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Dear visitors, today we will visit the emperor worship was formerly place - the temple of heaven.

Ming yongle emperor after moved in Beijing enterprise of Beijing, the big site modeled nanjing is established for this role in praying to alter, covers an area of reached 273 million square meters. Lord architecture is big, is also the site of QiNianDian position today. The temple of heaven has outer wall and the altar, the north is round compound has wall, the south is square, take meaning nature round place. In the beginning, heaven and offering ground is the temple of heaven, until the jiajing years in beicheng built ditan, just separate, and new MengDong HuanQiu altar, for the original big praying to the site, and great temple, instead, when MengChun specially for the mega garden just house roof was three double-hipped roof, from top to bottom blue and yellow green colors representing the earthen universe. And in qianlong multiplied, instead of the house, and now QiNianDian with roof tiles blue glazed tile. Thus formed today what we see of the worlds largest ceremonial buildings.

But such a praying to the holy land, but also once was in the anglo-french allied in 1860, then the looted in 1900 was again the ravages of g8 coalition. In 1916 the reign of yuan shikai once also in the temple of heaven has played a ceremonial farce. In 1918, the temple of heaven park end up with open. After the liberation tiantan not only become the famous tourist attractions, and still part of the Beijing urban green space, come here not only is the tourists, also have some specifically for the old people vti).

Now lets put the altar along the route that the emperor start the tour.

re going to see is HuanQiu altar of ancient emperor worship. There are two ways HuanQiu surrounded wall, make foreign inside the circle, accord with that nature round place. Every wall all have four groups lingxingmeng, from east ordinal it is tai yuan, zhao heng, GuangLi, ChengZhen, each group sanmen, a total of 24 seats, called "cloud gate jade". You can notice, lingxingmeng size are different, this is because in door is god dedicated, so tall; Only from the door of the emperor into; But other officials can only from the right side of the door through the smallest. And the same platform is emperor ceremonies in worship before replacement offering clothing and wash ones hands and face with local, called served Chinese Taiwan. Came to HuanQiu altar, well start next put altar, but I please pay attention to each layer of how many steps square. To top it all, we also found, the altar all steps number, guard board number are nine or multiples of nine. Every board a layer, have 9 steps, mesa tablets of stone, called pure among the first lap the periphery of nine laps huge brick slab, the second lap fan 18 blocks, and so on, to most outside the 9th lap is just 81 block; And everybody looked can see enclosure panels were all steps is divided into four parts, each part also has nine pieces, while middle-level enclosure panel is 18 blocks, lower is 27 pieces, these arent all be coincidence? Of course not, because according to the Yin yang-five elements, it is extremely Yang number nine, so ancient craftsman will use this digital to give HuanQiu sets the noble thoughts.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1917 字

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Hello, Im director Lin from Fuzhou. Please give me more advice. Welcome tothe "happy time train". First of all, lets start from Beijing!

OK! Now were at the "history and culture" station. Let me tell yousomething: Prince Gongs house was first built in 1776, which is more than 230years old. It was built for Heshen, a corrupt official. Later, Emperor Jiaqingmade 24 charges, so the house was confiscated. Because the last owner is PrinceGong Yixin, it is called Prince Gongs mansion. Please remember that the twoowners of this mansion are the corrupt official Heshen and Prince GongYixin.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the "Fuchi" station. Do you know whyits called "Fu Chi"? Thats right! Because the shape of the pond is like a bat,he Shen wanted to make himself happy, so he chose the homonym "bat". He alsobuilt 999 bat like buildings in the palace.

We walked past the "Fuchi" and came to the picturesque "western gate"station. The door is exquisitely made, brightly colored and unparalleled. Butthis beautiful door is also one of the 24 crimes of Heshen, because it ismodeled on the western gate of Wanshou garden, the royal garden.

After entering the western gate and passing through the Zhulan corridor,you can see the study of Heshen. You can see a very grand building, which is ournext stop - "historical legend". There is a special way to get to the majesticmain hall. There is only one ladder on this road, followed by a straight andgentle slope. It is said that in his life, Heshen suffered only when he wasyoung, and then he went all the way to the top. So we can also cross the bottomof the ladder, throw all the troubles under the ladder, and then go all the waywith a happy mood!

After visiting Prince Gongs mansion unconsciously, please remember: thishistoric building stands in China! In addition, our train has arrived at theterminal. I hope you can have a safe journey and have a pleasant journey!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4791 字

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The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and thepresent buildings were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preservedgovernment office of country level in feudal China. Since our opening up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials andvisitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science,attractive value and its own charm. We have the famous saying : Beijing is thedragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in Neixiang. It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level.

The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which wasbuilt with blue brick relief sculpture. In the middle of the screen, there is astrange beast, which is called “Tan”. It was said to be a greedy beast thatcould swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. Here in the picture wecan see that around it there are treasures everywhere. But he is not satisfied.His mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. The pictureon the screen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the MingDynasty. The purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not totake bribes and break the law. Here is the main entrance, halfway there isanother gate right in the middle, called Yimen, the second main officialentrance. It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place orwhen higher official came to visit. On both sides of the second gate, there’retwo small doors, the one on the east was called Life door, while the one on thewest was called Death door, or Ghost door, which was used only by the criminalswhen they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. Passing throughYimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . That is the greathall. The great hall was the place where the governor of the county announcedthe government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here andsome important and serious criminal cases were tried here. In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study andthe red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. On the front sideof the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that anofficial should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. Inother words, an official should be honest and upright. When the prosecutor andthe defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on thestones. The square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectanglestone on the west was for the accused. Since most cases

involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. The housebehind the great hall was called doorman house. The man who guarded the housewas called Doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who wereclose to him. Now we have come to the second hall. It was the place where theCounty Magistrate dealt with small cases. Please look at these famous couplets,which means that before law everyone is equal. So the judges should pass thefairest judgment on people. This is called Fuzi Yard, an ancient form of addressto a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. Fuzi was usually theofficial’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable andartistic talent. Everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressedhim as Lao Fuzi, so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard. Finally,let’s go to the third hall. It was the place where county governor did his dailywork. If the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here.There was also a garden behind. It was here that county governor enjoyed hisfree life and got away from his government affairs. As we can see now, there’remany succinct couplets with rich intension here. But this one before the thirdhall was the most famous. It was written by GaoYigong , a county governor inNeixiang county. It means that being the local officials, we rearded the commonpeople as our parents. We worked for them voluntarily and willingly.Nowadays ,many of our Party leaders like Chairman Jiang Zemin read it with deep feelings,and Premier Zhu Rongji sings high praise of it. The words can be no doubtregarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. So now theYmen in Neixiang, together with the Museum Palace in Beijing, and the other twoin Hebei and Shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the fourgreat ancient Chinese Yamens. Neixiang is now going out of Henan and into theworld. We warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visitNeixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient Yamen.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2868 字

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Founded in 1087, Xian stele forest is an art treasure house with theearliest and largest number of ancient steles in China. There are more than 1000steles and epitaphs from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. There is a forestof Steles, so it is called the forest of steles. The forest of Steles in Xianis rich in materials. It is not only a treasure house of ancient Chinesecalligraphy, but also a collection of ancient literature and stone patterns. Itdescribes some achievements of Chinas cultural development and reflects thehistorical facts of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, soit is famous at home and abroad.

The forest of Steles in Xian was developed on the basis of preserving thestone scriptures of Tang Dynasty. The Shijing in Tang Dynasty includes ShitaiXiaojing written by Li Longji in 745 AD and Kaicheng Shijing carved in 837ad.

In front of the first exhibition room of the forest of Steles is a pavilionspecially built for displaying Shitai Xiaojing. Shitai Xiaojing is the largeststele in the forest of steles. It was written by Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong ofTang Dynasty, in 745 ad. The book of filial piety was compiled by Confuciusstudents, who specially emphasized filial piety. The first part is Li Longjispreface to filial piety. The purpose of Xuanzongs preface to filial piety is toshow that he wants to govern the world with filial piety. The following is theoriginal text of filial piety, and the small words are the annotation of EmperorXuanzong for filial piety. The base is composed of a three-layer stone platform,with vivid lines carved on it, such as vines, lion flowers, etc. it is arepresentative of the Mid Tang Dynasty, with relief cirrus above. The stele iscomposed of four stones with a stone platform under it, so it is called "stoneplatform filial piety".

