





范文类型:材料案例,全文共 991 字

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范文类型:慰问信,全文共 273 字

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june 6, 20__

dear mrs. corbin,

i was so sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well!everybody

in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. mr. burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

sincerely yours,

mary burke



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 9280 字

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Blink of an eye 10 years have gone, we ushered in a new year. Summing up the work of the past year, from a personal point of view about the measurement of awareness.

Quality is the life, quality is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise development. In the fierce competition in the construction market today, how to improve the construction quality management level is every enterprise managers must think about. Factors affecting the quality of construction in all aspects. From the engineering measurement point of view, analyze the work of measuring the pay-off to ensure and improve the quality of the construction of an important role, and simply how to strengthen the management of measurement work to improve the quality of construction.

It is a very important technical work of municipal road engineering that the measuring and measuring line is an important technical work. It is inseparable from the whole process of construction, from the preparation before construction to the completion of the construction, to the final acceptance after construction. How to do a quick and good measurement of the line, is a basic technical skills and test the basic requirements.

Do the measurement before the commencement of the end

Before the start of the project, the survey and design units shall be responsible for on-site surveying and settlement according to the design documents, and the site standard point, conductor piles and crossing point piles shall be clearly identified according to the design drawings. Within the measurement of signs, must take appropriate protection measures. On the measurement of the end, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of pile position, that is, in the design unit after pile, should be timely use of brick piers or pouring cement pier and other methods to be protected, so as not to lose. These piles are generally farmland or residential areas, it is easy to be man-made destruction, and once destroyed, let the survey and design units to fill test, then delay the construction, but also increase the cost.

Midline retest and edge loft

Center line measurement is based on the alignment measurement, the road center line plane position on the ground marked in detail. It is the difference with the alignment measurement is: alignment measurement, but the intersection of the road and the straight line segment of the necessary turning point marked out, and in the midline measurement, according to the intersection and the turning point with a series of stakes will road straight Segment and curve segments are specified in detail on the ground.

The alignment survey is usually carried out by the survey and design units, and then the pile and measurement results to the construction side, the construction unit by the middle line and construction measurement.

Subgrade construction should be fully restored before the center line, according to the restoration of the pile in the road and the relevant provisions of the roadbed side of the pile. On the midline re-measurement and edge lofting, should pay attention to the following points;

One should pay attention to the distance between the intersection, the direction is consistent with the drawings; such as an engineering project has several tenders, should pay attention to the center of the adjacent tenders are closed, midline measurements should be in-depth adjacent tenders 50 ~ 100 M; attention should be paid to the center of the structure such as bridge and culvert is closed; should pay attention to the relative position of the building and other buildings and drawings are consistent. If you find problems in a timely manner to identify the reasons for the design unit.

Second, retaining pile set. It is very important to set up pile protection pile in the middle of the road, but these piles are easy to be destroyed during the construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the restoration and surveying work of the middle pile during the construction of the roadbed. In order to quickly and accurately restore the center pile in the original position, must be on the road before the construction of the main control point of the pile such as the intersection point, turning point, curve control points set up retaining pile. The so-called retaining pile, is outside the scope of the construction is not easy to be destroyed where some stakes set up.According to these pile, with simple methods (such as the intersection point, range, etc.), you can quickly restore the original pile point.

Set the pile should pay attention to the following aspects: in each straight section of the road, at least three control piles to set up retaining pile, so even if there is a control pile can not be restored, the other two points can be used to restore the straight section To the original position; the intersection angle of the two direction lines as close as possible to 90 °, should not be less than 30 ° angle of intersection; retaining pile should be selected outside the scope of construction, but not too far away; Pile distance can not be too far; The retaining pile must be solid and reliable, pile to facilitate the erection of measuring instruments and observation.

Set up retaining pile of curve side. For the curve segment, because of the more difficult to determine the side of the pile, re-measuring time-consuming more, so after a precise line, the edge of the curve section of the pile pile should also be set representative pile, which can reduce Repeat the measurement, reducing the measurement workload.

