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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Lingshan, Tangshan. Im your guide.

Lingshan tourist area is located in the hinterland of Beijing, Tianjin andQin Dynasty. It is located in Caiyuan Town, Qianan City, Hebei Province. It isone of the eight scenic spots in Tangshan. Lingshan is famous for its beautifulmountains, secluded scenery, strange peaks, strange stones and water.

This magical scenic spot contains rich myths and historical legends. It issaid that Lingshan is the place where Nvwas mother made up the stone of heaven.In the past, Gonggongs head touched the mountain of Buzhou, the pillars ofheaven were broken, the earth was vast, the sky tilted to the northwest, and theearth sank to the southeast. In order to save the world. In this area, 36501pieces of wucaishi were used to fill the sky. When mending the sky, its handshadow turns into five peaks, so Lingshan is also called Wufeng mountain.

After mending heaven, some waste rocks and water wells for mending heavenwere abandoned at the foot of Lingshan mountain. Nature has created four uniquesceneries, six landscapes and wonders, which are really various, ingenious,lifelike and interesting.

It is said that if you touch a longevity stone, you will live longer; ifyou touch a hidden gem, you will attract wealth; if you strike a harmoniousstone, you will be harmonious; if you step on a wisdom stone, you will be happy.From then on, the well was not filled with water and dried up in winter andsummer, while the middle well was less than two feet deep and less than threefeet in diameter. It did not dry up for a long time and did not overflow withrain. It was warm in winter and cool in summer, just like Qiongjiang Yuye. Oftendrink this water, good for health, for Lingshan a great impasse, so Wufengmountain also known as Lingshan. The lotus pond is nine steps away from thewell, where all the water from the well is gathered. The lotus in the pool ismoistened by fairy water, graceful and refined. It is proud of others, just likea gentleman.

It is said that Duke Huan of Qi, who was a soldier of Guzhu, mistakenlylost himself in the ancient times. Fortunately, he led to the dry sea andstationed at the foot of Lingshan. In memory of the old horse who knew his way,he named the Fangdi as maguanying, and planted three white fruit trees, one ofwhich still exists. Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, whip mountain to thenorth, the mountains are northbound trend, Lingshan face south, become one ofLingshan scenic spots. Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, visitedthis place during his expedition to the Liao Dynasty. He saw the wonderfulscenery of Lingshan spring. He built the Baita temple and built it into atemple, which was worshipped at four seasons. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynastyvisited Lingshan in the north and inscribed a plaque with the title of"beautiful Lingshan" to show the world. He called the scenery of Lingshan thecrown of Jingdong scenery.

Lingshan is famous for its beautiful scenery, strange peaks and rocks, andthe spirit of spring and water. It is said that those who live in Lingshan willlive longer. There are six monks in Baita Temple who are less than 90 years old,and the elders are more than 100 years old. It is said that the White Snake andthe green snake were trained to be immortals in this mountain and went to meetXu immortals. Because of the flood, the White Snake was put under the LeifengTower. Green snake had no choice but to dive back to Lingshan and continue topractice. In order to test her skill, she used her sword to chop a huge stone,which still exists today. Green snake gongman went to Hangzhou again, knockeddown Leifeng Pagoda and rescued white snake. The original white pagoda templededicated to the snake fairy hall. The cave where snake immortals practice andlive is still in existence, which has become one of the wonders of Lingshan.

Lingshan is actually a famous scenic spot in the north, with scenery stepby step and wonders everywhere. Although tourists were once left out in the coldbecause of the wars in the past dynasties, the five finger peaks stand in thesouth, the strange rocks stand as before, the search for abandoned rocks isstill firm, and the sound of Xianquan waterfall is still the same. The scenicspots of Dishui Guanyin cave are various. The scenic spots of Dishui Guanyincave are very dangerous. The winding path back to the Dragon Cave is wonderful.The flying stones are mysterious. The fairy ribbon shows the wonders of theworld.

Well, tourists, Lingshan is here to explain. Thank you for yoursupport!




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The capital of Jiangxi Province. As the political, economic, cultural andtransportation center of the province, it is a city with a long history andglorious revolutionary tradition. Located in the north of central JiangxiProvince, Ganjiang River, Fuhe Weige, Poyang Lake plain area. The total area is7402.26 square miles. The urban area is about 1.24 million. The city governsfive districts including Donghu, Xihu, Qingyunpu, Wanli and suburban areas, andfour counties including Nanchang, Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi.

The main ethnic group is the Han nationality, and there are 26 ethnicminorities, including Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Zhuang, Tibetan and Miao.

The landform is mainly plain, with vast waters and a large number of hillsand hills. Ganjiang River and Fuhe river flow through the territory from southto north. The whole terrain is high in the West and Southeast and low in thenorth. The average annual temperature ranges from 17.1 ℃ to 17.7 ℃, and theannual precipitation ranges from 1515 mm to 1595 mm.

Nanchang was founded in 20__ B.C. (the fifth year of emperor Gaozu of theHan Dynasty). Guan Ying, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, was ordered tolead his troops to Nanchang and formally set up Yuzhang county and NanchangCounty. The next year (before 201), a local city was built in Nanchang, whichwas called "Guancheng". After that, Nanchang changed its name: Yuzhang County inHan Dynasty, Yuzhang state in Southern Dynasty. In the Sui Dynasty, Hongzhougeneral managers office was set up in Nanchang. At the beginning of Dayeperiod, Yuzhang county was rebuilt by abolishing the state, and Nanchang waschanged into Yuzhang County, which was the county, government, county, andDaozhi of the past dynasties. The city was founded in 1926 and the NanchangMunicipal Peoples government was established on June 7, 1949.

The land is fertile, the water area is broad, and the resources are rich.The total land area of the city is 10.35 million mu, including 4.4698 million muof cultivated land and 3.3065 million mu of water area. The main economic fishare grass, silver carp, carp, crucian carp, flat, silver carp, etc. The mineralresources include granite, quartz, ceramic clay, coal, crystal and copper. Thereare many wild animals and plants in lush Xishan.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of ourcountry. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most of the official and commercialexchanges between the north and the South passed through Nanchang. The existingwater, land and air transportation network can reach the whole province and allparts of the country. Nanchang air station can directly connect with Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Hong Kong and other places. Industrydominates housing. The citys industries focus on machinery, textile (clothing),food and electronics, as well as aircraft manufacturing, metallurgy, lightindustry, chemical industry, medicine, building materials and otherindustries.

Nanchang area has a long history of culture, known as "natural treasures,outstanding people". Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion in the early TangDynasty and Zhu Das painting and calligraphy in the late Ming and early QingDynasties are well-known both at home and abroad.

In 1986, Nanchang was named as a famous historical and cultural city by theState Council. The city has five national key cultural relics protection units,six provincial cultural relics protection units and 39 municipal cultural relicsprotection units. The former sites of the famous Nanchang Uprising headquarterson August 1, the former sites of Helong and yeting headquarters and the formersites of the New Fourth Army in the 1930s are all located in the city. There isalso Tengwang Pavilion, one of the four famous buildings in China.



