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Dear visitors from Beijing, everybody! I am a professional tour guide from CTS group. I just call me Wang Dao, everyone. Today, I take you to visit the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing haidian district. World heritage also have a lot of, kunming lake and longevity hill, corridor and so on. One of the most beautiful is the kunming lake, let me introduce for you.

Kunming lake is northwest suburb of Beijing springs converge and become natural lakes. Because is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, so, also known as the west lake.

As our steps, we came to kunming lake in the west bank. West causeway of su causeway is modelled on the west lake. From north to south lies the six bridge: tianchi bridge, jade belt bridge... One of the most beautiful is the jade belt bridge. It is shaped like a jade belt, beautiful modelling, give a person a kind of elegant feeling.

Kunming lake in the lake is very wide, when the sun shines on the surface of sparkling, the water is turning up the walls white and beautiful! Cruise, original slowly glide from the surface of the water, leaving a few ripples, give a person a few silk elegance.

We look toward the shore, hits the willows hung long braid, if you listen carefully, can also hear the breeze obsolete, willow issued a rustling sound. Give a person a kind of wonderful feeling.

Not only the west dike is very beautiful, look, in three center was built in the kunming lake in the island? They respectively are: the south lake island, mirror cabinet and algae JianTang islands. Let me introduce you to one of the most famous south lake island.

South lake island is located in the southeast of kunming lake, assumes the circular throughout the island, the island has a correlation, month wave floor, YunXiang pavilion, etc. It is surrounded by water, on the island, you can breathe the fresh air at any time.

Watching the center island, lets sail will shore.

I think we should say goodbye, I hope you have a chance to come to visit the Summer Palace, at that time, I also want to give you when the tour guide, goodbye!




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亚龙湾气候温和、风景如画,这里不仅有蓝蓝的天空、明媚 温暖的阳光、清新湿润的空气、连绵起伏的青山、千姿百态的岩石、原始幽静的红树林、波平浪静的海湾、清澈透明的海水,洁白细腻的沙滩以及五彩缤纷的海底景观等,而且八公里长的海岸线上椰影婆裟,生长着众多奇花异草和原始热带植被,各具特色的度假酒店错落有致的分布于此,又恰似一颗颗璀璨的明珠,把亚龙湾装扮的风情万种、光彩照人。


这里三面青山相拥,南面月牙型向大海敝开。除阳光、海水、沙滩俱佳外,尚有奇石、怪滩、田园风光构成了各具特色的风景。锦母角、亚龙角激浪拍崖,怪石嶙峋,是攀崖探险活动的良好场所。海面上以野猪岛为中心,南有东洲岛、西洲岛,西有东排、西排,可开展多种水上运动。 亚龙湾中心广场有高达27米的图腾柱,围绕图腾柱是三圈反映中国古代神话传说和文化的雕塑群。广场上,四个白色风帆式的尖顶帐篷,给具有古老文化意蕴的广场增添了现代气息。

亚龙湾贝壳馆位于亚龙湾国家旅游度假区中心广场,占地面积3000平方米,是国内首家以贝壳为主题,集科普、展览和销售为一体的综合性展馆。在展览厅里,分五大海域展出世界各地具有典型代表性的贝壳300多种,有象征纯洁的天使之翼 海鸥蛤、著名的活化石红翁戎骡和鹦鹉螺等等。游客在曲径幽深、典雅自然的展厅里参观,仿佛沉浸在蓝色的海洋世界里,在惊叹大自然鬼斧神工的同时,激发人们热爱大自然、保护海洋的情感。













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Everybody is good! Welcome to the beautiful lushan scenic area. Today, I will explain lushan for everybody!

To the north of lushan mountain is located in the north of jiangxi province, lushan mountain, there is a great river rolling down, that is the golden waterway - the Yangtze river, China and south of it is the largest fresh water lake - in our country, on the terrain, it formed a river lake mountain landscape. Lushan the whole is made up of ninety-nine peaks, of which, the five-old-man peak is the representative of the lushan mountain, but it is not the highest, the highest mountain lushan is hanyang mountain.

