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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to the ancient lotus pond. Im your guide.

Gulianhuachi, a national key cultural relic protection unit and one of thetop ten famous gardens in China, is located in the center of Baoding city. It isfar from the governors office in Zhili. The main gate of the ancient lotus pondfaces north and south, with a pair of stone lions in front of the gate. The gatetower is surrounded by three gates and three couplets. A large horizontal plaqueof "ancient lotus pond" written by President Xu Shichang at the beginning of theRepublic of China is hanging above the middle gate.

White lotus pool, formerly known as Xuexiang garden, was built by ZhangRou, king of Runan in Yuan Dynasty. It was first built in 1220 ad___ In, thetotal area is 24000 square meters, of which the pond area is 790 square meters.The lotus pond has been surrounded by water since ancient times, and is famousfor its water. It also brings together the essence of Chinas ancientarchitecture and gardens in the north and south.

It was destroyed by the earthquake in 1284 ad, and only the pond withwhirling lotus ripples and luxuriant lotus flowers remained, which was called"lotus pond" in the Ming Dynasty. A large-scale renovation and expansion wascarried out in the late Ming Dynasty. Zha Zhilong, the magistrate, took thelotus pond as a "water mirror" and ordered the construction of a four characterhorizontal plaque on the water mirror office to inspire people and encouragethemselves. Lianchi Academy was built in Qingxing, and the Qianlong Jiaqingperiod became the heyday of Lianchi. The mountains, water, buildings, platforms,pavilions, halls, verandahs and pavilions were scattered, forming the famoustwelve scenes of Lianchi, which won the reputation of "Penglai City".

Lianchizang stone carving is a great landscape. The stele corridor on thenorth side of Beitang alone is 33 meters long, with three sections of 82 squaresteles. There are more than 140 stone inscriptions written by famouscalligraphers in Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and even in theperiod of the Republic of China and after liberation, which become an importantpart of Lianchi landscape.

Lianchi, an ancient garden, integrates the artistic styles of North andsouth gardens, and has won the praise of landscape experts and cultural relicsexperts. At present, the restoration of twelve scenic spots in Lianchi and therenovation of the surrounding historical blocks are in full swing. It isbelieved that in the near future, Lianchi will welcome tourists from all overthe world with more charming scenery.

Well, tourists, the ancient lotus pond is here for you. Thank you for yoursupport!




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三峡形成的传说与成语“杜鹃啼血”相关。很早以前,位于四川的蜀国有个国王,叫做望帝。望帝是个人人爱戴的好皇帝。他带领人民辛苦了许多年,把蜀国建成了天府之国。 在湖北的荆州地方,有一个井里的大鳖成了精灵,幻成了人形。可是,他刚从井里来到人间便不知何故死了。奇怪的是,那死尸在哪里,哪里的河水就会向西流。于是,鳖精的尸体就随着西流水,从荆水沿着长江直往上浮,浮过了三峡,最后到了岷江。这时候,他突然活了过来,便跑去朝拜望帝,自称叫做“鳖灵”。

说来也巧,鳖灵正碰见望帝愁眉不展,便忙问为什么如此惆怅,望帝见到鳖灵, 便告诉了他缘故。原来,有一大群被蜀人烧山开荒赶走的龙蛇鬼怪,不愿离开, 便使了妖术,把现在川西原来一带的大石,都运到夔峡、巫峡一带的山谷里,堆成崇山峻岭, 将大水挡住了。结果, 水位越来越高,将老百姓的房屋、 梯田等淹没了,望帝因而一筹莫展。鳖灵听后,向望帝自荐治水, 望帝大喜过望,便拜他做了丞相,令他去巫山除鬼怪,开河放水救民。 鳖灵领了圣旨,带了许多有本领的兵马和工匠, 和龙蛇鬼怪斗了若干天才制服了它们, 接着鳖灵又把巫山一带的乱石高山,凿成了夔峡、巫峡、西陵陕等弯曲峡谷,终于将汇积在蜀国的滔天洪水,顺着七百里长的河道,引向东海去了。

望帝他见鳖灵立了如此大的功劳,才能又高于自己,便将王位让给了鳖灵,他自己隐居到西山去了。殊不知鳖灵做了国王后, 情况慢慢起了变化。他居功自傲,变得独断专行,不大倾听臣民的意见,不大体恤老百姓的生活了。 消息传到西山,望帝老王非常着急,常常食不好寝不安, 他决定亲自走一趟,进宫去劝导丛帝鳖灵。 这个消息很快就被老百姓知道了, 大家便跟在望帝的后面,进宫请愿。这一来, 鳖灵丛帝认为是老王要向他收回王位,带着老百姓来推翻他的。便下令紧闭城门, 望帝无法进城,他靠着城门痛哭了一阵,也只好无奈地回西山了。 最后他终于想到只有变成一只会飞的鸟儿,才能飞进城门, 把爱民安天下的道理亲自告诉丛帝。于是,他便化为一只会飞会叫的杜鹃鸟了。 由于苦苦地劝鳖灵和以后的帝王要爱民,叫出的血,把嘴巴染红了。这就是“杜鹃啼血”的故事的来历。

三峡水库蓄水后,“瞿塘雄、巫峡幽、西陵秀”的自然风光总格局不会改变,雄伟壮丽的三峡仍然会以迷人的风采使游人流连忘返。 随着三峡工程的兴建,库区旅游资源的开发,三峡江段库区两岸幽谷深涧中的一批新景观将相继出现,现在有些交通不便的奇山秀水,那时可乘坐游艇前去游览。三峡水利枢纽建成后,它那多种现代化的巨型建筑物,大坝泄流时形成的气势磅礴的人工瀑布,必将成为三峡旅游线上游人必看的宏伟景观。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3870 字

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Ladies and gentlemen: qufu is our country ancient times a great thinker, politician and educator Confuciuss hometown, one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities published. Confucius had a famous saying: "there is companion come from afar, joy." Today, I had the privilege to you as a tour guide, very happy. I will do my best to provide satisfactory service for you, the deficiency, please correct me criticism.

Qufu overview before a visit to the "three holes", please allow me to introduce qufu overview:

Qufu is situated at in and plain of shandong province at the junction, north depends on mount tai, south Yi mountain, the east river bank Mongolia mountains, west plains of over thousand domain. Terrain east west high low, domestic SiHe, YiHe river flows from east to west, from ancient times there is "the saint door back water". Products rich, pleasant scenery. Great poet qufu Li Baiceng describes: "smile boast a friend refers to despair, the graceful green such as LAN".

Qufu has a long history, as early as fifty-six thousand years ago, our ancestors would thrive here, created the early human civilization. Many ancient books, and the yan emperor, wu migration are less in qufu, the yellow emperor was born in longevity hill (qufu east eight miles), shun in life for what sorts of records. Visible, China ancient times the most influential in the existence of four people left traces in qufu. Although this is a legend, but also is not groundless. From more than 20 section of the preserved in dawenkou culture and longshan culture sites still remains visible to our ancestors conquering nature. "One of the earliest qufu" in rites > >. The eastern han dynasty YingShao explained: "east lu mound, winding in the seven or eight long, therefore qufu." The early stage of the shang dynasty, qufu I, is one of the important vassal shang dynasty. "Duke of sealing in qufu" since the zhou dynasty for over 800 years, qufu for lu capital, and was an important political, economic and cultural center. The wind of spring and autumn period, Confucius pioneering private teaching, "three thousand disciples, the sage three thousand two" throughout all over the country, and became the center of education. Lu is a golden period in the history of qufu, well known for its "formal state", so is still in use in shandong province "lu" as referred to. In 249 BC, chu lu, lu county, qin dynasty Xue Jun, the western han dynasty to lu, when the wei jin southern and northern dynasties to crewe. Sui emperor sixteen years (596), the first pronounce qufu county name. Song called fairy source county, jin recover qufu county name today. 1986 withdraw XianZhi, called qufu. Now covers an area of 890 square kilometers and a population of more than 60. Long history, splendid culture, left a large number of cultural relics to qufu, mainly there are more than 110, the Confucius temple, Confucius, konglin was suggested and lu cultural site is listed as one of the first key cultural relics protection units by the national, 11 listed as the provincial key cultural relics protection units. "Three holes" in 1994 by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage.

After the founding of new China, especially since the third plenary session of the eleventh party and state leaders of great concern, qufu monuments in countries has budgeted more than 3000 3000 yuan on the "three holes" chopped comprehensive repair. In recent years, in order to develop the tourism, qufu company development and construction of the memorial garden city of six arts, analects of Confucius, a batch of new tourist attractions such as lu shengshi huaxia culture city, the formation of humanities and natural landscape, the old and new scenic spots one integrated mass, synergies of new pattern of tourism resources, become the culture of Chinese and foreign tourists yearning resort.



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现在就让我们沿着三峡大坝的路线开始游览吧,请大家跟我走。三峡大坝最高观察点——“坛子岭”。 “坛子岭”是这个三峡大坝风景区的美景之一。每当节假日,在这里游人如织,有来自国内的游客,也有高鼻子,红头发,黄头发,白头发的外国游客。




再看远处那西陵大桥吧,它位于三峡大坝右岸下游的截流纪念公园,在截流纪念公园里,展示了当年三峡截流施工场地的遗迹。在截流时,从江底捞起的形状各异的古石和使用过的大型机械,还有从被淹的三峡库区移植来的珍稀古树,进入千里三峡纪念馆,一幅巨型画卷吸引住我,它真实记录了截流之前千里三峡的秀丽风光。 大家很想去公园游赏吧,请随我到公园里的亲水平台吧。看那一条条水柱好像大坝泄洪时喷出的水柱,不时变换着形状,我们尽情地在这里戏水。我们来到公园里正对泄洪口的江边,我听到巨大的泄洪声和惊涛拍岸声,水雾随风飘来,带来阵阵清凉。




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Hangzhou is a beautiful city, is one of the seven ancient capitals in China, is also the capital of zhejiang province, has long been the folk known as "paradise on earth". Hangzhou has a long history, since warlords set qiantang county, has 2200 years of history. Hangzhou is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization. As early as 4700 years ago, humans thrive here, and generate the liangzhu culture is known as the dawn of civilization.

Hangzhou was the five dynasties and the southern song dynasty two generations of its capital, is one of the seven ancient capitals in China.

Hangzhou called money don. The sui dynasty huang nine years (589) waste county down money, hangzhou, hangzhou in the name of first appeared in history. The southern song dynasty built three years (1129), Gao Zongna crossing to hangzhou, rise to linan hangzhou mansion. Eight years (1138) the southern song dynasty shaoxing formal its capital linan, lasted more than 140 years. The first year of the republic of China (1912) to the original, benevolence and county and hangzhou qiantang county. Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927), precipitation and hangzhou county city of hangzhou, hangzhou city beginning this. On May 3, 1949, hangzhou liberation, from now on developing new history in hangzhou.

Hangzhou uptown and downtown, Jiang Gan, GongShu, west lake, high (binjiang) eight, xiaoshan, yuhang district, building heart, fuyang, linan three county-level cities, tonglu, ChunAn 2 counties. The citys total area of 16596 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 3068 square kilometers. Hangzhou probably around 6.6 million population, is also Chinas population density is one of the big cities, whats more, every day there are thousands of tourists come here to travel.

