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钟楼地处西安繁华的东、西、南、北四条大街交汇处,它古时用来在清晨敲钟报时,故称钟楼 。从建成之日起,钟楼就一直被看作是古城西安的象征,现为陕西省重点文物保护单位。它是我国古代遗留下来许多钟楼中形制最大、保存最完整的一座。西安是明代西北军政重镇,它的钟楼无论从建筑规模历史价值或艺术价值各方面衡量,都居全国同类建筑之冠。

钟楼始建于1384年。钟楼的基座是正方形,占地1377.4平方米,高8.6米,宽35.5米,全部用青砖砌成。楼为砖木结构,高36米。外部重檐3层,但内部仅上下两层。楼檐四角攒顶,檐下饰有彩绘斗拱。“斗拱”是我国古代木结构建筑的特点之一。在世界建筑史上也是独一无二的。它不但能使建筑物更加牢固,而且更加美观。斗拱在 商代就已出现,在我国青铜器的花纹上,可以看到较完整的斗拱图象。


巨钟轶闻 :钟楼的西北角上陈列着一口明代铁钟,重5吨,钟边铸有八卦图案,建造于明成化年间(1465~1487年)。但它比钟楼早先悬挂的铜钟却小得多了。钟楼原先悬挂的巨钟是唐代景云年间铸造的“景云钟”(现藏于碑林博物馆)。据说,迁到今址之后,虽然楼的式样大小并没有改变,景云钟却怎么也敲不响了。无可奈何,只有另换。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1347 字

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一块古老的土地,历史老人曾镌刻了无数的辉煌; 一座年轻的城市,时代之神正编织着美丽的梦想。

西安,古称长安,是当年意大利探险家马可·波罗笔下《马可·波罗游记》中著名的古丝绸之路的起点。西安,这座永恒的城市,就像一部活的史书,一幕幕,一页页记录着中华民族的沧桑巨变。早在 100 多万年前的旧石器时代,以西安的蓝田猿人为代表,揭开了人类文明的一页。到六、七千年前的新石器时代,先民们在此建造了村落——半坡村,成为中国母系氏族公社繁荣时期的典型代表。西安的建城史已有 3100 多年。历史上周、秦、汉、唐等十二个王朝在此建都,历时 1100 多年。中国意为中央之国,中国的中心之点或叫大地原点就在西安,难怪“秦中自古帝王州”!秦始皇在此建造了中国建筑史上的杰作阿房宫,在骊山建造了规模巨大、埋藏极为丰富的历史宝库秦始皇陵,在汉唐时期,西安就是中国政治、经济、文化和对外交流的中心,是当时人口最早超过百万的国际大都市。“东有罗马,西有长安”是西安在世界历史地位的写照。至今,西安与世界名城雅典、开罗、罗马齐名,同被誉为世界四大文明古都。西安无愧于华夏文明的发源地。


秦始皇兵马俑坑被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”,秦始皇陵是最早列入世界遗产名录的中国遗迹,明代古城墙是至今世界上保存最完整、规模最宏大的古城墙遗址。近年,汉阳陵的开发又一次造成了世界的轰动,其出土的裸体彩俑被誉为“东方维纳斯”。市内有 6000 多年历史的半坡遗址;明代建立的藏石碑三千多块、被誉为石质历史书库的碑林博物馆;文物储藏量全国之最的陕西历史博物馆;唐代著名高僧玄奘法师译经之地大雁塔;西北历史最长的清真寺化觉巷清真大寺,以及西安旅游区内的华夏始祖轩辕黄帝之陵黄帝陵;汉武帝刘彻之墓汉茂陵;唐女皇武则天与唐高宗李治的合葬墓唐乾陵;释伽牟尼佛指舍利存放之处法门寺等驰名中外的景点。


西安的旅游商品生产具有浓厚的地方特色,秦俑仿制品、仿古青铜器、秦绣、玉器、丝绸、工艺瓷器、户县农民画、唐三彩、瓷板画、景观表、麦杆画、关中剪纸等民间工艺品十分丰富。全市有推荐旅游购物商店 15 家,可以较好满足游客不同层次的购物需要。同时,西安的餐饮业可以供应全国八大菜系及欧美西餐、日本料理、韩国烧烤、东南亚风味、清真等各式美味佳肴,发掘仿唐菜 120 多种,形成以唐菜为主的传统菜和以陕菜为主的现代菜。在全国饮食业优质产品评选中西安的饺子宴,羊肉泡馍等八个品种荣获金鼎奖,特别是西安独具特色的地方小吃吸引着八方宾客。

