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good afternoon! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allow me to introduce myself. my name is li xin and i work for anhui travel agency .during your short stay in huangshan, i’ll be your local guide. it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any request, go ahead! i’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

now, i want to say something about your itinerary. you will be here for about 3 days. during these days, you’ll enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of huangshan mountain, but also the ancient huizhou-culture!

first, we’ll visit the most beautiful scenery—mt.huangshan.

ok, we’re heading for the main gate of huangshan. it’s about 1.5 hour’s bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan.

huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan is well-known not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in , which is unique in china!

in ancient times, mt.huangshan known as mt.yishan because the mountain is formed by granite which looks black and grey, and yi in old chinese means “black”, hence the name. but it renamed mt.huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huangdi, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains which we can also call them the five holy mountains. it’s said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the five holy mountains but you won’t wish to see even the five holy mountains after returning from mt.huangshan. this saying which said by xuxiake, a famous traveler over 400 years ago may give us some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt.huangshan.

now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus, brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level. and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped pine trees., fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes. mt.huangshan changes its color and appearance with the alternation of seasons, now it’s winter, and we will keep ourselves into a crystal world of frost and ice with sliver boughs and rocks everywhere. don’t be excited, everybody! as a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere, especially in the following scenic areas. hot spring, jade screen tower, west sea, north sea, cloud valley temple and pine valley nunnery.

eyes front! ladies and gentlemen, the colorful archway across the street is the main gate of huangshan. we’ll go directly to the north sea scenic area, which is the most important scenic area! so never miss it!

ok, here we are, seeing is believing, let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.

the first sight that comes to us is yungu temple, here we’ll take yungu cable-car to white goose bridge. it’s about ten minutes. oh, come on, then follow me, walk downstairs to start-to-believe peak. along the way we can see several famous huangshan pines: black tiger pine, couple pine, dragon’s claw pine and so on. now, before we climb to the top of peak start-to-believe, for a breathtaking outlook, that is bamboo-shoot peak. do you see? you surely can take a picture.

en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so? then we’ll reach a refreshing terrace, and you can view a fan—shaped pine cling to the cliff beneath the terrace a nice crowd of pines, a column of stone looking like a person with a big pen, peak rooster and peak rise surrounding you.

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

tomorrow we’ll visit brightness top, lotus peak which is the highest peak in huangshan mountain, and the most famous spot—guest-greeting pine, and which is also the sign of huangshan.

ok, ladies and gentlemen, now our itinerary is all finished. first of all, on behalf of my company, my chinese colleagues and myself, i’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance and cooperation.

a few days ago, we met as total strangers, but today, you leave as my friends. i’ve tried my best to satisfy your needs and explained to you what i know about huangshan mountain. however, there are probably still some unfulfilled requests. i hope you’ll leave your comments and suggestion so that we can better our service in the future.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!



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另外,赤?楼还拥有广阔的庭园,除了可供游人散步以外,庭园中也摆设了多项历史文物,其中最引人注目的就是一字排开的御龟碑,驮着碑的其实并非龟,而是龙九个儿子之一,名为,传说中善?重物,因此常被用来做为碑的底座。开放时间: 白天:08:30~17:30 夜间:17:30~21:00 门票费用: 全票50、半票25 台南市市民凭身分证免费 团体票30人以上8折台南市中区民族路212号 公交车:搭乘台南市公交车5、88、99路,于赤?楼下。 自行开车:台南(仁德)交流道下,循182道县往台南市区经东门圆环取北门路再左转民族路直抵,全程约6.5公里。



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长8公里,是三峡中最短的一个峡。它应该也是雄伟险峻的一个峡。 端入口处,两岸断崖壁立,相距不足一百公尺,形如门户,名燮门,也称瞿塘峡关,山岩上有“夔门天下雄”五个大字。左边的名赤甲山,相传古代巴国的赤甲将军曾在此屯营,尖尖的山嘴活像一个大蟠桃,右边的名白盐山,不论天气如何,总是迂出一层层或明或暗的银辉。瞿塘峡虽短,却能“镇全川之水,扼巴鄂咽喉”,有“西控巴渝收万壑,东连荆楚压摹山”的雄伟气势。古人形容瞿塘峡说,“案与天关接,舟从地窟行”。


在重庆巫山和湖北巴东两县境内,西起巫山县城东面的大宁河口,东至巴东县官渡口,绵延四十五公里,包括金蓝银甲峡和铁棺峡,峡谷特别幽深曲折,是长江横切巫山主脉背斜而形成的。 巫峡巫峡又名大峡,以幽深秀丽著称。整个峡区奇峰突兀,怪石磷峋,峭壁屏列,绵延不断,是三峡中最可观的一段,宛如一条迂回曲折的画廊,充满诗情书意,可以说处处有景,景景相连。



重庆市奉节县地处长江三峡西首和库区腹心,东临三峡大坝,西靠重庆,南连张家界,北接西安,是渝东、陕南、鄂西的交通枢纽和物资集散地,幅员面积约为 4099 平方公里,总人口 100 万,是长江三峡国家级风景名胜区的一部分和绝世奇观天坑地缝所在地。

