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Huangdi mausoleum, the mausoleum of Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of theChinese nation, is located in Beiqiao mountain, Huangling County. In 1961, theState Council announced the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor as the first batchof national key cultural relics protection units, known as "the first mausoleumin the world". The three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" before the mausoleumof Huangdi were mentioned by Chiang Kai Shek. The mausoleum of the YellowEmperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a place foremperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According to records,the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Mausoleumattractions include: the worlds first mausoleum, Xuanyuan bridge, mausoleumarea, Xuanyuan temple, Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress, sincere Pavilion,guajia cypress, etc.

Qiaoshan mountain is thick and majestic, surrounded by JuShui at the footof the mountain. There are ancient cypresses on the mountain, which areevergreen and lush all the year round. The whole mausoleum is magnificent. Thetomb of the first mausoleum in the world is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long.It is surrounded by a green brick wall. In front of the mausoleum, there is theinscription "Long Yu in Qiaoshan" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the MingDynasty, which means "Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In frontof the pavilion for a sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor"written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls, withLingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of Han Dynasty onboth sides.

Just south of the front of the mausoleum, outside the wall of themausoleum, is a high earthen platform, namely "Hanwu Sendai". According to thebook of Fengchan in historical records, "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visitedShuofang in the north, and killed more than 100000 soldiers to sacrifice to theYellow Emperors tomb." Hanwu Sendai, which was built by Hanwu emperor tosacrifice to Huangdi, is more than 20 meters high. It has been built with blockstones and has stone steps, cloud plates and guardrails. The front area ofHuangdi temple is magnificent, covering an area of about 10000 square meters.5000 large river pebbles are selected for paving, which symbolizes the 5000 yearcivilization history of the Chinese nation.

The Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress is located in Xuanyuan Temple ofHuangling County in the middle of Shaanxi Province. It is more than 20 metershigh and 11 meters in diameter at breast height. It is vigorous and straight,with a canopy covering the air. Its leaves keep growing all the year round. Itis thick and dense, like a huge green umbrella. It is said that it was plantedby the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan himself, more than 5000 years ago. It is theoldest cypress in the world. There is a local proverb: seven arms eight half, GeGe Ge is not worth it. It is said that seven people are not surrounded by eachother.




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Tangshan Nanhu Park is located in the south of the city center, in the coalmining subsidence area. The total area is 1300 hectares and the water surface is165 hectares. [it turns out that there are few people and weeds in the collapsearea, and the ecological environment and natural landscape have been seriouslydamaged. The barren scene of black water overflowing and fly ash blocking thesun is everywhere. 】At the beginning of 1997, Tangshan Municipal Party committeeand government began to implement the ecological greening project, planning tobuild this place as a large-scale comprehensive ecological park integratingrecreation and water activities. At present, 400 hectares of green area, 300000trees and 200000 square meters of lawn have been completed. The park is full oftrees, green lawns and clear water. It has become a place for leisure andentertainment.

In the future, Nanhu Park will focus on "green" and rely on environmentalforests. It will make full use of the existing land resources and water surfaceto build a city of transportation and entertainment, three golf courses, horseriding range and military shooting range, four parks of upstream water park, wetland ecological park, waterfowl park and water fishing park; Six areas:comprehensive recreation area, youth activity area, Earthquake Memorial area,agriculture and mulberry area, plant landscape area and management area. Travelroute: Nanhu Park Gate - fishing area - voluntary tree planting base - waterrecreation area (motorboat, water boating, battery boat) - racecourse.Sightseeing items: at present, you can carry out recreational activities such asfishing and boating in Nanhu Park. After the park is completed, you can ridehorses, shoot and play golf here.



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作者:吴泽 | 学校:乐乐课堂 | 时间:20xx-11-28大家好,我是你们的导游,你们也可以叫我小泽,你们眼前的就是万里长城。我感到非常荣幸!那么我们就开始长城之旅吧!






