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·天门导游词 ·大水井导游词 红楼导游词 ·木兰天池导游词 ·武汉长江大桥导游词





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South bay monkey island, my friends, is the worlds only a tropical island macaque reserve, it is located in the southernmost tip of LingShui County, what is the area of 1000 hectares, mountains rolling on the island, four seasons flower fragrance, is an ideal place to monkey breeding. In 1965 countries to establish "precious animal sanctuary," here was only 5 group of more than 100 rhesus monkeys to 29 group of more than 20xx, now there are 6 group of monkeys and very close to visitors. Monkey island in the south bay, people felt was humans and monkeys, the good atmosphere of harmony with nature.

South bay monkey island scenic spot of the four seasons green trees, green scenery charming, with the most distinctive features of hainan clean fascinating beach, charming beautiful coconut trees, white than natural beach, colorful coral reefs. Known as "sea market," said the fish raft amorous feelings, the ancient lingshui one of "eight sights".

LingShui County nanwan monkey island is located in the hainan province south of about 14 km south bay peninsula, it hills on three sides, the shape is long and narrow, with a total area of about 10.2 square kilometers, size 12 mountains rolling. Mountain caves countless, rock climb. South bay monkey island on a wide variety of plant and animal species, the forest coverage rate was 95%, and the ecological resource is very rich. Growth of the thick forest and scrub forest jungle island, four seasons flower fragrance, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Life on the island with nearly 20xx lively monkeys, belongs to the national second class protected animals. South bay monkey island is our country is the worlds only tropical islands macaques nature reserve. Monkey island bay of scenic spot tourism cableway will mysterious monkey island, charming tropical south bay harbor, full-bodied "eggs folk customs" landscape series, bustling fishing port into a line. Take a cable car at sea is empty, you can attach overlooking the harbor thousand sails to compete sends, fish raft with cheng jing; Tourists bathed in the cool sea breeze is considerable white clouds blue sky ornament, can be beyond the clean charming beaches and enchanting spectacular coconut trees swaying, the beauty of the pleasant aftertaste making a person is boundless.

Into the monkey island scenic spot, can see all kinds of plants with strewn at random have send, show originality, visitors as if place oneself in the green world, a sea of flowers, naughty, lovely monkey under the green shade, flutters ZongYue, chasing a fight between the branches, if no one to play, the tourists in the scenic spot under the guidance of the staff and they play happily, and into the monkey in the pleasure of atmosphere to: rhesus monkeys play beside the water flowing waterfall, they are jumping up and down, or face each other, or vine climbing ladder, or jump empty pounced on the surface of the water. "Bath st pool" is the water park macaque monkeys, in domesticated division, under the command of the monkey or scuba diving, swimming, or platform diving, show visitors the nature characteristics and the ability of good water. Full of art and fun monkey monkey acrobatics, hospitable macaques guard of honor marched yingbin, creative original ecological building... All visitors linger.



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天坛的主要建筑祈年殿,每年皇帝都在这里举行祭天仪式,祈祷风调雨顺、五谷丰登。它是一座三重檐的圆形大殿,高38米,直径3272米,宝顶鎏金,碧蓝琉璃瓦盖顶。 回音壁,是皇穹宇院的四周一道高372米、厚9米、直径615米的贺形围墙。墙身为灰城砖砌成,磨砖对缝,光滑严密。若两人分别站在东西内墙根,一人靠墙向北小声说话,声音就会沿着墙壁传到另一端,好像打电话一样,对方听得一清二楚,由此又名“传音墙”。 圆丘:坊石用“九”这个阳数来表现天象。

同时,它又建筑得特别高大,登上圆丘举目四望,只能望见远处蔚蓝色的天空,四周有白古棂星门矗立着,脚下一片青白色石面,仿佛置身于太虚之中,更增加了“天”的感受。 旅客朋友们,我们这次天坛之旅到这里就要结束了,很希望下次还能和大家见面。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2106 字

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游客们,船的右边我们看到的是全国著名的中山大学。中山大学创办于1924年,原名国立广东大学,1926年为纪念孙中山先生,改名中山大学。 游客们,我们前面看到的是海印大桥,因为桥的北端位于“羊城三石”中的海印石而得名,是珠江河上别具特色的第四座公路桥。海印大桥为双塔式单索斜拉桥,海印大桥建成时是当时亚洲最大的斜拉索桥。


游客们,过了海珠桥,左边是天字码头,再往前看是江湾大桥和江湾大酒店。 天字码头是广州目前使用时间最长的轮渡码头,素有“广州第一码头”之称。清代它是专为迎送过往官员而设的,当年林则徐作为清政府钦差大使来广东查禁鸦片也是从这里上的岸。天字码头往北走不到几百米,是北京路商业步行街。

游客们,到了海珠广场了。背面是被誉为“珠海丹心”的海珠广场,是羊城八景之一,海珠广场因地处过去珠江“羊城三石”的海珠石附近,又紧靠著名的海珠桥而得名。海珠广场占地3,6万平方米,是一个典型的花园式广场。广场正中有广州解放纪念石雕像,雕像是一名英姿勃发的解放军战士,他左手抱鲜花,右手握钢枪, 守卫着这座美丽的城市。


左边那座钟楼清朝时曾是粤海关大楼,它是广州近代西方新古典主义建筑的代表作之一。当时,其钟声清脆,声闻十里,所以被俗称为“大钟楼”。前面这座大楼是著名的南方大厦,改革开放前是全国十大百货商店之 一。南方大厦和粤海关大楼,是广州市典型的商业骑楼建筑。

这是沙基惨案纪念碑和陈少白故居—塔影楼。这座纪念碑是为了纪念在这次震惊中外的反帝斗争事件中牺牲的烈士们而建立起来的。 这条马路是长堤大马路,是广州市最早开辟的马路之一,而且一直是羊城最为繁华的商业区。

在这里,高度地集中了一批酒楼、戏院、大厦、医院、银行和宗教建筑。著名的有:具有城市商业骑 楼建筑风格的东亚酒店、新亚酒店、爱群大酒店、广州电影院、海珠大戏院、孙逸仙纪念医院、永安堂、圣心大教堂等等。

当中最值得夸耀的是爱群大厦既爱群大酒店。它是早年同盟会会员陈卓平先生等集华侨资本创建的。大厦始建于1937年7月建成,是当时华南地区最高的建筑物, 有“南中国之冠”的美誉。解放后,该酒店承 办了第一至第十届中国出口商品交易会的开、闭幕酒会。

