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22、昨天我捡到了一个传说中的阿拉丁神灯,于是我擦亮神灯,向阿拉丁许了三个愿望,愿看到这条短信的人天天都开心,岁岁都平安,生活乐无边!happy birthday!


24、当我把神灯擦三下后,灯神问我想许什么愿?我说:我想你帮我保佑一个正在看短信的人,希望那人生日快乐,永远幸福 生日快乐!我要送你一份100%纯情耐糖:成份=真心+思念+快乐,有效期=一生,营养=温馨+幸福+感动












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只知道爱孩子是不够的,书中告诉我们爱孩子的方法,用爱的眼睛去发现孩子,用爱的行为影响孩子,用爱的理由拒绝孩子,用爱的责任惩罚孩子 ……

新时期、新事物扑面而来,孩子在不同于前人的新环境中生活,他们面临的矛盾、问题常常超出父母已有经验。许多的父母常感到苦恼和困惑。书中谈到家庭 教育的冲突和解决冲突给父母的忠告。首先改变自己,千万不要跟孩子较劲,把对抗变成对话,学会倾听孩子的心声。给孩子一个和谐的世界、和谐的环境,才能塑造出孩子美好的心灵,充分挖掘孩子的潜能。孩子心灵成长的需求是什么,则样去挖掘孩子的潜能,书中都有很精细的阐述,书中提出的重要观点,大量成功的经验和失败的教训,对于当代家长是极其受益的。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2286 字

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首先我要代表旅行社欢迎各位的到来!我是大家的导游,我叫,可以叫我。我右手边的这位是司机赵师傅。今天将由我们为大家服务,这一路上,如果你们有什么需要或要求请尽管提出,我们会竭尽所能的帮您解决,愿我们的服务能过让你们渡过一段愉快美好的旅程。 话说历史上有刘邓挺进大别山,在大别山谱写了血与火的壮丽史诗。那今天就让我带领各位踏上这片红色的土地,抒发我们对这片土壤的情怀。说到大别山,我就想问问大家,知不知道它为什么叫大别山呢?其实呀这里面有一个动人的故事。传说在洪荒之世,天地浑然一体,亿万生灵被挤压在昏暗的天地之间。后来有一座山訇然升起,用他的的脊梁把苍天高高撑起,万物生灵也得以获得光明。由于这座山分出了天和地,分出了白天和黑夜,使天地有别,便取名为大别山。当然它只是一个传说,其实从地理位置上看是因为它分开了长江、淮河两大水系,隔开了吴国、楚国两地,使南北两地的气候环境和民俗风情有别,所以才叫做大别山。




现在我们所在的地方就是神仙谷,神仙谷长约1500米,宽30—40米,以壑幽、水秀为主要特点。它美景如画,充满了神奇色彩。神仙谷传说是太上老君所钟爱的地方。大家看这块巨石,巨石上天然生成似平台,叫做天台。巨石下有以深洞,洞前有一水池。水池上有一个两级相连的瀑布,相传池中有一对鲤鱼被太上老君的仙气所感染,游入不远处的双龙潭,听老君诵经传道。双龙潭实为天堂九井中最大的两口井,且两井相连,两潭之间有一巨大平台,即”诵经台”. 此即太上老君诵经布道之道台。每当老君潜心布道时,两鲤鱼也潜心聆听,日久皆羽化成龙。修成正果,所以后人称此二井为“双龙潭’。










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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7952 字

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Hello friends, welcome to the beautiful Anhui Province. Im Wang Ping, tourguide of Anhui travel agency. Im very glad to meet you. I will serve you withmy sincerity and infect you with my smile. I hope you have a good time here.

Before arriving at the scenic spot, ask you, have you ever been to heaven?I guess you havent been. It doesnt matter. Xiao Wang will take you today.Although this paradise is a copycat version, it is also the only one in theworld, such as fake exchange. Tiantangzhai scenic spot is located in thesouthwest of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, at the north foot of DabieMountain, bordering Yingshan County, Hubei Province and Luotian County, HubeiProvince. The total area of the scenic spot is 120 square kilometers. The wholemountain is high in the South and low in the north. There are dozens of peaksover 1000 meters. The main peak, Tianji peak, is 1729.13 meters above sea level,which is the second peak of Dabie Mountain. Tiantangzhai is not only thejunction mountain of Anhui and Hubei, but also the watershed of Yangtze Riverand Huaihe River. Because of its good ecological environment, it is known as theterritory of plants, the kingdom of animals, the world of water purification,the sea of clouds, the hometown of giant salamanders and the territory ofRhododendron. The scenic spot is now a national geopark, a National Forest Park,a National Nature Reserve and a national 5A tourist attraction.

