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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2786 字

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The ancient tomb has its own name, the number of sources, or reflect on accomplishments and praise, the end of the emperors life or the meaning of with auspicious and blessing.

In the qing dynasty emperor ling name generally by heir king James. Secondly, there is also a system in the qing dynasty, if meet with ling name and place name repeated clear zhaoling, place names must be change, this is called taboo. It is clear that DiWangLing name is extremely sacred.

Zhaoling mausoleum is one of the first year of shunzhi emperor taizong died on August 9th anniversary cremated when school palace. Zhaoling mausoleum of the origin of our predecessors have two different explanation, an explanation is imitated the zhaoling taizong account, another explained related to ancient zhao jose system. Put forward clear zhaoling imitation of zhao mausoleum is the qianlong emperor. When he in east tour shengjing martyrs zhaoling expressed this opinion. In fact, it is just the qianlong lines, zhaoling when name is qing peasant rebel army had just defeated li in Beijing, at this time of the Ming dynasty and li still has a strong power, whether it is difficult to clear, and it is hard to imagine the qing emperor taizong emperor taizong phase coordinate necessary. And so the qing emperor qianlong emperor taizong emperor taizong tied for is his political needs, its height was ruled by successive one as a model for the emperor, he in the twenty-third year of the reign honour worthy men of letters, coachable and listen, prosperous, known at the time to "dynasty", as the tang period, the height of the development of economy and culture laid a foundation. Qianlong equate the today face with its aim to comfort the world, qing jiangshan also can appear like han and tang dynasties, a generation of new millennium.

Second, speaking of zhaoling from zhao jose system is inaccurate. Zhao mu is the ancient patriarchal clan system, this system used in the order of the tomb and temple of 9 to fathers in the middle of the method, the arrangement of other various degress in ZuoZhao right jose order so on. Shengjing have three wing, fu, zhao mausoleum, one never play for ZuLing, the highest status, fu ling times, zhaoling rank third. If zhao mu system arrangement, yong ling should be in the middle, fu ling in the left (east), called zhao, zhao ling in its right is called the "mu". And current for zhao three ling, ling forever in the east, fu ling in the zhaoling mausoleum in the west, three tomb no zhao jose relationship at all.

Zhaoling name may be due to the choice of meaning ", "the word itself. The ancients to zhao word "clear" and "spreads" solution. Zhaoling mausoleum of emperor taizong weld is the meaning of martial arts are clear. And after spreads the meaning, to just so so.



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1931年,南京国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米。桥南端增建了箭头型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族风格的回澜阁。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。新中国成立后,人民政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修,1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月,市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀,保持原有的风韵的要求,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。













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汽车代替马车的年代。这些怀旧设计带领游客进入神奇王国,让他们体验乐园内不同的世界。 幻想世界:


幻想世界的中心标志将会是一个崭新、独特的梦想花园,唯香港迪士尼乐园独有。 探险世界:

探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。





大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。 现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。











幻想世界的中心标志将会是一个崭新、独特的梦想花园,唯香港迪士尼乐园独有。 探险世界:

探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。





范文类型:导游词,开场白,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 433 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 432 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 435 字

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三峡的水清澈见底请游客们捧一口水看看,体会它的美。请游客注意了那前面的就是瀑布了,这时会让我们想起李白的 “飞流直下三千尺,疑似银河落九天”的磅礴气势。




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你们快来看呀!从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,足有一万三千多里.从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到了长城脚下.这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固.城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行.城墙外沿有两米多高的成排垛子,垛子上有方行的?磐?诤蜕淇?供?磐?蜕浠饔?城墙顶上,每隔三百米就有一座方行的城台,是屯兵的堡垒.打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应. 站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,游客们,你们千万不要忘记古代修筑长城的劳动人民来.单看这数不清的条石,一块就有两三千斤重,要知道,那时没有火车、汽车、更没有起重机,就靠着无数的肩膀,无数的手,一步一步地抬上这陡峭的山岭.多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头、后不见尾的万里长城.










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Hello and welcome to Jiuzhaigou for sightseeing. From now on, were goingto start our trip to Jiuzhaigou. I am your tour guide, surnamed Li, in thefuture we just call me Xiao Li.

Now, let me give you a brief introduction to Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou islocated in Sichuan province of China. It is named after nine Tibetan villages inthe gully. Jiuzhaigou has charming scenery all the year round. In the originalecological environment, clean fresh air and snow capped mountains, forests,lakes into wonderful, fantastic, beautiful natural scenery, show “ naturalbeauty, natural beauty, known as ” “ &rdquo “ fairy tale; fairyland ”. Nowlets go into Jiuzhaigou to enjoy its beautiful scenery.

First, we came to the bonsai beach, crystal clear water here, all kinds ofhigh and low shrubs in the water, forming a natural picture.

Now, the place where we stand is the famous waterfall in Jiuzhaigou. Here,the river course is vertical and horizontal, and the water flows down a rivervalley with a stepped shape, forming countless waterfalls. Some small tricklingwater; some rapids down; if some wave jade belt like some rush down the MilkyWay. The width or length of more than the Huangguoshu Waterall in Guizhou issix, of which NuoRiLang falls, the width of 100 meters, 60 meters higher thanthe water, air, honeysuckle splash, rumble.

There are a lot of lakes in the village. There are 114 large and smallones. The local people call it &ldquo, and the sea ”. Tourist friends,Jiuzhaigou, there is a magical legend that is the legend of rhinoceros sea.Legend has it that an old Lama of Tibet was seriously ill, riding a rhinocerosand dying here. I do not know why he drank the water here. The disease ismiraculously good. After that, the old Lama drank the water here every day. Atlast, he went into the water with the rhinoceros. From here, it was called rhinosea.

