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Welcome to our beautiful golden city Lanzhou. Im your tour guide_ You cancall me Xiaojing. The driver next to him is Wang. So Wang is an excellent coachdriver in Lanzhou. He was rated as "three good masters". Which three are good?He has a good temper, good technology and good service. I believe I am lucky tobe here with you today, but you are even luckier. Im lucky that Ive met agroup of friends from afar, and youre lucky not only because you met a luckyguide, but also because you came to a lucky city. Why do you say that. If youlook at the map of China, you will find that the shape of Gansu is like a handlesymbolizing the good luck of everything; if you look at the map of Lanzhou City,you will find that it is also a handle of good luck. Lanzhou is located in themiddle of Gansu Province, just like a big Ruyi contains a small Ruyi, so manypeople call Lanzhou the place of Ruyi. Next, lets talk about Lanzhou with thefive elements.

Lanzhou was called Jincheng in ancient times, and gold is the first elementof Lanzhou. There are many different opinions on the origin of it. Some peoplesay that gold was dug out when the city was built at the beginning of that year;some people say that it was taken from the allusion of "Jincheng Tangchi";others say that it was taken from the five elements, and the West belonged togold, while Lanzhou was located in the west of the capital Changan in the HanDynasty. No matter what kind of view, it reflects that Lanzhou has been full ofgold since ancient times. Among the five elements, the West belongs to Jin, whois also in charge of war. Lanzhou is located in the northwest, with convenienttransportation and extremely dangerous terrain. Since its establishment for morethan 20__ years, it has been a must for military strategists of all dynasties.Today, the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of Chinas seven majormilitary regions, is also located in this city. Gold also means wealth andprosperity. In the fashionable words, it means a high level of GDP. In the HanDynasty, Lanzhou, together with Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei, was knownas the five counties of Hexi. It was at the throat of the Silk Road anddeveloped trade with the western regions and Guanzhong. In our words, it was atthe forefront of reform and opening up. So at that time, the quality of life ofour people in Lanzhou was at the forefront of the country, which was worthy ofthe name of Jincheng. You may have to say that it was more than 20__ years ago.Now it can be called Jincheng. Hey, good question. In recent years, we Lanzhouin urban construction, economic and cultural development and many other aspectshave been earth shaking changes. Lanzhou people believe that, especially withthe upcoming second round of spring breeze of the western development, ourLanzhou will remain golden and wonderful. When you come to Lanzhou, you mustabsorb the golden atmosphere of Lanzhou and enjoy the splendor of Lanzhou.

The biggest witness of Lanzhous history is the ancient trees all over thecity. Take a look at the north and south of the city, where the two mountainsare green and lush. Take a look at the fragrant locust flowers and toweringvegetation on both sides of the road. You will pass the ancient locust tree inthe cool when the poet of Tang Dynasty went west, and you will pass the willowplanted by Zuo Zongtang himself. This is the wood element of Lanzhou, the greenof Lanzhou, the cool of Lanzhou, the refreshing of Lanzhou. Lanzhou is not onlyfull of gold and wood, but also a city with pleasant water. The scenic spots weare going to visit are the famous Baili Yellow River style line in Lanzhou, thesculpture of the Yellow River mother, the first bridge of the Yellow River inthe world Zhongshan Bridge, the ancient waterwheel, and the unique Yellow Riversheepskin raft. These landscapes carrying the Yellow River style will bring youNew Visual enjoyment one by one. Since Lanzhou has such a rich water culture,there wont be too many fire elements in Lanzhou. You dont say that in Lanzhou,you can not find anything with fire except railway station and hot pot shop. Butwe Lanzhou has a different fire, fire all over the river, leading the hot trend.Our hosts in Lanzhou are popular all over the country, especially in CCTV,including Zhu Jun in variety show, Shui Junyi in high-end interview, Li Xiupingin news network, Pei Xinhua in weather forecast, and Zhang Li in military world;our beautiful men and beautiful women in Lanzhou are popular all over China, WeiChen, the second runner up of happy boys, and Li Xiaoyun, the second runner upof happy girls, affect the hearts of thousands of young men and girls. Readersmagazines are popular all over the world, and beef Ramen is popular all over theworld. The heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment hospital that we startedconstruction last year also attracted worldwide attention. Lanzhou is like this,always with the spirit of fire forward. As for the earth elements in Lanzhou,you need to taste them carefully. Feel the historical scenery of Lanzhou, touchthe peoples customs of Lanzhou, taste the local snacks of Lanzhou, and takeaway the local specialties of Lanzhou.

