





范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 656 字

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To Whom It May Concern,

I have learnt fromyesterday’s newspaper that you are employing . I wish to be considered as anapplicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows:

I am years old, a major student of University / College. During my academic years,I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-classscholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have therich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I believe I can be ofvalue to your company.

For furtherinformation please refer to my attached resume. I should be please to attendfor an interview at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,





范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1887 字

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范文类型:委托书,合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 827 字

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范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 1088 字

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To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apples CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apples brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.






就我的继任者而言,我强烈建议公司按照我们的继任计划进行,并任命蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)为苹果新任首席执行官。






范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1491 字

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arbitra-tion, the execution of the contract shall be continued except the part which is

under arbit ra-tion.

article 15 applicable law

this contract shall be governed by the laws if the people’s republic of china as tothe

interpretation and performance of the contract.

articl l6 duration

16.1 the contrant os signed on may 8, 1993, by authorized represenatives of botb


after the contract has been signed, the two parties shall apply to their respective

the managing onstructure of the parties or government authorities for apprval. the date

of ap-proval last obtained shall be taken as the date of effectiveness of the contract.

both partfies shallexert their best efforts to obtain the approval within sixty (60)

says and inform the oth-er party by telex and thereafter confirm the same by letter. if

the contract can not come into affect within six (6) months after the date of signing,

both parties are entitlid to consider themselves absolved from the contract.

16.2 tbe contract shall be valid for ten (10) years beginning from the date of its

be-comingeffective, and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the

validity period of the contract.

16.3 the termination of this contract shall not affect in any way the outstanding

claims and the liabilities

existing between the two parties upon the expiry of the validity of the contractand

the debtor shall be kept liable until he fully pays up his debts to the creditor.




范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 2046 字

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在自身学习发展的同时,我也努力做好教研组的工作,带领全体教研组教师一起学习新《纲要》、新课程的要求和精神。在每一次教研活动中,大家提出自己在教学中面临的一些困惑,发表自己的不同见解。在课程研讨中,大家都能根据自己的特点,互相帮助着设计教学形式,分析教材特点。我在协助园长抓好幼儿园教育教学工作的同时,还努力做好我园的教科研工作,我园的“音乐活动中幼儿自我表达能力的培养研究”课题已圆满结题,我被评为先进个人,撰写的有关论文在区课题论文中获奖,在 课题推广期间,我协助园长完成新课题的筛选、申报,在课题“农村幼儿爱心培养研究”的开展过程中,我带领全体教研组的教师学习行动研究如何行动,共同探讨了课题的实效开展及成果积累。










范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:翻译,广告,全文共 1773 字

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The taste is great 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

Feel the new space 感受新境界。(三星电子)

Intelligence everywhere智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

The choice of a new generation新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

We integrate, you communicate我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

Take TOSHIBA, take the world拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

Let’s make thing btter让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

No business too small, no problem too big


M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand(M&Ms) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)

Good to the last drop (Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

Impos*le made pos*le使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

Take time to indulge 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

The relentless pursuit of perfection不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

Poetry in motion, dancing close to me动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country


To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color


Just do it 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

Ask for more 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)







Time is what you make of it (Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

Make yourself heard (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

Start ahead (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

Things go better with Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) 饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)

Connecting People(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

A diamond lasts forever (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

Mosquito Bye Bye Bye (RADAR) 蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)

A Kodak Moment (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷)



Good to the last drop滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

Obey your thirst 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

The new digital era 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

We lead Others copy我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)









范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1290 字

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I graduated from Teachers College kindergarten teaching, 21 years old, loving and responsible, for the different stages of child care, individualized to target children.

I have worked in China West Normal University, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province subsidiary kindergarten, kindergarten and Chengdu in Sichuan Province Mingshan salt Thistle Melody International Foreign Language School Kindergarten kindergarten three were one to two months of internship, and later in Salt Thistle Foreign Language Primary School for a month, the kindergarten teaching internship during the patient can be completed together with the children to learn and play, and active concern and assistance in their daily lives.

not only taught children to learn textbook knowledge, but also focus on developing their learning interested in organizing activities to foster team work ability and the capacity so that each student can fully demonstrate their own to play their own advantages.

I am at work motivated, hard-working, in practice a lot of growth has enriched my professional and learned more and more practical knowledge, and also received teacher-led praise.

Course work in the future, I would like to continue to learn and improve themselves. Please give me a chance to lead, I will move to prove my ability!