The first exhibition room of the forest of Steles mainly displays theKaicheng Shijing. The materials include Zhouyi, Shangshu, Shijing, Zhouli, Yili,Liji, Chunqiu Zuoshi biography, Chunqiu Gongyang biography, Chunqiu Guliangbiography, Analects of Confucius, Xiaojing, Erya and other 12 scriptures, with650252 words, 114 square stones and inscriptions on both sides. More than 30000characters on 17 sides of Mencius, which was made up in the Qing Dynasty, arealso displayed here, collectively known as the thirteen classics. Twelveclassics are the necessary books for intellectuals in feudal society. Becausethe printing technology was not very developed at that time, in order to avoidthe mistakes made by the literati in copying scriptures, and to preserve thempermanently, the 12 scriptures were engraved on stone tablets as models, whichwere set up in the Imperial Academy of Changan City for people to proofread.Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, China has carved scriptures seven times. KaichengShijing is the only complete set of stone scriptures.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2103 字

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La région autonome zhuang du guangxi, la mer du nord, dans la province duguangxi, au large du nord-est de l’atoll situé le plus au sud, la mer du nord dugolfe beibu, est un paysage Urbain et le climat, avec, intense. Mais un paysagelittoral subtropical, la belle ville de la ville touristique.

La mer du nord au sud de la Chine est un beau rivage, le jardin de la villese situe, quartiers résidentiels arborés de rectitude, mers, de l’?le, les c?tesparticulières et le beau soleil du nom de l’eau, des plages nette, XiGe HuaYangparois latérales, prévoyant la construction dans des zones urbaines, des zonesrésidentielles gracieux, un style vertes, la nature des dons généreux àaccrocher un beau dessin. Population urbaine naturel, culturel, KeGu culturelsdes communes, des ?ufs culturelles contrastent fortement avec la culturelocale.

La mer du nord, la lumière du soleil se subtropicales, précipitations, lavégétation luxuriant. YeLu tout au long de l’année, quatre saisons GuaGuoconsacré beaucoup compliqué. Le milieu naturel sont bien protégés dans denombreux pays du continent et les ?les c?tières naturels, bonne température desplages, Vincent paronnaud nette à flot souple, comme la capacité nette de qualité de l’eau au niveau national. L’air est la plus fra?che national dansdifférentes villes du pays, dans le niveau excellent. La Chine villes vivablesest un ?trois? (c’est -à-dire en mer du nord, zhuhai, weihai, xiamen). Un YangBaprévale est gratuit.

La mer du nord du pays qui YinTan villégiature du tourisme et propositionsXingDaoHu deux continents, le tourisme dans une optique de vacances, et le parcforestier national flots ridge national de protection des mangroves, porte lesréserves naturelles, les zones naturelles protégées, BaiLong sirène paysZhenZhuCheng, zones protégées, GePu HanDai la sépulture, trincomalee, libelvédère versants des consulats européens ciea, un grand nombre de sites,Ha?ti, lac, comme l’agriculture, la sylviculture, les montagnes, les monuments,culturel?. L’état du YinTan shelco cinq plus sur la liste. Guangxi ?paysage dunord, la mer guilin est fière YinTan?.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1870 字

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Distinguished visitors, guys! My name is hu, you can call me xiao hu. We the tour destination is called buildings in architectural history a wonders of the world -- the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, the mountains, the cliffs, wear a prairie, across the desert, ups and downs in the top of the mountains, across the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea. There are words you must know that "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall!" Today, lets also do one hero.

Into the door before, I want to ask a question: "how long is the Great Wall?" Tell you, the Great Wall has more than thirteen thousand in the whole! From here, the Great Wall is more like a huge dragon, winding on the badaling! Now, we have stood in the doorway, the south east of here is a big battery? The artillery diameter is 105 mm long, 2.85 meters long, is called, "the general." Then why is called "the general"? Tourists friends, you guess! Yes, it is because the gun body casting have a named "troublesome compared to general".

Dear visitors, we go forward, you should see the beacon tower! Yantai beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf, once the enemy pounce, kindle wars on the situation of the enemy: hundreds a smoke a gun, more than five hundred people burning two smoke gun... And so on. The ancients will lit the fire call sunshine during the day and night called flint. The scenery on both sides of the Great Wall is very beautiful, dear visitors look, pine and cypress, hidden-away east, birds, gurgling streams, everywhere is full of poetic.

Sun yat-sen once said the Great Wall, "the engineering of the most famous, the Great Wall also.... engineering, ancient without his horse, for only one of the wonders of the world." Visitors, I hope you will be touring, be careful not to litter debris-brick rubbish, such as the last wish you have a good trip, bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2636 字

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Famen Temple is located in Chongzheng town (now Famen town), 10 kilometersnorth of Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province, 120 kilometers east of Xian and 96kilometers west of Baoji. In April 1987, the underground palace of Famen Templewas excavated. The Buddha finger relic and a large number of rare treasures ofthe Tang Dynasty were unearthed. Among them, 121 pieces of dazzling gold andsilver ware, 17 pieces of exquisite glass ware, 16 pieces of lost "secret colorporcelain" ware, and more than 700 pieces of brocade, silk, Luo, yarn, silk, Qi,embroidery and other textiles were unearthed. This batch of cultural relics israre both at home and abroad for its numerous types, large quantity, excellentquality, fine workmanship, high grade and well preserved. This archaeologicaldiscovery immediately caused a huge sensation at home and abroad, expertspointed out: the Buddha finger relic and cultural relics unearthed in FamenTemple is another major discovery in Shaanxi Province after the pit ofterracotta warriors and horses.

According to experts research, Famen Temple was first built in theNorthern Wei Dynasty, around 499 A.D., and the remaining stele of ThousandBuddhas in the Northern Wei Dynasty was built shortly after the pagoda waserected. At that time, it was called "asokang Temple" (or "wuyouwang Temple").In the Sui Dynasty, the Buddhist temples were changed into Daochang, and theasokang temple was changed into Chengshi temple. The Tang Dynasty was the heydayof Famen Temple. With its prominent position as a royal temple, it held sevengrand activities to welcome the Buddha bones, which had a profound impact onBuddhism and politics in the Tang Dynasty. In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan,Emperor Gaozong, changed his name to "Famen Temple". In the second year of Wude(619), Li Shimin, king of Qin, spent 80 monks in Famen Temple. Huiye, a monk ofBaochang temple, was the first abbot of Famen Temple. During the reign ofZhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Ayu king tower was rebuilt into a four level woodentower. In the third year of zongdali (768), the Tang Dynasty was renamed "thereal body pagoda of protecting the country". Since the reign of Zhenguan, theTang government has spent a lot of manpower and financial resources on theexpansion and heavy work of Famen Temple. There are more and more halls andpavilions in the temple, more and more magnificent pagodas, and more and moreextensive areas. Finally, a grand temple with 24 courtyards was formed. Thenumber of monks and nuns in the temple has increased from more than 500 in Zhouand Wei dynasties to more than 5000. It is the largest temple in the "threeauxiliary" area.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4032 字

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Dear friends, hanshan temple is known for its inscriptions, and the most famous one is the poem of the maple bridge. Ladies and gentlemen,

Now lets go to the stele. Since ancient times, in the temple, "the maple bridge night mooring" has a few pieces of poetry. The answer is: a poem. Wang GUI (1019-1085), the king of the northern song dynasty, was the first stone in the poem of "the maple bridge", the first stone of zhang jishi, which could be lost in the early years of this monument. In order to restore historical relics and carry forward the national culture, the first stone of zhang jishi, which was integrated with wangs calligraphy, was re-established next to puminta in 1996, with the efforts of people on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits. Thanks to Chinese Taiwan SiNian library, they free get-together of generous Ph.D. More than 3000 words handwriting epitaph rubbings, the suzhou famous calligrapher FeiZhiXiong set word, suzhou museum of stone inscription loyalty as heavy carved sculpture artists, and shows the world the first stone Zhang Jishi spirits, to understand a get-together chirography provides physical characteristics and style.