But compared with the other famous mountains, lushan mountain is not high, but our country has a good old saying said, "the mountain is not high, with fairy is name." Legend in YanZhou period, when an and several hobbies named quantico magic friends go to the mountain lu, the practice. There was a king Zhou Ding, want to take advantage of them. Take people to up the hill looking, and only see some abandoned the hermitage, he asked the whereabouts of their residents, residents say they have been "feathers fairy. As a result, he left the mountain of the hermitage, called "lushan".

Now, we came to the lushan waterfall "Triassic spring", one of the tang dynastys li bai wrote a poem, here it is "plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days." Springs, Triassic cast bead jade, splashing for flying up and down. If it is rainy day, waterfall and angry as long queues, break through the sky, flying volley, the thunder roared, breathtaking. Less than three fold springs, as the saying goes "not to lushan mountain". Congratulations to you become real lushan guest today.

Good! Todays visit to the end, I believe that the Triassic spring left a good impression to you, please bring back to share the beautiful scene with the family! Thank you all!


Dear visitors, my name is yu-chen zhang, is jiujiang landscape travel guide. Today I lead you to visit the place is only in the "world heritage" of China cultural landscape - lushan scenic area.

Lushan mountain in jiujiang in jiangxi province in central China, the south, also known as "KuangShan", "KuangLu", lists of the Yangtze, tight in poyang lake. The whole of a total of more than 90 peaks. To hanyang peak, the highest peak either altitude 1473.4 meters, the lushan mountain scenery to "show, and the risks, the male" is famous, known as "KuangLu under well of guilin" reputation, is now main twelve landscape, 37, 230 scenery landscape. Lushan early have "lu" of fairy tales, fog day up to an average of 191 days, diffuse clouds of lushan added a lot of the beauty of the landscape charming and mysterious.

Lushan mountain is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization, as well as a collection of scenery, culture, religion, education, politics, as one of the famous through the ages. Also has a unique quaternary glacial relics, is the theory of the quaternary glacial birthplace.

Now we can visit freely, then well come to here.


Tourists friends, hello! I am your tour guide Gao Yingli today, you can call me gao. I will accompany you play todays main attraction -- lushan waterfall. Hope that we can happily through the day.

Lushan waterfall has a long history, past many writers saoke fushi in this inscription, its spectacular tribute to the magnificent, lushan falls to bring a high reputation. Nature is one of the most famous tang dynasty poet li bais "lushan waterfall", song has become eternal.

Lushan mountain plains of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze and poyang lake bank, long steep cliffs, waterfalls. Yu Shao Shiyun: "province at the southern bank of the Yangtze river lake, lushan scenic yan; pull cliffs cliffs flying waterfall, qifeng show ridge around the clouds", is a marvel of the lushan waterfall.

And one of the most famous waterfall should number 3 fold springs, known as lushan first wonders, old "lushan" before the three fold springs, not say. Triassic spring waterfall, water is arrogant on mountain, flows slowly after a while, another five-old-man peak back, through the mountains and rivers stone steps, folding into three fold, so named after Triassic springs waterfall.

Standing in front of the Triassic springs waterfall view stone bench lifted up his eyes, but to see the nearly hundred metres of practice from north white cliff mouth hanging on the big rock, bai lian hang in the air, Triassic, as the ancients cloud: "the superior practice, such as floating clouds drag intermediate such as gravel jiggled ice, at a lower level, such as jade dragon pool." And in the water splash, far more than ten meters still wet idea pungent.

Now you can go to play, collection postscript to get over the gate. Dont litter, cigarette butts in a scenic spot. I wish you all have a good time.



