





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 6139 字

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The following document offers excellent guidelines when preparing a timber sale contract. Separate articles may be added to suit specific circumstances. It is advised that the Seller and Purchaser employ legal counsel to review the contract prior to its endorsement.

Contract entered into this ______ day of _____, 20___., by and between __________ of _________ Illinois, hereinafter called the Seller, and _____________, of ____________(city), ___________(state), Illinois Timber Buyer License Number _______, hereinafter called the Purchaser, WITNESSETH:

1. The Seller agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to buy for the total sum of ________dollars ($_______) under the conditions set forth in this contract all of the live standing timber marked or designated for cutting and all of the dead or down timber marked or designated upon an area of approximately _____ acres, situated in the _________ of Section ________, Twp._______ R._______, ____________ County, Illinois, on land owned and recorded in the name of _______________________.

The Purchaser further agrees to pay to the Seller as an initial payment under this contract the sum of _________________ dollars ($_________), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and a final payment in the sum of ________________ dollars ($_______), prior to any cutting or removal of timber under this contract.

2. The Seller further agrees to mark and dispose of the timber conveyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:

(a) All trees to be included in this sale will be marked with a distinctive mark on the bole and stump of each tree.

(b) No trees under _____ inches in diameter at a point 4 1/2 feet from the ground will be marked for cutting.

(c) No concurrent contract involving the area or period covered in this contract has been or will be entered into by the Seller without the written consent of the Purchaser

(d) The Purchaser and his employees shall have access to the area at all reasonable times and seasons for the purpose of carrying out the terms of this contract.

(e) Unless otherwise specified, all material contained in the marked or designated trees is included in this sale



3. The Purchaser further agrees to cut and remove all of the timber conveyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:

(a) Unless an extension of time is agreed upon in writing between the Seller and Purchaser, all timber shall be paid for, cut, and removed on or before and none after the _____ day of _______, 20___, and any material not so removed shall revert to the Seller.

(b) Unmarked trees and young timber shall be protected against unnecessary injury from felling and logging operations. If, however, unmarked trees are cut, damages shall be paid the Seller at the rate of $1 per tree per M bd. ft. for all other species, and in the event that any such trees are cut, said trees shall remain upon the premises and shall be the property of the Seller.

(c) Necessary logging roads shall be cleared by the Purchaser only after their locations have been definitely agreed upon with the Seller or his representative, and any trees to be removed in the clearing operations shall first be marked by the Seller.

(d) During the life of this contract and on the area covered, care shall be exercised by the Purchaser and his employees against the starting and spread of fire, and they shall do all in their power to prevent and control fires.

(e) Any liability for damage, destruction, or restoration of private or public improvements or personal damages occasioned by or in the exercise of this contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Purchaser, and the Purchaser shall save harmless the Seller on account of such damages.

(f) The risk if loss or damage to the trees herein purchased, from any and all causes whatever, shall be borne by purchasers from the date hereof.

(g) The Purchaser will not assign this agreement without the written consent of the Seller.




4. The Seller and Purchaser mutually agree as follows:

(a) All modifications of the contract will be reduced to writing, dated, signed, and witnessed and attached to this contract.

(b) Any need for reassignment of interest of either party may be changed within 10 days following written consent by both parties. All terms of this contract legally bind the named representatives to excuse this document as written.

(c) The total number of trees conveyed is _____ (having a volume of approximately _____bd. ft.) composed as follows:

_______ white oak, _______ red and black oak, __________________, ____________________, ______________________, __________________.

(d) In case of dispute over the terms of this contract, final decision shall rest with a reputable person to be mutually agreed upon the by parties to this contract. If the parties hereto do not agree upon a third party within 10 days following the initiation of the dispute, or in the case of further disagreement, then within 15 days from the initiation of the dispute, it shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration of three persons, one to be selected by each party to this contract and the third to be selected by the other two. The Board shall decide the dispute within 5 days after the matter is referred to it.

In the event that damages are awarded to the Seller by the Board of Arbitration and are not paid on the date that the award is made, then all operations of the Purchaser shall immediately cease, and if the award is not paid or satisfied within 30 days after the date of award, the Seller may take immediate possession of the premises upon which the timber is located, shall retain as liquidated damages all money paid by the Purchaser, and the title to all timber shall revert to and become the property of the seller.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this __________ day of ______________________ 20____.