游客们,游船经过的这里是沙面。沙面占地330亩,古代原是一片沙洲,叫拾翠洲。从宋代开始到清代,这里一直是广州对外通商的要津和十三行的仓库。19世纪中叶,美、法、英等帝国主义列强强迫清政府签订了租约,从此沙面便成为我国最早的“租界”之一。之后,有19个国家相继在这里设立了领事馆,还兴建了教 堂、洋行、邮局、电报局、商行、医院、酒店和住宅,最终形成我们现在看到的近代欧陆式的建筑群。经统计,现存的各种欧陆式建筑有150多栋,古树158 株。沙面现在是全国重点文物保护单位和广州市第一批历史文物保护区。


游客们,现在游船进入的广阔河面叫白鹅潭。相传,明代农民起义领袖黄萧养率领农民扯旗造反,抗争黑暗朝政。黄萧养与官兵在白鹅潭江面决战,不幸牺牲。广州人民不信其死,都说黄萧养中箭受伤坠水之际,深潭中飞飞起两只巨大的白天鹅,背起黄萧养冲出重围,腾空飞向远方。后来人们把这一段水域叫做白鹅潭。白鹅潭曾是旧羊城八景之一,名“鹅潭月夜”。在月色皎洁的夜晚,江面在月光的照耀下,碧波粼粼,穿上的灯火与岸上的灯火相交辉映,远处不时传来悠扬的乐曲,好一派 宁静而又繁华的鹅潭夜景。

游客们,白鹅潭是珠江河段在广州城区最宽阔的水域,古 人称之为“巨浸”。珠江流到这里分为两支,将全城分为南北两岸。广州人习惯将它们称之为河南、河北。现在每逢重大节日,广州市政府都要在这里举行焰火晚 会,或在河面上举办花船大巡游和广州国际龙舟邀请赛,而气势雄壮的广州万人大合唱音乐会也曾在珠江两岸举行。



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千百年来,桃花源以其幽静秀美的独特风貌,吸引了无数慕名而来的游客,曾令多少游人迷恋,陶醉!她以红树、青山、斜阳古道闻名,山中幽谷深深,曲涧潺潺,藏凤聚气,泻灵溢韵, “水回青嶂合,云度绿溪阴”,当大家沉浸在“偶闻黄发石中语,时有白云衣上生”之意境时,自会有一种幽深恬静之感。















正门廊柱上,挂着一副概括了陶公秉性的楹联: “心爱菊,睥睨荣华,难为斗米折腰,辞去彭泽县令;性嗜酒,不汲富贵,甘愿南山种豆,归来五柳先生。



这里有他自己的《挽歌诗》的一部分: “亲戚或余悲,他人亦已歌。






































































现在我们乘车前往天子山自然保护区。天子山,海拔1262.5米,因当地土家族领袖向大坤被军拥为“向王天子”而得名。天子山为台地地貌,中间高,四周低,因而视野开阔,透视线长,层次分明,气势雄浑。天子山观景,与黄石寨、金鞭溪的感觉不同。游黄石寨,您是与群峰对坐,与群峰平视;游金鞭溪,您是 “人在画图中”仰视高耸于溪两岸的群峰;而在天子山,则可俯视大千世界,您会生出“山上无山我独尊”的无限豪情。天子山有四大奇观:峰林、云海、日出、冬雪。一幅幅雄伟壮观、奇特迷人的景象,相信会让大家大饱眼福而流边忘返。






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沙坡头游览区的特色之一是滑沙。游人从高约百米的沙坡头的坡顶往下滑,由于特 殊的地理环境和地质结构,滑沙时座下会发出一种奇特的响声,如洪钟巨鼓,沉闷浑厚,称之为“金沙鸣钟”。

特色之二是沙山北面是浩瀚无垠的腾格里沙漠。而沙山南面则是一片郁郁葱葱的沙 漠绿洲。游人既可以在这里观赏大沙漠的景色,眺望包兰铁路如一条绿龙伸向远方;又可以骑骆驼在沙漠上走走,照张相片,领略一下沙漠行旅的味道。













范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 18229 字

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Dear tourists

Im very happy to be your guide today. When you know that Wudang Mountainis a famous Taoist mountain, you can feel that the fresh air nourishes your bodyand relieves your fatigue. Do you know what this means? This is a gift of healthand longevity given by Wudang people when they welcome you. I hope you can enjoyit during your visit to Wudang Mountain To the Sutra of prolonging life. Well,let me give you a brief introduction to Wudang Mountain.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe mountain, is located in DanjiangkouCity, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Neijiaquan is a famous Taoist Holy Land inChina. It is the birthplace of neijiaquan. With its gorgeous natural scenery,rare ancient architecture, profound Taoist culture and mysterious Wudang martialarts, it forms an ideal fairyland of Taoism and the unity of heaven and man.They are listed as "national key cultural relics protection units, national keyscenic spots, National Wushu hometown, national 4A tourist area and worldcultural heritage" respectively.

Around eight hundred million BC, the mountain rose from the ancient ocean.About thirty thousand years ago, the Indochina plate collided with the Eurasiancontinent, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rose strongly, and the Wudang Mountains andthe Dabashan Mountain Rose simultaneously, making it an integral part of thesecond steps of our country. The main peak, Tianzhu peak, stands at 1612 metersabove sea level, straight into the sky, and the rest of the peaks vie forgreatness and wonder. It integrates the beauty of Emei, the danger of Huashan,the seclusion of Lushan, and the greatness of Huangshan into one, forming amagnificent landscape with the main feature of strangeness, masculinity, danger,seclusion, and beauty. It was worshipped by countless literati and poets, and byemperors of all dynasties. The great calligraphers of Song Dynasty praised it as"the first mountain", and the Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty named it "the greatmountain Taihe mountain", which means that Wudang Mountain is not among the fivemountains, but it is above them. Wudang Mountain is backed by Daba Mountain ofQinling Mountains, facing the broad Jianghan Plain, with the Han Riverstretching thousands of miles on the left and the Yangtze River flowingthousands of miles on the right.