Full of poetry only 28 words, but can directly select a get-together to complete the original words only 14, namely: month, full day, jiang, fire, for, gu, outside the city, and cold, hill, temple, night, half, the rest are through a mix of the original word radical. For example, "frost", combined with "rain" and "facies"; The people are composed of "eyes" and "people". The word is in block letters, between the yan and liu shushu. The stone tablet has been used for a certain period of time. It is 2.5 meters high, 0.84 meters wide, 0.2 meters thick and 1.66 meters high, about 13 centimeters per word. The stele was collected by the Palace Museum in September 1996.

The second tablet is written in Ming dynasty. The temple is in fire. There are only remnants of the monument, and less than 10 words remain. The third tablet is written by yu yue in the qing dynasty. It is well preserved. The most common "night mooring" in the market is the first inscription of yus books. The tablet is displayed in the gallery. The fourth tablet was written on December 14, 1947 by zhang, a member of the hebei cangzhou dynasty, with the same name as the tang dynasty. Zhang succeeded in writing this tablet, and unexpectedly died the next day, and the ink became a veritable masterpiece. This stele is well preserved and is now on display in the hospital of pu-minta, where the original poems are preserved in the central history museum of the kuomintang (KMT) in Chinese Taiwan. The fifth tablet we have seen in the songmao pavilion in the house of hanshan. It is the one li dazhao wrote. The sixth tablet is a contemporary painting

Liu haisus works. In the winter of 1981, the 86-year-old painter locked himself in his room for about five hours, using the whole body and soul to complete a masterpiece -- the "maple bridge night". When liu finished the work, he fell ill for many days, but he was very satisfied with the work and thought it was no less than yus book. According to lius wish, this tablet was engraved in 1994 and placed in the corridor of hanshan temple.

The seventh tablet was written by the revolutionary predecessor Chen yun in the "maple bridge poetry gallery" in 1998. The original was a gift given to liu yuna, a famous critic, when he was 82 years old. The inscription on the tablet stands in contrast to the poems written by kang youwei in the han shan temple in 1920. "the bell has been crossing the sea, and the wind is cold and cold. Dont let feng dry and rap again, to make people not empty." Loss of kang youwei was generous in clocks to Japan, he quips: also blame gab abundant dry monk, to zhejiang taizhou high disturbing the satrap pavilion hanshan, picked up are two manjusri, samantabhadra bodhisattva incarnation of cat. Had it not been for the leak of the celestial machine, there would have been no longer the ancient clock in the temple.



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Hello! Dear passengers, my friends, I am you the tour guide. First to introduce myself. My name is guilin travel guide, hong-yu zhu, I will be with you through this journey together, thank you to give me this chance, I will service for you, let everybody have a good time in guilin and happy, hope everyone support to our work.

Guilin, the famous tourist destination, as the saying goes: landscape jiatianxia guilin. Guilin with her mountain, water show, hole, Shi Xiu is famous for its beautiful scenery, every year attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad to guilin tourism.

Guilin mountains in this area, the past high mountains towering, springing up, connect. Guilin water winds bend, on the bottom, in trip in the future I will take you on a boat to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, li river. The lijiang river water is eerily quiet, quiet we simply dont feel it in the flow; The water of the lijiang on the bottom, can see there are many beautiful fish swimming around.

Guilin more mountain stone, famous with the hilt of crescent hill stone fish stone elephant trunk hill, fubo hill sword-power-test rock... Guilin hole is a special skill. Let me together with me, please go ashore to admire the mysterious rock.

Rock cave of the area is big, can accommodate more than ten thousand people, look here, inside hole has a strange shape various scenery: a vast original forest, pagoda towering tall and straight, and fresh white bamboo... A palace of nature, said. Look at this way, for a variety of stalactites, under the lights, it is more fun? The stalactites has a beautiful name, what shiling toward, stone milk account, haeundae range and so on. Please free to enjoy, must pay attention to safety!

Guilin stone beauty, green hills, water show, hole. The beautiful scenery of the singularly, won the praise of the landscape jiatianxia guilin. Compose a as long as more than 80 km of landscape picture scroll.


桂林,著名的旅游胜地,俗话说:山水甲天下的桂林。桂林的山、水、洞、Shi Xiu以风景优美著称,每年吸引数以百万计的国内外游客到桂林旅游。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1854 字

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Kunming xishan called blue mountain chicken. For brigitte Nao mountain,huating mountain, mt huashan, the floorboard of the Luo Hanshan. West mountainis located in the western suburbs of kunming, dianchi lake west bank, 15 km awayfrom downtown, lie between the dianchi and golden horse mountain, is relative.North green chicken guan, south to haikou, 35 kilometers. Peak Luo Hanfeng, 2,511 meters above sea level. Rolling hills, red is like sleeping Buddha, so alsocalled lie in foshan. On the other side of the water just like the dianchi lakeshore - rich woman lay, of "sleeping beauty mountain" good name. Sanqingpavilion on longmen grottoes. The first scene in kunming area. First see thename of xishan and tomorrow shun six years (in 1462), he gives the Minneapolismountain, the great garden temple imperial tablet "county of yunnan provincekunming xishan sea".

Xishan dense woods, flowers and plants flourish, beautiful beautiful,scenic, in ancient times has the reputation of "the first state in the yunnan".From a look to the southeast of kunming, xishan just like a beautiful womanlying in dianchi lake on both sides. Her head, chest, abdomen, legs, hair floatsin dianchi lake sparkling waves of shadow, appear outline and graceful,enchanting and moving, so also called sleeping beauty.

Folklore, ancient when a princess to bear palace lonely, sneak out of thepalace with a small group of married couples. Later, breaking up a happymarriage, the king and to the young man to death. Princess grieving, and wept,tears remit the dianchi lake, she also fall on his back into the western hills.Xishan are bi is a forest park, attractions. Every year in March, kunming peoplehave the custom of "march third, play xishan", when the four sergeants gatheredparty, sing folk songs, to minor, play the dragon lion dance, the piic toadmire the view, very busy.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6877 字

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Beijing botanical garden is a collection of science, scientific research,travel and other functions in one comprehensive botanical garden, nationalemphasis construction is one of the botanical garden.

The Beijing Botanic Garden in Haidian District Fragrant Hill Park and theYuquan mountains (West hills near Wat Chayamangkalaram), approved by the StateCouncil in 1956, is a collection of scientific research, plant plant knowledgepopularization, visit the rest, germplasm preservation and promotion, new plantsand other functions as one of the large-scale comprehensive botanical garden.The planning area of 400 hectares, is now completed and open for tours by theplant area of 200 hectares, exhibition areas, places of historic interest andscenic beauty, research areas and nature reserves. The introduction andcultivation of plants more than 10000 species (including varieties ) in 1500000strains of. Covers an area of 900 acres. Collection of plants more than 3000species, is currently Chinas largest botanical garden in North, is specializedin plant introduction and acclimatization of theoretical study and experimentalresearch base. The whole garden plant exhibition greenhouse as the center, atotal of 13 galleries, planted with more than 1500 kinds of tropical andsubtropical plants, including stone flower, a tree, dance orchid plant.

Beijing botanical garden by plant exhibition area, places of historicinterest and scenic beauty cultural landscape, natural protection area and areaof scientific research.

Plant exhibition area including ornamental plants area ( Park ), arboretum,bonsai garden, greenhouse flower district. Ornamental plants area from peonygarden, rose garden, green peach, lilac Institute, Begonia Park, bonsai garden,lily magnolia garden, a garden show ( bamboo ), perennial flowers, peony gardenand park is being developed in the garden, the park consists of 11; by pine andcypress, ginkgo trees Garden District Maple rose area, linden willow, MagnoliaBerberis zone and sycamore, ash area consists of Quercus acutissima area ofpaulownia. Places of historic interest and scenic beauty resort by WatChayamangkalaram, Cherry Valley, the Longjiao temple ruins, " December 9th "memorial Pavilion, the tomb of Liang Qichao village, Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall.The introduction and cultivation of plants more than 56 lines, more than 5000,900000 square metre grassed. There are scientific research building, sciencemuseum. Wat Chayamangkalaram was built in the Tang Dynasty, is a nationalheritage conservation units, protecting and displaying the world rare YuanDynasty bronze Shakya Muni lying like Cherry Valley, dense forest, is in theplanning of nature reserve. Cao Xueqin Memorial Exhibition of Cao Xueqins lifeand in the Western Hills. " A dream of Red Mansions " scene.