范文类型:鉴定书,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,翻译,全文共 1985 字

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全面地将所学的各项 英语知识结合起来并在翻译实践中进一步运用翻译技巧来提高翻译水平,巩固专业知识的基础上努力扩大自己的知识面这样才有助于我们成为全面发展的人才在未来的工作领域中一展风采。另外此次实习经历也让我们学到了许多为人处世的道理并对自己的人生道路有了更明确的规划。


从大三开始我们开了翻译课第一学期的英译汉以及本学期的是汉译英,经过了整整两个学期的英语翻译,我觉得自己在翻译方面能力有所提高。将近一个月的翻译实践课程即将结束,指导老师精心的为我们挑选了具有代表性的翻译资 料,资料内容丰富涉及经济、科研、实事新闻、历史、医学、心理等各个方面方面以及保护等方面。

在实习起步阶段,我们先是由魏老师指导向我们进行本次实习的内容、安排以及意义并将我们分组。要求了每周的具体工作以及我们第一周要进行的翻译材料,汉译英材料是《唐朝皇后棺椁被追回》,英译汉是《Extra Weight in Early Childhood Foretells Later Disease Risk》,并要求我们将《唐朝皇后棺椁被追回》做成课件,详细的列出翻译过程中所遇到困难以及感受。第二周的翻译材料是《设备维修中心》和《Exhaustion Syndrome Leaves Measurable Changes in the Brain》


第二阶段的实习是由张云老师指导我们对菜谱进翻进行了系统的学习以及学校组织的西科杯翻译大赛。主要翻译内容是《Why Economics Can’t Explain Our Cultural Divide》,中餐菜名译法举例以及班级合作的菜谱书翻译;最后一周的翻译材料是《平凡的人生》节选及《The Girl with the Apple》节选。



过这次的翻译实习主要让我领会到了两点一是融会贯通的重要性;二是合作的重要性。 首先翻译是一种语言活动有是该活动的结果它是融理论、技能、艺术于一体的语言实践活动。通过翻阅大量资料我更加透彻的掌握了一些翻译的相关知识。1.翻译的本质可以用一句话来概括“在透彻地理解原文意思的基础上用标准的汉语表述出来。2. 翻译质量有两个基本标准第一个标准是忠实于原文,这也就是我们所说的“信”。第二个标准是符合中文的表达习惯,也就是所谓的“达”句子要通顺 流畅不能生造词语和句子也就是所谓的文笔。3. 翻译界通用的质量标准是“信、达、雅”。4. 直译和意译的辨证关系。

在这次实践中我自身也得到了很大的提高。1.团队精神。在四次讨论中我们每个人都做认真的翻译,然后一起研究,讨论,最后做出决定。这种经历对我们日后工作或者学术研究都有很大帮助。2. 查阅搜索资料的能力。前面提到很多文本需要专业知识背景和专业词汇表达。因此我们在翻译中要通过网络、图书来查阅大量资料。我们的收获不在于我们学会了


四. 实习反思

1. 这个过程暴漏了单词量不够 ,这点对我来说影响很大, 比如经常会遇到一些单词 ,感觉见过但有不知道具体是什么意思只有浪费了很多时间。通过这次实践在以 后顶顶会注意多积累增加单词记忆量。 2. 对句子的分析能力不足,包括具子成分以及语法的欠缺导致了在翻译中的困难并且犯错。英语句子成分只是英语语法中的一小部分,而且平时的考试也不会考, 以前并没有注意到这一点。3. 我在速度方面的不足。在这儿我主要谈的是打印时的翻译速度因为看电子版本,首先是费眼睛时间长了眼睛会很花,所以会感到比较的疲劳总是不能坚持下去。其次,是我本身对电脑键盘的熟练程度还不够经常会打错字。不过在以后的学习 和工作中我会不断提高自己在这方面的能力把自己的翻译速度尽最大努力提上来。

五. 实习总结

这次的翻译实习对我来说是次绝佳的挑战。经过这次的学习后我发现自己的心静了很多,所以,什么都是一步一步来的,习惯和心态也是慢慢培养训练出来的。认真和努力了这就已经足够了。在以后的学习和工作中,我要有一个良好的心态,不刻意追求事情的完美 一直加油努力就好。 不管最后的结果怎样 我都会坦然去面对。 最后对魏老师和张老师对我的帮助以及指导我要深表感谢。总之一句话这次翻译让我收益匪浅,一定会对以后的道路会有所帮助。



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 2846 字

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第一条 术语和定义

1.1 原件:指甲方提供给乙方、要求乙方翻译、审校、编辑处理的文件。

1.2 译件:指乙方按甲方要求在约定的时间交付给甲方的翻译文件成品。

1.3 源语言:指原件所采用的语言。

1.4 目标语言:指译件所采用的语言。

1.5 字数统计:根据 GB/T 19363.1-20_《翻译服务规范第 1 部分:笔译》.,中外互译,按中文“字符数/不计空格”计算;外外互译,不论是源文本还是目标文本,除韩文(“字符数/不计空格”计算)外均按单词数量计算;以千单词为单位。

