





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 2956 字

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I am , graduated from the surgery design school. Majoring in the direction of professional clothing design, through four years of tireless efforts and hard work, I completed my studies and embarked on a society. Through the University of learning, I learned a lot of knowledge about clothing. With the love of the professional, to improve their own quality of desire, learning, I put a great enthusiasm and energy, and achieved good results, received several scholarships.

During my college years, I served as the post of secretary of the Communist Youth League of the Communist Party of China. I have exercised my habit of diligence and pragmatism, and have strengthened my sense of professionalism and responsibility, and cultivated my spirit of being united and innovative. In the internship during the holidays, through the combination of time and theory, I learned a lot of books do not have clothing expertise to improve the overall quality, let me clothing materials, clothing technology, clothing pattern making eye-opener, A lot of knowledge, which is more determined to dry my clothing in this industrys strong interest. I will continue to enrich themselves, so that their efforts to become the apparel industry professionals. I always focus on the organization, communication, collaboration, innovation and other comprehensive capacity-building, and actively participate in student work and collective activities, in the process, a comprehensive exercise of my thinking ability, innovation, problem solving, problem solving and problem solving. The ability to communicate, training my hard-working, not afraid of difficult scientific spirit, and enrich my expertise.

I have good art foundation and artistic accomplishment, good hand-painted skills; through formal clothing teaching and learning, by a good professional training and ability training in fashion design and clothing patterns and other aspects of a solid theoretical foundation and practical experience . Familiar with the surface, accessories market, understand Dingzhu, printing, embroidery, washing and other design support technology; a certain degree of computer operation, will use the coreldraw, photoshop, etc., with the brand Graphic design software, drawing clothing effect diagram, style diagram; have a certain degree of innovation and change of design awareness and a certain degree of planning and coordination ability, according to the need to complete the seasonal and series style development, efficient work.

Summer comes, the plant began to flourish, like my life is in a period of energetic life, I am eager to expose in the wider world of their talents. Not seeking comfortable life, do not plan generous treatment, but the constant efforts to work to find their own space, from personal practice to improve their comprehensive ability. I am full of hope and confidence in the future, I will use their own young and wisdom for my design career is a perfect finish.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 2419 字

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After three months of probation, I learned a lot at work. Financial cashier work seems to be simple, but it needs to do a lot of careful and patience, but also need to be cautious. For each sum of money for reimbursement, carefully, strictly in accordance with the companys financial system, and in accordance with the procedures for the implementation, in case of special circumstances are special treatment to ensure the normal operation of the company. To make cashier work can not use the "easy" to describe, it is the first line of financial work, financial revenue and expenditure of the juncture in the companys management plays an important role. As a qualified cashier, must have the following basic requirements: First, learn, understand and master the policies and regulations and company system, and constantly improve their level of business and knowledge and skills. Then, cashier personnel to abide by the good professional ethics. Second, the cashier must have a strong sense of security, cash, notes, all kinds of seals, it is necessary to have the internal custody of the division of responsibility, but also to contain each other.Finally, good communication skills, especially for others to explain or convey the relevant financial matters, good communication and expression can reduce the number of unnecessary unnecessary misunderstanding, greatly improve efficiency. Of course, in many ways, due to their professional knowledge, ability limitations, there are still some deficiencies in the future work in addition to abide by the above basic four points, I will continue to study hard to improve their professional skills, To adapt to the changing social environment and future work carried out by the company, with the times.

These are my three months of this work I have some experience and summary. In the future work and study I will make unremitting efforts to do their own work, and the road with the companys development in sync. At the same time actively assist others, the common development for the company. I sincerely thank the company leaders and colleagues for their support and concern in their work and life. I also earnestly ask the leaders of the company to give me a chance to continue to exercise and realize the ideal. I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company at the same time, so that their own towards a higher level.



范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:三年级,全文共 2895 字

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其二 小学三年级作文评语汇集


你是个勤奋、好学的孩子。作业认真,字迹清晰,工正,学习有上进心,写的文章语言清新活泼,描写能抓住事物的主要特征,篇幅短小精悍.;结构合理,流畅连贯,自然通达. 希今后永远保持这种良好的学习作风,争取更大的进步。




你是个思想纯朴,心地善良的小男孩。踏实自觉是你的特点,上课认真听讲,所学方法记得快;写作时用词准确,严密,语言平实自然, 字里行间透露出清新的儿童情趣,是个进步快的学生,继续加油吧。


















文如其人,你的文章和你的为人一样朴实、豁达。用词准确,语言平实自然, 构思合理,行文层次清楚 ,这些都是你自己努力得来的。希望你在未来的学习过程中,用心感受和体味生活,写出更加感人的好文章。继续加油吧!






