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When you visit Xian, you must want to see the second big wild goosepagoda. This ancient Tang Dynasty pagoda is a unique symbol of the ancient cityof Xian. The ancients once left a poem that "driving mountains and shining atnight, the morning bell of the wild goose pagoda is in the south of the city".As one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong, the big wild goose pagoda standshigh in the Cien Temple in the southern suburb of Xian, about 4 kilometersaway from the city center. It is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas inChina.

Dayan Pagoda was formerly known as Cien Temple. Cien Temple wasoriginally named Wulou temple. In 648 ad, when Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong, was thecrown prince, he ordered to build a temple in jinchangfang, Changan, in memoryof the kindness of his dead mother, empress changsun. Facing the Hanyuan Hall ofDaming Palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 square meters and issurrounded by beautiful scenery. It is the most magnificent and spectacularBuddhist temple in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Now, please comewith me to visit Cien Temple and Dayan Pagoda.

[Cien Temple - stone lion - Bell and Drum Tower - Daxiong Hall - Sutralibrary]

Dear tourists, Cien Temple is a temple built by the royal family. It has aprominent position and a grand scale that no other temple can match. The templewas composed of 13 courtyards, covering an area of 340 mu, seven times the areaof the temple now. Its architecture is magnificent and its decoration isgorgeous. The existing area of Cien Temple is 32314 square meters, about 48.5mu.

Lets take a look at this pair of powerful stone lions in front of theMountain Gate of the temple. Strange to say, generally speaking, thingsintroduced into our country from foreign countries are always introduced intothe real objects first, and then there are works of art based on the realobjects. The lion settled in China, but the first exception is the lion stoneart, and then there is the real lion. As we all know, the lion was introducedinto China from Persia in the Eastern Han Dynasty, while the stone lion wasintroduced into China from India at the same time as Buddhism. The lion has thefunction of protecting the Dharma and avoiding evil. Buddhism believes that "theBuddha is the lion among the people", so the lion is often engraved in front ofthe Buddha platform, which is called protecting the Dharma lion. At the gate ofCien Temple, there are four stone lions sitting symmetrically on the left andright, and two of them are close to the gate. It is not clear when they werecarved. On the east side is the lion, teasing at the foot of hydrangea. On thewest side is the lioness, with a pair of cubs at her feet, called the lioness.It seems that these lions are also arranged in the order of male left and femaleright according to peoples habits. The two lions on the outside are carved in1785 and 1930 respectively. The height of the two pairs of stone lions is morethan 1.7 meters, and each pair weighs at least 250 kg. Its strange that thesetwo solid monsters made of eight faceted majestic stones, even if they aregently patted with their hands, will also make a metal sound like copper but notsteel, which is crisp and pleasant. Tourists, can you guess the reason?

Walking into the temple, there are two small buildings. To the East, thereis a bell tower. There is an iron bell cast in the Jiajing period of the MingDynasty, weighing 15 tons. To the west is the drum tower, in which there is abig drum. For a long time, "the morning bell of the wild goose pagoda" has beenwidely spread as one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong. But in the past,people thought that "the morning bell of the wild goose pagoda" refers to thebell of the small wild goose pagoda in Xian. In fact, this scene refers to thebig wild goose pagoda, because the bell of the big wild goose pagoda weighs30000 Jin. It was cast in October of the 27th year of Jiajing in the MingDynasty (1548 A.D.), more than 100 years before the bell of the small wild goosepagoda was moved into the temple.

As we all know, most temples have the main hall, and so does Cien Temple.Its main hall is located on the high platform in the center of the temple. Itwas built from 1458 A.D. to 1466 A.D. and was overhauled in 1887 A.D. The threestatues above the main hall are the three body statues of Shi Ying and Mou Ni.The one in the middle is called Dharma statue, the one in the west is calledBaoshen statue, and the one in the East is called Yingshen statue. Shiyingmuni,the founder of Buddhism, was originally a prince of ancient Indias yingpilaweikingdom. He was born in 565 BC and died in 486 BC, about the same time asConfucius. Yingye, one of the top ten disciples of Sakyamuni, is on the eastside of the three body Buddha, and Ananda, one of the top ten disciples ofSakyamuni, is on the west side. On both sides are statues of eighteen Arhats andXuanzang.

Behind the main hall is the Sutra library, which contains importantclassics such as the Tibetan Tripitaka. Downstairs is the lecture hall, whereBuddhists preach Buddhist scriptures. There is a bronze statue of Amitabha, morethan 1 meter high. Inside the hall, there is a Buddha seat offered by Xuanzanghimself, as well as a statue seat of the four heavenly kings of qingxiangshi inthe Tang Dynasty. This stone is blue stone produced in Lantian Yushan. It iscrisp and pleasant to the ear.

[origin of the name of Dayan Pagoda - Xuanzang and Temple Pagoda -Architecture and cultural relics of Dayan Pagoda]

Dear tourists, when we walk out of the Sutra library, we can see themagnificent wild goose pagoda. When you see this Tang Dynasty building, you mustbe both surprised and curious. First of all, why is the tower named aftergeese?

According to Indian Buddhist legend, there were two schools of Buddhism,Mahayana and Hinayana, and Hinayana Buddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness.One day, it was Bodhisattva giving day, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldntbuy meat for dinner. At this time, a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monklooked at the geese and said to himself, "today there is no meat in the house.The merciful Bodhisattva will never forget what day it is." Before the voicefell, the leading goose folded its wings and fell to the ground. So the monks inthe temple were shocked and thought that it must be the manifestation ofBodhisattva. They built a stone pagoda at the site where the wild geese fell.They gave up meat and turned to Mahayana Buddhism. Therefore, the pagoda is alsoknown as the big wild goose pagoda.

