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大家好! 我们现在参观的八达岭长城是明朝修建的。为防御外敌入侵,秦朝,汉朝和明朝共修建了一万三千多里长城。长城西起嘉峪关,东到山海关。长城被称为世界七大奇迹之一。

大家看,长城全部是用巨大的条石和城砖砌筑而成的。城墙外沿那两米多高的成排建筑叫垛子,垛子上面的方形口子是望口和射口,是打仗用的。城墙顶上那一座座方形的城台,是屯兵的堡垒,每隔三百米就有一座,这样打仗时城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,那时可没火车,汽车,也没起重机,这一块块有两三千斤重的条石以及建筑材料都是靠人力抬上去的,是现代人想都不敢想的壮举,难怪世界上都公认它是一大奇迹! 参观了长城,大家要记住一句话:不到长城非好汉!只有亲眼目睹了先辈们的这一伟大创造,才能在人生的道路上成为一个真正的好汉!

今天就参观到这里,欢迎下次再来! 谢谢大家!



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你们知道吗?从北京出发,行车一百多里就能来到长城脚下。这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的。城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方型的瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用。城墙顶上,每隔三百多米就有一座方型的城台,是屯兵的堡垒。打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,现在你站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,不知是否能想起古代的劳动人民是怎样修筑长城的。看,单是这数不清的条石,一块有两三千斤重,那时候没有火车、汽车,没有起重机,就靠着无数的肩膀无数的手,一步一步地抬上这陡峭的山岭。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10661 字

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Today we are going to visit Xian city wall, bell tower and Drum Tower.Its a great honor to serve you.

The ancient castle we see now is the city wall of Xian in Ming Dynasty,which was built on the basis of Changan Imperial City in Tang Dynasty in theearly Ming Dynasty. It is one of the most famous city walls in the history ofthe late Middle Ages in China. It is the largest and most complete defensefacility of ancient military castle in the world.

Xian, as an ancient capital for thousands of years, has built city wallsmany times in the past dynasties. Most of them are buried in the dust ofhistory. The wall we see now can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. In 1369 ad,Xu Da, a general of the Ming Dynasty, entered Shaanxi from Shanxi and changedthe original Fengtian road to Xian, which means "long-term stability in thewest". It opened the prelude of building the city wall in Xian in Ming Dynasty.The shape of the wall, which took eight years to build, is a rectangle. The wallis 15 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, 16-18 meters wide at thebottom, and 13.9 kilometers long. The bottom layer is made of loess, lime andglutinous rice juice. After drying, it is very strong.

The ancient city wall of Xian includes a series of military facilitiessuch as moat, suspension bridge, gate tower, arrow tower, main tower, cornertower, enemy tower, parapet, crenel, etc. Well, now lets feel for ourselves thescientific, rigorous and complete military defense system.

The most peripheral part of the city wall is the moat, also known as the"moat", which is the first line of defense of the city wall. It can block theenemys attack and even take advantage of the favorable terrain to destroy theenemy. The moat around the city wall of Xian is 20 meters wide. Crossing themoat is the gate, and the only channel connecting the moat and the gate is thesuspension bridge. At ordinary times, the soldiers obeyed the command of themorning bell and the evening drum. In the morning, they lowered the suspensionbridge to open the city gate; in the evening, they raised the suspension bridgeto cut off the traffic. Once there is a war, the suspension bridge rises and thegate is closed, the gate becomes a solid and closed Battle Fortress.

City gate is the key and weak point of city defense system. Usually, it isthe access to the city. In a war, it is the primary target for both sides.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to improving the defensefacilities of the city gate. One of the most remarkable technologicalbreakthroughs is the use of the arched gate to prevent the enemy from attackingby fire. The gate of Xian City in the Ming Dynasty was very strong. The doorleaf was made of 16 cm thick wood. One gate was made of 2.8 cubic meters ofwood. The door leaf was reinforced with iron bars, and 180 iron mushroom needleswere nailed between the two iron bars. There are 1800 iron mushroom needles onthe whole door leaf. In this way, the wood of the door leaf is compacted, andthe stiffness of the door leaf is increased, so that the arrow can not be shotin.