______________________________   ______________________________

for the Purchaser               Purchaser

______________________________   ______________________________

for the Seller                  Seller




范文类型:求职应聘,合同协议,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1940 字

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甲方 ________________________

乙方姓名 ________________________





第一条 本合同为乙方完成年度旅游线路的导游任务为期限的劳动合同。乙方导游任务的详细情况和要求见附件。

第二条 本合同的生效时间为:



第三条 在执行导游任务前,甲方向乙方支付完成本合同约定的导游业务中所需要的带团费用。

第四条 乙方遵守甲方制定的规章制度和劳动纪律,严格履行导游员职责。


第五条 乙方完成本合同约定导游任务的劳动报酬为:__________________________________________________________。



第六条 甲乙双方约定,乙方的社会保险按以下方式办理:



第七条 甲乙双方除可以依据《北京市劳动合同规定》解除劳动合同外,就其他情形解除劳动合同约定如下:




第八条 违约责任的约定:


第九条 甲、乙双方约定的其他内容:


第十条 双方因履行劳动合同发生争议,当事人可以向甲方劳动争议调解委员会申请调解;调解不成的,应当自劳动争议发生之日起,60日内向旅行社注册所在地的劳动争议仲裁机构提出书面申请。


第十一条 本合同未尽事宜或与今后国家、北京市有关规定相悖的,按有关规定执行。

第十二条 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

第十三条 本合同的附件如下:__________________________________________________________。

甲 方(公章) 乙方(签章)



签订日期 年 月 日











范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1318 字

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第六条 技术资料






第七条 考核与验收

7.1.合同产品的第一台样机,由甲、乙双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件七规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核 验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。





第八条 技术改进




第九条 保证和索赔






范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 4616 字

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I hospital obstetrics and gynecology , now years old, member of the Communist Party of China, in July 20xx graduated from College of Clinical Medicine, in 20xx made Yunyang Medical College clinical medicine undergraduate diploma and practicing physician qualification certificate, with the end of Rated as excellent workers.During the work, the hospital party committees and leaders of the concern and help, I actively participate in political learning and business learning, strict compliance with the rules and regulations, better completed the tasks assigned to the hospital. The main work is now reported as follows:

First, pay attention to political theory study, strengthen party spirit accomplishment. Always adhere to the partys line, principles and policies, conscientiously study the partys theoretical knowledge of innovation, adhere to study and practice the scientific concept of development, and implement the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, constantly improve their political theory, actively participate in hospital activities; Leadership, and unity of comrades, have a good professional ethics and professionalism, and actively cooperate with the leadership work, establish a correct outlook on the world, life, values, to be a healthy person of pure thought.

Second, efforts to learn business knowledge, improve business level. I deeply understand that to be a qualified gynecologist, we must strive to improve their own business level, and constantly strengthen the business theory of learning. In the spare time, I subscribe to business magazines and books, often learn to understand the domestic advanced knowledge of this discipline and technology developments. Many times on behalf of the hospital participated in the county, city organization of gynecology and obstetrics physician training, enriched the knowledge, broaden their horizons, but also make their own soberly aware that only unwilling to backward to be eliminated by the development of the times. In the spare time to do a good job of professional theoretical study, I work with practical experience to write academic articles, written academic papers "..." in 20xx September in the "Chinese Journal of misdiagnosis" published.

Third, do a good job of medical work, adhere to job responsibilities. In the hospital work, I assumed the obstetrics and gynecology ward and 2-line work, 24-hour standby, the hospital has to work overtime, with the call with, mastered the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring obstetrics and gynecology, Under the guidance of the cesarean section, total hysterectomy, ovarian cysts, family planning and other operations, the use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease with good results. Strict implementation of the work system, routine treatment and operating procedures, meticulously handle every patient, to the maximum extent possible to avoid misdiagnosis. During the work also participated in the county organization of gynecological diseases and census of upper gastrointestinal diseases. In 20xx the hospital took the lead in the implementation of electronic medical records, as a young comrades, I actively use their own computer knowledge, familiar with the system operation after the other comrades to explain the key points to lead physicians quickly grasp electronic medical records, and assume part of the computer maintenance work. In addition, with the hospital leadership, to complete the objectives and tasks, to ensure that the provincial, city and county organizations of the sampling, assessment, acceptance passed.

