 8.23 square kilometers. There are mountains inthe lake, caves in the mountains and rivers in the caves. The scenery is asbeautiful as a fairyland in the world. Qixingyan is mainly characterized bykarst karst landform of rock peaks and lake landscape. Seven limestone peaksarranged like Beidou Qixing are skillfully distributed on the surface of thelake with an area of 6.3 square kilometers. The lake is divided into five lakesby more than 20 kilometers of levees, with beautiful scenery. It is known as"fairyland on earth" and "the first wonder in Lingnan". Qixingyan cliffcarvings, a state-level cultural relic protection unit, is the most preservedand concentrated group of cliff carvings in South China, so it is namedQixingyan.

Qixingyan is mainly characterized by karst karst landform, includingXinghu, langfengyan, yupingyan, shishouyan, tianzhuyan, Bufo, xianzhangyan andapoyan in the north. Seven limestone peaks arranged like the Big Dipper arecleverly distributed on the lake with an area of 6.3 square kilometers, so theyare called the seven star rock. More than 20 kilometers long lake embankmentdivides the lake into five Great Lakes, with beautiful scenery. It is known as"fairyland on earth" and "the first wonder in Lingnan". Qixingyan cliffcarvings, a national cultural relic protection unit, are the most preserved andconcentrated group of cliff carvings in South China. More than 500 famous poemsof Tang, song, yuan, Ming, Qing and contemporary dynasties, such as Li Yong, LiShen, Bao Zheng, Zhou Dunyi, Yu Dayou, Chen Gongyin, Zhu De and Ye Jianying, addluster and color to Qixingyan.

Xinghu Lake was originally a Lihu lake formed by the ancient river courseof Xijiang River. The 20 kilometer long tree lined Lake dike connects Xiannvlake, Central Lake, Bohai lake, Qinglian lake and Lihu lake like a green belt.The lake is full of beautiful scenery.

"By borrowing the water from the West Lake, we can move the seven piles ofmountains in Yangshuo, add silk willows to the embankment, and keep the paintingbetween heaven and earth for a long time. "Marshal Ye Jianyings poem" youQixingyan "outlines the beautiful scenery of Qixingyan.

Introduction to scenic spots

Qixingyan memorial archway is located in the center of the scenic area inHunan. It was completed in 1959. It is a reinforced concrete antique building,12 meters high and 17.5 meters wide. It has four columns and three rooms. Thecolumn base is in the shape of flower basket. Four large columns are decoratedwith vermilion. It imitates the top of Xieshan mountain and is covered withglazed tiles. Above the middle door is inlaid with the three characters"Qixingyan" written by Zhu De in 1959. It is an important symbol of Zhaoqing.There is a square on the north side of the archway, covering an area of 28300square meters. It is an activity center and a large public activity placeintegrating entertainment, leisure, viewing and shopping. The square has thelargest music fountain in Guangdong. The square culture is well-known in theprovince. Visitors can enjoy free artistic performances here on weekends.

Qixingyan cliff stone carvings are located in the center of the scenicspot, with 531 questions in total, including 333 questions in Shishi cave. It isthe most preserved and concentrated group of stone carvings in GuangdongProvince. In 1957, it was listed as a provincial key cultural relics protectionunit. Tang Dynasty is the most important stone carving in Guangdong Province.There are four Tang Dynasty inscriptions in Qixingyan. The stone inscriptionsare mainly in Chinese characters, as well as Tibetan and Spanish. Among them,Duanzhou shishiji written in regular script by Li Beihai in Tang Dynasty is atreasure of Qixingyan cliff carvings. Among them, there are 252 poems, which arecalled "Millennium poetry Gallery" by Marshal Chen Yi.

Shishi cave is composed of Longyan cave, Bixia cave and Lianhua cave.Longyan cave is guided by boat, and the last two caves can be visited on foot.Longyan cave is the earliest and most scenic cave in Qixingyan. The lofty,varied and dreamlike landscape intoxicated the literati and poets of the pastdynasties and left poems of praise. There are 333 stone inscriptions of variousstyles in the cave, which shows how remarkable the cave is in the Seven StarRock Scenic spot.

Shidong ancient temple is located in the northeast of Qixingyan, XiannvLake tourist area. It was first built in the early Tang Dynasty. It was rebuiltin the 13th year of Wanli (1585) of the Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt in the 3rdyear of Jiaqing (1798) and the 22nd year of Daoguang (1842) of the Qing Dynasty.The ancient temple was located in a cave and got its name. The temple worshipsthe God of the people nearby, which is called Zhous God. It is said that therewas a small hole in the stalactite in the temple where white rice flowed out, soit is commonly known as "Chumi hole".