Because hangzhou has a long history, rich culture and material heritage.

Is one of the earliest origin, hangzhou name by yu ever shed hang on here as a water conservancy, hangzhou is the ark, the meaning of ship, the posterity called hangzhou yu hang then, dont know from when, why, people call yu hangzhou yuhang, so far there are still in hangzhou yuhang this place name, the qing dynasty was one of the biggest grievance "Yang Naiwu and Chinese cabbage" story took place in yuhang.

The tang dynasty and song dynasty famous poet bai juyi poetry su shi, has office in hangzhou, perpetual west lake landscape masterpiece of masterpieces, write down a lot of popular, may today.

Hangzhou development to now such prosperity, the largest contributor of the kingdom of wu yue. Builder - nearby lutetium, his condition was advantagious policy, make Chinas land has a piece of land to recuperate in the war. Kingdom, hangzhou culture construction in the sculpture art achievements, klippe statues is one of the masterpiece.

Northern song dynasty time, already became the first state in the southeast of hangzhou, not to mention the southern song dynasty, the central government in the capital, hangzhou became the largest city in the world at the time, the worlds first metropolis. Song room south crossing, the artists gathered in hangzhou, greatly promoted the prosperity here. In the yuan dynasty, Italian Marco Polo sent a heartfelt sigh, said that hangzhou is "the most beautiful and elegant city in the world", this is the highest praise to the city.

Ming and qing dynasties, hangzhou as the most prosperous city jiangnan, not only celebrities, and special economic boom, as on of the biggest cities in the plain of hangzhou, because the traffic is convenient, the trade is very convenient, one of the most representative character is red top businessman, hu xueyan.

Hangzhou can use four sentences, sixteen words to sum up: a paradise on earth, the silk mansion, tea city, the city of delicacies.

Said that hangzhou is a paradise on earth that can branch half with the false, the ancients cloud: above there is heaven, below there are suzhou and hangzhou. Compared in hangzhou is a paradise on earth, generations of scholars are also to the paradise city left many familiar chapters.

Officials and scholars praise the beauty of hangzhou, the United States in the west lake, the famous tang dynasty poet bai juyi once said: the west lake 36, on the most beautiful in hangzhou. Place called west lake under the sun too much, but not a city are comparable to those obtained with the west lake in hangzhou west lake. So is the heart of hangzhou west lake, from the tang dynasty bai juyi, su dongpo song dynasty, five dynasties money Yang Mengying lutetium, Ming dynasty, new west lake to now, only the beautiful west lake, is the beauty of hangzhou, only there are so many scholars praise poem, there are so many flood of visitors.

When it comes to water in hangzhou, have to say to the beijing-hangzhou grand canal. The beijing-hangzhou grand canal, 1794 km, while the spring and autumn period and the prince was the first to build the Han ditch, but the real digging is emperor yangdi period, all roughly until the yuan dynasty. This article through the Beijing, tianjin, hebei, shandong, jiangsu, zhejiang 4 provinces and two cities of artificial canal, communicate the Yangtze river, Yellow River, haihe river, huaihe river, the qiantang river, the five water system, also for the this city at the end of the grand canal brought infinite prosperity and development.

Hangzhou qiantang river is a main river, originated in huangshan mountain, the thousand island lake xin an river flows all the way to the southeast, due to the qiantang river estuary is a bell mouth, affected by the moon, every lunar calendar is a form of the spectacular qiantang river tide in mid-august.

Have since ancient times, jiangnan silk, suzhou and hangzhou silk is famous around the world, hangzhou outside of mulberry Lin illustrates this point more, in ancient times, silk clothing is noble and representatives of senators today, from the silk dress, silk quilt, to silk umbrella into the folk, for the majority of the people, and all sorts of hangzhou silk products are one of the representative.

Tea are found everywhere in China, but in the green tea, longjing quality, only hangzhou west lake, "tiger springs with longjing tea" that is hangzhous double. , the first top ten green tea, longjing tea is not wave get hollow reputation, west lake longjing tea to green color, fragrant, green, form beauty is famous for its "four unique". Into a flat without tea, smooth and well-balanced, yellowish green; Bubble is in the cup, the buds into a flower, a flag one gun, photograph is unripe brightness, bud bud upright, lifelike; If relapsed, lofty lasting; Looked bright, flavor pleasant delicacy. People kua call it "gold bud", "unique", has become a national senior gift of tea. Of so hangzhou is also known as "tea".

Hangzhou cuisines, the now famous all over the country, many dishes are all familiar: dongpo pork, west lake vinegar fish, song putting fish soup, dry Fried ring, beggars chicken, Fried shrimps with longjing tea, and so on. The building outside the building might be the most familiar restaurant. And every dish has its own a beautiful legend!

Hangzhou many historical figures: the establishment of The Three Kingdoms wu sun quan, the inventor of the movable type printing was used, the MengXi writing, "shen kua, the author of the Ming dynasty gold star Yu Qian resistance, etc., and worked here and one of the most famous is bai juyi, su shi, yue fei, etc., all adds infinite charm for hangzhou landscapes.

Attractions in addition to the west lake in hangzhou, and bamboo diameter, linyin temple, six harmonies pagoda, the cloud nine streams 18 bay, YueMiao, residence of hu xueyan, Wan Song academy, songcheng, etc., many scenic spots. These spots are filled with beautiful legends, and among them the white niang son and her husband, liang shan bo and zhu yingtai, su xiaoxiao and ruanyu, Eva and flower gu story makes hangzhou a love of all. Young lovers at dusk pacing slowly under the west lake, willows, steeped in the legend of the romantic and beautiful scenery, it will be how poetic! If you want to see how these legends real show in front of you, it is recommended that you can go to the songcheng see a good show!

As will be in hangzhou, zhejiang province, rapid economic development, there is little not the contribution of zheshang, wahaha, wanxiang group, juneyao group and so on. Hangzhou is a city of leisure, so has also become a consumer city, tea, bars, dance halls, casinos, restaurants, subway, crowing. The taxi is the best, the taxicabs, from modern to nissan, and even a Mercedes; The buses here is also the most beautiful, jinlong air-condition, Volvo, and antique sightseeing bus. The nightlife here also is very rich, bars, dance halls, clubs, and many are open 24 hours a day. Of course, the house price is very expensive here, to be able to see the west lake a little house of figure, can sell for 25000 yuan/square meters, so the consumption of hangzhou online is in addition to Shanghais most expensive city in eastern China.

Due to the transformation of the city, many figures of the old place already cant see, but hangzhou on protection and development of scenic spots still can. Todays hangzhou is a beautiful and modern city, high-rise buildings, elevated highway and mountains, the city will give you more surprise and sigh!



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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.

Notes:1. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的泰姬陵2. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园3. Sanskrit 梵语4. Uigur 维吾尔语

There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to theManchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.
















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Mount Emei is located in Mount Emei City, Sichuan Province, China, with anarea of 154 square kilometers. The highest peak, Wanfo peak, is 3099 metersabove sea level. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, a "show the world"reputation. There are more than 3000 kinds of plants, including rare treespecies in the world. There are many monkeys along the mountain road. They oftenform groups to beg for food from tourists, which is a major feature of Emei. Itis one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. There are about 26temples and eight important temples, with frequent Buddhist activities. OnDecember 6, 1996, Mount Emei Leshan Giant Buddha was listed in the worldheritage list by UNESCO as a cultural and natural heritage.

Emei Mountain scenic area covers an area of 154 square kilometers,including four mountains, namely dae, ere, sane and sie. Dae mountain isthe main peak of Mount Emei, which is usually referred to as dae mountain. Thetwo mountains of dae and ere are opposite each other. From a distance, the twopeaks are ethereal, just like the Emei thrush. This precipitous and majesticmomentum makes Li Baifa, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praise that "Emei is higherthan the Western polar sky" and "there are many fairy mountains in the kingdomof Shu, so Emei Miao is hard to match". Mt. Emei is famous for its foggyweather. The clouds and fog in the mountains are so varied that Mount Emei isgracefully decorated.

Mt. Emei is a magnificent mountain with many mountains and beautifulscenery. It is known as the metaphor of "one mountain has four seasons, ten lihas different days". Tan Zhongyue, a poet of the Qing Dynasty, summarized thebeautiful scenery of Mount Emei as ten kinds: "auspicious light on the top ofgold", "moon night in Xiangchi", "jiulaoxianfu", "Xiaoyu in Hongchun", "autumnbreeze in Baishui", "Qingyin in Shuangqiao", "snow in Daping", "emerald inLingyan", "clear clouds in Luofeng" and "Shengji evening bell". Now peoplecontinue to discover and create many new landscapes, such as Hongzhu Yongcui,Huxi Tingquan, Longjiang plank road, Longmen waterfall, Leidong Yanyun, JieyinFeihong, woyun floating boat, fir secluded forest, etc. The new ten scenes ofEmei are: Jinding Golden Buddha, Wanfo Chaozong, Xiaoping love, Qingyin Pinghu,Yougu Linghou, the first mountain Pavilion, cliff stone carvings, Xiujiawaterfall, Yingbin beach and the starting point of famous mountain. All arefascinating. When you enter the mountains, you can see many mountains andtowering ancient trees; you can see mountains and bridges broken by clouds; youcan see deep streams and deep valleys, and the sky is shining; you can seerivers flowing, and the water is murmuring; birds sing, and butterflies aredancing; monkeys play, and frogs play; you can see strange flowers and paths,and you can see unique caves. In spring, everything sprouts and growsluxuriantly; in summer, a hundred flowers are blooming; in autumn, the mountainsare full of red leaves and colorful; in winter, the snow is covered with snow.When you climb to Jinding, you can see far and wide, and the scenery ismagnificent. The view of sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddhas light and sunset makespeople relaxed and happy; the west view of Aiai snow peak, Gongga Mountain andWawu mountain connects the sky; the south view of Wanfo peak, rolling clouds andmagnificent momentum; the North view of Baili Pingchuan, like a beautiful shop,with a panoramic view of Dadu River and Qingyi River. When you are on the top ofEmei, you can feel the sigh of "looking at all the small mountains".

There are many clouds, few sunshine and abundant rainfall in the mountainarea of Emei. Part of the plain belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate,with the average temperature of 6.9 ℃ in January and 26.1 ℃ in July. Due to thehigh altitude and large slope of Mt. Emei, the climate zone has obvious verticaldistribution, with an altitude of 1500-2100 m belonging to warm temperateclimate; an altitude of 2100-2500 m belonging to moderate temperate climate; andan altitude of more than 2500 m belonging to sub frigid climate. Over 20__meters above sea level, about half a year is covered by ice and snow fromOctober to April of the next year.

Emei Scenic Area presents different climate characteristics with differentaltitudes. Below qingyinge is a low mountain area with lush vegetation, coolwind and clear spring. There is no big difference between the temperature andthat of the plain. Just add some clothes sooner or later. Qingyinge toXIXIANGCHI is a middle mountain area. The temperature is 4 ℃ - 5 ℃ lower thanthat of the plain at the foot of the mountain. Tourists need to prepare enoughclothes. From XIXIANGCHI to Jinding is a high mountain area. In the pedestrianclouds, the wind is cold and the rain is sudden. The temperature is about 12 ℃lower than that of Baoguo temple at the foot of the mountain. There are a lot ofcotton coats for tourists to rent. There is a "boundary" in the middle of Mt.Emei. The lower part of Mt. Emei is called "Yangjian", and the upper part of Mt.Emei is called "Yinjian". Cumulus has a certain weight, so its at the boundaryof Mount Emei. Therefore, tourists often hear thunder in Jinding, but only inthe "sunshine" it rains, while in the "Underworld" it doesnt.