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长城是世界七大奇迹之一。它是中国古代劳动人民的血汗,也是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的骄傲。 游客们,我们已经来到了著名的八达岭长城上,两旁的山上,是苍松翠柏,好像云遮雾障,禽鸟和鸣,溪流淙淙,处处充满了诗情画意。您向远处看,可以发现这里的长城分为南、北两峰,蜿蜒于山脊之上,龙腾虎跃、气象万千,景色十分壮观。长城依山而建,高低起伏, 曲折绵延。这段长城的墙体是用整 齐巨大的条石铺成,有的条石长达2米,重数百斤。内部填满泥土和石块,墙上顶地面的地方铺满方砖,十分平整。墙顶外侧筑有高2米的垛口,上有了望孔,下有射击口,内侧建有宇墙。城墙每隔一段,筑有一个堡垒式的方形城台。城台有高有低,高的 叫敌搂,是守望和军士住宿的地方;低的叫墙台,高度与城墙 相差不多但突出墙外,四周有垛口,是巡逻放哨的地方。

八达岭海拔1000米,绵延曲折的长城如巨龙腾飞于崇山峻岭之上。它不仅是中华民族勤劳、智慧的结晶,也是古代建筑工程的杰出代表。 登上八达岭长城,极目远望,山峦起伏,雄沉刚劲的北方山势,尽收眼底。长城因山势而雄伟,山势因长城更加险峻。

下面就到了烽火台,又叫烽燧,狼烟台。是不和长城相连的独立建筑。一旦敌人来犯,就点燃烽火通报军情,白天点燃的烟叫做烽,晚上的叫做燧。明朝的时候,还对烽火与敌人的关系作了严格的规定:敌人百余个,燃一烟点一炮;五白人,燃两烟点两炮;千人以上,三烟三炮;五千人以上,四烟四炮;万人以上,五烟五炮。就通过这种方式,在边关的军情能够飞速的传递到皇城大内。看到烽火台,再给大家讲一个故事,叫《烽火戏诸侯》:周朝有个国君叫周幽王,他有一个美女,她的脾气很怪,总是不笑,幽王就想办法。于是他点燃了求救信号(烽火),结果,引得诸侯白来一趟,她却哈哈大笑,幽王也很开心。可是,真有敌人来进攻的时候,幽王点燃了烽火,却不见人来,幽王就被敌人杀死了。游客们,这就是两个很典型的故事。 游客们,现在我们已经开始顺势走下长城。游客们!踏着这脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,我们会想起古代修筑长城的劳动人民来。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 540 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3753 字

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According to historical records, Shanhaiguan has a history of more than 600years since it was built in 1381 ad. it has been an important military town inChina since ancient times.

Shanhaiguan City, about 4 kilometers in circumference, is a small city. Thewhole city is connected with the Great Wall, with the city as the pass. The cityis 14 meters high and 7 meters thick. There are four main gates in the city, andthere are a variety of ancient defense buildings. It is a city pass withrelatively complete defense system, known as "the first pass in the world". Thearchery tower, the most powerful one in the world, is the main body,supplemented by Jingbian tower. Linlu building. Muyinglou, weiyuantang,Wengcheng, dongluocheng, Great Wall Museum and other great wall buildings showvisitors the architectural style of ancient Chinese city defense.

The worlds first pass scenic spot takes Shanhaiguan city as the center,which includes Shanhaiguan City, Dongluo City, the "worlds first pass" tower,Jingbian tower, muying tower, linlu tower and the Great Wall Museum. Shanhaiguanis a cultural ancient city. The city walls of Ming Dynasty are basically in goodcondition. Most of the main streets and alleys are preserved as they are. Inparticular, there are still a number of courtyard houses, which make the ancientcity more elegant and simple. What makes the ancient city most colorful is theeast gate of Guancheng, which stands on the great wall and looks on the fourfields. On the second floor of the city building, you can overlook the panoramaof Shanhaiguan city and the wilderness outside the pass. Looking to the north,you can see the majestic appearance of Jiaoshan Great Wall in the distance; thesea in the south is also hazy. There are also Jingbian building, muying buildingand linlu building. Walking on the Great Wall will make you feel the greatnessof our ancestors and the extraordinary wisdom of the Chinese people.

Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient cityand a summer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area. In 20__, Shanhaiguan scenic spot was rated as thefirst batch of 4A scenic spots; In 20__, the State Council officially listedShanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao as a national historical and cultural city,Shanhaiguan scenic spot. Taking the Great Wall as the main line, it has formedsix scenic spots, namely "old dragon head", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan","the first pass in the world", "Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake", all ofwhich are open to Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a famous tourist area athome and abroad. Among them: the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan converged theessence of Chinas ancient the Great Wall. The East starting point of the greatwall of Ming Dynasty is the old dragon head. The great wall meets with the sea.The Great Wall has blue sea and Jinsha. The sky opens the sea and the mountain.It is majestic and majestic. It is known as "pinghan in the capital and thethroat of liaozuo"; Jiaoshan Great Wall is winding, the beacon tower isprecipitous and picturesque. Among the "eight scenic spots of Yuguan", the"mountain temple is rainy and sunny, Ruilian holds the sun" and the wonderful"Qixian Buddha light" attract many tourists. Mengjiangnu temple is a Chinesefolk legend, the moving story of Jiangnu seeking her husband. Xuanyang cave, thelargest natural granite cave in northern China, is like a paradise with strangecaves, strange rocks and gurgling springs. Yansai lake is a beautiful pearloutside the Great Wall.

It is said that the last word is not written together, but the person whowrote it throws it into the air full of ink.



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Dear tourist friends, welcome to Wuyi Mountain with beautiful scenery. Imthe guide of sunshine travel group. My name is Xiao Wang. This morning, we wentto Tianyou peak scenic spot, and at noon we went to Jiuqu River to take bamboorafting. Before you go, please pay attention to some things: 1. Dont stand onthe bamboo rafts when you are rafting; 2. When climbing mountains, women dontwear high heels, try to wear flat shoes.

Well, take the environmental protection battery car, we come to the firststop "Tianyou peak".

Tianyou peak is in the north of Jiuqu River and Liuqu River, in the centerof the scenic spot. When its sunny after rain or the first morning dew,climbing the peak and looking at the sea of clouds are like the waves of thesea, which are changeable. Its like Ive come to a fairyland and roam in thesky, so its called "Tianyou". "Tianyou peak" can be divided into upper andlower parts. The view Pavilion is located on the left and near the upperreaches. Along the lake Majian, it is the lower reaches. The view Pavilion onthe upper reaches of Tianyou peak is close to the cliff. It is a very goodviewing platform of Wuyi Mountain. You can have a panoramic view of thelandscape of Wuyi Mountain when you look around. Let people open-minded,intoxicated in it, everyone will leave a figure there.

After touring "Tianyou peak", we take a bus to the next station, JiuquRiver.