西安自古以来就是交通要道,是中国东部通往西北、西南以及西亚各国的咽喉。如今铁路、公路、航空交织成网,四通八达,把西安与全国连成一体。中国四大国际空港之一的西安咸阳国际机场与国内各城市开辟有 100 多条航线。

如今的西安,又是一座以机械、电子、电工、航空航天、轻工工业为主,拥有 500 多个科研机构、 40 余所大专院校,经济繁荣、环境优美、文明整洁的现代城市。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1489 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2289 字

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Dear tourists, Hello! Im the tour guide of todays activity. Now behind usis the beautiful Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyishan is located in Wuyishan City in the north of Fujian Province.According to legend, a long time ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods andwild animals. The common people go through the ravines and have nothing to livefor. After that, a brave young man named Wang Wang came from afar to lead us tocut mountains, cut rocks, dredge rivers, and finally overcome the flood. Thedredged river course is todays Jiuqu River, and the excavated sand and stonesare piled up into thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. From then on, peoplehad a good life. One day, the jade girl Jiayun went on a trip. She wasfascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain and went down to earth tolove her king. Unfortunately, the iron ghost told the jade emperor about thismatter. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girland return to heaven. The jade girl refused and would marry the king. The ironghost uses magic to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of theJiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the iron ghost also becomes arock between the two lovers, monitoring them day and night. This is the ironpeak at the moment. From then on, they had to rely on the mirror platform tolook at each other in tears. Yunv peak bath Xiangtan is said to be the placewhere Yunv bathes. The "seal stone" in the pool is a token of love from theking.

There is also a beautiful place in Wuyi Mountain, called "southeast foot".The southeast foot is located in the northern part of Wuyi Mountains, coveringan area of about 70 square kilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. Themiraculous work of nature for hundreds of millions of years constitutes thebeautiful scenery of Qifeng, Xiushui Jue Hui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutelybeautiful scenery. The ancients said that "there are three or three wins inwater and six or six strange peaks", and it is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

Todays Liu tour ends there. I hope that the beautiful scenery of WuyiMountain will become your most perfect memory after this tour. I also hope thatpeople there can take good care of Wuyishan and pass on the beautiful scenery ofWuyishan from generation to generation. bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1335 字

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长洲花地玛圣母堂(英语:Our Lady of Fatima Church)是一座香港天主教教堂,由天主教香港教区管理。位于长洲东湾教堂路2号,建立于1952年10月13日。

花地玛圣母堂区是一个海岛堂区,服务的范围有长洲的长贵邨、雅宁苑、大石口、天福花园、桂涛花园、大菜园区,南丫岛的沙埔村、大湾村。而南丫岛上的露德圣母小堂(英语:Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel)也属于花地玛圣母堂区的管理范围。圣堂位于南丫岛北榕树湾(露德圣母幼稚园内),于1966年建立,1970年至1976年定名为南丫岛小堂,属薄扶林露德圣母堂区。1976年划分为一独立区,1977年至1979年易名为露德圣母小堂,1979年7月1日升格为堂区。1980年至1983年再度易名为露德圣母弥撒中心。1984年至1986年三度易名为南丫岛弥撒中心。但1989年改属坑口圣云先堂区,1990年转属青衣圣多默宗徒准堂区。1991年四度易名为露德圣母小堂。


1946年至1952年,廖锡光神父负责赤柱、长洲及大澳牧民工作,陆之乐神父任职副本堂。1952年,建立初期名为法地玛圣母堂。10月13日,戴副主教主持本堂第一所圣堂启用仪式,陆之乐神父为首位主任司铎。1954年,易名为圣母法地玛小堂,附属长洲堂区。1955年至1959年,再度易名为法地玛圣母堂。1959年4月,教廷驻华公使高理耀主教访。1961年11月13日,白英奇主教主持启用新圣堂。1965年,成为独立堂区。1971年5月,成立教友传教会 (堂区议会的前身)。1960年至1979年,三度易名为花地玛圣母堂。1979年7月,花地玛圣母堂升格成为堂区。








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7452 字

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Hello, everyone. Im Xiao Li, your tour guide. Welcome to the beautifulsunshine city of Lhasa.

Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of China, has a history ofmore than 1300 years. It is the political, economic, cultural and religiouscenter of the region

It is located in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau, 3650 meters above sealevel, surrounded by mountains, flat terrain, mild climate, annual sunshine timeof about 3000 hours, so it has the reputation of sunshine city.

In the middle of the seventh century, Songzanganbu established the TuboDynasty here. In the Tang Dynasty, after entering Tibet, Princess Wenchengproposed to build a temple by filling the lake with white goats. After thecompletion of the temple, in order to commemorate the contributions of thetemple and the goat, the temple was named Reza. Later, it became the name of thecity and evolved into Lhasa, which means Yangtu city.

For thousands of years, Lhasa has become the center of political andreligious activities in Tibet several times, so Lhasa has become a truly sacredplace.

In the general impression, Lhasa is composed of Potala Palace, Bajiaostreet, Jokhang Temple, sera temple, Drepung temple and Lhasa River. However,Tibetans believe that strictly speaking, Lhasa only refers to Potala Palace,Jokhang Temple and Bajiao street built around Jokhang Temple. Next, let me showyou around the real Lhasa.

What we are seeing now is the world-famous Potala Palace. Is itshocking.

Potala is a Tibetan translation, namely Putuo. According to legend, TibetanBuddhists think that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins St. Putra mountain, sothey compare it to the second Putra mountain.

The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century for Princess Wencheng, whomarried in Tibet. A total of 999 rooms and 1000 original red mansions werebuilt. It is the highest and largest palace style building complex in the world,with an altitude of more than 3700 meters and an area of more than 360000 squaremeters.

Having said so much, we still dont know which parts the Potala Palace iscomposed of.

The Potala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the WhiteHouse, the Dragon King pool behind the mountain, and the snow at the foot of themountain.

The Red Palace is the ancient pagoda hall and various Buddhist halls, whichis located in the center and the top of the whole building. The White Houseembraces the Red Palace, including palaces, sutra halls, gaxia, the former localgovernment of Tibet, and the school of monks and officials. Longwangtan is theback garden of Potala Palace. There is a large pool in the garden center. Thereis an island in the pool. There are longwanggong palace and elephant house onthe island. Snow is at the foot of Potala Palace, where there are prisons,printing houses, workshops and stables of gaxia, the former local government ofTibet.

At the beginning of its construction, the scale of the Potala Palace wasnot as grand as it is now, but gradually expanded with the continuous expansionin the future. Several generations have participated in the expansion and designof the palace, and the cost is huge. It was not until 1936, when the 13th Lamaspagoda hall was completed, that the Potala Palace became its present scale. Sofar, it is like a mysterious symbol, attracting countless people to come toTibet. Those lucky enough to enter the Potala Palace are very lucky.

If you look at this building, do you think it is extremely dazzling? Thisis the famous Jokhang Temple.

Located in the center of Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple has a history of 1350years. It is the most splendid Tibetan Architecture in Tibet. It was first builtin 647. It was jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynastyand princess Chizun of Nepal. After many expansion, it has formed a grand scalewith an area of more than 25100 square meters. There are more than 20 halls inthe temple. The main hall is four stories high, with gold-plated copper tiletop, which is magnificent. It has the architectural style of Tang Dynasty, andalso absorbs the artistic characteristics of Nepalese and Indianarchitecture.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple.

That was 1300 years ago, when Lhasa was still a wilderness and lake. TheTibetan king wanted to build a temple here in order to honor the 8-year-oldstatue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal. According to legend,temples were built in the daytime and collapsed at night. The temple has neverbeen built. Later, Princess Wencheng came here. Because she knew the eighttrigrams of yin and Yang, she explained that the whole Qinghai Tibet Plateau wasa Luocha girl lying on her back. The witch was in the shape of a human, with herhead to the East and her legs to the West. The lake where the Jokhang Temple islocated is just the heart of the Luocha woman, and the lake water is her blood.So Princess Wencheng said that if she wanted to build a temple, she had to fillthe lake first, and first she had to calm the heart of the witch. Then she alsorecommended another 12 small temples to build 13 temples in remote areas, whichcould hold the limbs and joints of the witch.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle of the hall is a 12-year-oldgilded bronze statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Wencheng from Changan.The 8-year-old statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal wastransferred to Xiaozhao temple in the 8th century.

Tibetan people call the statue of Sakyamuni wearing a crown "Jue Wo".Pilgrims touch their knees with their foreheads, believing that they can prayfor themselves, for their friends, and even for their friends. Believers fromremote areas present hada to Jue Wo for their fellow villagers, just like takinga message to Jue wo.