白帝城历史悠久回味无穷,在奴隶社会时期,这一带曾是巴、蜀两国的领地,并于西周武王十一年(公元前 1016 年)建为夔子国。封建社会时期,无论是设县、设州、设路,这里一直都保持着行政和军事的显赫地位。唐时设夔州府,辖十九州县。宋时置夔州路。奉节在周赧王元年(公元前 314 年)建为鱼复县,时我国早期所建县邑之一,距今已有 2300 多年的历史。唐贞观 23 年(公元 649 年),为旌表诸葛亮“托孤寄命,临大节而不夺”的忠君爱国思想而改为奉节县沿用至今。历史上许多著名诗人李白、杜甫、苏轼、陆游、刘禹锡等都在此留下了许多著名的诗篇,因此奉节又享有“诗城”的美誉。旅游资源得天独厚。

境内有世界最大的小寨天坑、世界最长的天井峡地缝、世界级暗河龙桥河、中国十大风景名胜之一、中国旅游胜地四十佳的长江三峡第一峡的瞿塘峡,有中国历史文化名胜白帝城、刘备托孤的永安宫、诸葛亮的八阵图、瞿塘峡内的摩崖石刻、悬棺群等自然、人文景观,构成了分别以白帝城瞿塘峡和天坑地缝为中心的两大特色旅游区。水陆交通四通八达。准备改线的 210 国道和渝巴高等级公路在县境内纵横交错,并背靠 206 国道、 318 国道、县内通车里程 6000 余公里;黄金水道长江横贯县境 43 公里,港口年货物吞吐量 400 多万吨,居重庆市第二位。四通八达的水陆交通将两大特色旅游区连贯成有机整体,可进入性很强。纵有万管玲珑笔,难写瞿塘两岸山。天坑地缝世界奇,绝世景观任君游。奉节这块旅游热土,随着举世瞩目的三峡工程的落成,正以崭新的姿态,开放的胸怀,宽松的环境,真诚欢迎海内外朋友及有识之士前来投资开发、旅游观光、休闲度假、科研探险。



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the great mosque at huajue lane

the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the provincial people’s government. unlike the arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the mosque here in xi’an possesses much chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to islamic mosques, this mosque also holds characteristics of chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

however, any further discussion about the mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of islam into china is brought up.

islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century a.d. and was introduced to china in the mid-600s. at that time, arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of china by way of persia and afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with china. in the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through bangladesh bay and the malacca strait to china’s guangzhou, quanzhou, huangzhou, yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became moslems.

however, massive immigration of the moslems to china did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when genghis khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from central asia to eastern europe, including the north of iran. many of the moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in china.

among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the hui people in the history books on the yuan dynasty. the hui people later followed kublai khan down to the south, helping him unifying china and then establish the yuan dynasty. in the wake of the conquest, islam spread all over china and mosques began to appear everywhere. in the yuan dynasty, many moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. and a lot of the moslems took part in zhu yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the ming dynasty. therefore, all the emperors of the dynasty issued mandates to protect islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the moslems for their feats. in the early 16th century, islam predominated qinghai on the minority nationalities including the huis, the uygurs, the kazaks, the kirgizes, the tajiks, the tartars, the ozbeks, the dong xiangs, the salars and the bonans. the moslems in xi’an are mainly the huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in china.

the mosque at hua jue lane is the largest in xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in china.

according to “the stele on the building of the mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the tang dynasty. however, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the ming dynasty. the four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. the still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. the stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the mosque. on the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher mi fu, “may buddhism fill the universe”, on the other, “royal -bestowed”by dong qichang, another master of the same art of the ming dynasty. they are treasures in chinese calligraphy. at the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a “month tablet”, showing the calculation of the hui calendars in arabic, is stored. it was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called xiao mining in the early period of the qing dynasty. a three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called “retrospection tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in islamic temples in arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the moslems to come to worship. respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a scripture chamber, both elegantly laid out. the five wooden houses, which are called “water houses”in the southwest section of the mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. and in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called “the pavilion of phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. the pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. the six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. just at the back of the pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. there are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and arabic letterings. the imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of mecca, to chant in koran and to pay their religious homage.

the moslems in china share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. they worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. they are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being “unclean”. according to koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. however, except a few places in xinjiang, the chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. upon his death, a moslem has to be “thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on “ke fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting scriptures at the funeral.

the chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. and of course, the moslems in china enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.


emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum and the terra-cotta warriors and horses museum

emperor qin shihuang (259-210b.c.) had ying as his surname and zheng as his given name. he name to the throne of the qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. by 221 b.c., he had annexed the six rival principalities of qi, chu, yan, han, zhao and wei, and established the first feudal empire in china’s history.

in the year 221 b.c., when he unified the whole country, ying zheng styled himself emperor. he named himself shihuang di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. since then, the supreme feudal rulers of china’s dynasties had continued to call themselves huang di, the emperor.