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澳门历史城区是一片以澳门旧城区为核心的历史街区,其间以相邻的广场和街道连接而成,包括妈阁庙前地、亚婆井前地、岗顶前地、议事亭前地、大堂前地、板樟堂前地、耶稣会纪念广场、白鸽巢前地等多个广场空间,以及妈阁庙、港务局大楼、郑家大屋、圣老楞佐教堂、圣若瑟修院及圣堂、岗顶剧院、何东图书馆、圣奥斯定教堂、民政总署大楼、三街会馆(关帝庙)、仁慈堂大楼、大堂(主教座堂)、卢家大屋、玫瑰堂、大三巴牌坊、哪里吒庙、旧城墙遗址、大炮台、圣安多尼教堂、东方基金会会址、基督教坟场、东望洋炮台(含东望洋灯塔及圣母雪地殿圣堂)等20多处历史建筑。澳门历史城区于20__年根据文化遗产遴选标准 C(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi) 被列入《世界文化遗产目录》。


多元共存 和谐交融


四百多年间,在这块城区内,来自葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国、法国、意大利、美国、日本、瑞典、印度、马来西亚、菲律宾、朝鲜甚至非洲地区等等不同地方的人,带 著不同的文化思想,不同的职业技艺,不同的风俗习惯,在澳门历史城区内盖房子、建教堂、修马路、筑炮台以至闢建坟场,展开多姿多彩的生活,包括各类文化活动。在这种机遇下,澳门得风气之先,成为中国境内接触近代西方器物与文化最早、最多、最重要的地方,是当时中国接触西方文化的桥头堡。与此同时,居住在澳门的外国人,也以各种方式,向世界各国介绍在澳门见到的一切中国文化思想与生活习俗。澳门,也是一道外国认识中国的门户。



明末清初,大量天主教传教士以澳门为传教基地,积极从事远东地区的传教工作,并由此创造出中西文化交流的辉煌篇章。这些传教士来自不同的修会,他们为中国带来了西方近代的科学技术及人文艺术,又向西方介绍了中国的文化成就。而作为基地的澳门,在各修会的努力建设下,开创了许多“中国第一”的事业,如中国第一所西式大学(圣保禄学院)、中国第一所西式医院(白马行医院)、中国第一所以西方金属制版和印刷拉丁文字的印刷厂(圣保禄学院附属印刷所)、中国第一份外文报纸(《蜜蜂华报》)(A Abelha da China) 等等。由耶稣会在澳门开办的圣保禄学院(现已不存)及圣若瑟修院,为天主教在远东和中国的传教事业培养了大量人才,同时也培养了大批中国籍的传教士,为中西文化交流作出卓越的贡献。






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大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。 现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。





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ladies and gentlemen :

Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great Falls one. In November 1982, the People’s Republic of China State Council approved, Huangguoshu Falls has been listed as a national key scenic spots. Huangguoshu waterfall from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, 137 km, Guizhou Province is located in the western Zhenning Guanling County and the contiguous counties Dabang Baishuihe River on the River tributaries on. Guiyang from traveling to Huangguoshu, about a half-hour or so. Huangguoshu Waterfall have to, you see, this is already the world famous China’s largest waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls 68 meters high, with waterfalls, waterfalls, six meters high total of 74 meters, 81 meters wide, Floodwaters in the summer, If the Yellow River Falls reversing dumping, cliffs shook, the bottom Honglei, ten passage can also hear its roar; Due to the strong impact of water flow, damage the spray can diffuse more than a few hundred meters, so that the waterfall is located on the top of the left Tsaitsu and markets often damage the mist shrouded. Visitors that the "silver rain throwing Street." Small winter and spring water, waterfalls into it from March 5 lock-down pegged to the roof, far from view, a curtain of white floated down, triumphantly Sasa, If the middle of silk, if cents differentiates the breeze held, such as ladies Wun Sha .... For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance Huangguoshu waterfall has been for many writers and scholars have marveled. Guizhou Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher, "Summer Palace" is a misnomer that the amount of those Yan Yin-in "cottage look," wrote the couplet : "White as cotton, and not bow spent shells from casual. Hongxia decorated, Mr need woven days Generation " more vivid image summed up the Huangguoshu Waterfall magnificent scenery. Now, we come to a waterfall fell Department --- rhino Tam.

