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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 392 字

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安昌古镇景区包括三里老街、城隍殿、师爷馆、安昌民俗风情馆、义和当台门等。 古镇保存有数里长的依河古街市、古色的店铺、凝重的台门,别具特色的作坊,错落有致的翻轩骑楼,曲折幽深的石板小弄。 古老的石桥小巧精致,拱、梁、亭各式,千姿百态,古朴典雅,素有"碧水贯街千万居,彩虹跨河十七桥"的美誉。




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La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang est situéeau 48 shaoshaifu Lane, Chaoyang Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.

La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang estégalement connue sous le nom de "Manoir du grand commandant" ou "Manoir du jeunecommandant".Zhang Zuolin, chef des seigneurs de guerre de la République deChine, et son fils a?né, le général Zhang Xueliang, sont des voisins officielset des maisons privées.

Le complexe du pavillon dexposition de lancienne résidence de ZhangXueliang a été construit de 1914 à 1933, formant un complexe de b?timents destyle différent composé de quatre parties: la Cour centrale, la Cour est, laCour Ouest et la cour exté salle dexposition de lancienne résidencede Zhang Xueliang couvre une superficie totale de 36 000 mètres carrés et unesuperficie totale de 29 000 mètres carrés.En mars 1985, le Gouvernementpopulaire municipal de Shenyang a désigné la salle dexposition de lanciennerésidence de Zhang Xueliang comme site municipal de protection des reliquesculturelles.

En décembre 1988, le Gouvernement populaire de la province de Liaoning aannoncé quil était un site provincial de protection des reliques culturelles.Enjuillet 1991, le Ministère de la construction de la République populaire deChine et ladministration nationale des reliques culturelles ont publiéconjointement un document faisant de lancien complexe de la salle dexpositionde Zhang Xueliang lun des meilleurs b?timents du pays.En 1996, il a été inscritsur la liste des principaux sites culturels protégés par l?tat.

La Cour centrale a été fondée en 1914 et achevée en Cour centraleest larchitecture traditionnelle chinoise - la Cour quadrangle à trois entrées,située au nord et au Sud, avec le caractère chinois "eye", les briques bleues entuiles, les avant - toits et les bêtes sembrassant et sélevant sur les crêtes,les poutres sculptées et les b?timents peints, et les colonnes de porche peintesen Fondation de la colonne de tambour de pierre, les marches enpierre et le plancher en brique carrée et en pierre carrée sont des b?timents enbrique et en bois de style palais.Lensemble de lh?pital couvre une superficiede 3 900 mètres carrés, 13 maisons au total, 57 chambres, avec une surface deconstruction de 1 460 mètres carrés.

Devant lentrée principale de la Cour centrale, il y avait des marchespavées de pierres bleues, et des pierres de cheval se tenaient de haut en basdes deux c?tés des marches.Sur les deux c?tés de la porte principale, il y avaitdes sculptures en pierre tenant des tambours et des pierres, et le lion couchétenait le Petit Lion.Il y a sept chambres à lentrée principale, avec desouvertures au milieu, des porches rétractables dans trois Chambres, des pilierssculptés en bois et des oiseaux peints et des fleurs sculptées dans le ciel.Il ya deux dieux de porte peints sur la Feuille de la porte de peinture Zhu, QinQiong et Jingde. Il y a une plaque horizontale accrochée à lintérieur de laporte. Il y a quatre grands caractères sur "gouverner le pays et protéger lesgens".

Par la porte, nous entrons dans la Cour.Il y a trois Chambres de chaquec?té de louverture de la porte dentrée de la Cour, la salle de garde et lasalle de réception à lEst, et la salle électrique et la salle téléphonique àlOuest.Il y a trois chambres est et Ouest, et la chambre est est la Chambre decompte intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur, qui est responsable des dépensesfinancières du Manoir du Gouverneur.Xixiang Room est un lieu de présentation etdinitiation. Il est spécialement con?u pour recevoir les rapports et introduireles officiels de la culture et des arts martiaux qui viennent à la résidence duGouverneur pour être justes ou visiter.