Jiuqu River originates in the west of Wuyi Mountain with dense forest. Itswater quality is very clear, with a total length of 62.8 km. It flows throughthe ecological area in the middle of the mountain. Jiuqu river meanders inDanxia state, distributed among the mountains and rocks, forming a deep meander.The straight-line distance is 5 km. Sitting on the bamboo raft, you can enjoythe beautiful natural scenery. The water under the bamboo raft is clear, andfrom time to time there are small fish swimming by. The scenery is sobeautiful.

There is also a legend of water turtles in Wuyi Mountain

One year, a tortoise, who had been practising for thousands of years,originally wanted to seek an official position in the sky, but the mercilessJade Emperor asked him to water the tea tree. At first, he felt very relaxed,but after a long time, he felt very bored. One day, he suddenly heard a voicefrom the world: "tea sprouts, tea sprouts." he couldnt help running to thesouth gate and looking down, he saw that people were sacrificing tea gods in thetea garden beside the Jiuqu River. Golden tortoise cant help praising peoplesrespect for tea. As soon as I thought of pouring tea there all the year round,but no one asked me about it, I decided that I might as well make a tea in theworld.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope you can have a pleasant trip.The beautiful nature welcomes you. I also hope the beautiful Wuyi Mountain willleave you a perfect memory.



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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mt. Emei, a famous Buddhist mountain in China,which is higher than the five mountains and the most beautiful in the world.Emei Mountain is located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, which is endowedwith unique geographical position. Because of its "majestic, beautiful, divine,strange and secluded", it has won the praise of "plant kingdom", "animalparadise", "Geological Museum", "Xianshan Buddhist kingdom" and "Emei show inthe world".

Mt. Emei is one of the four sacred places of Buddhism in China. It is saidthat Buddhism was introduced to Mount Emei in the first century AD. Thedevelopment of Buddhism in the past 20__ years has left a rich Buddhist culturalheritage to Mt. Emei and created many eminent monks and virtues, which hasgradually made Mt. Emei a Buddhist holy land with deep influence in China andeven in the world. Now we are in Jinding, the second peak of Mount Emei, with analtitude of 3077 meters. Here, the tour guide will introduce you to the fourwonders of Jinding:

First: sunrise

At five or six oclock in the morning, standing on the sacrificial rock,looking to the East, I saw a vein inlaid with Phnom Penh, gray clouds floatingslowly, Phnom Penh reflecting the thick clouds around. Slowly, the gray cloudsplit a crack, and the crack showed orange light. The crack became larger andlarger, and the color gradually changed to orange with the surrounding clouds. Alittle while later, the red sun showed a little arc of Phnom Penh, and the arcbecame larger and larger, and the clouds also opened a way for it. When theorange red sunrise rose slowly, exposing most of its head, the speed suddenlyincreased, like a ball full of Qi In a flash, he jumped out of the horizon,shining all over the world, firmly embedded in the horizon. Peoples faces werecoated with a layer of wine red, Jinding also put on a golden color clothes. Atthis time, you will forget the chilly morning fog at the top of the mountain,and keep jumping and cheering for a long time.

Second: sea of clouds

Emei Jinding view of the sea of clouds, is a kind of appreciation, is akind of enjoyment. On a sunny day, standing in front of the sacrificial rock,the vast white clouds are surging under the rock. The peaks are like isolatedislands, only the green peaks are visible. The sea of clouds changes rapidly.Sometimes it is called "cloud blanket"; sometimes it is called "cloud wave";sometimes it is called "cloud peak"; sometimes it is called "cloud cluster";sometimes it is called "cloud cave". With the wind, the clouds are ethereal andunpredictable, such as riding dragons and phoenixes, chariots and teams, birdsand beasts. Jinding cloud sea was called "Dola mianyun" or "Dola Mian world" inancient times. Doula is Sanskrit, a tree name. "Douluomian" means the flowers ofthis tree.

Third: Buddhas light

Buddha light, known as "light phase" in ancient times, is a diffractionphenomenon caused by sunlight irradiating clouds at a certain angle. Also knownas "Jinding Xiangguang", it is one of the "ten scenic spots of Mount Emei". Whenthe rain and snow stop and the afternoon is clear, the sun is shining and thelight reflects on the sea of clouds. Standing on the light platform, visitorscan see that their own figure is covered by a seven color halo on the cloudsurface, and the shadow moves with them. That is to say, they stand side byside, and they can only see their own shadow without double shadows, so they arealso called "body light". Buddhist light has different names according to itssize, color and shape. White without red halo is called "Shuiguang", big asdustpan is called "bizhiguang", small as cymbal is called "tongziguang", lightis slightly released, straight east slanting is called "immortal head" or"cactus light", halo like rainbow is called "Jinqiao", Buddha light oftenappears according to cloud, if no cloud appears, it is called "Qingxian", themost rare. There is also a kind of "reflection", that is, in the morning, thehalo appears in the west of Jinding, which is extremely rare.

Fourth: the holy lamp

On a sunny night in Jinding, Mt. Emei, in the forest of the gorge under thesacrificial rock, you suddenly see a little bit or two, like a bean of stars,gradually tens of thousands of points, fluttering and surging, high and low, asif the stars of the Milky Way fell into the valley, "sometimes scattered anddancing, stars; sometimes gathered, nets and nets, dazzling and thrilling." Thiskind of phenomenon, since ancient times, is called "ten thousand bright lightsto the sages."

The phenomenon of "holy lamp" is very peculiar. Some people say itsphosphorous, some say its firefly, some say its halobacteria attached to thetree branches. When the humidity content in the air is more than 100%, it makeslight.

It has a long history to watch the holy lamp. The ancients left many poemsabout it. When Xue Neng, a poet of Tang Dynasty, went to Mount Emei, he wrotethe song "the holy lamp of Emei"

"There is a light in the sky, and it becomes clear when you sit and watch.Its important to know that the fire is endless and the smoke is endless. Onenight, I said to the monk

Dear tourists, after learning about the four wonders of Jinding, pleasefollow me to visit Huazang temple.



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Today we are going to visit Xian city wall, bell tower and Drum Tower.Its a great honor to serve you.

The ancient castle we see now is the city wall of Xian in Ming Dynasty,which was built on the basis of Changan Imperial City in Tang Dynasty in theearly Ming Dynasty. It is one of the most famous city walls in the history ofthe late Middle Ages in China. It is the largest and most complete defensefacility of ancient military castle in the world.

Xian, as an ancient capital for thousands of years, has built city wallsmany times in the past dynasties. Most of them are buried in the dust ofhistory. The wall we see now can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. In 1369 ad,Xu Da, a general of the Ming Dynasty, entered Shaanxi from Shanxi and changedthe original Fengtian road to Xian, which means "long-term stability in thewest". It opened the prelude of building the city wall in Xian in Ming Dynasty.The shape of the wall, which took eight years to build, is a rectangle. The wallis 15 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, 16-18 meters wide at thebottom, and 13.9 kilometers long. The bottom layer is made of loess, lime andglutinous rice juice. After drying, it is very strong.

The ancient city wall of Xian includes a series of military facilitiessuch as moat, suspension bridge, gate tower, arrow tower, main tower, cornertower, enemy tower, parapet, crenel, etc. Well, now lets feel for ourselves thescientific, rigorous and complete military defense system.