At the Dayan Pagoda, people will naturally think of Xuanzang, the famousmonk of Tang Dynasty, who was the first abbot of Cien Temple. It is said thatin the third year of Yonghui reign of Tang Dynasty (652 AD), master Xuanzang, afamous monk, built the big wild goose pagoda in the West courtyard of CienTemple with the permission of Emperor Gaozong in order to arrange theScriptures, Buddha statues and relics he brought back from the western regions.Construction started in March of that year, under the supervision of Xuanzanghimself, and was completed in one year.

Dear tourists, you must have seen journey to the west, one of Chinas fourfamous works, and the TV series of the same name adapted from it. Is the Tangmonk in journey to the west the famous monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty? MasterXuanzang, with a common surname of Chen, was a monk in Luoyang at the age of 13.He was diligent and eager to learn. After visiting teachers all over thecountry, he decided to explore the essence of Buddhism in India, the birthplaceof Buddhism Its very important. Xuanzang started from Changan in the thirdyear of Zhenguan (A.D. 620__) and traveled along the Silk Road through the Gobidesert without birds and animals. He traveled westward to Tianzhu. Aftercompleting his studies in the 19th year of Zhenguan (A.D. 645), he returned toChangan. It took him 20__ years to travel 50000 kilometers. Through more than100 countries and regions, he retrieved 657 Buddhist scriptures and gained ahigh status in India. After returning to China, with the support of the Tangroyal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from all over the country toform an unprecedented Buddhist scripture translation site, and acted as thetranslator himself. The quality and quantity of translated Buddhist scripturesare far more than those of their predecessors, which ushered in a new era in thehistory of translation in China. A total of 75 Buddhist scriptures and 1335volumes have been translated, and a record of the western regions of the TangDynasty has been written, which has attracted the attention of scholars all overthe world. It should be said that journey to the west is written in thebackground of xuanleis going out to the west to seek scriptures in the TangDynasty, but the Tang monk in the story does not refer to Xuanzang, but a figurein an artistic literary work.

Dear tourists, when the Dayan Pagoda was built, it was 60 meters high, with5 floors, brick surface, earth core and CD ladder. In the center of the reartower, there are lots of plants and trees growing in the cracks of bricks, whichare gradually decadent. After several renovations during the reign of Empress WuZetian in Changan, Emperor Xuanzong in Tang Dynasty and Emperor Changxing inlater Tang Dynasty, the big wild goose pagoda was 4.5 meters higher than theoriginal one and added two floors. Each side of the ground floor is 25 meterslong, the base is square, the side length is 45 meters to 48 meters, there areticket doors on all sides of each floor, and there are stairs in the tower. Onthe lintel of the bottom floor of the pagoda, there are exquisite line carvedBuddha statues, especially the picture of Sakyamuni Buddha on the lintel of thewest gate. The photo of the abandoned hall at that time is engraved on it. It issaid that it was written by Yan Liben, a great painter of the Tang Dynasty. Itis a precious material for studying the Buddhist culture and architectural artof future generations. The brick niches on the East and west sides of the SouthGate of the pagoda are inlaid with the steles of preface to the three sacredreligions of the Tang Dynasty written by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the TangDynasty and preface to the three sacred religions of the Tang Dynasty written byEmperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty. The two steles were written by Chusuiliang, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. They are the best of thesteles in the Tang Dynasty. They are precious original calligraphic inscriptionsprotected by the state. They are important material for the study of ancientcalligraphy. It can be said that the square brick Pagoda with wooden structureis a masterpiece of Buddhist architecture in China, with its simple shape,majestic momentum, remarkable national characteristics and the style of thetimes.

Tourists, since the completion of the great wild goose pagoda, celebritiesof all ages have left a good sentence to recite through the ages. Du Fu praised"the sky is high, the wind is strong all the time", and Cen Shen praised "thetower is like gushing out, towering in the sky alone; stepping out of the world,pedaling through the void". The poets magnificent description and philosophicalexclamation often resonate when people climb the tower.




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Huangdi mausoleum, the mausoleum of Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of theChinese nation, is located in Beiqiao mountain, Huangling County. In 1961, theState Council announced the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor as the first batchof national key cultural relics protection units, known as "the first mausoleumin the world". The three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" before the mausoleumof Huangdi were mentioned by Chiang Kai Shek. The mausoleum of the YellowEmperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a place foremperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According to records,the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Mausoleumattractions include: the worlds first mausoleum, Xuanyuan bridge, mausoleumarea, Xuanyuan temple, Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress, sincere Pavilion,guajia cypress, etc.

Qiaoshan mountain is thick and majestic, surrounded by JuShui at the footof the mountain. There are ancient cypresses on the mountain, which areevergreen and lush all the year round. The whole mausoleum is magnificent. Thetomb of the first mausoleum in the world is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long.It is surrounded by a green brick wall. In front of the mausoleum, there is theinscription "Long Yu in Qiaoshan" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the MingDynasty, which means "Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In frontof the pavilion for a sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor"written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls, withLingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of Han Dynasty onboth sides.