Third, the laying of mileage pile. After the midline pile is fixed, it is possible to lay out the control pile of the mileage pile on this basis. Mileage pile layout principle is: in the straight section, generally arranged in every 100 meters of the entire pile of cross-section, similar to the common road construction 100 meters pile layout; in the curve section of the pile to be properly encrypted, in the curve Mileage pile can be large stakes, above the mileage mark with paint or ink station, into the road outside the scope of construction on both sides of the ground, it is best to play on each side of a . To ensure that the construction is not easy to damage the case, from the embankment edge should be as close as possible to facilitate the use, generally 1 to 2 meters.

The laying of mileage piles is not addressed in most of the surveying and setting-out sections of the Construction Manual, and is not taken into account at many sites. I found in some sites, some construction technicians in the construction survey, the determination of the distance station is a long distance from a foot a foot row over, not only a waste of time and prone to cumulative error. If the mileage stakes are not allowed, then the elevation, slope quality control is out of the question.

Third, the proofreading and additional standard point

First, the use of design units set up before the standard point should be carefully checked, close the gap may not exceed the limit, such as exceeding the allowable deviation should identify the reasons and promptly reported to the relevant departments. The design unit delivers the leveling points normally set several months ago. These points in the field can easily be man-made collision or natural subsidence due to the ground changes, so be sure to carefully review before use; Second, the standard point of additional principles: the distance is generally 150 to 200 meters, Plus transfer station for the principle. The additional standard point should be closed with the design unit to pay the standard point, such as an engineering project at several tenders, but also with the adjacent standard segment of the standard point of closure, the closure may not exceed the limit.

The position of the leveling point shall be located on a solid, non-sinking, non-touching ground or a solid building of a permanent building. Can also be installed in the protection of deep-buried wood piles or concrete piles, and make clear signs. The leveling point should be checked once a month, and the level of the spot where the movement is suspected should be checked after re-inspection.

Vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement

Through the midline re-test, side piles line and the laying of the standard point, you can measure the vertical and horizontal cross-section. The main purpose of vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement is to calculate the amount of earth, so the vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement after the end of the measurement results should be checked with the design drawings. Where the results with the original within the allowable deviation, the original results shall prevail, and only when there are significant differences with the original results, can be reported to the supervisory engineer after verification changes. It should be noted that: the work must be carried out before construction. If the measured amount of earth and the design does not conform to the supervision of the approval should also be carried out before construction.Some site excavation to the supervisor before the actual amount of earthwork and design does not match, require additional visa, but the final supervision refused.So be sure to pay attention to the timeliness of the work.



范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:教师,个人,人事,全文共 490 字

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范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 2181 字

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曾荣获校一等奖学金、国家励志奖学金;获三好学生称号;获单项先进个人、优秀学生干部、优秀团干部称号; 党校培训班评上优秀学员;参加“建军杯专业技能大赛” 获一等奖;参加“全国电子专业人才设计与技能大赛”获江苏区一等奖,全国二等奖等。



曾获-xx学年度校三等奖学金,三好学生,优秀学生干部;xx年南京信息工程大学 “优秀毕业生”;xx年2月国际大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖。


在校期间,他曾发表以下论文:1、杨浩,智协飞,高洁.:近1xx年来东亚夏季风的变异及其与中国降水的关系.安徽农业科学,(第一作者,核心期刊已录用,拟发表在xx年39卷第四期)。2、zhi xiefei, yang hao, zhang ling, chen wen and wang yong, : international meteorological and hydrological training and its evaluation at wmo rtc nanjing, international conference on earth sciences and engineering(icese ), hong kong, china, february 20-21,. (第二作者,将被ei和istp收录).3、zhang ling, zhi xiefei, yang hao, : the relationship between the cold surge over the northern south china sea and the enso events, the international conference on information science and technology (icist ), nanjing, china, march 26-28, (第三作者,已被接受,将被ei和istp收录).4、chen wen, zhi xiefei, yang hao and liu jianjun, : features of the seasonality and locality of the low frequency oscillation by wavelet analysis, the international conference on information science and technology (icist ), nanjing, china, march 26-28, (第三作者,已被接受,将被ei和istp收录).并且获得——xx年度校优秀学生干部。