The peculiar natural landscape of Wudang Mountain always fascinates people.The main scenic spots are: 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 24 streams, 11 caves, 3 pools, 9springs, 10 stones, 9 wells, 9 palaces, 9 temples, 36 nunneries, 72 rocktemples, etc. Wudang Mountain is located in the hinterland of central China witha pleasant climate. Animals and plants from north and South can grow andmultiply here. In spring, the mountains are green and the flowers are beautiful;in summer, the wind and thunder are stirring and the clouds are shrouded; inautumn, the trees are sparse and the leaves are red and fresh; in winter,icicles are propping up the sky and Qiongyao are everywhere. Wang Shizhen, awriter of the Ming Dynasty, praised Wudang Mountain highly: "the victory of themountain is the best in the world.".

Wudang Wushu is a famous school of Chinese Wushu, known as "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Neijiaquan founded by Zhang Sanfeng has its ownsystem of Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua due to the inheritance and development ofcelebrities in the past dynasties. Especially Taijiquan has a wide range ofdevelopment with its own characteristics. It has formed many schools, such asChen style, Yang style, sun style, Wu style, etc Fitness, self-defense,longevity for the purpose, widely accepted by people, is the most preciouscultural heritage of all mankind. According to statistics, there are nearly 500million people practicing Taijiquan all over the world. As the ancestor ofTaijiquan, Wudang Mountain shoulders the historical responsibility ofinheritance and promotion. On May 26, 1999, when Comrade Jiang Zemin inspectedWudang Mountain, he said: Wudang boxing is good. Everyone should practice it andkeep fit.

Wudang Mountain is known as the "natural medicine storehouse". Li Shizhen,a medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, visited famous mountains and rivers allover the world and found Mantuoluo flower in Wudang Mountain, which solved a bigproblem of Chinese surgical anesthetics shortage. He also recorded more than 400kinds of Wudang Mountain herbs in compendium of materia medica. WudangMountains famous herbs include seven leaves and one branch of flower, one pearlon the head, a bowl of water by the river and a pen by King Wen And so on,Huangjing, Ganoderma lucidum, golden fork and other precious medicinal materialswere all tributes in the Imperial Palace at that time.

When you come to Wudang Mountain, you can not only visit mountains, butalso play with water. The largest man-made freshwater lake in Asia is located atthe foot of Wudang Mountain. It is like a colorful ribbon that makes WudangMountain look enchanting. The mountains and rivers are connected, and they areeach others wonders. The lakes and mountains echo each other from afar. Themiddle route of South-to-North Water Diversion lies here. In the Ming Dynasty,Wudang was built in the South and the Forbidden City was built in the north. Inthe present period, the vast projects of "Wudang South Water Diversion" and"Beijing for North Water Diversion" have been carried out. History always actsas a matchmaker (beauty), linking Beijing with Wudang Mountain and forming anindissoluble bond.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Yu. As people often say,meeting is fate. I feel very honored to meet you in the beautiful Jiangcheng andspend this wonderful time with you. This is our driver, Master Wang. We willserve you today. If you have any questions, you can raise them. We will try ourbest to help you solve them. We hope to exchange our enthusiasm, patience andcarefulness for your confidence and happiness.

Today, I will take you to visit Wudang Mountain. Lets enjoy its beautifulnatural scenery and rich Taoist culture.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain is located in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. TheDanjiangkou reservoir, facing the rippling blue waves, is backed by the vastShennongjia forest region, covering more than 400 kilometers. The scenery hereis beautiful, and the four seasons are different: prosperous in spring, lushmountains in summer, fragrant osmanthus in autumn and white snow in winter. Nomatter when we come, we can appreciate her beauty. There is a saying that "theworlds famous mountains are occupied by Buddhas", but in Wudang Mountain,Taoism dominates the world. It is said that the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountainwas originally occupied by Wuliang Buddha. Later, Emperor Zhenwu was able tocultivate immortals and traveled here. He saw that there were many peaks here.Tianzhu peak, the main peak, towered into the clouds. Around 72 peaks, he bentover each other, forming a spectacle of "72 peaks facing the great summit".Emperor Zhenwu fell in love with this treasure land, so he went to Tianzhu peakto discuss with Wuliang Buddha about borrowing the land, and proposed to borrowonly eight steps. When Wuliang Buddha saw that he didnt have much, he agreed.Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhenwu had boundless power. He took eight steps from thetop of Tianzhu peak, 100 Li at a time. Eight steps actually took the whole ofWudang and won the right of permanent residence. Therefore, Wudang Mountainbecame the site of Taoism.

Its not only the incense resort of Taoism, but also the hometown of Wudangboxing. There has always been a saying in Chinese Wulin that "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Many people do not know Wudang Mountain but knowWudang boxing. It is said that the founder of Wudang boxing is Zhang Sanfeng, afamous Taoist in the Ming Dynasty. I think friends who like martial arts mayknow something about this through novels. It is said that when he was practicinghere, he saw the scene of fighting between cranes and snakes. He was inspiredand realized the thirteen forms of Tai Chi. Therefore, he was respected as thefounder of Wudang school.

Having said so much, I think you cant wait. Now that we are at the foot ofWudang Mountain, please take your belongings and get out of the car to start ourpilgrimage

Zixiao Palace

Now the green glazed tile hall in front of us is Zixiao palace. Because thehills around this place naturally formed a treasure chair for Erlong Xizhu, andEmperor Yongle named it "Zixiao blessed land". In the shrine on the stone Xumiseat in the hall, the statues of Zhenwu God in old age, middle age and youth andthe sitting statues of Wenwu immortal are worshipped. They are different inshape and lifelike, which are the art treasures of Ming Dynasty. It is said thatthe fir which is several feet long on my right hand side suddenly came fromafar, so it is called Feilai fir. It is said that if you tap one end of the fir,you can hear a clear sound at the other end, so it is also called xianglingshan.As for why it flies here, I think it is also attracted by its beautifulscenery

Nan Yan

There are 36 rocks in Wudang Mountain. Now we come to Nanyan, which isconsidered to be the most beautiful of the 36 rocks. Wudang Mountains naturallandscape and exquisite architecture are integrated, which can be fullyreflected here. The stone hall on the cliff was built in the Yuan Dynasty. Thereis a carved dragon stone beam beside the cliff. The stone beam stretches out 2.9meters and is only 30 cm wide. The top of the dragon head is carved with acenser, which is the famous "dragon head incense". In the past, some pilgrimsrisked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show their piety, which showstheir deep belief in Taoism. For the sake of safety, if we all want to make awish and pray, we can go to other places. If we are sincere, we will be wise