Boating in Lianhu Lake

The best viewing point is the South style wharf of honglianqiao. Qixingyan,Zhaoqing, Guangdong

Qixingyan has a long history and has been recorded as early as Jin Dynasty.Li Yong (Beihai), a writer and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, came to visitand wrote the famous Duanzhou stone chamber, which was engraved on the stonewall at the entrance of the stone chamber.

Qixingyan scenic area also has a large group of rare stone carvings inGuangdong, which has preserved 489 stone carvings (Qixingyan cliff carvings)since the Tang Dynasty, which has important artistic value and scientificresearch value. Xiannv lake, located in the east of Qixingyan, has a beautifulscenery. When the sun goes down in the west, you can enjoy the natural wondersof Wofo tunri. There is an oriental Zen forest on the lake between qixinghu andxiannvyan, where tourists can enjoy Zen.

Qixingyan became the first batch of national key scenic spots announced bythe State Council in 1982.

At the end of 1997, Zhaoqing municipal Party committee and governmentsuccessively invested 15 million yuan to install 560 garden street lamps aroundthe lake, 1000 Watt spotlights, 250 color floodlights and 3000 meter rainbowtubes on six small islands, seven rocks and eight kilometer long lake dykes inQixingyan scenic area. The use of advanced third-generation light sources haschanged a lot. Different colors are alternately projected on the scenery tooutline the mysterious and elegant dykes, bridges, flowers and trees, rocks andlakes in Qixingyan scenic area, making Qixingyan more colorful under the night.At the same time, the star lake night tour project is opened up to provide abeautiful environment for the general public and tourists to visit the lake atnight, and recreate the "second star lake".

In recent years, many new scenic spots have been added, such as memorialarchway Cultural Square. When night falls, neon lights shine, tourists are likecrucian carp, and the largest open-air music fountain in China is launched,seven star rock memorial archway square is even more spectacular. Every weekendor holiday, you can enjoy a variety of artistic programs, which is reallyintoxicating. Fairy Lake, located in the east of Xingyan, can also enjoy thenatural wonder of wofotunri when the sun goes down to the West. The new BuddhistGrand View Garden on the lake between Xiannv lake and Xingyan, the Oriental Zenforest, can also appreciate the mystery of Zen. Later, a 3-kilometer-long "Hehuawaterway" was newly excavated, which increased the area of Xinghu scenic spot byfive times and integrated the land scenic spot with the water landscape. If youtake a cruise around the lake, you will have a new feeling.



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这座是文溯阁。文溯阁建于1782年。专为存放《文溯阁四库全书》而建,另有《古今图书集成》亦存于阁内。是沈阳故宫西路的主体建筑,建筑形式是仿照浙江宁波的天一阁的样子建的。面阔六间,二楼三层重檐硬山式,前后出廊,上边盖黑色琉璃瓦加绿剪边,前后廊檐柱都装饰有绿色的地仗。所有的门、窗、柱都漆成绿色。外檐上的彩画也以蓝、绿、白相间的冷色调为主,这与其它宫殿红金为主的外檐彩饰迥然不同。其彩绘画题材也不用宫殿中常见的行龙飞凤,而是以“白马献书”、“翰墨卷册”等与藏书楼功用相谐的图案,给人以古雅清新之感。采用黑色琉璃瓦为顶,主要是为了使整座建筑外观风格相统一。 在文溯阁后面,有抄手殿廊连接着仰熙斋,斋后为九间房,其中有芍药圃、梧桐院等。这是乾隆皇帝“东巡”时的读书之所。




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北京故宫位于北京市中心,是明清两代的皇宫,故宫有称为“紫禁城”。故宫经历有明清两个朝代和24个皇帝。故宫规模宏大,西东宽750米,南北长960米,占地72万平方米,建筑积15万多平方米,有房屋1000多间,是世界历史上最大最完整的古代建筑。进了故宫的大门,你就会看见五座汉白玉石桥,为什么是五座,而不是七座、八座,甚至十座呢?原来,古时候的皇帝都必须带有仁、义、礼、智、信这种特点,所以才是五座石桥的。桥上有上百根石柱,柱子上刻着无数的小狮子,那么多的小狮子,有的颔首低眉,好像是忧闷而不开心的样子,有的张牙武爪,好像是展示自己的威武。 故宫的御花园,原名宫后椀,占地一万二千平方米。以铁安殿为中心,园林建筑采用石砖来修建,左右对称的格砖紧凑。殿东北的堆秀山上筑御景亭,每年重阳节,皇上就在此登高。