Dazhao temple is the belief center of Tibetan Buddhism. The temple is fullof incense all day long. Believers are worshiping devoutly, and thousands ofbutter lamps are always on. All these record the never-ending footprints ofpilgrims.

After visiting the Jokhang Temple, of course, lets have a look at our oldand busy Bajiao street. Have you felt the strong flavor of Tibetan life now?

Bajiao street is the pronunciation of Paco street. Paco means the streetaround the Jokhang Temple.

The octagonal street is round, like a huge clock, and the magnificentJokhang Temple is the clock axis. According to Tibetan Buddhists, a circlearound the Jokhang Temple is called "zhuanjing" to show the worship of SakyamuniBuddha in the temple. Bajiao street is also the main route for Tibetan Buddhiststo turn their Buddhist scriptures. Every day, people who kowtow for three stepscome here to worship the Buddha in front of the Jokhang Temple. Some of thesepilgrims are even teenagers. They often really kowtow to Lhasa from thousands ofmiles away. They not only had a long way to go, but also could not earn money bydoing odd jobs. In order to make pilgrimage, they had to endure a very miserablelife on the way.

Bajiao street is a famous commercial center and an important commoditydistribution center in Tibet. At present, there are more than 120 handicraftshops and more than 200 stalls in Bajiao street. Here you can find all kinds ofgood things, all kinds of Tibetan ornaments, Nepalese jewelry, small crafts,carpets, Thangka, etc. Of course, its also a paradise for delicious food.Tibetan food is the most characteristic. All over the country, there are variousflavors of CAI.

Well, thats the end of my explanation. I hope you have a good time inLhasa.



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Danxia mountain (China redstone park), located at shaoguan city, guangdong province ren county and Zhen jiang district, is one of the world geological park, leads to the world heritage nomination, the world natural heritage, etc. Danxia mountain area of 292 square kilometers, is the biggest area of guangdong province, beautiful scenery, predominantly danxia landform landscape scenic area and natural heritage sites, and dinghu mountain, luofu mountain, beautifully as four renowned great mountains in guangdong. Since 1988, danxia mountain successively won the national scenic area, national nature reserve, national geological park, national AAAAA level scenic spots such as the five national brand, ratified in 20xx the first world geological park.

Danxia mountain is one of the world "danxia landform" named after. Danxia mountain consists of more than 680 top flat, steep slope, slow foothill red gravel rock, sages "color such as w, Dan Ming", which are characterized by red cliff danya. According to geologists study: in the world have found more than 1200 danxia landform, danxia mountain is the most typical and the most complete types of modelling development the most abundant, the most scenic danxia landform concentrated distribution area.

China redstone park, danxia mountain, located at shaoguan city, guangdong province ren county, east longitude 113 ° 36 25 "53" to 113 ° 47, north latitude 24 ° 51 48 "between 12 to 25 ° 04". Covers an area of 292 square kilometers, is the biggest area of guangdong province, landscape, the most beautiful scenic spot. Since 1988, danxia mountain successively won the national scenic area, national nature reserve, national geological park, national AAAAA level scenic spots such as the five national brand, on February 13, 20xx, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization approval for the worlds first world geological park.

Danxia mountain is one of the world "danxia landform" named after. Danxia mountain consists of more than 680 top flat, steep slope, slow foothill red gravel rock, sages "color such as w, Dan Ming", which are characterized by red cliff danya. According to geologists study: in the world have found more than 1200 danxia landform, danxia mountain is the most typical and the most complete types of modelling development the most abundant, the most scenic danxia landform concentrated distribution area.

Between 140 million and 70 million, danxia mountain is a large inland basin, affected by the Himalayan orogeny, strong uplift surrounded by mountain, basin to accept a large number of clastic sediments, formed a thick red strata; Around 7000 years ago, the earths crust rise gradually eroded. Since 6 million years ago, the basin occurred many times intermittent rise, average every increase 1 meter ten thousand, fluvial incision erosion at the same time, the red layer is cut into a piece of red mountain danxia group, which is now the danxia mountain.



