





范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 854 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 2417 字

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During my time in school, I loved the motherland, supported the Chinese Communist Party, upheld the four basic principles of the party, firmly supported the CPC and its policy, line and policy, political and ideological consciousness, and actively participated in various ideological and political learning activities. Party members held party training and development of the object. Strict compliance with national laws and regulations and the various rules and regulations.

In the "determined Lide, seeking truth and refinement," the spirits of the school spirit, I study hard, assiduously, the courage to forge ahead, and strive to train themselves into a higher overall quality of medical graduates. I respect teachers, unite students, "enthusiasm, pragmatism, due diligence" style, and actively complete the school and the grade of the task, during the clinical internship, holding the attitude of active learning, positive to clinical doctors, Bingzhe "Health Department of life-phase care," the faith, tirelessly absorb medical knowledge for the future study and work to lay a solid foundation. Constant pursuit, continuous learning and constant innovation, and strive to develop themselves, improve themselves and better ourselves is my idea of respect. Every effort to do everything is my basic principle.

Three years, in the boundless school of the sea, although I am not the best, but I never gave up on the pursuit of better. And people should be living to the old learned the old idea of understanding, I continue to challenge themselves and enrich themselves, in order to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation. In the strict teaching of the Friends of the Friends of the efforts and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, systematic mastery of clinical medicine courses.

At the same time, not satisfied with the theory of course, while also focusing on a variety of related medical knowledge. I spent a lot of spare time under a lot of books under the books to participate in extracurricular student research activities, which not only enrich themselves, but also cultivate their many skills. My knowledge of the professional meticulous, and therefore the results have been affirmed. More importantly, in the "determined Lide, Qiushi refinement," the school motto, rigorous style of study and correct attitude to shape my simple, stable, innovative character.



范文类型:求职应聘,工作总结,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 275 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,申请书,全文共 570 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 973 字

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姓名:王某某 专业:广告学专业本科申请专业:公关关系专员工作经历:2019年9月至今浙江省某著名传媒公司,担任采编部记者,主要采写该公司节目制作的报道,所写的文章被新浪等各大网站转载,通过实践,掌握了一定的新闻采写技巧。


延伸阅读: 简历书写的“自我评价”部分遵循以下原则










范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:工程,全文共 205 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1344 字

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My name is juanjuan Xu , and I will graduate from Xi’an FanYi University in the year 20xx, My major is secretary in English department.

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study, I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge, and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.

Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade, and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation, and now I’m familiar with Office 20xx. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge, and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.

As a college graduate, I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:金融,个人,全文共 586 字

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学习刻苦认真,成绩优秀,名列前茅。品学兼优,连续三年获得学院奖学金。 曾担任系学生会外联部干部、系团总支组织部副部长、班级生活委员等,在学生工作和外出拉赞助与商家联系的过程中,大大提高了自己的办事和处事能力。此外,还积极参加课外文体活动,各种社会实践活动和兼职工作等,以增加自己的阅历,提高自己的能力。在工作中体会办事方式,锻炼口才和人际交往能力。曾连续两年获得学院“暑期社会实践积极分子”,“学生会优秀干事”等荣誉称号。 在平时学校生活中,做过很多兼职。例如:家教、电话访问员、酒楼服务员、派传单、问卷调查,还到工厂打过暑期工,亲身体会了各种工作的不同运作程序和处事方法,锻炼成了吃苦耐劳的精神,并从工作中体会到乐趣,尽心尽力。四年的大学生涯,让我的组织协调能力、管理能力、应变能力等大大提升,使我具备良好的心理素质,让我在竞争中拥有更大的优势,让我在人生事业中走得更高更远。获得了“优秀大学生”和“优秀毕业生”的称号。