I believe you cant wait for so much. Dont worry. Before you get off thebus, first of all, Id like to make three rules with you: when you visit thescenery, you must pay attention to safety, so that you dont watch the scenerywhen you walk, and dont walk when you watch the scenery. At the same time, weshould protect the environmental health of the scenic spot, not littering andcigarette butts, not to mention learning from the monkey king lettering.Practice has proved that "celebrity" is not so good.

When we enter the scenic area, we have to transfer to the bus. Pleasefollow me and line up for the bus. The destination ahead of us is tiger shaped.Now we are walking on the winding mountain road in the scenic area. You can seethe peak on your left. It is called Baima peak, with an altitude of 1488 meters.It is named because the mountain looks like a horse. It is composed of saddle,horseback and horsetail. What we see in front of us is the horses buttocks. Thecliff of Baima peak is 1000 meters long, and it is an abyss; the rock on theridge is exposed, which is magnificent and precipitous. Every time after therainstorm, the clouds and fog rise in the valley, just like a white horsegalloping in the sea of clouds, causing peoples imagination of flying in thesky. On a fine day, the sun shines on the white cliff, just like the white snowon the mountain. The formation of Mawei clear snow, Anshan sunset and otherunique landscape, very magnificent. Look, its the plank road of Baima peak.Visitors can go to the top of Baima peak directly through the plank road. Theplank road is built against the cliff, which is daunting. If there is a chance,those who have courage can try to climb and practice courage.

This is the tiger shaped parking lot. We are going to climb on foot

I believe you have heard the rumble of water. Thats right. Qianfang is thefirst waterfall in Tiantang village. The first waterfall is called jiuyingwaterfall. The mountain spring water falls from 70 meters high into the deeppool, which is very quiet and beautiful. The white veins on the cliff behind thewaterfall are winding, like an eagle and a dragon. There is a famous saying thatmountains are not deep, immortals are famous, water is not deep, and dragons arespirit. This place is also a place where aura gathers. The content of negativeoxygen ions in the air here is very high. It is a natural oxygen bar. We musttake a few deep breaths here to touch the spirit of immortals.

Lets move on from the wooden plank road on the right. Come on, everyone.Well, after coming up, we come to the second waterfall. The second waterfall iscalled lover waterfall, also called curtain waterfall. She is 44 meters high,the water is gentle, several twists and turns, just like a girl playing with herhair, how charming. In the second waterfall, there is another bright spot.Please look up. This is a huge chestnut tree. Lets find out where the brightspot is. Yes, a small pine tree grows in the middle of the trunk of the chestnuttree. In this era of fighting father, Maoli tree is the godfather of little pinetree. Im kidding. This is a unique phenomenon in the mountains, which is acommon method of plant reproduction in mountainous areas. This is the legendaryoffshoot.

Go on to the third waterfall, which is Xieyu waterfall. Xieyu waterfall hasboth the magnificence of jiuying waterfall and the softness of lover waterfall.The flowing water clings to the cliff and rolls up the white water, just likeXieyu. The name of Xieyu waterfall comes from this. We will take the cableway upthe mountain from here. Ropeway two people a group, please free combination. Payattention to your left side when sitting in the cableway. You will see theremaining two waterfalls from the air, lady waterfall and silver bowwaterfall.

After a 20 minute air walk, you will arrive at Tianping peak, which is 1660meters above sea level. From here, you can have a panoramic view of Jingchu. Alittle to the right is a stone tablet with the inscription "the border of Anhuiand Hubei". Now the road we take is the junction of Anhui Province and HubeiProvince. It is no exaggeration to say that your left foot is in Hubei and yourright foot is in Anhui. It is the so-called one foot across the two provinces,looking at the Yangtze and Huaihe River. On the back of the monument, there arefive words engraved with the Yangtze Huaihe River watershed. Yes, this is thewatershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. The waterfalls andsprings you see when you go up the mountain belong to the Huaihe River system.When you pass here, on the other side of the mountain, there is the YangtzeRiver system. Its just like a persons life. When you are born, everyone is atthe origin. If you choose different roads, you will have completely differentscenery. Therefore, its very important to choose. Behind every choice is anopportunity, which tells us that we should make the best use of it Grasp everychoice of life.