after he had annexed the other six states, emperor qin shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. he standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. to protect against harassment by the hun aristocrats. emperor qin shihuang ordered the great wall be built. all these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. they had a great and deep influence upon china’s 2,000 year old feudal society.

emperor qin shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. as a result, china’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of confucian scholars.”

emperor qin shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the guanzhong plain. these palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum has not yet been excavated. what looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. however, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum was.

no.1 pit was stumbled upon in march 1974 when villagers of xiyang village of yanzhai township, lintong county, sank a well 1.5km east of the mausoleum. in 1976, no.2 and 3 pits were found 20m north of no.1 pit respectively after the drilling survey. the terra-cotta warriors and horses are arrayed according to the qin dynasty battle formation, symbolizing the troops keeping vigil beside the mausoleum. this discovery aroused much interest both at home and abroad. in 1975, a museum, housing the site of no.1 and covering an area of 16,300 square meters was built with the permission of the state council. the museum was formally opened to public on oct.1, the national day, 1979.

no.1 pit is 230 meters long from east to west, 62m wide from north to south and 5m deep , covering a total area of 14,260 square meters. it is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. there are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides of the pit respectively. the pit is divided into eleven corridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are paved with bricks. thick rafters were placed onto the walls (but now one can only see their remains), which were covered with mats and then fine soil and earth. the battle formation of the qin dynasty, facing east. in the east end are arrayed three lines of terra-cotta warriors, 70 pieces in each, totaling 210 pieces. they are supposed to be the van of the formation. immediately behind them are 38 columns of infantrymen alternating with war chariots in the corridors, each being 180m long. they are probably the main body of the formation. there is one line of warriors in the left, right and west ends respectively, facing outwards. they are probably the flanks and the rear. there are altogether 27 trial trench, it is assumed that more than 6,000 clay warriors and horses could be unearthed from no.1 pit.

no.2 pit sis about half the size of no.1 pit, covering about 6,000 square meters trail diggings show this is a composite formation of infantry, cavalry and chariot soldiers, from which roughly over 1,000 clay warriors, and 500 chariots and saddled horses could be unearthed. the 2,000-year-old wooden chariots are already rotten. but their shafts, cross yokes, and wheels, etc. left clear impressions on the earth bed. the copper parts of the chariots still remain. each chariot is pulled by four horses which are one and half meters high and two metres long. according to textual research, these clay horses were sculptures after the breed in the area of hexi corridor. the horses for the cavalrymen were already saddled, but with no stirups.

no.3 pit covers an area of 520m2 with only four horses, one chariot and 68 warriors, supposed to be the command post of the battle formation. now, no.2 and 3 pits have been refilled, but visitors can see some clay figures and weapons displayed in the exhibition halls in the museum that had been unearthed from these two pits. the floors of both no.1 and 2 pits were covered with a layer of silt of 15 to 20cm thick. in these pits, one can see traces of burnt beams everywhere, some relics which were mostly broken. analysis shows that the pits were burned down by xiang yu, leader of a peasant army. all of the clay warriors in the three pits held real weapons in their hands and face east, showing emperor qin shihuang’s strong determination of wiping out the six states and unifying the whole country.

the height of the terra-cotta warriors varies from 1.78m, the shortest, to 1.97m, the tallest. they look healthy and strong and have different facial expressions. probably they were sculpted by craftsmen according to real soldiers of the qin dynasy. they organically combined the skills of round engraving, bas-relief and linear engraving, and utilized the six traditional folk crafts of sculpturing, such as hand-moulding, sticking, cutting, painting and so on. the clay models were then put in kilns, baked and colour-painted. as the terra-cotta figures have beeb burnt and have gone through the natural process of decay, we can’t see their original gorgeous colours. however, most of the terra-cotta figures bear the trace of the original colours, and few of them are still as bright as new. they are found to be painted by mineral dyestuffs of vermilion, bright red, pink dark green, powder green, purple, blue, orange, black and white colours.

thousands of real weapons were unearthed from these terra-cotta army pits, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, halberds, bows, crossbows and arrowheads. these weapons were exquisitely made. some of theme are still very sharp, analyses show that they are made of alloys of copper and tin, containing more than ten kinds of other metals. since their surfaces were treated with chromium, they are as bright as new, though buried underground for more than 2,000 years. this indicates that qin dynasty’s metallurgical technology and weapon-manufacturing technique already reached quite a high level.

in december 1980, two teams of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed 20 metres west of the mound of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum. these single shaft four-horse chariots each comprises 3,462 spare parts, and has a body with two compartments, one behind the other, and an elliptical umbrella like canopy. the four horses harnessed to the chariot are 65-67 centimeters tall. the restored bronze chariots and horses are exact imitations of true chariot, horse and driver in half life-size.