你是个文静,秀气的小姑娘,踏实自觉是你的特点。 上课认真听讲,所学方法记得快。写作时用词准确,严密,语言平实自然,比喻,拟人修辞的运用更使文章锦上添花,是个进步快的学生,继续加油吧。



范文类型:口号,全文共 1065 字

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41、. Happy English, happy life I believe I can do! 快乐英语,快乐生活。我一定行。

42、Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。

43、Life is not all roses.人生并不都是康庄大道。

44、集思广益。Two heads are better than one.

45、. One never loses anything by politeness讲礼貌不吃亏。

46、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler,an old beggar.

47、A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财。

48、. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

49、. Time past cannot be called back again时间不能倒流。

50、英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.

51、Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴少。

52、积少成多。Every little helps.

53、. Tomorrow never comes我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。

54、没有付出,就没有收获。No pain, no gain.

55、. The greatest talkers are always least doers语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。

56、前事不忘,后事之师。 The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.

57、 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏。All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them.

58、天涯何处无芳草。There is plenty of fish in the sea.

59、Lost time is never found again.光阴一去不复返。

60、Make your whole years plan in the spring and the whole days plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:销售,全文共 1054 字

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范文类型:决心书,主持词,适用行业岗位:新人,婚庆,主持,全文共 2365 字

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We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two people, ____________ and ____________, whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one. They now desire to profess before all the world their intention henceforth to walk the road of life together.

To these two young people, this marriage signifies the birth of a new spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yet not of any one of us alone. This "birth of spirit" reminds us of spring, the season when all life is reborn and looms again. It is appropriate, therefore, that this wedding of ____________ and ____________ be in the spring, and that it be under the open sky, where we are close to the earth and to the unity of life, the totality of living things of which we are part.

The beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these two people are perhaps best expressed in the words of poet Kahlil Gibran:

"You were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore.

You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days.

Ay, you shall be together even in your silent memory.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

And let the winds of the heaven dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bondage of love.

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each others cup, but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping,

For only the hand of life can contain your hearts.

And stand together, yet not too near together,

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in shadow."

Minister to Bride:

Do you ____________, knowing this mans love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded husband?


I do.


Place the ring on his finger.

Minister to Groom:

Do you ____________, knowing this womans love for you and returning it, realizing her strengths and learning form them, recognizing her weaknesses and helping her to overcome them, take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded wife?


I do.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 1404 字

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Hello, my name is Liu Suihan, from Hefei sales department. Graduated from Ontario Jianghuai College English professional.11 month early to practice here, has half the time.

"Jiangnan autumn do not withered grass", this is the deepest feeling here.

Jessica trees suffering Bicao, first touched me is the beauty here for strangeness places it was quietly fade. Then the unknown expectations and worries...

With full of doubts and curiosity to department practice, we own, busy awfully. I feel it is a lot to learn. Wang managers voice is nice, cordial and thorough; the atmosphere here is very harmonious, warm and gentle.

Later in the day, the Ministry of training, explain and Prospect of the details of the new director Liu, and colleagues in the ups and downs of the stadium and carefree, I think I fell in love with this place...

Two days of the week, from the beginning to now feel a long day flies, soon to report back to Hefei, I think I will miss the days here clearly here picturesque scenery.

Active thinking of me, but occasionally love silence; love thinking, quietly listening to the time flow away from the side; love in their own way to think about the world, simply to see something beautiful. Love, love beautiful day, love life, love is the common struggle you as long as the heart is beautiful. And everything you see will be beautiful.

Look forward to working with you hand in hand with golf!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:学生,全文共 611 字

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I am Kenny Lee, a student from TangShan Secondary School. I am a vibrant person and also a deep thinker. I love reading since it can enrich my knowledge as well as sharpening my thinking skills. Apart from that, I am an optimistic and highly self-motivated person. Also I have immense eagerness to try, learn and explore new things. I celebrate and appreciate differences between people, so I enjoy teamwork and interacting with others, I believe that builds my friendly and approachable character. Living a meaningful life, filling people around me with love and contributing to the world is my life-long goal.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 1208 字

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My name is Zhou Huantao. Im 11 years old. Ive just finished fifth grade. I am not tall or short. I am thin. I have bright eyes under my dark hair. Round little face, sweet smile, showing irregular small white teeth, full of love for life, this is the smart me.

I am more open-minded, approachable and love to make friends. There are also many hobbies: playing computer, playing table tennis, drawing, reading and so on. Among them, reading is necessary for everyday life. Chairman Mao has such a sentence: food can be eaten every day, sleep can be a day, and books can not be read every day. This also aroused my perception of knowledge in the book. My favorite book is Encyclopedia for Children. I remember when Dad bought it, I jumped on it desperately, holding the book and refused to put it away. Then I sat in my chair and watched with relish. At noon, my parents asked me to eat, but I was still touring the world of knowledge.