(for example, 36 rock in Wudang Mountain is a great spectacle. What we seenow is the most beautiful Nanyan rock among 36 rocks. This stone hall, whichstands on the edge of Nanyan cliff, was built in the Yuan Dynasty. On the edgeof the cliff of the stone hall, this small building is carved dragon stone beam.The stone beam stretches out 2.9 meters in the air and is only 30 cm wide. Thereis a dragon carved on the stone beam and a censer carved on the top of thedragon head. This is the stone hall The famous "dragon head incense", it leapsout of the sky, next to the deep valley, has a high artistic and scientific. Inthe past, some pilgrims risked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show theirpiety. It can be seen that they have a deep faith in Taoism. Because they areclose to the abyss, for safetys sake, if you want to make a wish, you can go toother places, because if you are sincere, you will be wise. ))

Tianzhu peak (Jinding)

After a lot of efforts, we finally climbed the main peak Tianzhu peak.Tianzhu peak is 1612 meters above sea level, known as "a pillar of heaven".Standing here, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of "72 peaks facing thetop". And the golden palace on the top of Tianzhu peak is the golden palace.Jindian is the largest gilded hall in China, built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall didnt use a nail. It was made by casting all the partsand then transporting them up the mountain. The mortars and mortars were verytight. It seemed to be an integral whole. Look, its said that the ever burninglamp here never goes out. So the mountain top is open and windy. Why cant it beblown out by the wind? Its said that its because of the "fairy bead" on thecaisson. It is said that this fairy bead can suppress the mountain wind andprevent the wind from blowing into the hall, thus ensuring the brightness of themagic lamp. In fact, the real reason why the lamp is always bright is that allthe castings of the temple door are very strict and accurate, which can changethe direction of the wind. This shows the wisdom and skills of the ancientworking people in China

(dear tourists, the glittering statues you see now are in the stone hall.They also bear witness to the historical and artistic value of the stone hall,which is full of Taoist culture. We generally follow a bottom-up route. Lookingback at Nanyan, after some efforts, we have now climbed the Tianzhu peak with analtitude of 1612 meters, which is known as "one pillar supporting the sky": ifyou stand on Tianzhu peak, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of"seventy-two peaks towards the top", and on the top of Tianzhu peak stands amagnificent palace, that is everyone Now you can see the golden hall. It isanother famous palace in Wudang Mountain. The golden hall is Chinas largestHall of steel casting and gold gilding. It was built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall was built without a nail. It was all cast and thentransported up the mountain. It was riveted tightly. It looks like an integralwhole. You can also enter the hall to pray for happiness and health. ))

OK, everybody follow me to Jinding. Now its Nantianmen. There are threedoors in Nantianmen. Why dont the two doors open? Theres something particularabout it. In the middle is the gate of heaven, also known as the gate of God,where God goes in and out. Mortals cant go, only emperors, Queens, princes andgrandchildren can. A door over there is a ghost door. Of course, the ghost doorcant be opened to let people go. The door we go through is called "peoplesdoor".

Well, friends, we are now standing on the top of the Golden Summit to seethe clouds floating and the mountains coming. Its spectacular. Its interestingto see all the mountains are small. Every peak inclines to Jinding, so there are72 peaks facing Dading. Here, you can enjoy the natural Xuanwu, which is made upof Jinding, Taihe palace, Tianzhu peak, the Forbidden City wall, and thesurrounding mountains. It is both mysterious and ingenious.

The main building in Jinding is Jindian. On the left is qianfang and on theright is Xiangfang. The golden hall is the essence of Wudang Mountains. MingChengzus concern for the golden hall can be said to be meticulous. Hepersonally arranged every link from the casting of the Golden Hall components tothe escort installation. According to the craftsmans principle, the hall ismade of copper, with double eaves and double arches_ With the imperial edict of"golden fan, gold statue of Emperor Xuan, left and right Lingguan, jade girl,holding sword to hold flag and sky general", after casting all the components inBeijing, He Jun, the imperial governor, issued the imperial edict on the ninthday of September in the fourteenth year of Yongle (1416): "today I will escortthe ships of the golden hall to Nanjing, and the ships along the way should becareful. When the sky is clear, feng shui will go smoothly. The ship should bevery clean. Therefore, the imperial edict was issued From the canal to theYangtze River and Hanjiang River in Nanjing, the components were escorted toWudang Mountain, then tenoned and welded.

On the top of Tianzhu peak, the peak of Wudang, stands a palace likebuilding with bronze gilding and wood imitation structure. This splendid anddazzling palace built in the Ming Dynasty weighs more than 100 tons, which isunique in the world. How was such a huge integral component cast and transportedto the peak of 1612m?

The golden hall and statues are national first-class cultural relics, whichare very precious. There are 7.44 taels of gold per square meter. After 400years of history, they are still brilliant. There are many magical legends andtrue stories about the golden palace. An oil lamp was lit in the 14th year ofYongle in the Ming Dynasty (1416). No matter how strong the wind is, it isalways full of flames. It never shakes and never goes out. It has continued tothis day. It hasnt been put out for more than 600 years. This lamp is dedicatedto the altar in the golden hall. It is the lamp under the bead of Dingfeng fairyin journey to the west, in which Monkey King visits Wudang Mountain and asksXuanwu emperor for help. Is Dingfeng Xianzhu able to suppress the mountainbreeze, or is it due to other reasons that the magic lamp has remained brightfor more than 500 years? In fact, the structure of the golden hall is ingenious,airtight and can not form convection, so the lamp will not go out naturally.

In order to prevent people from stealing from the golden hall, it is saidthat Thor often visits the golden hall and washes the hall with electricity andfire to warn villains that if they dare to steal from emperor Zhenwu, they willnot be spared. Under the lightning strike, the golden hall is as new as ever.Surprisingly, the golden hall is not damaged by lightning strike. The secret ofthis is difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is the famous "thunderfire Lian Dian" spectacle. "Thunder fire refining hall", that is, the fireballformed by lightning rolling on the golden hall, is very spectacular.

Transit Hall

Now, were at the transit hall. Zhenwu, Jintong, Yunv and Shuihuo areworshipped in the hall. They are all made of copper and gilded with exquisiteworkmanship. This bronze hall was cast in Wuchang in the Yuan Dynasty and is theoldest existing one in China. It is known as "the first copper hall in China".It has the style of Buddhist architecture, but it is skillfully combined withTaoist architecture, and is regarded as "transit hall" by countless believers.How did the first copper hall in China become the palace of the palace? Letsguess. The reason why this hall is called transshipment hall is that people arelooking forward to good luck. I hope my friends who are always lucky can go inand walk around, and remind them that when you walk around, you will hear theold Taoist priest ask, "did you turn around?" you should shout "turn around,turn around." Luck will turn better and better with you.

