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Dear friends

Hello everyone, welcome to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Myname is Liu x, the guide of Zhengzhou Tianxia travel agency. This is our driver,master Zou. During your tour in Zhengzhou, master Zou and I will provide youwith services. I wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and the political, economic andcultural center of Henan Province. It is located in the hinterland of China andamong the nine prefectures. It is adjacent to the surging Yellow River in thenorth, the majestic Songshan Mountain in the west, and the Huanghuai Plain onthe edge of Guangtian in the East and West. It is known as "the center of themajestic peak and the dangerous airspace".

Zhengzhou belonged to Yuzhou in ancient times. In 1027 BC, after the kingdestroyed Yin on Friday, he sealed his northern Guan Shuxian here and became theGuan state. After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six states, there was a county,which belonged to Sanchuan county. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Guancheng.In the third year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou was named, which isthe beginning of the title of Zhengzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengzhou waspromoted to Zhili Prefecture. In 1923, after the Beijing Han railway workersrevolution, it was known as the "27" famous city. After the liberation ofZhengzhou on October 22, 1948, Zhengzhou was set up. In 1954, the capital ofHenan Province was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou became thecapital of Henan Province.

The city has five districts under its jurisdiction and one suburbandistrict (Shangjie District), five cities and one county, with a total area of7446.2 square kilometers and a total population of about 5.8 million, of whichthe urban area is about 130 square kilometers and the urban population is about1.9 million.

Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is an important transportationhub in China. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Longhai Railway meet here. Zhengzhounorth railway station is the largest and most modern freight marshalling stationin Asia. National Highway 107 and 310 meet here. The expressway network fromZhengzhou to all parts of the province is forming. Now tourists can go directlyto Beijing by high speed. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, newly builtin 1997, is the 21st International Airport and one of the top ten airports inChina. Zhengzhou has developed commerce and trade, known as the mall. As earlyas 1992, a nationwide "commercial war" broke out here. Todays commercial war iseven more exciting. Zhengzhou is a famous historical and cultural city approvedby the State Council, which is rich in ground and underground resources, rich inagricultural and sideline products, and developed in industry andagriculture.

Zhengzhou is known as a green city with beautiful environment and shadytrees. Especially in recent years, Zhengzhou has increased the strength of urbanconstruction, and the urban quality has been continuously improved. Zhengzhounew pull Riverside Park, Bauhinia Square and other large green space and square.Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, including Songshan scenic spot, Shaolintemple which is famous for its Shaolin work, Zhengzhou Yellow River touristarea, which is a good place to enjoy the charm of mother river, and ZhengzhouYellow River tourist area; There are the hometown of emperor Xuanyuan ofXinzheng, a good place for the Chinese people to seek their roots and worshiptheir ancestors, as well as the ruins of Dahe village, the ancient city of Zhengand Han, the song Mausoleum of Gongyi, the Han Tomb of Dahu Pavilion, the grottotemple, and the hometown of Du Fu. Zhengzhou has complete tourism facilities,including all kinds of star hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, andcolorful nightlife.

During your tour, you will get comprehensive and high-end service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, and understand theprofound culture of the Central Plains.

Welcome to Zhengzhou for sightseeing.



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云台山山险水秀,气候凉爽宜人。这里泉源丰富、植被茂密,原始次生林覆盖了整个山峦,各种树木和奇花异草种类达400多种。中药材蕴藏丰富,除人参、灵芝外还有闻名国内外的四大怀药以及茱萸、当归 等200多种。唐朝孙思邈曾在此采药炼丹,至今这一带山区还流传着他服仙丹升天的故事。


一路说来一路聊,说话间我们便来到了景区的停车场,在下车之前呢我要跟大家约法三章,当然的并不是我们日常生活中所说的法律法规,而是大家在景区游览时的一些注意事项:第一、呢就是时间要求:希望大家在景区游览时 严格遵守时间要求,让我们努力做到一个人也不能少,少一个人也不行、第二呢就是安全要求,为了您的安全,请您做到走路不观景,观景不走路、第三呢就是我请大家做景区的文明代言人,文明旅游从我做起,做文明游客。




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Hello, welcome to the Palace Museum, and Im glad to serve you, I am the journey zi-ang li, you just call me lee, today today have I accompany you have a good time.


