





范文类型:招聘,自我评介,全文共 1537 字

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I am a contestant number * * * *, Im from * * * * * *. Zhongyuan more talents since ancient times, in this the mahoganypanelled splendour of land, emerged such as LanKong pilot jianying li blessed. Now, in the * * one received a good education in three years, I may not like jianying li eagle fight the sky, but in order to chests are the eternal desire to fly the blue sky, in order not to disappoint me the height of 1 meter 68, dont live up to what our belowed, behaved, extremely has the affinity face, I hope I can through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, working between the blue sky white clouds, then clouds scud across the universe, overlooking the motherland good things.

Flight attendants, has always been a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds, blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, Im not as beautiful as an angel, but Ill a heartfelt to passengers first, passenger is my angel. I will care about other peoples feelings, bow low, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn services, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.

Maybe, Im still young, but I will try to, also hope to here from you get a chance to let the dream fly. I believe that when the dream is granted a pair of wings, flying is no longer a kind of desire, I want to fly to the distant place, across the sea mountains, white clouds blue sky world. I know what I want that kind of happiness in that higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to fly higher.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1099 字

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My name is Lilly. I am a local person who is 21years old. I am from chongqing and I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city.

Moreover, I would like to say something about my family. I have my mother ,my father,and my elder sisther,they love me very much,I know my parents have so much hops and dreams for me。So I must study well.

I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.

In spare time, I like reading books, surfing on the Internet, listening to music like, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed. Nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must. In addition, I insist on do some physical training such as running, and horizontal bar as well. By doing this, I can always stay healthy.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 5659 字

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第一章 总 则


第二章 合 作 各 方

第一条 本合同的各方为:





第三章 成立合作经营公司

第二条 甲、乙方根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的有关规定,同意在________省________市建立合作经营的________有限责任公司(以下简称合作公司)。

第三条 合作公司的名称为________合作有限责任公司。



第四条 合作公司的一切活动必须遵守中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定。

第五条 合作公司是由甲方提供土地使用权、资源开发权、建筑物等合作条件;乙方提供资金、设备、技术等合作条件。各方不折算投资比例,按各自向公司提供的合作条件,确定利润分享办法,并各自承担风险。合作公司实行统一管理,独立经营,统一核算。合作期限届满,公司的



第四章 生产经营目的、范围和规模

第六条 甲、乙方合作经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,采用先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发展新产品,并在质量、价格等方面具有国际市场的竞争能力,提高经济效益,使合作各方获得满意的经济利益。(注:在具体合同中要根据具


第七条 合作公司生产经营范围是:生产和销售_______产品;对销售后的产品进行维修服务;研究和发展新产品。(注:要根据具体情况写)

第八条 生产经营规模如下:



第五章 投资总额和注册资本

第九条 合作公司投资总额为人民币________元。(或双方商定的一种货币)

第十条 合作公司的注册资本为人民币________元。(注:甲方所提供的土地使用权或资源开发权和建筑物不计入注册资本)

第十一条 甲、乙方分别提供如下合作条件:






第十二条 甲方提供的土地使用权,应在合同批准之日起________天内办完征拨手续,交付合作公司使用;厂房和商场(上盖)应在合同批准之日起________天内交付合作公司装修;维修部(上盖)的交付时间,由合作公司董事会另行决定。



第十三条 乙方作为投资的机器设备,必须符合合作公司的生产需要,并在厂房装修完工前________天内运至中国港口。


第六章 合作各方应负责完成的事项

第十四条 甲方应负责完成的事项:










第十五条 乙方应负责完成的事项:








第七章 合作经营期限

第十六条 合作公司的经营期限为________年,公司营业执照签发之日,为该合作公司的成立日期。


第八章 利润分配和偿还乙方投资

第十七条 合作公司缴纳所得税后的利润,按下列顺序使用和分配:




第九章 产品的销售

第十八条 合作公司的产品,大部分在中国境外市场销售(或全部外销),其中:




第十章 董 事 会

第十九条 合作公司设董事会。公司注册登记之日,为董事会正式成立之日。

第二十条 董事会是合作公司的最高权力机构,决定合作公司章程的制订和修改;决定公司转让、合并、停业和解散;决定公司经营决策、财务预算和决算;决定公司利润分配和亏损弥补办法;聘请总经理、副总经理和高级管理人员;决定公司职工工资和制定职工奖惩办法等一切重大事宜。