The most peripheral part of the city wall is the moat, also known as the"moat", which is the first line of defense of the city wall. It can block theenemys attack and even take advantage of the favorable terrain to destroy theenemy. The moat around the city wall of Xian is 20 meters wide. Crossing themoat is the gate, and the only channel connecting the moat and the gate is thesuspension bridge. At ordinary times, the soldiers obeyed the command of themorning bell and the evening drum. In the morning, they lowered the suspensionbridge to open the city gate; in the evening, they raised the suspension bridgeto cut off the traffic. Once there is a war, the suspension bridge rises and thegate is closed, the gate becomes a solid and closed Battle Fortress.

City gate is the key and weak point of city defense system. Usually, it isthe access to the city. In a war, it is the primary target for both sides.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to improving the defensefacilities of the city gate. One of the most remarkable technologicalbreakthroughs is the use of the arched gate to prevent the enemy from attackingby fire. The gate of Xian City in the Ming Dynasty was very strong. The doorleaf was made of 16 cm thick wood. One gate was made of 2.8 cubic meters ofwood. The door leaf was reinforced with iron bars, and 180 iron mushroom needleswere nailed between the two iron bars. There are 1800 iron mushroom needles onthe whole door leaf. In this way, the wood of the door leaf is compacted, andthe stiffness of the door leaf is increased, so that the arrow can not be shotin.

In order to improve the security coefficient of the city gate defense, thecity gate is actually composed of three parts: Gate Tower, arrow tower and mainbuilding. The gate building is on the outside, and its function is to lift thesuspension bridge. Its also used to play watch. When the enemy invades the gateof the gate tower, it seems to enter the urn. They will be attacked from allsides. Therefore, the space downstairs is also called "urn city". The archerytower is in the center, with windows on the front and on both sides for archery.The archery tower and archery tower are connected by a wall, which is alsocalled "Wengcheng" and can garrison troops. The main building is in theinnermost part. The tower above the main building is the main building of thecity gate, which is the commanding place of the general. Outside the city wall,there is an enemy platform protruding from the main body of the city wall every120 meters, commonly known as "horse face". There are 98 "horse faces" on thewhole city wall. The building above the "horse face" is called the enemy tower.The distance between the two enemy platforms is 120 meters, and one side of itis 60 meters, which is "a stones throw". This layout makes it easy to shoot theenemy from the side. Therefore, the ancients commented: "if there is a citywithout a platform, it is just like there is no city. The city is the guardian,and the platform is the guardian.". On the outside of the city wall, there aredwarf pheasants, also known as "pile wall", with crenels and square holes forarchery and watching. The low wall on the inside is called "parapet" to preventsoldiers from falling under the wall when they walk. In the four corners ofXian city wall, there is a tower called "turret". In the urn formed by thearrow tower and the main tower, there is a horse road leading to the head of thecity, which is convenient for the horses to go up and down. During the war, thisis the throat of the deployment of troops, and we must ensure that there is noobstruction. So the guard is very strict.

With the change of time, we can see Changle gate, Anding gate, Zhuque gate,Hanguang gate, Yuxiang gate and so on. The origin of these names also reflectsthe ups and downs of the ancient city. The city wall of Xian in the MingDynasty shows the wisdom of the ancient working people of our country. OK, thecity wall of Xian is here. We will continue to take you to visit the bell andDrum Tower.

The bell tower and drum tower are the unique buildings in ancient Chinesecities. Bell and drum are the earliest percussion instruments in China, with ahistory of more than 3020__ years. Initially used as ritual and musicalinstruments. It has been used in military command since the spring and Autumnperiod. Ancient Chinese cities have the nature of military castles. In additionto building walls around the city, digging trenches and setting up suspensionbridges, there are also bell and drum towers built in the center of the city asthe command center. At ordinary times, it reports the time by morning bell andevening drum, opens and closes the suspension bridge regularly, and it is usedto warn the police and command the city defense in case of emergency. This tighturban defense system reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. Xian is an importantmilitary and political town in Northwest China in Ming Dynasty. Its bell towerand Drum Tower rank the first in terms of architectural scale, historical valueand artistic value in China.

The building we see now is the bell tower, which is located at theintersection of the four streets in Xian. It was built in the 17th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty. It was originally located in Yingxiang temple on theWest Street. With the eastward movement of the city center, in 20__ of Wanli ofShenzong of Ming Dynasty, the bell tower was demolished as a whole and moved tothe present site.

The bell tower is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with aheight of 36 meters, double eaves and brackets, gorgeous and solemn. It consistsof three parts: base, body and roof. The base is square, all made of greenbricks. The building is a square wooden structure, surrounded by an ambulatoryon the outside and a two-story building on the inside with wooden ladderscircling up. In the square hall on the upper and lower floors of the building,there are various kinds of valuable porcelain and red Phoebe furniture since theMing Dynasty. The four sides of the doors are covered with relief paintings,with a simple and vivid style. The top of the building is a four cornerstructure, covered with green glazed tiles. The top dome is 5 meters high,glittering and brilliant.

On the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming Dynasty iron bell,which weighs 5 tons and has eight trigrams on its side. It is much smaller thanthe bronze bell that hung in the bell tower earlier. The giant bell originallyhung in the bell tower is a "Jingyun bell" cast in the Jingyun period of TangDynasty. Now the bell is collected in the forest of Steles in Xian. It is saidthat after the bell tower was moved from Yingxiang temple to the present site,although the style and size of the tower have not changed, the Jingyun bell willnever ring. Theres no choice but to change. In order to move the jingyunzhongto the new bell tower, an inclined bridge was built in the west section of theWest Street, and the bridge slope was used to transport the jingyunzhong to thebell tower. It is said that "qiaozikou" also got its name.

There are inscriptions on the west wall of the bell tower. Song of the belltower was written by Gong Maoxian, governor of Shaanxi Province, who built thebell tower when he was dismissed and went to Beijing. The bell tower is warmlypraised in the poem. The story of the bell tower was written by Zhang Kai, thegovernor who had built the bell tower. It describes the life experience of thebell tower in detail. On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 woodcut reliefstory paintings, including Mulan joining the army, Change flying to the moon,Liu Yis biography, Eight Immortals crossing the sea and so on. After thefounding of the peoples Republic of China, the peoples Government of Xiancarried out three large-scale repairs to the clock tower, which made the ancientbuilding glow with its former style.