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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6822 字

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Ladies and gentlemen

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshu waterfall.Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the most famouswaterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall was approved bythe State Council of the peoples Republic of China as a national key scenicspot.

Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City, theprovincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of Dabang River,which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western Guizhou Province.It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus from Guiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China.

Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upper waterfall is 6meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81 meters; Due to thestrong impact of the current, the splashed water mist can diffuse for more thanhundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets on the top of the cliff onthe left side of the waterfall are often covered by the splashed water mist.Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street". When the water is smallin winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided into three or five strandsand hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance, the white curtain ofwater will float down like silk, fairys face and ladys raccoon. For hundredsof years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall has been marveled bymany scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famous calligrapher inGuizhou Province and the author of the three titles of the summer palace, wrotea couplet in the "wangshui Pavilion": "white water is like cotton, it doesntneed to bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshuwaterfall is vividly summarized.

Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If its 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology.

This is the first cave window, which is the lowest, only 40 meters awayfrom the water surface of Rhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest,more than 10 meters wide, located in the middle of the first and secondwaterfalls. When the water is heavy, the two waterfalls connect to form acurtain to seal all the cave windows; when the water is small, it opens againand again, ranging from a few meters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtainthat can be opened and closed at will.

This is the second window. Its only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.

This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony.The window is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside.Visitors can reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, sopeople call it "touch the waterfall platform".

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to visit the Rhinoceros Pool canyon.You see, from the waist down of the rhinoceros, there are successive drops,which are Rhinoceros Pool, sandaotan, horseshoe beach, youyujing and so on.Among these pools, the Rhinoceros Pool, which is 17.7 meters deep, is the firstone. It is often covered by splashes and submerged by fog. As long as there issunshine, there are colorful rainbows hanging on the splashing beads of thewaterfall, moving with people and unpredictable.

Why is Huangguoshu waterfall like this? This is because Huangguoshuwaterfall is located in karst area, which is caused by the erosion of waterflow. When the traceable erosion point reaches the upstream, the river waterscours, dissolves, erodes and abrades along the karst fissure, and the pipelineexpands gradually, forming the cave and underground river; after the localsurface river is injected into the cave, the proportion of water volumeincreases gradually, forming a unique attack in the karst area, and at the placewhere the open flow is injected into the cave, a cave waterfall is formed. Withthe increasing erosion and strategic collapse, the underground river cavesbecome larger and larger, so a series of vertical shafts and skylights aredeveloped along the dry valley of the surface. They are expanding, merging andcollapsing, resulting in the magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall and the deep andsteep canyon downstream of the waterfall.

I hope you will hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshuwaterfall, keep it in your memory and publicize it to more people, becauseHuangguoshu waterfall belongs to China and the world at the same time.



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Hello, Im guide Wang from Shanghai Jinjiang International Co., Ltd. youcan call me guide Wang. Now we are going to Sanqing mountain. Well go up bycable car later, and Ill explain to you after we go up. Please pay attentionnot to climb railings, rocks and trees, not to pick flowers, not to scribble andcarve.

Tourists, now our foot is Sanqing mountain. Since ancient times, Sanqingmountain has enjoyed the reputation of "no more bustling place in the world, thehighest mountain in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty". It isdangerous in the East, strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique inthe south. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and nature, and its wonder lies inboth form and spirit. Sanqing mountain has always been known as "strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, seaof clouds and fog". Today we are mainly looking at strange peaks and rocks.Please follow me.

Look, this strange stone in front of us is called "goddess Sichun", alsocalled "Oriental Goddess". The shape of the whole mountain is like a beautifulgirl with beautiful hair and shawl sitting in the clouds, watching the people onthe ground affectionately. Because people regard it as a symbol of spring, theycall it "goddess of spring" or "Oriental Goddess". Because it is related tolove, it is also known as the peak of love in China. Please move on.