Beijing botanical garden is the Beijing Municipal Gardens Bureau designatedpriority of the new plant introduction, domestication, breeding base. TheBeijing botanical garden has begun to take shape, are playing a more and moreimportant social benefit and environmental benefit, more and more peoplesfavorite.

20___ January Beijing botanical garden was named the first national AAAAgrade scenic spot, in 20___ March through the ISO9000 quality management systemand ISO14000 environmental management system certification and certified thefirst batch of fine park, 20___ in the capital of civilization industry madeoutstanding achievements appraisal. The garden is beautiful environment, goodorder, quality services and excellent culture to meet guests at home andabroad.

Beijing Botanical Garden ( referred to as South Park) with various plant3000 a variety of, visit the main point is the greenhouse exhibition area, thereare 13 pavilions, 1500 kinds of plants. The tropical plants accounted for 1000 avariety of, palm plants, tropical aquatic plants, succulents, Victoria roomroom, medicinal plant room, industrial raw materials plant, orchid plants,aromatic plants, tropical fruit and citrus plants. The arboretum occupies anarea of 70000 square meters, is Chinas rare silver fir trees, and SequoiaAmerica, Sri Lankas Bodhi tree. There is also a special type of garden and thenational herbarium.

Beijing botanical garden exhibition greenhouse built in March 28, 1998January 1, 20___, began to receive visitors, the exhibition greenhouseconstruction area of 9800 square meters, covers an area of 5.5 hectares, is thelargest in Asia, the world s largest single greenhouse area of exhibitiongreenhouse of Kunming World Expo, the area ratio of the greenhouse is twice asbig as the Chinese history of architecture, the big.

Greenhouse into tropical rainforest room, desert plant room, orchid,pineapple and carnivorous plant rooms and four seasons garden show, tropical,subtropical plants more than 3100 species, show perspective, strangulation,root, old cauliflorous, strange phenomenon. Exhibition greenhouse for plantscience education base, and protection of plant resources and scientificresearch are the main places. As the city of Beijing internationalization citylandmark works, the exhibition hall of the greenhouse is increasingly playing agreat social benefits.

The exhibition greenhouse of Beijing botanical garden is the 50 anniversaryof the founding of Beijing city to meet key project, botanical garden is locatedin the road on the west side, the building area of 17000 square meters, coversan area of 5.5 hectares, 260000000 yuan investment. Exhibition greenhousebuilding designed by the Beijing Architectural Design Research Institute isassumed, with " leaves to the root. " concept for the design theme, have greatoriginality to design the " roots " interwoven inclined glass ceiling, like aleaf falls in the foot of the West hills. Exhibition exhibition design byBeijing plant landscape design and Research Institute of ancient bear.Exhibition greenhouse underground foundation in 1998 3 at the end of the monthto start construction, the main steel structure and glass curtain wall will bein 1999 May completed, on 1 January 20___ open to the outside world. Exhibitiongreenhouse is divided into four main sections: the tropical rain forest, desertplant zone, four seasons garden and special plant room. Display plants 3100species more than 60000 lines, for the masses to provide rich and colorfulornamental plant landscape, learning scientific knowledge, have a higher gradeof tourist attractions. At the same time, it is the horticultural research andinternational exchanges. Exhibition greenhouse project won the Tenth NationalExcellent Project Design Gold Award, 20___ annual national high quality projectsilver medal, Beijing City tenth first prize of excellent design, " large-scaleexhibition greenhouse plant introduction and design of the scientific andtechnological progress in Beijing city " project won the two prize, was namedBeijing City ninety in the ten building.



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Shiyan is built and prospered by cars. It is not only the hometown ofDongfeng Motor, the automobile city known as "Oriental Detroit", but also amountain city, tourist city and ecological garden city surrounded by beautifulmountains and waters and attractive scenery in four seasons.

Shiyan has a long history and splendid culture. This is an importantbirthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991, archaeologists excavated two completeskulls of Australopithecus in Quyuan River, Yunxian County, and named them"Yunxian people". Anthropologists believe that this discovery fills a gap in the"chain" of human development in Asia, and is listed as the first of the "top tenarchaeological discoveries in the world" at that time. Todays urban area wasnamed Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because people dammed the Baier River and theZhihe river for irrigation. This is the birthplace of Taoism and "Wudangboxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than one thousand years. Wudangancient buildings have been listed in the world cultural heritage list by theUnited Nations.

Shiyan City, located in the northwest of Hubei Province, governs fivecounties, one city, two districts and one economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, namely Yun County, Yunxi County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County, FangCounty, Zhangwan District, Maojian District, Danjiangkou City and Bailangeconomic and Technological Development Zone. Shiyan City is not only a car citybuilt, prospered and famous for cars, but also a mountain city and tourist citysurrounded by beautiful mountains and waters and charming scenery in fourseasons. It is the central city of the adjacent areas of Hubei, Henan, Sichuan,Shaanxi and Chongqing.

This is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991,archaeologists excavated two complete skulls of Australopithecus in QuyuanRiver, Yunxian County, and named them "Yunxian people". Anthropologists believethat this discovery fills a gap in the "chain" of human development in Asia, andis listed as the first of the "top ten archaeological discoveries in the world"at that time. Shiyan City belongs to Jiao and Yong states in Shang and ZhouDynasties; Chu state in Warring States; Changli County in Hanzhong County in Qinand Han Dynasties; Xi county in Eastern Han and Wei dynasties; Yunxiang Countyin Wudang County in Tang and Song Dynasties; Yun county was established in YuanDynasty. Todays urban area was named Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because peopledammed the Baier River and the Zhihe river for irrigation. In 1967, in order tobuild the second automobile factory (now Dongfeng Motor Company), the state setup the Shiyan office in Yunxian County. In December 1969, the State Councilapproved the establishment of Shiyan City (county-level city), and in 1973, itwas upgraded to a provincial city. In October 1994, the former Shiyan City andYunyang District merged to form a new Shiyan City. This is the birthplace ofTaoism and "Wudang boxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than onethousand years. Wudang ancient buildings have been listed in the world culturalheritage list by the United Nations.

There are abundant mineral resources, including more than 50 kinds ofproven mineral deposits, such as turquoise, gold, silver, stone coal, rareearth, iron, tin, vanadium, antimony, lead, zinc, marble, asbestos, barite,uranium, potassium, molybdenum and cobalt. The theoretical reserves of waterenergy resources are 5 million KW, of which 340 kW can be developed andutilized; Fangxian County is known as the "hometown of Yaner" in China for itsabundant tea and edible fungi and high quality products. There are many kinds ofmedicinal materials, producing more than 2700 kinds of medicinal materials.Among the 363 key varieties determined by the state, there are about 235 kindsof medicinal materials in our city, known as the "natural medicine bank"; Shiyanis a shining pearl on the golden tourism line of Three Gorges - Shennongjia -Wudang Mountain - Xian. There are 25 unique scenic spots in six categories allover the city. There are Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism, Yunxian apeman site and dinosaur egg fossil group, Danjiangkou reservoir, the firstman-made lake in Asia, and the newly developed lake The present skeleton fossilsof ornithopods.