第二十一条 董事会由董事________名组成,其中甲方委派________名,乙方委派________名。董事长由甲方委派,副董事长________名,由乙方委派。


第二十二条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次,由董事长召集并主持。董事长因故不能召集董事会议时,可委托副董事长或其他董事召集并主持。经三分之一以上的董事提议,董事长可召开董事会临时会议。会议记录应归档保存。

第二十三条 召开董事会须有三分之二以上的董事出席方有效。董事不能出席时,可以出具委托书委托他人代为出席和举行表决。

第二十四条 董事长是合作公司的法定代表。董事长因故不能履行其职责时,可临时授权副董事长或其他董事代理。

第十一章 经营管理机构

第二十五条 合作公司设经理部,负责公司的日常经营管理。


第二十六条 总经理的职责是执行董事会会议的决议,组织领导合作公司的日常经营管理工作。副总经理协助总经理工作。

第二十七条 总经理必须每季度向董事会报告公司的经营情况,半年向董事会作一次财务结算报告。

第二十八条 总经理、副总经理及其他管理人员有营私舞弊或严重失职行为时,经董事会会议作出决议,给予应得的处分直至解聘,对公司造成的经济损失,应负赔偿责任。

第十二章 劳 动 管 理

第二十九条 合作公司员工的招聘、解雇或辞职一律实行合同制。员工的聘请由公司做出计划,报当地劳动部门核准后,由公司自行招聘,经考核择优录用。

第三十条 合作公司员工的劳动工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项,依照《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》的有关规定,经董事会制订施行方案,由公司、公司工会与员工集体或个人订立劳动合同,按合同的规定执行。

第十三章 财务会计和审计

第三十一条 合作公司设总会计师和总出纳员各一人,负责公司总的会计工作;厂部、商场和维修服务部分别建立帐目,每个部门分别设会计师和出纳员各一个,负责各个部门的财务会计工作。


第三十二条 合作公司的财务会计制度,根据有关规定,结合本合作公司的实际情况制定。并报当地财政部门和税务部门备案。

第三十三条 合作公司设审计师一人,由甲方推荐,董事会聘请。


第十四章 纳税与保险

第三十四条 合作公司应按中华人民共和国有关税法缴纳各种税款。

第三十五条 合作公司的各项保险均应向中国的保险公司投保。投保办法、投保险别、保险价值、保期等均按中国人民保险公司的规定由合作公司董事会决定。

第十五章 合同的修改、补充、变更与解除

第三十六条 本合同及其附件的修改或补充,必须经甲、乙方协商一致、签署书面协议,并报经对外经济贸易部(或其委托的审批机构)批准方能生效。

第三十七条 在合同有效期内由于本合同第四十二条规定的不可抗力,造成公司严重损失,或因公司连续亏损,致使合同不能继续履行,经合作公司董事会特别决议,并报原审批机关批准,可以提前终止合同或解除合同。

第十六章 违 约 责 任

第三十八条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务,或严重违反合同、章程规定,造成合作公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的,视作违约方片面终止合同,对方除有权向违约的一方索赔外,并有权按合同规定报原审批机关批准终止合同。如甲、乙方同意继续经营,违约方仍应赔偿履约一方的经济损失。

第三十九条 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同第十一条、第十二条以及第十三条的规定提供合作条件时,以逾期的第一个月算起,每逾期一个月,违约方应缴付____元违约金给守约的一方。(注:或按出资额的百分比计算)如逾期__个月仍未提供,除累计缴付违约金外,守约一方有权按照本合同第三十八条规定终止合同,并要求违约方赔偿损失。

第四十条 由于一方的过失,造成本合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时,由过失的一方承担违约责任;如属双方的过失,根据实际情况,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。

第四十一条 为保证本合同及其附件的履行,甲、乙方在合同生效后__天内相互提供履约的银行担保书。

第十七章 不 可 抗 力

第四十二条 在合作期间,由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争或其他不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止和避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有上述不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况电报通知对方,并应在十五天内提供事故的详细情况及合同不能履行,或者部分不能履行,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件。此项证明文件应由事故发生地区的公证机构出具。按照事故对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。