Entre la Cour et la Cour, il y a un mur de 7 mètres de haut avec une porteouverte au milieu. La porte est sculptée à lintérieur dun plafond de fleursdécoratives, connu sous le nom de porte de pendaison de fleurs.Les deux piliersde porte ont des piliers de protection tenant des pierres de tambour et descoussins de tambour en pierre.? lintérieur de la porte, il y a un double murdécran en bois, qui peut être ouvert en face, et les deux c?tés peuvent être lelong du couloir autour des piétons.Cest ici que Zhang Zuolin a accueilli lesinvités distingués pour la cérémonie.En cas darrivée dinvités importants,lécran en bois souvre et Zhang Zuolin souvre. Les invités peuvent entrerdirectement dans la deuxième Cour par la porte lourde ouverte.Le personnel duManoir du Gouverneur et les invités ordinaires ont fait le tour du couloir desdeux c?tés de lécran en bois.Aujourdhui, tous les invités sont des invitésdistingués, donc la porte de linstrument sest ouverte et vous êtes invités àentrer dans la deuxième maison.

La deuxième Cour dentrée est rectangulaire et entourée dun clo?tre deplate - forme.Cest lendroit où Zhang Zuolin travaille et rencontre desinvités.Il y a 7 chambres dans lentrée principale et une au milieu est le halldentrée.Devant la porte, il y a une porte sculptée, juste au - dessus de laporte suspendue à une plaque, le livre "Wangcheng Great Wall",Cétait un cadeaude lécuyer de lépoque à Zhang Zuolin, louant le prestige de Zhang Zuolin commela Grande Muraille.Les trois portes est de la Chambre principale sont la chambreet le Bureau de Zhang Zuolin.Les trois Chambres Ouest sont des salles deréception et des bureaux.

Il y a cinq chambres est et Ouest, une salle au milieu de la chambre est,une salle du Secrétaire général dans la Chambre Sud et une salle du courrierdans la Chambre Chambre Ouest est une salle de secrétariat générale.

Les trois chambres à lest de la Chambre principale, où vivait ettravaillait Zhang Zuolin, sont maintenant exposées avec des statues de cire deZhang Zuolin et de six dames.Au milieu se trouve Zhang Zuolin, grand maréchal delarmée et de la marine de la République de Chine.Zhang Zuolin est né en 1875 etest mort en 1928 à l?ge de 54 ans.Zhang Zuolin porte le collier à gauche de lafemme originale de Zhang Zuolin, Mme Zhao, qui est la mère biologique de ZhangXueliang. Mme Zhao et Zhang Zuolin ont le même ?ge et se marient à 21 ans.Il y ala première fille a?née, Fang, le fils a?né apprend bien, après lapprentissagede linscription.Il est mort en 1912 à l?ge de 38 ans.

Je nai jamais vécu au Manoir du Gouverneur.Lautre personne assise sur leKang était Mme jipalu.Marié à Zhang Zuolin à lautomne 1900, il a deuxfilles.Après la mort de Mme Zhao, les trois frères et s?urs de Zhang Xueliangont été élevés par elle, de sorte que Zhang Xueliang a toujours respecté MmeLu.Décédé en 1974.? droite de Zhang Zuolin se trouve Mme Sanfu Dai.

Lautre à droite est la quatrième dame, Mme Xu.Mme Xu est née pour ZhangZuolin avec deux hommes et deux femmes. Zhang XueSi est née pour Mme Xu. ZhangXueSi est un membre du Parti communiste Zhang Jiawei. Il a été chef détat -major de la marine.Mme Xu est morte en 1928.Sur le c?té sud de la maison setrouve Mme Fifty life.Manchu, a un certain niveau déducation, intelligent etcompétent, toutes les affaires intérieures de la famille Zhang sont gérées parelle seule.Il avait quatre fils pour Zhang Zuolin, et sa mère, Yugui, était lafemme préférée de Zhang Zuolin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1966.Au Nord se trouve maYueqing, la sixième femme a cinq ans de moins que Zhang Zuolin, qui estmort à l?ge de 23 ans.Zhang Zuolin a donné naissance à la plus jeune fille,Zhang huaimin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1975.