Shiyan is a tourist attraction. It is a bright pearl on the golden tourismline of "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Shennongjia Gulongzhong WudangMountain Danjiangkou Reservoir ancient city Xian". There are Wudang Mountain, aTaoist Holy Land listed in the world cultural heritage list and awarded thetitle of 4A tourist area, Danjiangkou reservoir, known as Asias firstartificial lake, Yunxian ape man site, dinosaur egg fossil group and dinosauregg fossils Dinosaur skeleton fossil is a rare dinosaur hometown in the world.There are hot springs, waterfalls, Tianchi, canyons, caves, virgin forests andmodern automobile cities. Shiyan, a place with no severe cold in winter, nointense heat in summer, no strong wind in four seasons, beautiful mountains andpleasant scenery, is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

Shiyan is the source of South to north water diversion. Danjiangkoureservoir, located in Shiyan, is the water source area and water intake of theMiddle Route Project of South to north water diversion. The Middle Route Projectof South-to-North Water Diversion directly supplies water to Beijing, Tianjin,Hebei and Henan provinces, with an annual water diversion of 13 billion cubicmeters. The construction of the middle route of the south to North WaterDiversion Project will make Shiyan the "water capital of the world, Tianchi ofAsia" and bring new development opportunities to Shiyan.

Shiyan is an ecological barrier. Because of the intersection of Qinling andBashan mountains in Shiyan, it forms the geographical boundary of the climatebetween the north and the south of China. Therefore, Shiyan is an ecologicalregulator and the ecological heart of China.



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Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to be your guide today.Now we are going to visit the Great Wall.

The Great Wall,symbolizing Chinas ancient civilization,is one of the most famous,grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world.It is just like a giant dragon starting from Yalu River and crossing high mountains,deserts and grassland to the Pamirs Plateau,the roof of the world from east to west in the northern part of China.

For many centruries,the Great Wall,as a military gigantic defensive project kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic tribes.Now,the Graet Wall has become a famous historical senic spot for tourists,and it liays a role in bridging the friendship between the Chinese people and peoples in different parts of the world.

The Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC.At that time,it was called Spring and Autumn Period.The first section of wall,that appeared in China,was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu.They had a high wall which was called "square wall" or "square city",built surrounding thier own territories to deffend the attacks of their neighbouring enemy.So it was also known as the Qi Wall or the Chu Wall.During the Warring State Period,seven states named Qi,Chu,Yan,Zhao,Han ,Wei and Qin bacame the most powerful states.In order to defend themselves against the refringing enemy from the neighbouring states,all the kigdoms had high walla built around their own territories.

In Chinese history,large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties:Qin,Han and Ming dynasties.The section of the wall began to be called the Graet Wallin the time of Qinshihuang.He linked up the separate sections of high walls in order to ward off harrassment by the Huns,and for the use of further defensive projects.The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao,Gansu Province in the west and ended in Lioadong,Liaoning Province in the east,totally 5,000 kilometers.The Han Great Wall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east,and ended at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Rigion,with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.In the Ming Dynasty,Emperor Zhuyuanzhang reconstructed the Great Wall because of the threats of the remaining forces and the ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen".The Graet Wall could help prevent the remnent forces of the Yuan Court from harrassing and securing the northern territories.The Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east,to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west.It passes nine cities,provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Ningxia and Gansu.

The most important two sections in Beijing were the Great Wall at Juyongguan and Badaling.Juyongguan Pass is located at 50 kilometers northJwest of downtown Beijing,The mountains flanking the valley have many graceful peaks and it used to one of the famous "Eight Views of Yanjing".

Juyongguan was built in a mountain gap between mountain peaks with only one road leading to the capital Beijing,which determined its military signifacance in ancient times through many dynasties and it has been consistently valuable to military strategists. The name "Juyong" means "a place of poor laborers".In order to commemorate the dead people,the Great Wall wass built here,we call it "Juyongguan Pass".There is an ancient marblr platform here known as "Cloud Terrace".It was built during the Yuan Dynasty and used as "the Crossing Road Pagoda".The Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high,26.8meters from east to west,17.6meters from north to south at the base.Inside the arched passage of Cloud Terrace,there are carved in relief Buddist images on the wall,such as the Rour Heavenly Kings,the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha Statues.There are also Buddha scriptures inscribed on the stone wall in the Sanskrit,Tibetan,Basiba,Xixia,Uyger and Han languages.They offer us wonderful examples of their exquisite workmanship and vividness in carving.Tey are extremely valuable to study the Buddhism and ancient languages.

The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best preserved partof the Great Wall."Bada" means "convenient transportation to all directions".From here,people can go all directions;hence the name "Badaling".Badaling Pass was an outpost of Juyongguan Pass.The wall here rose high on the mountain ridge.It used to be more important than Juyongguan Pass in the defence of Beijing.An old saying can be the best description:"It needs only one man to block ten thousand troops".

Nxet,Ill say something about the main force of the constrction work.It was composed of soiders,criminals and the local laborers.At that time,the common transportation method was to carry the building materials by backbreaking labor.So it is a difficult and long process.

The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watchtowers and 4 wall platforms.there are 4 characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling:"Juyongwaizhen" which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyongguan Pass.The western pas was carved "Beimensuoyue" which means ”a key to the north gate",describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of Beijing.If thegate was unlocked by a key,Beijing would be open.In order to make warning signals,Beacon Towers were built on both sides of the wallat the connanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns.Whenever the enemy was sighted,fires were lit on the top of Beacon Tower at night,and smoke was made during the daytime,There were also Watch Towers built here,which for watching over the invading enemy.

Well,thats all for my presentation.Thank you for your attention.Im looking forward to your next visit.Thank you!



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Welcome to here!

Treasure is one of the three gorges scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors, this time I had the privilege and coldness education commission organized Tours to the three gorges tourism, came to the treasure, happy mood.

Treasure is located in the Yangtze river north shore thatched cottage at the mouth, is located on the purple QiuLing called Bai Dishan. Although perspective under the drizzle, the sky is no effect to my good mood. Look up, see the lush forest, ambiguously see treasure one horn, around the cloud, like a fairyland in general.

Came to the door of the treasure is to jump into the eye is three eye-catching Chinese characters "filled with temple", these three words stiffness, last is famous book. Into the front door, he came to the "entrust an orphan to hall", here tells a story of The Three Kingdoms "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to". Look! Entrust an orphan to front hall, a pale, bedridden, is well-known liu bei, standing next to the intelligence of zhuge liang, holding a feather fan stand straight, looked at two son of liu bei, kneeling on the ground under a will before death, this is liu bei asked zhuge liang to take good care of her two sons. Entrust an orphan to hall of every character depicting, sculpture, vivid, lifelike.

Before we came to the east forest of steles. One tablet engraved with regular script, official script, running script and cursive script, seal character and font each font characteristics, great. Among them, the most notable is the famous monuments, "phoenix" and "bamboo tablet". Phoenix stone high 175 cm, 96 cm wide, BeiMian black shiny, smooth as a mirror. This monument essence of beauty, a treasure. Phoenix stone is also called the "three Kings tablet", because the king of the tablet on the tree at the moment - phoenix tree; The king of flowers - peony; The king of all birds - phoenix, so called "three king tablet". Thick bamboo tablet, BeiMian is three bamboo, bamboo leaves shu lang. Scan the original bamboo leaves deftly formed a woo poem "not Xie Dong in meaning, painters name alone. Dont too lonely leaf light, durable not zero". At the moment which has reached the calligraphy and painting, one integrated mass of artistic realm. The author designs different, the style is unique! I couldnt help produce of the ancient wisdom and exquisite calligraphy admiration of love.

Treasure and a quiet, elegant garden. There is a lotus pond in the garden, the water clear trainspotter, slick with pieces green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, the water drops on were shining brilliantly, carefree playing on the green plate, an ill-deserved mesh. There are a few big banyan tree! The canopy is dark green all the year round. Its trunk and branches, there are many lenticels, grow many stomata root vertical growth. Down to the ground, soil is fast, so "dry branches and branches of life". Over time, they cant distinguish who is the trunk. What a wonderful!

Treasure of the landscape is real! Hope it holds the motherland glorious cultural heritage, carry forward!



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Henan province is located in the middle of our country, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, east is east longitude 110 ° 21 ~ 116 ° 39, north latitude 22 ° 23 ~ 36 ° 31 between, and ji, jin, shan, hubei, anhui, shandong province, adjacent to something about 580 km long, about 550 km north-south across it. The provinces land area 16.7 square kilometers, the 17th in different provinces in the country.