范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1290 字

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I graduated from Teachers College kindergarten teaching, 21 years old, loving and responsible, for the different stages of child care, individualized to target children.

I have worked in China West Normal University, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province subsidiary kindergarten, kindergarten and Chengdu in Sichuan Province Mingshan salt Thistle Melody International Foreign Language School Kindergarten kindergarten three were one to two months of internship, and later in Salt Thistle Foreign Language Primary School for a month, the kindergarten teaching internship during the patient can be completed together with the children to learn and play, and active concern and assistance in their daily lives.

not only taught children to learn textbook knowledge, but also focus on developing their learning interested in organizing activities to foster team work ability and the capacity so that each student can fully demonstrate their own to play their own advantages.

I am at work motivated, hard-working, in practice a lot of growth has enriched my professional and learned more and more practical knowledge, and also received teacher-led praise.

Course work in the future, I would like to continue to learn and improve themselves. Please give me a chance to lead, I will move to prove my ability!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 533 字

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范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 1065 字

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dear hr leadership:

i regret that i give my official resignation to the company at this time .

i came to the company just three months, and im very honored to be able to become a member of our company. during three months , i learned a lot, and the companys financial situation is also in good shape. im very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn.

but i need to resign for personal reasons. in regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, i feel the salary is not with my expectations. so, i decided to resign.

i hope my applications can be approved before june 20,i wish you good health .

applicant: jack

date: june 22,







申请人: 杰克

日期: XX年6月22日



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 489 字

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Good morning.It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope I can make a good performance today. I am sure I will be successful. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I graduated from Jiangcheng College of China University of Geosciences, this year 22 years old, like the sea and tourism.....

I chose the sea by this profession, because I like the sea, like the service sector, but more importantly this is a good career prospects sea by high wage areas treated well.



范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:教师,个人,人事,全文共 430 字

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青春浇铸师魂 情倾三尺讲台

徐平辉同志是太白县太白中学生物教师,教科室主任。他1996年延安大学毕业分配到太白县太白中学任教,一干就是20xx年,一直担任高三生物课教学,十八年如一日,以最大的热情全身心投入教育教学工作当中。在教学业务上他严谨执教,钻研教材,改进教法,先后荣获陕西省普通高中新课程优质课二等奖、陕西省教学能手、宝鸡市优秀教师,太白县第三批具有突出贡献的拔尖人才,太白县“十杰教师”等荣誉称号,有多篇论文发表或获奖。他热心帮助青年教师专业成长,在他的精心指导下,理综组先后有多名青年教师业务水平迅速提高,成为我校生物学科的骨干力量。20xx年他担任太白中学教科室主任,教学之余,他修订完善了一系列教育科研管理流程、制度,编写了《太白中学教育科研工作手册》,编辑刊印《教师优秀论文集》2辑,积极推动 “问题导引式”高效课堂教学实践研究。


个人感言: 教育是事业,要用心去做。



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2152 字

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good morning, my name is jack. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, and eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.

now i will introduce myself briefly. i am 21 years old. i was born in heilongjiang province, northeast of china. i am a senior student at beijing university. my major is packaging engineering. and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june. in the past 4 years, i spend most of my time on study. i have passed cet4/6 with an ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attended several packaging exhibition held in beijing. this is our advantage study here. moreover, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.

compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978, our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkward. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.

i guess you maybe interested in what is my plan during graduate study life. i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal. i like my major packaging and i won’t give up. if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in these fields, patent, trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of …

my character, i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything. my favorite pastime is basketball, playing cards or surfing online. through college life, i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memories on stage. that is my pride.