In order to improve the security coefficient of the city gate defense, thecity gate is actually composed of three parts: Gate Tower, arrow tower and mainbuilding. The gate building is on the outside, and its function is to lift thesuspension bridge. Its also used to play watch. When the enemy invades the gateof the gate tower, it seems to enter the urn. They will be attacked from allsides. Therefore, the space downstairs is also called "urn city". The archerytower is in the center, with windows on the front and on both sides for archery.The archery tower and archery tower are connected by a wall, which is alsocalled "Wengcheng" and can garrison troops. The main building is in theinnermost part. The tower above the main building is the main building of thecity gate, which is the commanding place of the general. Outside the city wall,there is an enemy platform protruding from the main body of the city wall every120 meters, commonly known as "horse face". There are 98 "horse faces" on thewhole city wall. The building above the "horse face" is called the enemy tower.The distance between the two enemy platforms is 120 meters, and one side of itis 60 meters, which is "a stones throw". This layout makes it easy to shoot theenemy from the side. Therefore, the ancients commented: "if there is a citywithout a platform, it is just like there is no city. The city is the guardian,and the platform is the guardian.". On the outside of the city wall, there aredwarf pheasants, also known as "pile wall", with crenels and square holes forarchery and watching. The low wall on the inside is called "parapet" to preventsoldiers from falling under the wall when they walk. In the four corners ofXian city wall, there is a tower called "turret". In the urn formed by thearrow tower and the main tower, there is a horse road leading to the head of thecity, which is convenient for the horses to go up and down. During the war, thisis the throat of the deployment of troops, and we must ensure that there is noobstruction. So the guard is very strict.

With the change of time, we can see Changle gate, Anding gate, Zhuque gate,Hanguang gate, Yuxiang gate and so on. The origin of these names also reflectsthe ups and downs of the ancient city. The city wall of Xian in the MingDynasty shows the wisdom of the ancient working people of our country. OK, thecity wall of Xian is here. We will continue to take you to visit the bell andDrum Tower.

The bell tower and drum tower are the unique buildings in ancient Chinesecities. Bell and drum are the earliest percussion instruments in China, with ahistory of more than 3020__ years. Initially used as ritual and musicalinstruments. It has been used in military command since the spring and Autumnperiod. Ancient Chinese cities have the nature of military castles. In additionto building walls around the city, digging trenches and setting up suspensionbridges, there are also bell and drum towers built in the center of the city asthe command center. At ordinary times, it reports the time by morning bell andevening drum, opens and closes the suspension bridge regularly, and it is usedto warn the police and command the city defense in case of emergency. This tighturban defense system reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. Xian is an importantmilitary and political town in Northwest China in Ming Dynasty. Its bell towerand Drum Tower rank the first in terms of architectural scale, historical valueand artistic value in China.

The building we see now is the bell tower, which is located at theintersection of the four streets in Xian. It was built in the 17th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty. It was originally located in Yingxiang temple on theWest Street. With the eastward movement of the city center, in 20__ of Wanli ofShenzong of Ming Dynasty, the bell tower was demolished as a whole and moved tothe present site.

The bell tower is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with aheight of 36 meters, double eaves and brackets, gorgeous and solemn. It consistsof three parts: base, body and roof. The base is square, all made of greenbricks. The building is a square wooden structure, surrounded by an ambulatoryon the outside and a two-story building on the inside with wooden ladderscircling up. In the square hall on the upper and lower floors of the building,there are various kinds of valuable porcelain and red Phoebe furniture since theMing Dynasty. The four sides of the doors are covered with relief paintings,with a simple and vivid style. The top of the building is a four cornerstructure, covered with green glazed tiles. The top dome is 5 meters high,glittering and brilliant.

On the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming Dynasty iron bell,which weighs 5 tons and has eight trigrams on its side. It is much smaller thanthe bronze bell that hung in the bell tower earlier. The giant bell originallyhung in the bell tower is a "Jingyun bell" cast in the Jingyun period of TangDynasty. Now the bell is collected in the forest of Steles in Xian. It is saidthat after the bell tower was moved from Yingxiang temple to the present site,although the style and size of the tower have not changed, the Jingyun bell willnever ring. Theres no choice but to change. In order to move the jingyunzhongto the new bell tower, an inclined bridge was built in the west section of theWest Street, and the bridge slope was used to transport the jingyunzhong to thebell tower. It is said that "qiaozikou" also got its name.