the chariots and horses are decorated with coloured drawings against white background. they have been fitted with more than 1,500 piecese of gold and silvers and decorations, looking luxurious, splendid and graceful. probably they were meant for the use of emperor qin shihuang’s soul to go on inspection. the bronze chariots and horses were made by lost wax casting, which shows a high level of technology. for instance, the tortoise-shell-like canopy is about 4mm thick, and the window is only 1mm thick on which are many small holes for ventilation. according to a preliminary study, the technology of manufacturing the bronze chariots and horses has involved casting, welding, reveting, inlaying embedding and chiseling. the excavation of the bronze chariots and horses provides extremely valuable material and data for the textual research of the metallurgical technique, the mechanism of the chariot and technological modeling of the qin dynasty.

no.2 bronze chariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1,555 pieces when excavated. after two-and-half years’ careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and various specialists, they were formally exhibited in the museum on october 1, 1983. no.1 bronze chariot hand horses are on display from 1988.



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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Langshan, a world natural heritage, NationalGeopark and national AAAA scenic spot.

Langshan is located in Xinning County, Shaoyang City, southwest of HunanProvince. It is connected with Guilin in the South and Changsha in the north. Itis 140 kilometers away from Guilin and Shaoyang. It is another bright pearlafter Zhangjiajie. It is said that Emperor Shun visited Xinning during hissouthern tour. Seeing the beautiful mountains and waters, he stopped and praised"this mountain is good, it can be called Langshan." Langshan got its name fromthis.

Langshan was an inland lake tens of millions of years ago. Due to thechange of the earths crust, the bottom of the Inland Lake protruded, formingthe present Danxia landform with red sandstone structure. As we all know,Zhangjiajie is a quartz sandstone landform, Guilin is a karst landform, andLangshan is a typical Danxia landform. Its shape and scale have reached thelimit among the similar landforms in China. The height of bajiaozhai (293meters), the length of the first lane in the world (239 meters), the danger ofthe first bridge in Asia (64 meters), the danger of candle peak (674 meters),the Jue of Honghua red cliff, and the precipitousness of Jiangjun stone areamazing .

Langshan Scenic Spot covers an area of 108 square kilometers, with fivescenic spots, including niubizhai, Luotuofeng, bajiaozhai, zixiadong andfuyijiang, 477 scenic spots, three karst caves and a primeval forest.


Dear friends, now I come to niubizhai scenic spot. Why is it calledniubizhai? Originally, on the right side of the big stone in the East, we cansee many pairs of "niubikou", which is called Niubishan by local people. Later,Lei zaihao and Li Yuanfa, the leaders of the peasants, gathered people to revolthere. Shidakai, the wing of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, stationed troops hereto build a stronghold, which was renamed Niubi stronghold.

As you ascend the stairs, you can see a natural landscape painting. Infront of it is a yaozhai style building "Yingbin Pavilion", which is a pass ofmountains. Behind it is a waterfall flying down from the mountain stream. In theshade of green, red and white Hibiscus set off the beautiful mountains andwaters. When you come to Yinzhu cave, you can see a string of water dropshanging directly, shining in the setting sun.

Through the Yinzhu cave, you come to the precipice of the steep rock.Facing the red cliff, you can see that there is no way to the four cliffs. Youcan only see a white ladder standing up on the cliff to reach "the first lane inthe world".

Professor Chen Guoda, a famous geologist and academician of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, and the father of Danxia Landform in China, wrote thesewords in his own handwriting when he came to Langshan in 1992. Comparing theDanxia Mountain named in 1939 in Renhua, Guangdong Province, Mr. Chen expressedthe following exclamation: "Ive known the beauty of Danxia for half my life. Iknow that Langshan is better than Danxia. Why is the resort so late? I alsopraise the double wonderful flowers of the north and the south."

"The first lane in the world" is 238.8 meters long, with a relative heightof 100-120 meters. The widest part is 0.8 meters, and the narrowest part is 0.3meters. The two sides are like knives and axes. In the middle of the side, thereis a sigh that "the sky is shining, life is like a seam". There is no end to thefront, but a line of blue sky on the top of the head, confrontation betweencliffs and uncanny craftsmanship. When you walk out of the alley, you will besuddenly enlightened. A clear spring will come out on the road. It is cool andrefreshing. The shock, wonder, danger and tiredness just now have been sweptaway. You can only recall and experience the worldly artistic conception of"bright moon shining among pines, clear spring stone flowing upward".

When you come to houzhaimen, you climb along the rock wall on the rightside and climb up Yuxian lane. The lane is 178 meters long and the stone wall is60 meters high. The lane is covered with green bamboos, flowers and trees. Itsvery interesting for people to walk in it. Further on, you will find a saddleshaped stone ladder, the moon ladder. The narrowest part is only 26 cm. When youcome to the bottom of the valley, you can see that there is a Yin Yang and eighttrigrams array in the pass. The paths are crisscross. If there is no guidance,it is difficult to get out of this array. The front is like the lower part ofthe ape mans head mountain. You can clearly see a seven story building, namedseven story building, which is a masterpiece of nature.