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Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

Next, lets visit the above scenic spots everywhere!



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For a person who is used to living in Hangzhou, like me, if the temperaturein summer is not as high as 38 degrees, it is a miracle. Bozhou will not havetoo high temperature in summer. For a person who just came back from Sanya, likeme, if I dont get sunburned in summer, I think its strange. In Bozhoussummer, the sun is gentle. Naturally, in the Antarctic or Arctic, thetemperature is always so low, cold weather. Its a little scary. But in thesummer of northern China, Anhui is really a treasure land if there are some coolweather.

If its just a little cool, its not surprising. It can be imagined that ina village, there are mountains and water, trees and trees, and the air is mixedwith the fragrance of flowers and fruits. Looking around, the field is like agreen ocean. Is this an ideal state?

Small hills and green trees encircle the villages in Anhui Province. Thewhole village is immersed in the green world. This circle of hills is extrabeautiful in summer. Its like putting the village in a green tent. They allquietly whispered, "dont worry, you cant get the sun here.". Really, the treeson the mountain in summer. They grow very luxuriantly. They put on a greenflowered dress and have green hair on their heads. Its very similar to littleHuba, the protagonist in the story of catching demons. When people in thecountryside see those hills, they seem to have strength. They are doing farmwork in the field. They are sweating in the hot sun, but they still insist ontalking and laughing. Because they saw the hills. See the hope, as if to see thefruitful autumn

Small fish in the pond swim happily in the water, with red and whiteflowers. Dancing in the water, the water in the pool is clear, like a piece ofgreen jade. Reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. Even if the birds fly overhere, they have to stay for a while, take a look at their beautiful appearance,and leave their own light figure in the special mirror here.

Sitting in the shade of a tree in the yard, eating melon seeds and readingbooks. See the interesting plot, laugh from time to time, this is the mostinteresting place of rural life. If you think about it, how interesting it is toread in the sound of cicadas. The most wonderful thing is that there is a littlebreeze, the willow branches beside the pond dance with the wind, and the hair ofthe mountain is also elegant. The breeze brings the fragrance of flowers,refreshing. In the countryside, in summer, the trees in the yard growluxuriantly, green and lovely. And the most unique is that the trees on bothsides seem to have been discussed, and they are growing in the middle of theyard. At this time, my courtyard has become a scenic line and a green corridor.Its very comfortable to enjoy the cool here in summer.

In the evening, the sun went home to rest, and sister moon came on dutyagain. In the countryside, the night is very quiet, quiet can only hear a fewcrickets call. Its very interesting to catch crickets in summer. At 8 p.m., thecrickets in the yard begin to play wonderful music. At this time, I will take anempty bottle and prick some holes on the bottle, and then go to catch crickets.There is also a clever way to catch crickets. First, you have to keep an eye ona cricket. Second, after he stops to have a rest, quickly press it with hishand. Finally, put the cricket in the bottle. In the middle of the night, thecricket calls, like a sleep song, decibel is not very high, but it will not betoo low, the volume is just right.

The stars in the sky blink and blink, and they are not one or two, they areall over the sky. The stars in my hometown are very special. No matter how youlook at them, they are in a complete shape. Sometimes like a rabbit, sometimeslike a fierce lion. In this way, under the care of the stars, people fellasleep.

Early the next morning, under the cocks call. People start new work again.The flowers and plants are more and more vigorous day by day. The innocentchildren also start to sit in the shade of trees, pick up their favorite booksand watch them with relish.

This is my hometown in summer, a natural ink painting that can only berendered in green. I have endless fun this summer, he is so bold anduninhibited, but also so shy and lovely, unforgettable.



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After the Yellow Emperor united with Yan Emperor to defeat Chiyou, theleader of the Chinese tribal alliance became the common leader of the world,which made the Chinese nation step into the era of civilization from thebarbarian era. The great achievements of the Yellow Emperor were naturallyrespected and worshipped by later generations. After the death of the YellowEmperor, in order to express the nostalgia for this cultural ancestor, peopleset up tombs as mausoleums and temples to offer sacrifices in Qiaoshan. In thethousands of years after the death of the Yellow Emperor, the activities ofoffering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor never stopped. In Yu, Xia, Shang,Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the YellowEmperor was worshipped as an ancestor, except in some periods when he wasregarded as a "God" and "emperor".

After Qin Shihuang wiped out the six countries and unified the world, hestipulated that all the tombs of the emperor were called "mausoleums" and thecommon peoples tombs were called "tombs". In the Han Dynasty, it was stipulatedthat there must be a "Temple" beside the emperors mausoleum. At the beginningof the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the emperor of the HanDynasty, issued an imperial edict to the whole world - "I pay great attention tothe ancestral temple and offer sacrifices.". Todays Gods sacrifice and thegods of mountains and rivers are worshipped, and the "Xuanyuan Temple" is builtat the West foot of the bridge. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personallyoffered sacrifices to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. It is recorded inShiji, Volume 12, Chapter 12 of Xiaowu and Shiji, Volume 2, Volume 18, Chapter 6of Fengchan: "in the winter of the coming year, it is said that the ancientsfirst mobilized their troops and then Fengchan." Then he went to the north toinspect Shuofang, and killed more than 100000 soldiers. He also sacrificed tothe Yellow Emperor Zhongqiao mountain, and released his soldiers. " In thewinter of the first year of Yuanfeng (120__ BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynastyled 100000 troops to the north to visit Shuofang. When they returned, they madea special trip to Qiaoshan to offer sacrifices to the tomb of the YellowEmperor. This is the first record of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor inofficial history.

Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the attention of the emperors ofvarious dynasties, the tombs have been enlarged.

In 770, the fifth year of emperor zongdali of Tang Dynasty, Zang Xilang,the festival envoy of Wenfang, wrote: "there is a Yellow Emperor Mausoleum inFangzhou. Please buy a temple and enjoy the sacrifice at four oclock. It islisted in the sacrificial ceremony". With the approval of emperor Daizong, theTang Dynasty started a two-year large-scale renovation activity in Qiaoling,building the Yellow Emperor Temple and planting 1140 cypress trees. Since then,offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor has been upgraded to a nationalceremony, and Qiaoling has become the only official place for offeringsacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. This not only helps to standardize the ritual,but also plays an objective role in strengthening political rule and culturalidentity.

After the wars in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the tombsof the former emperors, including the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, hadappeared the situation of "being unable to help cutting wood". The "destruction"of sacrificial buildings makes normal sacrificial activities impossible.Therefore, as soon as Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne, he issued two imperialedicts in the first year of Jianlong and the beginning of Qiande, stipulatingthat the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and the mausoleums of Yan Emperor, GaoXin, Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia Yu "each had five families in charge of themausoleum, and the ancestral temple of the spring and Autumn period had anethereal prison" and that those who destroyed it had to repair it. In the secondyear of Kaibao, due to the erosion of the Juhe River year after year, cliffcollapses and water collapses often occurred at the West foot of the bridge,threatening the survival of the temple. Local officials wrote to the imperialcourt, and song Taizu issued a decree to move Xuanyuan temple from the West footof the bridge to the Yellow Emperors palace at the east foot of the bridge,which is the present site.



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Hello, passengers! Now lets visit Baotu Spring Park, the most famousspring in the world.

Baotu Spring Park was built in 1956, located in the center of Jinan City.The area is 10. 5 hectares, is a famous cultural garden with spring water as themain part, is the symbol of Jinan, known as "you cant visit Jinan, you cantvisit Baotu Spring". Emperor Qianlong once canonized Baotu Spring as "the firstspring in the world" during his southern tour.

Passengers, now you are in Baotu Spring Park, one of the most famous scenicspots: Guanlan Pavilion. The pavilion was built in 1461, the fifth year ofTianshun in the Ming Dynasty. It has a history of more than 500 years. The word"Guan" carved on the stone slab inside the pavilion adds to the beauty of thepavilion. Outside the pavilion, there are couplets on two pillars facing thepool: three feet of snow on the ground, four hours of thunder in the air. On theright side of the pavilion, there is a semi submerged stone tablet engraved with"Baotu Spring", which was written by Hu zuanzong, governor of Shandong Provincein the Ming Dynasty. On the left side, there is also a stone tablet engravedwith "the first spring", which was written by Wang Zhonglin in the Tongzhiperiod of the Qing Dynasty.

Looking this way, the water here is very clear. The water from the threesprings never stops, and the one in the middle has the largest displacement. Thebottom of the spring is paved with stones and sand. How happy the goldfish swimin the spring.

Passengers, now please enjoy the style of Baotu Spring and pay attention tosafety.



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Respect fellow guests:

Hello! I travel, the reception departments request, visits the tour to presence famous city Qufu fellow welcome guests to express warmly welcome. I fortunately accompany the visit for everybody tourguide, is extremely happy, this is we enjoys the study together the good opportunity. After looked please leave behind the valued suggestion.

First, briefly introduces Qufu to everybody the history, the cultural relic survey.

Historical city Qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of Kong Zis the world hometown, Menciuss native place, Chinese nations first ancestor shaft Yellow Emperors birth place, the capital, discussed the Yin native country, the Lu country capital. Three emperors five emperors have four to live the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history. Underground has the rich buried treasure, on has the multitudinous cultural relic. Existing cultural relic 112, including the United Nations to protect the unit, world culture inheritance 3, national protection 4, provincial level 12, other for place city level protection.

Heavy center seriously has "a three two temples mausoleum", "a three mountains two forests temple". The Confucian temple, Confucian Residence, Konglin, the popular name "three", have the sacrificial offering China Yuan saint Duke of Zhous temple, has sacrificial offering Kong Zi first big disciple duplicate saint Yan Hui the temple, the popular name "two temples"; "A mausoleum" is Yellow Emperor is born - - the long-lived earthen mound few mausoleums; "Three mountains"; The Kong Zi place of birth Nepal mountain, Chinese grave group Jiulongshan, small Taishan - - nine (call nine mountains). Two forests are: The world educates the child best mother forest, the Kong Zi parents buries Liang Gonglin; "A temple" is Li Bai, Du Fu writes poetry, responds, bidding good-bye place, famous writer hole still no matter what national botanical garden "Shimen temple".

We now look at the Confucian temple.

Confucian temple, also called to the Confucian temple, is sacrificial offering Kong Zi and its Madame Qi Guanshi and 72 talented peoples place. The Confucian temple with Beijings Imperial Palace, the Hebei Chende city summer vacation mountain village and calls Chinese three big ancient architectural complexes. The expert delivered four speeches to the Confucian temple: The construction time most remote, greatest, the preservation most complete, the Eastern construction characteristic is most prominent. Is worthy of looking at two questions from the Confucian temple: One is Kong Zi to Chinese and even the Eastern culture tremendous contribution; Two is China has the skilled craftsman in the history.

The Confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 B.C., the second year which Kong Zi died constructs the temple. Constructs temple three in the Kong Zi former dwelling, exhibits Kong Zis clothes, the vehicle, the book and so on, "when year old offers sacrifices". All previous dynasties emperor all has the extension to the Confucian temple, counts overhaul 15, center repairs 31 times, the minor repair several hundred time achieves present the scale. The Confucian temple imitates system of the imperial palace construction, divides three groups layouts, nine courtyards, have altogether had house 466, gate pavilion 54, the thing relatively pass through in an axle wire, has nearly thousand, 327.5 Chinese acres, long amounts to two Chinese miles 150 meters. Now saw the Confucian temple is the bright Hongzhi year scale. After the liberation the country allocates funds to service the protection many times. Our country first batch announcement nation key cultural relic preservation organ, in December, 1994 included the world culture inheritance, becomes cultural relic unit which the United Nations protected, Confucian temple construction time remote, scale great, integrity of the preserved really was the world to be rare.

Shinto. "Wan Rengong wall" front copal vigorous this Duan Luwei "Shinto". In front of the important temple all has the respect quick road which specially opens, is called "Shinto".

Wan Rengong wall. This gate is Qufu Ming Chengzheng the Nanmen, also is the Confucian temple together gate, on hangs "Wan Rengong the wall" four large brush-written Chinese characters, is the clear Emperor Qian Longs imperial brush. It originates from the Kong Zi self-satisfied disciple child tribute. When Lu country congress feudal lord, some people proposed child tribute knowledge broad and profound, may place on a par with Kong Zi, the sub- tribute in the field, stands up immediately said, I may not dare with my Mr./Mrs. Kong Zi compared to, humans knowledge is just like a wall, my this wall only has one high, my teachers wall has the number to be many. Meant that, my knowledge was equal to a shoulder chief is high, clear not any abstruse; Kong Zis knowledge has my several fold to be many, passes through the detailed research, the comprehensive discussion, can understand he complete after, crossed the threshold, can see America of the ancestor temple, outside the gate you is blind. The posterity in order to describe Kong Zis knowledge profound, wall of number from the master , "hundred ", "thousand " seals Kong Zi to the Ming Dynasty emperor is "the world civil official host, all previous dynasties king teacher", seals the Kong Zi knowledge to have "ten thousand ", extols the Kong Zi knowledge to have 10,000 eight feet, upward looked, blind goes against, also said this wall deep wall high rampart is extremely firm. These four characters originally write for the bright imperial envoy, Qian Long for expressed he Kong Zi the value, kissed the book "Wan Rengong the wall" to exchange his imperial brush.

Jin Shengyu inspires the work place. This work place constructs at the Ming Dynasty, is expresses the Kong Zi knowledge exquisite and perfect, is similar to entire process which plays music, the integrity is from beginning to end complete. The ancient music is by strikes a gong the start, the clock gets up "beginning orderliness also", is strikes Qing to come to an end, "the jade inspires" the sound which falls for Qing, was called "end orderliness also", praises Kong Zis knowledge is the collection first accomplishing of the virtuous sages, therefore called "Jin Shenger the jade inspires also", "the golden sound" the clock sound, the beginning, "the jade inspires" Qings sound, the end. This also is the management wants "to finish what one starts" the idiom origin. "Jin Shengyu inspires" is the Ming Dynasty storytelling legalist school Hu Zuanzong the topic decides.

"Two cypress take on". Crosses the jade to inspire work place this stone arch bridge, the thing respectively has a copal, therefore the person "two cypress take on". This bridge said that, "泮 the water bridge" the basin water is interlinked with the temporary palace nearby, because the historical novel is "hopes the water". In the past read book of the Confucius and Mencius, tested the institute of higher education to call "to enter hopes", served as an official hopes rises high, made business to hope gets rich, crossed the day to hope prosperously.

Discontinues the tablet. Outside the temple wall the thing respectively sets up a stele, in 1191 specially vertical discontinued the tablet, got down the tablet. The west tablet early destroys, east side on this tablet writes "the official person to discontinue and so on to this". Under in the past the civil and military officials, the common people common people henceforth passed by discontinue on foot but the line, shows to Kong Zi, the Confucian temple respect.

Lattice star gate. The Ming Dynasty constructs, in 1754 repaired, by wooden changed the iron stone. "The lattice star gate" is the Qian Long imperial brush. Hands down the space galaxy "to have the twenty-eight lunar mansions", among, has to govern cultural the star to be called "the lattice star", the other name "Star ", "the day inspires the star", contacts with Kong Zi and the space tube culture star, Shuowen melts the aspect he is highest, if the past offered sacrifice to heaven, needed first to offer a sacrifice to "Star ", had reveres Kong Ruzun the day the view.

Too with vitality work place. This work place was the Ming Dynasty in 1544 constructs, extremely approved Kong Zis thought, advocated was similar to "the outer space universe to be able to nurture the myriad things. Gathering of the world, gathering of the four directions, gathering of the masculine and feminine elements ", the name" too and "the gas is the most basic thing, the universe too and, vitality of the world. "Too with the vitality" was the Shandong governor once the mill handwritten letter.

To Confucian temple work place. The Ming Dynasty constructs "to the Confucian temple work place", is the white marble, on plays the part of the flame no. 3 gunpowder tea.

German world, Daoist monks cap ancient and modern. This Daoist temple thing respectively constructs a very unusual memorial arch to the lining, the wooden angle surrounds, thousand first ten thousand continues, gets down has eight , is called "day Long Shenshi", hands down its dignified inspiration, may drive out evilly, is just. East side the memorial arch submits a written statement: "The German world", said Kong Zis thought advocated is similar to profoundly for humanitys advantage, the merit can compare with the world. The west memorial arch submits a written statement "the Daoist monks cap ancient and modern", approves the Kong Zi thought, the means ancient and modern all is the unparalleled crown.

When saint gate. Three compound, four circuit intendant all same, central . This naming originates from Mencius, to the ancient times four sages , under Iraqi Yin, the willow tree favored, Kong Zi, Mencius four sages saint mark inductions is four speeches: clear saint also, Iraqi Yin saint no matter what also, under the willow tree favors sum of the saint also, when Kong Zi saint. "When saint" extremely approves the Kong Zi thought to advocate prolonged does not fade, is sage which suits the time. Emperor comes Qufu "to kowtow the big ritual" towards Kong Yaoxing, walks when the saint gate; All previous dynasties "spread out the saint male" when the birth opens "when the saint the gate", besides these two kind of situations, this not easily opens. All walks the quick G gate, the supine wealthy and prominent family.

The quick G gate, takes considers it a pleasure to be among the first to read meaning. Kong Zis knowledge "the Five Classics four books", who first studies who first to have the culture, who first studies who first to have the knowledge, struggles the study, to first reads as by the foresight joyfully.

Supine wealthy and prominent family. Praises a Kong Zis section of speeches naming according to Yan Hui. Yan Hui said that, road of the master, supine makes up high, drills it to make up firmly. Upwardly approves the Kong Zi knowledge blind to go against, calls "to make up high", studies the writings in classical style to be very difficult, calls "to make up firmly", is high is not unattainable, is definitely may learn after the endeavor. Yan Hui said "master however, friendly are attractive, is abundant I by the article, said me by the ritual." My teacher teaches with skill and patience, teaches me by the culture, executes me by the courtesy.

Chinese . In the supine wealthy and prominent family in the alcove has two historical values very high Chinese , is "the pavilion is long", (the Han Dynasty place waiter), dying of the government office gate, all is in front of Lu Wangmu guards. is taken by all previous dynasties inscription on stone tablet and bronze scientist, to studies the Han Dynasty clothing and the writing has the important value.

Liquid gold bridge, this bridge, with Imperial Palaces in front of bridge of the same name, calls the liquid gold bridge, also is called the blue water bridge, three arrangements, the green water ripples.

Great road gate. Crosses the liquid gold bridge is the Ming Dynasty emperor ordered by the emperor personally "the great road gate", takes "Confucian analects" center "the person to be able greatly to say, non- road great person" meaning. Kong Zi is an ordinary writer, why becomes the sage? Approved Kong Zi to summarize first the virtuous sages experience, especially has brought honor to the Yao and Shun soup, road of the civil and military Duke of Zhou. "The person can greatly say that, said the person can direct creates all, the non- road great person, certainly is not all direction people, this is praises persons subjective initiative." The great road hanger-on had two steles, the east side four tablets is "the Qufu all previous dynasties evolution will" has recorded the Qufu evolution vicissitude history, a Yuan generation of institute stood, the historical data value was very high, the west was "scholar out of government employment gentleman the inscription", had the very high calligraphy value.

Major and medium gate. The major and medium gate is the Song Dynasty Confucian temple front door, was called "center and the gate", Italy for uses Kong Zis thought processing question all to be possible to be easily solved. The the Ming Dynasty extension temple renames "the major and medium gate", approves Kong Zis knowledge is accomplishing of the collection humanity knowledge, center, takes "the doctrine of the mean" meaning, "center correct path of the world, theorem of the commonplace world", center the agonic, is commonplace is not easy. Leaves, is not the correct path, has become the evil road, the crooked gate. Is said is not left is not right, the fair correct path, to front is a doctrine of the mean. Major and medium gate thing two have watchtower two is guards the Confucian temple to use.

Same text gate, four big name brands, Confucian temple chart. Enters in the major and medium gate about to have four big tablets. The west bright Hongzhi tablet, says three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues ethics. Right flank the Hongzhi tablet has the the Ming Dynasty talented person Hunan Changsha Li Dongyang to draw up "the Confucian temple chart" the value to be very high.

The Cheng Hua tablet, is the Ming Dynasty Cheng Hua Emperor Zhu Jianshen stands. Some two situations bring to all previous dynasties everybody celebritys attention. One is the Cheng Hua tablet character writes, the standardization, the standardization well, exquisitely makes the person, the typeface writing technique to have "is world-famous" the evaluation; Two, appraises to Kong Zi high, all previous dynasties emperor all has the comment to Kong Zi, appraises high is Emperor Cheng Hua, he Kong Zis thought, the means compares with eats meal, puts on the clothes, spends, one day also could not leave, had Kong Zis truth and the means, could enable each person to develop his talents, thing it used, its strength, otherwise messed up. Said has road of the Kong Zi to have the world, road of the Kong Zi has not had the world, road of the counter- Kong Zi loses the world. If the inscribed text stated that, "Road of the my only Kong Zi, the world on first cannot not have , has road of the Kong Zi then the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues but ethics is just bright, the myriad things take their proper place.. Road of the Kong Zi in the world like cloth , the livelihood of the people daily expense cannot be left vacant for the time being.. Inborn Kong Zi vertical is the saint, lives in the peaceful good justice and humanity, the teacher road emerges, from swims 3000, is continues."

Same text gate. Takes "the person concentriily" meaning of the character same text. Is says works with concerted efforts, unites as one the only then competent good deed industry; The writing must unify, has the unification the writing to be able to record the historical dissemination experience, makes the character to be able at will to mess up. The same text gate is the Kuiwen Geqian important barrier.