第十八章 争议的解决

第四十三条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提请中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。仲裁的裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。

第四十四条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的保护和管辖。

第十九章 文 字

第四十五条 本合同用中文和__文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本如解释有矛盾,以中文本为准。

第二十章 合同生效及其他

第四十六条 按照本合同规定的各项原则所订立的合作公司章程、工程协议、技术转让协议、销售协议等,均为本合同的附属文件。

第四十七条 本合同及其附属文件,均须经中国对外经济贸易部(或其委托的审批机关)批准,并自批准之日起生效。

第四十八条 合作公司对甲、乙双方或甲、乙双方互送通知的方法,如果采用电报或电传时,凡涉及各方权利、义务的,应随之发出书面信件通知。合同中所列的甲、乙双方的法定地址,即为甲、乙方的收件地址。

第四十九条 本合同正本一式__份,甲、乙方各__份,合作公司一份,报中国对外经济贸易部__份,具有同等效力;影印本__份,分报有关机关。

第五十条 本合同于一九__年__月__日由甲、乙双方的授权代表在中国__省__市签字。

甲方:__公司 乙方:__公司

(加盖公章) (加盖公章)

法定代表__(签字) 法定代表__(签字)

8. the contract for sino-foreign cooperative joint venture



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 743 字

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大家好!我叫孙健。我不但爱运动,还很好学,当然也有不少缺点。在班里我个子不算高,但是从不挨欺负,可是同学们老是给我起外号 孙子 ,我听了只好当没听见。有时我真怨爸爸,世上有一百多个姓,为什么偏姓孙。可这又有什么办法呢?这是天注定,也不能光怨爸爸。


我特别爱运动,比如打羽毛球、跑步(必须是短跑)、玩篮球、踢足球......记得小时候打羽毛球,我和爸爸一打就是两个多小时。妈妈怕我们累,就劝我说: 别打了,再打就累出病了。 我冲着妈妈扮了个鬼脸,调皮地说; 母亲大人,我和爸爸壮实的很,您老人家放心好了! 说完我们都哈哈大笑起来。


让我再告诉你一个小秘密吧。不过,你可别笑话我。那是一个下午,刚下第一节课,我便和刘朋玩起了 警察抓小偷 的游戏。一开始,我扮小偷,他扮警察。我在前面跑的时候一不小心把老师放在讲桌上的挂图刮破了,我的心一下提到了嗓子眼,这下,可惨了!可是当刘朋抓我的时候又刮到了挂图,薄薄的挂图立时碎成几片飘到了地上。这时,同学们都看到了,全以为是刘朋弄坏的。我趁机幸灾乐祸地说: 老刘,你惨了。 他也要哭。正在这时上课的铃声响了,老师走了进来。老师看见挂图坏了便问是谁弄的,同学们都一口认定是刘朋。老师狠狠地批评了他一顿,又叫他罚站,我心里开始后悔了。虽然没有人知道弄坏挂图我也有份,但我为什么不敢勇于承认错误呢?今天我终于把它说出来,就算我的又一次深刻反省吧!



范文类型:自我评介,介绍信,全文共 933 字

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Self Introduction


My name is ANYJOB, from ANYJOB, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.

I am very happy and honored to join "ANYJOB" this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance.

I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments!

I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle comrades, but a life in the same camp, share weal or woe friend.

Finally, I would like to and everybody a for our common cause to try hard to struggle!

Thank you!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1233 字

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Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,I hope i can

make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have

acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 20xx, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because Im capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 20xx,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from

working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I

come here to compete for this position.

I think Im a good team player and Im a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 393 字

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My name is .

Im a 14-year-old-boy.

I live in the beautiful city of Nanjing.

Im an active and clever boy.

In the school , my favourite subject is Maths .

Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .

But I like it.

I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.

I like playing basketball,running.

My favourite animal is dolphin .

Because thry are veay clever .




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1282 字

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Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ×××, 24. I come from ×××,the capital of ×××Province. I graduated from the ××× department of ×××University in July ,20xx.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching ×××in NO.×××middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.

I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about .Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ××× in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ×××.



