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长城导游词 长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里,所以又被统称为“万里长城”。



各位游客们, 我们脚下的方砖、扶着的条石,一块就有两三千斤重,那时没有火车、汽车,就靠劳动人民无数的肩膀,一步一步地抬上去。多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头、后不见尾的万里长城,所以我们要好好爱护它。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5855 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! After visiting the ancient city of Dali, we have apreliminary experience of the profound cultural landscape here. Now we go toenjoy Cangshan and Erhai Lake and enjoy the beauty of Dalis landscape.

First of all, we go to Erhai Park by yacht. Erhai Park, also known asTuanshan Park, is located in Tuanshan, 2km northeast of Xiaguan city. It facesErhai Lake in the north and Xieyang peak in the south of Cangshan Mountain inthe West. During the Nanzhao Kingdom, this was the kings deer garden. In 1976,it was newly established as a park, covering an area of more than 1600 mu. Thereare zoos and nursery flower beds on the mountain, and all kinds of famousflowers in Dali area are widely planted. It is a good place to rest andvisit.

Now the boat has arrived at the long seawall of Erhai Park. We leave theboat and go ashore. This is the coastal tourist area at the foot of Tuanshan. Weclimb up 270 stone steps and reach the top of the mountain. You can see that thepavilion with the cornice is Wanghai tower. Under the eaves, there is a plaque,which reads "yuer yincang", with gold characters on the black background,vigorous and elegant. It is the work of Wu Zuoren, a famous Chinese painter.Wanghai tower is a wonderful place to appreciate the "silver Cang of yuer". Youcan see the vast Erhai Lake in the East and the vast expanse of green water inthe West.

Dear friends, lets board the boat again and travel in Erhai Lake. Butfirst I want to introduce Cangshan. Previously, we were in Dali City, on theroad at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, and we didnt have a good view ofCangshan Mountain. Just as the ancients said, "I dont know the true face ofLushan Mountain, only because I am in the mountain"; in the Wanghai tower ofErhai Park, I can only see the end of Cangshan Mountain from a slantingperspective. Now, with the cruise going on, is Cangshan more real in our eyes?Some people say that Hengduan Mountain is like a giant arm, stretching southwardfrom Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world", to Western Yunnan. Cangshan is abranch of Yunling, one of the worlds famous mountains.

Cangshan Mountain, also known as Diancangshan mountain, is named because ofits green color and white top. There are 19 peaks in Cangshan. The order of the19 peaks from north to south is yunnong, Canglang, Wutai, Lianhua, Baiyun,Heyun, Sanyang, Lanfeng, snowman, yingle, Guanyin, Zhonghe, Longquan, Yuju,Malong, Shengying, Fuding, Maer and Xieyang. Among the 19 peaks, Malong peak isthe highest, with an altitude of 4122 meters. There are 19 peaks in CangshanMountain, two peaks with a stream, a total of 18 streams; the stream flowseastward and flows into Erhai Lake, and the 18 streams are arranged from northto South: Xiayi, Wanhua, Yangxi, mangyong, Jinxi, Lingquan, Baishi, Shuangyuan,Yinxian, Meixi, Taoxi, Zhongxi, Lvyu, Longxi, Qingbi, mocan, tingpeng andYangnan.

Cangshan Mountain is famous for its snow, cloud, spring and stone. Let mefirst introduce the snow in Cangshan. Cangshan snow is the most famous sceneryin Dali. The snow covered Cangshan Mountain is full of praise from the literatiand the Mohists in the past dynasties, as well as folklore. Li Yuanyang, alitterateur of Ming Dynasty, once praised: "RI Li, Cangshan snow, Yaotai 19peaks".

Cangshans clouds are even more famous. Clouds gather and disperse,sometimes as light as smoke, sometimes as thick as ink. Among the changeableclouds, the most magical are "Wangfu cloud" and "Yudai cloud". The so-called"Wangfu cloud" means that every winter and spring, a lonely cloud often appearson the top of Cangshan Yuju peak, which is full of ambition, fluttering up anddown, looking forward and looking forward. The strange thing is that as soon asit appears, there will be a storm in Diancangshan, blowing towards Erhai Lake.The so-called "jade belt cloud" refers to that every time in the late summer andearly autumn, when it is sunny after rain, white clouds often appear in themid-19th peak of Cangshan Mountain. The clouds gather and slowly pull apart,just like a white jade belt across the green hillside. It stretches for tens ofmiles, but it never dissipates. Whats wonderful is that "jade belt cloud" canforetell a good harvest in agriculture: it appears many times, and it was ingood weather that year. The local Bai people have a farming proverb: "Cangshanis a jade belt, hungry dogs eat white rice.".

Cangshan spring is also very famous. There are many glacial moraines andlakes at the top of the 19th peak, which is more than 3800 meters above sealevel. These are left by Quaternary glaciers. There are also the streams of theeighteen streams, waterfalls and springs, which flow all the year round.Nourished by the pure and sweet spring water, Cangshan is full of vitality. Onthe Bank of the moraine lake, there are many primeval forests, many rare treesand exotic flowers. In particular, we should tell you that Cangshans flowershave long been famous, and it also makes Cangshan famous all over the world.American professor Luo Lancaster once said: "more than one million people in theUnited States know about Cangshan Mountain in Dali, Yunnan, China, because theyall grow many beautiful azaleas from Cangshan Mountain in Dali."