For the completion of the imperial palace was built in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dynasty emperor Zhu Dishi build, now with me, please go to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe palace. Here is the place where the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in ceremonies, the whole temple width, depth 5, outside corridor column, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside clear height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, for all the palace, the largest wooden hall.


We came to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmony of the Forbidden City. Is the emperor rest the night before they go to the hall of supreme harmony, ministers and accept a mecca for officials.


Play the zhonghe palace again, Ill take you to visit the Baohe Palace, the Baohe Palace is the qing dynasty state banquet hall and test for examination hall. As everybody knows, qianlong nearby have a minister called liu2 yong, he is in the Baohe Palace was admitted into the draft.


The Forbidden City tour here, todays explanation to me still satisfaction? You are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, Im very grateful to, finally, I wish everyone have a good time. thank you



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华山(Mount Hua),古称“西岳”,雅称“太华山”,为中国著名的五岳之一,中华文明的发祥地。下面第一范文网小编为大家带来了陕西华山英文导游词范文,希望对你有所帮助!


Hua Shan is the highest of Chinas five sacred mountains. It is 120 kilometers east of Xian. It has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. The highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet)。

We had had discussions about going to Hua Shan with some graduate students from Computer Science. That didnt work out due to changes in schedules on both sides. Also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach the peak at sunrise. That did not appeal to us. We wanted to spend a night on the mountain. Frans department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at the simple hotel on the North Peak. They sent two graduate students to accompany us, though they had not been to Hua Shan before. We met them at 8:00 on Saturday morning and took a taxi to the train station. There we asked around and located a mini-bus. The bus made a couple of stops. One was to see a presentation about the traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some of them. It probably would have been interesting if we understood Chinese. Our guides gave us the general outline about what was said. The other stop was a quick lunch stop.

There are two approaches to Hua Shan. [Chinese proverb: “There is one road and only one road to Hua Shan,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the only way.] The west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before you start climbing. We went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to the base of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter North Peak. Our plan was to walk up to the North Peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day and take the cable car down.

We started the climb in the early afternoon. The path consists of stone steps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore our bicycling gloves for hand protection)。 Physically, it is more like climbing the steps of a skyscraper than trails at home. However, the temperature was about 95 degrees and there was not much shade. We brought lots of water, including some bottles that we froze and some Gatorade that we got at the fancy department store in downtown Xian. There are plenty of refreshment stands along the way where you can buy bottled water, the Chinese equivalent of Gatorade, and other drinks or snacks at a premium price.

We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our room was basic, but comfortable and clean enough. Because water is scarce on the mountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In that sense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with our guides. We were a bit surprised to find that they both think of Japan negatively, but like the U.S. It seems that Japans WWII behavior in China has not been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

We saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent with thousands of stars, including the Milky Way galaxy. This was the clearest sky that we have seen in China. The fresh air at Hua Shan is a treat!

Our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 AM to watch the sunrise. Fran and I made sleep a priority. We did happen to wake up a bit before sunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy. Ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up late watching the European soccer championships on the television in their room

The plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved the right to shorten the route. The first part was a steep climb to Middle Peak. After the low North Peak, all the others are at roughly 20xx meters. There were crowds on the way to Middle Peak – mostly Chinese hikers but we did see a few other wai guo (foreigners) as well.

We visited two Taoist temples en route to Middle Peak. Each one had an altar with incense and offerings of fruit. The friendly monks invited us to say a prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. Fran accepted their invitation. At the first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of the altar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits of Hua Shan (the prayer was answered)。 At the second temple, she knelt on a cushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends who are experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. After each blessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak, which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, but realized that the ladder wasnt so bad and went for it. That was a good decision because we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at this point. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, we had a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amount of dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Hua Shan, so of course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The views from the tops of each peak were beautiful. Hua Shan and the surrounding mountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwestern United States or the Sierras.

We took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning down from Middle to North Peak. We were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks (petals) of Flower Mountain.

By cable car (the longest in Asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the park entrance. We caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus for Xian.

Our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs! We were glad that we did not have this information when we started. For three days after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take the elevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Hello! I am your guide on this trip to Huashan Mountain, Gu Shiyin. I will show you the beautiful scenery of Huashan Mountain.