The Kui article Chinese style pavilion, originally is a library, is the collection books place. Constructed to Song Tianxi two years (in 1018), Jin Zhangzong repaired when changed "the Kui article Chinese style pavilion". This unique grand construction, completely is the lignin structure, calls the orphaned example in the Chinese building construction. After several earthquakes, the Kui article Chinese style pavilion has not shaken destroys. The clear Kanghsi 5 years earthquake "ten houses but actually have nine, saving has one, the Kui article Chinese style pavilion is gorgeously motionless". The the Ming Dynasty board of personnel Shangshu Li Dongyang has specially written "Kuiwen Gefu", approves Kuiwen Ge the construction research value. Is under the porch eastern end this tablet.

In front of the pavilion this thing two courtyards stated that, "The room sleeps", is place which the sacrificial offering personnel fasts, to bathe. East the courtyard is spreads out the saint male room to sleep the institute, clear Kanghsi, Qian Long offers a sacrifice to when the hole all sleeps in the east room washes the hands and face. West the courtyard is from offers a sacrifice to personnels room to sleep. Kong Zi 71 generation of Sun Kongzhao fumigates the temple in Song, Yuan, is bright, the clear five dynasty does obeisance the Confucian temple tablet more than 130 centralisms to mount in the courtyard wall, therefore west the room sleeps calls the tablet courtyard.

13 tablets pavilions. This is the Confucian temple sixth enters the courtyard, in the pavilion stands has 55 tablets, is Tang, Song, the gold, Yuan, bright, clear and so on the dynasty stands, its content all is emperor, the imperial envoy does obeisance the hole, to Kong Zi , the appraisal, successively repairs the Confucian temple the record, has the Chinese, is full, Mongolia, eight thinks writing and so on Pakistan article. South north eights five, therefore calls 13 tablets pavilions, because all is authorizes the vertical tablet by emperor, therefore calls the imperial tablet pavilion. East gets up the front row third, 62 alcoves is the Jin Dynasty constructs, is construction which our country extant cannot be seen. Every is seeks with P the edict reason all calls "the imperial tablet". "P pen Qiang is auspicious, fable Dragon King has nine, it is 8th, it loves" the article ", is good at carrying a heavy load, the stele has the writing but heavily to suit its characteristic, the image should for the main item, the turtle body, the hawk leg, the snake tail.

North east gets up this third alcove is Emperor Kanghsi the vertical tablet. The Beijing Xishan picks the stone passes through Grand Canal, south the economy transports here. The expert calculates this tablet 130,000 catty heavy, along the way sprinkled the hydrogel from Jining, slid on the ice, sometimes one day only walked lies place of the cow. The Qufu book has the stone not to use, must ship in from Beijing, shows emperor to Kong Zi the value. Southeast this courtyard, west Namhkok has a piece all is nobles and ministers repairs the temple, does obeisance the hole the record, the calligraphy value is very high.

This courtyard thing respectively has to the lining, east is "the Yu essence gate", west is "the view Germany gate". Is named , the Xihua gate.

The Confucian temple divides into three groups layouts by here, this five, center are together "accomplishes the gate", left side is "the gold 声门", right side is "the jade inspires the gate", again is "opens Confucianism" toward the west, again is "receives Confucianism" toward the east. Accomplishes the gate the construction structure is , manipulates strategically". Middle inserts is "cancels the heart", about four jiao points look carefully go against are "fight the angle". Accomplishes the gate three characters is Emperor Yong Zhengs imperial brush. Approves Kong Zi is the collection sages first virtuous accomplishing, has achieved the supreme boundary.

My deceased teacher plants personally the Chinese juniper. Accomplishes in the gate left side this tall and straight vigorous Chinese juniper tree, is Confucius plants personally. According to record: Kong Zi cut three Chinese junipers trees in here, Jin Zhenyou two years (in 1214) has destroyed to the warfare, the tree is dry and also sends new, once "three dry three glory", had "the Chinese juniper tree date cyclopentadiene Kong date was popular" the view. During bright ten thousand all previous years talented person Yang Guang taught the topic to write "my deceased teacher to plant personally the Chinese juniper" five large brush-written Chinese characters.

Two corridors. During these two sides coordinated two row of houses, altogether 80, were called "the thing ", consecrates 72 talented peoples places. Kong Zi is known as disciple 3000, the body passes 72 people which the six arts skilleds with both the pen and sword, consecrates in the thing . All previous dynasties kings all have seal match enjoy virtuously first. If Dong Zhongshu, Han Yu, Wang Ming are positive, Zhuge Liang, the invader, Yue Fei and so on. Has sealed to to 156. Last first virtuous is Mr. Liang Qichao. The original cast, the memorial tablet, latter all changes the wooden memorial tablet. The thing present exhibited is the collection Song Dynasty before center expensive carved stone. Duke of Zhou trains ones son, the bat practices medicine and so on, the most precious national treasure has Chinese Wei to face stele carving 22 especially high, the calligraphy value "the sacrificial vessel tablet", "the second grade beautiful jade tablet", "Shi Chenbei", Zhang Menglong the tablet ", Mi Fubei" and so on all is the rare valuable thing. West 庑 exhibited more than 100 blocks "the Chinese to draw the carved stone", all was for a long time has the great reputation the artistic valuable thing, was studies the Chinese, Wei and so on the history social life rare precious material. East northmost part is exhibiting 584 carved stone, is jade rainbow Lou Fatie which Kong Zi 69 generation of Sun Kongji writes.

Place where Confucius lectured. This is for commemorates Kong Zi to lecture constructs. Kong Zi initially was under the big apricot tree lectures in the local station for the disciples. When Song Dynasty in 1018, the Kong Zi 45 generation of passageways auxiliary edited the Confucian temple, after moved the extension the main hall, constructed the pavilion in the main hall former site, the link plants by the apricot, the name says "the place where Confucius lectured". The place where Confucius lectured two characters, are the Jin Dynasty famous writer party bosom England seal scripts. In the pavilion has Emperor Qian Long the imperial brush "the place where Confucius lectured to approve", this is he first time comes Qufu to write. Qian Long writes the plaque, the antithetical couplet, the scroll which writes and so on in Qufu has 50 place.

Accomplishes the palace. This is the Confucian temple , it with Beijings Imperial Palace too with palace, the Taian day palace and calls the East three big constructions, also calls the East three main halls. What the value high history is long accomplishes the palace. Palace height 24.8 meters, extravagant 45.7 meters, deep 24.89 meters. Four has 28 the dragon column which carves with the entire stone, the exquisite workmanship, the attainments is very deep. Especially the palace 10 deep reliefs roll the dragon column actually world rarely, 10 pillars 20 dragons, about to fly in circles, the ascension coils around a play bead, the manner respectively differently, does not have one identically, more looked more has moves Italy, on the stone is vividly lifelike. This is the Huizhou artisans masterpiece. Emperor comes when Qufu faces the hole, Kong Jia all use Huang Lingba long Zhuguo to get up, does not let emperor directly see the dragon column, because has surpassed the throne room, feared emperor is not happy, performs to blame. Other 18 columns are the bas-relief dragon column, surface engraves nine dragons, each pillar eight , 8,972 dragons total carve 1,296 dragons. This is the rare carved stone art treasure. Always looks at accomplishes the palace grand magnificent sight.

Five saints 12 sages. Accomplishes in the palace to consecrate 17 pictures.

Five big sages. Highest sage Kong Zi, Italy is in sages sage, supreme. Confucius in central, the head wears 12 crowns, wears 12 chapter of kings to take, grasps shakes the jade tablet, dignified is solemn and respectful, causes the person to have profound respect for. Two sides are four match: East side is the duplicate saint face, states the saint to think; The west is ancestor saint Tsengtzu, Mencius. Eastern end six, western end six, called 12 sages, have the child tribute, the sub- road, Ran Qiu and so on 11 Kong Zis disciple, some is Song Dynasty Zhu Xi, renowned Five Classics four books explanations good, is sealed as the sage. "The people has not had" the plaque, is Mencius approves Kong Zi, said "the people has not had abundantly to Kong Zi also". Since has had the humanity, but also does not have comprehensively to surpass Kong Zi the person, therefore calls "the people not to have". "The model for all generations" will be the Kanghsi topic writes, seals Kong Zi is "teacher of Emperor the Wan Shi, table of the eternity humanity, emperors teacher, will make persons model." "Refined is Guang Xu writes in this", Italy for world culture all in here.

Bedroom palace. Consecrates the Kong Zi Madame Qi Guanshi special palace. Is the Confucian temple third big construction. Qi Guanshi the song person (Henan business earthen mound), 19 years old marry Kong Zi, latter gives birth to a boy the hole carp , early the Kong Zi 7 years died, are sealed "highest sage my deceased teacher madame", equally enjoy the sacrificial offering with Kong Zi. Around the bedroom palace on 28 stone columns carves the phoenix, each pillar engraves phoenix 72, is same with the dragon quantity, calls Longfeng to be a good omen.

Saint mark palace. Has recorded Kong Zis fact by the carved stone picture-and-story book form. Some 120 Wen Tu and the cyclopentadiene carved stone, is the Kong Zi descendant with the the Ming Dynasty governor censor what light management construction. Carves by the Wu county famous picture labor chapter of grass drawing, inlays on the palace inner wall. Is integrity picture-and-story book which the our country first person, the article concurrently has. Has the very high history and the artistic value. The palace frontage "the model for all generations" is the Kanghsi imperial brush, center Kong Zi big Si Guanxiang is the Tang Dynasty big painter Wu line picture. The palace eastern end is Kanghsi faces the hole the imperial tablet, the western end has the Jin synonym painter to attend to picture of the Joy Kong Zi line to teach the picture, the custom called "master 小影" most approach Kong Zis appearance characteristic. Also has Song Dynasty everybody Mi Fu to approve Kong Zis small seal script: "Kong Zi Kong Zi big ah Kong Zi, sub- before will already not have Kong Zi, Kong Zi later does not have Kong Zi, Kong Zi Kong Zi big ah Kong Zi". Explicit saying, Kong Zi is great! Unequalled,

The Confucian temple west road is the sacrifice Kong Zi parents place. His/her father Uncle Liang 纥, mother Yan Zheng in, emperor seals for opens saint Madame Wang Heqi saint Wang, constructs has opens construction and so on saint Wang Dian, bedroom palace, gold thread hall.

The Confucian temple east road, around two parts, the front courtyard is the Kong Zi former dwelling, has "Kong Zhaigu the well", Kong Zi nine generation of Sun Kongfu book collection place "the Lu wall", now saw the Confucian classics, sets up the first-class honor should is "the Lu wall". For commemorated Kong Zi to educate its sub- studies has constructed "the poem assembly hall", Kong Zi said "study the poem did not have by the word, the character ritual did not have stands", Italy could not speak for study the poem, study the ritual did not understand how set up the body matter. In the poem assembly hall has renowned sculptor Mr. Shi Ke to make by cutting imitates the Chinese to draw the carved stone "the saint mark chart". The rear court is honors the saint ancestral hall, five generation of ancestral halls, on sacrificial offering Kong Zi five generation of ancestors ancestral temples.

Fellow gentlemen, the Confucian temple resembles historical, the knowledge school, because the time is limited, we only looked mainly, I am the distress must introduce. Kong Zi is the sage, also is the great traveling, travels around the row country for 14 years, propagandizes him to practice moral culture, QiJia, rules a nation the even world knowledge, has collected the precious material. The concerned sages vestige are very many, is worth as soon as looking very much. We are together the time although to be short, but the friendship exists forever, hoped each position has the opportunity to come Qufu to go sightseeing again, we certainly serve well.