Its getting late, and the tourists, the trip to Jiuzhaigou, are over. Inthe end of this happy trip, please remember that the beautiful scenery, althoughnature has given to mankind, can not be separated from the protection acquiredby mankind, so we must take good care of the environment.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3774 字

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简介 香港迪士尼乐园面积126公顷,是全球面积最小的迪士尼乐园。不过,往后乐园还有多期的扩建工程,其中第一期扩建工程正在动工。香港地铁设有专用铁路迪斯尼线来往欣澳站及迪士尼站,为全世界第二条来往迪士尼的铁路专线。香港迪士尼乐园主题曲「让奇妙飞翔」由香港迪士尼名誉大使张学友主唱。而乐园的官方沟通语言为英文及中文(普通话及广东话)。

香港迪士尼乐园设有一些独一无二的特色景点、两家迪士尼主题酒店,以及多彩多姿的购物、饮食和娱乐设施。乐园大致上包括四个主题区(美国加州8个,佛罗里达和东京各7个,巴黎5个),与其它迪士尼乐园相近,包括:美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界和明日世界。除了家喻户晓的迪士尼经典故事及游乐设施外,香港迪士尼乐园还配合香港的文化特色,构思一些专为香港而设的游乐设施、娱乐表演及巡游。在乐园内还可寻得迪士尼的卡通人物米奇老鼠、小熊维尼、花木兰、灰姑娘、睡公主等。 主题园区 香港迪士尼乐园第一期分为4个主题园区:美国小镇大街、探险世界(20xx年5月4日-9月2日为海盗世界)、幻想世界及明日世界。


明日世界是一个充满科幻奇谈及实现穿梭太空幻想的地方。香港迪士尼乐园中明日世界的全新设计和感觉与其它的主题乐园截然不同,华特迪士尼幻想工程将整个园区创造成一个专为探索太空漫游奇遇与经历的星河太空港口。每个游乐设施、商店及餐厅均以机械人、宇宙飞船、浮动星体作装饰,将成为太空港口的一部份。游客可以在“飞越太空山”经历时空旅程,亦可乘坐飞碟来回穿梭太空游乐设施“太空飞碟”。 项目:飞越太空山、太空飞碟、巴斯光年星际历险、驰车天地

巴斯光年星际历险 与队友巴斯光年驾着星空飞船,在太空作360度旋转,并由您发射激光大炮,击退敌军和攻破他们的基地,登上最佳表现榜的榜首。

飞越太空山 乘坐速度惊人的室内过山车在漆黑天际中不断扭动、转弯和急堕,在音乐和声效的衬托下,经历火速往来无涯宇宙和恒星之间刺激兴奋,让您与流星、慧星同行,飞向光辉未来!此游乐设施最低身高要求为102厘米,可使用迪斯尼快速通行卡的游乐设施。


到访幻想世界的游客会首先在睡公主城堡展开他们的旅程。游客犹如置身迪士尼故事中,找到他们最心爱的迪士尼人物:可以在咖啡杯内盘旋;又或是与各个可爱的迪士尼人物如小熊维尼、白雪公主及老鼠大哥--米奇老鼠见面。 幻想世界的中心标志是一个崭新、独特的梦想花园,唯香港迪士尼乐园独有。





狮子王庆典 以迪斯尼经典动画《狮子王》改编而成的百老汇式大型歌舞剧,华丽盛大的庆典,保证令您叹为观止!可使用迪斯尼快速通行卡的游乐设施。 森林河流之旅 进入充满异国风情的神秘河流,您会遇上吼叫的大象、向前进攻的河马、具有危险性的眼镜蛇、发动袭击的猿猴„„等,旅程曲折离奇,充满惊喜和笑话。

香港迪斯尼乐园看点 看点1:歌舞青春热跳速递:“歌舞青春热跳速递”是香港迪斯尼乐园20xx年推出的全新娱乐项目,以充满活力的舞蹈及热情互动为最大卖点。届时17 名装扮新潮的演艺人员将在挂着“歌舞青春”的旗帜的流动舞台上尽情歌舞,同时主持人还会率领演艺人员与在场游客一起做游戏。游客




香港迪士尼乐园酒店 香港迪士尼乐园酒店Disneyland Hotel是香港迪斯尼乐园的旗舰酒店,其建筑风格洋溢着维多利亚时代的怀旧特色。置身其中,犹如时光倒流,回到维多利亚时代,摇身一变成为皇朝贵族,享受显赫浪漫的生活情趣。酒店楼高6层,里面设有餐厅、商店、酒吧、茶座、水疗按摩中心、套房、会议室和面积达903坪的仙杜瑞拉宴会厅以及婚礼观礼台等, 香港迪士尼乐园酒店共分为园景、海景、具露台的海景房间和国宾厅四种,酒店顶楼全层是贵宾楼层,并可眺望主题乐园。酒店每间客房和套房均参照维多利亚时代宫廷房间而设计,怀旧的装饰糅合现代化设施,包括平面液晶电视、高速因特网装置、保管箱及小型酒吧提供免费饮品,带来梦寐以求的尊贵享受。 香港迪士尼乐园还可安排迪士尼童话式婚礼,让客人可在主题度假区举办真正迪士尼特色婚礼。

迪士尼好莱坞酒店 迪士尼好莱坞酒店地处翠绿海旁,坐拥优美园林景致,楼高八层,拥有 六百间客房,房间大多以两张双人床设计,最多可容纳4人同时入住。拥有食府、商铺、酒廊、游泳池、购物商场、游戏室及一个有如一张洛杉机地图一样的花园中庭,里面设有荷里活著名的街道、建筑物及标志。酒店设计概代取自“装饰派”建筑艺术风格,配上二十世纪的米奇老鼠装饰,营造出别树一格的“迪士尼装饰派”艺术设计。




600间客房里面的星级服务、舒适和奇乐体验,以至室外清幽闲静的环境、丰富的美食、多元化设施和称心服务,为您的「荷里活玩乐体验」构成圆满结局。 乐园门票

类别 平日 指定日子*

成人 港币295元 港币350元

小童 (3至11岁) 港币210元 港币250元

长者 (65岁或以上) 港币170元 港币200元



* 指定日子包括星期六、日、香港公众假期、学校暑假 (7月及8月) 及内地黄金周 (每年5月1日至7日及10月1日至7日)。




迪斯尼乐园非常经典的游乐项目。 * * 美国小镇大街:


项目:香港迪斯尼乐园铁路、小镇大街古董车、迪斯尼乐园故事、市镇会堂。 香港迪士尼扩建新增三园区





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good afternoon! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allow me to introduce myself. my name is li xin and i work for anhui travel agency .during your short stay in huangshan, i’ll be your local guide. it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any request, go ahead! i’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

now, i want to say something about your itinerary. you will be here for about 3 days. during these days, you’ll enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of huangshan mountain, but also the ancient huizhou-culture!

first, we’ll visit the most beautiful scenery—mt.huangshan.

ok, we’re heading for the main gate of huangshan. it’s about 1.5 hour’s bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan.

huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan is well-known not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in , which is unique in china!

in ancient times, mt.huangshan known as mt.yishan because the mountain is formed by granite which looks black and grey, and yi in old chinese means “black”, hence the name. but it renamed mt.huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huangdi, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains which we can also call them the five holy mountains. it’s said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the five holy mountains but you won’t wish to see even the five holy mountains after returning from mt.huangshan. this saying which said by xuxiake, a famous traveler over 400 years ago may give us some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt.huangshan.

now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus, brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level. and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped pine trees., fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes. mt.huangshan changes its color and appearance with the alternation of seasons, now it’s winter, and we will keep ourselves into a crystal world of frost and ice with sliver boughs and rocks everywhere. don’t be excited, everybody! as a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere, especially in the following scenic areas. hot spring, jade screen tower, west sea, north sea, cloud valley temple and pine valley nunnery.

eyes front! ladies and gentlemen, the colorful archway across the street is the main gate of huangshan. we’ll go directly to the north sea scenic area, which is the most important scenic area! so never miss it!

ok, here we are, seeing is believing, let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.

the first sight that comes to us is yungu temple, here we’ll take yungu cable-car to white goose bridge. it’s about ten minutes. oh, come on, then follow me, walk downstairs to start-to-believe peak. along the way we can see several famous huangshan pines: black tiger pine, couple pine, dragon’s claw pine and so on. now, before we climb to the top of peak start-to-believe, for a breathtaking outlook, that is bamboo-shoot peak. do you see? you surely can take a picture.

en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so? then we’ll reach a refreshing terrace, and you can view a fan—shaped pine cling to the cliff beneath the terrace a nice crowd of pines, a column of stone looking like a person with a big pen, peak rooster and peak rise surrounding you.

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

tomorrow we’ll visit brightness top, lotus peak which is the highest peak in huangshan mountain, and the most famous spot—guest-greeting pine, and which is also the sign of huangshan.

ok, ladies and gentlemen, now our itinerary is all finished. first of all, on behalf of my company, my chinese colleagues and myself, i’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance and cooperation.

a few days ago, we met as total strangers, but today, you leave as my friends. i’ve tried my best to satisfy your needs and explained to you what i know about huangshan mountain. however, there are probably still some unfulfilled requests. i hope you’ll leave your comments and suggestion so that we can better our service in the future.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:二年级,导游,全文共 746 字

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各位尊敬的游客你们好!很荣幸可以陪同大家领略松花江的风光. 松花江是黑龙江的最大支流。本身也有两条主要支流,其一为源于白头山天池的第二松花江,另一为源于小兴安岭的嫩江,两条支流在扶余县汇合始称松花江,折向东北流至同江县注入黑龙江。


矿产蕴藏量亦极丰富,除主要的煤外,还有金、铜、铁等。 首先我要为大家介绍的是松花江的农作物。松花江流域的土地肥沃,盛产大豆、玉米、高粱、小麦。此外,亚麻、棉花、烟草、苹果和甜菜亦品质优良。

松花江也是中国东北地区的一个大淡水鱼场,每年供应的鲤、卿、鳇、哲罗鱼等,达四千万公斤以上。因此松花江的确是东北地区的一条大动脉。 然后我介绍的是松花江的树挂奇景。冬季的松花江,气候严寒,有时会降至摄氏零下三十度,结冰期长达五个月。

但是在丰满水电厂这一段从不结冰,据说是因为通过发电厂流入江里的水温甚高所致。这一段夹带暖流的江面,不断冒起团团蒸汽,凝结在岸边的柳丝、松叶上,形成一簇簇、一串串晶莹似玉的冰花,十里长堤顿时成了玲珑剔透、玉树银枝的世界。这就是闻名全国的“树挂”奇景。 最后我要介绍的是冰灯。


根据东北文献记载,早在清代已有冰灯制作,历史相当悠久。初期的冰灯,不过是当地贫穷人家过年过节时张挂的一种简陋装饰,其后才逐渐发展成为造型复杂、多姿多采的冰制艺术品。 今天我们的松花江之游就已经结束了,希望大家能再次来到松花江游玩。



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合同期限: 年 月 日至 年 月 日;


东莞市松山湖莞美学校 的花木、绿化带和新增绿化物。






(1)叶片茂盛、枝条均匀、花朵鲜艳,成活率达95 %;


少修剪4次,保持造型美观,乔木每年修剪1- 2次,及时清理修剪枝叶,修剪下的枝叶要及时清理干净;

(3)草地每星期除杂草1次,纯度达95 %,成活率达95 %;






东莞市松山湖莞美学校绿化护理工作的绿化养护费为每月¥ 元,大写人民币:








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Dear friends hello, everyone, today I will take you to visit is Beijing north on the edge of the Confucian temple and guozijian, you can see here today, early to wish you happy! Beijing imperial academy is located in Beijing dongcheng district settle door guozijian street (formerly known as cheng Yin street), and the Confucius temple. The imperial overall building sits, distribution on the axis jixian door (door), business (second), coloured glaze memorial arch, construct harmony, yi lun hall, JingYiTing. Things on both sides of the four six hall hall, a traditional symmetric pattern, is the only ancient existing in our country, the central public university construction. Main building of Beijing temple of Confucius is covered with yellow glazed tiles, is the highest building in the feudal society regulation.