Concluding remarks

Wudang Mountain stretches eight hundred Li. Dear tourist friends. Aftervisiting Wudang Mountain, the "fairy mountain Pavilion" with high peaks andcloud all the year round, are you interested in the majestic momentum of themountains and the Taoist culture with secluded immortal bones_ Todaysexplanation can make you have a deeper impression on Wudang Mountain. Finally, Iwish you all happiness, good luck and a happy family!



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the great mosque at huajue lane

the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the provincial people’s government. unlike the arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the mosque here in xi’an possesses much chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to islamic mosques, this mosque also holds characteristics of chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

however, any further discussion about the mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of islam into china is brought up.

islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century a.d. and was introduced to china in the mid-600s. at that time, arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of china by way of persia and afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with china. in the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through bangladesh bay and the malacca strait to china’s guangzhou, quanzhou, huangzhou, yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became moslems.

however, massive immigration of the moslems to china did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when genghis khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from central asia to eastern europe, including the north of iran. many of the moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in china.

among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the hui people in the history books on the yuan dynasty. the hui people later followed kublai khan down to the south, helping him unifying china and then establish the yuan dynasty. in the wake of the conquest, islam spread all over china and mosques began to appear everywhere. in the yuan dynasty, many moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. and a lot of the moslems took part in zhu yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the ming dynasty. therefore, all the emperors of the dynasty issued mandates to protect islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the moslems for their feats. in the early 16th century, islam predominated qinghai on the minority nationalities including the huis, the uygurs, the kazaks, the kirgizes, the tajiks, the tartars, the ozbeks, the dong xiangs, the salars and the bonans. the moslems in xi’an are mainly the huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in china.

the mosque at hua jue lane is the largest in xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in china.

according to “the stele on the building of the mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the tang dynasty. however, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the ming dynasty. the four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. the still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. the stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the mosque. on the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher mi fu, “may buddhism fill the universe”, on the other, “royal -bestowed”by dong qichang, another master of the same art of the ming dynasty. they are treasures in chinese calligraphy. at the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a “month tablet”, showing the calculation of the hui calendars in arabic, is stored. it was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called xiao mining in the early period of the qing dynasty. a three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called “retrospection tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in islamic temples in arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the moslems to come to worship. respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a scripture chamber, both elegantly laid out. the five wooden houses, which are called “water houses”in the southwest section of the mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. and in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called “the pavilion of phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. the pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. the six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. just at the back of the pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. there are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and arabic letterings. the imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of mecca, to chant in koran and to pay their religious homage.

the moslems in china share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. they worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. they are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being “unclean”. according to koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. however, except a few places in xinjiang, the chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. upon his death, a moslem has to be “thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on “ke fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting scriptures at the funeral.

the chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. and of course, the moslems in china enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.


emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum and the terra-cotta warriors and horses museum

emperor qin shihuang (259-210b.c.) had ying as his surname and zheng as his given name. he name to the throne of the qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. by 221 b.c., he had annexed the six rival principalities of qi, chu, yan, han, zhao and wei, and established the first feudal empire in china’s history.

in the year 221 b.c., when he unified the whole country, ying zheng styled himself emperor. he named himself shihuang di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. since then, the supreme feudal rulers of china’s dynasties had continued to call themselves huang di, the emperor.

after he had annexed the other six states, emperor qin shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. he standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. to protect against harassment by the hun aristocrats. emperor qin shihuang ordered the great wall be built. all these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. they had a great and deep influence upon china’s 2,000 year old feudal society.

emperor qin shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. as a result, china’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of confucian scholars.”

emperor qin shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the guanzhong plain. these palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum has not yet been excavated. what looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. however, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum was.

no.1 pit was stumbled upon in march 1974 when villagers of xiyang village of yanzhai township, lintong county, sank a well 1.5km east of the mausoleum. in 1976, no.2 and 3 pits were found 20m north of no.1 pit respectively after the drilling survey. the terra-cotta warriors and horses are arrayed according to the qin dynasty battle formation, symbolizing the troops keeping vigil beside the mausoleum. this discovery aroused much interest both at home and abroad. in 1975, a museum, housing the site of no.1 and covering an area of 16,300 square meters was built with the permission of the state council. the museum was formally opened to public on oct.1, the national day, 1979.

no.1 pit is 230 meters long from east to west, 62m wide from north to south and 5m deep , covering a total area of 14,260 square meters. it is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. there are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides of the pit respectively. the pit is divided into eleven corridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are paved with bricks. thick rafters were placed onto the walls (but now one can only see their remains), which were covered with mats and then fine soil and earth. the battle formation of the qin dynasty, facing east. in the east end are arrayed three lines of terra-cotta warriors, 70 pieces in each, totaling 210 pieces. they are supposed to be the van of the formation. immediately behind them are 38 columns of infantrymen alternating with war chariots in the corridors, each being 180m long. they are probably the main body of the formation. there is one line of warriors in the left, right and west ends respectively, facing outwards. they are probably the flanks and the rear. there are altogether 27 trial trench, it is assumed that more than 6,000 clay warriors and horses could be unearthed from no.1 pit.

no.2 pit sis about half the size of no.1 pit, covering about 6,000 square meters trail diggings show this is a composite formation of infantry, cavalry and chariot soldiers, from which roughly over 1,000 clay warriors, and 500 chariots and saddled horses could be unearthed. the 2,000-year-old wooden chariots are already rotten. but their shafts, cross yokes, and wheels, etc. left clear impressions on the earth bed. the copper parts of the chariots still remain. each chariot is pulled by four horses which are one and half meters high and two metres long. according to textual research, these clay horses were sculptures after the breed in the area of hexi corridor. the horses for the cavalrymen were already saddled, but with no stirups.

no.3 pit covers an area of 520m2 with only four horses, one chariot and 68 warriors, supposed to be the command post of the battle formation. now, no.2 and 3 pits have been refilled, but visitors can see some clay figures and weapons displayed in the exhibition halls in the museum that had been unearthed from these two pits. the floors of both no.1 and 2 pits were covered with a layer of silt of 15 to 20cm thick. in these pits, one can see traces of burnt beams everywhere, some relics which were mostly broken. analysis shows that the pits were burned down by xiang yu, leader of a peasant army. all of the clay warriors in the three pits held real weapons in their hands and face east, showing emperor qin shihuang’s strong determination of wiping out the six states and unifying the whole country.