After walking the long steps, you enter taoyuanchong. Taoyuanchong isindeed a paradise, with bamboo groves and emerald green everywhere. After athrilling journey, I happened to take a rest here to experience a day in themountains and a thousand years of free time in the world.


Bajiaozhai scenic spot is located at the southernmost end of LangshanMountain on the border of Hunan and Guangxi, with an altitude of 818 meters. Itis composed of bajiaozhai, baimianzhai and Tianshengqiao. It is named after theeight peaks on the top of the mountain, which are connected with each other ashorns, like an octagonal lotus.

"Tianshengqiao", known as "the first bridge in Asia", is a unique naturallandscape in Danxia landform. The bridge is 64M long, 14m wide, 20m high and 5mthick. The whole bridge is semi-circular arch, like artificial masonry,magnificent, amazing. There is a sarcophagus under the bridge, the bottom coveris separated, lifelike, especially like a thousand year old antique. A smallstream flows around the bridge. The water is clear and blue, so it has thereputation of "green stream".

"Baimianzhai" is named for its silver gray rocks, white flowers and whitewaves. The mountain of the village is strong and dangerous. The stone gate ofthe village stands close to the gate. Only one person can get in and out of thevillage. Its really "one man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand peoplecant open it.". Huge stones stand up in the village, and there are thousands ofscenes. This is not only the ancient castle of Yang Zaixing, Shi Dakai, Leizaihao, Li Shide and other famous generals and uprising leaders, but also thesite of the Neolithic period.

To climb the Bajiao village, you have to walk 1708 steps and three gates,namely xiangmen, Longmen and Zhaimen. The first one that leaped into the eye wasan elephant. It lowered its long nose to the ground and waited for friends fromafar. This was the first gate "elephant gate". Walking through the elephantgate, you can hear the sound of gurgling water. The clear stream moistens aspecial kind of plant. It appears yellow, blue, green, purple and other colorsin the sun. The common people call it "chameleon". Its scientific name is pileuslabiatus. It can only grow on the surface with high tungsten content.

Continue to walk up, come to an alley, this is the second door "Longmen",because there is a block in front of the head of the abrupt boulder named. Itssaid that if you want to burn incense there, you can do whatever you want.

After 1708 steps, I come to a platform. Standing here, I stride across twoprovinces, Guangxi on the left and Hunan on the right. The ancient city wallgate made of bluestone in front is the third gate "Zhaimen". Relying on thedangerous terrain, Bailian sect defeated the Qing army several times.

Bajiaozhai, known as the "soul of Danxia", was born in the sky and took thelead. A broad platform was formed on the top of the mountain, so it was calledYuntai mountain.

Bajiaozhai looks at the mountains and cliffs. Recently, a school of cliffs,red cliff Daiding, fighting waves, like a whale in the sea, like a beautiful inklandscape painting, lively, memorable.


Luotuofeng scenic spot is located in Shitian village of Langshan Mountain,14km away from the county seat. It is a typical pictographic scenic spot inDanxia landform. There are five small scenic spots: Feilian cave, yixiantian,chili peak, camel peak and Lianshan. There are more than 20 scenic spots,including Yuxian bridge, Shiba Luohan, Yanzi village, Douli village, yixiantian,lovers Valley, ghost Valley, chili peak, Longkou Chaoyang, Jiujiu TIANTI,lingjianpai and candle peak.

Facing us is a simple and elegant archway "Langshan natural park". Enterthe scenic area, along the way there is a small bridge water, the front right isYuxian bridge. The bridge was built in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty, with single stone arch, 6.8 meters long, 5.1 meters wide and 9 metershigh. It is made of hemp and stone. The bridge is exquisite, with green vinesattached. The location of the TV film "wind full of Xiaoxiang" was shothere.

The eighteen stone peaks on the right side of the line are listed as the"guard of honor" with the word "Eighteen Arhats". Welcome to our party.

Looking at the "couples stone" from afar, the husband and wife preparingfor the expedition are reluctant to part.

People are swimming in the middle of the picture, one scene after another,turning a corner, facing a swallow who is lying in the nest after foraging. Itis called "swallow village". It is 539 meters high and consists of three peaks.It looks like the head of a swallow in the middle, slightly lower on both sides,and has a platform on the top. It was once a fortress defended by the peasantuprising army.

Turn the corner again, the front is clear. A piece of farmland, severalfarmhouses, tall and straight candle peak, lifelike camel peak, is the center ofthe scenic spot, here is called Shitian village. The camels peak, 187.8 metershigh and 273 meters long, stands high above the peaks and sets off the greenmountains. It is like the longest, largest and heaviest camel in the world whocame here from a desert hike. There is an obvious cross on its back, and a boxbeside it forms the word "Tian", so it is called Shitian.

At the fork in front, to the left is the "yixiantian" of linjiazhai, whichis 525 meters high. At the foot of the village, the Northeast yixiantian isformed by cracks in the stone mountain, 60 meters long, 40 meters high, and 0.5meters at the narrowest point. It is necessary to use both hands and feet toclimb to the top along the artificial stone steps. Linjiazhai cliff is the bestplace for rock climbing training and competition, so the "national rock climbingtraining base" is located here. There are lovers Valley, thousand Buddhasrock, Toads rock, ghosts Valley, sacrifice cliff and so on.

