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木屋区 建有上、下二层的度假小木屋十余座,山崖别墅一座,其中小木屋是特聘欧美设计师依据欧式、日式二种不同的建筑风格,选用全天然优质木材搭建,木屋内部四星级酒店客房的装修一应俱全,为每一位入住的客人提供全方位服务。 阳光里,凭窗眺望,黄墙红瓦,碧波环绕;月光下,漫步林间,蛙鼓虫鸣,星月如练。正是这绝佳意境与齐备设施的完美融合,为您勾勒了一幅幽雅、闲逸、美伦美奂的休闲图画。

露营平台 则是风格迥异的开放型度假住宿区,全区建有全木质开放式露营平台73座,游人们三五成群,结伴露营,或在营火区点燃篝火,彻夜狂欢,或在平台前秉烛围坐,把酒邀月,自然纯朴的气息扑面而来,伴您渡过充满青春活力的多彩良霄。


休闲旅馆 以五星极标准建成,占地100余亩,拥有368间高级客房,另设中西餐厅,商场, 9个可容纳 30-500人的会议厅及舞厅,KTV,SPA,娱乐室和室内外游泳池,网球场,烧烤区等综合设施。

主题乐园 特聘美国迪士尼乐园专家Magic Mountain设计,占地约 500亩全部采用进口设备,为类似美国迪士尼乐团的大型娱乐场所。共分六个主题区:欢乐中国城,美国大西部区,梦幻世界区,海盗村,南太平洋区及大岛区等,游乐设施及表演节目达50余项,是个老少咸宜的欢乐园地。

高尔夫俱乐部 本球场特聘美国专家GOLDEN LOUIS设计,为全广西最大的国际标准 18洞球场,标准杆 72杆,球道全长7084码。前九洞以山景为主,后九调以湖景为主,极富挑战性。另在本球场及市区均建有高尔夫练习场供球友练球。



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:建筑,导游,全文共 478 字

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现在我给大家介绍一下。故宫,又称紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫,故宫是世界是现存规模最大最完整的古代木结构建筑群,为我国现存最大最完整的古代木结构建筑群。它始建于明永乐四年(公元1460年),厉时十四年才完工,共有24位皇帝先后在此登基。历史很悠久。紫禁城占地72万多平方米,共有宫殿9000多间,都是黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。故宫标志着我们祖国悠久的文化传统,显示着五百多年前匠师们在建筑上的卓越成就。我们到了,大家请下车。您看,这就是故宫里最吸引人的建筑是三座大殿:太和殿、中和殿和保和殿。它们建在汉白玉砌成的8米高的台基上,远望犹如神话中的琼宫仙阙,都有黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,金碧辉煌的彩画,。第一座大殿太和殿是最富丽堂皇的建筑,俗称“金銮殿”,是皇帝举行大典的地方,殿高28米,东西63米,南北35米,柱子是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。御座设在殿内高2米的台上,前有造型美观的仙鹤、炉、鼎,后面有精雕细刻的围屏。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌, 庄严绚丽。中和殿是皇帝去太和殿举行大典前稍事休息和演习礼仪的地方。保和殿是每年除夕皇帝赐宴外藩王公的场所。



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东方明珠科幻城位于塔底,有森林之旅、南极之旅、魔幻之旅、藏宝洞、迪尼剧场、欢乐广场、激光影院、动感影院、探险列车等项目,精彩刺激、老少咸宜。还有独一无二的“太空热气球”将您送上天空,尽览上海大都市美景,使您永生难忘。 东方明珠塔内的上海历史博物馆,是专门介绍上海近百年来发展史的史志性博物馆。通过珍贵的文物、文献、档案、图片,以先进的影视和音响设备,形象生动地反映近代上海城市发展的历史。馆内陈列分国中之国的租界、旧上海市政建设和街景、近代城市经济、近代文化、都市生活、政治风云等六大部分,全面地展示了上海在政治、经济、文化、社会、生活等各方面的深刻变化。是一个形象生动的人文景点。
















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Yangjiang City, located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province, is aprefecture level city approved by the State Council in February 1988. It governsYangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi county and Jiangcheng district. It isadjacent to Jiangmen City in the East, Maoming City in the west, Yunfu City inthe north and Nanhai City in the south. The urban area is 219 km away fromGuangzhou, 220 km away from Zhanjiang and 165 km away from Hong Kong. NationalHighway 325 (Guang Zhan highway) and Guang Mao railway run through the city,covering an area of 7813 square kilometers, with a population of more than 2.4million.

The total land area of Yangjiang is 7813.4 square kilometers, of which26.03% is hilly area, 42.73% is mountainous area and 22.17% is plain area. Thepopulation is 2.56 million. It borders Enping and Taishan in Jiangmen City inthe East, Luoding and Xinxing in Yunfu City and Xinyi in Maoming City in thenorth, Gaozhou and Dianbai in Maoming City in the west, and Nanhai in the south.The coastline is 341.5 km long, with 30 major islands and 49.3 km long. Theterrain inclines from north to south, close to the mountain and the sea, withTianlu mountain in the northeast and Yunwu Mountain in the northwest. Thehighest mountain in the territory is e Huang Zhang in Wangfu mountain range,with an altitude of 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River, with a totallength of 199 km, running through the whole city from north to South and flowinginto the South China Sea from north to south.