Individuals have the ideal position based on their own career aspirations and down-to-earth spirit of hard work, to correctly handle the division of labor, conscientiously perform their duties, no complaints, excluding gains and losses. Respect for the leadership, unity, comrades, on time to work, do not be late to leave early, with an open mind to study the surrounding comrades, and strive to each common disease and frequently disease from the theoretical clarity, in practice, well, Diligent for the patient service.

As a young comrades, there are many deficiencies in the work, professional and technical knowledge and operational capacity also need to be further improved. Through the summary, I will strive to carry forward the advantages in the future work, to correct shortcomings, and continuously improve the theoretical level and ability to work better to complete the work tasks. Above is my personal summary, the inadequacies of the leadership please give criticism.



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 632 字

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随着社会化大生产的发展,社会需要具备多项技能的复合型人才。在学好专业课的同时,我自修了计算机、外语和国际金融等热门知识。在计算机方面,能熟练运用FORTRAN、C语言进行编程,并能熟练运用AUTO CAD、WOTD进行绘图和文字处理。

在外语方面,具有一定的听、说、读、写和译的能力,曾完成5000字的专业文献翻译。此外,对金融也表现出浓厚的兴 趣,曾自修了《国际金融》、《证券投资》、《货币银行学》等基础专业课。并曾在股市小试身手,积累了一定的经验,增长了见识。总之,拓宽了自己的知识面,提高了自身素质。









范文类型:求职应聘,礼仪,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 1861 字

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(二). 功能型简历:强调求职者的能力和特长,因此对毕业生来说是比较理想的简历类型。

(三). 专业型简历:强调求职者的专业、技术技能,尤其是申请那些对技术水平和专业能力要求比较高的职位,这种简历最为合适。

(四). 业绩型简历:强调求职者在以前的工作中取得的成就、业绩。

(五). 创意型简历:强调与众不同的个性和标新立异,目的是表现求职者的创造力和想像力。这种类型的简历适合于广告策划、文案、美术设计、从事方向性研究的研发人员等职位。











1、 他们只是对你不感兴趣


补救措施:如果他们选了另一个候选人,那你确实无能为力。“你能够继续发邮件表达你仍对这家公司感兴趣。”Alexandra Levit,是一位职场研究专家,这么建议到:“反复强调你对在这家公司工作充满热情,并且希望在以后能和公司继续取得联系。”这表明你能有风度地对待失败,并且能让你的求职被这家公司以后的用人计划优先考虑。

2、 用人者担心沾染上一些法律问题



3、 用人单位仍在面试或者商讨



4、 这个岗位招聘被取消或暂停了




5、 他们不懂礼貌





范文类型:求职应聘,申请书,全文共 671 字

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范文类型:自我评介,求职应聘,全文共 1632 字

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Im Liu Jinwei, 18 years old, from chongqing wushan, a will in June 20xx, graduated from chongqing second finance &trade school students computer application and maintenance. Take this career, I with a sincere heart and to the persistent pursuit of career, sincerely for personal self introduction.

"Aspire to is the cause of the door, the work is boarding hall into the journey". I am the second chongqing finance &trade school computer application and maintenance professional level 3 200 students. With perseverance and diligence on the road, over the past three years, I actively pursue, hard work. Ideological progress and mature, the accumulation of knowledge and rich, the ability to exercise and the enhancement, is the main melody of my college life. Two years ago, I entered the second chongqing finance and trade schools, after nearly two years the best teacher of meticulous guidance and his own hard work gradually become a new era which can meet social demands of the students, during the period of school, I always adhere to the "serious study, work steadfast, an honest person" principle, diligently enterprising, assiduously, during the period of school, I studied the Windows operating system, Power Builder, web the three musketeers (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash), computer assembly and maintenance, Office20xx. After school also taught himself when Adobe Photoshop, 3 so on3dmax computer courses. During the period of school, I strive for to let yourself from all aspects to get exercise, and fully improve comprehensive quality and ability of themselves, and further become a comprehensive talents social needed.



