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Danxia Mountain (China Red Stone Park), located in Renhua county andZhenjiang District, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, is a World Geopark, worldheritage site, world natural heritage site, etc. With an area of 292 squarekilometers, Danxia Mountain is the largest and most beautiful scenic spot andnatural heritage site in Guangdong Province, with Danxia landform as the mainlandscape. Together with Dinghu Mountain, Luofu Mountain and Xiqiao Mountain, itis known as the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province. Since 1988, DanxiaMountain has been awarded five national brands, including national scenic spot,National Nature Reserve, National Geopark and national AAAAA scenic spot. It wasapproved as the first batch of world geoparks in 20__.

Danxia Mountain is the worlds "Danxia landform" named. Danxia Mountain iscomposed of more than 680 red gravel rocks with flat top, steep body and gentlefoot, "the color is like wodan, the color is like bright Xia", and it ischaracterized by red cliff in Chibi. According to the research of geologists,among more than 1200 Danxia landforms discovered in the world, Danxia Mountainis the most typical, complete, rich and beautiful concentrated distribution areaof Danxia landforms.

There are more than 80 sites of Buddhist biezhuan temple and grotto templein Danxia Mountain. Many legends, poems and cliff stone carvings have been lefthere by scholars of all ages, which has great historical and cultural value.

Danxia Mountain products include Shatian pomelo, Baimao tea, Auriculariaauricula, fruit cane, water chestnut, Shankeng snail, dried bamboo shoots,mushrooms, etc.

Danxiashan pomelo

Danxiashan Shatian pomelo is the best among pomelo. It belongs to Rutaceae.It is an evergreen tree with thick leaves, wide wings and large clusters offlowers. The fruit is broad obovate, mature at the end of autumn, light orangeand storable. The flesh is sweet but not sour. Because the climate and soilquality here are the same as those of Shatian pomelo in Guangxi, the shape,flesh, sweetness and fragrance of the fruit are comparable to those of Shatianpomelo in Guangxi. Now a large number of species have been introduced to DanxiaMountain and surrounding villages, especially Xiafu village.

Baimao tea

Renhua county is the hometown of Lingnan Baimao tea. The "Yunwu Baihao" teafrom huanglingzhang, Hongshan, Renhua was once a tribute to the court of JiaqingDynasty in Qing Dynasty. This kind of green tea Yinhao is covered with Baimaotea syrup, with light color, sweet taste and natural orchid fragrance, rankingfirst among the three Baimao teas in China. It also has many functions, such asproducing fluid to quench thirst, refreshing brain, eating and appetizing,preventing vomiting, preventing dental caries, dispelling halitosis, reducingblood pressure and so on. Regular drinking can improve health and longevity."Baimaojian" tea is a treasure in tea. It is named because of its thick bud andsilver hair. The processed tea buds are as white as snow, and the tea soup isclear and lasting. According to the biochemical determination of steamed greentea samples, tea polyphenols 42.84%, amino acids 1.47%, dry tea samplesanalysis, tea polyphenols 38.31%, caffeine 5.5%, water extract 45.03%.

Danxiashan mushroom

The Lentinus edodes of Danxia Mountain is a traditional export product withthe characteristics of short handle, thick meat, tender and smooth. Lentinusedodes is rich in nutrition and contains seven essential amino acids. It canreduce blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent liver disease and assist in thetreatment of gastric cancer.

Stir fried snails

You cant go to Danxia Mountain without eating fried snails. Shankeng snailis small, sharp and long, conical in shape. It is the size of Shankeng snailfried with fingers, and can be found in all seasons. But cooking is veryparticular, the best way is: before cooking, you should soak the Shankeng snailin a clean way, remove the sand and debris in the snail body, and then put itinto the chicken soup at room temperature to make its meat fat, fresh and sweet,and then clamp off the tip of the snail tail. When frying, add some seasoningssuch as shredded green pepper, perilla, ginger and scallion, and master theheat, so that you can make fresh, sweet and cool Shankeng snail.

Danxiashan tofu

In a three legged shallow disc of fine porcelain with a slightly convexcenter, there is a white, tender and crystal tofu cake. On the surface, it ispoured with a spoonful of eight fresh shrimps. It is full of color, fragranceand taste. The food is as tender as fat, fresh and smooth. In fact, the tenderand white bean curd paste is not bean products, but steamed Danxiashan bean curdwith fresh Dun egg white and seasoning.




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Welcome to Xijiang Qianhu Miao village, the largest Miao village in theworld. Im Xiao Yang, todays Guide. You can also call me director Yang. I willshare all I know with you today. I hope you can have more harvest today and havea good trip.

① Xijiang Miao village is located at the foot of Leigong Mountain in thenortheast of Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture ofGuizhou Province. It is connected by more than ten natural villages built closeto the mountain. It is the largest Miao village in the world at present,according to 20 reports__ According to the annual statistics, there are 1288households in Xijiang Miao village, with a population of more than 6000, ofwhich the Miao population accounts for 99.5%. Therefore, we can say that thebase camp of the Miao people is in Guizhou, and the base camp of the Miao peoplein Guizhou is in Xijiang.

② Miao nationality is a hardworking nationality. It has a long history andis closely related to Jiuli, Sanmiao and Jinman in ancient times. They are in acontinuous line. Therefore, Miao nationality comes from Jiuli in emperors timeand Sanmiao in Yao, Shun and Yus time, while jingman in Shang and ZhouDynasties is a descendant of Sanmiao The second great migration finally arrivedin Guizhou, which is located in the southwest of China. They took root here andcreated the Miao culture with Guizhou characteristics. Guizhou is the placewhere the Miao people live and the area where the Miao culture is mostcompletely preserved. Guizhou has concentrated the main cultural characteristicsof the Miao people in China.

③ Miao people have always lived together to form different villages. Mostof them have one family name, and rarely live together. Now we see thetraditional architecture of Miao people, the stilted building, which is a symbolof Miao peoples hard work. The construction technology of the stilted buildingin Xijiang thousand family Miao village is far from the Ganlan architecture ofsouth peoples nest in Hemudu culture. It can be seen that the Miao stiltedbuilding has a long history Zhou is a place with green mountains and beautifulwaters. The Miao peoples villages are mostly built close to the mountains,forming a unique living style. The houses are mainly of wood structure, most ofwhich are two-story and a few of which are three-story. On the hillside, most ofthem are stilted buildings, the front of which are buildings, the back of whichare bungalows, and the lower layer is piled with firewood and animals. Peoplelive on the second floor. If there is a third floor, it is used for stackinggrain and so on. On the second floor of the hanging feet, there is usually adistinctive chair, because the beautiful Miao girls like to sit on it withembroidery,

Therefore, it was named "meirenkao". The Miao peoples stilted buildingconstruction technology was approved by the State Council and listed in thefirst batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.



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看,这是一块具有纪念意义的人工岩石,上面有个醒目的篆体 “功”字,那是为纪念一代又一代在植树造林中立下汗马功劳的英雄们而特意刻写树立的。


























沽源县得名于“沽河”(又名白河)之源。沽源又是黑河、白河、滦河的发源地,可以称之为“三河之源”,属内蒙古高原南缘,古长城外侧的坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,西接大同,南距北京仅270公里,距离省会石家庄600公里。位于河北省北部,闪电河上游,邻内蒙古自治区。东邻承德市丰宁县,南与张家口市赤城、崇礼县接壤,西与张北、康保两县相连,北与内蒙古太仆寺旗、正兰旗、多伦县毗邻。总面积3654平方公里,县辖4镇10乡,总人口23.1万,县城平定堡镇距北京市287公里,距张家口170公里。境内山脉起伏连绵,属阴山余脉,全县平均海拔1536米,华北著名的第三高峰冰山梁,海拔2332米,山顶洞内结冰终年不化。气候属温带大陆性草原气候。年平均气温+1.6℃,年日照时数最长3246小时,最短2616小时,年降水量426毫米,无霜期日数117天。汛期主要反映在6、7、8三个月,期间降水量占全年降水量的53%。 大旱气候多,风沙大。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 12061 字

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Shantou is located in the east of Guangdong Province, adjacent to the SouthChina Sea. There are expressways connecting Guangzhou and Shenzhen in thesouthwest and Fujian Province in the Northeast; there are railways leading toJiangxi Province and Hunan Province in the northwest; Shantou airport isnavigable to Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and more than 40 cities in China;Shantou is 195 nautical miles away from Hong Kong and 214 nautical miles awayfrom Chinese Taiwan Bay, so the traffic is very convenient.