This takes into account the legend of gods and Tam rhinoceros named hidden underwater. Rhinoceros are no gods, no one has ever seen, but the mysterious and remote lake, there is still, no one stood Here, the chapter will train together. If sunny 10:00 or 16:00 or so, as the sunlight refraction, You can also blow through the waterfall being spun off by the rain and fog, to see which rises from the pit of seven-color rainbow, so that you Fireweed majestic appearance of Earth, Li Zhao Yan days flu. Why has this waterfall named Huangguoshu waterfall, and not what other other waterfall? According to folklore, is a tree in the edge of a waterfall tall Ficus virens, according to the local accent, "Electric" and "fruit" pronunciation, and I used to call on people to Huangguoshu, which is a statement. There is also the view that a long time ago legend waterfall nearby farmers like yellow fruit species, the edge of a waterfall has a large yellow orchards, so they made the Huangguoshu waterfall as a waterfall. And the rest of the world famous Great Falls, the Huangguoshu Falls Although no African Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, North America, Venezuela Angel Falls is so wide, and highly ambitious, but Huangguoshu Falls has its peculiar, it is the world’s most karst areas at the Falls, is the most spectacular waterfall. The Falls is like a strange magnetic stones, in its ground and underground water, Water also adsorption eyes with a series of voice in the landscape. One of the most magical one is hidden in a waterfall gully holes in the cliff Gallery, as Wisteria cling hole, water pegged Fly, known as "Seorak." This is the world’s other great waterfall not a peculiar landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, "Seorak" has come and the Seorak length of 134 meters, which consists of six holes window 3 units hole vents and six channel formed. According to Chinese legend arranged large television drama "Journey to the West" Seorak a drama, is here filming. This is the first window hole, it’s the lowest position, the pool from the rhino-only 40 meters, but the hole is the most generous windows, 10 meters wide, In the first place, the middle two waterfalls, a river even when 2% of the Water Curtain Falls, the hole will seal all windows; Water was fourth hour began, from a few meters to 10 meters range, Min, as can be arbitrarily CDCC the curtains. This is the second hole window, it is from the window of the first hole only about 4 meters. This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Seorak, is 11 meters long, nine meters high and three meters wide. A roadside springs, the clear, bright and clean water in a year round water level. Top of many hanging stalactite, the straw stalactite-like there are precious stone curl. Also on the wall hung countless Shiman, stone screens. This is the third hole window, it highlights the field, much like a balcony. This window is a hole-meter, 3-meter-long, the outside perimeter guard, visitors can stand behind the guardrail hand touch Falls, People here so called "touch waterfall Chinese Taiwan." Ladies and gentlemen, we now visit the landscape is rhino Tam Valley landscape. Look, from the waist down rhino is a one contiguous or water, followed by rhino Lake, the three Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Fish oil wells, and so on. In this series in the lake, of course, is headed by Tan rhinoceros, it was 17.7 meters deep, often splash beads coverage, in the fog Chu drowned. As long as the sun, a waterfall splashes beads often hung colorful rainbow, with people moving and unpredictable. Huangguoshu Waterfall Why so? This is because the Huangguoshu Waterfall located in the Karst region, the flow is caused by erosion. Traceability erosion crack when they arrived at upper reaches of the river erosion along the karst fracture, corrosion, erosion, abrasion, and gradually expand the pipeline, formation of holes and not charged underground river; Form into local river water after the water sink in Liuzitian ratio gradually increased, created the unique karst region capture, in-flow into water sink in Liuzitian, on the formation of water sink in Liuzitian-waterfall.

With water erosion and collapse strategy has steadily increased, more and more underground river cave, So along the surface wadis clustered development of the shaft and skylights, which have continued to expand, merging, Collapse, causing the present magnificent Huangguoshu Falls and Falls downstream deeply dangerous gorge. I hope you raise your camera and shoot Huangguoshu Waterfall, stay in your memory, publicity to more people, because China is the Huangguoshu Waterfall and also belongs to the world.


Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

Today we will go and visit the Nanyue Temple, Nanyue Temple is situated on the northern tip of Nanyue Township and at the southern foot of Chidi Peak. In a layout of nine rows, It is the largest and best-preserved ancient palatial architectural complex of south China. Magnificent and splendid with resplendent upturned eaves. Inside the east in parallel to eight Buddhist palaces on the west, It is indeed a wonder in the history of religion that Taoism. Buddhism and Confucian culture can co-exist within a single temple.

The exact time of the construction of Nanyue Temple is unknown. It existed asearly as in the Qin and Han Dynastis. Originally Located on the summit of Zhurong Peak, The temple was later moved to the mountain foot to facilitate the religious activities. The beginning of the Tang Dynasty witnessed the formal construction of the Heavenly Lord Huo"s Temple" the "Heavenly Master Temple". So as to enshrine and worship the Gods of the five sacred mountains, During the Song Dynasty the immortal of the Hengshan Mountain was revered as the "Heavenly Master Zhaosheng",as a result the temple was gradually expanded and enlarged. Since the Tang Dynasty Nanyue Temple had beed subject to six fires and 16reconstructions all through the Song. Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the 8th year of Emperor Guangxu"s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1882 A.D), the Imperial Court ordered the rbuilding of Nanyue Temple. Which had been ruined by lightning, The project was imitative. Copying the styles of the Imperial Palace. And even to the present day it is still well preserved.

Fenced with red-brick walls.Nanyue Temple ccupies an area of some 70.000 square metres. From north to south lies in sequence nine rows and four courtyards-Lingxing Gate. Kuixing Tower. Chuan Gate. Pavilion of Imperial Study, Main Hall, Dwelling Palace and the Northern Rear Exit. The whole architecture complex stretches across on axis extending from south to north with its halls linked up together. The winding corridors and wing-rooms on both sides merge with each other. Accentuating the magnificence of the stature of the principal part. On the east side of the main temple there are eight Taoist palaces. Coordinating with eight Buddhist palaces on the west side.

The first row is Lingxing Gate. Two gilded Chinese characters "Mountain Temple" are shining on the white marble at the top of the gate. The marble gate stands as high as 20 metres with a width of 1.1 metres and is meant to imply that during the past dynasties all the religious activities were officiated by real knowledgeable people. The second row is kuixing Tower. The most perfectly preserved ancient stage in Human Province.with a breadth of 35metres and a length of 12. Its fa?ade facing the main palace, the stage is the place where people hold religious activities and perform local operas during pilgrimage. Before the tower stands a pair of 2-metre tall stone Kylin (Chinese unicorn). With their furious eyes widely open. They are like two solemn looking sentinels guarding the tower.

The pebble path under the Kuixing Tower leads to the third row-Main Chuan Gate. East and West Gates. The gateway is made of gray bricks with an awesome depth and height of 15 metres. The courtyard within is filled with dense cypress trees and carpeted with green grass. The fourth row is the Pavilion of Imperial Study. Distinguished by its gilded tiles. Octagonal doubleeaved roofs and exquisitely-crafted arches. Inside the pavilion there is a Bixi in the shape of a legendary animal like tortoise. Legend has it that Bixi is the ninth son of the dragon. The Bixi carries an imperial stele on which the full text of On Rebuilding Nanyue Temple was carved in the 47th year of Kangxi"s reign(1780 A.D.) in the Qing dynasty.

The fifth row is Jiaying Gate. Named after the line from The Annals of Han-Books of Rites and Joys: "This row is the place where local magistrates and monks welcomed ritual officials dispatched from the capital. After the Jiaying Gate the sixth row comes into view-Tower of Imperial Study. Which is the storehouse of the collection of imperial calligraphies .messages and inscribed boards concerning the past emperors" ritual presentations to the mountain. Sweeet osmanthus ahead of the tower submerges the building with its refreshing scent when it blossoms every autumn.