范文类型:接收函,全文共 1009 字

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Letter No.:123456


Dear Sirs,

our auditors, , are conducting an audit of our financial statements. According to “Auditing Standards of Chinese Certified Public Accountants” , the auditor need to confirm the balance with you. If the information indicated below which comes from our records agrees with yours, please confirm by signing and affixing your official stamp in the space indicated as

“Confirmation the above balance to be no difference”. If yours do not agree with the information, please list the amount of yours in the space indicated as “Giving full details of difference”. We shall be appreciated if you send this confirmation letter directly to .

Address as: Linkman:


Tel: +86- Fax: +86-


2. Other events

Please note that this is just a confirmation of account balance(s) and not a request for payment. We appreciated that the account may have been paid or settled since the date mentioned, but confirmation of the balance is still required and please indicate

Company: Date: Conclusion



范文类型:接收函,全文共 258 字

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general manager

tel: fax:

p.o.box: dear mr,

it is really a great honor to receive invitation, and we are writing to confirm our attendance. mr will attend the investigation and conference in china on time.

best wishes & regards


general manager



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 1557 字

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Unknowingly we have spent a month in the obstetrics, and in this month, so I fully solid learned a lot of expertise. Obstetrics and Gynecology is different from other departments, its professional knowledge is very strong, and only really hard to learn to understand thoroughly, is considered to be better.

Under the guidance of the teacher with Professor Wang, every week we have received the theory of indoctrination, such as: specialist knowledge points, precautions, nursing operations. So that I more in-depth theory linked to practice, for example, to the baby shower should pay attention to what, although it is less than we take a bath for the baby, but I can learn from, in addition to the delivery room for the patient disinfection of the skin, I have deficiencies, but I prefer to learn from, and strive to correct, strive to do a good job.

Through obstetrics and gynecology practice, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology, familiar with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, abnormal process and sick women care, family planning and womens health guidance content, at the same time to understand at home and abroad New technologies and new therapies, such as interactive bathing, doula delivery, infant touch, baby swimming, etc., to carry out nursing research, writing papers, cultivating students comprehensive quality, and improving students Practical skills.

Obstetrics internship, although busy, but busy with income. Regardless of any department, I will strive to actively do a good job!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1140 字

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am cheerful, sincere people, optimistic, broad interests, have strongorganizational skills and the ability to adapt, and has strong managementplanning and organizational management and coordination capacity.

2, faithful honest, principled, says it will do, and never shirkresponsibility; self-control, do things always adhere to the beginnings andends, never give up halfway; willing to learn, have a problem, not to escape, anopen mind is willing to learn from others; confident but not conceited notself-centered; are willing to accept the superior who commends humility, withauthority; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; approachable.Is sincere, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, there is astrong team spirit, proactive work attitude seriously.

3, cheerful, optimistic, broad interests, adaptable, quick, diligent,practical, serious and responsible, determination, hard, have the courage tomeet new challenges.

4, it is warm and cheerful personality, friendly, honest and humble.Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient.Affinity, approachable, good communication.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 719 字

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甲方: 翻译工作室

乙方:(译员姓名) 身份证号:


1. 甲方提供给乙方的稿件(以下称"翻译件")仅供乙方进行文字翻译或必要的编辑处理。乙方应对甲方提供的原稿严守秘密,未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将翻译件透露给任何第三方,或转给任何第三方代为翻译。

2. 乙方保证完成后的翻译件(以下称"译稿")至少应体现与甲方审订认可的测试稿相同的翻译水平。

3. 乙方应事先认真阅读、理解翻译件。如果翻译件内容有明显的打字错误、逻辑错误、编排错误等,乙方应用彩色字体标明,并按乙方的正常理解对翻译件进行适当的文字处理。乙方对把握不准的译法也应用彩色字体标明。

4. 乙方每天正常的翻译速度为(以汉字统计):______字。如乙方无法承接,应及时告知甲方。

5. 乙方完成译稿后,应认真校对、审核并进行必要的编排。译稿有错译 ( 包括错别字、输入错误、语法错误、标点符号错误 )以及漏译情况,甲方根据《翻译质量评级标准及奖惩办法 》扣除相应稿费。

6. 双方商定的翻译稿费为:____元/千字中文,以 WORD "工具""字数统计""中文字符和朝鲜语单词"自动统计仟字为计价单位。乙方个人所得税应按国家规定办理。