the height of the terra-cotta warriors varies from 1.78m, the shortest, to 1.97m, the tallest. they look healthy and strong and have different facial expressions. probably they were sculpted by craftsmen according to real soldiers of the qin dynasy. they organically combined the skills of round engraving, bas-relief and linear engraving, and utilized the six traditional folk crafts of sculpturing, such as hand-moulding, sticking, cutting, painting and so on. the clay models were then put in kilns, baked and colour-painted. as the terra-cotta figures have beeb burnt and have gone through the natural process of decay, we can’t see their original gorgeous colours. however, most of the terra-cotta figures bear the trace of the original colours, and few of them are still as bright as new. they are found to be painted by mineral dyestuffs of vermilion, bright red, pink dark green, powder green, purple, blue, orange, black and white colours.

thousands of real weapons were unearthed from these terra-cotta army pits, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, halberds, bows, crossbows and arrowheads. these weapons were exquisitely made. some of theme are still very sharp, analyses show that they are made of alloys of copper and tin, containing more than ten kinds of other metals. since their surfaces were treated with chromium, they are as bright as new, though buried underground for more than 2,000 years. this indicates that qin dynasty’s metallurgical technology and weapon-manufacturing technique already reached quite a high level.

in december 1980, two teams of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed 20 metres west of the mound of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum. these single shaft four-horse chariots each comprises 3,462 spare parts, and has a body with two compartments, one behind the other, and an elliptical umbrella like canopy. the four horses harnessed to the chariot are 65-67 centimeters tall. the restored bronze chariots and horses are exact imitations of true chariot, horse and driver in half life-size.

the chariots and horses are decorated with coloured drawings against white background. they have been fitted with more than 1,500 piecese of gold and silvers and decorations, looking luxurious, splendid and graceful. probably they were meant for the use of emperor qin shihuang’s soul to go on inspection. the bronze chariots and horses were made by lost wax casting, which shows a high level of technology. for instance, the tortoise-shell-like canopy is about 4mm thick, and the window is only 1mm thick on which are many small holes for ventilation. according to a preliminary study, the technology of manufacturing the bronze chariots and horses has involved casting, welding, reveting, inlaying embedding and chiseling. the excavation of the bronze chariots and horses provides extremely valuable material and data for the textual research of the metallurgical technique, the mechanism of the chariot and technological modeling of the qin dynasty.

no.2 bronze chariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1,555 pieces when excavated. after two-and-half years’ careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and various specialists, they were formally exhibited in the museum on october 1, 1983. no.1 bronze chariot hand horses are on display from 1988.



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Before I came to Qufu, many of my friends may have known a lot about Qufuand Confucius, but some of them didnt know much about them. Now, before I enterthe scenic spots, Id like to briefly introduce Qufu and Confucius.

Qufu is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, China. There are620000 people in Qufu, including an urban population of 100000 and an area of890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya. Ying Shaoexplained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the city of Lu, andWeiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". In 1012, the fifthyear of dazhongxiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, in order tocommemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation, in Qufu, he once changed his name to Xianyuan county. In 1129, EmperorTaizong of the Jin Dynasty renamed Qufu, which is still in use today. Qufu is asmall city. However, Qufu is also an ancient city with 5000 years ofcivilization and culture. In this sacred and ancient land, there are four peopleleft traces of the three emperors and five emperors in ancient Chinese legend.According to historical records, Emperor Century and other historical records,"the Yellow Emperor was born in Shouqiu", "SHAOHAO ascended the throne from thepoor sang, called Qufu as the capital, and was buried in Yunyang mountain". Now,eight miles east of Qufu, there is still a pyramid tomb, SHAOHAO mausoleum.There is a Chinese saying that "people go to the top, water flows to thebottom". Can we understand that our ancestors of the Chinese nation migratedfrom here, from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the CentralPlains, to the Loess Plateau, while our mothers rivers, the Yellow River andthe Yangtze River, galloped down from the Loess Plateau, and finally flowed intothe sea In fact, most of the sages in Jiangbei came from Qufu. In the feudaltimes of China, there were six saints granted by the emperor. They wereConfucius, Mencius, fushengyanzi, shushengzisi, zongshengzengzi andyuanshengzhougong. The first four were born in Qufu. The last two were disciplesof Confucius and fiefdoms in Qufu. Zhougong was the king of the state of Lu for33 generations, and Shandong has been called Lu since then. Now there are manycultural relics in Qufu, including 4 national cultural relics, 11 provincialrelics and more than 100 municipal relics. In 1982, Qufu was announced by theState Council as one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities inChina. In 1994, Qufus "three Confucius" was officially listed as a worldcultural heritage by the United Nations. Because of its important contributionto Oriental culture, many people call Qufu one of the three holy cities in theworld: "Oriental Mecca". Here, you have to ponder, but also can not helpfeeling, because here is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation, deeply rooted intraditional Chinese culture.

Dear friends, in China, in the East, a land with a history of 5000 years ofcivilization, you may not understand the inscriptions on bronzes, or what thehuman head and animal body represent or symbolize. However, when you walk intothe life of the Chinese people and walk on the ancient land where the Chinesenation thrives and works to create, you can feel and touch the Confucian culturein the daily life of the Chinese people, and then you can experience thedifferences between the Chinese people and other nationalities in their way oflife, customs and ideals. No matter from which angle or level you explore thepersonality and character of the Chinese nation, it is not difficult to find thegene of Confucian culture. In the long process of historical evolution,Confucian culture has almost become the synonym of Chinese traditional culture.The founder of Confucian culture is Confucius.

Confucius was born in 551 B.C. and died in 479 B.C. at the age of 73. WhenConfucius was 3 years old, his father uncle Liang he died. When he was 16 yearsold, his mother Yan Zheng died. Young Confucius became an orphan and began hislife of making a living, studying and struggling alone in a hierarchical feudalsociety.

As a young man, Confucius studied hard and asked questions frequently. Inhis youth, he mastered the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, imperial,calligraphy and mathematics, and then mastered the six classics of poetry,calligraphy, etiquette, music, changes and spring and autumn, which laid thefoundation for the establishment of Confucian culture.