I have not only many advantages, but also many disadvantages, such as carelessness, playfulness and love to read while lying down. Of course, these shortcomings I am secretly modifying, because people will always progress!

Look, this is me. I hope you all make friends with me.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1147 字

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My name is * *, this year thirteen years old, just on the first two days.

I am tall medium, 1 meter 66, and then ranked the tenth class, long face short nose, big feet have big hands, little eyes are not small, especially Gods eyes, a big mouth to say, just say, "said one hour is also no problem, not tall not short the body, not fat or thin. In general it is quite handsome.

I am in school in Beijing, our uniforms look good, all blue, so particularly good recognition, a middle school student.

The advantage is that I love animals, every morning I have to exercise outside, run and play with the horizontal bar,

So, I am particularly good at school sports, my study can not be questioned, mathematics exams have never been 90 points, my English is good. So, my face is always filled with joy of expression.

I was not playing basketball, also dont know what it is, is not love, but,

The class I always absent-minded, not listening. So, the teacher called on me, I also have full confidence to stand up, eighty percent is right, the teacher was angry and laugh.

This is me, as long as they see me, I always laugh, I will warm you and say hello, come on!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:六年级,全文共 475 字

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everybody is good, my name is called tang jia.i in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now,father and mother,grandfather paternal grandmother,teacher schoolmates place the very big expectation to me, i will certainly not disappoint their expectation, will study diligently,passes an examination junior middle school‘s key class! in the future will become social a person of great ability and tremendous potential, will make the contribution for the motherland!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 5005 字

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In the obstetrics and gynecology internship is coming to an end, in this month internship, I abide by the law, abide by the hospital and hospital departments rules and regulations, respect teachers, unity, strict demands on themselves, and strive to be late , Do not leave early, without undue absenteeism and unauthorized leave the workplace. Treatment of patients amiable, good attitude, and strive to be the theoretical knowledge and basic skills applied to practice. In this process, I continue to sum up the learning methods and clinical experience, try to improve independent thinking, independent problem-solving, the ability to work independently, and constantly cultivate their dedication to serve the people of lofty ideals and good professional ethics. During my internship in this department, I will abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, study hard, and be able to use the knowledge I have learned in books for practical use. Under the guidance of the teacher, I basically mastered some of the common gynecological care and some basic operations, I gradually from an intern to the nurse over, so I realized that the special nature of clinical work and necessity. Previously learned in schools are theoretical, and now contact with the clinical work found that the actual work is not imagined so simple, not as written in the book so typical, often rely on their usual work experience in the accumulation, so Only a solid practical training, a good experience in order to gradually gain experience.

Gynecological internship on this simple testimony of my work and study, I hope in the future which can be helpful in other work.

In obstetrics and gynecology internship, abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, diligent study ask, can be in the book in their knowledge for practical, master of obstetrics and gynecology common and frequently disease diagnosis and treatment norms and treatment principles for gynecology, Obstetric routine operation to achieve proficiency, by the undergraduate teaching teachers praise.

Through obstetrics and gynecology practice, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology, familiar with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, abnormal process and sick women care, family planning and womens health guidance content, at the same time to understand at home and abroadNew technologies and new therapies, such as family-centered nursing techniques such as interactive kinship maternity, infant touch, baby swimming, etc., to carry out the comprehensive quality of nursing research and writing papers, and to improve their practical skills. So I fully solid learned a lot of expertise.

Obstetrics and Gynecology is different from other departments, its professional knowledge is very strong, and only really hard to learn to understand thoroughly, is considered to be better.

Obstetrics internship, although busy, but busy with income. I will try my best to do all the work in the department. I will finish my internship in obstetrics and gynecology. During this internship, I will abide by the rules and regulations of hospital and hospital. , Unity of students, strict demands on themselves, and strive to do not be late, do not leave early, without undue absenteeism and unauthorized leave the job. Treatment of patients amiable, good attitude, and strive to be the theoretical knowledge and basic skills applied to practice. In this process, I continue to sum up the learning methods and clinical experience, try to improve independent thinking, independent problem-solving, the ability to work independently, and constantly cultivate their dedication to serve the people of lofty ideals and good professional ethics.

During my internship in this department, I will abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, study hard, and be able to use the knowledge I have learned in books for practical use. Under the guidance of the teacher, I basically mastered some of the common gynecological care and some basic operations, I gradually from an intern to the nurse over, so I realized that the special nature of clinical work and necessity.Previously learned in schools are theoretical, and now contact with the clinical work found that the actual work is not imagined so simple, not as written in the book so typical, often rely on their usual work experience in the accumulation, so Only a solid practical training, a good experience in order to gradually gain experience.