Just south of the front of the mausoleum, outside the wall of themausoleum, is a high earthen platform, namely "Hanwu Sendai". According to thebook of Fengchan in historical records, "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visitedShuofang in the north, and killed more than 100000 soldiers to sacrifice to theYellow Emperors tomb." Hanwu Sendai, which was built by Hanwu emperor tosacrifice to Huangdi, is more than 20 meters high. It has been built with blockstones and has stone steps, cloud plates and guardrails. The front area ofHuangdi temple is magnificent, covering an area of about 10000 square meters.5000 large river pebbles are selected for paving, which symbolizes the 5000 yearcivilization history of the Chinese nation.

The Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress is located in Xuanyuan Temple ofHuangling County in the middle of Shaanxi Province. It is more than 20 metershigh and 11 meters in diameter at breast height. It is vigorous and straight,with a canopy covering the air. Its leaves keep growing all the year round. Itis thick and dense, like a huge green umbrella. It is said that it was plantedby the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan himself, more than 5000 years ago. It is theoldest cypress in the world. There is a local proverb: seven arms eight half, GeGe Ge is not worth it. It is said that seven people are not surrounded by eachother.



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Qingdao is located in the Yellow Sea, and China has always set the sealevel of the Yellow Sea as the national elevation datum. The level zero of thepeoples Republic of China from this can most intuitively experience thewonderful feeling that the height starts from the foot! Usually, after touristscome to Qingdao, the level zero is a must visit point, because the height startsfrom here, it represents higher and higher, higher and higher!

Located on the east side of Fushan Bay in Qingdao, adjacent to QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center and May 4th Square, China zero scenic spot is a nationalAAAA scenic spot. It is a theme park with Chinas altitude zero as the core. Itis a unique scenic spot in China. Former President Hu Jintao visited it inperson.

China zero scenic spot is a new type of scenic spot in Qingdao, whichintegrates surveying and mapping culture, navigation culture and marine culture.It has Chinas only level zero of the peoples Republic of China, Chinas firstinternational yacht and sailing industry development base, the worlds highestsculpture of "Mazu goddess on the sea", the worlds first mechanicallyretractable Rainbow Bridge on the sea, the sailing capital sightseeing tower andthe Maritime Science and Technology Museum.

Chinas leveling zero is located in the "peoples Republic of Chinaleveling zero" in Yinhai world, Donghai Middle Road, Qingdao, which is the onlyleveling zero in China. The leveling zero is the starting surface of theelevation of the ground point. The average sea level measured by the tide gaugeat different locations is different. In order to unify the national elevationsystem, an average sea level is selected as the elevation datum.

Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club scenic spot was rated as nationalAAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20__. It is the firstnew tourism resource with yacht club as the main body and knowledge of OlympicGames, ocean, sailing and surveying and mapping. It has unique ornamental,knowledge, interest and experience.



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Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the childrensparadise. Its said that the childrens paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! Its beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists cant help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! Its so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. Its 10 hectares.

Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andIm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. Its safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.



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Tianyige museum is a comprehensive museum with the characteristics of bookcollection culture and integration of social history and art, covering an areaof 26000 square meters. The environment is elegant, the garden is exquisite, thearchitecture is simple, rich in strong local characteristics. The overall layoutis composed of three functional areas: library culture area, garden leisure areaand exhibition area.

Tianyige library is the oldest existing private library in China and one ofthe three earliest existing private libraries in the world. It was built betweenthe 40th and 45th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1561-1566 AD). Itwas originally the library of Fan Qin, the right servant of the Ming army. In1982, it was announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit by theState Council. There are nearly 300000 volumes of all kinds of ancient books inthe collection, including 80000 volumes of rare books, especially the localchronicles and imperial examination records of Ming Dynasty. In recent years,the cause of our museum has developed rapidly, with the addition of China LocalRecords collection, yintaidi official residence Museum, mahjong originexhibition hall, etc. More than 6730 volumes of Contemporary Local Chronicles atall levels are collected in the China Local Chronicles collection, accountingfor more than 80% of the total. Yintaidi museum displays the Home Furnishing Artand architectural art of the families of officials in the Qing Dynasty. It wonthe "Best Creativity Award for the top ten fine exhibitions of national museums"in 20__. The Museum of the origin of mahjong shows the origin of mahjong and itshistorical origin with Ningbo in three dimensions. Built in the 1920s, Qinsancestral hall is admired by tourists for its unique ancestral hall culture andexquisite folk crafts, and is listed in the fifth batch of national key culturalrelics protection units.

Tianyige museum holds all kinds of calligraphy and painting exhibitionsthroughout the year, and has made remarkable achievements in the construction ofspiritual civilization. Since 1996, it has won the title of provincial civilizedunit, and has been rated as the provincial patriotic education base, thedemonstration window of Ningbos professional style construction, the citysfirst-class greening unit and the citys top ten tourist attractions.



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Junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river within the territory of chongqing is an ancient city, the country make a fuling. In ancient times known as is located in north latitude 29 ° 43 , longitude 107 ° 24 . Total length of 1600 meters, 10 to 15 meters wide, stretching from west to east, show a glyph parallel to the river. Water level elevation 81 meters, 137 beam ridge above the lowest water level 2 meters, 30 meters below the highest water level. 100 meters from south of the Yangtze river, stands at the junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river in the east. Since the tang dynasty at more than 1200 years of over 170 words inscribed copy engraved on it, this is the famous built inscribed copy.