Yangjiang City is a famous coastal tourist city in Guangdong Province. Itis rich in tourism resources, including coastal beaches, peak forests, karstcaves, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and mountains, and splendid culturallandscape. Among them, Hailing Island and yangchunwan lingxiaoyan are provincialtourist resorts, and dajiaowan of Hailing Island was rated as 4A nationaltourist area in 20__. In order to continuously open up new ways of tourism,Yangjiang Tourism Bureau has designed and created a new tourism image of"Haitian emotional Yangjiang Tour". Yangjiang tourism highlights four tourismlandscapes with local characteristics. The first is the "sea view", with HailingIsland as the center, highlighting its coastal scenery; the second is the "skyview", represented by Chunwan zaolingxiaoyan, the stalactites, undergroundrivers and lights in the cave constitute the ethereal, illusory and magical skylandscape; the third is the "dynamic view", showing Yangjiang kites flutteringlike colorful clouds in the clear sky; The fourth is the "Scene", that is, thepicturesque Moyangjiang River with green mountains on both sides of the river,nurturing Yangjiangs children. In addition, Yangjiang has opened up two specialtourism lines: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach, where oysters can be picked on site.

At present, the city has opened up five tourist routes and two specialtourist routes: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Luns papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach. You can try to pick oysters on site, which has a unique taste.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1728 字

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Each friend: now we came to the Chinese first-class, Asia first, world famous national tropical seaside tourism city, sanya.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, the second largest city in hainan province, a land of 1919 square kilometers, 5000 square kilometers, 209 kilometers of coastline, sanya is become a fairyland with remote locations, close to nature.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, there is a tall coconut trees, silver sand, blue sky and the endless sea.

Remember, when I first set foot on yalong bay beach, the mood is indescribable. Days attached to the sea, the sea for days, tianshui, tianhai color, very beautiful! I am eager to the arms of the sea, feet stepping on a soft, fine sand, a wave came at me and my butt sitting on the beach, pants all wet, I havent got up, again to a wave, put me down again, let me drink a mouthful of salt water. I hurriedly get up, simply change swimming trunks on the beach. The wind driving waves, spray. White spray straight line team to move forward with rows of, chasing, play with, like naughty children, joyfully poured on to the beach, and quickly pulled back, pushing me again and again to the shore, take back. Look, it is jumping to the surface of the waves, in the sunlight, little golden light, and on the countless took gold retreated to the sea. Bend down, thin sand gently hold my feet, exquisite and smooth, my whole body gently in the water jump, fingers lightly white sand flowing in the fingers, and it was very fun, very... I hopping in the arms of the spray, laughing, spray surrounded me, around me, I am immersed in waves and gentle hug.

Sanya is very beautiful, the sea was spectacular, it is like a beautiful picture scroll, deeply in my mind.



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as is known to all, the silk road into xinjiang, south, north is dividedinto three sections, the word. and of every faith scenery lets a person miandthoughtful. therefore, it is the silk road trip to travel.

brief introduction of the first description: xinjiang is located in chinasnorthwest border regions in china, also called, the second-largest pasture,ecological environment. north of continental climate, the winters are long andhard, summer, autumn season and hot chirp is not obvious, relatively strong,solar radiation temperature changes. so remind everybody must pay attention toprevent bask in the night and temperature is too big and prepare appropriateclothes. meanwhile, xinjiang has the advantageous sunshine, light, heat andplanting trees and the crops of thermophilic melon, improve sugar accumulation.so a luscious taste the melon and fruit in xinjiang.

our first stop was the urumqi. it is the farthest from the oceans of theworld cities, capital of xinjiang uygur autonomous region, meaning "beautiful",but also the ranch along. we recommend the attraction is the natural pasture,carefree nanshan pasture flocks, paolo maldini, compose in green grassland,spruce, combining the deep valley, and a 20 meters high, the waterf-all. hereyou can live on the shores of the zhanfang, taste herdsmen nang, dairy products,roast lamb kebabs, zhuafan hand, etc. bake complete sheep is a choice jieyangsurrounding xinjiang, or under the age of two lambs as raw materials, to fatwith flour and entrails, feet, salt water, eggs, pepper, alone powder evenlyinto paste, in the whole body, then add the sheep are soaking pit, nang bakeuntil cooked. baked sheep, golden oil, fragrance waft through the meat,delicious! you can rent a horse galloping on the kazakh nomads, acrothe vastgrassland of the thick forest. also can realize kazak ethnic customs: racingnomads, thanks to the sheep, chasing girls. urumqi seasons all appropriate, eachhave different seasons.

our second station is well known in turpan: its very hot and dry thelowest place. is extremely arid region unique ecological environment and therepresentatives of the oasis civilization. you may have noticed that a foot onthis land, and we are the only dry! the sun is so frankly, the bakingtemperature has reached 50 to 60 degrees celsius, i.e., steaming eggs. you alsodont too boring, let us imagine a pleasant trip to the sauna. first, we went tothe fire, the authors of shanxi, surrounded by the farmhouse here, secludedspot, vines with green, a very cool and refreshing and comfortable come, here isthe "huozhou" summer in heaven. in these grape, as long as the timbrel rang, menand women will be averted dance. believe that everyone heard that song familiar"to", covering your journey has a small talk "uncle"? how does not show guide sonow you for it.

small guide a bit embarrassed, here but dance, unexpectedly township inhere, please everybody to me. now please follow me to visit the shadow ofraisins for washing room. raised my hand against the grapes can be picked youcant decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybodyfan.

to see the city will be kanerjing, it is spots with wall, thebeijing-hangzhou grand canal and called chinas three projects, it is the sourceof life of the local people. because it is in the ground, also very cool andrefreshing and comfortable.

now we came to the tomb asidana - hara and is, there are many rooms vividfresco, lifelike lifelike, still have the "turpan documents", it is the currentinternational academic research foundation of words - turpan. because theclimate is hot dry form natural germ-free environment, so the dead bodies andobjects, although calendar millennium items without corruption, the body is dueto rapid dehydrate and formed the pyramids in egypt mummy "than" also mummifiedcorpses of exotic, some even seems visible eyes eyelash.

now we reached the place, also is the hami melon is executed. two thousandyears ago, here is the han dynasty zhangqian first opened the silk roadfortress, known as "the macroscopic throats, western". as the saying goes, "theeast sea crab hami melons as shrimp," beauty of hami words cant express. silkroad and the grassland culture were also it nurture...

millions of years ago cengfanhua noisy here, all the time, the flowers arecirculation of vast desert mysterious buried. numerous archaeological explorershave again and again into a history to touch, the dust, touch the soul ofhundreds of years ago. loulan ancient site actually is the capital of kingdom ".have luobubo beside the river, clear. after the han and the tarim river waterdiverted, though, because human resource and spent a cross-sectional noteglacier diversion into loulan, but soon, the time of ancient lou-lan and wastewater. from ancient lou-lan died in history!