Après avoir visité lexposition de cire, nous avons visité la Cour Sanjindu Manoir du Gouverneur.Lh?pital Sanjin est similaire à lh?pital erjin. Cestla maison intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur. La plupart des membres de lafamille de Zhang Zuolin y vivent.Il y a 7 chambres principales, au milieudesquelles les ancêtres de zhangjia sont consacré maison est habitée par ladeuxième épouse de Zhang Zuolin, Lu (lépouse originale de Zhang Zuolin, Zhao,est morte en 1912 et nest pas encore entrée dans la résidence duGouverneur).Westinghouse était à lorigine la résidence de la troisième dameDai. Après sa mort, Zhang Zuolin a épousé la femme de wufu Life en 1917 et avécu dans cette Chambre est est habitée par la quatrième dame Xu, dontle camarade Zhang xuese est né.

La Chambre Ouest est lendroit où Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi vivent.Enentrant dans la Chambre Ouest, il y a une bannière en face, et il y a un livreintitulé "le monde est un grand public", qui est le trésor dencre écrit par M.Sun Yat Sen pour Zhang Xueliang en avril 1924. Sun Yat Sen apprécie beaucoup letalent de Zhang Xueliang et espère quil prendra le monde comme son propredevoir.Au - dessous de la bannière se trouve une grande horloge. Au - dessus dela bannière se trouve lheure de minuit deux. Cest lheure de la chute deShenyang dans lincident du 18 septembre.

La Chambre Nord est la Chambre de Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi. Lorsquedeux personnes se marient, la nouvelle chambre est située dans cette chambre, oùdeux personnes vivent trois hommes et une femme.Il y a maintenant un lit en boisdans la maison, qui a été collecté auprès des gens ordinaires; une commode, quia été utilisée par Mme Shou, a été trouvée dans la petite maison verte etdéplacée ici; une table à thé sculptée à la racine de jade blanc Han, qui estlobjet original de la Chambre Sud est létude de Zhang Xueliang.

Après 1922, le grand b?timent vert a été construit et Zhang Zuolin adéménagé au premier étage du grand b?timent vert pour y plupartdes membres de la famille ont emménagé dans le grand b?timent vert et sontentrés dans la Cour de triage et ont été transformés en bureaux depatrouille.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 472 字

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在古代,铜刻漏计时,鼓手们听到铙响后击鼓定更,钟楼听到鼓声后撞钟报时。这一科学的铜刻漏计时、更鼓定时和铜钟报时程序,系统地为文 武百官的上朝和百姓的生息劳作和生活起居提供了重要的时间参考。清代计时仪器改用时辰香,严格定制的时辰香为盘旋状,均匀燃烧,在经过精确计算的刻度上悬挂小球,下接金属盘。当香烧到该刻度,球掉入盘中报时,提醒鼓手击鼓。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2191 字

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Hello, tourist friends, Im your tour guide. My name is Lin, shuangmulin.You can call me Xiao Lin or director Lin. I hope I can have a happy day withyou.

Chengde summer resort is located in the north of Chengde city. It is thelargest existing classical Royal Garden in China and a symbol of the flourishingage of the Qing Dynasty. During the construction of this villa, the style ofChinese north and south gardens was integrated to make the summer resort asummary of Chinese classical garden art.

We are now in Dehui gate of Chengde summer resort. Along this road, we willarrive at the famous Shuixin Pavilion. Shuixin Pavilion is a three Ying doubleeaves pavilion with stone bridge on the lake as the bottom. The three pavilionsare two small and one large. Walking up the stone bridge, you can see beautifulmurals on the wooden frame at the top of the three pavilions. You can also seeLuohan mountain and sengguan peak in the distance. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, parties were often held here on the 15th day of July. There were somepavilions and pavilions nearby. You can enjoy them freely.

Next, we go north to the island called "Moonlight River sound", which is anoval island. The architectural layout of the island adopts the northerncourtyard style, and the halls are connected by corridors. It seems that thepillars outside the gate and hall are inclined, but actually they are firm. Thisis one of the three unique features of the villa architecture. It is said thatthis design was inspired by Kangxi, implying that "the upper beam is not rightand the lower beam is crooked" to warn the officials. You can go to the islandto play, take photos and pay attention to safety. We will gather here in 40minutes.