Built, why the poetic name, although opinions vary, but are associated with a person called er Zhu Tong micro. According to legend, when the northern wei dynasty, er Zhu Tong reluctant to usurp the throne and cousin, Zhu Rong confluence, abandoned the family, as, number, zhu reality. , zhu, an city, to close state, proud satrap. The satrap anger, will cage zhu jiang. Bamboo cage is not heavy, but, down the river to crane fucheng states gathered Shi Liang, encounter a fisherman for network and white stone. , zhu is a deep sleep, fishermans long should not be, qing fang su, hence to alter ego. Fisherman still cloth net, canoe, Zhu Jixu fix true blast; Knee is relatively late chat, tired foot LAN rivers dream. Bamboo flute fishermans song, copper qing scripture, each had its interest, a special love between both sides. Day, take Dan zhu with baishi fisherman and alcoholic drink, drunk after, take the fairy to crane. Built so named.

Built in tang dynasty inscribed copy the beginning moment GuangDe first year (AD 763), the existing 165 segments, 30000 words, 18 stone fish tail, 1, 2 statue of guanyin, crane, which involves the value of the hydrological 108 period, is the worlds only be sharpening the fish as the "water mark", ancient hydrological stations and observation records of hydrology. In the Yangtze river in China than in 1865 set up the first draft - wuhan jianghan shut hydrologic water level observation records 1100 years earlier, so the first ancient hydrological station of the world ".

According to the relevant departments of the observation, built in the tang dynasty stone fish belly, roughly equivalent to fuling district of modern the average of the calendar year low water level, and 24 years of the reign of emperor kangxi burring fish fish eye height, and roughly the same familiar channel department of the local water level zero. In August 1988, published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units.

20xx by the state administration of cultural heritage in the Chinese world heritage tentative list. 175 meters after the impoundment of the three gorges dam, built inscribed copy will always drown in nearly 40 m recently. From central to local leaders at all levels attach great importance to built inscribed copy protection work, to built inscribed copy protection or not, is directly related to the world that the key to whether the three gorges project belongs to the civilization construction. Built protection engineering has produced a total of seven protection plan, more than 10 member of Chinese academy of engineering, academy of sciences has participated in the built in the evaluation of protection scheme. After 10 years of repeated proof, according to the international "Venice charter" in mobile give priority to the principle of protection of cultural relics in situ, 20xx countries have adopted the academy of engineering ge XiuRun offered to "no pressure vessel" way of protection, creatively built the worlds only built with a depth of 40 meters underwater museum. Built the site protection underwater engineering is first of the four cultural relics protection project of three gorges project. Built to protect the project started in 20xx to build, officially opened on May 18, 20xx, the first prize of science and technology innovation by state administration of cultural heritage, and a total investment of about 200 million yuan.

Built underwater museum in April 20xx during the first three gorges international tourism festival official trial opening to the outside world.



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Yongchuan has a long history, mountains and rivers beautiful, peoples enthusiasm is good, more prosperous economy. Yongchuan because "sanhe city garden, shape such as seal letter and words" the name. Tang dynasty in the 11 years of Dali period, county in 776, more than 1200 years ago. Was a metro section, yongchuan administrative office is located. Yongchuan is in the west of chongqing, 56 km away from downtown east, west, 276 km from chengdu. Chengdu-chongqing railway, chengdu-chongqing expressway across the whole territory, the Yangtze river flows through the southern tip of the calendar for yuxi and ChuanDongNa traffic, communication hub and commercial, cultural, financial, energy center. County in 776 AD, withdraw county built city, 1992, 20xx from the city divided into districts. Yongchuan is an area of 1576 square kilometers and a population of 1.09 million people, including urban area is 35.3 square kilometers, with a population of 3620xx people, the urbanization rate of 55%. In 20xx, the district regional GDP totaled 19.207 billion yuan, per capita GDP reached 20703 yuan, and local budget revenue of 1.426 billion yuan, gross industrial output value of 19 billion yuan, 7.539 billion yuan total retail sales of social consumer goods. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

Located in the west of chongqing municipality directly under the central government, yongchuan district, chongqing nine area 55 kilometers away from downtown, because "sanhe city garden, such as seal letter form and words" the name, is planning counties of chongqings third largest city, established in 1992, the market in 20xx, the building of the area the east metro, bishan, hejiang city, lugu county in the south, west to rongchang, dazu county area, the north side of tongliang. By the end of 20xx, yongchuan area resident population of 1.068 million people, including urban resident population of 648700 people, urban area is 74.73 square kilometers, the urbanization level of 61.78%, for the highest level of urbanization area outside chongqing urban Kowloon. Yongchuan traveling resources are rich, tea mountain national forest park has 4 a level scenic spot bamboo, chongqing wild animals in the world, tea and bamboo, etc., is the national excellent tourism city. Yongchuan city construction in the front rank in the city, is the regional central city of chongqing yuxi region, since ancient times for ChuanDongNa and yuxi area important hub of transportation, communication and information flow, logistics, distribution center.



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Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming county is located in Zhukou village,5 kilometers northeast of the county. It is adjacent to the Yellow River flowingeastward in the north and the Ridong expressway running through Qilu in thesouth. It is another beautiful cultural landscape of Dongming County, thehometown of Zhuangzi.

1、 The whole process of construction

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming County was raised by she Shicheng, avillager of Zhukou village, Chengguan town. It was built in 20__ and officiallycompleted in August 20__. Why she Shicheng devoted all of her resources to theconstruction of the Chairman Mao Memorial? This is because she Shicheng, who wasborn in Shegang village, wusheng Township in September 1944, lived in the oldsociety by begging and farming land for a large family in Zhukou village. Aftersuffering a lot, she moved to Zhukou Village. It was Chairman Mao who led thepeople to turn over and become the masters. From then on, he had land and liveda good life. After two social experiences, she Shicheng deeply felt that withoutChairman Mao, there would be no today. Therefore, since his youth, he has alwaysthought of the party and Chairman Mao.