Far away from the bell tower is the drum tower. The door opening at thebottom of the tower is north-south, leading to the north gate and the SouthDarcy street. The drum tower was built in the 13th year of Hongwu in MingDynasty. It is sister to the bell tower. There is a huge drum on the north sideof the first floor of the drum tower, which forms a late drum with the morningbell on the bell tower, so it is called the drum tower. The building isrectangular. The height and width of the door opening on the base are 6 meters,and the depth is 38 meters. The drum tower is built with double eaves and threedrops of water. The building is divided into upper and lower floors. There aretwo plaques under the eaves of the north and the south. In the south, theEmperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty engraved a book with his pen: "the land ofculture and military prosperity", and in the north, Li yunkuan, a scholar ofXianning County, wrote "the sound is heard in the sky". In the outer eaves ofthe drum tower are decorated with Dou Gong, surrounded by corridors. The ceilingis painted with cloud pattern, antique, very beautiful. Bell and drum towerscomplement each other, making the ancient city of Xian more beautiful andspectacular. Well, this is the end of the tour of the bell and Drum Tower. Thankyou!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12439 字

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Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3712 字

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When it comes to Henan, people cant help but think of the ancient capitalsof Luoyang and Kaifeng, Shaolin Temple, oracle bone inscriptions, bronzes and soon. However, if the distinguished guests want to bring some special products ofHenan to their relatives and friends after enjoying these places of interest,then I recommend one gift to you, which is Xinyang Maojian, Chinas famoustea.

Xinyang Maojian, produced in Jigong Mountain, Xinyang, Henan Province, isone of the famous teas in China. It gets its name because it is all picked fromthe tender leaves of the tea plant and then refined. It often drinks XinyangMaojian, which has the functions of clearing heart and improving eyesight,lowering blood pressure, refreshing mind and prolonging life. For a long time,it has been called the best tea.

Speaking of tea, this is the pride of Chinese people.

Tea has a long history in China. The hometown of tea is China. Both tea andsilk are important inventions dedicated to the world by the Chinese workingpeople. As early as 5000 years ago, it is said that when Shennong, the distantancestor of the Chinese nation, was in power, he was unfortunately infected with72 kinds of viruses in order to find herbs for curing diseases. He was in greatpain and finally found tea to detoxify the virus. Since then, people know thattea can cure diseases and has medicinal functions. Later, in the long-termproduction and life, people gradually found that tea boiling water also had astrong thirst quenching effect. Therefore, Chinese people began to have aspecial preference for tea, and Chinese tea culture was born.

Speaking of Chinese tea, its really a university. First of all, lets knowthe classification of tea. Generally speaking, tea is divided into twocategories: basic tea and reprocessed tea. The basic tea categories includegreen tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea.Reprocessing tea includes flower tea, pressed tea, fruit tea and health tea.

These two kinds of tea have different characteristics. For example, greentea is characterized by green leaves and clear soup. Its main varieties areLongjing in Hangzhou, Biluochun in Suzhou, Yunwu in Lushan in Jiangxi, Guapianin Luan in Anhui and Maojian in Xinyang in Henan.

The basic characteristic of black tea is that the leaves are red and thesoup is red. The main varieties are Qimen black tea from Anhui, Dianhong teafrom Yunnan and Ninghong tea from Jiangxi.

Oolong tea belongs to semi fermented tea. Its main varieties are Wuyishanrock tea in Fujian, Tieguanyin in Anxi, and frozen top Oolong in Chinese Taiwan.

White tea is a slightly fermented tea, mainly produced in Fujian. Black teahas a long fermentation time and dark leaves, so it is called black tea and canbe drunk directly.

The flower tea in reprocessing tea is usually made by green tea afterabsorbing the fragrance of flowers, which is popular in northern China. The mainvarieties are jasmine tea, brandy tea and osmanthus tea.

Pressed tea is processed and autoclaved into a certain shape, such as bricktea, Puer tea, etc., so it is easy to store and transport, and is generallysold to Chinas border areas. In ancient China, the tea sold to the border areaswas monopolized by the imperial court. Whether it was sold to the borderminority areas was a means for the central court to control the border areas. Atthat time, the tea sold to the border areas was mainly brick tea.

The invention of fruit tea and health tea is relatively late. Fruit tea isa kind of tea beverage made by adding fruit juice into the production, such aslemon tea and orange tea. Health tea is made by adding Chinese herbal medicineinto the tea, which strengthens the prevention and treatment effect of tea.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2018 字

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Qingdao is located in the Yellow Sea, and China has always set the sealevel of the Yellow Sea as the national elevation datum. The level zero of thepeoples Republic of China from this can most intuitively experience thewonderful feeling that the height starts from the foot! Usually, after touristscome to Qingdao, the level zero is a must visit point, because the height startsfrom here, it represents higher and higher, higher and higher!

Located on the east side of Fushan Bay in Qingdao, adjacent to QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center and May 4th Square, China zero scenic spot is a nationalAAAA scenic spot. It is a theme park with Chinas altitude zero as the core. Itis a unique scenic spot in China. Former President Hu Jintao visited it inperson.

China zero scenic spot is a new type of scenic spot in Qingdao, whichintegrates surveying and mapping culture, navigation culture and marine culture.It has Chinas only level zero of the peoples Republic of China, Chinas firstinternational yacht and sailing industry development base, the worlds highestsculpture of "Mazu goddess on the sea", the worlds first mechanicallyretractable Rainbow Bridge on the sea, the sailing capital sightseeing tower andthe Maritime Science and Technology Museum.

Chinas leveling zero is located in the "peoples Republic of Chinaleveling zero" in Yinhai world, Donghai Middle Road, Qingdao, which is the onlyleveling zero in China. The leveling zero is the starting surface of theelevation of the ground point. The average sea level measured by the tide gaugeat different locations is different. In order to unify the national elevationsystem, an average sea level is selected as the elevation datum.

Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club scenic spot was rated as nationalAAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20__. It is the firstnew tourism resource with yacht club as the main body and knowledge of OlympicGames, ocean, sailing and surveying and mapping. It has unique ornamental,knowledge, interest and experience.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1426 字

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Danxia mountain is one of four renowned great mountains in guangdong! Beautiful scenery, scenery is charming. Definitely a go will linger. You ask me why? Because there was so beautiful, let me introduce to you!

Danxia mountain, green trees, colorful dense branches and leaves a layer, when we looked around, like the sea of green. Even on a hot summer day, you went in also will feel cool and refreshing and clinking! Below shade air pure and fresh, visitors walk through, will feel relaxed and happy, energetic, as if place oneself in a big natural oxygen bar.

Danxia mountain famous scenic spots, "wuzhishan" is one of them. Five peaks connected, proudly stands, like five fingers straight into the sky, very spectacular. The mountains there are several pavilion, from a distance, and like a five girls wearing hairpin qiao standing.

And one of my favorite spots is "sight". "Sight" composed of two very large peaks relative to one another. Peak to peak through, looking up, only to see a little fine sky, hence the name "sight". "Sight" hanging on the wall on both sides of the many bats, visitors from below by, sometimes accidentally disturb them, they are a group of a group of from pouring out of the sight, and suddenly it disappeared without a trace.