At the age of 30, Confucius set up a school to teach students, and began along education career. He was the first to give private lectures in China, toface the public, and to advocate "education without discrimination". He becamethe first great educator in China and the world.

When Confucius was 51 years old, he became a magistrate of Zhongdu county.Later, he worked as a prime minister in Lu. However, not long after that, heresigned and left the state of Lu to begin his 14 year tour of othercountries.

When Confucius returned to the state of Lu at the age of 68, he devotedalmost all his energy to teaching and literature collation until his death.Confuciuss life is a life of wandering and suffering, a life of hard work andencouragement, a life of spring breeze and rain, a life of cultivating talents,a life of writing books and writing stories, and a life of saving the world.Today, although his body has gone up in smoke and ashes, his thoughts havepenetrated into the hearts of every Oriental. He has cast the personality andcharacter of the Chinese nation. With the development of history and socialprogress, Confucius will also guide mankind to stride into the 21st century.

There are many cultural relics and tourist attractions in Qufu, most ofwhich are related to Confucius and Confucius culture. Now we are located in theSouth Gate of the ancient city of qufuming. To the north of the gate is theConfucius Temple, which is known as one of the three ancient buildings in China.There are four characters "Wanren palace wall" above the gate. Ren is an ancientunit of length, one Ren is about 8 feet. It is said that some people praisedConfucius disciple Zigong for his knowledge. After hearing that, Zigong said,"human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledge is only as high as the topof the wall. People can see everything in the wall when they see it. ButConfucius, my teacher, has several walls. If you dont find other doors, youcant see the beauty of the temple and the variety of houses inside the wall.".In order to express their admiration for Confucius, Hu zuanzong in Ming Dynastywrote "Wanren palace wall" on the city gate. In order to show his worship forConfucius, Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty took down the stele and replaced itwith "Wanren palace wall". This is the origin of "Wanren palace wall".

Confucius Temple is a temple built by later generations to offer sacrificesto Confucius. It was built in the second year after Confucius died. With an areaof 327.5 mu, it imitates the Imperial Palace system. It is divided into ninecourtyards and arranged symmetrically on the left and right. The whole buildingcomplex has 466 rooms, including five halls, one Pavilion, one altar, twoverandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions and 54 gate squares, with a length ofabout 1 km from north to south. Confucius Temple is the only isolated example inthe history of architecture in the world, which is magnificent, large in area,long in history and well preserved.

Outside the east wall of the gate of Confucius Temple, there is a tabletsaying "officials and people wait to dismount here". In the past, any officialwho came here, military officials would dismount and civil officials woulddismount to show respect for Confucius.

The first stone square of Confucius Temple is called "Jin Sheng Yu Zhensquare". Mencius once had such a comment on Confucius, he said: "Confucius iscalled jidacheng, jidacheng, Jinsheng and yuzhenzhi.". "Jin Sheng, Yu Zhen"refers to the whole process of playing music, which starts with striking thebell and ends with striking the rock. It refers to the great achievement ofConfucius thought of gathering ancient sages and sages. On the lotus throneabove the stone square, there is a unicorn monster called "ward off evilspirits" or "roar from the sky". This is the only ornament that can be used inthe Royal Palace of feudal society.

The first gate of Confucius Temple is called "Lingxing gate". "Latticestar" is also known as Tiantian star. The ancients worshipped heaven first."Lingxingmen" was written by Qianlong. "Taihe Yuanqi" square is similar to"Jinsheng Yuzhen" square. The inscription is written by Zeng Mian, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty, praising Confucius thought as heaven andearth produce all things. There is a waist gate in the East and west of thecourtyard, and it is written in the East that "demou is as big as heaven andearth, and his theory is the best in ancient and modern times.". This gate iscalled "Shengshi gate". From here, we can feel profound and profound. The word"holy time" is taken from the sentence "Confucius, the sage of the time" inMencius, which means that among the sages, Confucius is the most suitable onefor the times.

When you cross the Shengshi gate, you will face the small stone bridge,which is called Bishui bridge. There are two gates on both sides of the bridgeto the south. The east gate is called "quick view gate", which means to seefirst. The west gate is called "Yanggao gate", which praises Confucius profoundknowledge. When we enter the gate, we call it "Hongdao gate". These three wordsare taken from the sentence "people can promote Taoism" in the Analects ofConfucius. Weixing Gong, in order to praise Confucius for expounding the "Tao"of Yao, Shun, Tang and Wenwu. This gate is also the gate of Confucius Temple in1377. Then there is "dazhongmen". Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple inSong Dynasty. Its original name is "gonghemen". Its meaning is related toConfucius doctrine of the mean. Looking south from this gate, we can see thehistorical evolution of Confucius Temple on the one hand, and the continuousexpansion of Confucius temple on the other. These buildings include Qing Dynastybuildings, Ming Dynasty buildings and Song Dynasty buildings. They were built indifferent times The craftsmen are different, but they all cooperate with eachother and complement each other to form a whole. Looking at the Confucius templearchitecture, we can see part of the development history of Chinese feudalsociety.

This monument was erected in 1468, the fourth year of Chenghua in MingDynasty, so it is also called "Chenghua monument". It was erected by ZhuJianshen, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty. The monument is 6 meters high and 2meters wide. This tablet is famous for its exquisite calligraphy, and itsinscription is written in the form of argumentation, which can be said to be themost highly respected of Confucius. Please look at the upper right corner. Itsays: "only the way of Confucius can not be absent in one day when there is aworld." it also says: "the way of Confucius is in the world, like cloth, silk,millet and Shu, and peoples daily use can not be absent.". The animal under themonument is not a tortoise. Its called _ 屭. Its the son of the dragon. It canbear heavy loads, so its used to carry the monument. Theres a saying that "adragon has nine sons, but not a dragon". In the Confucius Temple, you can seethe dragon and his nine sons. Local people often come here to touch _ 屭. Theysay: "touch _ 屭s head, never worry, touch _ 屭, never get sick.".

The wooden structure in front of us is called "Kuiwen Pavilion", which usedto be the library of Confucius Temple. "Kuixing" is one of the twenty-eightconstellations, with sixteen stars, "buckled and hooked, like a painting ofwords". Later, people evolved it into the head of civil servants. The feudalemperors compared Confucius to the Kuixing star in the sky, so Confucius wasalso known as "civil servants of all ages". The pavilion is 23.35 meters high,30.1 meters wide and 17.62 meters deep, with triple cornices and four layers ofbrackets. Its structure is solid and reasonable. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, there was a big earthquake in Qufu, where "nine houses in the worldexist, one in the world exists". However, Kuiwen Pavilion stands upright andsafe, which shows the wisdom and superb architectural art of the ancient workingpeople in China.