You come with me now I see past the door; Also called lingxingmeng is Confucius temple gate, door width between three and seven deep purlin, single eaves jehiel the top of the hill, basically retained the architectural style of yuan dynasty, past the door on both sides of the connection in the outer wall of the temple, is a city gate. Enter the past the door, right against the face is dacheng door. Dacheng door was established in the yuan dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty, the width between five and nine purlin, deep single eaves jehiel the top of the mountain. The entire building is located on the tall brick stylobate, embossed on the royal standing in the way of high sea dragon pattern, wulong play bead, lifelike. Dacheng in front of the corridor on both sides by 10 shek kwu, each raised from stone carving a poem in ancient safari. This is when the qing qianlong imitation Zhou Xuan Georgian stone relics upon everyone to think in this photograph.

Everybody tell me tight I now the first into the courtyard of the former arranges various matters, that is the emperor, the east of the slaughter pavilion, well pavilions, kitchen god, the dishes that look, that is used to slaughter, cleaning and cooking. On both sides of the library, lent by god for offering Kong Liqi store and prepare offerings.

The second into the courtyard is the center of the Confucius temple courtyard, every time, for the Confucius memorial ceremony here then bell and drum everywhere, deriving euphoria, ceremonial majesty. Dacheng hall is the second into the main architecture of the courtyard, has also been the center of the whole Confucian temple architecture, is the most sacred temple in the Confucius temple. Dacheng hall built Yu Dade after six years, was destroyed in the war, Ming yongle nine years (in the reconstruction, the qing guangxu thirty-two years between the temple by expansion between 7 to 9. Inside the brics floor, in the top group longjing mouth smallpox, their level of regulation is the highest building, comparable to the palace hall of supreme harmony. Temple consecrate Confucius "dacheng them.the most holy king," whore, as both sides have obtain "four with twelve zhe" memorial tablet., ghost lead the case on a statue, jue, You, Bian, beans and other phenomena are the qing qianlong drive makes genuine. Inside and outside the hall hangs 9 to xuantong emperor of the qing emperor kangxi imperial tablets, all is the emperor book probes into four words of Confucius, is precious cultural relics.

The third into the yards most distinctive, Confucius temple is composed of the footprints door, temple worship and things peidian peidian independent complete compound, and the former binary compound segmentation significantly and natural transition, reflects the ancients, the clever conception on the ministry of construction bureau. This group of buildings called the footprints temple, is the home of the five generations of ancestors worship Confucius temple. Built in Ming jiajing nine years, rebuild two years qing qianlong, green glazed tile roof instead of the gray tiles and roof. Chung temple, also known as the five dynasties shrine, width between five and seven deep purlin, before the house has a wide platform, the platform built on three sides with step every tenth level. Temple consecrate Confucius memorial tablet of five generations of ancestors and obtain YanHui, hole Ji, who, mencius memorial tablet of the father of the four ancient Chinese philosophers. Things peidian peidian, located in masonry stylobate, width between three and five deep purlin, single eaves the hanging, in cheng, cheng hao finds brother, zhang zai, Cai Shen, zhou dunyi, zhu six Confucianism, the father of the first.

Watching operas.it comprises three courtyards and buildings with clear level difference and function division, harmony to form a whole set of royal sacrificial architecture community, is a prominent representative of Chinese ancient architecture.

Good rest, the next station is a famous institution of the imperial college, all with me tight now I went to jixian quo zi jians door, the door is the door yard has well pavilions, held on the east side of the door communicates with Confucius. A second - business door, into the quo zi jian is the imperial college of the second into the yard, there are coloured glaze memorial arch, harmony and yi lun hall.

Now you tell me I will stay, let me introduce for you construct harmony and yi lun hall, came slowly into the business with me now to the door, the front is imperial academy two door large coloured glaze memorial arch, it is the only specifically for education in Beijing and set up a memorial arch. Banners are on both sides of the emperor, is a symbol of respecting culture in ancient China from. , located in jixian door are the three four pillars between the hip roof top on the 7th floor type coloured glaze memorial arch, 48 years of qianlong (1783). Is face book "teach jersey won bridge", just as the "university in section view," painting, is the only do not belong to Beijing temple coloured glaze memorial arch

Now, let me explain to you the quo zi jian construct harmony, it is the center of the imperial academy building, built in the axis center of a square in the middle of a circular pool high stage, save spire is a square faced the house. All around to open the door, set 6 steps. Construct harmony around the promenade, all set up delicate Bridges across the pool to make the house and yard are interlinked, this kind of architectural form as a symbol of nature round place. Acceded to the throne after the emperor qianlong, whenever a new emperor, are here to do a lecture, in a show of the central governments emphasis on higher education.

Six hall is on the left, it is located in the monarch harmony of left and right sides of the 33 rooms, collectively known as six don, respectively is: HFM hall, hall, hall, the truth monastery hall, hall of justice, wide industry hall of fame, is gongsheng guo-zi-jian diploma of the classroom. Ask now I have a look at the right of the yi lun hall, it is located in the north of monarch harmony hall, the yuan dynasty, chongwen pavilion, the Ming dynasty yongle rebuilt and renamed yi lun hall, in the early years was the emperor to give lectures, after construction of monarch harmony, to the prison library. You followed me to go now, behind is JingYiTing, it is located in yi lun hall, is the third into the quo zi jian yard. Building the Ming jiajing seven years, and has a drink offering wing wing and the department of industry and seven drive makes word tablet, is a place for drink offering quo zi jian in the office. You see my fingers direction, in between the Confucian temple and guozijian passageway, there is a made up of 189 large stone forest of steles. Stone carving with Confucian classics: zhouyi, "history", the "book of songs", "rites" and "yili", "rites", "spring and autumn zuo zhuan, the biography of the spring and autumn period and the ram," the spring and autumn GuLiang biography ", the analects of Confucius, "xiao", "mencius", "er ya". This writing is the blueprint of yongzheng years jiangsu jintan gongsheng Jiang Heng lasted 12 years and calligraphy. Fifty-six years of qianlong (1791 AD) burring on the monkey made a. All writing a total of more than 630000 words, large scale, our method is good, the accuracy of the content and the seal of fine degrees are better than that of xi an "writing", and in terms of scale is the second largest after xi an forest of steles forest of steles. Legend emperor qianlong life ho-shen, wangjie as President, Peng Yuanrui, liu2 yong as vice-president to textual research. Peng Yuanrui rare books in the song thirteen classics HeDing Jiang Heng calligraphy by the draft, and the popular form of characters to the old style, make the text more complete specification, ancient meaning, qianlong praised, were given taizi Pacific title. This makes ho-shen envy is special, of rights in ones hand he ordered overnight to stone tablets to mend all the old style. Until after the collapse of the declaration and archaic handwriting to repair again, there are pieces of dig on BeiMian traces