Shantou is inclined from northwest to Southeast. There are Lianhuamountains in the northeast, Sangpu mountain in the northwest and Danan mountainin the southwest. The middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River, RongjiangRiver and Lianjiang River flow through the city and flow into the South ChinaSea from Shantou port. Shantou port, where the three rivers meet, is a uniqueinland sea in China. The citys coastline is 289 kilometers long, with 40islands, including Nanao Island, the only island county in GuangdongProvince.

Shantou has superior natural conditions. The Tropic of cancer passesthrough the northern part of the city. It has a subtropical marine climate withlong summer and short winter. It can also be said that there is no winter, andthe distinction between the four seasons is not obvious. Summer is from May toOctober every year, and the highest temperature in summer is 33-35 ℃. However,the duration of high temperature is very short, usually two or three days.Tropical storms or typhoons bring rain, and the weather is cool again. FromNovember to February of the next year, winter begins. Although it is winter, thelowest temperature is above 0 ℃, and often remains between 10-15 ℃. It can besaid that there is no intense heat in summer, no severe cold in winter, and thefour seasons are like spring.

The superior natural conditions give birth to abundant animal and plantresources. Coupled with the hard-working and dexterous population quality,Shantou has become a famous high-yield area of crops in China, and the marinefishing industry and aquaculture industry are also very developed.

"Its not difficult for a smart daughter-in-law to cook good rice".Shantous food is famous at home and abroad. The techniques of Chaozhou cuisine,Gongfu tea and snacks are ingenious and unique. They are also in line with theworlds health and health fashion. Shantou is known as the "hometown ofdelicious food" is a very natural thing.

Shantou is known as "Zou Lu on the seashore". Chaoshan culture has a longhistory, and Chaozhou people have unique charm. Since the Tang Dynasty, Shantou,located in the coastal area of eastern Guangdong, was the political exile of thefeudal court. The demoted imperial officials came to Chaoshan to take up theirposts, which brought the advanced cultural ideas of the Central Plains at thattime. As a result, it became a common practice to set up schools and attachimportance to education. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Confucianismeducation reached its peak, and its popularity was incomparable with otherstates and counties in Guangdong. Therefore, in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chenyaozuo, who was demoted from the capital to Chaozhou, praised Chaoshan as a"coastal Zou Lu". From the fact that Chaoshan people with a little bit ofculture generally like playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is notdifficult to see the traces of the inheritance of traditional culture fromgeneration to generation. In modern times, a large number of Chaozhou peopleemigrated overseas by red boat, Shantou became a famous hometown of overseasChinese, and the communication between local and overseas gradually increased.In addition, with the opening of Shantou port, western culture entered Shantou,and Chinese and Western cultures blended to form a unique local culture withboth traditional and open farming culture and marine culture. For example, theworship of the gods in ningduo and the Lantern Festival activities in uniqueforms, such as racing big pigs, racing big geese, dragging gods and grabbingdragon heads, all exude a strong flavor of marine culture. It is delicate asChaozhou Opera, Chaozhou music and folk crafts (wood carving, drawing, papercutting and inlaying porcelain); rough as Chaozhou gongs and drums, Yinggedance, puma dance and unique Chaoshan dialect, which are clearly branded withthe deep brand of the ancient culture of the Central Plains.

The name of a place mostly reflects the geographical or historical originof the soil and water in this area, and Shantou is no exception. In modernChinese, "Shan" has a single meaning. In ancient Chinese, it means a fishingtool. The local people think that the word "Shan" refers to the sand ridgeformed by the accumulation of sea sand, so "Shantou" is the top of the sandridge. Shantou City also has another name, which is called "Shedao". The word"Shedao" is also very rare. It is the ancient name of a shallow sea fish that isabundant here. It seems that the saying of "Shantou" or "Yidao" is inseparablefrom the sea and tells us the origin of Shantou. Shantou is a young city builton the beach and a milestone city in the development of Chaoshan history tomodern times.

As early as 1858, Engels pointed out that Shantou port is "the only portwith a little commercial significance" in China when he evaluated Chinascoastal ports in his article Russias success in the Far East. After the secondOpium War, Shantou was listed as a foreign trade port. In 1861, Shantou wasofficially opened as a port for foreign trade. Eight countries, includingBritain, the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway andDenmark, set up consulates here. The 1930s was the most prosperous period ofShantou port. At that time, the cargo throughput of Shantou Port ranked third inChina, second only to Shanghai and Guangzhou. Bulk cargo

The import and export of commodities have boosted the local commercialeconomy. At its peak, Shantou once ranked seventh in the country. From 1934 to1937, the number of hotels in Shantou increased from 46 to more than 130. Theprosperity of Shantou port can be seen.

Since the founding of new China, Shantou has always been the political,economic and cultural center of eastern Guangdong. Since the reform and openingup, Shantous economic strength has been continuously enhanced, and variousundertakings have developed in an all-round way. After 1992, Shantou entered the"top 50 cities in China" again in 1997. In 20__, the citys GDP reached 6.099billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 16.7% from 1981 to 20__.Ultrasonic electronics, textile and clothing, toys, machinery, printing, food,medicine and other industries are growing, the pattern of all-round opening tothe outside world has basically taken shape, breakthroughs have been made ininfrastructure construction, and the pattern of "one city, two cities" modernport city has initially taken shape. Shantou has won the titles of "Chinasexcellent tourism city", "national health city" and "national environmentalprotection model city". At present, Shantou City continues to promote the newcentury life project of "rebuilding credit and image". In accordance with thegeneral requirements of "meeting the challenges of Chinas accession to WTO,building credit Shantou, creating famous brand products and developingcharacteristic economy", we should further improve the soft investmentenvironment and promote the economic development of Shantou.

Shantou is rich in tourism resources, complete in tourism service systemand supporting facilities, and has a high level of tourism reception. By 20__,it has owned one National Forest Park, four provincial tourist resorts, one AAAtourist area and one provincial scenic spot; 38 star hotels, including 2five-star hotels, 5 four-star hotels and 12 three-star hotels. The municipalParty committee and government attach great importance to tourism, formulatepolicies and measures to speed up the development of tourism, determine andvigorously promote the image slogan of "seaside Zou Lu, hometown of deliciousfood" put forward by Mayor Li Chunhong, and speed up the construction of scenicspots. Shantous tourism will have a greater development.