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 4828 字

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1. Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. I would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, I would like to do the year VIP membership card! I wish you a Happy Childrens Day!


2. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


3. Notice: Tomorrow is your day. I wish you happy holidays in advance! Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang, a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose, a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !


4. Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Childrens Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back. Expenditure of red wine, for this does not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy Childrens Day


5. The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Childrens Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Childrens Day! Happy holidays!


6. Aspiration is the wind, is a fan happy, blessed is the ship. Aspiration of the wind, blowing fan happy, the children carrying the blessing of the boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: Happy 61!


7. Childrens Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Childrens Day!


8. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


9. The day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still happy blowing whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy Childrens Day!


10. your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.


11. Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Childrens Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Childrens Day!


12. Childrens Day is approaching, I wish you had children: youth are not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, a child-like skin, carefree life, have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!


13. Rose would also like to thank opened, the Childrens Day will never Viiv!


14. when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year! Peony the United States less than you, than you cherry red, Xiaodi young girl, a happy Childrens Day!


15. text messaging to so happy with you gently hugging, difficult to see you Guaiguai Road, secretly Zoudiao trouble, particularly auspicious for your attention, so you always happy smile! 61 Happy!


16. adults and children with permanent Childlike Innocence, children and adults together to mature.


17. the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age with growth.


18. youth is the hope of life, but the wisdom of age to growth.


19. Today is Childrens Day, the fun do not you play phone, play your collection on the other messages received on your reading of this article do not. Hey, you read. In addition, I wish you a happy holiday, the just want to say: listen to your children so?




范文类型:请假条,全文共 213 字

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your clastudent sun hao, due to a sudden high fever and vomiting, to the hospital for treatment. today s absence from school. we take.

sincerely yours


parents: sun zhengping

parents: sun zhengping

x dated



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 284 字

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5, I am cheerful, athletic, energetic, warm, sincere. Serious and responsible work, initiative, hard working. Strong self-confidence. Active thinking. Have strong organizational skills, practical ability and teamwork spirit, able to quickly adapt to the environment, and melt therein.



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 2176 字

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I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.







SUBJECT: Resignation

Please accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–.

While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company.

This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at Inc..



After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company). Needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued part of my life.

Good luck to you in the years to come.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 808 字

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Hello, everybody, let me introduce myself a minute you know me, know me and accept me. I am from Shandong , 20 years old this year, my hometown in Chongqing, Sichuan has given me straightforward character, and yet steady, then the long journey to the city of Nanjing to study.

In fact, when the first came to college to learn with a certain ideal of my heart out, some depressed at first, but after some time, I recognize the truth, it is optimistic about the Internet Professional. "The 21st century is the century of network interconnection." This remark is not false, as the Internets development, it has stuck for the 21st century to take off. Later, interest in continuous culture process, I began to become interested in the Internet the next three years, I will continue to progress in the study spent.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 543 字

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good afternoon, teachers! my name is . im 11 now. im from class2 grade 5 of tongpu no.2 primary school. my english teacher is miss sun. shes quiet and kind. shes short and young. my good friend is zhangbingbing. shes 12. shes tall and pretty. were in the same class. we both like english very much. i like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and reading books. my favourite food is chicken. its tasty and yummy. i often do my homework and read books on saturdays. this is me. please remember yangxiaodan. thank you very much!



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 2418 字

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Wish you in the days of that belongs only to you can happily enjoy easy, make up for your hard work this year.


The more I think, the more it becomes quite clear there couldnt be whos daughter as nice as you, as sweet, as dear!


Warm warm candlelight, there are my thoughts and look forward to, even if far too far apart, still send to the infinite miss and blessing.


To bless with you, in your forever with spring on the border in the dream. I wish you: happy happiness! Happy birthday!


On your body, I know what the meaning of life, to see the light of real life, I wish you a happy birthday!


Envy you your birthday is so romantic, full of poetic, only hope you every day happy, healthy and beautiful.


Today is the first step on the road to maturity, you wish you go, walk very composed, out of a flower stay avenue.


Often miss you, in my heart; Silently bless you, in my heart. I wish you a happy New Year, happy sweet.


Happy birthday to dad, healthy body! Business is thriving everywhere, eight party to bonanza, next year this day more brilliant!