Cangshans stone is famous at home and abroad. Guo Moruo wrote a poem onmarble: "the three pagodas are high and ancient, thinking about Zhenguan year.Cangshan rhymes with wind and moon, and strange stones spit clouds and smoke.Phase in the heart, cool elbow armpit. Tiangong is the representative of humanresources, and overseas competition is precious. "

Cangshan breeds marble, which is the soul of Cangshan. This kind ofmagnificent stone is found in many parts of the world. Dudali is the mostbeautiful one, and it was founded early. Therefore, all these stones are called"marble" all over the world, and "Dali" is also famous for its stones.



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Hengshan is a subtropical monsoon humid climate with long frost free periodand short freezing period. It has the characteristics of cool summer and coldwinter, abundant rainfall, foggy and windy, and obvious vertical temperaturechange. Good natural conditions have created Hengshans characteristic landscapeof no mountain, no tree, no place, no green. There are more than 600 familiesand 1700 kinds of trees in Hengshan Mountain. The scenic forest area is 300000mu, the primary secondary forest area is 57000 mu, and the forest coverage rateis more than 80%. Accompanied by the rare wild animals such as Caragana, bamboopheasant, big headed turtle, etc., Hengshan Mountain can be called a naturaltreasure house of biological resources!

Hengshan rises abruptly from the southern Hunan basin, forming a sharpcontrast with the surrounding areas, and also contributing to many wonderful andpeculiar climate landscapes. Hengshan scenery is known as "Four Seas", namelysea of flowers, forest, cloud and snow. The four seasons scenery of Hengshan ischaracterized by flowers in spring, clouds in summer, sun in autumn and snow inwinter. Among them, Hengshan cloud is worth mentioning. "Hengshan cloud,Huangshan pine" has been talked about by people since ancient times. Hengshansclouds change at four oclock, spring clouds are covered together, summer cloudsare like feathers, autumn clouds are like waterfalls, and winter clouds are likeink; In the early morning or evening, the mountain wind blows through the pineforest, carrying layers of clouds to the visitors. The sound of the pines isfaint and frightening. But as soon as they arrive, they turn into countlessgossamers and float away, which makes people feel depressed. No wonder theancients once sighed that "the sea of clouds sways my heart"!

The beauty of Hengshan lies in the forest and the culture. Nanyue is atreasure house of Chinese culture, known as the "civilized Olympic area". Thereare many historical records of emperors, princes and dignitaries coming here toworship in the past dynasties, especially the visits of scholars, scholars andscholars. They set up steles, built ancestral temples, visited ancient times,recited poems and wrote Fu, which left Hengshan precious material and spiritualwealth, and also made Hengshan a famous mountain of Huxiang culture.

If we say that Buddhism makes Hengshan as bright as the moon, Buddhismmakes Nanyue as bright as the sun. In the southern and Northern Dynasties,during the reign of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, from 502 to 519A.D., monk Huihai went down from the Northern Wei Dynasty, preached at the footof Lianhua peak, and built Fangguang temple for the first time. Since then,Buddhism has been handed down to Nanyue. Later, master Xi Dun and master Hai Yincame to Hengshan to preach. In 567 A.D., the first year of Chen Guangda in theSouthern Dynasty, monk Huisi built a Prajna Buddhist temple in Hengshan topublicize Buddhism, making Buddhism officially take charge of Hengshan. FromChen Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has been widely developed in Hengshanfrom Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. Huisi and Zhixu created Tiantai Sect,huairang created Nanyue sect, xiqian passed on Qingyuan sect, chuyuankaiHuanglong sect, huinankai Yangqi sect, Chengyuan sect, fazhao sect and Huikaisect all took place in Nanyue Mountain. In particular, under the vigorouspromotion of famous monks such as huairang, xiqian, Mazu, Daowu, Weiyan, andnature, Zen Buddhism has successively derived five sects, namely Linji, caodong,Yunmen, fayan, and Jiyang, which spread throughout the country and even inKorea, Japan and other overseas areas. It is a grand sight and is known as "fiveleaves and one flower" in the history of Buddhism.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 510 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1439 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors, but please dont litter in the process of play.

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is qin shihuang PeiZangKeng, consisting of one, two, three, pit, today has been built museum, the Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into general figurines, figurines of knight, terracotta warriors, TaoMa etc... Here, the museum also exhibited large coloured drawing or pattern is called the eighth wonder of the world showed the qin Terra Cotta Warriors GuChangAn old glory.

The biggest area in three pits at the no. 1 pit, the pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors are the most, there are more than six thousand. Look! This is general figurines, it Dai He strapping head crown, dressed in armor, sword in hand, a thoughtful, it seemed to be thinking about how to defeat an enemy.

The terracotta warriors, the warriors are it is wearing a shirt, wear armor, feet still in front tip-tilted war boots, weapons in hand, look at the way its air, would have scared the shit out of the enemy.

The wearing armor, is riding a horse youth, is the cavalry, armed with bows and arrows, it seems to be waiting for the general commanded, do try to fight with the enemy.