Basic situation of Shantou City

Jurisdiction: Longhu District, Jinyuan District, Shengping District, DAHAODistrict, Hepu District, Nanao County, Chaoyang City, Chenghai City(county-level city) area: 2046 square kilometers

Population: 4.62 million (20__) Shantou population around the world: about2 million Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan compatriots: over 3 million ethnic groups:mainly Han nationality

Language: Chaoshan dialect, some speak Hakka dialect. Main industrialproducts: photosensitive materials, ultrasonic electronic instruments, textilesand clothing, toys, printed matter, food, medicine, etc

Seafood: grouper, eel, pomfret, prawn, squid, oyster, etc

Local products: shitoue, Chaozhou Mandarin, sugarcane, taro, LinQin, olive,Baoxin mustard

Sunshine: 20__-2500 hours, annual average temperature: 21-22c,precipitation: 1300-1800 mm

Waterfront Promenade

(the coach is on the seaside road)

Our coach is on the seashore road. Some people say its a bit like walkingon the West Lake Road in Hangzhou. Its almost the same. However, this is not alake, but a sea. The sea is a precious heritage left by nature. A city close tothe sea, not only warm climate, convenient transportation, but also the city

Body is the object of tourism. Shantou is a city with both open sea andinland sea. You can see that the inland sea is 57 square kilometers, which isequivalent to the size of 10 West Lakes in Hangzhou. This road starts fromShantou port, goes all the way to Haiwan Bridge and connects with the expresswayleading to Shenzhen.

(get off and visit near Pinhai Pavilion)

On the side of Haibin Road near the sea is the green park. From morningtill night, there are many tourists. It is the favorite resting place forShantou people. You can often see the performances of Chaozhou Opera enthusiastshere. Standing here, overlooking the sea, I feel very open-minded. The wholeShantou Bay has a panoramic view. You see, in the distance is the Bay Bridge,under the bridge is the scenic area of Mayu Island, on the other side of themountain is the open sea, near the temple of Heaven Park and the famous stonescenic area, and on the west of the stone cross sea bridge is Niutianyang, whererivers and seas meet. There are two ferries here. Visitors and vehicles can alsocross by boat. As long as you spend one yuan, you can enjoy the fun of cross seatravel.

You can see that there are many old trees in the park with luxuriant roots,which are simple and vigorous. In fact, they are all planted by hand in recentyears. There are also many stone carvings in the trees. You can take a picturebeside your favorite animals as a souvenir. There are monkeys, camels, snails,cocks and lovely dolls. On the north side of the road is the peoples Square andthe stadium, with a music fountain in the middle and a group of art sculptureson both sides showing the sea interest. They are a group of children carryinghuge conch to the beach, and the water comes out from the shell of conch.

On the other side of Haibin road are many important buildings in Shantou.The municipal Party committee and the municipal government are also nearby. Itsa long way. Please get on the bus and watch along the road.

"If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask, a piece of ice is in the jadepot.". Successfully completed the days journey. Do you feel tired? In fact, youhave entered a "big oxygen bar" and experienced 100% negative ion lung washing.The slight sea breeze will blow away the fatigue of your journey. The broad seawill make you feel broad and cheerful, bold, simple, hardworking

The islanders of loyalty sincerely invite you to stay here for a few moredays. You will savor and appreciate the beautiful picture of "mountain, sea,history and temple" of our island, which is made up of the color of sky,mountain and sea. Here, I sincerely hope that your life is full of sunshine, andtodays journey is over.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8206 字

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Today we are going to visit Nanputuo temple. It has a long history andbegan in the Tang Dynasty. However, because it was destroyed many times andrebuilt many times, the architecture of the whole temple is relatively new.Originally known as "Puzhao Temple", it was destroyed. In the 23rd year ofKangxi reign, general Shi Lang rebuilt the temple here. It was called "NanputuoTemple" because it was the same as Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and itwas also located in the south of Putuo Mountain. Nanputuo temple was originallythe hereditary leader of Linji sect. In 1924, it was changed into the system ofselecting talents in the jungle. It has been 11 years since then Mr. Ren, thecurrent host is master Shenghui. The architecture of Nanputuo temple is alsounique. Now, lets go to visit it with Xiao Wu. The time we need is one and ahalf hours.

Ladies and gentlemen, now please come with me to visit the temple. This isTianwang hall, inscribed by Zhao Puchu, former president of China BuddhistAssociation in 1981. Walking into the kings Hall of this day, Maitreya Buddhaseyebrows, eyes, ear lobes, shoulders, bare chest and navel, smiling, seems to bewaiting for every visitor. Maitreya Buddha was born in India, and later became amonk. The Buddha predicted that he would inherit Sakyamuni as the future Buddha,and become a Buddha under the Longhua tree after 5.766 billion years. It wasdivided into three parts to preach on behalf of Sakyamuni. What we see now isnot Maitreya Buddha in India. In most temples in China, the statue of fatMaitreya with a smile is worshipped. He was a monk of Qiji in the FiveDynasties. Today, he is a native of Fenghua, Ningbo. He often takes a cloth bagand travels around. He is carefree and always persuades people to believe inBuddhism. He is always smiling and kind to others. Therefore, people call him"cloth bag monk". Later, he was in Yuelin temple The stone sits on the groundand says: "Maitreya is true Maitreya, who is divided into tens of billions ofpeople and shows the world all the time. People realize that he is theincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

Behind Maitreya Buddha is Wei Tuo, who holds a Vajra pestle and is the Godof Dharma protection in Buddhism. It is said that if the Vajra pestle that WeiTuo carries in the temple indicates that the temple is a descendant temple. Itis not open to foreign traveling monks. They can eat two meals at most and cannot stay overnight. If Wei Tuo puts the Vajra pestle on his arm, it means thatthe temple is a forest of ten directions, and traveling monks can eat and sleepfor free Wei Tuo raised the Vajra pestle over his forehead, saying that thetemple charged a certain fee for the board and lodging of traveling monks.

Nanputuo temple was originally a temple for descendants, so Weituos Vajrapestle was on the ground, and later it was changed into a ten square jungle.However, this Weituo has not changed its shape. In fact, traveling monks can eatand sleep here for free.

On both sides of the heavenly king hall are four heavenly kings,representing wind, tune, rain and shun. In the East, the heavenly king holds alute, which means tune. In the south, the heavenly king holds a sword, whichmeans wind. In the west, the heavenly king holds a ball, a snake or a dragon,which means Shun. In the north, it is often heard that the heavenly king holdsan umbrella, which means rain.

Now we walk out of Tianwang hall, and the temple unfolds symmetrically onthe left and right sides with the central axis. Now, there are bell towers anddrum towers on the left and right sides. Generally, there are morning bells andevening drums in the temple. On the first floor of the bell drum tower, thereare bodhisattvas Tibetans and Kalan Bodhisattvas. Right in front of it is themain hall of the temple, which is a two-story building with double eaves restingon the top of the mountain, Green tiles, stone pillars, carved beams and paintedbuildings, glazed tiles on the roof, and magnetic paintings on the top of thehall, such as nine carp turning into dragon, Qilin running, dragon and Phoenixpresenting, are bright in color and resplendent in gold. The Nanputuo Templebegan in the Tang Dynasty. There is a couplet on the stone column in front ofthe Daxiong hall as evidence, "it dates back to the Tang Dynasty and Kaiyuan,and Puguang was glorified by Xiadao to Taiwu". In the Daxiong hall, there arethree Buddhas, namely the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the future Buddha.In the middle is the present Buddha, namely Sakyamuni Buddha. It is said thatthere is a real person, originally named Qiao Damo. Siddhartha, the son of KingJingfan in ancient India, was 19 years old when he traveled in Si men. Herealized the state of life and death, so he decided to become a monk in order toget rid of the hardship of life and death. Finally, after hard practice, herealized under the bodhi tree and became the present Sakyamuni. Standing on bothsides of Sakyamuni are his two disciples Ananda and Kaya. In front of them is athousand handed Avalokitesvara. In the back of the hall, there are three Westernsaints, amitabha in the middle, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the left and dashizhiBodhisattva on the right.