If you go further, the peak in front of you is Matou peak. Do you think itlooks like a horse that is eating grass with its head down? This is the mouth ofthe horse. The pine tree on its back is like a horses mane. Its verybeautiful. In fact, there is something hidden in this mountain. If you look fromright to left, does it look like a camel? There are two humps over there. Thisis camel head. According to the ancient poem, it is different in height from farto near. This is the truth.

OK, over a small hill, what we see next is jiangjunyan, the landmark scenicspot of Tiantangzhai, which is the scenery printed on your tickets. From thisangle, you can see the opposite cliff, leaning against a human face profile. Wecan clearly see his forehead, eyes, nose, chin, chest and slightly erect Generalbelly. Like an extraordinary general, he has firm eyes and looks up at the bluesky. How proud, how brave. As we all know, Jinzhai County is the cradle of theRed Army and the hometown of the general. There are 59 founding generals in thecounty, the number of which ranks second in the country. During therevolutionary years, our forefathers fought hard and built a new China. Theirsacrifice and dedication should always be remembered. We should know that peaceis hard won and we should cherish it.

Here, todays journey to Tiantangzhai is over. Thank you very much for yourcooperation and understanding. If there is anything that Xiao Wang cant do, Ihope you can include it. Thank you again. Finally, I wish you all good luck,health and beauty in your future life. thank you.



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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 328 字

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1. 亲爱的外婆,真心祝你福寿康宁!希望你永远都健康长寿,我们永远爱你!

2. 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。

3. 生日的烛光中摇曳一季繁花,每一支都是我的祝愿:生日快乐!

4. 支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好!

5. 你以爱心为我们建一个温馨的世界,祝福你,我亲爱的母亲,生日快乐!

6. 祈望你心灵深处--芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。

7. 让我真诚地祝愿您,祝愿您的生命之叶,红于二月的鲜花!

8. 又是一个美好的开始,愿我虔诚的祝福,带给你成功的一年,祝你生日快乐!

9. 心底的祝福是为了你的寿辰,但爱却整年伴随你左右!

10. 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿你一年365天快快乐乐,平平安安 。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8632 字

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First of all, on behalf of __ travel agency, Id like to welcome you. Imyour guide. My name is _ _ and you can call me _ _. The driver on my right ismaster Zhao. Today, we will serve you all. If you have any needs or requestsalong the way, please feel free to put forward them. We will try our best tohelp you solve them. May our service make you have a happy journey. It is saidthat in history, Liu Deng marched into the Dabie Mountains and wrote amagnificent epic of blood and fire in the Dabie Mountains. Today, let me leadyou to this red land and express our feelings for this soil. When it comes tothe Dabie Mountains, I just want to ask you, do you know why it is called theDabie mountains? In fact, there is a moving story in it. It is said that in theworld of flood and famine, heaven and earth are integrated, and hundreds ofmillions of creatures are squeezed between the dark heaven and earth. Later, amountain roared up and lifted up the sky with his back, so that all creaturescould get light. Because the mountain separated heaven and earth, day and night,so that heaven and earth are different, it was named Dabie Mountain. Of course,its just a legend. In fact, from the perspective of geographical location, itscalled Dabie Mountain because it separates the Yangtze River and Huaihe River,and separates the state of Wu and the state of Chu, which makes the climate andcustoms of the two places different.

In addition to being the birthplace and base of Chinas red revolution,Dabie Mountain is also a tourist, summer resort and holiday resort. Withbeautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has been developed as"Dabie Mountain eco-tourism area". Here, you can not only enjoy the magic ofstrange peaks, strange rocks and sea of clouds, but also enjoy the charm ofheavens beautiful water. In May 1996, Dabie Mountain was officially approved asa national forest park. Dabie Mountain National Forest Park is divided into fivescenic spots: Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng natural scenery tourist area,qingtaiguan Guguan famous temple tourist area, bodaofeng summer resort touristarea, Jiuzihe pastoral scenery tourist area and tiantanghu water park. Thesescenic spots have their own characteristics and are integrated, showing theunique charm of Dabie Mountain.