范文类型:工作总结,全文共 5659 字

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The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it’s high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like getting a report card. It’s no different with my annual review – except these results aren’t for my studies – they’re bigger. They’re for my life.


What have you experienced this year? What have you learned from them? With every experience we face, there are important things to learn. We can either let these incidences paus by, or we can stop to understand, internalize them, and draw lessons from them. Life is your school, and the lessons are dressed up as your everyday incidences. You don’t want to be living year after year without learning from your experiences. That’s just sleepwalking your life away.


There are a lot of lessons which I learn every year. Looking back at my review for , one of the biggest lessons I learned is that our reactions to life’s situations is a choice, and it’s up to how we make out of situations we encounter. This realization came after a highly intense period at my job. At that time I was already a positive person, but the situation was so out of control that it really made me negative. It was after a short period of feeling miserable that I realized that the reality was such and it was up to me to make the best out of it. I could either sit and bi-tc-h about it which would do absolutely nothing to change the situation, or I could take action and make the best out of it. This small shift in my mindset created a big shift in my reality – it made me a lot more proactive and solution-oriented. It made me realize that many of us generate unnecessary baggage with negative situations in life, and it’s all about taking action to create the lives that we want. Happineis truly a choice.



Because I would write down lessons I learned each time (in my life handbook), I could then build upon my learnings. Rather than deja vuing through life situations, every time I would think about how I could apply what I had learned earlier and how I could do something different. As a result, I kept moving forward in my growth.


2. Wrap up what you’ve done this year


Many things can happen in a year and this is the perfect time to wrap them up. Were there any ups and downs? Did you get a promotion? Did you recently quit your job and joined a new workplace? Did you just start up a business? Did you move to a new place? Did you just end an unhappy relationship? Did you move on from a bad partnership? Any major events took place? Or perhaps there are nothing significant that happened?


This is the time to wrap up the year. It’s time to let go of past baggage, tie up the loose ends, tidy up your feelings, and get ready for what’s ahead.


3. Regain focus


After working for a few years, you’d find that the years sort of just start to blend into each other. Soon it’s hard to tell one year apart from the next. Subsequently, it’s so easy to fall into a routine without being conscious of it. Sometimes I hear people commenting that they’re not sure what exactly they’ve been doing with the past few years of their lives, because everything just seems like the same.


It’s just like driving. When you’re driving in a car, it can be hard to see where you are and where you’re heading to. On the other hand, pausing for a short moment to look at the map can be amazingly helpful. Where are you right now? How far have you traveled? Where do you want to go to? Doing so helps you to regain focus.


Like I mentioned above, doing my annual review is like getting the report card for my life. How do I grade myself for this year? Do I give myself an A+? A? B? C? D? or even F? This assessment reminds me if I have lived this year the way I had wanted to.

我之前提到过,写年终总结,就像拿成绩单一样。今年给自己打多少分?A+? A? B? C? D? 还是F? 这样的自我评估会提醒我,让我反思过去的一年是否是我想要的生活方式。

4. Start the next year on a high note


Last but not least, your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note. As I’m going to share later in the post, doing your review includes setting your goals for the next year. For this year , my one single biggest goal was to build this blog. So this year, while other people were figuring out what to make out of their year, I was a person on a mission. By mid-year I had already exceeded some of my goals, and now that it’s the end of the year, I’ve accomplished what I had set out to do at the beginning, and more.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 743 字

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大家好!我叫孙健。我不但爱运动,还很好学,当然也有不少缺点。在班里我个子不算高,但是从不挨欺负,可是同学们老是给我起外号 孙子 ,我听了只好当没听见。有时我真怨爸爸,世上有一百多个姓,为什么偏姓孙。可这又有什么办法呢?这是天注定,也不能光怨爸爸。