Now I first drink offering is to introduce the quo zi jian yuan dynasty famous neo-confucianism Xu Heng, at that time, a student more than 200 people. Students studying here is called "guo-zi-jian diploma", roughly three sources: a scholar in the selection of the right direction guo-zi-jian diploma from all parts of the country, to the further study; Second, foreign students, mostly from Korea and their logic, dispatched, Russia, etc.; 3 it is to "donate", front guo-zi-jian diploma, as long as the money to pay the full, can receive "prison", a guo-zi-jian diploma.

Ok everyone around now, photograph, taken everybody, whats the end of our journey, youll actually Confucius temple and the imperial college have too many things in hope you once again for coming here in a wide-variety of culture, thank you, goodbye everyone!



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Each group members, today we will visit the scenic spots is a tomb. Sun yat-sens mausoleum is located in nanjing, the second peak of small maoshan the foothill, is one of the greatest Chinese democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen mausoleum, it is a famous building in nanjing during the period of the republic of China, has now become a card and sign in nanjing, is one of the first 5 a grade scenic spot. First, lets look at the sun yat-sen this person. Sun yat-sen, sun yat-sen, because when engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan has used "zhongshan firewood" alias, so your respectful name he is Mr Zhongshan, domestic and foreign friends often referred to as Dr. Sun yat-sen. Was born in 1866, as a teenager in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places to study, after graduation to practice medicine in places such as guangzhou, macau, and after a medical in politics; Organization founded the Chinese brothers in Japan in 1905, put forward the "expel the manchus, restore China, the establishment of the republic of China, the average land ownership" of the platform, as well as the three peoples principles ", the peoples livelihood and civil rights for democracy "theory; After the revolution in 1911, was elected the provisional President of the republic of China; The oath of office in 1912 New Years day, after yuan shikai secretly, he has led the "second revolution" movement "protecting" the movement to protect the ", etc.;

On March 12, 1925, died in Beijing because became ill because of overwork. Sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site is sun yat-sen was selected, on April 1, 1912 is the sun for the day after the peaceful reunification of the north and south, resolutely resigned as their President, sun yat-sen and hunting hu and others had to purple mountain area, he looked around the terrain, smiles to the around said: "after I had another died, to national begging for this 柸 soil, to house body". Sun yat-sens mausoleum was designed by young architects Lv Yanzhi, and mountain building, sits, Ming tomb, in the west and the east which the soul valley temple, cemetery global form design is "wake-up call". Sun yat-sens mausoleum since the start in the spring of 1926 in the summer of 1929 to build. Held on June 1, 1929 at 12 noon "manusoleum" sun yat-sens coffin was buried inside the tomb has never been opened. LingQian parts: (2 minutes)

Now we came to the tomb of the half moon square. Octagonal stone table, south of the square there is a statue of baoding copper, 4.25 meters high, abdominal diameter 1.23 meters, weighs 5000 kilograms, is one of the monuments of sun yat-sens mausoleum, the ding is in the autumn of 1933 by guangzhou zhongshan university President and all the teachers and students to donate, tai chi-tao wrote pot belly cast with "wisdom, kernel, brave," three word is the school motto of sun yat-sen university, ding also groove wear mother huang xiao ", the full text, so the xiao ding and ding. Ascend the stairs by square, right against the face of humanity, located in the center of the front, this is a four pillars three eaves of memorial arch, built in 1930, 12 meters high, 17.3 meters wide, with fujian granite archaize generation built wooden arches form, banners overlying blue glazed tile, before and after the column foot drum stone, the bottom of the column for rectangular stone bridge, arch carved lotus petals on clouds and ancient buildings such as coloured drawing or pattern design, because it is in writing banners on a stone, engraved with sun yat-sen calligraphy "fraternity" two gold-plating spiral, so called "love fang". Love a word from the tang han yus "the way" "universal love" benevolence ", it is said that sun yat-sens favourite topic

These two words to send people, that the word has become his life very good summary and reflection. Through the memorial arch, is a 480 meters long and 40 meters wide of the pyramid-shaped mound, left, middle and right three pyramid-shaped mound, intermediate in 12 meters wide, 9 meters wide on both sides of the lawn, which planted with cedar, Sabina chinensis, such as evergreen trees, the two sides of the pyramid-shaped mound each 4.6 meters wide, in what they each have the lawn, which not only planted gingko trees, such as cement benches for YeLing person to rest, also has in the design of both conforms to the spirit of traditional Chinese architecture, but also has a unique style, strict in axisymmetric give a person the sense with testimonies is rigorous, with two symmetrical cedar, Sabina chinensis, ginkgo, red maple trees instead of the ancient imperial tomb common stone golem, suggesting Mr Zhongshan spirit such as cypress trees last forever.



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Dear guests

Hello! Entrusted by the tourism and reception departments, I would like toextend a warm welcome to all the guests visiting Qufu, a famous city. I am veryglad to be accompanied by a tour guide. This is a good opportunity for us toenjoy and study together. Please leave your valuable comments after reading.