The seventh row is the Main Palace. Surrounded by towering old trees. Camphor trees planted in the Song Dynasty and cypress in the Ming Dynasty compete with each other in setting off the beauty of the upturned double-roofs and the splendour of the palace. Adding tremendous awe to the Main Palac. As it stands 29.11 metres, its girandeur rivals that of the Palace of supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Inside the palace there are 72 stone pilliars, standing for the 72 peaks on the Hengshan Mountain. The two huge pillars upholding the main roofs were cut out of a whole granite. Each weighing 14 tons.

Encircled by the balustrades are 144 relief sculptures carved out of white marbles. Based on Shanhai Jing . Pillars on the forefront overlap. Carved on them are 56 historical and legendary thles . On the square door were carved the Images. On the square door were carved the Images of the 24 filial Sons and the Images of the 18 Scholars. Here tourists can get a rough idea of the age-old Chinese Confucian and Taoist cultures. Clay statues-Heavenly King Zhaosheng and General Jin and Wu line up in the palace with their impressively dignified look, calling forth in tourists a feeling of profound respect.

The eighth row is the dwelling Palacewith double roofs and in perfect harmony with the whole mountain. This structure keeps up the architectural style of the Song Dynasty and is decorated with coloured drawings and patterns whichare popular among palaces in the North. giving a sense of gorgeousness to this palace. The ninth row is the Northern Rear Exit. The end of the axial architecture, with Zhusheng Palace to the right and Chief God Palace to the left, At the back of the exit. A path leads farther into the mountain.

Nanyue Temple occupies a prominent position in the history of ancient Chinese architecture. It carries the grandeur characterized by palaces in the North. And at the same time it smacks of the loveliness featured by gardens in the South. The architectural arrangement of the temple is clearly demarcated and gently modulated. Strongly indicating the ingenuity and originality of the craftsmen. Its ground and upper layouts are like an eternal musical movement with its own overture, main body and coda. Demonstrating the excellence of ancient Chinese architecture.

Nanyue Temple carries a profound cultural connotation. It boasts a large number of clay statues. Wood engravings and stone carvings, which are all closely linked up with Chinese tradition and culture. Over 800 dragons of various sizes, which are the symbol of the Chinese nation.can be found everwhere in the temple. The carvings on the roof wood and white marble balustrades are an encyclopedia of ancient history and mythology. There are fairy tales- "Pan Gu Creating the Universe." "Hou Yi Shooting the Suns", "Jing Wei Filling up the Ocean"¡-; real stories about some historical figures- "Su Wu Shepherding Sheep." "sleeping on sticks and Tasting the Gallbladder." "Da MO Crossing the Sea"¡- ; legends extolling filial piety- "Melting the Ice with Body Warmth to Catch Carps." "Weeping on the Bamboo until it Turns into shoots"¡- Most of the carvings are the lgends about the earliest ancestors of Taoist immortals. As early as in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, clay status, wood engraving and stone carving were reputed as "the Three Wonders to the South of the Yangtze River."

All through the dynasties Nanyue Temple has been a thriving place to hold religious activities both for the feudal imperial courts and the ordinary people. Every year the temple greets nearly 1.000.000 pilgrims. The offerings, presentation, titles and other customs are almost the same as they were thousands years ago. There are "bowing pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps , and "hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps. "And hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims refrain from food during their trip. More often. Pilgrims would set off in throngs. They wear gray clothes with a red cloth attached to their chest reading "Hengshan Mountain Pilgrimage." Holding buring incenses in hand. Those pious pilgrims chant pilgriming theme" to pray for the peace of the nation and the wealth of people, making it a really spectacular scene on the mountain.


Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with some fairly beautiful scenery and a once typically Hunan village atmosphere, Shaoshan has been irreparably changed by history. On the 26th December 1893, a baby was born in a little house in this village, to a relatively wealthy peasant couple. The child was to grow up to become China"s Great Helmsman, Chairman Mao Zedong, and it was in this region that he spent his childhood and youth, attending school and helping his father with his work.

As the hometown of the great man of the generation, now Shaoshan is one of the important tourist zones in Hunan province. The major tourist sites including the Former residence of Chairman Mao, Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, Water-dripping Cave and Steles Forest of Mao"s Poems,and so on.

The former residence of Chairman Mao is the most interesting site. Entered through a courtyard, the house is of a sunny yellow, mud brick walls, with a nicely thatched roof, and is found on a wooded hillside, above some lush paddy fields. There are 13 and one half rooms in the Former residence, which include one and half central room, a kitchen, a dining room, three family bedrooms and a guest room. Within the rooms are various personal effects of Mao and his parents, as well as photos from Mao"s life.

This is the central room, it was used by two families: Mao’s family and their neighbor. So we said that there is only one half of the central room belongs to Mao’s family. And this is there kitchen, where Chairman Mao often helped his mother doing some housework in his childhood. Go through the kitchen was Chairman Mao’s parent"s bedroom, there are two photos of Chairman Mao’s parents on the inner wall, and it was in this room where Chairman Mao was born.

The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a very popular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao allegedly spent 11 days here in the early days of the Cultural Revolution Years (1966-76), contemplating the unknown.



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公园环境舒适,草坪舒展,山丘起伏,林木苍翠,湖波粼粼,好一派自然清新的郊野风情。气势宏伟的南北大门景色,门前广场横跨宽度达 100 米,建筑风格独特,植物色彩配置艳丽,布置紧凑,颇有现代公园气派。最为壮观的南门中轴广场,两侧种植风景林,配置各类棕榈植物,衬托着中央的立体八角花坛,更加洋溢着岭南园林的气息。象征着和平和希望的白鸽广场,群鸽飞翔在蔚蓝的天空,自由自在,无拘无束。园内更有极具岭南特色、清雅晖盈的园林精品——“粤晖园”,它坐落在绿柳环抱、秀色怡人的柳湖湖畔,更与天河公园(6张)欢跃嬉戏的湖中锦鲤相映成趣。精巧秀丽的“粤秀园”建在风光如画、具有“水中琪林”之称的翠湖帝国,使湖色幽美的翠湖成为人们写生、摄影、休闲的好地方。





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大理位于云南省中部偏西,总面积 29459平方公里,地域辽阔,资源丰富,山川秀丽,四季如春,是祖国大西南一块待开发的宝地。全州辖一市十一县,是一个居住着汉、白、彝、回、傈僳、藏、纳西等26个民族的地区,1999年末总人口326.09万人,少数民族人口约占50%,其中白族人口108.53万人,是一个以白族为自治民族的自治州,是闻名于世的电影“五朵金花”的故乡。



















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Dear friends, hanshan temple is known for its inscriptions, and the most famous one is the poem of the maple bridge. Ladies and gentlemen,

Now lets go to the stele. Since ancient times, in the temple, "the maple bridge night mooring" has a few pieces of poetry. The answer is: a poem. Wang GUI (1019-1085), the king of the northern song dynasty, was the first stone in the poem of "the maple bridge", the first stone of zhang jishi, which could be lost in the early years of this monument. In order to restore historical relics and carry forward the national culture, the first stone of zhang jishi, which was integrated with wangs calligraphy, was re-established next to puminta in 1996, with the efforts of people on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits. Thanks to Chinese Taiwan SiNian library, they free get-together of generous Ph.D. More than 3000 words handwriting epitaph rubbings, the suzhou famous calligrapher FeiZhiXiong set word, suzhou museum of stone inscription loyalty as heavy carved sculpture artists, and shows the world the first stone Zhang Jishi spirits, to understand a get-together chirography provides physical characteristics and style.