Well, all the friends are here. Lets continue to play. Now the scenic spotwe are going to is Lengxiang Pavilion. Some poets use "Pavilion pillow lotuspond to play with water fragrance. Its very cool with flowers." To describelengxiangting. Sitting in the pavilion, you can enjoy the fragrance of lotus andthe water color.

Because time is limited, todays visit has come to an end. I hope you willhave a chance to come to Chengde. Ill accompany you to enjoy it. See you nexttime!



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游客们,我现在来到了一条“长龙”的面前,它就是---长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,全长一万三千多里呢!游客们,你们听了是不是目瞪口呆了?走到长城上你会更大吃一惊,想去吗?那就­­Let,s go!




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一、景点风光简介 首先我们来到盆景滩,这里的水清澈见底,各种各样高高低低的灌木遍布水中,形成天然的画面。再往前走就是芦苇海,这儿芦苇丛中野趣盎然,无边无际的芦苇长在沼泽地上,微风吹过,一层层碧绿的芦苇时起时伏,像绿色的浪花翻滚着,成群的鸳鸯和野鸭栖息在这儿,它们时而在水面上飞翔,时而在苇海中追逐嬉戏,时而用翅膀拍打水面,激起一朵朵水花,让人流连忘返。





三、温馨提示 九寨沟是高原地区,来这儿旅游要多带点药品和衣服,还要多吃水果、蔬菜。




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First of all, on behalf of all the staff of __ travel agency, I would liketo extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for your support and trust in ourtravel agency. My family name is X. please call me Xiao X. next to me is ourteam driver, master X. Master X has rich driving experience. I believe you willfeel comfortable and safe on the way. If you have any difficulties andrequirements during the journey, please put forward them in time, and I will trymy best to serve you. Here, I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come andsatisfied to return.

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street.The ancient culture street is a street with Tianhou palace as the center andTianjin local characteristics. It is located in gongnangong North Street, NankaiDistrict, where all kinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from Tianjin andeven all over the country are gathered. It attracts a large number of touristswith "Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancient flavor and cultural flavor". Sowhat about the ancient culture street? Lets make an evaluation after visitingit in person.

We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please remember thatour car number is __ and the license plate is ______. The car is parked on theleft side of the parking lot. We are still meeting here at 4 p.m. please lockthe window. Please take your valuables with you. Please get off.

First of all, we see an ancient archway with the word "Gushang art garden"written on it. "Gushang" is the old name of Tianjin, and "Yiyuan" means thebirthplace of culture, that is to say, it is the earliest birthplace of culturein Tianjin. On the back of this archway, you can also see two words - jinao.The meaning of "gold" is precious, while "Ao" is the allusion of "carp leapingover the dragons gate". It is said that the carp leaping over the dragons gatewill be reborn and become Ao. Ao is the embodiment of the dragon. It is saidthat there are golden Ao in the Haihe River in Tianjin. Since then, we will beprotected by golden Ao. After reading these two words, please have a look at thetwelve copper coins under our feet, which represent the heyday of China from theTang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. These copper coins, from small to large, meanthat after we walk through this street, we will have a lot of good fortune, andhope that our motherland will become rich and strong. After you have seen thecopper coin, continue to come here, lets go to the next stop tongqingli to havea look.

Now you follow me into tongqingli, which was built in 1920__ and is thelargest building complex of Chinese and Western style in Tianjin. After enteringthe gate, we can see four murals on the wall, which reflect the market cultureof Tianjin, including "civilized marriage", "walking on stilts", "dragon boat"and this "witty talk" here. When you come to this side of the Hutong, you cansee two large murals. One is the picture of Lu River in Tianjin on this side,which shows the prosperous sea scene of Tianjin at the mouth of the trigeminalriver. The other is the picture of young willows in that year - huangdamen,which describes the customs of the common people during the lunar new year.