Tomorrow, it is a beautiful shining reflect coloured charming words. Wishing you tomorrow beautiful infinitely bright infinite charm!


The husband today is your birthday, thank you for your toil, thank you to understand my concern and support. All my love to you!


Gently with a wish that is better than thousands of words, when a ring in your birthday, dont forget my blessing, I wish you a happy birthday!


I love you more and more each day, you are my favorite in this world, I wish you a happy birthday, happy every day!


Teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey, I am full of gratitude to you. Happy birthday!


May your birthday be filled with boundless joy, may your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today sweet, wishing you a year.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 3989 字

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Time flashed by, and shortly trial is nearing completion. This is my precious life experience, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories. During this time my colleagues and leaders give me enough tolerance, support and help, see below UI designer personal evaluation.

Felt the leaders be tolerant to diversity-minded, people do not feel as advertising through wind and rain, how rainbow pride, but also appreciate the Chongqing advertising practitioners as pioneers of hard and firm (now the domestic advertising industry, I think ChongqingThe advertising industry is still under development and a late start). In awe of colleagues and leadership, but also for me to have the opportunity to become a part of todays advertising and surprised.

In this three-month period, under the leadership and colleagues of careful care and guidance, through their tireless efforts, all parties concerned have made some progress, now I work for the following report.

I remember the first time candidates, I recognize the companys confined to one of several top advertising company in Chongqing, awareness of the designer is only limited to a post in a relatively simple and creative art implementation. In addition, we know nothing about it. Therefore, the trial period how to know, understand and are familiar with their own trades, it became my priority.

First, through the accumulation of theoretical study and daily work enabled me to have a more profound understanding of the company.

I remember the early companies, referred to my first job was in the hands of a corporate greeting card changes, but ashamed to say that, because for the other companies are not familiar with the overall image of the packaging, resulting in this little greeting card to modifytask let me in the companys first day of work from about 5:00 pm until late at night after 12:00, repeated changes and long waits for a client response to me, both fresh challenges are everywhere. School do not understand, it is the premise and basis of all progress made. During this time I have to seriously study and understanding of the relevant information on the company and on the companys previous, current customers of the relevant information have a relatively preliminary understanding, (in this regard, a group leader Luo Hui, Art Director Mo Jian there like me, new to the company in the near art Yang Pan, are great help to me, I have been very grateful to them) together with the daily work of the company I have accumulated more profound understanding, but also aware of the the company in Chongqing, the advertising industry a pivotal position, her development to promote the development of Chongqing, the advertising industry has a huge role.At the same time, the company has more advanced enterprise management system and administration of standard operation. All this makes me the companys development is full of confidence and vision.

Second, conscientiously study and job functions, the ability to work has been improved to some extent.

According to the requirements of the job responsibilities, my main task is to (1) is responsible for the completion of design work, head down the allocation instruction; (2) to participate in discussions related to creative advertising; other work (3) assigned by the leadership. By completion of the work, it made me realize that a competent designer should have considerable knowledge of art, familiar design software operating capacity also must have a good design mentality, and to dare to put forward their own ideas and more programs , innovation! of course, good language skills are essential to the leadership and colleagues of their own creative ideas.

Currently I am deficient in terms of creative ideas, but also more and more neighborhoods to the groups senior leaders and colleagues and members of other groups, more learning. To give yourself a competent advertising art designer, I also read a lot of design-related books, and to seek help and improve their work.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1812 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, interviewer:

Hello, I am from the Commercial Bank of X class . graduates first thanks to the Guangdong Development Bank to give me such a chance to show myself. In my case resume are introduced in more detail in this, I want to talk about my understanding of the recruitment of your bank.

In the school of finance the 4 years of the study life let me come in, 4 years, I have systematically studied the professional knowledge about finance, such as finance, commercial bank, the central bank theory and practice. I think with the growth of the national economy, the bank has not only held in the store, such as business, more is to bear a credit intermediary, the bank has gradually developed into a financial institution in the lives of ordinary people will not be desirable.