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Dear guests

Hello! Entrusted by the tourism and reception departments, I would like toextend a warm welcome to all the guests visiting Qufu, a famous city. I am veryglad to be accompanied by a tour guide. This is a good opportunity for us toenjoy and study together. Please leave your valuable comments after reading.

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the history and culturalrelics of Qufu.

Qufu, a famous historical and cultural city, is the hometown of Confucius,a great thinker, educator, politician, literature arranger and sage of the worldin ancient China, the hometown of Mencius, the birthplace of Xuanyuan YellowEmperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the capital of Yan Emperor, thehometown of Shang and Yin, and the capital of Lu. Four of the three emperors andfive emperors lived and worked here for more than 5000 years. There are abundanttreasures underground and numerous cultural relics on the ground. At present,there are 112 cultural relics, including UN protected units, 3 World CulturalHeritage sites, 4 national protected sites, 12 provincial protected sites, andothers protected at prefecture level.

The most important ones are "three Confucius, two temples and onemausoleum", "three mountains, two forests and one temple". Confucius Temple,Confucius Mansion and Confucius forest are commonly known as "three Confucius".There are temples dedicated to Zhou Gong, the sage of the Yuan Dynasty in China,and temples dedicated to Fusheng Yanhui, the first disciple of Confucius, whichare commonly known as "two temples"; Yiling is SHAOHAO mausoleum in Shouqiu, thebirthplace of Yellow Emperor; Sanshan; and Jiuxian mountain (also known asJiushan), the birthplace of Confucius. The second forest is: mengmulin, the bestmother to educate children in the world, lianggonglin, the burial place ofConfucius parents; "Yisi" is the place where Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poems,answered correctly and parted. The famous scholar Kong Shangren lived inseclusion in Shimen temple, the national garden.

Now lets look at the Confucius Temple.

Confucius Temple, also known as Zhisheng temple, is a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius and his wife Qi Guan and 72 sages. Together with theForbidden City in Beijing and Chengde summer resort in Hebei, Confucius Templeis known as Chinas three major ancient architectural complexes. Experts saidfour words to Confucius Temple: the oldest, the most grand, the most completepreservation, and the most prominent Oriental architectural features. Twoproblems can be seen from the Confucius Temple: one is the great contribution ofConfucius to China and even the oriental culture; the other is that China hascraftsmen in history.

Confucius Temple was built in 478 BC, the year after Confucius died. In theformer residence of Confucius, three temples were built to display Confuciusclothes, cars, books and so on. The Confucius Temple was expanded by emperors ofall dynasties, including 15 major repairs, 31 medium repairs and hundreds ofminor repairs, reaching the present scale. The Confucius Temple imitates theimperial palace. It is divided into three layout, nine courtyards. It has 466houses and 54 gates and pavilions. It runs through a central axis from east towest. There are nearly one thousand steles, covering an area of 327.5 mu, whichis two Li and 150 meters long. The Confucius Temple we see now is the scale ofthe Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty. After liberation, the state allocatedfunds for maintenance and protection for many times. The first batch of nationalkey cultural relic protection units announced by China were listed as worldcultural heritage in December 1994, and became cultural relic units protected bythe United Nations. Confucius Temple has been built for a long time, has a largescale, and is completely preserved, which is rare in the world.

Shinto. "Wanren palace wall" before the ancient cypress vigorous thissection of the road is "Shinto". In front of important temples, there is aspecial way of respecting and understanding, which is called "Shinto".

Wanren palace wall. This gate is the South Gate of Ming City in Qufu, andit is also the first gate of Confucius Temple. It is hung with the fourcharacters of "Wanren palace wall", which was written by Emperor Qianlong ofQing Dynasty. It comes from Zi Gong, the proud disciple of Confucius. At themeeting of the state of Lu, it was proposed that Zigongs knowledge was broadand profound, which could be compared with Confucius. Zigong stood upimmediately and said, I dare not compare with my teacher Confucius. Humanknowledge is like a wall. My wall is only one Ren high, and my teachers wall isseveral Ren high. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a shoulder high,clear at a glance, nothing profound; Confucius knowledge is several times asmuch as mine, after detailed research, comprehensive discussion, we canunderstand all of him, after entering the door, we can see the beauty of thetemple, you cant see it outside the door. In order to describe Confuciusprofound knowledge, later generations changed from the masters wall to "hundredRen" and "thousand Ren" to the emperor of Ming Dynasty who granted Confucius thetitle of "civil servant in the world, imperial teacher of all dynasties", andpraised Confucius knowledge as "ten thousand Ren". Looking up, we cant see thetop. It also said that the wall was very solid. These four words were originallywritten by the imperial envoy of Ming Dynasty. In order to show that he attachedgreat importance to Confucius, Qianlong replaced his imperial pen with hispersonal letter "Wanren palace wall".

Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang. This workshop was built in Ming Dynasty to expressConfucius exquisite and perfect knowledge, just like the whole process ofplaying music, which is complete from beginning to end. Ancient music beginswith the ringing of a bell, which starts with the sound of "the beginning oforder" and ends with the striking of a chime. The sound of "jade vibration" isthe sound of the falling of the chime, which is called "the end of order".Praising Confucius knowledge is a great achievement of the sages and sages, soit is called "the sound of gold and the sound of jade vibration". The sound of"golden sound" is the sound of the bell, which starts with the sound of "jadevibration" and ends with the sound of the chime. This is also the source of theidiom "start and finish". "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" was written by Hu zuanzong, agreat calligrapher in Ming Dynasty.