You see, this is the landmark landscape of Sanqing mountain - Python out ofthe mountain. It stands against the "Oriental Goddess". The emergence of Pythonis a huge granite pillar formed by weathering and gravity disintegration. Thereare several transverse cracks on the peak, but after hundreds of millions ofyears of wind and rain, it still stands. Its top is flat, its neck is slightlythin, and the diameter of the thinnest part is only 7 meters. Its like a hugeboa constrictor breaking out of the mountain and about to fly away. You can takephotos here and have a rest. Well continue our tour later.

Tourists, now we come to the West Coast scenic spot of Sanqing mountain.The stone presented in front of our eyes is called "Monkey King presentstreasure". Monkey King is about 7 meters tall, sitting on the cliff, holding atreasure in his hand, gazing at it with a charming naive manner. Whos themonkey king? The monkey king who made a big noise in heaven!

Sanqing mountain is a world natural heritage, a treasure of JiangxiProvince as well as a treasure of China. This is the end of our trip to Sanqingmountain. Bon Voyage!



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Han street is the "top of six Chinese cities". Han street is the center ofWuhan Central Cultural District

"Eye", with the richest commercial content and the most fashion brands inChina, integrates the worlds top cultural projects to create six of Chinasbest, known as "Chinas first commercial street".

Han street, which is built along the South Bank of Chu River, is thelongest commercial pedestrian street in China (and the longest commercialpedestrian street in the world).

Under the setting sun, the blue waves ripple gently. Sit in the bow of aluxury cruise ship and enjoy the magnificent scenery on both sides of theStrait. Wuhan, where is more beautiful than here; China, there are severalcities, can be comparable to here, in the atmosphere hidden in the gentle,hidden in the downtown delicate.

Chuhe River, based on the "Dongsha connection" project, is a new jade beltin Wuchang City. It is 2.2 kilometers long and 40 to 70 meters wide

East Lake and Shahu Lake, two lakes in the main urban area of Wuchang, willbe connected. Han street, designed by Wanda Group and world famous architects,is located on the South Bank of the Chu River, with a total length of 1500meters and a total area of 180000 square meters. It is a "kingdom in the city"with cultural tourism as the core and integrating commerce, food, leisure andentertainment.

Building alone is not enough. Wanda Group also cooperates with Frankperforming arts company, the most famous American performing arts company in theworld, to invest 2.5 billion yuan to create a variety show that surpasses allthe performing levels in the world and will be staged in hanxiu theater.

In addition to hanxiu theater, in the west section of Hanjie, Wanda Groupwill invest 2.5 billion yuan to build the worlds only movie culture theme park,with a total construction area of 80000 square meters. Its construction designeris still mark Fischer, whose creativity comes from the essence of Chu Culture -chime. The theme park is designed with 10 film technology entertainmentprojects, including 4D cinema, 5D cinema, 6D cinema, interactive cinema,simulation cinema, dark ride, indoor roller coaster, etc. The project bringstogether the latest global top entertainment technology, called "indoorUniversal Studios".

In addition to the theater and movie theme park, there is a popular stagein the middle of Han street, which is also dotted with Quyuan square, Zhaojunsquare, Zhiyin square, Yaosheng square, Taiji square, etc. to enhance theinfluence of Chu Han culture by commemorating Hubei historical and culturalcelebrities.



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Surrounded by water on all sides, there are many forests and trees on theisland. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark green ship guarding theancient city of Changsha against the water. It is 5km long from north to Southand 50-200m wide from east to west, with a total area of nearly 70hm2. It is themost famous river center in China and the longest inland river oasis in theworld. Juzhou is rich in beautiful oranges, so it is called Juzhou. Sinceancient times, it is famous for its beautiful scenery and long history. It isthe place where the "river sky and dusk snow" of the famous "eight sceneries ofXiaoxiang" in Song Dynasty lies. Juzhou is a summer resort. Mao Zedong used toswim and walk here and sunbathe on the beach when he was young. At present,Juzizhou has been turned into a park, with thousands of citrus trees planted.During the autumn harvest season, there are many oranges. There are pavilionsand corridors in the park, and a huge white marble monument stands in the park.On the monument, the four characters "juzizhoutou" written by Mao Zedong and theword "Qinyuanchun · Changsha" written by him in the autumn of 1920__ areengraved. There are natural swimming grounds on both sides of the middle ofJuzhou. There are highways running through the north and south.