Let me introduce Huashan to you first. Huashan Mountain is a scenic spot in the " Natural and Cultural Heritage List" or a national AAAAA scenic spot.

The place where we are now is Yuquan Hospital. There is a story about it. Princess Jin Xian of the Tang Dynasty accidentally dropped a jade hairpin into the water while washing her hair in the jade well of Yuegong in Shanshan Town. After returning to Yuquan Hospital, when washing hands with spring water, I found the jade hairpin and knew that the jade spring eye was connected with the jade well. So the spring was named Yuquan, and Yuquan Hospital was named for it.

This is the most famous place in Huashan - Changkong plank road. The place where you tread can only hold one foot. The chain around your waist can protect you, so dont be afraid. Everybody go up.

After walking along the long and empty plank road, I came to the place where Chen Xiang splits the mountain. There is also a legend here. Three Notre Dame fell in love with an ordinary man and got married. Due to the violation of the heavenly rules, her brother Erzhi pressed the Holy Mother of Three under the Huashan Mountain. She gave birth to a child named Chen Xiang. Ten years later, Chen Xiang knew the truth and fought with Er Lei God. With the help of the gods, he defeated Er Lei God and saved his mother.

Here is the kite turning over. All tourists should pay attention to safety and take a rest here.

There are too many beautiful scenery in Huashan Mountain to see today. Lets continue our tour tomorrow.


Dear friends: Hello everyone!

Today, we will visit Huashan Mountain, also known as Taihua Mountain, which is located 120 kilometers east of Xi an City and south of huayin city.

Huashan Mountain, known as Xiyue in ancient times, is one of the five mountains in our country. It is named Huashan Mountain because of its natural arrangement of peaks like flowers. In December 1992, Huishan Mountain was rated as one of the 40 best scenic spots in the country. Even friends who have not been to Huashan Mountain will learn about the situation of Huashan Mountain from some interesting myths and anecdotes, such as " A Road to Huashan Mountain Since Ancient Times", " Huayue Xianzhang", " Chenxiang Ripping Mountain to Save Mother", " Huashan Mountain to Discuss Sword" and modern wisdom to take Huashan Mountain. These beautiful myths, legends and stories reflect peoples yearning for and worship of Huashan Mountain since ancient times.

South Chinas mountains overlook the Yellow River to the north and Qinling Mountains to the south. They are called " Huashan Mountain is like a standing mountain". The whole mountain has simple lines, sharp shapes, sharp axes, and towering and magnificent peaks. It is called " the most dangerous mountain in the world".

When it comes to oddity, it is made up of a huge and complete granite. The ancients said, " Mountain is not strange without stones, and pure stones are not strange." Huashan Mountain is cut into four sides, with a width of ten miles and a height of 5,000 feet. A stone is also called " Daqi". Huashan Mountain has five main peaks, of which the east, west and south peaks are the highest, and the three peaks stand upright. " It is said to have" three peaks outside the sky " as it flies out of the clouds, and its shadow falls into the Yellow River. When it comes to risks, it is a" long plank road " erected in the air. The " Quanzhen Rock" carved on the hanging rock has three faces: the " Harrier Turnover" with hollows, convexes and concaves, and the thousands of feet Children carved on the hanging rock on the cliff, Baichi Gorge, Laojun Plough, Moer Cliff, Canglong Ridge, etc. are all extremely dangerous and unusual. " Since ancient times, there has been a road in Huashan Mountain". The road in the mountain has only a north-south line. It is about 10 kilometers long, winding and rugged. Many places are really " and while one man guards it, ten thousand cannot force it".

In addition to its magnificent natural landscape, Huashan Mountain is also rich in historical and cultural accumulation and is full of cultural landscapes. Only at the foot of the mountain and along the valley road, inscriptions, poems and stone carvings will make people forget to return.

Friends, we are now in Yuquan Hospital. It is said that because the spring water here is connected to the Yujing on the top of the mountain and the water quality is clear and sweet, it is called " Yuquan Hospital". It is said to be the only place to climb Huashan Mountain. It was built by hermit Chen Tuan. The temple in the hospital has pavilions, winding corridors and flowing spring water. It is a tourist attraction. Yuquan Hospital and host institute and Zhenyue Palace, which we will see later, are Taoist activities. There are 53 temples in total. Most of the buildings in the hospital were rebuilt during the Ganlong years of Qing Dynasty.