By the end of 20xx, the provincial jurisdiction over 17 municipalities, 1 was made, 21 county city, 48 municipal district, 89 counties, 2123 townships, 48000 administrative villages. Municipalities as: zhengzhou, kaifeng, luoyang, pingdingshan, anyang, hebi, xinxiang, jiaozuo, puyang, xuchang, luo river, sanmenxia, nanyang, shangqiu, the establishment of a region is: zhoukou, zhurnadian, Yang letter, made the city of jiyuan city.

At the end of 20xx in henan province total population of 95.55 million people, the first in the nation, the population density is 572 people/km2. As of 20xx, the province han, constituting 98.78% of the total population in addition to the han, hui, Mongolian, manchu, tujia, zhuang, uygur, miao, such as 50 ethnic minorities, accounting for 1.22% of the total population in the province.

Henan province is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation. Wuhuatianbao, talents, talents and heroes. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, The original people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Here has spawned a thinker in ancient China, Li Er, zhuangzi, politicians shang, Reese, scientist zhang heng, medical sage zhang zhongjing, writer han yu, philosopher, IQ, cheng cheng, a national hero yue fei and general ji hongchang, jing-yu Yang, Peng Xuefeng, deng yingchao historical figures such as more than 1000 people. In the long history of China, henan in Chinas political, military, economic, cultural always occupy the important position. Successively with 20 dynasty capital or capital company in henan, Chinas seven ancient capitals of henan will have three (luoyang, kaifeng and anyang).

In henan this land, ever staged scenes historical drama, such as Lawrence w. zhou felling, duke of camp lo, spring and autumn period, warring states sought hegemony between feudal lords, liu xiang confrontation, light Wu Liuxiu xing han, cao Wei Zhongyuan hero, sui end watts riots, song taizu chenqiao mutiny, YueFeiKang gold bloody battle, li zhongyuan a bloody battle, hankou-beijing "erqi" storm, liu Deng Dajun into the central plains, etc. The changing of history, is in the left deep traces the central plains of China.

In zhongzhou earth, a world-famous scenic spots and historical sites, majestic mountains rivers, climate pleasant summer resort, a long history of ancient culture, magnificent ancient buildings, precious rare historical relics, singular diversiform flowers beast, rich and colorful culture, colorful customs rich tourism resources, etc. From the point of Chinas seven ancient capitals, possession of luoyang, kaifeng and anyang, henan three. Ancient (out), river (Yellow River), boxing, shaolin martial arts, tai chi), root (roots find ancestors), flower (luoyang peony) as the characteristics of tourism resources, is a big advantage in the development of henan tourism industry. Henan available for viewing, tourism scenic area, there are more than 100 spots.

Key scenic area, a total of 25 in the province, of which the national key protection area 5: the songshan dengfeng, jiyuan, luoyang longmen, xinyang jigongshan wangwu mountain and jiaozuo yuntai mountain, provincial shiren mountain, green valley, the heart of the Yellow River, etc. 20. 23 in nature reserve. Henan cultural relics in the country one of the first underground, the cultural relics in the country. Museum collection more than millions of pieces, about 1/8 of the country. Province there are national key protected cultural relics, 30, 253, in the protection of cultural relics at the provincial level city, more than 2600 county-level protection of cultural relics. Rich and colorful tourism resources for the development of henan tourism provides a unique condition. Especially on November 30, 20xx, henan luoyang longmen grottoes on the world heritage list, has opened the door a henan towards the world, to expand the influence of henan in the world. Henan luoyang as an international tourism will be a point of gold, gold thread to attract foreign tourists.



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In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home,their plane washijackedand fell down into the mountain in the an region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks。

James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics……

Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception.

With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named Guo Huonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world.

At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found——

After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only an region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of living. Therefore, the name of "Diqing?ǎShangri-La" spreads worldwide.



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Dunhuang is located in the hexi corridor is the most western end, the northern edge of the qinghai-tibet plateau area, is sweet, the green, the new three provinces at the junction, is one of the four town of hexi in history. A total of 150000 people, covers an area of 30000 square kilometers.

Dunhuang is the national famous historical and cultural city, has a history of more than 20xx years ago. It is beyond the ancient silk road, qiang tathagata (qinghai road), west south, north crossed the border fortress. From the northeast line too anxi, dunhuang for hexi avenue to the central plains; West out of the sunlight, western region south road, connected with the ruoqiang county of xinjiang along the silk road; Northwest line yumenguan, along the west, north to hami and lop nur were systematically stud Ed Dunhuang south through thoroughly kazak autonomous county, more than the altun, direct the golmud in qinghai province.

Dunhuang grottoes, also known as the mogao grottoes, thousand-buddha grottoes, located 25 kilometers southeast of dunhuang the singing of the cliffs, is one of the world famous four grottoes, also represents Chinas largest and most abundant content, artistic value of the highest, grotto art is regarded as "the pearl of the silk road".

In 1900, more than fifty thousand volumes of religious and secular documents found that make the dunhuang mogao grottoes and enjoy "the world art treasure house", "the greatest existing buddhist art treasure of the world", the double crown. In December 1987, UNESCO listed the mogao grottoes on the world heritage list.

The characteristics of the mogao grottoes art in building, statues and murals on the organic combination of the painted sculpture art outstanding accomplishments, rich imagination and romantic, fresco composition grand changeable, coloring more heavy and complicated, smooth fine lines, with strong artistic appeal. Wat zen, shadow, palace, tower, temple, dome top wat wait for a variety of shape; Painted circle, floating, shadow, good karma and other forms; Murals statue like, JingBian, historic stories, Buddhism, architecture, landscape, feed, animal, decoration, such as different content, the time span of one thousand six hundred years, is a rare precious cultural treasure.



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Today, Im going to show you a famous tourist attraction in Luoyang - Baimatemple. Baima temple is located about 12 kilometers east of Luoyang City. It isclose to Mangshan Mountain in the north and Luoshui River in the south. It hastowering pagodas, towering halls, long forests and ancient trees. Not far to theEast, the ancient city wall of hazelnut groves still meanders on the Yiluo plainintermittently, drawing out the grand outline of Kyoto, a great power in thepast. That is the former site of Luoyang City in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Baima temple was founded in the 11th year of Yongping (AD 68) of theEastern Han Dynasty. It is the first temple officially established by thegovernment after Buddhism was introduced into China. It is the first BodhiTaoist temple for Buddhism originated from the South Asian subcontinent toprosper and develop in the vast land of China. Therefore, it has always beencalled "Shiyuan" and "Zuting" by the Buddhist circles. "Shiyuan" is thebirthplace of Buddhism, "Zuting" is the courtyard of the founder. It has playedan important role in the spread and development of Buddhism in China, in thepromotion of Ideological and cultural exchanges between China and foreigncountries, and in the development of friendship among the people of allcountries. In 1961, the State Council announced that Baima temple was the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1983, the StateCouncil announced that Baima temple is the key Temple of Chinese Buddhism inChina. Not long ago, on June 2, __, Baima temple was designated as a national 4Ascenic spot by the National Tourism Administration.

Baima temple was founded in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was destroyed forthe first time when Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang. Then it rose and fell. At the timeof Wu Zetian, Xue Huaiyi, who was in charge of the construction, reached itspeak. The most recent large-scale renovation was carried out in 1972 to welcomePrince Sihanouk of Cambodia with the instruction of Premier Zhou.

The existing Baima temple is a rectangular courtyard facing south, with atotal area of about 60000 square meters. There is a wide square in front of thedoor. The main buildings in the temple are distributed on the central axis fromsouth to north. There are five main halls in front and behind, which areTianwang hall, Great Buddha Hall, Daxiong hall and Pilu Pavilion. On the Eastand west sides, there are bell, Drum Tower, Zhaitang, Hakka hall, Zen hall,ancestral hall, sutra collection Pavilion, magic weapon Pavilion and otherancillary buildings, which are symmetrical and well arranged. The two stonehorses in front of the mountain gate are 1.8 meters high and 2.2 meters long,with gentle image and round carving. You may ask, are these two horses relatedto the founding history of Baima temple?