There are 18 Arhats on the left and right of the main hall. It is said thatwhen Arhats were introduced to China, there were only 16 Arhats. Later, masterQingyou, the author of the book of fazhuji, and the translator of the bookXuanzang were added.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the great mercy hall, dedicated to GuanyinBodhisattva. Because Guanyin Bodhisattva is also known as the great mercyGuanyin Bodhisattva, it is called the great mercy hall. The original name ofGuanyin is Guanyin, Guanyou. The meaning of compassion is to give peoplehappiness and remove sorrow. There are four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas in thehall. They are arranged in four directions. In the middle of the hall is adouble arm Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sitting on the lotus seat with eyeshanging down, with a serene look. The other three are 48 arm Avalokitesvara,each with a small eye carved on its hand, holding a variety of artifact and aposture. Visitors and pilgrims must visit and worship here. The main hall is awooden structure with octagonal triple eaves, all of which are made of bucketarches. The caisson in the hall is made of wooden bucket arches instead of onenail. Because the incense is too abundant, it has been burned many times here,so friends who want to burn incense later, please dont bring the incense to thehall, just burn it outside the hall.

In the front is the Sutra Pavilion, which is the highest floor of the mainbody of the central axis. The pavilion has a unique architecture, with a Chineseand Western charm. The top is a Xieshan roof, the bottom is a westernarchitecture, with double eaves and double attics. The upper floor is SutraPavilion, the lower floor is Dharma hall, and the second floor has a spaciousroof. It contains the blood scriptures written by believers and Shami in thelate Ming Dynasty, as well as the works of the famous artist he Chaodong, whiteporcelain Guanyin, Burmese white jade Reclining Buddha and so on.

Ladies and gentlemen, follow me up the mountain. Here is a big Buddhacharacter. It is the largest temple in Southern Fujian. It is more than 4 metershigh and 3 meters wide. It was written by Zhenhui in the 31st year of Guangxureign of the Qing Dynasty.

Now, please come back with me. Nanputuo is the base of Buddhist highereducation in China. This is Minnan Buddhist College. It was founded in 1925.Master Huiquan, the chair of Nanputuo at that time, was the first president ofthe college. He took the college as an educational experimental garden forreforming Chinese monks, making it a famous Buddhist higher educationinstitution at home and abroad. In 1937, the Anti Japanese army was established,and the college was closed down. In 1985, it was opened again After the formalresumption, president Zhao Puchu rewrote the courtyard. Now there are twodepartments for men and women. The mens department is in Nanputuo, and thewomens courtyard is in zizhulin temple in Jinbang park. Each president of thecollege is currently presided over by Nanputuo, so the current president isshenghuishi.



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Good morning, everyone! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang (181-234), with the name of Kongming, was born in Yangdu,Langya County, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, ShandongProvince) in the late Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, andthen went to Mu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuansdeath, Zhuge Liang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu,WoLonggang, Nanyang, and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubledtimes and did not seek fame and fame from Princes". However, he made friendswith famous people all over the world. He was full of wisdom and goodintentions. He lived in seclusion and pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famousscholar at that time, compared him to a "Wolong" waiting for time to take off.In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei paid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu.Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, left WoLonggang, where he had been working for tenyears, and joined Liu Beis political group. Later, he became the Prime Ministerof Shu Han and became the Marquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyalto the marquis. Therefore, Zhuge Liangs ancestral temple is called "MarquisTemple".

According to the records of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, WuhouTemple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. Through the continuousrepair and construction of generations, it has formed its present scale. Today,we see Wuhou Temple, covering an area of more than 200 mu, with more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Todays Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Beis three talents. It is because of Liu Beis sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liangs achievements areunparalleled. Liu Beis respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shis eulogy of Zhuge Liang:"man, God, immortal, I dont know, true Wolong." Take a look at wolongtan in thenorth of Shifang. There are three ancient catalpa trees on those sides. It issaid that they were the trees that Liu, Mei and Zhang Sangu used to tie horsesin those days. Now there is another one. Guess whos horse was tied to the treesmore than 1700 years ago?

Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liangs talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Lets turn around and look at the four big charactersof "master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books and military tactics, and later used to refer tomilitary tactics. Here is also a praise for Zhuge Liangs military strategy.

Members, this is the hall of worship, which is the main building of WuhouTemple. At the main entrance of the Dabai hall, there is a plaque in the runningscript of Liao Wenjin, the magistrate of Nanyang in the third year of Daoguangreign of the Qing Dynasty (1823). Inside the hall, there is a statue of Kongmingduan sitting on the front. He has a silk napkin and a feather fan, and hisdemeanor is solemn. It is the typical costume of the hermit Confucians in thelate Eastern Han Dynasty. On the left is his eldest son Zhuge Zhan, and on theright is his eldest grandson Zhuge Shang. The pillars under the eaves of thehall are covered with couplets and plaques of celebrities and poets of pastdynasties, which are full of the worlds respect and admiration for ZhugeLiang.

Look at this pair: "Lv Panxi yixinye King Zuo Qis talent has been followedby Wan Langyas winner, Chang Jing Lun Bu Huan, and Qi Baos uncle Zheng Zipisholy gates promise is also in line with Xu Yuans direct view of the virtuousand able peoples efforts.". This couplet eulogizes LV Shang, Yi Yin, Guan Zhongand Zhuge Liang, who can help the emperor to turn the tide and run the country.It also eulogizes Bo Le, who recommends talented people like Bao Shuya, ZhengZipi and Xu Yuanzhi. It has profound implications and enlightens people.

Look at this pair: "standing between Xinye and Weibin, I read that I was amaster of two dynasties. I was surprised by Sima. Jielu was singing Liangsfather in the white water of Zifeng. The wind and cloud rose from Wolong forthousands of years." Here, product refers to grade and grade.

Xinye Weibin refers to Yiyin and lvshang when they lived in seclusion. Thetwo dynasties refer to Liu Bei and Liu Chan. Jing Sima refers to the use ofwooden statues after Zhuge Liangs death, which made Sima Yi dejected. In thesecond couplet, Zifeng Baishui refers to Zishan and Baihe in the suburbs ofNanyang. Qu Yin, Liang Fu, or Yinyong, tells the story of Qi Xiangman Yingkilling three scholars with two peaches. It is said that it was written by ZhugeLiang. This couplet fully praises Zhuge Liangs lofty integrity and greatachievements. When he lived in seclusion, he was indifferent to his ambition,quiet and farsighted, which could be compared with the noble behavior of Yiyinand lvshang. He built the thatched cottage at the foot of Zishan mountain andthe Bank of Baihe River. He compared himself with Guan Zhong and Leyi, andpeople like Jiang Ziya and Zhang Zifang, who had been prosperous for 800 yearsin Zhou Dynasty and 400 years in WangHan Dynasty I know that "thatched cottagepair" talks about the worlds situation and strategic decision-making, whichshows his political foresight and great talent; how strong and fierce his mindis, moving tears! With the spirit of dedicating himself to death, he helped thetwo emperors to establish the great cause of Shuhan.

Just imagine that it was Liu, Guan and Zhang who came here to look afterthe cottage that led to Zhuge Liangs official career and the magnificent andcolorful history of the war of the Three Kingdoms. Despite thousands of years ofvicissitudes and vicissitudes, Zhuges great name is still in the universe, andthe stories of the three kingdoms are popular all over the world. Zhuge Liangspolitical, military and governing strategies are the precious spiritual wealthof the Chinese nation. Zhuge Liangs immortal reputation is always worthy ofpeoples memory. At this moment, standing in the temple of marquis Wu andremembering the great cause of Kong Mings life, why dont we go back to ancienttimes and think about the time when Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion inwolonggangtou, Nanyang, studied hard history books, looked around the world, setgreat ambitions and cared about the peoples livelihood, and spent his youthhere. In the last years of the Shu Han Dynasty, however, there was a Dou whocould not support him. In addition, his national strength was poor. AlthoughZhuge Liang was determined to unite the Central Plains, he went out of the QiMountain six times, but he could not sing alone. Whats more, he lamented thathe died of illness after a long hard work. Later generations think about it, allof them feel regret. Just as Du Fu said in his poem, "if you look at the worldfrequently, you will benefit the old ministers in the two dynasties.". Beforeyou succeed, you will die first. "The heart is in the court. No matter what theleader is, why should you argue about Xiangyang and Nanyang?"