The terracotta warriors is TaoMa, its size and true horse, almost in every form, muscle plump, see their appearance, it seems to be commanded, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

Todays explanation here, I wish you all can have a good time here.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1888 字

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My hometown is in the beautiful Ningbo, which is a coastal city with a longhistory and developed economy.

There are sweet and sour red bayberry, juicy Fenghua peach, delicious newyear cake, fragrant dumplings and seafood.

Historical sites include the Ming Dynastys private library "TianyiPavilion", which has a splendid stage and thousands of ancient books. Someancient books you cant even find a second one in the whole world. There arealso drum towers that are still well preserved, on which there is a huge clock,which tirelessly tells people the time every day and rings the bell for peopleto make progress; there are Tianfeng pagodas built in the Tang Dynasty, whichhave four floors underground, in which there are valuable treasures; There isalso the Baoguo temple built in the Qing Dynasty, in which there is a woodenBuddhist hall with complex and exquisite structure. Even spiders cant weavewebs in it, and mice dare not go in. There are also Tiantong temple, Asokatemple and other places of interest.

Come to the busy street, the long road, a car come and go, stream. The tallbuildings are almost to the top of the sky. Come to the shopping mall TianyiSquare, there are all kinds of goods in it. If anyone goes in, he will come outwith a big bag of clothes. Tianyi Square is surrounded by music fountains ofdifferent shapes, and the square is surrounded by colorful beauties, likegraceful beauties. There is a big screen in the middle of the square, which isplaying animation. In the evening, the square lights up, each fountain isflashing colorful lights, playing moving music. Ningbo also has a piano bridgelike a lyre. Cars come and go on the bridge like playing wonderful music.Qinqiao is also connected with beautiful Haishu and tidy Jiangdong.

There are so many places of interest in Ningbo, and there are more materialgoods. I love my beautiful and prosperous hometown Ningbo.



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长城,它东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,总长一万三千多里。长城历史悠久,最早可追朔到战国时期,各国为相互防御,就在地势险要之处修筑长城。秦始皇统一中国后,为防御外敌入侵,就连接了所有的长城。我们现在所看到的就是明代的长城。长城不仅历史悠久,关于它的故事也有很多。其中“孟姜女哭长城”的 故事尤为感人。当年秦始皇为修建长城到处抓壮丁,孟姜女的丈夫范杞梁就是其中之一。范杞梁离开家乡一年多的时间,一点消息也没有,于是孟姜女千里寻夫,历经了千辛万苦终于来到长城脚下,却获知丈夫已死的消息,悲痛欲绝的孟姜女放声大哭,她的哭声惊天动地,长城轰然倒塌800里。





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Hello, Im Yi Huiqian, the guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call meXiaoqian. Today, I will show you around the island road, a famous scenic spot inXiamen. As the saying goes, "its a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."Im honored to meet you and accompany you to visit Xiamen. I will try my best tomake you understand the scenic spots and our beautiful coastal city Xiamen

Members of the group, our car is now driving on Xiamen Island Road. Theroad is 43 km long, 44-60 m wide, with 6 lanes in both directions, 18-24 mmotorway, 80-100 m green belt and 200 m in some sections. Huandao Road is one ofthe main scenic roads around the sea in Xiamen. There is also a great spectacleon the road around the island sculpture works. These works show the runningposture of the marathon runners, which has become an important scenic spot onthe road around the island. Today, I would like to focus on the famous musicsculpture. The content of the sculpture is that some people are familiar withmusic. This song is the score of the famous song of Gulangyu. Its total lengthis 247.79 meters, and the score of this song is in 20___ It was listed as thelongest five line musical sculpture in the Guinness World in November.

Well, dear group friends, this is the end of todays trip. I hope you canbe satisfied with our service, and also hope you will come back to Xiamen, abeautiful coastal city. Thank you and have a good time!



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Sand Lake is a paradise for birds. There are 98 species of birds in 24families, 11 orders. Among them, there are national first-class protected birds:Great Bustard, Chinese merganser, white tailed sea eagle and black stork. Thereare 14 species of birds under the second level protection of the state, such asthe Yellow River, pelican, swan, white goose, mandarin duck, grey crane andHeron. Brief introduction of Shahu scenic spot in Ningxia

Shahu reed has thin skin, long section and good toughness. After carefuldesign, we can create artistic products with unique shape and elegant taste. Theprocess of reed painting is complex. First of all, we need to cut the tip of thereed, then untie the reed, remove the knot, peel, plane the pulp, soak andflatten it, then draw, write and carve on the reed according to the patterndrawn in advance, and finally use an electric iron to make different colorsaccording to the needs. When making sculpture, we should make full use of thedirection of reed fiber to make the pattern clear and vivid. In some reedpaintings reflecting the scenery of Shahu Lake, the artistic conception isbeautiful, the meaning is infinite, lifelike and exquisite.

Sweet and sour Yellow River carp is a delicious dish with bright color,beautiful shape and tender inside. The preparation method is as follows: first,remove the scales of the Yellow River carp, cut the abdomen, remove the viscera,and wash it; then cut the fish back into oblique knife patterns, wrap it withyellow paste, deep fry it in oil pan until golden yellow, pick it up and put iton a plate, and pour it with pre cooked sweet and sour sauce.