On the foundation of Baima temple, the most popular saying is "Baimatuojing". According to records in Guans Buddhist books, one night in theseventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu Zhuang (the sonof Liu Xiu) spent the night in Nangong. He dreamed that a golden man, who wassix feet tall and shining on his head, came from the West and flew around thepalace. The next morning, Emperor Hanming summoned his ministers and told themthe dream. Doctor Fu Yi said: I heard that there is a God in the west, andpeople call it Buddha, just as you dream. After hearing this, Emperor Han andMing believed it, so he sent more than ten ministers, such as Cai Yin and QinJing, to the western regions to pray for Buddhist scriptures and Dharma. In AD65, Cai Yin and others bid farewell to the imperial capital and embarked on thejourney of "seeking scriptures from the west". In Dayue Kingdom (now Afghanistanto Central Asia), I met Indian eminent monks, such as shemoteng and zhufalan. Imet Buddhist sutras and white felt statues of Sakyamuni Buddha. I sincerelyinvited the two eminent monks to go to China to preach Buddhism. In the tenthyear of Yongping (AD 67), two Indian eminent monks were invited to carryBuddhist scriptures and statues on white horses together with envoys of theEastern Han Dynasty to Luoyang. Emperor Hanming was very happy to see theBuddhist scriptures and statues. He was very polite to the two eminent monks. Hepersonally received them and arranged for them to stay in Honglu temple, theofficial office in charge of foreign affairs at that time. In 68 A.D., EmperorHan and Ming ordered the construction of monasteries in the north of sanliyuroad outside Xiyong gate in Luoyang. In memory of the white horse carryingScripture, it was named "White Horse Temple". The word "Si" comes from the word"Si" in Honglu temple. Later, the word "Temple" became a general term forChinese temples.

When it comes to Baima temple, many visitors will associate it with thestory of "monk Tangs learning from scriptures". In fact, from the perspectiveof time, Baima temple was more than 560 years earlier than "Tang Monks learningscriptures".

The two stone horses in front of us are two excellent stone carvings of theSong Dynasty. Around 1935, master Seng Dehao, who presided over the restorationof Baima temple, moved them to the front of the mountain gate. As you can see,the gate is a memorial archway style hilltop built in the Ming Dynasty. In 1987,the top was renovated, and the three characters "White Horse Temple" on thewooden plaque was inscribed by Mr. Zhao Puchu, the former president of ChinaBuddhist Association. The three gates symbolize the "three gates of liberation"in Buddhism, which is called the gate of nirvana in Buddhism. The three dooropenings are all made of brick and bluestone. Some of them are engraved with thesurnames of craftsmen. From the font, this kind of stone should be a relic ofthe Eastern Han Dynasty, and it is the earliest cultural relic in Baimatemple.

On the west side of the gate of Baima temple, there is a huge half stonetablet, which is about 1.7 meters high and 1.4 meters wide. It is said that thistablet was written by Su Yi, a famous scholar and academician of the SongDynasty. Because its inscription is not written from top to bottom, but iswritten in several rows with short lines, so it is called "duanwen tablet",which is one of the six scenes of Baima temple.

On the east side of the mountain gate is the stele of the Yuan Dynasty,which is 3.5 meters high and 1.15 meters wide. This monument was erected in 1333A.D. and was written by Zhong huawencai, a famous monk of Huayan in the YuanDynasty. It contains the following words: "the man of shangmengjin, flying fromthe west to the west, was bright, and told his dream to his subordinates by ChiDan", "sent 18 people, including Cai Yin and Qin Jing, to visit Tianzhu in thewest, and met with samanga, moteng and zhufalan ”The inscriptions call BaimaTemple "Zuting" and "Shiyuan", and say "Shiyuan is in the middle of heaven, theplace of Guanyu Buddhism", which is in fact "the Enlightenment of Teng and LANmonks". Zhong Hua Wencai later went to Wutai Mountain, one of the "four famousmountains" of Buddhism, and became the first leader of Youguo temple. Thisinscription should have been written by him when he was in zhuoxi Baima temple.Regular script with inscriptions on steles is a rare art treasure ofcalligraphy. Therefore, the tablet did not leave the name of the person whowrote the tablet, so it became a pending case. But the font is "Zhao style".

In front of this East-West symmetrical building, on the east side is thenewly-built bell tower, in front of which are five "Mentou halls" built in theperiod of the Republic of China; on the west side is the newly-built Drum Tower,in front of which is the "Yunshui hall" built in the period of the Republic ofChina. "Mentou hall" and "Yunshui hall" have been set up as Buddhist lawlogistics office and tourism center.

To the east of the bell tower and to the west of the drum tower, close tothe walls on the East and west sides, are the tombs of two Indian monks. The twoeminent monks had been living in Baima temple for a long time to translate andpreach Buddhist scriptures, where they jointly translated the earliest ChineseBuddhist Scripture forty two chapters. They passed away in Baima temple oneafter another, and were buried in the temple. In front of the tombstone, thereis a tombstone erected in 1634, the seventh year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty."Tenglan tomb" is also one of the six scenes of Baima temple.

Now the main hall we see is called Tianwang hall, which is the first majorhall in Baima temple. This hall is named for the four heavenly kings. Facing himis Maitreya Tatu. He is smiling and amiable. He holds rosary beads in his righthand and cloth ribbon in his left. His image is vivid and interesting. He is asculpture of the Ming Dynasty. In the Buddhist temples of the Han nationality inChina, the first hall is usually dedicated to Maitreya. When people enter theBuddhist temple, they will first see this happy image, which will produce a kindfeeling to Buddhism.

The large niche above the Buddha statue is carved with more than 50 Dragonsof different shapes. The carving is exquisite, and it is the best wood carvingart of the Qing Dynasty.

On both sides of the hall, there are four heavenly kings, also known as the"four King Kong". They are: the eastern Heavenly King holding the Kingdom,holding the pipa; the southern Heavenly King holding the umbrella in his righthand, holding the demon in his left hand; the Western Heavenly King holding thedragon in one hand, holding the Pearl in the other; the northern Heavenly Kingholding the pagoda in his hand. According to a Chinese custom, one of the magictools they hold is different. They represent "wind", "tune", "rain" and "Shun"respectively. The four heavenly kings are a group of clay sculpture works ofQing Dynasty, which are burly and majestic.

This statue of Wei tuotian general standing in the north, known as the"Dharma God", is a clay sculpture of the Qing Dynasty. It is dressed as amilitary general and stands behind the statue of Maitreya. Facing SakyamuniBuddha, it is performing the task of maintaining the preaching ground andforbidding the invasion of evil spirits.

There are many pomegranate trees planted on the East and west sides of thetemple. People say that "may pomegranate is as red as fire", but in Baima Templeit is just the opposite, because the pomegranate here is white. Every April andmay of the lunar calendar, the trees are full of pomegranate flowers, crystalwhite, jade like snow, very good-looking, really "may pomegranate white assnow.".

The Great Buddha Hall is the second major Hall of Baima temple. On the eastside of the front of the Great Buddha Hall, there is a stele of "rebuildingBaima Temple" written by Huang Jin in 1556. The stone tablet is 3.8 meters highand 1.03 meters wide, which has important reference value for the study of thehistorical evolution of Baima temple.

The Great Buddha Hall is the main hall in the temple, where major Buddhistactivities are held. Todays Great Buddha Hall was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty.Although it has been rebuilt by later generations, it still has thearchitectural style of the blind generation.

There are seven statues on the altar in the middle of the hall. The statueof Sakyamuni Buddha in the middle sits on the seat of Xumi, with a height of 2.4meters.

The statue here is said to be the image of his last sermon. In this sermon,he did not speak, which is called "speechless sermon". He only held a flower inhis right hand, which made people guess, that is, he "twisted the flower to showit to the public" at the nirvana meeting. The symbol on the chest of the GreatBuddha means that the Buddha has "boundless blessing" and "perfect harmony ofall virtues". Therefore, the body has auspicious appearance, which means "theplace of auspiciousness". Wu Zetian defined the pronunciation of this symbol as"ten thousand".