There are inscriptions on the west wall of the bell tower. Song of the belltower was written by Gong Maoxian, governor of Shaanxi Province, who built thebell tower when he was dismissed and went to Beijing. The bell tower is warmlypraised in the poem. The story of the bell tower was written by Zhang Kai, thegovernor who had built the bell tower. It describes the life experience of thebell tower in detail. On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 woodcut reliefstory paintings, including Mulan joining the army, Change flying to the moon,Liu Yis biography, Eight Immortals crossing the sea and so on. After thefounding of the peoples Republic of China, the peoples Government of Xiancarried out three large-scale repairs to the clock tower, which made the ancientbuilding glow with its former style.

Far away from the bell tower is the drum tower. The door opening at thebottom of the tower is north-south, leading to the north gate and the SouthDarcy street. The drum tower was built in the 13th year of Hongwu in MingDynasty. It is sister to the bell tower. There is a huge drum on the north sideof the first floor of the drum tower, which forms a late drum with the morningbell on the bell tower, so it is called the drum tower. The building isrectangular. The height and width of the door opening on the base are 6 meters,and the depth is 38 meters. The drum tower is built with double eaves and threedrops of water. The building is divided into upper and lower floors. There aretwo plaques under the eaves of the north and the south. In the south, theEmperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty engraved a book with his pen: "the land ofculture and military prosperity", and in the north, Li yunkuan, a scholar ofXianning County, wrote "the sound is heard in the sky". In the outer eaves ofthe drum tower are decorated with Dou Gong, surrounded by corridors. The ceilingis painted with cloud pattern, antique, very beautiful. Bell and drum towerscomplement each other, making the ancient city of Xian more beautiful andspectacular. Well, this is the end of the tour of the bell and Drum Tower. Thankyou!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4444 字

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Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot is located across Longhai, Zhangpuand Dongshan, adjacent to Chinese Taiwan Strait in the East, Xiamen and Zhangzhou PortArea in the north, and Shantou Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province inthe south. Its coastline is nearly 300 km long and consists of three peninsulas(Gulei, liuao and Quanwei), many bays and many islands. With convenienttransportation, it is a good tourist attraction. There are mainly five wonders,namely, the landscape of sea eroded volcanic canisters, the landscape ofvolcanic vent group - sea eroded buried lava lake, the landscape of sea erodedbasalt large columnar joints, the landscape of granite spherical weathering seaeroded sky "abstract Gallery", the landscape of sea eroded special wind rockgroup, and the ancient cultural heritage of Southern Fujian with zhaojiapu asthe main body, which constitute the coastal Geopark, the coastal Stone Park, andthe coastal wind park Dongshi Park and Grand View Garden of ancientdwellings.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark is one of the firstbatch of 11 National Geoparks in China and the only one with marine landform inChina. It covers an area of more than 100 square kilometers and has a coastlineof more than 20 kilometers. It is mainly distributed in Niutoushan, Linjinyu,Nanding Island, Xiangshan, yandunshan, qianhuwan and other sea areas. Accordingto the investigation of experts, it is confirmed that there were 15 volcaniceruptions in three periods in Zhangzhou coastal area from 26.44 million to 4.1million years ago, which eventually formed a rare, perfect and precious volcaniclandscape in the world. Among them are:

Niutoushan ancient crater sea erosion volcanic landscape - "volcanicbonsai";

Linjinyu volcanic exhalation crater group - the landscape of sea erosionburied lava lake;

The landscape of large columnar joints of sea eroded basalt in Nandingisland is "lava stone forest" and "lava Coral";

The ancient forest remains of qianhuwan more than 8000 years ago;

Xiangshan lava cone scenic spot (the best place to watch the sea, sunrise,Bay Beach);

There are also a large number of unique landscapes, such as volcaniceruption discontinuities, volcanic agglomerates, "watermelon peel" structure,mantle derived xenolith basalts, sea erosion "Overpass", "a line of sky", marine"terracotta warriors" and other scenic spots, forming a diverse, lifelike andlifelike group of rocks.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, there is also a unique landscapeof sea eroded granite. The landscape here is composed of 23 islands, includingGulai Caiyu archipelago, Shazhou Island, Jingan island and Hongyu island. Onthe island, there are various kinds of granite wind-driven stone groups withdifferent shapes. In addition, the "abstract Gallery" formed by the sea erodedstone landform and granite spherical weathered stone in Laoya mountain of liuaohas high tourism value.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, many beaches along the coast,such as Qisha Bay, Houcai Bay, Jiangkou Bay, Jiangjun Bay and DAAO Bay, arecrescent shaped, with small slope, fine sand, snow white and no mud. Besides,there is no pollution in the surrounding environment and no shark disturbance inthe coastal area. The beach here is large in scale, excellent in quality andbeautiful in scenery. It is the best gold coast on the coastline of East andSouth China Sea.