Out of tongqingli, please follow me and take a look at the Jade EmperorPavilion, a Taoist temple with a history of 600 years. Yuhuangge is located onthe high side of the river. It is open and spacious. It is a good place to climbup and look far away. Therefore, every year on the Double Ninth Festival,Yuhuangge is unprecedentedly lively. In the rear of Yuhuangge, we also see ashrimp stone, which has a history of hundreds of millions of years and ispraised as "longevity stone" by the common people. We can touch the longevitystone and wish our friends a long life.

After walking through the shrimp stone, we are now in Tianyan square. Itgot its name because it was close to the place where Yan Fulao, a famous modernChinese translator, lived, and it was here that tianyanlun was translated intoChinese.

I dont know if you have noticed that there are a large number of coloredpaintings in the shops and under the eaves of the whole street. These paintingsare drawn in the order of historical events, with a total of more than 800. Thewest side is painted with four famous works, and the east side is legendarystories from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. What we see now is the clay figurinezhangshijiadian, which has a history of more than 140 years. Now it has spreadto the fifth generation and has been recognized as one of the first nationalintangible heritage projects.

Well, now weve come to Tin Hau square. The famous Tin Hau palace islocated here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, lets take a look at theflagpole in front of the mountain gate. It is said that when the flagpole wasfirst set up, on the one hand, it hung lights to guide the water boats going toand from sanchahekou, on the other hand, it served as a foil for the Tin Haupalace, which made the whole building complex appear to be in perfect disorderand extraordinary momentum. The theater opposite is the earliest open-air stagein Tianjin and also the earliest place for people to entertain themselves.

Now lets take a look at Tianhou palace. Built in Yuan Dynasty, Tianhoupalace is one of the three largest Tianhou palaces in the world. As we all know,most temples in our country face south, but the Queens palace faces west andEast. Why? Because we have to face the Haihe River, which leads to the BohaiSea. Facing the Haihe River means facing the sea, so that when it is notconvenient for the believers to go ashore, they can worship the queen on boardand pray for peace.

Now we come to the main hall, which is the place where empress dowager isworshipped. The one sitting in the middle is Tian Hou. Mazu, originally namedLin Mo, is a native of Meizhou, Fujian Province. She was born miraculous. She isfamiliar with the nature of water and often rescues ships at sea. Later, he wasworshipped as a God, and was granted the title of Tianfei and Tiantian.

We have come to the north entrance of the ancient culture street. Thepattern of the twelve zodiac animals is paved on the ground. It reflects thetraditional Chinese folk custom of "twelve zodiac animals" for thousands ofyears. It means that the ancient culture street is prosperous in people andmoney for twelve months a year, which echoes the pattern of copper coins pavedin the north entrance. Each of US tourists can step on the animal patterns thatare the same as our own, so that we can bring wealth and auspiciousness to ourfamilies. If you look at this archway again, the "clear snow" on the insiderefers to the scenery of early clear after snow and full of tourists. On theoutside is the word "hometown of Jinmen", which means that the area near theancient culture street is the center of Tianjin. Todays Tianjin is formed bythe gradual development of this area as the original center.

Well, we have finished visiting the main scenic spots. Next time, you canvisit freely, or buy some special products with Tianjin ancient flavor. Letsmeet in the parking lot at 4 pm. The license plate number is ______. Please payattention to your safety and dont be late.

Today, we have passed the 680 meter long ancient culture street to show youthe national characteristics of Tianjin Folk Customs. Our journey is over. Thankyou for your support and cooperation in my work. Please forgive me if there isany inadequacy or inadequate care in my service today. I also hope you can giveme more valuable opinions. I look forward to our next cooperation. Finally, Iwish you good health, smooth work, success and all the best!



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Good morning, beautiful ladies, handsome gentlemen and lovely children.Welcome to the summer resort in Moli. Im the guide of Fengcai travel agency,Xiao Mingyu. You can call me Xiaoyu. I am honored to be able to enjoy thisbeautiful scenic spot with you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy this beautifulroyal garden.

Did you know that Chengde summer resort is the imperial palace of ancientChina, located in Chengde City, Hebei Province. In December 1994, it was listedin the world cultural heritage list. There are Rehe spring, plain area and otherbeautiful scenic spots. But I want to remind you not to litter.