The municipal government plans to build this place into a multi-functionalinternational sightseeing and cultural scenic spot integrating garden, tourism,entertainment, sports, culture and commerce. The scenic spots in the planningare divided into "two corridors and seven gardens": Shili Huxiang culturalcorridor, Shili upstream music corridor, Wanju Jingxiu garden, return to naturegarden, visitors paradise, shopping and food garden, fitness and longevitygarden, custom resort garden and outdoor life garden, with a planned investmentof 2 billion yuan.



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Since ancient times, many scholars have praised her. She is the hometownwhere I grew up - beautiful Xinxiang, a place of human nature and beauty,pleasant scenery and vigorous development.

She has a long history and culture, is one of the birthplaces of ancientChinese civilization, ancient civilization, rich culture has created a kind,simple, hardworking Xinxiang people; she has a large number of historical sites,rich cultural resources, has won a number of national heritage protectionprojects; With its superior geographical conditions, it has become the economicand transportation center of Northern Henan, and has the reputation of the Pearlof the central plains; it has rich water resources, and the "Mother River" - theYellow River nourishes the whole pastoral land and feeds the people of Xinxiang;She is rich in natural resources, and has won the honors of "Chinas bestecological livable city", "Chinas National Forest City", "National ExcellentTourism City"; she has a red and blooming city flower - "pomegranate flower",which encourages the people of Xinxiang to forge ahead, work hard, keep pacewith the times, and strive to build a reform and opening up, prosperous anddynamic new township; She has an impassioned City song, Xinxiang is morebrilliant tomorrow, which conveys the spirit of the times of Muyes children;she has delicious food, which brings health and happiness to peoples life; shehas rich educational resources, which endows us with knowledge and strength inthe rapid development and progress of society; she has rich educationalresources, which gives us rich knowledge and strength; She has many well-knownenterprises at home and abroad, constantly promoting the development of urbanmodernization and industrial economy; she has a variety of science andTechnology Industrial Park, and has won many economic and investment honors,such as the best investment city in Central China; she has a clean and tidyliving environment, and has won the honorary title of "national health city";she has been awarded the national health city; She has the standard of rapidurbanization and sustainable development, and has won the honorary title of"Chinas sustainable development city".

Xinxiang is small but clean. Xinxiang is not very developed, but peoplelive comfortably here. Xinxiang is not famous, but we still love her. We likeher beauty, her humanity, her quiet but not noisy, and her every street full oflife.

Beautiful hometown - I love you.



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One day, my uncle took us to visit Tianmen Mountain. Tianmen Mountain islocated at the junction of Xinning County in Hunan Province and Ziyuan County inGuangxi Province. It is also a natural scenic spot of Danxia Diyan.

In the early morning, my uncle drove all the way, and the cool mountainwind came in front of me. It was chilly. "Its July. It was so cold yesterday.It seems that the temperature difference between the mountain and the city isreally big." I muttered. About 40 minutes by car, finally came to thedestination - Tianmen Mountain.

As soon as I get out of the car, I dont know when the "depressed" sky hasopened a smiling face. Come to the foot of the mountain, a piece of denseforest, covering the distant view of the line of sight, a tortuous andmysterious stone path curved to the far peak. Climbing up the path, the greentrees sprout in the mountain. From the gap between the leaves, there are a fewrays of sunshine occasionally. The birds are singing tactful "Songs" on thetrees intermittently. A clear stream murmurs, and clusters of bright redwildflowers sometimes emerge from the bushes. I took a deep breath, the airmixed with a faint fragrance.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and the climbing is notas easy as before. Passing a pavilion halfway up the mountain, I hesitatedwhether to continue. Suddenly, a bright light not far away attracted my eyes.There is a dazzling light between the two cliffs, which seems to light a brightlight on the dark valley. Looking up, people are like frogs at the bottom of awell, only a line of blue sky can be seen. Do I really want to stop and be atoad? No, I should be the "Eagle" at the top of Lingfeng mountain. I gritted myteeth and persisted. I climbed countless steps and finally reached the top ofTianmen Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains, the clouds,the river like a green belt, the wind passing, the mountains rolling, the wildflowers swaying in the jungle, the endless scenery, its like a naturallandscape painting

I love climbing, and I love the "scenery" after climbing!