Full of poetry only 28 words, but can directly select a get-together to complete the original words only 14, namely: month, full day, jiang, fire, for, gu, outside the city, and cold, hill, temple, night, half, the rest are through a mix of the original word radical. For example, "frost", combined with "rain" and "facies"; The people are composed of "eyes" and "people". The word is in block letters, between the yan and liu shushu. The stone tablet has been used for a certain period of time. It is 2.5 meters high, 0.84 meters wide, 0.2 meters thick and 1.66 meters high, about 13 centimeters per word. The stele was collected by the Palace Museum in September 1996.

The second tablet is written in Ming dynasty. The temple is in fire. There are only remnants of the monument, and less than 10 words remain. The third tablet is written by yu yue in the qing dynasty. It is well preserved. The most common "night mooring" in the market is the first inscription of yus books. The tablet is displayed in the gallery. The fourth tablet was written on December 14, 1947 by zhang, a member of the hebei cangzhou dynasty, with the same name as the tang dynasty. Zhang succeeded in writing this tablet, and unexpectedly died the next day, and the ink became a veritable masterpiece. This stele is well preserved and is now on display in the hospital of pu-minta, where the original poems are preserved in the central history museum of the kuomintang (KMT) in Chinese Taiwan. The fifth tablet we have seen in the songmao pavilion in the house of hanshan. It is the one li dazhao wrote. The sixth tablet is a contemporary painting

Liu haisus works. In the winter of 1981, the 86-year-old painter locked himself in his room for about five hours, using the whole body and soul to complete a masterpiece -- the "maple bridge night". When liu finished the work, he fell ill for many days, but he was very satisfied with the work and thought it was no less than yus book. According to lius wish, this tablet was engraved in 1994 and placed in the corridor of hanshan temple.

The seventh tablet was written by the revolutionary predecessor Chen yun in the "maple bridge poetry gallery" in 1998. The original was a gift given to liu yuna, a famous critic, when he was 82 years old. The inscription on the tablet stands in contrast to the poems written by kang youwei in the han shan temple in 1920. "the bell has been crossing the sea, and the wind is cold and cold. Dont let feng dry and rap again, to make people not empty." Loss of kang youwei was generous in clocks to Japan, he quips: also blame gab abundant dry monk, to zhejiang taizhou high disturbing the satrap pavilion hanshan, picked up are two manjusri, samantabhadra bodhisattva incarnation of cat. Had it not been for the leak of the celestial machine, there would have been no longer the ancient clock in the temple.



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长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:垂直过山车, 十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。












2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。


5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。

6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出其不意 ,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。





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· 约翰·卢文(1920xx年—1982年),香港著名外籍业余爬虫类与两栖类动物学家,于1952年于南丫岛发现卢文氏树蛙。


位于南丫岛西北面的榕树湾, 是南丫岛的主要村落之一,从中环搭乘渡轮直达,大约只需30分钟,交通便利。榕树湾汇聚了不少手工艺精品店、酒吧,以及提供欧陆和亚洲特色美食的小餐馆。游人在享用美味的海鲜盛宴之余,还可以欣赏迷人的海景。









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The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows:

Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building- a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples- in front of the o Jade Ripples- in front of the Yiyunguan (Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the Yaoyue (Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon ) Gate of the Long Corridor- strolling along the Long Corridor- visiting an exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest –outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street- atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.

(Out side the east gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the Summer Palace. (After the self-introduction of the guide -interpreter) I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you .

During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.

The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories. The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong. With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday. After 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony to China` s scientific and technological achievements. In 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan (Garden of Perfection and Brightness) by Angol-French allied forces. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony (Summer Palace). Characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the Summer Palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.

This is the main entrance to the Summer Palace-the East Gate On top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means “Garden of Nurtured Harmony” , whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu. The gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother. All others used the side doors.

(Inside the East Gate)

the Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake .The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three- fourths consists of a lake and rivers .This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest. The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters. Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters. The annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty.

This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters. The gigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in Jiangsu Province and placed here to decorated the garden.