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the history and culturalrelics of Qufu.

Qufu, a famous historical and cultural city, is the hometown of Confucius,a great thinker, educator, politician, literature arranger and sage of the worldin ancient China, the hometown of Mencius, the birthplace of Xuanyuan YellowEmperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the capital of Yan Emperor, thehometown of Shang and Yin, and the capital of Lu. Four of the three emperors andfive emperors lived and worked here for more than 5000 years. There are abundanttreasures underground and numerous cultural relics on the ground. At present,there are 112 cultural relics, including UN protected units, 3 World CulturalHeritage sites, 4 national protected sites, 12 provincial protected sites, andothers protected at prefecture level.

The most important ones are "three Confucius, two temples and onemausoleum", "three mountains, two forests and one temple". Confucius Temple,Confucius Mansion and Confucius forest are commonly known as "three Confucius".There are temples dedicated to Zhou Gong, the sage of the Yuan Dynasty in China,and temples dedicated to Fusheng Yanhui, the first disciple of Confucius, whichare commonly known as "two temples"; Yiling is SHAOHAO mausoleum in Shouqiu, thebirthplace of Yellow Emperor; Sanshan; and Jiuxian mountain (also known asJiushan), the birthplace of Confucius. The second forest is: mengmulin, the bestmother to educate children in the world, lianggonglin, the burial place ofConfucius parents; "Yisi" is the place where Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poems,answered correctly and parted. The famous scholar Kong Shangren lived inseclusion in Shimen temple, the national garden.

Now lets look at the Confucius Temple.

Confucius Temple, also known as Zhisheng temple, is a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius and his wife Qi Guan and 72 sages. Together with theForbidden City in Beijing and Chengde summer resort in Hebei, Confucius Templeis known as Chinas three major ancient architectural complexes. Experts saidfour words to Confucius Temple: the oldest, the most grand, the most completepreservation, and the most prominent Oriental architectural features. Twoproblems can be seen from the Confucius Temple: one is the great contribution ofConfucius to China and even the oriental culture; the other is that China hascraftsmen in history.

Confucius Temple was built in 478 BC, the year after Confucius died. In theformer residence of Confucius, three temples were built to display Confuciusclothes, cars, books and so on. The Confucius Temple was expanded by emperors ofall dynasties, including 15 major repairs, 31 medium repairs and hundreds ofminor repairs, reaching the present scale. The Confucius Temple imitates theimperial palace. It is divided into three layout, nine courtyards. It has 466houses and 54 gates and pavilions. It runs through a central axis from east towest. There are nearly one thousand steles, covering an area of 327.5 mu, whichis two Li and 150 meters long. The Confucius Temple we see now is the scale ofthe Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty. After liberation, the state allocatedfunds for maintenance and protection for many times. The first batch of nationalkey cultural relic protection units announced by China were listed as worldcultural heritage in December 1994, and became cultural relic units protected bythe United Nations. Confucius Temple has been built for a long time, has a largescale, and is completely preserved, which is rare in the world.

Shinto. "Wanren palace wall" before the ancient cypress vigorous thissection of the road is "Shinto". In front of important temples, there is aspecial way of respecting and understanding, which is called "Shinto".

Wanren palace wall. This gate is the South Gate of Ming City in Qufu, andit is also the first gate of Confucius Temple. It is hung with the fourcharacters of "Wanren palace wall", which was written by Emperor Qianlong ofQing Dynasty. It comes from Zi Gong, the proud disciple of Confucius. At themeeting of the state of Lu, it was proposed that Zigongs knowledge was broadand profound, which could be compared with Confucius. Zigong stood upimmediately and said, I dare not compare with my teacher Confucius. Humanknowledge is like a wall. My wall is only one Ren high, and my teachers wall isseveral Ren high. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a shoulder high,clear at a glance, nothing profound; Confucius knowledge is several times asmuch as mine, after detailed research, comprehensive discussion, we canunderstand all of him, after entering the door, we can see the beauty of thetemple, you cant see it outside the door. In order to describe Confuciusprofound knowledge, later generations changed from the masters wall to "hundredRen" and "thousand Ren" to the emperor of Ming Dynasty who granted Confucius thetitle of "civil servant in the world, imperial teacher of all dynasties", andpraised Confucius knowledge as "ten thousand Ren". Looking up, we cant see thetop. It also said that the wall was very solid. These four words were originallywritten by the imperial envoy of Ming Dynasty. In order to show that he attachedgreat importance to Confucius, Qianlong replaced his imperial pen with hispersonal letter "Wanren palace wall".

Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang. This workshop was built in Ming Dynasty to expressConfucius exquisite and perfect knowledge, just like the whole process ofplaying music, which is complete from beginning to end. Ancient music beginswith the ringing of a bell, which starts with the sound of "the beginning oforder" and ends with the striking of a chime. The sound of "jade vibration" isthe sound of the falling of the chime, which is called "the end of order".Praising Confucius knowledge is a great achievement of the sages and sages, soit is called "the sound of gold and the sound of jade vibration". The sound of"golden sound" is the sound of the bell, which starts with the sound of "jadevibration" and ends with the sound of the chime. This is also the source of theidiom "start and finish". "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" was written by Hu zuanzong, agreat calligrapher in Ming Dynasty.

"Two cypresses bear one hole". There is an ancient cypress in the East andwest of the single hole stone arch bridge passing yuzhenfang, so it is called"two cypresses bear one hole". This bridge is called "Panshui bridge", which isconnected with the water in the pan pool beside the palace, so it is called "panwater". In the past, when I read the book of Confucius and Mencius, I wasadmitted to higher education, which is called "entering hope". Officials hope tobe promoted, do business, hope to get rich, and live a prosperous life.

Dismount monument. Outside the temple wall, there are two stone tablets,the Xiama tablet and Xiajiao tablet, which were set up in 1191 ad. The stele inthe West had been destroyed, and the stele in the East said, "officials andpeople wait to get off here.". In the past, civil and military officials andcommon people passed by, dismounted and walked on foot to show respect forConfucius and Confucius Temple.