Rich historical and cultural heritage is another feature of Zhangzhoucoastal volcano scenic area

Two national cultural relics protection units, zhaojiabao and yiancheng,and six provincial cultural relics protection units, form a concentrated andcontinuous cultural tourism route: zhaojiabao is the descendant of the king ofZhao and Song Dynasties, and lived together during the Wanli period of MingDynasty__ The castle built in 1949 has a grand scale, unique layout and richculture. Yian city has a well preserved, scientific planning and reasonablelayout of the city walls and ancient buildings. Moreover, the owner of thecastle is closely related to the history of Chinese Taiwan. The key cultural relicsprotection units at the provincial level are lantingzhen mansion, zhenhaiwei,one of the "four Davids" in the Ming Dynasty, huangdaozhou lecture hall built390 years ago to teach the book of changes, Shigou Tiandi pan, huangdaozhoutomb, Jinjiang tower, a three circle and four story round earth building, andliuao ancient city built 600 years ago and well preserved.



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Danxia mountain (China redstone park), located at shaoguan city, guangdong province ren county and Zhen jiang district, is one of the world geological park, leads to the world heritage nomination, the world natural heritage, etc. Danxia mountain area of 292 square kilometers, is the biggest area of guangdong province, beautiful scenery, predominantly danxia landform landscape scenic area and natural heritage sites, and dinghu mountain, luofu mountain, beautifully as four renowned great mountains in guangdong. Since 1988, danxia mountain successively won the national scenic area, national nature reserve, national geological park, national AAAAA level scenic spots such as the five national brand, ratified in 20xx the first world geological park.

Danxia mountain is one of the world "danxia landform" named after. Danxia mountain consists of more than 680 top flat, steep slope, slow foothill red gravel rock, sages "color such as w, Dan Ming", which are characterized by red cliff danya. According to geologists study: in the world have found more than 1200 danxia landform, danxia mountain is the most typical and the most complete types of modelling development the most abundant, the most scenic danxia landform concentrated distribution area.

China redstone park, danxia mountain, located at shaoguan city, guangdong province ren county, east longitude 113 ° 36 25 "53" to 113 ° 47, north latitude 24 ° 51 48 "between 12 to 25 ° 04". Covers an area of 292 square kilometers, is the biggest area of guangdong province, landscape, the most beautiful scenic spot. Since 1988, danxia mountain successively won the national scenic area, national nature reserve, national geological park, national AAAAA level scenic spots such as the five national brand, on February 13, 20xx, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization approval for the worlds first world geological park.

Danxia mountain is one of the world "danxia landform" named after. Danxia mountain consists of more than 680 top flat, steep slope, slow foothill red gravel rock, sages "color such as w, Dan Ming", which are characterized by red cliff danya. According to geologists study: in the world have found more than 1200 danxia landform, danxia mountain is the most typical and the most complete types of modelling development the most abundant, the most scenic danxia landform concentrated distribution area.

Between 140 million and 70 million, danxia mountain is a large inland basin, affected by the Himalayan orogeny, strong uplift surrounded by mountain, basin to accept a large number of clastic sediments, formed a thick red strata; Around 7000 years ago, the earths crust rise gradually eroded. Since 6 million years ago, the basin occurred many times intermittent rise, average every increase 1 meter ten thousand, fluvial incision erosion at the same time, the red layer is cut into a piece of red mountain danxia group, which is now the danxia mountain.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 11350 字

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. Im veryglad to accompany you today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.

The Great Wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient China. Itstarts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the west, and runsacross the north of China. Winding more than 12000 Li, it is famous for the"Great Wall". It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It iscalled "the longest defensive wall in the world" by experts and scholars.

The first time that China built the Great Wall was in the spring and AutumnPeriod in the 7th century BC, and the earliest country to build the Great Wallwas the state of Chu. The great wall of the state of Chu is called "Fangcheng"in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. Qi was also one ofthe earliest states to build the Great Wall. The great wall of Qi started fromPingyin in Shandong Province in the West and entered the sea in the East. It isthe most preserved site of the Great Wall in the spring and Autumn period.