Known as the "pillar of the southern sky", the "candle peak" is 674 metershigh, with a sharp top, four steep sides and a circumference of 400 meters. Itis named for its bright red body and its shape like a candle. There is a hugegap under the steep cliff of candle peak, which is 100 meters long, 50 metersdeep and 0.4-1.8 meters wide. The upper and lower rocks are as flat as knives.It is like a giant dragon. It opens to the East and West and tilts to 40degrees. At noon, the sun shines directly from Longkou to the bottom of theseam, forming a magnificent scene of Longkou swallowing beads and colorful,which is called "Longkou Chaoyang".

Walking out of Longkou, you can see the wordless stele from top to bottom.Many people failed to climb the steep cliff. Only a brave old man who collectedherbs once climbed the peak with his courage and wisdom, but he could notengrave a word on the tablet.

The capsicum peak is 180 meters high, about 100 meters long last week andonly 40 meters long next week. The red and dazzling capsicum is a symbol ofHunan peoples enthusiasm. In September 20__, the French "Spider Man" AlainRoberts unarmed rock climbing challenge to the Guinness world record was heldhere by Hunan tourism and cultural industry company.

Along the stone path, you can get to a platform. The 99 steps in the middleof the cliff on both sides are the only way to the top. This is the stone stepthat Yang faquin, the leader of the "Red Flower Club" in the early Qing Dynasty,chiseled with excellent martial arts when he was wanted by the Qing governmentfor fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty. It is verydangerous.


Dear friends, the zixiadong scenic spot with green hills, clear river waterand low green willows is presented to you. It includes wanjingcao, Yuquanmountain, elephant trunk stone, Wuyun village, Liu Huaxuan tomb and other scenicspots, with Qingyou as its main feature. Yuquan mountain on the left, coveringan area of 0.5 square kilometers, is 301 meters high, with seven scenic spots.There is an ancient temple on the mountain, named Yuquan temple. It was built in1703, the 42nd year of Kangxi reign. Today, there are tombstones, inscriptionsand the tomb of the ancestors of Yuquan temple. After several repairs, theincense is very popular, and there is an endless stream of people who want tosign incense.

The oncoming stone mountain looks like a high thumb. The local people callit "thumb stone". It stands here rain or shine, waiting for friends fromafar!

Zixia cave is not a cave. It means "village" and "village". It is said thatthere is an eminent monk who travels here. He gets up every morning, lights acandle, spreads his cassock on the Hongwa mountain in front of the rosy clouds,and then meditates. The cassock is illuminated by the sun, and is surrounded byincense, so it is called "Zixia cave".

When we come here, we can feel the artistic conception of "thin shadow,horizontal slanting, clear water, dark fragrance, floating moon and dusk". It isalso the holy land of Buddhism and Taoism. Huiyuan, the great master ofBuddhism, and Lu Xiujing, the great master of Taoism, carried forward thedoctrine first and later. Therefore, the whole mountain is bounded by Youlu, theBuddhist holy land on the right, the Taoist blessed land on the left, and thenatural stone statues of Zixia Taoist. It is said that when he finished hiscultivation, his original body turned into a stone statue.

Talking and laughing, frogs also come to join the fun, to see a stone infront of the sky, like a giant frog squatting there, this is the frog stone.

Walk up the stone steps and enter the Zixia palace. Zixia palace has a longhistory. Since it was built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, it hasbecome a well-known place of heaven and fortune. In the palace there is a tallAvalokitesvara Bodhisattva, up to 6 meters high, holding a tilted jade bottle,meaning to sprinkle the dew on the earth.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were many talented people in Xinning,such as Jiang Zhongyuan and Liu Kunyi. After their death, they were buried intheir hometown, especially Langshan. Liu Kun knew the treasure land with a keeneye. He selected the hillside on the left side of the lotus pool in Zixia caveto build a tomb. The stone carvings around the tomb were exquisite andexquisite, and the stone figures, stone sheep and stone horses werelifelike.

On the left side is a 700 meter long and 100 meter high red copper wall andiron wall called Hongwa mountain. It is said that it is the place where theZixia Taoist put the cassock, which is a wonderful echo wall.

Fuyi River

Now that you have seen the great shore of Langshan, please feel thetenderness of Fuyi river. The beautiful Fuyi river is clear,

Strange peaks and rocks on both sides of the Strait, like a ribbon, runthrough the panorama.

Fuyi River and Lijiang River are the same source of Maoer Mountain inZiyuan County, Guangxi. They flow 229 kilometers from JINZI mountain to thenorth and south. Xinning County is called Fuyi river because it was called "FuyiMarquis state" in ancient times.

Fuyi River drifts for 22 kilometers, with a drop of 16 meters. The currentis gentle, passing through 12 beaches and 12 sceneries. Looking from afar, theriver flows and rocks turn, just like the artistic scroll of Langshans wonders.This section of water was dyed green by the green mountains and gently embracedby the strange stones.