This is a famous couplet written by Gu Jiaheng in Qing Dynasty. The firstcouplet says that Zhuge Liang is dedicated to the country, regardless of whetherthe monarch is the wise Liu Bei or the fatuous a Bandou. The second couplet saysthat Zhuge Liang is famous forever and praises the world. Why should wedistinguish between Xiangyang and Nanyang? This is a historical "case". It turnsout that Zhuge Liang recalled that he said before he left the thatched cottage:"Chen Ben Bu Yi, devoted himself to farming in Nanyang", but there was another"Longzhong Dui", which was in Xiangyang, Hubei Province.

As a result, both Nanyang people and Xiangyang people said that Zhuge Lianglived in seclusion in his hometown. Scholars quoted classics one after anotherand refused to give in to each other. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there wasa lawsuit. Gu Jiaheng, a native of Hubei Province, was also the magistrate ofNanyang, Henan Province at that time. In order not to offend the people of hishometown, but also not to stab the official land, he had to come to "he xianni"and wrote down this pair of eclectic couplets riding on the wall, askingeveryone not to divide Nanyang and Xiangyang, thus alleviating a long-standingdispute. Therefore, this pair of couplets became famous for peoples recitation.In 1959, Hu Yao, then Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee ofthe Communist Youth League, came to Nanyang to inspect his work. He appreciatedthe couplet and changed it into a couplet: "the heart lies in the people. Nomatter what the big or small things are, why should we fight for more or less?"The new content given to the revolution by the old form of the ancient namecouplet fully embodies the broad mind and noble sentiment of Comrade Hu Yao, therevolutionist of the older generation.

It seems that up to now, Gu Jiahengs couplet still gives us usefulenlightenment. In addition, there are many famous couplets in Wuhou Temple, mostof which praise Zhuge Liangs talent and virtue. If these couplets are puttogether and analyzed vertically and horizontally, it can be said to be an epicof the Three Kingdoms. Such as this pair: set three points, burn Bowang, go outof Qishan, immortal; Qi zhouyu, Ping Sima, capture Menghuo, spread from ancientto modern. There is also a wonderful couplet: collect two rivers, set up eightformations, seven capture and six out. Wuzhang originally set up 49 brightlights, only for the sake of kindness; take western Shu, attack Southernbarbarians, and refuse to the East and the north. The Chinese Armys account issealed with gold, wood and earth, and the water surface can be attacked by fire.The first couplet skillfully uses one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine, and ten numbers. The second couplet flexibly uses 10 characters,including East, West, north, South, middle, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, andthe whole couplet contains 54 characters. It succinctly expounds Zhuge Liangslife of fighting, which helped Liu Bei and his son to fight in the army after heleft the thatched cottage.

Please come here with me to visit the calligraphy of Yue Fei. This iscomposed of 2l stone tablets. They are exquisitely carved and very spectacular.Chushibiao is Zhuge Liangs memorial to Liu Chan in the fifth year of Jianxing(227 years). It describes his loyalty thought of "devoting all his efforts" torevive the Han Dynasty. It has become an eternal masterpiece with strong appeal.In 1138, Yue Fei, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty who foughtagainst Jin Dynasty, passed by Nanyang on his way to fight against Jin Dynasty.After watching chushibiao, he was moved to tears by Zhuge Liangs spirit ofworking hard and dying. He could not sleep at night. He was filled with emotion.Later, at the request of Taoist, he wrote more than 1300 words of chushibiao inone go Recite and write to express your mind. Its characters are iron andsilver, and the Dragon flies and the Phoenix dances. It is natural and graceful,unrestrained and incisive, which shows the superb art of calligraphy. Today,when we visit Wuhou Temple and watch chushibiao, we can not only see Kong Mingsmind and ambition, but also appreciate Yue Feis calligraphy. Its a greatblessing in this life.

Now we go up the steps around the main hall and enter a quiet and beautifulcourtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by ancient trees, flowers and cypresses.This octagonal building is the world-famous Zhuge cottage. The thatched cottageis of brick and wood structure, covered with thatch and connected withcloisters, which is simple and crude. A stone tablet in 1478, the 14th year ofChenghua of Ming Dynasty, was erected in lunei. On the front of the stele, sevencharacters were engraved with "the old Lu of Zhuge and Kongming of Han Dynasty".A plaque written by Mr. Guo Moruo and the Democratic Party yuan Laoyu was hungin lunei and on the forehead. The eight corners of the thatched cottage are setup and eight wind chimes are hung, with a unique style. Whenever the wind blowsgently, the wind chimes jingle, as if telling a story that has been passed downthrough the ages. We can have a close view of the surrounding scenery when wetake a rest in the Lu. The ancients once said that there are eight scenes in oneLu. Eight of the ten scenes in WoLonggang can be seen here: Gubai Pavilion,yeyundi, banyuetai, Gonggeng Pavilion, Xiaohong bridge, Baoxi stone, Laolongcave, etc., which are built around the Lu, forming the trend of many starsarching the moon. Although these scenic spots are located in the same courtyard,there is no sense of congestion and embarrassment. The steles and corridors areconnected with each other. They are opposite to each other, forming a beautifuland quiet garden scenery. When you move, you can guide the scenery, showing thesuperb gardening art of the ancients.

At the right back of the thatched cottage, it is a brick and stonestructure with a table structure. The plane is square and the height is aboutseveral feet. It can spiral up along the stairway. There is a brick wall patternplatform on it. You can watch the sky from a distance by relying on the railing.Zhuge Liang, who knew astronomy and geography, was good at making use of naturalphenomena such as wind, rain and fog to serve the war. Folk stories such asgrass boat borrowing arrows and offering sacrifices to the east wind were wellknown to women and children. There is a poem in the Qing Dynasty praising it:"the moon in the Han Dynasty is hollowed out to show the blue sky. With a highview, you can see the cold smoke. You can see the water in the forest and waitfor the full moon." The front of the platform is a semi-circular brick gate withthree characters of "banyuetai" written by Gu Jiaheng embedded on it and a halfmoon pattern on the side. On both sides, it is engraved with the couplet "sincethe universe, how many cloth clothes can make the mountains and rivers colorful?Whats wrong with the humble room?" which evolved from Liu Yuxis "this is thehumble room, only my Dexin" and "zhugelu in Nanyang, Ziyun Pavilion in Xishu,Confucius said: what is the humble room.".

Dear tourists, now we come to Ningyuan building, also known as Qingfengbuilding. Sitting at the end of the central axis, it is the highest building ofthe whole temple. It is said that it is the former site of Zhuge Liangs studywhen he lived in seclusion in Nanyang. The name of the building comes from"quiet Zhiyuan". The plaque of "eternal cloud" originated from Du Fus poem "Odeto historic sites": "the great name of Zhuge falls down to the universe, theportraits of Zong Chen are lofty, the three separate regimes are fiber planning,and the eternal cloud has a feather." On the doorpost hung a famous coupletwritten by Zhao fan, the salt tea envoy of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, at WuhouTemple in Chengdu: "if you can attack the heart, the opposite will disappear.Since ancient times, you know that soldiers are not belligerent. If you dontjudge the situation, you will be lenient and strict. You have to think deeplyabout how to govern Sichuan."