The Confucian temple saw here, thanks everybody the cooperation, welcome you again.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7370 字

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Welcome to Meizhou Island, known as "Mecca in the East, Potala Palace onthe sea". Im Xiao Li, the tour guide. Now, please follow me to pay a visit tothe goddess Mazu and the ancestral temple.

In order to let you know more about Meizhou Island during your tour, Idlike to introduce the general situation of Meizhou Island by boat: it covers anarea of 14.3 square kilometers. Because its shaped like a human eyebrow andembedded in thousands of blue waves, its named "Meizhou". Its not only theplace where Mazu lived since childhood, but also the place where Mazu templesare famous at home and abroad. My friends, Meizhou Island has arrived. Pleasetake your luggage and belongings with you and follow me to get off the ship.Please be careful at your feet and pay attention to safety!

Looking ahead, there are groups of pilgrims. They include Chinese Taiwancompatriots and overseas Chinese from across the sea, as well as pilgrims fromthe mainland. Have you noticed that there is a statue of Mazu in front of theseteams? Are your friends very curious? In fact, these statues were sent out fromthe ancestral temple before. Now they send her back, also called "Mazu back toher mothers home". This phenomenon is often seen here, which proves that thefragrance of Meizhou Island is very strong.

Please look at this magnificent building in front of us. Does it look likethe Potala Palace in Tibet? This is Mazu temple. Now we are at the first gate ofthe ancestral temple, the mountain gate. Because Mazu is "the virgin of heaven",is the supreme goddess, so its specifications are built according to the royalpalace. In the mountain gate, there are two gods, Qianliyan and shunfenger. Itis said that Qianliyan and shunfenger were sea monsters recovered by Mazu.

We walked up the stone steps and saw the second gate of the ancestraltemple, Yimen. You see, there is a plaque on the top of this instrument door,which says "imperial edict", so it is also called "imperial edict door". Thesquare we see now is the place where large-scale music and dance performancesare performed at every memorial ceremony. On my left and right are the belltower and the drum tower. Friends, lets continue to go up. Now we come to the"Prince hall", which was built by Yao Qisheng, governor of Fujian Province. Youmay be surprised that this is the Mazu temple. How can there be a prince hall?It is said that Yao Qisheng was sheltered by Mazu and successfully completed thetask assigned to him by the emperor. He was granted the title of "PrinceShaobao" by the emperor. Yao Qisheng wanted to thank his mother Zu built the"Prince hall" here. At the beginning of the construction of this hall, it wasintended to become the main hall, but the folk custom is still willing to followthe ancient system. I only think that the building next to me is the mostprimitive main hall. Now lets visit the main hall with me.

This is the holy place in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Mazubelievers. Before we go to visit, lets take a look at the couplet on the gatepost. Do you know what the couplet means? In fact, the couplet skillfully usesthe characteristics of ancient Chinese interchangeable words, so it should beread like this: "qizhai, qizhai, qizhai, qiqizhaijie; Chaochao, Chaochao,Chaochao, Chaochao, Chaochao sound "the first couplet introduces the culturallandscape of Meizhou, where visitors sincerely worship Mazu, while the secondcouplet introduces the natural scenery of Meizhou, which mainly highlights theChaoyin of Meiyu, one of the 24 scenic spots in Putian, Meizhou Island. Afterreading the couplet, please follow me into the hall. There are two halls in thehall, which are connected by a patio in the middle. You can see that there is aplaque hanging on the main beam, which is issued by the Emperor himself!Friends, have you noticed that this hall is very special. There are two Mazuworshipped here, the one in front is called "visiting Mazu", and the one behindis called "Zhendian Mazu" When Matsu went on a tour, Matsu in the town hall wasworshipped by believers. As you can see, the shrines on both sides are full ofMazus accompanying gods, known as the 18 Shuique immortal class. Some of themare sea gods worshipped in other places in ancient times, and some are waterdemons and sea monsters recovered by Mazu.

OK, after visiting the main hall of Mazu temple, lets take a look at thelegendary place where Mazu ascended to heaven - the historic site. Here we are.While you are visiting, I will tell you about the legend of Mazus life. It issaid that Mazu never cried from birth to the full moon, so her parents named her"Lin Mo". Mo Niang was smarter than other children since she was a child. It issaid that she could recite sutras at the age of 8, and was called "filialdaughter" because she saved her relatives at sea. After Lin Mos death, it issaid that she emerged and soared in Meifeng. It is said that the imperial courtsent an emissary Lu Yundi to Korea, and the ship encountered wind and waves whenit was in the East China Sea. In the face of danger, I saw red lights on the topof the ship, and then there was no wind and waves. Lu Yun was surprised, so heasked his subordinates what kind of deity appeared to rescue him. It happenedthat there was a Putian man on board, who said that Meizhou goddess rescued him.Later, when Lu Yundi returned to the court, he played the emperor. This is thefirst time that Mazus deeds came from the people to the court.

Now that the story is finished, lets go to Chaotian Pavilion, the highestpoint on the central axis. Have you noticed that the Mazu worshipped in it isdifferent from other halls? By the way, the Mazu worshipped in it is blackfaced. Friends who have been to Chinese Taiwan must find that all Mazu worshipped inMazu temple in Chinese Taiwan are black faced Mazu. Do you want to know why? It is saidthat during the voyage of Fenling Mazu in Chinese Taiwan for several months, believersburned incense day and night to worship, and devout incense blackened Mazusface, so all Mazu worshipped in Chinese Taiwan are black faced, because ChaotianPavilion is the Chaotian Palace in Lukang, Chinese Taiwan So Mazu is black faced. Now,lets go to the top of the mountain to see the stone statue of Mazu. It takes 99steps to get there, and the axis from the archway of Mazu temple at the foot ofthe mountain to the statue of Mazu at the top of the mountain is 323 meterslong. 99 is the day of Mazus ascent on the 9th day of September. Lets guesswhat 323 meters stands for. By the way, its Mazus birthday.

Well, friends, this is the highest point of Mazu mountain. This statue is14.3 meters high and made of 365 chopsticks of granite. It symbolizes that Mazublesses the residents of 14.3 square kilometers Meizhou Island 365 days a year,happy and safe. Look, Mazus face is kind, looking at the sea. As like as twopeas, the Mazu goddess looks at Chinese Taiwan, and there is a statue of Mazu in Chinese Taiwan.We are jointly maintaining peace and tranquility on both sides of the Straits.There are countless believers in Mazu all over the world. In fact, they have astrong sense of not forgetting their ancestors. Maybe this is the key to thelong-lasting spread of Mazu belief.

Friends, if you have the chance, I hope you can visit Meizhou again.Welcome to visit this strange woman. At that time, please come to Meizhou withyour friends. Thank you!



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Kaifengs ancient cities, Bianliang, Bianjing and Tokyo, or Bian for short,are one of the seven ancient capitals in China. There are Wei in the WarringStates period, Houliang, later Jin, later Han, Later Zhou in the Five Dynasties,Northern Song and Jinding in Kaifeng. Therefore, Kaifeng has always been thecapital of seven dynasties. Let me introduce Kaifeng with seven ones

The end result of a famous official: Bao Qingtian in Kaifeng is selflessand honest. I think many people have heard this song. When you travel toKaifeng, you will naturally think of Bao Zheng, the famous Prime Minister of theNorthern Song Dynasty. He once served as the magistrate of Kaifeng. In peopleshearts, he is the symbol of the upright officials in ancient China. We willvisit Baogong temple after visiting shangheyuan during the QingmingFestival.

The glory of a dynasty, in the history of Kaifeng, the capital of the sevendynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty was the longest, from 960 to 1127, as longas 168 years, also the most prosperous. In the Han and Tang Dynasties, therewere no more than four or five hundred thousand people in Changan, no more thanone million in Luoyang, and 1.5 million in Kaifeng. At that time, there weremore than 100000 people in London and Paris, and only 500000 in Damascus, whichis called the worlds largest city by Europeans. With the prosperity of economy,the increase of population, and the development of commodity economy, merchants,envoys, and religious personages from all over the world could not stop on theirway. All kinds of Chinese civilization, including gunpowder, printing, andpapermaking, spread to all over the world. The prosperity of economy alsopromoted the great development of culture. Su Shi, ou Yangxiu, Wang Anshi, SimaGuang, Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao and Zhang Zeduan all led the way in theirrespective fields.

The history of a big river, the development of Kaifeng is closely relatedto the Yellow River, the history of Kaifeng development can be said to be thehistory of the Yellow River flooding, the Yellow River stability is Kaifengprosperous, the Yellow River flooding is Kaifeng decline. At present, there arefive ruins of Dadu City stacked together under our feet, and then we Kaifengpeople build on the ruins again, that is, once the Yellow River floods, Kaifengwill be submerged once. The five ancient capital sites are distributed on 20square kilometers of land, only the five cities in Kaifeng and the five capitalsin Luoyang. Now there is another world wonder between Kaifeng and the YellowRiver, that is, the suspended wonder of the Yellow River. The riverbed of theYellow River is seven meters higher than the surface of Kaifeng.

The fragrance of a flower. This flower is naturally Kaifeng City flowerchrysanthemum, as early as the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng Chrysanthemum hasbeen well-known throughout the country. In 1983, chrysanthemum was designated asthe city flower of Kaifeng. Since then, every year from October 18 to November18, Kaifeng will hold a chrysanthemum flower fair. When you enter any scenicspot in Kaifeng, you seem to enter a sea of chrysanthemums. Now KaifengChrysanthemum and Luoyang Peony have become provincial flower fair. People inKaifeng love chrysanthemum not only because of its beauty, but also because ofits strong character, cold resistance and noble temperament. At the same time,chrysanthemum is also a symbol of Kaifeng peoples indomitable will. Lookingback on the history, Kaifeng has experienced many wars. However, Kaifeng peopleare constantly striving for self-reliance and rebuilding their homes. This isnot the unique quality of chrysanthemum!

The aura of a lake. As we all know, Yang Jialing of the Northern SongDynasty was a representative of loyal officials and good generals. So there aretwo lakes in Kaifeng, one is yangjiahu, the other is panjiahu. There is such astory among the people. Yanghuqing, panhuzhuo, treacherous minister, loyalminister, Qingzhuo. It is said that a heroic Yang family in the Northern SongDynasty made great contributions to the country, but the emperor did notdistinguish between good and evil. After Yang Ye was killed, she went to thegolden palace to sue the emperor, but the emperor shielded the treacherousofficials and only removed pan Renmeis three empty duties. In a rage, she ledher family to retire and move away. The day after tomorrow, heavy rain floodedPan Yangs house. The lake where the pan family is located is turbid and stinky,while the lake of the Yang family is clear. People think that this is aportrayal of the loyalty and treachery of the pan and Yang families. So the auraof a lake,

A difficult revival. Since the Yellow River inundated Kaifeng in the lateNorthern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng has not been prosperous in the past. Kaifeng,which was the provincial capital in the period of the Republic of China, hasbeen left far behind by Zhengzhou and Luoyang. Kaifeng now governs five countiesand five districts with a population of 4.6 million and an urban population of780000. Now, after the national strategy of the rise of central China is putforward, the provincial government proposes to develop the Central Plains urbanagglomeration and realize the integration of Zhengzhou and Kaifeng. The openingof Zhengbian Avenue last year marks that Kaifeng, driven by Zhengzhou, has setfoot on the express train that attaches importance to the past glory.