When the boat sails in the river, it can be seen that the water color andthe sky shine on each other, the blue sky and white clouds, the birds gathereverywhere, the willows on both sides are dripping green, and the strange stoneschase the boat. The poet Ai Qing saw this picture of Fuyi River, and wrote acouplet to the people of Langshan, "the shadow of the trees across the river,the fish leaping over the branches, the birds sleeping in the water". If you areinterested, please write the couplet for AI Lao.

Before I knew it, I came to jiangjunshi, one of Langshans six scenicspots. "The lotus on the earth is covered with emerald scars, and the craggy onethousand feet point to the gate of heaven. The water level of the Fuyi river isas flat as a palm, and the red cloud holds the pilgrimage bottle of the sun. "This poem vividly shows its charming style. Jiangjun Shiyuan is a mountain. TheDanxia landform developed to the late stage. The stone pillars are 400 metershigh and 40 meters long. The top is slightly small, and the top and bottom areequal thick. The magnificent appearance of its independent sky can still be seen5 kilometers away.



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其实,这不过是乾隆的附会之言 ,昭陵在定名时正是大清刚刚打败李自成农民起义军占据北京,此时明朝及李自成仍有很强势力,鹿死谁手尚难定论,很难想像有把清太宗与唐太宗相提并列的必要。乾隆皇帝所以把清太宗与唐太宗并列在于他政治的需要 ,李世民被历代统治一者奉为帝王楷模,他在位二十三年,礼贤下士,纳谏兼听,国富民强,史称其时代为"贞观之治",为盛唐时期经济文化的高度发展奠定了基础。乾隆把今祖与李世民相提并论旨在告慰世人,大清江山也会如同汉唐一样会出现一代新的盛世。





















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大东海乃福之宝地,它那左龙(亚龙湾)、右凤(凤凰机场),拥抱着东海的万倾波涛 。正是凡临东海,必纳鸿福,即有如画的景色,又是福如东海的源头。游三亚必游大东海,游大东海必享天赐洪福,正所谓“福如东海长流水”……






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大明湖济南三大名胜之一,是泉城重要风景名胜和开放窗口。它位于市中心偏东北处、旧城区北部。现今湖面四十六公顷(690亩),公 园面积八十六公顷(1290亩),湖面约占百分之五十三。

明湖名闻遐迩,游客众多,每年接待国内外游客约二百万人次,在济南诸公 园中最多。大明湖历史悠久,景色秀美,名胜古迹周匝其间。尤其它乃繁华都市之中的天然湖泊,实属难得。

早在北魏年间,郦道元所著《水经注》中便有记载:"泺水北流为大明湖,西即大明寺,东、北两面则湖。"其位置在今五龙谭一带,而现今 大明湖一带水域则名"历水陂"。它见诸文字已有一千四百多年。六朝时,因湖内多生莲荷,曾名"莲子湖";唐时它名莲子湖(见段成式《酉阳 杂俎》)又名。"历水陂"。宋代时又有"西湖"之称。宋时著名文学家曾巩曾有诗道:"问吾何处进炎蒸,十顷西湖照眼明。"可知当时此处已是 消暑游憩之地。北宋熙宁五年(公元1072),曾巩任齐州(即今济南)知州时,为防御水患,修建了北水门,引湖水入小清河,并在沿湖修建 亭、台、堤、桥,使之渐成游览景观。至金代,诗人元好问在《济南行记》中,始称大明湖。明代重修城墙,大明湖遂初成今日形貌。

大明湖水来源于城内珍珠泉、濯缨泉、王府池等诸泉,有"众泉汇流"乏说,水质清冽,天光云影,游鱼可见。 大明湖水源充足,排水便利,故有"恒雨不涨,久旱不涸"的长处,经年水位恒定。水深平均两米左右,最深处约四米,沿湖岸边一米左右. "四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖"是大明湖风景的最好写照。

沿湖八百余株垂柳环绕,柔枝垂绿,婀娜点水。湖中现有四十余亩荷池,碧叶田田,白荷红莲,交相辉映,争奇斗艳,荷香飘溢,沁人心脾 。波光粼粼的湖面上,时有鱼儿跳波,偶见鸢鸟掠水。碧波之上,画舫穿行,小舟荡波。各处游客云集,指点观赏,欢声笑语,一派繁华景胜 ,俨若北国江南。若于湖之北岸远眺,南山苍翠,环列似屏,倒映入湖,画图难足。漫游湖畔,处处花繁树茂,点点亭台楼阁掩映绿荫之间, 历下亭、铁公祠、北极庙、汇波楼等二十多处名胜景点,令人应接不暇,可谓步移景换,游趣无穷。济南八景中的鹊华烟雨、汇波晚照、佛山 倒影、明湖秋月均可在湖上观赏。大明湖以它的秀美风姿赢得古往今来众多人士的咏赞: "冬泛冰天, 夏挹荷浪, 秋容芦雪,春色杨烟,鼓 枻其中,如游香国" ;"鸥鹭点乎清波, 萧鼓助其远 , 固江北之独胜也。" 大明湖自1958年正式辟建为公园,经过疏浚清淤、修缮扩建,砌筑了湖岸,美化了园容,恢复重建了名胜古迹,增添了茶社饭店、游船和 游乐设施,使之旧貌变新颜,姿容胜往昔,成为济南著名风景游览区之一。 大明湖不仅是休息游览的极好场所,湖内还盛产莲藕湖鱼。公园饭店擅长烹制以湖中鲜鱼、嫩藕、香莲为料的"全鱼宴、冰糖莲子、水晶藕 、蒲菜水饺等具"历下风味"的名吃。公园内现还辟建有书画展览馆、碑刻展等文化层次较高的观赏点。整个公园已初步形成集游览观赏、购物 娱乐、文化欣赏、饮食服务于一体的多功能旅游区。明湖风姿甲历下,欢颜笑迎八方宾.