Tiantang lake is surrounded by mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, andwith the changes of the situation, each has its own wonderful, deep "waterlight, sunny side is good, the mountains are empty, rain is also strange"artistic conception. Qingtaiguan scenic spot is located at the junction of Hubeiand Anhui in the north of the main peak of Dabie Mountain, covering an area of106 square kilometers. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting ancient times andsightseeing. Bodaofeng scenic spot is located in the west of Tiantangzhai,covering an area of 30 square kilometers, with dense vegetation and long historyand culture. Jiuzihe rural scenic area is mainly composed of ancient countryheritage and agricultural landscape.

Today we are visiting the Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng scenic area. Themost magical landscape in the scenic area is the mountain! Walking in the heavenmountain, the mountains are overlapping, as if dissolved in the embrace ofmountains. Or to see the solitary peaks stand out alone, or to see the two peaksstand against each other, or to see the peaks stand out, blocking the sky andblocking the sun. Climbing up, you can see the mountains competing. Some roarlike a tiger, some roar like a lion, some sit in like Maitreya, some like areclining Buddha heaven. The shape is lifelike and amazing. The Sleeping Buddhain heaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in Dabieare known as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular.Tiantangzhai has many ravines, twists and turns, and springs and rocks arescattered in the stream. The trees beside the stream are green, birds aresinging and flowers are fragrant.

Now our place is Shenxian Valley, which is about 1500 meters long and 30-40meters wide. It is characterized by quiet valleys and beautiful waters. It ispicturesque and full of magical colors. The legend of Shenxian Valley is that itis a place loved by Laojun. Look at this huge stone. Its a natural platform.Its called rooftop. There is a deep hole under the boulder and a pool in frontof the hole. There is a two-stage waterfall on the pool. It is said that a pairof carp in the pool were infected by Laojuns immortal Qi. They swam intoShuanglong Lake not far away to listen to Laojun chanting scriptures.Shuanglongtan is actually the largest two wells in the nine wells of heaven, andthe two wells are connected. There is a huge platform between the two pools,namely "chanting platform", which is the platform for taishanglaojun to chantscriptures and preach. Every time Lao Jun devotes himself to preaching, the twocarp also devote themselves to listening. After a long time, they all emerge asJackie Chan. So later generations called the two wells "shuanglongtan".

The cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livesand eats, so people call it immortal cave. Xianren cave is close to mountainsand waters, with beautiful environment. There is a space of about 10 squaremeters in the cave. There is a huge bed like stone in the cave. It is said thatit is the place where taishanglaojun stayed. Not far away, there is a legendthat taishanglaojun played chess in the "immortal chess cave". In front of thecave, there is a magnificent landscape - "two dragons come out of the valley".Since then, the river of Shenxian Valley has been divided into two parts by ahuge stone. It flows down from both sides, like two silver dragons running outof the valley happily, and the momentum is particularly magnificent.

The tourist route of the main peak of the Dabie Mountains is eitherisolated or confronted by two peaks. The main scenic spots are Xiaohua mountain,Zheren peak, Foguang cliff, etc. Now the place we are going to is thephilosopher peak. Zheren peak is 1518 meters above sea level. Please take acloser look. The cliff is about 100 meters high, which looks like a big head,broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose and rich lips. The shape is lifelikeand lifelike. You can see it contemplating the north, as if thinking about amajor philosophical proposition. This is one of the three wonders of heaven, the"philosopher watching the sea.". My friends, the mountain road is rugged. Pleasebe careful of the slippery road and pay attention to safety.

Now we come to the Foguang cliff, which is 1609 meters above sea level.Its named after the occasional magical Buddha light. It has been a holy land ofBuddhism since ancient times, with "old temple", "Maitreya Temple" and othersites. In front of us, the mountains are in various shapes, like immortalsmeeting here, so it is called "gathering of immortals". Here, there is a veryspecial mountain with three Buddhas in one mountain. There are three stoneBuddhas: Sleeping Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and monk. Among them, "Sleeping Buddhain heaven" is known as one of the three wonders of heaven.