1.6 插图:指文本框、图框、艺术字、图片等,其内容无法使用 word 统计字数。

1.7 图纸:指用绘图软件等绘制的图形文件,其内容无法使用 word 统计字数。

1.8 工作日:指除星期六、星期日和中华人民共和国法定节假日之外的任何一日。工作日以日为计算单位,正常工作时间满 8 个小时为一日。

1.9 协议期限:指协议双方经过协商共同约定的协议有效期。

1.10 协议变更:指协议双方约定的协议内容的变化和更改。

第二条 服务内容及要求

2.1 甲方委托乙方进行的翻译服务项目。

2.2 源语言和目标语言以及其他服务要求根据具体翻译服务任务确定(可以“项目需求清单”等方式另行约定)。

第三条 协议期限

本协议有效期为 年。自年月日始,至年月日止。


第四条 翻译费用及支付

4.1 工作量: 根据本协议第二条甲方委托乙方进行的翻译服务项目统计,由甲乙双方签字确认。

4.2 翻译单价:人民币元/千字。

4.3 翻译服务加急费:人民币元/千字。

4.4 翻译费用按实际发生工作量,按月(季、半年)度结算,每月(季、半年)度末乙方汇总相关翻译服务工作完成清单,经甲方确认后开具发票;甲方在收到发票后个工作日内支付翻译费用(如遇节假日或特殊情况顺延)。

4.5 对于零星但又需要签署合同的小额业务,可每完成一次结算一次(见附录 B 翻译服务确认单)。

第五条 权利和义务

5.1 甲方权利与义务

a) 甲方有权要求乙方按照本协议约定提交译件;

b) 在本协议有效期内,甲方应以书面方式向乙方提出具体服务要求;

c) 甲方有权对乙方的翻译服务进行监督检查;

d) 甲方有权要求乙方对其服务过程中存在的问题进行整改。甲方如对乙方交付的译件有异议,应在收到译件之日起个工作日内向乙方提出修改意见,若甲方逾期未提出修改意见的,则视为译件质量达到甲方要求;

e) 甲方应按本协议约定向乙方提供原件或参考资料,对乙方的澄清要求做出答复,配合乙方翻译开展服务工作;

f) 甲方应保证所提供的文件资料没有违反中华人民共和国法律法规、国际法,否则应承担全部责任;

g) 甲方应按本协议约定向乙方支付翻译服务费用。

5.2 乙方权利与义务

a) 乙方有权要求甲方提供翻译原件和相关背景资料;

b) 乙方有权对甲方提供的资料提出澄清和咨询要求;

c) 乙方有权按照协议收费标准向甲方收取翻译费用;

d) 乙方应根据甲方的要求在规定的期限向甲方提供合格的翻译服务;

e) 乙方应在规定时间内按照甲方的修改意见修订翻译稿件;

f) 乙方应确保译文准确、通顺;

g) 乙方应按本协议规定的期限提交译件。

第六条 协议变更


第七条 通讯

7.1 在本协议有效期内,甲乙双方指定的项目联系人及联系方式如下:


联系人: 联系人:

联系电话: 联系电话:

Email: Email:

通讯地址: 通讯地址:

7.2 任何一方变更项目联系人的,应当及时以书面形式通知另一方。未及时通知并影响本协议履行或造成损失的一方,应承担相应的责任。

第八条 保密和知识产权



8.3 甲乙双方均应受本保密条款约束;在本协议终止后,本保密条款在三年内持续有效。

8.4 如果甲乙双方另行签订《保密协议》的,本条款未尽之保密事宜或本条款约定内容与双方达成的《保密协议》内容不符时,以《保密协议》约定为准。

第九条 违约责任

9.1 由于甲方原因推迟向乙方提供原件或相关支持文件,甲方应承担相关损失。

9.2 因甲方提供的原件存在问题,导致的翻译错误由甲方承担。

9.3 在甲方如期提供原件的情况下,如乙方未按约定日期按约定要求完成翻译服务,甲方有权解除协议并视为乙方违约,乙方应向甲方支付协议总额%的违约金作为赔偿。

9.4 因乙方自身翻译失误所带来的经济损失由乙方承担。任何情况下,乙方承担的直接和间接的经济损失最多不得超过本合同涉及项目金额的 1 倍。


9.6 甲方在约定的交付日期前取消所委托部分或全部的翻译内容,甲方应向乙方支付乙方实际已经完成部分的费用,乙方应向甲方交付已经完成的译件。

第十条 不可抗力

10.1在协议履行过程中,由于不可抗力(例如战争、严重火灾、水灾、台风、地震等不可遇见、不可避免且不可克服的事件)导致协议不能履行或延期履行,协议双方互不承担违约责任。但受不可抗力影响的一方应在不可抗力发生后24 小时内通知另一方不可抗力发生情况,且在不可抗力发生之后工作日 日内出具书面证明。