"Two cypresses bear one hole". There is an ancient cypress in the East andwest of the single hole stone arch bridge passing yuzhenfang, so it is called"two cypresses bear one hole". This bridge is called "Panshui bridge", which isconnected with the water in the pan pool beside the palace, so it is called "panwater". In the past, when I read the book of Confucius and Mencius, I wasadmitted to higher education, which is called "entering hope". Officials hope tobe promoted, do business, hope to get rich, and live a prosperous life.

Dismount monument. Outside the temple wall, there are two stone tablets,the Xiama tablet and Xiajiao tablet, which were set up in 1191 ad. The stele inthe West had been destroyed, and the stele in the East said, "officials andpeople wait to get off here.". In the past, civil and military officials andcommon people passed by, dismounted and walked on foot to show respect forConfucius and Confucius Temple.

Lattice star gate. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in 1754 ad.it was made of wood instead of iron and stone. "Lingxingmen" was written byEmperor Qianlong. It is said that there are twenty-eight constellations in thesky. Among them, there is a star in charge of culture called "Lingxing", alsoknown as "Wenqu star" and "tianzhenxing". It connects Confucius with the star incharge of culture in the sky and says that he is the highest in culture. Forexample, in the past, when worshiping heaven, we should first worship "Wenqustar". There is a saying that respecting Confucius is like respectingheaven.

Taihe Yuanqi square. This workshop was built in 1544 A.D. in the MingDynasty. It highly praises Confuciuss idea that "the space universe can nurtureall things.". "The harmony of heaven and earth, the harmony of the four sides,the harmony of yin and Yang" is the most basic thing, the harmony of theuniverse and the vitality of the human world. "Taihe Yuanqi" is written by ZengMian, governor of Shandong Province.

The most holy temple. The "Zhisheng Temple Square" built in the MingDynasty is made of white marble, decorated with flame jewels.

The world of moral Mou, the road crown ancient and modern. The East andwest of the Taoist temple are lined with a very strange memorial archway.Surrounded by wooden corner edges, there are a thousand heads and ten thousandcontinuations. There are eight monsters under it, which are called "Heavendragon and God lion". It is said that it is dignified and inspired, which candrive away evil and uphold justice. In the eastern memorial archway, it waswritten: "demou heaven and earth", saying that the benefits of Confucius ideasto human beings are as high as heaven and earth, and the merits and virtues canbe compared with heaven and earth. The memorial archway in the West reads"Daoguan ancient and modern", praising Confucius thoughts and methods, whichare the highest in the world.

Holy time gate. The three gates are parallel, the four platforms are thesame as above, and the central Panlong. The name of this gate comes fromMencius. For the four ancient sages, Boyi, Yiyin, liuxiahui and Confucius,Mencius summed up the Four Saints holy deeds into four sentences: Boyi is thesage of the Qing Dynasty, Yiyin is the sage of the appointed, liuxiahui is thesage of the sum, and Confucius is the sage of the time. "Shengshi" highlypraises Confucius thought, advocates enduring, and is a sage suitable for thetimes. When the emperor came to Qufu to court Confucius, he had to kneel downthree times and knock nine times, and walk through the gate of holy time. WhenYan Shenggong was born, he opened the gate of holy time. All go fast, the gateis high.

Lets have a quick look at the gate. That is to say, Confucius knowledgeof "Five Classics and four books" means that those who learn first have culturefirst, and those who learn first have knowledge first. They compete to learn,and it is a pleasure to see first and read first.

Look up at the door. It was named after Yan Huis praise of Confucius. YanHui said that the teachers way is to raise the top and drill the bottom. PraiseConfucius for his lack of knowledge, which is called "Mi Gao". It is difficultto understand classical Chinese, which is called "Mi Jian". Gao is notunattainable, but can be learned through hard work. Yan Hui said, "the masterfollowed the rules and was good at attracting people. He learned from me inwriting and said that I was polite." My teacher is good at persuasion, teachingme culture and courtesy.

Han stone man. In the pavilion of yanggaomenli, there are two Han stonepeople with high historical value. One is the "Pavilion leader" (a localofficial of Han Dynasty), and the other is the pawn of the palace gate. They areall guards in front of the tomb of the king of Lu. The stone man is valued bythe ancient scholars of epigraphy, which is of great value to the study of HanDynasty clothing and writing.

Jinshui bridge, this bridge, with the same name as the bridge in front ofthe Forbidden City, is also called Jinshui bridge, also known as Bishui bridge,with three holes arranged in a row and green water rippling.

Hongdaomen. Crossing jinshuiqiao is the "hongdaomen" appointed by theemperor of Ming Dynasty, which means "people can promote Taoism, not Taoism" inthe Analects of Confucius. Confucius is an ordinary literati, why become asaint? Praise Confucius summed up the experience of sages, especially carryforward the Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, civil and military Zhou Gongs way. "To say thatpeople can command and create everything is to praise peoples subjectiveinitiative." There are two stone tablets under the Hongdao gate. The four edgedstone tablet in the East is the "history of Qufu", which records the history ofQufus evolution. It was established in the Yuan Dynasty and has high historicalvalue. In the west is the "epitaph of Mr. Chushi", which has high calligraphyvalue.

Big middle gate. Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple in SongDynasty. It is called "Zhonghe gate", which means that problems can be solvedeasily with Confucius thoughts. In the Ming Dynasty, the temple was renamed as"the great gate of the middle", praising Confucius knowledge as a collection ofhuman knowledge. In the middle, it means "the right way of the world in themiddle, the theorem of the world in the middle". Those who leave the middle arenot the right way, but the evil way. That is to say, no left, no right, fair andjust, forward is the mean. There are two turrets at the East and West ends ofDazhong gate, which are used to guard the Confucius Temple.