Dear friends, we are now located at the foot of north peak, one of the five peaks, about 10 kilometers from the mouth of Huashan valley. this is the source of water flow in Huashan valley. please look at those trees along the direction of my fingers. maybe many people will know them. yes, it is the green kok tree. here, the green kok tree floats here, hence the name " green koping".

From Qingkeping to Yangshi, the mountain climbing road has changed from a flat stone slab road to a narrow stone ladder dug in the cliff. Seeing the mountain road spiral upward, many weak-willed tourists will come back here to watch the mountain come back in frustration.

Friends, we have now reached Beifeng. After the first three passes, I think everyone has a certain understanding of the risks of Huashan Mountain. Beifeng is double named Yuntai Peak, with an altitude of 1550 meters. The mountain here is majestic, overhanging on three sides, majestic and unique, and has a cloud shape. It is named after a cloud platform. Its height is the lowest, but it has a very important geographical location. The four peaks it guards are pivotal. The pavilion in front of us is called " Junhun Pavilion", which derives its name from the scenery movie " Zhizhuhuashan".

Now we are in Zhongfeng. Zhongfeng is also known as Yunv Mountain. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the hermit Xiao Shi of Huashan Mountain was fond of playing cave flute and the beautiful sound of flute won the admiration of Qin Mugongs little daughter Nong Yu. She gave up her luxurious and comfortable court life and lived in seclusion here with the history of flute. After many years, the two became immortals and took advantage of phoenix, hence the name of many scenic spots on the mountain. There were a jade female shampoo basin and a tree. Due to this beautiful love story, Huashan Mountain was endowed with some romance and tenderness after it was broad, solemn and deep.

Jingzhongfeng, I accompany you to visit dongfeng.

Dongfeng, also known as Chaoyang Peak, has a Chaoyang terrace on its summit, which is the best place to watch the sunrise. The mountain is not high, but the immortal is famous. Huashan Mountain is said to be a place where many immortals live. Taoist fairyland. Legend has it that Zhao Kuangyin in Song Taizu and Laozu Chen Tuan, a hermit of Huashan Mountain, have a chess terrace on it, which is the place where they play chess. Chen Tuan, also known as Mr. Xi Yi, is an immortal with a Taoist walk. After discussion, the two of them bet on Huashan Mountain. As a result, they lost to Chen Tuan. According to pre-established conditions, Huashan has since become a Taoist temple and has always received food. on the eastern cliff of dongdong peak, there is a natural pattern. as you can see, like a giant palm, this giant palm has more than 20 feet, with uneven five fingers, and the middle finger runs straight through the peak. when sunlight shines, the five fingers leap like a hanging picture. this is the " huayue fairy palm" at the head of the so-called " eight sights of Guanzhong". it is said that long ago, Huashan mountain was connected with zhongtiao mountain, and its right foot ascended zhongtiao mountain to open a passage for the yellow river. now what we see is the finger of the river god

Nanfeng, also known as Luoyan Peak, is the highest peak of Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 2160 meters. It is like a fairyland when you come here. As the ancient poem says, " There is only heaven above, and there is no mountain and qi. You look up."



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Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Here are (第一范文网) bring tianjin attractions English commentaries, welcome to enjoy!


Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.


Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.

Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvares heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are inserted into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.


Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the Chinese revolution will illuminate Tianjins past, present and future. Tianjin is honored as Building Museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings with extraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In the following text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (top ten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County, the Huangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass and Taiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three years repairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east to Wangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the Huangyaguan Water Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensive system of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes, emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arranged orderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, Beiji Temple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the first museum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly built within the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall, another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace and prosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at Guafu Tower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains for about 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are six watch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. The architectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square, round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall. Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of Qi Jiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue in order to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability in that period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yards out to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower, "Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during the construction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower to commemorate their husbands notable exploits. The tower has two levels and measures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sides of the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is also famous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridge for over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying through clouds.