On the left side of Sakyamuni is mahakaya, the eldest disciple. In this"speechless saying", only he understood the real intention of the Buddha, so hebroke his face and smile. Later, he was promoted as one of the top ten disciplesof Sakyamuni. Chinese Zen worshipped him as the first generation patriarch ofIndian inheritance.

The standing statue on the right is Ananda, the eldest disciple. He iswell-known and has a strong memory. He is known as "the first of many stories".Chinese Zen Buddhism also promoted him as the second generation of patriarch whoinherited Buddhism in India.

On the left side of JIAYE is Manjusri Bodhisattva, on the right side isPrajna Sutra, which is known for its profound knowledge and wisdom; on the rightside of Ananda is Puxian Bodhisattva, who holds Ruyi hook, whose virtue isperfect and whose merits and demerits are boundless, which is known as"Xingyuan".

Sakyamuni Buddha, Manjusri and Puxian Bodhisattva are collectively known asthe "three sages of Sakyamuni". These are three clay sculptures of the MingDynasty. East and west stand by two statues to support heaven and man. They holdflowers in their hands and have a delicate posture. They are also called "Sanhuatiannv". When the Great Buddha preached the sermon, he offered support to heavenand man, and scattered flowers one after another in the high sky.

Hanging in the southeast corner of the Great Buddha Hall is a Ming Dynastybell, which was cast by eunuch Huang Jin and weighs 2500 Jin. It is said thatthere used to be a big bell in the White Horse Temple. When the moon is whiteand the wind is clear and the people are still, the monks knock on it. The bellrings all over the place, lasting for decades. Whats more, as soon as the bigbell rings, the big bell on the clock tower of the old city of Luoyang, 25 milesaway, will also ring. As soon as the big bell on the clock tower of the old cityrings, the big bell of Baima temple will ring. This is "the bell of HorseTemple". It is one of the eight sceneries of Luoyang, also known as "midnightbell". It is one of the six sceneries of Baima temple.

The southwest corner of the hall is Dafa drum. The bells and drums here areall the musical instruments that monks beat when they are engaged in Buddhistactivities.

In the rear of the Great Buddha Hall, this sitting statue facing the northis called Guanyin Bodhisattva. Because of its back to the Great Buddha, it isalso known as "sitting upside down Guanyin".

Now what we see is the third main hall - Daxiong hall. Daxiong hall,originally rebuilt in Yuan Dynasty, was rebuilt in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Inthe east wall outside the hall, there is a stone engraved with the supernaturalrecords of the Han Dynasty by Mo Teng, which was re established in the SongDynasty. Bi Wu said that it "has a unique typeface like the preface to the holyreligion, and the calligraphy of the Northern Song Dynasty still has the styleof Jin and Tang Dynasties, which is good and lovely." At this moment, the stonerecords the origin of the construction of Qiyun tower by Emperor Han andMing.

In the hall, on the ceiling. In the center of the hall, this hugedouble-layer niche with wood carvings and gold stickers is exquisitely carvedand resplendent. In the middle of the upper niche, there is a roc golden wingedbird, which kisses the human body. On both sides of the bird, there are threedragons in relief. According to Buddhist legend, the Dapeng golden winged birdlikes to eat dragons most. The dragon has no choice but to "complain" to theTathagata Buddha. The Tathagata Buddha draws a bunch of silk from his cassockand covers a dragon with a piece of silk. From then on, the dragon was protectedby the Tathagata Buddha and no longer worried about the harm of Mirs. TheTathagata Buddha also uses the supernatural power to make the offering changeinfinitely. By substituting the offering for the dragon, it meets therequirements of Dapeng golden winged bird and solves the contradiction betweenthe two sides. Both the dragon and the bird are happy. The design on the nicheprobably originated from this Buddhist legend.

The three main Buddhas in the niches are sitting on the lotus throne withknees on both sides. In the middle of the niches is Sakyamuni, who is honored as"Mahatma", that is to say, he is as powerful as a great warrior. As high as 2.25meters, the whole image gives people a sense of infinite solemnity, holiness andtranquility. On the left side of Sakyamuni is the pharmacist Buddha of the "pureglass world" in the East, and on the right side is Amitabha Buddha of the"paradise" in the West. The three Buddhas have the same shape and style.

Before the three main Buddhas, Wei Tuo and Wei Li were standing oppositeeach other.

There are eighteen Arhats on both sides of the hall. This group of eighteenArhats are sitting statues with different shapes. The height is between1.55-1.61 meters. On the west side, there is a arhat, wearing a corolla and askirt, which is a dignified and elegant female image, while the other 17 statueshave their top cut. Some visitors call them the eighteen Arhats.

The three main Buddhas, the two heavenly generals and the eighteen Arhatsin the main hall are all statues of the Yuan Dynasty. There are 24 MaitreyaBuddhas in the temple of heavenly kings. They were transferred from the GreatBuddha Hall of cining palace in 1973. They are rare cultural relics in China.Among them, the eighteen Arhats are the only remaining set in China and are thetreasure of Baima temple.

There are 5056 mural Buddhas on the East and West gables.

Wei Litian, standing at the back of the hall, is the only remaining claysculpture of the Yuan Dynasty in the temple.

The reception hall is the fourth major hall in the temple. According toBuddhism, Buddhists can be welcomed and guided to the western "paradise" byAmitabha Buddha when they have achieved certain achievements in their practice.In the center, the Buddha is Amitabha, with his right hand extending forward anddownward to make a leading shape, and his left hand pointing to the western"paradise". On the right is Guanyin Bodhisattva, and on the left is dashizhiBodhisattva, collectively known as the "three saints of the west", all of whichare clay sculptures of the Qing Dynasty. The reception hall was destroyed byfire in Tongzhi period of Qing Dynasty and rebuilt in Guangxu period. It is thelatest and the smallest one built in Baima temple.

Now, please come with me to the qingliangtai. It is said that theqingliangtai used to be a summer resort and a reading place for Liu Zhuang,emperor of the Han and Ming Dynasties, when he was a child. Later, two Indianmonks lived here and translated scriptures to preach. The first Chinese Buddhistsutra, forty two chapters Sutra, was translated from this place. Since theEastern Han Dynasty, it has always been a place for collecting scriptures. Thename of qingliangtai originates from monk qingruxiu, and is known as the firstof the six scenic spots in Baima temple. Such as Xiu Neng, Wen Neng, poetry,calligraphy and painting are good. He named the six important monuments in Baimatemple as the six sceneries of Baima temple, which are Qingliang terrace,burning Sutra terrace, Qiyun terrace, midnight bell, Tenglan tomb and duanwenstele.

The whole stage, with Pilu Pavilion as the center, is surrounded by theaccessory hall, monks room and veranda, forming a closed courtyard. PiluPavilion is the last main hall in the temple. It was rebuilt in the MingDynasty, with double eaves resting on the top of the mountain. In the middle ofthe Buddhist altar in the temple, the main statue is Maha piluzana Buddha, orPilu Buddha for short, which means "Da RI Buddha", symbolizing the light andboundless Buddhism. Pilufa, an important sect in Buddhism, is the highestworshipped by Tantrism (also known as zhenyanzong)



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Tangshan tangshan, referred to as "tang, is the Asian and African countries and American states to a kind of call in mainland China, overseas Chinese in southeast Asia and the americas to China itself, as well as the Chinese Taiwanese dialect in a call to mainland China. Tangshan is a provincial government in hebei province of the Peoples Republic of China. Domain central cities in hebei province, one of Chinas big cities, one of the important economic center in north China, north China important foreign portal; Is also important shipping center of northeast Asia logistics center, world-class new industrialization base; At the same time is also one of the Beijing and tianjin tang the core city of urban agglomerations.

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Tangshan in yanshan, across the plains, near bohai sea, geomorphic types including mountains, hills, basins, plains and waters. Back mountain, the landscape pattern of linhai, complex landform types, unique geographical location, for the formation of the tourism resources provides the advantageous geographical conditions, mountain, forest, lake, sea, island natural tourist resources such as types of both.