On April 27, 1997, bainiao Park was officially opened to tourists, with aninvestment of more than 3 million yuan and an area of 1090 square meters. Ofcourse, it is mainly composed of migratory birds. The incubation period of birdsis from April to June every year, and the breeding period is from July toAugust. During this period, the number of birds is up to one million. Thisbirdwatching platform can accommodate hundreds of people. It is equipped withthe most advanced high-power telescope in China to provide a first-classenvironment for birdwatching First class facilities, first class service.



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The humble administrators garden in suzhou in jiangsu Lou door. Is one of the four great ancient gardens in suzhou. Early as the tang dynasty poet Liu Guimeng house, yuan for the macro temple. MingZhengDe years with empire Wang Xianchen resign home, buy temple, transformed into home garden, pan yue, and borrow the jin dynasty "heir ju fu" : "...... and this is compensated with the force of the government "semantics, take" compensated "2 words for YuanMing. In 1860 ~ 1863 was part of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong wang fu. Opening to the outside world in 1954.

Humble administrators garden, garden, east park, west park in three parts.

East park and mountain pool, adorned with Shu incense pavilion, LanXueTang construction, etc. Western water circuitous, compact layout, mountain built pavilions, main architecture of the mandarin duck hall was the garden owner treating guests and listen to music, display hall. Sunny day by indoor looking at outside through the blue glass window scenery is like a piece of snow. Garden "sit with who xuan" is fan pavilion, sector on both sides of the real open two fan empty window on the wall, one of the "mandarin duck hall", and then the window and just reflected in the aspects of mountain Dai li kiosks, into the mountain, and dai li pavilion of exactly match into a complete fan. "Sit with who, the bright moon, the wind, I", so the sight of plaques, will think of su dongpo, and immediately felt here can enjoy the water of the month, is affected by the wind of the great.

In the humble administrators garden is the best part of the overall layout for the center with pool, pavilions are built by the water, some TingXie is straight out of the water, has the characteristic of jiangnan. Body building hong tong in south bank pool, on the other side of the pool and observe things two mountain island, the water clear, broad mind lotus, tree-lined everywhere on the island, mountain water bank vines mixed and disorganized, two mountain valleys panel has a little bridge, mountain to build a pavilion on the island, west of snow YunWeiTing, east to be frost pavilion, the four seasons scenery because of time inconsistency. Far to the west of hong tongs "lean on jade xuan" with the west ship matter form "xiangzhou", is relatively and both its northern "Dutch wind all pavilion" into the potential of the tripartite confrontation, can with the potential of the reward. Lean on jade porch west of a southern song deep water bay in the house, there are three ShuiGe "small" blue waves, the north of it covered Bridges "small flying" disjunctive space, form a quiet water, and xiangzhou bay is located in the monohydrate on both sides of the mouth. The layout of the humble administrators garden in the garden on lotus pond, far hong tong as its main body construction, two islands as its main feature in the pool, and other buildings are mostly over the water surface To far hong tong, from the point of building name, is mostly related to the lotus. Wang Xianchen are touted to lotus, mainly to express his exclusive group of noble character. This garden is given priority to with water, the water accounts for three 5 of buildings by the water, keep the clear and the landscape of of primitive simplicity style of Ming dynasty, is the representative works of the jiangnan gardens in our country. On December 4, 1997, included in the "world heritage list".



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其中最负盛名的是中国道教名山三清山,20xx年被联合国教科文组织批准为“世界自然遗产”。 成为中国第七个、江西唯一一个世界自然遗产。三清山因玉京、玉虚、玉华三峰“如三清列坐其巅”而得名。是国家级风景名胜区。从三清山的名字上就可以看出,三清山这是一座道教名山,素有“江南第一仙峰”的美誉。








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13888 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildingsin Jiangnan.

Yueyang Tower is a national key cultural relic protection unit and one ofthe first batch of national 4A tourist areas. The landscape characteristics ofYueyang Tower can be summarized into four aspects. First, it has a long history.Yueyang Tower, formerly known as Yuejun tower built by Lu Su, was built in the19th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 220__) and was namedYueyang Tower in the 2nd year of Qianyuan in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 759). It hasthe longest history among the three famous buildings in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