We continue to climb along the ridge at the border of Hubei and Anhuiprovinces, and then we can reach the main peak of Dabie Mountain. The ridgerises and falls, long and gentle. There is a stone like a turtle on the ridge,so it is named "Dabie turtle", which is also one of the three wonders of heaven.Well, tourists, after our long journey, we come to the top of Tiantangzhai, themain peak of Dabie Mountain. With an altitude of 1729.13 meters, Tiantangzhai isknown as "the first peak in the Central Plains".

Here, when you look around the world, you can see 100000 mountainsembracing and worshiping you. To the north, you can see the mountains and riversof Wu and Anhui, and to the south, you can see the boundless scenery of Jingchu.Watching the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. Its apity that we dont have a good time to enjoy the beautiful scenery together. Ifyou have a chance to visit Dabie Mountain next time, you must not miss thebeautiful scenery!

Well, tourists, its getting late. Please come down the mountain with me.When you go down the mountain, please pay attention to safety.

Dear tourists, we are about to break up. The tour of Dabie Mountain iscoming to an end. Thank you all for your support to my work. Thank you! Whiletaking away the good impression, please leave your valuable opinions. Imlooking forward to our next reunion. If there is any chance, Id like to provideyou with better service. Goodbye, friends.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8836 字

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Hello, tourists! Welcome to Dabie Mountain. After a long journey, we workedhard all the way. My name is he Jie. Im your guide. You can call me Xiao He.This is master Zhao, the driver. He has been driving for many years and has richexperience. Please rest assured to take his car. If you have any needs orrequirements, please feel free to put forward, I will try my best to serve you.I hope my service can make you have a happy journey.

When it comes to the Dabie Mountains, I think your first reflection is thatit is a red soil and a revolutionary base. Countless revolutionary ancestorsleft their footprints here. In fact, Dabie Mountain is also a tourist, summerresort. With beautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has beendeveloped as "Dabie Mountain eco-tourism area". Here, you can not only enjoy themagic of strange peaks, dangerous mountains, strange rocks and sea of clouds,but also enjoy the charm of heavens beautiful water.

There are five scenic spots in Dabie Mountain, including Tiantangzhai DabieXiongfeng natural scenery tourist area, qingtaiguan Guguan famous temple touristarea, bodaofeng summer resort tourist area, Jiuzihe Dabie Mountain pastoralscenery tourist area and tiantanghu water orchestra. The total area of the parkis 300 square kilometers, with annual rainfall of 1350 mm and averagetemperature of 16.4c. There are 1487 species of wild plants and 634 species ofanimals. In May 1996, the Ministry of forestry organized an expert group toconduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation on the tourism resources ofthe Dabie Mountain National Forest Park. They agreed that it has greatdevelopment value and was officially approved as a national forest park. Todaywe mainly visit Tiantangzhai scenic spot.

Tiantangzhai is the main peak of Dabie Mountain, known as the first peak inthe Central Plains. The most magical landscape in the park is the mountain! Thescenic area is famous for its magnificent mountains, quiet valleys and beautifulwater. Walking in the heaven mountain, the mountains and obstacles are likemelting into the embrace of mountains. Or to see the solitary peaks stand aloneand rise straight into the sky; or to see the two peaks stand against each otherand fight for height; or to see the peaks stand in a forest; to block out thesky and the sun, and to be majestic. Climbing up, you can see the mountainscompeting in a thousand different ways. Some roar like a tiger, some roar like alion, some sit like Maitreya, some lie like a Buddha in heaven, some look like agiant penholder. The shape is lifelike and amazing. The Sleeping Buddha inheaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in Dabie areknown as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular. Tiantangzhaihas many ravines, twists and turns, which show its profound shape. In thestream, the springs and rocks are scattered, and the birds are murmuring. Theriver bank is covered with trees, and the green bamboo is hidden, showing itsnatural color. The water of heaven is beautiful and the waves are long. Thewater here is known for its clarity, sweetness and moisture. The streams in thescenic area are winding and winding, lingering in the valley. They are oftendeep and abstruse. Sometimes, the water runs through the mountains and rocks,flowing freely like the Milky way, dancing like jade, splashing with beads andsoaking in the slurry, creating a wonderful waterfall landscape. Sometimes thestream is calm, sometimes it twists and turns, clear green and sparkling. Valleywater, weir like a mirror, small pool like beads. The weirs and pools areconnected, and the mirrors and beads are inlaid. It is pure and transparent,elegant and vulgar.