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“后花园”至天下第一桥,有一条全长20xx多米的游道,路面多为白色的条石铺成,站在远处观望,很像一条白色的绸带打了两个结,一头系在“迷魂台”,一头第在“天下第一桥”。信步漫游,沿途可欣赏到“拜仙台”、“百丈绝壁”、“小洞天”、“情人谷”等别有情趣的景点,这里海拔不高,一般不受气候影响,慢慢品味,定会使您赏心悦目。 “天下第一桥”是张家界“十大绝景”之一。也是袁家界的标志性景点,它是居于两山之间形成的一座天然石桥,而两山原为一体,桥身是两山相连的关键部分,但因中间石质较为薄弱,由于风化、崩塌作用的影响,又经过日晒雨淋、流水洗刷、山洪冲击,久而久之,终于形成今天这一特别的奇景……。






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大雁塔建于唐高宗永徽三年,因坐落在慈恩寺,故又名大慈恩寺塔,位于陕西省西安市南郊慈恩寺内,是全国著名的古代建筑,被视为古都西安的象征大雁塔塔通高64.5米,塔体为方形锥体,造型简洁,气势雄伟,是我国佛教建筑艺术中不可多得的杰作。 此塔是玄奘大师从印度(古天竺)取经回来后,专门从事译经和藏经之处。因仿印度雁塔样式修建,故名雁塔。由于后来又在长安荐福寺内修建了一座较小的雁塔,以示区别,人们把慈恩寺塔叫作大雁塔,荐福寺塔叫作小雁塔,一直流传至今。



唐代许多著名诗人登临大雁塔都留下传诵至今的佳句,如杜甫的 “高标跨苍穹,烈风无时休”;章八元的“却怪鸟飞平地上,自惊人语半空中”等。尤其是岑参的《与高适、薛据同登慈恩寺浮图》;“塔势如涌出,孤高耸天宫;登临出世界,磴道盘虚空。突兀压神州,峥嵘如鬼工;四角碍白日,七层摩苍穹。下窥指高鸟,俯听闻惊风;连山若波涛,奔凑似朝东。青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑;秋色从西来,苍然满关中。五陵北原上,万古青蒙蒙。净理了可悟,胜因夙所宗;誓将挂冠去,觉道资无穷”。诗人气势磅礴的描写与富于哲理的感叹,常常在人们登塔时引起共鸣。



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The famous tourist spot of Tianzhu Mountain is SANZU temple. Enter theSouth Gate of Tianzhu Mountain, yerenzhai, not far up to the SANZU temple.According to legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and nowthere are only a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji towerstanding in front of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valleyfull of boulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. Thewater in the valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It iscalled "Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley.In front of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, whichis called "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native ofthe Northern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoistof the valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian anda portrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, agreat contemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry andpainting is still clearly visible.

Tianzhu peak is as magnificent as Qingtian giant pillar, with extraordinarymomentum. On the cliff in front of Tianzhu peak, there are eight charactersengraved on it: "isolated Jingxiao, Zhongtian Yizhu". "Indomitable" fourcharacters written directly under it, magnificent and amazing. On the left andright sides of Tianzhu peak are Feilai, Santai and Liangfeng, which are evenmore majestic.

The Mysterious Valley under the Feilai peak of Tianzhu Mountain is called"Tianzhu Yijue" by tourists. The mysterious valley is about five or six li long.The bottom of the valley is composed of 54 caves of different shapes. The cavesare connected with each other, and the caves cover each other. In the caves,there are bamboos, courtyards, doors, stone ladders and stone railings. Walkingthrough the dark cave, its difficult to distinguish things, I dont knowwhether its cloudy or sunny, and its depressing; but as soon as I get out ofthe cave, I can see the light, which is exciting and joyful.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 12131 字

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Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. Im your tour guide. My nameis Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in yourtravel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order tolet you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Iwould like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the YellowEmperor.

Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end ofprimitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, theYellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he wasgood at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is abear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It isalso known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local moralityand yellow color.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributedto the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boatsand carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, settingtemperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, andregulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs andhabits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as thebeginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the"ancestor of humanity".

There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successivegovernments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see isthe only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, ahistorian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical recordsthat "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". Themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and itwas renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperorascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Latergenerations buried the Yellow Emperors clothes here and built a tomb for it.This is the origin of the Yellow Emperors mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdimausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitiveclans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctivecharacteristics of Yangshao culture.

Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about180 kilometers north of Xian. Huangling County, formerly known as ZhongbuCounty, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the formergovernment of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum wasannounced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one ofthe 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. Theground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in QinlingMountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the longhistory of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us iscalled YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washedhis pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juheriver is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there willbe a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spansYinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of allstone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, whichleads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the YellowEmperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrificeactivities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping thetemple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is locatedin the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please followme into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in theHan Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here inthe Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate ofthe temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, blackglazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was writtenby Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see atowering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress arevigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so itis called "Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestryexpert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in theworld and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, thetree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous treesin China".