Tongwenmen, four famous brands, Confucian temple. There are four monumentsin the middle gate. The tablet of Hongzhi in the west of the Ming Dynasty talksabout the ethics of the cardinal principles. On the right side of the Hongzhimonument is the "Confucian temple map" drawn by Li Dongyang, a talented man ofthe Ming Dynasty in Changsha, Hunan Province, which is of high value.

Chenghua stele was erected by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua in MingDynasty. There are two situations that have attracted the attention ofcelebrities of all ages. First, Chenghua tablets regular script is wellwritten, standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highestevaluation of Confucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius.The highest evaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius ideas andmethods to eating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable fromthem. With Confucius principles and methods, one can make the best use of onestalents, materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that ifthere is Confucius way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius way,there will be no world. If there is anti Confucius way, there will be no world.Such as the inscription said: "I only have Confuciuss way, the world can not bewithout Yan, there is Confuciuss way, then the principle of justice and ethics,everything has its own place..., Confuciuss way in the world, such as cloth SuShu, peoples livelihood daily use can not be short of,... Born Confuciusvertical for the holy, lifes safety, benevolence and righteousness in theright, the rise of the teachers way, from travel 3000, to the holy is thenext."

Tongwenmen. The meaning of the word "human heart" is the same as that ofthe text. That is to say, only with concerted efforts and unity can we do a goodjob; the writing should be unified, only with unified writing can we record theexperience of historical communication, and random writing will lead toconfusion. Tongwen gate is an important barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

Kuiwen Pavilion, originally a library, is a place for collecting booksgranted by the emperor. It was built in the second year of emperor Tianxi ofSong Dynasty (A.D. 1018), and was changed into "kuiwenge" when Jin Zhangzongrebuilt it. This unique and majestic building is entirely of wood structure,which is an isolated example in the construction of China building. Afterseveral earthquakes, kuiwenge was not destroyed. In the earthquake of Kangxi 5years in Qing Dynasty, "nine out of ten houses fell, one out of ten remained,and kuiwenge remained motionless.". Li Dongyang, the Minister of the Ministry ofofficial in Ming Dynasty, wrote "kuiwenge Fu", praising the architecturalresearch value of kuiwenge. Its the stele at the east end of the corridor.

In front of the pavilion, the eastern and Western courtyards are called"zhaisu", which is a place for worshippers to fast and bathe. Dongyuan is theresidence of Yan Shenggong, where Kangxi and Qianlong spent their time to wash.The West courtyard is the shelter of the sacrificial staff. Kong zhaoxun, theseventy-one generation grandson of Confucius, inlaid more than 130 steles in thetemple for worshiping Confucius in the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties onthe wall of the courtyard, so xizhaisu is also known as the stele courtyard.

Thirteen stele pavilions. This is the sixth courtyard of the ConfuciusTemple. There are 55 steles in the pavilion, which were erected in Tang, song,Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The contents of the steles are the emperors,Imperial Envoys worship of Confucius, the posthumous title and evaluation ofConfucius. The records of the previous construction of the Confucius Temple arewritten in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and basiba languages. Eight in the South andfive in the north, so it is called thirteen stele pavilions. Because they areall steles approved by the emperor, they are also called imperial stelepavilions. The third and sixth pavilions in the front row from the East werebuilt in the Jin Dynasty and are rare buildings in China. All the steles arecalled "imperial steles". "Mian" is the mascot. It is said that the Dragon Kinghas nine sons, and it is the eighth son. It loves "Wen" and is good at carryingheavy loads. The stone tablet has heavy characters, which is suitable for itscharacteristics. The image should be the dragon head, turtle body, Eagle leg andsnake tail.

From the east to the north, the third Pavilion is a monument erected byEmperor Kangxi. Beijing Xishan stone by the Grand Canal, economic South andtransported here. Experts calculate that the monument weighs 130000 Jin. It wassplashed with water and frozen along the way from Jining. Sometimes it came overon the ice and only went to the land of lying cattle one day. Qufu originallyhad good stones, which should be transported from Beijing to show the emperorsattention to Confucius. There are two steles in the southeast and southwest ofthe courtyard, all of which are the records of the princes and ministers whobuilt temples and worshipped Confucius. The calligraphy value is very high.

There is one gate in the East and one in the west, Yucui gate in the Eastand Guande gate in the West. Commonly known as Donghuamen, xihuamen.

From here, the Confucius Temple is divided into three routes. The fivegates are Dacheng gate, Jinsheng gate on the left, Yuzhen gate on the right,Qisheng gate on the West and Chengsheng gate on the East. The architecturalstructure of dachengmen is "intertwined, intriguing". The center is inserted as"hook center", and the top of the left and right four corners is "bucket angle".The three characters of dachengmen were written by Emperor Yongzheng. PraiseConfucius is a collection of sages and sages, reached the supreme realm.

The first teacher planted juniper by hand. The tall and vigorous cypresstree on the left of Dacheng gate was planted by Confucius. According to records:Confucius cut three cypress trees here. In the second year of Jin Zhenyou (A.D.1214), they were destroyed by fire. The trees withered and sprouted newbranches. There were "three withers and three glories", and there was a sayingthat "cypress trees were flourishing every day.". During the Wanli period of theMing Dynasty, Yang Guangxun, a gifted scholar, wrote five characters: "the firstteacher planted cypress by hand.".