When Zhuge Liang was in the southern expedition, Ma Shi once suggested that"attack the heart first, attack the city first, fight the heart first, and fightthe Army second". Zhuge Liang adopted this suggestion, and captured and releasedMeng Huo seven times, which had a soothing effect. Leniency and strictness arethe focus of Zhuge Liangs Dafa Zhengshu. After Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei toestablish his political power in Shu, he carried out severe rule of law andcarried out various reforms in accordance with the situation of "Liu Zhang wasweak in the dark, and the punishment was not severe" and "the local people ofShu were in a state of dictatorship". At that time, the prefect of Sichuanthought Zhuge Liangs "criminal law was severe" and suggested Zhuge Liangs"punishment should be relaxed" according to Liu Bangs lenient punishment whenhe entered Sichuan. Zhuge Liang analyzed the history and wrote the book of replyto the law according to the situation. He pointed out that according to theactual situation, we cant copy the lenient punishment of the people of Sichuan,and advocated that the rule of law should be strictly implemented according tothe situation of Yizhou at that time. Lianwen spoke highly of Zhuge Liang andemphasized the importance of judging the situation. This couplet isthought-provoking and full of profound and vivid dialectic thoughts of unity ofopposites, such as positive and negative, leniency and strictness, harmony andwar, cultural administration and martial arts. Therefore, Mao Zedong highlypraised this couplet and praised it as a thought-provoking "administrativechapter" and "public security policy".

Now, lets take a look at Sangu temple. The couplet of "two watches rewardthree looks, a pair of feet for thousands of years" is hung on the gate post ofSangu temple. In the temple, the cypress stands upright, the grass is as greenas fungus, the courtyard is vast and deep, and the surrounding walls are coveredwith inscriptions, which is known as "stele wall". In the hall, there are goldstatues of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Guan Yu has red face and Phoenix eyes. He hasbeautiful beard and chest. He is calm and relaxed. He is majestic. Zhang Feisface is dark. He has leopard head and eyes. He has swallow jaw and tiger beard.He is impatient. When it comes to Zhang Fei, he is not a politician. He is notas far sighted as Liu Bei. He does not see the value of Zhuge Liang. When helooked at the hut, he didnt see Kong Ming. He said, "since I didnt see him, Iwill go back." He didnt complain. His performance was fair and reasonable. WhenLiu Bei was ready for the second visit, Zhang Fei said, "measure a villager. Whyshould my elder brother go by himself? He can be called here." Liu Beiscriticism



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Located at the foot of Yongning mountain, 15 kilometers west of Yi County,Hebei Province, and 120 kilometers southwest of Beijing, the Western Tomb of theQing Dynasty is one of the mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty emperors. It isopposite to the eastern Mausoleum of Zunhua County, Hebei Province, and iscalled the Western mausoleum. There are 80 people buried here, includingYongzheng, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Guangxu emperors, and their empresses,princesses, princesses and elder brothers. There are 14 Mausoleums in total, aswell as the auxiliary buildings of Xinggong and Yongfu temple. It is a typicalancient architectural complex of Qing Dynasty with beautiful scenery, elegantenvironment, large scale and complete system.

There are a large-scale and complete system of ancient buildings in theWest Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty, which is a scenic spot with elegant environment.In the mausoleum area with a radius of 200 Li and an area of 800 squarekilometers, there is the largest artificial ancient pine forest in North China.Since the establishment of the mausoleum, the Qing Dynasty has planted tens ofthousands of pine trees at the foot of Yongning mountain, on the Bank of YishuiRiver, inside and outside the mausoleum. Now there are 15000 ancient pines, morethan 200000 young pines and cypresses. The mausoleum area is lush with pines andcypresses and beautiful mountains and waters. The 14 mausoleums are hidden inthe pine forest, just like a gorgeous landscape painting.

In the mausoleum area, there are more than 1000 palaces and more than 100ancient buildings and sculptures. Each mausoleum strictly follows the imperialmausoleum building system of the Qing Dynasty. The mausoleum of the emperor, themausoleum of the queen and the mausoleum of the prince are covered with yellowglazed tiles, while the mausoleum of the imperial concubine, the princess andthe elder brother are covered with green glazed tiles. These differentarchitectural forms show different landscapes and styles.



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Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, with a population of 5.3million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers. Located in easternSongnen plain, its a rolling land with low hills, and shallow valleys andcrossed by the Songhua River. It has a semi-humid temperate climate with anannual average temperature of 3.5 degree Celsius, rainfall of 530 millimetersand a frost-free period of 140 days. Its mineral resources are coal, quartzite,marble, copper, lead and zinc etc. Harbin is one of Chinas key industrialbases, with machine building industry as its main stay. Foodstuff, petroleum,chemicals and textiles are its important prop-ups. The output value of itspharmaceutical industry ranks first in China. The main agricultural products arewheat, soybean, beet, flax, tobacco, poultry, etc. Its among Chinas majorbeet growing areas. Harbin is the commercial center of Heilongjiang Province aswell as the communication hub in the northern part of North-East China, with awell-developed railway and highway network. It has regular air links with over30 cities at home and abroad. The Songhua River is an important waterway forshipping.



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Hello, Im guide Wang from Shanghai Jinjiang International Co., Ltd. youcan call me guide Wang. Now we are going to Sanqing mountain. Well go up bycable car later, and Ill explain to you after we go up. Please pay attentionnot to climb railings, rocks and trees, not to pick flowers, not to scribble andcarve.

Tourists, now our foot is Sanqing mountain. Since ancient times, Sanqingmountain has enjoyed the reputation of "no more bustling place in the world, thehighest mountain in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty". It isdangerous in the East, strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique inthe south. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and nature, and its wonder lies inboth form and spirit. Sanqing mountain has always been known as "strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, seaof clouds and fog". Today we are mainly looking at strange peaks and rocks.Please follow me.

Look, this strange stone in front of us is called "goddess Sichun", alsocalled "Oriental Goddess". The shape of the whole mountain is like a beautifulgirl with beautiful hair and shawl sitting in the clouds, watching the people onthe ground affectionately. Because people regard it as a symbol of spring, theycall it "goddess of spring" or "Oriental Goddess". Because it is related tolove, it is also known as the peak of love in China. Please move on.

You see, this is the landmark landscape of Sanqing mountain - Python out ofthe mountain. It stands against the "Oriental Goddess". The emergence of Pythonis a huge granite pillar formed by weathering and gravity disintegration. Thereare several transverse cracks on the peak, but after hundreds of millions ofyears of wind and rain, it still stands. Its top is flat, its neck is slightlythin, and the diameter of the thinnest part is only 7 meters. Its like a hugeboa constrictor breaking out of the mountain and about to fly away. You can takephotos here and have a rest. Well continue our tour later.

Tourists, now we come to the West Coast scenic spot of Sanqing mountain.The stone presented in front of our eyes is called "Monkey King presentstreasure". Monkey King is about 7 meters tall, sitting on the cliff, holding atreasure in his hand, gazing at it with a charming naive manner. Whos themonkey king? The monkey king who made a big noise in heaven!

Sanqing mountain is a world natural heritage, a treasure of JiangxiProvince as well as a treasure of China. This is the end of our trip to Sanqingmountain. Bon Voyage!



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hello everyone! My family name is Zhang. You can call me tour guide Zhang!Ill explain it to you now.

Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.

Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of FujianProvince, about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast footof the northern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery ofQifeng, Xiushui Juhui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutely beautiful scenery. Theancients said that it "has three or three wins in water and six or six strangepeaks", and is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is clear and twists and turns aroundthe mountain, which forms the victory of Jiuqu. Some of the most famous peaks inWuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffins on the cliffs are listed besideJiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of Song Dynasty,Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which are of greathumanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such as ChongyouWannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rare animals andplants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There is also aWuyishan Nature Museum.

Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical and cultural mountain, theancients said: "Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Zhu Xi in theSouthern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north, Wuyi in the south.". Zhu Xi, a neoConfucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived here for more than 40 years. Heset up an account to teach disciples and wrote books, which made it the culturalcenter of Southeast China and known as "Daonan Li cave". Taoism also called it"the 16th cave". There are no less than 20__ hymns written by literati andscholars in the past dynasties. There are more than 400 inscriptions on thecliffs. These rich cultural and historical relics also add to the style of thefamous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boat coffins, the ancient city ruinsof the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kiln ruins of the Song Dynasty and theimperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty make Wuyishan a place for people tovisit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations "man and nature" reserve.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:建筑,导游,全文共 463 字

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兆麟公园,位于哈尔滨市道里区松花江畔,道里区兆麟街北端,占地面积6.5万平方米,原名道里公园,始建于1920xx年,是哈尔滨最早的公园。当年人们为纪念抗日英雄李兆麟将军,将其遗体安葬在此,并在公园内举行隆重公祭和安葬仪式,1946年,道里公园更名为兆麟公园。 如今的兆麟公园,已成为一年一度的哈尔滨冰灯游园会举办之地,每年1月5日开始,一直延续到2月末。

冰灯艺术年年有新变化,被人们称为“永不重复的童话”。 1985年改建后,公园东有花果山,西有玫瑰岭,南有小南岛,北有玻璃花窖,中间环绕着人工湖,五座小桥将其巧妙的相连。园内设有丁香园、映月园、北苑、禽笼、凉亭、露天剧场、旱冰场、儿童游乐场、花鱼展览馆和各种现代游乐设施。

春夏季,这里百花盛开,林木苍翠,鸟语花香,是人们休闲、避暑的好地方;冬季,这里成了冰天雪地的银色世界,灯花掩映、流光溢彩的冰灯,玲珑剔透、晶莹璀璨、惟妙惟肖的冰雕,巍峨高矗的玉宇琼楼,迤逦相连的冰山玉川,宛若冰晶的龙宫,人间仙境。 交通:从哈尔滨火车站乘101、103路无轨电车至兆麟公园或友谊路下车。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4062 字

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Beijing is the worlds eighth largest "food city", among the top of the mainland. Flavor snack in Beijing has a long history, variety, dainty materials, made careful, is a virtue. Qing dynasty all door zhuzhi poems as basic data cloud: "three big money for selling flowers, glutinous rice cake ghost legs the za, a bowl of porridge, sweet pulp in the morning to eat tea liquor seasoned millet mush again; cool fruit Fried cakes, sweet ears, hanging furnace baked wheat cake, glutinous rice ball, fork just to sell, the fire and listening to hardfaced properties; dumpling wonton column trays, adding powder is good Tangyuan..." These snacks are at the temple fair or down the street fair, people inadvertently will encounter, the image of the old Beijing called "to meet food". Beijing flavour snacks on behalf of it, miso candy, plum juice, tea, small steamed corn-bread and poria cocos burgers, sass, ice-sugar gourd, glutinous rice ball, yellow peas, snowballing usury, enema, deep Fried tripe, food is MMMMMMM... delicious, etc.

"Patriotic" is the core of the spirit of Beijing. Patriotism is the glorious traditions of the Chinese nation, is the core of the national spirit, is also the most important characteristics of national cohesion. The fortunes of a Beijing residents have an "the rise and fall in the world," a strong sense of responsibility, sense of mission. "May 4th" movement, "the July 7th incident, founding ceremony, earthquake relief, the Olympic Games and other major historical events, all show the Beijing peoples engagement with the era mission, the heart of the national development and explorations of the sense of responsibility and strong feelings. In the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Beijing as the capital more need to carry forward the patriotic spirit, love the motherland, love people, love the communist party of China, socialism; More to the patriotic spirit into the construction of the capital, promote the development of passion.

The essence of "innovation" is the spirit of Beijing. Innovation is the soul of national progress, is the driving force for the prosperity of the family, is the core of the spirit of the age, is also the source of the eternal vitality of the party. Innovation reflects the advance with The Times, the positive enterprising spirit of the people in Beijing, Beijing development history is a history of innovation in a sense, never stagnation, reform and innovation, at the same time of carry forward the fine tradition, to make inventions and scaling new heights. Beijing more requires constant innovation spirit, the development of the future rely on innovation to win the initiative and win the advantage, win the future.

"Tolerance" is the spirit of Beijing characteristics. In the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country and grow in the process of the capital Beijing to attract his broad mind and an open mind, integration of the regional ethnic culture, formed the all rivers run into sea, magnanimouses, the mental state of being open, accumulated a rich history and culture, make Beijing had great cohesion and attraction, formed the special advantages of the development of Beijing and strength. During the course of building world city with Chinese characteristics, the Beijing need this more open posture and largeness of mind, respect for differences, allowing diversity and harmonious development.

"Thick DE" is the quality of the spirit of Beijing. History not only gives a brilliant cultural heritage in Beijing, also the excellent moral character has fostered a Beijing citizen civilized and polite. ShangLi, kindness, tolerance, help others is the history of the Beijing cultural heritage. In the process of moving towards a world city, Beijing residents more urgently need to practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, people-oriented, help the weak assistive, aged respected, vigorously carry forward the morality of honesty, friendship, mutual assistance and dedication, with administrative civilization quality and spirit to the world.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5763 字

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Good morning, everyone. First of all, welcome to Fuzhou, Rongcheng. Im __tour guide of __ travel agency. Today we will visit Yongquan temple in Gushan.Now we have come to the parking lot of Gushan. Please follow me to get off andtake care of your valuables. Please also remember that our car number is min d __. Our tour time here is about 2 hours. Please get on the bus at 11:00.

Members, today we are going to visit Gushan, a famous mountain with a longhistory and culture in Fuzhou. It is said that there is a huge stone at the topof the peak, which looks like a drum. Whenever there is wind and rain, it soundslike a drum. So Gushan got its name. In the book "the story of moving a city"more than 1600 years ago, there was a saying that "the Left Banner and the rightdrum are unique in Fujian".

The altitude of Gushan is 1004 meters. The Yongquan temple we visited islocated at an altitude of 650 meters on the hillside. Yongquan temple, with ahistory of 1200 years, is one of the five largest jungles in Fuzhou. Yongquantemple is mainly composed of Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall and Dharma hall. Thereare "three railways" and "three treasures" in the temple. What are these "threerailways" and "three treasures"? During the tour, I will introduce them one byone. Well, members of the group, we came to the Mountain Gate of Gushan alongthis path. Please look at the couplet on the stone column: "why clean the land,dont close the empty door". This is a famous couplet, meaning pun. Please see,the mountain gate is built at the entrance of the hillside, and the mountainwind blows straight in, which can blow the fallen leaves and dust clean withoutmanual cleaning; In summer and autumn, typhoons are frequent, and the mountaingate is often blown down, so there is no more gate, leaving the empty gate. Fromits moral point of view, pure land refers to the pure land of Buddhism, which isspotless, so there is no need to clean it; empty land refers to Buddhism, whichis free of belief, so there is no need to close it. This couplet is also aTibetan head couplet, with the words "Jing" and "Kong" respectively. It iswritten in memory of the late abbot of Yongquan temple, master Jingkong.

OK, members, now lets go to luohanquan. Members, now we see that thisspring pool is "Luohan spring". It is said that during the construction of thetemple, a Abbot monk dreamed that there was a spring here. The next day, themonks dug here, and sure enough, there was a clear spring. So in order to thankLuohan for giving the spring, the monks called this spring Luohan spring, andYongquan Temple got its name.