To Bank Finance graduates employment is more of our choice. But our school graduates in this aspect also for us to tailor a system of employment system, such as paper money, ticket money hundred, five pen typing and other professional skills training and assessment. In addition some schools also arrange us to attend all kinds of social practice, especially in the practice of ICBC, the bank makes me familiar with the work environment, understand the bank lobby of the basic work flow and business operations, the bank lobby is an indispensable position, it is the facade of the bank, is the bank business guide, but also a bridge bank to communicate with people in this. Not only post I only reflect the mastery of professional knowledge, it is important to cultivate my patience, consciousness, ability, correct attitude of my work, so I think highly of the bank recruitment opportunities. If I can succeed, I will strive to become the enterprise recognition, excellent staff and customer satisfaction.

Thank you!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 792 字

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Hello, my name is, today I want to apply for your company and post, this year I graduated from University, my character more cheerful, optimistic, good at getting along with people; with strong sense of teamwork, able to recognize the strengths of others, learn and accept the views of the people he has a positive work; attitude, willing and able to work diligently and consciously.

Serious and responsible work, can bear hardships and stand hard work; English ability, fluent in spoken and written English; have a strong ability to learn new things, and can learn in a certain degree of innovation

My major in the university is logistics, but also in the service industry and the sales industry company internship, so I am very happy in this promising industry planning and development




范文类型:慰问信,全文共 422 字

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April 10, 20xx

Dear Margaret,

Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just can’t tell you how sorry I am.

I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief.

With the deepest sympathy to you and all your family.













范文类型:慰问信,全文共 553 字

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Dear Frank:

How things going on?

I was worried when I heard from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident. What a relief you were not hurt. You must be frightened, are you feeling better now? I am so sorry that I can’t go to see you because I am on a business trip. I promise I will come to see you as soon as I am back.

By the way, with more and more cars on the roads, you should drive the car as carefully as possible and dont drink before driving, for the life is only once. Safe is better than sorry.

Best wishes to you!

Sincerely Yours,




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 9197 字

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Year-end and end of the year, a busy year is coming, new challenges in sight. Meditation Review, supermarket in this family so that I got the exercise, learning the knowledge, pay a friend, accumulated experience, of course, through a number of profound lessons learned to find their own deficiencies. This year is a full year, my growth from supermarket this family, for supermarket better development next year to do their own full responsibility is incumbent. Now sum up the work of their own x

One, Market Buildings Working Stage

years after the Spring Festival, I am still responsible for the market building of the business, in cooperation with Zhai Jingli experienced postganglionic off-season business difficulties in the business of rent difficult, managed staff due to seasonal factors such as a lot of attrition Sexual problems, through the settlement of these issues, so that their own clothing retail market, market climate understanding, and staff and personnel management has been rapidly improved. Through the mediation work with the business contacts, coordination has been further exercise. In order to adapt to changing circumstances, with the companys overall planning for the market, a certain layout adjustment. March supermarket market began to conceive in April opened their own threw himself into the preparatory work, staff recruitment, business training, shelves, shelves, shelves to the daily operation and maintenance, the concern of the CEOs, the companys support , Under the guidance of Mr. Liu and Lee store, supermarket market to the smooth development and transition, the latest business knowledge of their supermarkets had a system of strengthening. Responsible for the market during the effort to maintain the normal operation of the business activities, no unexpected incidents. However, the overall market potential of did not give full play to produce benefits is a fact, although market development has all aspects of the objective environment of immature constraints, but market potential can not fully play their own great responsibility.This also shows the limitations of their ability, which is the market to get the most profound understanding. At the same time, market, a variety of difficult pressure experience, so that their psychological quality has been greatly improved, and then face the great difficulties and pressure, I will not flinch away, calm calm to face the solution, this is me Work in the market to get the maximum benefit.

Second, supermarket stage

June due to work needs, I was transferred to supermarket store manager and non-food manager. In the work to strengthen the management of goods and personnel on-site management, to achieve performance improvement is the center of the work.