Lattice star gate. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in 1754 ad.it was made of wood instead of iron and stone. "Lingxingmen" was written byEmperor Qianlong. It is said that there are twenty-eight constellations in thesky. Among them, there is a star in charge of culture called "Lingxing", alsoknown as "Wenqu star" and "tianzhenxing". It connects Confucius with the star incharge of culture in the sky and says that he is the highest in culture. Forexample, in the past, when worshiping heaven, we should first worship "Wenqustar". There is a saying that respecting Confucius is like respectingheaven.

Taihe Yuanqi square. This workshop was built in 1544 A.D. in the MingDynasty. It highly praises Confuciuss idea that "the space universe can nurtureall things.". "The harmony of heaven and earth, the harmony of the four sides,the harmony of yin and Yang" is the most basic thing, the harmony of theuniverse and the vitality of the human world. "Taihe Yuanqi" is written by ZengMian, governor of Shandong Province.

The most holy temple. The "Zhisheng Temple Square" built in the MingDynasty is made of white marble, decorated with flame jewels.

The world of moral Mou, the road crown ancient and modern. The East andwest of the Taoist temple are lined with a very strange memorial archway.Surrounded by wooden corner edges, there are a thousand heads and ten thousandcontinuations. There are eight monsters under it, which are called "Heavendragon and God lion". It is said that it is dignified and inspired, which candrive away evil and uphold justice. In the eastern memorial archway, it waswritten: "demou heaven and earth", saying that the benefits of Confucius ideasto human beings are as high as heaven and earth, and the merits and virtues canbe compared with heaven and earth. The memorial archway in the West reads"Daoguan ancient and modern", praising Confucius thoughts and methods, whichare the highest in the world.

Holy time gate. The three gates are parallel, the four platforms are thesame as above, and the central Panlong. The name of this gate comes fromMencius. For the four ancient sages, Boyi, Yiyin, liuxiahui and Confucius,Mencius summed up the Four Saints holy deeds into four sentences: Boyi is thesage of the Qing Dynasty, Yiyin is the sage of the appointed, liuxiahui is thesage of the sum, and Confucius is the sage of the time. "Shengshi" highlypraises Confucius thought, advocates enduring, and is a sage suitable for thetimes. When the emperor came to Qufu to court Confucius, he had to kneel downthree times and knock nine times, and walk through the gate of holy time. WhenYan Shenggong was born, he opened the gate of holy time. All go fast, the gateis high.

Lets have a quick look at the gate. That is to say, Confucius knowledgeof "Five Classics and four books" means that those who learn first have culturefirst, and those who learn first have knowledge first. They compete to learn,and it is a pleasure to see first and read first.

Look up at the door. It was named after Yan Huis praise of Confucius. YanHui said that the teachers way is to raise the top and drill the bottom. PraiseConfucius for his lack of knowledge, which is called "Mi Gao". It is difficultto understand classical Chinese, which is called "Mi Jian". Gao is notunattainable, but can be learned through hard work. Yan Hui said, "the masterfollowed the rules and was good at attracting people. He learned from me inwriting and said that I was polite." My teacher is good at persuasion, teachingme culture and courtesy.

Han stone man. In the pavilion of yanggaomenli, there are two Han stonepeople with high historical value. One is the "Pavilion leader" (a localofficial of Han Dynasty), and the other is the pawn of the palace gate. They areall guards in front of the tomb of the king of Lu. The stone man is valued bythe ancient scholars of epigraphy, which is of great value to the study of HanDynasty clothing and writing.

Jinshui bridge, this bridge, with the same name as the bridge in front ofthe Forbidden City, is also called Jinshui bridge, also known as Bishui bridge,with three holes arranged in a row and green water rippling.

Hongdaomen. Crossing jinshuiqiao is the "hongdaomen" appointed by theemperor of Ming Dynasty, which means "people can promote Taoism, not Taoism" inthe Analects of Confucius. Confucius is an ordinary literati, why become asaint? Praise Confucius summed up the experience of sages, especially carryforward the Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, civil and military Zhou Gongs way. "To say thatpeople can command and create everything is to praise peoples subjectiveinitiative." There are two stone tablets under the Hongdao gate. The four edgedstone tablet in the East is the "history of Qufu", which records the history ofQufus evolution. It was established in the Yuan Dynasty and has high historicalvalue. In the west is the "epitaph of Mr. Chushi", which has high calligraphyvalue.

Big middle gate. Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple in SongDynasty. It is called "Zhonghe gate", which means that problems can be solvedeasily with Confucius thoughts. In the Ming Dynasty, the temple was renamed as"the great gate of the middle", praising Confucius knowledge as a collection ofhuman knowledge. In the middle, it means "the right way of the world in themiddle, the theorem of the world in the middle". Those who leave the middle arenot the right way, but the evil way. That is to say, no left, no right, fair andjust, forward is the mean. There are two turrets at the East and West ends ofDazhong gate, which are used to guard the Confucius Temple.

Tongwenmen, four famous brands, Confucian temple. There are four monumentsin the middle gate. The tablet of Hongzhi in the west of the Ming Dynasty talksabout the ethics of the cardinal principles. On the right side of the Hongzhimonument is the "Confucian temple map" drawn by Li Dongyang, a talented man ofthe Ming Dynasty in Changsha, Hunan Province, which is of high value.

Chenghua stele was erected by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua in MingDynasty. There are two situations that have attracted the attention ofcelebrities of all ages. First, Chenghua tablets regular script is wellwritten, standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highestevaluation of Confucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius.The highest evaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius ideas andmethods to eating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable fromthem. With Confucius principles and methods, one can make the best use of onestalents, materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that ifthere is Confucius way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius way,there will be no world. If there is anti Confucius way, there will be no world.Such as the inscription said: "I only have Confuciuss way, the world can not bewithout Yan, there is Confuciuss way, then the principle of justice and ethics,everything has its own place..., Confuciuss way in the world, such as cloth SuShu, peoples livelihood daily use can not be short of,... Born Confuciusvertical for the holy, lifes safety, benevolence and righteousness in theright, the rise of the teachers way, from travel 3000, to the holy is thenext."