Here is the fairy valley. It is picturesque and full of magical colors. Thelegend of Shenxian Valley is a place loved by Laojun and frequently active. Yousee, there is a natural platform on a huge stone, which is called the rooftop.There is a deep hole under the boulder. There is a pool in front of the hole.There are two cascades on the pool. It is said that a pair of carp in the poolwere infected by Laojuns immortal spirit. They swam into shuanglongtan not faraway to listen to Laojuns chanting and preaching. Shuanglongtan is actually thelargest two "Wells" in the nine wells of heaven, and the two wells areconnected. There is a huge platform between the two pools, namely "chantingplatform". This is the platform of the Sutra chanting and preaching. Every timeLao Jun devotes himself to preaching, the two carp also listen attentively.After a long time, they all emerge into Jackie Chan and achieve good results.Therefore, later generations call these two wells "shuanglongtan".

The cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livedand ate, so people named it Xianren cave. Xianren cave is close to mountains andwaters, with beautiful environment. There is a space of about 10 square metersin the cave. At the bottom of the cave, there is a stone bed wheretaishanglaojun is staying. This is taishanglaojuns immortal stove. Not faraway, there is taishanglaojuns "Xianyi cave" where he plays chess. Next to theimmortal cave, there is "shuanglongchugu". At this point, the river water ofShenxian Valley is divided into two parts by a huge stone. It flows down fromboth sides like two silver dragons running out of the valley happily.

What you see now is the philosopher peak, which is known as one of the"three wonders of heaven". Please take a closer look. The cliff is about 100meters high. It looks like a huge head, a broad forehead, thick eyebrows, a highnose, and rich lips. Looking north, you seem to be thinking about a majorphilosophical proposition. The buildings here are of Ming and Qing styles. Mostof them are arranged according to the situation. It has the characteristics ofShanzhai. The mountain road is rugged. Please be careful and pay attention tosafety. It seems to be a humble place. In fact, it has quite favorable militaryconditions.

In the war of liberation, Liu Dengs army advancing into the DabieMountains was the historical turning point of our armys transformation fromstrategic defense to strategic attack. On June 30, 1947, Liu Bocheng and DengXiaoping led the main force of the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan fieldforces, Liu Dengs army, in accordance with the strategic principles of theParty Central Committee, with superhuman courage and courage, to cross theYellow River in Southwest Shandong and leap into the Dabie Mountains,successfully opening the prelude of the PLAs strategic counterattack. By themiddle of October, Liu Dengs army had controlled more than 150 kilometers ofJiangfang on the North Bank of the Yangtze River.

Now we have reached the summit of the philosopher peak. Here, when we lookaround the world, we can see that 100000 mountains are worshipping. You can seethe Central Plains to the north and Jingchu mountains and waters to the south.Watching the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. When therain is over and the sky is clear, the morning view of the sea of clouds is evenmore spectacular. The vast sea of clouds, layers of smoke, the indigo coloredmountains, like the fishing boats in the sea of white waves, sometimes loomingand sometimes appearing, and like the dragon flying, dancing and swallowing theclouds. The scenery is spectacular. Unfortunately, our time is limited, we cantenjoy the beautiful scenery together. If you have the chance to visit Dabiemountain again next time, you must not miss the scenery!

This is jiexingfeng, so its called Siyi. We are almost to the horizon.Both sides of it are abysses, with only one stone path to climb up. The degreeof danger is astonishing. The mountain ridge is covered with thousand year oldpines. The roots of pines are climbing the cliff, showing people their greatvitality. Several huge stones on the top of Jiexing peak are independent of thepeak, as if they were flying from outside.

If you stand on Jiexing peak and look to the northeast, another dangerousscene will jump into your eyes. Different from other places, there are countlessstone swallows flying together in spring and summer. They live in the crevicesbetween the cliffs and fly on the mountain jungle. They are called stoneswallows cliff.

Its getting late. Please come down with me. Please pay attention to safetywhen you go down the mountain.

The short trip to Dabie Mountains is coming to an end. Thank you for yourcooperation and help. If you have any comments or suggestions on my work, pleaselet me know so that I can improve in the future and provide you with betterservice. I hope this tour will leave you a wonderful and unforgettable memory. Iwish you all a safe journey and all the best. Once again, I would like to thankyou. bye.



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