Two long corridors. On both sides of the two equal rows of houses, a totalof 80, known as the "East and West veranda", is dedicated to 72 sages. Confuciusis known as a disciple of three thousand, 72 people who are proficient in sixarts, literature and martial arts, worshipped in the East and West. All theemperors of the past dynasties were entitled to the sages. Such as DongZhongshu, Han Yu, Wang Mingyang, Zhuge Liang, Kou Zhun, Yue Fei and so on. Bythe time of the Republic of China, there were 156. The last sage is Mr. LiangQichao. The original statues and tablets were changed to wooden tablets.Dongxiwu now displays a collection of Zhonggui stone carvings before the SongDynasty. The most precious national treasures of Zhou gongxunzi and batpracticing medicine are 22 stone inscriptions of Han and Wei dynasties. The"ritual stele", "Yiying stele", "Shichen stele", "Zhang Menglong stele" and "MiFu stele" with extremely high calligraphy value are rare treasures. There aremore than 100 pieces of "Han Dynasty stone carvings" on display in Xiwu. Theyare all well-known art treasures and precious materials for the study of Han,Wei and other historical and social life. There are 584 stone inscriptions ondisplay at the north end of the East veranda, which are the yuhonglou sutraswritten by Kong Jisu, the 69 generation grandson of Confucius.

Apricot altar. It was built in memory of Confucius lecture. Confucius wasteaching to his disciples on the platform under the big apricot tree. In 1018A.D. of Song Dynasty, Confucius had 45 generations



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避暑山庄原名热河行宫,俗称承德离宫,建于公元1720xx年至1792年(即清朝康熙四十二年至乾隆五十七年),占地 564万平方米,宫墙长达10公里。这是一座宫苑一体的大型皇家园林,分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,宫殿区包括正宫,东宫,松鹤斋和万壑松风四组建筑,风格古朴典雅,是清朝皇帝处理朝政,举行庆典,日常起居的地方。苑景区又有湖区,平原区和山区之分。湖光山色,兼具“南秀北雄”之特点。山庄内楼台殿阁,寺观庵庙等古建筑达120多组,它们因山就水,遍布全国,其中就有康熙皇帝以四字命名的“三十六景”和乾隆皇帝以三字命名的“三十六景”,史称“康乾七十二景”。









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Ladies and gentlemen:

To hangzhou before, you must have heard of "above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying! In fact, to compare hangzhou to heaven on earth, largely because the west lake. For one thousand years, the west lake scenery with charm, the charm of those she does, is love at first sight. Even the great tang dynasty poet bai Ju yi still remember when you leave the hangzhou west lake, "failed to have to go to hangzhou, stay half is the lake." Poet said he was reluctant to leave hangzhou, the main reason is because hangzhou has a beautiful west lake. "The west lake 36, medium is hangzhou" best!

Friends: here are from YueMiao harbor by boat to visit the west lake with me. Before the ship did not start, I introduce the situation of the west lake: first is located in the west of hangzhou, west lake, surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the east near downtown, north and south 3.2 kilometers long, about 2.8 km wide from east to west, almost a week 15 kilometers around the lake. Area of about 5.68 square kilometers, including the lake island 6.3 square kilometers, 1.55 meters, the average water depth in 2.8 meters or so, most the most shallow place less than one meter, the storage capacity between 8.5 million to 8.7 million cubic meters. Su causeway and bai causeway will be divided into the lake, lake in the north, outside the kiosk YueHu and small lake nanhu five parts. On history of the west lake has wonderful scenery everywhere, in addition to the "qiantang ten scene", "west lake 18 scene", one of the most famous is the southern song dynasty named "west lake ten scene", mother: su causeway chunxiao, qu yuan prescribed by ritual law, pinghu harvest moon, broken bridge cx, flower view fish, nanping bells, twin peaks piercing the clouds, the world sea smell Niao afterglow, just, OARS. At every word to as connotation, which is: spring, summer, autumn and winter flowers, clouds late evening willow. No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, the author points out whether MingHui terminator, the west lake scenery is constantly, everywhere in the feature. In 1985 was named the "new xihu ten scene". At 60 square kilometers to the west lake as the center of the garden scenic spot, there are more than 40 awarded the main scenic spots, there are more than 30 key cultural relics. In summary the west lake scenery mainly one lake, two peaks, triple falls, four temple, five, six, seven holes tomb, eight, nine streams, ten views for victory. The state council on November 8, 1982 to the west lake as one of the first batch of national key scenic spot. In 1985, in "China top ten scenic spots" in the west lake was named the third.

The west lake is so beautiful, of course, pregnant with many wonderful and moving legends. Legend in a long time ago, the sky has jade dragon and her on the silver river island found a piece of white jade, they are thinking about for years, white jade became a radiant pearl, pearl according to where the orb, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Message to the heavenly palace, the day after tomorrow will send heavenly queen mountain god will come to snatch a pearl. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, was she refused, so he fight and she is down, with a loose, the pearl will fall to the earth, into a crystal clear lake, and subsequent landing, yulong jinfeng and turned into a jade dragon mountain (namely YuHuangShan) and phoenix mountain, forever guardian in shore of the west lake.

Just some friends ask why water is so clear and pure of the west lake? The cause of this is from the west lake about: west lake in 120xx years ago or shallow bay of communion with the qiantang river, long in wushan and stone mountain, north and south, the west lake, is a two way around the bay. Later, due to the impact of the tide sediment silting, separating the bay and the qiantang river, the western han dynasty (206 BC - AD 24 years) of the west lake lake have been fixed, the west lake really is fixed in the sui dynasty (581-618), by shallow bay on the geology evolution of lakes called lagoon. Since the west lake bear mountain spring of living water wash, and then experienced all previous dynasties by bai juyi, su dongpo, Yang Mengying, RuanYuan governance, such as five times launched large-scale artificial dredging, finally from a natural lake become beautiful semi-enclosed shallow lakes scenery.