Although since joining the supermarket joined the family, supermarket staff are also very familiar with, but after all, there is still a difference in specific work. In order to enter the role as soon as possible to take responsibility, on the one hand to strengthen the professional knowledge of learning, actively reading newspaper articles, humbly ask Liu total Lee shop advice. On the one hand to strengthen communication to understand the actual situation, to the food, receiving goods, cash register and other relevant departments responsible for communication, and non-food group leader Wenjuan in-depth exchanges. In a short time with the relevant supervisors to establish a working relationship to dissolve contact, take on duty duty manager store. And the cabinet with the head of the non-food staff of the reorganization of training, the planning and display of goods has been adjusted by the joint efforts of non-food employees, our sales have increased significantly. Wen Juan was promoted to non-food procurement, I also played a non-food team leader, dive down, start from scratch, health, display, warehouse, receiving goods from the beginning of every detail strict requirements, so that non-food store atmosphere Have changed. And employees with the contact, on the basis of strict requirements, to the staff of the ideological communication and business training, so that the spirit of the staff has changed, the enthusiasm of the initiative has been played. In the companys concern and support of various departments, the whole group of staff work together, non-food progress has been recognized by the company.

Store duty manager is responsible for coordinating the work of various departments to maintain the normal operation of all stores to deal with emergencies, in this position, based on their overall control of the overall situation, at the same time make full use of the platform to enhance their organization and coordination With the business level, in the cash register, customer service, receiving goods, loss prevention, fire and other aspects of in-depth understanding, identify problems, reduce vulnerability, as a competent store manager.

Third, personnel management training

As a supervisor, the management of the staff is a more difficult compulsory course, each persons experience, different personality, how to make the staff of the department to a heart to a heart not to talk about itSimple things. Through the relevant professional knowledge and practical knowledge of the work of the application of personnel management under a lot of my martial arts. Following the strict and care and use of the method.

First of all, their real concern from the psychological staff, respect for employees, the real sake of the staff, really want to improve staff. On this basis, targeted staff of the ideological communication and business training to address staff ideas, establish a clear development goals, and indeed stimulate staff initiative and enthusiasm, and then through the business training for staff to know how to make, how to For the better. In the work management, and always take the lead in words, as long as the principle of making mistakes, never condone. So that the staff from the inherent dynamic, external combat effectiveness can produce benefits.

But people are constantly changing and development, personnel management will change and development, which requires their own sober mind, continuous learning and improvement, and better play the full potential of the team.

The staff training is also an important work of the supervisor, the first from the market 5 staff to market supermarket 3 staff and then to the August supermarket six sector B class 4 staff training, through a training and exchange, From the initial basic business sense of their own training, through the accumulation and learning, initially formed on the staff from the ideas, knowledge of goods, sales psychology and skills, discipline and other aspects of the system of training content. Has been recognized by the staff received a certain effect.

Fourth, professional knowledge and market to control

Ability to improve

The trend of the development of the supermarket retail industry is unstoppable, but the retail industry is also facing both opportunities and challenges coexist, he was fortunate to be able to participate in the development of the times the most among the industry, we must seize the opportunity to work hard. Learning, learning, relearning is the same task in the work and spare time. On the one hand, the basic skills of supermarket management, merchandise display, reasonable inventory of stocks, the adjustment of seasonal commodities, the selection of goods, the convergence of all aspects of operation, from the book theory to practice in daily work, the real knowledge needed to digest Through and then applied to work. On the other hand, through a variety of information media to understand the latest market information, industry dynamics, to listen to the relevant professional training to make their own ideas in the global clearer to a higher point of view of market changes, the company decision-making From their own strategic recommendations.

Fifth, the lack of work with the next year ideas

As the saying goes: frozen three feet of non-day cold.After all, the time to join the retail industry, just one year, the specific start of the work of the supermarket only nearly six months, and market knowledge and knowledge of supermarkets is so deep. Through the calm self-reflection, there are a lot of their own shortcomings, as a whole because of shorter operating hours involved, the operation is not comfortable, the specific also reflected in: First, the choice of goods and control to be strengthened, due to the different division of food Commodity awareness is relatively weaker.Second, the analysis of the market forecast is not accurate enough, lack of confidence, which is due to less experience.

Facing the opportunities and challenges of next year, I will take the responsibility of pragmatism better, strengthen the study of the theory and practice, and make our own business level and management level improve comprehensively. We will devote ourselves to the development of the company. energy. In short, in the new year I put more efforts into the struggle for the cause of supermarket, with the development of benefits to return to the company, to achieve their own value in life.