She Shicheng studied carpentry in her early years and engaged inarchitecture. She is a famous expert in architecture. Especially after the ThirdPlenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he and many villagersgradually embarked on the road of becoming rich. With the development of societyand the great changes in peoples lives, he realized more deeply that withoutthe foundation laid by Chairman Maos overthrowing the three mountains, therewould be no happiness today. Dont forget the well digger. Gratitude is not onlythe unique traditional quality of the Chinese people, but also the outstandingpersonality of she Shicheng, a loyal peasant. Therefore, how to rememberChairman Mao and how to pass on the admiration for Chairman Mao from generationto generation has become a problem he often thinks about in his heart. Afterdecades of deliberation, he decided to express his admiration for great men in atraditional way. In order to celebrate Chairman Maos achievements and rememberthe kindness of great people, on February 16, 20__, he raised money everywhere,stripped off his house, made room for his own design, and built a Mao Pavilionon his homestead for the villagers to admire. Then, he and villagers Zhu Faqistarted the activities of preparing for the construction of Chairman Maosmemorial hall, and set up a preparation group with him as the main body and 10villagers as participants. She Shicheng did her best to contribute her familyscapital. First, she contributed her contracted responsibility land of sevencents per mu. Then she negotiated with the villagers overnight to exchangeanother piece of responsibility land of seven cents per mu for eight cents permu depression. She also borrowed money to compensate the other party for eightthousand yuan in cash. She planned to build a memorial base of three acres andfive cents per mu. He designed it himself, laid the foundation on August 1,20__, and completed it in one year. The main building area of the memorial hallis 220 square meters, with a height of 83.41 meters (symbolizing Chairman Maosdeath at the age of 83 and 41 years in power). The main hall is 49 meters high(symbolizing the founding of the peoples Republic of China in 1949). The fronteaves of the memorial hall is 71 cm (symbolizing the founding of the ChineseCommunist Party on July 1, 1999), and the second floor, third floor andcorridors on both sides. The total project cost is more than 710000 yuan. Amongthem, she Shicheng raised more than 460000 yuan, and the surrounding peopleraised about 250000 yuan. Because of the construction of the memorial hall, theoriginal houses are all 0, and she Shicheng and her two are still living in thetemporary shed in the southwest corner of the memorial hall. Because of theresponsibility of the whole family, all the fields have been replaced by thebuilding base. There is no income, and life depends on one daughter and twosons.

After the completion of the memorial, it has become the only privatememorial tourist attraction in China. On December 17, 20__, Mao Xinyu, theeldest grandson of Mao Zedong, Liu Bin and his wife, Mao Ningke, the eldestgrandson of Mao Zemin, and Mao Xiaoqing, the granddaughter of Mao Zelian,cordially received Comrade she Shicheng at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and had acordial conversation with 18 Chinese news media reporters.

2、 Current situation and pattern

As soon as you walk into Chairman Maos memorial hall, the first thing youcan see is the memorial Pavilion renamed from the original "Mao Gong Pavilion".There is a gold bronze statue of Chairman Mao more than one meter high inside,which is vivid and magnificent. In front of the pavilion, the five-star red flagflutters in the wind, surrounded by pines and cypresses, Holly evergreen.

Entering the exhibition hall, the most eye-catching one is the goldenfull-length bronze statue of Mao Zedong (2.83 meters high) created by the famousChinese Art Master Mr. Liu Kaiqu and cast by Hunan Shaoshan xuritang bronzestatue Casting Co., Ltd., standing in the center of the hall on the first floor,with the magnificent Great wall behind it. When I came to the center of the hallon the second floor, I saw a golden bronze statue of Chairman Mao Zedong infront of the large-scale painting "welcoming pine". The whole exhibition hall isdivided into nine exhibition areas: going out of the country, creating a newworld, agrarian revolution, anti Japanese War, war of liberation, dream of apowerful country, looking to the world, feelings of poets and old age. On theleft and right corridors of the memorial hall are the abstract of the speechdelivered at the Symposium Commemorating Chairman Mao Zedongs 110th birthday,the preface of the memorial hall and the banner of Chairman Maos poems writtenby famous calligraphers. The layout is reasonable and magnificent.

3、 Normal activity

After the completion of the memorial, people from all over the world cometo visit it every day. In particular, every year, on December 26, Chairman MaoZedongs birthday, the memorial hall has held grand commemorative activities,which have been held four times in a row. The activities are presided over bythe Management Committee of Chairman Mao Zedongs memorial hall, and large dramatroupes are invited to perform for 3-4 days. On the day of the activity, thelocal Yangko team, Huagu team, Taiji team and martial arts team performed, whichwas very lively.

At each event, the surrounding people, just like the Spring Festival, cameearly to pay homage to Chairman Mao and cherish his great cause. The villagersin this village are in a continuous stream.



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Henan Museum is one of the earliest museums in China. Its predecessor wasHenan Provincial Museum. 1920__ The Preparatory Committee for Henan Museum wasset up in July, 1956 under the strong support of general Feng Yuxiang. Themuseum is located in sanshengmiao street, Kaifeng City. 1920__ It was renamed asthe Museum of nationalities in May, 20__. In October of the same year, thenational model exhibition was held and officially opened to the public. OnDecember 1, 1930, it was renamed "Henan Museum". On January 20, 1931, HenanProvincial Department of Education promulgated the "Regulations on theorganization of Henan museums", which defined the nature of museums and set upinstitutions.