There are many names in the history of the west lake. The han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) when called wulin, Taurus, Ming sacred lake lake water; The tang dynasty (618-907) called Shi Han lake, qiantang lake. In addition to Gao Shihu, sage lake, lake, longchuan, money, etc. In the northern song dynasty (960-1127), su dongpo when making hangzhou local officials, wrote a poem of praise to the west lake: "above the billow sunny side, mountains, emptiness rain also, for the west lake than west, c plus always right." Poet fancy compare west lake to Chinese ancient beauty xi shi, as a result, the west lake has a "scenery" bills.

As the famous west lake landscape, many Chinese and foreign celebrities have a special liking to this. Life of the communist party of China MAO zedong 40 times to hangzhou, the longest lived for seven months, he put the hangzhou as a "second home". MAO tse-tung often praised the beautiful west lake, but he was never formally published about the poetry of the west lake. A great man like the west lake in China, international friends of the west lake is linger. The former US President Richard Nixon to hangzhou twice, he praised: "Beijing is the capital of China, and hangzhou is the heart of the country, I will come again." Nixon also the hometown of the California redwood to hangzhou.

Our ship has slowly started. I look over the whole trip on the lake trip simply introduce: around the scenic spots have mountain and two dike of the week. Mountain butte, referring to the isolated hill scenic area scenic spot and historic resort up to more than 30, the lake can appreciate to go on to a bridge, qiu jin tomb, xileng printing society, building outside the building, zhongshan park, etc. After isolated hill is bai causeway, from pinghu harvest moon, finally broken bridge cx, bridge and the famous stone, and landscape flow chardonnay. Watching the lake scenery, we go to the lake three island, a cruise ship shore finally in the su causeway.

The ship is now moving from west to east, everybody is in xiaogushan area scenery. Solitary shanxi go on bridge, east bai causeway, 35 meters, covers an area of 20xx00 square meters. Isolated hill scenery between tang and song dynasty has been known, south the Confucian cases in the construction of large-scale palace of the western Pacific b, the most isolated hill is divided into the imperial. The qing dynasty emperor kangxi was built in the palace, the yongzheng emperor palace instead holy temple, and the time of the lingyin temple, net Keats temple, according to their temple said "four big jungle" west lake. Some friends may ask: isolated hill is the biggest island in the west lake, why the name "isolated hill"? This is because the mountain scenery especially beautiful in history, has been called the emperor alone possession, so for the butte. Tell from the geology, butte is composed of the rhyolitic volcano, the bird is and land together, so "xiaogushan not solitary, middle-east, longbridge not long" quiet is known as the west lake.

You see in front of the seat ring hole in the stone bridge, is located in the west xiaogushan, named go on bridge. It is known as the west lake and middle-east, longbridge ancient three big bridge.

Go on to the bridge, after isolated hill foot of green leaves with white marble statues, see the heroine akimbo, left hand right hand by the sword, eyes, head to look at the front, like exploring the revolutionary truth. Who is she? She is the pioneer of Chinese womens liberation movement, to overthrow the qing dynasty, the struggle for national independence and heroic sacrifice of "no woman" qiu jin. Tomb this statue is 2.7 meters high, 2 meters high, positive monument there the sun on the calligraphy "heroine" four big word. Qiu jin martyr statue, gives us an inspiration: is famous for its west lake, is not only of the landscape, it is more because of many historical figures and multiplication. Within the west lake scenic area, is known as "three jie" on the lake of yue fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Cang water, and together with qiu jin for the revitalization of the Chinese modern hair to the revolutionaries Xu Xilin, TaoChengZhang, buried the west lake.

We ship to continue driving slowly to the east, you see in front of a white wall, courtyard is famous xileng printing society. Mid-stream and the right, this match well of Chinese and western architecture, is a one hundred - year - old building outside the building. Building outside the building, founded in 1848, the name is taken from the southern song dynasty poet Lin Sheng "mountain castle peak building outside the building" a sentence. Building outside the building, geographical and human conditions and that has received many Chinese and foreign celebrities. Building outside the building on the number of take charge of famous west lake vinegar fish, it is the choice of the west lake culture within the prescribed scope of grass carp, first hungry a second day, the fish in clean water to remove dirt, and then cooking. Into cooking after west lake vinegar fish, colour and lustre is red, the meat is tender, sweet and delicious, with a crab flavor, is the most representative flavor dishes in hangzhou.

Now the ship is heading to zhongshan park, the main gate of xiaogushan right here. "The mountain is not high, with fairy is name", isolated hill is a famous mountain scenery, is a famous mountain culture. Isolated hills status in the west lake scenic area is so important, because it is rich in historical and cultural connotation, there are the famous "west lake scenery all over the world," still memory of the northern song dynasty poet reclusion and Lin jing put crane pavilion. These sites were we went to visit.

Near the zhongshan park, we saw a group of architecture is a newly built completion "museum" of zhejiang province. Then surface display up to 7000 years ago the hemudu culture, down to the modern exhibits more than 1700 pieces of cultural relics. Museum is at the back of the ancient buildings in the qing dynasty royal library Wen Lange, it is our country for collection "ku" of one of the seven book cabinet.

See that highlight the cement of the lake in front of the platform faced pavilion has show before our eyes, this building was built in the qing dynasty emperor kangxi years, named pinghu harvest moon. It is the starting point of bai causeway, is also one of the three largest moon resort in hangzhou. In the history of hangzhou people Mid-Autumn moon have three options: just one of the first three islands in the lake, the mountains should be lunar phoenix mountain scenic spot, as to the shore, is the number that the beautiful and quiet night, water days of the pinghu harvest moon!