10.2 遭遇不可抗力影响的一方仍然有义务采取相应的措施减少损失。如果不可抗力的影响导致协议最终无法履行,双方另行协商善后事宜。

第十一条 适用法律


第十二条 争议的解决


第十三条 其他约定

13.1 本协议未尽事宜,甲乙双方另行协商,签订补充协议,作为本协议的组成部分。

13.2 本协议一式份,甲乙双方各执份,具有同等法律效力。

13.3 本协议自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。






范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 3525 字

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I am a commercial procurement staff to work from six months ago has time. From the student into a buyer of this experience, to work with enthusiasm, tireless enthusiasm for learning. Strong adaptability and good communication skills with leadership and assistance, work colleagues. I have learned how to better understand the intent of the leadership, the better abide by our obligation to work, proactive work to identify existing problems, solve problems, and develop a good at summary, purposeful plan of good habits. The following is a self-identified since the work.

At work, down to earth, diligent, humbly accept criticism superiors guidance, active exchange learning experiences with colleagues. Because I know that in such a good extended family often look back at the road traveled, summing up the past, manage the present. Firmly we believe that through their own efforts, can do better in the only good team.

Concern ideological accomplishment others, keep its promises, resolute honest, friendly easy-going, willing to sacrifice. Looking back along the way, bit by bit, only to find that not only love my job, my department, and I was so loving colleagues around me. "People in the business of learning, has been asking himself accelerate the pace of progress, the only way the business is not lost on anyone. Although no purchase work experience, but I have been xiu basic skills, will learn professional knowledge into energy superiors to learn the essentials of business, consult the work skills to the right attitude, careful rigorous analysis of the problems encountered in the work actively participate in the training organized by the company, a broad understanding of business knowledge and broaden the work of thinking. people firewood flame high ", I was to fire the general enthusiasm infected colleagues around Hualian with love and write a brilliant tomorrow. ? On discipline, strictly comply with the rules and regulations already in-depth bone marrow, respect for leadership, solidarity and co-workers have become potential consciousness. Strict demands on themselves, never late or left early. Depending on the company as their home, take good care of the companys various public facilities, set an example proactive maintenance, cleaning office actively regional health, love and protect our excellent office environment, improve their overall quality. Because I know that in future work, corporate culture, the environment is the need of each of us to love.

On learning the business, he has been asking himself accelerate the pace of progress, the only way the business is not lost on anyone. Although there is no aspect of procurement experience, but I have been xiu basic skills, you will learn professional knowledge into energy. Superiors to learn the essentials of business, consult work skills, problems with the right attitude, careful rigorous analysis work encountered. Actively participate in the training organized by the company, a broad understanding of business knowledge and broaden the work of thinking.

Honed six months, I have matured a lot, pay a lot. But these were not enough, waiting for me to do, there are many places to improve. Strengthen collaboration with other departments and communication skills for the future work of the interdepartmental better cooperation has laid solid foundation to learn from a better way to deal with the problem to other colleagues, empathy angle of approach. I think I must be able to be able to express themselves, even more handy at work.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:仓管,全文共 2789 字

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Just enter the company do not understand the company, but also remember that has had a hazy,

First of all, in the three months of raw materials warehouse, familiar with the raw material storage process, familiar with the use of FIFO materials out of the library process

During this period, whenever the problems encountered, my colleagues will be patient to explain, I think they are very enthusiastic, in them I have learned a lot of things. Please rest assured that the leadership, I will work conscientiously, although my education is not high, but I will work hard.

During the internship, he served as the basic responsibility of warehouse management, participated in the storage and management, order management, visual management, 5S management, FIFO management and Kanban management activities.An understanding of each item:

First: out of storage management, see a single operation, how can send and receive, on what basis to send and receive documents, conscientiously verified, careful inventory, handover, face to face signature; seriously according to strict procedures.

Second: the order management, warehouses play part of the control function, understanding of safety stock, working capital, the highest stock, procurement of bulk, closely follow up each item Invoicing, timely submission of material shortage purchase; Can continue to supply the production line, on the one hand to ensure that reduce inventory, on the one hand take into account the procurement cycle and procurement costs, to find a balance, statistics of each material of the month to receive with the law, understanding the purchase of economic volume and cycle, comprehensive analysis, continuousattention.

Fourth: 5S management, the basis of on-site management work, as important as the warehouse management, warehousing fixed-point quantitative principle is to do a good job rectification work, warehouses warehouses in charge of the classification of goods, sorted out, warehouse Many items, in the delivery of storage and delivery of various types of activities, the need for an orderly and tidy work environment, and only do a good job sorting and cleaning work in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of these efforts. Warehouse management is a long-term repetitive work, it is necessary to develop a good habit, every day to do a good job, Nissin clean, 5S literacy to have a very big help.

Fifth: FIFO management is one of the three principles of warehouse management, not the implementation of FIFO can easily lead to overstock, easy to produce goods deterioration, easy to produce engineering changes the risk of scrapping. The implementation of FIFO approach to the colored standard method, dual-zone shift method of goods, gravity method, the most stringent accounting records recount method.