In 1937, the Japanese aggressors launched a war of aggression againstChina. The collection of 5678 major cultural relics was transported toChongqing. During the Japanese puppet period, Henan Museum was renamed "HenanProvincial Museum". It was renamed "Henan Provincial Museum" in 1940. On the eveof Chongqings Liberation in 1949, the Kuomintang carried 5119 cultural relicsto Chinese Taiwan.

In 1948, after the liberation of Kaifeng, our museum gained a new life andheld some special exhibitions. In 1953, the Ministry of culture of the CPCCentral Committee defined the museum as a local museum. In 1961, HenanProvincial Museum moved from Kaifeng to Renmin Road in Zhengzhou with theprovincial capital. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Henan Provincial Museum hasfurther enriched its cultural relics collection through donation, excavation andallocation. In order to coordinate with the socialist construction, it has heldmany exhibitions and made remarkable achievements in scientific research. It hasbecome one of the famous museums in China. In the early 1990s, with thecontinuous development of reform and opening up, with the care and support ofleaders at all levels, the state invested a huge amount of 300 million yuan tobuild a new museum in nongnongnong Lu, Zhengzhou, and renamed it Henan Museum.The new museum was officially opened to the public on May 1, 1998. In the pastfive years since its opening up, under the leadership of the Party committee andthe efforts of all staff, the Institute has made remarkable achievements inexhibition, cultural relics collection, scientific research and mass work, andhas made positive contributions to socialist spiritual civilization.



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长城导游词 长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里,所以又被统称为“万里长城”。



各位游客们, 我们脚下的方砖、扶着的条石,一块就有两三千斤重,那时没有火车、汽车,就靠劳动人民无数的肩膀,一步一步地抬上去。多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头、后不见尾的万里长城,所以我们要好好爱护它。





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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Dongguan. Im your guide David.

Dongguan City is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province,the East Bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and the Pearl River Delta in the lowerreaches of the Dongjiang River. It is located in the east of Guangzhou and isrich in guancao. It is between 113 ° 31 ′ - 114 ° 15 ′ E and 22 ° 39 ′ - 23 ° 09′ n. Yinpingzui mountain of Qingxi Town borders Huiyang District of Huizhou Cityin the East; datan township of Zhongtang town borders Guangzhou City, ZengchengCity and BOLUO County of Huizhou City in the north; Shiziyang central route inthe northwest of Xidatan of Shatin town borders Panyu District of Guangzhou Cityin the West; Yantian reservoir of Fenggang town connects Baoan District ofShenzhen City in the south. Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, in the middle ofGuangzhou Shenzhen economic corridor. It is 59 km from Guangzhou in thenorthwest, 99 km from Shenzhen in the southeast and 140 km from Hong Kong. It isabout 70.45 km long from east to west and 46.8 km wide from north to south. Thecity has a land area of 2465 square kilometers and a sea area of 150 squarekilometers.

[geology? Geomorphology] in terms of geological structure, Dongguan City islocated in the south-west of northeast BOLUO fault and Dongguan fault depressionbasin on the southern edge of northeast Luofushan fault zone. The terrain ishigh in the southeast and low in the northwest. The landforms are mainly hillyplatform and alluvial plain, with hilly platform accounting for 44.5%, alluvialplain accounting for 43.3% and mountainous area accounting for 6.2%. There aremany mountains in the southeast, especially in the East. The mountains are huge,strongly divided, concentrated and undulating. The elevation is 200-600 meters,and the slope is about 30 degrees. The main peak of Yinpingzui mountain is 898.2meters high, which is the highest peak in Dongguan City. The low mountains andhills in the central and southern parts are hilly and platform areas. Thenortheast part is close to the Dongjiang River bank, with developed hillockland, land and valley plains, of which the elevation is 30-80 meters In thenorthwest is the delta plain formed by Dongjiang River, which is a low-lyingarea surrounded by water network; in the southwest is the river alluvial plainnear the Pearl River Estuary, which is flat and low-lying, which is ashaxiantian area greatly affected by the tide.

Dongguan City holds the throat of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou waterway tothe sea. It has 115.94 km coastline (including inner waterway), 53 km mainwaterway coastline and Humen Port, a good deep-water port.

[mineral resources] there are 19 kinds of mineral resources in class VIIand 66 ore deposits in Dongguan. Among them, there are 8 types of metalminerals, 34 deposit spots: 10 ferrous metal minerals (9 iron ore spots and 1ilmenite), 23 non-ferrous metal minerals (4 copper deposits, 4 lead-zincdeposits, 10 tungsten deposits, 4 tin deposits and 1 titanium deposit), and 1precious metal gold mineralization spot. There are 32 non-metallic minerals ofclass VI 11 types: 9 metallurgical auxiliary raw material minerals (4 refractoryclay, 4 peat soil and 1 petroleum), 14 chemical raw material minerals (6 pyrite,3 barite, 4 potash feldspar and 1 halite), 3 building material non-metallicminerals (2 cement limestone and 1 cement clay). It is mainly distributed in themountains and hills in the middle, South and east of Dongguan. The distributionof mineral resources is scattered and irregular.