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The Xixia mausoleum is the mausoleum of the emperors of the Xixia Dynasty.Although it has been destructively damaged, its shape is destroyed, but itsskeleton still exists. The grand scale, rigorous layout and the remaining moundsstill show the unique flavor and style of the times of the Xixia Dynasty.

Xixia mausoleum is located in the eastern foot of Helan, about fivekilometers from east to west, and about ten kilometers from north to south.Within the area of more than 50 square kilometers, with the natural rise andfall of hills and ridges, there are nine Imperial Mausoleums and more than 200accompanying tombs of princes and princes. The Yellow mausoleums are as tall ashills. They spread out continuously under the Helan Mountain. Under thesunlight, they are resplendent and magnificent. The scale of the Xixia mausoleumarea is similar to that of the Ming Tombs in Beijing. The ground buildings ofthe mausoleum are composed of turrets, gate towers, stele pavilions, outer city,inner city, sacrificial hall, tower shaped mausoleum platform and other buildingunits. The overall layout of the mausoleum area is a longitudinal rectangle, andit is arranged in a left-right symmetrical format according to the traditionalChinese pattern of taking the North-South central line as the axis. Xixiamausoleum is a unique form of Xixia architecture in China.

Xixia museum is the first Xixia royal mausoleum in China, which is a realand vivid reminder of the rise and fall of Xixia kingdom. Covering an area of5300 square meters, the museum imitates the architectural style of Xixia, withunique style. It not only has the momentum of modern architecture, but alsoechoes with the mausoleum site, forming a strong national architectural style.The museum has selected 671 most representative Xixia cultural relics and 413volumes of monographs, papers and magazine articles. In it, you can see carveddragon stone pillars, stone horses, glazed gallstones, Xixia inscriptions, stonestatue seats, Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist paintings, Xixia porcelain, officialseals, etc.; especially the 188kg gilt copper ox is a treasure of Xixia culturalrelics; and the Xixia ancient pagoda before maintenance is copied in a ratio of6:1; On the two floor, there are 8 selected Xixia murals, which show the essenceof Xixia grottoes and let people appreciate the brilliance and brilliance of theXixia kingdom. Many historical mysteries and unique national culture will surelyarouse your infinite reverie.



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你们知道吗?从北京出发,行车一百多里就能来到长城脚下。这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的。城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方型的瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用。城墙顶上,每隔三百多米就有一座方型的城台,是屯兵的堡垒。打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。 各位游客,现在你站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,不知是否能想起古代的劳动人民是怎样修筑长城的。看,单是这数不清的条石,一块有两三千斤重,那时候没有火车、汽车,没有起重机,就靠着无数的肩膀无数的手,一步一步地抬上这陡峭的山岭。





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Hello, Im your guide, Xiao Gu. First of all, Xiao Gu, on behalf of thepeople of Fuzhou, welcomes you. Today, Xiao Gu will take you to visit threelanes and seven alleys, the ancient architectural treasures of Ming and QingDynasties in Fuzhou.

Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles.

"Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers areoften concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs,festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

"Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; itshard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang, when will Lang return? "This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, the observation envoy of the Tang Dynasty. It has broughtmany childhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song.

Well, our journey of three lanes and seven alleys is coming to an end.Next, you can move freely for one hour. You can walk around and have a look. Ifyou have any questions, you are welcome to come and ask me. Gu must knoweverything!



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