OK, members, please turn around. Now in front of us, we can see the plaqueof Yongquan temple, which was written by Emperor Kangxi himself. The handwritingis simple and powerful.

Members of the group, please do not enter the temple for the time being,because I want to introduce the towers on both sides of us. Now, please guesswhat materials are used for this pair of small and exquisite towers in front ofus, and what role do the towers play in the temple?

Ah! You said it was made of wood, you said it was made of stone, and yousaid it was made of iron. No one seems to have guessed right. This pair oftowers are made of clay. They have a history of more than 900 years. The one onthe left is called the "solemnly robbing Thousand Buddhas pagoda", whichrepresents the Buddha of the past and the light burning Buddha. The one on theright is called "Xianjie thousand Buddha pagoda", which represents the presentBuddha Sakyamuni Buddha. The color of the two towers is brown. They are fired inlayers with clay, stacked and glazed. The tower is about 7 meters high and hasnine octagonal stories. There are 1038 Buddha statues on the wall of the tower.The earthenware firing tower we see today is very rare.

You can see that there are 72 tower bells, which are also made of clay.Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant sound, which seems to send us ablessing of peace. Lotus petals, lion dances and dwarfs are carved on the baseof the tower, and inscriptions are engraved to record the time when the towerwas built and the names of the craftsmen. The two pagodas were originallylocated in Longrui courtyard in the southern suburb of Fuzhou. They were movedto Yongquan temple in 1972. Now it is listed as a provincial cultural relicprotection unit. These two pavilions are the evidence for the study of SongDynasty architecture. What role does the tower play in the temple?

In fact, the temple and the tower have a deep origin. Tower, Sanskrit zuduslope, originally meant tomb, dome. In ancient India, people called templespagoda temples. The temple is dominated by pagodas, in which people store therelics and scriptures of some eminent monks. The pagoda was regarded as anauspicious relic in the temple, and later evolved into a unique religiousbuilding. After Buddhism was introduced into China, the Chinese nation is goodat melting foreign culture and creating a culture rich in national material. Asa symbol of Buddhism, in the process of the Sinicization of Buddhism, the formof the pagoda has been diversified, including high, short, fat, thin, round,square, iron and wood. The purpose of the pagoda has been expanded from onlystoring relics and symbolizing Buddhism to merit, sustenance and commemoration,and even as a sign of maritime navigation, as well as special buildings relatedto geomantic omen. The pottery pagoda we see today is also a pagoda worthy ofyour appreciation. This pair of Song Dynasty pottery pagodas is one of the"three treasures" of Yongquan temple that we visit today. Here we give you 15minutes to take photos. In 15 minutes, we will visit the "three railways" andthe other two treasures of the "three treasures" of the temple. Thank you



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2846 字

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Dear tourist friends, welcome to Wuyi Mountain with beautiful scenery. Imthe guide of sunshine travel group. My name is Xiao Wang. This morning, we wentto Tianyou peak scenic spot, and at noon we went to Jiuqu River to take bamboorafting. Before you go, please pay attention to some things: 1. Dont stand onthe bamboo rafts when you are rafting; 2. When climbing mountains, women dontwear high heels, try to wear flat shoes.

Well, take the environmental protection battery car, we come to the firststop "Tianyou peak".

Tianyou peak is in the north of Jiuqu River and Liuqu River, in the centerof the scenic spot. When its sunny after rain or the first morning dew,climbing the peak and looking at the sea of clouds are like the waves of thesea, which are changeable. Its like Ive come to a fairyland and roam in thesky, so its called "Tianyou". "Tianyou peak" can be divided into upper andlower parts. The view Pavilion is located on the left and near the upperreaches. Along the lake Majian, it is the lower reaches. The view Pavilion onthe upper reaches of Tianyou peak is close to the cliff. It is a very goodviewing platform of Wuyi Mountain. You can have a panoramic view of thelandscape of Wuyi Mountain when you look around. Let people open-minded,intoxicated in it, everyone will leave a figure there.

After touring "Tianyou peak", we take a bus to the next station, JiuquRiver.

Jiuqu River originates in the west of Wuyi Mountain with dense forest. Itswater quality is very clear, with a total length of 62.8 km. It flows throughthe ecological area in the middle of the mountain. Jiuqu river meanders inDanxia state, distributed among the mountains and rocks, forming a deep meander.The straight-line distance is 5 km. Sitting on the bamboo raft, you can enjoythe beautiful natural scenery. The water under the bamboo raft is clear, andfrom time to time there are small fish swimming by. The scenery is sobeautiful.

There is also a legend of water turtles in Wuyi Mountain

One year, a tortoise, who had been practising for thousands of years,originally wanted to seek an official position in the sky, but the mercilessJade Emperor asked him to water the tea tree. At first, he felt very relaxed,but after a long time, he felt very bored. One day, he suddenly heard a voicefrom the world: "tea sprouts, tea sprouts." he couldnt help running to thesouth gate and looking down, he saw that people were sacrificing tea gods in thetea garden beside the Jiuqu River. Golden tortoise cant help praising peoplesrespect for tea. As soon as I thought of pouring tea there all the year round,but no one asked me about it, I decided that I might as well make a tea in theworld.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope you can have a pleasant trip.The beautiful nature welcomes you. I also hope the beautiful Wuyi Mountain willleave you a perfect memory.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2116 字

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我们乘船顺流而下,首先经过的是我们每天都在触摸的瞿塘峡。为什么这么说呢?大家不妨掏出一张10元的人民币,在它的背面就是瞿塘峡峡口的标志——變门。瞿塘峡上自刘备托孤的白帝城,下到古文化的宝库巫山大溪镇,全长只有8公里,是三峡中距离最短、航道最窄、最雄伟壮观的一个峡。瞿塘虽短胜景却不少,像古栈道、孟良梯、风箱峡等风景都错落在峡道两岸;此峡中还有神秘的古代巴人悬棺遗址。船行至瞿塘峡出口处就是大溪古镇了。考古工作者先后对这个只有200多户人家的小镇进行过三次发掘,发现古墓208 座,经碳同位素测定,这是一处距今5000多年的新石器时代遗址。这一发现证明,长江和黄河一样,都是中华文明的摇篮、古文化的发祥地。






巫峡全长45公里,西起巫山大宁河口,东到湖北巴东县官渡口。如果说瞿塘峡像一道闸门,那么巫峡就像长江上一条迂回曲折的画廊。在这一幅幅风景画中,主角当然就是我们的巫山十二峰了。说到十二峰,您一定会问哪个是神女峰吧?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,在江北岸的山顶上有一尊人形的石柱,好像一位亭亭玉立的少女在遥望江面,那就是著名的神女峰了。别看它只是一块只有6米多高的石头,可早在20__ 多年前的战国时期,因为楚国著名辞赋家宋玉的《神女赋》而早已闻名天下了。



从这儿,我们也就进入了长江三峡的最后一个峡——西陵峡,它全长76公里,终点是宜昌的南津关。西陵峡在以前是以险而著称,有句行船谚语说:“青滩、泄滩不算滩,崆岭才是鬼门关。”说的就是西陵峡中最危险的三个滩。不过,新中国成立后,西陵峡经过整治,特别是1970年兴建的葛洲坝工程,抬高水位20 多米,原来的礁石险滩早已沉入江底。再加上1994 年破土动工的三峡大坝二期工程完工后,库区已蓄水至海拔135米,整个西陵峡的航运条件得到了根本性的改善。虽然峡内的风景发生了一些变化,但位于两坝之间一段长约38公里的西陵峡东段却原封不动地保留了下来,它保持着三峡的原汁原味,是唯一永远不被淹没的三峡风光。