Second, the scenery is unique. Yueyang Tower is composed of river, lake,mountain and city. "Baling Sheng shape, a trace in the Dongting, the title ofthe distant mountains, swallow the Yangtze River, vast, boundless horizontal,morning and evening Yin, magnificent." The poet Du QinYong said: "the vast snowwaves with smoke, the sky and the West back painting, the building is verybeautiful scenery, a mountain nine lake." Yueyang Tower is a marvelous praisefor its geographical shape. It is strong with water, beautiful with mountainsand better than Jiangnan in shape. Third, it has a profound culture. YueyangTower poetry anthology contains more than a few famous works, a large number ofcouplets, plaques, paintings and inscriptions, most of which are permeated withthe "sense of hardship" of the Chinese nation. _In Du Fus "climbing the YueyangTower", he said, "I heard the Dongting water in the past, but now Im going tothe Yueyang Tower. In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth float dayand night. Family and friends have no word, old and sick have their own boat.The army passes the mountain north, depending on the Xuan tears Si flow Hisconcern for the prison and the people is beyond expression. Fan Zhongyans"Yueyang Tower" is the development of this excellent tradition to the peak. Thephilosophy of "not to be happy with things, not to be sad with yourself", Atthat time, Su Dongpo expressed his emotion that "although it is not easy for asage to rise again", which Liu Shaoqi introduced as the criterion for thecultivation of Communist Party members, Hu Yaobang praised as thecrystallization of traditional Chinese virtues. It is indeed the most preciouscultural relics of Chinese spiritual civilization. Among the three famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, only Yueyang Tower is a nationalcultural relic with historical, artistic and scientific value. The Yueyang Towernow seen is a pure wood structure. It was overhauled in 1983 according to theprinciple of "keeping the old as it is". It has four columns, three floors,cornices and helmet top. The whole building is made of wood without a brick or anail. The door joints are mortise and tenon. The workmanship is very exquisite.In history, Yueyang Tower has been destroyed and repaired for more than 50times. Friends, this couplet in front of the door, "Dongting Tianxia water,Yueyang Tianxia tower", is extracted from the five character quatrains of WeiYunzhen, a poet of the Ming Dynasty. The last two sentences of this poem are"who is the scholar in the world, drinking on the top of the building." Today,you are going to be the corporal of the day. Lets enjoy the profound YueyangTower culture and the magnificent mountains and rivers of Yueyang with Dongtingas the wine. Maybe you will be as drunk as Li Bai.

On the wall of Baling ancient city, the "Xiaoxiang archway in the SouthPole" and the "Wuxia archway in the north" were built in the Qing Dynasty. Thecouplets of chanting scenery in the two places are all written by famousartists. In the north of the ancient times, he Shaoji, a great calligrapher ofthe Qing Dynasty, wrote couplets, and Li duo, a famous calligrapher of thecontemporary era. In the south, Zhang Zhao, who wrote Yueyang Tower in the QingDynasty, and Liu Haisu, a contemporary master of calligraphy and painting, wrotethe couplet. From then on, we can see that Yueyang Tower was loved by literatiof all ages.

Now in front of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characters of "YueyangTower" on the horizontal plaque were inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo, and now it hasbeen compiled into the book named plaque of Zhongjun. Yueyang Tower is 2135mhigh, 1724m wide and 14.56m deep. Three story three eaves, helmet top type woodstructure, covered with yellow glazed tiles. The helmet top is a prominentfeature of Yueyang Tower. You can see that it looks like the helmet of anancient general. It is powerful and majestic. With cornices, it has smoothcurves and gives people a sense of power. Looking at the Ruyi Dougong under thehelmet top, it looks like a beehive. It is decorated with dragon head, phoenixhead and cloud head. It not only supports the gravity of the helmet top, butalso makes the whole building more exquisite, solemn and harmonious. The top ofthe roof, ridge ornaments, head up and other components are all ceramic productsleft over from the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Yueyang Tower has madeamazing achievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology.

When you enter the main building, the first thing you see is the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. Asmentioned above, the name of Yueyang Tower was only used in the Tang Dynasty. Atthat time, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Li Shangyin and other talented personagesand poets came one after another. They look out from the cantharidin tower, goboating in Dongting, and write hard. In his poem "climbing Yueyang Tower withXia 12", Li Bai described it as follows: "the tower views Yueyang as far aspossible, and the Sichuan Dongting opens. The wild goose leads the sorrowfulheart to go, the mountain holds the good month to come. Even stay in the clouds,the sky line cup. After getting drunk, the cool wind blows and the people danceLi Shangyin, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, also wrote the poem Yueyang Tower:"if you want to get rid of your worries, you can go to Yueyang Tower on DongtingLake. Its a pity that thousands of Li can take advantage of the prosperity.Its a dragons solution to the shipwreck. " The Yueyang Tower became more andmore famous because of these new words.

However, it was after Teng Zijing rebuilt Yueyang Tower and Fan Zhongyanwrote Yueyang Tower. In the fourth year of Qingli period, Ying Zijing wasdemoted to be the governor of Yuezhou. After he took office, he organized threemajor events: first, building a rainbow dike under the Yueyang Tower to defendthe waves of Dongting Lake; second, setting up a county school to cultivatetalents; third, rebuilding the Yueyang tower. Teng Zijing has both literarytalent and military strategy. He thinks that "it is not long for Louguan to becalled a reporter by writing, and the writing is not written by those who aretalented and powerful.". So he thought of his friend Fan Zhongyan, who was aJinshi in the same middle school. He wrote a Book of Qiuji, which introduced thestructure and momentum of Yueyang Tower after it was revised. He poured out hiseagerness to ask Fan Zhongyan to write a record. He also asked someone to draw apicture of autumn evening in Dongting, which copied the poems and Odes ofYueyang Tower chanted by famous scholars of all ages. He sent people to FanZhongyans demoted residence day and night It is located in Dengzhou. FanZhongyan was a famous statesman, litterateur and militarist in the Northern SongDynasty. Like Wei Zijing, he was rejected and attacked because he advocated theinnovation of politics. After receiving the letter from Teng Zijing, he read itrepeatedly and thought about it carefully, and finally wrote the famous story ofYueyang Tower. Although the full text of this article is only 368 words, it hasbroad content, profound philosophy, majestic momentum, sonorous language andpearly words. It has become a masterpiece for thousands of years. However, thesaying "first worry about the world, and then joy about the world" has become afamous saying handed down from generation to generation, and has become theaccumulation of the noble personality culture of the outstanding knowledge ofthe Chinese nation. The story of Yueyang Tower, with its supreme content andartistic charm, has been handed down for thousands of years and nourishedpeoples hearts. After receiving Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower, Teng Zijing wasoverjoyed. He immediately asked Su Zimei, a great calligrapher, to write it andShao Songhui, a famous sculptor, to engrave it on a wooden plaque. As a result,Lou, Ji, calligraphy and sculpture are collectively known as the "four wonders".Unfortunately, the sculpture was destroyed in the fire during the reign ofemperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty. The screen we see now is written by ZhangZhao, a famous calligrapher and Minister of the Ministry of punishment in theQianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