范文类型:邀请函,全文共 556 字

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Dear sir/madam:

Im delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic... from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 6428 字

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Good morning, my name is . it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview. now I will introduce myself briefly, I am 21 years old, born in ,and currently I’m a postgraduate student of University. Though my major is Information Security, actually my tutor is an expert in computer application. I entered University 5 years ago, since I was graduated from High School. During my bachelor time, my major was software engineering.

I have passed CET4 and CET6 when I was in my sophomore year and I have acquired basic knowledge of software engineering both in theory and in practice. Besides, I have attended a java train program that was hold by the international software school and neusoft company.

The most memorable thing during my undergraduate era was a travel to, which is a town in Hunan Province. In 20xx summer vacation, our university hold a social practice activity. I took part in the activity to investigate how the ban of Agriculture tax worked. During the tour, my roommates and I worked together, lived together, I felt that we were just from one family, that’s amazing.

To learn more about computer technology, I choose to be a postgraduate and I will receive my master degree in june.20xx. I took part in two lab program. One is LAN Traffic Supervision System. The system has been developed by my tutor’s lab. It can limit the bandwidth of the hosts which are in the LAN. My work in the program was to complete the logic layer code in Java. The other program is Management Information System for University Hospital The system has been developed by the hospital and computer school. Its main target is to carry out the so called “digital campus” plan. My work in the program contains design, coding, system maintenance, writing user manual, etc.

I thought The most important work is to communicate with the doctors from time to time to ensure that our system meets their needs

I really improve my ability of dealing with other people.

well ,in my spare time ,I like reading novels and F1. The former let me think while enjoying while the latter is not only the union of speed and enthusiasm but also a fantastic show. It means challenge, to challenge the utmost speed of auto sports under limited articels.

OK,that’s all. Thank you.

The Third grade scholarship of study

The National scholarship of study

The Second grade master basic scholarship of study

The First grade master basic scholarship of study

A good command of spoken and written English.

CET-6 Certificate.

Advanced programming skill in Java.

Proficient in SQL.

Possess strong expression and learning ability.

Good at setting a harmonious relationship with others in a short time.


my name is zhao wanjun. wanjun is my given name. wan means sweet and jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl. i actually am! but you can call me june, for your

convenience, j-u-n-e, its similar to my chinese name jun. i am from enping, a small city in the southwest of guangdong province, near hongkong and macao. maybe you have never been there before, its well known for the hot springs there. in , i got the highest score in the college entrance examinations in my city and entered zhongshan university. my major is computer science. my gpa ranks in the top 40% among all students, but i have stronger c++ programming skills than many others. also, i was the first one to learn java in my class. i was chosen by a teacher of mine to participate in his project. the project was about a lan chat room, and i developed the instant

messaging system in it. i was the only female student in this project team. besides study and the project, i worked in the student union for two years, first year as a member, next year promoted to be the general secretary. my colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person. ibm is top on my job hunting list for of the reasons you hear every day. i look forward to joining a famous

company as it means good training, good pay, and good people to work with, just like you gentlemen! technical support engineer is my ideal job because i have both a technical background and the ability to deal with clients. also, traveling isn’t a problem although i am a woman. (备注: 如果面对老外面试官, 则不谈性别。如果和中国面试官用英文自我介绍, 则可以谈论性别差异。此乃文化差异。) i am quite an

athlete, you see, ive been jogging in the morning for over two years! thats all of my self introduction, thank you!

我的名字是赵婉君。婉君是我的名字。湾仔是指甜,君是指人,所以我的名字是指甜脾气的女孩。我真的是这样的!但是你可以给我打电话6月,为方便起见, 6月,它类似于中国的名字我的6月,我从恩平一小城市,在广东省西南,靠近香港和澳门。也许你从来没有出现之前,那有众所周知的温泉。 在XX年,我得到的最高分在高考中我的城市,进入中山大学。我国主要的是计算机科学。我国政府采购协定排名前40 %之间的所有学生,但我有较强的c + +编程技能比其他许多人。另外,我是第一个以了解java在我班上。 我选择了教师的地雷参加他的项目。该项目是一个网络聊天室,我开发的即时通讯系统中。我是这个项目小组唯一的女学生。


ibm是我最求职名单的原因你听到每一天。我期待着加入一个著名的公司,这意味着良好的培训,良好的薪酬和良好的人民一道,就像你们好! (点评:有互动。 )

技术支持工程师是我理想的工作,因为我既是一个技术背景和能力来处理客户。另外,旅游也没有什么问题尽管我是一个女人。 (备注:如果面对老外面试官,则不谈性别。如果和中国面试官用英文面试,则可以谈论性别差异。此乃文化差异。 )我很是运动员,你看,我一直在慢跑在上午两年多来!这是我所有的自我介绍,谢谢!