我特别爱运动,比如打羽毛球、跑步(必须是短跑)、玩篮球、踢足球......记得小时候打羽毛球,我和爸爸一打就是两个多小时。妈妈怕我们累,就劝我说: 别打了,再打就累出病了。 我冲着妈妈扮了个鬼脸,调皮地说; 母亲大人,我和爸爸壮实的很,您老人家放心好了! 说完我们都哈哈大笑起来。


让我再告诉你一个小秘密吧。不过,你可别笑话我。那是一个下午,刚下第一节课,我便和刘朋玩起了 警察抓小偷 的游戏。一开始,我扮小偷,他扮警察。我在前面跑的时候一不小心把老师放在讲桌上的挂图刮破了,我的心一下提到了嗓子眼,这下,可惨了!可是当刘朋抓我的时候又刮到了挂图,薄薄的挂图立时碎成几片飘到了地上。这时,同学们都看到了,全以为是刘朋弄坏的。我趁机幸灾乐祸地说: 老刘,你惨了。 他也要哭。正在这时上课的铃声响了,老师走了进来。老师看见挂图坏了便问是谁弄的,同学们都一口认定是刘朋。老师狠狠地批评了他一顿,又叫他罚站,我心里开始后悔了。虽然没有人知道弄坏挂图我也有份,但我为什么不敢勇于承认错误呢?今天我终于把它说出来,就算我的又一次深刻反省吧!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 543 字

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good afternoon, teachers! my name is . im 11 now. im from class2 grade 5 of tongpu no.2 primary school. my english teacher is miss sun. shes quiet and kind. shes short and young. my good friend is zhangbingbing. shes 12. shes tall and pretty. were in the same class. we both like english very much. i like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and reading books. my favourite food is chicken. its tasty and yummy. i often do my homework and read books on saturdays. this is me. please remember yangxiaodan. thank you very much!



范文类型:请假条,全文共 323 字

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Dear leadership:

The Spring Festival is coming, more and more festive atmosphere reminds me of my thoughts. I want from X to X, X X, X day leave to go home to visit their parents, during the festival as a childrens care, hope the leadership approval.

To lead a happy New Year! Good luck in everything! ... ....

X X month X day



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 464 字

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I thought progressive, cooperative, operational and organizational ability, good team spirit and a strong collective sense of honor; others with sincerity, optimism, diligent study, work seriously, in the previous study and work, to lay the foundation has accumulated experience in future work, I still have to keep making progress, play to their advantages, always with a high degree of enthusiasm to do: honesty, hard work, unity, cooperation, innovation efforts



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2169 字

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I, fu yi she, is an ordinary 15-year-old middle school student.

Me, every time when the exam, home to consolidate review is necessary; Whenever frustration comes, calm and strong and keep me company; When sadness, tears slide the corner of my eye, I will tell myself: strong, come on.

Yes, I am a middle school student. I, that prides itself on my own.

Remember, the fast close to the final exam, I to review for it. A home, the first is the examination paper. Test is a simple job, but I spent my valuable for this for 30 minutes. After dinner, it is the most important review.

In preparation for review before: the most important is to examine whether master switch to turn off TV (lest I are temptation, dont focus on the review). Second, is to avoid unnecessary interruption.

Start reviewing. The first review of the language. Look at a pile of and a pile of papers on the desk, is really a headache, but think about tomorrows exam still catch up.

The first class, second class, third class, the fourth class... At this point, time is like a sharp arrow. Through "sou" from my mind. Whew, finally finished review. Look at the clock, its already half past nine. Stretch a yawn, he went to bed.

The next day, I with confidence, starting to work. "Brush brush pen" crazy dancing on the answer sheet. At this point, Im so excited. Reviewing is useful indeed.

Finally announced to performance, excellent results appear on the transcript. Smile and joy. At this point, the trace can be found on me. Ha ha ha...