7. 甲方承诺按照本合同规定支付稿费。支付时间:____________。

8. 乙方应提供甲方所要求的银行卡号和户名,甲方支付时以该卡号和户名为准。

9. 甲方提供的参考资料以及每次邮件提供的参考译法和注意事项构成本合同一部分。

10. 其它未经事宜双方协商解决。本合同在确认之日开始生效。

甲方: 翻译工作室





范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1130 字

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Serious and responsible work, proactive, hard-working. Have a strong organizational capacity, pressure capacity, practical ability and team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, and integration of them.Have a good command of language and communication skills. Know how to arrange their own time, high efficiency, and through learning and life experiences and lessons, and constantly self-motivation.

Self-discipline, self-confidence, observe things more carefully, do things carefully, learning ability, have a certain ability to work, adaptability and coordination of communication skills, work conscientiously responsible, hard work.

Strong collective sense of honor, sense of responsibility and team spirit, solid professional knowledge, hard to ask, doing things steady, strong willpower, with a pragmatic, seeking the spirit can quickly accept new things, can withstand certain work pressure.

Give me a chance, I will also give you a wonderful! I would like to start from the grassroots, modest and conscientious, hard work, in practice, continuous learning, do my best to work into, to create their own value!



范文类型:礼仪,全文共 625 字

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michael: hey billy, that looks like a groovy cell phone. is it new?

billy: yeah - i scored it today. my old one was too big and clunky.

michael: it seems like everyone has a cell phone these days.

billy: i know. everywhere i go i can hear mobile phones ringing.

michael: why did you call it a mobile phone and not a cell phone?

billy: americans generally call them cell phones while europeans call them mobile phones.

michael: you know that there are so many rules about using cell phones these days?

billy: really! can you teach me some? i dont want people to think that i am rude.

michael: sure. i would be happy to teach my buddy!



范文类型:聘书,全文共 1109 字

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competitive selection draft

hello everyone! my name is , graduated from shanxi province department of tourism vocational college of hotel management, i am glad i can stand here, first of all like to thank the hotel has given me the training themselves, show themselves to enhance themselves and improve their own opportunities.

this time i want to competition for jobs is the ceremonial head, i believe that good communication and relying on their own critical thinking skills, as well as a wealth of professional knowledge and skilled expertise. i will be able to qualified for the job. therefore, i sincerely hope that the leadership of hotels you can give me an opportunity to exercise their own time to enrich their own opportunities! although i do not have a glorious past, but i will seize the present and future, and work hard for the hotel construction and contribute to the development.




范文类型:合同协议,全文共 4294 字

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Contract No.:

Sales and Purchase ContractFOR

Manganese Ore

This contract is made and entered into on, Feb20xxunder terms and conditions as per the international chamber of commerce-600 (ICC UCP-600/20xx revision) by and between:

The Buyer:



The Seller :



Whereby seller agrees to sell to buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from seller Manganese Ore under following the terms and conditions stipulated below:

Article 1 Commodity

Concentrated manganese Ore

Article 2 Specifications

Concentrated Manganese Ore

Size: 0-5mm (90% min)

% Mn min. 40.0%

% Fe max. 15.0%

% Silica ( SiO2 ) max. 1.0%

% Aluminum ( Al ) max. 4.0%

% S max. 0.20%

% P max. 0.10%

Moisture max. 7%

Article 3 Quantity:

500 MT, partial shipment not allowed.

Article 4 Origin and Port of loading

4.1 Republic of ABC

4.2 Loading port:

Article 5 Packing/Delivery

5.1 In50 kg sack

5.2 Incontainer Shipment, more or less 20 tons.

Article 6 Shipment/Delivery

6.1 500MT(+/-5%)partial shipment not allowed

6.2 Shipment will be 90 days after signing of this contract and after the acceptance of the Letter of Credit by seller’s bank. L/C will be openedafter BuyerreceivingProforma Invoice from Sellerwith confirmation of the delivery schedule.

6.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint the independent surveyor or his representative to conduct the Pre-shipment Inspection and/or conduct the joint-inspection of the material with buyer for his own account.

Article 7 Contracted Price and Values

Price:Mn: 48% and above - USD0.00/%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

40% - 47.9% - USD 0.00 /%/DMTCFRCY Port, China

The Mn content will be average of the joint-inspection testing result at loading port.