Attention, we are going to see the lake area. This is the beautiful lakearea, with a total area of 496000 square meters and eight different lakes. Thatis, West Lake, Chenghu, Ruyi swimming, Shanghu, etc. There is an island in thelake called "Moonlight River sound". Every night when the moon goes to Dongshan,the bright moonlight shines on the lake, which is very beautiful. There are somany lakes and so beautiful islands that you might as well enjoy their beauty byyourself. But beauty is beauty. We must pay attention to safety and gather ontime!

After 30 minutes, everyone pay attention to the assembly.

Next, we are going to another scenic spot, which is very famous! This isthe largest palace of Chengde Summer Resort - Wanhe SONGFENG hall. EmperorKangxi met officials here, read memorials, read and write. Emperor Kangxi oncebestowed "Wanhe SONGFENG" lying on the side of the summer resort to EmperorQianlong, the fourth son of the emperor and the fourth son of Prince shuoyong,Hongli. Later Hongli succeeded to the throne and nominated this hall as jienhall.

Dear friends, this tour is over. Thank you for your cooperation andsupport. I wish you all the best in your work. Welcome to come again nexttime.



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Welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildings in Jiangnan.Today, I will introduce Yueyang Tower to you as a super tour guide. My name isLuo Ganquan. You can call me Luo Dao or Xiao Luo.

Yueyang Tower is located on the Bank of Dongting Lake with beautifulscenery and long history. Fan Cuyan of Song Dynasty once wrote Yueyang Tower topraise Yueyang Tower.

Yueyang Tower is 21.35 meters high, with four columns and three floors. Itis a pure wood structure without a brick. There are four ridges on the eaves ofeach layer. The first ridge is decorated with lotus flowers and lotus pods, andthe head up is Phoenix; the second layer is the head up tap; the third layer isdecorated with rolled grass, and the head up is Huiwen Ruyi Xiangyun. The roofof Yueyang Tower, especially the helmet of ancient generals, is called helmettop. Because helmet top is very rare in ancient Chinese architecture, it is oneof the important factors that makes Yueyang Tower famous. The whole YueyangTower has made amazing achievements in aesthetics, architecture and technology,so it has enjoyed the reputation of "Yueyang World Tower" since ancienttimes.

In fact, Yueyang Tower is really famous in the world when fan Cuyan wroteYueyang Tower. In the fourth year of Qingli period, Teng Zijing was demoted tobe the magistrate of Yuezhou for being framed. As soon as he took office, he didthree major things: first, he built Yanhong dike to prevent the waves ofDongting Lake; second, he set up county school to cultivate talents; third, herebuilt Yueyang Tower. The scale of the rebuilt Yueyang Tower was verymagnificent, but Teng Zijing knew that it was not enough to rely on its grandeuralone. Teng Zijing immediately thought of Fan Zhongyan, who was the same as TengZijing. Fan Cuyan, like Teng Zijing, was demoted as the magistrate of Dengzhoubecause he was framed. Teng Ziren drew a picture of the autumn evening inDongting and wrote a letter of Qiuji to introduce the momentum and structure ofYueyang Tower. After reading it, Fan Zhongyan finally wrote the famous story ofYueyang Tower, in which "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later"has become a famous sentence of reincarnation, inspiring generations of futuregenerations to work hard.

All right, everybody can go into the building now. Ladies and gentlemen,the first thing you can see here is Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12pieces of red sandalwood. It is said that Teng Zijing was overjoyed when hereceived Yueyang Tower. He immediately asked Su Shunqin, the great calligrapherat that time, to write it and Shao song, the famous sculptor, to carve it on awooden plaque. As a result, "Lou, Ji, calligraphy, sculpture" is known as thefour unique. Its a pity that what we see now is not the "four unique plaque".It was destroyed in the fire as early as the reign of emperor Shenzong of theSong Dynasty. The Yueyang Tower here was written by Zhang Zhao, a greatcalligrapher and Minister of the Ministry of punishment in the Qianlong periodof the Qing Dynasty.

Thats all for me. Ill give you 15 minutes to take photos.



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