Mt. Panshan Scenic Area :

Covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), Mt. Panshan Scenic Area is located in Jixian County, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away from Tianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from Beijing. As the name suggests, the scenic area is mainly Mt Panshan–oriented. Endowed with natural beauty and a historical heritage, Mt Panshan is known as The First Mountain East of Beijing and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in China.

The mountain acquired its present name, early in the Eastern Han (25-220). Taizong , the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of his praise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign. Seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous Xanadus and towers were built on the mountain in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Qianlong, a brilliant and wise Qing Dynasty emperor was so impressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express his admiration of the area. In the first half of the twentieth century, the whole resort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. It has undergone a process of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

It is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clear waters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. On the mountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine. Rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general or a boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. At its foot, clear water splashes on the rocks. The mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one, Guayue (Moon Hanging) Peak. Although Guayue Peak is only 857 meters (2811.7 feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the Great Wall while to the west Mt Taihang can be seen.

From the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards, emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers and Xanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. There are four main temples: Tiancheng Temple (God Proposing Temple), Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-Hiding Temple), Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) and Wansong Temple (Ten Thousand-Pine Temple). Tiancheng Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, was enlarged and repaired in the Ming and the Qing dynasties. To the east of this temple stands the Ancient Dagoba. As the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors. The roof of the Yunzhao Temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally was only allowed to be used on imperial buildings. By granting permission for this, Emperor Qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) has 10,960 small Buddhas statues.



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[各位,兰亭的第一部分是鹅池。王羲之爱好养鹅人所共知,故兰亭有鹅池一景以纪念这位大书法家。据说,山阴地方一位老道,想求王羲之写一本“黄庭经”,他知道王羲之喜欢白鹅,于是就特地养了一群逗人喜爱的白鹅,王羲之路过,见白鹅羽毛白净,形态优美,不由得驻足不前,进而要求买鹅,道士说:“钱我不要,只要你写本《黄庭经》”。羲之欣然答应,笔走龙蛇,不过半日,经成搁笔,道士已把群鹅用笼子装好。这就是“书成换白鹅”的故事。 进大门,穿过修竹小径和淙淙小溪,迎面出现一座三角形碑亭,碑上刻着两个大字:“鹅池”。这是兰亭中有关王羲之的第一块碑石。相传王羲之当年在绍兴做官,一天正当他兴致勃勃书写“鹅池”时,刚写完“鹅”字,皇帝圣旨送到,王羲之只好搁笔下跪接旨。他的儿子王献之顺手提笔一挥,续写了一个“池”字。大家看这两个字,“鹅”瘦“池”肥。这块碑成为书法史上著名的“父子碑”。]


[“曲水流觞”是兰亭非常著名的景点。流觞亭前,一条“之”字形的曲水,中间有一块木化石,上面刻着“曲水流觞”4个字。显现了王羲之《兰亭集序》所描绘的景象“此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流急湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水”。它包涵了一段非常著名的典故:东晋永和九年,农历的三月初三,王羲之邀请了共41位名人雅士在兰亭雅集修禊,他们在酒杯里倒上酒让它从曲水上游缓缓漂下来,如果漂到谁面前停住了,谁就要饮酒作诗,作不出的则要罚酒三觥,一觥相当于现在半斤。活动中共有11个人各作诗两首,15个人各作诗1首,16个人因没有作出诗而罚了酒,总共成诗37首,汇集成册称之为《兰亭集》,推荐主人王羲之为之作序,王羲之欣然答应,趁着酒兴,用鼠须笔和蚕茧纸一气呵成《兰亭集序》,后人称为“天下第一行书”。每年很多文人墨客都喜欢来这里仿效王羲之,兰亭雅集,饮酒赋诗。每年书法节都要在此举行曲水流觞的雅集盛会。 [流觞亭是纪念流觞曲水场所,是兰亭主要建筑之一,建于清代。亭的周围木雕长窗,外面走廊环绕,古色古香。亭内墙上挂着一副“流觞曲水图”,生动地再现了当年王羲之等人修禊雅集的情景,有的低头沉吟,有的举杯畅饮,有的醉态毕露,令人叫绝。此图是明末清初一位画家的扇面画作,这是按原件复制的。后面的《兰亭后序》是当年孙绰所作,清同治年间山阴县知事杨恩树所书。]













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Everybody is good! Im liu, you can call me liu guide, welcome to visit huangshan scenic spots, now let me introduce you to huangshan! Huangshan mountain is very beautiful, spring is a beautiful season, youre really fit you literally see.