“ 蛇不见,蛙不鸣;淫雨不涨,久旱不涸”是大明湖两大独特之处。大家知道,按照常理,有水的地方水蛇很多,青蛙都会叫,但大明湖为什么蛇不见,蛙不鸣呢?传说给乾隆皇帝有关系。相传,乾隆皇帝来到济南时,曾在湖畔休息,蛇游动,挖起鸣,吵的他难以入睡,于是下令:蛇都回动,挖不准鸣。你想,乾隆是皇帝,说出来的话可是金口玉言,它们哪敢不听。从此以后,大明湖的蛇不见了,青蛙不叫了。这都是传说,据最近的研究表明,大明湖的青蛙不叫得真正原因是因为大明湖的湖水是由泉水汇集而成,水温常年保持在18度。青蛙只有到发情期才会叫,而青蛙发情的水温要达到22度,所以出现了这一奇特现象。而“蛇不见”则是因为大明湖的湖底是由坚硬的不透水的火成岩构成,不利于水蛇打动藏身,加上湖内鱼鹰和其他水禽较多,而它们正是蛇的天敌。至于“淫雨不涨,久旱不涸”的原因,我们后面再告诉大家。



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香港文武庙是香港最具历史的庙宇, 位于荷里活道,创建的历史可追溯至香港开埠初期。庙内奉祀文昌帝及关帝,庙内藏有一件道光27年的铜钟,足以证明庙宇据今有150年历史。庙内串串塔香挂满庙宇,是其一大特色。据说始于清朝年间的斩鸡头和烧黄纸等仪式,到目前仍然被香港政府所承认的。此庙虽经多次修建,总体仍保持旧貌,至今香火鼎盛。 是香港最著名的庙宇之一。



该庙创建年代不详。以其建筑形式及风格,应为清朝中叶的产物。庙中有一只1847年(道光廿七年)的铜钟,二条1850年(道光三十年)的石柱。1850年(道光三十年)、1884年(光绪十年)两次重修。1994年,庙后加建善德宫,供善信租用以供奉先人灵位。早期的文武庙门前有两座大石狮子,木栅栏为庙门,屋脊上有两条作飞状之龙。后殿两旁分置铜造巨笔及大关刀,天井摆设香炉、焚化炉。庙内有銮舆两座,乃先后由各行商联合献送者,其一在1862年(清同治元年),另一座在1885年(清光绪十一年),该两座銮舆,均用酸枝制造,精工雕镂,髹以真金色,陈列庙廊,为庙内富有历史性之纪念品。曩昔每岁神诞庆典,时有用以奉请神像出巡之举。庙宇构筑精巧,色彩绚丽。庙堂平面呈二进式,纵深约为24米,有前后殿之分,中间加盖天井。后殿正中供奉文武二帝,左侧 供奉城隍,右侧供奉包公,中间置香案。案侧边的"妙手生花笔",这笔已有数百年历史了。据说摸过神笔,能学业猛进,名成利就。以前广东附近一带的举人,在上京考试之前,必到此地来拜祭一番,顺手一摸此笔,以祈能在考试期间,写出一编极好文章,即使不能高中状元,也希望得中翰林或进士。奉祀神灵:文昌帝君武圣关帝君。另祀神灵:包公、城隍、十殿阎王、福德。香港开埠初期,华人仍抱有"生不入官门,死不入地狱"的心态,倘遇钱债纠纷,或任何是非仇怨等,就到庙宇里,在神灵面前宣誓,求神仲裁。由于华人相信"举头三尺有神灵",不敢当著神灵的面前说谎,故可化解纷争,不用惊动官府。据说诉讼者须携同一只公鸡,在庙祝前"斩鸡头,烧符咒",并立下重誓,以表清白。当时很多法制乃未完善,在文武庙内举行烧黄纸及斩鸡头的宣誓方法,在当时被承认有法律效力。同时期,亦成商绅集会议事的地方。当时议事时没地方可供多人集会;而文武庙在市区,地方多,适宜作为集会的场所。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 279 字

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