Qin Shihuang was born in 220 BC__ After the unification of China in 1949,the old Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan was first repaired. At thecost of "building a city of thousands of miles and building a people ofthousands of miles", he began to build the Great Wall, which is more than 7000kilometers long, from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East. Since then,the Great Wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands ofyears of wind, frost, rain and snow.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protectthe newly developed "Silk Road". It has built a great wall of more than 10000kilometers from Lop Nor in Xinjiang in the west to Liaodong in the East. This isalso the longest Great Wall in the history of our country.

After the establishment of Ming Dynasty, it faced the threat of Mongoliaand Jurchen. From the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang, General Xu Da was sent northto build the Great Wall. Until the end of Ming Dynasty, it was overhauled 18times, lasting more than 260 years. Until Hongzhi 20__ In, it was completed fromthe Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. Through Liaoning, Hebei,Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces andautonomous regions. The Great Wall is more than 12700 Li long. And along theGreat Wall is divided into nine defense areas, known as "nine sides and ninetowns". Moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north ofBeijing City, multiple walls were built. These are the Badaling Great Wall wesee now.

The scale of the Great Wall built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties is thelargest compared with other dynasties. So the three construction climaxes inhistory are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

Now, let me introduce the Badaling Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall islocated in Yanqing County, northwest of Beijing. It is the best preservedsection of the Great Wall in Beijing with the best engineering quality and themost rigorous structure. This section of the great wall takes the urn city asthe center, reaching the seventh floor in the South and the twelfth floor in thenorth, with a total length of 4770 meters. It is the only channel leading to theoutside of the Great Wall in Beijing area and the front position of Juyongguan.From here, you can reach Yongning and Sihai in the East, Xuanhua and Datong inthe west, Jingcheng in the south, Yanqing in the north and Badaling in alldirections. Badaling pass was built in 1520__ The city is 7.5 meters high and 4meters thick. There is a plaque on each of the East and West gates, with "JuyongWai Town" in the East and "north gate lock key" in the West. At the entrance ofGuancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5cm, which is called "Shenwei general". Now lets look at the wall of the GreatWall in Badaling. This section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow atthe top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. It consists of four basic structures.1、 City wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. There is aticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. The top can hold 5horses in parallel. Beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf Yantai.It is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composedof the Great Wall defense alarm system.

Whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to conveymilitary information. Burning smoke during the day is called beacon. At night afire is called a flint. And because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smokeis high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called "wolf smoke". Moreover, itwas stipulated in the Ming Dynasty. More than 100 of the invading soldiers lit acigarette and fired a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns,more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers wereinvolved, five cigarettes and five guns.

From Badaling to the south is the famous Xiongguan, Juyong Pass. JuyongPass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrierto the northwest of ancient Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shihuangsconstruction of the Great Wall. That is to say, the prisoners and the people whohave been punished in the palace are caught here to let them build the GreatWall. And lived. Juyongguan was called juyongsai in Han Dynasty and junduguan inSui Dynasty. When it was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, it became the strongestsection of the Ming Great Wall. There are both military headquarters andadministrative organizations here. Juyong Pass in ancient times was also lushwith extraordinary scenery. Juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spotsin Yanjing, refers to this place. In addition, there are many places ofinterest, such as Yang LIULANGs Shuanmazhuang, Mu Guiyings dianjiangtai, andbaifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. Not only that, but also JuyongGuanzhong has a white jade platform, called Yuntai, which was built in 1345.Because there were three Tibetan pagodas built on the stage and the couponsunder the stage, it was originally called "crossing the street pagoda". In theearly Ming Dynasty, the pagoda was destroyed, and then the Taian temple wasbuilt. In the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed again, and now thereare only pillar bases and watchposts. There are also six kinds of seal cuttingscriptures in Sanskrit, Tibetan and basiba on the inner wall, which areimportant objects for studying ancient Chinese characters.

Having said so much, let me tell you a story to relax. The name of thestory is called "Meng Jiangnu crying the Great Wall". Its about Qin Shihuangbuilding the Great Wall. At that time, in order to speed up the project, itbegan to draw civil servants from all over the country. Meng Jiangnus husband,fan Qiliang, was also transferred to build the Great Wall soon after herwedding.