Now I will take you to look at and spectacular! You see, on the right side of that piece of peak, the peak thousand odd provide some beautiful some magic some said, also touched the peak, the legend can be dozens of years younger; If the disease, touch it, dont. Quick to touch! Well, you look left, now this is odd matsuyama, songshan have a hoard, a hoard of four director with some very sweet pine tree, the pine trees is very strong, even falling rain blows continuously, be quiet, please keep quiet! In front of a hot spring, lets take a look, listen and try that hot springs, remember dont litter!

Everybody free tour!

Article 4: huangshans commentaries 300 words

Tourists friends, everybody! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Tian Huicong, everybody call me field guide.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on, a lot of pine trees because they shape the name! Huangshan welcoming pine is one of the famous scenic spot, shape is special, its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan! Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have fun!


The tourists, everyone! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Wang Shishi, everybody call me Wang Dao.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on many pine trees because they shape the name! Guest-greeting pine is one of the famous scenic spot huangshan, appearance is special: its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan!

Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have a good time!


Hello, I am your little guide. Today I will take you to visit huangshan.

Speak of the "four unique" huangshan ranked first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pine has a very strong force. They are not afraid of cold, evergreen, shape differences, dazzle you.

The second is the stone. The stones are various of huangshan. There are more than 120 have been named after the peak. Some wings like a big cock crows, so named "golden call tianmen", some like five old man dressed in robes, the so called "five old heaven all".

The third is the hot spring. We often make peace visit hot springs is a former mountain huangshan hot spring hotel, in ancient times called essence, Wells from purple stone mountain. Keep the spring all the year round in 42 degrees, water quality is very good, but not to drink.

Finally, we come to huangshan sea of clouds. The cloud of huangshan is different from the usual, like the flood water.

Well, today is here, welcome to visit huangshan next time.



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湖南最富盛名的特产当属浮雕餐具。 ●竹雕、仿古漆器、桃源石雕、瑶族银饰、瑶族刺绣、苗族花带、溪州大理石刻●烟花爆竹、南质车木、桂东方竹、鸡血石、龙须草席、湘西民间蓝印花 布、河西香醋、土漆。●名食:湘粉、浏阳豆豉、靖州杨梅、安江香抽、冰糖橙、南岳竹笋、雁菊、兴舌兰片、永州薄荷、道州红瓜子、永顺板栗、王村红柿。●名茶:茉莉花茶、青岩茗翠、甑山毛尖、云雾茶、桂东玲珑茶、汝城白毛茶、江华苦茶、古丈毛尖。 ●名酒:湖子酒、桂花湖汁酒、武陵酒、湘泉、酒鬼、神川三蛇酒。




1、无名家菜馆 好象用不着我说了,生意好得吓人。往巷子里进去第三家也 还不错。


2、辣椒炒肉 因为实在没有一个招牌,以辣椒炒肉闻名,鸡汤也很好喝。


3、老天富 财政厅附近广济桥南侧。

3、赵记 其实应该叫―钱四口味鸡‖?特色菜:口味鸡、口味田鸡


4、星沙 一个小店,在省移动指挥中心旁的鸿翔大厦后面的小巷子里


5,一家罐子老店 先锋厅 才鱼抱蛋

6,三味食府 这里是个祸的好地方,老板亲自坐台,陪吃陪喝陪祸,你想干 嘛就干嘛,果真宾至如归。 湘春路陋园宾馆对面 竹香黄鸭叫、香菜凉拌腰花




推荐:各色汤味道不错。一定要尝店里木桶装的山葡萄酒,每次我都能喝一 斤:))