Danxia mountain scenic spots there are many, such as "herself block jiang", "danehill sunrise", "mitral peak", "the teapot peak", etc. They are waiting for you to visit!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10445 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Fenghuang ancient city. Now you are in Fenghuangancient city, Hunan Province, which is praised as one of the two most beautifulsmall cities in China by the famous New Zealand writer Mr. Louis Ailey. It isadjacent to Mengdong River in Western Hunan and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou. Itis the only way between Huaihua, Jishou and Tongren. It is also the hometown ofShen Congwen, a famous writer. Phoenix has beautiful scenery and many places ofinterest. It has always been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times,there have been eight scenic spots, including Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui,Longtan Yuhuo, Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, LanjingQiaoge and fange Huitao. In the city, ancient city buildings, ancient courtyardsof Ming and Qing Dynasties and small stone streets are still elegant; Outsidethe city, Nanhuashan National Forest Park, huangsiqiao ancient city built inTang Dynasty, underground art palace, Qiliang cave, magic wind rock, spectacularjianduoduo waterfall, mysterious gaodabu gorge, sanmendong general rock,picturesque tunliang mountain, Fenghuang mountain, Xiangbi mountain, Tianxingmountain and lale mountain all beckon to you《 More than ten films and TV plays,such as the story of suppressing bandits in Western Hunan, the story ofsuppressing bandits in Wulong mountain, the blood drum, and general Suyu, werealso filmed here. Phoenix is not only beautiful scenery, but also outstandingpeople. National heroes such as Zheng Guohong, chief soldier of Chuzhou town inZhejiang Province, Tian Xingshu, governor of Guizhou Province, Xiong Xiling, thefirst premier of the cabinet of the Republic of China, Shen Congwen, a famouswriter, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter are all Phoenix people. Formerresidence of Shen Congwen

Now follow the stone path to No. 10 Zhongying street, the former residenceof Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer and archaeologist.

Shen Congwens former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in1866. On December 28, 1902, Mr. Shen Congwen was born in this courtyard with thearchitectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, where he spent his childhood andadolescence. In 1917, when Mr. Shen was 15 years old, he joined the local armyin Western Hunan because of his familys decline. He left his hometown andtraveled in the yuan, Li and Youshui river basins. He experienced a full-blownwar, which stimulated his desire for creation. In 1919, Mr. Shen came to Beijingalone and began his hard career as a writer. He created a series of literaryworks, such as "border town", "Xiangxi", and soon became famous in the Chineseliterary world, almost as well as Mr. Lu Xun, who was more than 20 years olderthan him. After the 1950s, Mr. Shen devoted himself to the study of ancientChinese costumes and wrote a masterpiece, the study of ancient Chinesecostumes.

Mr. Shens works and character show a strong consistency: natural, honest,modest, diligent, broad and dignified. Mr. Shens works of more than 5 millionwords are the worlds literary treasures, leaving valuable historical materialsfor future generations to study the old China and the old Xiangxi.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans.

In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of the landwas not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans. In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of theland was not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.



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Dalian Xinghai Plaza was built in 1997, covering an area of 1.1 millionsquare meters

This is a project to commemorate the return of Hong Kong. In the middle ofthe square is the largest Chinese white jade watch in China. It is 19.97 metershigh and 1.997 meters in diameter, all of which commemorate the return of HongKong in 1997. The base of the watch has eight dragons, and the column body iscarved with a dragon, symbolizing that we are all descendants of the dragon

The center of the square imitates the design of Yuanqiu in Tiantan,Beijing. It is made of 999 pieces of red marble. The marble is engraved withtiangan, dizhi, 24 solar terms and 12 Chinese zodiac. Standing on the Chinesezodiac, photography can bring good luck

Around the square is a large music fountain,

From the central point of the Central Avenue of the square, DalianConvention and Exhibition Center is 500 meters to the north, and the blue sea is500 meters to the south. The Central Avenue is paved with red bricks and greengrass on both sides. Xinghai Square is leaning against the city and facing thesea, which makes people open-minded

Now in front of us is the century old city sculpture of Dalian. The citysculpture consists of two parts, the front part is the footprint relief, and theback part is the desk square in the shape of an open book

As you can see, there are many footprints on the relief of footprints.These footprints are not carved without any reason, but are stepped out by 1000real people. Each pair of footprints has a owner with a name. These footprintslead to the sea from north to south. They are sorted according to age. The firstline was born in 1899 when Dalian was founded. The last line is Born in 1999.These 1000 pairs of footprints prove that Dalians centennial history wascreated by hardworking Dalian people

The square is located in the beautiful Xinghai Bay, named after the Bay,with a total area of 45000 square meters. It is the largest Guangchang projectbuilt in Dalian since 1899. It was completed in 1997. Her design fullyintegrates the traditional Chinese culture. In the center of the square, thereis the largest Chinese white jade watch in China, 19.97 meters high and 1.997meters in diameter, to commemorate the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.The base of the watch and Zhou Changdu are decorated with dragons. The center ofthe square draws lessons from the design scheme of Beijing Tiantan Huanqiu,which is made of 999 Sichuan red marbles. The red marble is surrounded by a bigyellow five pointed star Chinas heavenly stems and earthly branches all thechildren of the Yellow Emperor are the 24 yellow solar term and the 12 zodiac.There are 5 large palace lanterns around the square, which are lifted up by thestone pillars of the white marble pillars, 12.34 meters high, and shiningbrilliance, reflecting the essence of Chinese traditional culture. The greatfive star red flag of the square symbolizes that our republic is from theChinese nation. Around the square, according to the atlas of the eastern andWestern Zhou dynasties, nine tripods with different shapes have been carved.Each tripod is inscribed with a large one in the form of a Wei tablet, whichtogether constitutes "long live the great unity of the Chinese nation". It isheld up by nine tripods, which symbolizes the unity and prosperity of theShenhua nation. It is more important than Mount Tai and shows the Chinesepeoples national spirit at home and abroad This square shows Dalian peoplesadmiration for the ancient culture of the Chinese nation, and also expressesDalian peoples sincere feelings for the Chinese nation. The huge star shapedsquare echoes with the sea. There are stars and the sea, just the symbol of thestar shaped Bay. The inner diameter of the square is 199.9 meters, implying the100th anniversary of the founding of Dalian in 1999; The outer diameter of thesquare is 239.9 meters, implying that Dalian will usher in the 500th anniversaryof the founding of the city in 2399 ad. the exhibition center is 500 metersnorthbound from star distillery along the Central Avenue, and the boundless seais 500 meters southbound. The Central Avenue is paved with red bricks, and theWest side is covered with green grass. The design is composed of small yellowleaved poplar. Every 20 meters, there is a stone pillar lamp in the shape of anavigation mark, and the "heading" goes straight to the sea, expressing thespirit of that year After a hundred years of national humiliation, the Chinesepeople have to deal with the sea and move towards the open-minded and imposingmanner of the people. Standing in the center of Xinghai Square, backed by theprosperity of modern city, facing the endless sea, I feel detached andopen-minded. And the feeling of walking along the square avenue to the seasideand embracing the sea can only be realized in person.