This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tabletshere. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poemwritten by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republicof China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. Thefirst passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaopings handwritten"descendants of the Yellow River".

After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one metersquare blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the YellowEmperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin acrossthe fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunkswere covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is saidthat in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northernexpedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So its called"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before QingmingFestival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state andwas called "the wonder of Qunbai".

Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four characterplaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the formerpatriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in theEastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nations ancestor was enlargedand carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relicsafter soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony ofsacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held hereduring the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to thestyle of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with theflavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved withgranite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of theChinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it wasannounced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protectionunit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of HuanglingCounty.

Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". Nomatter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshanmountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located inHuangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypressesmore than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancientcypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperors Mausoleum with toweringancient cypresses. Its full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completelytowering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All theseancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governmentsattach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to theleft side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called HanwuSendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping hisancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperors ascending to heaven andbecoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carrya bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went onthe stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back toheaven like the Yellow Emperor, its nothing to leave my wife, but its justlike leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to thetop of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eightdown.". Its said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, thereis another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", whichmeans that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven bydriving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon totake him up to heaven. His subjects didnt want the Yellow Emperor to leave andsurrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,people pull off the Yellow Emperors skirt, boots and sword. People bury theYellow Emperors clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as amemorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend afterall. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperorcollapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the HanDynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so itis recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engravedwith three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of ourexplanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We willgather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thankyou!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,景区,导游,全文共 686 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1467 字

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HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history.

Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.

Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 331 字

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中都草原位于张北县境内。中都是元代与大都(北京)、上都(开平)齐名的三都之一,是皇室宗族巡幸避暑胜地。1320xx年,元武宗在张北草原上共建中都。规模宏 大、瑰丽壮观.成为皇室往返元大都(北京),上都(开 平)的巡都。中都原始草原成为皇家狩猎、避暑、 巡幸之地,后经马可.波罗介绍到西方,与大都齐名而声海内外.草原旅游也延绵互今。

中都草原是锡林郭勒大草原的组成部分和精华。 有着完整的原始、天然生态系统,野阔草平,苍茫浩荡.马兰、干枝梅、黄花、金莲花沸沸 扬扬、横无际涯,放发出沁人心脾的芬芳口蘑酸柳、 地皮菜隐匿草间;旱獭、草原袋鼠、鼹鼠嬉戏跳跃; 泽边、云端上,大雁驻足.百灵高歌;布谷黄鹂画 眉羊群、牧马驼铃声声。



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During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you cant see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We cant go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5149 字

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Good morning, friends! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang (181-234), whose name is Kongming, was born in Yangdu, LangyaCounty, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, Shandong Province) atthe end of Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, and then went toMu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuans death, ZhugeLiang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu, WoLonggang, Nanyang,and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubled times and did not seekfame and fame from Princes". However, he made friends with famous people allover the world. He was full of wisdom and good intentions. He lived in seclusionand pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famous scholar at that time, compared him toa "Wolong" waiting for time to take off. In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Feipaid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu. Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, leftWoLonggang, where he had been working for ten years, and joined Liu Beispolitical group. Later, he became the Prime Minister of Shu Han and became theMarquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyal to the marquis. Therefore,Zhuge Liangs ancestral temple is called "Marquis Temple".

According to the records of longgangzhi written by Kangxi of Qing Dynasty,Wuhou Temple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. It has beencontinuously repaired and added to form its present scale. Today, the WuhouTemple, which we see, covers an area of more than 200 mu, has more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Todays Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Beis three talents. It is because of Liu Beis sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liangs achievements areunparalleled. Liu Beis respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shis Wu Hou Miao Ji, whichpraises Zhuge Liangs saying: "human, God, immortal, I dont know, true Wolong."Take a look at wolongtan in the north of Shifang. There are three ancientcatalpa trees on those sides. It is said that they were the trees that Liu, Meiand Zhang Sangu used to tie horses in those days. Now there is another one.Guess whos horse was tied to the trees more than 1700 years ago?

Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liangs talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Lets turn around and look at the four big words"master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books "six Taos" and "three strategies". Latergenerations used it to refer to military strategy. Here is also a praise forZhuge Liangs military strategy.



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