My name is a college of Finance and Information Management

Department of computer science and application of fresh graduates.

Three years of specialized courses and minor courses related to learning, let me in the computer field with more solid theoretical basis. Through the school rooms and personal computers continue to practice, and to compare the system to use the knowledge learned in graduate design, which greatly improved the operational capability of my hands.

I am diligent, hardworking, dedication and responsibility. Lively and outgoing personality, dare to try to engage in innovation, as much as boys of the energy and vitality.

Experience similar to "white", but I believe I have the ability to face the difficulties encountered, and can quickly enter the work on track. As long as you are willing to "pick up a pen" to "paint", I believe I will be a beautiful "watercolor"!

As I started studying computer science the psychological selection as: computer and network is the main tool for the future. I believe that my insight. I know the speed of updating knowledge, I also need to continuously improve their professional standards. Not inferior to college students, because learning has no boundaries, and many opportunities for self-improvement. Most college students can be down to earth, more in charity work ability is not necessarily worse than high students he educated!



范文类型:介绍信,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 1851 字

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Good morning Sir,

I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me thank you for finding time in the midst of pressing affairs.

I am 25 years old and I am local. (I live locally sounds better) I am seeking an opportunity to work with as Sales. (..IN sales or As a Sales representative/whatever).My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.

I have a bachelor degree with a major in Mechanical and Electrical field.(pause) Graduated from the university in 20__. Over the past three years, I have worked with Co.,Ltd as Sales (again, in sales or as a sales man/person/rep?) who responsible (with responsibility mainly) for the market of Hunan. During this period, I have learnt much. I learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities. Additional experience in other fields such as graduation practice in factory and commercial negotiation also reinforces my value to your company.

I enjoy thinking, enjoy learning, enjoy working, (and I am )able to bear work pressure.

In my free time, I often participate (in) activities such as table tennis (and) badminton.

I am expecting to become your colleague on some day. (More tactful to say ’I would love to become you colleague/join the company)

Because being offhand in advance, let’s leave it at that. (This sentence makes no sense. ’Being offhand’ means to be rude, inconsiderate, ill-mannered so I don’t think that is whay you mean! In advance of what? ’Let’s leave it at that’ is a command, it sounds rather abrupt and ill-mannered to me, again I don’t think this is what you meant. How about ’I would love to join your company and you would not regret giving me this opportunity.’ and just finish with a smile!)




范文类型:慰问信,全文共 273 字

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june 6, 20__

dear mrs. corbin,

i was so sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well!everybody

in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. mr. burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

sincerely yours,

mary burke



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1617 字

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Although the beginning of military training, when feeling particularly suited to the training is tired and pain, soak in their sweat all day, doing everything to obey orders, not arbitrary, but I can always stick to it, even in the The most tired of the moment did not relax the requirements of their own, asked when the hand and shoulder pressure was sore, I still teeth to maintain, maintain Junzi, and actively hone their own will quality. Later, more sweat, to adapt, and do not feel tired.

Military training let me understand how to do a qualified military is not easy, the military to pay more than we can not imagine the sweat, to be a soldier, we must discipline, obey orders. I am in military uniform is half of the military, through strict military training in their own requirements, my physique and will have been honed even stronger, this kind of bitter and tired I may never meet again, but may Will encounter even more tired of the challenges. I believe that after the military training I will not fear any hardships, I will be brave to face all challenges, no matter how serious the task, I will continue to complete the task.

Military training is also a team training, hard training created a well-trained company, marching, side guns, kettle, we everywhere unified action, we are concerned about each other, mutual exchange of experience, let us squareMore neat. Thirteen companies, even though this company formed only a short period of ten days, but it has been firmly in memory in each of the hearts of thirteen, 13 is the pride of the entire battalion! We created it Honor, and we are proud of it!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 4743 字

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In the last century, the Communist Party of China (CPC) submitted to the Party an application form for joining the Party in the last period, and actively supported the Partys leadership, supported various policies and policies, abided by state laws, regulations and rules. , And in the Party school graduation was named "outstanding students"; have a strong ambition, courage to criticism and self-criticism, and establish a correct outlook on life and values.

In the study, the strict demands on themselves, with Kaoyan goal and knowledge of the strong pursuit of assiduous, studious, correct attitude, a clear goal, basically a solid grasp of a number of professional knowledge and skills, to the theory with practice; Professional knowledge of learning, but also pay attention to the expansion of knowledge in various fields, a wide range of subjects under the knowledge of other subjects, thereby enhancing their ideological and cultural quality, to become a good college students and make unremitting efforts. Through my hard work, in the last phase of the hospital was awarded the first scholarship, and was listed as the object of life.