Article 8 Payment

8.1 Payment shall be effected in full by an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which will be opened by 1stclass bank in Hong Kong or Singapore, 100% at sight upon presentation of shipping documents.

A. Seller’s Banking Details:

Bank Name :

Bank Address :

Account Name :


B. Buyer’s bank issues L/C to the Sellers bank via S.W.I.F.T. wire transfer.

Buyer’s Banking Details:

Bank Name : (will be advised)

Bank Address :

Account Name:

S.W.I.F.T. Address SWIFT :

Article 10 Inspection of Analysis & Weight

The shipmentinspection and analysis shall be done byCCICappointed by the Seller and one independent surveyor (i.e.: SGS or Geo-Chem, etc) appointed by the buyeras agreed by both parties at site before loading to container. While final weightand qualitydetermination shall be done atloadingportby the above joint-survey.Moisture content shall be deducted from the total weight shipped.

Article 11 Documents

Seller shall present the following documents to the buyer:

A. Signed Commercial Invoice for 100% of the total cargo value indicating, quantity, unit price and the total Amount of Value of the delivered commodity , 1 original and 3 copies.

B. Certificates of quantity, quality and weight issued byCCICand one independent surveyor appointed by the buyer.

C. Certificate of Origin issued by ABC Department Of Trade or concerned Government authorities, I original and 2 copies.

D. Weight List, showing total weight , 1 original and 3 copies.

E. Bill of Lading, 3 original copies and 3 non-negotiable copies.

Article 12 Force Majeure

The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeureunder UCP 600. The seller shall advise the buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within 3 days thereafter the seller shall send a notice by courier to the buyer of their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller , however, are still under obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 60 days the buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.

Article 13 Arbitration

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (UCP-600/20xx or Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in ABCbythe English language.

Buyer Seller



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 385 字

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How are you, I call .This year is 22 years old.Graduate from college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etcThankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:销售,全文共 590 字

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范文四销售自我评价简历本人性格内外兼修。时而好动时而安静,生活中严格要求自己,思想上积极进取.通过大学的学习,掌握了基本的专业知识,学会了较好的与人相处。本人理解能力,动手能力强,好学上进,团队精神、组织纪律性强,对工作充满激-情并对本职工作尽心尽责,能吃苦耐劳。 尤其热爱市场营销工作,有责任心、有条理;具有一定的通信专业知识及it专业知识,能熟练运用电脑,有良好的文字表达能力;熟练操作word、e某cel等;头脑灵活,有较强的语言表达能力和沟通能力、有亲和力、较好的学习能力、较高的诚信度和责任感、较好的团队合作精神、自律性以及吃苦耐劳精神等具有很强的亲和力,善于与客户建立良好的业务关系 ;有志于中国营销行业的销售及客户服务工作。



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1072 字

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Strong communication and coordination skills, strong sense of responsibility, good team spirit and customer service. Can Chikunailao, have the ability to constantly challenge themselves and courage. Attention to market information, good at learning, thinking, to adapt to the requirements of the information age familiar with the operation of accounting practice, has participated in the class on behalf of classes of basic knowledge of accounting competitions, achieved excellent results, from which I deepen some of the accounting experience. Let me know more about accounting and other aspects of a more comprehensive understanding, but also let me know the importance of accounting for a business, but also cultivate my patience and communication and take seriously every thing the attitude of the service.

Three years of college life to accept a full range of tertiary education, by the good professional training and ability, in the accounting and other fields have a solid theoretical foundation and practical experience, have a strong practice and research ability.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 628 字

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Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new things more; a strong sense of responsibility can be hard, has a strong teamwork and communication skills; more strong resistance capacity, the capacity of self-restraint and adaptability; using C, VB, SQL SERVER, PLC, WINCC done and technology tools such as the actual project, has a certain practical development experience.

真诚、内敛、专注;自学能力强,对新知识、新技术保持着强烈的学习兴趣,接受新事物的能力较强;责任心强,能吃苦耐劳,具有较强的团队合作和沟通能力;较强的抗压能力、自我约束能力以及应变能力;用C、VB、SQL SERVER、PLC、WINCC等工具与技术做过实际项目,具有一定实际开发经验。