We are now entering the sixth courtyard of the Confucius Temple. In frontof you are 13 stele pavilions, 8 in the South and 5 in the north. There are 55stone tablets of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in the pavilion. Mostof the inscriptions are in Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu. The stone tablet in themiddle of this row, weighing about 65 tons, was collected from Xishan Mountainin Beijing. At that time, it was a miracle to transport such a weight stonetablet from thousands of miles away to Qufu. There is one gate in the East andone gate in the west of the courtyard, which is the third waist gate of theConfucius Temple.

Now we enter dachengmen. Dachengmen refers to dachengmen in the world.There are five gates in this row. The most western gate is qishengmen, which isdedicated to Confucius parents. Dachengmen in the middle road is supplementedby jinshengmen and yuzhenmen. The middle road is the most central place ofConfucius Temple, and chengshengmen in the East, which was Confucius formerresidence.

As we all know, Confucius is a great thinker, educator and statesman. Inour opinion, Confucius is first of all an educator. He is the first teacher inChina. The feudal emperor named him "the most sage and the first teacher" and"the model of all ages". It should be said that he is a teacher of all mankindand is worthy of the name of "engineer of human soul". The "apricot altar" infront of us is said to be the place where Confucius set up the altar to givelectures, and the pavilion was built in the Jin Dynasty to commemorate it. Thefamous scholar Dang huaiying wrote the word "apricot altar". There is an apricottree beside the altar, planted by later generations. In early spring, redflowers bloom and green leaves sway. Therefore, when Emperor Qianlong came topay homage, he once wrote a poem praising it. The poem said: when the rice wasin full bloom again, how could it be that there were many flowers in the world,and the civilization was prosperous all the time.

The main hall standing in front of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall".It is one of the "three main halls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihehall" in the Forbidden City of Beijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Templeof Mount Tai. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meters wide and 24.8 metersdeep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The golden wall is brilliant,especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all world culturaltreasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deep reliefs,with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiled and rising,lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came, he wrappedthe pillar in yellow cloth. If they see it, they will be ashamed. There are 72dragons in each column, a total of 1296. In the Dacheng hall, there are fourstatues of Confucius on both sides. The East and West are Fusheng Yanhui,Shusheng Kongji, and the west is Zongsheng Zengshen and Yasheng Mencius. Another12. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold a grand international ConfuciusCulture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Confucius, performlarge-scale music and dance for Confucius and "Xiao Shao music and dance", andhold a variety of cultural and tourism activities. Welcome to our time.



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看着窗外的雪花飘啊飘,今年的导游工作算是告一段落,劳累了一年的导游们终于能好好的休息休息,睡个懒觉 呵呵

今年可以说是我丰收的一年,以往的我都是坐在计调的位置操纵团队,安排客人吃住行游购娱。但是今年我可以冲到旅游工作的第一线去,去给客人介绍我们祖国的山山水水、介绍我们大连这座城市的春夏秋冬。介绍我们的大海、介绍我们的广场 介绍我们的文化、介绍我们大连的每一个角落。这就是我今年的第一个收获——我的国导证、正因为有了证我得意实现我的人生梦想,去完成我的人生使命。


在有限的时间里尽量多的为游客多做介绍、多做讲解、多服务、多微笑是我做导游的宗旨。我相信只有真情的讲解、周到的服务、微笑待人、游客才会玩的开心,作为一名大连导游员我代表的不仅是我自己、不仅是我的旅行社,我代表的是我们这座城市,大连是一座海滨城市有着数不清的奇景异观。这么漂亮的城市不能因为导游的服务差而让游客对其有反感 。

当我每走进一个旅行社的同时,每次递交一份简历上面都会清楚的写着我是一名只会讲解只会服务不会赚钱的导游。可能作为我的同行业来说不会赚钱的导游不是好导游,但是只会赚钱不会服务的导游更不是好导游。但是尽管这样仍然会找到好的旅行社,因为聪明的 老总都知道只要服务跟上去不愁没钱赚,现在的游客不差钱就看你怎么为他服务?作为一个海边城市的导游、作为我们八零年代的尾巴,我们的服务不仅仅停留在只会讲解几句导游词那么简单!要学会无微不至,游客的每一个动作、游客的每一个眼神、你都要了解他想需求什么?这才是一名懂得游客心理的好导游、这才算是好导游。

面对今年的第二个收获就是我有幸参加辽宁省举办的导游大赛,感受了赛场的争锋对决也让我见识了我省其他地区导游员的水平,一句话“人外有人天外有天”我承认我的没有发挥好只因为我还不够努力,尽管我像考导游证那样三更午夜的看题,但是只要在努力一些 在努力一些我也许就不会错两道题 ,也许就是全场的最高分。郭老师说一句话令我印象深刻“一身的武功让一道题给废了”。我很服气但是我不甘心我等待着下一次的对决,但是对于我刚出茅庐的孩子能够参加比赛我已经知足。能站在省里的比赛场上也是一种磨砺,是金子总会发光的我等待着那一天、

今年的第三大收获就是,我接待了一个又一个的团队,分享游客的酸甜苦辣,为他们排忧解难,把不愉快留给我。把快乐带回家,没有发生误船误机事故,完成了“快乐而来 满意而归”的宗旨,因为平安、开心、快乐、比什么都重要!

xx年是我的幸运年我考上了梦寐以求的导游证。但是xx年对我来说是一个全新的开始,我的目标是进入大连中国旅行社,踏踏实实从导游做起认认真真的为游客服务用我的真心换取他们的笑容呵呵。同时我在这里也向所有的大连导游发起倡议“做一个名干干净净的导游、不赚黑心钱、不强迫购物、不强迫游客消费、不在宣传中有虚假信息 ”。

让每一个来到大连旅游的人不仅看到、认识、了解这座城市的美景,更能够因为我们的介绍从而爱上这座城市。让他们的记忆中永远都有那片蓝色的大海,永远都有导游那张灿烂的笑容。作为的导游我很愿意引用赵本山老师的一句话“生产快乐 快乐生产”游客出来玩就是出来寻求放松、寻求快乐的。我们呢?就是制造快乐的机器把所有不快乐的因素在我们这里都转化为快乐 、快乐 、快乐、




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