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 5575 字

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应用文主要包括书信、摘要、报告、备忘录四种。下面以求职信为例,谈应用文的写作,希望读者能举一反三。同时求职信是大学生步入社会、走向工作岗位的第一步,了解求职信的写法具有实际意义。 那么,如何用地道流利的英语写好一份求职信呢?关键要处理好求职信的五个组成部分:写信动机、自我介绍、本人能力、结尾、附件。 一、写信动机 通常求职信是针对报纸上招聘广告而写的。若此,信中须提到何月何日的报纸,有时工作机会是从朋友或介绍所听来的,有时写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,毛遂自荐。不论哪一种,求职信上一定要说明写信的缘由和目的。 因此首先应该表明你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘的职位。参考例句: 1.In reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper,I respectfully offer my services for the situation.拜读今日报上贵公司的广告,本人特此备函应征该职位。 2.Replying to your advertisement into- days issue of the(newspaper),I wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm.拜读贵公司在今日(报纸)上广告,特此备函应征贵公司该职位。 3.With reference to your advertisement in(newspaper)of May 2for a clerk,I offer myself for the post.从五月二日报上广告栏得知贵公司招聘一位职员,我愿应招。 4.I wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the(newspaper)of November 12.谨随函附上十一月十二日报贵公司招聘广告,我愿应招此职位。 5.In answer to your advertisement into- days newspaper for a secretary,I wish to tender my services.阁下在今日报上刊登招聘秘书广告,本人获悉,特此应招。 6.Learning from that you are looking for a sales manager,I should like to apply for the position.从XX处得悉,贵公司正在招聘一名业务经理,我愿应招此职。 7.Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the newspaper of March 8has interested me,I feel I can fill that position.贵公司三月八日在报上刊登招聘电话接线员广告,本人拜读后极感兴趣,相信能担任此职。 二、自我介绍 写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月、教育背景,尤其与应征职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊技能。如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。参考例句: 1.For the past three years,I have been in the office of the Trading Co., where I have been an accountant.本人曾经在贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作。 2.I am twenty years of age,and have been employed for the last two years by the Co.,in the general clerical work of the office.我今年20岁,曾在XX公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。 3.I am twenty years of age,and am anxious to settle down to office work.本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。 4.Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I have been employed in Hotel as a cashier.两年前离校后,在XX酒店担任出纳员。 三、本人能力 这部分非常重要,因为这体现你究竟能为公司做什么,直接关系到求职的成功率。但是也要注意一定要用最少的文字表达最多的意思。参考例句: 1.I am able to take dictation in English and translate it rapidly into Chinese.我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立即将其翻译成中文。 2.I have received an English education, and have a slight knowledge of Spanish.I took a Spanish course in college.本人接受英文教育,同时略通西班牙文。大学时,我修了西班牙文。 3.I have been at the City Commercial College,where I have acquired a knowledge of English,mathematics and elementary business practice.本人曾在城市商专学英文、数学以及初级商业实务。 4.I have just left school,but have a good knowledge of English.本人虽刚离开校门,但英文很好。 5.At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in a speech contest.求学中,我曾获奖学金及演讲比赛一等奖。 6.I am a graduate of Hong Kong University,and have in addition an M.A.degree from UCLA.本人毕业于香港大学,并在加州大学获得文学硕士学位。 7.Since leaving school,I have attended Typewriting and Shorthand classes,and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectively.离开学校后,我参加打字与速记班,而今已达到打字50字,速记90字的速度。 四、结尾 希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此信中要表明可以面谈的时间。成功的求职信决不是虎头蛇尾的,结尾一定要引起重视。参考例句: 1.I should be glad to have a personal in- terview and can furnish references if desired.如获面试,则感幸甚。如需保证人,本人也可提出。 2.I request an interview,and assure you that if appointed,I will do my best to give you satisfaction.恳请惠予面试之荣。如蒙录用,本人必竭尽所能,为贵公司服务,以符厚望。 3.If you desire an interview,I shall be most happy to call in person,on any day and at any time you may appoint.如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所指定的时日,前往拜访。 4.Should you think favorably of my application,I would like to have an interview.如对本人之应征优先考虑,恳请惠予面试之机会。 5.I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably.恳请惠予考虑本人之申请为盼。 6.Should this application meet with your favorable consideration,I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me.对此申请,贵公司如惠予考虑,本人将尽最大的忠诚与努力,为贵公司效劳。 7.Should you entertain my application favorably,I would spare no trouble to acquit my- self to your satisfaction.假如应征获得青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。 8.I wish to assure you that,if successful,I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.如蒙不弃,惠予录用,本人将尽力服务,使诸事满意。 五、附件 这部分视具体情况而定,如有详细的简历或用人单位需要的材料附在求职信中时,需要注明。参考例句: 1.You will find enclosed an outline of my education and business training and copies of two letters of recommendation.有关本人的学历、工作经验等项的概要,谨同函呈上两件推荐函。 2.Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.随函寄上简历表及相片各一份。 3.A copy of my transcript is enclosed.附寄成绩单一份。 4.Enclosed you will find a letter of re- commendation from my former teacher of Eng- lish.随函附上我英文老师的推荐函。 参考范文: April 6,2003 P.O.Box 3 University Beijing,China 100000 Dear Sir/Madame, Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10Student Daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT 4.0and Linux System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from University this year with a MSC.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual and SQL Server. During my education,I have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills.Not only have I passed CET - 6,but more importantly I can communicate fluently in English.My ability to write and speak English is a good standard. I would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview. Enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me. Yours faithfully, Wan Long (天津军事交通学院王宗宽) 来源:新浪教育