At work, a serious and responsible, have a better organizational capacity, served as sub-League Committee Propaganda Department during the period, the work of Tashi, hard working, strong sense of responsibility, many times, with the Minister of the outstanding completion of the CYLs propaganda activities and the Department of Various promotional activities. I combined their own expertise, positive for the Department of Zengguang, the Communist Youth League was held in the poster production contest and hand-copied many times in the award-winning newspaper. As a result of active efforts, outstanding achievements, was named the hospital "outstanding Communist Youth League", by the teachers and students alike.

In life, to develop a good living habits, life is full and structured, there is a strict attitude towards life and good attitude to life and life style, warm and generous, honest and trustworthy, helpful, have their own good accident principle, can And students live in harmony; actively participate in various extracurricular activities, which continue to enrich their own experience, has been in the winter social practice was named "advanced individual" title, and in the cultural and sports activities in many awards. Three years of university campus life is a turning point in life. In in September with excellent results admitted to University. Four years of campus life and social practice of life and constantly challenge themselves to enrich themselves, in order to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation. Has always believed that people should be living to the old to learn the old knowledge of the professional meticulous, which has been affirmed in the results, each year have been third - class scholarships. In not satisfied with the theory of course to learn at the same time also focus on a variety of application software and hardware research. So in the fourth semester began to be trusted teacher for the computer room of the person in charge.

Has a wide range of hobbies specializes in typesetting and web art and multimedia production, became the class members of the organization also joined the school student propaganda department. On the work of enthusiasm, hard working, and the Ministry of the members of solidarity, one year by ministries promoted to minister. During his tenure as minister, he attached great importance to cooperating with other departments of the school and the student union. He excellently completed all kinds of propaganda work and promoted the smooth operation of various schools.

The schools various activities are enthusiastic to participate in, years to years won the school entertainment and knowledge quiz and other first prize. Bold innovation on the newspaper page layout reform, making the school newspapers acceptance rate to a level. Various activities of the school are enthusiastic to participate in, in month won the school speech contest first prize.

As a student in the repaired academic also pay attention to the practice of society. In line with the theory of practice, combined with the theory to play summer vacation to skilled computer technology candidates into the Jieyang City Ling first computer technology department as a technician and training teacher. Technician and training department teacher. summer in Huidong County Yipeng printing company learning business cards and small advertising, trademark design, this has a solid foundation and strong interest in this week with a variety of skilled design software, and then made a lot of excellent design Program, the students and teachers alike.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2236 字

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第一条 甲方授予乙方在合同有效期内,在_________(国家/地区)以图书形式用_________(文字)_________(翻译/出版)_________册(印数)上述作品译本(下称“译本”)的专有使用权。

第二条 甲方保证拥有第一条授予乙方的权利。如因上述权利的行使侵犯他人版权,甲方承担全部责任并赔偿因此给乙方造成的损失,乙方可以终止合同。

第三条 为翻译的目的,甲方应免费向乙方在_________提供上述作品的_________本加工副本。

第四条 乙方根据本合同第十七条的规定,为获得出版译本的权利,向甲方支付报酬,支付方式为:




第五条 乙方负责安排有资格和有能力的译者对作品进行准确性确的翻译,译者姓名和其资格证明应送交甲方,未经甲方事先书面同意,不得删节、增加或以其他方式修改作品。

第六条 有关译本的质量问题,由甲乙双方商定。

第七条 乙方将作者的姓名标注在译本的封面、护封和扉页的显著位置,并注明:“此版本_________(书名)系_________(乙方名称)与_________(甲方名称)于_________年_________月协议出版”。

第八条 乙方应于_________年_________月_________日前出版译本。乙方因故未能按时出版,应在出版期_________限届满前_________日通知甲方,双方另行约定出版日期。乙方支付愈期违约金,比例为_________,乙方在双方另行约定的出版日期仍不能出版,甲方可以终止合同,乙方应向甲方赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第九条 译本一经出版,乙方应免费于_________日前同甲方提供_________本样书,并应尽力推销译本的复制品。

第十条 如果乙方希望增加_________册(印数),_________年内乙方可以自行决定增加印数,但应将拟定的印数和定价通知甲方,并于_________日内按第四条规定的_________方式向其支付报酬_________。如果乙方未在译本脱销后_________月内再次重印译本,授予的权利回归甲方。

第十一条 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得行使除第一条规定的译本的其他任何权。

第十二条 未经甲方事先同意,乙方不得将所授予的翻译权许可任何第三方行使,译本也不得单独使用乙方自己的版本说明。

第十三条 如果乙方未在_________日内支付本合同规定的报酬,如甲方不解除合同,乙方应继续履行合同支付报酬,并支付愈期违约金,比例为_________;如果乙方解除合同,乙方应赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第十四条 除本合同明确授予乙方的权利之外,作品的其他所有权利由甲方保留。乙方希望取得的权利,应在本合同中明确约定。