Lanzhou has a history of two thousand years. It was called "Jincheng" inancient times. Ying Xuns annotation in geography annals of the Han Dynastysaid: "the city was built in the early days and got gold, so it is calledJincheng." There is also an allusion to "Jincheng pond soup", which is namedafter its firmness. In the Han Dynasty, Jincheng county was established. In theSui Dynasty, it was renamed Lanzhou because of Gaolan mountain in the south ofthe city. Later, after several changes, it became Lanzhou government in QingDynasty. After the revolution of 1911, Lanzhou became the capital of GansuProvince. Lanzhou has a long history and culture. As early as 5000 years ago inthe Neolithic age, our ancestors lived here, engaged in hunting and farming, andcreated splendid Majiayao, Banshan, Machang and Qijia cultures. During the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Qiang and Rong people, who took the Yan Emperor ofShennong family as their ancestral God, lived here. Since the Han and TangDynasties, Lanzhou has played an important role in the communication betweenChina and the west, economic and cultural exchanges, and friendship andcooperation between the Chinese people and the people of Asian, African andEuropean countries.

Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the city.You can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, waterwheel garden,statue of the Yellow River mother, Zhongshan Iron Bridge along the greencorridor of Binhe Road, and visit Baita Mountain, Provincial Museum, Wuquanmountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic spots. In suburban counties, there areXinglong Mountain, Lu Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, water diversion project fromDatong to Qin. When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to YongjingBingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai tal temple and Tianshui MaijiMountain. Lanzhou has relatively convenient transportation. Zhongchuan airporthas more than 20 routes leading to major cities in China; four nationalhighways, including 312, pass through the territory; four major railway lines,Longhai, Lanxin, Lanqing and Baotou Lanzhou, meet here. There are 15 starhotels, 11 international travel agencies, 32 domestic travel agencies, 3 travelvehicle companies and 15 designated travel shops in Lanzhou, forming a completetourism reception network. Lanzhou is also an important industrial base,scientific research and education center and business center in Northwest China.Lanzhou is a city where five elements gather and wish you all the best. Isincerely wish you a happy and lucky day here



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 257 字

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从下往上看,在底层大门上方刻有耶稣会(IHS)祭记和学院名称(天主圣母),第二层立有四位耶稣会圣人全身塑像,第三层正中为无原罪玛利亚升天,两边由身着白袍的修士之石刻围绕,极富东方特色。第四层正中为天父之子耶稣雕像,两旁刻着其救赎苦难的象征。牌坊顶部十字架下的三角形,象征着天父的召唤,正中有一幅鸽子形状的铜像,传说代表圣神,四周环绕的太阳月亮星辰象征圣母童贞怀孕时的刹那时光。·南湾公园的旅游景点介绍 ·玫瑰圣母堂的旅游景点介绍 ·澳门特别行政区旅游景点介绍11990年至1995年,在原圣堂的地址进行了修茸并建成博物馆。游客可入内参观。其中的天主教艺术博物馆内收集了澳门各教堂和修道院具有代表性的画作、雕塑礼仪饰物。



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Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . But how so ? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. All in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing.

Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. Here you are in Heaven.

(Costume-Changing Terrace)

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or CostumeChanging Terrace. It is located to the east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades. The day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. After the service, the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

this structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest. We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate. A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.

the annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall ,a masterpiece of ancient China. Looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. In and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

Without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crossbeams, the entire structure is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters. The four central pillars, called the dragon-Well Pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four season. There are two rings of 12 scarlet pillars each. The inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .Between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the Chinese lunar year. The pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient Chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

The center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter. Interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling. This particular slab is known as the Dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

The furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when Emperor Xianfeng ruled .In the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of Heaven. On either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed. Each tablet is fronted by an altar. A total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it ,including soup, wine, assorted cereals, and a calf.

The sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the Chinese lunar year. Because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit. This lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall ,helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

By the time the service began,207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall. The emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in hornor of the deities and his ancestors. All of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for Good Harvest. With this we conclude our visit to the Temper of Heaven. The feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .However, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient Chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

(On the Long Corridor)

From the Eastern Gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now enter a 300-meter-long corridor. Consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the Slaughterhouse. Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall ,It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line. Flanking the corridor are shopping stalls. You may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

Well ,that is all for this tour. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your next visit. Good luck and bon voyage.



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The Mountain Summer Resort

Topic: define the Mountain Summer Resort as “garden bright pearl, science open-air museum”.

Part one: how this garden is special.

*Question:(Outside the resort, to sitimulate the tourist’s interests)

Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question:Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet, and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.


Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.



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八仙山白云缠绕,高耸在龙华镇旁,山有8个主峰,有如8个罗汉排成一排,盘膝打坐,所以叫做“八仙山。” 八仙山大佛,不知凿于何时,静静地直立在龙溪河岸山腰海拔891米高处的石崖上。《中国大百科全书》列入的世界十大佛像,八仙山大佛榜上有名。八仙山大佛头盘螺髻,身着袈...裟,端庄肃穆,左手当胸,右手下垂,手心向外,为深浮雕接引立佛像。20xx年3月,阿富汗巴米扬两尊高53米和35米的站立佛像被塔利班的炮火无情摧毁后,八仙山大佛便成为世界第一立佛,同时也是全国第三大佛。万绿丛中远眺,发如螺髻,身着袈裟。右手托钵,左手下垂,形态丰满,庄严慈祥,是一龛典型的西方接引佛造像。