(1)九龙鱼头城 名为鱼头城,实际好吃的是蛇,尤其用剩下的汁拌面条, 极鲜美



(1)广济桥底往长岭方向,有两家吃永州血鸭的小店,不记得名字,都很 好吃



(2)芙蓉国 有两年没吃了,不知现在如何


(1)橘子洲头 几次都在―老江岸‖吃的。味道一般,但夏天的晚上,江风

(2)南大桥 河西桥底,有几条船。以前是在叫―石砣‖的船上吃,后来旁



1、猪脚 河西银鸿小区内―猪脚王‖,很辣,要小心

2、红烧肉 侯家塘的―帝豪‖,红烧肉肥而不腻,肉质松软。

3、烧烤 奥莎体育馆对面―两重天‖

4、香干 梓园路―世平餐馆‖,在附二对面沿梓园路右侧走不远

5、粥 南门口―一品粥‖

6,鱼头 二环线―菩提树‖

7,羊肉 人人家:韶山南路往长潭高速的路口,涮羊肉很棒,比―小肥羊‖

8,小炒腊鸟 西湖楼,招牌菜:千丝万缕,刀功了得。


1、 米 粉

(1)无名 省人民医院对面的小巷子里

(2)烈士公园北大门旁边的玉林米粉也很有名,搞得这里几乎每天都要堵 车!

(3)一家粉店 的米粉不错,口感好,分量多,码子齐,地方也还大,推荐椒脆粉,就是辣椒,榨菜,肉丝,香菇一起炒的码子,也还辣,要是放多点醋,更加开




3、牛肉串:解放西路畅行天下隔壁巷内20米处一个小摊,生意极好,总要 排队。


5、兰花豆:―翁不倒‖的兰花豆 荷花池 长沙市第13中学门口



7鱼:赤岗冲再往前一直走有一条街,全是吃鱼的。我去的那一家叫:诗 韵。


在湖南日报大门对面,就是体育馆路那个巷子里进去不到30米,有一家―老 四川鱼馆‖,

主题: 麦当劳购买全攻略 第1楼


其标准为满盒满袋,具体根儿数为:大薯,76-84根儿,中薯,54-60根儿, 小薯,


你可以清楚地看到所有的汉堡、麦乐鸡、鸡翅,都被整齐的放在一个保温柜 中,比方说保温柜有4个麦香鸡,那么,在第4个麦香鸡后面肯定会放有一个时间









五一路粮贸大厦下面的湘楚人家,有道―十里飘香‖的鸡汤,像极小时候外 婆家熬的土鸡汤,黄澄澄的鸡油漂在上面,喷香的。


五一路上的银华大酒店有道―太极蔬菜羹‖,一白一青,调成了太极图案, 清淡鲜美,值得品味。




在长沙,有空调的地方中,好象就属华南小吃的煲仔饭最便宜,就是难得 等,吃的人太多了。


财经学院外面有家肠子火锅店,肥肠实在是太诱人了,吃起来就顾不得什么 环境呀卫生呀,有时候我一个人就要吃掉一个中份。不过那儿离市区实在是太远了,去






左家塘 大蓉和的桔梗粉不错

82C咖啡馆(必胜客对面,消防大厦下面) 哈根达斯冰激凌好吃

蔡谔路大令婚纱对门 有家做浏阳蒸菜的 那里的手撕鱼是偶吃过最好的 芙蓉中路一段 百年长沙总店 手撕鸭

三角花园巷子内 一家无名老店 特色菜 鱿鱼肉丝 盐蛋黄炒丝瓜 腊肉炒红菜 火星小学对面 夜猫子 坛子汤菜比谭州瓦罐的还好吃

对河湖大南院的烧烤有种火鸡翅膀保重你吃了还想吃 还有,那边的红皮萝卜泡菜好吃


黄兴路步行街 真维斯对面 旺兔速丽小火锅

黄兴路与解放路口 日本火之国 鳗鱼饭(不要叫成了鳗鱼炒饭了)
















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其实,这不过是乾隆的附会之言 ,昭陵在定名时正是大清刚刚打败李自成农民起义军占据北京,此时明朝及李自成仍有很强势力,鹿死谁手尚难定论,很难想像有把清太宗与唐太宗相提并列的必要。乾隆皇帝所以把清太宗与唐太宗并列在于他政治的需要 ,李世民被历代统治一者奉为帝王楷模,他在位二十三年,礼贤下士,纳谏兼听,国富民强,史称其时代为"贞观之治",为盛唐时期经济文化的高度发展奠定了基础。乾隆把今祖与李世民相提并论旨在告慰世人,大清江山也会如同汉唐一样会出现一代新的盛世。





















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