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 1996 字

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Work a year, combined with my own talk about the importance of UI design. Now the mainstreamve station program has two Phpwind and Discuz (Phpwind acquired by Alibaba Discuz Tencent acquired two forums are open source free program), the following is the UI designer personal rating:

I use these two programs were established through the forum, the first time I was using the Phpwind then I switch to the Discuz (I was just a little knowledge of HTML and CSS), forced me to renounce the use of Phpwind Forum program is mainly due to Phpwind forum interface does not look good (now phpwind design team seems to have made improvements in this regard), and the second is that many features are very difficult to get a clear idea, plug-in installation is very cumbersome. In fact Phpwind features a little bit stronger than Discuz.But now weve found that most of them will access the site are based on Discuz established. Why Phpwind Discuz than the market depends critically on interface design and user experience design.

Also Apples iPhone sold very popular, iPhone hardly high-end hardware, but also what a powerful phone features no R & D (Apple hand some basic pieces of software features intelligent machines can be installed) but Apple is selling good! Everyone know because iPhone industrial design interface design and user experience design well done!

Combined with various examples, we will find people to improve the cultural quality, application software can not merely meet the functional needs.

Also you need to have aesthetic and cultural connotation of the demand. Now the main force of Chinas labor force is 70 80 (decade after 8090) and most of these people have received a good education is not had it tough, these people know how to aesthetic has its own personality, more selective. This requires us to work in software interface design and user experience design. This will cater to the various needs of users. Customer satisfaction, get a good reputation.Develop a broader market.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 408 字

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Life needs to own the building, not the same way, it is not the same as life. Life is no dress rehearsal, live every day! Today graduate and my lack of experience, but I will learn, work actively, loyal and responsible to do their jobs. It has a strong ability to accept and adaptability sincerely hope to get the opportunity to pick about your organization or giving interviews to further test my abilities.



范文类型:邀请函,全文共 372 字

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Dear sir/madam: Thank you for your letter of [date]. Im glad that you are also going to [place] next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair]. Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and I would be very pleased if you could attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, [name] [title]



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 610 字

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当您打开这份求职信的时候,您已经为我打开了通往机遇与成功的大门。首先,非常感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的简历,有助您在激烈的市场竞争与知识经济的大潮中录求到综合型的跨世纪人才。 敬请留意后面的内容,相信您一定不会失望,谢谢!




在您即将读完这份简历之际,有几句话想对您说:黄土地给了我强健的体魂,贫穷落后的家乡铸就出我的吃苦耐劳与坚毅不拔的精神。多年来所受的教育与锻炼也使我能够适应这个飞速发展的社会,衷心希望能为贵公司效力,为贵公司的事业发展贡献我的才智。 不必在乎我曾取得什么,请关注我的未来! 再次衷心感谢您 !





范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:客服,全文共 274 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,个人,全文共 880 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 311 字

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the contract is made out in chinese and in englsh. in case of doubt as to

theinterpreta-tion of any provisions gerof, the chinese version shall be controlling.

party a :_________________ party b:___________________

by_______________ by__________________




范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 311 字

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现在许多单位都希望应聘者有比较扎实的英文基础,特别是外企和涉外交往比较多的单位,一份漂亮的英文简历会帮助你给用人单位留下很好的印象。刚刚走出校园的学生由于工作经验很少,写不出太多的东西, 那么如何把英文简历写得丰满一些呢?他给同学们提出了一些小技巧:如在教育背景中写相关课程(但也不要刻意凑字数);把社会工作放在工作经历中;突出自己的社会实践经历等;另外还要避免一些不必要的错误和不利的因素。并不能因为你的工作经历和学历都很硬就不在简历上下功夫,世界很大,不乏工作经历和学历都很好的应聘者,除了靠背景竞争外,就要看谁的简历写得更professional了。因此,不能对简历仓促而就。 来源:就业信息网



范文类型:求职应聘,礼仪,全文共 512 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1447 字

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Good morning, everyone! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx. I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.

In July 20xx, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 20xx, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer.

Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think Im a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1351 字

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9.8 如因乙原因,产品部分性能指标没能达到合同产品的规定时,机具体情况,乙方须按合同总价_________%予以赔偿,但是,若因甲方原因产品没能达到性能指标时,甲方应按合同规定支付金部金额。

第十条 保密

10.1 乙方根据本协议所提供的一切图纸、设计、说明书及其他技术资料,甲方均须严格保密;未得到乙方的书面同意,不得以任何方式出售、转让或泄露给任何人,但不包括甲方为生产合同而使用技术资料的雇员。但是,甲方可以向分包合同人提供生产合同产品部件所必须的技术资料,分包人须书面保证对其所得到产技术资料承担严格的保密义务。

10.2 若上述技术资料由乙方或任何第三方部分或全部公开,则甲方对已公开的技术不再承担保密义务。

10.3 本合同终止后,甲方有权使用乙方所提供的专利,即甲方可以继续设计、制造、使用、销售和出口合同产品。

第十一条 侵权

11.1 乙方保证,它是依本合同条款转让给甲方的专利权的合法所有人,在法律上享有向甲方转让专利权的权利。若发生侵犯任何第三者权利的事件,则乙方应对侵权事件负责,并承担由此而产生的全部法律和经济责任。

11.2 本合同附件一列明乙方关于合同产品的专利和专利申清。合同生效后一个月内,乙方将向甲方提供2份专利证书和专利申请的影印本。

第十二条 税费

12.1 凡因履行本合同而发生在甲方国家以外的一切税费,均由乙方负担。

12.2 乙方因履行本合同而在中国境内获得的收入,必须按中国税法纳税。

第十三条 不可抗力

13.1 签约的任何一方,由于战争、严重水灾、火灾、台风、地震以及双方同意的其他不可抗力事故而无法按期执行合同时,则可延长合同的期限,延长期相当于事故所影响的时间。

13.2 受影响的一方应尽快将发生不可抗力事故的情况以电传或电报通知对方,并于此天内以航空挂号邮件将有关当局出具的证明文件提交另一方确认。

13.3 如不可抗力事故延续到120天以上,双方应通过友好协商尽快解决合同继续执行的问题。

第十四条 仲裁

14.1 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如经协商仍达不成协议时,则应提交仲裁解决。

14.2 仲裁将在_________进行,由_________仲裁院根据该院的章程进行仲裁。

14.3 仲裁的裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。

14.4 仲裁费用由败诉方负担。

14.5 若仲裁的内容是合同的部分条款,合同的其他条款在仲裁期间应继续执行。

第十五条 适用法律


第十六条 合同有效期

16.1 .本合同由双方代表于_________年_________月_________日签,合同签订后,由各方分别向本公司管理机构或本国政府当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为合同生效日期。双方应尽力在60天内获得批准,用电传通知对方,并用邮件确认。若本合同自签字之日起6个月仍不能生效。双方均有权解除合同。

16.2 .本合同效期十年,期满时自动失效。

16.3 .本合同期满时,双方发生的未了债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应向债权人继续支付未了债务。 本合同有中、英两种文本。当对其中条款的解释产生异议时,以中文本为准。




范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,语录,全文共 2610 字

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o highly motivated, creative and versatile real estate executive with seven years of experience in property acquisition, development and construction, as well as the management of large apartment complexes. especially skilled at building effective, productive working relationships with clients and staff. excellent management, negotiation and public relations skills. seeking a challenging management position in the real estate field that offers extensive contact with the public.

o over 10 years as an organizational catalyst/training design consultant with a track record of producing extraordinary results for more than 20 national and community based organizations. a commitment to human development and community service. energetic self-starter with excellent analytical, organizational, and creative skills. o financial management executive with nearly ten years of experience in banking and international trade, finance, investments and economic policy. innovative in structuring credit enhancement for corporate and municipal financing. skilled negotiator with strong management, sales and marketing background. areas of expertise include (a bulleted list would follow this paragraph.)

o health care professional experienced in management, program development and policy making in the united states as well as in several developing countries. expertise in emergency medical services. a talent for analyzing problems, developing and simplifying

procedures, and finding innovative solutions. proven ability to motivate and work effectively with persons from other cultures and all walks of life. skilled in working within a foreign environment with limited resources.

o commander - chief executive officer of the u.s. navy, atlantic fleet. expertise in all areas of management, with a proven record of unprecedented accomplishment. history of the highest naval awards and rapid promotion. proven senior-level experience in executive decision-making, policy direction, strategic business planning,congressional relations, financial and personnel management, research and development, and aerospace engineering. extensive knowledge of government military requirements in systems and equipment. committed to the highest levels of professional and personal excellence.

o performing artist with a rich baritone voice and unusual range, specializing in classical, spiritual, gospel and rap music. featured soloist for two nationally televised events. accomplished pianist. extensive performance experience includes television, concert tours and club acts. available for commercial recording and live performances.