第十五条 甲方有权核查译本的印数。如甲方指定第三方核查,需提供授权委托书。如乙方隐瞒印数,除向甲方补齐应付报酬外,还应支付违约金并承担核查费用。如核查结果与乙方提供的印数相符,核查费用由甲方承担。

第十六条 如果乙方违反了本合同的约定,又未能在甲方通知其_________月内改正,或甲方已撤销不能履行的合同,本合同自动终止,授予乙方的翻译权回归甲方,乙方应向甲方赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第十七条 乙方委托_________(银行)以_________(票据)的方式向甲方支付报酬,并按_________日中国国家外汇管理局公布的外汇价折算成合同确定的币种支付。

第十八条 双方因合同的解释或履行发生争议,由双方协商解决。协商不成,由_________(仲裁机构)仲裁,中国仲裁机构为_________仲裁委员会;或向_________(法院)提起诉讼。

第十九条 因本合同引纷提起的仲裁或诉讼,适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》有关涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定。

第二十条 本合同以中、_________(外国文字)两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等法律效力。

第二十一条 合同的变更、续签及其他为未尽事宜,由双方另行商定。

第二十二条 本合同自签字之日起生效,有效期为_________年。

第二十三条 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份为凭。

甲方(签章):_________ 乙方(签章):_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



范文类型:聘书,全文共 1109 字

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competitive selection draft

hello everyone! my name is , graduated from shanxi province department of tourism vocational college of hotel management, i am glad i can stand here, first of all like to thank the hotel has given me the training themselves, show themselves to enhance themselves and improve their own opportunities.

this time i want to competition for jobs is the ceremonial head, i believe that good communication and relying on their own critical thinking skills, as well as a wealth of professional knowledge and skilled expertise. i will be able to qualified for the job. therefore, i sincerely hope that the leadership of hotels you can give me an opportunity to exercise their own time to enrich their own opportunities! although i do not have a glorious past, but i will seize the present and future, and work hard for the hotel construction and contribute to the development.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 4097 字

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Since 20xx, as an obstetrician and gynecologist, under the leadership of the higher authorities. In support of the President, the hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology has made certain achievements, now individual work since this year is summarized as follows:

In political thought, always adhere to the partys line, principles, policies, and earnestly study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and General Secretary Jiangs "Three Represents" and other important ideas, and always adhere to serve the people wholeheartedly, Reform, development and progress, and constantly improve their political theory. And actively participate in various political activities, to maintain leadership and unity of comrades, has a good professional ethics and professionalism, work hard working, painstaking efforts, many times to the higher level hospital training and learning.During the work, actively around the MCH policy, to improve the management level and operational capacity as the prerequisite to enhance the theoretical knowledge and improve business skills as the basis, adhere to the combination of clinical and social work, and actively cooperate with the hospital staff work together , Hard work, conscientiously completed the work tasks.

At work, I am deeply aware of a qualified Obstetricians and Gynecologists should have the quality and conditions, and strive to improve their level of business, and constantly strengthen the business theory of learning, learning about maternal and child health knowledge, enrich their theoretical knowledge. Often participate in training to listen to the lectures of higher experts and scholars, the first half to the hospital to learn new medical knowledge and medical technology, thus broadening the horizons and expand the knowledge. Always adhere to the new theory and technology applied to the work, to master the common gynecology and obstetrics, frequently-occurring disease and difficult disease diagnosis and treatment techniques, skilled diagnosis and treatment of obstetric diseases, cervical erosion, and other obstetric complications and Complications, skilled diagnosis and treatment of various emergency gynecological, severe, independent of gynecology and obstetrics commonly used surgery and a variety of family planning surgery. Strict implementation of the work of the work system, routine treatment and operating procedures, meticulous treatment of each patient, to the maximum extent possible to avoid misdiagnosis.

Since the obstetrics and gynecology, my diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological diseases, the accuracy rate of 80% or more, independent completion of several other gynecological surgery, the patient can be discharged on time, from the occurrence of error-free accidents. Really play a business backbone role. During my work, the grid in accordance with the requirements of the work of women and children, carefully developed practical work targets and plans.

Doctor-patient communication in place, mutual understanding and unity of staff, hospitalized delivery of pregnant women, observation of labor closely, patience and well-patient communication for pregnant women and their families understand the process of labor and possible cases, let the psychological, and A psychological preparation and understanding of the process, surgical patients strictly grasp the surgical guidelines for critically ill patients as soon as possible treatment, strict aseptic surgery, no case of puerperal infection.

Strictly abide by their own scheduling system and the first diagnosis is responsible for the development, put an end to the occurrence of medical malpractice. Department of disinfection responsibility clear, regular, timely records

In short, in this year both at work or technical level has greatly improved, there are still many shortcomings, the need to further improve the quality and theoretical level of business, improve the level of writing and overall quality, so that Their successful completion of their work satisfactorily; hope that next years work to make persistent efforts.