Now you see the front the between willow of peach "between" causeway to travel is bai causeway. When our ship sailed to here, the west lake is the most beautiful scenery appeared in front of everyone. Look! On each side has a line of willows, prunus persica, especially in music, willow green, peach purples, a TaoGongLiuLu scenery, visitors to this, as if in the fairyland. Bai causeway formerly known as "white sand dam", as early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, is famous for its beautiful landscapes. Although it with white in the host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder of the hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the old mayor", still put it named bai causeway. Built it with su dongpo presided over the two jin su causeway is like lake zone, colorful, hand in photograph reflect. Everyone to see, bai causeway in the middle of the bridge is called jin belt, is a wooden bridge before, "green bridge" in the name, now renamed the stone bridge. At the end of bai causeway, the broken bridge, 1 km of the bai causeway is the "break".

Broken bridge name originally taken in tang dynasty, song dynasty said treasure Hu bridge, also called period of yuan dynasty home know, used to be a moss was the ancient stone bridge. Although we now see the bridge arch is a very common, but its name and "white snake" story relates in together, thus became one of the most famous bridge in the west lake.

At this point, I saw some friends already in careful observation, maybe you will ask right away: the bridge is not broken, why the name "broken bridge"? Let me to answer this question. Broken bridge is one of the famous west lake ten views, because of the broken bridge position in the back of mountain city, is in the north outside the lake and lake water points, in the field of vision is open, is the best place to watch the west lake snow scenery in winter. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, from a distance, the bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge can xue". Also, the broken bridge and the end of bai causeway, bai causeway that runs from the foundation to the interruption. At this point, you may have understood, the original is "dam broken bridge".

Everybody look at broken bridge behind the mountain called stone mountain, elevation 78 meters. The rocks of the mountain and hills west lake, mainly composed of igneous rock in the flow lines and tuff, one is called "gem" jasper, embedded in the purple grey stone, in the sunlight, attention, this is the origin of stone mountain is named. The mountains that tall and straight, stand high tower, full names baochu pagoda. The early baochu pagoda will unveil for nine stupas, now was rebuilt in 1933. It is made into solid structures, minus eight arrises type, 45.3 meters high, and well-balanced, soft beautiful lines, in the lake in the tower, baochu pagoda will unveil the modelling of the most handsome, the most gentle and graceful shape. History and baochu pagoda will unveil the and a corresponding coasts, in the west lake landscape layout, and located in a central axis, north island and south island, on the other side of the lake, a sincere and elegant, a slender and pretty. Before both coasts not collapsed, the west lake was presented on the north-south confrontation, one lake "hit the twin towers of the places, so people have" world such as na, protect Chu such as beauty ", says the when the coasts and baochu pagoda will unveil the different charm.

Each friend: along the coast of the west lake landscape is introduced here, and then we go to watch the three islands in the lake.

First of all, lets take a look at the big island in the west lake "just", also called small ying state. This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden on the lake. The whole area of 70000 square meters, of which the water accounted for 60%. Island is "tian" glyph, something even the willow embankment, the civil building winding and winding side and plant with large red, white and all kinds of water lilies. In addition, in the history of three pools of money month also famous for planting the west lake water shield.

Below please island tour with me, just the island, in the early build-up in thirty-five years Ming wanli (1607), is made of dredging lake mud accumulation. Its essence lies in three stone tower, south of the island. See: three elections tower on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined with five small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling. Every night, especially in the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candles in the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candles, outside the "shadow, cloud and shadow" dissolved into a piece, "candlelight, moonlight, lake" hand in photograph reflect, in the refraction of light, tower lights through 15 round hole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 moon, plus 1 early a water in the sky, the lake can be reflected in 32 small moon, present "the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beautiful scenery, is "one lake jinshui to dissolve in the autumn," unspeakable poetic.

Then we look at the lake the cornice of the newborn pavilion, named lake. It is the largest of the west lake a pavilion. Is also part of one of the earliest construction in west lake three island island, built during Ming jiajing thirty-one years (1552 years), from reading has a history of 440 years. "Central plain jams" is one of the ten views qiantang. Stand in lake place overlooking the lake, cloud-covered mountains, panoramic view, the west lake scenery, take in everything in a glance.

Lake in the northwest of the island, called RuanGong pier. The west lake three island, the smallest one, has an area of only 5561 square meters. It is in the qing dynasty jiaqing years (in 1800), the governor of zhejiang RuanYuan with dredging silt after the west lake together. Nguyen pier fishing has become a good place for hangzhou citizens holiday leisure, nguyen pier rides are for the tourists around the grand launch of a feature of the west lake in the summer.

Visited the three islands in the lake, our ship has been to the dock in direction - su causeway. You see: this article from the south and in front of the weak across the lake, 2.8 km long beach of the lake is the su causeway. Pangde, a total of six stone arch Bridges are reflected wave, lock rings, wangshan, dike, dongpu, across a rainbow, bank planting peach willow, lotus, form "the west lake scenery, six bridge a willow a peach" view. Said to the su causeway, people will naturally think of the northern song dynasty poet su dongpo, su dongpo had twice as a magistrate in hangzhou, the west lake, he organized 20xx00 migrant workers dredging then use mud fenchyl grass lake, built the from nanping mountain foot of qixia ling long beach, later generations to commemorate his great deeds, named "su causeway". Now the southern tip of dike built "su dongpo memorial" for people to visit, honoring the achievements of su dongpo.

Friends: people often put the hangzhou west lake and lake Geneva, Switzerland lemmon compared to the east and the west reflect two stars in the world of bead, it is because of the west lake, just for the Italian Marco Polo to hangzhou classics as "the worlds most beautiful city of showily. The west lake as a famous scenic spot, received of the heads of state of the world. As a result, not only is the pearl of hangzhou west lake, is the Oriental pearl, the pearl of the world.

"Yi jiangnan, most have is hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county kiosk pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" This is bai juyi for the praise of the west lake to leave aftertaste endless song. My dear friends, when we the end of the west lake when do you feel the same? I hope see you soon, we meet again, full sleep (An reward the laurel blossoms filled the air. And the qiantang river on the tide, mountains and rivers, to the west lake always retain fond memories of you.