[animal and plant resources] there are many kinds of wild animals inDongguan City, which are mainly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas. Mostof the larger wild animals live in the southeast mountainous areas, and most ofthem are found in plain and hilly areas. The main wild animals are: mammals,birds, fish (134 species), crustaceans and a variety of shellfish, amphibians,reptiles, insects and so on. The main wild plants are: 1 630 species of vascularplants, belonging to 210 families and 805 genera, including 125 species ofpteridophytes, 37 families and 66 genera; 7 species of gymnosperms, 5 familiesand 5 genera; 1 498 species of angiosperms, 168 families and 734 genera(including 143 families, 556 genera and 1135 species of dicotyledons; 25families, 178 genera and 363 species of monocotyledons). There are 8 phyla and110 genera of plankton in inland waters.

[tourism resources] Dongguan is a famous historical and cultural city inGuangdong Province, the opening place of modern Chinese history, Dongjiangpeoples Anti Japanese base, and the pioneer of reform and opening up. In 20__,Dongguan City selected eight new scenic spots: "Songhu Yanyu" (Songshan Lakehigh tech Industrial Development Zone), "Dadao Zhaohui" (Dongguan Avenue),"Plaza yicui" (Central Square), "gusai Feihong" (Humen Bridge), "Huying Diecui"(Huying country park and the surrounding landscape of Yujing Bay), "BanlingNingfang" (green world, shuilianshan Forest Park and other scenic spots) Thesurrounding landscape, Lianfeng Heron (Changan Lianhuashan scenic spot) andJinsha Yangyue (Shilong Jinsha Bay). In the same year, Dongguan was rated as"Chinas excellent tourism city".

Administrative division

On May 1, 20__, Dongguan city governed four streets and 28 towns: Guanchengstreet, Nancheng street, Dongcheng Street, Wanjiang street, Shijie Town, ShilongTown, Chashan Town, Shipai town, Qishi Town, Hengli Town, Qiaotou town, XiegangTown, Dongkeng Town, Changping Town, Liaobu Town, Dalang Town, Huangjiang Town,Qingxi Town, Tangxia Town, Fenggang town, Changan Town, Humen Town, Houjie Townand Shatin town , Daocheng Town, Hongmei Town, Machong Town, Zhongtang Town,Gaocheng Town, Zhangmutou town, Dalingshan Town, Wangniudun town.

[historical evolution]

Dongguan county was established in the sixth year of Xianhe in the EasternJin Dynasty (331 A.D.), initially named Baoan, under the jurisdiction ofDongguan county. In 757, it was renamed Dongguan, and the county government wastransferred from Wucheng (now Baoan Nantou) to Yongcheng (now Guancheng). In the22nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1152), Xiangshan town inDongguan was established as Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City); in the firstyear of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1573), Dongguan was established as XinanCounty (now Baoan District, Shenzhen City) with a total of 56 Li households.The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. During the period of theRepublic of China, it successively belonged to Guangdong Province, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong central administrative region, the first administrativeregion and the fourth administrative region.

On October 17, 1949, Dongguan was liberated. At the beginning, it was underthe jurisdiction of Dongjiang administrative region.

In March 1950, Dongguan county was attached to the Pearl River specialzone.

In 1952, the Pearl River region was abolished, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to the central Guangdong administrative region.

In February 1956, the central Guangdong administrative region was abolishedand Dongguan county was subordinate to Huiyang District.

In November 1958, Dongguan county was once attached to Guangzhou City for ashort time.

In January 1959, Huiyang District was abolished and Dongguan county wasassigned to Foshan district.

In June 1963, Huiyang District was restored, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to Huiyang District.

In 1985, Dongguan county was approved by the State Council as the PearlRiver Delta economic development zone. In September of the same year, Dongguancounty was abolished and Dongguan City was established;

In January 1988, it was upgraded to a prefecture level city. Dongguan Cityis one of the four prefecture level cities without municipal jurisdiction,directly under Guangdong Province. (the other four cities are Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province and Sansha City, HainanProvince)

In 1986, Dongguan city began to withdraw districts and build towns,implementing the system of villages under the jurisdiction of towns;

On February 4, 1986, with approval, Dongguan City and three districtoffices, including Huangcun District, Wanjiang district and Fucheng District,were abolished, and Dongguan City sub district office, Wanjiang District subdistrict office, Fucheng District sub district office and Huangcun District subdistrict office were established.

In March 20__, the sub district office of Fucheng District was abolishedand the Dongcheng sub district office was established;

In October 20__, (Hu á ng) Huangcun District sub district office wasrenamed Nancheng sub district office;

In January 20__, the sub district offices of the inner and outer districtsof the city, which were set up separately since January 1988, were abolished,and the sub district offices of Guancheng were merged and re established;

In November 20__, Wanjiang District sub district office was renamed asWanjiang sub district office.

In September 20__, Dongguan City has 28 towns and 4 streets, and each town(street) has 383 villages and 214 communities. The village has a number ofvillagers groups and the community has a number of residents groups. DongguanCity, town (street), village (community) three-level administrative districtmanagement; street administrative agencies for the sub district office; villageadministrative agencies for the villagers committee, community administrativeagencies for the community residents committee.

General situation of climate in Dongguan City

[rivers] the main rivers in Dongguan are Dongjiang River, Shima River andHanxi river. 96% of the territory belongs to the Dongjiang River Basin. The mainstream of the Dongjiang River flows from BOLUO county and Huiyang District ofHuizhou City in the northeast, and then along the northern border from east towest to Qiaotou xinkaihekou. It flows into Shima River, which originates fromBaoan District of Shenzhen City, and into Qishi River, which flows into Qishicity. After Shilong is separated from the South tributary, the north main streamflows to Shitan, converges with the tributary from Zengcheng City, Guangzhou,and flows into Shiziyang through Dasheng city. The South tributary flowsobliquely southwest through Shijie and Wanjiang River, and receives Hanxi waterfrom the middle of Shiziyang city at the gorge. Below the gorge, there are threesmaller tributaries, Niushan River, gedishui River and Xiaosha River, which flowfrom east to west, and then flows to Sisheng and flows into Shiziyang . Betweenthe north main stream and the South Branch is the river network area ofDongjiang Delta.