A great historical painting is Zhang Zeduans picture of Qingming River.Now we have arrived at Qingming Shanghe garden. Please take your belongings withyou and get out of the car with me to enjoy this historical painting.



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Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! My name is wang Dan, please call me Wang Dao, I am a travel agency "tomorrow will be better", I am your tour guide, we believe that our cooperation will be very happy.

Today we came to the Palace Museum, the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle after seizing devotee, decided to move to Beijing, in 1406 started to build the palace, to the Ming yongle eighteen years (1420 AD) built. Palace city construction layout along the central axis spread out on both sides. Red Huang Wa, paintings carved beams, glittering. The house number crunchers, strewn at random discretion, grand magnificent. Toward Tun skarn Xun, like fairyland. In the era of the feudal monarchy, ordinary Forbidden City palace is located in the city center, 753 meters wide from east to west, north and south long 961 meters, covers an area of 723600 square meters, the ring around 10 meters high walls and a moat 52 meters wide, commonly known as TongZiHe. Walls all around of a gate, south of the meridian gate, the north said creature door, about to DongHuaMen, the xihua gate, the meridian gate and creature is exclusively for visitors. Ancient buildings in the city with a total area of about 160000 square meters. Forbidden City, the first part (the southern half) to taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center, with mandarin, Wu Ying second temple, referred to as "the outer court", Ming and qing dynasties is the emperor to handle affairs, the place of the meeting and other important ceremonies. Three main halls built in high 8. 13 meters on the three layers of white marble stone stylobate. The hall of supreme harmony area of 2370 square meters, the high of 33. 33 meters, double-hipped roof hip roof yellow glazed tile roof, is the tallest building in ancient Chinese architecture existence, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power, the emperor DengJi, flower, wedding, queen title-conferring are held here. Baohe Palace roof is faced jehiel mountain type, inside lineage in song and yuan column "reduced" French, open space, in the qing dynasty is held banquets maharaja, position, etc.

Chinese astronomers will all the stars in the sky into three constant, 20 BaSu, thirty-one days district, one of the three constant is constant, and Chinese. Constant day city. So the ancients think of the Forbidden City is the seat of deeds, so called the purple palace. The emperor was the son of deeds, and to show its at the central, regal aura around the world.

Well, thats it for the one-day tour of the Forbidden City, we shall meet again, goodbye visitors!



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Duanyan culture village of Zhaoqing City. Now I will give you adetailed introduction of Zhaoqing Duanyan Culture Village and some scenicspots.

First of all, Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village is in Zhaoqing BaishiVillage. Duanyan, the origin of Chinas "four treasures of the study" in thebest. It has a long history, excellent stone quality and exquisite carving. Inthe 1980s, collectors in Japan and Southeast Asia recognized the artistic valueof Duan inkstone, which further recognized its collection value and investmentvalue. In recent years, with the holding of Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival,Duan Inkstone market continues to heat up, the "four treasures of the study"circle, the collection circle, the art circle and more lovers pay more and moreattention to Duan inkstone, the craft value of Duan inkstone is more and morefavored, so that the collection and investment value of Duan inkstone isincreasing day by day. For example, at an auction held in Hong Kong in April1993, a pair of Qing Dynasty rectangular and eye-catching pine inkstones (34.1cmlong) were bought at a high price of 368000 Hong Kong dollars. In Ming Dynasty,Jins Duan inkstones with inscriptions and sea water patterns sold for 220000and 105800 Hong Kong dollars. In Qing Dynasty, Qilins Duan inkstones sold for155000 yuan. In recent years, the auction price of Duan Inkstone continued torise. For example, Laokeng Duan inkstone of "Duanzhou Bajing" sold for 980000yuan; at the Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival, one party of "China JiulongBaoyan" sold for 2 million yuan. The value of ancient Duan inkstone is veryhigh, but now few buyers spend a lot of money on it. For most collectors andinvestors, those modern Duan inkstones with low price and excellent productionwill become the first choice. As long as we carefully study the stone materials,stone patterns and carving technology, and choose the best to buy, we will get alarger appreciation space.

Duan inkstone is valuable because of its excellent material. There aredozens of pit types, such as Laokeng (also known as Shuiyan), kengziyan,mazikeng and songkeng, which are the four famous pits of duaninkstone. Inaddition to the special tender, pure, delicate, moistening, solid and tightquality of the stone, the Duan Inkstone also has the characteristics ofbreathing, grindable ink, silent grinding, no loss of water storage, no damageto hair and no freezing in winter. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Yuxis poem "Tang Xiucaigives Duanzhou Zishi inkstone a poem to answer it" praises: "Duanzhou Zishiinkstone is very important in the world. In the eyes of literati, Duan inkstoneis regarded as a treasure. Su Dongpo said: "I was born without land and atebroken inkstones. "SUV" ink and inkstone are excellent, life is a joy ", whichshows that people attach importance to and cherish inkstone. In addition to "alllife", the famous inkstones are also treasured and handed down from generationto generation.

Second, the stone pattern is rich and colorful. Duanshi has unique and richstone products. At the beginning of its appearance, Duan Inkstone attracted theworld with its gorgeous stone patterns. The title of song of blue and whitepurple stone inkstone written by Li He, a poet of Tang Dynasty, points out theprecious stone "blue and white" of Duan inkstone. The rare stone products ofDuan inkstone are mostly concentrated in Laokeng, kengziyan and mazikeng. Inaddition to blue and white, there are __ eye, ice pattern, fish brain jelly,banana leaf white, azure, gold and silver thread, etc. The rich patterns ofDuanshi and shipin can be seen as "gorgeous Wen ban and sound of jade".

The third is exquisite carving technology. The artistic value of Duaninkstone in ancient and modern times is reflected in the composition design andknife carving. Inkstone making technology is a unique form of national sculpturein China. The shape of inkstone embodies the cultivation of carving, painting,calligraphy, seal cutting and writing. It should not only be shaped according tothe stone, but also be designed according to the needs of grinding and inkstorage. Due to the exquisite carving technology and the gorgeous purple naturalstone, the Duan inkstone is ingenious and smart. Li he said: "Duanzhou inkstoneis as skillful as a God, stepping on the sky to sharpen the knife and cut thepurple clouds. "As for a certain defect or defect of inkstone, skillfulcraftsmen will use complex and gorgeous carving or unique modeling to achievethe effect of concealing the defect and turning the ancient inkstone which wasregarded as a stone defect into a rare unique stone product of Duan inkstone,instead of adding value.

Well, through my brief introduction and your listening and visiting, Ibelieve we should all have a certain understanding of the specific situation ofDuanyan cultural village. Finally, our time is almost up. If you have anyquestions, well talk in the car later. Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village peoplewelcome you to come again, thank you!



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Xiannv lake, a love holy land ofChina, a national key scenic spot and a national 4A tourist area.

Fairy Lake is the mother lake of Xinyu people, and the love lake of "sevenfairies come down to earth" is the birthplace of Chinese Valentines day. Morethan 1600 years ago, Gan Bao, a writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, wrote thelegend of "seven fairies come down to earth". The full text is "there are six orseven women in Yuzhang county. They all wear sweaters. They dont know if theyare birds. They crawl to get one of the womens sweaters and collect them. Thenthey go to all the birds. Every bird flies away, but no one can. A man is awoman and has three daughters. His mothers servant daughter asked his father,knowing that the clothes were under the accumulated rice, he got them and flewaway. After that, they met the three women, and the women had to fly away. "This story is the earliest record of "feather man" in ancient books. The placewhere the story happened is fairy lake, which we are going to visit today. Nowlet me take you to lift the mysterious and charming veil of Fairy Lake and enjoyher natural beauty!

Xiannv lake is located 16 kilometers southwest of Xinyu City, JiangxiProvince. It is famous for four unique sceneries: love holy land, islands Canyonmeandering water, Millennium underwater ancient city and subtropical plant genetreasure house. With beautiful natural scenery and cultural relics, the scenicarea covers an area of 198 square kilometers and water area of 50 squarekilometers. There are more than 100 islands in the lake, more than 60 bays, andmore than 40 springs and waterfalls. There are two types of scenery: lake typeand mountain type. The lake type scenery is mainly composed of Wulong lake,Zhongshan gorge, Qianyang lake, Jiulong Mountain, natural oxygen bar, PhoenixBay and Dagang mountain. It can be said that sightseeing and leisure in Xiannvlake is undoubtedly an excellent health and fitness trip. Next, I will give youa detailed introduction one by one.

Wulong Lake Scenic Spot: located in the lower reaches of Fairy Lake, withmore than 20 square kilometers of lake bay island as the core, it is graceful.The water potential here is complex and changeable. Longwang island is thehighest island of Wulong lake. Standing on the top of Longwang Pavilion, you canexperience the meaning of "seeing all the mountains and waters". You can clearlyoverlook the overall picture of Wulong lake and see that the scenic spot ofWulong lake is like a dancing dragon. Ruohong islands, Liuhe islands, LongwangIsland, Muyu Island, Snake Island, turtle island and so on are interspersedamong them, and five flying dragons are playing in the water. The water here isgraceful. The five Great Lakes, such as the singing of herons, Jingmeng,Jiulong, yuankeng and Yangtian, are like the diving of five dragons and theplaying of dragons. Among the beautiful scenery of Wulong lake, more than tenscenic spots have been developed, including Huixian Island (Water Park), Bailuvilla, Huayuan villa, daoshan huohai, songbird garden, Longwang Island, mengzangamusement park, Dai holiday village, lover Island, celebrity Island, XianlaiIsland, Taohua Island, snake Culture Expo Garden, etc.

Zhongshan Gorge Scenic Spot: located in the middle reaches of Fairy Lake,with a 3-kilometer-long high mountain gorge as the core, "the two sides faceeach other, leaning against Xiaohan, holding their heads high, there is only aline of sky." The gorge is surrounded by clouds and fog, and the ancient treesare towering; among them, there are many grotesque rocks, and the walls aredisorderly and empty; the current is turbulent and winding. Together with Jiuqugorge and Changshan gorge, it is called "small Three Gorges". On the North Bankof Zhongshan gorge, there are many landscapes, such as stone boat, ancient stoneseal script, Shamao stone, Zhuxin stone, Xiban bridge, rest Pavilion, Zhongshancave, stone anvil, Xiaogong temple and so on. In addition, there are otherplaces of interest, such as the stone carving of Zhongshan gorge, Lu Zhaoreading platform, Beishan temple, and xiaojiadu, the former site of the Red Armycrossing the river. They are the places with the best ecological protection inthe Central Plains of all scenic spots. The peoples Government of Xinyu Cityonce made a postcard of scenery from this natural landscape as a beautiful giftfor domestic and foreign guests.