The whole building is supported by four big nanmu columns. It runs from thebottom of the building to the top of the building, and then uses 12 gold pillarsas the inner ring to support the second floor. Around it, 20 wooden pillars areused to control the door joints and tenons, and connect them as a whole. Thewhole Yueyang Tower is of pure wood structure, and no iron nail can be found. Onthe first floor, there are couplets chanting Yueyang Tower by ancient and modernmasters. The one in the middle of the hall is the longest of the couplets. Thefirst couplet begins with "whats strange on the first floor", listing theachievements and legends of poets, famous Confucians, virtuous officials andwine immortals left in Yueyang Tower, expressing the authors regret for thepast and the present; the second couplet introduces the famous mountains andrivers, the magnificent and dangerous city of baling. If you write down thiscouplet, you will have a general understanding of Yueyang Tower.

A carved screen of Yueyang Tower is hung on the front of the second floor.There is a story circulating here. During the reign of Daoguang in the QingDynasty, a magistrate surnamed Wu came to Yueyang. He took a fancy to the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, and bribed a master of folk art carving with a largesum of money to make another carved screen. Taking advantage of the opportunityof being transferred out of Yueyang, Wuzhi county took advantage of theopportunity to steal the beam and change the column, and fled on a stormy nightwith the carved screen of Jiaxiao and Zhang Zhao. The boat was overturned in thejiumazui section of Dongting Lake by wind and waves, and the carved screen sankto the bottom of the lake. It was salvaged by local fishermen and collected byWu Minshu, a local scholar. After 120 silver from the hands of Wus descendantswill screen back. During the cultural revolution, the red guards wanted to smashthe feudal carved screen. In order to protect it, the workers covered thewriting with plaster and wrote Chairman Maos poems. In this way, the carvedscreen escaped another disaster. This one and the one on the first floor areboth true and false, just like the list of merits and demerits.

The third floor is the top floor of Yueyang Tower. Looking from the window,you can appreciate the majestic momentum of "holding the distant mountains andswallowing the Yangtze River" and enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes andmountains, which is "the same color of water and sky, boundless wind and moon".Signed "Changgeng libaishu". When we stand on the third floor and look out fromthe window, we can see that the water and sky of Dongting Lake are united, theclear wind and the moon are boundless, and the mountains and lakes are all onthe first floor. Isnt the feeling that "the water and the sky are united, thewind and the moon are boundless"?

In the middle is the strip screen of Deng Yueyang Tower written by Du Fu inMao Zedongs handwriting. You can see that it has rigorous layout, bold andunrestrained brushwork, iron and silver hook, vigorous and straight, which isdeeply rooted in huaisus wild grass style, and has its own style. This is arare art treasure, hanging here, making Yueyang Tower even more icing on thecake.

Out of the Yueyang Tower is the three drunk Pavilion, which is the place toworship Lu Xian. Lu Dongbin used medicine to save people and did good deeds. Hewas deeply respected by the people. In addition, he was named "Fuyou emperor" bythe emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He was one of the five northern ancestors ofTaoism. Yueyang Tower was built with yellow glazed tiles specially used by theemperors in feudal times as the place where LV Xian stopped. Why is Lu Xian soprominent in Yueyang? It turns out that there are anecdotes about Lu Xian in theannals of Yueyangs prefectures and counties, saying that he had drunk with TengZijing, played chess with Wang Taishou, the national chess player, and stoppedQiao Taishous sedan chair when he was drunk. In particular, Zhizhou Li Guan notonly records the origin of LV Xiantings story, but also includes two poems byLV Xian. At that time, they were carved in front of Yueyang Tower with hugestones. One of them is "when you travel to the north, the dusk of Cangwu, thecourage of the green snake in your sleeve, when you are drunk in Yueyang, youcant recognize it, and you can fly over Dongting Lake with langyin." The nameof sanzui Pavilion comes from this poem.

Finally, visit Yueyang Tower culture and Art Center. There are not only thecarved screen of Yueyang Tower written by the famous calligraphers Mi Fu, ZhuYunming, Dong Qichang and Zhang Zhao, but also the image display of theconcentrated landscape of Yueyang Tower in song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.There are also a large number of works of art and crafts with Yueyang Towerculture as the theme, as well as various books and periodicals about YueyangTower. Besides enjoying, you can choose your favorite souvenirs forcommemoration.