Gynecological internship on this simple testimony of my work and study, I hope in the future which can be helpful in other work.

In obstetrics and gynecology internship, abide by labor discipline, work conscientiously, diligent study ask, can be in the book in their knowledge for practical, master of obstetrics and gynecology common and frequently disease diagnosis and treatment norms and treatment principles for gynecology, Obstetric routine operation to achieve proficiency, by the undergraduate teaching teachers praise.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1528 字

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if,as theresult,party a cannot start normal production with the contract having to be

terminated, party b shall erfund all the payments previously made by party a to party b

together with the interest at the rate of... percent per annum.

9.8 if only some aspects of the properties of the product are not up to the standards

asstipulated in the contract and the responsibility lies with party b, party b shall

compensate party a with ... percent of the total contract price according to concredt

circumstances. ifthe responsibility lies with party a, party a shall pay the total

contract price in accordancewith the stipulations.

article 10 confidentiality

10. 1 all drawings, designs, specifications and all other technical information

made available under this contract by party b shall be kept strictly confidential by

party a who.shall not sell, transfer or divulge it in any manner to anyone except

those of its own employ-ees who will be using it in the manufacture of the products,

without prior written consent ofparty b. party a may. however,supply such technical

information to its subcontractor to the extent necessary for such subcontractor to

manufacture parts of contract products,pro-vidingthat party a shall have such

subcontractor agree, in writing, to hold suchnical information strictly in confidence.

10.2 ln case any part (s) or all of the above-mentioned technical information have

been madepublic by party b or any third party. party a shall be thus released form the




范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 469 字

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Dear Janet,

I am sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p. m. to meet an overseas visitor from Australia. I really have kept our date in my mind all these days. However, I received my boss’s e-mail this morning and he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad. It’s sudden and urgent and I must go. Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make another time?





范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 2091 字

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范文类型:介绍信,适用行业岗位:大学,个人,全文共 659 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 579 字

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Today I am very happy,Because I can talk about with you.

You see I am a lovely girl,yes!I like laughing,I like studying.

That`s me-- zhuyingjie from Badong shiyan primary school.I am

eight. I am young but I know “we are the masters of nature.”

We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse. As you know,theres no enough clean water for people.

So many of them lose their lives because of water.If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.

My dear friend let us start from the trivial side,To be a good kid keeper.



范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 386 字

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Dear Sirs,

We are staging an important exhibition in Shanghai Exhibition Centre from October l to October 7. We would like to invite your corporation to attend. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.

Yours faithfully,







范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 873 字

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Dear Sir:

Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. Im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, Id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 222 字

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范文类型:请假条,全文共 2275 字

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dear _ _ _:

hello! i am _ _ _ level _ _ _ professional _ _ _ _ _ _. because of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( excuse ) cannot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. we take. please approve.

sincerely yours

leave: _ _ _ _ _ _

x month x day

【taking a leave of absence】

( the competent leadership of the name or the competent department and so on. ):

i because the home is medium occupied, in to month day, leave day, please approve.

leave :

year month day [ format content ]

1 title.

in 2 called.

the 3 reason for leave.

the 4 leave the start-stop time.

5 greeting words.

6 for signature.

the 7 leave time.

examples of reference [ ]

please leave a........

the training center:

for i in january 10th

night staff meeting, no person shall absent in late january 10th, so i cannot

back to school to attend the training. we take, ken hope approval!

sincerely yours


bank haizhu branch

sales department liu

leave leave a model essay distinguished _ _ _:

hello! i am _ _ _ level _ _ _ professional _ _ _ _ _ _. because of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( excuse ) cannot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. we take. please approve.

sincerely yours

leave: _ _ _ _ _ _

x month x day

dear * * leadership:

i * * * * * * * * days, must leave, i urge the leadership to be approved.

thank you.

leave: * * * * * * *

year, month and day

note: sick leave to enclose the doctors certificate, leave to make a good reason.

( 1 ) the format and content. in 2 called. the 3 reason for leave. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words. 6 for signature. the 7 leave time.

( examples for reference )

please leave a

the training center:

because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th, no person shall absent, so i can not return to training late in january 10th. we take, ken hope approval!

sincerely yours


bank haizhu branch

sales department liu

leave a note

( the competent leadership of the name or the competent department and so on. ):

i because the home is medium occupied, in to month day, leave day, please approve.

leave :

year month day

as long as the leave, leave, leave time for people and other necessary items written on the line. not all too complicated.

leadership in your note signed. general provisions : how long you must leave by who, looking for people, and leave during treatment issues to be negotiated.