Tongwenmen. The meaning of the word "human heart" is the same as that ofthe text. That is to say, only with concerted efforts and unity can we do a goodjob; the writing should be unified, only with unified writing can we record theexperience of historical communication, and random writing will lead toconfusion. Tongwen gate is an important barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

Kuiwen Pavilion, originally a library, is a place for collecting booksgranted by the emperor. It was built in the second year of emperor Tianxi ofSong Dynasty (A.D. 1018), and was changed into "kuiwenge" when Jin Zhangzongrebuilt it. This unique and majestic building is entirely of wood structure,which is an isolated example in the construction of China building. Afterseveral earthquakes, kuiwenge was not destroyed. In the earthquake of Kangxi 5years in Qing Dynasty, "nine out of ten houses fell, one out of ten remained,and kuiwenge remained motionless.". Li Dongyang, the Minister of the Ministry ofofficial in Ming Dynasty, wrote "kuiwenge Fu", praising the architecturalresearch value of kuiwenge. Its the stele at the east end of the corridor.

In front of the pavilion, the eastern and Western courtyards are called"zhaisu", which is a place for worshippers to fast and bathe. Dongyuan is theresidence of Yan Shenggong, where Kangxi and Qianlong spent their time to wash.The West courtyard is the shelter of the sacrificial staff. Kong zhaoxun, theseventy-one generation grandson of Confucius, inlaid more than 130 steles in thetemple for worshiping Confucius in the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties onthe wall of the courtyard, so xizhaisu is also known as the stele courtyard.

Thirteen stele pavilions. This is the sixth courtyard of the ConfuciusTemple. There are 55 steles in the pavilion, which were erected in Tang, song,Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The contents of the steles are the emperors,Imperial Envoys worship of Confucius, the posthumous title and evaluation ofConfucius. The records of the previous construction of the Confucius Temple arewritten in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and basiba languages. Eight in the South andfive in the north, so it is called thirteen stele pavilions. Because they areall steles approved by the emperor, they are also called imperial stelepavilions. The third and sixth pavilions in the front row from the East werebuilt in the Jin Dynasty and are rare buildings in China. All the steles arecalled "imperial steles". "Mian" is the mascot. It is said that the Dragon Kinghas nine sons, and it is the eighth son. It loves "Wen" and is good at carryingheavy loads. The stone tablet has heavy characters, which is suitable for itscharacteristics. The image should be the dragon head, turtle body, Eagle leg andsnake tail.

From the east to the north, the third Pavilion is a monument erected byEmperor Kangxi. Beijing Xishan stone by the Grand Canal, economic South andtransported here. Experts calculate that the monument weighs 130000 Jin. It wassplashed with water and frozen along the way from Jining. Sometimes it came overon the ice and only went to the land of lying cattle one day. Qufu originallyhad good stones, which should be transported from Beijing to show the emperorsattention to Confucius. There are two steles in the southeast and southwest ofthe courtyard, all of which are the records of the princes and ministers whobuilt temples and worshipped Confucius. The calligraphy value is very high.

There is one gate in the East and one in the west, Yucui gate in the Eastand Guande gate in the West. Commonly known as Donghuamen, xihuamen.

From here, the Confucius Temple is divided into three routes. The fivegates are Dacheng gate, Jinsheng gate on the left, Yuzhen gate on the right,Qisheng gate on the West and Chengsheng gate on the East. The architecturalstructure of dachengmen is "intertwined, intriguing". The center is inserted as"hook center", and the top of the left and right four corners is "bucket angle".The three characters of dachengmen were written by Emperor Yongzheng. PraiseConfucius is a collection of sages and sages, reached the supreme realm.

The first teacher planted juniper by hand. The tall and vigorous cypresstree on the left of Dacheng gate was planted by Confucius. According to records:Confucius cut three cypress trees here. In the second year of Jin Zhenyou (A.D.1214), they were destroyed by fire. The trees withered and sprouted newbranches. There were "three withers and three glories", and there was a sayingthat "cypress trees were flourishing every day.". During the Wanli period of theMing Dynasty, Yang Guangxun, a gifted scholar, wrote five characters: "the firstteacher planted cypress by hand.".

Two long corridors. On both sides of the two equal rows of houses, a totalof 80, known as the "East and West veranda", is dedicated to 72 sages. Confuciusis known as a disciple of three thousand, 72 people who are proficient in sixarts, literature and martial arts, worshipped in the East and West. All theemperors of the past dynasties were entitled to the sages. Such as DongZhongshu, Han Yu, Wang Mingyang, Zhuge Liang, Kou Zhun, Yue Fei and so on. Bythe time of the Republic of China, there were 156. The last sage is Mr. LiangQichao. The original statues and tablets were changed to wooden tablets.Dongxiwu now displays a collection of Zhonggui stone carvings before the SongDynasty. The most precious national treasures of Zhou gongxunzi and batpracticing medicine are 22 stone inscriptions of Han and Wei dynasties. The"ritual stele", "Yiying stele", "Shichen stele", "Zhang Menglong stele" and "MiFu stele" with extremely high calligraphy value are rare treasures. There aremore than 100 pieces of "Han Dynasty stone carvings" on display in Xiwu. Theyare all well-known art treasures and precious materials for the study of Han,Wei and other historical and social life. There are 584 stone inscriptions ondisplay at the north end of the East veranda, which are the yuhonglou sutraswritten by Kong Jisu, the 69 generation grandson of Confucius.

Apricot altar. It was built in memory of Confucius lecture. Confucius wasteaching to his disciples on the platform under the big apricot tree. In 1018A.D. of Song Dynasty, Confucius had 45 generations



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