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Zhao Mausoleum called clear zhaoling is the second generation of the founding emperor qing dynasty emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bo le dhi corps tomb, covers an area of 160000 square meters, is the largest "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty, imposing manner is the most magnificent one. Located in the ancient city of shenyang (shengjing) NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", is in the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern landscape architecture. Garden ancient pine trees towering, grass green, lake water ripples, and building the temple, watts, fully shows the royal tombs of the majestic, magnificent, and the modern garden of elegant and beautiful. Zhaoling besides buried with emperor after, also buried the have no opinion of GongChen princess, toe GongGuiFei, 洐 GongShuFei etc. A batch of empresses beauty, is the most representative in the mausoleum of the commissioner of the qing dynasty of the mausoleum of hadrian, is our country one of the most complete existing ancient imperial mausoleum building.

Zhaoling mausoleum was built in the qing chong DE eight years (in 1643), to shunzhi eight years (1651 years) basic completion of after reconstruction and Labour market and present it with many times the size of the now. Mausoleum building layout follow lay after the "power" of the catacombs principle from south to north by the before, during and after the three parts, the main buildings are built on the central axis, symmetrically arranged on both sides, is imitated from the tomb of the Ming dynasty and has the characteristics of the manchu mausoleum.

Zhaoling mausoleum all covers an area of 180000 square meters, is divided into three parts. From south to north in the order: the front, from the horse monuments to the red door, including huabiao, stone lions, stone memorial arch, change clothes, slaughter hall hall; Central, from red gate to mahjong layout, including huabiao, stone animal, monuments, buildings and buildings for sacrifice; Back, is a mahjong layout, crescent city and city, this is the body of the mausoleum.

Mahjong layout called long gate, main entrance on the gate house. Mahjong layout has four corners watchtower. Mahjong layout inside the long house, things peidian peidian, things dry fruit room and burn silks. Long behind the surface there are two columns and door, five for David and vouchers, coupons hole at the top is daming. After mahjong layout is the crescent city and city, in the city, to treasure top, for dungeons. Treasure mountain city is long behind industry, mountain climbing, cemetery landscape panoramic view.

Zhao LingQian in sheet wall, went on both sides of the pavilion have huabiao, shishi, change clothes, etc., and the middle is arched. Arch is the front of the main body construction, bluestone, four pillars three layers, carving exquisite, elegant, is a rare art treasures. Swim alone arched, then to red gate, this is the beginning of the tour in central. Is red door for sheet wall is the south gate, storeys tall, very solemn, and its two wings adornment coloured glaze is panlong wall, because of the shape and vivid, more conspicuous. Is red and went up on both sides of the door, huabiao, stone and large column, they two relatively. Slash and solemn. The beast is the most admirable in "white" and "white". The two stone horse horse image lifelike, as if, in love ride two horses were alive as the prototype carve. Appreciate the stone horse ", then to the pavilion. Pavilion and was relatively red door, to celebrate were built, inside the vertical tablet called "zhaoling alkaloids in SAN DE tablet".

The pavilion is to long. Long the door is mahjong layout is the south gate, as opposed to a pavilion. Mahjong layout for the back, as it has built the city, is located in the sheet wall, asing if is a city within a city. To travel to swim long temple city first. Long temple in mahjong layout center, and have long before the door, after the Ming building, about peidian peidian, four corner has turrets, like month, so it was extremely ambitious. Long temple carved granite steps as base, with golden yellow glazed tile roof, coupled with the painted carved beams, jinbian red walls, so it is extremely magnificent. Long stay behind after Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously.

Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927) in May, bi is "Zhao Mausoleum park" for the center with mausoleum, now covers an area of 3.32 million square meters. Centered on the overall planning of tomb, tomb, LingQian and ling after three parts. Campus beautiful natural scenery, colorful, aromatic show garden is the YuanZhongYuan Zhao Mausoleum park, a total area of 40000 square meters, planted nearly 200 kinds of plants, four points are, each has its own characteristics. Early spring cherry blossom in full bloom, garden fragrance; A new summer lotus, the willows; Late autumn full mountain red leaves, CengLinJinRan; Winter snow mountains, pine and forceful. Across the garden, spring flowers, summer has Yin, autumn fruit, winter green, strange flowers, stone Bridges, there is quite a show of jiangnan. Campus architecture and landscape clever union, with Chinese traditional garden architecture combines natural beauty and artificial beauty as a whole, constitute a natural landscape, attract a large number of tourists to visit. Zhao Mausoleum park has 300000 square meters of artificial lake water, rippling in summer, life in suzhou as the shadow, a pedal boat, the boat for sightseeing, boating on the lake, dont have a taste. Is now Zhao Mausoleum park is a world-famous tourist scenic spot. Now the national key cultural relics protection units.

Visit long temple ", after the Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously. Now zhaoling has warded Zhao Mausoleum park.

Another feature of zhaoling is boundless example in several groups. Existing ancient pine trees more than two thousand, more than three hundred years old, tall and straight, swaying towering our day. These green ling loose in its golden tiles zhaoling and composed a magnificent landscape, one of the "making", "flame", "husband and wife tree", "sisters" trees, "turtle tree" is distinctive, etc.

Shenyang zhaoling ancient history, mysterious tomb, beautiful natural landscape, as tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, linger for browsing resort, also become the window of the people all over the world understand China, know about shenyang.