In the twinkling of an eye, three years later, fan Qiliang never heard fromhim. Meng Jiangnu couldnt eat well and sleep well. Suddenly, one night. MengJiangnu had a dream that her husband was hungry and cold, and his clothes didntcover her body. She kept shouting "Im cold, Im hungry!" Meng Jiangnu woke upand decided to go to her husband, and brought him dry food and warm clothes. Allthe way along the Great Wall in search of his husband. She went to Shanhaiguanto find out that many people had died to build the Great Wall. Her husband, fanQiliang, was also tired to death and buried under the Great Wall. This news islike a bolt from the blue, Meng Jiangnu immediately began to cry, crying earthshaking, sections of the great wall collapsed, eight hundred miles long. Now theproject manager was in a hurry to report to Qin Shihuang who was coming here toinspect the progress of the project. The first emperor of Qin sent someone toarrest Meng Jiangnu to find out the reason. After seeing her, Qin Shihuang wasfascinated by her beauty and insisted on calling her "empress Zhenggong".Although Meng Jiangnu was full of anger, she still held down her hatred and hadan idea. She had to ask Qin Shihuang to agree to her three conditions before shecould become the "Empress of the palace". The first is to find the body of hishusband fan Qiliang; the second is to hold a state funeral for his husband; andthe third is to ask the first emperor of Qin to wear mourning and flag for fanQiliang. After listening to the three conditions proposed by Meng Jiangnu, thefirst emperor of Qin thought for a moment. In order to get the beautiful MengJiangnu, he insisted. Meng Jiangnu, wearing filial piety, paid homage to thetomb of fan Zhaliang, who died for the construction of the city. Her longcherished wish was fulfilled. Facing the rolling Bohai Sea, she jumped up andthrew herself into the sea.

At the end of the story, do you think Qin Shihuang is fatuous andoverbearing? Lets ignore him first. Start climbing the great wall and be ahero!!
















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黄崖关长城黄崖关长城有楼台20座,八卦关城1座,正关楼1座,寨堡1座。黄崖关城建筑特色鲜明,构成了完整的防御工事体系 。包括城墙和东西南北四座城门楼。南城门楼上镌“黄崖口关”,北城门楼上书“黄崖正关” ,城墙上建有“北极阁”,也叫“玄武庙”。关城内的街道就是著名的“八卦街”,也叫“八卦迷魂阵”,用丁头错位死巷、活巷组合而成,易进而难出。关城之外建有圆状空心敌楼,为著名的凤凰楼。从此向南则是横跨泃河的黄崖水关;向西是以长城边墙、和王峁顶峰燧为主要内容的长城高山游览区;向东则是太平寨长城游览区,这里有引人注目的方形敌楼,名为“寡妇楼”,山巅之上还筑有一个黑色的圆形石楼,为北齐天保年间所建的北齐敦台。



















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1673 字

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The "51" section, I play with mom and dad go to changsha, big aunt. In theevening, we went to the riverside sight for a walk and play.

Just to the sight, a wide bright river caught my eye. "Wow! Noah cruise!Can eat, sleep and play inside!" My fathers eyes flashing dazzling light. Ilooked over at: cruise ships lined with regular level, each layer with a light,crowded, noisy, really enviable!

The river is more interesting. River water wave ripples, rolling, roll upgently, like a small fish play with joy.

The most compelling is that a row of light on the bridge. The light is verydifferent. Inscribed with many of the verses of the poet, the content changedfrom time to time and the head of the poet can see clearly. Such Settings arebeautiful and elegant, make a trip to visit the people side of the whileenjoying the famous poem.

There are many rockery. Rockery is very realistic, modelling is coloredlights illuminate the delicate small pavilion, all sorts of color of the tree...It is a beautiful park. People comfortable to sit in the pavilion, a rockery onthe lush, green trees and bright, breathing the fresh air of kawakazebrings.

Some people walked on the road, stop-start, talk with joy; Some people aresinging, dancing, dancing; Some people sat on the stool, do nothing, comfortablerest; Others move, dont you let me, I wont let you.