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Dear tourists, Hello! Im the tour guide of todays activity. Now behind usis the beautiful Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyishan is located in Wuyishan City in the north of Fujian Province.According to legend, a long time ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods andwild animals. The common people go through the ravines and have nothing to livefor. After that, a brave young man named Wang Wang came from afar to lead us tocut mountains, cut rocks, dredge rivers, and finally overcome the flood. Thedredged river course is todays Jiuqu River, and the excavated sand and stonesare piled up into thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. From then on, peoplehad a good life. One day, the jade girl Jiayun went on a trip. She wasfascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain and went down to earth tolove her king. Unfortunately, the iron ghost told the jade emperor about thismatter. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girland return to heaven. The jade girl refused and would marry the king. The ironghost uses magic to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of theJiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the iron ghost also becomes arock between the two lovers, monitoring them day and night. This is the ironpeak at the moment. From then on, they had to rely on the mirror platform tolook at each other in tears. Yunv peak bath Xiangtan is said to be the placewhere Yunv bathes. The "seal stone" in the pool is a token of love from theking.

There is also a beautiful place in Wuyi Mountain, called "southeast foot".The southeast foot is located in the northern part of Wuyi Mountains, coveringan area of about 70 square kilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. Themiraculous work of nature for hundreds of millions of years constitutes thebeautiful scenery of Qifeng, Xiushui Jue Hui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutelybeautiful scenery. The ancients said that "there are three or three wins inwater and six or six strange peaks", and it is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

Todays Liu tour ends there. I hope that the beautiful scenery of WuyiMountain will become your most perfect memory after this tour. I also hope thatpeople there can take good care of Wuyishan and pass on the beautiful scenery ofWuyishan from generation to generation. bye!



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Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province, is the central city andtransportation hub in Northwest China. It is the headquarters of LanzhouMilitary Region, one of Chinas seven major military regions, and theheadquarters of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, one of Chinas 18 railway bureaus.Surrounded by mountains in the north and south of the City, the East and WestYellow River pass through the city. It has the characteristics of a belt basincity. It is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and has a moderatetemperate continental climate. The annual average precipitation is 360mm, theannual average temperature is 9.3 ℃, the annual average sunshine hours is 2446hours, and the frost free period is more than 180 days. Lanzhou is the onlyprovincial capital city where the Yellow River passes through the center of theurban area. The urban area is close to mountains and rivers, and the mountainsare still, forming a unique and beautiful urban landscape. North and SouthMountains face each other, and the East and West Yellow River passes through thecity, winding more than 100 li.

Geography and climate

Lanzhou [1] is located at 36 ° 03 n, 103 ° 40 e, which is the closest tothe capital of the other four provinces (autonomous regions) in Northwest China.North and south of the city, surrounded by mountains, East and west of theYellow River, pillow mountain with river, mountain and water, with an averagealtitude of 1500 meters, with the characteristics of a basin city.

Lanzhou is located in the inland, with obvious continental characteristics,belonging to temperate continental climate. It is characterized by lessprecipitation, more sunshine, great light energy potential, dry climate, largeannual and daily temperature difference, slightly hot in summer, with thehighest temperature of about 30 ℃, cold but not extremely cold in winter, andthe lowest temperature of about minus 10 ℃. The annual sunshine hours are 2600hours, the frost free period is 180 days, and the annual average precipitationis 250-350 mm, mainly concentrated in June to September. The annual averagetemperature is 9.3 ℃.

natural resources

At present, there are 156 kinds of deposits, occurrences and 35 kinds ofminerals in Lanzhou. There are relatively rich non-metallic minerals, includinglimestone, flux dolomite, flux quartzite, ferrosilicon quartzite and refractoryclay. Among them, the reserves of quartzite are concentrated, and thetransportation reserves reach 300 million tons, which provides sufficientreserve resources for ferrosilicon industry. The coal reserves are 905 milliontons. The main mining areas are Yaojie and Agan mines, which basically meet therecent requirements of Lanzhou. There are 8 cascade hydropower stations fromJishixia to Heishanxia in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. In addition,Huangshui River and its tributary Datong River can also be developed.

The water resources in Lanzhou city are lower than the national averagelevel, but the inflow water resources are rich. The inflow of the Yellow Riverand its tributaries Huangshui and Datong River running through the city is 33.7billion cubic meters, and the water volume is stable. There is no freezing ineach season, and the sediment content is small, which can meet the needs ofurban industrial and agricultural water and living water. According to thepreliminary survey, the annual groundwater in the city is 960 million cubicmeters.

There are 182550 hectares of forestry land in the city, accounting for13.46% of the total area, including 90157 hectares of forest vacant land, withgreat potential for further afforestation. The natural grassland area is 770000hectares. Wild animal and plant resources are also abundant. There are about 600species of wild plants, and 40% of them have obvious economic value. Gansusfamous traditional Chinese medicines, such as licorice, angelica, Codonopsis,ephedra, Gentiana, podophyllum, Zushima, are distributed in Lanzhou. There are187 kinds of wild animals, and the rare animals are: Black Stork, Tibetan snowchicken, leopard, blue eared pheasant, etc.

The land area of the city is 1.353 million hectares. Among them, there are219000 hectares of cultivated land, 765000 hectares of woodland, 765000 hectaresof pasture land, and nearly 235000 hectares of unused wasteland, saline alkaliland and sandy land. Land resources can be divided into three types, namely: lowmountain forest and pastoral areas, located in the west, southwest and south ofLanzhou; river valley, Sichuan and Chinese Taiwan vegetable and fruit areas, located inthe river valley terraces; low mountain and hilly grain and oil areas,distributed in the north mountain of Yuzhong, northwest of Gaolan County, andqinzhengchuan of Yongdeng County. The complex and diverse land types aresuitable for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry,sideline and fishery, with great development potential.

Population of Lanzhou

According to the main data bulletin of the sixth national census of Lanzhouin 20__, the citys permanent population is 3616163. In 20__, the cityspermanent population has 1112369 households, with 3138817 households. Theaverage population of each household is 2.82. Among the citys permanentpopulation, the male population is 1849809, accounting for 51.15%, and thefemale population is 1766354, accounting for 48.85%. The sex ratio of population(100 females, male to female ratio) decreased from 108.56 in the fifth nationalcensus in 20__ to 104.72.

administrative division

As of May 31, 20__, Lanzhou has jurisdiction over 5 municipal districts and3 counties.

Lanzhou covers an area of 13271 square kilometers and has a permanentresident population of 3.6161 million (according to the sixth census in November20__).

Chengguan District covers an area of 220 square kilometers and has apopulation of 1278700. Most of the provincial and municipal administrative unitsare located in Chengguan District. It is the best District in the whole provinceand the whole city, and one of the four core areas of Lanzhou.

Qilihe district covers an area of 397 square kilometers and has apopulation of 561000. There are many old state-owned enterprises and developedcommerce and trade. It is one of the four core areas of Lanzhou city.

Xigu District covers an area of 385 square kilometers and has a populationof 364000. Petrochina Lanzhou Petrochemical, the largest petrochemicalenterprise in central and Western China, is one of the core areas of four citiesin Lanzhou.

Anning District covers an area of 86 square kilometers and has a populationof 288500. It is the location of national Lanzhou Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zone, where colleges and universities gather. It is the science andEducation District of Lanzhou, the future administrative center of Lanzhou City,and one of the four core areas of Lanzhou city.

Honggu District covers an area of 575 square kilometers and has apopulation of 136100. Baiyin district has become the only outer suburb ofLanzhou after the establishment of Baiyin City.