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Hello, everyone

Im your tour guide today. You can call me Xiao _! Today, Im going tovisit Qianling mountain park with you. Here, Xiao _ wish you a happy trip!

Dear tourists, the Qianling mountain park we visited today is a large-scalecomprehensive park in Guiyang City, known as "the first mountain in SouthernGuizhou". It is said that in the 20__ year of Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty(1672 A.D.), monk Chisong, the founder of Hongfu temple, planted ancient pinesupside down on the mountain and survived. Therefore, it got its name, whichmeans "it must be a place of outstanding people to gather the spirit ofGuizhou.". Qianling Park integrates mountain, water, forest, cave, spring,temple and monkey. It is a famous urban forest park in China. It mainly includesHongfu temple, Guanzhu Pavilion, Qianling Lake, zoo, Qilin cave and other scenicspots. Now lets appreciate the beauty of each scenic spot one by one!

Dear tourists, now the winding path under our feet is called "Jiuqu path",which is named for its nine big curves. Stepping on the stone path, the ancientBuddha cave not far away is dedicated to an ascetic monk, which probably existedbefore the opening of Chisong mountain. So Xu Xiake, a great traveler in thelate Ming Dynasty, mentioned this ancient Buddha cave in his diary of travelingto Guizhou. Along the stone wall beside the mountain road, there are many stonecarvings, from "the first mountain", "Qianling scenic spot" to "Amitabha Buddhain the South" Guide people to approach Buddhism and feel the state of "heart isBuddha". When Mr. Dong Biwu visited this place, he felt that he had left behind"the first mountain in Southern Guizhou, which was praised by my waist andfeet.". The spring is clear, the trees are ancient, the leaves are slightlydetached, and the two peaks outside the temple stand like a pass.

All the way hard, finally came to the famous ancient temple Hongfu templein Central Guizhou. Members, this large stone sculpture on my right hand iscalled "Jiulong bathing Buddha". It is said that when Sakyamuni was born, ninedragons spat water to bathe him. On the left side is Hongfu temple. The gate ofHongfu temple is a archway building with three gateways. The inscription "thefirst mountain in Southern Guizhou" is written by former vice president DongBiwu. The inscription "Hongfu Temple" is written by Zhao Puchu, President ofChina Buddhist Association. Do you know why there are always three openings inthe mountain gate? It symbolizes the "three liberation gates" of Buddhism,namely, the empty gate, the Wuxiang gate and the Wuzuo gate. Therefore, if thedoor in the middle is opened, it is to escape and become a monk. Hongfu templewas built in 20__ of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 300 years. It is located on the flat ground where Xiangwang mountain,zhangbo peak and Baota peak intersect. It is surrounded by mountains on threesides and covered with green shade. The whole temple sits in the West and faceseast. The whole layout is like a character. In the temple, the first hall isTianwang hall, the second hall is Guanyin hall, and the third hall is the mainhall, Daxiong hall. Behind the Daxiong hall is the Jade Buddha Hall. There aremore than ten jade Buddhas, all of which are invited by Honghui, a Chinese monkand Nun, from Yangon, Myanmar.

Members of the group, this is the pavilion of view building! BecauseGuiyang is also known as "building a city", and you can see the panoramic viewof Guiyang from here. Climbing the pavilion from afar is like eclosion andimmortality, so this pavilion is also called "Pavilion of view building". Thethree words of "Pavilion of view building" were written by Master Liu Haisu inthe spring of 1986. Chairman Zhu De also went to the pavilion in March 1962 andwrote a poem praising Guiyang: "looking at Guiyang from Qianling mountain, wewill change our clothes after ten years of construction. Many young people arebrave and handsome, and they are eager to build their hometown. "

Dear tourist friends, it is said that it is easy to go up the mountain butdifficult to go down. Please rest assured that it is the opposite on Qianlingmountain. If you dont believe we can experience it, lets go down to QianlingLake, zoo and Qilin cave together!

Members, the water lake we see is Qianling Lake. It used to be a smallriver, but later a dam was built to form Qianling Lake. The lake has a surfacearea of about 20 hectares and a storage capacity of 1 million cubic meters. Youcan fish, swim and row. There are teahouses, promenades and waterside pavilionsbeside the lake, which is a good place for leisure.

Dear tourists, on our way to the zoo, I believe you have seen macaquesgathered by the roadside. There are many such macaques living in Qianlingmountain park. In 1984, the zoo put more than 100 macaques in captivity onQianling mountain for wild breeding. In 20__, the number of macaques hasincreased to more than 500. People in Guiyang often take macaques favorite foodto visit the elves in this group of cities. People in the park play and enjoythemselves, which has become a major feature of the park.

Members of the group, the cave in front of us is the Qilin cave. Thisnatural cave is named for its huge stalagmite, which looks like a qilin. Infront of the cave, there are luxuriant Lagerstroemia indica and three hundredyear old pomegranate trees. This "water moon nunnery" beside the cave, duringthe Anti Japanese War, once held two famous Anti Japanese patriotic generals,Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng. It has left many stories and has now beenturned into an exhibition room.

Dear tourist friends, todays tour of Qianling mountain park is over. Thankyou for your support to my work. Welcome to Qianling Mountain Park again! I wishyou a better life and work!



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