Walking on the road, sitting on the edge, on everyones face is relaxedsmile. Beautiful sight let people enjoy a comfortable life. Changsha people livein the beautiful changsha! Enjoying the beautiful sight landscape, dad taught mea new word: peaceful country and safe people. Oh, this is called the peacefulcountry and safe people!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 938 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 834 字

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Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in theworld-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north watertransfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD.Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to "givepriority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously" strategic planning,with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity,investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a gradescenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in "water culture and Buddhismculture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture" as the main content,set "ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature", asone of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 497 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 401 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 787 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1356 字

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Erhai Lake is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It isthe second largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. It is long and narrow.The lake water is clear and transparent. It has been called "the flawless jadeamong the mountains" since ancient times. It is one of the four scenic spots ofDali.

It is said that the shape of Erhai Lake is like an ear, so it is known as"Plateau Pearl". Looking down from the sky, Erhai Lake is like a new moon, lyingquietly between Cangshan and Dali Bazi. Boating in Erhai Lake gives people apoetic and picturesque mood of "boat floating in the blue waves, people swimmingin the paintings".

Erhai Park is a good place to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan Erhai Lake.There are three islands, four continents, five lakes and nine curves in thelake. Three islands: Jinsuo Island, Chiwen island and tianer island; fourcontinents: qingsabi, daguanchu, Yuanyang and Malian; five lakes: Nantang lake,Beitang lake, Lianzhu lake, Longhu Lake and Bozhou Lake; nine tunes: Lianhua,Daji, Puji, Fengyi, luoelbow, Niujiao, boyin and Gaoyan.

There are many beautiful bays in Erhai Lake, among which Haidong Bay,diaosewan, kanglang Bay and Shuanglang Bay are larger. Especially the "threeislands" in the lake make Erhai Lake more beautiful. Dali "Fenghuaxueyue" fourscenes: xiaguanfeng, shangguanhua, Cangshan snow, Erhai moon.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2598 字

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Taking a breath of the fresh air after the rain, we drove West fromPingliang City for more than ten kilometers and finally came to Kongtongmountain, which is known as "the first mountain in the west". Looking up at themountains, layers of trees for the mountains covered with spring new clothes,rolling mountains such as green waves rolling. Several pavilions and pavilionsare on the cliff, where the ancient trees are towering, adding a bit of simpleand exquisite cultural landscape to the mountain.

All the way up the mountain, we enjoy the perfect masterpiece of nature.You see, all kinds of trees grow on both sides of the path. Some of them havebecome towering trees; some of them are just small saplings with a few tenderleaves; some of them have straight trunks and straight crowns; some of them havecrooked branches, like a hunched old man. The grass and flowers swing with thewind, as if to welcome the arrival of distant visitors. We passed a path pavedwith cobblestones and came to the bottom of a straight and high stone step. Ilook up, what a long ladder! Its just like leading to the sky. No wonder itscalled "ladder to heaven". I cheer myself up and go up. But just halfway up, Iwas out of breath. The moss in the stone cracks on the stairs is so slipperythat my feet are a little disobedient. Its a dilemma to look down and up. Icant help it. I finally got on the ladder of heaven. After all, where there isa will, there is a way!

Encouraged by the singing of birds all the way, we climbed the Kongtongmountain. The joy of success filled my heart. "Shasha..." The breeze blowing thelush trees in the mountains, this wonderful sound and the clear bird song likedew together play a vibrant nature Concerto. The first feeling of climbingKongtong mountain is so wonderful that my mood is as bright as the sunshine.Looking down at the foot of the mountain, there are many peaks and cliffsstanding up. It seems that the mountains are smiling at me. Vast forest, smokecage fog lock, such as ethereal fairyland. However, the green of the mountainsgives people a very different aesthetic feeling: deep green, fresh green, livelygreen crisscross together, woven into a soft blanket. In the middle of themountains, there is a vast lake, which is pure, elegant and intoxicating. Greenboat lakeside, sporadic a few Qionglouyuyu, appears more elegant and quiet, fullof poetic. This lake is called tanzheng lake. Its ethereal. A melodious tunecomes from the pavilion and lingers in my ears. This beautiful Kongtong mountainreally makes me feel the wonderful feeling of "people swimming inpaintings".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1771 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3999 字

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大家好! 欢迎来到千岛湖 ,我是陈导游。今天我带领大家游览的是美丽的千岛湖,千岛湖被誉为“东方的日内瓦”,以众多美丽的岛屿和渔业闻名。千岛湖的美景很多,不过我们今天主要观看蛇岛和湖上著名的巨网捕鱼,希望我能陪大家度过开心的一天!


