Yongdeng County covers an area of 6090 square kilometers and has apopulation of 500000. The county peoples government is located in Chengguantown. Qinwangchuan in the territory is the main battlefield of "Lanzhou NewArea", with great development prospects.

Gaolan County covers an area of 2556 square kilometers and has a populationof 131800. The county peoples government is located in Shidong town. LanzhouBaiyin metropolitan area and Lanzhou Baiyin economic zone are the connectingzone of the two cities.

Yuzhong County covers an area of 3362 square kilometers and has apopulation of 437100. The county peoples government is located in Chengguantown. The east gate of Lanzhou city is the main area for the future developmentof the state-level Lanzhou high tech Development Zone. Plateau Summer cuisine isthe signboard and characteristic industry of Yuzhong.



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Hello, everyone! I am a tourist guide. Today we are going to the famousscenic spot is Mount Emei.

There is another legend about Mount Emei: Once upon a time, there was aXipo temple outside the west gate of Emei county. One year, an old white hairedpainter came. He had a good relationship with a monk in the temple. Later, theold painter said goodbye to the monk. When he left, he gave the monk fourpaintings and told him to put them in the box and hang them in 7749 days. Butthe monk thought it was a pity to put such a good painting in the box, so hehung up the four paintings.

One day, after he went out, he came back and saw four girls. He felt veryfamiliar. Hou Laicai discovered that the girls were paintings on the wall. Heimmediately went after his sisters because they ran fast. He only caught thefourth sister. The fourth sister saw that she couldnt get away, so she calledout: "elder sister, second sister, third sister, come and help me!" The threeelder sisters saw that the fourth sister was dragged by the monk and scolded:"the monk is not shy!" Because she was so far away, she only heard the word "notshy" and thought that her sisters were scolding her. She blushed with shame andturned into a mountain. The monk suddenly disappeared the girl, but a bigmountain appeared in front of him. He thought, you become a mountain, and Imwaiting for you. Anyway, I cant let you go. Three elder sisters see fouryounger sisters become a mountain, also become three mountains waiting for her.Later, the monk died beside the mountain and became a porcelain arhat, stillguarding the mountain. People built a temple there, which is called "porcelainBuddhist temple". Four sisters become four peaks, one is more beautiful than theother. Later, people changed the word "e" from "e" to "e" near the mountain. Theelder sister is called dae mountain, the second sister is called ere mountain,the third sister is called sane mountain, and the fourth sister is called siemountain. So far, dae mountain, ere mountain and sane mountain are stillstanding side by side, only sie mountain is separated by a certaindistance.

The scenery of Mount Emei is beautiful. How many literati and poets areattracted to visit, and their poems, articles and traces are not clear. Li Bai,a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "there are many fairy mountains in Shu, butits hard to match Emei." Zhou Hongmo, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, praised: "thebeauty of sane is the best in the world. Why should we search Penglai by sea?"The contemporary literary giant Guo Moruo wrote that Mount Emei is "a famousmountain in the world"; Mount Emei is also known as "Emei is beautiful in theworld". Since ancient times, Mount Emei has been a resort for worshiping Buddha,sightseeing, scientific investigation, leisure and recuperation. For thousandsof years, Mount Emei has been full of fragrance, visitors and charm.

Tourists, Mount Emei has arrived. Please take what you want and well setout for sightseeing. During the tour, please dont spit or litter everywhere,and protect the environment and the fairyland Mount Emei.



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Gulou is located in the southeast of Hongqiao District, Tianjin, at thejunction of Heping District, adjacent to Haihe River in the East, West Road inthe west, South Road in the South and North Road in the north. With Gulou as thecenter, there is southeast northwest street, which is now a commercialpedestrian street.

On the morning of April 30, we took the harmony train from Beijing southstation to Tianjin west station, and then took bus 840 to get off at Guloustation, which is located in the South Road, after passing through the Italianstyle area, and then went north into Gulou South Street. At the entrance of thestreet, there are ancient Chinese style Paifang. The buildings on both sides ofthe street have the characteristic style of ancient Chinese architecture. Mostof them are small buildings with four floors. There are all kinds of Tianjincharacteristic shops and hotels. On both sides of the street are restaurants,Goubuli steamed stuffed bun shops, handicraft shops, gold hand jewelry shops,Mahua food shops, chongyangfu Hotel, Hongyan seafood restaurant, jiyoujie Hotel,lefo Hotel, Longdao Hotel, North Antique City, "clay figurine Zhang" clayfigurine handicraft shops, Tianjin laochengxiang Museum, Guangdong guild hall,gegefu, photo shop, etc. There are sculptures in the street, landscapingsketches and pavilions beside the street. The magnificent Drum Tower stands inthe central square of the East, West, North and South streets of the drumtower.

We have lunch in Gulou North Street to taste tianjin famous food Goubulisteamed stuffed bun. This is our first time to Tianjin to taste local specialsnacks.

We go shopping, take landscape photos and watch all kinds of handicrafts.The most attractive place is the clay figurine shop. There are many kinds ofclay figurines on display in the shop.



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to wuliangge. Im your guide.

Wuliangge, also known as Shoufeng temple, is located on the top of qieshimountain, 10km south of Fengrun county. It was built in 1032, the first year ofthe reign of emperor Chongxi of Liao Dynasty. The pavilion was built on thegranite platform. It used to be one story, and then it was added to threestories in the sixth year of the reign of emperor Chongxi. There are 1 pagodason the left and right sides of the pavilion. Now there is only the pharmacistsPagoda in the west, and one Wenchang Pavilion built in the Republic of China inthe East (on the right). The existing Pavilion is rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty.It has three floors. The front of each floor is arched with a platform and awhite marble railing. Xieshan double eaves glazed tile roof, under the eaves arebrick wood arch. All the pavilions are made of brick and tile. They have nobeams or inch of wood members, so they are called Wuliang pavilions. In front ofthe pavilion, there is a scripture building on the left, and in front of it,there is a stele of Wanfo Pavilion, which was built in 1598. Wenchang Pavilionwas destroyed by the earthquake, and Wuliang pavilion has been renovated.

The pharmacists pagoda, also known as Qieshan flower pagoda, was built in1032, the first year of the reign of emperor Chongxi of the Liao Dynasty. It isan octagonal pavilion type flower Pagoda with ll layers, solid, all built withbricks, with a height of more than 28 meters. The lotus xumizuo on the base ofthe pagoda is richly carved. The four facades of the pagoda are carved with archshaped false doors, and the other four sides are embossed with tallBodhisattvas. The pagoda above the first floor is a cone, and from the secondfloor to the ninth floor is surrounded by bricks Sculpture of Buddha. The Tashahas been destroyed. This pagoda is of special construction. On the eaves of thepagoda, there are seven layers of square pavilions, forming a flower shapedpagoda body. The lower layer of the pagoda is in the form of Yu layer pavilions,and the upper six layers are in the form of single-layer pavilions. It isbeautiful, simple and elegant, which is rare in the flower pagodas of LiaoDynasty.

Well, tourists, Wuliang Pavilion is here to explain. Thank you for yoursupport!