Yes, struggle is indispensable for a successful, now Im like a winner, after review and struggle, get good grades.

I, because of his pride.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 2183 字

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years have come, in the past year, I am in the leadership and the masters strong support, easy to spend a wonderful year, after a lot of unforgettable things, let me also become Some mature than before.Looking back, there are several aspects:

1. Ideologically, study Deng Xiaoping Theory conscientiously, pay attention to political theory study on one hand, try hard to improve political accomplishment, on the other hand strengthen the study of business knowledge, improve business ability. In the leadership of the careful guidance and the enthusiasm of the old master of help, there are plans for the theoretical knowledge and the study of turning technology.Seriously do a good job within the division. In doing these work at the same time I also submitted to the party to join the party application, in daily life, work, I have been a party members request to ask themselves,

2, at work, to abide by the rules and regulations, practical work hard, shape their image has always been to maintain a modest attitude to learning, unity and cooperation, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, service awareness and coordination capabilities, so that their overall ability to improve. In the past year I worked as a driver of the electric car factory in the efforts to complete the task assigned to the leadership at the same time, trying to supplement the relevant knowledge of turning from the map processing, every tiny step I carefully consider, select the fine Quick and easy way to solve the problem of work Chung, encountered or do not understand when I humbly as the old master to ask until you figure out so far.

In security, to give yourself hang an alarm, always remind yourself to pay attention to safety. Life is priceless security for the safety of workers is the greatest happiness, happily work peacefully home

Looking back at the past, I thought, learning, work has made some progress, but there are still shortcomings, the level of theoretical knowledge is still lacking, growth is still relatively slow, there is still a gap from the expectations of leadership, Quality also need to further improve. The new year means new opportunities and new challenges.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 275 字

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I am years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education. 我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 3517 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:空乘,全文共 2791 字

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From flight attendant professional high school, I study in Qingdao foreign aviation services professional services vocational school (school), three years after graduation to go to guangzhou civil aviation college (dont do evaluation for the school), a total learned four and a half years attendant professional, after one and a half years at the university of in the sky. Surface of Air China zhejiang, shenzhen airlines, China Eastern airlines northwest, in the eastern northwest company do now hon. Below I said the personal interview experience, because on his face three companies, so I Shared my experience over the years.

Actually interview mainly points three parts, the first level: personal image display and introduce yourself, closed 2: oral English written test. Guan 3: the interviewers questions (mainly investigate the students family situation, language expression ability, good or bad skin, any special skill, etc.)

The first level is the most important, because is directly related to the back of the success or failure. When personal image display (standing, walking, squatting), want to smile, the eyes, in the middle of the examiner seats examiner, someone will ask to see the examiner what place? The test tube of the eyebrows, so she can feel you are very professional, very comfortable. In personal image show everyone will have a 1 minute after the personal self introduction, have the students want to ask, self introduction should say what good? Someone said when they introduce myself my name is , studying in school, height, weight, hobby is , is answered. All is bullshit! The examiner to immediately say: good, next! Note that one minute to introduce myself, only less than 10 seconds, even the examiner to observe your time all have no, let a person feel is that you dont attach importance to this interview, in fact you not, psychological also pay special attention to particularly nervous. First of all, 30 seconds to introduce yourself into Chinese, English for 30 seconds, the content of the English and Chinese cant repeat, introduce yourself dont put the Chinese directly translated into English. Let me introduce my self to give you for your reference:

The judges hello, my name is , from Qingdao, my specialty is vocal music, piano. 02 attended to be held in Beijing the first China civil aviation college students to promote fair, and won a silver medal of the aviation knowledge quiz silver medal, service skills, with a piano in the talent show about sing "friendship forever" won the judges and audiences high praise, because my father is an army pilot, so wide in the army, I grew up a soldiers quality and style of work. I believe that I will to I teach good service consciousness, continue to keep good service image for China Eastern, thank you.