1985年新编《屏山县志》说它“高32米”;《宜宾文史资料选》和1998年屏山县编写的《金沙江上的明珠屏山》说它“身高37米,胸宽11米”。它的膝盖以下部分还没有开凿成形。如果把脚凿好,可能还要加高10米。但当地老乡说这佛脚不能刻,如果刻了出来,大佛就要洗脚,每年夏天,山脚大、小龙溪,就要涨洪水,下游的龙华古镇,就会被冲卷一空。 八仙山丹霞洞窟群,位于大佛右方,据传为清道光年间当地著名人士周天成以梦见“太上老君(即道家尊奉的老子李耳)要来八仙山落脚“为名,当地政府准由周天成、徐以东等人向地方募捐,历经三年多凿成。

石窟群由9个洞窟组成,皆为佛教和道教遗迹,外形为仿木结构梁柱,每洞皆镌有匾对,雕刻精美。最为奇特的是玉皇洞左右两侧的门联:“日晶月朋”。 其中双日、四日、三月、四月四字无人能识,内容无人能解,成为亘古之谜。 八仙山毗邻龙华古镇,到达龙华古镇后可步行或乘坐当地交通工具前往。



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1860年2月29日,当时任职英国皇家工程部的文员罗宁(S.B. Rawling)建议利用薄扶林谷的形势,盖建水坝拦截薄扶林谷地的雨水以供民饮用,薄扶林水塘终于1863年竣工,成为香港首座储水库。1979年9月21日薄扶林郊野公园在薄扶林水塘基础上扩建,面积达二百七十公顷,由环绕薄扶林水塘的土地组成。











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Hello, tourists! Im honored to be your tour guide this time. My name isZhang ruoqing. Please call me director Zhang. By the way, this time we are goingto visit Jiuzhaigou, a fairy tale world full of dreams and poetry.

As the saying goes, "dont look at the mountains when you come back fromHuangshan, and dont look at the water when you come back from Jiuzhai.". "Itsthe water of Jiuzhaigou. Now, Ill take you to have a look at it! The water ofJiuzhaigou is pure and green, surrounded by thousands of years old trees andexotic flowers. The reflection is gorgeous and the atmosphere is myriad. Insummer, Jiuzhaigou is covered by the green shade and the colorful Haizi. Theflowing water combs the green branches and plants, and the silver curtain likewaterfall expresses the most unrestrained passion in the four seasons.

In this primitive and mysterious land, almost all the water is green,crystal clear, pure and clean, which rippling slightly, dispelling the summerheat. The fish here swim as if no one else. On the plateau of more than 3000meters, people sigh that the fish swim like the sky. The mountains and riversmatch each other. As the name suggests, it has five colors. There are fiveblooming flowers at the bottom of the water. Under the sunlight, the sunkentrees under the water are dyed with each other, showing a group of colors.

After seeing the "sea of five flowers", follow me and take a look at the"Pearl Beach". The waterfall is 200 meters wide, with the largest drop of 40meters. Its magnificent. "Pearl Beach" arouses tens of thousands of water,sunlight, crystal clear, like countless pearls, full of beads rolling. Do notmake rubbish, otherwise, the beautiful "Pearl Beach" will be "disfigured" andyou will be fined!

Of course, beautiful scenery can not do without beautiful legends, andJiuzhaigou legend, known as the fairy tale world, is also beautiful.

It is said that in a very distant time, the goddesss lover gave her amirror. Because of excitement, the goddess accidentally broke the mirror into108 pieces, which became 108 colorful lakes called "green sea".

This is the end of my explanation. Please explore other mysteries yourself.experience. May the beautiful Jiuzhaigou Valley bring you a good mood!



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我们现在看到的便是栈桥了。它位于青岛湾中,目前全长440米,宽8米, 与市区繁华的中山路成一条直线,由海岸前伸入海。从远处看,它像一条长虹横卧在大海之上。


关于栈桥的解释是:"凡是伸到海里的简易码头都称为栈桥。"那它为什么又会成为青岛的标志呢?青岛在100多年前是一个小渔村,1891年清政府下诏书在青岛建置。1892年清政府派登州总兵章高元带兵驻扎青岛,为便于部队军需物资的运输, 建了两座码头,一座就是现今的栈桥。该码头原称谓很多,有海军栈桥、前海栈桥、 南海栈桥、李鸿章栈桥、大码头等,长200米,宽10米。另一座位于总兵衙门前方的"衙门桥"长100米,宽6米,亦称"蜗牛桥"。这两座码头都是中国工程师自己设计的, 也是青岛港最早的码头建设。


德帝国主义侵占青岛后,将原桥北端改为石基,水泥铺面,南端下立,钢制桥架上面铺有木板,并设轻便铁轨,南端仍是铁木桥,桥身延长到350米,仍为军用码头。192019年大港第一码头建成后,栈桥逐渐失去它作为码头的历史使命,开始向游人开放。1922年青岛被中国收回,1931年国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米,桥南端增建了半圆型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族形式的二层八角凉亭,亭子由彩色琉璃瓦覆盖,24根红漆柱子支撑,取名"回澜阁"。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。

建国后,人民政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修, 1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺砌花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀要求,保持原有的风韵,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。