[climate] Dongguan has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer andno winter, abundant light, abundant heat, warm climate, small temperaturevariation, abundant rainfall and obvious dry and wet seasons. In 20__, theprecipitation was low, the temperature was low, and there was no positive attackof tropical cyclone. The annual average temperature is 22.1 ℃, 0.5 ℃ lower thanthe annual average; the coldest is January (monthly average temperature is 10.6℃), the hottest is August (monthly average temperature is 29.3 ℃), and the hightemperature (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35 ℃) lasts for 8 days. The annualextreme maximum temperature was 36.2 ℃ (appeared on July 25, 20__), and theannual extreme minimum temperature was 3.2 ℃ (appeared on January 12, 20__). Theannual total rainfall in 20__ was 1298.6 mm, 29.1% less than the annual average;the total rainfall in flood season (April September) was 1014.9 mm, 32.8% lessthan the annual average. During the year, there was no positive attack oftropical cyclones, only affected by the circulation of "Haima" and "Nasha",which did not cause obvious disasters.



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Demarcation islet is a small-shaped island in the south China Sea ,high at both ends low in the middle .Its Chinese name sounds FEN JIE ZHOU DAO .It faces Cow Ridge four or five km away Historically,it was used the geographical demarcation .The islet covers an area of one square kilometer.

Cow ridge gets its name from its shape .seen from either of the sides ,the ridge is a walking cow .If you look at it from Demarcation Islet ,the ridge is a big with its mouth open .Cow ridge is also called Demarcation Ridge ,because it creates an important division of Hainan island .Even in the ancient times ,local people noticed the difference between the lands on each side of the mountain . Climate Boundary

Hainan island is located in the tropical zone ,but the climate on each side of Cow Ridge is different .In the north it is warm,humid and pluvious .However ,in the south the temperature is two or three degrees higher ,and the weather is always sunnier and drier .it is for this reason that from the angle of Demarcation Islet ,you can always see the wonder of "is is rainy at the Cow s head ,but sunny at its tail ". Administrative boundary

Demarcation Islet is the boundary between Wanning City and Lingshui County. Wanning is in the north and lingshui is in the south .a boundary stone tablet is on the ridge . National-culture boundary

In the ancient times ,this natural dividing line was the national boundary of Hainan -the boundary between Han nationality and Li nationality .There were mainly Li people in th south of the ridge ,while there were mostly Han people in the north of the ridge .

Friends ,please follow me .now we are at the harbor of the Demarcation Islet Ecological and Cultural Toursim resort is divided into two parts :the demarcation islet and the harbor service .please look at the north .The ridge is really like a cow .

There are also many kinds of plants on the ridge ,giving the ridge a green coat .So it is not only a boundary ,but also a very beautiful scenic spot .Now ,please enjoy yourselves .



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各位游客们 :








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游客们,我现在来到了一条“长龙”的面前,它就是---长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,全长一万三千多里呢!游客们,你们听了是不是目瞪口呆了?走到长城上你会更大吃一惊,想去吗?那就­­Let,s go!




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蔚县位于张家口市区南部,西与山西省接壤。面积3185平方千米。人口45.0万。县人民政府驻蔚州镇。辖10个镇,12个乡。1993年划归张家口市管辖。 本县地处冀西北山区南部,恒山余脉从晋入蔚,分南北两支,四周环绕,形成明显的南部深山,中部河川,北部丘陵3个不同的自然区域,构成山间盆地。境内主要山脉海拔均在20xx米左右。 本县属暖温带大陆性季风气候。冬季寒冷温长,夏季凉爽短促,年平均气温6.4℃,一月平均气温-12.3℃,七月平均气温22.1℃,年平均降水量419毫米。盆地区无霜期约128天;山区无霜期约90天。 本县属永定河流域,壶流河发源于山西省广灵县,自西向东横贯县境大部川区,境内流长70千米。

部分地区有潜水,承压水。现已建成容量达8070万立方米的壶流河水库,修建小型水库43座,土壤主要有栗钙土、潮土、盐化潮土等,其中以栗钙土最多,分布在河川、丘陵区。土壤质地疏松,便于耕种,但肥力较差,水土易流失,有机质含量少。南山区林木茂密,野草丛生,有大面积的天然林、人造林和草坡,主要有落叶松、油松、桦、云杉、冷杉等。 耕地面积143.5万亩。粮食作物有玉米、谷子、高粱、小麦、水稻、黍子,豆类和薯类。经济作物有白麻、油料、烟叶等。 工业有煤炭、机械、化肥、水泥、建材、电力、电子造纸、陶瓷、剪纸、地毯、食品和皮毛加工等。

特别是剪纸,地毯为工艺品畅销世界各地,享有很高声誉。境内矿产资源丰富,主要有煤、铁、石灰石、耐火粘土等。 交通以公路运输为主。干线有宣化-涞源、北京-西合营、夏源-广灵等。 有中学72所,小学675所,适龄儿童入率达97.2%,现有县医院1所,中心卫生院9所,防疫站1个,妇幼保健站1个。 玉皇阁(靖边楼)建于明朝洪武十年(公元1377年),南安寺宝塔,建于西魏时期,距今1000多年,塔共13层,造形优美,结构坚实。