Qianyang Lake Scenic Spot: located in the upper reaches of Xiannv lake,with more than 20 square kilometers of inland lake as the core, the watersurface is "ten thousand hectares of lake, blue sky, one star flying egretwhite". Qianyang Town, an ancient city of Fenyi, sleeps under the water forthousands of years, which forms a landscape with vast expanse, the same color ofwater and sky, flashing humanity and mottled historic sites. Qianyang lake isfamous for its scenic spots and historic sites, which can be summarized as fiveancient: Wannian bridge (Yansong bridge), underwater ancient city Fenyi ancientcounty, waterside ancient temple Changshan Temple (Notre Dame temple, LonglaoTemple), lakeside ancient cave Hongyang Cave (Yansong cave, fox cave),underwater ancient hydraulic structure Changshan weir. The main landscapes are:Changshan temple, Hongyang cave, Xigang Donghan ancient pottery cave site,Xiamaling Neolithic site, Huxin Island, ancestral hall of Yan Songs hometown,Yan Songs tomb, wannianqiao, Qianlu academy, qiangangling, Changshan gorge,Danjiang Shuifu temple, etc. After the tour, people will have the imagination oftracing the past and the present.

Jiulongshan scenic spot: located in the southeast, it is an importantactivity area in the southwest Soviet Area of Jiangxi Province. The scatteredrevolutionary sites here are not only an important base for revolutionarytradition education, but also an ideal place for sightseeing. Jiulong Mountainis high in mountains and dense in forests, with many obstacles. It is full ofclouds, green like dye, birds singing and flowers smelling. It is full ofmountains and rivers. Myths and legends and revolutionary sites complement eachother, and tourism and leisure and rafting exploration complement each other. Itis also a newly developed tourism new area in Xiannu lake, which mainly includesthe former site of Huaqiao branch, the first party branch of the Communist Partyof China in Xinyu, Red Army trench site, monument to revolutionary martyrs,martyrs Mausoleum, Red Army cave, Guanyin cave Laiyu temple, Hongbaoshu,xiangutan (hongjunquan), Huaqiao riot site, longshoushi, Longtan tiger cave,Tianfeng viewing platform, Shili red drift, Jiuli lake Dragon Internationalhunting ground and other attractions.

Fenghuang Bay scenic spot: located in the south end of Xiannv lake, it hasrich vegetation, rich animal and plant resources, and integrates colorfulecological landscape, profound cultural landscape, beautiful and charminghydrological landscape and changing astronomical landscape. In January 20__,Fenghuang mountain was approved as a provincial forest park by JiangxiProvincial Forestry Department, becoming another beautiful scenery of fairyHunan gate.

Dagang Mountain Scenic Spot: located 30 kilometers southwest of Xiannvlake, with a total area of 126 square kilometers, is a part of the mountain typeof Xiannv lake, known as "Xiaolu mountain", known as "Jiuzhaigou in Jiangxi".The main peak of Dagang mountain is 1096 meters, which is the highest peak inXinyu. It is crisscross with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Beautifulnatural scenery and magical cultural relics complement each other. Waterfalls,Longtan, exotic flowers, exotic grasses and orchid trees make you forget toreturn. Ancient roads, ruins, broken steles, broken bridges and stone carvingsmake you feel the vicissitudes of history. There are high mountains and deepvalleys, dense forests, many waterfalls and deep pools. There are more than tenwaterfalls with development and ornamental value. Their shapes are strange. Theyare different from each other in four seasons. Some of them float like fog, rainand wind; some of them fly straight down to the world and turn into colorfulrainbow, which makes the world beautiful.

Fairy Lake is a beautiful place with outstanding people. This magicallandscape not only nourishes the pure and beautiful love in the world, but alsonourishes countless talents and celebrities. Lu Zhao, the first number onescholar in Jiangxi Province in Tang Dynasty, Wang qinruo, a famous scholar inSong Dynasty, Yan Song, the Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty, Liang Yin, a neoConfucianist, Huang Zicheng, a hero of Zhongliang, song Yingxing, a greatscientist in Ming Dynasty, Zhang Chunfa, a famous patriotic general in QingDynasty, Fu Baoshi, a master of contemporary Chinese painting, and he Dayi, amedical giant Chinese American These names, which are as bright as stars, havebeen bathed in the maternal brilliance of fairy lake. There are more than 20unique scenic spots in the scenic area, such as Lu Zhao reading desk, Hongyangcave, Changshan temple, Wannian bridge, Longwang island and Bailu villa.

Fairy Lake has a splendid glory, which we should be proud of. In 1995,Xiannv lake was listed as a provincial scenic spot; on May 17, 20__, it wasofficially approved as a national key scenic spot by the State Council; onDecember 26, 20__, it was rated as a national AAAA tourist area by the NationalTourism Administration; in 20__, it successively won the honorary titles of "56tourist scenic spots with national characteristics" and "top 10 best scenicspots in Jiangxi"; In May 20__, it won the title of "one of the top 100 honesttourism units in the whole province". These shining brands and business cardsmake Xiannu Lakes mountains and waters shine brightly.

In recent years, Xiannv lake has carefully consolidated the status of"seven fairies come down to earth" and "Chinese Valentines Day" as the sourceof love, and built a tourism and cultural brand of "love Holy Land". It hasapplied for registration of the tourism trademark of "love Holy Land" with theState Administration for Industry and commerce, becoming the first scenic spotin China to register love cultural brand. The legend of "seven fairies come downto earth" has also officially declared the national intangible culturalheritage. In the past few years, we have successively shot TV and film dramassuch as "happy seven fairies", "talking kite" and "all over China" in Xiannvlake, and broadcast them all over the country. In order to make Xiannv lake thebirthplace of Chinese Valentines day, four Chinese Qixi Valentines day and two"seven fairies" Miss image competitions have been held. 20__ "Jiangxi Fairy LakeCup" the first World Tourism Ambassador Champion International Finals alsoopened in fairy lake. At the same time, Xiannv lake has also been identified asa creative base by China essayist Association. And so on, these series ofcultural events greatly enrich and enhance the culture and brand awareness ofFairy Lake, and pave the way for fairy lake to go to the world.

There are more than 100 scenic spots of Fairy Lake, each with its owncharacteristics. Now, Id like to introduce you to some of the main exquisitescenic spots.

Longwang Island: located in the center of Wulong Lake scenic area, coveringan area of 51 hectares. Its plane is like an olive, but also like the motherlandof Chinese Taiwan Island; facade isosceles triangle, quite the charm of Japans MountFuji. Longwang island is the highest island in the scenic area of Fairy Lake anddragon dance, which is suitable for the style of king. On the island, rare pinesand thin bamboos compete for beauty, while green vines and wild flowers competefor beauty. On the East and west sides of the hillsides stand the Ning XiuPavilion and the Shu Ying Pavilion. The ridge top of Longwang island is as flatas a rock, and it is winding and deep. From south to north, there are sixsceneries: Lingshui cliff, Longwang temple, shenhuai Pavilion, Tongya Pavilion,guanri stone and Longwang Pavilion. On the left side of the island is anoctagonal stone pavilion with a double eaves of stone carvings and imitationtube tiles. The pavilion is named shenhuai Pavilion. From the deep Huai pavilionto the south, there is the Dragon King Temple, which is a Xieshan style temple.From the south end of the island top back to the north of the island istongyating. From the north of Tongya Pavilion, you can climb the sunken andancient stone at the bottom, watch the sunset in the West and sunrise in theEast, and have a panoramic view of fairy lake. The Longwang Pavilion, completedon April 26, 20__, is a landmark antique building with scientific design,first-class quality, elegant taste and beautiful shape. It is the best place toenjoy the panoramic view of the whole Wulong Lake scenic area. When you climbthe pavilion, you can have a panoramic view of the fairy lake.

Huixian Island: also known as water park, it is located in the east ofWulong Lake scenic area, covering an area of 250 square meters. It is thesmallest island in the development of Fairy Lake, and also the landmark scenicspot of fairy lake. Its said that a long time ago, a Tanlang of Xinyu metYuxian here by chance and made a perfect match with one of the youngest and mostbeautiful fairies. Thats why Huixian island got its name. The island iscomposed of two parts: huixiantai and the group sculpture of "sweater girl comesdown to earth". Huixiantai is about 9 meters high and has a circular plane. Itis a domed Art Pavilion with a brake. It is divided into two parts: the pavilionand the upper and lower parts of the pavilion. The pavilion is surrounded by a2-meter-wide corridor outside. It is a good place for tourists to watch egrets.In front of huixiantai stands a group sculpture of "sweater girl down to earth".On the base of the sculpture is engraved the full text of Tanaka Sweater Girl,Volume 14 of Soushenji written by Gan Bao of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The groupsculpture adopts the technique of combining round sculpture and high reliefsculpture, and sculptures seven fairies from top to bottom. They are blue,shining, clean, waving their arms and stepping on the auspicious clouds, as iffalling from the sky. The island is equipped with water motorcycle, water plane,water swimming pool and other hydrophilic self entertainment projects.

Wannian bridge: it is one of the "Seven Bridges and one road" donated byYan Song in the 35th year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty. In autumn andwinter, the water level drops. Standing on the Bank of Qianyang lake, it isclear that Wannian bridge, which has experienced 478 years, is majestic andmajestic floating between the two banks. The bridge hole is still countless,just like a dragon playing in the water. Wannian bridge is 386 meters long and 8meters wide, with a total of 10 piers and 11 arches. According to textualresearch, Wannian bridge is one of the earliest and longest used bridges inJiangxi Province. It is also the first ancient bridge with specific date inJiangxi Province in Ming Dynasty and the fourth largest stone bridge in JiangxiProvince. In the 1980s, when cultural relic experts visited the bridge, theyexpressed their feelings that a museum could be built on the Wannian bridgealone.

Hongyang Cave: located at the waist of Yuanling mountain on the northwestBank of Qianyang lake, it belongs to karst karst landform. Because Ge Hong andLou Yang, two famous Daoists in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once practiced makingpills in the cave, they named it Hongyang cave. Because this cave is only a fewmiles away from Jieqiao Yans family, Yan Song, the Prime Minister of MingDynasty, once studied in the cave when he was a child, so it is also called YanSong cave. Up to now, there are still fairy tales about "Fox fairy accompanyingreading" and "swallowing the night pearl", which are also called fox fairy cave.According to the records of Fenyi county annals, this cave "has 17 stonechambers and 72 stone caves", which stretches for more than ten li and isdivided into two parts, East and West. The East is tall and spacious, and thewest is dark and deep. The grotesque rocks in the cave stand on the wall, andthe bells and breasts are jagged. When someone entered the 72nd cave in thepast, they heard the sound of poles coming from changshandu outside the cave.The stone wall facing the entrance is engraved with five simple and vigorouscharacters of "Hongyang ancient cave", and the travel notes and poems left bypredecessors are engraved on both sides. At the entrance of the cave, there werestatues of two Taoist masters, Ge Hong and Lou Yang. On the stone couch inclinedto the top on the east side, there is a pool as hollow as a chickens heart.Beside it lies a black stone like a pot stove. It is said that this is theDanchi Danzao of Gehong and Louyang. When you put your hand on the top of theDanchi Danzao, you can also feel a rush of heat. Its said that this is thewaste heat that hasnt been dissipated after alchemy.

The tour of Fairy Lake is coming to an end. I hope this tour will leave youunforgettable memories. On the occasion of parting, I take advantage of thefairy spirit of fairy lake to wish you good health and good luck!
